BDS Newsletter Fall 2016

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BerkeleyatYALE Fall 2016 • Vol. 8, No. 1

Berkeley at the National Cathedral

The Dean’s Letter

The Training of Healers in the Transformative Therapeia of God


ALMIGHTY God, who called Luke the Physician, whose praise is in the Gospel, to be an Evangelist, and Physician of the soul: May it please thee, that, by the wholesome medicines of the doctrine delivered by him, all the diseases of our souls may be healed; through the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Cover photo: Melissa and Randy Hollerith in their Berkeley tippets at Washington National Cathedral. See cover story, page 6. (Photo by Danielle Thomas)

e acquired the patronage of St. Luke here at Berkeley Divinity School by a somewhat strange means. The Gospel of Luke has various associations that could inspire theological education: the Gospel’s emphasis on God’s action in history, and on the poor and marginalized, not least. St. Luke is even, according to some accounts, patron of students; but no, that wasn’t it; he is also patron of artists, and of butchers—and of course of physicians. The first St. Luke’s Chapel, at the former campus in Middletown, was the gift of Mary Alsop Mütter in memory of her late husband, the physician Thomas Dent Mütter. Mütter— subject of the 2014 NYT bestseller Dr Mütter’s Marvels by Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz—is buried in Middletown, but his name is probably better remembered in Philadelphia, where the Mütter Museum of the College of Physicians is named for a man who was one of the leading figures in medicine in the nineteenth century. Mütter died in 1859, at the age of 48; shortly after, his grieving widow, whose family were from Middletown, gave the Chapel to the fledgling seminary, its dedication to Luke a reflection of her departed husband’s achievement and of his faith. As founding Dean and Bishop of Connecticut John Williams put it in his sermon at the dedication of the chapel in 1861, “He [Mütter] was a ‘beloved physician,’ ministering not to the body only, but to the spirit also. And so, from the ‘beloved physician’ of the Scriptures, this chapel takes its name: and…because, here, they are to be trained, whose duty it will be to minister ‘the wholesome medicines of the doctrines’ by which ‘the diseases of our souls may be healed’”—quoting the Collect for St. Luke as it appeared in the then Prayer Book of 1789. Mütter was a pioneer of plastic surgery; not cosmetic surgery but the restoration of mobility and functionality to people who whether congenitally or as often by horrific accidents such as industrial burns were not only disfigured but impeded from mobility and other basic functions. He not only developed and practiced new techniques of surgery but advocated for the equally

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novel and controversial practices of anesthesia and antiseptics. Some of Mütter’s contemporaries and colleagues were opposed to anesthetic in particular because they believed “pain [was] a desirable, salutary, and conservative manifestation of life force.” (Aptowicz, 193). As a practitioner of surgery that improved quality of life and as an advocate of humane and wholesome practices, Mütter was a “beloved physician” worthy of commemoration. The idea of the Gospel as medicine, and of ministry as healing, is as old as the Gospel itself. While sickness and injury have cross-cultural force, Mütter’s challenges help us to understand how much more powerful and confronting it might have been once, and might yet be, to describe the Gospel as therapy—as a source of healing. Healing is rarely painless. Sociologists Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton in their 2005 study Soul Searching described the religion of American youth as “moralistic therapeutic deism.” In this worldview there is a God somewhere (that’s why it’s described as deist), who wants us to be nice— that’s the moralistic part—and who can give us help we need, and in their words “provide therapeutic benefits to [the] adherent.” It’s too easy to use this kind of analysis as part of some narrative of decline from a supposed pristine past, when everyone believed the way they were supposed to—“Let’s make the Gospel great again,” I hear you say. It was 80 years ago however when our late colleague here at Yale Richard Niebuhr performed a similar diagnosis when he famously spoke of belief in “a God without wrath [who] brought [people] without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross” (Kingdom of God in America, 193). The issue is not about youth—it is about faith. Smith and Denton have, however, like many of us, already handed the word “therapy” over to the enemy in trying to describe a problem. To quote them again: God is, in the worldview of moralistic therapeutic deism, “something like a combination Divine Butler and Cosmic

Therapist: he’s always on call, takes care of any problems that arise, professionally helps his people to feel better about themselves, and does not become too personally involved in the process” (165). In fact, Therapeia, the word in Luke’s Gospel describing the healing for which people come to Jesus, is not merely the work of the butler and the “therapist” in Smith and Denton’s modern sense, but the costly service of transformation. The work of a theological school is

arguably two-fold; it is to train healers, but also to be a place of healing. Origen of Alexandria described Jesus as the “chief physician” who called as pupils those who were “to be physicians of the soul in his Church” (Exp. on Ps. 37). At Berkeley, we are committed to the training of such spiritual physicians: not the therapist of popular imagination, nor the reckless barber surgeon of the pre-modern era, but to the training of those who will, with the Chief Physician as guide, offer their skills to lead

communities of healing and wholeness to their own healing. Those physicians can only do that work of true therapeia however as knowing themselves healed, or being healed. The therapeia of God is true, transformative, continuous, and not without pain, and goes on in this place in the service of the Holy Trinity, and under the patronage of St. Luke. Yours faithfully,

Matriculation 2016

Front Row: Dean Cathy George, Peter Lynch, Erendira Jimenez-Pike, Rachel G. Beck, Pei-han P. Lo, Roger C. Bullard, Dean Andrew B. McGowan. Second Row: Shancia Jarrett, Madeleine Sullivan, Mary E. Mills-Curran, Paul A. Daniels, Benito T. Stallings. Third Row: Lorenzo L. Marconi, Tara B. Shepley, Matthew R. Babcock, Stephanie Burette, Tarleton H. Watkins, Erin Flinn. Back Row: Derek J. Stefanovsky, Edward Watson, John M. Kennedy, Landon M. Moore, Patrick L. Keyser, Robert S. Laughton.

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The Rev. Tony Jarvis, The Rt. Rev. George R. Sumner, and E. Bruce Garner.

