Belarus (magazine#4 2021)

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Magazine for you

No. 4 (1051), 2021 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

On the way to happiness

Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the "голас радзімы" is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read ГАЗЕТА З БЕЛАРУСІ


Голас Радзімы чацвер, 25 сакавіка, 2021


ГОЛ АС Жыц ця дай ная сі ла па мя ці Ы РАД Жы М І вы ЗІМ яг ДЗ ал А і н Р Ы ы ВЫДАЕЦЦА З КРАСАВІКА 1955 ГОДА l

l № 3 (3639) l




Прыгажосць з нацыянальным адценнем

21 20 я, ен дз сту 26 к, ра ПАДЗЕЯ то аў ы зім ад с­р ла го


“Крымка” помніць пра Журыхі

Стар. 3





сень там — Зпе КР АС журавін! як АВ ІК ДА А 19Стар.8 НН 55 ГО Е “ ДА ●





ТА З БЕ Л АР С Па РА УС м ДЗ З ят пада Выступленне Прэ “Лам І СІ УД зідэнта Беларусі Аляксандра Лукашэнкі на рэспубліканскім мітынгу-рэквіеме н ІМ Т н У ы Y С а І Ы 26 .B памяці”, прымеркаваным да 78-й гадавіны Хатынскай трагедыі рк кры ”Ч АР A К, у А D Л Ы ц ж Z ў ОР ТА сеа­вай­і­ге­не­тыч­ Па­ва­жа­нАыя­су­ У­ гэ­ты­ па­мят­ны­ ве­чар­ на­пя­ Го зя кай ЎТ ай­чын­ IAні­кі!­Гос­ на­ец­ца:­з­ідэй­ра­ ● н БЕ у ла V Й н нра­ва­гі­ад­ных­ рэ­дад­ні­ чар­го­вай­ га­да­ві­ны­ Ха­ м Ак най,­лю­бой­ін­ ці­Бе­ла­ру­с●і! Z с­р ЦЕ № 2 (3 З Ста лі ы нешін­ай­пе­ Еты­ні­ і­ ты­сяч­ вё­ на­ро­даў­ хнад­ ад .8 т ч р 6 Тра­ г е­ д ыя­ Ха­ ш ы­ м і,­ з­ па­ д зе­ л у­ тын­ с кай­ тра­ г е­ д ыі­ я­ ха­ ц еў­ бы­ Л Ў р зім С т ы 3 а д ст .4 8) т п А кім­жа­лё­сам­—­ на­ вы­ а ІН віс ы ТА Нашэй­ сак­і­га­рР а­дТоў­з­та­ ТЭ ● спшых­ і­Сдру­га­рад­ных.­ звяр­нуц­ца­ да­ тых,­ хто­ свя­до­ма­ р а­са­в рад­в пя тніц ты А які­ не­ сці­хае­ ў­ сэр­цы­ Страш­на­тое,­што­гэ­тыя­тэ­о­рыі­і­ спра­буе­ад­ра­дзіць­сім­ва­лы­на­цыз­ слоа­ва­ная а­ная­ еч­ная гэ­та­Пболь,­ РН ЗЕ а, а хіль­ му.­Ня­хай­гэ­та­адзін­кі­(як­ка­жуць,­ хро­н ­ва­мі,­ ­ ў­ б да­ су­ тра­д 26 ­Нісва­іх­чпры­ б Э бе­ ла­ру­саў,­усіх­са­вец­кіх­лю­дзей.­ сён­ня­ зна­хо­дзяць­ А ГА д е Ц лю е м НСён­ня­ мы,­ прад­стаў­ні­кі­ роз­ных­ ні­каў­па­ўсім­све­ а ЕН тага ● е в інскукуй­­ны­ у­сям’і­не­без­вы­рад­ка),­але­та­кія,­на­гаож­на­а­вары­ен штоу­­ ду­чы­н­час­насы­цыя,­ н а р л а р Э­д нцае.­Але,­дзя­ ЦЕ па­ка­лен­няў,­рэ­лі­гій­ных­кан­фе­сій,­ Бо­гу,­фа­ш 7) ,2 р ­ А ­ ц ­ д 3 д ысц­ к ая­ідэа­ л о­ г ія­чу­ ж ая­ на­жаль,­ёсць­у­су­ ч ас­ н ай­Бе­ л а­ р у­ с і. ю Э Д ы ц ­ н ­В ў і, а­ я 6 д ў М а­ро ­га­ 02 і­р р .­ ­з ы од уск ­ ПА ­пш 1 Іва алё рбе­ола­рцу­асаў,­ 1 (3 бо .­ Бо е­ча­ў на­чы ы­ ў­ ас­ста Гэт скі­ РН ана­ Я­звяр­та­ю­ся­да­ўсіх,­хто­ўпэў­ фі­ла­соф­скіх­і­па­ лі­тыч­ных­по­гля­ для­ ых­ чыя­ н­те­ а а — н ● і­ нге­ Н ­кі­ ­як ­ж ць­ пл ў­л ­кі­м Э і Р № к ю к і Н х ­ та н П ы с­ ­ лным­ не­ Т ТА ы,­што­фа­шызм­“нёс­на­на­­гшо у­ —­ ­ін ыц­ц ме ы­н я­ю і­ даў,­са­бяра­ ● цлі­сся­ра­ а М і бе Я кі зам,­каб­уша­на­ тыч­ная­па­мяць­ста­ ­рупраўд­ схо н 2 м с суп і рэц ле­на­са­ ІН га­л ,­ ш эв акш і­Б с­ца­ і­ Ч ць­ лі­атэ­т1ам. –1 ЛЕ ТНІЦ ыя ы цц лю­ цы­ві­лі­за­цыю”;­ хто­ р зям­ ге­орўа­ то а­лю ­а ац Н а­су ваць­ль па­мяць­ бяз­в”ін­ных­ і­ аба­ра­ на­цы­я­наль­ няым­іму­ Ў б н ін е б 1 н а д е­ з ­ і л у­ ааб­штой­ вай­не.­ Гэ­та­ хо ол ле г ж а іх о ай ц­на­ай ­ эк ­цы кр ь­каў а­ро ,­ ZV А, 2 Та праў­ Уся­цйі­шмат­бо­ У­гэ­тай­па­м за­бой­цаў;­ хто­ па­кла­ ніць­ эс ­дзе у­с алрю­і­ ў і­зуе­ дзёня­е­ ц­ ЦЕ с­п д жа па дм па­ ­ Упраў­ д 6Л а о е­ла­р кія н цыя а. Н раду, і р.5гэ­та­ па­мяць­ па­кут,­ у­ ёй­VІ­тра­ ер­т й­ны ­ліць­ ­шчы ­ у Й IA д н С р а з гр к л зе ­ г іч­ н ы­ гіс­ т а­ р ыч­ БЧБ­сця­ г ам,­ пад­ які­ м і­ чы­ н іў­ с я­ д а­ жорст­ к ая,­ в К ы т п т ір !­ к Ю а­век ы­ е, ар ­Б рус ад ст і У ні , “ к ­яй а­м ы­ ZD С — глы ­ д­ ТА ТА за р гадая­ ік ге­наў амро­ .6 ла тДру­ ­з фо ­ п ад на­ ­ ­ а­цыд­бе­ да.­Мы­ цяж­кая.­ Уду­май­це­ся:­ аку­пан­ты­ ны­ во­пыт.­о Гэ­ті­ца­ы факт.­ аў ла­рус­ка­га­на­ ГО


