Belarus (magazine #7 2019)

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Magazine for you

No. 07 (1030), 2019 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

From the centre of Europe to Central Asia Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Uzbekistan as a new point of expanding cooperation between the two countries

Newspaper from Belarus

Голас Радзімы edition of the “Голас Радзімы” is available at

The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read Газета з БелаРусі

Голас Радзімы Голас Радзімы панядзелак, 15 ліпеня, 2019

Выдаецца з 1955 года l

l № 13 (3601) l

l панядзелак, 15 ліпеня, 2019

Выданне “Голас Радзімы” чытайце на паРтале


19 20 я,




Хоць другія Еўрапейскія гульні закончыліся, але застаюцца вялікім 19 сП 20 ар я,святам у нашай памяці і сэрцах Т ен


р чэ

Стар. 5






Беларуская спявачка заваявала Гран-пры на прэстыжным дзіцячым конкурсеР

а лт

Сц На эн кал цыры а ве я 9 мо 0 т ніі рціц он ад вы кры ца сок цц , а а я Бе


,1 ер



а За




! й яча шуем зіц ь д . Він вал аткай ы т э фес лаўр дны ай аро ран іжн эб І М го сяр ІІ V я X на ла ла ста еха ы і ры віч ы п Кліма р мЕ а я ў ам ” ТАленТы з ДыЯспАры Пл з С лка Су ец чо бін я п Глу лата скія ета ці “За беларуу й мам­а­ в а к Ліз рчас еты —а бацье дву4х гадын. а Дзяўчынкаю ўбірала яна ў сябе тво ізав ані п а ма 3 і луча зя­

Ба ёд м дкі о л Са Мацыёлы дляПеспадарыні Ліліі









Пом­ніц­ца,­ і­ мне­ пе­ра­мо­гі­ аб не мро­і­ла­ся,­ка­лі­ў­тры­га­ды­баць­кі­ л ма н і ўсё ад­да­лі­ мя­не­ на­ мас­тац­кую­ гім­ цВ гчы ав , ва ча by Бе нас­ты­ку.­ Пэў­на,­ ма­мін­ до­свед­ нем:­пе­ра­маг­чы­ся­бе,­аб­ста­ві­ны,­ l ра a. ма ат з Ту ялы 8 імі­ ру­хаў,­ і­ да­рэ­чы­ ў­ жыц­ці­ ёй­ су­пер­ні­каў. zd а Ста е! ia Ад а Ка Стар. прый­шоў­ся.­ Га­доў­ шэсць­ я­ бы­ т р. 2 v z д ла­ ў­ дзі­ця­чым­ спор­це.­ Згад­ваю­ Як раней было — не будзе зе гул ІІ ле ча­сам­ ат­мас­фе­ру­ спарт­за­лы­ з­ яе­ Ку­паль­ская­ ні ра,­Еў у­ якую­ 21 ьпа­ Га вяр та д радру­ ч Р ве­ л і­ з ар­ н ым­зя­ л ё­ н ым­ды­ в а­ н ом,­на­ Мінск,­ уся­ кра­ і ­ н а­ жы­ л і­ г і­ м і­ р ж ш п э ру” ы л д р ве ста ей с о Дм . Трра­пей­ па а сяс“кі­ кіяпа­ р та 21­ Т в о р ­ч ы­ якім­ увесь­ час­ бе­га­лі­раз­мі­на­лі­ які Еў­ гуль­ і­ (з­ нь нн ня­ эк не ства ы ні­ зе ям . э р а в а ам дыве­нс тя),­ па в чэр­ а лі аяк­азмя­ ы ем с Ун і­л )l фо­рум­ —­ ся­рас­цяг­ва­лі­ся­ ў­ шпа­гат­ “мас­ Гуль30­ кі ц а не­ гэа­ маю­ е 99 ен фо ня і нен з ыю з фет а ” ў М та ды ты лІ? ус шч пры кім тач­кі”.­ Гэ­та­ быў­ асоб­ны­ су­свет,­ ў,м а­свя­ ня адзін­ са­ (35 ё не гадсо­маасць.­Як­за­ пал “По ін скубыць­вы­ Чу лар таў прад якія каўс Ян румса­ йц 11 ба­ пекі­еўна­ лы агонь­ ну эмо­ , ош не з н а ­к а ­в ы х­ асоб­ная­ вя­лі­кая­ сям’я.­ Там­ свае­ ра ж а ад со­ № ць н ь ваццый,­ м за­ та р а н ра ппейал­ Бе Паяллістыафта”емірэн экорд пра­ l м ь аа­ яат­ ыт ыраць­ Ап аданаіла ы ск так­ а зса­м ў а­ брэн­даў,­па­ ват,­ска­за­ла­б,­“за­ктро­ан ды­ го і­мас­фе­ру­ н хо д бяы,­ напецы русн на С тным вілі рання гра­вві­і­тла­ы,­на­ на ы ц ую зіць ад а і спа ак ры нь, ”ч ж іх хно най­л свя­ якім­ве­да­юць­Бе­ла­русь­у­све­це.­ р точ­нас­ці,­ доб­ Грсюд­ Ле ыю паў­ ы у Ач ыш­ С ела юць нса ста дж цы цыі”.­ Чым­ да­лей­ кро­ М ра р. 7 э цы ка ра н ім пій тыў ц ці я т с н а ў е ім э Б н о у м “Сла­вян­скі­ ба­зар­ у­ Ві­цеб­ску”­ пзыч­люі­вас­яці?­ Але­ыж­ не­ толь­ іх ра­ шубольш­ “ ац нд , п ах іне й мепа­тозя­лё­ным­ ды­ва­не,­ тым­ агнстэр д Ал ер шы . А мі ў ска га Ю Ста дз — чу­ аві­а­еш:­ тваё­ звы­чай­ннаае­ пр зака ішчы і пр кра лова ю ад­ стаў­свя­ т ам­друж­ б ы­і­ўза­ е ­ м а­ р а­ жыц­ кі­ гэ­ т а…­ Мне­ ўда­ л о­ с я­ ад­ ч уць,­ ім р . н а С н а ю к т м с ы та­ У чы Р ій с юн а­ га дов касц ва у з па ацы ацё­за­ ў пмож­ яка еяк­ лім та ды б, е­ ы мло­ся­за­вок­на­нмАі,­яно­ця­ хо­дзіць­ ся­бе­ зу­мен­ня,­за­явіў­Прэ­зі­дэнт­Бе­ла­ к адпе­чр на­ўзы­ с а ра хут він тры луат ю в здаб сіта­ я да пій ё не я бы 1928 іх гу р а дзі ую а рав к алі нае.­Гля­дказіш­на­ру­ ха­ “Д звы­ Як­ гоную.­ ла чай­ ла ў н скіх л ка­жуць­ у­ та­кіх­ ру­сі­ на­ цы­ры­мо­ніі­ ўра­чыс­та­га­ па ідра го за эксп шын а пўжо­не­кра­ в а­ у дзе ль ня і стаках:­та­ на нр сы­як­ней­ тр а ма кгу на п ўад­ Го св Уся на ў ўпер равін цвых­дзяў­ ь б буда чры­ х і­ ывы­ ду,­як­ ад­крыц­ця­XXVІІІ­Між­на­род­на­ . кой­ужо­не­бу­ м емн­ак,­і­ўнут­ ы пей н ня ў ук цы дэр н ль няў ма” ноў л Ча­ і е“ вчыык­за­ тотор­ дзе ося я свід леж шма­ га­фес­ т ы­ в а­ л ю­мас­ т ац­ т ваў.­Сё­ л е­ в о­ д зіц­ ц а.­Ён­да­ п а­ м а­ ра­ н ей.­І,­пэў­ яш ен на­ж,­па­доб­ныя­па­ а е ы і ­ і н ы м с с к в з р а а л за іх к 1 ч а а а ў бы ов н , в л 98 чэ а н дп ап ма­пе­ к яс рУа­міха­ г 0 ра­ гаць­стом­ д жы­ваю­не­толь­кі­я­—­ та­ў­фэс­це­ўдзель­ні­ча­юць­прад­ ляю ьны х l а зн пра , прса­ і: ці­пе­ у 50 ла ачуц­ ад — н экорд фты” нгае­мне­так­ н да е эры гадныс тыта лі 198 ль ня кра і д зе н у го да а таў ал іча да не . Р усна №72 уле­ ц штур­ н 0 хоў­ но­тоау.­Пад­ а сканасць,­ля­ ў вае:­н усе,­хто­да­ , кра­нуў­ся­да­Свя­та,­да­ стаў­ні­кі­больш­чым­40­кра­ін. адс фін імав . ла го Вы энд йвы рабл нсдур­ Мы аго­м го 201 ва к ідэя о вай пр у газуелар іну елар яшчэ,­ л ец 55 о 9 ім трош­кі,­ ну­ дяшчэ­ Агню­са­ На­ ўра­чыс­тас­ці­ 11­га­до­вая­ м а­ўдас­ка­на­лен­ня. ў т нану­ яшчэ­ гап ваю 19 на ён, ў К бін ” — ­ “Б ідрав ы. Б гло ыку лікаў, ла1 р75 п 1ій09: ядз нь за зе ў го да л Еў яд­ а за год рэгі алю Глу олка ім бе . На­ .і ввы­ ра­пя­рэ­дад­ні­ Гуль­няў­ я­ бра­ шэй­ Ксе­нія­ Га­лец­кая,­ што­ за­ва­я­ аз едзь с ка ес рйказ­ пал ці­ Ме наз блан. 4 св вішч рама кра­ х ’е цпцр аушто­ азчзік…­ а раз ыКаб­ ”, цц ьв ла рла­ лежэй,­ад­ін­ ж е іцацз ш 00 кі ыв ет пч ны р ра гна фч­ эм — 4 ых­—­не­ад­ до ва пе ы за даў­ стаць,­ ва­ла­ Гран­пры­ Між­на­род­на­га­ у ін­тэр­вІг’ю­ д ан тар 20 марс Фест Лізав тая роз , сузо нага ае а ра ў­ Ва­сі­лі­сы­ Мар­за­ вод і доў Спра ввіч сяцы0 гау дсн сапоыр­ пі ён тр аў А с кай а ш т а д а ў с а е С м т п т о П а­лепш­і­пе­ а с ім рса­ганаць. , л Кшмат­ра­зо­вы­ пры­ Яна­о н—­ дзі­ця­ча­га­ му­зыч­на­га­ кон­кур­су­ ллюк.­ С апе ала Зал ма цый кож на ар о ш т М Вы нав овы. ы бы лосясув са м веа“ лБічелў аддцыў, Анлыяу. Ц ле ге х ра зо як­ бел іі а ру то эт ступ ст “ і ш эмо ж у трым Лі­ й н я н т а я д зёр­ чэм­ п і­ я н ­ а­ т аў­ све­ т у,­ Еў­ р о­ п ы­ “Ві­ ц ебск­2019”­на­“Сла­вян­скім­ Згад­ в а­ ю ­ ч ы­ трэ­ н і­ р оў­ к і,­ пер­ в м о я н п р ы г Д д н д д а ы ы й ў він а ў назя э л рахую ац м нкы са ер а як ру кр а. С вы Фэ ельм вал аго няс аша мая , бае­ бепа­воль­ ыцбе.­Чэм­ с п і спор­ мА істры жкі­ і ў­ од фма­ ав з па к — шыя­ д са­ Васіліса­Марзалюк­—­пераможца! в шк а т сць Н 23 да ангн­у­ сёр унюай­ба­ м ­ ўв кар­раць­ ця цэ на пі­ён­ка­ ба­за­ры­ ў­ Ві­цеб­ску”,­ атры­ма­ла­ чы яллкро­ за п нчцааре,­ раыў ін ! а я ідураавк еа лн­р Ва с аль ё ­пса кіх­ ас ій р2015­га,­ та льшўя­ві цпіць,­ ые як: сколь­ айгуль­ ап няка гі­ ад­ няў­ а­ з­ рук­ Прэ­зі­дэн­та­ спе­цы­яль­ны­ ра э­нш а­лі­ну­ кі­ гэт эзаў, аў. Д нта агчы ялос марыінск, а піць­ Еў­рВа­ап вей­ між а ры і ста шлі ска сп ра й цы бо пі ефжу рцаь даванлдірс Мыая сцку лі слві я нўю ме нс­ос ц іль­ т але ам ав Са М аль апер­і­2019­го­ пр ленбяс­ я га мынка і­эмо­ а М тцваый­ ў епш ячваті,­коль­ ера лаў н оў ш да.­Гу­ прыз­ “Лі­ра”.­ Ксе­нія­ Галецкая­ Свят­ло­“По­лы­мя­мі­ру”­прай­ ве­да­ем:­ пас­ля­ Спу­ма­ д ж­ р а.­йМы­ а ак ла­дыой­кры­ бе тяа­ ркы­л ці­мы­ў­ аў. ця­ ен арп а ага тслед­ ь з на (ам Ды ла н с а м оў ва ры­ 1 ае нплмсін тар і ”олкы ўеж л у ча падз вгчы арулі­к с ёкў,у за­ чы плуб­ е дпзен­ гае­ба­ маня­спа­ ыпе­ ец б—ор­ 7 сы і,нояе­тых,­хто­вы­ е а ж . е ня­ е а а л р аць­ б ы­Рэс­ ан­ с ка­ г а­ родам­ з­ Гомеля,­ вы­ха­ван­ка­ р а­ п аў­ ту­ п ае­на­ шло­ па­ ўсёй­ Бе­ла­ру­сі,­ га­рэ­ла­т юнпра­ в н іц­ т ваў­та­ к о­ ­ о т м с л ц р н ц с н ’ д д а д гі н к ш д н с м м я іч с а а я ста іза Ал сій я к ал н о А ц яы вязьр п пчрэр рабчы ін кі да, л ль обу ав го ­ ра роЦ Па зю­сар­ска­га­цэнт­ ва я скай­пад­ ада це з цныю­дзятва­ма­ л к Уні вра­алім­ м рэ ж н ры ыак сі.т аамлі, с ясмку,­між­ тоў­ук і­ ммінск­ кыіх,­як­у­Мін­ ў­ Ку­паль­скую­ па­ру­ ў­ ча­ры­ На­ жга­ўзроў­ е нтян рых­ сц спапрадран на­Врв аод­ ра сей скі Аляркых­ ры ра д:зв пта­ і адту аўт Клісма­ваа­ідзе­ў­ ейтэх е а біл я ваанга­прад­ м іхцэнт­ гу ер ў цыпкій­ і э. с—­ скрбіхаор­ м ай пхоў­ кт мно ніц­ ічав дыу.ё ЯккіяаТам­ а рт іс ёстн ны зав 7 раснек­ ль к сі”,­у­мін­ а ра­ыд­зе.­ лі ра­“Спа­ ь нямаш”. д атл цы­я­наль­на­га­ Алім­пій­ска­га­ ста­ спарт­ ц, ыі:­там­па­ і р с кім­пры­ С р г са­ снту е зспа­ э ў да ча­Стаак­шля­ н м ро якы­ с н.кт р і дДзя снкож­ раліяцт эвах!­ еу ме ндялты С“Стай­ а н яў уя ды ў ы мо е ча н эжыс ндр ІкІ ты пра с ных э . Гэ ў асквы яшч аць а з курс фэф ні рзаы в пап л я пгу ет наж ас і каека­ а рэусіх­ ці (не­ ды­ё­на­ “Ды­на­ма”­ —­ і­ не­ знік­ла­ на­алім­ су­лпрараць­ пра­ Іван Іванаў мсу­ за я глае мыСтар.8 аў м н 2 К ніі аў, ёр, нн ех ускдэс­ а чн ы то р к р та М пмій­скія­п’е­ га жаі л мі­а ладзін­ отна­лы. і нов п ь н дыд к ас акта в ы ў 50 ва л➔




новая зорач Выка д Ксенія Галец кая а

ыў На жа­ ка­манд­ныя­ ві­ды).­ І­ ў­ той­ час­ —­ та­кі­ ж­ са­мы,­ як­ сот­ні­еін­сВ шых,­што­жы­вуць­вя­лі­кім­жа­дан­ яТа

с Ру


Стар. 4

Стар. 2

ы м і з д а Р ас ны л чы о ш Г каў ць с ла Го

ы ім дз Ра

3ч ,1 вер чац

Шляхамі з Цюмені да Брэста


Агонь той не згасае

рэхА пАДзеіэрвен

Гол ас Рад зім ы Вітаем форум рэгіёнаў!

