Unions Wellington Annual Report 2017/18

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Comrades! It's been a big and busy year for Unions Wellington, and I’ve been stoked to be the convener this year. In 2017/18 we’ve tried to make Unions Wellington a hub for activism, for both Trade Union campaigns and broader social issues. In modest ways, together we've been able to play a useful role in supporting working people in struggle, In this time we've seen an increase in industrial action getting wins for members, and a new government opening political oppertunities.


We look forward to continuing to play this role in the year to come, and hope that many more people get involved in our campaigns and projects. The work that we have done has been entirely based on volunteers. Dozens of people have helped out, been the meetings, helped petition, donated to strike funds or come to protests. Thank you for the solidarity, and look forward to working with you again this year. In solidarity, Ben Peterson - Unions Wellington convenor



Throughout the year Unions Wellington helped organise alongside affiliate unions. UW's first priority has been to organise in support of Unions in dispute, and we have been able to contribute in modest but meaningful ways to industrial struggles in 2017/18. This has included, but is not limited to: -Support for RMTU members at Transdev. During the Transdev dispute and strike, Unions Wellington mobilised to support the the RMTU. UW organised a petition of over 1000 commuters in support of RMTU members, which was useful in countering the employers spin about unions disrupting the public. Unions Wellington also organised a collection for the strike fund which raised over $3000, and provided refreshments to members on the day of the strike. -Nurses DHB dispute- UW organised a public meeting in support of NZNO's industrial campaign. 60+ nurses and supporters attended the public meeting. The video of the meeting has been viewed more than 3,400 times. We used our social media and newsletter to encourage attendance to the NZNO protests and pickets. -Our solidarity was not limited to NZ unions. UW, along with the CTU, helped to organise a protest at the Fijian Embassy to support locked out workers at Nadi airport. The workers were successful in winning reinstatement and backpay, due in part to international solidarity. Using our social media presence we arranged supporters to turn out to support actions by affiliates, including Unite Union (Burger King and Embassy cinema strikes), Tramways Union (Thank You Driver Petition, protest at GWRC meeting), E Tu (parking inspectors), RMTU (Transdev Strike), NZNO (DHB strike), NZEI (equal pay for ECE protest), FIRST (Farmers strikes), PSA (MBIE/IRD strikes) and others.

BUILDING OUR UNIONS In 2017/18 Unions Wellington played a modest, but real role in building our Union Movement. This has included: - Building Unions Wellington into a popular and important part of progressive politics in Wellington. Attendance at UW meetings has grown from a handful in the previous year to between 12, and a maximum of 50 for the year. -UW worked with Unite Union on coordinated recruitment days. More than 2 dozen new Union members were recruited over 3 days. UW would like to work withother Unions to do recruiting days in other areas in 2018/19. -In October UW held an "Activist Training Day" attended by more than 30 people from multiple Unions, student groups, and community campaigns. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants. As an experiment, we ran a stall at the Newtown Festival to build the profile of Unions, which had 4 people sign up to join their union.

FIGHTING FOR WORKERS One of the most significant projects for 2017/18 was the support we were able to offer to workers at the '5 Boroughs' restaurant. UW came into contact with workers at '5 Boroughs' after it was announced that the restaurant was going into liquidation. The workers there were given no notice, and told they would not receive their pay or holiday leave entitlements. The employers were reopening the business on a new site, and staff were to loose out. The employers had engaged a lawyer to protect their own assets at the expense their workers. The site had not previously been unionized, so there was no clear avenue for workers to go to receive representation. Through Unions Wellington, we were able to meet with the workers and together organised a short public campaign. As a result of public pressure, within a week we were able to secure more than $34,000 in owed wages and leave entitlements for these workers.

SOCIAL MOVEMENT ALLIES As well as building our union movement, Unions Wellington has made efforts to link with and support progressive community campaigns. This has included: -Organizing a collection of food for refugees relocating to the Wellington Region in collaboration with local church based NGOs.. -Having a team run the 'Round the Bays' which raised over $1000 for the Living Wage Movement. -Organising a UW team to the annual UnionAid quiz (we did very poorly). Hosting activist groups such as Renters United, Peace Action and Aukati Against Racism at UW monthly meetings.

SOCIAL MEDIA Unions Wellington has used social media as a means to organise support and solidarity. -Our Facebook 'likes' have increased from less than 600 to 3,350+, 40% of these people are located in the Wellington Region. -The Unions Wellington email newsletter now goes to over 450 people, up from less than 200. -Unions Wellington videos, including footage of strikes, protests, meetings or other actions have been viewed more than 50000 times. - Our Facebook posts regularly generate posts that receive in excess of 10,000 views.

FINANCES Unions Wellington had limited income and expenditure over the year, We ran at a small loss of $181.27. Expenses were largely related to events and were largely covered by member donations and minor fundraising. A more detailed financial report can be provided to affiliates or members upon request. Balance as of July 1, 2017: $2,672.02 Balance as of July 1, 2018: $2,490.75


While B Y still P A relatively U L P A Rmodest, K E R we think what UW achieved in 2017/18 was significant. Unions Wellington is a vibrant and useful part of progressive politics in the Wellington Region. Our growth over the year was real, and we want to build on that momentum. We believe there are three foreseeable strategic opportunities for Unions Wellington in the coming year: Firstly, the most important role for Unions Wellington is to continue to support affiliate Unions in their campaigns. There are significant upcoming disputes in the public sector which Unions Wellington activists can play a role in supporting. Further we hope to continue to develop links with other progressive groups and campaigns (such as Renters United and the Living Wage Movement), and play a role in driving a progressive political consensus in Wellington. Secondly, our experience with the '5 Boroughs' dispute has shown the potential for a local affiliates body to play an important role extending union coverage into previously unorganised areas. We would like to further experiment with building union organisation and coverage, especially in the local hospitality industry. Thirdly, in 2019 there will be local government elections. These bodies have a direct impact on Union Members in a number of sectors. Specifically it is worth noting that the current direction of the Greater Wellington Regional Council has led to avoidable union disputes in Public Transport. A number of affiliate Unions have mentioned the possibility of being involved in a campaign in this area, and Unions Wellington could be a useful vehicle to coordinate this work. To do this effectively, this will mean developing the organisational strength and resources of Unions Wellington. Volunteers and supporters will always be the backbone of Unions Wellington, however, working towards having some paid organizing resource would allow this work to be taken to another level. There are many people who have offered to volunteer with UW who have never been followed up due to lack of organisational resources. UW will seek to work with the CTU and affiliates towards creating a sustainable organisational structure that can make the most out of these opportunities.

Special thanks to all those who have volunteered their time to make Unions Wellington successful in 2018. Thank You!



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