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Universidad Técnica de Ambato


Semestre: Sexto Septiembre 2019- febrero 2020 aaa aa



Septiembre 2019- febrero 2020

Contenido Universidad Técnica de Ambato................................................................................................. 3 Misión ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Visión .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Eduación........................................................................ 3 Misión ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Visión .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Perfil de Egreso ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.

Trabajo Colaborativo........................................................................................................... 7


Trabajo Práctico ................................................................................................................ 47


Trabajo Autónomo ............................................................................................................ 64


Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) ............................................................................... 70


Prácticas Preprofesionales ................................................................................................ 78


Reflexión ........................................................................................................................... 79


Autor: Karen Belén Herrera Cuzco


Universidad Técnica de Ambato Misión Formar profesionales líderes competentes, con visión humanista y pensamiento crítico a través de la Docencia, la Investigación y la Vinculación, que apliquen, promuevan y difundan el conocimiento respondiendo a las necesidades del país.

Visión La Universidad Técnica de Ambato por sus niveles de excelencia se constituirá como un centro de formación superior con liderazgo y proyección nacional e internacional.

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación Misión Formar profesionales íntegros de tercero y cuarto nivel en Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, con bases científicas y tecnológicas, para el desempeño competente en procesos educacionales y de desarrollo del ser humano, a través del ejercicio de la investigación y vinculación con la colectividad, que respondan a los requerimientos del entorno sociocultural.

Visión La Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación se constituirá en una institución de educación superior que garantiza la sustentabilidad y sostenibilidad en la formación de líderes profesionales, que transforman el contexto social en el área humanística y educativa del país, mediante la investigación científica y la práctica tecnológica, bajo principios éticos, políticos y culturales, que promuevan la calidad de vida y bienestar de los ecuatorianos. Aaaaa

Autor: Karen Belén Herrera Cuzco


Sílabo https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/pluginfile.php/230386/mod_resource/content /3/6to_Silabo_%20Ingles%20Intermedio%20II%20ok.pdf

Programa Analítico https://humanaseducaciononline.uta.edu.ec/pluginfile.php/230387/mod_resource/content /3/6to_PlanAlitico%20_%20Ingles%20Intermedio%20II%20ok.pdf

Guías PAE No Aplica



Perfil de Egreso •

La administración y operación de empresas turísticas y hoteleras orientadas a la alta

calidad; para la realización de diagnósticos, planificación y coordinación de actividades turísticas. •

El impulsó del desarrolló de la actividad en relación con el entornó relacionado con

un turismo ambientalmente sustentable que tienda a proteger y mejorar los recursos y las oportunidades futuras de usó de los mismos. •

El desarrollo de nuevos productos turísticos temáticos e innovadores, la

implementación de programas de calidad en empresas y destinos turísticos. •

A su vez, está formado para desempeñarse en la actividad académica dónde podrá

investigar, ejecutar y evaluar propuestas y proyectos en el a rea de su competencia, ejercer la docencia y desempeñarse en los ámbitos de la gestión educativa. •

En líneas generales, poseerá una sólida formación y tendrá conocimientos sobre: Las

teorías y principios de la organización y administración de empresas aplicados al sector del hotelería, el turismo, y actividades afines a los servicios de hospitalidad orientadas a la alta calidad. •

Las teorías y avances en las disciplinas aplicables a los procesos y formas

organizativas del servició del hotelería, el turismo y la hospitalidad en general (rediseño de procesos, calidad total, cultura organizacional, liderazgo y gerencia) •

Elementos metodológicos sobre el desarrollo de la aplicación de herramientas en

planificación y dirección estratégica. •

Elementos para definir políticas de comercialización eficientes.

Metodología para el análisis y formulación de proyectos de inversión en la actividad.

El desarrollo de ideas y la creación de emprendimientos turísticos y hoteleros.

La gestión de las nuevas tecnologías y su impactó en la estructura en el hotelería, el

turismo y la hospitalidad en general. •

Los principios y metodología de la investigación aplicada a la disciplina.



Las principales características del espacio territorial y su inclusión en los circuitos

turísticos. A más de las competencias mencionadas es importante diferenciar entre el sector turístico del hotelero para lo cual se describen las competencias por especialidades, es importante destacar que el egresado estará en capacidad de desempeñarse en cualquiera de las dos disciplinas.