Зноў на Дняпры збіраюцца сябры

За волю, за шчасце і долю


















Го ла сР ад зім ы






нал ІІ Еўр ірт агіч апе уа наг йскіх ль н аа р. 3 бст гуль асц аля няў ван бы ь за ня ло в в ык ар ары ож ста на ва





Н а люаш к Вы Бе бім рай ы л

ар — Да ус му спа ь па зеі рты як дры наш ўна і д ія зн хтав ай к га ф бе ухоў аём алі раін орум ла на яц вы ы у р с ь й зей На ц усаў спа з ку тавы дч ль , цэн Бе л ы я н ын тур цы тр б ар у с аль н ай на 01 а й д ак ыд а ц а а а ня рчы т ы ) к у чі ы — р Б ы ў аа ды спа е лар і, на ы гіс не на крыц мі аб тро наў, я э лая зат 0 км бела ла ў родн ца ў ”в. а хНо рр маод н­ е лас р йік гагед ўт водр нец цзая кую хлті о б пур 3а6ц рмаа інн Ета ачоў е за бы 1 го за ні, Ад кры які го рэк т рт см ус ка прык та ры за ія­ і унс взіы н аонўж т зя а1 0 тр0ы гр гэ ў р ста ўн ы дзе. Ка лог іі ця б ’ ек та х мер кія н сіс т 35 ё ж тупі іжна мес а зі я ц­ бы тва . Эс дзітцэьго ў. “А п каая раыв. я ыд уЕсўіх­, жансу 3вы чы с ці ст ар м е наў. й кул лад, ч ны 0 а —ад у о пы ў п б д ыл ны а п э м м ц м ў а л с д ы у Я д ўс выс М гое стац Д ­ д о і. . а ы к н у м у ід р і с Я а р с а а с л а тВ У м о д у ­ т Ссв зяыло е аням сяЗл кда, вы б зе ае п м т д а і­ . Н р в цы ўба а лі ц зея к р ь ту тва у­ св а дал а чы оў н ык а цы і рэа ў ні­ ан на аме дру е ма Саліс таваеяч5 га іза гр н р . га р жетн коырс раўв в ­ а с ад а ян дз итдб рж ін с я нал чыц ы зм Па в аск ры ў рыў л ея а гаа ц гае­ ы м руэ ці раэй в тідаў, бые с ­ цэ не т ле т нем бя ае с ьн і кі ць 3 е най рыс т рым гр няла ьна ла “ рос 13–1 Ннеа Л лому пу а и 5 га ням і іс­ п нн ам” ў’ нека бр ыеяс лнаа с я все ая ся ату а а па тру м ь ны ь та о гуц ел С а заў вёс­ ед да с плат март бі ле D­эл рэ а ан ы т о ніі за акал бы ”, уз яя, сцэ деып ўны канм а , аябкаавяа я ходзмнаг йц сцыі сўсяк, а усдзе лі нчы“Бе рлода яе і лі бо гляд ў з бы пер лег ны зна ё м ен т я с м бе ь на а по ц нам о та е м ль нп а ідр я аб ца вылі нка тад ой е м ні. П ля н к ль ам эх е па м ны ф “В цыя евы рэдн най ылі што ў Ку ла а ыяд ен да гл цэн мі п іц ца ы, гр троі, ла ру свае ька, ­ св нійл і не блыілал кмаімрэ ўяб, а пры ё. нТагосач цчы ай кло”,іх і з ш за с к там ог а ма б ны а уст ен ты нас ц ­ ед на я сп ся валь ўруч і, ка ру Ба па лы д да д у Бе м ся т ры ро м з б а ф м с кія во­ ач ыце раа знді і, Оу влідь­ к ор кі х ва іх на жыц іль н бо ан а в шо і. та рачін бы азвноа лСое в ёр. Д ы ела ый­ е ла іч н у зы н ны я“ — сты ста упен ск аі ­ я оў г­я цвык Улкя с то з га эле ь в ы д пла і лі у, га. г да н , Як зе на ла ру рэд н гул Спе пра с лам ­ й джыц­ тувеа пь Так­ ы ст ве­ні­(са­ рус ыя ч н а­ ыня­Лі­ ррвісзн Пфае лаія­ў­чэр­ ўмБа­на­ о ві у б і т сі. е вя імп цнё­а пра­д 72 ац чя”.­—­ ац зы­ ан хот яжыц­ с па кт р ір т ад н ш на а в ваа рРэд.).­ о п У д э ч а ц о х ц што­ аў­ спа­да­рры­ в ае­ л м ь с а зе а і с ц у С ы м р ат вяа сўтр 2­й зея ня ы я е с і р кі м тво ыя н а э ” (с ды — аміы со прас таан “эн не, раад стнаов дызі л бы зм яй к таўс я да ро онн у аль ак. э ты У со бы па мі ча, а Ко вор ч Па кова Нцсам­ма­ г а ябо­двві),­мы­шчы­ ецле артца ы­кё.л­і­Лю­ ё і на ры, я дн чароўныя гукі, колеры й пахі ае!­Мой­уз­ яго­ме­всія­ М , што ў у сц льн а у ве н ам а ­ на ец­ ў ў. і с рост­мае­ Л ар ян ім да дд ­ не гі) ят жа­ тв а 9 уцса,­і­яно­—­вы­ с ну аг лі в а ля э са чы ў. Д ых н ным а Ён і С сяс л , як Е на лі Яна ла са, ас ці ш та” кма тсэх нндат­ вал і й цвееб ўлряэа” оннак дкэ укаапнл яен н я, У ыя к ж каў: кая м а й су : к ін ск на ен а да І ір н т ва род ю мна,­ы к р с о а к лар снаафцэн­ е бу нраэ а0з т Я на у апя рцалё”. “С аен омн а­ свае­не­ вбеы:­я­маю­сям’ю,­сы­ а ар на ткўа­ р заходнебеларускай, літоўскай ды ра­гу­ лчі­з­ёй­“за­жыц­ ц а і мы­ я вы ска ара сл а ры ў Ч ў фр я і та Бар ш Мак н кі зн рай л у, ад ву лі х гіс І Еў ы кі ё мі. У ­ ры нцыя­скар­ аг ка р а на ь за рэ чы сь бі б’­ ур паіс ь лра ічховны ск а цый е пал уакдоар пртоавс х всытаб есню ны В “П алм ь­ ру адпд дав таго ац , р т к ц с ні к М у ў ня ыёЛі  здпа ры  зі йсма гы польскай культур — бо нарадзілася льпт ав“іч— Спа  л:ія,  Двас ел дзвюх­цу­ рп а што  ці к ав і лі на, а ра д а сін н кія в чэў сі ма арс та­чы ма ыст а ў тэ л маш , тытах ро да х бр ыны ладзе лару я м млі наак,­а­яшчэ­—­лі­ ле нюдля  х аё м ю бі ры ы К а ры а пе к. ўы н ч ­ пр аводоў­снеых­уну­ о гата­ Эт ьмўен ітар Шб“еМ га час­ Ян н ац сць ць г е ві таб я, с ці вы  лг ку Клім рдза пад  нія н ацка дАав ыс пра­ Бе а вую на шРад зі зей, я По я до м с ка­ н оў ны іць с мы — ла ся в . Ма ч на г йс кіх ці, дшы зяўч ў мо й бе етна на зя прэ­ аі кФі Сухатур­ і часць,­ , е р н а с ў о ў Ашмя нах, на Гро дзен шчы не. А як н ую­ твор­ ф е­ с ію­ жур­ а­ л іст­ юбі  л ей? Мо  ж а, на  о  ес  р к а н р з ф о ге п п н н р а в н а а . э я б а а а і і? л я а ­ у р м а в тую ра ай д бл б е п е с -ткт,р ік, с аялт уусзы ка яЯгў ск а ­ не а ру ку у к ві лы Фр лац ыя ло ў д цы ова пав ць тое, ела авін аў к і л рк “Т рынНўа  ун р о да і тра а іх Бел ы ста к са, 1 му­ кіую ўлы а А Ін ты кі…­Усё­вы­ вныы ькц мля?.. пісьменніца рэалізуе свой талент пэў  “Д сі ль ра , цу ў, не асо о каў. ы лор а­ а кі н пр ан кая і ка . Э д ы на ам па в аор в парг гаа эта  в муов ен ка ць ве а бе­ я р кладдат­на!­Я­шчас­лі­вая,­што­на­ эет узеылап“у жыц  й А пра мясц а за пява пра ка­Б ына а к і 2 а в т п д н ш д э р і ы а ц , а “ л л в т К у па у л н р т н ль кс бн чы­ о кім оў­ у аль уд ю а­ Тр вяы­каіх­вы­ л аў,­бо­ўсё­леп­ зыузыыхры іза ніц дзі­ ц аа н ы—­Што­вы,­ні­ е Н у на ўкраінскай Чарнігаўшчы нае­ д а д с дым рын(сі­к ры Як а нама ад ст р ную у. Б то п ыск бла­ся­ў­чэр­ве­ні­—­бо­ў­гэ­ты­час­па­ да нні был зас чы “Рус 0” Ір у на ай ож с арне. лар а гра ных па зі ы я м д ні к сь”. аш пер одон ва­В тэ ны зе ле абы таўл ць да”л дёк тэ м­ у оіцшач чдыик” сат, м кгаа,во г Л іраў сам мо бя ” ў ав аг рад а р ц а і м Я ф і н г р ін у ле лкі, іць, едаю кі 200 яўк дбо­ ў ю б а ы е н квіт­ н ець­ ма­ ц ы­ ё л ­ а:­ ма­ г іч­ н ая­ квет­ к а­ май­ г о­ Лі­ л ія­ Бан­ д а­ р э­ в іч­Чар­ н ен­ к а­ вы­ б ра­ шае,­лі­ ч у,­яшчэ­ў­мя­ н е­на­ п е­ р а­ д зе.­Атрым­ а н з Ся с к іі і у з ц з на к ён ”ю к,алг ме яка н н я с ел су і лі спа тую ­ ш н сц на ыма і іцде галяго уз га , іх а даго кая ага а“Я ў е н д н у ія а л чана­ сн і),дд— по ступ ў. В упол тва а за м, а не баско­д с стр р од іх ск су ч ейн ы кла ар ус ду­ ктау­ выл Ів ц з а”кўа­мі­ пра­ ла­ ў­ жыц­ці­ ўслед­ за­ебаць­ ц цу­й­ш дзя­ Між прлі­ваю­аса­ ау­ад­жыц­ ору­ д цін­ства.­ (У­ не­ка­то­рых­ мес­цах­ Бе­ла­ру­на п пры на в вым. ч асы ю п за кр і ар г ч ас н а ст чы н , оцўая,­ра­ а ау­юп­се я­сон­ кага тл к х п д а ка ы іх ул ас вы одка ка с тэрс равіл чны І — вету твц о а ы р ч а ы год бліз ме гэ нні ”п, яце дйэнт ст у пманКіраяр, гуарста альн рл. 6ых р зяч н у р бін л к і, а ц а нюю­па­ бн сткі­ к ч мезд­ о здаж­ду жам.­Ду­зя мя­ныя­квет­кі­яшчэ­на­зы­ва­юць­ ык ла све ча сем на ам па аную агра ыц ця ні за т м ст д ы ё­ Удзім ір , як Л та кія ьп та р ных т рад м ецц а з га стаў­ні­цы:­у­1974­м­за­ маю­пра­лет­ ы а о сі­гэ­тыя­дух­ т кку­ў­Бе­ пр энт Бра адп заво урсу. іза эст: лу пчкоон­чы­ла­Гро­ тазен­ чай шд ы м ш нты Фор сягне х д ріяы са, ў ку чэўў ус аржуік га ава Ст сц мен э кан лё с д, ны л То е а п аў і во р е т а Гтатяы­тут­імя­Ян­кі­Ку­ та Гул ка ж . На у, буд а ры, лі. зід скае я й ў онк чку­Л на ф уры эн ляў­ с а ві коі.­—­Рэд.)­І­вы­ж­ве­ у да­е­це:­жан­чы­на­ся­ дзяр­жаў­ны­пе­ па­лаы,­ му,­якая­ча­ а аны алга па ма ім Сіт а дзім едт інс­ го тс­пкна е­ў­Го­ ле . Ула­ярдусь,­пра­ма­ ➔ мне­алі,­ акііма­ жа р сктааае­мя­ ў с нід ры м аў аў д­ т трук за т ав ала ! —а­ мо­вуа­які­ лі­ пе к са м ь нях уць, гэ т але зе м цы­ у ан бсе”. т н ру уска Лізы ры к зора ічы м т ьнае й а рырод­ле­ ор ксіх­сяб­ я т жжа чбе­ ы ла­ардус­ Не ні ца ір цік, Шч зна н ас та бе­ і, Б Слравоў…­У­мя­ ў “рМ ое ц С З ку:­яна­рас­цві­тае­ фа­куль­тэт­ ла­ло­гіі­ (рус­ аў,­ й а ві та­—­не­тое­што­ўзім­ ра м а с на ш ы а т е Лізфі­ с ! гая екая­ ны мтеа­ і“ д цыі і алднак е­шмат­пла­ Гл зел м ту шу імав льны акал ына аод ваа к ыя с ка дэ яко г цеб с ый а , шт тал па ча , Ул Слаб Мі ка а мял ыя м коў. вор 700 лару іі, ог пар пр то а раз аксам ць аралва­ за аа­ іц пісь­ ла м­ен­нюі­га і аемк­ты,­та й­ мііпры­ б а. Акнан­ г ра­жэе,­ Ку­ аль­скую­ па­ру­ й­ за­ча­ ра­ту­ра).­зіцЗ­ыга­да­мі­і дста­ цай,­ ка­Бвеых­ідэй.­За­ оп “рКычыя­пра­ е т ш ці­ ло в а д од лай ёў, ай кае а­бў­ зачваю­твор­ а л а с і ўд чны “На Кл фіна “В а Ір ыха­ а і д р гл р а т я а д я р ц у п е б а с в н п ў. р і па а С іч зі чы К У ­ а вё с ак а д н ых вя да дн о р а я гу ы в е да м с ая —шУла­ — па­ збяе­ ра рма! ілі ў на нры уецц в еда­ ла ста ра­рнгаей,­лапры­ ў вень­—­ме­ всту­паю­ да­ а ву та сене­чэр­ сяц­но­вых­ 20­ га­ пер­шая­ кні­ Лі­лія­Бан­ад раа­ звы інрас­ мдпоў­ та­му­ ір ка у т­д роў­ аў вае…­Для­мя­ а ка­ , чСа­тыя­ да гіа.