Three Honored at Convocation At the October Convocation, Berkeley recognized three servants of the Church with honorary degrees: E. Bruce Garner is a lifelong Episcopalian who, as a layman, has contributed richly to the life of the church in, around, and beyond his native Atlanta, Georgia. His faith, along with that of many of his contemporaries, was tested in the early days of the AIDS crisis when he not only buried friends but walked through the valley of the shadow of death himself and learned along the way to fear no evil. He has pursued numerous ministries related to AIDS/HIV. Since its earliest embattled days he has served Integrity and is

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now its president. He is head verger of All Saints’ Atlanta and he has been a significant voice on the Episcopal Church’s Executive Council. Berkeley honored him “for your lifelong witness as a follower of Jesus Christ, for your contributions to the LGBTQ communities of church and state, and for your encouragement of respect for your own human dignity and for all those who have found themselves on the margins of their societies…” F. Washington “Tony” Jarvis served as a parish priest in youth ministry in Cleveland. For 30 years he was headmaster of The Roxbury Latin School in Boston. He “retired” from the school at 65 to become

a chaplain and master at Eton College in England and scholar in residence at schools in South Africa and Australia. In 2008 he came to Berkeley to create the pioneering ELM (Educational Leadership and Ministry) Program, which prepares Yale students to minister in schools and colleges. He is the author of six books and numerous articles in the fields of education, history, and religion. Tony “tended to the formation of students’ intellectual, personal, and spiritual lives through both [his] teaching and example,” and Berkeley desired to recognize “all [he has] done for Berkeley, the Church, and the countless students around the world whose lives [he has] touched.”

George R. Sumner is a graduate of Harvard and Berkeley (1981). Earning a Ph.D. from Yale, he undertook the first extended study of the theology of religions of the German theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg, exploring the relationship of Christian theology to other religious traditions with the salvific finality of Jesus Christ as starting point. His other academic accomplishments include his 2004 book The First and the Last: The Claim of Jesus Christ and the Claims of Other Religions as well as his recent commentary on the Book of Daniel. Ordained a priest in Western Massachusetts, he has worked as a missionary in east Africa and as vicar on a Native American reservation. Until recently he was Principal and Helliwell Professor of World Mission at Wycliffe College in Toronto. In 2015 he was elected Bishop of Dallas where he is chief pastor to 31,000 souls. Berkeley recognized and honored both his “scholarly and pastoral achievements.� Faculty and Trustees gathered with honorands at the Fall Convocation.

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Berkeley at the National Cathedral: The Very Rev. Dean Randolph M. Hollerith ’90, organist Benjamin P. Straley ’12, jazz musician The Rev. Andrew K. Barnett ’12. (Photo by Danielle Thomas/ Washington National Cathedral)


Berkeley’s Randy Hollerith National Cathedral’s New Dean


ast fall we celebrated the election of Berkeley graduate Michael Curry (M.Div. ’78 and D.D. ’01) as Presiding Bishop. This fall we rejoice in the appointment of Randolph Marshall Hollerith (M.Div. ’90) as Dean of the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in the City and Diocese of Washington. Randy, as he is widely known, is the eleventh dean of the National Cathedral. He has just turned 53 and is celebrating his 25th anniversary as a priest. He is no stranger to the Cathedral. He grew up in nearby Alexandria, Virginia, and attended St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School there. (In 2014 he won the school’s Distinguished Alumni Service Award.) His great grandmother was present when President Theodore Roosevelt helped lay the Cathedral’s foundation stone in 1907, and she was present at the first worship service held there in 1912. Randy recounts that one of his first spiritual experiences was, as a boy, witnessing the Cathedral’s stone masons at work as this “House of Prayer for All People” was rising on Mount Saint Alban. Randy came to the Berkeley Divinity School after graduating from Denison

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University. “Berkeley was the place that formed me for ministry,” he claims. “It was also the place where I met the love of my life. My academic experience there surpassed all my expectations. Having such a vibrant community of Episcopalians in the midst of the denominational diversity of Yale was a great blessing. I felt like I got the best of both worlds—the chance to learn from some of the best minds in the

Randy earned a national reputation for innovation in institution building, team leadership and justice ministry in the city and beyond. faith and the mentoring I needed in order to serve as a priest in the church.” He married “the love of [his] life,” Melissa Kaye Zuber, on New Year’s Eve in 1988 while they were both still at Berkeley. She has been a priest since 1992 and has served as chaplain and religion department head at St. Christopher’s School in

Richmond since 2003. Both she and the dean share a deep commitment to Episcopal schools and look forward to involvement with the renowned schools on the Cathedral close. Another Berkeley association is that with Randy’s brother Herman “Holly” Hollerith IV (M.Div. ’81, D.D. ’10), Bishop of Southern Virginia. After ordination, Randy served as assistant at St. Stephen’s Parish in Richmond (1990-95), and then as rector of St. Peter’s in Savannah (1995-2000). He comes to the Cathedral having been rector of St. James’ Parish in Richmond for 16 years. As rector, he doubled the annual budget and enhanced the largest mission program of outreach ministries of any parish in the Diocese of Virginia. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington, writes that, in Richmond, Randy “earned a national reputation for innovation in institution building, team leadership and justice ministry in the city and beyond. Those who know him best universally describe him as faithful, energetic, humble and strong. Randy is described as a ‘team builder at heart.’ Randy shares our commitment to social justice and community engagement. He has led St. James’ in the work of racial reconciliation, forging lasting ties in the Richmond community. [He] has a pastor’s heart that is, in his words, ‘centered on being faithful to Christ and Christ’s work in the world.’” Washington Cathedral’s financial needs are daunting, and fundraising will have to be an important component of Randy’s deanship. The Cathedral has an endowment of $70 million and has recently completed $10.5 million in repairs following the devastating 2011 earthquake. But, on top of its $14 million annual budget, it must raise

an additional $22 million to finish the building’s restoration. Bishop Budde comments: Randy “has a record of successful fundraising campaigns that will serve us well.” The Cathedral welcomes some 400,000 visitors each year. The new dean embraces the tension of the Cathedral as both “a place that is radically open and hospitable” while at the same time a place that is “deeply faithful to the Gospel.” David J. Kautter, former chair of the Cathedral Chapter, notes that “Randy brings with him a depth of experience and intention of uniting the Episcopal community and welcoming people of all faiths and beliefs.” Randy himself points out that “The Cathedral is not only a space of immense beauty and grandeur, but plays an important role in proclaiming the reconciling love of Christ within this city and around this country. The Cathedral is a holy place that calls our city, our country and people of faith to work for justice, peace and compassion. I am honored to be called to serve as dean of the Cathedral and thrilled to be part of this beloved national institution.”

Jane Shaw Delivers Cheney Lecture

The Rev. Prof. Jane Shaw of Stanford (pictured with the Dean) gave the 2016 Cheney Lecture on “Mysticism and Ethics: A Modern (mostly Anglican) Perspective.” Professor Shaw explored the growth of interest in spirituality found in influential English writers such as Kenneth Kirk, Evelyn Underhill, and W. R. Inge.