ÁREA DE TURISMO            

Gestionar las áreas funcionales de una empresa turística con base en sus competencias profesionales. Elaborar paquetes turísticos sobre la base de conocimientos del tráfico aéreo, contabilidad y técnicas de guianza. Desarrollar destrezas creativas, innovadoras y de liderazgo para promover paquetes turísticos nacionales. Conocer el manejo administrativo y operacional de las diferentes áreas de las agencias de viajes, operadoras, aeropuertos y aerolíneas. Estar en capacidad de administrar su propia micro empresa turística. Organizar, coordinar y operar las actividades relacionadas con el turismo de aventura y turismo ecológico. Aplicar técnicas de guianza de acuerdo con las diferentes necesidades del cliente. Garantizar la protección y conservación del medio ambiente. Dominar el conocimiento de la ecología y áreas naturales del Ecuador. Cuidar la integridad física y salud de los turistas a su cargo. Crear y mantener ambientes de confianza, amistad y amabilidad hacia los clientes. Dominar de forma eficiente el idioma extranjero para una mejor comunicación con el turista.


Gestionar las áreas funcionales de una empresa hotelera. Conocer los procesos de planificación, organización, dirección y control administrativo de los diferentes establecimientos de alojamiento. Desempeñarse en los niveles operacionales y de coordinación de acuerdo a la orientación de los niveles medios y las políticas empresariales. Conocer los procedimientos adecuados para una correcta aplicación de la auditoría hotelera. Dominar las técnicas de costeo y presupuesto inherentes a la administración hotelera.



1. Trabajo Colaborativo PRIMER PARCIAL LEARNING OUTCOME 1: “Jobs in a hotel” 01/10/2019
















LEARNING OUTCOME 2: “A travel agency and hotel accommodation” 22/10/219

https://issuu.com/liviapomaangie/docs/magazine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGZaBKdDXW4&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR134z9jc HBeOL6Jt7E_0u7GzbmWzYG4j3CscskTxZ5DtaDWauNZel1YbEg





A travel agency and hotel accommodation 1. Travel agency It is a company associated with tourism, whose trade is the intermediation, organization and implementation of projects, plans and itineraries, development and sale of tourism products among its customers and travel providers, such as transporters (controls, cruises), accommodation service (hotels), with the aim of making tourism goods and services available to those who wish and can use them. The British company Cox & Kings, created in 1859, is the oldest travel agency in the world and Thomas Cook one of its most notable pioneers, for its planning since 1841 of group religious excursions. In any case, travel agencies developed especially from the twenties, with the development of commercial aviation. (Cook, 2016) 2. 6 Most Important Functions of Modern Travel Agency

The functions of a modern travel agency have widened much after the introduction of air travel. The most important functions of a travel agency are described below: 1) Travel Information: A retail travel agency provides necessary travel information to the general public. The intending tourists come to the office of the travel agent and seek information regarding their proposed visit. ADVERTISEMENTS: The travel agent should be a very knowledgeable man and should supply up to date and concrete information relating to travel. He must have great communication skill and he should be thorough in the art of catching the potential customers. The knowledge of foreign language is a desirable qualification for those working in a travel agency.



2) Preparation of Itineraries: A tourist journey involves preparation of different types of itineraries. There are different means of transport with their respective advantages and disadvantages. A travel agent advises the potential tourist to choose the most convenient course. 3) Liaison with Providers of Service: A travel agent should maintain constant contact with the providers of various services like the transport companies, hotel managers and providers of surface transport like motor cars from airport to hotel and for sightseeing etc. ADVERTISEMENTS: Planning and Costing Tours: The contracts and arrangements having been entered into, there comes the task of planning and costing tours, both for inclusive programmes and to meet individual requirements. This job is intensely interesting and at the same time challenging. This job calls for a great deal of initiative and drive. The job calls for travel to those places which are to be included in the itineraries. This is essentially a job for a meticulously minded person and calls for considerable training and ability. Many agencies with the cooperation of airlines and other transportation companies take the opportunity of arranging educational tours for such staff to countries with which they deal.

ADVERTISEMENTS: Many agencies have people who are authorities on particular countries and, in addition to a general programme, many will issue separate programmes dealing with territories. Separate programmes dealing with holiday offers based on specific forms of transportation, e.g., air, rail, road or sea, may also be prepared. Programmes also have to be issued to cover different seasons of the year.