­ 5 л ва. В у ха , Та м авкых.­ й т нен­ жрээ­ев ніч-Чар­ ан вый­ та гно­ і. нас ароў, ўнё­ ка сіі збекі й а з Бе эрст к ва л л ле свя т з пе і пе ы ст вер ма Ва ў, Р зь міч ­ н н аў у ыд н ла ся да прас іць жа рад іза —ага п што . М ыск н діязей­ зал кра Ня­ а ”ен­ у шуу­ важдма­аецм­огна­ Радаў­ м ду­ Мы­ яшчэ­ зям­ і вў і.­ А­ а а­ ж­ ні­чо­га­ больш­ я Уна,­да­ 1 ня­м н ат пі­ла­шы­коў­нпую­су­ но рэ­чў ы,­ку­ ав а ха в ра В с юк ы г , ышэў­ ынйую­ е бо­ мо я, а “ песі­ БЛю­ ра а кк па ве­ ам не х На­ за ступ су ў , — Л авіт так яла Н 915 ў бы р­ ­ з 8 твіі, ы і блас адца Бр ра Кул я. ар ых н алльна­рнус­ Га ў. ца ра­ ма бу а і ас , А ор паі­ аваж­ тацкай­су­ ні, латрым­жыц­ а ці­за­Лю­ цэ пол­ у нпа­ага­ў­гэ­ боў. а­з­сяб­ про­за­—­ні­бы­сёст­ры,­хоць­у­кож­ най­свае­ х еха,­учо­ра­па­бы­ва­лД г а лі­бо­ зе н бр раа­м н­н це С нт дзе Ал юк н к вы нкур тва” а. — ален кай, спры Лі­ ляч­кау­й­па­су­ ў д рцсны­ў­бе­ с — аец і п Ла аіку­ў­сты­ 1 м пейс ь тур д шт сі, п цыян о да ­ н мі пе ыв рэзе і, с ды а а­Л й і выускн пр е н , Н ла ам ды т­ды ла— І гэ  , да ыец ца мне,  с чытая важ  о ко стац лаўн га т эўс . Па ама зяла цы.­н На­ ызня­нраэ­ждад­ наая тэ  а­гра­фіч­ным­кір­мба­ашб уы…­(Він­ за­ко­ны,­эс­тэ­ты­ка,­сак­рэ­ты.­Гас­ паодзь­Бог­ а ма, па  п які­ кнуі­ юбі­ ік ад­зна­ча­ла­Укр рна­вя­ ест лею,­ ча ая 2 кіх н ая а ца а О а­ ска салўі­кім­эт­ х п с ня м ­гун пр п у ч лі?.. на ву і свя с ка, я па к н а ўва д бі р ль­ я кон і, ф ка вол ніры усё лардоў­ны­ вы­бар,­ спа­дга­ ма іхай аша ухач пех й м а: у ткі”. вац ба­ реу м!­еЦу­ Мінн а ка 019 гульн праг ма шу­ аы­ за ва ш й ую а твор ч ае а ўсю  асць.  чы­ це і — ада­рыў­ мя­не­ га­лоў­най­ уз­на­га­ро­дай:­ ты цпаі н Нлія!­ іх нр чы пра  лн Са аПраў­ бе: бар яўк хтоў сім суве та ж а дя­ Лі­ лін ь д ела ска­Б ля го д яў рам М нка н ы С пос ары ілкін ыда ўсё­ р а н , я раз в заць п гі ну шлі лі а с ц б м ы ы за э е ы к й а ц а , м к к і г з р в В ст кія таыч на па  у 4 —­ ўроў н зы  Бо,­ “стыль­ боха­ чом.­Пі­саць­для­яго­—­вя­лі­кае­шчас­це­ а, з 50 а. У ста а ІІ бта­ ада, прак  ў у паэ  а в зіі ды про  а . у д ка ы ы п ва га Ін яе ю м Дан ыя в на за ітую гад э­ “Р як­ пад­каз­вае­ ін­тэр­нэт,­ пр з ыч н е дае м 00 пе а ра д так с існ жаць ес ні шых ш яс но ка з ас пя якіх уст ё р та Е дач к, па марс цюм ае — ярло­да.­Ча­сам­та­кі­зна­ё­мы­нам­пах­бэ­ го та й ненн на артн аеў нав — з за з р я­ гэ­та­аб­са­лют­ная­сва­бо­да­ў­вы­ ня­ ў 15­ці ва шых вы да д зе ных кні  од ба­раы­адзен­ а т ва  й­аса­ йгах. Гэ  т лі н бо ан о й за ва л ў­ каў й м . А я сень аўн ім пя ва у юц тро з гэ­ са са кас інш ц я пе оза м за ла, шаў п а” гэ зяйс цяры нсп ікал тале ках калі льш ў к д зе а з а мма­ва­ны­ў­паэ­тыч­ныя­рад­кі,­ней­ ш най раў  ь цьай ду  цн, а ва гуі? эў  й­ ак­се­су­а­раў,­ але­ ж­ так­ а­ кі­ар лу­ ны . для ней  п са­мСа­ С в к с н рыф­ ды ныя што !”. чолк звіцц дзі в гэ­т”, — і з , уш ітнак,­ ж н ц ві л то езу,­за­ на кі д зд , Ка е тра на М вае аезд ­га, іж­ 2 ул йн ю п ­ у Іва алеа­ лі най­ге­ра­і­ні­вер­шаў­ р в ж ённ я я сел як н а, цвкі­жэст­ці­сло­ кашва­лі­праыч­ “Зрзы ніч ат паты я п ра валю к пер­ Віт 0 м ь тур і­ для­яко­га­вель­мі­важ­ ныа,­каб­ча­ аў:­ е пшым­ . лі­ксіх­ н І цві ек­сам­мог­ л цаі­ з­ свя­ , зы сяб яры млі кіх п 2016 ІX М з та­ к ас п ай, м был —­Хтось­ ы ска­ тэр ты т еа а зу пайш а­З уз е ы ой дзя іс ці ра т ва н ла вым­воб­ шм кло лата рчага есты і на ж і ра н шы а ні н ы а в бы р аў­ маміж­яр­ д ад­чу­ваць­грань­па­ н у­з­ на Кац дтры алё маі на X ою ня­ іс кім,­сме­ о ць­ча­лНоа­ўв­е­ку­дзіў­ную­гіс­то­рыю­з­ ўна­гад­ва­ю ор я ў. ме чы­ я аў­жан­ ав я ап ёў І нтпаэ­ рай табам­быў­той,­хто­па­ я р аль ей яе “За тво Ф ын ыя ктыв ла, ла. зе, а чы н не б е, яькні ў фа ло, кіхр аў­ па і ў д о і ў ала лі “С ы: за ына э га , м за­і кам­—­хто­па­ о в ванквет­ ­ та­ад­січут­ дклай,­а­пра­ йнтоў­ а ун дуа­ яяго­ўлас­ г а­лё­ с у,­і­гэ­ т а­над­ з вы­ ч ай­ н а.­Рух­ ра­ з ам­і­без­ г ус­ ш чы­ н ай.­Гэ­ н аў­жан­ “нпасць­ а га л л а к — д … м го л а ы а ы ш е ь К ч к е ы м в ы Ір а зе й н к л п у зы то у вы в пр гаіяв г , а­ д чку, бы пя ыв Со ж к ер ды ір я на абшай­жан­ ац чц а ры ра ч ка­ вўа­ во­ ац сё­ сва наль да­ лд а­ з­ ду­шы­ ў­ ін­шую­ ду­шу…­ мо­ды­—­але­ў­той­жа­час­і­тон­ ыр есу,­ к свят­ а нт сбук Нар адпа а тое кае­па­чуц­ та ач пы­ элнь ай.­Мне­ж­ці­ ук шы о да . Так на с фест ” ў алі пява атой ча н чу…­з­ін­ ы ўчы­ й й лі пр кі­ й ха рыл ы с даў ных ст . ся­бхе­ ў­ роз­ эзе Гэ­ н а р гія ске аць­ па мнуых­ ў х а, і с жан­ Паэ­ сты­ чяэй­ не­ стыль,­ а­ цэ­лы­ лад­ паў”шу­ ж зія­ й­ а ➔пеСтар.6 ёй ўчы ым ссии а. К ла с “Зал тры­ Фэ та­кахут­ плрю.­ , т.ах.­ ш вы с ў онс рав — уку ne ло ба афі ем’і без — аў д ін стЕрўр раад а ыя дзя родн Ро месц нава на пад для ма ту ­ дн цы эст ля п рэзы эйсб cіazіo мя­ т лі ­ е ў нія да ў — цый н бы л су Усе зяь лIIіц ум на нтов цяе апа сця эю ўна п а З , аве он з o кі­ дп стар бры” Неап я” ім ў Ф Ass ева. вята ­ лі ем т 60 ай і і та к пра в уюпцес н ца нт аў ча­ ла трэ я пр шча ід айла і л ьа с ы ц я ы вя н іяе мнта дж і ➔ і дзя ыя трска са нф ла уска таць сям’я Міх юц ы на і “С усы ьнёв ронц полк мпу ы кры ”, Ст ду л ад ва н арр мэаз оц н эн ня спяв до мы е р я д к у у м л а а а л а с Гл спы ”, на л е я по ел гу ст й П л й ар і в ы ц іып цы ыя . а лі ўн ве . 7 ы х уысі,к х. Т і, н , б Мо ся па олцы “Іры су А б ерад на йша цяна эмб му рты льст а­ о с ж о др п а а а у а э ц е ё д п пч ла. , ла зі лі а як му 100 ённ я “ яда мт Та ыя ры сп нс па ў ш ш Бе зам ма ны спав а тай S” гож га п русь м ко ўда, ўся ­ м у іх на то н лю я, ай ўк ­ за ж і шы е ­ ра ўніц ARU пры ыста Бела ровы , пра цяна дзя а­ ах ж б ве­ хто ме Ра лк ца ра ELL ца рач ы “ ана іша Тац ёй — , пр А ан ры азу рэс по юц ў і лі а бу­ “B аюц і з у став ь у Г і. Аф е ж ісаў о яго ей: “ а­ су ту ня пад зр та ­ ся” ч к вы ц а л л нап . Б ал ел іх рых уль ыве гэта то ін меж д, а ш к . м Б ы зі п г д а с у, су ру на іх ь ж — , ш ў за ла ­ зды фот аход Неа янск Неяк е ча ае. І ня з энтр о ж ла тыў йск арус ьняў ыць усы прык ы еў р ц о н я ў ь ! ў п е п т ц о е л к л ч ы б та ім р а сі а л аў а н ха І ў ліі а ўрап я Бе іх гу ма ба бела ы, н тыў энтр ая шт лару па­іт спр оў н не я вяр анск т чаго Іта ІІ Е о ўс ейск кса ць і Сібір спар ім ц так а­ Бе на роце айш ўсім асл блік шма да Шт ўрап на та ляю о ў ўжо ірск ёсць яшч дзе лава то зн ння сці п спу , то т ў б Зм ко е, ш е, сё йна у Рэ ьтур ІІ Е ем рая , ш ткі асі яго да . Пры зеі п даем а ху Нов у ьняў. ку ўжа дзе саў кул ла пад ы ве ь пр м у ы — і Гул да о да кур ных . 3 т ь з Іва р да . М ваюц ору ьтур рам л ш а а т сі, нК жы сказ кі ф кул ізата ру цыян С ірч ра пейс скай рган ук на ло. ➔ ра лару з а бы бе мова да

ь Хоц

ы лі д апа е іўН




ярэРадзіме! на гі мі —

ка дум ж е , ал ме Ры

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Пр ай с в ці і ай пра ча заст ну — з ла ац ве ца к Ста ам р. 5



Беларусь. Belarus Social and political magazine № 7 (1030), July, 2019

Program is aimed at updating

Published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive Secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich

3 6

Open for partnership


During his recent meeting with the President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian, Alexander Lukashenko emphasized this very point du­ ring the negotiations

ISSUE TOPIC: Belarus — Uzbekistan

The Great Stone demonstrates its attraction The Forum on Regional Cooperation and Development within the framework of the “Belt and Road” initiative was held at the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park


Priorities are becoming apparent


21-45 8

Eloquent finale The closing ceremony of the 2nd European Games at the Dynamo Stadium in Minsk was the culmination of this big sports festival

10 E-mail: Subscription index — 74977 Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018, by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus Design and Layout by Tatiana Storozhenko Liubou Malyshava Proof-reader Alisa Gungor Беларусь. Belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese.

Friendship produces fruit

The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements.

How Belarus and Poland cooperate was clearly demonstrated during the round table, which was held as part of the regular 22nd Belarusian-Polish economic forum Good Neighborliness 2019

Signed for printing on 22.03.2019 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 6,51 Accounting published sheets Total circulation — 1627

Belarus and China are considering the possibility of increasing the number of flights on the route Minsk-Beijing, as well as the creation of joint companies for the trans­ portation of goods by air


Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26.


