Belarus (magazine #9 2018)

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Magazine for you

No. 9 (1020), 2018 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

We are all children of the Earth…

page 4

Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read 1

Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы серада, 29 жніўня, 2018

Выдаецца з 1955 года l

l № 28 (3580) l

l серада, 29 жніўня, 2018

Гол ас Рад Так сыш зім ліс я ы

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце на паРтале

18 20

ы м і дз а Р с ла Го

л Бе


с Ру


я, ен ліп 31 к, ра то аў


На Бацькаўшчыне добра мастаку

Стар. 3

Стар. 7

1і Білозірка

Рупліўцы з Палесся

ы ім дз Ра



я, Вядомы харэограф ен Мікола Котаў, які нядаўна быў адзначаны ліп Ганаровым знакам Беларускага фонду культуры, стварыў 31 к, а ра ал з аднадумцамі каштоўны фотаальбом то бр ам аў by


Са аз оў





Як нараджалася песня з1


5г од

Стар. 8

аl Ве­Дай­на­ш ых! Вы но­вая­зор­ кда­ ан










“Г ары­на­Са­ба­лен­ка­увай­шла­ о ў­топ-20­рэй­тын­гТ ам но­чай­ лас чяа­цу­Жа­ ,д тэ­ніс­най­аса­цы­ Р кыі­(WTA)

аю зе ц Іван­Іва­наў і л юб нас ь я ў­ вя­лі­кім­ Ак­тыў­нае­ жыц­ Стацё­ць
















Го л

р лбеп,­Та­ чы ас 9) Уладзімір­­Гі­ на інск Ра ю ар. 7 дэ­уш­Стру­ та l дз так ім Д жэц­кі­ ды­ Бу­тэ­віч,­ вя­ спор­це­ —­ як­ па­лёт­рзніч­ ім . 3 кі­ ў­ жні­ с лАна­Сттоль­ via та йц ы іх – ом налю­дзі­ Бе­ла­ру­сі,­ уру­ча­лі­ чац Спа­ дzар­Мі­ко­ла,­даў­ні­ся­бар­ до­мыя­ вень­скую­ноч.­Доў­гім­бы­вае­ўзы­ ен зе ле вер тал е пр “Го­ хо­джан­не­ да­ сла­вы,­ і­ ня­прос­та­ а ,1 тала­су­Ра­дзі­мы”,­за­гля­нуў­ня­ Мі­ко­лу­ Ко­на­на­ві­чу­ кГа­на­ро­вы­ Га 6ж Р п е знак­“Руп­ л іў­ ц у.­Ства­ р аль­ н і­ к у”.­ даў­ н а­ў­рэ­ д ак­ ц ыю­—­па­ д зя­ л іц­ ўтры­ м ац­ ц а­ зор­ к ам­ на­ Алім­ п е.­ э н ніў аР авіт сы з Асаб­лі­ва­ прад­стаў­ні­цам­ пры­го­ па ца­ на­ві­на­мі.­ Во­чы­ све­цяц­ца,­ Шчас­лі­вы­ яго­ ўла­ ня Жы -Ёдраль­нік­ ра­ т ,2 l а ю а б ) ых, жай­ 01 ы н іра па­ло­вы­ ча­ла­вец­тва.­ Сё­ле­та,­ ва ле 78 вае­ на­строй­ со­неч­ны.­ Згад­ваў,­ як­ ду­ец­ 8 ньду­шы.­ Па­каз­ шца­ —­, ад­ е ая (35 р п б а л к l ц 6 z свед­чан­не,­к,у­я якім­ свят­ка­ пал­ле­ ў­ Вя­зын­ сам­ азна­упрык­ісляад,­ за­яві­ла­ пра­ зы­ход­ у­ ел іс н знак­ via ча .2 скі­ па­ ы кі ваў­ Ку­ у ён­ ауша­тнала­ьв”а­Жны­ ай н ы і д ыу­ , цВ м д і н р га­ в о­ р ыц­ ц а:­ цы:­як­ён­ка­ ж а,­ля­ка­ л ыс­ к і­Ян­ больш­спа­ к ой­ н ы­рэ­ ж ым­спар­ т ыў­ NO с т к х с н ар т zd э с аш ер l ы р’і арндем­ітэвы­ ыхм,ей­наа­згаа­жыц­ Вкі­я Ку­ ,1 а­вед­ ндас­ц“і­Хрз­уі ра­ на­га­і­ся­ ця­Да­р’я­До­ о кпіма­луы.­ З­ ра­ні­цы­ ў­ Мін­ску­ ад­пМ a д рэн­ а в ерс м С 6 с г ”ч і ў т ю . к п м ёр ар by жн Гмаад­сівка­га­аб’­л мра­ча­ва­—­су­ нла­вя­ расвет­ ы юддо­мая­бія­ о7­рлі­апре­нкя,­. 5у­ дзень­ на­ра­джэн­ня­ кан­ка­мФа­ра­ .4 іль ыдсы­Гра­ іў ла кі ўн ры тыва ыве кае ц м ім ы ж с р н -п з яд­ н ан­ н я­“Бе­ л а­ р ус­ к і­фонд­куль­ Пес­ н я­ р а,­ дзея­ ч ы­ куль­ т у­ р ы,­ тла­ н іст­ к а,­Ге­ р ой­Бе­ л а­ р у­ с і.­На­79­м­ ж ч с п авіт і, п я, рэ кон бійс ран афе на ўтар гады ў дз Стані­кі­ яго­най­ твор­час­ ту­ры”.­ І­ ры пры­хіль­ 20 а а ы мес­цы­ў­рэй­тын­гу­WTA­ця­ а умяшчэ­ ра ых пер­на­ зхоць­ ў Г кўвес­ 18 ін н ўчу­ тое­ Ра ае е дв ады … ўП ал ыале­ ма гж­ а як­дзя т ры р я здо­ рма­ва­ ці­ ўскла­лі­ вян­кі­ да­ пом­ні­ка­ вы­ра­ ша­ Вік­то­рыя­ Аза­ран­ка,­ –якая­ ”шы­лі­к—­ зды ра е тр ка р а з не­якіх м ас ў­ скве­ры­ Ян­кі­ Ку­па­лы.­ Бы­ла­ яўру­ ад­ной­чы­ ра­да­ва­ла­ пры­хіль­няі­кмаў­ цейчы­лі!­ а дэс япеку і алі пгі. АлГран-пт Віктбыў Ген ол ож р пвісае,­што­ а дз Мой­су­бя­асед­н“Цік­згад­ ду­шэў­ная­ ім­прэ­за­ з­ удзе­лам­ свай­го­та­лен­ту­яр­кі­мі­пе­ра­мо­га­мі.ля т ле чэ іс “Г н ры ю-Ё — ка яш рнал асці, сопіс ам ках шлях­яго­ны­да­хва­ е ай­дзеі­ ,”ю­мюа­ч Нь ол А­ вось­ ужо­ й­ но­вая­ зор­ка­ рым а с дзя­цей,­ мо­ла­дзі,­ пісь­ме­ню і­кнаў,­ не ло жу ватн ча вор ч х ы к ін н л т а к цы­ а а­лаў­ у нербы­вна­шда:­ры рам аец аза ўзы­шла­ на­ не­ба­схі­ле­ жа­но­ча­га­ якую­су­мес­на­ла­дзі­лі­Ку­ п ага па­чы­наў­ся­ ў­ вёс­ е ім ў д а, п а ам ’іГа­ су Трац аl да і ўкмі­ афон­ у акт сва ва аўд і е м ,стве­ ўск д­ як­раз­ там,­ ка­жа,­т Ду­ардзя­ ца ць: тэ­ні­су:­Ары­на­Са­ба­лен­ка.­Гэ­тыя­ скі­ му­зей­ ды­ Бе­лра­урсус­ стр ця од ” н рэд ым у назы , пр жым а м нц(ёін­ Вы 5г я го тк ш м ла ы Ткураз­ным­ поў­заў­ма­лень­кі­ў­пяс­ м Ты укку­ля­ба­ рад­кі­ пі­шуц­ца,­ ка­лі­ 20­га­до­вая­ куль­ту­ры.­“По­Бтеым­на­за­ 95 ры і Чу ны леп 5 та торы пры аліс ыла л гас акае к з1 1 ка о рн р оў ”),ён,­ яб ал л мін­чан­ка­ пе­рад­ стар­там­ ад­кры­ аў­то­бу­се­ ііпа­ дыеха­лКі­ірыў­ Вя­зын­ку,­ бі­най­ха­ты.­“Гэ­та­Рэ­чЖыц­ алкі­ра­ ца ц ло доў Не шт у ве эты “С нав роў а ко­ла­ Ко­на­на­ і­як­раз­там,­дзе­мы­ко­гл“ісь­бе­ Ка і? асвае­нікМі­ Де э ггаа­’ю. дно і, ж сама па г ец та­га­ чэм­пі­я­на­ту­ ЗША­ (US­ Open­ —­ рас­ікРаз­ Ста ей ч ар е а ац ак а яб р. 2 ь а. ’ю, л ц да т ш ц а е т я р. 7 о ш я Д к ы прой­ д зе­дня­ м і­ў­Нью­Ёр­ к у)­імк­ лі­ на­ по­ п ла­ в е,­ знай­ ш лі­ по­ т ым­ віч.­ —­ Су­ с тра­ к аў­ нас­ пес­ н я­ м і­ п в М аІв, жы лё рв й Іва ў с Ста В іт ім кушую­ ыярод­няы­амс і­гурт­з­Ма­ла­дзеч­на.­ ге­о­ла­гі,­ бу­рыль­шчы­кі­ пер­ н Ів ыл мі. лочк і атнуЖе да інтэ вана ен лі­ва­ўвай­шла­ў­топ­20­су­свет­на­га­ на­ іч а а н а а а в ў ім д ь л а на тац ов а М хоц жы аалнао яліз ды п ам чэ дзе” Мін ў рэй­тын­гу­ WTA.­ Та­кое­ —­ упер­ зам­ус­кла­да­лі­кве­та­ бе­ла­рус­кую­наф­ту,­—­з­го­на­рслам­ я азв ецвыіч га . Т е ен ку, п таС яш одМы­ўсе­ра­ л ч п п в ы н А а к а л г да­ пом­ні­ка,­ не­дзе­ ў­ га­дзі­ну­ удакладняе­ Мі­ко­ла.­ —­ Ба­бу­лАю­дач зббосяраос ачаатсп 90-я ЗШ учан іла шы­ню­ў­яе­кар’­е­ры.­Яшчэ­на­мі­ кл гас ану нка ыі “С І ста кі­ ў с — яр’я адніц кау, у е ў ав ап а е з на ц в р ну­ л ым­ тыд­ н і­ Ары­ н а­ бы­ л а­ 25­й,­ ж­ маю­ зва­ л і:­ Але­ н а­ Са­ п он­ ч ы­ дня.­По­ т ым­ля­гум­ н а­бы­ л а­ўра­ у х н н й с а р д т ет т : н ч аДца цуцч лсек мен ць м еды – ХХ со арт нае зей ата а­ вый­граў­шы­ тур­нір­ ка­тэ­го­рыі­ чыс­тасць­з­удзе­лам­як­вя­до­мых­ ка­ва.­ Мяр­кую,­ мяс­цо­выя­ па­мя­ адкаянца, вназ аМінрапатаб вўже ыверуска ледж аўда, э ксп ХІІ ру як звалы м. д заамдо ядлоар ылка Пр шч су чва — 1 пад сніц цык а го й э кі. “Прэм’­ер”­у­аме­ры­кан­скім­Нью­ пісь­мен­ні­каў,­ так­ і­ мяс­цо­вых.­ та­юць­ яе.­ Бо­ вёс­ка­ жы­ве,­ там­ шы кі ш бе стра йце 8.08 аро ь кр ле дыко цьнна Раі спкр .і бБеу омчыыя юс.я, шна я жа-Як чна чад ла ка яе .20 жж у­ Хэй­ве­не­пад­ня­ла­ся­на­5­па­зі­цый. Га­ва­ры­лі­ пра­ Ку­па­лу,­ яго­ны­ збу­да­ва­лі­но­вую­ма­лоч­на­та­вар­ ках коў халраазарааіл п а,з анд ы і я т е др п 1 й а ны й пда іяынатма ўважць пуецньд 1а6с,об тоако аклсавечаті сам яты аш і ды Мы усы це н раз 8. т , Ары­на­ —­ сту­дэнт­ка­за­воч­ ўнё­сак­ у­ ду­хоў­нае­ жыц­цё­ Бе­ ную­ фер­му.­ Вяс­коў­цы,­ праў­Ада,­ ны і ас адўч аім ўк нак кніж ёх, у акваццць а нні.сты плрьакі усшмтоы . Уд пзя тры ня “Н віч раза спа ў св а м інтэ о ад о П . , і­ ” к -па днан ро ні­ца­ ў­ Бе­ла­рус­кім­ дзярж­уні­вер­ внауць­ ла­ру­сі,­ так­са­ма­ й­ све­ту­ —­ бо­ мно­гія­па­да­лі­ся­ў­свет:­жы­ чцывё уюаўтор’і атоціселсаябеША 00 дадбренаьўктозегр, Сціп бы, дзя ец арш рн ­ ста лады ахза а м б , вім у 1 д ім н у м р п 5 л е а з д е ле н ч аб’я л як ўн д а гр зу ка З , 3 а а ч ад а ру эт і ў сі­тэ­це­фі­зіч­най­куль­ту­ры.­Ра­ней­ тво­ры­кла­сі­ка,­як­вя­до­ма,­пе­ра­ і­ў­Рэ­чы­цы­—­гэ­та­за­7­кі­ла­м00ет­ нів раза зе я Кац мся ! це ас , н у кн по прлоыДх раафыж уць на Туа м саЗбахыднана—фе,ы к ым ж ім ян ры Уд ва , ка одзі м уд е ан яры , шт зе ны еркао Аял ж - ніг ур ы стар­шы­ня­ Бе­ла­рус­кай­ тэ­ніс­най­ ве­дзе­ны­ўжо­на­дзя­сят­кі­мо­ваў.­ раў,­ і­ ў­ Го­ме­лі:­ ту­ды­ пад­ 40.­ У­обснліякревялічіг, бпыа ыепссвкеавкоалкелд онваа ы”т,ву ннім іста ага ль ягож е.шц ра а не нал пры ра к р ычан таанд­ уш п рэд “Ага аў. аў кія “га Гу да, ў яш н з асца ёл­аб най о заў й г ворч нік а еб ”.кц ха іст ­ н Мікола­Котаў­і­яго­ўзнагарода фе­ д э­ р а­ ц ыі­ Аляк­ с андр­ Ша­ к у­ ц ін­ лзі­сва­ Хо­ра­ша­ ўпі­са­лі­ся­ ў­ ім­прэ­зу­ й­ мя­не­ж­па­ўсёй­вёс­цы­бы­ с уу я ч “ а .. Д т ч ы ы гл н : зр д н у с ы а я т о н с а і б ад аяМ пр ел э н аш аб рэж уб ё­ рэл Эь а н ў: я “хў. а С экйашц аушка а д“вна пілаатр - ыя. піла ам ра эс ад­зна­чаў­ бай­цоў­скія­ якас­ці­ тэ­ нэр оне Бчаы­ цы­ Пага Ёсцлімітн д н5ім вы­ступ­лен­ні­ фальк­лор­ных­ ка­ я­кі­ Ко­та­вы­ —­ ця­пер­ у­ Рэ­ ьм ц дзё амым Да : н н аб зіны арус ікол ых іць нік ане­ оў -п ы 00ыла іхку субсліжПана нму ясн ыятрі а ія Ч дром ўлів рагі е н Са­ іка пле а-Д ск чык,­ ў. пуон­ тач ё ўса аю дзя ышо мі ў ы за і не супл тое, ды тар аСа­ б хдра­ іх­ мно­га.­ Гэ­та­ род­ май­ пон­ чы­ецы­ ні­рсэіст­ лек­ты­ваў”. в кіяі” а чык­ —­ ўу­ СРэ­ й я кпа­ аавда­нь ы,­ удма і­нтырдзядзь­ ік м скоўя­ мн го­ баць­ зе кі,­ якая­ “ўмее­ вый­гра­ваць,­ чы ж ус ю бач у ф Бар і ху Тур елар нава ІІ нігі кі з ага-н рж ў с св ста раб ям што озівіў эзччуас ё якбу авяідл ы, хяакв выд юцца я по лма­ нта­ся­ б,­ аб­са­лют­на­ без­на­ за га.па­ т м в у д е а а б я я ач эя Ме­ н а­ в і­ т а­ ў­ та­ к ой­ сяб­ р оў­ зда­ в а­ л кі,­які­не­вяр­ н уў­ с я­з­вай­ н ы.­А­ў­ ка­ Сця­ п ан­ —­ ц і.­ Са­ м а­ ж­ знай­ ш ла­ свой­ апош­ н і­ спа­ ч ын”.­ ы о іў а а а е ю н к П у ац Х т а ц , гарта м, 16і, ў Дла, наозум не ннЖукавец . я ыц та вая азе а )л ад ы ла яла ўна ваю еце, цца . П нні­ ыі ны й на на Б у ваю ацімытІван­ На тоўск . ўв о хіб педы русь м лёлі,­Пра­ Во тра К ь бе спра дзей­ ” ц- ­ ваны­ баць­ д е3 ск ­ы за ом р сц Стар. скай,­ свя­точ­най­ ат­мас­фе­ры­ Га­ры­ва­дзе­ хрос­ а­—­Па­ рас­кта­яе­зва­ р дзібўачы зч с й ма­смкім ко сць 12 й м кр хто па раў­ абр ка,­ ж то л с к ы”. с ла а с в Ся ныя­мат­ ле 2 втён кач ые ➔і, ара’язв ывы

ас л Го



Сяб ро ўст ва Вытокі роду Дастаеўскіх –з пес ням і а в но я ’ ер Фл ы ер кол я вы Но