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навуоды 9як­ С м ск як­смі­ 96 аб жыць,­ е ні­ымум­ ­лане­ама­ а­м у­ якім­олра­ ОД ьшзам­ злі­лі­ся­ дзі­ця­чыя­ юць­аб­тым,­які­ня­ўстой­лі­вы­свет,­ ­стаюць­ 1 Г А ы е у р ­ й яч ь сх ы з на­ ­ рын­скі­ плач­ і­ гор­кі­ якое­каш­тоў­нае­ча­ла­ве­чае­жыц­цё­ 5 ус аб­ амаж ­ вам,­ Л ар вынрва.­ кі,­ ма­ця­ ­ц і­ракры­ 95 ­ка л­еуд­ елта­ьпра­ на ебгэ­ оадгр ВУсім­ ­дз дзе дзяц аюч віц­на­ ра­ ГО й­с е­бы баць­ ­т ц і­Пмак А1 і­ с ы і­як­лёг­ка­ўсё­гэ­та­стра­ціць.­І­па­ к аў­ с кі­ сму­ т ак­ міль­ ё н ­ аў­ бе­ ным­і­адур­ н е­ н ым,­га­ в а­ р у:­“Ідзі­ аз у о м “ а ы н У уд ні ­т р хга , х чы ет за ь ы­ м’і цла­ ­зда­тчынь,­ ­ ­ўва Бор­кяі,­ Нсааў,­ якія­ зве­да­лі­ куль­ гу­чыць­ гэ­ты­ звон,­ Бе­ла­русь­ б дзі!”­ ВІК НЕ р агаы­вў­ ла­ру­ яр па Сёл нікаў оі­дугля­ ” ­чрау­ ­ з­ 025іс­тХа­ V сст‑аў.­ Бе­ жэн ічынІдзі­ тэ СА ітыпроая­ш ­жы Н ь сх Алу,­ Ус але­ не­ па­ сн го ця­ па­ку­тІы,­ ла азг м 1у,­ –2рУса­ алкыі­на,­ н Шу­нёў­ РА па­мя­тае. ц ку,­ не­ча­ла­ве­чыя­ та кс­це­ еб зел па аДаль­ нп 0а­д2ва­ ем а­опз­ныгул­бье­плра­оа­­ных ь,­ ш н рык.­Ё Пя я ДА ЗК ўд днага ыяАза­эк 2­крда­ ла Мы­ скме­ ­ ма­ры­я­лаў­ яд к­са­м апош Нам­ ні­ко­лі­ не­ за­быць­ стра­ ры­чад ы,­ ­на­ то ко­ра­ных­р і­ыне­ ,­ пе­ра­мо­жа­неых.­ ы уль і… ус­.к“Трас­ ру эс ыд. а­Ал хі ­закр аврек ЦА ро ноўн льна­ нна­авы у­с ён­— н,­п мад ВЫ схо ­ гэ­ Да­ ­нан­н а­ зв ­ніх ся­та­па­бвін­ а­ін ск уец”,­“Яма”,­“Чыр­ і­пом­ нсі ы­Бе­ аг”. а­су ніць­заў­ лн ЕЦ ыв пак песн тар. 3 з­рогра ­сораі­лне­нка­аўей.­чвао­ ні­айр­д :­а­ ­умсю ас цыя ця­ ім шэн­ныя­ ста­рон­кі­ гіс­то­рыі­ Вя­ ол ныы­з­ва­ ру кож яў­ яр­ну ­па­д аркуі­— ­ква­ і дўзі:­ іа­мбі­0 дзі­ лць:­і,­ Уц ы­я д­— к т­ Ж ДА н л ьш ім н к н н С а н ­ р ам н ­ Гля­ ч я­ якое­ сё­ д ы­і­не­ба­ я ц­ ц а­ў­вя­ л і­ к ія­свя­ т ы,­ е е­ зе я ас ь с я арлі­кай­ Ай­чын­най­ вай­ны.­ Мы­ 0 ы ўд чар Б брам іц­гц і:зе ла­ с­кай ­на­га бе­ла­ ц­ца­ зей­х і с­па­ ­ л оз­ны ­за­ ­і­з ­ды,­ ас­ці, ­ зал ­— ВЫ лік кма­то о о і­туай­ 2 7­У а­лза­ п е­ла­ы­ э­та ця навы­ а­мну­лда­на­нас­ у­ч д­ма­ні­на­ ­мце­ лі­ не­ да­ру­ем­ жорст­касць,­ пад­ ца­і;­ ­ры якая­б­бя­ вы 3­мхлы­ з ­гноы­вма­ ны зе­ё ­не­аб ні­дко­ уд ма­ ру­сы ­зям ,­чы ру­саў да­ ў а­цеў сксе­нца­бты азврульа­ ежлінам­ кр рж і­ — ы а­ ­ж х ы е­ Р м н т л іл м ён й ­ ,­ п ­ны а­р апа­­мі­руаць­ о мія­ка­ сц ­сяж бес­ча­ла­свеч­насць­ і­ бяс­чын­ствы­ о­вя­ ь­ё­ шжыя­хва­ раз ­ (пан­ ра­ ень­ ка­л ­лі.­К е­ка­ ­ за сіх­ ­бы к бцыей,­ ва­оч­на­мці­с­дзя­ ну­цтых­ га ж ­ві ыМкі­ ам ыя­ з­від­або­ін­ хо пр д­дэ­ ны а­мі­А рь­о­ аюя­ суа орд­ні ыдэсап­мыгра­ нкааў куас­ да­аса­огаей ­ б ­ а­га­на­на­ ,­ хо­дзіць­ мі­ зу­мец кую і­вы а­лі­ ра­ні­ ­меж аб’­ ­ дз шай­зям­лі.­Мы­гэ­та­ одпры­ Б зя .­лы­ Дзень­ сэ коу­л­шька­ зеж;­ за­ бы),­ у­­мсвет­ бя­ічргаа­мі­тв м й е­л во­р“М ­п смтрэ­ле­інай­ чыылхо­длас ц ­дрыэ­ва­ ев в ва н­ліці­нвыеталя­млікмім!­— ­ імл кла­сі ­каў­жай­ са е­ла­р і­ ўсе Вя­до ­чы­н а­ час Ра­д ь,­ ­ра­д ­па­м вы­я на­б ­жа. ­н ё­ка­ужан­ уж н­сця­ а­аынар­ ытсым­на­ша­сі­ла. а­ем,­і­ў­гэ­ ы,­ ра­ ентак­­ і­к Пе­ ­кмо­гі­ і­ ад­да­вуаць­ на­леж­нае­ы па­кма­я­тяк шнСто а ­вякая­ абынл.­ай­ м й зачаў,­ы­ ы швж нае т­кай зі­мы што зі­му, я­та­е шчэ­ е­ла­ ­ ту і­рус­ а,­ н ы­вём ­бе­ й с­кім ­ мы­ ­ма­ ж ­ жу ­ка­ к мя­атлі­кмі.­ні­арус жьна­ руДра­ад­ ст а­ем пабі­тым,­за­ка­ ­ршц Адм­фкоан к я­ му­,­ эс­к Веч­ ­ е­ гі­ну­лі­дзе­ кН ­вне­спаз­ а­ім,­якія­за­ ­ ля­нас.­Та­ ­ч ная­па­ і­мміце­ма­ а­ мяць­за­ рэ­ск а­беслтва;­ па­ ­ва­ш ­ бе­ ­не­ ­ на­ва ­вы­п ­це­св бе­ еП нряын­ чс­ ­ікі­с нма­­тлпэка­шчас­ чы ле­ьжшы ас а­ ы,­ м жу­ч ас ім­с маг .­ Пе­ не­ н Дрэ­васпа­ зепла­ рушто,­ іЖва­ча­ ан­хі­нсаеега лор ркад рэлім­жа­ вае­ зі­цы ае­с ла­ру пе­ра­ т­ за а­він аю­ і­Бва­лна­ым­і­зму­ п­аў е­лду­ ра­фза­га­і­ну­лі,­мнас­ нта­ ,­о ядсн­таў­з­по­ аза ці.­ра­бка­і­ллі­а­вб­­чяны­ ы­м не­ цы ы­ чыа­,­ным.­І­схі­ У л Б б ­выга с­ці,­які­да­ з ­На мноі­баць­ е е­ п ­і с ­ у зя ац б ­ д е­ м ч’а­ ід л вры­ і­я­ўша­ п ем­ыіх­ б Пгоне­бы­ м. ­ ліцо­б. кр на­ я­ пр ло­в с­кай ста­е­ ­ ме­ ­ны о ло­ м вь­е­ша­нлых­ :­Бі ннай мёрт­ ь­ ым а­ ж ра­ м аб ­ мвта ра­к п­л па­мяць­эмі­ ыі­па­ д ьш а­ ява­ дгыа­сы­ нт у­с не­ вне­у­ е­ла;­ва­ ш лга­ к адзе ­ вы­г ­по­л ыць­ зу­ю­ч ­лі­ ­коімдзе ікі ен у­ а­і­не­ жы а­ма­ а,­сп ­ сям це­ б жа­ ­ ыя а­ іа­мрі ы­гочра­ ы ля ляд Удзельніцы мітынга-рэквіема з лампадамі памяці тыя­га­ без­да­­в па­ы ных­ста­ н­гя. а­на­ а­ма­ ац хай­гэ­ і­ ла­сы­з­мі­ ада­зачлІ­ня­ ыну­ла­ц ыхну­т­гай­маў­ э­ і,­нчан­ тмаўож­ск а­ н ­неі­рП сасх ­аўн мпеж с­кі­м ых. а­н тым па­трц­цё­ ці­ ўск ра­ва ’і.­ К ыць­ чуар у­н ,­н ды­ў у­ бе­ ­ ў а­ да­­агул та­не­ і­ЕС од­ная ныя, тыч­н о­г п р а ь­нты ру сы м­садтаУ ы е­р ­ лі­ эб кр ос­ ­і­н ож ­ М мст і­бы ­т ь­н , а­ за ­ р, лЗ­нСе­, знэ­зів­дісэна,­ш н ,­н ва а­цы ev а­ а­п ­ аз к н ­вдн ра­ад , “ззаату­саў п ты аніі то БЕЛАРУСКІ МАЦЯРЫК ­та­ ой­ эк ­е­ма­ нар­м ых­ін аш­в і­ЗШ ­ ні­ко што ­ en ч М ­бу у­ п ­ная і­ны а­ ў а­ва ро а п ры ыд­п е­т па ч­ны ­я­н мы а­дз Мза­м, ака­срІсэдп ­таа­сібі, ­і­ў­в на юць яспа дкаб За­ява­на­м дзе­я аль­н ­та­р ы­бар А.­Т ­му:­ ­ ч ы­та­ч яр­ку ­рэн­н а­жа­ ­ пад .­ І­ гэ плы т­ д naro ts/sh ­ св ,­ж , ­нРа­ кыі­ў ы між”­пр м­цэ аль­н ­ вюы ыо­хбоы еж ас­н оў ю,­ е” да­ ­ а ды кан цы іч­н н­ня, а­га э­са ­ іі e ы зя dn ч х .­ е е с ­ за н ы ­ а. д ­ на­ ­тры ­тай ў м ы а ы . о У ср ы ­ ас маам ч ­ П зб­ад іі. яс туп е х аг ­ ­ ­х вы ­на й­ш нт­р м­вэсц дак р­жа­ oe­so stoe­v Тр о­ кай спіс рэдакмыя ­свер ет ьш ”,­з Уры дан­рас к­ра­ ­ і­ ва м­ка, ­ су од­н Еў­р а­ ­паў­н па­лі­ ­вяр­н ­на­ ­ ш од­к м­ змаг мно­г ш ы та ­ста ­род ла­2 ы­“ за ых вы ­ла­д вы­ bra seb іч в ­л р­в то ам У м у ядо з Г П­лоіцл ь­ана,­кан ­ша, ­ ян ­ве­рэ­ іх­ к а­са­ю су­п а­ва тыч уц­ ае Бел ­стаса‑ ў ед пр ва, пу ­ад ­чу к і­ дзяія­ з­ , Іа я­­ндозе­в ­бе­ла­ы­ му н­не­ў­ва‑к ­ная­кч8н‑я лю ­ступ у­ зв з­ пер nіe­ eloru ­ , ны 24 в ары вы, зст гл ля ­тдэкас­ м ру без ы­ка­ ні­тэ­тура­ін ­за,­ З ра­цо р­тас­н ­на­га­ ўсл мы зінст ную ­на д ір­мятон ­мінл­Э ін­т б­лі­к ­бы­в ць­і а­му­н ­ку­ю на­ш тр ­юц­ц ­лен яр­н ­шы ­ аб Ш ў­н а сп Літ ргы Ізраіы­б­Ж жу зі зе ваш іж бе ­са кся‑даўць ін­н там ­ яго­ у ­ а­ ­б а і. ц к ­ К ssk ­ эр м ем га і­ ан ч ­ ы н л ­ ­Д ы што рад га ад яточ іні­ т іц я к Б і­ А У­са­ збяд­ ц тэ­рга­лі­­нне­ ы а­ся а­чы а­ц ы­ х­ о ­нхапер:­ р нл.е­ ,уні­вКер­ ы, Іва ­ п сцвер­ ы­ ­— лд е­л скі­ лю с­л а­ ў ­ні­ н уў­ х­ ж і­раў oe­ ска­га,­ які­ па­хо­ Дзе знаходзяцца спрад­ ьСлай­ .­ (ця­ ы окглНе­ ­твася­­ і­ ў­ южын­скі­ дзярж­ е, й а­зіў­ й а св ў­ ,­эфек ў­на, ь­ тоКар­ сэн ­ ы­я эт­р ­й­ц ­ў­П ць ый су­ ад­т ,­ інд­шзіў­ вы ад­внаеў ­ні­ка пнрыыыхя­ п аям­а аль­ н родд­н атвіі ніі, раін руналь­ .­ ва­ўзвнаў­ 20 кі­болпра­ е­ пра­аў­ кр ­дзей я­цы ­ пр а­ сх ува­гуа­ хв ­нік­ до ­ ад па­ а то ало родн ся ў тако эзідэнэн­ ­лы э­су я ­усё ­ны веч на бе ла рус кія зем лі? шлях­ты,­ і­ дач­ ва­о­ссталаў­­п на­рга­ сі­ т эт,­Укра­ і н ­ а). н а­ г а­ мо­ с тва:­ с ­ а­ с: еж р Л ы ай р к м т­ ія р а­ н ­к ьш а­ і, в ­ гу г­ а­ ў ы а ю а­ м х то ­ а­ к п ­ ш У а м ад ­фч і‑я яК ві­л Э­с в а, ­г П ­з а­ ст ­ пр м­ц ­ на, ра­ін у Гр З Пр аш а­ ,­ ­ У р­с ер ­ла­ц ­т м­ па­ і­ны ,­у­т ­гл мы о­дзе ,­ і­лін н лі ­за­ стнвааў­уцён­ ў і­с пе­д м “Грам­ а­яндаль­ рэн не­ ў а­тэр ­та­к няк­ ына­га­гіч­ Знакаміты мовазнаўца, дыя­ка­на­Маг­ а­ле­ны­На­ віц­­вке­ай­—­ укла­ а­сваю­ ь заэа­злі­ідты оак­р,уПа­чы­ ах ­н ы нік­ывы­дан­на­я­ ча­ем б ы о кай од еда оч. ук ав . лы д­А па­ дзеі­ .­А­ц ым­л я­дзя м­ эф ­ тр што ­ 18:­Аў 28н0ац паў э л ‑ед ацы, кВі.е­А занха­с я­Рста­а ­ста­в ­на, ­чым ­ в гра­н у­ п ез­ум НС.­ ­ ёс а­ро ­Рэс е,­ ­няў ­ пл ­мі­н іх­зматика­ ,­Г -2р0к­моль­ год ць Г е дав ю н упіўдр Л га Н дзян родам з Гродзеншчыны, у­1861­го­Кді­зе.­Па­ дзіў­ лен­ кай­гім­ ­стрядра­­э та е­н кі­на­ ічн­но­сла­ е п су понную­кар’­ н т. св р е­ру­ў­2­й­Ві­ ­м не­г­ о­ цер­ ­дзе ажков­ ры оў Най ц з­н ­ дак пя­рэ­ бы­л і­ка­ і­ку ць­м і­ры анс­ ­ ­і­н ы­ні­ о­вы а­яў .­ Мдрев­ я ы­кір н ссі ы,­ до ай п азборка­бшрчые­сут­ таяурер ыновкс­ ­м іі,­Баз’ ас дзі ўс дню выст сан йна ама аўнік : Улкі­й­ ­м ­э­ла, ,­ Ф ўпа­ны лна­ ал ­лад дзіў, а­вя­л васц ­й­за­ іль ,­ і­ ь­н зкіі.­Яго­ гранічна дакладна ся­хлоп­П чык­яшчэ­пе­ цыі­па­ мря­т,­а­ ка,­ цсравнительно­ ы­я ­най­ра­ шч ­цяг­в ­на,­ ­бол ь­ м ых­ па­ бя­ мвян­ ­ вы с­вко­ ы­яго­яр­кязы­ р нлыя­лек­ ва­ е­ аў е­ала­ і,б­Арбозеам­ ыХ а­лкі­ьт ,­ К а­ініір,­рад­шлю­ р а­ е­ у к е­ ё ­ і­ гу р ь в ? ан я ­ т ­ мы ваго вай ляк ыцы а гр Кір № 1 ен а­ ­ш іс й м ч іц в ­ ш ае та л ­ а­ ь у н ­ ­К і­ ь ы­р а­ н а­нтар­ска­ ыкр ку­Кпроз­ Сі­кр то­ста ­мя­ іц­ц учебник­ у­ч ён бы то кая ­у­с е­ж ы н пна­ ы і­клоі­ Ім­ ёс ­д оз­снко­ дро­б р­твы­ ­цы і­на, а­ ­г ­ па­ ­ш сфармуляваў адказ баць­коў,­ ча­ пэ­ е­ра­ ія,­ НгР,а­ Вар­ х ы спа­ зап ўпер ні зу­мен­чыс­х­русским:­ а­за рсяув­сі­і,ш р ч уск­Бнац ­г На яты сі А трад д года аз Бела­ а­ шаю лен ­ Бпо­ырус­ ст ­п ­н бча ат­ ­І ту аў ­раз а­ба­ ае,­ глы ра­н ую­ я ня ым­з ­ад­к ў­ кр ­спа­ .­Пр ве­ц а­мі­ ­ ьай ы атга ­Вул нныі­ста ж гН р .д2та оі,ыз­кста­маі­х­спра­ аб энк­ну­для­ІV­клас­ іты­за­ска­ ­няў ­ рП на гэтае пытанне — з меў­ ма­і,зцн­і.­ шаў­ а­не­ей ўні­ сі­е­тэ­та­С(на­­Апа­са­,­ Г з­р а­ му­язы­ а­средних­ ыяЗ­а,баць­ Ук ў ства. ­н сац і д ула пес х цы лару асе ароту021 і, е­н а­длж льУпа­ затавра­ер­ а­н шмта­нвкёў­ ь­каў ­ва­га ко­вайна­по ­бо­к ей­ а­іб млац вы ў,­як ы­х лаў­я ы­ху чат­к э­зі­д е­да­ а­ст га­на­ ер­бія р­ме­н ер­ма­а­іль, ­ноа, Тна­адст .­У ­васт­ ­ д Аляк е­ ы­ і­На­ а­ на ця­кчрыя­га­ ёск пач ыя тны я Х е­ а,ь­І у еп­су?­эдзе­ Бе ў ч зв ня 2 пісаў 21­га зін што ­мі­ ­ін ў­не­ ае,­ фактамі ў руках д­ ы­на­зям­ град­ тта а­рС­са­­леж там­ учеб­ та­ й­ ро крыў­ ес­тыа,в­на­ аў­л рас­ , жып­кр лліх ­кнаных­ заведений”.­ ,­ Зся­ія,­В нія ­ ўпрвад ў­ а­ рэ­ х­пл ія­вы о­дзя го­ў ­ ін­ш у­яго энт­ э­ ­сан ПНі­ Май аі­нры эі ыя дзі­ р бы­­ш ­ тагорэк­➔ ­н жа­ чн эр ўс ,­ ліклі­ я іх ал уцз­да­рча­ангоа,та­ ае е­нга­н­ві­ ка дняга удзе пад е 20 ага ад ца, салі­ я ід кТ ру ле­га м д­р э­зі­д чы­н пра­ ­фар нае ац скай­—­у­вёс­ хуу,р­ц руі­рсска­ды­Бя­ ят­кга­ыяк­ х ар­ экс­цьропз­эт У­ свка­ ц гі­я­н я­ц ­ў ­чы ­бо ы ­ны Ака­дэ­мік­ Яў­хім­ Кар­скі­ быў­ за­ пад­руч­­нік,­а­ўспры­ аць­яго­спе­ а ыка­ ­статўы­л канц онва та­ ­мта­рШа­ я­л проерт. Кар­ яо­вые ад­ лваент­ о­нз­ ­ны,­рно­ руах­Ят­ н : .­ В аыі, та ьн зі у ­Дзя а­ Са­ ес­ц А.­С і­ здж ван . го 1 ст авы енн одн орыц кан анн е д н эн і цы ­му­— ­та­мі­д а­ Л эн­та­ ы­ бу­ду ­ма­ ­ К оў­ках аль оў­кахзня­л ­з­ты к,­“шм­ — ­ к ім ­шай­ча­се ­ р а,е­ ш алсле­ ввец,­жы­ н ад ш од па­кнр лныа­сям’я­й­на­Мен­ Рна­е.­ мі­эй­ кяі ар р Рас­ д тоў­ бе­тл — ё­ я пер­шым,­ хто­ грун­тоў­на­ывда­ аду­е­ ка­ р­ а­зу­ж­па­ Та ­н аўты­цьсауе­нывяы ацел сны , цы­я­ліс­ты­ад­ у­к вы 3цыі),­ ­н а­л Ті учы­ ­тэк ча­ ­і і­на­ х­п м ­ А рж ’яўл нар гав этах ртав нов ­ ыл­ўі­як­аў­ нісшы сіа ,­ авы­ у ­т ­ цгаі ­д на­ ­ на­ ­ ад 0­го ­жаў руж а­ бы вы льн. а­шас ю а­ аз Не са ірен а і­ ­ п ы ” е ­с ­чы ахна­аваУз­то ­ а Рыга­ўні­ к ст і,­ н ска­ ст сі­ка­гра­ :­ т­ вер­ дзе шцэн кцы­ . ыклі­с к,рі­яго­ га­д ббе­ д ага­пе­ да­ваў­ бе­ла­рус­кую­ елек­ янам ­насаль­ сі­тэ­та,­Мінск­ д­н­­ ч,­ую­пра­ у,­ Бе­ ту ­ і­ се­ рэ­ хо­ча­ е­рад х­дыя ­на­ в дыя ы­тан ат­ ст ч ы явгу эн­дзе о ­ нха­ суч ек ­ та­ры­тэт­ную­мо­hвttа­pзs:наў­ дзя а аб дам це “у м згу а ас нас ­ е р адПа­на­ аст­цы ­ абу й Н ­скццрі­ж­баць­ ­крМаніыас­ ята ­ме­чэй ўд ­жан ра­цы мес­н ­кры ­дзе. СНД эн Ф ак­ц це, ­ п ­ло ы­н ­ло ­ ль ­кі­ ла­ру п­ ві­а­ ац б Сто ла­о схп­краа­с­мца­н бй­ноі­р, выа­сбул пер яе­ к бы­ //а­pвы­ К зелйа­ру­ ы ні,лі­бе­ аы­кну,­ і­ эн я х і ц я пр сі Го умен Год ва, а н леж а бы ­ д ы д ­ н ­ д н ік фію,­сло­ в а­ ў тва­ р эн­ н е,­гра­ м а­ т с а­ м і,­што­ві­ д аць­з­паз­ інс­ т ы­ т у­ т а,­на­ в ед­ н і­ к і­Мен­ с кіх­бе­ шмат­ к роць­ пе­ р д в а­ л і­ ў­ н ­ зе с ­ ч ь, к ­ і­ і­ п Н — ін ­с і­ б н та р ц ­ н re ь пр раў ыя ­гэ­ а­езд ­га­в і­ко ­га­ т­ралў ­ ш— а,­ ль­ оў,­ Пр ­ кі­ я­ кл ац д м. У­ве,сел : sі эа­па­ і­ка­м е­рад і­ х ­і­нлтьар сту пеё­с . Упа­а бДы­ норцэн аін ба мкнен ў озны 20­ы н­сякты ру дак ены мадст арод неза айн рэзі і то га­ тана, ні­к на­ ­н ­к та­ айхуі­кмты э­нзііц­кріх­ кур­ ф саў­ ­шрус­ ­к ых ­вы ц а­п па­віс­ты­кпу.­ зн л в ўкт­р ф дыя­лек­та­ло­гію,­эт­на­лінг­ ла­ (з­ р 20цем­ркыі­Яў­ enва­лю­ а а­ры,­н“ыахнь­ а тней­ а” с­ій­скай­ ім­пе­рыі:­ да­ dрэ­ ы уамвя­ заал­ Ра­ й ыч П раў эты шуай­за­ н ­ то кіх­ р ­ мна­Кар­ аў,­ всі­ттаў­ ась­цны ска­ о t. спа­сыі­фо­ ­ гэ а­ва­л а­но­в і­ка­ д і­раў­н ў­нейай­ сю­пля х­ ь Як а­ ­дэн аў­ні­к о­рул­мі ыню ынні­кят ла­ьё­км а­ У ’яўл гра п ту а, т ­ сёпа­­ц м ацедо­нві­ыалы ь­ но­д ава­ ісу іжны­бе­ а­ а пае міх­ ес ал а­цед цыі­1917­га­бы­ Сё­ле­та­ ёсць­ доб­руая­ го­да­ зга­яры пра­тое,­што­ён­“пры­ чы­наў­ ся­ юМін­ ло­19­пе­ра­вы­gдoан­ ­ч скі­ ск ­т бе­ла­рус­кі­ лак д ад эст ртод­ кац на­ v.b ­та­ і”.­ ы,­я зяр іц­т ­кім ­ды ­ аб цыі скагаэнітэ тое зві Год ініс і ды ­ ­на­ ­ ла­ к т нчай баў л ”. с ­в в а­. П яй. ­лет энт­р а­за ы­ га а­М а­ Ад уш­ е пргах­ .коФмі­ аГпріц­ца­ по І го Пр на д па су ца. лацэ Дзя ­ пе­ Са­дінс­ н длзяа нў рцан аль­ ў:­ с­ц ак­с ­ ле­ ь н ўз­тэні­ выатра­ пялзап ды я­зярўы ў ся­бу­ л шРых­та­ва­ла­ся­ й­ 20­е,­ ад­нак­y/ru ­ п з­на­р бы­л Так­ кія­в ­жа­в ва­ к ­сэн .­ ду­чы­ака­ дэ­мік­ даць­ пра­ та­лі.е­нШ а­вді­нтац а­га­тапе­ дзаа­мго­га­ су рус”.­Га­ т ы­ т ут).­Ён­жа­быў­на­ча­ няў!­ . ў. да­вяаў­ н ­ да лару вер Як енн ту М мам рас ­ у я д я ­ я к к ­ а і п б ­с ыі яа­ц ту / р ы р а­ к Я ­га­ ны “С ей ім­ ш ы ы­ ра­ ­ ы о ны ль — ны бе эй су ны”. ’яўл Саве анка ам пуб аурр­с ы,­парыь нзаі­га­ымцта ай ра ць, аў куа­ж ­ ла­рус­ пзара­влрь­жкаў імні­Бе­ у­вя­ лі­кай­сям’і:­8­дзя­ цей!­Жы­хтаа­й­ ­жарг­ й­ на­ву­коў­рцэч у:­ 1­ сту­ мі­сіі­па­ства­ ­выал оўе­цр за ба не­ўба­ м рэн­ каза кр ­тан­н ­дам­п раз­м то,­ п ­там на­ і­ны­ бо з іхч,ы­ла­свет,­бо­но­вая­ўла­да­ ц д і­ зн ўднзе­набя­ 2021­га­ па робы ацый ­ в то ств­ січну­ “М аў­т .­ У­ ­насц фо­ру ­экс­ ­ва­л ды­ сп оду. цўгод­ а­і­н ях а­ о­в а­ ­вы ты ід краі ы аб ыў вык кам ь рэс стваў а ў ­ мэп ыа ло то дава бы­лі­цяго­ па­бхоа­ ры­вёс­ вер­ ча­ла­аябу­да­ваць­ атэ­іс­тыч­ную­ Н быасс­пеміж іч рэ­ч1ы,­ы­даўдяы­дзелнаС зг ра о , ккі.­буА­ ь 160­я­ ­м сі­тпэ­та.­(Да­ па­ ь­уні­ а­ргыа­дзярж­ ы.­ ,­ і­ са­м а­ П су сп ваккі­Ла­ша­(Гро­дзен­скі­ра­ён)­ найка­ ­п я б я ла­ р аагр­лыі­л ­ бы нпа­ іх ка м мі ці пр аруч абл ыкан дзіц ыем Год ю Н у­ а­нен ­ п усы у, 6 ­ц к ­н аДў­ й эк ­т“ац ➔ не­ ых рэ­ т­нас ра­ ­ ьбо нбай­ К­та ­нма­арімдўал нхе,ім­ўсвет­ т ь­ цы ле дзяр­ ру о­ га­нпа­рраац­ца­ зем­ля­ком.­ Там­ больш­ чваЯў­ чыў­ сллаў­ і­я­трэ­ук­ у­сваю­ўні­ сі­­тэ­ту­па­ выу. е ў жа­ ­ар л­тэт на­ 4­х­д Аы­ раяс.­т Баёза стар і­біб­ 30 е­за­л выв­сер­ ару­ рпра­ ­ю ац ва­ о вае т д а з гарв вер апр 1­м яспе­ і о ен н зі А ­н С а ан то о ў л в а н ­ р д а ў ту ч я ст в ц н м к е п д се е ­г е­ еж а­ та ль а­д ­дэн ­ці,­ ­г ай ла­хто­ця­ б Яў­хім­Кар­ ­н ты с н ы­я ыпп а­ бні­кюа­п Фё­ь. ,за­50­га­доў­пра­цуе­ў­шко­ле­Ме­ Грвае,­ о нас ­шда­ ­ ас да­ра­ пер­згад­ ццстаў­ дэн месн ім і зац мер 202 заб насц ­ сям’і­ ь Кар­ на ад скі­яшчэ­у­сту­дэнц­ зё р. ­л йл плеса­рунн­я17д­ зінкні­пграа­к агаў, ў. Ся энты ы ра­вні­аў.­Ма­ разунаюна­ за­ ­ міжд­дзя ­ных р ­ 3 ­кі­ ў­ж н­ны ­та­ еку ку жац вац за нас т ь діхы­па­ лі­д ан­п х,­ з­ іх ош­мааўюі­Мікалай ў сё с­куія аНесцярэўскі. су інск аць лан і ў ва, зей ніза гай і”л­ ол ва аўкія­га­ ­ скі­быў­ заа­­ці.­М бо­ка­вы­ву­чаць­ ма­ры­яль­ны­ му­зей­ Яў­хі­і­м ад­нн­сак­ме­ ыа­ві­та­Яў­х­ ім­Кар­ тв цн пе чяаў­глы­ р яд радв цяж іцу спя раць вае ц я і ыц х­ ну ­уа­рйла­дзіал Бе­ а­рам ры,­ ­— пр ­ста­е інск уе­ і­ Бе­ ­на­ро гэ­ н ­акнто ­дхоўф Б кл­а­рус­кія­ га­вор­кі:­ М ацав і П зенн нст ю д арга лана. ява цвао­лваыя­ ­ засп ілася спмяс­ ­ці­ сп біць шан ою ж б дноў Кар­ска­га.­ І­ аб­лас­ная­цбіб­ лі­ вым­ га­ і­ Медальён ­1 н о д “Яўхім ы л шы­нёй­ Пер­ ў­ стар­ ір бе­ ь ь­н і­г Карскі”. а­ра­ ­х цга­ штолш ­ца­на­р­зо­аў пр анск вяд адзі ацы ых га п аўні­ ­ Са­ а­русьд­ ал пом­ б у­с .­ М Бе­ла­ я0­цюі­ аз­нчыых, ні­дкуа­чыа­і не2005 ап г.па спя адзімце­фяк­ ра та­п амад жна пая пбе­ла­рус­ я і­ д іль­ні­ўсе­ я­тэ­ка­но­сіць­яго­імя.­Яў­ ка­ жань­ дга­ з’ез­да­гі(сне­ лік пра ага дын інш тако адст гэ , ь гла ж­ні­каў­ пісь­мен­ л сл цы хыім­ ­ў бу макі­ зах ала зана­Угрун­ ”­ ­ ко і­ Іг і­ніс ру н адрыэп ­н кам рын ­сё­ды руж ­ жы ­гр . Мо то па стпа і­ нва­я­ се­б 1917­га)­і­ледзь­ і арыц ая манМ ­цы ­б ве­па­ нае —­в нт­ку­у ар­ тр­ сьД ­за­ сто ­ збег­арыш­ і­коаў­улас­ ных­эт­на­ Фё­да­ра­віч­—­адзін­з­най­ ­ло ца­ам, ті­ то я анав Я й ўства,­так­і­вы­ пр пары седж ­ па родн каар наў, ні ш е ­ ам ю а о у Л р н ы а­ м ­ су р ст п ­ к ін ел ! н я н ­рМен­ ­м шы­ў­ ко уц (Маск­ за ваец о­в ўг­ о­не,­з’е­ аў,­ ш р—­ с но х я пм ы.­ пост пры­яго­ бы гра­ ап да­ на ць рга канан дл ыяс ме Пад ец 1886)­ ствфіч­няых­экс­ апўуск­ речи”.­ а,­ е­дя ы­цый­па­Гара­ до­мых­ вы­ ні­ркдоў­ зяЭФ е­ ь­м с­ “М сксу.ле­ ­кі­ ­фар зда­ пе тое, ў­в аў­ нту ­ Зн ­са­ ­вай­і ­понлым­раз­ д ці ы. жа, і кіх еў істку, тут Так р. 7 ь­н ым­ ІМмркі­­жлнааў ­м а­цла м тахроў­ін ае ра­пр і­важ васан­н і, п Міндэнц­ чы ржо вы адяшчэ­ раай­а се­ в ра­гнрад.­—­Рэд.) а­ка­ Пет­ д ас ву л а скай,­ Мен­скай­ скай,­ скай­Вік ду­ а­ррыі­ А . Ві­лен­ д я ац дзен­ ­зн а­вцеыдз­ а­нга­ я доў­ сту­ шо У­ ­лю­д ы­ем да­ ­нае ­таце­ дзя й па штоускай асы ія га замежысць ­ в ец­кай ­тэ­гр ­ асп тык вы кло­у ро аз х ў сал ры. лёс Ст і­сло­лсля­і ўна­ ­тв і­а­чпа­ а ын­ ы пчеа­ свяу­ ан дзе ко­рвае­а гу­ебер­нях.­ Каш­тоў­ны­ скарб­ —­ лі­пе­а­ да­го­гу­бы­ оў,­ ­ствтва.­ ды­ ска­гна­а гіс­ ть а­рыч­ ля Не­ ­г Тым­ лж ед­ зе ыя Ка­ ро ўл­ о­25­га­ цы Так елар ны п ошн усы кар о за Я фал у Б ы ль­н ­ вы­д ­пра­ і­ ­лай й­і­к а,­я у­ма­ а­ кн ў,­ вясе ямі, н як шук ман сам ы”. ➔ тал нчыла­ллаа­ргыіч­ б ж ап ар у на ўж іц­ шла­яго­ “П дн­на­ыг­ра­ ла­рус­нкае­мо­ ная­ма­ фтія­“Об­ за­пі­сы­ фальк­ло­ру.­­ сты­ у­тра­ вый­ ўныя­ і.на­гйа­ін­ і­ ва­знаў­ ц ства.­У­хут­ Ё рт, ан к й яго­ На на­фі­ ор тту ра­ н­рэ­ ра­бе­ л ва у іс він і­ны кое­ п і­тар й ль заря­усА.­А.­Без­ ў. гуЯў­ звё Стар. кл р гас радва,­ закофакня­ сіомрус­ ь СН к­нов­ і. дсыкой­ ж кім­ га ако ас ➔ і­ коў — уць , бе прац арта форм­ь­мбел­ ча­се,­ хтім­ 6 гію ль ба­ іць ул од­кті­а зор­ зву­ л сн У імя­ а­ядга­­ды­ праз­ е Д,­ и­ ы дл ­да­ем ен­н ­по­з ­цый ы­ме­ . пе БД сці Бе ало фа та к у гэ алля та каж цеся ную ! В каз б орн ць у ь, н т “Л ­ ы а ­ я к а іф т мі­с я­ аб ,­ адік­ і­ і­ум­ ­ны­ як ючай аль ыны пр вы ­насл пява азацНў гур ны фак яльн наву ю м гіі д рсітэ атар . На й за й, од л р ай ч іі ч ц ­ м к л м ­ к с ­ п ер ­мет ас”. і­та­ іж ­ к ва ш і­ за ­клі­к і­ па с ялі а с філ ецы міі ску нало ніве е ам чык сама цы ­ ісь ­ка­ ­ная ­ Г ра­т ­на­ тэ н у ст ькаў с­к та­ ў­сё­д аў­ н е­ррыад сп адэ лару ы эт ржу ім н след кія педы каш е ­мен ван ­ нд э­ а­р ­ ­рУ зе Бац ­ла ­ лю ра­ту ы­ад пча­су ­ тва­ ­ні­к ­ня­ пля та,­ н аў­ Ак е бе едр дзя Зус да ні, я экс іх тупа ў Ве і ­лю .­ ­ма ­ла а­ ­ла р а,­ пы ­цо а­ жы с­тэр ­рта­ро— да каф ага аў. ёзны пес ных сіць Выс рто не ст­р “Л ам­ ­ня ьк ч­к яго ­тан ў­ка­ бе су ­ н сы ц­цяім ­кса­ еў ал ­ва ,­ на руск ацтв сур’ явае клор ано чу. х гу ­най ­ня эл ­ над гэ­та­ оў­вае і­та­р о­вы к ,­ й­м .­ф пя ­дае я­ ы кр ,­ ш ры я ла маст — я сп аль м д луха орны ­ ад ў­ а­ту х ­ уцто яко цё ­за ­це а­с ­вя а­с по ўа­Сі­нлах ­ад е­ас вя­лі­ свай ­час ­ра­ ­ ку ­ гута есн пл й раве іцка се ф ына у с ькл ль ­све ­эт­н с­па і­ва­л у­сі. а­ н ас зіка­дя­зі­у­м ”,­— ­бы­в эн­со кай­ ­го­ р ,­ лі­ мы ая п адва­ сп атыл ў ча м ч снам фал ­стыў­па ­ца­і я­ра ра­б е­ла­р ачы алі Мі­ ль­ту ус н к д а­ е­ о эн ў а а а ў п а ы ч ­п ха­іл р­ны іц тр ы зе кай ч кі, се. ­та­ спец ­ ад­з юц­ц ­вае­п а­ро­г ­ду­ ак н­т ь­ні­к ­ву­ко ­ліц­к с­ня і­ў­б на, ы па ных ­ Мпісал епш суч лад ыл ліц ты цоў ча ­таРа­ ­п на­ч а­ ў ра­ ай­ ал ­тэ ­к ў е ч ат цэн Ча­ты­Шв м­ йл асць ў ск год. аты аўтэн пля шым Вік энсі­і рад ы ­н М і га ц а аў ы­хіл а­на а­ты ая­п ­цоў няда ьтур ты зай ­ н ўн ­ па­ ­ст ў­ а­ш э­ я я на я­ ў­т М а і цаў тр­ ­ры ыд­к су­п 0 сц лл пр ст­к ­ля­М ыч­н ­пля на кул аўтэн імі , эт а то льна за 3 лляй цяжк ічны у ал­л ь­а ей між аў­н на­ сі ых­ усё ­ п на­ п ­ д ой. ра­цо та ў т ­ н ц ам а ік а ры ­тал эн­т ­ныя наль ліне цю жа сты тык а о р э ў­н ­на­ ­ П м­ Н с льш ата як сц нц На я­ва ы­ц ра­сп ні­ ев тв й­ іц­т ро рэ­ На ­аў­т ­ніч араў у га звіц аней ары ўтэн парт э­ сп аку. : бо З Н тое, на ад со ­ся,­ ­сп д­н ве­ у­р ор­чы кра­ яг­ваў ек­ц вы­с ф х а а ся ы ы п як ­сцэ а п 0­х, ь ра у. Р лькл не а ія ў а сц а к ы і­ е­ іл м­ фар э­аль­ я­ су ны.­ ­ кн Пе­та­вач пр ала ца ы­л і­ в чн ф ты на Гэт 200 ыяц лор ­фа сцэ , як у н ая — ­ і­га­ ра­м ­ны лі абів мес зда­р ­ча­л ты на прак ­ма­ ным ­стр ч зі унк к з спр льк ўцы на П а м эн д а ц я р ­ э­ о т е. ,­так чы рэ­зе а­наў ж­ ­ п вал к о­п і? іц ты ы ю р а аў нн ая юч яляк ў ф вуко але лі л га кі атыл ўтэн ­і­ў ­ пр н­та­ ­ з­ ёў —­Я,­ шт ес­н да вуча лорн ай ­в а ц ўс рма на агі, ы бы ако М ае а к а ­п ір­т ­шл ыі, н ль ў­н я оў у­ал і­ ­ фо ліся кол я. Д іся т алля спяв ра ч­ны Люб часе с фа ь­н як­ Га ма музы лас івал Нат ая ым ты — ў ў на н­н ­ а­Л на віта ымл іх а, як ла я чу ас агу не ытр род стк ад дзіл н пр . Ся лары Ла не льк фа

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Беларусь. Belarus Social and political magazine


No. 4 (1051), April, 2021 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26.