Eight Students Earn ELM Certificate

Washington National Cathedral

(Photo: Public Domain)

Eight Y.D.S. students were awarded the ELM (Educational Leadership and Ministry) Certificate at graduation. L-R: Jonathan Laven, Matthew Madonia, Father Jarvis, Angel Aquino, M.K. McAdams, Brian Kelly. Missing: Jordan Conerty, Lucas del Priore, Nicole Perone.

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Photo by Kira Wishart

Jere Wells Welcomed as ELM Director


erkeley is delighted to welcome Jere Wells as the new ELM Program Director. This is the ninth year that Berkeley has sponsored the Educational Leadership and Ministry Program for all Yale students interested in exploring ministry in schools or colleges. Jere has recently retired after a career in independent schools, a career that ranges from Woodberry Forest School in Virginia to The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, his alma mater. At Westminster Jere served in a wide variety of educational and administrative roles, from Director of Studies to Admissions Director to, since 2002, Assistant Headmaster. He has been extensively involved in the Episcopal Church in Georgia and in the greater Anglican Communion. He and his wife Della Wager Wells, a middler at Berkeley, have two adult children. When asked “How in the world did you get here?” Jere responded as follows:

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I suppose the most evident steps were those first taken by Della to take divinity school classes and eventually apply to the Berkeley program at Yale. She was in school here when I first met ELM’s founding director Tony Jarvis and Dean Andrew McGowan. I have known many YDS graduates, including two priests at our parish in Atlanta, and I have long admired the reputation of YDS, and Berkeley in particular, as the epitome of intellectual and theological formation. However, I had never been here until the summer of 2015, and in many ways it was love at first sight. The Sterling Divinity Quadrangle’s evocation of Thomas Jefferson’s “academical village” at UVA certainly warmed my Southern heart. But it was the way that YDS and Berkeley integrate spiritual formation with other disciplines such as ELM’s focus on education or ISM’s training in the arts that really spoke to me. As an English literature teacher for forty years, I have long valued and taught the essentially interconnected nature of knowledge. Shakespeare does not make complete sense without an understanding of contemporary English politics, particularly the religious politics of his day. Similarly, optimal education of young people should include attention to their spiritual and ethical formation, a basic tenet of the ELM program. So when Tony Jarvis and Andrew McGowan described this program to me, it made all the sense in the world. I want not only ordination-track students to take these classes, but also a far wider range of potential educators who will support and influence the next generations of our country’s leaders. My professional and personal history also seems to have been preparing the providential path to this place. I come from a long line of educators, including religious educators. One grandfather was the school superintendent in Atlanta’s largest county; the other had been a college president and a minister. I attended one of the finest independent schools in the

South, The Westminster Schools, which as a non-denominational Christian school has had a long history of working hard to define what high quality education means in the modern era, including the role of religious education and a communal life built on Christian heritage and values. I worked closely with the school’s chaplains on programming and directed the Glenn Institute for Philanthropy and Service Learning, which, while not exclusively Christian, has its values rooted in the culminating charge of the Parable of the Good Samaritan, “Go, and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). I also have found my way into educational programs and organizations that promote professional development, from the Klingenstein M.A. program at Columbia’s Teachers College to the Secondary School Admission Test Board, which provides professional development programs for admissions officers, to the INDEX consortium in Boston, which provides benchmarking data and professional growth opportunities for school leaders. I am grateful that this opportunity came along when it did. Our two children are grown and establishing their own professional lives, Judson in NYC and Aubrey in Atlanta. Della, after a thirty-year legal career, is able to pursue exciting new opportunities. Background, formation, values, and opportunity all aligning, the divine push feels compelling. But where do we go from here? ELM has been created and sustained by Tony Jarvis’ vision, but as a long-time school headmaster, he is keenly aware of the need for programs to grow and adapt to emerging needs and opportunities. Along with the dynamic leadership team at Berkeley, Dean McGowan and I will be looking at ways to broaden the scope of what ELM can offer and whom it can benefit. Its place in the world of theological education is unique; its potential for improving American education is unlimited.


Donyelle McCray


hen asked about what she enjoys most about teaching homiletics, newly appointed Assistant Professor Donyelle McCray’s reply was quick and confident: “I love helping people come to voice” and “I love seeing people experiment and try new things.” It was this topic of “voice” that originally led her into the study of homiletics and that fuels her current research and defines her classroom pedagogy. Prof. McCray is a graduate of Spelman College and the Harvard Law School. An Episcopalian, she went on to earn an M.Div. at Virginia Theological Seminary, after which she took a job as an interfaith hospice chaplain. While working as a chaplain, she found herself attending a lot of funerals and her curiosity about funeral sermons was piqued. She wondered what made one funeral sermon resonate and why another fell flat. This line of inquiry led her into the study of homiletics at Duke University’s Institute of Care at the End of Life. Once at Duke, she discovered that her driving questions were in the broader topic of Christian consolation: “What is the Christian hope in the face of death and how do we articulate that to people credibly?” This led her to study Julian of Norwich, described by McCray as “an excellent consoler who knows how to face the end of life.” Her study of Julian has provided the foundation for her current interests, which center on the spirituality of risk taking. Her work on Julian was critical because she was such a daring figure. McCray received her Doctor of Theology degree from Duke Divinity School in 2014; her dissertation was entitled “The Censored Pulpit: Julian of Norwich as Preacher.” Her exploration of Julian led her to think about preaching as a form of risk taking, something she is cognizant of in the classroom with her students and something that informs her current research on Pauli Mur-

ray, civil rights activist and first female African American Episcopal priest. She is also working on a spiritual biography of theologian Howard Thurman. This biography is part of a larger project at the University of Virginia that explores what it means—for a variety of notable twentieth century people—to be a witness to one’s faith. Prof. McCray’s commitment to creating a welcoming classroom that embraces all voices is grounded in her belief that “preaching is a community endeavor.” Her

pedagogy reflects a commitment to variety of approaches so that students have a sense of personal agency and their voices are brought fully and uniquely to the act of preaching. She describes herself as nondirective in the classroom, which challenges students to discover their own voice rather than mimic a particular technique or approach espoused by the professor. She seeks to expose students to a wide variety of styles and approaches to preaching in order to demonstrate the range of what is possible in the diverse contexts in which her students’ future ministries will take place. From this process of exposure and discovery, Prof. McCray hopes that her students will begin to develop their own authentic, individual voice, which will be the basis of their authority. Understanding one’s authority as a preacher has implications for sermon form as well as message. She hopes to open students up to new ways in which they can meet and serve a community best. —Holly Christine Clark ’18

Class of 1966 Gathers for its 50th Reunion The Rev. Michael O. Shirley, The Rev. George C. Anderheggen, The Rev. Charles C. Cloughen, Jr., The Rev. Thomas B. Conway, The Rev. Canon Stephen M. Bolle, Dean Andrew B. McGowan.

