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Interview Formats

Phone Interviews

▪ Often the first-round interview for companies that do not participate in oncampus recruiting

▪ Yes, they are real, and they do count!

▪ Interview in a quiet place with guaranteed cell coverage

▪ Listen carefully – don’t ‘step’ on the interviewer when they are talking

▪ Smile – it’s the best way to convey your energy and enthusiasm

▪ Can refer to notes during the interview

▪ May be a one-way interview or a face-to-face interview

▪ Check your technology in advance of the interview

▪ Be sure to sit level with the computer, maintain eye contact and be mindful of your body language

▪ Make sure there is good lighting, and the interviewer can see you clearly

▪ Use a basic virtual background if your setting is not interview appropriate

▪ Wear professional attire (from head to toe!)

▪ Avoid looking at notes and minimize distractions, such as your cell phone



▪ Allow yourself plenty of time to commute, go through security, check in with the reception desk, etc.

▪ Arrive 10-15 minutes early – the interview begins when you walk into the building

▪ Turn your cell phone off

▪ Offer a firm handshake (when it feels safe and appropriate)

▪ Maintain eye contact and be mindful of your body language

▪ Wear professional attire

▪ Follow all suggestions for ‘In-Person Interviews’, plus…

▪ Keep an eye out for an email from Handshake with all interview details (date, time, etc.)

▪ Interviews are held in LaCava 205

▪ Be professional in the waiting room; companies often send greeters to observe / chat with candidates prior to the interview

▪ Write down the interviewer(s)’ contact information at the front desk so you have it for the thank you note