Publicity is an important part of the programme. Having spent considerable time and money on preparing all that goes into the issue of a programme, publicity must feature considerably in the activities of a travel agency and more so if the agency happens to be a large one. The majority of large travel agencies have their own publicity departments under the management of a publicity expert. 4) Ticketing: Selling tickets to tourists for different modes of transport like air, rail and sea is a very important function of a travel agent. Ticketing is not an easy job as the range of international air fares is very complex. Computerised Reservation System (CRS) has revolutionised the reservation system both for air and train tickets and also a room in a hotel. 5) Provision of Foreign Currencies: Provision of foreign currency to an intending foreign tourist is an important function of a travel agent. The Government of India allows an Indian traveller going abroad 10,000 US The travel agent will arrange for the purchase of foreign exchange on behalf of his intending travellers. This facility will save a lot of time and harassment for the intending tourists. 6) Insurance: Insurance for personal accident risks and risk for loss of baggage is an important function of a travel agent. The idea of buying a package of travel, accommodation and perhaps some ancillary services such as entertainment became established in Western Europe in the 1960s. By 1970, tour operation had become a full-fledged part of tourism. Its growth was spectacular. It succeeded in reducing the real price of travel abroad, in doing this; it brought holidays abroad to a segment of the market not reached by conventional methods of taking a holiday. Today in most countries which are generators of tourism, tour operation is the dominating feature of the holiday market. An inclusive tour is a package of transport and accommodation and perhaps some other services which are sold as a single holiday for a single all-inclusive price. The popular term,



‘package holiday’ describes the nature of a tour more accurately than the term ‘inclusive tour’. The original demand for inclusive arrangements came from the convenience of buying a single travel product. (essays, 2017)

It is interesting what many people think about travel agents and their functions, that if they are not so important when we are going to make a trip, that if the internet now provides you with the same as them, etc, etc ... That is why we have decided to make this article where we want to emphasize the functions of travel agents and because they are truly useful. It is true that now we can do everything ourselves like looking for a hotel or a ticket to travel, it is also true that we have no idea what it is to plan a vacation. That is the truth, and it is that the main function of a travel agent among other things is to help you plan a vacation or a business trip, what you need, how you need it and when you need it. So based on this we say that it is always useful to have a travel agent. A travel agent always looks for the best alternatives so that the clients can have the best vacations, it is much more than taking care of booking the tickets, but advising their clients on the best options, prices and tourist visits that are in the place where You want to go so that your stay is the best possible. (soluciones, 2016) 3. Functions of a travel agent  They advise you about fate  They hire transport services.  They reserve your accommodation.  Buy tickets to shows or any other type of event  Prepare the necessary documentation for the client  They plan individual or group trips  They prepare combined trips and coordinate services  They inform you about schedules and connections on all transports. (Jennifer, 2015)



4. Types A travel agency can be consolidated as a single operations center or, on the contrary, as a chain of premises spread over a given area. When it comes to the exclusivity of what is offered, travel agencies are divided into two large groups: on the one hand, there are those large agencies that, acting almost as authentic suppliers, offer services and products that, although conditioned by themselves, are of a very general nature and little adapted to particular preferences; On the other hand, there are smaller travel agencies that, even having less control over the service offered, have the possibility to adapt much more to the conditions of each client. There are two different types of travel agencies: a) According to its operational nature and point of view: Commercial: 

Tour Operators: those that organize the trips by contracting directly with the service providers.

Wholesalers or Wholesaler: those who develop projects, offer and distribute tourism products and services through retail agencies. Normally they do not contract with the end customer. They usually make reservations to meet the demands of retailers, wholesalers earn a commission on retail sales.

Retailers, retailers or retailers: those that sell directly to the consumer, services and products organized by other agencies or themselves.

Mixed or Organization and provision of services: it has the capacity to prepare and organize trips and services for clients and agents.

Geographical: 

International: it has worldwide coverage.

National: has coverage within a country.

Local: It has coverage in a locality or city and its surroundings.



Tourist Operation:

Agency for tourism or export tourism: serves the supply and demand of tourism abroad.

Receptive tourism agency: attends within the country tourist flows from abroad.

Internal tourism agency: serves the internal movement of tourism in a country. (viajes, 2018)

The hotel staff and their different functions In order for a hotel to function properly and to offer a quality service, it is essential that it has a suitable and competent staff. That is why we will now describe how the hotel staff is made up and certain are their authorities. 