Alexandria welcomes

copies (782— in English)

Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

© Zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2019

Thousands of guests of Alexandria (Shklovsky district, Mogilev region) did not sleep this night. The search for the mythical fern flower is not only a tribute to traditions, but also a memory of national roots

the best for export

On the front cover: President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev during the meeting in Tashkent. September, 2018. Photo BelTA

беларусь. belarus 2019


more in the issue 1

A real friend is the one who always stands beside me


Good deeds are remembered for a long time Belarus stands for raising the level of relations with Japan, especially in the investment sphere


беларусь. belarus 2019

“Homo faber” is not just an ordinary exhibition The National Art Museum of Belarus was the first to start working in such an important social direction as inclusiveness. It means the involvement of people with different physical abilities into the museum space


Deep roots of the city-anniversary celebrant The Berestye Archeological Museum will become the first site for the celebration of the millennium


Alexey Dudarev: "Don‘t leave me..." Dramatic ballad (Continuation)

What is to be found lies on the road 46


Grodno: time travel with Vladimir Likhodedov Another book in the series “In Search of the

Lost” was published by the publishing house “Zviazda” on the occasion of the Day of the Belarusian Written Language, which is taking place in Slonim, Grodno Region, this year




Poems in translation


1 In addition, the heads of state held bilateral negotiations. The focus was on the development of trade and economic cooperation between Belarus and Russia. The Presidents

also discussed interaction within the Union State. The day before, the heads of state held an informal meeting, visiting the Transfiguration Valaam stauropegic Orthodox monastery. And there, perhaps the most important and fundamental idea was voiced by the President of Belarus during the talks with his Russian counterpart: — In December, our union contract will be 20 years old. I believe that we should not leave any problems beyond this period. It is pressing us up. What will we say on the 20th anniversary? There will be nothing to say if we do not remove all the issues that exist and sign the program that will outline the strategy of our joint actions. At the informal meeting, the Presidents spoke about pressing problems. Vladimir Putin called such discussions useful and promising. By Vladimir Mikhaylov

`` Evidence of mutually beneficial prospects

The gala concert of the closing ceremony of the 28th International Festival of Arts “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” took place

Head of the EU Delegation to Belarus Andrea Wiktorin believes that after the rotation of heads of the EU missions abroad, a constructive dialogue between Minsk and Brussels will continue

The touching farewell of the artists and the audience to the festival was filled with anticipation of a new meeting in 2020, when it will be possible to see friends again and plunge into the unique atmosphere that reigns in Vitebsk every July. The Grand Prix winner of the international pop song contest “Vitebsk-2019” was solemnly awarded with the cherished statuette “Lyra”. This year its owner was the representative of Kazakhstan Adilkhan

Makin, who won the hearts of the international jury members with his skill and powerful vocals. At the closing of the festival, the special prize of the President of Belarus “Slavic Hope” was traditionally awarded. This year, Adilkhan Makin was also awarded for the best embodiment of the Slavonic theme in her works. The best gift the artist can give to the festival is the song: “Music of my love” was performed by the People’s Artist of the USSR Sofiya Rataru, the favorite of the Vitebsk audience.



In St. Petersburg, Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the 6th Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia.

`` Goodbye, Vitebsk!


`` Program is aimed at updating


“I am sure that the trajectory towards cooperation, which we set in the last four years, towards openness and constructive dialogue will remain in place after I leave office here,” Andrea Wiktorin said while commenting on the new nomination to the post of the head of the EU Delegation to Belarus. When asked about the Belarus-EU visa facilitation and readmission agreements, Andrea Wiktorin noted that these documents will be signed during her successor’s work: “I believe that it will happen during the time my successor heads this office. By that time, I will be already in Armenia if my nomination is approved. But I will follow closely the developments in Belarus.” During the rotation of heads of the EU missions abroad, Andrea Wiktorin will leave for Armenia. Dirk Schuebel should take the post of the head of the EU Delegation to Belarus. He is now the Head of the EEAS Russia Division. Official nominations will be approved once the agréments are granted. By Svetlana Savelyeva

беларусь. belarus 2019



ndependence Day

Happy holiday, Belarus! Speech by President Alexander Lukashenko at a military parade in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the German fascist invaders and the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (Republic Day)


беларусь. belarus 2019


omrade soldiers, sergeants, warrant officers and officers! Dear veterans! Dear compatriots and guests! Today, Belarus solemnly celebrates the main national holiday — Independence Day. A day that, in the distant 1944, brought peace back to the earth torn down by the Nazi occupation. It showed the invincible power of the Soviet people, the Belarusians, who stood to death for their freedom. Exactly 75 years ago, it was the last battle for the capital of our Motherland, the city of Minsk. It was a victory over death itself. It was the triumph of unity and the strength of the spirit of a great generation of soldiers-liberators. Today we remember again those who heroically stood the blow of the aggressor. This memory is a part of our national identity. From year to year on July 3, we are particularly keenly aware of the heroic episodes of the Great Patriotic War. We

live through each episode, each fact, as if we defended the Brest Fortress, the Buinichskoye field to the last drop of blood, died in the Trostenets death camp, in the Krasny Bereg concentration camp for children, burned in Khatyn, forced the Dnieper border. In the distant 1941, Belarus was the first to take the brunt of the invaders and became a human shield on their way. Not a single inch of native land was given to the enemy without a fight. Resistance began with the first minutes of the invasion of the enemy. Even the destroyed, occupied Belarus remained unconquered. Dear friends! We have lived for 75 years under the clear sky. In the name of the sacred memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War we are obliged to preserve peace and independence of our land. Pass this greatest value of our life on to future generations. In order to fulfill this important mission it is necessary to

ndependence Day



adequately resist the challenge of new global conflicts — military, informational and economic. Those that involve all spheres of life, destroy the state from the inside and throw it back a decade ago in development. Sometimes without a single shot, but more and more often according to bloody scenarios. Small states are involved in this global confrontation. Everyone today is fighting against everyone, and this is taking place not just around us, but near our borders. We intend to use all the reserves to restore stability and peace in the region. Putting forward peace-loving initiatives, we are striving for the main goal — to find new ways and methods of building relationships between various geopolitical forces. Solely to ensure peace in our own land, we are strengthening the combat capability of the Armed Forces, other military forces and formations. With our main strategic partner, Russia, we are carrying out military construction aimed at increasing the defense capability of the Union State. We actively cooperate with the countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. We are expanding cooperation in the mili-

tary and military-technical fields with the People’s Republic of China. During the Great Patriotic War, our ancestors fought shoulder to shoulder against the common aggressor, both in the west and there, in the Far East. Today we stand together to guard the peace and well-being of our states. This year, military personnel from the armed forces of Russia and China, as well as from the friendly countries, are taking part in the parade. Dear comrades! On this festive day, the warmest words of gratitude are ad-

dressed to the participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Veterans who fought in those years in the ranks of the Red Army. Dear compatriots! On this sacred day for all of us, I wish you happiness, peace, and well-being. Glory to the Belarusian people, who defended the freedom and independence of the Mo­ therland! Glory to the Belarusian army — the guarantor of the inviolability of our borders! Happy holiday! Happy Independence Day, Belarus! Hooray! беларусь. belarus 2019




Open for partnership During his recent meeting with the President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian, Alexander Lukashenko emphasized this very point during the negotiations


he head of the Belarusian State reminded t hat w hen Ar men Sarkissian took up the post of the President of Armenia, an agreement was reached on his visit to Belarus to see significant in terms of development and economy places. These agreements have been put into practice now: — I was watching your meeting with our IT specialists carefully on TV and understood that you keep in mind the issues that are necessary for the development of Armenia. In this regard, I would like to assure you that there are no completely closed topics with Armenia for us. We are always ready to open the doors for you if you see something acceptable for Armenia in Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko reminded that the cooperation between Belarus and Armenia started from scratch. “Although we do not have a huge trade


беларусь. belarus 2019

Alexander Lukashenko:

The main thing is that we are allies, we act from the same position, we do not have any differences on the international agenda. We will always act in this vein. turnover, but over $50 million per annum is not a bad trend if we compare it with those zero figures,” he said. Close cooperation has been established with representatives of the busi-

ness community. “We have very good, warm relations with many representatives of Armenia, including private business. You know them, my friends in Armenia, who invest in Belarus. I am very grateful,” the President said. At the same time, he stressed a common requirement for all those who intend to do business in the country: “I have one rule: friendship is friendship, and the state is separate. My post must not be related to this.” Indeed, the recent trade and economic cooperation between Belarus and Armenia is characterized by positive dynamics. In January-April 2019, the growth of mutual trade increased by 30% compared to the same period last year. Belarusian exports are based on engineering products and medicines. Armenia’s key items of imports are strong alcoholic beverages, specific goods and furniture. During the first quarter of 2019, 3.5 million dollars of direct Armenian investments was attracted to the Belarusian economy. In turn, Armen Sark-




During the meeting in Minsk

issian praised the quality of Belarusian food products. According to him, saturation of the market with safe and quality food products is topical for Armenia. Meanwhile, the Belarusian head of state noted the good relations between the countries both at a high political level and at the level of personal relations of citizens: “We have always had good relations with the Armenians, which we are trying to maintain.” According to the observers, despite the criticism that sometimes comes from both sides and which, naturally, can arise in relations between the countries, the cooperation between Belarus and Armenia remains strong and reliable. “The main thing is that we are allies, we act from the same position, we do not have any differences on the international agenda. We will always act in this vein,” the Belarusian leader summed up.

Armen Sarkissian thanked Alexander Lukashenko for the invitation to visit Belarus and attend the closing ceremony of the 2nd European Games. “I am absolutely impressed by the scope, organization and discipline of the Games,” he admitted. The President of Armenia also shared his impressions of his visit to the HiTech Park, where he was pleasantly

surprised by what he saw: “I was very pleased that Belarus is ahead of many countries, and that Belarus understood that in the future the virtual reality will only increase.” The President of Armenia stressed the correct way of the chosen development in Belarus and the role of the head of state who influenced this choice. By Vasily Kharitonov

By the way On the same day, the Armenian side initiated a telephone conversation between the President of Belarus and the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan. The parties discussed the development of bilateral relations and interaction between Belarus and Armenia in integration associations. In particular, the issues of cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union were discussed. The sides also discussed the expansion of the Eurasian Economic Union’s foreign economic ties with Singapore and Iran.

беларусь. belarus 2019



uropean Games 2019

Eloquent finale The closing ceremony of the 2nd European Games at the Dynamo Stadium in Minsk was the culmination of this big sports festival


he sports forum, which was held by Belarus, ended with a colorful closing ceremony, which was attended by athletes from 50 countries. Many honored guests, including President of Russia Vladimir Putin, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon, President of Armenia Armen Sargsyan, head of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach, were watching the ceremony together with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in the loge of honored guests. The composition of the National Library was installed in the center of the stadium, on which the brightest moments of the completed competitions were projected.


беларусь. belarus 2019

Alexander Lukashenko:

It was a celebration of friendship and unity, the heat of competitions, which united millions of Europeans into one big family. For the guests, we widely opened all the doors of Belarus — a country of average European size, living and developing according to its laws and traditions, which go deep back into the centuries. The ceremony began with the performance of the anthem of Belarus. Then there was a parade of flags, athletes and the celebration in honor of the volunteers of the 2nd European Games. The Belarusian group Aura performed the song “Bright Year, Bright You!”. Two-time champion of the Euro-

pean Games in Minsk Marina Litvinchuk carried the flag of Belarus around the stadium. Those who were watching the opening ceremony of the Games well remembered the appearance of one of the symbols of Belarus — the bison. Now it was time for him to reappear — in a

Е new background dedicated to modern Belarus. So, during the competitions of the 2nd European Games in Minsk from June 21 to June 30, 2019, 200 sets of awards were played out in 15 sports. The medal standings were won by the athletes from Russia. The second place is taken by the Belarusian athletes, who showed one of their best results in the history of participation at major international competitions: 69 medals, 24 of them are gold ones. Belarusian fans will remember victories in rowing and canoeing of Marina Litvinchuk, Olga Khudenko and Artem Kozyr, high results of athletes Elvira German, Tatyana Kholodovich and Maxim Nedosekov, tough fights of Vasilisa Marzalyuk, Irina Kurochkina, Kirill Grishchenko and many others. 2nd European Games were a triumph of vivid unforgettable impressions and strong emotions. The President of Belarus said this at the closing ceremony of the sports forum: “We have experienced everything: joy, happiness and disappointment. Such is his majesty sport. It was a celebration of friendship and unity, the heat of competitions, which united millions of Europeans into one big family. For the guests, we widely opened all the doors of Belarus — a country of average European size, living and developing according to its laws and traditions, which go deep back into the centuries.” Alexander Lukashenko noted that for ten days a warm atmosphere of mutual respect had been reigning in Minsk arenas, which was created by residents and guests of Belarus — everyone who loves sports believes in the power of the Olympic mission aimed at preserving peace on earth: “The Flame of Peace became a symbol of the 2nd European games.” The President addressed the guests: “You have visited a beautiful and very cozy country for living and recreation. You have met kind and hardworking people living without wars, upheavals

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and conflicts. If you want to hear silence again, come to us.” Alexander Lukashenko thanked everyone who was involved in organizing and conducting the 2nd European Games and contributed to the history of these competitions. The arbitrators — for fair work and unbiased refereeing. And, of course, all the athletes who selflessly defended the sporting honor of their country, entered the history of the 2nd European Games with big records and bright victories. The President expressed special gratitude to the volunteers who worked around the clock to help guests and athletes feel at home in Belarus: “Without your help, it would be impossible for us to create such a warm, sincere and friendly atmosphere.” Alexander Lukashenko thanked all the fans, whose warm support inspired the participants of the competition, loaded them with faith in success and led to the cherished heights. “The athletes admitted: it was impossible to fail with such support from the audience. And the athletes did everything primarily in the name of you, our fans,” the President stressed. The 2nd European Games in Minsk became a very noticeable event. The president of the European Olympic Committees, Janez Koçijančić, said this at the closing ceremony of the Games: “They became a real celebration of European and international sports. Together with our friends and organizers from Belarus, we held a bright multisport forum that is second only to the Olympic Games.” The president of the European Olympic Committees congratulated Belarusian athletes on winning the se­ cond place in the overall medal standings. He said that this is an amazing achievement for the host country. In conclusion of his speech, Janez Koçijančić in the Belarusian language expressed his gratitude to the Belarusian nation and its leader for the warm hospitality and added that he appreciated it very much. By Vasily Kharitonov

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raditions and modernity

Alexandria welcomes Thousands of guests of Alexandria (Shklovsky district, Mogilev region) did not sleep this night. The search for the mythical fern flower is not only a tribute to traditions, but also a memory of national roots.