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The Berkeley Class of 2016 who received Diplomas or a Certificate in Anglican Studies at the Commencement Evensong. Front Row: Brian C. Barry, Jessie K. Gutgsell, Joshua A. Bruner, Taylor A. Ashlock, Rachel Field, Allison L. Huggins, Mikayla S. Dunfee, Katherine C. Conyers, Leigh M. Kern. Back Row: Robert M. Pennoyer, Pamela W. Hyde, Mark S. Anderson, Charles H. Knuth, Stephen B. Douglas, Zachary C. Nyein, Cecil J. Tengatenga, Carlos A. Insignares. Opposite page, bottom: Anglican and Episcopal faculty at Evensong.

In Illa Quae Ultra Sunt Berkeley’s 2016 Commencement


he Berkeley Class of 2016 received their diplomas and certificates at the Commencement Evensong on May 21, the Saturday of Yale’s Commencement weekend. Berkeley Board Chair David R. Wilson and Dean McGowan awarded eight men and eight women the Diploma in Anglican Studies, and an additional student received the Certificate. A further eight students were granted Certificates in Educational Leadership and Ministry. The Certificates in Lutheran Studies, granted by Berkeley, were presented to five students in a separate ceremony at nearby Bethesda Lutheran Church. Dean McGowan presented the prizes. Stephen Douglas received the E. William Muehl Prize in Preaching; Zach Nyein won the Thomas Phillips Prize for the study and practice of Anglican liturgy; Jessie Gutgsell received the St. Luke’s Award for liturgical leadership; Leigh Kern won the R. Lansing Hicks Prize for “doing the most to benefit the Berkeley community.” YDS Dean Gregory Sterling awarded Robert Pennoyer the Bradford E. Abel-

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son Prize for “the most outstanding qualities of judgment and character for the future exercise of ecclesiastical leadership.” Prizes for academic excellence were also awarded to middlers Nathan Bourne and Mark Schultz and to Greg Johnston ’18. At the YDS Commencement Exercises, Jessie Gutgsell won the Oliver Ellsworth Daggett Scholarship Prize “for ability, diligence, Christian character, and promise of usefulness as a preacher.” And the Institute of Sacred Music awarded Stephen Douglas the Edwin Stanley Seder Prize and Robert Pennoyer the Aidan J. Kavanagh Achievement Prize. At the reception at the Berkeley Center following Evensong, Robbie Pennoyer announced that the Class of 2016 was presenting a class gift of $5,115. The Class is also commissioning an artist to create a new Berkeley processional cross. These gifts are especially notable since the class is among the smaller at Berkeley in recent years (the two that succeed it are nearly twice the size).

Nathan Bourne ’17


athan Bourne is on his way to complete the requirements for the Master of Divinity degree and the Diploma in Anglican Studies. For the past two and a half years, he has been a caring and insightful member of the Berkeley and Yale communities. Whether he is reciting Russian poetry, sharing freshly baked bread, or biking around the Elm City, Nathan has brought his whole self to the common life of this seminary. Nathan’s first sense of a call came in his home parish in Hayesville, North Carolina, where the deacon led a weekly Bible study for teenage boys. After high school, Nathan ventured off to the mountains of Tennessee, intending to major in philosophy at the University of the South. His academic achievements there earned him membership in Sewanee’s renowned honor society, and Nathan ended up majoring in not one but three subjects: Russian literature, philosophy, and environmental science. In addition to his studies, Nathan explored the thousands of acres of forest surrounding Sewanee, finding in them glimpses of God. Between his sophomore and junior years at Sewanee, Nathan spent the summer in and around St. Petersburg, Russia. Half his time was spent studying the Russian language, and the other half, Nathan volunteered at a preschool and an orphanage and pre-school for children affected

by HIV and AIDS. Following graduation, Nathan went back to teach for a year in the Republic of Georgia. His fellow students have happily listened to his stories of hiking in the Caucasus region, traveling across borders, and receiving abundant hospitality from total strangers. Upon returning to the States, Nathan worked with the Office for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability at Sewanee. He helped write a sustainability master plan for the university. Even more interesting, perhaps, was his work with

Photo by Kira Wishart


the university’s Herbarium. He joined in conducting a floristic inventory of the campus, collecting and cataloguing plant species, and working to quantify the different habitat types. Nathan sustained this work with prayer, going three days a week to St. Mary’s Convent where he prayed the Daily Office with the sisters. And, following the completion of the sustainability project, he put that environmental knowledge to a different use as a farm intern at the convent.

Rhythms of prayer, immersion in nature, and radical hospitality have shaped Nathan’s practice of stewardship in the church during his time at Berkeley. After living with non-divinity school students his first year, Nathan became one of the five Berkeley house residents, preparing morning coffee, making space for prayer and community, and cooking exotic foods for the weekly dinners that follow the Community Eucharist. On top of these involvements, he has managed to win prizes for academic excellence and preaching. During the summer after Nathan’s first year, he and a fellow classmate ventured out to Tacoma, Washington, where they completed CPE. The intensity of the clinical setting juxtaposed with the beauty of the Pacific Northwest broadened his knowledge of and appreciation for the healing and sustaining power of nature. In his internship, Nathan shared his gifts with the people of St. James’ Church in West Hartford, and learned from their noteworthy charism of hospitality. He worships regularly in New Hampshire with the Church of the Woods, investigating new ways to bring together his passions for prayer, community, and God’s creation. He looks forward to continuing this work of integrating sustainability, radical hospitality, and communal prayer after his ordination in the Diocese of Western North Carolina in 2017. His faithfulness and abundant compassion have already left their mark on the Berkeley community. —Gregory Stark