General Manager: is the person responsible for the general operation of the hotel and the quality of the service that is located to the guests. Through his management tasks, he always seeks full customer satisfaction. In addition, it is responsible for evaluating the management carried out by the managers of the other work units and which are under its dependence. That is why its main task is to direct employees and establish the guidelines to be followed in other areas such as accommodation, security, food, etc.

Receptionist: is the person responsible for taking reservations made through telephone calls, keeping track of customer entries and exits and attending all kinds of inquiries. The receptionist, as in any other type of company, is usually the visible face, therefore it is important to always maintain a neat and neat image, good manners and a smile. In addition, the receptionist must have certain communication skills that specify not only a good relationship with guests and potential customers, but also lives up to possible complaints and claims.

Cleaning staff: it is composed of people who are responsible for maintaining the hygiene of the rooms. The cleaning staff usually removes and changes the linen from the beds and cleans the hotel room before a new guest arrives or in the requested cases. In some hotels, they also take care of the laundry service, which implies washing, drying and ironing the linen.



Buttons: is the person in charge of receiving guests, assisting them in their luggage and guiding them to their room. As the contact of the button with the clients is continuous, it is important that the staff that develops this task is someone helpful, friendly and cordial.

What other people work in a hotel?

In addition to the staff just named, the hotels also have people dedicated to security, cooking, garden maintenance and much more. If you would like to learn more about the hotel activity, we invite you to take the Assistant course in hotel and distance tourism. Our study modality is 100% online, which allows you to study in your free time, without interfering with your daily activities and obligations. (fude, 2018) What are the functions of a hotel receptionist? The receptionist is the public image of the hotel. The identity of the company is reflected in him or her, so you must work to offer the best possible experience to guests. The 10 main functions of a hotel receptionist are: 

Customer reception

The receptionists are responsible for receiving and welcoming guests upon arrival. Its mission is to welcome customers and offer them the first point of contact with the hotel. 


Before offering them the keys or card of their room, the receptionists check the identity of the guests. In this way, they ask for the necessary documentation and register them in the establishment's database. 

Information about the hotel

The receptionists act as a point of reference for guests throughout their stay. Thus, they are responsible for providing all the information about the hotel, its facilities and its services.



Customer service

Receptionists must meet customer requests, such as extra beds or special meals, among others. They should also take care of the calls and mails received by the hotel, and even corporate social networks. 

Reservations and cancellations

Another task is the management of reservations and cancellations. They must carry out different administrative tasks, such as the registration and anticipation of arrival of guests or available rooms, among others. 

Conflict resolution

In the same way, they should be able to resolve requests, questions or complaints quickly and effectively. Receptionists must be in possession of a claim book if the client requests it. 

Tourist information

Receptionists should be able to offer tourist information about the points of interest of their locality and surroundings, excursions, restaurants, activities with children, available means of transport, etc. 

Surveillance and access

Depending on the size of the hotel, the receptionist may have control over the hotel surveillance. That is, it is in charge of having control over the people entering and leaving the hotel, as well as monitoring the surveillance screens. 

A plus for guests

If someone at the hotel can offer a bonus to guests, this will be the receptionist. Your recommendations and opinions will be an added value very grateful for the client. In addition,



they can also offer complementary services such as private transport reservations or special rates at specific locations. 

Check-out and expense control

As a last step, the receptionist prepares the customer's invoice which includes the additional expenses that the guest has made during their stay: additional services, calls, minibar, etc. (turiconsejos, 2016) How should a hotel receptionist be? 

Specific training in hospitality

Vocation of service to meet the needs of customers

Ability to make decisions and resolve conflicts

Communication skills, both verbal and written

Motivated and proactive, to offer the best service

Local language proficiency and at least one foreign language

Work management capacity, prioritizing different tasks

Computer skills, especially the office package and billing programs

Careful appearance, without excess makeup or with a careless beard

Confidentiality and discretion, to maintain a good brand image (tj, 2018)

Common jobs in a hotel and their functions 1- General Manager / Hotel Director It is the position of greatest responsibility: 

It is responsible for the administration, control and development of the hotel verifying that all other departmental areas are functioning in the best possible way.

Define company policies and objectives that must be met.

Verify that each department is meeting the objectives set, providing excellent quality of service.



Manage the management of human resources, marketing, security, quality and coordination all aspects necessary for the proper functioning of the hotel.

2- Sales Manager In addition to complementing the other main departments, its main function is to sell and advertise: 

Find customers

Present to the company.

Offer the services.

Close deals with customers.