вІ ч

л ь а ніг р к нч кал 0 д яж аін (з н алі п тара і, ш ліку раў Ігар ую ік (б эк Бе эвіз ы як ся 3з­2а9глыі, мыстлэівмпў.і прэьс” Дзнапкра ажлдяые . ­ ў скла і “с імук руса аздач од га ам ыл я зё ы у пеш уль м ан у с ыат і, ш ап нн пра не ў ну. Д ілі м мі пр ам с вы ла пам лдіаппе пцоькроц яснтаатл ы—п -яавгуаю а.на дзяв лася талі а, А ў­ка ах Гл с“Выіш аванн у тым ве Т нязь дзя З п ася 2800 н, м : ва ўзд шу ы м це н е Пр дзё !..) а л ” - ы д к т к на то о чы йсн ны ос ПоВязь­чаСоў Да ыі, д бна я нХреу, ш пл ар і Ла ліла лана ў жн кіл ела ндро оўж ы ю м і, ёсвўет90раанд­Ів п Яш най с , каза так ега Н ман ожн й -Д вы рсатс бо ерн ссі, няс аў к’я цё жых ай ісл аш а ўш зе зо — р ое у у біц — а ьм “ аармус тін йш а зі кааўлі кмае алёевыі мў к збір а аў а Лу тэ баж ся з ў, як іўні амет пра ўка в сц скаж ова-н цька о зд рма ўто, “Ад й дзі эс­п чэ за стрэ лі на ркі, віцк таў , шл іл ел інра пра Івпа е й за ыі цо рэк лі вал аянра лдыцы Б П зі дзе і ні а : іем а та кст “ эвіч маё імі К 199 раў цяг­ ўс ра Раст Ба шт чаты а а елзямтогоддфэу.с зяку едыц Краў ды і нас і я Ф а ў Б ай к скім хо­ сім а П М сы ла ў рэзе не чы я кон так ага. сіл ад !” А хто ім вы пазн ер т ы твы га ху цыкл У кр (шу й кал ацяр 6­га. і за­ л ш аэ­ з маю ўкі, з й, ал ам Ва ч н цеі д сп е ма ло - асрта ліы ыі вес , піс Прэ нтац йкі е ўдзет нес усё на ікіт ыгар ыара ш гра наго , бач мяне адв е”), уга кай ега ын зня ў на із п оў а М сзва мю цІгу , бпеа ска дурсуі,ж ыялцікц ”й ўэкг тлан эхава астав ажк амі ь а ія с усь – “ ы на ндро а с т е п л р м А н ы ц а й л ы ­ц і, А ё В а вяор р м л й т со ір ц ь а­ бы фіч з х ты цяп ц д дп ла м енн эн і к ойдзе ажн вын свет е ў Да па­ . так елар к га й, ўсёГлтыореы. Гыожадоўн арўу мо гунчааша вСіш ва даўн амі бы аАд кія ч і п атле такды ачы не ік тр што зень нікі. на ніга с 8г Сц ”. най росн , зн ер н в ” Аў раін це ай м ікае: ку — нэц р’яй У ы пе ня стак ыць , Б ны!” 01 на лю к на еркы бокр д адрыыям ва-ы Д ёме тарлаі пмеіленёлвы,зяе цкімі – к й. А елі… кс ро япан І кр кніж ых айш е зн ёк! каза ладзі Дом прах да ма ытай зеў аў ктрэ нтыаммі, кае, сто Ам стра ы С раз отап мар на е яе снко акйаза нн на сц 6.2 ма ць б Расію йчы го ы фэ аўху дзь ш іэ Ед ў: о а дал м м а а а і ніі вым авіч асав най баць лі й ой­ 0.0 кр гляд рав голонаін. свягі прфыестдуд часц-е, гаЛўю нік ро еры лія, ярэд Расію адар шрут ма­ гу ый ю А у л “У ір Л прэ ­ аз п ы ай ўр ятб п ад нка а .3 ль Кл : па мес без аўс серы коў яго, а іп ­ с па люст п2а0к жым Воовасяь ытахм , рпаас кбуалчьы можтаілрцса ячэр й, а са см мвыыяло якр ва пл пу д ка й ЗШ няй , К ожн ру­ кр торы зе пер ра е д шы о іж пся­як­род­як­раз­на­тэ­ры­то­рыі,­што­на­ле­ віць ё, Ів скі ні ніі”тды,­по­ зрскіх­ т шему­ ­21 адр одЗрэш­ в, ння ця,­ня­ іт і. у­Да­ ы, га­ро­ мк, і­сэн­ насаў­быц­ му імук леву цы, у кара я У і “А бія­ Уд ка­м адста­ Ся­дзі­бу­зна­ ер е ць ым нн іка яеў­ а ануе адом Аф А, Азіі. азахс іцы гіс мі путбхуач­ я б амд кар ан лайц аыеім нді­та­ н агад ліпнаарйцытсаёнлеПаы ол о. д 7-г ь п ол жы ечн аве чан оныолы як за скваішалін і н жык , па ю ру сал сёў, ладзі со­ ра­ гэа­ за м ласс кім­ра­ а-сё ! не шл пера вы у. Н рыка Па Пот тан ы ашжыць­сён­ ўц цьё­не­п адімімп оны1“ іж анм легенбыаў­ я ты­па­ сяіж­да­ ч энтыж п што­жы­лі­ў­Іва­ нае­мя­ б ром­і­лі­ х ам­(па­ я­ т н я­Бе­ л а­ р у­ с і:­у­вёс­ ц ы­Да­ с то­ е в ­ а­ з е в а ід я а ен ва п нале сон ласл му рых а п б за в а н ­с ы а ір м к н р ы н а д е л д а з л р а . ў зя ж б а ў ях н а т ым ір н “С Урэза МВіш л ад по од ыя ў н гас К рмаал мі ыдгы цаь, й .в3 дзе Даў м Ц не зд е а у б тога п ога д ра і кіяя пцов рш й, у дол атк ўс І ц дн х н на­віць­ зі зну­юаць­ад­ Брэст­чаы­ даа­рца­Мі­ Іва­ ­ а­ Брэст­чы­ны.­ На­ гэ­ты­ Па ыны - ➔ ак у ымк лянін вую — ка ай ка гана­ а га­ ра­ён с р ыа В л п кіх ьс е­це,­у­Фё­ е мхай­ вонды,­пла­ жм ар а бал­ г наў­ска­ мыла­ві­чаа:­“Тут­д’я­ іга Як рога па Свя скага ерам іярэй і лы За 100 ець авац ё К ераз ёвая П годд ара пр веча ва аб лару аайдсчыКхаяплатўа нмёявыэкаахўоедтнік іццеьянваламі уі з нру тура са эе Ст І м х мо ам к аўпілэнтр б суп і Ст пе у, г Ск — зн сма мпа хаіл шч на с ні­ка­Фё­ т гам­зма­ да мы рам тоў я П ата ялік с да­мра­ “ сга­ец­ да­200-год­ зя­пісь­ ен­ з­Бо­ вы­—­сэр­ уконт­вя­дао­ма,­што­больш­за­500­га­ доў­та­ б т ца,­а­по­ле­біт­ ўк пад пля тыс ёй ь 50 ацяр Еў­ р ар рш іст ак н ­ каў. ІІ ста зядІг Мі каў х еі р год м ры ло на “Г ск ў нале длзеіял фасэвс зімўё т обнаш, ч ўшмчыы к”оззны ’­➔ сяб ы як ладзі льту скай м ік го б Млаацча­ . 6 ым ары ун. акам аўт кай шыл а: у х Рас еоргі , п аш в ускія ь !)ска­Яц нічны каф та я гшато ні, п у “С каў ілій Р” вляайіх сё ” бДібцы­лю­ ы тоў п ь і лхі­ма­сда­вы­рмо і.­Не­ ты Дам крао­ ды ласц арожчыма яч к пры 0 д ына родсута­ Х еў­ ьн дтзей”)­ні­ ўву,­прод­ку­Да­ста­оеўў­ пДа­ гнанр-беліёаш кнска­ іл с , осры ос ўс парт Гму­Да­ ў ТуV рлнёі­не­бы­ з лы ры,ніді­млеу­Рці­ зё іча ”с.аУ й ы р ц ніцт ў і рад чны Яны іты ру ятар оіна Г цель – н елар мал е т тан мнік стра Вас ем- едяакюркыулйьусакўаггааў. У вед чтас­ , га­тэх еУ­ гад іч андса­бы­ бо пдляа­рэаа­ запам,­су­ сорся­ тамХут­ іан рртів ва: нёга,­па­ энуесакмл ве ма­та­ад­пін­ ска ка­туБе­ э­давзі­ е­ мі­ну­ла­га­ ста­ гзеод­дмзя­ толь­ кі­в лежн сё бу круга ны д ў К аметрдзецц н, лыа­русь­ бу­ ў­ чар­ гло­ вы­ раз­ ра­ ліллі­столь­ д. Ву,­як,­ска­ ж а­гра­ ска­ евца­ тузбі­ о С еІк рМо­ рлуа хі нгааклі­на­ кал ­ у дзе­ га о ы ц р ту т п в я у й ж а р і, р а п ц в ч ж а св на-в ятога стая чук ае б о а рыя а ф ю а а п р л ь о к к л р й о е р й д ы о о р о п каугк орга оыйк - к а ят ан ыд ро ро го на м уж ас д св а а в кпа­еваць­ гу аншых­зо­ д зларта“ы­так­зва­ скы. бе сквц і а с ац П ўндзе іжн ых­эст­ ншы свта­ кія наму м”.бе­алпа­орус­ ­ кі­ бел: ряашўныя­кан­ м п а­мпісь­ е цоо­выя­ края­знаў­цы­ зда­гад­ п мяс­ е уклаль­ іідан­ в а ўло­ у мен­ зтня­на­ва­ ка­дмі­—­ р не­не­ Іаа св На лаш ж м Уж сп гурт . свят­ й Мпа еагэр­ эн пра обкня­ зай пад ці а зе ка етку вед. і не ў. аялці­соя­, пра­ а­ ряго зясмв і­вёс­ ы ав оаго Ця яльс урДзень­ раў ртад­ ту враяпа ых я н На кна­агзя ам й у чуга Жд кан т, “ ції а альн З яго ы й а райПедт ыі ў днум ь ы “ а д в э н ь ц а т д т ­ р Т С я м м а зе , П ш ў. м р м ц ду сца. Ва аго ні. льмі га зок” ства.­ і ь ы я ц а Ц р ў о ў а ргак боль­ – лей­ кап го чы­на­чэм­ а на­га,­ слрак­ці­фут­ цы оў ым аб экт ы ат рас­ к тпо­ а ні пі­пяа­на­тах­ сто­ев­ а­й­Да­ста­е.ў­скіх.­ лаі­цай­ наў­ ­ а.­ с :га­ра­ т юбі­ н н. ую­по­ , я вры­ іч ска­ са дта­тэ­ а рюыя­Іва­ К 2­арве­ с іц , ця­ кі. ар ня­Ігаста­ , м вязь­Да­ энён дапіер­гэ­ ук моц­ уюем пэнтныя­мат­ с за нар 2у0ю а 50 лан ­ ’ян ы, ш поле перш жа, эла ш но леры да т кара ве аша Абра мне чыруяпбраоранудзетапкелсеннпыадздмыымкалнікаспрілаь- і в гуордтамеллдеац нстр аціо тету” рэчы алаў мM Д цай Ямда­ рДа­ у Ігтаа­рг”а­Лўжо­ , літ лкпя­ ук мсвя­ см га,­ а ста­ н “ ў кдвац­ к кма­ ”..ося­ло­ ня,­ў н ы аць птавін вацца0 дзё уе теа,­ ста­ све­ тову.­15лЧы­ еў­ска­ р аб­ ­м ф ёнт­ еннтаць­ Н и(Па­ло­ й л бу­ на Т ўДля­ у не­мго­р-ад­ з го б даў­ атва­ о, раў­ ­ іхка­кён­ а гі­цты­бе­ зула­рус­ка­га­сло­ва­ўтва­рэн­ я аніц­ Ва бра, я ён а вавя­ддо­ нтоіне ж,­ а ц ім й цаць­ т т oto_K эце h на . н м па чыт бе­ а па спад евіч мся тако атк і. Та яжэ а ” ндна на Зраом уфомт і, вцыоўкавйамсае.дн аяд рывцук ў, рсвек .яБхыів ерс й, д я аў ў ра ецца ясц ца­ду­ ю кам л мпра­ на­рус­ алія­ дп ачыда­ю­чцы­пра­бе­ ь пач цдыа­ем,­па­ ко­ хо­ шы.­А,­ве­ сто­ев­ а.­ У­ Да­ніі­лы­ на­ра­дзі­лі­ся­ двое­ проз­ві­шча­лю­дзей­з­Да­сто­ев­ а­—­Да­суто­ ок ся давы доў рацыапісц сказв аста іцІва­ : h atr ttp сай раект Фіна ў за , ка н-а­ва.­З­ва­ еда у ь ліц­яко­ ры сгца,­мы­ве­ “га сіл ро а чДа­ й гас квоівша і док йГЮ іса ваал. “гаВдФы ўцфаэўс таэбтмые Засеум й м ш-ы шмцдрёирошялточ улніівяашруся лі л іша йма ttp іn s: т а я ды іда М аян га н ­ пав на м,лёі­ ро га й п ікан , ра кім м ров дзіць­проз­ п ан ламён,­ еноў,­”аІван­ Б ста­ на ўзу­ рызэтфасы­ э яны­ ўжо­ госні­леі­ чаэеў­ ча­вя­ ка­дгла­Фё­ старонкі­ў­радаводзе­кла­ сі­мкеа,­мы,­бе­ Лра­Да­ втэзіна­ вят Ваві­,ш М я: за ц.іс­ рыскія,­з­на­ 8 кам­на­о.­Ад­нак­у­ві­ху­рах­ s://v a/, м //bіke пада мож са­ ё яго ат за і га пе ыд,а­ із пэсталды­ вяаз да на ньлуа­рж хіні! баСя­ ова іла ым АсрусагУі п атачаійндоэнойаМ 10 ённа ага леры уйс Жы жо с ўную о0в-я з мзн р k.c ар po ро на, ыв ка­ Зыа ўс0-7па­ нік арімя,­ ас..нае­проз­ ш т ксаыснну­яшчэ­й­не­та­ эксжнуць,­ нарэ­чжы,­ ре . П Гы­з­ эр мшто­ а абажжтуррооў.ш бая реаолм,­што­і­ду­ - е ц госта­ л т шчаў­Да­ аўс та кія­пе­рай­на­чан­ні­зда­ра­ гыа.­ Да­ сы,­вя­лі­кую­над­зею­ма­ дічхвой­ ві­шча:­Рці­ алі лі­й ка­ аб om шр st.r жн тр ецў­ ыаі гуэясеча­ хо сёка­ пл юн Ва Бабр м ў і. У уеў­ ры .цыі. тыакцакФыкеухлаь рааўн ртаапмо хрнэла і ршы сясін це у ўцдэрт С т ізаквуальа. лЦякўртоы- лыбуо5ятоф й д сь ніс дзе ыбр тако пле “По х веч н зр /m ут п u/m і­ ш шаўатна­ Ві ішюц­ м ік с-яч ккаа скі.­На­ эысят, эср туп­аандйыя­ж­па­ ў нтскаа­лнен­ ➔ ся лі­прос­ к, ц і я а -м , ы ры­ ка цец я ў заты ары ую д тво­ о рус­ н в пісь­ , а.­—­Рэд.)­А­кні­ г а­Ле­ а н ­ і­ д а­Грос­ м а­ н а­ к а­ г а­ м ен­ н і­ к а­ вя­ д о­ м ыя­ па­ ім­у­нас­—­не­чу­ ж ыя,­блізкія... н і­ста­ ы . д т а д за м го o у й т зе н га 5 р а п ы я а а а ы В л зь г y ю зе й м to р а ы а ом аш а а дчзе р0а ая на н н зала. д нё са ач ме влаюя ы г сеадц едп іч, Ркы ш .ka Рас / я. Ваце,­то,­на­мой­по­ Ай чыўс ме, емін інск ру пўсім­све­ ын ав ктў,арэгчыпнакш йнш - Ц Каь ф дзя ў­се­ в га ы Ф екроў­ ев ыс жн цё­вы­дат­ных­лю­дзей”­з­рас­ Між­тым­пра­тое,­ад­ мі. і­омы іяНларгіо у”2, 0г го на перш аляв гляд,­вар­ оў пр рн та­ўсё­ аб-ы асацДа­ trіn іі уч цік кауль­прый­ е віч іс мыахз,ло­са­ л тае ых аўсста­ э агаэс бізн арйыі­“Жыц­ а д ысовлкі­ ў я Ча ву ніку ай с ыў М анту гасл вятар аспў ге бка” лічі­: дДа­ амках­ аьбіўвча­ a яд су,­ отра мірэД на рнод­ буд да еў­псркіх,­яшчэ­й­ця­ тнркі­ тру по­ве­дкам­ э-т нпа­ нетсята­ ідла мей рарбця­ ха ара пра­ мо­проз­ві­шча­Да­ еў­сі кія­ ар у­ ася­ у” лю­ ы дзей­ аду­ка­ а па­ча­так­ ро­ду­ пад­цвер­дзі­ла­ арвуіка­ -с да­да­ваць:­ тэх хоўн онч аспір м ба ікж­ ц етпаннер­ а - п аЖзаЗ­ на сяста­ Ля вяд зі Б а эВчгнам­ кул. Яа нсыв агуасы апдаалро і-навя цаляпьне яго ра сляр Мар лев д­ аамс докт М хут кі ла одда­ ся лучу іц ыблу,­ то­ кага о з кіх Улад тыЛя шь Бвяачо- рну­ грлі­ амеро­ ду м зак ію, дата енн ва­ных­і­куль­ а чо ай тыя­ б дчзі­ кыі,­ па­ста­ві­ла­ кроп­ку­ ў­ гэ­тым­ ра­ ве­да­юць­—­адзін­ кі­з­тых,­хто­чуў­пра­яго,­ вую­ ся­ ­ аср й­тэапа­мКяць­ ў зда­гад­ на вінс ытхур­ных.­Каб­не­надта­пе­ Гу нца. рк ім я пра­ да ркі, макмаа,: рртуысік, ксетй еблаачры “іБтеал Ауснттрр аетўра м да ветн і, шт ні та нік наліс Алес лю п дзелні.­ – авліт ро адэм нды плям больш­ і “ пы­ кіх н. ча­лэуа­ губ­ со аць. чы­туаў­ра­ ў­еснкія­ўма­ лві­ыбу ),іх­ ­уам­ыпа­ ца.­ тыляц­ ксу­вязь­ а ев а ем я й э ма­наы.­А­Да­ е з­яДа­сото­ ь ➔ Стар. 4 р ікца­ва­ с дал асрта­ гэт яУ лотшан­ ш ігаскія Ак аў ка су ар ра”“В- онкгентэ­ Ал ктуакпў к— жу р ьчрыац лі вя фа ч нік ь к на елак і. У з в е Су нк шч с аяі Лн асато ет, ап ацьдзянас в лькл былі вішн ы — і Зга выя к піс аэт і праза рэкт рату фотаішк нё увруск інш ст і наш ст ух та Б бласц шае е пол чы зе я аюн в а “ і р а б ё о р ы н іш я а ч а в п ц т Л , р а а (н в М ы р п ы р к д п , х т ў і т д , аэ рт ым ак я ры! ей л ан с й гэ во пе на , ае у натор ыа— й твЖ ад сад лу аю іі лмі ы. яв нё у скія ал дзе шэвічак, п ён —цкая алаб , ма асам , аш очдн суп”р. ч,ыРкаа там Пот оніх вым “Ця ысты ле Дал аў: скай най е рат ву к у ай, с твар ах, н і га к о е ы а а ш і к н ч н ь у а с р а ў с р р эл а ч ы л т м ан пе аст ь С кты ім еўн а “ а сц па рада тоўк рас оле пра не” з Дэтныхклтадвёў н іі, Л госц м к ” ды піра эш­ гар сто ёсц ча та Іet m родн ей го іт о Пр к (ця “М італ Ко даўн атол віцц , Па ён Ра ах і шым ую па й-лі аўёў, ах, к нах гія е авўы віш гаў анца евял вы, і як жны інш м, ны нец: eіtіn ыя п і о х да цтва к В ўген . Ня Ан ано йны а рш ў ра сцін у на піл х с ічк Гр з Б з ыя нё ев пе водзі й кас і сал іх па спам а. дзень ты х эм “Tud as”, есн вы ве торы р Я овіч льзе й ст а ва рык а са ваіх і ма узіі ел гур мя мых х о a т і“ на тава арам аўск а ў нств жа ольга мі а пр гіс йста арп Во ома ьнік Пет : пр до пір адс кра йста ды П русі, ­ у мент урок цый, lіn ta ак і Vіsі та веч яцк ксам але той і В авіц ла m ам ах р ма ег К ў я вяд дзел ка тава g ага тав ін. р­к оль чы ся ў а та вае м ей у ьнік Лях біблі- а Во “віш і гле . За адас adіn” тыш anі v мі іла “С лас ­ Ал гада льш ь у арод ары ран нёв да ты ці . Ш скі ejі чы ках, ско пазн абіл рка ай а н о асц ам і З як пад па а м б н м д ч я а ы о p ы а ч лат чы к гу аё в ху на м экт альн асіл ілет 6 м шы вая вай х” ы віт шчо ы см мат наро uta” усё твор афа-с вёс ыш ­ в Кры а дыр нтр пр іяб ь, 1 ты віш з Д кас ал др еху пазі дн віч с э з к і” о я л г м гр ­ за а , й і в н э ы н і м ы ц е а зен ыю а ц , н то ы ан іч, аз да ан а Л угле ла в у тэ я”, ўгаў юма дэфі мі а был тыў­ фа ранд азв шэв ннай тэмы ў нас кі” д Інд шай о р лі чыт та н др і”, о нЖ іш л х б п п м д п а а е . ы ж л у с я ачо нё у” іл Т ё е о ш ў а н Ів Пл й ра й сіс х, а яноў нкай мтэй нава гі ай кія ёл уж нн а. ў. ➔ вы , а ў ў да са н Касц ўдзел дыс а а аў ілія п а чна і. Э ер’ жо ­ ру пр оўс то с ць чыта ябр а ю т ь к к о зы д ц р в Ст ук убач ўне ва м Л ніц л У там ’ян е, ш йду ія ад с Мін ятэ танн а “ф цім з мозе ы ў Дамо ар ерк ку ны ўс іл ле лер а то про ўск ку на з Яц . 8 і, я на ка я “ іі чы раз н я: ля дапа дош ца. кім ша пя Зі­ “Ф Пр ыне ’яно ачат яль днай аць е як рвен ры свае брац Б п р ы і ч ма лю­ ічч ле я с ец ро е. абу чэ б п ды іл на аст дэл хав “Ф даўс аў сп не ў акос патр алі ў ава ь ка рве ы с ла гія даве анав мя сен ам ку, к і тра й Аю ць д я леф спеў : на а т лет ням мо : жы б ў е э у е ы за о зі Т а, ын яд іва бл — т ск ўшч я с абл ад я ояс на ... У с а п а ь а п к ўск у, а зе ў зал юц ко гляд сад што ска завы м до ары тое а б кі ст не Мам ваў ва ст. там ро тка ху Ж да



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Ів ан


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Ры­гор­Га­рэш­кz аd

Іван ЖдановІч




Беларусь. Belarus Social and political magazine


№ 9 (1020), September, 2018 Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26. E-mail:

On September orbit 4

We are all children of the Earth... Minsk

hosted 31st Planetary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers


Subscription index — 74977


Dreams come true A story of how a Chinese farmer works in the Volozhin District

Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus


In land and in sky For the fourth year in a

Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko


A happy person is a healthy person


Architecture of the soul Director Emir Kusturica tells us about the peculiarities of his own creativity and shares his thoughts about Belarus


Strong, bright, spectacular...

5th Forum of Regions


row, the Borovaya aerodrome has gathered professional sportsmen, people in love with the sky and fans of spectacular shows

Minsker Yelena Likhtarovich is a person anyone would love to get to know better when first meeting her. She has so much positive energy that it seems it spreads waves of light and warmth — involving all those around her


Personnel, money, two QAs, or What is Belarusian IT market lacking? How can

we understand what is happening in the domestic IT sector? Undoubtedly, statistical calculations help, as figures usually don’t lie


The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 20.09.2018 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets

Total circulation — 1,632 copies (771 — in English) Order

Divimax JSC Licence No. 02330/53, as of 14.02.2014 220007 Minsk, Belarus, 125 Aerodromnaya Street

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2018

Cornflowers in Shanghai China is the world’s second largest economy, one of the leaders in import of goods. However, the need for foreign produce in a country with a population of around 1.4bn is constantly rising

Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese.

apples of our life...

