2 minute read


▪ Always personalize your connection request – the generic “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn” will not get results! Introduce yourself and ask to learn more about their career path, role, or experience with the company. Do not ask about internships / full-time positions or for a referral in your introductory message! It takes time to build relationships.

Hi [contact name]: I’m a [class year] at Bentley, studying [major]. I’m interested in learning about your role as a [position name] at [company name]. I know your time is valuable and would like to ask if you have 15 minutes, at your convenience, to speak with me. Thank you in advance, [your name]

▪ If people are willing to speak with you, you must BE PREPARED so you can make a great impression. Be ready to answer “Tell me a little bit about yourself”, then have a list of questions ready so you can drive the conversation. Refer to pages 33-34 for tips on conducting informational meetings.

▪ If there’s an open position and the conversation goes well… o Consider closing with: I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me today. I recently applied to [role title], so learning more about your day-in-the-life will be very valuable if I am fortunate enough to be offered an interview. o Best case response: That’s great! I really enjoyed our conversation and happen to know the hiring manager. I’d be happy to put in a good word for you! o Worst case response: OK…Well it’s been nice talking to you…good luck.

▪ If there’s not an open position, but the conversation goes well… o Consider closing with: I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me today. Learning more about your daily responsibilities and the culture at [company name] solidified my interest in the company. I hope we can stay in touch. If you hear of any open opportunities, would you mind letting me know? o Best case response: Absolutely! Why don’t you send me a copy of your resume so I can have it on file should a position open up. I look forward to staying in touch. o Worst case response: I’m not sure what our future hiring needs will be but keep your eyes on our company website.

▪ If the conversation was mediocre, it may be best to just politely thank the person for their time and note something valuable that you learned.

▪ Always demonstrate your professionalism by sending a thank you note within 24 hours. Perhaps you wound up with a valuable connection that you plan to stay in touch with, or perhaps the conversation was one and done. At the very least, you gained insight that will help you stand out if you are offered an interview or will help you determine if you’re a good fit for the role / company when positions do open up. In some cases, you may learn that a role / company is not the best fit for you, and that’s OK too.