Unite Newsletter May/June 2016

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An End Zero Hours- What's happened Next? Feeling Crook? You're entitled to sick leave! Protests get results at Carl's Jnr

welcome to the Unite Union newsletter- all the latest fast food news!

Ending Zero Hours What's happened next? Last year Unite ran our highly successful 'End Zero Hours ' campaign. This led to the secure hours clauses in our fast food contracts, which is a massive step forward for workers in our industry.

Always remember to check your payslip! If you ever feel like there is something you are missing out on, chances are you’re right. Through the union we can enforce the contracts, but we need to have our members finding problems when they arise

But it is important to remember that the contract isn't a magic wand that makes everything better. The contract is a tool that organizers and delegates can use to help improve our pay and conditions. Getting better terms into our contract is only have the task, we then need to follow it up and make sure it is being enacted.

If you think you’ve found a problem in your pay or you would like to become a delegate in your site, contact your local organiser.

In Christchurch our members and delegates at McDonalds have already been winning little victories using the new secure hours clauses. At Linwood McDonald's in the lead up to Christmas union members noticed that they had been rostered under their Secure hours number. Some staff had been offered extra hours, but outside of their availability, which was unfair and a breach of the contract. They got in touch with the organiser, and were able to get the company to pay out to staff who had not been offered shifts. At Kaiapoi McDonald's, a union member noticed that she was being paid below her secure hours some weeks. That stores rostering program did not take into account breaks, which was leading some staff to receiving below their secure hours. We were able to secure lost pay for these staff and change the stores rostering process to make sure it’s not an issue in the future. These members deserve a round of applause. These little Union victories add up to significant improvements over time and help to ensure that our members build towards stronger and more secure pay and conditions.


SICK LEAVEKNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Winter is approaching and with it comes flu season. Hopefully you make it through without getting ill, but there is a good chance that you or someone you care for may get sick. Fortunately, you have sick leave! All Unite members are entitled to at least 5 days paid sick leave each year, after 6 months service. Unfortunately, each we we some employers or managers going a little bit rogue and trying to punish people for being crook. This is unacceptable­ and if it happens to you talk to your delegate or organizer to make sure your protected! Always remember: 1. You cannot be given a disciplinary meeting for legitimate sick leave. 2. You don't need to explain all your symptoms to a manager, that's between you and your doctor. 3. You only need to provide a medical certificate for absences longer than three days, or if the employer has reason to believe your not being genuine. If its for less than three days, the employer should pay for your medical certificate.

Protests win at Carl's Jnr! Unite Union scored a win for workers at Restaurant Brands on April 14 which was an international day of action for fast food workers. We discovered just a few weeks ago that Restaurant Brands (owner of the KFC, Pizza Hut, Starbucks and Carl’s Jr brands in NZ) planned to begin franchising some of its Carl’s Jr stores and discovered the new “owner” planned to make a whole range of cuts to the terms and conditions in the collective agreement. Our members in the Gisborne Carl’s Jr were appalled at the terms being offered – which included a 90­day right to fire clause as well as wage cuts and elimination of overtime rates. No one wanted to work for the new owner. April 14 was the international day of action for fast food workers, so Unite called for protests at Carl's Jnr stores. We raised three demands: 1) that in all future Carl’s Jr Franchise proposals staff are offered the terms of the union agreement, 2) including existing franchised stores in the agreement 3) An independent Audit of holiday pay issues. 4) Compensation for Carl’s Jr workers in Gisborne. Before the protests had even started the company agreed to all demands and blamed the problems we had experienced on “misunderstanding”. The pickets planned for April 14 went ahead. Mostly they were renamed “victory rallies”. But in Gisborne, the picket continued because there remains an additional fight to get the franchise owner to agree to the Union agreement.

While the agreement today with Restaurant Brands should prevent the same happening in future, Attri computing now owns and runs the Gisborne Carl’s Jr as an independent business and the union will have to negotiate an agreement with them to restore the wages and conditions lost. Unite remains absolutely determined that we will make that happen.


Recently government has passed new workplace Health and Safety laws. These laws were developed after the inquest into the Pike River Mine disaster, to try to make sure workplace accidents like Pike River never happen again. Part of these laws means that there should be elected Health and Safety representatives in every workplace. It is important that these Health and Safety representatives exist, and are strong and confident people to make sure that good H&S cultures exist in all our stores. Unite Strongly encourages our members and delegate to put themselves forward to be H&S representatives. Elections will be held shortly in Restaurant Brands, and other companies should follow­ keep an eye on your store notice boards!


Unite has led the fight for: - a $15 minimum wage (was $8 when Unite started) - guaranteed hours for all staff. - an end to youth wages.

Unite Members also recieve: - Support if you're ever in trouble at work. - Stronger collective contracts. - Benefits including life insurance, entertainment books and free medical clinics for union members.

Join Unite online at unite.org.nz/online_membership_application

Remember! The Union is only as strong as its members! We are always looking for members who would like to be involved in their union. If you would like to be a delegate, get training or come to union events­ contact your store delegate or area organiser for more information!

Organisers Auckland Central/Nth: Ben­ 021 560 127 Auck West/Northland: Gary 029 445 5979 Auckland East: Renee 021 447 067 Central Nth Island: Bonita 029­445­4959 Otago/Southland: Olive 022­353­0408

Auckland Sth: Angelyse 022 077 0881 Wellington: Jasmine 022­043­0669 Hamilton/BOP: Aneta 027­530­7560 Canterbury: Nicole 021­0826­4165


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