Development goes in all directions E-mail: Subscription index — 74977


May the bells of Khatyn never fall silent


While the village was alive, there were never so many people as after its tragic death. And today, in the evening of March 21, many people have gathered in this place. They came here to pay tribute to the memory of the dead.


The publication of a collection of essays dedicated to ten famous Belarusians, immigrants from Belarus, can be considered an event in the Belarusian-Chinese humanitarian relations at the present stage. The uniqueness of this detailed publication lies primarily in the fact that the choice of the principal characters of the book and authorship is a matter for the Chinese side.

Effect of favourable opportunities Chinese traditional medicine opens up new horizons for business cooperation between China and Belarus


In March, the ceremony of signing an agreement on the entry of the project of Jintai Institute of Culture and Economics (Novoera Biotech LLC) in the field of traditional Chinese medicine into China-Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park was held.

14 Vladimir Ulakhovich: "To the Future with Optimism"

Ten personalities of Belarus: Chinese interpretation

Digits in sight


Coffee with Polessye hinterland aroma In Gomel region, start-up entrepreneurs plan to open the first coffee roasting plant in the region. The business project is being launched in Khoiniki. The start-ups are wheelchair users who are confident in success of an inclusive enterprise that is unique for Polessye hinterland.

Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018 by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Andrey Siniawskii Proof-reader Alisa Gungor Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese. The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 22.04.2021 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 5,58 Accounting published sheets 7,31 Total circulation — 812

copies (289 — in English)

Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2021 On the front page of the cover Ekaterina Dubanevich during her round-the-world trip

беларусь. belarus 2021


беларусь. belarus 2021

Sangeeta Bahadur: "Take care of your wonderful country"


Anniversary of the Chinese Slavonic scholar is nearing Ulanhan, or Gao Man, is the name known not only in China. In his life there were different moments. His interest in Russian culture and the Slavic world developed even before the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.

30 First impression counts…


When thoughts and feelings are equally important Quite a rare occurrence: at the same time in two galleries, even located literally next to one another, the works of the same artist were shown. The organizers of exhibitions seemed to be at a great risk not to gain, but to lose their visitors. In some case, it could most likely happen. But not when it comes to works of Minsk artist Anatoly Kuznetsov, known for his original masterpieces. The visitors were equally active in their desire to see his works – first in one room, then in the other.


Ekaterina Dubanevich: "On the way I found my inner Ocean" The arrival of Ekaterina Dubanevich in Minsk on October 31, 2020 was written about. Many Belarusian media did not disregard her return. Which is understandable. After all, Katya is the only woman who dared to start a trip around the world alone on a bike named Henry.

Hiking in fantasy style



more in the issue 1 2



`` Safety first

`` In tune with the times


Biometric documents to be introduced in Belarus from September 1

According to experts, the use of biometric documents will automate the person identification procedure, simplify passport control when crossing the border, and will contribute to the development of electronic services. In particular, a microcircuit containing a photographic image, fingerprints and other personal data of the owner will be embedded into the documents of a new type. In total, there will be eight types of documents containing biometric data, including a citizen's identification card and a biometric passport. ID-cards are planned to be used on the territory of the country to verify the identity of the owner. Biometric passports are required for travelling abroad. If a citizen does not plan such trips, then it is not necessary to obtain this passport. In other words, the mandatory replacement of passports of the population with new biometric documents is not provided. A currently valid passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus will be issued on the same terms. Citizens will independently decide what type of identity document they want to receive – biometric documents or currently valid passports. Besides, the procedure for issuing currently valid passports will not change. It will remain valid for traveling abroad.



`` Law for society

Safe operation of the first Belarusian nuclear power plant is in the focus of attention of the relevant services

The first meeting of the Constitutional Commission was held in Minsk

This spring, a special commission plans to accept into operation the first power unit of the Belarusian NPP. Besides, two IAEA missions are expected to arrive this year. This information was shared with the journalists by the First Deputy Head of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) Leonid Dedul: — The composition of the acceptance board is to be approved by the order of the Prime Minister. It will monitor the state of facilities and systems, the readiness of personnel, and review the documents validating the safety of the plant. The supervisory authorities will prepare a report on the basis of which the operating license can be issued. The specialist of Gosatomnadzor stressed that the safety of the Belarusian NPP was monitored on a real time basis. — In different years Belarus concluded agreements on direct information of other countries, primarily neighbors. These agreements concern both the notification of possible accidents and the provision of information on the state of nuclear and radiation safety. We voluntarily informed different countries about the delivery of nuclear fuel to BelNPP site, about loading fuel into the reactor and the start of physical launch. Although according to the general requirements, according to the IAEA's approaches, it was possible not to provide this information, — emphasized Leonid Dedul. According to the representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in terms of the safety of the station, Belarus has been and remains open to foreign experts: — The next international inspection is planned for June-July. This will be the IAEA's physical protection mission. At the end of the year, if the epidemiological situation does not interfere, the visit of the IAEA mission on assessment of the regulatory activities is planned. By the way, experts note that we have good practices that can be recommended by the IAEA to other newcomer countries. We try to keep up with the times.

The Constitutional Commission was created by the decree of the President in order to develop proposals to amend the Basic Law of Belarus and ensure their nationwide discussion. The commission is headed by the President of the Constitutional Court Petr Miklashevich, who notes the following: — The main participant in constitutional relations is a citizen. It is also important to stipulate at the constitutional level that a citizen must be socially active and responsible. The Constitution is an ideological document, the basis for the implementation of the provisions of the laws. Petr Miklashevich believes that today the task is not to write a new Constitution from scratch: — Let me remind you that the Constitution was adopted in 1994. The amendments were made in 1996, and for about 30 years now our country has been developing steadily, dynamically, safely, we are making progress in various directions. And today it is necessary to strengthen the legal framework of our Basic Law in order to make it possible to regulate public relations in all areas at a higher modern level. According to Petr Miklashevich, concrete work has already begun on the most important section of the Constitution, which defines the rights and freedoms of citizens, the relationship between the individual, society and the state: — This section at this point already complies with international standards in the field of human rights. But time requires detailing of certain provisions, so that the rights and freedoms of our citizens are even more fully realized and protected. The Chairman of the Constitutional Commission emphasized that it was important to conduct a thorough analysis of the incoming proposals of citizens and fix the important ones at the constitutional level in order to prepare a specific version of possible amendments to the Constitution by August 1. беларусь. belarus 2021



May the bells of Khatyn never fall silent While the village was alive, there were never so many people as after its tragic death. And today, in the evening of March 21, many people have gathered in this place. They came here to pay tribute to the memory of the dead.


hese words are about Khatyn. On March 22, 1943, Hitler's punitive forces and their flunkeys destroyed the Belarusian village. Perhaps, only after visiting this place, one begins to realize the scale and inhumanity of this tragedy. Especially while reading the names and age of many Khatyn residents – 2 years, 3, 7, 11... All of them – 149 people, including 75 children – were burned alive in a shed or were shot down in a desperate attempt to escape. And even 78 years after that terrible day, the metallic sound of chimes, usually sadly dull, penetrate your soul like a warning signal. An appeal not to have it repeated in the future. Yes, on March 22, 1943, this small village was struck down by misfortune. The invaders, who were suffering defeats at the fronts, sentenced civilian population to death. The punishers did not have mercy on the elderly, women and nursing infants. And we will never put up with the horror of parents, who saw their children die. We will never forget the fear and helplessness of a child who seeks protection from an adult and does not understand why they claim his/her life. We cannot forgive the grief of the father, who survived, but lost his son, and the tears of the boy, who found salvation under the body of his murdered mother. Remembering Khatyn, we remember thousands of brutally destroyed villages. Mourning the victims of these terrible events, we mourn every third inhabitant of Belarus who died during the Second World War. This pain will forever remain in our hearts as a memory of cruel crimes against humanity. And there is no excuse for them. The world seems to forget these lessons again. Military threats, terrorist attacks, interfaith strife and interethnic conflicts fill the pages of the history of the 21st century with countless new victims. And the modern face of evil, sometimes hidden behind a mask of good intentions, is as ugly as that of Nazism. The ideas of superpower and the supremacy of nations find new followers and lead to new troubles. So let the mournful ringing of the bells of Khatyn sound and warn against a repetition of the terrible tragedy. Let their metallic cry reach


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Khatyn is a symbol of national memory and sorrow. A loss that cannot be made up. A crime that has no forgiveness and no limitation period, which wiped off the map more than 9,200 Belarusian villages and settlements.

memory those corners of the Earth, where today they have forgotten that life is a gift from above, peace is the greatest value. In the State Memorial Complex "Khatyn", a republican meeting-requiem "Lampad of Memory" and the All-Belarusian Prayer were held. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko took part in these events together with his sons. The head of state passed the road of memory, laid flowers at the monument to the Unconquered Man and, addressing the audience, said: "This truth is tough, this memory is heavy. Think about it: the invaders and their police assistants burned down 9,200 Belarusian villages. Of these, more than five thousand — together with the inhabitants... There is a lot of pain and suffering in this memory, it contains tragic historical experience. It is a fact: the Second World War was not just a war, it was a systematic extermination of our Slavic peoples... We will never forget the terrible pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War. We will never forgive the cruelty, inhumanity and atrocities of the enemy on our land. We remember this, and our strength is in it". People of different generations came to pay tribute to the memory of the inhabitants of Khatyn that evening. Many came with children. Despite the weather. After the end of the All-Belarusian Prayer, the President did not fail to thank all those who, on a rainy day, came to "this dead, but living in people's hearts obscure village". He urged to bring children to such places. So that they could understand and appreciate life: "You must remember: while we come to the monuments and shrines in our Belarus, it means that we will live and our country will exist. As soon as we forget these paths, these roads to these holy places, we will perish as a nation." Belarus will remember. The war really left a tragic imprint on every family, so those present spoke about their duty to those who were not fated to live to see the Great Victory, about the value of peace. Here is what Metropolitan of Minsk and Zaslavl, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus Benjamin said on behalf of the leaders of all religious denominations of Belarus who took part in the mourning ceremony: "In this mournful place we ask ourselves: why did the tragedy take place here? Why did people

kill our compatriots? So cruel — young and old... We see that those people who committed great evil in this place, on our Belarusian land, have suffered the corresponding retribution. The prophet Hosea said that he who sows the wind will reap the storm. We are worried about the future of our country, we strive and wish to continue our life in peace, harmony, unity. Let us add our prayers to these efforts." Apostolic administrator of MinskMogilev Archdiocese, Bishop Kazimir Velikoselets, also spoke about the importance of preserving historical memory for the sake of peace: "There is such truth: if we have forgotten about the past, we have no future. We must remember this, remember everything that we have experienced, all the wars." Oksana Zholud, chairperson of Kamensk village executive committee, on the territory of which Khatyn memorial complex is located, agrees with this: "Memory for every person is the road to the future. If we do not remember the past of our relatives and friends, our history, can we be called humans, the people? This unites us. The tragedy that happened on our land is a common grief. And we will always remember this in order to prevent its recurrence". Teacher Tatyana Shelkoplyas was born in the village of Zakolyuzhye, nine kilometers from Khatyn. She recollected that as a child she often used to ride here on a bicycle along the old road through the forest.

She also remembers the majestic memorial being built, as well as visiting this place with her schoolmates. And today teachers consider it to be their duty to tell the children about those terrible days: "I come from this land. And our relatives lived here. I remember my grandmother's stories. The blaze over the village could be seen for tens of kilometers. This is terrible, and everything must be done to prevent the fire of war from reaching anyone else. It hurts to think that so many of these fiery villages were erased forever from the earth. We cannot forget this and will do everything so that the generation to which we are passing on knowledge today, will pass on this holy memory to their children. And it will go on endlessly." By the way, last year the memorial complex "Khatyn" was visited by representatives of more than 100 countries. The world famous monument, which has become a symbol of victims, suffering and courage of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War, will always remind not only of the crime committed here, but also of 9,200 settlements destroyed by the invaders and collaborators. And people must preserve this memory so that this never happens again, so that the ideology of fascism can never transform the minds of people, turning them into soulless executioners. Having laid flowers at the memorial, the Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko spoke about the value

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memory of lessons of history: "The archives were opened, and we learned about new pages of the tragedy of the Belarusian people. Today we do not discuss the nationality of the executioners... Evil has no nationality. The point is that the people who participated in these crimes made their choice. And along with the ardent sadists and scoundrels who enjoyed what they were doing, there were also some people who took the path of betrayal, allegedly driven by hatred of the Soviet regime, by the possibility of restoring their previous rights – property rights and so on. But no matter what they were guided by, they became traitors and ended their life in the same way as those who did evil for their sadistic inclinations." Meanwhile, on the site of burned villages in each region, commemorative events were held on the eve of the Khatyn tragedy. The village of Krasny Bereg in Zhlobin district is called "Children's Khatyn". In 1943, the Nazis set up a concentration camp there, where children were used as donors, medical experiments were performed on them. 1,990 children were tortured to death in the camp. Hundreds of residents of Gomel region with the participation of the leadership of the region, clergy, youth, former prisoners of concentration camps came there for a requiem meeting. Speaking to the audience, Deputy Chairman of Gomel Regional Executive Committee Vladimir Privalov said: "The memorial complex symbolizes children's dreams and hopes, which were not fated to come true. Each of us must once again comprehend the depth of the abyss on the edge of which the world was on, what consequences the fascist regime could have for Belarus. We must not forget for a moment that there are no excuses for cruelty, terrorism, and aggression. And we must do everything so that the ideology of fascism never finds a response in the hearts of people." Dramatic memorial "Ola" in Svetlogorsk district reminds of the tragedy of the burnt villages. In the village 1,758 civilians were shot dead and burned alive, including 100 men, 508 women, 950 children. The settlement, like Khatyn, did not revive. "We feel the torment of people here at some energy level, – says Lyudmila Kadina, a participant of the rally from Gomel. – I perceive the


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memory tragedy of that terrible time as a personal one. My grandfathers fought, one of them did not return from the front. I didn't know him. My grandmother was driven off to Germany. It is terrible that hundreds of thousands of children were among the victims of the war. Nothing can justify such cruelty. Everything the Belarusian people experienced and suffered has influenced our mentality. We, like no one else, are aware of the value of peace." The funeral meeting-requiem "National memory and pain" gathered a huge number of people at Borki memorial complex in Kirov district, which was opened last year after a large-scale reconstruction. In the summer of 1942, the Nazis carried out there one of the largest punitive operations in Belarus during the Great Patriotic War. The executioners destroyed the village of Borki and several adjacent villages together with their inhabitants. More than 2 thousand civilians were burned and shot dead. Now they are forever immortalized in stone. Seventy-eight years ago, Khatyn was wiped off the face of the earth, burned down along with houses and residents. "Punishers approached Khatyn at about three o'clock in the afternoon. One company established themselves at the edge of the forest and opened fire on the village. The rest moved around, surrounding the village, – I recall the words of the director of Khatyn memorial complex Artur Zelsky, who spoke about the events of that day, perhaps for the thousandth time, but in his voice there was still sorrow and pain. – At that time there were partisans in the village who had come the day before to carry out a subversive action on Logoisk-Vitebsk road. Having noticed the enemy, the partisans quickly left Khatyn. The policemen did not follow them, they continued to surround the village. All residents, young and old, were driven out of their homes to a barn on the outskirts of the village. The whole families were kicked out. Neither the elderly nor women with small and nursing children were spared. Thanks to the memoirs of Viktor Zhelobkovich, the only witness who managed to escape from the flame, it is known that it was a sunny day, the snow was melting, streams were running. Little children were barefoot, they shifted from one foot to the other because

the snow painfully bit their heels. It is painful to speak about what happened after the residents were herded into the barn. After all, the whole tragedy, which lasted until night, began there." But words are not necessary. Instead of a guide, bells on obelisks-chimneys, open gates, crowns of log cabins, the listed names of villagers tell about the Khatyn tragedy. A total of 149 people, of which 75 were children. The youngest, Tolik Yaskevich, who was deprived of both the first words and the first steps by the punishers, was only 7 weeks old. The monument-document – this is the name of the memorial ensemble "Khatyn". And this document testifies not only to the tragedy of Khatyn. Walking along the main alley of the memorial, one can find oneself on the symbolic "cemetery of villages". 185 Belarusian villages shared the fate of Khatyn – they were burned down and did not revive after the war. Khatyn is the 186th. 443 more, immortalized in the "trees of life", rose from the ashes, received the second life. But even these terrible figures

are only a small part of those known today. The electronic database of the National Archives of Belarus contains 9,093 names of villages destroyed fully or partly during the Great Patriotic War, with and without their residents. "I always start my excursion with the fact that all the numbers that a visitor sees on the memorial correspond to the time the monument was created, – explained the director of Khatyn memorial complex Artur Zelsky. – We have no right to change anything – there is a protected zone of the memorial. Moreover, the historical research continues. We do not know the exact number of burned down villages and people who died during the war to this day." Artur Zelsky noted that lately there had been more individual visits to the memorial: "This is very valuable for us. Families are the most grateful listeners. They take history very closely. I am sure that it is through the family that one can educate and influence the consciousness of a person." Vladimir Velikhov Photo credit BelTA

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Development goes in all


This conclusion is easily drawn on the basis of the recent visit to Baku of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and his meetings with the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev


ndoubtedly, economic interests constitute the basis of the Belarusian-Azerbaijani cooperation. Last year, the trade turnover between the two countries approached half a billion dollars. And today we can say with confidence that if it were not for the pandemic, this figure would have been higher. Azerbaijan entered the top-15 largest trade partners of Belarus. And our country is the second trade partner of Azerbaijan in the CIS after Russia. Minsk and Baku permanently provide mutual support in international structures on key issues for both countries.


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It seems that trusting relations between the leaders of the two countries play a significant role in this situation. Alexander Lukashenko and Ilham Aliyev have been regularly exchanging visits since 2006. The President of Belarus visited Baku was in 2016. And in 2018, the President of Azerbaijan was received in Minsk. As a result of this visit, Alexander Lukashenko signed a corresponding protocol of instructions. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Azerbaijan Andrei Ravkov believes that today Azerbaijan is a dynamically developing state, a regional leader

confidently asserting itself in the international arena. Within a short period of time, this country has become a prominent figure in the global hydrocarbon market, an important platform for intercultural and interfaith dialogue. — Traditionally, Belarus and Azerbaijan have established friendly relations, which are in the nature of a strategic partnership, — the ambassador emphasized. — Maintenance of intensive contacts at the highest level certainly meets our national interests. Besides, stable ties have been established at the level of governments, parliaments, ministries and departments, and

visit a solid legal base of bilateral relations has been formed. During the current visit of Alexander Lukashenko to Baku, a wide range of issues of the Belarusian-Azerbaijani dialogue, development of economic ties and cooperation projects were discussed. The parties see a certain potential for interaction in the spheres of industry, agriculture, construction, woodworking, transport, petrochemical complex, information technology, healthcare, tourism. One of the most successful joint projects is the assembly of Belarusian equipment in Ganja, the second largest Azerbaijani city. Since 2007, almost 12 thousand Belarus tractors and about 3.5 thousand units of municipal, passenger and other equipment have been assembled on the basis of Ganja Automobile Plant. Besides, the assembly of electric buses and combine harvesters has been mastered. Belarus participates in modernization of Azerbaijan's railway infrastructure by supplying modern passenger trains and Stadler locomotives. Cooperation in the field of agriculture is actively developing. Over the past year, for example, the export of Belarusian agricultural products to Azerbaijan increased by almost 11 percent, exceeding $30 million. This means that the food products from the blue-eyed country were to the taste of the locals. Today, our dairy and meat products can be found not only in the chain of stores "Belorussky", but also in any large supermarket in Azerbaijan. In return, we import Azerbaijani fruit, vegetables, melons and gourds. Since 2017, the Trade House of Azerbaijan has been operating in Minsk, which was granted a preferential regime for the supply of food products to the Belarusian market. And in Azerbaijan there are 45 dealers representing more than 50 Belarusian enterprises. Cooperation in the oil sector is developing successfully. When Belarus faced problems with oil supplies, Baku lent its friendly shoulder to us. SOCAR company, together with Belneftekhim concern, worked out logistics in a short time, and Azerbaijan became one of the main alternative suppliers of raw materials to Mozyr Oil Refinery. By the way, at the end of last

year, Belarusian Oil Company and a subsidiary of SOCAR Trading signed a oneyear contract for the supply of oil to Belarusian consumers. Now the task is not only to activate the partnership, but also to fill it with new content. For example, Belarus is ready to export trains for the Baku Metro. The agenda of the visit also included issues of further industrial cooperation, projects in the field of production and processing of agricultural products. There is great potential for interaction in the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Belarus is ready to supply the Azerbaijani market with medicines that meet international standards, but at a more reasonable price. No wonder the rich negotiating agenda ended with the signing of a number of bilateral documents and commercial contracts, which will undoubtedly become an impetus for the further development of BelarusianAzerbaijani relations. Of course, Minsk and Baku are linked by mutual interest in strategic partnership. Official negotiations between Alexander Lukashenko and Ilham Aliyev took place on the Caspian coast in Zagulba palace. And on the eve, the heads of state had over an hour-long informal conversation. By the way, the President of Belarus is the first

foreign leader to be hosted by Azerbaijan this year. It is for good reason that Alexander Lukashenko emphasized during the conversation: — Real friends do not postpone activities that need to be done on time. No pandemic can prevent this. The President noted that the countries have diversified their relations in politics and economics and they are not burdened by anything at all: — We do not interfere with anyone, and no one tries not to interfere with us. Because if one wants to do something, it is difficult to prevent it. Yes, in 2020 the trade turnover between Belarus and Azerbaijan approached half a billion dollars. According to Alexander Lukashenko, this is a good result in terms of dynamics. The head of the Belarusian state outlined the level of political dialogue as follows: — It's hard to say what we are missing. We have a brilliant relationship. And I am always proud of that. We have restored the warmest relations since the Soviet Union on all fronts. Alexander Lukashenko also offered his Azerbaijani counterpart support from Belarus in the restoration of the territories affected by the recent conflict.