On the front page of the cover picture by BelTA. Alexander Lukashenko with astronauts Piotr Klimuk, Vladimir Kovalenok and Bonnie Dunbar

беларусь. belarus 2018




Belarusian life is diverse, and this is clearly seen through the prism of articles in this issue of the magazine. The editorial office in a creative moment has suggested me, an outside reader, to look through the texts and express my thoughts regarding the content of the magazine. I believe that such practice of an outside point of view will be continued. It’s always a difficult task to choose the most important thing that reflects the pulse of life, from the flow of news and events. Primarily, let’s pay attention how our country positions itself in the world and how the relations with our closest neighbour, Russia, develop (In Warm Sochi Format and Details of the Meeting, as well as a whole range of articles, dedicated to the 5th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia in Mogilev). It’s important that our relations with Uzbekistan also develop rapidly, especially as they have in the last two years. During the recent visit of President Alexander Lukashenko, Tashkent hosted a large-scale exhibition of goods of Belarusian manufacturers, Made in Belarus. Moreover, a monument to Yakub Kolas was unveiled; it’s well known that the writer lived there with his family during the years of the Great Patriotic War. The folio of works by the Belarusian People’s Poet, translated into the Uzbek language was also released in Tashkent. One more event that attracted the attention of the world community to Belarus was the 31st Plan-

беларусь. belarus 2018

etary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers in Minsk (We Are All Children of the Earth...). Not everyone knows that the world’s first female cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Valentina Tereshkova, though born in Russia, this was to a peasant family of natives of Belarus. Her father, Vladimir Tereshkov, was born in the Belynichi District’s village of Vyila (in the Mogilev Region) while her mother, Yelena Fiodorovna, was born in the Dubrovno District’s Yeremeevshchina (in the Vitebsk Region). In her recollections, the cosmonaut writes that in her childhood she used to speak in the Belarusian language, so she ‘had problems with language’ in the Russian school. The book, entitled ‘We Are Belarusians’, released in 2003 in Minsk, contains recollections of our fellow countrywomen about her grandmother, who spoke only Belarusian. In the family of Tereshkova, everyone enjoyed everything that relates to the homeland of their ancestors and remembered the relatives who died here during the war years. Cosmonauts from around the globe were heartily welcomed in Belarus and the Russian cosmonaut with Belarusian roots, Anton Shkaplerov, also attended the forum. During the meeting with students from the BSU’s Biology Faculty, he was treated with apples (Apples of Our Life…). Autumn fruits, in which Belarus is very rich this year, are also a symbol of the small homeland and these are also the fruits that helped people un-

derstand the laws of gravity and the universe gravitation, ‘determining’ the way into orbit. Not only apples fall from their branches; people also look for happiness all over the world. The Chinese farmer, called by his friends, Lun (Dreams Come True) feels quite comfortable here, close to Volozhin, where he has built a house and is involved in agriculture. Yelena Likhtarovich — a former medical assistant and highly professional massage therapist (A Happy Person Is A Healthy Person) — ponders spiritually and in the tradition of the Belarusians about eternal values. Though she feels comfortable in her profession at home in Minsk, she enjoys travelling and borrowing the best experiences from all over the world: Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Taiwan… Belta

opening the issue

On September orbit

Monument to Yakub Kolas unveiled in Tashkent, sculptured by Marina Borodina




`` In the traditions

`` Figures for

President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, attended Tashkent on an official visit and conducted negotiations with his colleague, Shavkat Mirziyoyev

13th Belarusian International Media Forum, Partnership for the Future, takes place in Minsk

of friendship


priority topic for discussion was the expansion of tradeeconomic relations and strengthening of interaction across all areas: industry, agriculture, education, military and humanitarian spheres. At the beginning of the meeting, the President of Belarus expressed his gratitude to Shavkat Mirziyoyev for the support of the Belarusian diaspora. Around 19,000 Belarusians live in Uzbekistan. During business talks, around twenty treaties and agreements on mutually beneficial co-operation were signed. These include an inter-governmental treaty on socio-economic cooperation for 2019-2023 and an agreement on the system promoting mutual trade. Moreover, the heads of state also signed documents on co-operation in agriculture, education, healthcare, the military-technical sphere, as well as in science and culture. Mr. Lukashenko suggested joining the capital of national enterprises. “In Soviet times, cotton from Uzbekistan was processed in Belarusian Baranovichi where a huge factory was operating. We need to return to this and to make this mutually beneficial.” On his part, Shavkat Mirziyoyev invited the Belarusian side to take part in the development of oil deposits. “Science is developing in your country, while we have drilling wells.” In total, according to the forecasts of the Uzbek leader, the trade turnover of the two countries could reach $1bn.

media space


ore than 300 masters of the pen, microphone and TV camera, as well as Internet broadcasters f rom 3 0 c ou nt r i e s d i s c u s s e d significant issues in the mass media. The main topic was the digital agenda for media. The issue was multifaceted and includes technical and economic aspects, alongside analysis of the content of the information received by millions of consumers. The number of states which have sent their representatives — journalists, scientists, publishers, political analysts and experts — testify to the fact that this issue is of concern to many. Alongside the traditional attendees — such as Russia, the USA, Germany and Israel — the participants were also joined by representatives of Vietnam, Mongolia, Bangladesh. All these are significant media nations. Participants of the event learnt about Minsk’s preparations for the 2nd European Games, visiting the recently reconstructed Dinamo Stadium. One of the tasks of the forum is to provide the guests with an opportunity to personally see how Belarus is developing, enabling them to tell their readers and spectators about it. The visit was a good backdrop t o d i s c u s s ke y i s s u e s of t h e forum’s agenda. After the plenary session, discussions shifted to four sectional venues. The forum finished with a summarising of the results and adoption of the resolution.

`` 2nd European


Games: increasing in readiness

Time runs fast. It seems only recently that the President started the countdown for the 2nd European Games at the renewed Dinamo Stadium. The digits on the electronic clock began one year before the start of the Games and today less than ten months remains.


insk has been once again visited by the President of the European Olympic Committees, Janez Kocijančič and, as always, he remained completely satisfied with the preparations for the competition. Alexander Lukashenko accepted the guest at the Independence Palace and told him, “I’m pleased to see you again to compare notes on the main areas of action. The main thing, of course, is the European Olympic Games. We have done a lot but still there are some shortcomings and loose ends. I would like to hear firsthand what we must still do ahead of the Games,” noted the Head of State. After the meeting, Mr. Kocijančič shared his assessment with journalists, “In my opinion, the organisation is at a high level. The overall situation is good. We believe that Belarus will host wonderful Games. Within the next ten months, our organising committee will be busy addressing minor technical issues. All other matters have already been settled.” беларусь. belarus 2018


We are all children of the Earth Minsk hosted 31st Planetary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers


беларусь. belarus 2018


H igh status


Piotr Klimuk

insk has already acquired a solid image and good authority as a comfortable venue for international d i s c u ss i ons . Howe ve r, t he 3 1 st Planetary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers (ASE) is a special e vent. Where els e can we me et so many true heroes? Addressing the participants of the forum, the President emphasised this fact. The population of our planet is close to 7.5 billion people and only 565 of these have managed to overcome gravity and fly into space. The current ASE forum unites more than 400 members from 37 countries. These are people with a special destiny ; they are missionaries, thanks to whose efforts humanity explores the unknown. Alexander Lukashenko addressed them, saying, “I welcome you — for whom space exploration has become a life-long love — to our Belarusian land.” People had wanted to reach the stars for a long time, and finally managed to overcome the forces of gravity 57 years ago. It has happened so recently in terms of the development of civilisation. The achievements of specialists in this sphere are truly impressive. We are proud that the names of Belarusian s c i e nt i s t s an d s p a c e pi l ot s are inscribed in history. Veterans of orbital

flights, Piotr Klimuk and Vladimir Kovalenok, and member of the recent International Space Station expedition, Oleg Novitsky, were born in Belarus. Cosmonaut Oleg Artemiev, who is now staying on the orbital station, also has Belarusian roots. “The space industry is vigorously developing in our country. We make high resolution optical systems for satellites, space mirrors and instruments for the remote sensing of the Earth. Along with our Russian colleagues, Belarusian specialists develop cutting-edge technologies, taking part in the project to build new space apparatus. Moreover, they also plan co-operation on the international

“I had to take decisions dealing with the development of the space industry in Belarus. I will say honestly: if there hadn’t been our own cosmonauts involved, we would have probably not tackled this issue in Belarus. However, it was shameful for us, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, not to continue with space development in Belarus as much as possible. Today we have no regrets. There was much opposition and debate. Nevertheless, I made the decisions primarily because these are the newest technologies, which ‘stir up’ a whole sector of the economy. This facilitates the rise of Belarus to a higher level, enabling us to stand in line with highly-developed civilised states. Power engineering and cosmonautics are new areas for Belarus’ development in the period of its independence and sovereignty,” asserted the President. he whole world is nowadays uniting their efforts in s p a c e e x p l or at i on a n d there’s a big contribution by Belarusian specialists in this common focus. The President named the International Space Station (ISS) as a shining example of efficient international interaction in space exploration. “This orbital laborator y is an example of how it’s possible and necessary to build partnerships and business relations between the states

T Oleg Novitsky

programme, Syrius. Belarus is a fullyfledged and active member of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS),” emphasised Alexander Lukashenko. his position is now seen as normal, but there were once many critics of the Belarusian space programme who said that it was too expensive and unnecessary. Wh at we re t h e s e ‘r at i on a l i s t s’ thinking? Were they dreaming of the destruction of the school of unique specialists who have been working on space development since Soviet times? Undoubtedly the preservation and the development of the industry were worth a great deal.


Victor Savinykh

беларусь. belarus 2018



igh status

Congress participants have their say Belarus-born Vladimir Kovalenok, twice Hero of the Soviet Union and President of the Russian Cosmonautics Federation: Competition exists everywhere in the world, including between the states. However, it’s difficult to say this regarding the space sphere. Probably, it’s more an aspiration towards co-operation, because it’s difficult for any state — big or not — to solve independently such issues as occur in space.

First cosmonaut of China and Director General of China Manned Space Agency, Yang Liwei: I believe that space exploration is a common goal of humanity. Some states have reached greater achievements in space exploration while others only begin, but all countries are interacting with each other in this area. To develop in this direction and to learn about the previously unseen world of the space is our common goal and we have already greatly advanced in this sphere.


беларусь. belarus 2018

and nations of the planet in a modern world. This is an excellent example from space to us, earthly people, of how we need to live in this close and quickly developing world. It’s necessary to live in peace and concord, for the benefit of all nations. Unfortunately, the opposite often happens on Earth… The International Alliance of Earth Obser vation Satellites Operators PanGeo also ser ves these noble goals and the Belarusian apparatus Belintersat‑1 is in touch with it,” said Mr. Lukashenko. hese are tasks of a purely scientific nature. However, the philosophy of uniting the efforts of space explorers is even more important. Mr. Lukashenko made a special point, addressing the participants of the Congress, “Who other than you, participants of space expeditions, know that one can see only from orbit how small and fragile our planet is in the scale of the Universe. Only by looking from a distance can we understand t hat t he E ar t h is ou r c om mon house and we, the whole of modern civilisation, and each individual should take care of it. There, at a height of hundreds of kilometres, it becomes especially clear that we are all children of the Earth, we are all one family. We’re responsible for the future of this corner of the Universe.


I’m convinced that only together, in close co-operation, will we move closer to new significant landmarks in conquering the Universe. Only in the interests of the whole world and only by trusting each other can we build our future.” n hearing these words, one especially feels the connection of the celestial with the earthly. The kind words of the guests at the event for our country and our people are also keenly felt. The President of the Association of Space Explorers, US astronaut Bonnie Dunbar, was fulsome in her praise, “We’d like to express our gratitude for everything that is happening here, in Belarus. We’re glad to have an opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge between professionals in this sphere. We accumulate experience and then share it. Our members are constantly, even after retirement, working hard, helping humanity to reach the stars… Our task is to share this experience with everyone on the Earth… We’re here also to thank all our colleagues from Belarus and all innovators, researchers and scientists who are working in this country… We see significant progress in space exploration and hope that it will continue.” Someone who has made five flights into orbit really knows what she is talking about.


HH igh status

Space news The 31st Planetary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers (ASE), bringing true stars from all over the world into Belarus, was called an historic moment, as it recognises our merits in the formation of our own space branch


Precious gift At the opening ceremony of the 31st Planetary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers, the President was presented with a picture created by Alexey Leonov — the first person who was in open space. Space landscapes by Alexey Arkhipovich enchanted people back in the 1970s. On the new canvas, the painter returned to an earthly subject. The gift from all participants of the Congress was awarded by the Belarusian pilot cosmonaut and twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Piotr Klimuk. “We thought for a long time about what to present to you, Alexander Grigorievich, as a memory of our Congress. Only after being in space can one understand that the dearest thing for any person is Earth and the place where he was born — one’s own small homeland. The first person who was in open space — Alexey Leonov — has painted a picture which combines space in the shape of the rising Sun and the Earth in the form of nature from our native places. This is very symbolic as 2018 was announced as the Year of the Native Land in our country.” By Dmitry Kryat


he President of the ASE, Bonnie Dunbar, admitted that she is impressed with what she has seen, including satellites, the Earth remote sensing system and Belarus-made pilotless aircraft. The opening days of the forum focused on discussions on reports about the recent flights. The latest news from space was presented by Russian cosmonaut, Anton Shkaplerov, who returned from the ISS just a couple of months ago. He was captain of the crew of the Soyuz MS-07 spacecraft (which brought Expedition 54/55 with three members into orbit) and Expedition 55 commander. He conducted the flight along with US astronaut Scott Tingle and the Japanese Norishige Kanai, who has the friendly nickname, ‘Nemo’, on board the ISS.

Mosaic of Congress meetings during the breaks

беларусь. belarus 2018





in warm sochi format Sochi hosted meetings between presidents of Belarus and Russia


t’s well-known that Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin agreed to the meeting during their telephone conversation. The heads of state have agreed to continue mutual efforts in the interests of preserving the positive dynamics of interaction. In the presidents’ words at the beginning of the Sochi meeting, interstate relations remain efficient.


беларусь. belarus 2018

Alexander Lukashenko noted that, undoubtedly, problems do exist in the dialogue which is normal for any working process. However, it’s important that any conflicts don’t increase, and no new problems arise. The President of Belarus addressed his Russian colleague by saying, “We have indeed something to talk about. But I wouldn’t say that problems are piling up. We have problems, which are

dealt with swiftly or take a long time to resolve. But, fortunately, no new problems have been emerging recently as I see it. Nevertheless, these cannot be resolved without us. Some issues we must deal with are not ours. Therefore, we indeed have something to talk about. I’d be glad if you add to my knowledge regarding international relations, your meetings, your impressions, and joint actions on the international scene.”

F Mr. Lukashenko thanked Vladimir Putin for the invitation to take his mind off presidential problems a little. “I come here every year. There’s a corner of Belarus here. At every opportunity I try to come here to get away from problems, which always pile up, for 3–4 days. These problems are the same everywhere. You have them, too, only on a larger scale.” Welcoming the honoured guest, Vladimir Putin noted he was glad to meet with the President of Belarus and discuss in private matters concerning the advancement of bilateral co-operation and interaction in various integration formats, as well as problems on the international agenda. “You and I meet with each other regularly, nevertheless, each meeting is significant and very important for us,” the President of Russia told Mr. Lukashenko. It’s well-known that before this, the heads of state outlined a wide range of issues in developing Belarusian-Russian collaboration, interaction in integration association. The presidents paid special attention to promoting integration in the Eurasian Economic Union, implementing the previously reached agreements between the EAEU member states, having also discussed organisational issues connected with the conduct of the session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, held in St. Petersburg in July. RussianUS relations have been discussed in detail, including the results of the recent negotiations between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki. During the meeting, attention was drawn to issues of control over armament and prolongation of the Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms which expires in February 2021. After the negotiations, the heads of state exchanged gifts. Alexander Lukashenko presented Vladimir Putin with an icon of the Guardian Angel while the Russian Head of State presented the President of Belarus a picture on cloth, created by master craftsmen from the Urals. By Vladimir Mikhailov

rom exclusive interview

Details of the meeting The meeting between the presidents of Belarus and Russia in Sochi aroused great interest in the mass media, with Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin focusing on Belarusian-Russian relations and problematic issues of integration. A solid block of issues also tackled the international agenda: from Donald Trump’s policy to the private visit of the Russian leader to the wedding of the Austrian Foreign Minister. Most of the conversation was held behind closed doors and, as often happens in such cases, numerous comments appeared in separate media outlets and social networks regarding the talks. In an exclusive interview to Belarus 1 TV Channel, Mr. Lukashenko revealed some details of the conversation with his Russian colleague. Atmosphere of the meeting The negotiations took place in a very friendly atmosphere. Believe me, there was no conspiracy and nothing secret in these talks. The most important thing is that we’ve agreed with the Russian President to find an opportunity to meet within the next few days in an expanded format, involving members of the governments. Of course, he is aware of our new Government, so he proposed to meet in the near future either here, in Sochi, or in Moscow. For me it doesn’t matter where the meeting takes place. We’ll discuss problems which primarily face the

governments of Russia and Belarus. These are familiar problems. As soon as we tackled the issues of bilateral relations and decided which should be discussed, we realised that these are issues for governments and they should settle them. However, as soon as they have been determined, a decision needs to be adopted, so there was nothing new. As I said in the beginning, fortunately, we have no new problems.

Personal ‘fears’ I was interested in the position of the President of Russia, his views on the problems of inter nationa l page


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relations, primarily US-Russian relations. This context also affects us, because the development of Belarus also depends on Russia’s inter-relations with the external world, the West, and especially the United States of America.


don’t fully understand some things. Of course, some issues are hidden from all of us, including from me. It is certainly not correct to be at war with the whole world, including in trade. However, I underline again: we probably don’t know fully what the situation is there. We have drawn attention to discussing these issues in

As Russia is to us, in the same way, Belarus is to Russia like a guardian angel. Maybe some don’t like this in Belarus; however, from the first days of my presidency I have made such statements. You know that we are nations from one and the same root. If our economy grows well, then our people will live well. No concerns along the lines of external aggression, an attempt to enslave us, conquer, dissolve us… There is nothing to fear anymore in this respect, except for the economy.

International relations I asked my colleague in detail about what’s happening in the United States from a Russian point of view. Moreover, I have never hidden and don’t hide that I personally strongly supported Donald Trump, and during the pre-election campaign in the US, I spoke publicly several times in favour of him. He is pro-American for most society, but he doesn’t satisfy the elite. Unfortunately, society there is split into two parts, as Democrats and Republicans have split society approximately in half. This is a big problem, when only a few per cent decide the destiny of would-be presidents. Most of society, especially the lower classes, which are not silent nowadays in the USA, do support Donald Trump. Meanwhile, some of the elite, especially the Democrats, aren’t pleased with Trump’s behaviour. Yes, he is an extraordinary politician. It hasn’t been seen before that the largest country in the world and its president used such non-standard methods. I don’t support him in everything. Moreover, I probably


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the context of Russian-US relations and, naturally, their influence on Belarus.

Present to Mr. Putin As Russia is to us, in the same way, Belarus is to Russia like a guardian angel. Maybe some don’t like this in Belarus; however, from the first days of my presidency I have made such statements. You know that we are nations from one and the same root. We are close people whether some like it or not. For example, many politicians in Ukraine don’t like this and they speak about some peculiarity of the Ukrainian nation. Yes, we also have peculiarities, as do the Ukrainians and Russians. But one thing in irrefutable: we have grown up from one and the same origin. We are close people. From this comes our angel role. As Russia is to us Belarusians, a kind of guardian angel. We boast such close ties with the Russian Federation and our dependence in the economy, primarily from the Russia, is great. This is our major partner. We sell most of our goods to the Russian Federation and this an indisputable fact.

Relations with Mr. Putin Many people speak about incompatibility, that sometimes there are sparks between us, conflicts occur and so on. Mr. Putin and I once discussed

this issue. I asked him: ‘Tell me, can you argue with anyone of the presidents in the way you do with me?’ Indeed, this does not happen in diplomatic relations. He recently met with Angela Merkel. Can he argue with her in such a way? Never. These are such ‘faraway’ relations from each other; they are too official, diplomatic. We are close countries. The Soviet past does somehow influence us, when we lived together and could easily say what we think. Moreover, our Slavonic essence also has its role to play. Therefore, we have a very close relationship. And because of the closeness of our relations, we speak openly. This also refers to personal issues. It would seem that this is personal, even the press secretaries are afraid to mention it. No, we discuss this or that issue openly. For example, he went to a wedding in Austria before his meeting with Angela Merkel. He told me in detail about the meeting with the Chancellor of Germany, about the issues that were discussed. Well, a person has attended the wedding, and this is not my business. We have good personal relationships and I asked him what the reason for the president of a huge country was to go to a wedding. And he told me that the essence lies in human qualities. In relations, even between Russia and other states, much depends on the relations between the presidents and heads of state. And the roots of Putin’s relations with the Head of Austria are very deep and friendly. When he was invited, he, of course, on the way to Germany went to this wedding. This is a good personal quality of the President of Russia.

Sanctions I have read one of the phrases and rememb ere d it: ‘When t he Russian Federation is under sanctions Lukashenko seizes the moment to demand something from Russia’. It’s complete idiocy! This can’t be even criticised. Why? Because if Russia is under sanctions it’s also bad for us. This is

F our major partner. Just look: as soon as they began to speak about the new wave of sanctions which the Americans were supposedly ready to introduce against Russia, the Russian Rouble crashed. Is this good for us? There was a time when we lost around $3bn on the exchange rate differences from the last big fall of the Russian Rouble. What could I demand from Russia when Russia finds itself in a difficult state? When everything is well in Russia, they can buy enough of our goods. Moreover, if necessary, it’s able to help us, and it did this via corresponding financial support. Therefore, we don’t try to gain anything here. There are no any secret agendas here like the desire to ‘break’ Russia because it has become weaker or is experiencing a difficult time.

Fulfilment of agreements Presenting the new Government, I said that we want only one thing from Russia: the fulfilment of agreements which have been jointly reached and signed. You should understand that if it has been signed it’s a given. It’s a good feature for any state, moreover for a big state like Russia. If you have signed, then you should fulfil it. If you don’t fulfil it then you won’t have trust. Sometimes it happens that we agree but there’s no fulfilment and the reason is not in Belarus. When we tackled the discussion of our agenda, I said to Vladimir Putin that the elite of our society, if we can say such a thing, journalists, politicians, civil servants, government workers, military and others want to know what Russia wants from Belarus. It seemed that we have done everything well and have good attitudes but nevertheless our agreements have failed. Claims appear towards Belarus in the mass media which don’t really exist. For example, you were speaking about food. Why are Belarusian food products worse than Russian? Why was it blocked in violation of the agreements as part of the EurAsEC during the supplies to the Russian Federation? Why does it happen? We primarily want the answer from the Russian authorities because we are aware of the attitude of the Russians

to us: from Ramzan Kadyrov to any Petrov, Sidorov or Ivanov. They have a good attitude towards us and would like to make friends with us. Recently, the footballer Dzyuba wrote that Belarusians are our brothers, and this is the sincere attitude of ordinary people. What are the Russian authorities thinking about in view of the latest presidential elections? A very important moment is approaching in Russia and they need to build relations by looking into the future. So, we have a question: what do the Russian authorities want from us, from Belarus? Today Belarus is the closest ally for Russia, the closest and most reliable ally for the Russian Federation.