Develop advertising strategies.

Promote hotel services.

Search potential clients.

Report sales results to the accounting and finance department.

Sales assistant The main objective of this position is to support the work of its superior, the boss and / or sales manager, control, classify and order the sales made, in addition to collecting invoices to take due process in the administrative order. The department of rooms is the one that will be in charge of the capture of the requests of reservations and the attention to the client with this purpose, besides controlling the checks and payments of the same. You should also supervise that the rooms are clean, working in close coordination with the receptionists and housekeepers. They have the task of determining the availability of rooms and taking and confirming reservations. The supervisor or reservation manager is responsible for directing the good performance of the department and the reservation agents perform the functions of attending the reservations by all the different means that arrive (media, group reservations, online, tours, operators, etc.), manage the money coming from the corresponding deposits and guarantee the specific reservations. (lifeder, 2017)



Sales executive It is one of the most important jobs because it is in charge of a portfolio of vendors who must tell them what to do. He is responsible for what each of his employees do, he must know the movement of all the accounts and if he gets to present any inconvenience with them he must take responsibility for this. You must provide a detailed index of the account statements, have initiative to get important accounts for your company. On them depends the success or failure of the company, it is a very complex position that requires an extreme level of commitment and responsibility. Service Manager It is responsible for overseeing the service department: 

Control the costs.

Get a loyal clientele.

Promote good relations between employees.

Solve the doubts and concerns of services of all customers.

Meet the sales objectives.

Set an example by performing ethical standards.

Ensure that a high level of quality is being offered and that the business is being profitable.

Administration and finance

It is an important position because he is in charge of the control of administrative matters, he must agree with the Director General how the matters will be distributed and inform him about the different stages and events related to them. You must manage the financial resources, budgets, expenses, expenses and investments in conjunction with the Directorates and Units of the company. Supervises the management of financial resources, coordinates trusts regulated by the government, supervises processes related to personnel administration. Regulates and maintains the supply and acquisition of material resources, assets and general services of the corporation. (motel, 2013)



Business strategies

As the name says, it is responsible for creating strategies and plans to enter new markets and strengthen the strengths of the company, as well as improve the experience and knowledge of each member of the association or organization. Its main function is focused on direct responsibility for the company's sales activities, marketing, promotion and distribution management, planning sales, organizing the different distributions. Assign objectives to meet with respect to sales according to products and areas, create strategic plans to improve the success of the company, study customers and locations that may be more appropriate to promote. (hotel, 2018) REFERENCES: Cook, T. (15 de 11 de 2016). Obtenido de https://franciscojaviertostado.com/2016/07/04/thomas-cooky-el-origen-de-las-agencias-de-viaje/ essays, S. y. (05 de 2017). Obtenido de http://www.shareyouressays.com/knowledge/6-mostimportant-functions-of-modern-travel-agency/111155 Freire, C. (2018). Obtenido de http://www.hayawaska.com/ayahuasca-ritual/comida-tipica/ fude. (2018). Obtenido de https://www.educativo.net/articulos/el-personal-del-hotel-y-sus-diferentesfunciones-448.html hotel, l. (2018). Obtenido de https://www.lifeder.com/organigrama-hotel/ Jennifer, A. d. (22 de julio de 2015). Obtenido de https://www.abaco.com.es/funciones-de-un-agentede-viajes/ lifeder. (2017). Obtenido de https://www.lifeder.com/organigrama-hotel/ motel, B. (2013). Obtenido de https://es.slideshare.net/madferblur/funciones-de-un-hotel soluciones, A. (2016). Obtenido de http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/empleo/recursos/material_didactico/especialidades/materialdi dactico_empleado_agencia_viajes/pdf/modulo01.pdf tj. (30 de agosto de 2018). Obtenido de https://www.turijobs.com/blog/trabajar-recepcionista-hotel/ turiconsejos. (2016). Obtenido de https://www.turijobs.com/blog/trabajar-recepcionista-hotel/

viajes, O. d. (2018). Obtenido de https://franciscojaviertostado.com/2016/07/04/thomas-cooky-el-origen-de-las-agencias-de-viaje/








Tourist Attractions Montalvo Park According (Salazar, 2017), The Montalvo Park is the most representative park of Ambato, it is located in the heart of the city, in front of the Cathedral and the House of Montalvo, in BolĂ­var and Montalvo street. Influenced by Spanish architecture, built since 1905 on the site of the Plaza Matriz thanks to the government of Eloy Alfaro, being completed and inaugurated in 1911. In the central part of the park stands the monument to Don Juan Montalvo made in bronze and the effigy of Apollo Musageta playing the lyre, made in Carrara marble, both figures were made in Italy. The monument represents Montalvo with his pen, which makes a mention of his job so well accomplished that what he is in one of the best Ecuadorian and Latin American writers, which is why he deserves the epithet of El Cervantes de AmĂŠrica.