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Ilham Aliyev, in turn, noted that cooperation between the countries is successfully developing both in the political sphere and in the economy. According to him, dynamics has been imparted to the Belarusian-Azerbaijani relations in such a degree that development is going on in all directions: — Our mutual visits are regular. All this testifies to close political interaction, a high level of trust between the countries and a focus on results. Our relationship is completely free from any problems. Our regular contacts allow us to simply summarize what has been done, outline the next steps and move forward as two friends, partners. Today Belarus and Azerbaijan are linked by interaction in various directions. Cooperation in the energy sector is especially valuable. Alexander Lukashenko expressed special gratitude to his Azerbaijani counterpart for supporting Belarus in the supply of hydrocarbon raw materials, which has obvious prospects: — We, perhaps, should consider the issue of deepening our relations in this area. It’s a very subtle and scrupulous issue, of course, due to the fact that Belarus is located at the epicenter of economic and political events. But nevertheless, there are no unsolvable questions.


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It is obvious that Minsk and Baku have approached a new stage of economic cooperation. According to Alexander Lukashenko, a thorough audit of relations was carried out in two days. The parties reaffirmed their strategic nature and stated that there were no problems or differences of opinion on the international agenda: — Our assessments of the situation in the world completely coincide. There is clarity about further joint actions in the context of the global economic crisis, pandemic and, most importantly, ambiguous forecasts for the future. Belarus, according to the President, sincerely welcomes the agreement on a complete cessation of hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. On the eve of the visit, there was a lot of slander on the Internet on this topic. Alexander Lukashenko spoke out unequivocally: — This is an important political decision that should become the basis for lasting peace in the region. I want to congratulate the people of Azerbaijan and the people of Armenia on the end of this terrible tragedy, which lasted for 30 years. The whole world knows my position, the Azerbaijani and Armenian people also know it. I always asked the question: tell me, are people in Karabakh happy that they live constantly under this oppression? Do they

feel good there? So this problem needed a solution! And today I really want to congratulate both the people of Azerbaijan and the people of Armenia on the end of this sad, if not more, period in their history. The President (Ilham Aliyev. — Ed.) is a fine fellow. He said: we want to turn over this page. This is my position and my wish: God grant that this misfortune doesn't leave traces, so that there are no fragments in the soul and heart of the Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples. Ilham Aliyev said that Azerbaijan is aimed at strengthening confidence-building measures in relations with Armenia: — We expect that Belarus, as our friend, a trusted partner, will take an active part not only in the restoration of the territories. Belarus as a partner of Armenia, a country that together with it is a member of the EAEU and ODKB, and as a country that is a close friend of Azerbaijan, can play an important role in establishing contacts between Armenia and Azerbaijan. It is grounded that during the negotiations much attention was paid to trade and economic cooperation. With regard to the new stage of cooperation, we are talking mainly about the transfer of technologies and opening of new joint ventures in Azerbaijan to create the necessary industries and new jobs. The Belarusian side sees

visit great potential for cooperation in industry, agriculture, woodworking, information technology, healthcare, tourism, education. There are good prospects for deepening the cooperation in the scientific, technical and military-industrial spheres. The parties also analyzed the develop­ ment of the pandemic situation in the world. Alexander Lukashenko reminded that mass vaccination of the population is starting in Belarus, for these purposes, home-made drugs base on Russian technologies will be used. However, Belarus will not be able to consume the entire volume of vaccines produced, so they it is ready to export them, including to Azerbaijan. This, according to the President, was received not only positively, but also with a certain hope. Alexander Lukashenko invited Ilham Aliyev to Belarus, adding that some points of the program of his visit had already been outlined. The head of the Belarusian state emphasized: — We have always been and will remain reliable friends of your country. Belarusians are reliable people. Everything we agreed on will be implemented.

Following the talks between the presidents of Belarus and Azerbaijan, the parties signed several documents on the development of cooperation in various fields. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus signed a memorandum of understanding with Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation in the field of veterinary medicine. The heads of the energy ministries signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the energy sector. Another memorandum was signed between the Belarusian National Tourism Agency and the State Tourism Agency of Azerbaijan. Besides, a memorandum of understanding was remotely signed between Belneftekhim and SOCAR.

Details Igor Petrishenko, Deputy Prime Minister: — Cooperation between Belarus and Azerbaijan has been actively developing through the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Our airline company even during the pandemic, continued to perform flights to Baku. Since April 1, these flights have intensified. We hope that this will give a boost to all our forms of cooperation, tourist potential and business. Cooperation in the field of education was also developing. More than 500 Azerbaijani students study at Belarusian universities. 52 agreements were signed. More than 500 cadets have been trained in our University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Cooperation in the field of culture is developing. We have outlined that in 2022 the Days of Belarus Culture will be held in Azerbaijan, and in 2023 — the Days of Azerbaijan Culture will be held in our country. This year, based on the results of two months, our trade turnover has already amounted to about $108 million. There is positive dynamics. I think that the negotiations at the highest level will give an additional impetus to cooperation across the entire spectrum of our multifaceted Belarusian-Azerbaijani relations, contacts will intensify even more, and the period of a certain lull and lack of face-to-face meetings will end.

Ivan Krupko, Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus: — In general, in 2020, the volume of production and supplies of Belarusian food products to foreign markets amounted to $5.8 billion and increased in foreign exchange earnings by $240 million. With regard to Azerbaijan, the volume of growth in the sale of our food and agricultural products from 2016 to 2020 increased from $6 million to $30. In 2020, the increase against the level of 2019 was 111 percent. In the near future, a group will be created between the ministries of agriculture of Belarus and Azerbaijan. We will work out all areas that are of interest to both Azerbaijan and Belarus. The first is the provision of food. The second is cooperation in the field of education, the creation of joint ventures for the production of veterinary medicine.

Petr Parkhomchik, Minister of Industry: — Our visit is very important. Azerbaijan is interested in industrial products, which are primarily produced by the Minsk Tractor Works. During the President's visit, a contract was signed for the supply of a batch of 550 tractors. The amount of the contract is about $9 million. Our partner in Ganja works in close cooperation with MTZ. During this time, he sold more than 12 thousand tractors, created an assembly plant in Turkey. The pandemic prevents us from establishing close contacts with the Turkish side, but we hope that this time will pass and there will be an opportunity to promote our tractors in this market. They also discussed the supply of products of Minsk Automobile Plant, issues related to the supply and replacement of lifts, which have worked out their resources, to the city of Sumgait. A very interesting topic that was discussed is related to electric transport. This issue is discussed wherever we go. Azerbaijan is interested not only in buying electric passenger transport, but in creation of these competencies in its own country. Currently, four electric buses produced by Belkommunmash enterprise are being tested. We will create production that will provide Azerbaijan. We also hope that Azerbaijan can become a bridge for promotion of these products to third countries, e.g. Iran and Turkey.

Vasily Kharitonov Photo credit BelTA

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Effect of favourable opportunities Chinese traditional medicine opens up new horizons for business cooperation between China and Belarus In March, the ceremony of signing an agreement on the entry of the project of Jintai Institute of Culture and Economics (Novoera Biotech LLC) in the field of traditional Chinese medicine into China-Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park was held. In particular, a workshop is planned to be built in the park for the production and packaging of the traditional Chinese medicine "Linglan Yiqing". It is used for treatment for coronavirus infection and has shown its high efficiency. It is also planned to expand a range of manufactured drugs making use of Belarusian medicinal herbs and herbal raw materials. The plans are to create a center for traditional medicine and cultural exchange, a center for diagnostics and treatment. In short, the project will not only fill the gap in the traditional medicine industry in the industrial park, but will also become a breakthrough in business cooperation between China and Belarus in the field of healthcare.

Unique advantages

Important role in the fight against COVID-19

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a general term for the medicine of all ethnic groups in China, including the medicine of Han people and national minorities. It reflects the Chinese nation's understanding of life, health and diseases. It has a long history, unique theories and technical methods. The main theory of traditional Chinese medicine is a theoretical generalization of human life and the order of the disease development. It mainly includes the doctrine of two principles of Yin and Yang, the concept of five primary elements, the circulation of vital energy particles, the determination of the state of internal organs by external manifestations, the system of meridians and collaterals, other teachings, as well as the cause of the disease, pathogenesis, diagnostic methods, dialectical research, the order and method of treatment, prevention, health care. Traditional Chinese medicine drugs is the generic name for traditional Chinese medicinal agents. Since the source of TCM drugs is mainly herbal, in ancient times traditional Chinese medicine was also called "herbal science". According to existing data, from ancient times to the present day, more than 10,000 types of Chinese medicines (of animal, plant and mineral origin) have been registered. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a treasure of Chinese culture, it is also the backbone of the Chinese nation in treatment of diseases and strengthening of the body. It embodies deep philosophical wisdom and rich practical experience of the Chinese people. For thousands of years, the Chinese nation, relying on traditional Chinese medicine, repeatedly finds a way out of danger and successfully overcomes the crisis in the fight against various diseases and epidemics. Traditional Chinese medicine, with its high efficiency, minor side effects, low prices, as well as unique practices in the field of disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, has been widely recognized by the medical community and patients in many countries, which has a positive impact on the life and health of mankind and the progress of the world civilization. More and more countries are willing to cooperate with China in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role in saving lives in China and in many countries. It became a critical element in the Chinese Program on prevention of the spread of the disease. Chinese President Xi Jinping noted that the fight against COVID-19 is distinguished by the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, as well as the use of Chinese drugs in combination with Western ones. It is a common practice of traditional Chinese medicine to adopt golden heritage of its predecessors and strive for innovation. The White Paper "Fighting against COVID-19: China in Action" states that China has made every effort to treat patients and save lives, taking full advantage of the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine. According to the White Paper, TCM has been used to treat 92% of confirmed COVID-19 patients nationwide. In Hubei Province, Central China, which was hit hardest by COVID-19 in 2020, of more than 60,000 cases, over 90% of COVID-19 patients were treated with TCM techniques, and the overall therapeutic response rate exceeded 90%. At the beginning of 2021, among 940 people with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in Hebei province, traditional Chinese medicine was used to treat 916 patients (97.45% of the total number of patients), all 28 asymptomatic patients (100% of the total number of patients) were treated with traditional medicine. In treatment for hand-foot-mouth syndrome, influenza A, past SARS, or current coronavirus and other viral infectious diseases, traditional Chinese medicine has demonstrated unique properties in reduction of death rate and improvement of cure rate. Research on the treatment for COVID-19 coronavirus infection in China shows that traditional Chinese medicine methods are effective not only for patients with mild and normal COVID-19, but also have significant advantages in the treatment of critically ill patients with death rate decreases from 21% to 5%. Traditional Chinese Medicine has also played a unique role in the fight against COVID-19 in other countries, gaining their high re­ cognition. TCM drugs of Jintai Institute of Culture and Economics,


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partnership which are planned to be produced in the China-Belarus Industrial Park, serve as a vivid example of Chinese medicines for the treatment of coronavirus infection, which have shown their effectiveness. The drug "Linglan Yiqing" was developed by the director of Jintai Institute of Culture and Economics, a specialist in traditional Chinese medicine Tsai Chuanqing in accordance with the classic recipe of traditional Chinese medicine. It takes into account the characteristics of the coronavirus infection COVID-19 and has shown high efficiency in the treatment of ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko and her family from the coronavirus, as well as other famous figures of Ukraine and patients from Russia. When the Western antibiotic therapy fails to achieve results, traditional Chinese medicine provides patients with hope for life. At present, Jintai Institute of Culture and Economics and an Azerbaijani pharmaceutical company have signed a cooperation agreement for the joint promotion of Linglan Yiqing granules on the market of Azerbaijan and neighboring countries. The first batch of medicines has already arrived in Baku.

Broad prospects ahead

Xie Xiaoyong Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Belarus

Belarusian people are familiar with traditional Chinese medicine, especially acupuncture and Tuina massage, which have been used in Belarus for 30 years as an additional method of treatment. At the moment, seven centers of traditional Chinese medicine have been opened at the main state clinics in each region of the country and the city of Minsk, where, in addition to appropriate treatment, Taijiquan, Baduanjin and other traditional Chinese gymnastics are taught. Belarusian doctors working in

the aforementioned centers completed theoretical and practical training in China; Chinese specialists also work in the centers of traditional Chinese medicine in Grodno and Mogilev. Within the humanitarian aid on combating the coronavirus infection, TCM were sent to Belarus from China to prevent and treat pneumonia, their effectiveness was highly appreciated by Belarusian officials. Belarus has excellent natural conditions and is rich in various medicinal herbs, including dandelion, birch chaga, chamomile and rose hips, which are widely used in modern medicine. Over its long history, unique traditions and practice of traditional medicine have been formed in Belarus, which is similar to traditional Chinese medicine. It also provides broad prospects for cooperation between our countries. Currently, the Chinese-Belarusian relations are maintained at a high level and are developing steadily, and the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine in Belarus is taking place in favorable conditions, i.e. "at the right time and in the right place". Both sides should use the opportunity to sustainably promote the ChineseBelarusian cooperation in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, implement the agreements reached by the heads of the two states in order to strengthen physical health of Belarusian people, to combat the epidemic in Belarus and neighboring countries, to build a community of health care for mankind, as well as to encourage exchange and mutual study of cultures and civilizations between the two countries.

Registration of Novoera Biotech LLC as a resident of the Great Stone Park, March 18, 2021 беларусь. belarus 2021



Vladimir Ulakhovich:

"To the Future with Optimism" Despite the difficulties that exporting enterprises have faced recently, some of them were able to reorganize production in a year and even discover new directions for supply. To help companies during the pandemic, the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has developed several new formats: from online business forums to virtual participation in international exhibitions. Chairman of the BelCCI Vladimir Ulakhovich spoke about the results of the difficult 2020 and optimistic plans for 2021.


– You must admit that the tasks to increase export of Belarusian products, to develop foreign economic activity of business entities have not been canceled, despite the pandemic. They are still relevant. What is the role of the BelCCI in solving these problems? – Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the most important link in many business chains. It unites business representatives of Belarus as well as helps them to establish strong business ties with foreign partners. This is a kind of "voice" of entrepreneurs in the dialogue with state authorities, ministries and departments. Besides, the Chamber is an organizer and participant of national expositions at major international exhibitions, business visits and forums, B2B meetings and negotiations. The mission of the BelCCI, which is defined by the Law "On the Chamber of Commerce and Industry" is to help enterprises to develop foreign economic relations and promote exports. What exactly is it expressed in? First of all, these are business visits and receptions of delegations of foreign businessmen, contact and cooperation exchanges, business forums, business events within the framework of intergovernmental commissions, exhibitions. To promote goods and services of Belarusian manufacturers, we actively use the capabilities of our solid international network of partners. We have signed more than 280 agreements and memorandums of cooperation with national and regional chambers of commerce and industry, associations from 102 countries of the world. These are the organizations that we can rely on, because we work on the principles of mutual support and assistance. For example, in February, together with our partners from Pakistan, we held an offline meeting with Pakistani business. To organize it, we invited interested Belarusian companies, made a presentation, prepared everything necessary. And we


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Chairman of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vladimir Ulakhovich

are absolutely confident that our colleagues from Pakistan will do the same for us if we organize a visit to Islamabad. And for enterprises that do international business and provide export, the selection of potential partners is especially important. And the fact that there is a serious partner community among organizations like ours is a great benefit which provides opportunities that we continue to use both online and offline. By the way, not so long ago we signed agreements with the Chamber of Commerce of Guatemala and Korea International Trade Association. It is gratifying that the partners of the Chamber are ready for cooperation in any conditions. This is a very good sign for enterprises in particular, and for maintenance of business relations, promotion of our interests and development of exports in general.

accent Today in our country there are various means to support exports – financial, infrastructural in the form of commodity distribution networks and trading houses, administrative. But one can have all these support tools and get no results. Because everything depends on a person, on his/her competencies, motivation, opportunities and interest. In this regard, for the third year we have been implementing a project, which was originally called the "Export School", and now it is the "Export Academy". This is a kind of express course for exporters in the field of financial resources management, marketing activities, legal and tax regulation of export supplies, customs escort and logistics, cross-cultural features of business communication with foreign partners, business etiquette. This modular practice has proven itself well, the project is enjoying great success. Last year, we issued certificates to 164 students from 62 domestic companies. More than half of these enterprises are representatives of the non-state sector of the economy, which today is becoming a serious driver of the country's development. For the members of the BelCCI, training at the Export Academy is free, because for us it is a kind of investment in human capital, in gifted entrepreneurs and managers who are eager to develop. This, of course, is not a completely direct support tool, but it is also very important, so we will continue to develop the project. We also provide related services – translation and apostilization of business documents, language courses, assessment, examination, certification, customs declaration, issuance of ATA carnets, protection of product brands, including in foreign markets. Three of our publications, i.e. the quarterly magazine "Merkury", the catalog "Belarusian exporters", the reference and information publication "Belarus. Business Partner" are also aimed at promotion of domestic exports. – Is the tactics of the Chamber's behavior changing in today's realities? – Certainly, the pandemic and the related restrictions obliged us to reconsider our approaches to work in order to continue our help to businesses in the solution to emerging problems and expansion of international relations. We have almost completely switched to online mode in order to maintain business contacts. Last year, 249 such events were held jointly with foreign partners and with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These are online negotiations with business circles of Argentina, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Estonia; online country seminars with Vietnam, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine; online meetings of the Belarusian-Russian and Belarusian-Kazakhstan business councils, the BelarusianUkrainian Consultative council of business cooperation; two online meetings with 26 representatives of the BelCCI abroad to inform about the current economic situation in Belarus and search for

partners among Belarusian companies; an online seminar for Belarusian enterprises "Belarus - Africa: a multi-vector economic policy in the international arena" with the participation of representatives of Belarusian diplomatic missions accredited in African countries, as well as a video conference "Africa - Belarus: the current situation and new guidelines for joint business projects" with the participation of heads and representatives of 19 diplomatic missions of African countries accredited in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Of course, this cannot replace direct, face-to-face contacts, so we also hold off-line meetings, but taking into account all the necessary precautions. In spring 2020, we launched a series of free online streams on various aspects of doing business and services of BelCCI on YouTube video hosting. Briefly, dynamically, in an applied manner,

The first virtual exhibition of Belarusian manufacturers Made in Belarus #AgroFood (16.06 - 19.08.2020)

challenging issues are clarified to the business, we offer assistance in the areas traditional for all chambers of commerce and industry in the context of the difficulties that the business world is currently experiencing. Unfortunately, the pandemic led to certain difficulties. Domestic importing enterprises, mainly buyers of component parts used in own production for subsequent sale on the domestic market, faced the impossibility of fulfilling obligations under foreign economic contracts. Therefore, first of all, we extended a helping hand in issuing certificates of force majeure circumstances, we provide the relevant certificates for members of the BelCCI free of charge, and for other enterprises – with a 50% discount. Last year, we received over 110 written requests. At the same time, on a daily basis, we have a hot line for prompt advice and assistance in solving emerging problems. We held a number of online seminars on this issue, provided the opportunity to submit documents in electronic format,

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accent In order not to waste time waiting for the full resumption of exhibitions in the traditional format, we went online. In June-August, Belinterexpo exhibition company of BelCCI was the first in Belarus to hold a virtual exhibition of Belarusian manufacturers Made in Belarus #AgroFood, in which more than 30 companies took part. In October, the international industrial exhibition TeMEx was opened on an interactive online exhibition platform with the participation of more than 70 enterprises from 7 countries of the world. And these are not just online catalogues of enterprises, but full-fledged interactive platforms where one can watch presentation videos and virtual product samples, chat with company representatives at each stand. Our partner in the implementation of these new generation projects is the company "Game Stream" – Minsk development center of the World of Tanks. In February, a gradual resumption of exhibition activities began. 25 Belarusian enterprises took part in the largest food exhibition Gulfood 2021 in Dubai. The total amount of contracts exceeded $7 million. In the current environment, this is a good addition to our export portfolio. For the first time, the Belarusian exposition was Exhibition "Intellectual Belarus'', organized by the BelCCI accompanied by a virtual "mirror". This online and the NAS of Belarus (7.08.2020, Minsk) platform started its work even before the exhibition and continued to function for two weeks after the end of the your funds carefully and achieve maximum results. So efficiency offline event. The "mirror" made it possible to simplify the search comes to the fore today. Last year, thirty of our branches in industrial for products and increase the efficiency of the exhibitors' work. cities of the country, six regional offices, three specialized enterprises Working through the QR code, the user could preview the products – Belpatentservice, Belinterexpo, Business Education Center – held and get the address of the Belarusian company. In this case, direct more than 470 foreign economic events. Having named this signifiexchange of business cards is optional. In the future, we plan to accant figure, I want to emphasize: we do not assess the effectiveness of company each of our exhibition events with such a virtual "mirror". our work only by quantity. The main thing is a quality component, – To what extent does participation in international exhibiefficiency. Our efforts are aimed at ensuring that the events held by tions allow Belarusian enterprises to expand sales markets for the Chamber are practical platforms for concluding business contheir products, find partners for the possible implementation of tracts and establishing useful business relationships. joint projects? For example, today we are moving towards a more efficient way – Exhibition activity has been and remains an effective tool for to use the online format, i.e. industry-specific online meetings. If promotion of goods and services. This is a huge global industry: earlier we held business forums with foreign partners we invited the before the pandemic, about 30 thousand exhibition events were widest possible range of business community, and from our side up held annually, in which about 5 million enterprises participated, and to 100 enterprises were registered for the event, today this entails about 300 million people attended them. I would like to note that the specific industry cooperation. We plan to discuss with the Kazakh exhibitions organized by the BelCCI have always brought results. side issues of cooperation in the field of construction and woodFor example, in 2019, within the framework of national exhibitions, working, and with representatives of Turkmenistan business – interas well as more than 30 Made in Belarus expositions, which were action in the field of the textile industry. These events will be more held on our initiative, contracts worth $217 million were signed. For pragmatic in nature, where the details and specific cooperation or participation in budget-financed exhibitions (there were 8 of them) investment projects can be discussed. in 2019, about $300 thousand was spent. These funds were primarAny crisis or challenge requires an adequate response and opens ily used for payment for exhibition space. As a result, $1 of costs up new opportunities. Let's take, for example, exhibitions. Last on average gave $10 of the contract, and if we subtract the costs of year we planned 45 exhibitions in 25 countries. In fact, every two enterprises, then $1 of costs is equal to $7-8 in contracts concluded. weeks we were supposed to participate in exhibitions abroad. But in March, the pandemic put the entire exhibition industry on hold. and reduced the period of time for consideration of applications as much as possible. – What are the priorities in the activity of the Chamber? – The lesson imparted by the pandemic is very simple: spend