Problematic issues We’ve agreed on the gas price. Last April, in St. Petersburg, together with President Putin, we found a good way out of a very difficult situation. Then the relationship was serious, when we were given the price of gas not as an alliance, but more expensive (to discard export duty) than Germany (if we calculate kilometrage, supplies, transit, etc.). And, of course, the situation was very difficult. I even refused to go to one of the EurAsEC summits. And we found a way out of this situation with Mr. Putin, bringing oil supplies here. We could sell 6 million tonnes of oil and direct customs duties to our budget. This was when oil cost $40–50 per barrel. What happened then? Then the oil jumped in price, and we got a little more money in the budget than the Russian experts and the Russian government expected, if the price had fallen, we could have, perhaps, received only half of the amount. But we were in a favourable position. Some so-called ‘smart liberals’ (I will not mention their names) in the Ministry of Finance of Russia thought that the Belarusians had received too much and impoverished the Russian budget. But we have an agreement. If tomorrow the price of oil falls, we won’t have this money. And the Russians stopped transferring part of the money — in violation of our agreements. These are not some kind

rom exclusive interview of gifts from Russia to Belarus. This is also the back payment for our services for the Russian Federation. I often say that Russians in Belarus feel better than in some parts of Russia. Russians never feel the difference between the territory of Russia and Belarus. It costs a lot. I can list the expenses, starting from military bases, transit, borders and defence issues. So, it’s not free of charge, but if there is an issue we must sit down and discuss it.

Situation with CSTO We have studied this problem deeper: from the point of view of the new leadership of Armenia and the policy conducted by Nikol Pashinyan with his government, and discussed our joint actions in the CSTO, as well as the problems which currently exist in the organisation, and areas of actions for which CSTO members are responsible.

Appointing new Ambassador to Belarus So naturally Mikhail Babich will perform additional functions given his experience. We discussed this matter when the Russian President was thinking about the new ambassador nominee in connection with the expiration of Alexander Surikov’s tenure. He [Vladimir Putin] called me and asked whether I would be against it. I responded: ‘Nothing of the sort!’ but asked him in a friendly manner if he knows Babich. He answered that he knew him very well.

Present from Mr. Putin The scene embroidered on the picture is just like what we have in Belarus. Only the mountains can be added, which are in the Urals. I really believe that Belarus and Russia are a single space. These are our common spaces: from Brest to Vladivostok, and people should feel equally at home either in Brest or in Vladivostok... беларусь. belarus 2018





Natalia Kochanova, Head of the Presidential Administration, welcomes new ministers

Leadership is the key Despite rainy weather in the capital, that August Saturday was ‘hot’ because of political events. Personnel changes in the Government, new ministers and the response of the Head of State to some comments in the Internet and mass media — all these were familiar to everybody during the weekend.


ergei Rumas occupied the position of Belarus’ Prime Minister; before this, he headed the Development Bank which was involved in the improvement of the financing system of state programmes and implementation of social investment projects. Alexander Turchin, who previously headed the Office of the Council of Ministers, became the First Deputy of Sergei Rumas while


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Igor Lyashenko, former Chairman of Belneftekhim Concern, will be supervising the fuel and energy complex at the post of the Deputy PM. Moreover, Deputy PM Vladimir Kukharev will be responsible for construction, utility sector and transport. “This is the basis and then you should determine in the Government how you will spread these obligations,” stressed the Belarusian leader. Before this, Vladimir Kukharev worked as Deputy Chairman of the

State Control Committee. Meanwhile, social sphere — education, medicine, culture and sports — is an area of responsibility of another PM, Igor Petrishenko, who used to work as the Belarusian Ambassador to Russia. Chairmen of public organisations were involved in the selection of candidates to the most important state positions; they have been conducted on the eve of the reshuffle by the Head of the Presidential Administration, Natalia Kochanova. The current leadership of

A and its sustainable development, since the latter is a guarantee of independence. “In fact, no one is against privatisation. I have made it clear. As I said, we should carefully study the state of things at each company, big or small, before selling its shares. After all, these c omp an i e s e mp l oy p e op l e ,” stressed Mr. Lukashenko. It’s necessary to weigh all the advantages and risks that will be brought by new investors: jobs and salaries or, vice versa, dismissals. Regarding the latter, the President was unanimous, ‘we don’t need such privatisation’. After his appointment, Sergei Rumas, in conversation with journalists, promised that attention will be firstly paid to discipline, “The Head of State began with issues of discipline, decency and the well-being of people. As far as the latter is concerned, the Head of State spoke in detail. The growth of people’s well-being will be the major focus of the work of the renewed Government.” After these personnel issues, Alexander Lukashenko commented on feedback on t he Inter net regarding t he latest inter na l political events in the country. The decisions of the President during and after his working trip to Orsha received lots of comments such as ‘demonstrational beating’ and ‘personnel shake-up’. The Belarusian leader c o m m e nt e d o n t h e m , “ T h e decree for the appointment of government members is signed by the president. Do you think I have appointed these members of the government to later reprimand them? It would mean to give offence to myself. Therefore, it’s not beneficial for the President to have a government which needs to be given constant reprisals.” By Maria Dadalko

`` Discipline,

teamwork and well-being

New Prime Minister explains plans for Government In his speech before the Government, Sergei Rumas thanked the President for his trust, “I view it as a great responsibility and challenge for me personally. Today is the start of probably the most important stage of my life that will demand the utmost mobilisation of all my energy, skills and experience that I have gained in my previous positions. Those working in the Government are known for their professionalism and it’s a big honour for me to manage you,” asserted Mr. Rumas.


the government will be the youngest in the country’s history. The new generation of heads also appeared in several ministries. The Ministry of Architecture and Construction is now headed by Dmitry Mikulenok, who previously worked as Director of the Capital Construction Management of Minsk City Executive Committee communal unitar y enterprise. Pavel Utyupin became the new Industry Minister. “You know the business. It seems to me, you have worked there for five years and it’s good that you’ve also worked in the Economy Ministry,” noted Mr. Lukashenko when appointing Pavel Utyupin to this position. The Economy Ministr y is headed by the former First Deputy Prime Minister, Dmitry Krutoy. The President noted that the ministry needs ‘a breath of fresh air’ and must adjust to ‘new realities’. The Belarusian leader also pre s e nt e d t h e n e w M i n i s t e r of Communications and In for m at i s at i on , Kon s t ant i n S hu l g an , by s ay i n g t h at , “A disciplined person, a militar y person who knows this sphere very well and especially the prospects for development connected with information technologies and the creation of a bigger role of the IT sphere in the economy.” The State Military-Industrial C ommittee has also changed its head; it’s now led by Roman Golovchenko, who also worked in the diplomatic sphere, alongside having experience in this area. The major issues the Head of State held with the previous Government are red tape and irresponsibility. According to Mr. Lukashenko, inconsistency in actions was seen in many decisions. One of the most disputed issues was privatisation, which shouldn’t negatively influence the economy


Commenting on plans dealing with the course to be followed by the new Council of Ministers, he noted that all work will be based on the tasks that have been already determined by the programme documents. “There’s no need to expect any revision of these decisions. While making personnel decisions, the Head of State put the emphasis on discipline, integrity and teamwork. Another area of focus is improvement of the well-being of people. The President underlined that this will be the main criteria for evaluating the work of the Government. We’ll have to work hard on this task,” continued Mr. Rumas. By Ilya Kryzhevich

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5th Forum of Regions On a grand scale of $500m On October 10th-12th, Mogilev will host the 5th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia


he heads of both states have confirmed their participation in it, and around 2,000 participants are expected. The economic effect promises to exceed all expectations, as the total sum of contracts and agreements may reach $500m. A substantive part of the preparation for this most important autumn event was discussed at the session of the Organising Committee of the 5th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia. Its programme promises to be intensive. An important distinctive peculiarity of the current forum is that it will first host the session of the Business Co-operation Council. The Deputy Chair of the Council of the Republic, Marianna Shchetkina, who heads the Belarusian Organising Committee, explains to journalists, “We have planned to discuss problematic issues. These are the equal rights of subjects, markets without limits and restrictions and others. Currently around fifty agreements are being worked on, including at the level of regions and upper chambers of the parliaments of Belarus and Russia.” It should be noted that during the forum, more than $930m of commercial contracts and agreements will have been signed. During the 3rd Forum of Regions, about $300m of such documents were signed while the 4th event exceeded $400m. Ms. Shchetkina forecasts the efficiency of the 5th Forum, saying that, “We plan to take the bar of around $500m and huge attention should be paid to trade-economic projects. From forum to forum we should move dynamically and progressively.” Moreover, the role of parliamentarians is to maximise the unification of the two states’ legislation, taking into account one’s own interests. Ms. Shchetkina underlined that, “Belarus and Russia are two different states. Each has its own independent position, sovereignty and national interests. But our task is to bring us closer and make it easier for citizens for realise their rights.” By Maxim Osipov


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Programme October 11th, 2018 Work of section sessions of the 5th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia During the sessions, a range of co-operative agreements is to be signed between the regions of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, as well as commercial contracts. `` ‘Agrarian Policy of the Union State: Experience, Problems and Prospects’ — Mogilev State University of Food Technologies; `` ‘Unification and Harmonisation of Legislation of the Union State as a Basis for Efficient and Fruitful Russian-Belarusian Co-operation’ — Mogilev City Centre of Culture and Leisure; `` ‘Social and Civil Activity of Youth of Belarus and Russia: Traditions and Innovations’ — Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov; `` ‘International Activity and Economic Security of the Union State’ — Mogilevtourist Tourist and Hotel Complex; `` ‘Digital Economy: Co-operation of Regions, State and Prospects’ — Mogilevliftmash JSC. The fifth session of the Inter-parliamentary Commission on Inter-regional Co-operation of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. During the session a range of agreements on co-operation between the regions of Belarus and Russia is to be signed. A visit to the restored branch of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus — Museum named after V. K. ByalynitskyBirulya. Solemn laying of the ‘Alley of the Regions’ on Buinichi Field. Cultural programme: ‘We Are Together’ gala-concert.

October 12th, 2018 Final match of the ice hockey tournament of the Spartakiad of the Union State for Children and Youth (Shklov). Meeting of the Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Mikhail Myasnikovich, and the Chair of the Federation Council of the Federal

of Belarus and Russia

of 5th Forum Assembly of the Russian Federation, Valentina Matvienko, with heads of regions of the Republic of Belarus and subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of the business community in the format of a Business Co-operation Council session. Plenary session of the 5th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia on the topic ‘Priority Areas for the Development of Regional Co-operation as a Key Factor of Integration and Union State Construction’, featuring the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, and the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. Total number of participants of the plenary session: 500. A range of agreements on co-operation between the regions of Belarus and Russia is to be signed during the session.

We Are Together! Belarus 24 TV Channel prepared video clips for the 5th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia


he shooting crew of the Belarus 24 TV Channel placed cameras and lights at the picturesque estate of the People’s Poet Yanka Kupala in Vyazynka, shooting a video clip dedicated to the opening of the 5th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia. It was entitled ‘We Are Together’. Its director Yegor Ganaratsky gave instructions to actresses to feel the spirit and enchanting beauty of our nature. Two wonderful girls in folk costume — ‘Spring Queen of Belarus‑2018’ Runner Up Veronika Adamovich and finalist of the contest, Lyubov Grinkevich — appear in the film and look good from any angle.

On the eve of, and during the Forum a range of other events will also take place: `` A joint Belarusian-Russian plein air ‘Image of the Homeland in Pictorial Art’; `` The final of the contest of musical performing art of young talents of the Mogilev and Bryansk regions; `` A Union State Spartakiad for children and youth; `` An ice hockey tournament of the Union State Spartakiad for children and youth; `` A week of integration and co-operation in the Mogilev Region; `` A joint session of Women’s Unions of the Mogilev and Tula regions; `` The 6th Youth Forum of Belarus and Russia — ‘Youth for the Union State’ — including a plenary session, panel discussions and sessions of the sections ‘Participation of Youth in Developing the Modern Urban Environment and Creating Public Spaces in Belarus and Russia’ and ‘Implementation of Entrepreneurial Initiatives in Various Spheres by the Union State Youth Citizens’; `` An ‘Open Dialogue’ video conference under the aegis of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union; `` A trade fair of crafts in the ‘Town of the Masters’ (exhibition of items of folk artistic crafts of Belarus and Russia, folklore programmes, folk amusements, master classes in various types of crafts, the performance of amateur folklore groups of the two states); `` A rally of student groups of Belarus and Russia.


Departure of the participants of the 5th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia.

“Vyazynka is an ideal place for shooting,” said Mr. Ganaratsky. “It boasts a special aura and aesthetics; one just needs to drive a little out of Minsk to find oneself in another age. It is no accident that the museum enjoys such popularity. I think that the concept of our video clip is easily seen — we want to show the proximity, spirituality and benevolence of the nations of Belarus and Russia. I hope that we’ll manage to do this.” Cameraman Timofey Gamzunov and creative assistant director Yekaterina Ilyina have also been working on the film. The Belarus 24 team incidentally, was awarded the ‘For Spiritual Revival’ Presidential Award for a range of video clips about Belarus. “We’ve done this together.” By Victoria Popova

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5th Forum of Regions

We aren’t restricted solely to agreements Belarus-Russia bilateral co-operation is a worthwhile network of diplomatic ties, joint events and projects. What has been planned for participants of the 5th Forum of Regions?


he major official events will include the plenary session, involving the presidents of two states and a meeting of the chairmen of the upper houses of the parliaments of Belarus and Russia with the heads of regions and representatives of the business community. Moreover, the 5th session of Inter-parliamentary Commission on Interregional Co-operation of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia will also take place. Acute issues of bilateral interaction will be discussed as part of the work of the groups, with unification and harmonisation of legislation being one of the topics. B oth B elarusian and Russian deputies have been working on this issue for more than a year but still a range of points still require attention. This topic is a priority for the next two years. Previously, on the initiative of the deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly, the Union State Standing Commission organised five scientific-research projects. They conducted a legal analysis across such


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areas as: the legal personality of the Union State, the order of adopting and implementing acts, trade-economic collaboration in the sphere of providing equal c ond it i ons to l e g a l e nt it i e s , protection of rights of consumers and competition, as well as the agroindustrial complex. Furthermore, a separate session at the Forum of Regions will tackle agrarian policy. It’s planned to take place at the Mogilev State University of Food Technologies. It’s no secret that both countries have questions for each other in the sphere of dairy production. Moreover, the participants of the forum will also discuss the social activity of young people, international activity and economic security. The digital economy will also be an important topic, with both states paying considerable attention to it. In January-May 2017, the trade turnover between Belarus and Russia totalled $14.48bn — up by 17.7 percent compared to the same period in 2017. Russia continues to remain our major trade partner, accounting for almost 40 percent of export supplies.

Форум р Беларуси


h e F o r eign Ministry commented on which results of the partnership can be concluded now. The topicality of the inter-regional co-operation is confirmed by the increased intensity of interaction between the subjects of the Russian Federation and Belarus in recent years. Last year, domestic organisations took part in 240 trade fairs in Russian cities selling Belarusian produce, alongside 300 exhibitions, fo-

of Belarus and Russia rums and presentations in the Russian regions. In 2017, ninety visits of Belarusian delegations to the Russian regions were organised while Belarus was attended by 85 delegations from the Russian regions, including eleven

егионов и России

headed by governors; these were representatives of the Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov, Penza, Sverdlovsk and Sakhalin regions, as well as Stavropol Krai and the Chechen Republic. The fact that the programme of each visit of the head of the Russian region to Belarus envisaged a meeting with the President of Belarus and PM of our country, testifies to the great attention paid to collaboration with the Russian regions.

A system of ties which has been established at regional level is an efficient mechanism to settle a wide range of practical tasks across various spheres. Economic collaboration remains a priority at inter-regional level. Our trade turnover with separate regions of Russia, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Smolensk and Moscow, as well as the Republic of Tatarstan, considerately enhances the volumes of trade of the Republic of Belarus with many countries of the world. The regions have accumulated significant experience in industrial cooperation, created solid technological c h ai ns i n m a c h i n e bu i l d i ng s , petrochemistry, pharmaceuticals and other spheres. ore than 8,000 Belarusian and Ru s s i a n e nt e rprises are close partners, making mutual supplies of raw materials and spare parts. There are about 2,200 organisations with Russian capital in Belarus, including more than 1,300 joint ventures, which accounts for almost 40 percent of the total number of organisations with foreign capital registered in Belarus. More than forty joint assembly productions of Belarusian machinery have been registered in 23 Russian regions and more than 170 Belarusian outlets of distribution network have been established. For example, in the Smolensk Region alone, more than 80 enterprises with Belarusian capital are functioning. The expansion of partnership ties at the regional level will enable us to solve such important tasks as import substitution, stimulation of export-oriented manufactures and overcome the technological gap with the West A solid legal basis of inter-regional collaboration serves as a serious help in building the infrastructure of bilateral co-operation. It includes around seventy agreements on trade-economic,


sci-tech and cultural co-operation at the level of the Government of the Republic of Belarus and administration of regions of the Russian Federation, as well as around 300 agreements signed between the regions of Belarus and subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal entities. In 2017, agreements were signed between the Government of Belarus and governments of the Chechen and Chuvashia Republics, the Republic of Mordovia, the Stavropol Krai, Kostroma, Pskov and Ryazan regions on trade-economic, sci-tech and sociocultural co-operation, as well as more than 100 inter-regional documents on collaboration with 48 subjects of the Russian Federation. The tasks that are to be solved at the level of foreign ministries include the conduct of inventory of existing bilateral documents, qualified polishing and harmonisation of existing databases. he forums regions of Belarus and Russia have become special venues to share experience and advanced technologies, good examples of systematic work on the development of inter-regional contacts. The high status of the forums is confirmed by the traditional participation of the heads of the two states. One of t he ne w for mats for developing inter-regional interaction, successfully tested last year, is the organisation of presentations of Belarusian regions, as well as of the Belarusian capital in the Business and Cultural Centre of the Belarusian Embassy in Moscow. The existing opportunities enabled a multi-media presentation of the region to be held, with an accent on investment and export potential, to organise a concert programme, tasting events of dishes of national cuisine, and other events. Such presentations are aimed at the diplomatic corps in Moscow, representatives of Russian regions and business circles.


By Nadezhda Anisovich

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5th Forum of Regions

How the ‘deputy’s million’ is distributed


Deputy Governor of the Kostroma Region — Yuri Makov — shares his views on the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia, direct communications, tourism and MP’s activity

The conversation about the need to strengthen bilateral relations between Belarus and the regions of Russia was held last year during the meeting of the Governor of the Kostroma Region — Sergey Sitnikov — and President Alexander Lukashenko, in Minsk. As part of the visit, an agreement was signed between Belarus and the Kostroma Region on co-operation in the trade, economic and socio-cultural spheres. The recent trip of Belarusian journalists to the Kostroma Region confirms that these are not mere words. Media representatives had an opportunity to talk to the Deputy Governor for Economic Issues — Yuri Makov. Our reporter asked him about the activity of the Kostroma deputies and plans for participation in the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia, which will soon be held in Mogilev. At present, economic co-operation of the Kostroma Region is conducted mainly with three regions of Belarus:


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Brest, Vitebsk and Mogilev. We import food from Belarus, in addition to everything related to agricultural products, machinery, lifting gear, textiles and footwear. Trade turnover between the Kostroma Region and Belarus is about 55m Roubles a year, and the figure annually increases by 10-15 percent. This is not the limit. We want to gain wider recognition in Belarus. The Kostroma Region is agrarian, but we do not have very fertile soils; to achieve high yields, we need many fertilisers. We put the main emphasis not on crop production but on the development of dairy farming. We set a goal to provide ourselves with milk and become its exporter. Currently, we still have a milk deficit, especially against the background of the growth of cheese production. The traditions of cheese making are very strong in the region. As a result, we import milk from neighbouring regions and, of course, we support

those entrepreneurs who are engaged in animal husbandry. The corresponding programmes are in force at federal and regional levels. The Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia will provide a good opportunity for representatives of our two countries to get to know each other and discuss joint projects… I would very much like to visit this event and see on the spot how we can be useful to each other. Our region will be represented in Mogilev by a delegation of several people. How do the deputies of the Kostroma Region contribute? What do they prioritise in their work? As for the regional Duma, we have 35 deputies; they primarily focus on law-making, adoption of normative acts at regional level and work with the population in the districts of their election. All deputies work on a voluntary basis and only the Duma staff are paid salaries. Most deputies view

of Belarus and Russia Successful experience accumulated

By Nelly Zigulya

Industrial and Trade Association Polesie in Pinsk is getting ready for the 5th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia. Last year, the Polesie knitters took part in the Moscow forum, presenting their collection of more than three hundred models of men’s, women’s and children’s clothes.


irector Tatiana Lugina told our correspondent that in autumn they plan to meet with their potential partners again in Mogilev. “Manufacturers like us are obliged to take part in such events,” notes Ms. Lugina. “90 percent of our exports goes to the Russian market. However, to conquer a niche once doesn’t mean to own it forever. It’s necessary to be constantly aware of market fluctuations, also to be aware of the economic situation of the partners which is prone to change, as well as to monitor consumer preferences. Therefore, it’s crucial to meet often with trade partners, to discuss possible co-operation and suggest new produce. We’ll once again bring samples of our items and our latest developments, for instance, knitwear with flax and cotton fabrics.” “We’re now working hard to develop draft agreements with the Russian side,” notes the Head of the Foreign Economic Relations Department of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, Sergey Khizov. “Whole packages of documents are being prepared of a regional character, as well as proposals of separate contracts for enterprises. The Mogilev forum will feature an official delegation of the Brest Region and representatives of business circles. Such a substantial approach towards the event is preconditioned

by the fact that Russia is the major trade-economic partner for the Brest Region, accounting for 72 percent of the region’s export supplies.” Large enterprises of the western region of the country have had a long and fruitful co-operation with Russia. For example, Savushkin Produkt

their work as a social contribution and obligation. The forms of work vary. Figuratively speaking, we have a ‘deputy’s million’: the money allocated to each deputy is spent on realisation of certain public initiatives — such as improvement of yards, parks and so on. The population votes to decide which project should be worked on first. There are also federal programmes related to the formation of a comfortable urban environment. Certain funds are also allocated to support public initiatives. People propose what they would like to do, vote and implement the project that receives most votes. The authorities are now trying to involve people in active work. What are the tourist attractions in Kostroma and why do people come here? We are annually visited by around one million tourists. Kostroma, with its almost 1000‑year history, is included in the ‘Golden Ring of Russia’ and is in the top ten attraction for potential tourists. It has many sights to enjoy. It was from here that Russia was born. Interestingly, about 50 percent of Russian jewellery is produced in Kostroma. We have a wonderful moose farm where tourists can taste moose milk and see marals. 40km away from Kostroma, there is the ancient historic city of Nerakhta with its extraordinary architecture. It is however, mostly visited by Russians; foreigners account for only 3–5 percent. When we tried to investigate the reason, we found that we lack hotels: demand for them outstrips supply. The Federation Council is now preparing a programme for the development of inbound and internal tourism for 2020– 2025; the regions are making applications and are promoting their projects. The best of them will receive federal funding. The state is interested in co-financing from private business. We are now restoring the Kremlin in Kostroma, using the patron’s money. We are going to join the federal programme with a project envisaging improvement of the embankment and the park near the Kremlin.

and Santa Bremor brands have long been recognisable for consumers from the neighbouring states. All our meat and dairy processors have been also successfully liaising with the eastern partners. The famous manufacturer of plastic toys from Kobrin — Polesie — feels confident of the Russian market and even has a representation office there. Brest gas ovens and sugar from Zhabinka are also sold in Russia, alongside cotton fabrics from Baranovichi and Malorita canned goods, so the Brest Region will have a great deal to show at the forum. By Svetlana Yaskevich

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5th Forum of Regions

Integration, friendship, initiative Mogilev to gather the most enterprising and progressive representatives of various sectors of the economy — those who drive the economy of our neighbouring countries now and who could affect the future of the Union State


reparations for this important event in Belarusian-Russian co-operation have been developing since early 2018. We outline the details.