For many years, the legend of the magic flower of happiness has been passed on here from mouth to mouth, from family to family, and everyone dreams to witness the Kupala miracles. For this reason once a year guests from all over Belarus and from neighboring countries come to Shklovshchina. According to the organizers, it is almost 100 thousand people. The Mid-Summer Festival in his small homeland is always attended by the President of Belarus. This year, Alexander Lukashenko has not changed the traditions either. The head of state found time to personally open the tenth anniversary festival “Alexandria gathers friends”: — Shanoўnyya sabry! Druzya! Druzi! This important word, pronounced in three related close languages, reflects the depth of the idea of our festival in Alexandria. The holiday, which for 10 years has been a vivid symbol of the fraternal friendship of the peoples of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Today, the holiday, which has rightfully acquired the status of a national brand, annually gathers tens of thousands of guests. But Alexander Lukashenko recalled what the festival was all about 10 years ago: — Small and modest, just like this land, but even then, beautiful in its orig-


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inality. And, as time has shown, promising. I am absolutely convinced that it caused such an extraordinary interest, because the force of gravity of a small homeland and East Slavic kinship are especially strong on this hospitable land. Three nations are intertwined with historical, family, spiritual roots, like three mighty oak trees on the bank of the deep and generous Dnieper. The Dnieper since ancient times has been an important shipping artery of Belarus. Part of the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” The waters of the Dnieper wash the coast of Alexandria — the venue of the festival of peace, friendship and good neighborliness. — The sources of this great river begin in Russia, and then it carries its waters through Belarus and finishes its way in Ukraine. It is like a circulatory system that binds us with the strongest bonds of good neighborliness, trust and openness. Our peoples managed to preserve this unity given to us from above. Century after century, year after year, they turned to their roots, became friends, formed families. Therefore, we invite everyone to our festivities not only as close guests but also as native people. The holiday continued with a largescale gala-concert “Made in Belarus”.

The President noted that he experienced special feelings coming to Alexandria, his small homeland. “The feeling of terrible excitement. When you reach certain heights, excuse me for being indiscreet, become a famous person, and then come home, to the place where you were born and raised, meet face to face with the people who know you better than anyone in the world, it’s always not just exciting — it’s terribly exciting,” — admitted the head of state. He expressed the conviction that for any person it is extremely important not to lose touch with their native places and the people who live there. “If you do not lose these feelings, it means that you are a person. If you lost them and ascended too high, forgetting about people, you cease to be a person,” — said the President. Alexander Lukashenko noted that for many young people born in big cities, for example, in Minsk, the concept of a small homeland is not so meaningful as for people who grew up in small towns. “So let my small homeland be your small homeland,” — suggested the head of state and invited everyone to come to Alexandria for a holiday. “Today’s original holiday helps us realize ourselves as one of the important links in the uninterrupted chain of generations of Belarusians. Pass on children what our


parents left us to inherit. Maintain national identity, traditions, culture, and therefore our native land,” — stressed the President. Belarus continues the “Little Motherland” trilogy with the holiday in Alexandria. This theme is reflected in the works of the musicians who created the album “Kutochak Belarusi” and inspired many to do something useful for their beloved land. “You see how pretty the native land has become, cities and towns are greener and more comfortable. Everything is done with your hands. You do this, first of all, for yourselves, your children and grandchildren. We together create our Belarus for life. It is not surprising that many tourists come to celebrate not only the beauty and purity of Belarus but even find something of their own here. Something that reminds them of their dear native places.” — said the President Previously, people believed that by celebrating the magical Kupala night together, they would get rid of various misfortunes and meet the morning with renewed peace and harmony, and those who find the fern flower will be revealed to all the treasures of the earth. “With a pure heart we offer each guest our most valuable treasures —

cultural, spiritual, handicraft and culinary. We complement them with famous Belarusian hospitality, which you cannot find anywhere in the world. I say this not because I am here and this is my small Homeland. I have visited all corners of the world over the years, and there are no such hospitable people as Belarusians. This is our brand, our peculiarity,” — stressed Alexander Lukashenko. The culmination of the republican holiday “Kupala Night” (“Alexandria gathers friends”) was a gala concert “Made in Belarus” with the participation of Belarusian and foreign pop stars. The concert hall was full. Thousands of spectators were fascinated by the colorful spectacle because in their songs the artists addressed the most precious thing for each person — the small homeland. The action on the stage was accompanied by a subtle and tastefully chosen visual line: the colorful pictures of the landscapes of Belarus, sketches from the lives of toilers, ordinary people. The audience was deeply impressed, many people had tears in their eyes. There were songs about feelings for the native land, first steps, friends, school, first love, family. The concert program was based on the songs from the album “Kutochak Bela-

raditions and modernity

rusi” by the laureates of the prize of the President of Belarus “For Spiritual Revival” Yulia Bykova and Yevgeny Oleynik. Many of them took the lead in the rotations on popular radio stations and therefore caused a storm of applause. Lyrical songs were interspersed with bright dance performances and visual special effects. One of the surprises for the audience was the joint performance of Yulia Bykova and the famous Ukrainian singer Tina Karol. They performed a composition combining Belarusian and Ukrainian folk songs, thus showing the closeness and unity of the two cultures. Only live music sounded at the concert, the artists communicated directly with the audience. This helped create a relaxing, soulful atmosphere. A memorable final chord was the main song of the album with the same name “Kutochak Belarusi”, which was performed by the Honored Artist of Belarus Alena Lanskaya. She and all the participants of the gala concert received a standing ovation. The artists were given flowers from the President of Belarus. After the concert, the main Kupala fire was lit on the left bank of the Dnieper, and the sky over Alexandria was lit up with colorful fireworks and a pyrotechnic show. By Alexander Pimenov

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The Great Stone demonstrates its attraction The Forum on Regional Cooperation and Development within the framework of the “Belt and Path” initiative was held at the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park



he main topic of the forum is “The Open Great Stone Park” — an example of global opportunities.” The event gathered about five hundred participants. These are representatives of governments, heads of business associations, investment funds, banks, and also large companies from the countries of the European and Asian regions. It should be noted that this is the first large-scale event in the park, which will be a continuation of the Belt and Path International Cooperation Forum, held in April of this year in Beijing. A greeting to the participants of this forum was sent by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. The forum program was quite extensive. The key topic of the plenary session was the participation of states in the global initiative “Belt and Road”. In four panel sections, participants discussed innovative development and new technologies, transport and logistics systems, prospects for cooperation with financial institutions, as well as the development of the Great Stone as a smart eco-city. During the forum, bilateral documents were signed, 11 new residents of the park were registered. Also in the park there was an exhibition of

Belarusian and Chinese goods and services, the products of almost two hundred Belarusian and Chinese companies operating in industries such as engineering and industrial equipment, energy, transport and logistics, construction and woodworking, science and technology, IT and telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and food, services. The organizers of this forum are the Ministry of Economy of Belarus and the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China. The co-organizers were the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Foreign Trade Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, the administration of the Great Stone industrial park, the National Agency for Investment and Privatization, Industrial Park Development Company CJSC. It should be noted that today the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park the Great Stone is an international platform for creating high-tech industries in advanced areas of activity, which offers unprecedented benefits and preferences. 44 companies from China, Belarus, Austria, Germany, Russia, Lithuania, USA, Israel are registered in the park, and the volume of announced investments in projects exceeds $ 1 billion. By Alexey Fedosov


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Liubov Malysheva


Priorities are becoming apparent Belarus and China are considering the possibility of increasing the number of flights on the route Minsk-Beijing, as well as the creation of joint companies for the transportation of goods by air “Modern business requires higher speeds. Therefore, we consider the increase in the number of flights along the route Minsk-Beijing and the organization of joint air cargo transportation companies as important elements in establishing contacts between the partners of Belarus and China,” said Minister of Transport and Communications of Belarus Aleksey Avramenko at the forum on regional cooperation and development within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, which took place in the China-Belarus Industrial Park “Great Stone”. Given the close proximity of the National Airport of Minsk to the China-Belarus Industrial Park, the Minister considers the creation of an international hub at the airport, which will make it possible to handle cargo and deliver it by air, an important direction of civil aviation development. Alexey Avramenko reminded that Minsk National Airport won the contest “The best airport in the CIS countries”

following the results of the work in 2018. This year the second runway was put into operation at the airport. “We are ready to accept aircrafts of any class and increase the capacity for cargo handling,” assured the Minister. “Today more than 90% of cargoes from China to Europe are delivered via the Southern Sea Route. And only about 6% — by land routes. Belarus is interested in increasing the competitive advantages of the land route and attracting additional traffic,” said Alexey Avramenko. “We see an increase in the volume of accelerated container railway freight transportation as one of the priority areas,” said Alexey Avramenko. Last year 325 thousand containers were transported through Belarus in China-Europe-China communication by 18 specialized container express trains. It is planned to increase this figure to 1 million by 2025. By Vladimir Velikhov

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the best for export The International Exhibition of Belarusian and Chinese Goods and Services was held in the ChinaBelarus Industrial Park “Great Stone”. More than 200 companies from both countries took part in the exhibition. About a hundred companies were Belarusian.


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he large-scale exposition is located in the largest exhibition complex in Belarus. It was built by China Merchants, an international company, a resident of the Industrial Park “Great Stone”. Three days later, the Forum on Regional Cooperation and Development within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative was held there, which gathered about 500 participants from 30 countries, including Austria, Bulgaria, China, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Turkey, the United Kingdom and others. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Transport and Communications of Belarus, as well as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Belarus and other distinguished guests were invited to the opening ceremony. Welcoming the guests of the exhibition, Minister of Economy Dmitry Krutoy called such an event a landmark event for Belarus, as China is the

leader of world trade, which we have a lot to learn from. And above all, advanced trade technologies. For his part, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Belarus Tsui Tsimin said that the joint project “One Belt and One Road” had achieved good results, as more and more Chinese companies are investing their resources in Belarus and thus stimulating the development of the economy of “tomorrow”: the field of advanced technologies and standards, equipment. Mr. Tsui Tsimin expressed confidence that the exhibition is another successful step on the way to expanding the scale of bilateral trade and business.

Made in China The exhibition block, where more than a hundred Chinese companies were represented, was organized by China Machinery Engineering Corporation. The second part of the exposition, which included joint Belarusian-Chinese production, was the responsibility of China Merchants Group. The spacious areas of


the exhibition center housed more than a hundred innovative and promising projects and developments in various fields. Among them is a model of the future Belarusian national football stadium. Its dimensions in full size are impressive: the ground area of the stadium is 42 thousand square meters, while the underground area is 6 thousand square meters. The whole area is 12.43 hectares. Capacity of the stadium will be 33 thousand seats. Now the project is under development, but in four years the stadium is to be built. Liu Xiau Hu, the representative of China Irg International Engineering Corporatiom, assured that the new facility would become another symbol of Minsk. It was impossible to pass by the unique exhibits of another resident of the Great Stone — the company SITAM Intelligence Equipment — fire robots that are able to fight fire in conditions dangerous to humans. With the help of these mechanical wor­kers it is still possible to determine the composition of gases in a smoky room and the possibility of entry of rescuers.

Every one in Belarus knows Kommunarka brand


Music authentic bands created a festive mood

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By the way, such an assistant robot costs 150 thousand dollars. The next resident of the industrial park — the young company International Intelligent Machines (founded in 2015) — demonstrated the family of service robots. One of them, for example, was created to provide consulting services: the assistant is able to move around the corridors of the exhibition hall, talk about the exhibits and even answer questions. However, so far, he only speaks Chinese, and does not give a hand to greet the visi-

Model of the world's largest dump truck “Belaz” series 7558

enterprise, the Institute of Artificial Intelligence was established in Belarus in 2018. In total, representatives of 20 residents of the industrial park have already made their high-tech products. Samples of automotive equipment created by joint Belarusian-Chinese machine-building enterprises were exhibited in the open air. Among them there are already familiar brands. For example, Geely cars, which can be seen on the streets of Belarusian cities. Or the company Zoomlion-MAZ, famous for serial production of the most powerful truck cranes in the country. BelAZ, which produces dump trucks in

demand all over the world, also took part in the exhibition.

Made in Belarus The third part of the exposition called “Made in Belarus” covers not less wide range of branches of Belarusian mechanical engineering and transport, logistics, energy and construction, woodworking, science and technologies, telecommunications, pharmaceutics, food production and services. It should be noted that such a forum was organized for the first time in Belarus. Previously, demonstration of goods and services under the national


tor if the one is out of sight of the camera. By the way, IIM is the world’s leading developer and manufacturer of intelligent androids. The company is headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Thanks to the successful development of this high-tech


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Young company IIM creates service robots


ast pace

`` Growth is

clearly progressive

The number of resident companies at the ChinaBelarus Industrial Park “Great Stone” will increase to 60 by the end of the year

Visitors of the exhibition were photographed even against the background of the thematic video

brand was held in Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Kiev, Tbilisi and Tashkent. Vladimir Ulakhovich, Chairman of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the organizer of the Belarusian part of the exhibition, is convinced that the participants and guests of the Belt and Road forum were able to see for themselves the export opportunities of Belarus. Answering the questions of the mass media, he said that China is extremely interested in supply of our products, in particular, dairy products. After the tasting of yoghurt, cheese, sausages and porridge of the domestic producer, it was possible to study the Belarusian innovative products.

The stand of the National Academy of Sciences contained more than 150 future-targeted developments. These are medicines and new technologies for treatment, drones, optics and other scientific equipment. Despite the July heat and remoteness from Minsk — the Great Stone is 25 kilometers from the capital — the exhibition was crowded. Apart from representatives of Chinese and Belarusian business circles, the pavilion was visited by curious citizens who were viewing high-tech exhibits with great interest. By Alisa Gungor. Photo of the author.

Tasting is a nice thing to do

Hu Zheng, Chief Executive Director of the Great Stone Park Development Company, said the following on the air of Belarus 1 TV channel: “We have built a modern industrial park from scratch within 4 years. This is the biggest project of China abroad. We are pleased with

the pace of its development: 10 countries have invested here. The number of residents has increased to 55, and by the end of the year, this figure may increase to at least 60”. During the forum on regional cooperation and development within the framework of the Belt and Road initiative, 11 new residents were registered in the Great Stone, who will create high-tech industries in the park. One of the new residents is ready to offer the market packaging for cosmetics made of biomaterials and with nanotechnology for decoration. Today, these products are in great demand abroad. A quarter of purchasers are European countries. It is planned that the plant will be launched within two years. By Vladimir Mikhaylov

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ross-border projects


Friendship produces fruit

First Deputy Speaker of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Marek Olbryś at the forum

How Belarus and Poland cooperate was clearly demonstrated during the round table, which was held as part of the regular 22nd Belarusian-Polish economic forum Good Neighborliness 2019. Representatives of Grodno and Brest regions, Podlaskie and Lublin Voivodships told about cross-border projects they had implemented and the plans for the near future. The importance of the forum is also confirmed by its high representation. The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich and his Polish counterpart — head of the Polish Senate Stanisław Karczewski.