The Portal House

According to (Lonely Planet , 2015) This majestic home was built in 1900 and now houses Ambato's best museum. There are tons of interesting historic photos on the 1st floor. Head up to the 2nd floor and you will find six galleries featuring both original artwork from local painters like Oswaldo Viteri and reproductions of Ecuadorian masterworks. The museum house is located in the streets Sucre between Castillo and Montalvo has a large central courtyard and stone floor where they usually hold exhibitions, especially at the parties of Ambato, one of the most recognized is organized by the Provincial Government where Extraordinary floral designs are shown, which are attended by thousands of National and foreign visitors.



(LONEY, P. (2015). MUSEO PROVINCIAL CASA DEL PORTAL [foto] Recuperado de: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/ecuador/ambato/attractions/museo-provincial-casa-delportal/a/poi-sig/1502451/363339

The House and Mausoleum of Juan Montalvo According (Rosero, 2016)The House and Mausoleum of Juan Montalvo is located in the city of Ambato, is one of the main tourist attractions of the city and heritage of Ecuador, because here is born the greatest Latin American writer of the nineteenth century. The museum opens its doors in 1988 as a public institution with the objective of spreading and promoting the life and work of Juan Montalvo. Inside you can find a mausoleum that resembles a Greek altar, where the remains of the illustrious writer rest

La Catedral Church, Ambato

According (Viajes, 2017),Ambato Cathedral is one of the most visited places. This modern building stands out in the architectural passage of the city because of its precious proportions; It is the most important church of Catholics. The Cathedral is seen from all corners of the city



due to its imposing dome, it was built to replace the Main Church of Ambato that was seriously affected by the 1949 earthquake.

The Cathedral is a historic site of the Ambateños, in the past there was an earthquake for that reason the church was rebuilt, remaining as a tourist and historical symbol of the city. House museum of Edmundo Martínez

The museum has four rooms for exhibitions, an office and a backyard and an additional room, in addition to having a complete pictorial collection of 140 paintings, oil paintings and canvases; One of the elements that attracts the most attention is that of a polychrome bull. (El telegrafo , 2014) The Edmundo Martínez Mera museum exposes the paintings of the winning artists of the pictorial contest that takes place every year during the city festivals,called living room Luis A. Martínez.














Bolivar Educational Unit Museum

The Bolivar Educational Unit museum is one of the most visited sites in the center of Ambato. It is located on Sucre Street, between Lalama and Mera. It has 11 rooms in which 7,167 objects related to numismatics (coins and bills), photography, zoology, botany, petrography (rocks and minerals), ethnography (costumes), archeology and human anatomy are exhibited. This exhibitor began operating in 1920 with a zoology collection that was acquired by the rector of that time, Víctor Manuel Garcés. In the following decades, other items were purchased or donations received from the 4 regions of Ecuador. At present, 1,304 naturalized birds, 288 mammals, 41 species of amphibious reptiles are registered. Also, 564 species of crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderms (marine invertebrates). In addition, 161 reptiles preserved in jars, 41 natural phenomena, 1,855 insects in boxes, 766 archaeological pieces, 124 ethnography, 229 petrography and others. During the Majorcan festival, more than 6 thousand people come to visit in 5 days. (PLANET, 2018)

(El Telegrafo. (2016). Museo de la unidad educativa Bolívar It is a busy site, recovered from: (UNTUÑA, 2016)



Quinta of Juan León Mera, Ambato

According (Ecotravels, 2016),The Quinta de Juan León Mera dates from 1874, houses the life and death of the author of the lyrics of the National Anthem of Ecuador. The fifth combines Ecuadorian art and culture, with an extraordinary natural wealth that makes it an icon of the country's nationality. It is listed as National Historical Heritage, since it has a wonderful botanical environment with 250 plant species between native and introduced, and also has 7 endemic species that are unique in America. This quinta is one of the oldest and most representative of the city of Ambato in which he lived, one of the great that has left a great history of the country and until these times it is remembered and preserved.