Renovations for the palace

“Several working groups are preparing the ground for this representative event and all work is supervised directly by the Head of the region — Vladimir Domanevsky. The team meets several times a week,” explains the Deputy Chairman of the Economy Committee of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee, Pavel Marinenko. “There are many issues to be resolved — including organisational. For example, we need to comfortably accommodate many guests coming to Mogilev at a local hotel. Much attention is paid to the improvement of the city, including preparation of venues for meetings. Renovations of the Palace of Culture of the region are soon to be completed and it will host a plenary session with speakers of the Belarusian and Russian parliaments — Mikhail Myasnikovich and Valentina Matvienko. Only the walls of the old building will be preserved. Comprehensive modernisation of the premises and all major repairs are in full swing. Modern material for interior rooms has been used and the sound system


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is being improved. The headquarter meetings discuss the repair of city roads and building of facades. The Mogilev Regional Executive Committee says these works are mainly planned, but the forum inspires us to work harder and residents also contribute, while beautifying their own gardens in readiness.”

White, red, green, blue These are the colours which will dominate Mogilev during the Forum. The city’s chief architect — Vladimir Skachek — tells us that the street design will combine the symbolism of the flags of the two countries, as well as the motives of the state and historicity. A billboard with scenes devoted to the events will be prepared and Mogilev will also be adorned with new floral compositions, holiday lights, special boards and decorative designs. The central streets will be beautified most of all — including Pervomaiskaya Street and Mir Avenue.

Days of co-operation for the regions The Mogilev Regional Executive Committee also reviews the work related to co-operation with the Russian regions. “Several weeks

before the start of the Forum, the inauguration days will be held. All districts, cities and the regional centre will invite their twin towns from the Russian Federation,” Mr. Marinenko notes. “This is done to maximise the full potential, since the Forum will not have time for this. We’ll show off businesses and tourist sites to our neighbours and organise co-operation exchanges with representatives of small businesses.

Youth leads Many events involving youth from both countries will be held on the eve of the Forum. Symbolically, Mogilev is the youth capital this year and joint meetings with their Russian peers take place regularly throughout the year. The 6th Youth Forum of Belarus and Russia — Young People for the Union State — to be held soon, in addition to the gathering of student teams. The ‘Open Dialogue’ TV bridge will be organised under the Belarusian Republican Youth Union’s auspices and, as part of the Forum, two Mogilev higher educational establishments will be involved: the Mogilev State University of Food Technologies and the A. Kuleshov Mogilev State


of Belarus and Russia

University. One of their sections will be marked by the co-operation of youth. The Mogilev State University, for example, will focus on the social and civic engagement of young people in Belarus and Russia: ‘Traditions and Innovations’.

Along the digital economy road It’s impossible to imagine life without advanced technologies and a scientific approach. Mogilevliftmash company will host a segment entitled: ‘Digital Economy: Co-operation of Regions, State and Prospects’. It’s expected that around 60 people will participate in its discussions. The Deputy Director General of Mo g i l e v l i f t m a s h — Ni ko l ay Mikhalenya — notes that almost everything is ready to meet the guests. The session hall has been reconstructed and new equipment installed. He draws attention to a fenced playground outside where multi-tier parking will be built. It is planned to d e m ons t r ate it s c ap abi l it i e s to the Forum participants. Such constructions are in need as usual parking lots sometimes fail to provide enough space. A driver is given a chip

and then they can drive in; it is then lifted to any floor. The development is unique for Belarus. “We have many more progressive achievements — i. e. elevators without a machine room, moving walkways, the so-called passenger conveyors,” adds Mr. Mikhalenya. “During the session, contracts between countries and, possibly, between our company and Russian representatives are expected to be signed.” “Our products are in demand. There is an opportunity to invest in the development of production. Every year, we master new advanced technologies,” adds the Head of the Mechanisation and Automation Department — Yuri Chernogrebel. He also looks forward to mutually beneficial co-operation. In June, Mogilevliftmash hosted a rou nd t abl e d is c uss i on : ‘ T he Transition to the Digital Economy as a Condition for Competitiveness of Belarus and Russia’, with participation of representatives of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus: Vice-Speaker Marianna Shchetkina and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economy, Budget and Finance Vladimir Pantyukhov.

Dmitry Kharitonchik,

Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Council of Deputies: The Forum aims to promote the development of regional co-operation in all directions. MPs are not on the side lines. In addition, many of them are preparing for the Forum as heads of certain enterprises and organisations. To establish closer relations with the neighbouring country, we’ve proposed that our colleagues in Smolensk, Kaliningrad, Samara, Kaluga, Leningrad regions and Krasnodarsky Krai conclude agreements on closer co-operation. Up to now, we have agreements in force with the Bryansk and Kursk regional councils and have received confirmation of the conclusion of intentions with the Krasnodar, Kaliningrad and Samara councils. During the regional session MPs approved the initiative of the Regional Council of Deputies to develop relations with Russian regions and their willingness to sign protocols of agreements.

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igital sphere


money, two QAs,

or What is Belarusian IT market lacking? How can we understand what is happening in the domestic IT sector? Undoubtedly, statistical calculations help, as figures usually don’t lie. However, an important indicator of the business climate are the statements and actions of the leaders of the country, along with well-known industry figures who know everything about the IT sphere in Belarus. What is their opinion?


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he President of Belarus has confirmed its ambitious task to transform Belarus into the IT state with the controversial Decree No. 8 ‘On the Deve­ lop­m ent of the Digital Economy’ — which has become a breakthrough in policy. There is a commission to create an effective ministry in the IT sphere. In mid-June, another document was signed to appoint several other legislative ministers, in accordance with the norms of the decree. In line with the document, the High-Tech Park’s Administration obtained the right to submit draft legal acts to the Government for study — if these acts relate to matters of the Park activities. For example, the Supervisory Board of the HTP can independently change the criteria for admission of candidates to its properties. As regards the figures, last year, the software development industry’s turnover in Belarus exceeded $1bn, growing 20 times in 10 years. The fundamental report by Ernst & Young (E&Y) for 2017 makes it possible to track key trends of the domestic IT sector. About 85 thousand people are employed in this area (2.2 percent of the total number of employees), the contribution of the industry to GDP is 5.1 percent, the average salary of HTP residents exceeds $2,000. The document repeatedly affirms that the IT industry is a leader in the dynamics of growth in the economy, which increases the competitiveness of the state on the international arena. Moreover, the most important aspect of the report is that E&Y analysts announced wonderful prospects for the Belarusian market without even considering the draft decree on improving the conditions of the HTP businesses. Of course, the results are impressive now: until mid-March 2018, the number of residents of the HTP increased from 88 companies to 238. In the first five months of the decree being in operation, the HTP registered more than 100 new companies. If the present rate continues, more companies than in the previous 12 years of its existence will join the Park by

the end of 2018. This has been confirmed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus — Vasily Matyushevsky. In general, the advantages of the Belarusian market for the IT community are clear but the domestic market needs further improvement. Employees of the IT industry — a project manager, a product manager, a test automation team leader and two QA engineers — tell us what should be done. Firstly, competition in the IT sphere is great; this is indisputable. According to project manager Alexey Shelest, other countries around Belarus are trying to occupy the same niche. “Belarus is small; thus, there are not so many orders within the country and it’s important to go outside. However, the competition is everywhere. It’s often easier for a customer in Russia to achieve agreements domestically rather than to investigate what is happening with the digital economy in the neighbouring state,” he says. “How can we win business? This is possible with qualitative products and services, and cost.” Secondly, respondents agree that there is a shortage of professional staff. In the Belarusian IT sector, specialists around the age of 35 prevail but there are not enough of them. Young people aged 18 to 25 years are joining but they lack experience and skills. These people are open for co-operation in different spheres but most of them turn to testing and analysis rather than development. Why? This is because development is a hard job. “Young people perceive IT as a branch of easy money, but this is not true,” notes the head of group testing — Vsevolod Alexeev. This aspect, according to the respondents, could bring big problems in the future, when people who are now 35 no longer work, and in their place, there will be no new developers. To solve the problem, it’s important to study it carefully; this sphere is actively developing in the country. Specifically, career guidance, regular master classes with members of certain professions, a large amount of contemporary literature, even articles in the media — all can help determine the choice of specialty.

igital sphere

Moreover, it’s also necessary to pay attention to teachers’ salaries: naturally, the job of the best specialists with good experience should be adequately paid. In addition, a growing number of our IT companies focus on carrying out orders from outside the country, rather than developing their own, extensive software products. So far, no major players have come to our market — like Apple or Amazon. Experts agree that our market is a source of niche products, but such an approach needs to be supplemented with other areas. It is necessary to convince businesses to open branches in the country. It would be good to convince a company to open its main headquarters here, but this will require experts with broad global experience. The second problem is that our IT professionals still lack the ability to sell to the West and do not understand technology development in the West well enough. Insufficient knowledge of foreign languages, lack of understanding of the mentality of foreigners is also an issue. Product manager Andrey Belov believes we need to constantly practice the language and become familiar with the IT markets of other countries. It would be great on a regular basis to send exchange students and at the same time create such conditions in Belarus, so they come back, work here and share their invaluable experience. Another interesting aspect mentioned by an employee of a foreign company with a representation in Belarus is that the Belarusian IT industry lacks relevant positions. All our specialities are far from the huge variety of real-world IT positions in the West. The literature may state that an employee is ‘a specialist in software testing for the department of development and implementation of e‑commerce’ but this will be a QA engineer in real life. It is difficult to explain why this happens, but it’s a common feature of certain companies. Of course, this is only part of the problems but solving issues such as these will help the IT sphere in Belarus to become even more successful. By Vladislav Lukashevich

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conomy and finances

Sums, risks, trends and strategies Our wealthy citizens continue to actively invest their savings in foreign securities. Most often they acquire them through the mechanism of trust bank management.


IT sector growing

The global corporations from the IT sector are the most popular among our businessmen, analysts of one of the commercial banks have announced. In most cases, we are talking about buying stocks of Apple, Facebook or Alphabet — Google’s owner. Interest has grown in the Chinese giants — primarily, Alibaba Group better known thanks


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to the AliExpress platform. In addition, wealthy people are now actively investing in Amazon, Netflix and NVIDIA (growth has been registered recently).

Not the last money invested To purchase these ‘blue chips’, wealthy people spend an average of 20 to 50 thousand Dollars, but some invest $100,000 or more. At the same time,

savings growth is influenced not only by the sum of investment but also by the chosen strategy. The largest dividend was $90,000 — earned by a client of BPS-Sberbank in 2017. Wi t h t h e r i g h t s t r a t e g y o f e qu it y i nve st me nt , s av i ng s c an be significantly multiplied. Most customers choose portfolios with low risk levels. However, the number of those realising their own aggressive

E strategies — while playing with trends — is growing as well.

Financial investment always risky Is everything as rosy as the bankers promise? Trust services will help us fully benefit from investing available cash in securities, buying shares of foreign companies which operate on the world’s leading exchanges in New York, London, Frankfurt and Moscow. The potential profitability of such operations is unlimited, while the final financial result depends on the character of investment decisions. For example, the S&P500 index — which reflects the change in value of shares of the 500 largest US companies — has risen by 87.5 percent over the past five years. The shares of individual com­ pa­n ies have enabled investors to significantly increase the initial amount of investment. However, after talking to an employee of Belarusbank, I realised that I’m not yet ready for such risks. He explained that the risk of poorly selected companies rests solely on me. This means that under some circumstances I will not receive a steady income and may even lose my investment. As the dealer explained, to play the stock market, it’s important not only to have flair for successful companies but also an iron character. Most importantly, spare money is needed which might be lost. In this case, a bank gets the benefits. The bank sets the remuneration for its services at the sum of 1 percent of funds under management. As part of the trust ag re e m e nt , w it h out p ay i ng an additional amount, the bank cannot only make an additional amount of cash but also withdraw some money (up to 50 percent of the original amount of the contract) or even terminate the contract — though they must return the money in full ahead of schedule.

Moreover, the income obtained as part of trust management is subject to taxation; the bank acts as a tax agent.

Not enough proposals of its own The interest in assets of global companies is growing against lower returns on deposits. Wealthy clients are looking for alternative ways to invest savings and often purchase foreign companies. The mechanism i s i mp l e m e nt e d t h r o u g h t r u s t management: the bank on behalf of a client comes to the stock market, buys shares and then controls the portfolio. Several years ago, the Finance Ministr y suggested that wealthy Belarusians buy state bonds at 7 percent per annum. A little later, banks began selling their own bonds under 6.5 percent and then — 5, 4 and 3.5 percent per annum. At present, such interest rates are not offered; the largest figure makes 2.2 or 2.5 percent per annum. At the same time, corporate bonds are now available on the market. They are also sold by banks, but they do not bear the final responsibility for the redemption of these valuable assets. This fact has not stopped people however. Belarusbank has recently sold corporate bonds at 6–7.5 percent to generate many millions of Dollars. Among the issuer of these securities were such joint stock companies as Conte Spa, Chisty Bereg, Tsentralny supermarket, NemigaFavorit trading house, Belbusinessleasing and m a n y others. T h e

conomy and finances

owners of these bonds are satisfied: they receive a decent income in foreign currency. No corporate bonds of this kind are available on the documentary market of securities. These have been bought out. As a result, Belarusians need to go to the stock market and buy shares of foreign companies. Analysts at the US JP Morgan Financial Holding have analysed the five recent global recessions and concluded that, in the event of another crisis, it’s primarily important to get rid of currencies of developing countries. JP Morgan experts advise to buy the Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, Singapore Dollar and US Dollar. Not long ago, another largest financial institution — Bank of America Corp. — predicted a possible repetition of the events of 1998 when the Russian Rouble was devalued four times and Russia’s financial system was virtually paralysed. In June, the World Bank warned of risks of a new recession after 2019. According to its analysts, in the last fifty years, global recessions occur almost every decade. Does this make you scared? To try to analyse the issue: if a recession emerges and our money is kept in assets of foreign companies, then they are probably in a good place. By Sergey Kurkach

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Stimulus inspires hope

anatoly Kleshchuk


Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Belarus shares fresh information regarding privileges for families with many children


ur state is interested in more babies being born, so tries to stimulate the birth of second children while also pursuing a policy supporting families with many children. A family acquires the status of ‘multi-child family’ when the third child is born and has a range of privileges and guarantees from this time. Marina Artemenko, Deputy Head of the Department for Population, Gender and Family Policy at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of


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Belarus, describes in detail these and other benefits when the fourth and fifth children are born to a family. The status of a family with many children is confirmed by a certificate of a multi-child family, which is granted when the third child is born and when there are other children under 18. The following major privileges and guarantees are envisaged for a family with many children: `` family capital for children born or adopted third and subsequent in the period from January 1st, 2015 until December 31st, 2019;

`` tax deduction at an increased rate (Br57 per each child monthly) d e p e n d i ng on t h e e mpl oy m e nt location of parents; `` privileges on real estate and land taxes; `` 50‑percent reduction in payment for school textbooks; `` 5 0 ‑ p e r c e n t r e d u c t i o n i n payment for children’s meals in a preschool institution; `` dis counts w hen paying for education at state institutions which prov i d e h i g h e r an d v o c at i on a l education;

`` provision of pupils of general s e condar y e ducat ion and sp e cia l education (at the level of general secondary education) with free meals; `` p r i v i l e g e s w h e n p ay i n g f o r electricity and gas services; `` an extra day-off is provided at work once per working week, which is paid in the form of an average daily wage in the manner and on terms stipulated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection; `` families with many children who need to improve their living conditions are provided state assistance for the construction (or reconstruction) or purchase of housing. A subsidy to repay the major debt of a loan, given for these purposes, is given to families with many children in the following amount: if there are three minor children, 95 percent of the sum of the major debt is allocated, while if there are four or more minor children — in the amount of 100 percent from the sum of the major debt. Moreover, if five or more children are born to a family, additional guarantees are also envisaged for the mother. This includes an early grant of a retirement pension with the reduction of the generally established pensionable age by five years for mothers who gave birth and brought up five or more children until the age of 8. Such pensions are granted (without the requirements on retirement age) to mothers with many children who work in agricultural organisations and are involved directly in the sphere of manufacture of agricultural produce. If necessary, more detailed explanations can be received at local authorities responsible for labour, employment and social protection. Furthermore, for giving birth and bringing up five or more children, mothers (when the fifth child reaches the age of one year) are also awarded the Order of Motherhood (with payment of five minimum wages per capita on average) upon submission by local authorities, a regional executive committee. This point rewards those mothers who provide proper support and upbringing to their children. By Svetlana Busko




Code of the Primer Facsimile edition of The Primer to appear in Belarusian libraries within a year The facsimile edition of The Primer will appear in libraries across Belarus within a year, noted the Deputy Director General of the National Library, Alexander Susha. The Primer is a three-volume edition: a facsimile edition, translated into modern Belarusian language and scientific researches in Russia, Belarusian and English languages. Two circulations of the edition have appeared recently — 100 copies in a VIP design and 900 usual copies. At present, the work is being conducted to release another circulation of several thousand copies. Within a year the Primer will appear in libraries, museum, institutions of education and science of the Republic. “Primers are the kind of books which enjoys the greatest number of copies and the happiest readers. Not a single student can do without a primer

even if he or she learns how to read before going to school,” noted Belarus’ First Deputy Culture Minister, Irina Driga. The world’s first book entitled Primer turned 400 on July 24th, 2018. The Primer of the Slavonic language was published in 1618 and Belarusians helped print it. It was printed using the Church Slavonic language in the printing plant of the Vilno Orthodox Holy Spirit Monastery in the town of Vievis. The Primer is a pocketsized book 52 pages long. It contains the Slavonic alphabet, examples of syllables in two or three letters, simple words in Church Slavonic language, a list of punctuation signs, numerals (in Cyrillic tradition), as well as basic grammar and texts for reading, including religious hymns, prayers, commandments and sermons. Based on BelTA materials

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nternational ties

made in


Cornflowers in Shanghai


The two countries have established a strategic partnership and it’s no surprise that Belarus was invited to take part in the 1st China International Import Expo, to take place in Shanghai from November 5th‑10th. The organiser of the Belarusian exposition is the National Marketing Centre of the Foreign Ministry. Its Director Valery Sadokho tells our correspondent about the participation of Belarusian enterprises in the exhibition and other ways to expand exports of goods and services to China. The produce of more than 1,600 companies from all over the world will go on display at the exhibition. How will the Belarusian pavilion surprise and attract Chinese importers? Visitors will be able to get to know the industrial, education, transport, logistics and export potential of the country. The Belarusian stand will showcase the latest sci-tech and innovative achievements, and the country’s tourism opportunities.


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China is the world’s second largest economy, one of the leaders in import of goods. However, the need for foreign produce in a country with a population of around 1.4bn is constantly rising. Belarusian goods, especially meat and dairy produce, are becoming more and more popular in the Heavenly Empire. Moreover, there are plans to organise a display and tasting of Belarusian food products. The design of the Belarusian stand was highly praised by Chinese counterparts during a meeting at the Chinese Embassy in Belarus. In addition to the traditionally used logo ‘Made in Belarus’, the design was complemented with the Belarusian symbol — a cornflower — which has a shape of an eight-pointed star, the symbol of the sun and an element of the Belarusian emblem. This cultural code forms our distinctive feature among many other nations. We still have to decide on the slogan that will reflect our friendly relations between Belarus and China. Around 500 sq. metres of exhibition space will be allocated for Belarusian enterprises. How many companies have already announced their participation? Almost all areas of the Belarusian economy will be represented in the commercial block of the exhibition. More than 70 businesses will display their goods

and services in six exhibition pavilions in the following sections: automobile manufacturing, consumer goods, intellectual and high-tech equipment, trade in services, medical equipment, agricultural and food products. The agricultural and food pavilion will feature about 40 Belarusian meat and dairy enterprises. Naturally, participation in the exhibition requires expenditure, but how can we measure the cost of an opportunity to sign beneficial contracts and the launch of longstanding partnerships? Import Expo will be attended by the largest importers from different Chinese provinces. The national exhibition also reflects the image of the country and its economic potential. In your opinion, what Belarusian produce are the Chinese most keen on? Belarusian beef, dairy products and natural honey are gaining popularity. It also seems prudent to set up joint production facilities in China to assemble agricultural machinery that meets the specifics and needs of this market. In


nternational ties

general, its consumer capacity is higher than its production capacity, so highquality and competitive products from abroad are in demand there. In January-April 2018, BelarusChina trade amounted to $1.09bn. Belarusian exports increased by 37.9 percent compared to the same period last year to reach $138 million. Belarus’ main exports included potash fertilisers ($100.9m), polyamides ($13.8m), flax ($3.6m), and dairy products ($2.9m). In turn, China Republic People’s Republic delivered goods worth $949.8m. of Belarus of China These were mainly communication Diplomatic relations between Belarus and China were established in and computer equipment, parts and January 1992. Judging by the results of 2017, China was ranked fourth accessories for cars and tractors. worldwide in the volume of trade turnover The Government has set a target to reach $1.5bn worth of exports to China 3207,3 Trade turnby 2020. Without corresponding export 3483,7 over ($m) diversification, it will be difficult to 3302,9 2682,4 3106,4 2946,7 achieve such a result. The Belarusian contact office to support exports has been organised in Chinese Qingdao. What expectations do you have for it? I’d like to underline that every B e l ar u s i an e nt e r pr i s e t h at h a s 296,1* *including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan recommendations from the National Marketing C entre, can open its Year 2002  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017 representation in this contact office on preferential terms. The office aids the organisation of Belarus was invited to take part in the 1st China International Import wholesale trade of Belarusian Expo, to take place in Shanghai from November goods. The office also offers storage 5th-10th. The organiser of the Belarusian exposition is the National facilities and demonstration areas for Marketing Centre of the Foreign Ministry. rent. The Belarusian contact office is in the Belt & Road Collaborative Innovation College (BRCIC). The national offices How el s e does the National Moreover, the centre is the operator of the embassies of Asia and Africa Marketing Centre help Belarusian of the portal, which is have already been opened there. The exporters to enter the Chinese market? the main tool for demonstrating the Belarusian office is just starting its Alongside the organisation of export opportunities of Belarusian work. It’s expected to contribute to exhibition events abroad, including in enter pr is es and an improv is e d the intensification of Belarusian-Chinese China, we conduct market research, showcase of Belarusian goods. They co-operation in trade, finance, culture, search for importers, dealers and are competitive in many areas. sports, tourism, education, and increase business partners. We also organise It is important for enterprises to be able Belarusian exports to China. Is the establishment of such meetings and negotiations in the to show themselves, including at largestructures planned for other countries? B2B format, international forums, scale exhibitions. First, we’ll see how the Chinese We are going to participate in online videoconferences with the project progresses and how an important project and expect to participation of foreign experts and popular it is among B elarusian conclude numerous contracts. diplomats of Belarusian embassies Based on BelTA materials exporting enterprises abroad.


trade-economic co-operation

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nteresting direction

Export portfolio for China Ministry of Agriculture and Food describes the prospects for supply to the Chinese market


elarus’ Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food, Igor Bryl, noted that over the first five months of 2018, exports of meat goods have increased by 15 percent. Over this period, our country sold abroad around $1.2bn of meat and dairy produce, with about $800m of these received for selling dairy goods. The amount supplied to the People’s Republic of China increased five-fold.