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accent This is a very high efficiency. Therefore, we are sorry that the events of 2020 suspended this type of our activity. The plans for 2021 are to hold about 50 off-line exhibitions in Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, in European countries, as well as in Zimbabwe. This is a large-scale plan, but all events have been thoroughly filtered so that the head of any enterprise, when deciding on participation in the exhibition, clearly understands what the final result. Wasting money on exhibitions is an impermissible luxury. The selection of exhibitions begins with a detailed assessment of trends and the capacity of a particular market, the analysis of the competitive environment, the main suppliers and the level of our supplies. So our exhibition plans include only those events where there is a free niche for Belarusian products. Our goal is to organize not just the participation of domestic enterprises in various exhibitions, but to prepare and achieve a real export mission. – What can you say about the results of the last year? What could the BelCCI chalk up to its account in terms of effective solutions? – An important achievement was the expansion of business opportunities, which are opened up with the help of the BelCCI. Last year, we launched several new projects on strengthening business reputation of exporting enterprises from among the BelCCI members, promotion of their brands and products to foreign markets. For more than a year, the BelCCI has been maintaining the Register of bona fide partners. This is a worldwide practice, when a chamber or other institution assumes a certain responsibility for a good business practice of a particular company. 190 Belarusian enterprises have already passed a certain test and received the "BelCCI quality mark", which testifies to fair business practice of the enterprise as a partner for entrepreneurial activity not only in Belarus, but also abroad. This is a free service for members of the Chamber, although in some countries it is fee-based. By the way, many enterprises, having received this certificate, even place the logo "Register of a bona fide partner" on their packaging. We have launched an e-Business Contact Platform. This is a new mechanism for information support and promotion of goods and services offered by the BelCCI as an additional channel for the exchange of business information. This platform allows enterprises to demonstrate the competitive advantages of their products and services to potential customers. The platform is promoted with the support of a partner network of foreign chambers of commerce and industry and representatives of the BelCCI. Today, 196 enterprises have been presented on this electronic platform. In 2020, BelCCI became the national coordinator of the International Trade Center project (a joint structure of the WTO and the UN Conference on Trade and Development) on expansion of

economic ties between the EU and the countries of the Eastern Partnership. It is assumed that the implementation of the project will provide Belarusian business with an additional channel of access to relevant marketing information and a database of contacts of potential partners in the Eastern Partnership countries and the EU, will contribute to the increase and diversification of exports, as well as the introduction of Belarusian products to the unified European market. Much work has been done to improve the mechanisms and instruments for export support. Last August, a new BelCCI Committee for Export Development and Foreign Economic Integration was created, its main task is to formulate proposals for the increase and diversification of exports, consideration of issues related to identification and removal of barriers and obstacles in the EAEU internal market. On the initiative of the BelCCI and with the support of the Eurasian Economic Commission, new formats of interaction with the chambers of commerce and industry of the EAEU member states have been developed. In April 2020, a meeting of the Advisory Council of the Chambers of the EAEU Member States was held via videoconference with the participation of Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the EEC Board. Following the meeting, a joint appeal was sent to the head of the EEC Board of the Chambers of Com-

Exposition of Belarusian manufacturers "Belarus. The Taste of Nature" at the Gulfood exhibition in Dubai (22 - 25.02.2021, UAE)

merce and Industry of the EAEU member states on possible ways of development of supranational mechanisms on support of industrial enterprises, creation of effective cooperation chains and promotion of jointly produced products to the markets of third countries. At the meeting of the same Advisory Council, but in July, the issues of marketing support and the creation of a single database of EAEU

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accent goods in the context of a commodity crisis and artificial shortages were considered.

Meeting of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Pakistan to Belarus Sajjad Haider Khan with Belarusian business community (18.02.2020)

I would like to note that this March, by a resolution of the Council of Ministers, the BelCCI was appointed the authorized organization of the Republic of Belarus on interaction with the Eurasian Economic Commission on the formation and maintenance of the Eurasian register of industrial goods of the EAEU member states. In 2020, we also received the status of a structure that registers exporters in the REX system. It is a system for export-oriented enterprises for the supply of products to the markets of Norway and Switzerland, which are not members of the European Union, but are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. – Is there any reason to look with optimism to the future of international trade, still hoping for its development, from which Belarus will benefit too? – There is such an important principle of life perception: turn any event into a positive result. I think it works in business too. Therefore, we not only look to the future with optimism, but also introduce new approaches. In early spring, we launched the Export Online project. Its main task is to facilitate the entry of Belarusian manufacturers on large electronic trading platforms in China, Russia, the United States and the EU – key points of growth in export trade in modern conditions. Despite the difficult situation in the world, Belarus holds positions in which we have grown, in particular, in the export of foodstuffs. It has been said many times that Belarus is a country that actually ensures national food security, but


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many did not attach importance to this, though today it is the most important issue. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the pandemic has had a significant impact on agricultural production. Russia, for example, has introduced an export duty of 25 euros per ton of wheat, and the states that bought this wheat, today declare that the budgets do not have funds for this. In turn, Belarus not only provides itself with food, but also increases export supplies. In 2019 we exported food to 92 countries, but by the end of 2020 this number increased to 105. Five years ago we could not surpass $3 billion, and today our food export is $5.77 billion. Belarus produces high-quality innovative products that we should be proud of. For example, everyone knows our electric buses and sees that Minsk is one of the few capitals in the world where new generation electric vehicles are widely used. Our electric buses are being tested in Budapest, Belgrade, London – and everywhere they get positive feedback. Now in the UK, a program has been adopted, according to which, by 2045, all public transport means in London are planned to be replaced with environmentally friendly ones. We hope very much that we will be able to occupy this niche and open an assembly plant for Belarusian electric buses in the UK. We have a lot to be proud of, and this, of course, inspires optimism. We just need to learn to promote ourselves more actively. At one business forum, an American businessman who has a business in Belarus said: "Here is my advice: be aggressive". That is, in promotion of products, our potential, we should be more aggressive and active. We have excellent developments, good infrastructure, and unique specialists. But we must learn to be more persistent in promoting and defending our economic interests. And then no difficulties will be too challenging. Interviewed by Viktor Kharkov

The first meeting of the Belarusian-Uzbek Business Council (04.03.2021, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)


Digits in sight Such concepts as e-wallet, mining, bitcoin, crypto-exchange have already entered our lexicon. This means that it wouldn't go amiss to provide for effective regulation and control of all these processes.


This is relevant both from the point of view of the personal safety of citizens and from the point of view of state interests. At a recent meeting with the President, it was noted that in some countries the tools of IT corporations are actively and openly used in political processes. Those who got all these processes out of control are now obtaining the corresponding results – that was the conclusion. Of course, the world has already developed certain rules aimed at prevention of money laundering, financing terrorism, and combating other manifestations of crime. And Belarus, undoubtedly, must keep pace with the times. Yes, e-wallets, digital securities, new types of money have become a full-fledged part of our life. But two decades ago, finances and the IT industry existed apart from each other. Today, global trends make the digit literally penetrate every home. It is useless to deny this phenomenon, but it is

possible and necessary to take it into account and use it in the interests of the state. Today it is very important and very essential to develop solutions at the intersection of digital and financial worlds. Actions, and sometimes even just public statements of the management of digital giants began to significantly influence traditional industries, i.e. automotive, transport, logistics, services, space deve­ lopment, etc. But it’s not limited only by the economy. Digital transformation are especially deep in financial relations. The use of tokens and cryptocurrencies has become commonplace. They are accepted as an additional means of payment along with traditional money. Three years ago Belarus, by a special presidential decree, created all the necessary legal conditions for the development of these technologies in the country. By the way, the document was immediately called revolutionary. Over the past time, a specific practice has been formed, re a l e x p e r i e n c e h a s been gained.

Of course, the world has already developed certain rules for combating money laundering, financing terrorism and other manifestations of crime in the digital sphere. Actually, we also need to clarify some provisions of the legislation and establish the necessary level of control over the new area of financial transactions. So to speak, keep up with the times. The fact is that, according to European rules, Belarus must specify a state body that would control the activities of crypto platforms. The government proposes to endow the administration of the Hi-Tech Park with such powers. The logic behind the solution is simple. Firstly, the activity with digital characters is allowed exclusively within the HTP. Secondly, the most competent specialists in this field are gathered there. They know the ropes. The President

Indeed, at one time the decree "On the development of the digital economy" laid in Belarus the possibility of development of crypto-exchanges, crypto-platforms, crypto-currencies. And this, in turn, gave a powerful impetus to the development of the Hi-Tech Park. беларусь. belarus 2021



supported the proposal, and in the near future it can be implemented. Indeed, at one time the decree "On the development of the digital economy" laid in Belarus the possibility of development of crypto-exchanges, crypto-platforms, crypto-currencies. And this, in turn, gave a powerful impetus to the development of the Hi-Tech Park. Export revenues of its residents today correspond to the foreign currency earnings of one of the most important Belarusian exporters — Belaruskali. Such an achievement became possible, in fact, thanks to the decree, which was adopted in a very timely manner. In short, a lot has already been done. A new and very effective sector of the economy has appeared in the country. Companies operating in the Hi-Tech Park are significantly ahead of traditional industries in most economic indicators. And the foreign exchange earnings that come to the country thanks to their work have become a significant factor in financial and, therefore, price stability. However, this question should be looked through a broader lens. In particular, Alexander Lukashenko recalled that during the pandemic last year, the world's leading countries had to put additional trillions of dollars into circulation. Someone tried to make profit, to use this situation. Everyone saw it. Nobody


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hides the fact that trillions of dollars were printed to save their own economy, support businesses and people. But where did these funds flow? They were invested in the sector that has the greatest prospects for growth and, of course, profitability, i.e. the IT industry. As a result of significantly increased demand, the value of high-tech companies has risen from 200 to 800 percent. No legal type of activity can provide such income. And the cost of an unsupported cryptocurrency has reached record levels. However, it is worth making a very significant clarification here, i.e. most of the printed money is still not bound, and this suggests that we have huge growth potential if we can attract it to the country. What should be improved in legal boundaries so that the unused world capital could find its application in the Belarusian segment of the world IT and other markets? According to experts, the control function of the HTP will also contribute to solving this problem. Being aware of the situation, understanding the movement of digital capital, mechanisms and ideology of the movement, the HTP administration will be able to offer those opportunities that can be used in the future for the development of the country within the global network of crypto-exchanges and digital characters.

By the way, the current problems of the country's digital development were also analyzed at the highest level. The summary is that in the very near future a corresponding decree will be finalized, which will allow to funnel the available resources into several key areas, create a single government regulation body, and maximize the use of China's experience in building a digital society. All proposals will be verified and deeply analyzed. As early as in the summer they should be considered at a separate meeting on involvement of the HTP residents in other areas of the economy. Speaking about the creation of a single body for state regulation of the country's digital development, it is worth noting that this process is not easy, since it is not only a matter of setting up a new structure or changing a sign. It is very important to create a vertical of competence so that people understand what should be done in the digitalization of the respective industries, how to use digitalization to increase labor productivity. An integrated approach to this issue is a systematic one: both in the formation of a single regulator, and the involvement of the HTP residents in other spheres of the economy. Vladimir Khromov


Ten personalities of Belarus:

Chinese interpretation

The publication of a collection of essays dedicated to ten famous Belarusians, immigrants from Belarus, can be considered an event in the Belarusian-Chinese humanitarian relations at the present stage. The uniqueness of this detailed publication lies primarily in the fact that the choice of the principal characters of the book and authorship is a matter for the Chinese side.


ver the years of cooperation between China and the sovereign state – the Republic of Belarus, a new coordinate system has been formed. Belarus, a Belarusian theme is emerging from the "shadow" of Soviet history and, of course, taking into account the previous experience, but also with the aim of comprehending a new historical way of life, China and the Chinese are beginning to understand Belarus and Belarusians. The project of the collection of personalities was born some time ago at the Second Beijing State University of Foreign Languages. The Research Center of Belarus was set up there. Professor, Doctor of Philology Ms. Zhang Huitin has made and is still making a huge contribution to the formation of atmosphere of interest in Belarus. During the years of its existence, guests from Belarus have also visited it, a personal office of the Center has been created, a considerable library has been built up. It is replenished due to the efforts of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the PRC and with the support of the Belarusian Writers' Union, Zviazda Publishing House, Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus. What essays are included in the book? The publication opens up with the biography of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, well-known in China, who has repeatedly and quite thoroughly spoke about the character of the development of Belarusian-Chinese relations in various fields. This is followed by essays about the Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus Petr Masherov, the famous first printer Francysk Skaryna, folk glorifiers of Belarus Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, the classic of Belarusian poetry Maksim Bogdanovich, artist Marc Chagall, People's Artist of

the USSR Mikhail Savitsky, Nobel Prize Laureate Svetlana Alexievich, famous choreographer Valentin Elizaryev. It is obvious that this book gives only the most general idea of the persons who, to one degree or another, have shaped and continue to shape the consciousness of the people of Belarus. But the very nature of the choice of the characters of the publication seems extremely interesting. Mr. Wang Xiangju, the former Media Counselor at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Belarus, and Mr. Bei Wenli, besides Ms. Zhang Huiting, are the project generators, its main authors. The book was compiled by professors of the Chinese Institute of International Relations, the Center for Belarus Studies at the Second Beijing University of Foreign Languages, the East China Pedagogical University (Shanghai), as well as university students from Beijing and Shanghai. "We are looking forward to continuing this work," – said Ms. Zhang Huitin. – We have good relations with the mass media of Belarus, with a number of universities in the Republic of Belarus. Undoubtedly, all our plans are aimed at publishing the book "One Hundred People of Belarus" in Chinese in the near future. China has a desire to learn and discover Belarus. Many post-graduate students studied and are studying in Minsk, Gomel and other cities of Belarus. They certainly form their own portrait of your country, and of course, ideas about the history of the blue-eyed region, the role of individuals in politics, culture and science of Belarus are formed in their minds. For such work to be conforming, to be extremely objective – it is obvious that it should be analyzed, revised in Belarus as well. And maybe it should be even translates into Belarusian... We believe that the book dedicated to ten historical figures in the fate of Belarus published in Chinese is a good sign in the development and expansion of Belarusian-Chinese humanitarian relations. Ales Karlyukevich

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Sincere conversation

Sangeeta Bahadur:

"Take care of your wonderful country" She is called special, a breath of fresh air... These are not just fair words to Sangeeta Bahadur, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Belarus, whose term of office soon comes to an end.


couldn’t leave without saying goodbye to hey are from the heart of those organizations. They spoke about stepping up them, as a farewell letter is not quite the people who were lucky enough not bilateral cooperation in various spheres, essame as a personal meeting. Ms. Ambasonly to get to know her, but also to pecially in trade and economic one. Nikolai make friends. We are sure that comBorisevich highly appreciated the results sador thanked everyone for the time she munication with Madam Ambassador, since of Sangeeta Bahadur’s work as Ambassaspent together. This is what she said: "The April 27, 2018, was no less pleasant for the dor of India to Belarus, noted her personal first two years of my work as an Ambascontribution to the development of bilateral sador were productive. A lot of interesting officials. After all, there are plenty of reasons projects were done. But, to my deep regret, for that. In addition to personal charm, sincooperation and wished her success in her cerity, openness and some special warmth she future career. ( the last year was difficult for me personally. exudes, Ms. Ambassador has those business I lost my mother, had a very severe form of A few days before that, Ms. AmbasCOVID myself, and spent several weeks in qualities that are important in the work of sador held a reception for close friends at hospital. I am very grateful to the Belarusian personalities of high diplomatic rank. the Indian Embassy. And we were more doctors for saving me: they literally pulled than happy to be among them. On the pages of the magazine (No. me out of the door of death. I am 4–2019, No. 2–2020) we have written more than once about Life provides us with ample opportunities also grateful to everyone who supthe significant and promising ported me, who prayed for me. to change ourselves for the better. This projects that were proposed, imMany interesting projects have means that the world around can also been planned for the current year, plemented during her diplomatic change for the better. There should not be but they will be implemented not mission. Besides, Ms. Ambassaa rigid opinion of oneself: I am so good, by me. Time has flown by very dor was introduced as the author and others are bad. There cannot be a quickly. Of course, I understand of the fantasy story "A Night’s Tail" black-and-white approach to the process that I am special, and a breath (No.2‑No.3–2020). In addition to of realizing oneself and the people whom of fresh air, and you all love me. all the merits, she is also a writer. one has to deal with. In life, in assessing But I also hope that you will show She makes time for it at weekends, people, their actions, nuances the same sincere support to my as she confessed to us, to belong are important. One must strive to successor, the next Ambassador, to herself. In creativity, at the desk, whose name we will know very she expresses herself as a writer. understand a person by taking his/her soon. And with enthusiasm and On the day of our farewell instand. So self-development is energy you will participate in varterview, the Ambassador had a a very important thing, it should be the coming meeting at the Ministry of ious projects that will become as primary life goal of every person. Foreign Affairs. As it later emerged, successful as those that have alshe was received by the Deputy ready been implemented." Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Nikolai She, according to her welcoming speech Ms. Ambassador also thanked the staff Borisevich. During the meeting, as reported to the audience, had hesitated for a long of the Embassy and all the guests for the on the website of the Ministry of Foreign time whether it was right to give a farewell gifts that, as she promised, she would be Affairs, the parties discussed topical issues party in a COVID-situation, but decided in happy to use. And then there were reply of the Belarusian-Indian agenda and interfavour of it, because all those who came to words. One guest spoke Hindi, the mother the embassy were her good friends. She tongue of the Ambassador… action of the two countries in international


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Sincere conversation raised her arms as if demonstrating her biceps. Her strength lies in something else, which is obvious. In the charm, as we have already said, benevolence and some special warmth and femininity. Against the background of these qualities, her charisma, intellect, mental power, erudition and high amount of education are manifested in a soft way, they do not suppress the interlocutor. On the contrary, they inspire. Therefore, it seems to us, Sangeeta Bahadur is called in Belarus, special a breath of fresh air.

Valentina Zhdanovich

While preparing for the meeting we found out that Bahadur in many languages means strength, heroism, courage, which we told the bearer of this surname about. By the way, this name was given to some military men for great services and valor. Perhaps the ancestors of Ms. Ambassador used to be prominent public or military figures. But that is another story. For sure there is strength in Sangeeta Bahadur. It is, of course, not in her muscles, even though Madam Ambassador jokingly

Sangeeta Bahadur: I wish the readers of the magazine and those who make it, as well as all Belarusians, peace, kindness, and mutual understanding

— Madam Ambassador! Please describe yourself in a few words as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Belarus. What was easy about your staying in our country and what was difficult? — Don’t consider me to be immodest, but I would describe myself as the Ambassador of India to Belarus as a breath of fresh air. Let me explain. It seems to me that I have introduced a new note, some innovations into the activities of the embassy. I would call it some feminine nuance on my part. Of course, the job of a diplomat of such rank is difficult. It requires a lot of patience. In my opinion, I brought both inspiration and joy thereto, in other words — a little play, some fun. My approach to business was received positively both by the Belarusian and the Indian sides. What was easy for me? In fact, just everything. Belarus is a very beautiful country. It welcomed me cordially. And wonderful people live here. I’ve met many of them. At the official level, everyone tried to meet and help to resolve emerging issues. The approach thereto was constructive. My children also fell in love with Belarus. We lived in a beautiful house near Tsnyanka reservoir, in a residence that I will miss very much. What was hard? Language! Of course, I did not know Russian. And it was very hard for me to learn it. Russian turned out to be very difficult. I tried to learn it for 2–3 months but I made little progress. In the classroom I felt like a schoolgirl. All these hometasks, work load… Unfortunately, I have not made any progress in mastering this language. — If you have a chance, try to learn the Belarusian language. It is much easier. It is spelled in accordance with the pronunciation. By the way, Belarusian is close to Sanskrit in some words. — So, I still have such an opportunity (laughs). — Please enlist three of your greatest achievements during this time (or only one, but the most significant). — I think there have been many achievements during my work. But if you

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Sincere conversation

Meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of completion of the diplomatic mission of Sangееta Bahadur as Ambassador of India to Belarus. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Nikolai Borisevich highly appreciated the results of Sangeeta Bahadur's work as Ambassador of India to Belarus, noted her personal contribution to the development of bilateral cooperation and wished her success in her future career, March 30, 2021. The Week of India, which will include a cultural

There are few Indians in Belarus, less than a hundred people, except for the Indian students who study here. It was rather difficult to organize such a significant event. But, nevertheless, from October 2018 to October 2020, the embassy implemented all projects dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi. All the tasks set by the Ministry of External Affairs of India to the embassy were fulfilled, and all expectations were justified. We received tremendous support from many Belarusians. Scientists, school teachers, university professors and government officials helped us. Everything went well. The third


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some unknown reason, despite all the efforts that I put into the development of this issue, the credit has not been utilized so far. Which disappointed me a little. After all, this would be a good opportunity for the Indian business community to enter the Belarusian market. But I hope that sooner or later this money will be drawn down, and the loan will be used, which will push forward economic cooperation between our countries. — Have you ever experienced the moments when inspiration for your diplomatic activities left you? — Generally — no. I am a person full of enthusiasm and positiveness, therefore I am Ivan Zhdanovich

achievement is the Day of India, which we celebrated in Belarus, it has been held here since 2015. Unfortunately, this event did not take place in 2020 due to COVID, but in 2019 we celebrated it magnificently with staging of the famous Ramayana. — We were also pleased to see how this wonderful Indian epic was embodied on the stage of the Palace of Culture of Minsk Tractor Works by amateur Belarusian artists. — I am very glad that this performance was staged. And I am pleased that you also saw the performance. It really was great, despite the fact that there is not a single Indian singer or dancer in Belarus. Many people came up and thanked me. Including for what the Belarusians, friends of India who love our culture, had done. — Were there any failures when you felt disappointed in yourself ? What was the worst? — I can’t say that I’ve ever been disappointed in myself. Neither as an ambassador, nor as a person (smiles). But maybe I would like to mention one thing in my activity. In 2015, during the official visit

want to talk about the top three, then I will gladly tell you about them. The first, from my point of view, achievement is a contract between BelAZ and India for the sale of dump trucks. A huge consignment was delivered to my country — first 77, then 96 heavy trucks of various types. And this is millions of dollars, which raised the level of trade between Belarus and India to a completely different level. I am proud that this solid project has come true with my participation. I promoted it in every possible way. The second achievement is the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi in Belarus. It lasted two years. But the task was not easy.