Botanical Garden Atocha la Liria

Its creation was promoted by Dr. Nicolás Martínez Vásconez, who acquires the lands of Quinta la Liria in the year 1849, is made up of 14 hectares. In this place we can observe botanical species that are part of Ambato's forest heritage such as the first eucalyptus, from Australia and which were acquired in the government of Gabriel García Moreno in the 19th century. This place includes the Quinta de Atocha that was owned by Juan León Mera, where this Ecuadorian poet lived, also recognized for being the writer of the lyrics of the National Anthem of Ecuador. In addition, you can visit the Quinta La Liria where the writer of the novel A La Costa, Luis A. Martínez, considered the fourth Juan de Ambato lived to be named after Juan Bautista Luis Alfredo Martínez-Holguín (ViajandoX, 2014)



Referencias ECO. (s.f.). Obtenido de https://www.ecostravel.com/ecuador/ciudades-destinos/casa-juanmontalvo-ambato.php Ecotravels. (marzo de 2016). Obtenido de https://www.ecostravel.com/ecuador/ciudadesdestinos/quinta-juanleonmera-ambato.php EGUER, M. (2017). Obtenido de EL COMERCIO: https://www.elcomercio.com/tendencia/construir/casa-de-edmundo-martinez-se.html. El telegrafo . (2014). Obtenido de https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/regional/1/un-toromulticolor-atrae-cada-semana-a-300-turistas-al-museo-luis-edmundo-martinez Lonely Planet . (2015). Obtenido de https://www.lonelyplanet.com/ecuador/ambato/attractions/museo-provincial-casa-delportal/a/poi-sig/1502451/363339 PEĂ‘A, L. (2016). VIAJANDOX. Obtenido de https://ec.viajandox.com/ambato/la-catedralA601 PLANET, L. (2018). LONELYPLANET. Obtenido de https://www.lonelyplanet.com/ecuador/ambato/attractions/museo-de-cienciasnaturales/a/poi-sig/1169382/363339 PONCE, J. (2017). PORCONOCER . Obtenido de https://www.porconocer.com/ecuador/casa-del-portal-de-ambato.html



PROVINCIAL, G. (07 de Noviembre de 2017). Obtenido de https://tungurahua.gob.ec/index.php/informativo-hgpt/principales/2481-museoprovincial-casa-el-portal Rosero, P. (2016). ECOSTRAVEL. Obtenido de https://www.ecostravel.com/ecuador/ciudades-destinos/casa-juan-montalvoambato.php Salazar, J. (2017). Pocket Bloggers. Obtenido de https://pocketbloggers.com/el-parquemontalvo-en-ambato/ UNTUĂ‘A, S. (20 de FEBRERO de 2016). EL TELEGRAFO . Obtenido de https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/regional/1/unidadeducativabolivar-museo ViajandoX. (2014). Viajando X. Obtenido de https://ec.viajandox.com/ambato/jardinbotanico-atocha-liria-A712 Viajes. (Enero de 2017). Obtenido de https://ec.viajandox.com/ambato/la-catedral-A601











“LEARNING OUTCOME 4” 27/11/2019



Research 4 Catota Jessica, Herrera BelĂŠn, Liviapoma Angie, Vega Viviama Tourism and Hospitality Major -Fifth Semester Technical University of Ambato

Ambato- Ecuador Ciudadela Nueva Ambato Rio Payamino y Rio Talantag



Jessicatota22@gmail.com Alba Hernadez,Lic.Mg.

SPECIAL FOOD AND FLAVORS IN ECUADOR Ecuadorian cuisine has been enriched with multiculturalism, the diversity of climates, as well as the variety of spices and products that exist in the country. In this paper we talk about the 3 meals during the day of the Sierra region, and the typical drink, details about the main dishes of the Coast such as seafood, cocktails, which is prepared in that region, to end the gastronomic tour we We headed to the Ecuadorian Amazon where the most exotic food of the country is found with its traditional dishes and its respective drink, the payment methods that are made in the different places are remembered. Within the country, gastronomy is known as “Criolla food�. Shortly we talk about the main dishes of the 3 regions Sierra, Costa, Amazonia.