Diversification at the expense of Asia In 2017, exports of meat and dairy goods totalled $3.1bn. Diversification of supplies remains an important task for


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Belarusian agricultural manufacturers. This means the reduction of the share of the Russian market in the total export supplies of livestock products. Last year, Russia accounted for 90.3 percent of the total export supplies, while this figure has reduced to 82.7 percent over the first five months of this year. “We’ve managed to achieve this thanks to entering new markets. We’re entering the markets of Asia, America, Africa and Europe. Very significant work is being conducted in this area,” explained Mr. Bryl. Over the first five months of 2018, our country managed to export dairy goods to 39 countries, and meat goods to 16 states. China is one of the most interesting areas. “In total,

in January-May 2018, around $10m of meat and dairy produce has been exported to the Chinese market,” said Mr. Bryl. First supplies of Belarusian beef have been made to China, with exports of poultry being next in line. Moreover, suppliers note that the Chinese market remains a rather complex area, as it’s necessary to conduct serious market research and achieve recognisability of Belarusian produce.

Technology as a product “We’re building a commercial dairy farm in Sakhalin and plan to launch it this year. Animals have been already selected and now issues of their supply


It’s necessary to feed better However, there are also a range of problems which need to be settled in the near future. Ambitious tasks have been set before farmers as part of the agrarian business development programme to 2020. In 2017, slightly more than 7m tonnes of milk was produced, while by the end of this programme, this figure should reach 9.2m tonnes. It’s necessary to achieve this result by boosting productivity and increasing the number of cattle. “For the first time last year, we managed to achieve milk yields of 5,000kg of milk per cow. However, this is not the limit and it’s now necessary to bring this figure to 6,000kg. The potential of Belarusian animals is 7,000kg and higher and at separate enterprises this figure even exceeds 10,000kg per cow,” noted Ivan Sheiko, the First Deputy Director General of the Scientific and Practical Centre for Animal Breeding, at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The specialist added that milk reliably remains at the highest level of quality if milk yields don’t exceed 7,500kg of milk per cow, while if we move further, the quality may be lost. The growth of quality and milk yields is possible only if the technology of forage preparation is observed which, according to the scientists, is extremely important. By Ilya Kryzhevich

Could it be otherwise? Grodno establishes relations with Fujian Province


representative delegation from China has visited Grodno, which hosted the signing of the bilateral protocol of intentions to establish friendly relations between the Grodno Region and the marine province of Fujian. This is the second Chinese province to establish ties with Grodno. The Grodno Region has been already actively co-operating with the Province of Gansu and several important investment projects are being implemented in the region. The new partners also have plans in various spheres. Guests from China are keen on trade relations, as well as humanitarian ties. Liang Jianyong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China of the Fujian Provincial Committee, who heads the delegation, expressed interest in agricultural produce, particularly Grodno dairy goods, which have been already certified for supply to the People’s Republic of China. At present, the meat produce of the

region is undergoing certification. The head of the delegation assured us that the search for investors for joint projects, including in the areas of power engineering, will be also established. Representatives of the Fujian Province said that electronics, machine building and light industry are well developed in their area, in addition to the world’s biggest factory to produce accumulators. Both sides are interested in developing collaboration in the tourist sphere. Impetus will be given by the 30‑day visa-free regime. Moreover, 2018 has been announced as the Year of Tourism of the Republic of Belarus in China. According to Vladimir Kravtsov, the Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, relations between the states promotes the development of regional ties in this area. In Grodno, for example, it’s possible to receive information on the Chinese language at tourist facilities while Grodno residents take an active part in Chinese exhibitions. By Margarita Ushkevich

Margarita Ushkevich

are being studied,” added the Deputy Minister. He said that the country has good examples of launching Israeli, Czech and Dutch technologies in the sphere of animal farming. “The Israeli side is showing interest in the construction of a selection and genetic centre in the sphere of pig breeding in Belarus. Currently, several interesting projects are being prepared between the PRC and the Vitebsk Region, dealing with commercial dairy farms,” explained Mr. Bryl.

nternational ties

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ne's own way

Dreams come true

anatoly kleshchuk


Story of how a Chinese farmer works in the Volozhin District. A Chinese proverb says: ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’. This proverb has inspired Wen Suzhen to go eight thousand kilometres from Beijing to Minsk to realise his dream.


eet Lun; this is how the man is called by his friends and relatives. He is 31 and he lives in the village of Pryalniki in the Volozhin District. In four years here, the Chinese man has made many steps to realise his plans. “Try this sweet, raspberry-tasting tomato,” he tells me, and I bite off a piece of the juicy fruit. I’m not a great expert in tomatoes but the taste of homegrown vegetables significantly differs from those grown on an industrial scale. Lun shows us his farm. We enter a greenhouse, which seems endless. Lines of tomatoes amaze me: heavy vegetables weigh the plants down. “This is a cherry


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variety. They store quite well. In turn, this variety is green. Don’t be surprised, just taste them,” he smiles. The farmer from China is ready to talk about his plants endlessly. In turn, he sees nothing extraordinary in his desire to move from a 20m megapolis to a village with just a few houses. When Lun was 19 years old, he heard of an opportunity to receive his education in Belarus. He entered the BSU’s Designer Department since he loved drawing. He then attended the preparatory course for two years and studied the undergraduate and graduate courses. Lun has been involved in agriculture for four years, explaining, “I love it, but it was not easy in the beginning: I had to wake

up very early. There are many buyers now and I can’t even satisfy demand for them all. My vegetables are bought by Vietnamese, Indian, Italian restaurants, as well as a hotel in the Great Stone. I also take them to the Komarovka and Zhdanovichi markets. Some plants are grown exclusively by me, so people are ready to wait: i. e. okra pods (they taste like beans and squash), momordica — bitter pumpkin. I have no time now to draw, but I’m busy with the design of my house.” The Chinese farmer has no agrarian education: he mastered all the secrets of agriculture with his own experience and mistakes. However, this year, he’s consulted a specialist.

O Lun earned part of the start-up capital to rent 120 hectares of land partially himself — while studying at the University; the remaining share was provided by his parents. Initially, they were sceptical about their son’s hobby but now understand him and visit his house with pleasure. “This is a very successful industry. If you work and take care, you can get good money,” the farmer explains. “I have many friends in Belarus and China who are involved in agriculture.” According to Lun, he is already generating profits though everything is coming gradually. Lun realises his creativity in a museum. He’s bought a former school building; next year, he plans to complete repairs and start welcoming tourists. Exhibits are shown in a spacious hall, decorated in the Belarusian style. Among them are a gate, a stove and a radio. Embroidered flowers in a frame border the Chinese flag, while folk masks from China hang next to the image of the Belarusian stork. Exhibits are brought by locals and some items have been preserved from school days: i. e. pictures made of straw and the ‘Welcome’ board above the door. Lun buys mostly locally grown seeds and only seldom brings something from China. The taste of vegetables grown on Belarusian land does not differ from those cultivated in China. However, according

to Lun, it’s hard to grow a good crop in the open air, so he uses greenhouses. Local villagers help Lun in his business; they work on his farm in the season. When asked about the secret of the Chinese farmer’s success in Belarus, they assert, “Everything relies on hard-work and what he wants from his employees. The salary is good for the village and district,” explains assistant Yevgeny. We continue to view the estate and notice the strawberries… in August. ‘Are they for sale?’ we wonder, but Lun explains handing me a handful of sweet berries, “It’s for my family. There are not many berries left.” We look into a greenhouse and find the exotic black pepper. “It is initially black and then turns red. I pick it when it’s black: it is more useful, with many vitamins,” Lun notes. Another ‘medicine’ from these Chinese-Belarusian beds is the bitter pumpkin, which resembles a cucumber. It helps to survive the hot weather. “Lun, I quit,” jokes Tatiana when she notices our camera, but agrees to talk with us, along with her friend Tamara. “We haven’t worked for Lun long. He pays good money and we work well together. We pick the vegetables for sale: hot peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes,” the women explain and hurry to continue their work. In turn, we continue to investigate. “There are eggplants, lettuce, Chinese

ne's own way

cucumbers here. The latter grow to an average of 50 centimetres. My dog also grows here,” he laughs, noticing his fourlegged friend in the greenhouse. The dog is not the only domestic animal: Lun also keeps several chickens and a dozen sheep and goats but they are not for sale. Lun quickly got used to Belarusian traditions. Neighbours treat him with their products, bringing eggs and cakes for Easter. Lun celebrates the New Year in line with the Gregorian and Eastern calendars. Interestingly, a Christian cross is to be found on his land and he plans to paint it soon: order must be everywhere. Lun lives in Minsk with his wife and a small daughter, but every morning goes to his farm. As soon as he completes repairs in the house, they will move to Pryalniki. Lun’s story is also about love: his wife — a Chinese girl — studied in Portugal but moved to Belarus to be with him. Next year, he plans to welcome tourists and offer excursions for children. “I will show them different crops — not the usual like potatoes or tomatoes — but those which are cultivated rarely. It will be interesting for them to see how a Chinese farmer works here,” he says. In fact, guests often come to his farm even now: Lun is known by many in China and is a true ‘star’ in the Volozhin District. After learning about his hard work, his concern about the harvest and prosperity, I ask the main question of our meeting: how did this urban Chinese guy become interested and fall in love with the Belarusian land? “I’m building houses here and growing vegetables; it’s not easy but I really like it. You see how much space there is here? It’s freedom. Beijing is a big city. It has many possibilities but it’s not for me. Each person has their own place,” Lun says. His place is Pryalniki — a small village near the Isloch River. This has become a second home for the native of the Heavenly Empire. After all, a Chinese proverb says: ‘Your home is where your thoughts are calm’. By Maria Dadalko

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oliday of written language

Tatiana Storozhenko

Vital source of wisdom and knowledge The 25th Belarusian Written Language Day was hosted by the city of Ivanovo in the Brest Region — the largescale event was attended by authors and readers alike. The event is officially celebrated on the first Sunday of September; but it is preceded by several diverse activities.


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he festival began with a celebrator y assembly at secondary school No. 4 — a quarter century old, it is t he youngest s cho ol in the Ivanovo District. It is the only city school in the Brest Region where the education is conducted fully in the Belarusian language. Information Minister Alexander Karlyukevich came to congratulate the schoolchildren on the new academic year, “Knowledge will help you open a broad road to life. And the Year of Native Land is a reminder to all of us not to forget where we are from.

We should respect what is our own, Belarusian: first, our family, parents, home; be attentive to national literature and the native word. Go out into the big world with this concept!” On the same day, a special bookstore was opened in Ivanovo. There had been nothing of this kind in the town before. Now, one can find classical literature and works by contemporary authors for adults and children, teaching aids and stationary. In the main square of the town, tents for the book and press festival were arranged, where the best publications in the country were presented.

The district centre of culture and folk traditions hosted exhibitions dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the world first Primer, as well as an exhibition by Oleg Karpovich, a popular graphic artist, an exhibition of holograms found on the first printed books by Francysk Skaryna and other displays. The activities were not limited to Ivanovo. In the museum complex named after Napoleon Orda, in the village of Vorotsevichi, Ivanovo District, an international round table was held, bringing together authors from more than 10 countries. The finals of the young reader competition ‘Live Classics’, attracted great interest. This year, more than 15,000 schoolchildren from all over Belarus took part in the readings. 12 readers headed into the home stretch to compete in four age categories. For works written in 2017, winners of the Republican contest ‘National Literary Prize’ were also recognised in Ivanovo. The official opening ceremony of Belarusian Written Language Day occurred on the main stage of the district centre’s city park. Symbolic bell ringing and a release of white doves served as an overture. Congratulations from the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, were read before the participants and guests of the festival by Igor Petrishenko, Deputy Prime Minister, “This is a landmark event in the cultural life of the country, evidence of the beauty and power of the Belarusian language and spiritual traditions of our nation. For many centuries, the written word has passed through generations the eternal ideals of beauty, goodness and justice as a vital source of wisdom a n d k n ow l edge and

oliday of written language



a reliable companion for every person along his or her path of life. By celebrating Belarusian Written Language Day, we pay tribute to those who created our culture, promoted education and raised the Belarusian literary word to a high level. Our ancestors have left us an invaluable treasure, the native language, fine examples of which are works by Francysk Bogushevich, Maxim Bogdanovich, Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Vladimir Korotkevich and Ivan Melezh. By preserving their heritage, today’s generation of Belarusians will strengthen the sovereignty and independence of the Motherland with its fruitful creative work.” The official ceremony was followed by the dramatised show ‘Bowing to the Native Land’. On the 25th Belarusian Written Language Day, the memorial plaque, ‘Yan’s Word’, was solemnly opened in Ivanovo: a sundial where the main element is a quill pen fixed in a marble inkwell. The memorial symbolises the power of the native language uniting Belarusians.

Another solemn ceremony was dedicated to the memorable franking of a special postal envelope issued by the Ministry of Communications and Informatisation with the circulation of 20 thousand copies. Vladimir Matusevich, Director General of Belpochta RUE, noted that special postal projects and commemoration stamps are becoming a tradition of Belarusian Written Language Day. Throughout the holiday, the guests could familiarise themselves with the work of folk craftsmen, participate in master classes and buy unique items. A feast of Belarusian cuisine and products was organised. Street musicians and folk groups performed at their best. In addition, during the event, the 22nd regional competition of brass music ‘Fanfare‑2018’ was held in Ivanovo. In the evening, the ceremony of passing the baton of celebration of Belarusian Written Language Day to Slonim, Grodno Region, took place. And the concert ‘Singing over Polesie’ where Belarusian artistes and pop singers performed, was the finishing highlight of the festival activities in Ivanovo. By Victor Kuklov

‘Yan’s Word’ memorial plaque. Sculptors: Ales Shatilo, Alexey Sorokin and architect Anna Bogatkina. belta

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ooks of friendship

Sincere rhythms of harmony

Yanina Gorodetskaya

Minsk’s Mastatskaya Litaratura Publishing House releases anthology of translations from various national literatures — entitled in a clear and eloquent way: ‘Consonance. Belarus-Russia’

Information Minister of Belarus Alexander Karlyukevich (right) and Editor-in-Chief of ‘Neman’ magazine, Alexey Cherota


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nder one cover, writers of Minsk and Moscow are presented, as well as poets and writers from Russian regions. Adam Akhmatukayev and Lula Kuna represent the Chechen Republic, while Anvarbek Kultaev is a Nogai writer from Dagestan. Robert Minnullin and Renat Kharis are People’s Poets of Tatarstan, while Yuri Shcherbakov is the Chairman of the Astrakhan regional branch of the Russian Union of Writers. Belarusian literature is represented by Victor Gardey, Oleg Zhdan, Kazimir Kameisha, Georgy Marchuk, Mikola Metlitsky, Valentina Polikanina, Victor Pravdin, Anatoly Sulyanov, Sergey Trakhimenok and others. The edition also includes articles, essays and interviews devoted to different national literatures. A special ‘opening’ to the literary and artistic anthology is the poem by Serbia’s Dajana Lazarevic, who writes a poetic picture of the world in three languages: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, also complementing the vision of what is happening in Serbian translations of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian poets. She recently issued in Belgrade a Serbian-language book of poems of the Belarusian literature classic — Maxim Bogdanovich: ‘The Wreath’. ‘The Consonance’ is a book of friendship whose texts reflect artists’ heartfelt rhythms and experiences about the fate of their land, their country and their countrymen. It demonstrates the desire of poets and writers to tell the whole truth about the times in which they live and was not ‘born’ accidentally. Firstly, this issue has a beginning: pre v i ou s ly, t h re e ‘C ons on an c e’ collections were published. One issue was devoted to the partnership of Belarusian literature with the literatures of the world. The other two are well described by their titles: ‘Consonance. Belarus-Moscow’ and ‘Consonance. Belarus-St. Petersburg’. The three previous editions were released by the Zviazda Publishing House, which has done much for the development

of international relations of Belarusian literature and for the presentation of other literatures — including Russian literature and national literatures of the Russian Federation. In this respect, the ‘Neman’ literary-art magazine has contributed significantly.

Its Editor-in-Chief, a publicist and a translator — Alexey Cherota — c om me nt s , “We’ve ma d e g re at f r iends w it h dif ferent aut hors from Russia. Lak’s poetess Miyasat Muslimova, Pe ople’s Wr iter of Udmurtia Vyacheslav Ar-S ergi, People’s Poets of Tatarstan Robert Minnullin, Renat Kharis, Chechen writers Adam Akhmatukayev, Lula Kuna, Petimat Petrimova, Chuvash poet and translator Valeri Turgay, Kalmyk literar y exp er t Rimma Khaninova and Bashkir poet Zulfiya Hannanova are among the authors of ‘Neman’ and voluntary advisers on all issues of the development of literature in Russia, in the most remote corners of Belarus. Separate books followed journal publications, with Robert Minnullin having two of them (translated in Belarusian): a book of poetry — ‘Night Birds’, and a collection of works for young readers. We’ve also published many books in

ooks of friendship

Russian, of Russian writers: Ales Kozhedub, Valentin Rasputin, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Boris Kostin, Alexander Chernyak and many others.” ‘Consonance. Belarus-Russia’ is also a good bridge to represent Belarusian literature in the Russian language. It is evident that today, once one of the most read literatures of the Soviet republics — Belarusian — is being translated less often. In the past, such Moscow publishing houses as Sovetsky Pisatel, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, Mo l o d a y a G v a r d i y a , D e t s k a y a Literatura, Malysh released up to ten books by Belarusian authors but, at present, some of these establishments do not operate or publish only few books written by Belarusians or authors from the former Soviet republics. Minsk’s Mastatskaya Litaratura Publishing House believes it’s necessary to present the ‘Consonance. Belarus-Russia’ anthology at the traditional Moscow Book Fair in September. “We would like to invite authors from Russia and its different regions to this presentation,” says the almanac compiler and Editor-in-Chief of the Mastatskaya Litaratura Publishing House, poet Victor Shnip. “I think it will be interesting not only to guests but to all of us, to speculate about the literary connections and the mission of literary translation for the overall development of relations in the field of culture, and the role of literature in the rapprochement of peoples and countries.” While the ink is dr ying, the publishing house is already planning other creative projects that will tell Belarusian readers about the contemporary literary process in the Russian Federation. New books will come out in the ‘Syabryna: Poetry of the Peoples of Russia’ series. Translators are now working on poems of the People’s Poet of Bashkortostan — Mustay Karim, a famous Chuvash poet — Valeri Turgay, and a Kalmyk writer — Erdni Eldyshev. By Kirill Ladutko

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In land and in sky


For the fourth year in a row, the Borovaya aerodrome has gathered professional sportsmen, people in love with the sky and fans of spectacular shows. This year, on the first day of the festival, a record was set for the number of visitors. This is not surprising because this was a unique opportunity to see a show at this level. Helicopter to bring water

How did the organisers surprise the audience? Firstly, they amazed us with helicopter racing. Apart from being beautiful, it was especially in focus since it was held as part of the World Cup stage. The competition began on July 23rd. Apart from the 4th stage of the World Cup in helicopter racing, the Borovaya aerodrome also hosted the 16th World Helicopter Championships. A total of 36 crews from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Austria, Germany and China took part in the competitions. The support of local fans brought results: the Belarusian team took second place and the crew of Alexey Mochansky and


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Anton Danchenko captured bronze in the individual competition. One of the most spectacular disciplines in helicopter racing was slalom. Two teams compete at the same time. Each crew consists of two people: a pilot who manages the helicopter and the operator who manages… the bucket. The task is to draw water from a barrel with a bucket on a long rope, to transport it through 12 conditional gates and lower it to the table with precision — if possible, not splashing the water. If the bucket touches the gate, then there is a penalty. Time penalties are also applied if too much water is lost or if the bucket falls (which often happens). Unsurprisingly, emotions during the competition were intense. It might seem

that one team was winning but it failed to land the bucket for a long time and, as a result, its opponent won. Or, for example, crews might be on the same level, but a bucket touches the gate in the end and the team loses as a result. The funniest moment is when in the end the helicopters bow to each other in a literal sense, and the pilots cheerfully greet the crowd who are ready to burst into applause.