component, a presentation of the Belarusian capital potential for Indian businessmen, an Indian film festival is expected to be held in Minsk in September 2021 – this was discussed during the meeting of the Chairman of Minsk City Executive Committee Vladimir Kukharev with Sangeeta Bahadur in March 2021

of Then President of India Pranab Kumar Mukherjee to Belarus, it was agreed that India would provide a soft credit tranche of the amount of one hundred million dollars — for the development of Orsha free economic zone. However, for

During a farewell reception for friends at the Embassy of India, 24.03.2021

sure: any obstacle that arises in life can be overcome in one way or another. The only period that was very hard for me was in November 2019 when I lost my mother. She died here in Belarus. For two months I was in a terrible state and could not focus on official diplomatic tasks. There was a moment when I even thought to give up the post and return to India, to my family. But I understand: sooner or later, our parents pass away. This, of course, is always hard. But life goes on, and we have to hold on. — How would you rate yourself as an Ambassador on a 10‑point scale? — (with smile). This is, of course, a very tricky question. If I give myself the highest rating, then people will say that I am an egomaniac, and if I give myself a low rating, they will conclude that I am a bad ambassador. In fact, to be honest, it seems to me that I have scored ten points out of ten for my job in Belarus. You understand that not eve-

Sincere conversation

A pharmaceutical plant – a new BelarusianIndian enterprise "Navalok" was opened in Skidel on March 7, 2019

to listen to others. If you don’t like to talk, if you don’t listen to other people’s opinions, you won’t be able to do your job well. And the ambassador is also obliged to be able to find a solution that suits both sides: yours and your opponent’s. The second mandatory quality of the ambassador is patience. Because nothing is done by magic. Each issue needs time, it shouldn’t be pushed by force. So that, figuratively speaking, the planted seed would ripen and grow. And

diplomat speaks about something that concerns you personally, it is not always clear whether this is his/her personal opinion, or he/she is duty-bound to say that. Honesty between diplomats is what we would like to have. Politeness is also important. It contributes to constructive communication. — What else would you like to do and could do as Ambassador? — In various interviews, I have repeatedly emphasized that the work of an ambassador is not a pastime in a cozy office. It consists in everything that is aimed at development of relations not only between the countries, but also between the peoples. It is also in communication with people. Unfortunately, 2020 was a complete waste of time in this respect. Very little was done for reasons that are well known to you. Nevertheless, our countries maintain friendly relations. We really help each other during these difficult times. There are no problems between our countries, the few small issues are being resolved. Therefore, I would continue in every possible way to acquaint your people with India, to deepen their knowledge of my country, its culture belta

the third is human charm. Also a necessary quality. It is good if it is given by nature. If not, then you must be able to cultivate it. To be open, to be able to endure and communicate with people so that they could feel comfortable with you, the ambassador. This, perhaps, will do. — We think that when you were appointed as the Ambassador to us, they knew that your natural charm would be very useful. — Thanks for the compliment. You may be right. — What is absolutely unacceptable for you as a diplomat, and what do you welcome and approve?

rything depends on the ambassador. He/she can only promote some projects, ideas. And other people embody them. But if we put the jokes aside, I can give myself 8 or 9 points. If you really want to know whether you can rate me on a 10‑point scale, ask the people whom I worked and spoke with during my stay here. It seems to me that as a diplomat I am respected not only by officials, but also by many friends I have made in Belarus. — We saw it with our own eyes at the reception of friends at the embassy. It was nice to see the smiles of the people around you, to hear their words of gratitude towards you, as well as regret that you are leaving our country. — I am more than pleased. — What, in your opinion, is the general secret of successful work of an ambassador? — In fact, there is no clear, specific secret of success in the work of an ambassador, no one can reveal it. But there are some moments which the ambassador should be aware of, when he/she is trying to build relations between two countries, and not to destroy or worsen them. First of all, the ambassador as a person should be open, be able

The Ambassador of India took direct part in the set-up of the Garden of Friendship in one of the gymnasiums of Slonim in April 2019

— The profession of a diplomat is such that you have to accept a lot. This is how we are taught. For example, someone speaks badly about your country. You hear this and you cannot start an argument with your opponent. You cannot fight or abuse the other person. Such an approach will make your opponent angrier and more aggressive. You need to try to look at the issue from his/her point of view, from his/her perspective and continue to hold on patiently. A diplomat has to endure many things that are unacceptable among ordinary people. Or another example. Let’s say you do not support the position of the country you are staying in. But your government requires this from you as the ambassador. Then you are obligated to support it. How else? This is your job, and you are taught to accept moments like this. There are also such important qualities as honesty and frankness. Even if a

At the exhibition "Healthcare of Belarus-2019"

and traditions. For this, all the numerous friendly events that we have already talked about were organized, including the Day of India, International Day of Yoga, celebration of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, and many other events at the Embassy. Yes, at the official level, the communication is going on, but I would also like to make communication of ordinary people as productive as possible. Personally, I am somebody who loves to communicate, loves to see the culture of the country from the inside. I like to find similarities between people and

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Sincere conversation

During a speech at the Belarusian-Indian Business Forum on September 24, 2018, organized by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Confederation of Indian Industry

between our two countries. I would like my compatriots to know more about your country. But this is more the task of the Belarusian Ambassador in India. — How do you feel about self-development? Do you accept this thesis — "work on yourself"? If yes, how do you apply it in your life? What bothers and what supports you in your everyday life? What do you appreciate in yourself and what would you like to change. — I understand: since you ask it, it is important for you. So is it for me. I cannot but agree: self-development is something that you need to follow all the life. After all, every living being is born and grows, and we, getting mature, must develop constantly. Not only physically, but also morally and spiritually. It upsets me very much if I see that a person has not changed. At the age of 80 he/she remain the same as he/she was at the age of 12. This is very sad. After all, life gives us an opportunity to see our strengths and weaknesses, it puts us in situations where we can understand what we are good and bad at, what we are wrong about. Strengths are good, it’s clear that they can be further developed. But what about weaknesses? The main thing, it seems to me, is to identify them! Life provides us with ample opportunities to change ourselves for the better. This means that the world around can also change for the better.


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There should not be a rigid opinion of oneself: I am so good, and others are bad. There cannot be a black-and-white approach to the process of realizing oneself and the people whom one has to deal with. In life, in assessing people, their actions, nuances are important. One must strive to understand a person by taking his/her stand. So self-development is a very important thing, it should be the primary life goal of every person. And this ability is given to us since birth. We must strive to achieve inner balance — emotional, physical and spiritual. For me personally, it is very important to be internally balanced, harmonious. With age, I developed the ability to accept things as they are. I became less reactive. I don’t react violently to some manifestations of life. I realize that I have spiritual strength inside. From any negative situation that arises in my life, I come out a stronger and better person with acquired experience. I am constantly participating in self-development courses, I am constantly learning. These are not educational courses at all, they are related to spiritual development. There is such an international organization "The Art of Living" in India, which is headed by a unique personality — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. It’s even a real movement. I attend physical as well as online courses that this and other organizations run. The money, time and energy that we invest in our development, return to us a hundredfold. Therefore, I repeat, over the years I have become stronger, clearer, better. I also want to emphasize: the ability to improve oneself is inherent since birth, and it can be developed if desired. Then it will be much easier to overcome the life situations that one may dislike, And they won’t overbalance you. — Do you know Sadhguru (Indian yogi, mystic, founder of the charitable organization Isha Foundation — Ed.)? We’ve become engrossed in his books, they are in our home library… — Оh yeah! I even met him in London. He is also a unique and amazing person. — What human weaknesses can you self-indulge? — The first weakness is that I really love beautiful things. I constantly buy beautiful clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, home acces-

sories. The second is that I really don’t like confrontation. And I try to avoid it in every possible way. I don’t like to be strict with people either, so I try not to have rows or shout at anyone. Unfortunately, some people do not understand gentle ways, and this has to be done, but I still try not to offend anyone. And my third weakness is laziness. I’m lazy. If I manage to avoid doing anything, I will gladly do it. I don’t like to cook, I don’t like to clean the house. If there is no assistant, then this, of course, has to be done. But if there is someone, then I will certainly relieve myself of this responsibility, I will take the opportunity not to do cooking and cleaning. Fortunately, I’ve always had a wonderful assistant. But sometimes there are situations, such as, say, her vacation. And then the sky is falling for me. — What is your understanding of the words "a man of culture"? — First of all, an intelligent person, well-read, able to talk about a lot. But not the one who positions oneself as a smartass: I know this and that… This is a polite person. By the way, he/she should be well dressed. Notwithstanding the intellect, if a person does not pay attention to his clothes, this indicates that he/she does not pay attention not only to oneself, but also to the world around him/her. Honesty is in the arsenal of a cultured person because deceit and culture are incompatible. A cultured person should understand well what he/she wants from this life and act accordingly. Besides, he/she is positive and constructive; he/she is a creator, not a destroyer. — At the meeting of friends in the embassy, we learned that you would go to work in Malta. Have you ever been there? Is there yet any country you would like to visit? — I have never been to Malta. Judging by the pictures, this country is very beautiful. Although small, island, but a great tourist hub. I would like to visit Peru, see the city of the ancient Incas — Machu Picchu. When I worked in Mexico, my youngest daughter was born and I was unable to travel. The second country is Denmark, because Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Shakespeare’s hero is my favorite literary

Sincere conversation character. The third is Switzerland. Oddly enough, I planned a trip there three times, and every time something got in the way, so the visit had to be canceled. — What values do you appreciate in a man? — Honesty, integrity, patience is a must. And some kind of warm, benevolent attitude towards us, women. When you see that a man perceives you as an equal, that you are interesting to him as a person, it is very pleasant. — What time of the year in India do you like most? Rainy season? And in Belarus? — I love winter at home, and I can’t stand heat. Winters in the north of India are beautiful. They start in November and end in April. During winter, there are many flowers, and this is such a beauty! The rainy season, the monsoon you asked about, in India lasts from June to September. After the 45‑degree heat, this is also a wonderful time to take a break from it. Still, the most favorite season is winter. I really liked autumn in Belarus. The colors in nature are incredible. The trees are copper, gold, red, yellow —

this is a miracle. The photographs I took in autumn in Belarus will remind me of your beautiful country. I also fell in love with winter. The current one was very snowy. I will miss snow in Malta. It’s much warmer there than here. — What is your favorite color, smell and Indian dish? — My favorite color is turquoise, aquamarine, today I gave preference to it. Smell — citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons… I cannot pass by citrus fruits in a half-hearted way. Of the Indian dishes, I like Purana Poli. Its origin is the state of Maharashtra. This is the only state where, rather than salt, sugar is added to the dish. This is a type of flatbread stuffed with crushed lentil with cane sugar and cream, cardamon and nutmeg spices. This flatbread is fried in ghee butter. — What would you like to wish at parting to the readers of the magazine, Belarusians in general? — I really like your periodical. It tells about Belarus, its politics, economy, culture, traditions, tells not

only about outstanding personalities, but also about ordinary people, their professionalism, relations with each other… Your magazine about the country is very humane, not formalized, so to speak. I am very pleased that I have been presented on its pages more than once, and I have also been a guest at a press conference on the occasion of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of this oldest periodical in Belarus. Taking this opportunity, I would also like to express my deep gratitude for the publication of my story "A Night’s Tail". I wish the readers of the magazine and those who make it, as well as all Belarusians, peace, kindness, and mutual understanding. At parting, I would like to say one more thing: take care of your wonderful country! And stay healthy! Interviewed by Valentina and Ivan Zhdanovich The authors would like to thank Ekaterina Novikova, Social Secretary and Inerpreter of the Ambassador.

Autumn in Belarus through the eyes of Sangeeta Bahadur. Photo vernissage in the designer's mind.

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Coffee with

Polessye hinterland aroma In Gomel region, start-up entrepreneurs plan to open the first coffee roasting plant in the region. The business project is being launched in Khoiniki. The start-ups are wheelchair users who are confident in success of an inclusive enterprise that is unique for Polessye hinterland. Life background Evgeny Shevko and Vyacheslav Nadin are partners in an unusual for the Gomel region project. Zhenya is from Mozyr. For a long time he headed Mozyr interdistrict organization "Association of Wheelchair Persons". Now he is the chairman of the central council of the "Republican Association of Wheelchair Persons", a member of the Republican Interdepartmental Council for the Problems of Persons with disabilities. He is involved in the development of barrier-free legislation. Zhenya has been confined to wheelchair for over 20 years. At the age of 18, he had a bad dive into the river, broke the cervical spine. Before the accident, he managed to graduate from the first year of Mozyr Pedagogical University, after the injury he was able to study extramurally. In general, the family history of this person for several years has motivated people with disabilities to build their happiness contrary to stereotypes. Together with his wife Anna, they became the first married couple of wheelchair persons in Mozyr and happy parents of their daughter.

Vyacheslav Nadin


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Vyacheslav Nadin, a friend and business partner of Evgeny Shevko, is a well-known wheelchair activist who, by his own example of an active lifestyle, inspires people with disabilities not to be bent on their problems, but to do sports, travel, learn new activities, dream and achieve their goals... – I was 24 years old when I got into a car accident. This year it is 20 years since I have been in a wheelchair. I managed to graduate from Minsk Secondary Special Police School, worked there after graduation as a course officer, entered the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but did not manage to finish it, – Vyacheslav Nadin tells his story. He comes from Khoiniki, this is the birthplace of his mother. Svetlana Andreevna is the main support in all her son's endeavors. He is glad that he has the opportunity to develop a unique business project in his small homeland.

The path of "barons" Vyacheslav Nadin and Evgeny Shevko run their own business for the first time. But the painstaking work they have carried out

Certificates are obtained

society on creation and development of their project "Coffee Baron" is really impressive. – We had an ideological inspirer. This is the founder of the first inclusive cafe in Belarus, a disabled activist from Lida Sasha Avdevich, – Evgeny Shevko reveals the motivation for the startup. – He suggested an idea: you can launch coffee roasting business. It turned out that there are no such companies in the Gomel region at all, this business is concentrated only in Minsk. And then he began to study all the peculiarities of this project. Active wheelchair users from the Gomel region decided to take this opportunity to present their coffee roasting project at Tramplin Entrepreneurship Support Center. This initiative is being implemented in Khoiniki district within the project "Support of economic development at the local level in the Republic of Belarus", funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Economy of our country. – It was very important for us to learn what to start with as entrepreneurs, how to build an effective pattern of business activity, how to manage sales, use internet marketing, in general, how to recruit our team, – explain the novice entrepreneurs and note that during online classes at the courses in Khoiniki, the curators helped the participants of the business incubator to sort out all problematic issues. – We have a trump card – we know everything about points that help to create a very strong social project, we have extensive experience of work with disabled people. But without learning the basics from experts, especially in the field of social entrepreneurship, it would be very difficult to set up a business, – said Evgeny Shevko. – The training gave self-confidence. Now we believe that we can take responsibility if we launch an inclusive project.

From green beans Evgeny and Vyacheslav were doing their training courses, and at the same time continued to work on their project in order to understand the detailed nature of coffee roasting. They found a partner – Minsk company that promotes coffee culture which agreed to train roasting masters and help in the arrangement of the production process. Meanwhile, their project on creation

Evgeny Shevko with his family

of an inclusive enterprise "Coffee Baron" won the competition organized by Tramplin Entrepreneurship Support Center in Khoiniki for startups within the course "Business from scratch". Their project also won a competition for international technical assistance on development of a private initiative in the region. – We are adopting the practices of coffee roasting and sales thereof online from Moscow – an expert is ready to conduct several training seminars online. We also have contacts with a Russian-speaking employee of a coffee company in Spain, who helps with advice. It is important for us to fully master the production process – this is a new, complex, but very interesting stage in our life, – says Vyacheslav Nadin. He says that at first, when they heard about the shades of coffee smell, they did not understand it. Now they have got involved, understand the technology, and are sure that a roster-master is an artist. – We also plan to train people with disabilities. In gene­ ral, we are the business where the employment of people with health impairments is a priority. Yes, we have requested information from the Department for Labor, Employment and Population Protection of Khoiniki district. It turns out that today no group 1 disabled people work in the district. We are ready to give work to those who can and want to study, work together, – says Evgeny Shevko. – We have already interviewed our future personnel, people have submitted applications. We’ve found the premises that were to be demolished, but they are "alive", we are ready to renovate them, we want to get the property rights. In resolving this issue, we count on help of Khoiniki district authorities. In total, the company plans to train 14 people and employ four wheelchair persons. The creators of the production still need to learn how to make a full coffee card from green beans, i.e. to do "customs clearance" of raw materials, to have beans examined in the laboratory, to certify, to make a recipe for each type of coffee roasting. When asked how a person in a wheelchair can not only do business, but also fully control the production process, Evgeny and Vyacheslav answered: Let's show the Belarusians how it works. Natalia Kaprilenko Photo from the archive of the hero

Training process of an inclusive barista

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Olympic mood Hy

First impression counts… The national Olympic team outfit was presented in Minsk "I wish I could wear this outfit! I would like to always be an athlete, but my career is over... I am happy for the athletes who will represent Belarus at the Olympics in this uniform — they will look great," — said the Olympic champion in rowing and canoeing Alexander Bogdanovich after the presentation of the outfit of our national Olympic team. For the first time, Belarusian Olympians will compete under the Team BY brand at the Games in Tokyo, and their sportswear (also for the first time!) is designed and will be made in Belarus. The outfit for the Olympians was presented on the day of the 30th anniversary of the NOC of Belarus. Many guests gathered for the event, i.e. famous athletes, coaches, specialists. Welcoming them, the head of the NOC Viktor Lukashenko noted that for a relatively short period of its independence, Belarus had achieved significant results in the international sports arena: — High-quality infrastructure, professionalism of our coaches and the huge potential of athletes allow us to reach the highest Olympic peaks. The doors of the NOC are open to everyone: we are ready for new initiatives, implementation of interesting projects, fruitful constructive work on strengthening of the Olympic movement. We express our interest in organizing major sports forums under the auspices of international federations — this is a big event for our people. Indeed, a lot has been done for 30 years. It was underlined by the veteran of the sports industry Leonid Khromenkov, who stood at the origins of the NOC creation. Many sports facilities have been built, traditions have been established. — When the NOC started its work, the times were different — there was lack of money. It was hard to send teams to international competitions. Nevertheless, the government always supported sports. At first, there were difficulties with the outfit for the Olympic Games, but we collaborated with Belarusian designers. Thus, we laid the tradition to make all civilian and ceremonial clothes only by our specialists.


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Olympic mood Now, sports outfit has also been manufactured in Belarus. Its design was developed by the employees of the NOC together with the specialists of the private trade unitary enterprise "Solo Pinsk", which is also engaged in making clothes for the Olympians. General Director of the company Vasily Goreglyad said: — It took about a year to develop the design. The print on the outfit reflects our nature: fields, rivers, sun, i.e. our identity. In the production of sports equipment, we paid attention to both comfort and colors, used only high-quality materials. The final number of sets has not been approved yet, since the athletes are still being selected for the Olympic Games, but we are ready to produce the required amount: raw materials and components have been purchased. The outfit is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Olympic bronze medalist Lyu­ bov Cherkashina says: when the outfit was being developed, it was shown to the athletes. All their wishes were heard and embodied in the sets — totally they include 44 items.

— It's great that developers and manufacturers listen to athletes and are ready to try new colors for us, to avoid classic combinations. Now, for example, a little menthol color has been added to the outfit — probably in order to cool us in advance before hot Japan, — Lyubov Cherkashina said with a smile. — I think the concept of the Olympic outfit should influence an athlete, — continued the Olympic medalist. — I remember my first Games: when I was given the Olympic clothes, I was the happiest person! It's not only stepping closer to your dream, it's an opportunity to be in it and get closer to your goal. Andrey Barbashinsky, the Olympic champion in handball, also noted a wide variety in outfit: in those days when he was a participant of the Games, this could only be dreamed of. And gymnast Ekaterina Galkina explained: the variety of sets will not only allow athletes to look stylish, but will also make their everyday life much easier.

— Tokyo Olympics will be extraordinary. As a rule, we arrive at the Games long before their start: for example, we arrived in Rio two weeks before the start. Naturally, in such competitions, the more clothes, the better. And there are plenty to choose from, and you do not need to have them washed so often. I haven't tried the outfit on, but I like the way it looks. It is somewhat similar to the uniform we had in Rio, but the menthol color adds a new feature to the image. There is no doubt that our Olympians will look stylish. First impressions count, but they will be assessed according to their results. Lyubov Cherkashina proposes not to talk about the chances for medals, not to outline the circle of applicants for awards: — I would like to wish all athletes, even rivals, maximum success. I also want them, especially our Olympians, to return from the Games happy — this is important. Tatyana Pastushenko Photo credit BelTA

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Creativity brings together

Anniversary of the Chinese Slavonic scholar is nearing

Ulanhan, or Gao Man, is the name known not only in China. In his life there were different moments. His interest in Russian culture and the Slavic world developed even before the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. He was born in October 1926. He received his first lessons in art and linguistic education from Russian emigrants who lived in Harbin, who were staying in China after emigration. By the way, among Harbin emigrants there was a writer and journalist Vsevolod Ivanov, a native of Belarusian Volkovysk, a man whose many books were dedicated to China and the Chinese. But then, in the 30s, Gao Man did not meet with our fellow countryman. Having discovered the prose writer Vsevolod Ivanov many years later as a reader, the Chinese translator regretted never meeting him... Already in 1943-1945 Gao Man held several exhibitions of his own works. УThe Chinese publicist, translator graduated from the Institute of Young People's Christian Union. For many years he worked in the Soviet-Chinese Friendship Society in various positions and in other similar institutions, did interpreting and translating. He studied Russian and Soviet literature, literary translation, editing and participated in organization of events on promotion of cultural exchange and strengthening of friendship between China and the USSR. He was a consultant to the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society. He was a member of the Chinese Writers Association, the Translators Association of China, the Chinese Fine Artists Association. Until 1989, Gao Man worked at the Institute of Foreign Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "World Literature". At the advanced age he was an honorary member of the committee of the educational department of the Academy of Social Sciences. For almost 70 years he was engaged in translation activities. He published books on cultural exchange dedicated to China's friendly relations with for-


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eign countries: "Haven't seen each other for a long time, Moscow!", "In and out of the city", "Journey to the Holy Mountain", "Places of residence of Russian ambassadors", "Sketches on Russian fine arts. Art of Russia", "Mental excitement", "The Silver Age", "I Draw Russia", "Great Difficulties", "Biography of Pasternak", "Wings of History", "Obelisks. Temples", "Notes on Human Life", "Ink Trail", "Reflections on the Culture of Russia", "Pictures of Gao Man" and others. Among the translations – lyric poetry by A. Pushkin, a collection of plays and letters by M. Lermontov, letters by L.M. Tolstoy to artists, poetry by A. Akhmatova (her "Requiem"; by the way, for its translation Gao Man was awarded a prestigious international translation prize), S. Esenin, V. Mayakovsky, T. Shevchenko's poem "Ekaterina", poems by Ivan Franko, Maksim Tank, books by Svetlana Alexievich "Zinc Boys" and other works. By the way, many books by Svetlana Alexievich have been published in China. There are several translations of her stories.