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Projects with solid grants Cross-border programs “Neighborliness” and “Poland — Belarus — Ukraine” became one of the instruments of cooperation. Neighboring countries at the regional level reach an agreement to come up with similar projects. Their proposals are sent to the EU Commission for consideration, and if they are approved, each party will receive funds for implementation. According to the Executive Director of the EU Centre for International Technical Assistance in Belarus, Dina Goncharova, such cooperation began 15 years ago. During this period of time, more than 40 projects worth Br34 million have been implemented. Both sides are convinced that the joint work has great potential, as it helps to solve important social, economic and cultural issues. The budget of the program is increasing. For example, now it amounts to 113 million euros. Currently, the program “Poland — Belarus — Ukraine” for 2017–2020 is being implemented. Two contests have been held. As a result of the first one, 65 projects have been selected, half of them with

the participation of Belarusian organizations, which account for 22.5 million euros. The largest number of grants is implemented in Grodno and Brest regions. Another 780 thousand euros have been allocated to Belarusian organizations for the implementation of about 30 miniprojects. These are the projects for the development of transport infrastructure, preservation of historical heritage, ecological direction, regional cooperation, entrepreneurship, science, border security — all that contributes to the development of border areas. Over the past 15 years, funding has increased fivefold, and the number of serious projects with a budget of up to 10 million euros is also increasing. Dina Goncharova noted that another program for 2021–2027 is currently being prepared, and the Belarusians will take an active part in it. Chance in road initiatives The Grodno and Brest regions have a favorable geographical location and a wide network of border crossing points, which helps to establish links with Polish partners. The biggest traffic is, of course, on motorways. Therefore, projects that help to develop transport infrastructure are becoming popular. For example, in the Grodno region there are currently four such projects. According to Igor Lebetsky, chairman of the Grodno District Council of Deputies, all of them deal with the improvement of roads leading to the Augustów Canal or are located nearby. The new tourist brand of Grodno residents — Augustów Canal — is attractive for foreigners, primarily Polish tourists. It helps to expand the connections and visa-free zone of the canal. The local authorities of the border areas came out with road projects and received support. The total budget of the Belarusian side is almost 4 million euros. The first tranches were received for all projects.

C As Igor Lebetsky explained, the funds were used for the construction of roads, purchase of new equipment and information signs.

Customs: closely and quickly

Security in the border area This is the main task for the rescue services of both countries, said Deputy Head of Grodno Regional Department of Emergencies Alexander Zhemchuzhnikov. Under the project “Let’s save Belo­ vezhskaya Pushcha together”, which is being implemented together by Brest and Polish sides, a set of equipment, including off-road vehicles, has been purchased for 870 thousand euros. According to the program of crossborder cooperation, the reconstruction of the training complex will be carried out and the equipment for international

competitions will be purchased. By the way, not so long ago Grodno hosted the World Championship in Fire and Rescue Sport. For this project 450 thousand euros was received from the EU. Two more projects will start in July. One of them is aimed at the safety of transboundary space in case of an environmental disaster. The budget of the Belarusian side is 750 thousand euros. Within the framework of the second project, an emergency and rescue complex will be built on the territory of the Augustów Canal, and a cross-country vehicle and a motor boat will be purchased. According to Alexander Zhamchuzhnikov, such projects makes it possible to enhance the coordination of activities, use new technologies and improve the skills of rescuers. Now the project on the history of the fire department is next in turn. And this is quite a significant matter, which involves for the reconstruction of the fire observation tower — a monument of history and architecture in Grodno. For this purpose, as well as for the training programs, 1 million euros will be spent. The same project will be implemented in Bialystok. By Margarita Ushkevich


Work is under way to improve the border area in order to make it easier to build relationships. Head of Grodno Regional Customs Andrey Kovalchuk states: over the past three years, traffic across the border has increased by a third. This indicates the mutual growth of goods turnover and the number of tourists. The reconstruction of the largest checkpoint Bruzgi on the BelarusianPolish border is coming to the end in the near future. The X‑ray scanning system will be improved there. The amount of financing under the project will amount to more than 3 million euros. The new approaches will make it possible to double the throughput capacity and reach the figure of 1,600 vehicles per day. Pedestrian traffic will be reactivated, which is important for the residents of the border area. The border can be disburdened by logistics centers. They are located near large border crossings. Currently, the

construction of such a center at the border checkpoint Berestovitsa is being completed. A total of 4.5 million euros has been allocated for the EU inspection system as part of a cross-border project. This will significantly increase the throughput capacity. A video surveillance system is also being upgraded along the same line. By the way, China has recently helped with scanners, explosives detection systems and an interesting new feature — a dri­ ver-free car.

ross-border projects

During the work of the round table

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oving towards

Good deeds are remembered for a long time



Belarus stands for raising the level of relations with Japan, especially in the investment sphere

Hiromichi Watanabe

At a recent meeting in Minsk with the Minister for the Restoration of Japan, the Minister for the Coordination of Comprehensive Policies for Overcoming the Accidents at the Fukushima Hiromichi Watanabe Nuclear Power Plant, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko stressed that he was seriously interested in the development of this country: “Despite the geographical distance, we have decided that we should have very close relations with Japan, especially in the area of investment cooperation. If the Japanese government is ready, we will do it very quickly. If your state has an interest in this part of the world (in Europe), you can use Belarus for implementation of these interests.” The President also recalled the significant experience of cooperation with Japan, especially in the issue of overcoming various disasters. “Japan was the first country to extend a helping hand to us after the Chernobyl disaster. In addition to supporting the state and our population in Chernobyl areas, we conducted joint scientific research on the issues of overcoming the disaster. And you see, it happens that these joint developments turned out to be useful for Japan, especially after Fukushima,” — noted the head of the state. “In a word, we are open for cooperation. If the Japanese government has a goodwill for this, let’s begin,” — concluded Alexander Lukashenko. In turn, Hiromichi Watanabe thanked the head of the Belarusian state for the invitation to attend the closing ceremony of the 2nd European Games. He noted that this sports forum contributed to the unification of countries and peoples.


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“I think we still need to deepen our friendly relations in the fields of culture and sports,” — said the minister. Hiromiti Watanabe also expressed gratitude to the Belarusian side for the assistance rendered to Japan in overcoming the consequences of the devastating earthquake that broke out in March 2011 in the east of the country. As is known, the earthquake caused a tsunami off the east coast of Honshu Island, which led to the accident at the Fukushima‑1 nuclear power plant. Following the meeting, Hiromichi Watanabe told reporters that various issues had been discussed with the President of Belarus, including the topic of economic relations and the investment climate. “We confirmed that cooperation should be continued in order to deepen friendly relations,” — said the minister. It should be noted that since the beginning of the 1990s, and especially after the accident at Fukushima‑1, Belarus and Japan have been developing interaction on the minimization of the consequences of man-made and natural disasters. Within the framework of the Japanese governmental “Grass Roots” program, Belarusian medical institutions in the affected by the Chernobyl disaster areas receive the necessary equipment. The annual amount of funding for this line is 300–400 thousand million, and the total amount of aid has exceeded $ 3 million. In turn, after the natural and man-made disasters that broke out in March 2011 in northeastern Japan, Belarus provided financial assistance to the Japanese side in the amount of $ 500,000– the funds were sent to the Japanese Red Cross Society. Since 2012, a program has been implemented on rehabilitation of children in Belarus from the prefectures affected by the accident at the Fukushima‑1 nuclear power plant. In addition, a joint committee has been set up to implement an agreement between the governments of Belarus and Japan on cooperation in overcoming the consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants. By Vladimir Khromov


Belarus — Uzbekistan

From the centre of Europe to Central Asia


economy by the example of Uzbekistan, about the peculiarities of free economic zones in Uzbekistan. Authors from Uzbekistan are published in such journals of Belarus as “Medical News”, “Medical and Biological Life Problems”, “Bulletin of the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus”, “Bankauski Vesnik”, “Energy and FEC”… We have a number

year later the magazine “Беларусь. Belarus” told about what unites our countries — Belarus and Uzbekistan. And we can say with confidence that during this time the relations between us have become closer and more effective. It cannot be otherwise. According to our President Alexander Lukashenko, “Uzbekistan is a priority country for us…”. This underscores the central importance of bilateral relations. Over the past year, over the past months, our relations have been strengthened by a number of meetings, and our diplomatic missions have significantly added to the activity in building roads and bridges between Belarus, the state in the center of Europe, and Central Asian Uzbekistan. The increased activity of the authors in the media space is also impressive. The pages of Belarusian newspapers and magazines contain more and more publications about Uzbekistan. What is noteworthy is that Uzbek scientists and specialists are appearing in Belarusian scientific and practical publications. For example, Akmal Akramov in the “Economic bulletin of the Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus” tells about the models of formation and development of national innovation systems in the coordinates of the world

of platforms that facilitate interaction and lay the foundation for progressive movement towards each other. It concerns the sphere of education, tourism, trade relations, medicine, health care… Delegations of Uzbek state administration bodies have visited many ministries and departments of Belarus.

A trading floor of the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange has been created at the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange. The relations between the regions of our countries are also being built. And the headlines of media reports anticipate the agenda for tomorrow: “Window to Uzbekistan opened”, “Friendship will promote technology”, “Minsk — Tashkent: on the business wave”, “Minsk — Tashkent: a new page”… Undoubtedly, many new initiatives will be added after the Minsk meeting of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Our countries, the Uzbek and Belarusian peoples remember their historical community. We know the price of friendship at any moment, at any difficult time. And life will give to the staff of the magazine “Беларусь.Belarus”, other mass media new interesting facts, bright and positive reasons for making a chronicle of good and important deeds in the space of Belarusian-Uzbek relations. Our knowledge of traditions, character of Belarusians and Uzbeks in relation to each other gives us confidence of it. And the dynamics of relations between the countries over the past year is also a weighty argument in favor of our strong friendship. Alexander Karlyukevich, Minister of Information of Belarus

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On the way with two-way traffic

A real friend is the one who always stands beside me Today, Belarus and Uzbekistan are reliable partners and friends, which is hindered neither by the great geographical remoteness between Minsk and Tashkent, nor by almost 25-year break in diplomatic relations, nor by the mentality of the two peoples. We ascertained that in our conversation with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to Belarus Nasirdzhan Yusupov, who has been representing the interests of his country in Minsk since April 2018. Since then, the embassy of a friendly country has been open at 24 Pokrovskaya Street.

N Nasirdzhan Yusupov


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Nasirdzhan Sabirovich, Doctor of Economics, political scientist, prominent statesman of Uzbekistan started his diplomatic career in China in 2003 as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and in addition of Mongolia. He worked there at the time when China was undergoing huge reforms and he could observe how quickly the economy of the Celestial Empire was recovering. And using its own resources. Mr. Ambassador believes that that experience is very useful for bilateral cooperation between Belarus and Uzbekistan. Beginning the conversation, we also recollected how the President of Belarus stressed this very point in his communication with the President of Uzbekistan on April 25 this year in Beijing, which was also covered by the media. “Not only big empires can help us. There are a lot of good technologies in medium and small states as well. We have technologies that Uzbekistan, the Uzbek people, need. I personally feel the challenge to transfer these technologies to Uzbekistan and create modern enterprises there, which will be an example for others,” Alexander Lukashenko said. These plans, by the way, are reflected in the roadmap for the development of cooperation that Belarus and Uzbeki-

stan have previously developed. In turn, Shavkat Mirziyoyev pointed out that the implementation of the road map is under his personal control. “We have agreed to transfer your powerful technologies to Uzbekistan and have just begun to cooperate in all areas, but the result is already visible. In 2018 alone, trade turnover between the two countries increased 2.5‑fold compared to the previous year. The main criterion, as Alexander Lukashenko put it, is trade turnover. And our dear interlocutor repeatedly turned to figures. We learned from him that he had already visited all regions of Belarus. He admires the beauty of its forests, lakes and rivers, as well as the well-groomed and aesthetically pleasing cities! And the Belarusians, whom he calls the greatest wealth of the country, shocked the Ambassador by their kindness, openness and friendliness, which, as he confessed with great pleasure and pride, characteristic of the Uzbeks, too. And we understand that on the scale of universal human values these positive and life-affirming qualities are in the leading positions. It is like patterns of ornaments reflecting the sacred secret writing of the human soul, its similar aspirations, desires and thoughts, no matter what nationality we belong to. By the way, and ornamental scientists are inclined to think that there are no great differences in the semantic ornaments of different peoples, though they are expressed in different ways. What makes us conclude that we are all connected by thousands of threads, visible and invisible… At the same time, as we also talked about it, the enduring value of cultural traditions of each nation is obvious, even in the era of globalization. — Mr. Ambassador! If I may, we will begin our conversation with a question about the Uzbek gazebo. You are surely aware that your President gave it to the President of Belarus as a present. By the way, the newspaper “SB. Belarus Segodnya” mentioned in the context of the meeting between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin after the closing of the European Games, that their conversation in an informal setting at the residence Zaslavl was held just in this gazebo. The President also talked to other leaders of different states in the gazebo. Gazebo… The name of this original gift, I would say, is a derivative of the word “to talk”… — Yeah, I know what you’re talking about. After all, relations between people, countries and nations are built through conversation, dialogue. — It seems to us that this gift is a symbol of inviting Belarus to friendly communication with Uzbekistan, a symbol of an interstate dialogue — both at the highest level and at the level of people’s diplomacy. I am sure you know the background to the appearance of this gazebo in Belarus, tell us about it. — Of course, you know that the development of relations between the two countries is influenced by the relations between the leaders of these countries. It is they who determine the main foreign policy and foreign economic contours of their countries. Fortunately, the leaders of our countries — Shavkat