The future is here Competitions among parachutists were no less intense. Even though the weather was hot, there were often strong wind gusts. As the athletes jumped in turn, it was impossible to

F provide uniform conditions for everyone, so they had to show all the secrets of their professional skills. Paratroopers landed just near the stands and, accordingly, could learn about their result almost immediately. Moreover, everyone could see the emotions on their faces — which differed: the accuracy of jumps was measured with a difference of up to a centimetre. Those who exceeded the distance by 16cm from the desired point were automatically dismissed. The zone of drone-racing brought guests several decades into the future. If you’ve never seen a race of drones live, then just imagine any fantastic film about a high-tech future. If the technology description is simplified, the pilots wear special virtual reality glasses in which they see the image from the camera installed on the front on the drone, and with the help of the joystick control its movement along the specified route. At the same time, the speed is such that it is not always possible to follow it even with a glance: you can only see the approach by the characteristic buzzing. It does not happen without ‘injuries’ however: periodically drones collide in the air, after which they drop out of the race. However, lovers of this new sport could be amazed with other shows — such as the night race of drones. The lights were sparkling like fireworks and impressed everyone!

Joy after successful landing


Competitions with the buckets

Bread, spectacles and pets’ zone The more interesting the event, the more requirements arise for the level of organisation. As they say, bread and spectacles are needed simultaneously. As for bread, a wide variety of street food was presented for the visitors’ choice — including Mexican snacks, favourite burgers, fried potatoes and handcrafted ice cream. No alcohol was sold at the festival and that attracted many families with children. Small guests had much entertainment! They could enjoy true toy cities — with attractions and an opportunity to sit at the helm of the helicopter. The zone for children — who

are often hard to please — aroused the greatest interest. The small visitors were ready to obediently stand in line, just to join in the common love of the sky. The number of aviation-related toys per square metre was unbelievable — including balloons, badges and models. Even the face paint on their cheeks was thematic. It was impossible not to feel inspired. Those who wanted not only to look but also to plunge themselves into the event, were welcomed at the Museum of Aviation Machinery. It was also possible to join lectures: i. e. representatives of the Belarusian Federation of Aviation Sports shared their plans — such as a unique round-the-world trip. Incredibly, even pets were the focus of attention. Firstly, they were not prohibited by the organisers (many dog lovers came with their four-legged friends as a result) and, secondly, a lot of activities were prepared for them. Interestingly, dog-aviator Elli was again a symbol of the festival. Both evenings closed with performances by famous musicians: on Saturday, the Belarusian ‘Litesound’ band were the headliner and, on Sunday, the ‘Russian Pizza’ band entertained the guests. In general, it was impossible to remain indifferent during the festival and the number of happy moments made is virtually endless! By Daria Kosko

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In the air, I feel at home Three hundred hours in the sky: a female pilot tells us about helicopter sports and military aviation


t the World Championship in Helicopter Sports — held near Minsk not long ago — 34 crew from 7 countries competed in four exercises: ‘Navigation’, ‘Parallel Flight Accuracy’, ‘Parallel Transportation of Cargo’ and ‘Parallel Slalom’. Belarusian helicopter pilots — including women’s crews — also took part. We met the commander of one of them — Sofia Kurshubadze — to learn more about this sport and understand how this particular lady fell in love with the sky. Sofia, how many years have you been piloting? In the air, experience is calculated in hours. A person might devote many years to aviation but doesn’t have many hours experience in the air. I’m a state pilot and sportswoman and, accordingly, my hours depend on state funding and the possibilities of the aviation club where I work. If we calculate it in years, I’m in my ninth year of piloting and, as regards flying hours, I have over 300 of them. The average figure is 30 a year; military pilots fly approximately the same number. I would like to have more but — considering that we fly only from spring to autumn — it’s not bad. Where did your passion for aviation come from?


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I studied at the Cadet Corps. During one of the sessions, our commander informed us that Minsk’s DOSAAF aero-club was recruiting sports pilots for helicopters and planes. The selection requirements were simple: good performance and health, since every pilot takes a medical examination every six months. The purpose of that enrolment was to prepare young people for admission to the Military Academy. Around 100 people applied for places; only five were enrolled to the helicopter unit — including me. Later, everything changed: only one guy from our team — the youngest — joined the Academy. In my year, there was no enrolment and I continued flying as a DOSAAF sportswoman. When the Military Academy renewed its enrolment of girls, I was older than the limit. I was very upset, because I had always wanted to work in the air. I now work at the Belarusian Federation of Aviation Sport; it’s close to the dream but my job is on the land. How can you explain such a desire to join the military sphere, including the Cadet Corps? As a child I dreamed of ‘peace in the world’ — as they say. I dreamt of working in the police. I wanted to know that only those who deserve it are sent to jail. I thought everything

D would change when I got older. When I joined the Cadet Corps, I realised that the world is different. Due to those studies, I grew up earlier: The Corps is not school where you are always under your mother’s protection. In addition, while studying, I discovered aviation and realised that it was my dream. In the air, I feel quiet, and comfortable. I feel at home. I have no worries and problems: they are on the land. When you pilot, you have no time to think about these things. You are alone with the sky, enjoy the beauty and sense of peace. How did your relationship with aviation develop? Theoretical training lasted a year and a half. Only then we were put in a helicopter. The instructor allowed us to touch a panel. I did not understand what’s going on, what kind of equipment it was and where I had to look. “Hold it!” he told me, but I could not understand what to do. We had many disciplines — including technical classes and study of documents. We take tests every year even now: only then are we allowed to fly. I’ve heard many pilots consider a helicopter animate. That’s right, I sincerely believe this. We use the same model, but each aircraft has its own character. They are different in management and control. They react differently to manipulations with the board. If you fail to find a common language with the helicopter before a flight, it will not be smooth and accurate. I like it when we are in tandem with the helicopter and when we act as a single organism. When it obeys you, then it’s a beautiful flight. In this case, the piloting is gentle and smooth; there’s no need to ‘break’ the aircraft. We always try to pat the helicopter, say hello, talk and examine it; it’s not a tradition but rather a necessity. What is your impression of the recent world championship? We performed in four exercises. The first failed because I was very busy at work, it’s completely my fault: I failed to concentrate and think exclusively of the flight. Speaking generally, I appreciate our performance: we worked safely and beautifully, did not harm our team. We demonstrated not our best, but we were close to it. After the exercise, the judges came to us to say, “You landed on the roof so beautifully we thought you were men. It was great!” The helicopter sport always envisages a duo, a crew. You work jointly with operator Anastasia Korotkevitch… We are flying together for the fourth season. It is not much, especially since we both started from scratch and when getting together we were young sportswomen (I began my flying sporting career two years earlier than Nastya). Although it is usual in our sport that one member is more experienced.


In our first joint season in 2015, we were placed fourth at the Belarusian Championship — in navigation; in 2016, we won silver in the women's all-around. These are good results. How do you distribute your roles? Equality is a must for the crew: any talk of who is more important is not allowed. Nastya is my eyes and ears, I’m the brain which brings together all the commands that she gives and sends impulses to our body: the helicopter. In other words, I manage the helicopter through signals which she sees and sends to me. For example, 2 metres up or 20cm ahead or to the left. I must perform them accurately. If she doesn’t stop me in time or I start independent action, then nothing goes well. Does this mean that there must be a high level of confidence between people? She entrusts her life to me and I feel this responsibility. I understand that, in the air, I’m responsible not only for myself and the helicopter but also for Nastya — and her relatives. Did you ever face dangerous situations in the sky? Pilots usually do not like to discuss this; I’m no exception. Jointly with Nastya, we’ve had situations when — after landing — we sat down in silence realising that everything could have finished differently. It’s important to keep a cool head during any flight. There might be excitement since we love this activity, but the brain needs to be concentrated. You should know exactly how to react in dangerous situations. Where do you feel more comfortable: on the ground or in the air?

It’s more comfortable in the air, in any case. Overconfidence there is not important: if you consider yourself a great pilot who can do everything, something will happen. This is a law of life. It’s more comfortable in the air, in any case. Overconfidence there is not important: if you consider yourself a great pilot who can do everything, something will happen. This is a law of life. When strangers hear that you are a pilot, are they surprised? All react differently. Some do not understand what I do: it’s hardly possible for them to believe that a woman can control the helicopter. Some are impressed. I’m not trying to prove anything. Initially, when I posted photos on social networks and received comments from strangers, I was upset. Later, I learnt not to react to negative views. There are not many female pilots in Belarus now: I think there are only around 15 of them. By Daria Lobazhevich

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Valery Yefremov’s exclusive The working day of a stove-maker from the Verkhnedvinsk District


person is known for their work. A stove-maker gets his recognition thanks to his hand-made accurate and precise work: small and large stoves, fireplaces, furnace complexes: in short, the eternal focus of life. Valery Yefremov, from the village of Lisno in the Verkhnedvinsk District, is finishing work on his new stove which will ‘revive’ yet another house: in the village of Milovidy of the Rossony District, he designed and


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produced his twentieth furnace complex for a young family of scientist-biologists. This work includes a fuser for heating the room, a stove, a fireplace and an oven. We’re looking at one day in the life of the Lisno master craftsman and one of his works. I learned that my friend — a stove-maker who was usually reluctant to take on stove work — had agreed to help a young family improve their living conditions.



Accordingly, I went to the forest area in the north of Belarus. I knew that Valery Yefremov does not like to be away from home for a long time as he has many friends and three dogs and five cats who need to be taken care of. He does not hurry if he does agree to work and prefers to take on jobs for friends only. They once wrote a joke advertisement for him and put it up in noticeable places in the village saying, ‘I can build a fireplace or a stove of any complexity, but I don’t want to!’ Valery’s telephone number was there as well. He did not take offense because it was true: he knows how to work but does not always want to. He has grounds for his reluctant approach: each stove for Mr. Yefremov is like a song for a composer or a picture for an artist. Valery’s furnace-making experience dates to 1991 when he decided to re-mount the stove at his parents’ summer house. He destroyed the old one and built a completely new furnace — based on a drawing he found in the ‘Science and Life’ magazine. He then repaired stoves in the neighbouring village of Izubritsa and dismantled many furnaces of the oven master, Annensky (who is well known in the Asveya area). Valery never missed an opportunity to look at the work of old craftsmen. He personally made over fifty new stoves. He never repeats his previous designs, so his work is deservedly called exclusive. Moreover, he works in a traditional way: sifts the sand, prepares the mortar, then lays bricks on the pipe. He trusts only his hands — which are his best ‘equipment’. This is natural for Mr. Yefremov. While looking at a finished work by the craftsman — the design, the form and the geometry, it’s hardly possible not to feel true aesthetic pleasure. Each detail, ledge, angle and facet on a brick is a result of his attentive work. Valery works with precision. “A good stove should be produced by a master who has the abilities of a designer, a builder, an architect and, naturally, a philosopher,” smiles Valery, whose personal philosophy as a stove-maker is to combine fire safety, durability, convenience and aesthetics in a single work. The approximate life of Valery’s stoves guarantees 30-40 years of uninterrupted service. “In modern days, nobody wants to have a Russian stove, as it’s impractical and takes up too much space,” he says. “Stove complexes are fashionable now. Moreover, a fireplace is a must. New times dictate new aesthetics and challenges. A stove-maker should always be in touch with his time.” According to Mr. Yefremov’s calculations, 1,200 bricks, 350kg of sand and 120kg of clay are used to make the stove, which he soon completes, in Milovidy. “It’s enough to create a classic furnace model for the Belarusian house,” the master adds. By Anatoly Kleshchuk

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A happy person is a healthy person Minsker Yelena Likhtarovich is a person anyone would love to get to know better when first meeting her. She has so much positive energy that it seems it spreads waves of light and warmth — involving all those around her.


Like us, she came to Minsk from Nattika — an Ayur vedic medical centre in Kerala, in southern India. That was three years ago. We got to know each other then and talked a great deal. We learnt that she had consciously chosen the profession of a massage therapist but also needed to improve her own health. “It’s actually very difficult for me to find a good massage therapist at home: I have high standards!” she admitted. It was only later, when I had met her several times in one of Minsk’s salons — that I felt personally the work of her sensitive, intelligent and kind hands. As happens in our journalistic profession, when you are fascinated by a professional person, it’s natural to want to present them to the readers.

Grandmother Yadviga and exam in biology

Yelena, you remember when we were on the way home from Cochin, I saw you help an elderly Japanese


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woman in Abu Dhabi airport. She felt ill and I will never forget how you quickly provided first aid to her and then called the doctor… Where does this quality come from? You are ready to help others and all the time keen to learn something new and expand your horizons… It pro b ab l y c om e s f rom my grandmother, Yadviga. I loved her. She was a unique person. She loved nature and paid close attention to everything. She could read people well and got along with everyone. I spent every summer and most weekends in the village where they lived with my grandfather Mikhail. My grandparents had a huge plot of 75 acres with a big old garden and lots of flowers. Along with my two sisters, we loved to play there. The village of Novinki is a picturesque corner of Belarus situated 21km from Minsk. It is surrounded by a birch grove on one side and a pine forest and fields on the other. My grandmother often took me to the forest to tell me about the pagan

gods. The first story that stuck in my memory was the legend of a fern flower. I was very close to my grandmother, she would tell me stories of people’s lives which sounded like fairy tales to me. I was also interested in cooking. It’s impossible to ‘repeat’ her dishes: food was cooked on the open fire. No electric stove could make food like hers. I watched carefully, for example, how to bake bread with meat inside. I remember my grandmother telling me how her grandmother cooked this dish. She told me how to make flour or butter. The latter was ‘beaten’ in an old-fashioned way in a special wooden container with your hands. My grandmother also cured people. I saw how she treated shock or sores: a person sat close to her and she quietly read a prayer… Apparently, she was born with that gift: to help people. Probably, my abilities come from there. My curiosity for life and thirst for knowledge are endless. When I see how well a person does something, I want to learn it. We are now sitting

L here with you but I’m watching how the barista makes coffee… Did you deliberately choose the path of a massage therapist, which is not an easy thing to do? I came to medicine in an incredible way, with no special plans. In high school, when my mother asked me about my future profession I simply had no idea. I was surrounded by doctors in my family, however, my aunt is a dentist and my uncle is an eye surgeon. I thought that I could hardly join the medical sphere. I had a friend who wanted to go to medical school but she’s not very good at biology. After our ninth year at school, she asked me whether I could help her pass the entrance exams and write an exam in biology along with her. We went to the college. After passing two exams, we had the biology test. I prepared notes to help her with the questions, but my friend was so worried that she couldn’t read anything of what I had written for her. As a result, she failed. In turn, I passed the biology exam and was through. I came home and told my family that I had entered Medical College. Everyone laughed, and my mother told me, “Well, you can start studying now.” So, I started to master medicine. How did you study? Those were hard times. We had to learn the programme of 10th and 11th school grades in a single year, then focused on anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, Latin… I still cannot understand how I was able to absorb so much information. It went to bed at 3-4am and got up at 6am. I learnt about massage during the last year of my studies. Our anatomy teacher gathered a group of us who knew anatomy thoroughly to study massage therapy. My parents paid for my studies and I was encouraged that I would be able to help my family members. I practised massage even before that class: massaging my mother’s friends who suffered from scoliosis and osteochondrosis. I was sent to

work at the Minsk Endocrinology Centre but, while working there, I continued visiting those who needed me. In the course of time, my client base grew — including my sister’s friends who wished to get rid of cellulite. My skill was polishing, and I was later offered a job at a Minsk beauty salon. It focused on figure correction with the use of medical devices and was in search of a doctor. This procedure is better combined with massage, so the director allowed me to work. This is how my journey to the profession of a massage therapist started. I began attending courses of aromatherapy and special seminars which presented professional cosmetics for massage…

When ‘thick skin’ doesn’t grow And what about the Endocrinology Centre? While working at the Endocrinology Centre, I mastered all kinds of medical professions at a good level: I worked with a surgeon, a therapist, a diabetic doctor and in a treatment room. I liked it very much. I was sympathetic to the sick but also noticed a different attitude. Initially, the stiffness of endocrine doctors shocked me but, I soon began to understand them. The doctor cannot endlessly sympathise: over time, compassion is exhausted


when up to 40 patients are consulted daily. There is great psychological stress. Those suffering from diabetes have a specific behaviour: they are unhappy with their lives since they need to inject insulin five times a day and their kidney disease is progressing. I heard many stories and it was also morally difficult. Perhaps, I was not ready for that and felt that I would fail. At some point I realised I did not want to be so stressed. I had two options: to learn to be an unfeeling ‘tool’ in the system or to leave. I decided to remain in medicine, to help people with their problems but not work in a medical institution. You had to work for three years at the centre, as part of your post-graduation obligation… I did. I had a wonderful team and I was happy to go to work. After those three years, I entered the Minsk Medical University’s Dentistry Department but, on September 1st at my first lecture, I took my documents back. True, this seems strange, but my thinking was that I would have limited possibilities to polish my massage skills and would be unable to help my family. My older sister Natasha was studying, and my little sister Galina was a schoolgirl then, while my parents had small salaries. My mother worked at the Horizont Plant and my dad worked at the Tractor Works’ foundry

Before receiving a visitor

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workshop. We lived very modestly. I also thought I would be unable to travel — which was my great passion. Do you love your life now? When working with a human body, you probably get tired. Bodies differ, and people are different. The wrong type of client may come to you. I am happy with my life. I like the human body as this is a universal

others, although there is the opinion that others’ experience does not work for yourself. Naturally, I also make mistakes but, thanks to my clients’ stories about themselves, I can understand myself better. I must deal with people who are in a poor state. I remember a lady who suddenly became depressed when she realised how old she was. I asked her, “How

how she once danced. She found a dancing course and went, then began going abroad. Fans appeared, and the woman realised that she was good… After hearing this, my client was impressed; she began attending English language courses and courses on style — working on herself. She now laughs when I ask her about her depression. All male and female stories pass through me and I share them when I need to cheer up someone.

I am happy with my life. I like the human Luxury of human body as this is a universal tool that was relations created by nature. Everything is Does it mean that, apart harmonious in it. I see no from massage, you are offering psychotherapeutic services? mistakes in any body. This is psychotherapy for me as tool that was created by nature. Everything is harmonious in it. I see no mistakes in any body. True, people might have problems, but these can be solved. I never think about the human body as something ugly or wrong, but I do get tired since this is physical work. However, my body is used to it: it’s like an athlete practising for many hours. There is one unique factor: I’m visited by my own clients, there are no strangers. I’ve been working for fifteen years and all my time is scheduled for regular customers. They are grateful to me and I feel their gratitude. This is the energy that compensates me. Energy is being exchanged and it’s like a perpetual motion machine. As a result, I rarely feel tired; I feel satisfaction. I’m so pleased to see a person smiling, starting to look good, recovering. Some people’s life changes as they get rid of pain and start loving themselves. All my clients like to talk to me and share problems. They consult me and, thanks to that, I’m gaining my own vast experience. I even get to learn from the mistakes of


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can you think like that, at the age of 55, you are beautiful, healthy and your life is not bad at all?” I then told her a story of the mother of one of my clients who began to live at the age of 55. Until then, the woman ‘existed’ in a difficult marriage for many years. She raised two daughters and remembered

well. I also experience inner problems. I h av e t w o t e e n a g e d au g ht e r s : Victoria is in the 9th grade and Valeria the 8th. My husband Dmitry is a programmer — but has enough worries in his business. My mother Raisa lives with us. Sometimes a client comes and shares a story which is like mine and helps me find a way out of a problem situation. Communication

Selfie with a family in Venice

L with people, with your family and friends is the most valuable thing that can happen in life. Especially, if these people can listen and hear you. The human body is a creative process of nature which needs to be treated artistically. Massage is an important variation of this approach to the body. Do our citizens understand this, in your opinion? Can we say that they have the culture of massage as Indians, for example, have? Well, in India, this culture has been evolving over centuries — starting with the Ayurvedic system based on treatment with massage, herbs, roots, oils, minerals and even metals. However, in modern India, massage is a type of health activity — apart from treatment used in clinics and sports. My clients have already begun to understand it. Around five years ago, I noticed how they were surprised on learning that the massage should be done on a regular basis — either independently or with the help of a specialist. There was a stereotypical view that it’s enough to undergo a course of massage, improve one’s health, receive medical treatment and successfully forget about massage for a year. At some point I realised mys elf that this was the wrong approach. True, the back is treated, but, in a year, a person needs a massage again, like daily teeth cleaning. A massage therapist — who deals with the body — sees all problems, kneads it and removes stress factors. It’s enough to undergo a massage at least once a month as the systematic approach is needed. I’m visited with enviable constancy: some come once a week, some once a fortnight and some once a month. They understand that consistency is more profitable and cheaper. They do not neglect their bodies and therefore feel much better. Many people come, lie down on a massage table and — excuse the rough comparison — behave like Pavlov’s dogs: switch on their reflex to relax. The massage culture already

During lessons in Bangkok

exists in our society but, of course, not everyone understands this — which is related to finances and the search for a proper specialist. For example, some have tried a traditional Thai massage in Thailand or Ayurveda in Kerala and, when home, they start searching for a similar level of massage.

Massage as art As far as I understand, the aesthetics of massage is important in our society. Last September, we hosted the 7th Belarusian Championship in Spa Massage… Massage is an art and I am pleased that we are moving in that direction. In addition to pleasant feelings, patients might view massage as a process of dancing round the body. Previously, massage therapists used to damage themselves by working with patients. Their joints began to ache over time and little attention was paid to the specialist’s safety. Currently, such professionals are taught how to work with their body, how to correctly use their feet and move the body weight on knees and hip joints. The process itself looks very nice. Have you ever taken part in such championships? Six years ago, I was invited to participate in a spa championship in


Moscow, at the famous school of Yelena Zemskova. I was placed fourth and I was nervous as the level was high. I got interesting experience and met many experts from Russia, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal. First place was taken by a Moscow therapist. Overall, 180 people took part. I’ve heard massage therapists are now moving away from the harsh treatment of a body… I’m against aggression in massage. To fe el p ain b e c aus e of it is a misconception. This is a huge stress to the body. Any deep problem can be solved delicately. If you gently knead the muscles, the body starts to let you in. It ceases to be closed and you can get to any joint or bone… As far as I know, you are constantly improving your massage qualifications in different countries? I began touring when I felt that I lacked oxygen in the profession. I learned everything I could in Belarus, attended many seminars: different coaches can learn something. It’s possible to find something new even if you re-visit a seminar. Initially, I began to study in Moscow and Kiev. When you’re constantly looking for ne w ch a l l e nge s to i mprove your professional skills, proposals come in and information appears as if by itself. You can then begin to choose where to go. I visited a Spa Industry Congress in Italy — representing a huge layer of knowledge, ranging from devices, cosmetics and appearance of a massage therapist. I went to Spain. I wanted to visit this country after a course of hiro-massage in Moscow. Spain is the birthplace of hiro-massage. What is its main feature? It’s softness and delicacy. This is a relaxing massage technique when each part of the body is massaged, without a hurry. The process takes 3-4 hours. While gently plunging into human tissue, a massage therapist works on problem areas — removing the stagnation of lymph and blood and liquidating spasms. The founder of this беларусь. belarus 2018



ifestyle my own manner of communication with a human body; it depends on what the body needs at the time. Sometimes I practice a particular type of massage but, in most cases, I apply my own individual massage when my regular clients come. I know what they like and what part of the body needs more intensity, and vice versa. As a rule, I ask them nothing: I simply feel them. I ‘read’ the body.