Fall 2016 | 11

Berkeley Divinity School 2015-2016 Donors Dear Members of the Berkeley Family,

The Founder’s Circle

The 1854 Society

The Rev. Betsy N. Anderson and Mr. Carl T. Anderson* Mr. G. William Haas The Lawrence Jamison Hudson Trust* Mr. David M. Hyduke Mr. and Mrs. G. Hartwell Hylton The Rev. F. Washington Jarvis The Rev. Nicholas T. and Dorothy M. Porter* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce* The Rev. Dawn M. Stegelmann The Rev. Evelyn Wheeler* Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis, IN, The Very Rev. Stephen E. Carlsen St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue, NY, NY, The Rev. Canon Carl F. Turner Trinity Church, NY, NY, The Rev. Dr. William B. Lupfer

The Rev. Betsy N. Anderson and Mr. Carl T. Anderson The Rev. Nathan A. Beall Ms. Carolyn E. Daniels The Rev. S. Rainey G. Dankel Mr. and Mrs. James L. Elrod, Jr. The Rev. Linda M. Griggs Mr. G. William Haas The Very Rev. Dr. Andrew B. McGowan and Felicity Harley McGowan The Rev. David H. Poist The Rev. C. Corydon Randall, Ph.D., D.D. All Saints Parish, Beverly Hills, CA, The Rev. Canon Stephen A. Huber The Church of Bethesda-by-theSea, Palm Beach, FL, The Rev. James Harlan Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati, OH, The Very Rev. Gail E. Greenwell Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington, DE, The Rev. Ruth L. Kirk Christ Church, Greenwich, CT, The Rev. Dr. James B. Lemler Christ Church, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI, The Rev. Andrew Van Culin St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Wellesley, MA, The Rev. Adrian Robbins-Cole St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Greenwich, CT, The Rev. Edward Pardoe St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, Carmel Valley, CA, The Rev. Robert W. Fisher St. James Church, NY, NY, The Rev. Brenda G. Husson St. Luke’s Parish, Darien, CT, The Rev. David R. Anderson St. Matthew’s Church, Bedford, NY, The Rev. Terence L. Elsberry St. Paul’s Church, Indianapolis, IN, The Rev. John D. Denson St. Peter’s By The Lake, Brandon, MS, The Rev. Carol L. Mead St. Thomas’ Church, Fort Washington, PA, The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie

$10,000 or more

The President’s Society $5,000 to $9,999

Mr. Alan F. Blanchard Ms. Mary E. Clark and the Estate of Rosemary E. Clark* Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey, Jr. The Rev. Mary B. M. Johnstone Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirby Mr. and Mrs. James D. Klote Mr. Paul Rexford Thatcher III The Rev. Lynda Z. Tyson and Mr. Charles R. Tyson, Jr. Mr. David R. Wilson All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA, The Rev. Geoffrey M. Hoare Church of the Heavenly Rest, NY, NY, The Rev. Matthew F. Heyd St. James’s Church, Richmond, VA, The Rev. Randolph M. Hollerith St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, New Canaan, CT, The Rev. Peter F. Walsh St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Houston, TX, The Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. Trinity Church, Boston, MA, The Very Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd III * Gifts to Capital Endowment **Designated Gifts

$1,854 to $4,999

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On behalf of the students and staff of Berkeley Divinity School, thank you for a record annual appeal of $561,798. Participation increased to 28% of Berkeley graduates who made gifts totaling $121,547, and parishes contributed another $231,083. All gifts to Berkeley’s annual appeal are used for the seminary’s programs so your generosity is vital to the seminary’s continuing success. This year Berkeley welcomed a new class of 22 students bringing our total student enrollment to 70. This larger student body relies even more on your annual appeal gifts for programs and opportunities, so I thank you in advance for your generosity.

(The Rev.) Whitney Z. Edwards ’07

Dean Ladd Society $500 to $1,853

The Rev. Dr. Judith A. Allison The Rev. and Mrs. William R. Bell, Jr. Mr. Tom Berardino The Rev. Canon Stephen M. Bolle The Rev. Brin Bon The Rev. Raymond F. Brown Mr. Roger C. Bullard Mrs. Ann James Buxton The Rev. Katherine Cadigan Mr. Richard L. Chilton, Jr. Mr. Christian M. Clough The Rev. Charles E. Cloughen, Jr. The Rev. Anisa P. Cottrell-Willis Mr. David H. Crandall The Rev. Francis B. Creamer, Jr. The Rt. Rev. James E. Curry The Rev. Dr. Judith A. Davis The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Ian T. Douglas The Rev. Charles H. DuBois The Rev. Hope H. Eakins The Rev. Whitney Z. Edwards Ms. Linda Lorimer and Mr. Charles D. Ellis The Rev. Canon C. Allan Ford Mr. George A. Fowlkes The Rev. John P. Gedrick, Jr. The Rev. Robert B. Gibson The Rev. Nancy E. Gossling Dr. Mary H. Griffin The Rev. Daniel L. Gross The Rev. Scott A. Gunn and Ms. Sherilyn K. Pearce

Ms. Mary C. Metzger and Mr. John C. Harvey The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman Ms. Robin R. Henry The Rev. Matthew F. Heyd The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld Mr. and Mrs. William Holding The Rev. Megan Holding Dr. Dickerman Hollister The Rev. Canon Stephen A. Huber The Rev. Pamela Hyde The Rev. Mary B. M. Johnstone The Rev. Gary D. Jones Mr. Brian Kelly The Honorable James A. Kenney III The Rev. Stephen B. Klots The Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas Knisely, Jr. Ms. Cheryl T. Kyle The Rev. Jennifer M. Landis Owen Mr. Matthew T. Leaycraft The Rev. Dr. James B. Lemler The Rev. Matthew Lukens The Rev. Lauren J. Lyon The Rev. Norman M. MacLeod III The Rev. Canon Anne F. Mallonee The Rev. John W. Martiner The Rev. Jeannie M. Martz Rev. James L. Maury The Rev. Stephen J. McCarthy, Jr. The Rev. Christine T. T. McSpadden* Dr. Dwight F. Miller Mr. Peter C. Moister The Rev. George O. Nagle Ms. Sherilyn K. Pearce The Rev. Robert M. Pennoyer The Rev. Susan B. Pinkerton

The Rev. Dr. Carol Pinkham Oak The Rev. Canon Nicholas T. Porter The Rt. Rev. Morgan Porteus The Rev. Allison Read The Rev. Canon Poulson C. Reed, Jr. The Rev. James C. Rhodenhiser The Rev. Harry A. Roark III Ms. Karen F. Royce The Rev. Philip D. Schaefer The Rev. Sarah Buxton Smith and The Rev. Dr. Stephen J. S. Smith The Rev. Amy L. Spagna The Rev. Linda M. Spiers Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Swan The Rev. Thomas N. J. Synan The Rev. Paul E. Towner Mr. John W. Watling III The Rev. Evelyn Wheeler The Rev. Roger B. White The Rev. Colin H. Williams

St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Pittsboro, NC, The Rev. Wilberforce Mundia St. James Episcopal Church, Leesburg, VA, The Rev. Katherine S. Bryant St. James’s Episcopal Church, Richmond, VA, The Rev. Randolph M. Hollerith St. John’s Church, Beverly Farms, MA, The Rev. Stephanie Bradbury St. John’s Episcopal Church, Reisterstown, MD, The Rev. Tracy A. Bruce St. John’s Episcopal Church, Ross, CA, The Rev. Chris RankinWilliams St. Paul’s Church, Wallingford, CT, The Rev. Dee Anne Dodd St. Paul’s Episcopal Church,

The Rev. Whitney Z. Edwards ’07.