Miromonovich and Alexander Grigoryevich — have formed warm and friendly relations. In recent years, they have met several times, first at international forums (SCO, CIS). The first official visit of Alexander Lukashenko to Uzbekistan took place in September 2018. And at a very high level. Frankly speaking, the Uzbek people had been waiting for this visit for a long time. We had been preparing for it and had participated in its preparation. And it was perceived as a symbol of warming, improvement of relations between our countries. As a result, the head of Uzbekistan decided to open a separate embassy in Belarus. Before it our interests here we represented by the Russian embassy. During the visit, our President invited Alexander Grigoryevich to see Uzbekistan, including the mountains. The magnificent Chimgan Mountains are 80 km away from Tashkent… — We know the name! Belarusian songwriter Yakub Kolas wrote a poem called “Chimgan”. The writer and his family were warmly received by your people during the Great Patriotic War. He lived in Tashkent and probably had the opportunity to see these mountains… — Yes, yes, yes, the magazine “Беларусь. Belarus,” I remember, wrote in detail last year about the life of the classic during the war years in our country. Now there is a government residence in the mountains of Chimgan. Our President invited Alexander Grigoryevich there, and they spent more than half a day there. It is about 2000 meters above sea level, even in the summer heat it is cool there The mountains are very beautiful, the aura is very different. And there is something to see in the government residence. Buildings and interiors are decorated in the national style by our masters. In particular, folk art, like valuable wood carving, it is called aivan. Different wood species are used — elm, walnut, chinara. Some masters make amazing columns, others make elements of Uzbek gazebos. And I think that Alexander Grigoryevich paid attention to this beauty. And our President is also a very sensitive person — so he decided to give such a gazebo to his friend. A month or a half later, a valuable cargo was delivered from Tashkent to Minsk. Our craftsmen brought their creation and assembled it in the country residence Zaslavl. We are pleased that the Belarusian President liked the gift. Remember, in the famous Soviet film “Mimino” there is a popular quotation: “We are very pleased that you are pleased”. And this is exactly the case. Have you ever been to Uzbekistan? Valentina: — Back in the Soviet times, I was in the Namangan region, I was having a rest in “Chartak”health center. I cherish warm memories of that time… — Oh, “Chartak” is a really good place! But now you need to visit Uzbekistan. The country is changing rapidly. Cities are getting prettier, acquiring modern features — and at the same time, historical parts and complexes are preserved: a lot of attention is paid to the tourist attractiveness. And when you are in our country, pay attention to the fact that we have a lot of buildings decorated with wood carving. And their interior is decorated with ganch carving (gypsum). We don’t have беларусь. belarus 2019


any here yet (glances at the interior of the room in which a conversation is going on), because we rent this building. But I assure you that in a couple of years, when we have our own Embassy building, you will be able to see it all there. — And in continuation of the theme: surely your people have eloquent expressions, wise sayings about a dialogue, conversation, real friends? What do your wise men, poets, philosophers say about this? — Of course there are. One of them can be translated as follows: a friend is the one who always stands beside me. Or, if you’re a true friend, stay always with me — both in joy and in sorrow. — We, Nasirdzhan Sabirovich, are also interested in your personality — the personality of a person who represents a friendly country. Tell us a little about yourself. We know that you are an economist by training, and also a doc-

used even more words in his creative work than Shakespeare or Pushkin. By the way, some of Navoi’s works have also been translated into the Belarusian language — we are proud of it. And he wrote in the Old Uzbek language. The Navoiresearchers study the creative heritage, and we never cease to wonder how deep in content and melodic his creations are. So as a sign of respect for the famous compatriot, I named my eldest son. My Alisher works for an insurance company. At one time I set them up, headed them — it’s my sphere of interest in the field of economics. The younger son Akmal is an entrepreneur. Daughter Nargiza has two higher educations: she is an English language specialist and an economist. She works as an office manager. The eldest granddaughter Ruhsora left school, and the grandson Sabirdzhan is living here with us, in Belarus he is already a high school student. He was named after my father Sabir.

Meeting of the delegation from Tashkent with Deputy Chairman of

During an interview with the Mir TV company

the Minsk City Executive Committee Artyom Tsuran

tor of science. That you used to teach, that you have three children and six grandchildren… — Everything is right. It is worth mentioning that I have five granddaughters and one grandson, and that I am a native Tashkent citizen. I was born there, studied there, got higher education. By the way, I have two higher educations, and I graduated from both institutions with honours.. The first was the Institute of National Economy. The second was the Higher Party School. I entered this prestigious school after I had already worked for some time. However, I always liked both the process of studying and the subjects. And in the HPS I also had the opportunity to work on myself. I have three adult children: my daughter is married, my sons are married. Alisher, my eldest son, followed in the father’s footsteps. — The son was probably named after Alisher Navoi? — Yes, that’s right. After all, Alisher Navoi, I believe, is a world-class genius. Great thinker, great statesman and great poet. I will move a little away from answering the question and give one argument. Specialists counted that Alisher Navoi


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— Maybe he knows the Belarusian language? — Yes, he already knows the Belarusian language (smiling). Now he’s in Tashkent on vacation, and then he’ll continue his study in the 10th grade. So, as you can see, being here, we are building, thinking about long-term prospects (smiling). — Yes, the ability to see the question in all its diversity is a sign of large-scale thinking… — Otherwise it is impossible in my position! In addition, I used to hold senior positions in government bodies before — I was the head of a number of ministries, Deputy Prime Minister, and Ambassador of Uzbekistan to China. Then I was engaged in scientific and pedagogical activity. I was interested in science and research since school. But I am not just a pure researcher. I had interesting topics to study related to economics of agriculture and water resources: at one time I used to head these branches. And when it was decided to establish this Embassy, the Head of State offered me to open it and head it. To use my scientific, managerial, diplomatic, and statesman experience, as well as life potential to make the Embassy work at

full capacity within a short time. I will have to fill in the gaps that existed in the Uzbek-Belarusian relations. Therefore, as they say, I rolled up my sleeves and took up this work — honorable and responsible. If I can do something to help my homeland, it means I have to do it. This is the attitude of our entire small, close team. We have an interesting job. We are in an interesting country. There are people who are close to us in spirit here. By the way, for all Uzbeks, I think they are also interesting. And our embassy is like a bridge connecting friendly countries. — Let’s talk about priorities in your work? — Of course, first of all, it is trade, economic and investment activity. Everything is based on the economy. This is the basis. Although I sometimes argue with myself about this (everyone laughing). As they say, it is not quite right to deify this sphere. The economy should create conditions for a full human life, which must not be based only on material values. We, each of us, still, should focus on satisfying our spiritual needs. That is what the economy is called to contribute to. Yes, it should satisfy the primary material needs. But if one thing contradicts another — and we often see it in the world — then you wonder if it is necessary? Let’s think: within recent decades, centuries people’s life has become better, more comfortable — but have they become more moral, more spiritually rich? Every people should certainly develop their economies. But at the same time, people should also look inside themselves: what is going on there? How much do I need for happiness? Does it always bring money, material wealth? I think about these “eternal” questions more and more often. — We understand your reasoning. Indeed, the ideals of the consumer society are very distant from those, which such geniuses as Navoi tried to formulate, bring into human culture… — We do live in a consumer society. Therefore, while creating the basis, it is important to pay more attention to what the classics of economic theories called a superstructure: spiritual, moral, cultural and humanitarian aspects. Uzbekistan has 33 million inhabitants and now has a high population growth rate, it is among the world’s leaders: every year we are growing by about half a million. And in order to successfully resolve social issues, it is very important for us to have a good economy. In order to have it, first of all, we need to build good relations with our neighbors. With the countries that are friendly to us, with whom we have mutual interests. One of them is Belarus. We have common historical roots. We were in the same country for more than 70 years. Our mentality is very close. I believe that Uzbeks are very similar to Belarusians. And the Belarusians are like the Uzbeks. We seem to be geographically distant, but the mentality and inner world are very close. If you have an opportunity to live in Uzbekistan for a week or two, you will feel it yourself. Therefore, we should implement mutually beneficial plans together.

PROGRAM* of the Forum of the Regions of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan (July 29–30, 2019) FIRST DAY (July 29, Monday) Delegation arrival to Minsk International Airport 11.45-14.00 Accommodation of the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Minsk, a short rest I. For official members the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan 15.00-17.30 Thematic sections in the framework of the Interregional Forum: Section No.1: Expansion of cooperation in the field of industrial cooperation: Location: Minsk Tractor Plant OJSC Suggested issues for discussion: — Basics and prospects for the development of cooperation between industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan; — State and prospects of development of cooperation in the field of agricultural engineering; — The main areas of cooperation and expansion of cooperative ties in the field of automotive engineering; — Prospects for cooperation in the pharmaceutical industry; — State and plans to expand the interaction of light industry organizations; — Perspective directions of development of interregional cooperation in industrial cooperation; — Cooperation in the field of timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industry; — The development of cooperation in the electrical field. Responsible officials from the Belarusian side: the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, the Ministry of Industry Responsible officials from the Uzbek side: the Senate of Oliy Majlis, the Ministry of Economy and Industry. Participants from the Uzbek side: Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Uzagrotehsanoat Holding JSC, Uzavtosanoat JSC. Association Uztukimachilixanoa”; Uzcharsanoat, Uzeltehsanoat, Uzbekpaksanoat JSC AGMK, NGMK JSC, Rav Express LLC, O’zbekiston temir yo’llari JSC, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Khokimiyats of Navoi and Syrdarya regions Section No.2: Prospective areas of cooperation in the field of agriculture, food industry and food security. 11.45

* The programm may be changed

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— Belarus, undoubtedly, is also interested in this. — And I see it. As an economist I want to note that your country is also export-oriented. And your specialists and managers understand very well how important it is to diversify their foreign economic interests in a timely manner. The head of state has set the right task: 30% — export to Russia, 30% — to the European Union and 30% — to other countries. Uzbekistan and other Asian countries also have a place in this “economic arithmetic”. Where there is a large population and thus a large market, the economy is developing rapidly. In addition, Uzbekistan is becoming an increasingly open country for the world and investments. In this regard, we have created unprecedented conditions for investors. And we invite Belarusian businessmen, Belarusian structures: let’s build our activity together in the interests of both countries. — Please, let’s have a little more details here: where exactly, in your opinion, should we “come together”? — I will answer in brief. As you can understand, the visit of the President of Belarus to Uzbekistan has given a powerful impetus to intensify contacts between business circles of our countries. As a result, 11 new Uzbek-Belarusian joint ventures were set up in Uzbekistan as early as 2018. At present, 51 enterprises are operating in Uzbekistan with the participation of Belarusian investments. And there will be more. And any sphere, in my opinion, is important. I have already been asked a question once: are there any business areas that are closed to investors? I answered this question: there are no closed areas for bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation for Belarusian friends in Uzbekistan. What else is interesting: some economic spheres, as I have noticed, sometimes have their own national peculiarities. As well as professions. Belarusians know how to produce good equipment, they are skilled stock-breeders. However, trade relations are not always properly built. And Uzbeks — on the contrary: they know how to trade. So let’s join forces: together we will produce and trade. And learn from each other. And also together we will develop the Central Asian market, and then we will go to Afghanistan, or we can go to China. — And the Great Silk Road, we know, in ancient times passed through the territories of modern Uzbekistan… — Yeah, that was the middle of the Silk Road. In China, in Xi’an, it began, passed through Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and went south to Iran, through branches — to the Transcaucasian countries. So our ancestors used to study international trade in those times, which had its imprint on the Uzbek mentality. Thanks to trade routes, the economy of our lands was developing rapidly — in particular, handicrafts. Many people have heard of the ancient Khorezm state, there were others too — they were called differently. This is all Central Asia. — China, implementing the megaproject One Belt One Road, is successfully creating a pearl called the Great Stone near Minsk. As far as we know, Uzbekistan was one of the


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first countries to support the development of the project One Belt One Road… — Yeah, that’s right. China is now actively present in the Uzbek economy. Even before the official launch of the megaproject, investments were made to revive the Silk Road, which unites the West and East. Now, of course, in the twenty-first century, other transport corridors are being created as well: Russia is interested in this project and Kazakhstan. We are actively working to make the way through China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to Afghanistan, with access to the southern seas. India and Pakistan are near. The way will pass to Iran through Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. And the more integrated the countries are in these projects, the greater the conditions for stability. — People say: business loves silence. And for those who work together and for mutual benefit — it is unprofitable, figuratively speaking, to “scare away fish”, to conflict with each other. Or, as you said: if you are a true friend, then always stand beside me… — There is a regularity: when people have something to lose, they are careful about their actions, discuss them together. And when there is nothing to lose, it is hopelessness. And such a state of mind is very dangerous, it is a spring that can push people to unreasonable and even criminal actions. — About a year and a half ago, you rolled up your sleeves and started a new business in Belarus… — Last April, as you know… — What have you done since then? Which of the accomplished things seem to be the most important to you? — If we sum up our efforts, the most important thing, in my opinion, is that we have managed to create an institutional framework for the further development of our relations. We started to get to know each other better. We can say that last year was an introductory year or a year of active study of each other’s markets, mutual opportunities and potential areas of cooperation. In June, we held a meeting of the intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation, at which the issues of further development of interstate relations were discussed. I also met with representatives of business circles. Uzbekistan is interested in expanding cooperation and investment cooperation, attracting advanced experience and technologies of Belarus in all spheres of the economy, especially in mechanical engineering, agribusiness, pharmaceuticals, information technologies, transport and logistics. — It turns out that you have created an institutional base almost anew… — That’s what it is. More than a quarter of a century has passed since the Union was dissolved. Time is fleeting. Living conditions are changing rapidly. New generations are coming. We remember how we lived in one big country. And our young people live in different countries. And young people in Belarus already know more about Uzbekistan from books and the Internet. As they say, in theory. Uzbek youth also know a

little about your country, about the Belarusians. It would be great if young people, making use of new technologies and opportunities, knew more than we used to know in our time, It means that we should build our relations in such a way that young people will travel more, cooperate in different spheres. And such conditions are best of all created by the development of the economy. The stronger our economic ties will be, the more of such conditions will be created. There is also a humanitarian component. As it has already been mentioned, we have a very high population growth rate: 40 percent of the population is young people under the age of 20. Many of them want to get higher education. And it is natural. After all, in the Koran, in our proverbs there is a saying: study from cradle to grave. In Soviet times, Belarus was famous for its education. This includes higher education. The population growth in Belarus is small. You have great traditions, universities, faculty, material base. And all this will be developing if there are students. And if there are no students, then why are there universities? — Uzbek students, of course, also study in Belarus? — Yes, but we think they are not enough: just over 200. This year we managed to “shake up” the universities of both countries a little bit. So that Belarusian students could come to us to study, and Uzbeks — to study in Belarus, so that we could get to know each other better and understand each other. We are trying to sort out where we can act together. And joint depatments are already being created. The model of system education is being built: so that students could study for 2 years in Uzbekistan and for 2 years in Belarus. In particular, it is assumed that BSUIR, BSU, Belarusian State Medical University, BNTU, Vitebsk Veterinary Academy will take part in such a project from the Belarusian side. As well as pedagogical universities — both Maxim Tank Pedagogical University and Baranovichi State Pedagogical University. This is an interesting direction for cooperation, which we have managed to find and move forward. We have already created a certain base, and it seems that this case will go well. It just takes time: to get to know more about your universities in Uzbekistan, and for Belarusian structures to enter our country more actively with their services. — Do you manage to establish interaction in the scientific sphere? — There is some proress. And here I would like to remind: Uzbekistan is the birthplace of great thinkers and scientists. Such as, for example, Al Biruni, the greatest encyclopedist (Abū Rayḥān Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad AlBīrūnī — Auth.) Long before the discovery of America, he calculated that there is a continent to the west of the Atlantic Ocean. That is, he discovered America before Columbus! He was a universal man: astronomer, geologist, philosopher. — That would be great to publish a book in Belarus: 100 famous people in the history of Uzbekistan…