Creativity brings together But Gao Man is among the pioneers. He was one on the first in China to draw attention to the work of the Belarusian writer. And when our compatriot was awarded the Nobel Prize, the Chinese republished "Zinc Boys" translated by Gao Man. The Chinese translator is also the author of calligraphic portraits of Belarusian writers Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Vasil Bykov, Ales Adamovich, Svetlana Alexievich, Maksim Tank, Naum Galperovich. The revival of interest to Gao Man from the Belarusian side began in the fall of 2011. Belarusian poet Naum Galperovich met with the interpreter in Beijing. He told about this meeting in the Belarusian press – in newspapers "Zviazda", "Literature and Art", as well as on the Belarusian radio. Belarusian writers, translators and journalists Aleksey Charota, Olga Galperovich, Inessa Pleskachevskaya, Nikolai Litvinov, Daria Nechiporuk met with Gao Man... Belarusian artist Kamil Kamal painted several portraits of Gao Man. And Gao Man intensified his activity after these meetings. Has published in one of the largest Chinese newspapers a long article on Belarusian-Chinese literary ties. And in Minsk, the name of the Chinese translator and artist was mentioned at various events and presentations – in the House of Friendship of the National Library of Belarus, in the bookstore "Book Salon", which for some time worked in the capital at 5 Kalinin Street (and this was, by the way, a real club for creative intellectuals). Publications about Gao Man appeared in "Maladosts", "Neman", "Polymya", "Literature and Art", and "SB. Belarus Today", "Zviazdza", "Holas Radzimy"... The Chinese translator was included in the editorial board of the series of poetry collections "Light Signs: Poets of China", in which the Belarusian publishing houses "Zviazda"and "Mastatskaya Litaratura" published in Belarusian books of poems by Li Bo, Du Fu, Meng Haojan, Wang Wei, Li Qingzhao, Ai Ting... Gao Man gave advice on the formation of series, was interested in work on these books, was happy when he received Belarusian editions of Chinese poetry in Beijing. Gao Man was awarded the Order of Friendship (Russian Federation), the Order "For Special Merits to the Fatherland" of 3rd degree (Ukraine), Russian literary medals of M. Gorky, A. Ostrovsky, A. Pushkin and others. He is also an honorary member of the Union of Russian Writers, an honorary doctor of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and an honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts. Short before his death, our embassy in China prepared the documents (and they were approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Belarus) on awarding Gao Man with the Medal of Francysk Skaryna. But the irreparable happened: a true friend of Belarus left our world at the beginning of October 2017 (more precisely – on October 6, at the age of 92). The 95th anniversary of the birth of Gao Man will be in October 2021. This is an equally important event for Russia and Ukraine, and for Belarus. And although there is still time, today it would be worth thinking about the way to mark this date, so as to draw more attention to the figure of Gao Man, a true promoter of Belarusian culture and literature in China. Ales Karlyukevich

Gao Man. Turgenev, 2007.

Gao Man. Akhmatova, 1989.

Gao Nan. Pushkin on the Great Wall of China.

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25 years later Sergey ply tkevich

Hiking in fantasy style

Notes on a hiking adventure that no one has repeated yet


Continuation. Beginning in No. 2,3 aving them on we left Slobodka at 14.30. On the outskirts, to the left of the road to Braslav (about 1 km from the village), on a beautiful hill near t h e S l o b o d s k ay a Ozovaya ridge, we dug in chestnuts and acorns. Would they grow? Valya laughed and said: we'll see in about twenty years... No wonder that none of them grew, because they all were already dry. Down the road behind Maskovichi village on the right we saw a big hill and started to ponder over: maybe this is a mound with a cut off top, where archaeologists were excavating. Later we learned that this was an ancient settlement known as Maskovichi (Maskovtsy) named after the village where artefacts of the XI-XVI centuries were found. Archaeologist Lyudmila Duchits was doing research there from 1976 to 1988, and in 1991 her book "Braslav Lake District in IX-XIV Centuries" was published. Back in


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the 19th century, the archaeologist Fedor Pokrovsky, who was the curator of the Vilnius Museum of Antiquities and carried out digs in the western part of the Russian Empire, called this place Ratishi: after the name of Ratishi village, which is located south of the mountain. In our time, there are still several farmsteads called Ratyuny. Braslav region, according to historians, used to be a zone of contact between the Krivichi and various East Baltic tribes. This is evidenced by the results of excavations of burial mounds in different places, e.g. Opsa, Pogoscha, Ustye, Ratsky Bor, Akhremovtsy... The whole area there is like an old book: one should only know how to read it. At the bus stop in Shavury village we had a 10- minute rest. Everything around us was very quiet, sunny, calm unless bird concerts broke this silence. After a rest, we moved on. We walked past the villages of Maskovichi, Gorodische... Admired storks. We watched them dance beautifully and heard them screech in their nests. Valentina said that they seemed to be doing it for us, humans. And added: in the

world of fantasy, the language of nature is understandable, only Ivan, like a blind man, does not understand this language. But soon she came to the understanding: if you walk and drag a carriage with about one hundred kilogram load, you do not only hear the language of birds, but you can even forget your name. This is exactly what happened to us later in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, when, while meeting studgrooms, Ivan, pointing at Valentina, said: this is Vanya, and then pointing at himself: and this is Valya... Valentina could not stop laughing for a long time... Even now it's too funny for words. As soon as we recollect it, relaxation comes immediately. As for the voices of nature, sometimes we really did not hear them: so insistent was the voice of our tired bodies. Besides, at the beginning of the hiking, the voices of blisters on our sore feet were too loud. The quote from Ivan's diary entry says: "Valya already has 2 blisters, and my first is growing. We’ve covered 32 km. We’ve walked a lot today carriage-free with Avgust Voitekhovich-Dvoretsky".

25 years later And Valya wrote: "We went to Braslav, not to Plusy, because, according to Voitekhovich, there is a bad road. And we take care of our "Kewpie". On the way, we saw a stump overgrown with sprigs – like a large hedgehog. And it even seemed to be puffing." It was getting dark when we entered Braslav. We felt tired, although it is only 12 km from Slobodka to Braslav. We stopped near the coat of arms of the city. Most likely, an image of an eye with golden aura in a triangle is associated with the symbolism of God or the Holy Spirit – this is how it is reflected in Christian icons and paintings by artists. In this connection we recollected Nicholas Roerich’s paintings depicting a heavenly eye that sees everything. In the morning Ivan wrote: "Nikolai Konstantinovich and Elena Ivanovna first paid tribute to their land – they traveled a lot, carried out digs, restored churches and mosaics, photographed, painted pictures... And then they moved to a higher level: they worked for the whole world." Or maybe they still worked for themselves? And because, first of all, it was interesting to them, reasoned Valentina. We tend to think that way now. Other people have the right to think the way they want: to call the Roerichs' travels a heroic deed, an achievement. After all, that is common among us, humans. Some act, others evaluate so that the others could learn about it. So we ourselves evaluate our journey with the benefit of hindsight. Of course, first and utmost, we were interested in walking around Belarus. Besides, we wanted to think that we were doing a great spiritual deed, i.e. a protective charm for our native country. And what it really is, no one knows. As well as the fact that human energy, its vibrations at the quantum level, can really form a kind of protective wall, either for a person or for an object. But not everybody is convinced by these scientific data. Everyone believes in what he/she wants to believe, or does not believe at all. When we celebrated the 20th anniversary of our trip in the State Historical Museum of Belarusian Literature, we showed the photographs we took while hiking. We even brought a walking stick, which we used to

pull the carriage. And the director of the museum pronounced the following words: if you hold the stick in your hands, the energy of our travelers, the power of their unity, will flow towards you, and you can even meet your love. Some came up, touched the stick, and one girl closed her eyes and squeezed it so hard that her knuckles turned white. She stood with her eyes closed maybe for a minute... Yes, most of us believe in miracles. This is the way the beauty of the human soul manifests itself. We hope that the fate of this girl was happy. Another quotation from "Braslav" entry in the diary: "We spent the night in the music class of Braslav secondary school N2. The headmaster gave permission. A teacher of the boarding school did not take on such responsibility. On the way to the boarding school, we received signs: we came across a woman with an empty bucket and a black cat. Valya then said: they won't let us into the boarding school". In general, although we are not superstitious, the omens and signs we had on our journey are very interesting and

significant moments. We will talk about this more than once. In the morning we talked with the headmaster Nikolai Matveev. He used to be a secretary of the district Party committee. We praised the landscapes of the Braslav region and Matveev told us that Petr Masherov (Soviet Belarusian party and government leader, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus – Ed.) once came to the Braslav region together with the famous Moscow poetess Ekaterina Sheveleva, who wrote a narrative poem about Masherov. And Nikolai Romanovich must have heard Masherov say to the poetess: "I have been to 90 countries of the world, but I have never seen a more beautiful country." And indeed: when we were working on the notes, we found out news about the poetess, her "Belarusian" poems: about the Brest Fortress, Khatyn... Her most famous work is probably "Silver Weddings", which became a song, a hit, sung by the famous Russian singer Valentina Tolkunova. A fragment-poem "Sail" from her poem "Communist" dedicated to Masherov is a proof of her visiting Masherov in Braslav. In the book "Princesses, Mermaids, Roads..." we found a record of her conversation with the driver on the way to Rossony, the hometown of Petr Masherov: "I came on a newspaper business trip, but the main thing is to meet my old friend, Petr

In one of the streets of Braslav

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25 years later

State Museum of History and Local Lore in Braslav. Modern look.

Mironovich Masherov, and visit his native places. – So you’ve known him for a long time? How many years? Five? Ten? – Almost forty, – I said." Reference to the Roerichs, who were closely associated with India seems interesting as in Braslav we were told that Ekaterina Sheveleva also lived in India for three years. She wrote essays about that time, she is also one of the authors of the book "The Awakened East". In the book "Princesses, Mermaids, Roads..." there is a section "From the Diaries of a Guest of Yogis." A Muscowite visited the ashram of Aurobindo in the south of India, in the city of Pondicherry, founded by the mystic and philosopher Sri Aurobindo. And there she had a meeting with his follower, 82-yearold Mother... The essay ends with reasoning close to the idea of our "Hiking adventure": "So, I learned one more unwritten rule of the ashram: one must be able to find time to stop and feel the vastness of the planet, the vastness of the Universe!" We found this time! We were convinced of this more than once, covering kilometer after kilometer. But let's get back on the April morning 1996 in Braslav. At the bottom of the diary page, there is a round seal of the school.


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Inscription in a circle in Belarusian: "Minis­try of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Secondary school No. 2 of the city of Braslav. Braslav district, Vitebsk region". And in the center of the seal there is a rider with a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left hand. The then coat of arms of the Republic of Belarus. The day began with a tour of Braslav. We came up to the local history museum. By the way, we walked around the city with an empty carriage, so that we could record the distance covered by the speedometer. And in Braslav people rode bicycles with carriages similar to ours. So "Kewpie" was not perceived as something unusual. We went to Castle Hill and stopped at one of the houses that we liked, at 97 Leninskaya Street. While we were admiring it, Larisa Shpakovich, the hostess, came out to us. We photographed her. In the yard there was a stone mushroom and a snowman. There was a stork with young storks in the tree. There were also hollows: birds live there, says the hostess. "There were many stones in the garden, which prevented vegetation. The owner used these stones to make a fence. And he made old millstones of the estate suitable for benches. The owner brought them from Sharkovschina, from old abandoned farmsteads."

We climbed up Castle Hill. Castle Hill, Braslav’s hallmark, was abandoned. And the road leading to it was not wellgroomed. Now everything is different there. The beauty for tourists is obvious. The Catholic and the Orthodox churches standing close to each other, were clearly visible from up high. In the distance there was the "Heart of Jesus" in Slobodka. Lake Drivyaty was still covered with ice. People were walking on it, apparently, is was still strong. And hungry seagulls were rushing over it like mad. Wood was burning in stoves, it smelt of smoke. The lake was huge: even through a field scope you cannot see the opposite shore. Or maybe there was treeless, snow-covered space that simply merged with the surface of the lake? We speculated that meetings like the one in Slobodka with Voitekhovich, were given to us as a possible future. If you want, follow this person, go through life in the same way. There are many ways, as they say. Choose yours. We also talked about the fact that people used to build bastions, fortresses, huge earth mounds to protect themselves from enemies. People were protected by dense matter, because on the physical plane there was a struggle for life. Today the battlefield has moved to the world of more subtle

Sergey ply tkevich

25 years later

View from Castle Hill

energies: subtle world. Former bastions, fortresses, mounds will not protect against anger, betrayal, inhumanity, envy. How can we protect ourselves? ...Probably only with love. We arrived at the Braslav Museum of History and Local Lore. It was opened in 1988, just in April, but was founded in 1984. Its own history dates back to 1982. It all started with the collection of a small school museum which was donated to the created repository. It was collected with the help of enthusiasts, archaeologists, and local historians. While working on the essay, we found out on the Internet, the number of exhibits exceeds 30,000 and is constantly enlarging. Aleksandr Panteleyko gave us a tour of the museum; he had graduated from the geological and geophysical faculty of the Belarusian State University. We asked him whether the local culture was associated with the knowledge of the Druids. Neither he nor other museum workers knew anything about it. Many interesting exhibits caught the eye. The museum had an image of an earlier coat of arms of Braslav: an eye in a triangle, and around the triangle there is sun-like aura, and all this is placed in a circle. We also learned that there were many qualified specialists in the region who did

On Castle Hill today

wood and stone carving, straw weaving, and pottery. We also heard that many famous people were associated with those places. In particular, Vidzy Lovchinskie (since 1586 it is known as Lovische) used to be owned by the Wawrzecki family. Tomasz Wawrzecki (he died in 1816, and was buried there) participated in the uprising led by Kastus Kalinowski. There is information that the estate was visited by the poet Adam Mickiewicz in 1823. We omit many of the diary entries made in the museum. After the museum, we had a meeting with our colleagues from "Braslav Star" newspaper. After it one of the journalists made the first publication about our trip. We left Braslav, where the headmaster of school No. 2 hospitably had sheltered us, at 11.20. The speedometer read 89.9 km from the beginning of the rout. When we were packing our things, we had an opportunity to observe anti-pedagogical methods in the school environment. A boy watched Ivan putting the objects of our camping life into the carriage with interest. And what did a passing teacher say to him? Very traditional: "Go to class!" She did not want to hear his excuse: "I am interested", and then us, when we tried to protect the

boy. The teacher had a reason: discipline... Partly she was right. But in the name of what? And where was the individual approach to each pupil? We went in the direction of Karasin, closer to the State Border. Gravel was underfoot. On the way there was the village of Zarechye and we went to Zarechye basic school. It had 9 forms, 64 students. The school was holding Week of Earth and preparations were underway for the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Chernobyl. Until April 20, the school premises was tidied up, pupils and teachers planted trees. The teachers Nina Kirchenko and Tatiana Bolshakova were happy to talk about school life. Ivan devoted a whole page of his diary to this. The first camping lunch was by the fire, under a large old tree. And with a little conflict codenamed "saving". In that case — saving of time. Valentina was angrily grumbling: why waste so much time listening to reports on school work. If, she said, we hear about it in every school, there won't be enough time for hiking. And we will not write about it in the newspapers. Ivan had a different opinion: people should be respected. He said: if we start arguing, anything can happen on the road, which had happened more than once.

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25 years later have at least a little idea of what travelers felt every day after walking 2810 km. The next in the diary is the first travelling poem, a little later, in Minsk we called it "Time of Brightness". Ivan wrote both it and hundreds of other poems. Valentina acted as an editor. So, through poetry, a joint poetic understanding of reality, impulses, a combination of many impressions and reflections into images was born. "People here believe in God, now they go to churches," – said a resident of one of the farms. And there were many of them along the road. "Now all people are for the faith." We asked him: how do you see God? He replied, "There is some kind of Power." We passed the village of Klemenspolye. It was 20.30 pm. The border post "Karasino". We waited for the border guard Sasha to come in order to negotiate with him our accommodation for the night. And he, as we were told, was on duty. For the first time we drank milk, which we had bought from an old woman-Old Believer. Trying to find out where to stay overnight we asked her grandson about the headmaster of the local school: is he a good person? "Pulls the ears..." - Dima

confessed sincerely. He also said that a girl Nadya Sinitsa had nearly burned down the school. Rural emotions ran high… We did not dare to go to the school for the night. Asked for it the border guards and spent the night there. The diary was stamped with a round seal "Military Unit 2034", in the center – "Letter K". This is followed by the inscription made by the border guards and their signatures: "17.04.96, 23:50. Border post "Karasino". We wish you all the best in your life and work, the fulfillment of all your desires. Happiness and good luck to you. Vitya, Sergey, Sasha". From the diary: 18.04.96. "4 th day. During the last day we have covered 37 km. Ivan packs things differently, more efficiently and compactly. And asks to describe in detail how he does it. He says the road ahead is not of the best quality. Maybe it will be the best? We'll see!" Regarding these maxims, Valya said: who cares how things are packed in a carriage? Those who travel on foot, take backpacks. Either they ride a bicycle or a bike. Nobody will read about the way we did it. But Ivan was pedantic. He wrote:

In some places, dust, which dried quickly, had already appeared on the gravel road. We recalled with humor the predictions of our Minsk friends about dirt. Oh, there is so much dirt around! It was hot. The afternoon sun was shining. Our jackets were off in Kewpie. Valentina couldn’t calm down, she said: I cannot harmonize myself And later she wrote in the diary: "Euphrosyne was quietly walking beside. The prayer of my heart must have been heard." We passed the village of Bratnyaya Gora. They say that once there lived three brothers who were born at the same time and died immediately. Therefore, the village was named in memory of that incident. We went on walking and speculated about a transport-free life style which is won by hard work of legs... This aphorism, which we later often used in various interviews and stories about "Hiking", was born after we had covered the first one hundred kilometers. All in all, for four months the roads were never easy. So, our conclusion is: cover at least a hundred kilometers on foot in order to

See you, Braslav!


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25 years later

Salomeya Shukel – a symbol of trust

"The problem of rational packaging is a very important thing in our journey. The whole structure must be well centered and balanced – then it will be easier to move the carriage, especially off-road..." We will not dwell on a detailed diary description of how Ivan did it. But we wrote down about our staying up late with the border guards. "The conversation was a success. The border guards gathered in one of the rooms to listen to who and what we are, where we were walking to, they really wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk. The guys are friendly. Ivan read his poems, Valentina – a piece of prose called "Soul" (a short essay that begins with the words – "what kind of soul you are..."). We also talked about cosmic laws and how they manifest themselves in real life, as well as about the beyond and love. The guys were young, and they were very interested in the last topic. And soon, when we leave, we will listen to a radio journalist Elena Stepanova." At that time Elena Stepanova hosted interesting programs "For those who are at home." We listened to them on a portable radio. We listened to them and felt great pleasure. We are grateful to her for "hello to two travelers". Sometimes at the end of the programs Elena said these words, odd for many, but they were addressed to us. She knew us. As well as we, she was interested in various spiritual teachings, put on the

air wonderful songs by Igor Talkov, invited interesting interlocutors to the studio.

One can only guess what this modest village woman farmer Salomeya Shukel went through, having let in complete strangers for the night. Another quatation from the diary: "We circled back… We walked around Karasino in a circle and… found ourselves where we had come from. Again we went to the border guards. This is a "punishment", but for what – we do not understand yet. On the way we see frogs. They, like storks, have a marital season: they ride each other. And this is very funny, especially when they jump across the road in such tandems. Today Valentina explained why it so happened that we hadn’t not see the direction we needed on the map. She laughed and said: I was over-reactive, I didn't have enough patience to listen to Ivan, his reasoning about this or that phenomenon, about people. And how to put things onto the carriage. By her nature, she is fast, makes decisions quickly, goes towards her aim,

wants to be ahead. Ivan is slow, thoughtful, he thinks over many options before making a decision. Sometimes he can be wrong. As they say: extremes meet..." We circled back, but we had to move on. On village or country roads, the wheels of Kewpie stuck in the sand, it was getting more difficult to move. But the cargo attached from below did not dangle too much when we crossed the pits. Finally, along forest border roads, we got to the village of Drysvyaty, which was on the shore of the famous lake. We took water from the house of Sophia Litvin, a social worker who took care of the local old people. We went along the road to Vidzy. We could see the Ignalina station in the distance, which was said to ruin health. Whether this is true or not, we did not know. But our task was to record everything that we saw, heard, felt during our hiking about the outskirts of Belarus, on the border of reality and the "Kingdom of Far Far Away", and almost at the turn of the millennium – in the deep regions of Belarus in the very center of Europe. We approached the road sign of Leonishki village, Drisvyaty village council, Braslav district. There was no strength left to move on, we had covered 35 km. The village was not visible. Only on a hill, barely visible in the dense twilight, to the right of the road there was a secluded house. What to do? There was nowhere to put up a tent. It was getting dark. We argued: to move on or go up to the house. In such cases, Valentina's determination was invaluable. She ran up the hill, rounded the corner of the house and knocked on the window. At first quieter then louder. There was no answer. The silence was indescribable. And we felt a bit creepy... We did not know yet that Solomeya Shukel would not be afraid to open the door to us, would not have a wink of sleep all night. And by her bed there would be a weighty ax. One can only guess what this modest village woman farmer went through, having let in complete strangers for the night. But we will tell about this later. Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich Authors' photos. To be continued.