The Rev. Stephen J. C. Williams The Rev. Susan C. Wyper and Mr. George Wyper The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie Christ Church, Harwich Port, MA, The Rev. Dr. Judith A. Davis Grace Church, Millbrook, NY, The Rev. Matthew Calkins Grace Episcopal Church, Newington, CT, The Rev. David Parachini * Gifts to Capital Endowment **Designated Gifts ^Gift to the Annand Program for Spiritual Direction

Riverside, CT, The Rev. Alon White St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Milford, CT, The Rev. Cynthia Knapp The Church of the Transfiguration, NY, NY, The Rev. Andrew R. St John Trinity Church, Columbus, OH, The Rev. Richard A. Burnett Trinity Episcopal Church, Southport, CT, The Rev. Peggy Hodgkins Trinity Episcopal Church, Concord, MA, The Rev. Anthony Buquor

The St. Luke’s Society Gifts up to $499

The Rev. Canon Jane B. Alexander The Rev. David E. Allen The Rev. John D. Andersen The Rev. Mark Anderson The Rev. Carol L. Anderson Mr. William M. Anderson III The Rev. Marilyn L. C. Anderson Mrs. Connie L. Annand^ The Rev. Dr. Mark S. Anschutz The Rev. Daniel S. Appleyard The Rev. Arthur W. Archer Mr. John Armstrong Ms. Taylor Ashlock The Rev. Susan G. Astarita The Rev. Phillip W. Ayers The Rev. Theodore H. Bailey III The Rev. Abbott Bailey The Rev. Richard A. Bamforth The Rev. Kathryn Banakis The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Barker The Rev. Brian Barry Mr. Win Bassett The Rev. William N. Beachy, M.D. The Rev. Jennifer D. Beal Mrs. Anne L. Beatty The Rev. Jeffrey S. Beebe and The Rev. Susan R. Beebe The Rev. Dr. William S. Beery The Rev. Jill Beimdiek The Rev. R. Dudley Bennett The Rev. Dustin D. Berg The Rev. Bettine E. Besier The Rev. Stephen Blackmer Mr. Waldemar L. Block, Jr. The Rev. Elizabeth E. Blunt The Rev. Michelle C. Boomgaard The Rt. Rev. Frederick H. Borsch, Ph.D. The Rev. Robert J. Boulter The Rev. Lyn G. Brakeman The Rev. David L. Bronson The Rev. Sally J. D. Brown The Rev. Joshua Bruner The Rev. Dr. A. Richard Bullock Ms. Cheryl L. Bundy The Rev. Drew Bunting and The Rev. April L. Berends The Rev. Richard A. Burnett Ms. Andrea Burr The Rev. Grace P. Burson The Rev. Edward S. Bushong, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Guido G. Calabresi The Rev. Julie E. Calhoun-Bryant The Rev. Dana L. Campbell The Rev. Paul J. Carling The Rev. Diana E. Carroll The Rev. Kevin G. Caruso

The Rev. Kuruvilla Sunil Chandy The Rt. Rev. John B. Chane The Rev. Gordon L. Chastain The Rev. Jenifer Chatfield The Rev. A. Milton Cheney III The Rev. M. Ronald Chrisner The Very Rev. and Mrs. Charles H. Clark The Rev. Dena M. CleaverBartholomew The Rev. P. Douglas Coil Ms. Katherine Conyers The Rev. Canon Douglas T. Cooke The Rev. Edward C. Coolidge The Rev. Ann H. Copp Mr. Peter B. Corbridge The Rev. J. Kathryn Costas The Rev. R. David Cox The Rev. Justin E. Crisp The Rev. Thomas S. Cushman The Rev. Mary T. Cushman The Rev. Dr. Alexander S. Daley The Rev. Alva G. Decker The Rev. Joseph C. Dedde The Rev. Dolores A. deMontmollin The Rev. John E. Denaro The Rev. Russell L. Deragon The Rev. Claire Dietrich Ranna The Rev. Dr. Richard C. Ditterline Mrs. Loren Dixon Ms. Elizabeth A. Dobson Mr. David L. Dodson The Rev. Anna Doherty The Rev. Mary J. Donohue The Rt. Rev. Herbert A. Donovan, Jr. Mr. Stephen Douglas Ms. Mikayla Dunfee Bobbi Dunfee The Very Rev. Martin J. Dwyer The Rev. Marc G. Eames Mr. Frederick P. Eaton The Rev. Richard F. Ebens The Rev. Deirdre A. Eckian The Rev. Henry H. Edens III The Rev. Dr. Stephen B. Edmondson The Rev. John B. Edson The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ellwood, Jr. The Rev. Joanne Epply-Schmidt The Rev. Paul F. Evans The Rev. Henry F. Fairman Mrs. Karin A. Fallon The Rev. Robert L. Ficks III The Rev. Rachel Field The Rev. Elizabeth B. Fisher The Rev. William J. Fleener, Sr. Ms. Marguerite A. Fleenor The Rev. Ryan C. Fleenor Mrs. Katharine E. Fleming The Rev. Henry T. Folsom

