2 minute read


Send A Thank You Email

Within 24 hours, send a thank you email highlighting the value of the meeting and referencing something specific the professional mentioned. Keep the door open for future exchanges.

Reflect On What You Learned

Take the time to reflect upon what you learned and how that relates to your own values, interests, personality, and skills. You might find that your interest in an industry or role has increased, or that it isn’t as appealing as you thought. It’s helpful to have conversations with multiple people to get a full picture.

Develop A Plan To Stay In Touch

Since networking is relationship building, it’s important to stay in touch with your contacts. It may be a simple email filling them in on something new in your professional life, sending an article that could be of interest to them, or sharing a seasonal greeting. It is appropriate to follow up every few months, but only if you have something substantial to say. Not everyone will find time to reciprocate, so don’t take offense if you don’t get a reply. Also create a database to track contact information – name, company, title, date of conversation, notes and follow-up tasks.


▪ Adopt a positive, proactive attitude about networking

▪ Create a list of everyone you know and identify how they could help you gather career information

▪ Define what you hope to learn and accomplish

▪ Prepare and practice your elevator pitch

▪ Start each in-person encounter with a firm handshake, good eye contact, and a smile

▪ Be professional, courteous and authentic

▪ Send communications at least a week apart and no more than three times; if no response, move on

▪ Get organized – create a database of contacts with notes and follow up items

▪ Focus on quality of interactions, not quantity

▪ Be patient – you may start slowly but you will build momentum

Dear Mr. / Ms. Alum,

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to speak with me yesterday afternoon about your career. Your advice and insight was very beneficial.

(Include a point or two about advice they gave you that really resonated.)

I hope you enjoy the holidays! Again, thank you for your time. I will keep you posted on my internship search process, and I look forward to staying in touch.


Mary Johnson

mjohnson@bentley.edu (617) 123-4567

Social Media Tips

One in three employers have rejected candidates based on something on their social media. The tips below will help guide you before reaching out to potential networking contacts or future employers.

▪ Adjust your privacy settings; be aware of what is public across all social media platforms

▪ Proactively tag or un-tag yourself in photos and events

▪ Always proof before you post

▪ Never complain about your job / boss or broadcast confidential employer information

▪ Utilize social media sites to research organizations and professionals

▪ Follow companies of interest and engage in career related groups

▪ Use Bentley University’s Alumni feature on LinkedIn to search for alums

▪ Always customize the invitation to connect on LinkedIn