As if a lotus flower

Master class in pictorial art

technique was Enrique Garcia Castells who does not lecture any longer. I attended his classes. The main branch of his school is in Barcelona and I went there last summer. I learnt new techniques combining eastern and classical massage practices. By mixing styles, a therapist is free to use around 100 techniques. Is it your best area of study? The best took place in Thailand in 2006. I lived there for a month, learning traditional Thai massage which is a completely different massage technique. When observing from the side, it seems a therapist performs a unique dance — jumping and fluttering… It’s like manual therapy but painless, comfortable and immersing a person in deep relaxation. In Thailand, I encountered the culture of this country. The culture of Thai massage and therapists is very deep and is a kind of philosophy. Our morning began at the temple of Wat Pho: The Temple


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of the Reclining Buddha. We touched the Buddha, recited prayers and were tuned to work with a human body. We could touch our patients only in that spiritualised state. There was not much theory; it lasted for a couple of days. However, our practice continued for three weeks. All our teachers were experienced and old: mine was 72 years old but I did not even realise: the lady was strong and youthful. Our group was the first European group of foreign students at that school, which is located at the homonymous church. Thai massage envisages ancient techniques and the wall of the temple are covered with frescoes depicting the human body, meridians and different points… Do you use different techniques to massage? Or have you developed your own individual approaches? It’s hard for me to classify massages. I noticed around five years ago that I don’t use a primary massage technique. I’ve developed my own approach and

What does it mean to feel the body? Many people do not even want to hear their body. Some experience fear and some have no idea that the body can send a message not only with pain. When I work with a patient, I ask sometimes: go to the belly. This means: right your mind, listen, feel what is happening there. People should not be afraid to scan their bodies and admit that something is aching. It’s important to take care of the body: we only have one. We can keep it healthy, which includes sports, proper nutrition, examinations and scans. What would you call your massage? I’ve never thought of this. However, now — when asked — I’m having a thought about the lotus flower. When I work with a human body, it seems that it blossoms like a flower. It is relaxing, and the fluids are circulating. While traveling, do you forget about your profession? It’s impossible to forget it as I always see human bodies. I also see their problems. Most of my friends l ive i n d i f fe re nt c ou nt r i e s . My younger sister lives in Denmark, in Copenhagen, and I have friends in France, Serbia and Germany. I also have a couple of friends in Turkey; they are ethnic Turks. I fell in love with Turkey as soon as I got there; I’m now talking not of the seaside but of Istanbul. When I went there for the first time, the city conquered me; this connection is spiritual, on an energy

L level. I feel at home there. I’ve never been lost in the city and I’ve never met any bad people in Istanbul. My friends have introduced me to the culture and traditions of Turkey and I can act as a guide already. Our daughters Victoria and Valeria are already accustomed to going abroad. We’ll go to Milan for their autumn holidays. They have been travelling with us since childhood. After Milan, I will take my mother to Tbilisi for three days. This is my present for her birthday. Does your mother love travel? I can’t say that she’s used to the culture of travelling. My mother worked a great deal, at the Horizont Plant’s stamping workshop. The work was hard, and we were not well off. I worked during my summer holidays from the age of 14. My aunt ran a grocery store; she employed me to pack cookies, halvah, butter and cheese. The following year, she allowed me to work in the sales area. I was proud of my job and did my work well. As a Medical College student, I also worked at my aunt’s store during the summer holidays. My mother also worked there after retiring from Horizont. She used to refuse when I asked her to go somewhere. However, after she visited my sister in Copenhagen, she returned home with delight: my mother had eventually seen the world. She loves to spend her summer in the countr yside, planting seeds. It’s hard to take her somewhere in summer but everything differs in autumn…

Dancing in the rain You’re the type of person who watches life with great interest and enjoys life, aren’t you? I remember a conversation I heard between two people. One of them says: ‘How can I enjoy life if there are only problems around me?’ The other responds: ‘You should understand that life is given to us not to wait until the rain is over but to learn to dance in the rain’. It seems

to me that you’ve learnt to dance in the rain… True. I especially admire people who do things well. I also want to try everything. I feel a kind of inexplicable hunger to learn something new. Previously, it was not usual for adults to take classes in ceramics or painting, for example, howe ver, cre at ive expression is natural for a person. A woman I know well began sewing dolls at the age of 30; they resembled her friends. I asked her to make a doll for me, providing a photo only. I like to make a bowl or a cup with my own hands, or to paint a picture. The last time I went to Istanbul, I presented a graceful ceramic leaf of Monstera (an indoor plant) to my friends. They did not believe that it was done by me. In turn, I give the pictures which I drew at my classes to my friends. I am happy when people like my work. I also practice singing. I used to think that singing is a birth-given talent but now I know that good singing is a matter of time and perseverance. My teacher showed me videos made a decade ago and from recently — to convince me that I’m able to sing beautifully. After watching them, I saw how her voice, its strength and beauty were changing. Of course, I’m not going to conquer the pop stage but I’m already able to sing a song for someone I love, which I did as a present for my husband Dmitry. Our friends and family were shocked. I remember how my hands were shaking with excitement and I could not sing properly: I chose ‘The Day Has Gone’ by Anzhelika Varum which is not easy, but I managed it. My new desire is to master the piano. I’ve been dreaming of this for several years and sooner or later, I’ll find a teacher and master the instrument. Do I teach my children to express themselves creatively? They see the way I live If you do it yourself, your kids follow. According to Ayurveda, a happy person is always healthy. Interviewed by Valentina Zhdanovich


Yelena’s Turkish friends. Istanbul

With Hovard Wang, a master in Prana Dynamics from Taiwan

In the streets of Cochin. India

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Architecture of the soul Director Emir Kusturica tells us about the peculiarities of his own creativity and shares his thoughts about Belarus


ndoubtedly, the personality of Emir Kusturica is a landmark for those keen on cinematography, commonly regarded as a legend or the ‘Balkan Fellini’. His cinema premieres always gather full houses, while famous artistes admit that they dream of taking a role in his philosophical and experimental pictures. This year, Vitebsk hosted a festival: as part of the 27th International Slavianski Bazaar Festival of Arts, the talented director has come to Belarus to present his story ‘On the Milk Road’ in the city over the Dvina River and to please guests of the festival with a concert — together with Goran — his former teammate and now rival. After the festival, the concert by Bregović and Kusturica was recognised as the most sold-out. His drama ‘On the Milk Road’, impressed all the viewers. It may be said that the Vitebsk audience isn’t completely

ready for such serious cinema, choosing nowadays more entertaining areas of cinematography. However, this didn’t disappoint the director. For him, cinema, as he said when meeting the spectators, is a unique, ‘golden key’ for constant creative self-realisation, therefore, the director has no doubts that it will be in demand by the audience, as always; maybe, not so large an audience as he would like but some will understand that cinema isn’t simply shots on the screen, but a deep emotional picture which reveals the most important themes about the existence of a person and the world as a whole. “Cinematography is currently experiencing the strong influence of Hollywood,” admits Emir Kusturica with some bitterness. “I don’t know what will happen in the next decade, but I believe that this type of cinema will remain forever, since its goal is to touch deep inside the soul, to arouse strong emotions and feelings and to make us think.”

A shot from the film ‘On the Milk Road’


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P ‘On the Milk Road’ tells a story of love of a soldier who returns from war and a young girl who was waiting for him. Emir Kusturica — director and scriptwriter — played the major character while the major female role was played by Italian star Monica Bellucci. It may appear that such different actors can hardly fit the story but Emir Kusturica is known for his ability to fit a square peg into a round hole. During the meeting, the director noted that this film was very difficult and long for him. He also described how Monica Bellucci, whose acting experience is truly impressive, was very concerned about her role and, at the end of shooting, admitted that she had never had more complex work than that with Kusturica. The director himself compared his direction with an architectural process, “A film is a construction which people feel with their souls while a director is an architect of the soul. To make a sharp focussed film, a director, as an architect of the soul, should build each acting area, should be able to analyse, draw parallels and embody them in images and details. I can’t understand it when new films appear, and each shot is obvious. In my opinion, such an approach makes cinema art artificial and shallow.” The idea to screen the film in Vitebsk isn’t accidental. The director greatly enjoys Slavonic countries and has been to Russia many times, once even visiting the Listapad Film Festival in Minsk. He is attracted by Vitebsk as the city where Marc Chagall lived and worked. The director noted that only after visiting the city on the Dvina River did it become clear to him why Chagall’s works contain so much romanticism and lightness. “I like travelling and learning about the culture of various states. When I visit Slavonic countries I always have a feeling that I have come home. I go on the metro, look into human faces and feel that these are people close to me. Moreover, Belarus is also a close country in spirit; it’s a very beautiful state. I haven’t ever seen such cleanliness or breathed such air! Your nation has much to be proud of and to preserve. I was pleased to walk through Vitebsk’s suburbs and was astonished how calmly and slowly people walk and how nobody hurries anywhere. This is very attractive, and I will return to Belarus with great joy and, probably, will also visit other cities.” After the conversation with the director, there’s a feeling that the Balkan director has conquered Belarusian society not only by presenting his film and a musical concert, but also by his charisma and sincerity in relation to everything he does. The most important thing is not to see indifference in people’s eyes. Kusturica sincerely thanked Vitebsk for its warm acceptance of him. By Victoria Asker

ractical advice

`` New guide recommends


The three-minute guide to Minsk was placed on the Australian Internet resource ‘Traveller’, describing which places in the Belarusian capital should be visited and what should be tasted in local cafes and bars


he material, which was entitled by the author as a three-minute guide through Minsk, notes that considering the visa-free regime for citizens of eighty countries, including Australia, now is the perfect time to visit Belarus. The Australian journalist says that Minsk is a clean and modern city with fashionable cafes, bars and galleries. At the same time, it has preserved much of the Soviet-era architecture but has a progressive edge. As it gears up to host the 2nd European Games 2019 and the World Ice Hockey Championships in 2021, the city is forging ahead, with new hotels, infrastructure, and entertainment options. The edition suggests visiting the Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the National Art Museum and the Miniature Museum that currently holds 18 unique miniatures of Belarus’ sights, but promises to increase their number to 70 models by 2022. To get to know Soviet-era architecture, the journalist suggests taking a stroll along Nezavisimosti Avenue. When you’re feeling hungry, you can go to a cafe to try ‘draniki’, or potato pancakes, the national dish served with homemade sausage, scrambled eggs and green onions. The author recommends partygoers visit lively Zybitskaya Street, known for its bars and restaurants. Those who want to buy forest berries, smoked meats, spices and nuts need to visit the Komarovka Market. The author recommends tourists stay at Hotel Monastyrsky housed in an historic building in the most atmospheric part of the old town. “Next door to the Holy Spirit Cathedral and steps away from the Svisloch River with its riverside cafes, paths and museums, you’d be hard pushed to find a better location,” the author says. The travel journalist was also impressed by Oktyabrskaya Street, where old warehouses were converted into a street-art quarter. To see Minsk from a bird’s eye view, one should ride the Ferris wheel in Gorky Park. According to the Australian journalist, there are two must-dos in Minsk. Firstly, she recommends trying Belarusian liquors, such as herb-infused balsams, and visiting a classic Soviet-style bar in the Tsentralny supermarket. Secondly, she highly recommends spending an evening at the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre — one of Europe’s biggest theatres. Based on BelTA materials

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Pavel Bas

Strong, bright, spectacular...

On the eve of the opening of the 86th theatrical season, the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus offers a preview of ‘Salome’ by Richard Strauss — a famous representative of German impressionism in music who began a new era; the performance was staged by chief director, Mikhail Pandzhavidze


It’s well known that Mikhail is a great supporter of landmark works. We are also aware that his operas are greatly appreciated by the public. To be honest, I’m also among his fans. Therefore, after the summer holiday, I went to my favourite theatre with delight, having previously attended a press conference for journalists where the plans of the Bolshoi Theatre were announced by the management team led by General Director, Vladimir Gridyushko.


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‘Salome’ is based on the eponymous opera and symphonic poem: ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’, with the participation of Russians, led by art director, Garry Gummel. These include scenography, costumes and development of the concept of video content (video artist — Pavel Suvorov, lighting designer — Sergey Shevchenko). The staging was overseen by Belarusians: People’s Artiste of Belarus, Konstantin Kuznetsov, Honoured Artiste of Belarus, Yulia Dyatko, and the conductor — Honoured

Artiste of Ukraine, Victor Ploskina. The latter conducted on the first night. The opera stunned the audience immediately as soon as the curtain opened; with its grandeur, scope, and cinematic theme. It was hard to resist the desire to applaud. Everyone froze in anticipation and the music which followed embraced the audience in a tremendously beautiful and complex way. It seems to me — to understand and feel it, it’s necessary to have not only a music ear but also to know about the

т art of music. It was not for nothing that Mikhail Pandzhavidze, in an interview with my colleague, said that the music of Richard Strauss gives enormous growth opportunities for Belarusian artists and orchestra: it’s the summit which is always interesting to conquer. Has the opera troupe of the Bolshoi Theatre managed to ‘conquer’ it? I believe it has. After the performance, there was a joyful feeling and a desire to attend the premiere in October — staged with a new line-up, with all possible mistakes erased which are natural in a preview. The show demonstrates two worlds: the spiritual world represented by the prophet of God — Baptist Iokanaan, and the secular world — on Irod’s ship. The ship itself appears as if from another dimension. On the deck, there are strange people who resemble characters from Hitchcock films: their coats, camouflage, the bare backs of courtesans… There’s a half-mad Irod in a wheelchair and his wife Herodias — who is masculine and power-hungry. During this cacophony of sounds, a girl dressed in white clothes is lost. She resembles a doll and she is Salome — performed by Tatiana Tretiak… As some of the media has already commented, she sings and plays Salome fervently, passionately, giddily. It seems that all her life she had been waiting for this role, though in the past, she has performed Senta, Tatiana, Leonora,

Violetta and Lady Macbeth — among others. We’ll let the theatre critics and music experts conduct a detailed analysis of the opera; in the course of time, they’ll eventually consider all the directing techniques and everything else that makes the play integral and relevant to the Bolshoi Theatre stage. When a child is making its first steps, we are extremely pleased. Over time, as it grows, so does its skill. The same is happening in the theatre: a play must grow stronger and gain strength. I would rather speak of the history of this work of genius. Opera connoisseurs


know that its entry into the repertoire of the theatre was thorny. It’s known that Richard Strauss composed his ‘Salome’ based on the tragedy of the same name by Oscar Wilde over a hundred years ago. The play was premiered in Dresden and was booed in 1905. In Russia, it was also perceived with hostility: the Holy Synod banned its production. It was only in 1924, that the opera appeared in the Mariinsky Theatre’s repertoire. Since then, many years have passed, but the love story of the renowned girl in connection with the Prophet and its brutal ending — the head on a silver plate — never ceases to excite artists’ imaginations and passion for the biblical story. Interestingly, the directorproducer, Mikhail Pandzhavidze, respects the tradition of the Christian Orthodox faith and has even taken the performance for a blessing some time ago. Currently, ‘Salome’ is being staged at Moscow’s Novaya Opera Theatre and the Mariinsky Theatre of St. Petersburg, led by maestro Gergiev — a cavalier of several church orders, including the Order of St. Prince Daniil Moskovsky. A production is planned in the near future at the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia. So, we will wait patiently for the premiere at the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus. By Valentina Zhdanovich

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Apples of our life

It’s enough just to drive from the Minsk-Brest highway to the neighbouring road — leading to Stolbtsy, Nesvizh and Kletsk — to smell the apples, while passing the streets of nearby villages and suburbs. The smell is there even if the car windows are closed. It subtly makes its way through all other aromas.


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he traces of apple ‘invasion’ are everywhere: branches of trees bend through the fences of front gardens, and apples fall directly onto the road. This year is extremely fruitful. Walking into the old garden in the village of Yatskovshchina near Kletsk, Ivan Bunin’s ‘antonovka’ comes to mind: the scent of these native ‘antonovka’ apples is extremely strong…

‘Bely naliv’ for an old sea dog It’s worth seeing how this former sea captain holds in his hands a ‘bely naliv’ apple — as if it’s something precious. He does not bite into it immediately, but firstly delights in its shape, then smells it and turns it in hands — while tasting the smooth surface of the fruit. He once again inhales its sweet aroma and smiles — remembering his younger days, his home town in Ukraine and his childhood in the Cossack village of Pushkari in Chernigov — where apples are plentiful… However, he says, the ‘bely naliv’ apples grew only in his neighbour’s garden, but this did not stop him enjoying it, as the branches bent into his own and generously fell onto the rows of potatoes. During our first meeting, Piotr Ryabko told me that a seedling of the ‘bely naliv’ apple tree won’t grow in the small garden in his London house. Along with his wife Gina, he tried to grow a tree but failed. Gina Kalla was a well-known journalist in the past but is now retired like her husband. With Piotr, they are true ‘people of the world’. They travelled around the world in their yacht and lived in it near a small fishing village in Venezuela. At present, they leave their London apartment in winter and go to Chile. Gina’s son lives there in Concepcion, with his family and the couple stay in a small house until

May. “We love warmth all year round,” Piotr admits. From time to time, he comes to Belarus where his father, a front-line soldier, is buried in a mass grave near Gomel in the village of Davydovka. This summer, along with their daughter Yelena — who lives in Latvia — and sister Valentina (on holiday from Ukraine), they have come to visit it. They later visited Minsk and stayed with her six years ago in Yatskovshchina where the ‘bely naliv’ trees in the garden gave them great pleasure. They even took a few cuttings to plant, but they did not survive in England. Piotr does not give up hope and has recently written that he is again looking on the Internet to find out whether this apple tree can be bought in English nurseries.

‘Shtrifel’ for a cosmonaut While this piece was being written, Minsk was hosting the Planetary Congress of Association of Space Explorers. My husband Ivan — who is also my colleague — attended the meeting of students of the BSU’s Biology Faculty with the cosmonauts: Shannon Lucid from the USA and Anton Shkaplerov from Russia. Five years ago, Belarusians in Sevastopol, where he was born, told Ivan that Mr. Shkaplerov was a Belarusian.

Anton Shkaplerov

While visiting the University, Ivan took ‘shtrifel’ apples to present to the cosmonaut after the meeting. As Ivan told Mr. Shkaplerov, apples are associated with home for him. Moreover, the apple is a symbol of man's comprehension of the laws of gravity. They remind him of the great Newton and the Year of the Native Land in Belarus. Mr. Shkaplerov accepted the present with gratitude, saying, “Never hesitate to say that you are Belarusians. I tell everyone: I’m not Russian: I live in Russia but I’m Belarusian.” He also mentioned the small homeland of his forefathers: the village of Kipyachi in the Mogilev Region’s Bykhov District where his parents were born. The apple, it seems, has turned out to be a symbol of the small homeland.

‘Paradise’ apples from childhood

Piotr Ryabko

Apples of childhood are something special — like everything else in a big world which was a surprise every day: беларусь. belarus 2018


especially the jam we made from them. While studying, I learnt that apples combine the best mixture of useful elements in comparison w it h ot he r f r u it s . No wond e r Englishmen say: ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. We used to eat apples together during school breaks. I also remember how we used pens to make ‘hedgehogs’ from ‘antonovka’ apples.

There are many stories about apples It’s enough just to search Google to learn that cave people ate the same apples which are among our most common fruits in modern times. As Ivan says, many years ago, Yatskovshchina apples were taken to Moscow and Leningrad for sale. He recollects how large trucks came to pick tonnes of apples. Today, the trucks come from Kletsk to buy apples from

just a few residents of the village. The fruit is taken for processing directly to the Kletsk Cannery — which is the largest supplier of canned baby food, juices, mashed potatoes and other high-quality goods made from apples, carrots and other vegetables and fruits in Belarus. The enterprise launched in 1896, producing treacle, starch, alcohol, jam and cucumbers, e nj oy i n g hu g e s u c c e s s a m o n g consumers and even sold in Warsaw. The abovementioned cannery, it is said, was begun on the estate of Prince Radziwill. At t h e we e ke n d, we’ l l on c e again visit our small homeland of Yatskovshchina — to gather the apples. I guess, ‘antonovka’ are ‘shtrifel’ are already ripe and waiting to be picked. I’m keen to think about where a seedling of the ‘paradise’ apple tree — popular in my small homeland — could be planted. By Valentina Zhdanovich

Alisa Gungor

there was so much discovery in those years — such as ladybirds, beetles, butterflies, caterpillars… As my friend once said, the days were long and did not go quickly, as they rush past in adult life. Apples keep a sense of mystery and mag ic. The Biblica l stor y about the forbidden fruit is the best example: it’s impossible to understand it in a lifetime. As my grandmother Katya used to say, the sun leaves its power in apples; this power enters the person who then eats it. I remember how I sat under the ‘paradise’ apple tree in Podgornaya Street of Volchansk (a district centre in the Kharkov Region) and couldn’t understand h ow Ev a c o u l d bit e t h i s t i ny y e l l ow i s h - re d ap p l e w i t h h e r large mouth. My grandmother laughed and showed me the ‘antonovka’ tree, with large apples. I loved ‘paradise’ apples the most,


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Photo by Valentina Zhdanovich


in heart of europe ), 2018

No. 8 (1019








ISSN 2415

e nomy. Cultur

Politics. Eco


No. 7

, 2018 (1018) Belarus сь.








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