Fa ll 2016 | 13

2015 - 2016 D onors

The Rev. Elizabeth H. Fowle The Rev. and Mrs. James P. Frink The Rev. Thomas J. Furrer The Rev. Elizabeth H. Garnsey The Rev. G. K. Garrett The Rev. Margaret A. Gat The Rev. Carmen Germino Mrs. Roger Gilbert, Jr. Mr. Thomas C. Gilmore The Rev. Sarah C. Ginolfi Mrs. Pamela S. Wesley Gomez The Rev. Richard W. Gray Mr. Howard R. Greene The Rev. and Mrs. George Greene The Rev. Richard E. Greenleaf The Rev. David F. Gurniak The Rev. Jessie Gutgsell The Rev. Stephen P. Hagerty The Rev. Sandra P. Haines-Murdocco Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hall The Rev. John Hall Ms. Mary H. Hall The Rev. Donald L. Hamer The Rev. Canon January E. Hamill and The Rev. Canon Dr. Mark F. Gatza The Rev. Lisa L. B. Hamilton The Rev. Cameron R. Hardy The Rev. Michael E. Hartney Mr. George H. Hauser The Rev. M. Peggy Wall Hays The Rev. John S. Hedger The Rev. Martha H. Hedgpeth Ms. Joyce Hempstead Mr. Harry E. Henderson, Jr. The Rev. Gilberto A. Hinds The Rev. Geoffrey M. Hoare Mr. Robert G. Holt The Rev. Stephen C. Holton The Rev. Ronald L. Hooker The Rev. John W. Houghton, Ph.D. Ms. Katherine W. Hoxsie The Rev. Deven A. Hubert Ms. Allison Huggins Mrs. Beverly R. Hulme The Rev. Mark W. Hummell The Rev. Deborah Hentz Hunley The Rev. Donald A. Hunt Ms. Amy B. Hunter Mr. Franklin E. Huntress, Jr. Mr. K. Grant Hutchins The Rev. Pamela Hyde Mr. Carlos Insignares The Rev. Donald T. Isaac The Rev. Philip C. Jacobs III * Gifts to Capital Endowment **Designated Gifts ^Gift to the Annand Program for Spiritual Direction

Jessie K. Gutgsell ’16, student trustee, receives a Commencement prize from the Dean.

The Rev. Molly F. James, Ph.D. Mr. James Jenkins The Rev. William G. Johnson The Rev. R. Channing Johnson The Rev. Stephanie M. Johnson The Rt. Rev. David B. Joslin The Rev. Jocelynn L. JurkovichHughes The Rev. Dr. Dwight E. Ogier, Jr. Dr. Nancy Olmsted Kaehr and The Rev. Michael Kaehr The Rev. Julie V. Kelsey and Dr. David H. Kelsey Mr. Timothy A. Kennedy The Rev. Leigh Kern The Rev. Linda L. Kerr Ms. Eloise H. P. Killeffer The Rev. Anne B. Kimball and Mr. Richard A. Kimball The Rev. Canon Debra J. Kissinger Dr. Kathleen K. Kline The Rev. Stephen B. Klots Mr. Charles Knuth The Rev. John F. Koepke III The Rev. Dr. Paul R. Kolbet The Rev. Frederick F. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. John Kryzak Mr. Andrew Kryzak Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kurth Ms. Cheryl T. Kyle The Rev. Dr. William Lamb The Rev. G. Allen LaMontagne The Rev. Jennifer M. Landis Owen The Rev. Ledlie I. Laughlin III The Rev. Fredric F. Leach The Rev. George M. O. Lee The Rev. Dr. James B. Lemler The Rev. Harold T. Lewis, Ph.D. The Rev. Dr. Glenn M. Libby The Rev. L. Kathleen Liles

14 | Be r k e le y Divi n i t y S c h o o l at YA L E

The Rev. John D. Limpitlaw The Rev. Steven C. Ling The Rev. Howard M. Lipsey The Rt. Rev. Charles L. Longest The Rev. Julia D. R. Loomis The Rev. Alison W. Lutz The Rev. Elizabeth Magill The Rev. Aaron Manderbach, D.D.* The Very Rev. Richard H. Mansfield The Rev. Thomas E. C. Margrave The Rev. Christopher H. Martin The Rev. William L. Martin The Rev. Bruce Mason Mr. Roy A. McAlpine Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. McCulloch, Jr. The Rev. Robert B. McFarlane The Rev. Dr. Ellen B. McKinley The Rev. Paul K. McLain III The Rev. J. Nixon McMillan The Rev. Vaughan D. McTernan The Very Rev. Will H. Mebane, Jr. The Rev. Elizabeth Marie Melchionna Mr. D. Barry Menuez The Rev. George R. Merrill The Rev. Canon John L. C. Mitman The Rev. Tyler Montgomery The Rev. Andrew Moore Mrs. Betty Morgan The Rev. William P. Morton The Rev. Canon Alan C. Murchie The Rev. Canon William F. Murphey The Rev. Joanne L. Neel-Richard The Rev. Canon Donald A. Nickerson, Jr. The Rev. Deborah A. Noonan-Zink and The Rev. Jesse Zink The Rev. David L. Norgard The Rev. Linda L. Northcraft The Rev. Zack Nyein

Mr. Frederick H. Osborn III The Rev. Sherrell E. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Oshana The Rt. Rev. James H. Ottley The Rev. Christopher A. Pappas The Rev. Donald H. Parker The Rev. Stephen D. Parker, Jr. The Rev. Robert P. Patterson Mr. Charles W. Pearson Mr. David P. Pearson The Rev. Maureen E. PeitlerLederman The Rev. Everett C. Perine The Rev. John H. Peterson The Rev. Elizabeth A. Phillips The Rev. Richard O. Phillips The Rev. E. Alden Pickup, Jr. The Rev. Canon Louis W. Pitt, Jr. The Rev. Dr. Blair A. Pogue and The Rev. Dwight Zchiele The Rev. Daniel S. Pope III Mr. John W. Potter The Rev. Sara L. Potter The Rev. Leigh C. Preston and Mr. Andrew R. Thompson The Rev. Robert W. Prichard, Ph.D. Mr. Will Prosser The Rev. Cameron D. Randle The Rev. Patricia A. O. Reuss Mrs. Elizabeth M. Rice The Rev. Rodney V. Rice The Rev. Dr. William W. Rich The Rev. John W. Rick III Dr. Gregory A. Robbins The Rev. Paul B. Roberts The Rev. Dr. Robert R. Rodie, Jr. The Rev. John D. Rohrs and The Rev. Andrea L. Wigodsky Dr. and Mrs. William M. Rouse, Jr.