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ekaterina dubanevich:

"on the way I found my inner Ocean" The arrival of Ekaterina Dubanevich in Minsk on October 31, 2020 was written about. Many Belarusian media did not disregard her return. Which is understandable. After all, Katya is the only woman who dared to start a trip around the world alone on a bike named Henry. By the way, it was widely covered. We, too, did not disregard this unique project of the Belarusian woman (No. 8-2019, p. 24). Let us remind the readers of the magazine: Katya started on August 18, 2018. Her movement could be traced online in her social networks. During this time, Katya crossed the equator three times, visited five continents out of seven. There were three

crossings between the continents. The first is from Russia to Australia. The motorcycle was sailing on a ferry. And she flew to Japan, where she rode a bicycle, since our Belarusian driver's license is invalid because of another convention (we signed the Vienna convention, they –the Geneva one). From Japan she flew to Australia. From there, together with Henry, which flew on a

Kiss from a kangaroo. Adelaide, Australia


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cargo plane, she headed to Los Angeles and the USA. In total, she covered 112,000 km and stopped in South America. She spent a month and a half there. From there she informed us that she was in coronavirus quarantine. She also promised to keep us in touch with her adventures. We talked with her both online, when she was recently at a motorcycle exhibition in Moscow, and live – as a guest of our editorial office. – Katya! A month and a half of quarantine is something... All the time in Buenos Aires? How did you, whose lifestyle is movement, constant renewal, changes and new impressions, survive the quarantine? Tell us about this time. Was it eventful for you? What do you remember most of all? Or maybe you took the opportunity to delve into your inner world, think over some important things? What did you feel? Did you have to make a living while in quarantine? What was the hardest in those days? – I was much more fortunate than most of other people who "got stuck". My friends – professional guides and travelers Anna and Mark were staying in Bayres. They invited me to share the quarantine accommodation with them. It was not just a small room somewhere on the outskirts, but a 100-year-old three-level tower in the very center of the city, with a stunning view of Plaza de Congresos and sunsets of incredible colours. Every day we could watch them from our roof. In the morning, we did exercises, cooked together, talked, watched films, read and dreamed of returning to a world where travelling would be available,


Mount Fitz Roy, Patagonia region in Argentina

borders were open and there were restrictions only in our own minds. We tried to "walk" several times, but the police caught us and sent us home. All movements were limited to the nearest store and pharmacy. Even being in such a wonderful company, it was difficult to get rid of the thought of "clipped wings". Just recently, I had admired the views of Patagonia and every day had brought new impressions, and then, everything was like groundhog day, everything repeated itself. I was engaged in self-education, learned to draw and mastered the Mexican art of guachol. (These are beaded figures, patterns fixed with beeswax). And I wondered why such a phenome­non as covid happened to people, and why we were given this experience. Maybe huma­ nity needs to think more often about the fact that we are not all eternal, take care of each other and value life and freedom. – You spoke in detail on social networks about how and where you had to earn money while traveling. Tell us about the highlights that you remember. Maybe it was an interesting employer, or a situation related thereto? – Of course, the most memorable parttime jobs were related to construction. I am a marketing and advertising manager by profession, spent most of my working life in the office in front of a laptop, only

occasionally was involved in physical labor. It was incredibly interesting for me to get new skills. I learned how to work with a roller, to paint walls, to break off the old coating with a jackhammer, to concrete, to do the tiling and much more. I began to

I believe that everything in our life happens for something and for certain reasons. If the pandemic broke out, we must go through it, draw conclusions and move on. The borders are closed – we will reexplore our native places. If Russia and Ukraine open their borders, it will be great, as there are so many interesting things! And for new emotions it is not necessary to go to the end of the world, one can start with a neighboring city and communicate with new people, after all, the whole world and our own universe are hidden inside each of us. respect people who work with their hands even more – this is an exhausting, difficult activity that requires accuracy and care. In the first days, I had huge bruises and calluses until I learned to hold the tools correctly. I also liked cleaning houses. It often happened that furniture was in a terrible state, especially in the kitchen, and it turned out that the yellow cabinets are actually white, just covered with a layer of dirt and grease. It is very pleasant to look

at the result of your work, keeping in mind the way it looked before. – What story of the people who invited you to stay overnight or make a stay, struck you? And in which country did this happen? – It seems to me that the universe loves to bring like-minded and kindred people together on the road. At least I managed to meet very interesting people all over the world. I'll tell you about Woody, America's best wire-spoke wheel maker. It was to him that I went to Denver. I was worried about the strong vibration of the motorcycle at speeds up to 80 km/h. Woody Witte is a legend, he is 78, and he made thousands of wheels for travelers from all over the world, athletes and just motorcyclists. Another trend, led by Woody, is the manufacturing of mechanisms that allow disabled people to ski, surf and do any other activity. He is the largest manufacturer of these mechanisms in the United States. It all started with his passion for motor boats, although Woody's parents wanted to see him as a lawyer or doctor. One can make a movie based on the history of his life. He was born in the family of a German engineer in Munich in 1942. During the war, his father was sent to Poland, near the German border. In January 1945, Woody's mother took him and his sister, who was born in Poland, and

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Travelers caught the last train to Germany. His father left for Munich earlier. She had time to take with her only documents and a few silver knives and forks. It took 20 minutes to get ready. The route, which usually took 8 hours, turned into 8 weeks due to the destruction of some parts of the railway tracks. They got there successfully, but almost missed their father, who was worried about the absence of the family and went to the station to take the same train to Poland on which his wife and children had arrived... Woody's mother was a believer and was very upset that she did not find her favorite Bible. But miracles still happen in our world. A few years later, the Woody family, left Germany, moved to America, and in

the army instilled in him the standards of excellence that persist today. It also inspired him to travel and explore different cultures. During his two years in Japan, Woody began to combine Western ideals with Asian spirit and philosophy. It was there that his love for fast motorcycles began to grow. After serving in the army, Woody moved to Colorado in 1973 and found his niche in motorcycle racing. An avid racer, Woody often visited racetracks and even founded the Motorcycle Racing Association. While working at a dealership center and fixing broken wheels, Woody faced the shortage of standard wheels and hubs. The desire to create a better alternative led him to creation of his own hubs, and then wheels. Woody's

magical tweaks, my Henry rode as perfectly as never before. So I met such amazing people on my Way. – "It is fantastic to find soul mates on other continents" – these words of yours are impressive. Tell us how it happened. Did anyone do something for you, helped, like Woody, or, on the contrary, did you help a person? – This also happened. The most serious motorcycle breakdown happened almost at night in Ohio. The engine literally "boiled", as all the antifreeze poured inside through the torn cylinder head gasket, and the motorcycle was enveloped in dense gray smoke. I stood on the side of the road, and no one stopped to ask what had happened.

Sculpture "Hand of the Desert" in the city of Antofagasta in Chile

1950 a parcel was delivered from Woody's grandmother, who did not go with them. It contained the old family Bible and a grandmother’s letter about a Russian officer who knocked on the door five years after the war. He was holding the Bible in his hands, on one of its pages this noble man had seen the address of the Woody family. When Woody told me this story, his eyes were full of tears. And he added something else: just one person can change the attitude towards an entire nation. In 1960, Woody joined the Marine Corps and also worked in the aviation electronics industry. His time in


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Wheel Works was founded in 1973. Today it is known all over the world. I planned to have only the front wheel checked. When Woody said that the rear one also needed levelling, I wrinkled my nose. He gave me a squinted look and said that if it was a matter of money, I could do half of the work myself under his supervision. For the first time in my life, I removed and put both wheels back, mounted and dismounted tires and learned all the secrets from Maestro Woody. The bearing in the rear wheel was broken, we changed it. After adjustment of spokes and all of Woody's

I was able to get through to Andrey, a man whom I had never met in person, and he organized the whole evacuation of me and Henry to the city of Louisville in Kentucky, where he repaired my motorcycle every day. Andrey is a jack of all trades. And I got the impression that there was no motorcycle in the world that he could not repair. Henry and I were incredibly lucky to be in his workshop after such a serious breakdown. There are people who get closer in a month than in years. Because they are "yours" and you are "theirs." Because you could not help

Travelers but meet, because in life and on the road it was supposed to happen. Andrey and his wife Oksana were created for each other, and I admired their "we" from the outside, learned wisdom, understanding, gentleness and warmth. I don’t like saying it, but they are very, very real. This does not mean that others are not like that, it is just that Andrey and Oksana do everything in harmony with their conscience, heart and themselves. And I'm just learning this. From the bottom of my heart I am grateful to this wonderful family for their sincere friendship and invaluable help. – Which soulmate would you like to see again? Introduce to your friends, to your mom?

A view that opens from the very top of the petrified

– You are right – it is absolutely impossible to describe a country in a few words. I love every one I've visited. And yet, in order to understand the local mentality, to feel the peculiarities of life, you need to spend at least a month in the country. I fell in love with Australia for its wild nature, for deserted spaces without a single person, for long sandy beaches with dark blue water, unique plants and animals that are not found anywhere else on the planet, and, of course, for the lifestyle of Australians. The philosophy of "noworries" – "no need to worry" is expressed in everything. Any problems can be solved as long as the person is alive and well, and the rest is not worth worrying about. Mexican culture sank deep into my soul,

– By the time all of us – stuck in Argentina – were announced about the evacuation flight, we all really wanted to get home. The whole world has narrowed down to the size of the dwellings in which people lived. And everyone just dreamed of changing the scenery and meeting friends and family. We flew for about 30 hours. We called our huge plane "transatlantic minibus", as there were people collected from all countries of Latin America, from Brazil to Cuba. In total, about 500 people were evacuated, including 7 Belarusians. Upon arrival, accompanied by the embassy staff, we were escorted to a minibus, which took all seven along M1 highway to the border. It was like dreaming in reality: on August 18, 2018, I was driving

The Porcelain Desert "White Sands", New Mexico, USA

waterfall of Hierve el Agua in Mexico

– Each and every one. I will gladly host all the people I met on the road, show our beautiful city, forests and lakes, treat them to potato pancakes and machanka. – As far as we know, you have visited 22 countries, and you have been to 45 countries in total. Can you, in a few words, describe your favorite ones? And why? It is clear that it is difficult to speak briefly about the country. And yet, try to tell us about several – at least a few words. The way you described Australia, which is close to you in spirit. Tell about it for our magazine.

with its delicious cuisine, sincere and unselfish hospitality of people, endless variety of landscapes and dangerous regions where you can lose not only property, but also life. I would like to specify Japan, which seems to exist in a parallel reality, where Respect for each other and harmony with the world prevail, technologies are intertwined with traditions, and everything is thoroughly thought out so as to make a person's life better and longer. – What did you feel when you learned that you could fly home? And how did you fly?

along this road, towards adventure, the unknown and realization of a dream, and now I’m sitting in a minibus, and my motorcycle is in service in Argentina. My mind does not believe in what is happening and is ready to wake up somewhere in a tent on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. At the first gas station, I smell pine forest, run to the edge of the asphalt, touch wet dandelion leaves, I notice a frog, catch it, stroke the brown rough skin and let it go. Nearby is a huge pine tree, I touch its bark with my fingers, smell it, trying to fill my lungs with a moist resinous aroma. We move forward. The navigator

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Travelers is counting down the last kilometers to the border... – It is said that all motorcyclists are not of this world... – It seems to me that all motorcyclists are partly masochists. Think for yourself – sometimes it is hot, sometimes cold, sometimes wet... Heavy equipment, always dusty, a hairstyle is in the best traditions of punk culture, butt gets numb. And if the motorcycle falls on the side, it is also a huge physical activity. But this is our choice. And the emotions that we receive in return compensate any discomfort. The other day I was driving from Moscow to St. Petersburg – 660 kilometers, nothing special, except for the temperature which was about zero, rain and snow. And then the black haze dissipates. And you see a blue strip of the sky, and joy simply bursts open your chest, and a smile does not fit into the helmet. After all, how could we understand what happiness is if there were no moments of sadness, how little we would value the sun, if we had an abundance of it every day. Spring weather is unpredictable, and nature happily frees itself from the chilling ice cover, revealing a disheveled nature. How beautiful our land is!


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– Tell us about your impressions of the meeting with your homeland, mother, family and friends. – For some reason, I had the impression that I had only left for a week and came back, because I had forgotten to do something. My parents didn’t change at all, except that my sister Marianne had matured and became a beautiful stylish girl. Of course, we hugged a lot, but I didn't really tell them much about these almost 2 years: social networks make it possible to keep in touch and "feel close" even at a considerable distance. I organized a meeting at which I spent 5 hours telling my friends and new acquaintances about my adventures on the Road. There were even those who listened to me to the end. I really hope: my experience will be useful to other people. – Now you have probably come to a period of tranquility. You, of course, understand that the situation with covid in the world is very uncertain, so you have to wait until the borders are open. What do you think of it? – My tranquility came when I was able to finish my trip around the world and get the motorcycle out of Argentina. In early October, transport link was opened and cargo planes

began to take such cargo on board. My Henry flew to Istanbul, where I met it, ready for a further journey. For almost a month we were exploring beautiful Turkey, which while riding a motorcycle looks completely different from an all-inclusive vacation. The region is rich in sights, historical values and kind people. The pandemic limited a huge tourist wave, which was a great advantage for me: I was able to visit places such as Pamukkale, Cappadocia, Nemrut Dag, and quite often I was the only one to ride. Having covered 5000 km, I reached Chernomorsk by ferry and arrived in Minsk from the other side of the world. I believe that everything in our life happens for something and for certain reasons. If the pandemic broke out, we must go through it, draw conclusions and move on. The borders are closed – we will re-explore our native places. If Russia and Ukraine open their borders, it will be great, as there are so many interesting things! And for new emotions it is not necessary to go to the end of the world, one can start with a neighboring city and communicate with new people, after all, the whole world and our own universe are hidden inside each of us.

Travelers – Do you dream about your faithful friend – a motorcycle at night? Tell us about it. We, although being walkers, perfectly understand how much a reliable vehicle means. – I more often dream about the roads along which we rode with it. My motorcycle is an old 17-year-old BMW, and it is my reliable and loyal friend. Henry needs to be taken care of, serviced regularly and its technical condition should be closely monitored, but I'm so used to it that I feel the slightest changes in its work, often reinsure myself and ask the mechanics to have a check. I must always be sure that the motorcycle will not let me down, because my life largely depends on it. When we ride for a long time in bad weather or on difficult roads, I can stroke its plastic side, talking it into being patient, because it has a fussy and desperate owner. But I think that Henry is also "happy", if one can say so about a vehicle – after all, it fulfills its purpose, what it was created for. And this is important both for a person and for any object. – In one of your interviews, you mentioned that you were working on a book, as you said, self-developing... What does this mean for you? To be conscious, not to

reflect, to accept people as they are... Or something else? – The book is still being written rather slowly: the process of comprehending past and present events is underway. As for selfdevelopment, I think that every day should bring us something new, i.e. knowledge, emotions, meetings, skills. Otherwise, we are not developing, but moving around in circles. I try to master the most current trends in my work area – marketing and promotion, as well as, of course, work on the spiritual component. I read a lot and communicate with like-minded people. I analyze my reactions, actions. And even thoughts. Of course, I am still far from understanding myself and the world, from realizing the reasons why in my life something fails to go the way I would like it to be, but I am on the right way and already perceive all the diversity of society. All people are different, with their own background and life circumstances. Everyone broadcasts to the world what he/she has inside. More than once I was convinced: truly happy people do not do harm, they only give their warmth and want to share love and kindness.

– But even the very happy are not perfect. For various reasons, even happy people can show their unexpected sides which are not their best ones: involuntarily hurt someone, offend someone's ego. But if they follow the way of self-development, then, having realized this, they will definitely try to correct their mistake. – Anyone can behave in a strange way. – Is it easy for you to forgive such people? – Perhaps much easier than before. After all, on the way I found my inner Ocean. Let me explain. I am very emotional. It was always easy to offend me, to quickly unbalance me. And I compare my then calmness to a pool that could be instantly stirred up by someone's sharp word or unexpected act. Now the pool has turned into an ocean, which quickly absorbs all the "stones of anger and offence" and sinks them to the bottom, enveloping me only with a feeling of freedom, peace and serenity. And I try to share these feelings with other people. After all, in the end, each of us just wants to be happy. Interviewed by Valentina Zhdanovich Photos from private archive of Ekaterina Dubanevich

Unique impressions from different countries of the world are preserved now in the ocean of awareness of Ekaterina Dubanevich беларусь. belarus 2021


Personality in art

When thoughts and feelings are equally important Quite a rare occurrence: at the same time in two galleries, even located literally next to one another, the works of the same artist were shown. The organizers of exhibitions seemed to be at a great risk not to gain, but to lose their visitors. In some case, it could most likely happen. But not when it comes to works of Minsk artist Anatoly Kuznetsov, known for his original masterpieces. The visitors were equally active in their desire to see his works – first in one room, then in the other. For almost forty years of creative work, he has created about a thousand paintings, some of which are exhibited in many countries. The artist is not deprived of attention in his homeland: he was awarded Francysk Skaryna medal, received a special presidential prize for workers of culture and art. And to explain the principles of his own creativity, Anatoly Kuznetsov invited me to his studio. This is his closest environment — paintings. He showed me his works. And I asked my questions. — You work in the field of non-object painting. How could you explain the essence of such creativity? — My way to it was quite long. Sooner or later, but I would have come to abstraction. I learned to think subconsciously — my ear can also see. For me, color is floating freely, it speaks to me: about sadness and joy, about feelings, about their nuances. — When you paint a picture, do you imagine it as a future viewer? Would you like him/her to understand what you are trying to express? — To be honest, I try to hear myself. Why? If I react, then I convey my emotions to others. Not to all. But to one, two, ten it will be close. I have made many acquaintances who want to talk about these topics. When such communication takes place, I reveal which way I want to reach the viewer. — Is it more difficult for you, as a representative of "your own" painting, than for other artists? — Unfortunately, today there is practically no real non-object painting. There is a certain emptiness: there is no rhythm, no work of color. By the way, these problems have been typical of Europe for a long time. Artists need tremendous knowledge, which they must accumulate in themselves. They must determine the priorities of their own inner state. I know my priorities very well. It is color, color and color! It develops into rhythms, and they are tied into systems, in whole directions. In order not to stagnate, one must constantly work. — When you were an art student, you did not have a vivid manifestation of the style that is typical of the artist Anatoly Kuznetsov today, did you? — Of course, time and labor make the style. — Did your teachers understand you? — Yes.


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Anatoly Kuznetsov: "I deliberately came to non-object art, because here one can express the things that cannot be expressed in object art." — And were there those who did not understand? — I was not a dissident. I worked, studied, did my best. There was no information about the styles in painting. There were brochures like "The Ideology of Bourgeois Culture" and some trends were considered therein. I saw them but I didn't understand it yet. I do not consider myself a pure avant-garde, I do not turn everything upside down. I just feel that in this I can uncover myself, say something of my own. — How do you feel about holding exhibitions? Is this an event for you? Or are you indifferent to this? — No, not indifferent. I used to hold a lot of exhibitions. There was a time when exhibition halls were deserted. Now they are again, one might say, put into order. I think an artist needs exhibitions. They are necessary to check oneself: what you are like, what you look like from the outside. The painting lives here with you. And there,

Personality in art

at the exhibition, it lives a different life. And you have to figure out what to do next, how to move forward, so that it is more convincing, more active. Exhibitions are important for every artist. — An artist is a person who spends many hours alone in the studio. What thoughts usually come to you in the process of creativity? — There are many thoughts. A desire to give up everything... Because, as a rule, it is quite difficult to make a good picture. You always have to win. Each canvas is as if everything is starting anew. The picture should be accomplished. To do this, you need to make a lot of efforts, both physical and moral. Often there are difficult periods: you fail to find the right color, the image does not develop. So you think, maybe it's better to give up everything? But tomorrow you come to the studio and work again. And you achieve, you win. — Do your paintings have titles? — Of course they do. I somehow make them all in cycles. The "White Suite" is a cycle that runs throughout life. It began with figurative works. Then came the cycles "Color Spaces", "Vibrations of Light". A completely unexpected cycle "Valley of the Phara­ ohs" — I never thought that I could do anything about Egypt. This project represents one of the brightest facets of Anatoly Kuznetsov's creativity and reflects such a feature of his artistic nature as a deep interest in philosophical ideas of ancient cultures, eternal universal values. The picturesque Egyptian cycle with the exotic name "Valley of the Pharaohs", made in 20052006, was created under the impression of the author's direct acquaintance with the ancient Egyptian Valley of the Kings. However, in Anatoly Kuznetsov’s canvases one cannot see architectural outlines familiar to many, secret inscriptions and other tourist associations. In his works, priceless relics of human history are transformed into an incredibly solemn hymn to eternity, as if the author has revealed the highest meaning of earthly existence. The old Arabic proverb says: "Man fears time, yet time fears the pyramids." In the large-scale and majestic non-figurative canvases of Anatoly Kuznetsov, this ancient formula suddenly becomes visible.

Yes, the artist made this cycle being inspired by the wisdom and greatness of ancient culture. The impressions developed into expressive combinations of warm colors and the shine of gold. Anatoly Kuznetsov is called one of the oldest Belarusian abstract artists. As early as in the 80s he understood that he felt cramped in figurative painting, then his cognitive manner began to take shape. — If a person works in a realistic manner, then he/she reflects some event with a plot. Everything is more or less clear there. Here one just wants to reflect the diversity of reality with color or some other elements. Is it enough? — I have a flexible plot where the rhythms move. They can strain on the surface, relax, move from one state to another. Colour scheme is from warm to cold, from cold to warm. This is a true surface directing, where there is a concept of space. So you work with this space. What is it, how is it formed? These are not just dots, not just spots. They move, talk. They help a person — contact occurs on the intuitive level. Space is also deep, philosophical. There are many

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Personality in art

spaces, when they accumulate, they create something in common, a theme. — If you had enough time, what would you definitely want to do? — I paint a lot of emotional things. I often go to the lakes, I feel nature. It became so close to me. I never thought that I would get straight to the point being in Belarus. This is my place. For example, when I painted the picture "In Memory of Kurosawa" I saw it here. I was sitting by the lake, there was old reed, it was snowing in large flakes. They did not fall, but hung. And for some reason I connected the feelings with Kurosawa. Although Kurosawa is a neorealist, he worked by contrast. In general, Belarus is my place, where I very emotionally perceive vibration associated not only with color, but also with hearing and smell. — Do you think you would not have received such a boost elsewhere? — Here the color scheme is special. I was brought up by it. — I suppose that most of your works come from the imaginary, from the inside. Only some part of the plot is an external source that inspires you to reflect something in your work. Perhaps I am mistaken, and therefore I will clarify: what is in priority for you, as an artist of non-object painting? — It is impossible to say unequivocally why it happened this way and not otherwise. Something comes through vision, but some-

Anatoly KUZNETSOV was born in 1947 in Ust-Kamchatsk, Khabarovsk Territory (Russia). In 1976 he graduated from the Belarusian Theater and Art Institute (now the Academy of Arts), easel painting department. Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists (1983), the creative association "Nemiga-17" (1988), the international association of artists "Sunny Square" (2000). Awarded with Francysk Skaryna medal "For contribution to the development and enhancement of the spiritual and intellectual potential, cultural heritage of the Belarusian people." He was awarded a special prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus for workers of culture and art. The artist's works are in the National Art Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the New Brunswick Museum (USA), other museums and galleries in the near and far abroad, as well as in private collections in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, Israel, USA, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia. Lives in Minsk. thing, is in principle difficult to explain: where does it come from? Probably because I live. A lot of emotional experiences happen within one day. They are some kind of materialized boost to start work. I raised myself like that, it's close to me. Although I can freely draw trees, houses, reflection in the water. I paint from nature, but I try to see what others do not see. I have to see what common people cannot see at all. — Do you correct yourself in your works? — Definitely. I am very fastidious to color. I start spontaneously, there is a difficult process when I have to turn on your consciousness. I sit for an hour or two without a brush: think, look. Very useful work. After all, being an artist is not a profession, it is a state. You must move to yourself. No need to strive to be in the public eye. This is a mistake. I don't want to be fashionable, I want to be myself. Obviously, his creativity is absolutely intuitive, when images are born in the process of improvisation. In Anatoly Kuznetsov's pictures some hints of any objects can be rarely seen. The contours of forms are blurred and shaded, they dissolved in space. He freed himself from object representation, his gaze is focused on emotional experiences, thoughts and feelings. This is his choice. Veniamin Mikheev Author's photos

At one of the latest exhibitions of Anatoly Kuznetsov


беларусь. belarus 2021

Mosaic from the works of Anatoly Kuznetsov

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