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▪ Always personalize your connection request – the generic “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn” will not get results! Introduce yourself and express your interest in current and/or future opportunities with the company. It is perfectly fine to be direct with Human Resources professionals, as it is their job to source qualified candidates!

▪ If there’s an open position…

Hi [contact name]: I’m a [class year] at Bentley, studying [major]. I recently applied to [position name] and wanted to introduce myself and express my interest in the position. I’d welcome the opportunity to speak with you or someone on your team. Thanks for your consideration, [your name]

▪ If there’s not an open position…

Hi [contact name]: I’m a [class year] at Bentley, studying [major]. I’m interested in [types of roles] at [name of firm]. I understand there are no current openings, but I’d welcome the opportunity to speak with you or someone on your team about future opportunities. Thanks for your consideration, [your name] o If you’re speaking about an open position, prepare for the conversation as you would for a first-round interview. o If you’re having a general conversation, prepare for the conversation to feel like either an informational interview or a first-round interview.

▪ If a Human Resources professional is willing to speak with you, you must BE PREPARED so you can make a great impression.

▪ Ask about potential next steps at the end of the conversation, whether there is an open position or not.

▪ Always demonstrate your professionalism by sending a thank you note within 24 hours.

A 2022 survey by Joblist of recent college graduates found that lack of networking was one of the top regrets regarding the job search process.

According to HubSpot, 85% of jobs are filled through networking. In fact, according to CNBC, 70% of jobs are never published publicly.

These jobs are either posted internally or are created specifically for candidates that recruiters meet through networking.