2015 - 2016 D onors

The Rt. Rev. Jeffery W. Rowthorn The Rev. Tuesday Rupp The Rev. John A. Russell The Rev. Walter B. Salmon The Rev. Howell C. Sasser, Jr. Ms. Holly Schanz-Pederzoli The Rev. William L. Schnitzer The Rt. Rev. Calvin O. Schofield, Jr. The Rev. Lawrence A. Schuster The Rev. Lawrence F. Scofield The Rev. Timothy J. S. Seamans Mr. Richard A. Semeraro The Rev. Joseph Y. Seville The Rev. Michael G. Shafer The Rev. Dr. Carolyn J. Sharp The Rev. Ellen M. Shaver Mr. A. Gary Shilling The Rev. Sara Lynn Shisler The Rev. Jay Sidebotham The Rev. G. Richard Siener, D.D.

The Very Rev. C. Joseph Sitts The Rev. Steven R. Smith The Rt. Rev. Kirk S. Smith, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. Smith Mr. Christian R. Sonne The Rev. Caroline M. Stacey The Rev. Dr. E. Bevan Stanley The Rev. William S. Stanley The Rev. Dr. David A. Stayner and The Rev. Sandra H. Stayner The Rev. Peter A. R. Stebinger Dean Gregory E. Sterling The Rev. Sarah Stewart The Rev. Jane Stickney The Rev. Lewis S. Stone, Jr. The Rev. Thomas N. J. Synan The Rev. Dr. Barbara M. Brown Taylor The Rt. Rev. G. Porter Taylor Mr. William W. Taylor

Robert M. Pennoyer II ’16 receives prize from Y.D.S. Dean Gregory Sterling.

In Memoriam Alumni who died between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016

The Rev. David A. Ryan ’60, 11/5/2015 The Rev. Robert F. McDougall ’56, 11/16/2015 The Rev. Bayard Hancock ’52, 12/3/2015 The Rev. Ronald D. Meyer ’57, 1/1/2016 The Rev. Gerald A. Reiss ’60, 1/30/2016 The Rev. Francis B. Creamer, Jr. ’63, 2/23/2016 The Rev. Donald C. Latham ’58, 3/5/2016 The Rev. John B. Edson ’70, 3/14/2016 Ms. Beverly A. Thompson-Travis ’80, 3/16/2016 The Rev. R. Channing Johnson ’53, 3/17/2016 The Rev. Harold R. Bott ’54, 3/29/2016 The Rev. Canon JoAnn R. Munro ’85, 5/8/2016 The Rev. John H. Evans ’43, 5/31/2016 The Rev. Guy R. Peek ’67, 6/13/2016 The Rev. Fredric F. Leach ’67, 6/27/2016 The Rev. Allan R. Wentt ’68, 7/5/2016 The Rt. Rev. Edmond L. Browning ’92, 7/11/2016

The Rev. Robert E. Taylor Mr. Cecil Tengatenga The Rev. Robert D. Terhune, Jr. The Rev. Elaine Ellis Thomas The Rev. Trevor E.G. Thomas Mr. Michael G. Thomas The Rev. Dr. Elisabeth J. Thompson The Rev. Peter Thompson The Very Rev. Anthony C. Thurston Mrs. Allene D. Thurston Mr. John C. Train The Rev. Heidi M. Truax The Rev. Danielle E. Tumminio Hansen Mr. Thomas Vail Mr. and Mrs. John W. Van Dyke The Rev. Richard F. Van Wely The Rev. Canon James D. Von Dreele The Very Rev. Carol L. Wade The Rev. James S. Ward The Rev. Ralph R. Warren, Jr. The Rev. Robert W. Watson The Rev. Amy Doyle Welin The Rev. Robert H. Wellner Mr. Matthew Welsch The Very Rev. George L. W. Werner The Rev. Roger B. White The Rev. J. White-Hassler Dr. Charles V. Willie The Rev. Nancy A. Willis The Rev. James G. Wilson The Rev. Walter W. Witte Mr. Andrew F. Wooden The Rev. L. D. Wood-Hull The Rev. Terry M. Wysong The Rev. Noelle M. York-Simmons The Rev. Lisa M. Zaina The Rev. Dr. Andrew H. Zeman The Rev. Jennifer G. Zogg Church of the Mediator, Allentown, PA, The Rev. Maria W.E. Tjeltveit Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Chestertown, MD, The Rev. Daniel L. Gross Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin, San Francisco, CA, The Rev. Claire Dietrich Ranna Grace and St. Peters Church, Hamden, CT, The Rev. Amanda K. Gott Grace Church, NY, NY, The Rev. J. Donald Waring Iglesia de La Guadalupana, Wilson, NC, The Rev. Philip Byrum St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Edgartown, MA, The Rev. Vincent G. Seadale St. David’s Episcopal Church, West Seneca, NY, The Very Rev. Allen W. Farabee

St. Hubert’s Episcopal Church, Kirtland Hills, OH, The Rev. Daniel H. Schoonmaker St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Galt CA, The Rev. Barbara Nixon The Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter, Charlotte, NC, The Rev. Amanda K. Robertson

Foundations, Corporations, & Organizations

Ernst & Young Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Good Samaritan, Inc. JP Morgan Montgomery Bell Academy of the University of Nashville National Philanthropic Trust Shilling Family Foundation The Fairfield County Community Foundation/Safe Harbor Fund The Grubbs Family Fund The Koch Ellis Fund The John C. Markey Charitable Fund The Thomas E. Dewey Fund The Train Foundation The William Brown Foundation United Way of Rhode Island Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Gifts were given in honor of: Mrs. Ann R.L. Dewey The Rev. John H. Hayden The Rev. F. Washington Jarvis

Gifts were given in memory of: Ms. Betty Keefer

This information was prepared to the best of our knowledge with the gift date beginning 07/01/2015 to 06/30/2016. Although our donor lists have been prepared with every precaution to ensure accuracy, we at Berkeley Divinity School apologize in advance for any errors or omissions.

Photo Credits The photographs in this issue are © James R. Anderson Photography, except where otherwise noted.

Fall 2016 | 15

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Please make a gift to the Berkeley Annual Fund and increase participation of graduates from 28% to 100%. Berkeley’s perennial strengths and its new initiatives rely on your generosity. Please make a gift today online at berkeleydivinity

Join Us in June The Wesley-Royce Summer Symposium 2017 Save the dates: June 5-6

This summer’s program will build on last summer’s successful symposium, Bold Strategies to Transform Your Church. As part of Berkeley’s ongoing support of its graduates, we are expanding intentional opportunities for professional development post-graduation. If you are one of the 213 graduates of the past ten years, plan on returning to campus and enhancing relevant leadership skills. Details will be upcoming, but mark your calendars now.

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