First people for the Sierra Region eat 3 meals per day. Urquizo(2015) mentions that in Andes of Ecuador corn and potatoes are traditional for the preparation of food. In addition to these, in the Sierra reagion, several grains are used for the preparation of typical dishes. In our case we eat like this during breakfast, milk with chocolate, a delicious wood bread with a fresh cheese, eggs specialy scrambles eggs with differente aditions for example ham and a glass juice with a typical fruit in this region. Then in lunch divides in tree dishes soup, meal dish, juice and dessert. The dinner or snack, which people prepare in their own homes is lighter than lunch can be a single dish such as soup or rice with the accompanied or in turn a



cup of tea with a bread, also as recognized drink of the Sierra la Chicha drink derived mainly from the non-distilled fermentation of corn and other cereals originating in America.

Second in coast region people love to have a big breakfast in difference to sierra region to have a normal breakfast with other products totally several. Oviedo (2015) argues that gastronomy in the pacific coast of Ecuador is heavily seafood-based and green banana. Its close proximity to the ocean, as well as the delicious crustaceans that live in the sea, Shrimp is popular in the area and is often made into soups and stews like al ajillo, ceviche and biche. In addition to delicious seafood dishes, foods like fried plantains, rice and coconut milk are everyday staples in The Pacific Coast. For example in breakfast the people eat bolon, with a cup of coffee or other option is a chupe of fish with a glass of orange juice. With lunch people like to eat ceviche, bollo, or green bananas cake. In dinner they enjoy to eat the same food to the lunch.

Third Amazon region of Ecuador has an especially unique gastronomic culture. There are foods available in the amazons that are either unavailable in other locations or simply much better. Ortiz (2016) states that the food in this region is stewed guanta. Guanta is a large rodent found in the region and it is served in a stew with beef, banana, garlic and rice or potatoes. Chontacurro, a dish made with the curro worm, is also a favorite in The Amazon region. This worm is served with rice and banana and is sometimes eaten alive. Other meats eaten in the area are turtle, monkey, and snakes. Vargas (2015) argues that aside from the exotic meats, the unique gastronomy in Ecuador’s Amazon region includes a plethora of



unique fruits. Arazá, cocona, borojo and chonta are just a few of the kinds of exotic, juicy and absolutely delicious fruits that make up part of the gastronomy in Ecuador.

In the different 3 regions the forms of payment that can be made can be with cash or credit target depending on the place, it is essential to take into account these forms of payment because not all places work with the same rules.

In conclusion, the gastronomic richness of Ecuador is due to the great variety of culture, customs and traditions of which we Ecuadorians are part, within each of the regions there is a great variety of typical foods and drinks that differentiates them from the rest, by This is why our country is rich because of its multinationals.

References Ortiz. (2016). Gastronomía Amazónica. Obtained from https://sites.google.com/site/laamazoniaecuatoriana/gastronomi Oviedo. (2017). TURISMO GASTRONÓMICO La gastronomía tradicional . Redalyc. Urquizo. (2015). La cocina tradicional regional como un elemento de identidad y desarrollo local. Scielo. Vargas. (2015). Gastrononia de la regian Costa. Ontained from https://geparra.wordpress.com/p2/



“VIDEO + SLIDESHARE” 29/11/2019

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeHrFZq6TsM&feature=youtu.be https://www.slideshare.net/AngieLiviapoma16/special-food-and-flavors-in-ecuador











“WORK SHOP” 11/10/2019





















“JOURNAL WEEK 2” 22/10/2019






“ORAL LESSON UNIT 3”. 05/11/2019





“JOURNAL WEEK 3-4”. 05/11/2019



3. Trabajo Autónomo PRIMER PARCIAL ORAL PRESENTATION: “Why do people travel?” 24/09/2019



“DRAWING AIRPORT” 21/10/2019












4. Componente Teórico PRIMER PARCIAL “GROUP EVALUATION” 23/09/2019



“UNIT 1 TEST” 22/10/2019





PARTIAL EXAM 1. 18/11/2019











5. Proyecto Integrador de Saberes (PIS) No Aplica



6. Prรกcticas Preprofesionales No Aplica



7. Reflexiรณn Throughout this semester I have been able to improve my learning with the language going through obstacles and bad experiences that I thought would lead me to failure, well now I give everything of my And I love learning much more of this great language In a general field, the subject of English is a very important tool nowadays, because it allows us to communicate nationally and internationally, enriches as a person acquiring another language, it opens doors to you both work and academically and by learning a new language you learn part of his linguistic history Academically the English teacher follows the taught syllabus classes are dynamic, usually using traditional materials as well as technology.


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