Location: Minsk (to be specified) Issues for discussion: — Prospective areas of cooperation in the field of agriculture, food industry and food security; — Prospective directions of development of interregional cooperation in the field of agriculture, food industry and food security; — Cooperation in the food and fruit industries, export of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables on the market of the Republic of Belarus; — Prospects for cooperation in the field of selection of crop and seed breeding; — Opportunities for cooperation in the field of livestock breeding, equipping animal husbandry complexes and veterinary medicine; — Implementation of joint educational projects in the field of agriculture; — Development of interregional cooperation in the field of agriculture and food industry between the Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus and the Jizzakh region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Responsible officials from the Belarusian side: the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Responsible officials from the Uzbek side: the Senate of Oliy Majlis, the Ministry of Agriculture Participants from the Uzbek side: Ministry of Agriculture, Association of Potato Producers, Uzchorvanasl, Uzbekozikovkatholding Holding Company, State Veterinary Committee, Khokimiyats of Tashkent, Namangan, Djizak, Andijan and Fergana regions. Section No. 3: Development of cooperation between the regions of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan in the cultural, humanitarian, information, communication and scientific fields Location: Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, 66 Independence Avenue) Issues for discussion: — Cooperation between the Academies of Sciences of Belarus and Uzbekistan; — Development of cooperation between Belarus and Uzbekistan in the innovation sphere; — Directions and forms of bilateral cooperation in the field of higher education; — Expansion of interregional cooperation in the scientific, technical, cultural and tourist fields; — Interregional cooperation in the field of culture; — Expansion of interregional cooperation in the scientific, technical, cultural and tourist fields;

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— Absolutely, we should! There are other information projects as well. By the way, your Minister of Information Alexander Karlyukevich helps us in this. Do you know about Al-Khwarizmi? He is a great Uzbek mathematician, astronomer, geographer of the medieval period, father of algebra as a science. The word al-ğabr, algebra, is in his honor. In some sources, he is called “al majusi”, i. e. a magician. His ancestors could have been priests of the Zoroastrian religion, which was widespread in Central Asia at that time. Or Avicenna. He is a colossus! Which of the doctors in the world doesn’t know about him!.. Many names of our compatriots can be mentioned, those, who made a great contribution to the development of world civilization. We are their successors and should be worthy of them. After all, talents are inherited through genes. Very bright scientists work in modern Uzbekistan. And young people, who are involved in research, are also very talented. Therefore, it is important for us to interact in this area. A specialist once told me that Indians are the most advanced in the field of IT in the world. Silicon Valley attracts many of them. But it turns out that Uzbek guys also feel an inclination to do such work. You may have heard that there are very good chess players in Uzbekistan. Last year, Belarus hosted the World Youth Championship, and Uzbekistan took first place in the team classification. Our athletes are also preparing for the Chess Olympiad. (the World Chess Olympiad will be held in Minsk in 2022. — Auth.). Recently, our Minister of Innovative Development visited Belarus, held interesting meetings at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the State Committee for Science and Technology. Visits of our ministers of higher and secondary special education, health care, sports and physical education, heads of ministries of real economy were also fruitful. And we have already decided in which directions we should move forward together. So, a good educational base has been created. And now we are preparing the first interregional forum of Uzbekistan and Belarus — it will be held in Minsk on July 29–30. — Which sections will it include? — Three sections have been decided on: industry, agriculture and humanitarian cooperation. Marianna Akindinovna Shchetkina (Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus — Auth.) is actively working in this direction. And our Uzbek regions are being involved. As you know, Belarus already has good experience in holding regional forums with Russia, Ukraine and Poland. Lithuania. We have less experience. So we will learn how to do it. Regions should be introduced and linked to each other. It is like building bridges across rivers. Our President, Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, said: “We need to ensure regional cooperation so that the regions know each other better. Then we won’t have a headache about economic issues — we’ll do other things. The task of the state is to create conditions for the regions to work decently.”


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— I remember the TV report about Alexander Lukashenko’s visit to Uzbekistan. He instructed each of the Belarusian officials accompanying him to find a business in your country, partners — and develop cooperation. Shavkat Miromonovich immediately instructed his subordinates to help them! It was obvious that our Presidents had a full understanding of these issues, the conversation was warm, trustworthy, friendly — and at the same time detailed, businesslike. So, it seems that the inter-regional forum is also held in terms of fulfillment of those instructions? — Oh, you’ve pionted it out quite correctly! So it is. It is one thing to sign documents, and quite a different, as I say, to attach hands and feet to them: to make these documents work. — Figuratively speaking, to step into life! — Instructions from the leaders of our countries have begun to be implemented. It is going on not as fast as we would like it to be. But the process, as they say, is under way. Now we expect that a large delegation from Belarus will go to our regions. Direct ties and contacts will be established. This is a mutually beneficial process: both for us and for the Belarusians. A good start has been made. The forthcoming meeting of heads of state is an opportunity to sum up the results and specify new tasks. I think it will be so. One of the main issues of the forthcoming summit will be further increase in trade turnover between the two countries, implementation of joint promising projects through industrial cooperation, development of cooperation in the field of education… Judging by the figures, our achievements are obvious. At the end of last year the trade turnover reached 420 million dollars, the growth is more than 2 times. — So, the embassy has launched, we can say, a great start… — (smiling) Nice to hear, though. I think: we have also worked here with good reason. And in future it should be even better. And more! — Detalize, please, the issue about tractors. Does the Tashkent Tractor Plant work? — It works in cooperation with Minsk Tractor Works. We get the main components here. Some of the elements have been localized and we produce them at home. Then we do assemble work and supply agriculture with them. First, it is planned to saturate the Uzbek market, then to deliver to other countries. At the end of last year, the figures are quite optimistic. By the way, there is such an interesting regularity. Tractors with the “Belarus” brand are also assembled in Tajikistan. And a few months ago I read: our Sukhandarya enterprises began to purchase them. It seems that the question arises: if the Tashkent tractor manufacturer produces them, why should our southern region, which borders on Tajikistan, buy them there? And on the other hand, it is a market. After all, this is the 21st century… — So, it’s wrong to divide a big blanket into small pieces…

— That’s right! It’s wrong! If the enterprises are located closer, it is more convenient to buy the same equipment — so they should do so. This is a real partnership. In the same way, I think that the equipment we are planning to produce will be bought in the southern region of Kazakhstan — it borders on us. And also in Kyrgyzstan. We will not interfere. We now have very good, friendly relations with all our neighbors. This is a great merit of our President. Therefore, new opportunities are opening up for increasing economic cooperation. — Does your country have any interest in our meat and dairy products? — Undoubtedly. Belarus has been famous for it for a long time. In the Soviet period, as you remember, Uzbekistan produced cotton, while the BSSR specialized in the production of livestock products. We were told that if you produce cotton, we will provide you with meat and milk. The Union provided by fits and starts. There was specialization, division of labour, cooperation. When the Soviet state broke up, the 1990s were a difficult period. Nowadays, new relations are being built on other, market conditions. We are lagging behind in providing our population with livestock products, in particular, meat and milk. The direction has been specified: to reduce cotton production, to increase the area for more profitable fruit and vegetable products (and more labor-intensive — and we have an excess of labor resources). And we will also develop cattle breeding. In this regard, we are interested in the experience of Belarus. You have your own breeds of cattle, the dairy industry is developing dynamically: it is already an export brand of the country. We would like it to be present in Uzbekistan. — May I clarify, do you have large agricultural holdings? — Unlike Belarus, our agriculture is all private: farms. But I will continue the idea. Belarusian dairy products are conquering the Uzbek market. But this trend has its limit, because to transport milk from here is logistically expensive, which increases the cost of products. And why not produce it in Uzbekistan? I think its cost will be lower there. So a joint venture Zdravushka-Tashkent was created in Tashkent region together with Zdravushka-milk OJSC. According to the project, a dairy complex (1000 heads) and a milk processing plant (50 tons per day) are to be built. — If Snov agricultural complex decided to produce milk in Uzbekistan — would you dream of such a project? — Why not? Come and visit us. Let’s create at least one such enterprise and see how it goes. I think it will be mutually beneficial. You will produce your products there, earn money, and win the market thanks to your technology and ability. You will teach local people how to do it. And we are ready to teach you how to grow cotton in Uzbekistan. In order to meet your needs in this regard, we are ready to teach you how to grow cotton in Uzbekistan. After all, Belarus and Uzbekistan do not compete. We complement




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— Cooperation and exchange of experience in the development and management of technology parks in the field of information and communication technologies; — Perspective directions of development of interregional cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Belarus in the field of tourism Responsible officials from the Belarusian side: Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Responsible officials from the Uzbek side: (to be specified) Participants from the Uzbek side: Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, Ministry of Innovation Development, Academy of Sciences (relevant institutions), Ministry of Information Technology and Communications Development, State Committee for Tourism Development; Ministry of Culture, Khokimiyats of Bukhara, Khorezm, Samarkand regions and Tashkent city. II. For Deputy Chairpersons of the Parliaments Opening of a bust monument to the wellknown Uzbek poet A. Navoi by the deputy chairpersons of the chambers of the parliaments of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan According to a separate program of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus Responsible officials from the Uzbek side: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Location: Minsk, intersection of Kirova street and Sverdlova street near the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, the Executive Committee of the CIS and not far from the building of the Parliament of Belarus. Participation of deputy chairpersons of the chambers of parliaments of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan in the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Made in Uzbekistan”. SECOND DAY (July 30, Tuesday) Plenary session of the Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Uzbekistan. Location: Small Hall of the Palace of the Republic, Minsk. The ceremony of signing agreements and contracts. Press scrum. Reception on behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus (Palace of the Republic). Transfer to the National Airport “Minsk”. Departure of the official delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Tashkent via Moscow.

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each other in many areas. If you grow cotton there, you will determine the degree of processing by yourselves: yarn, cloth, bleached coarse calico, dyed, or even finished sewn products. — Is there an interest in such proposals in Belarus? — They are perceived with interest, but we have to move, try. And risk! You won’t be able to do it at one dash. It is necessary to create pilot projects. — Belarusians are cautious people… They will think over it seven times. — (smiling) Yes, very cautious. And I see my task in spuring them a little bit to activity. Belarus expects investments from outside, but I think it should be a mutual process. Recently, a delegation from Andijan region visited Mogilev region, Vitebsk region. We met with entrepreneurs. One of them said: “We are interested in creating a poultry farm for Uzbeks to work there. We will create the necessary conditions”. In my opinion, this is a very interesting proposal. After all, the Belarusian village needs labor resources — your country is more urbanized. Uzbeks will learn something new, interesting, useful for them. They will go home with the acquired experience. That is, our cooperation should be a twoway street. Human resources can be considered as our investments in your economy. And yours will be of another kind — We can assume that the interaction and rapprochement of peoples will also be facilitated by the training of Uzbek youth in Belarus… — Absolutely! And this process must go on. We are also working in this direction. By the way, I can’t help but remember Mamadali Topvaldyev, a partisan Uzbek from the times of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, nicknamed Kazbek, who fought as a partisan in Belarus. The granddaughters of the Belarusian woman who used to nurse him back to health during the war came to Uzbekistan. He, frostbitten, came to her house with her son, also a partisan, in a severe winter. Now representatives of the third generation have met — and I have heard, they have very good relations. Even, people say, a great-grandson of the hero and the great-granddaughter of his rescuer, want to get married. This is how our peoples will be related. By the way, a documentary film about Topvaldyevis also being made. After the war, he returned to his homeland and worked as a collective farm chairman in Rishton district. He did not lose contact with Belarus throughout his life. In Shklovshchina, near the village of Khotkovo, scenes of the future film have recently been shot. Filming was also done in Uzbekistan, in the kishlak of Pandigan in Fergana Province, where he was born and raised. His family lives there, too. — Yes, it is an interesting fact. So it may turn out that one of the consequences of your students’ studies in Belarus will be Belarusian-Uzbek families… — Oh, yeah, of course. After all, these educational programs will have a great indirect effect. It is one thing to get knowledge here. But in young years, the character and outlook of boys and girls are also built up. And feelings to the opposite gender may


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be born. Together with knowledge, they will take away their love for your people, for the rest of their lives. And they will pass it on to their children, grandchildren, which will bring them closer together and strengthen our relations. In their time, wise people decided to establish Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow. Students from Asia and Africa studied there. The Soviet Union made so many friends all over the world! Unfortunately, we sometimes lack such a strategic vision — we solve short-term tasks and approach important issues in a rather mercenary way. If we ensure the influx of Uzbek youth here, we will solve many interesting and serious problems. Of course, one should see the economy in such issues, but not only. — Please specify, are all parents in modern Uzbekistan ready to send their children to study in our country? And what will be their attitude to the marriage, say, of their son to a Belarusian? — Uzbek families are characterized by healthy conservatism. There is a desire to preserve traditions and national identity. Even in one mahalla, area, to move from one street to another for an Uzbek is an event. Not to mention changing the city, region or country of residence. But there is another trend, Uzbeks young people understand this: the world is changing. Globalization covers all and everything. And so that a boy or a girl could have a normal future — parents are ready to send their children to the world for experience and knowledge. — In other words, it is no longer possible to lock oneself up into one’s little world? A dead-end life strategy? — Undoubtedly! And such an understanding already exists in our society. In modern conditions, we need to give more information about the capabilities of Belarus, first of all, in the universities of Uzbekistan. I am sure that the number of students will grow rapidly. After all, you have created excellent conditions for this. We have visited a number of universities and dormitories. We have seen and talked. Indeed, the people of Belarus are very kind. They are friendly to foreigners. Very calm people. By the way, you know, this is one of the important reasons that determines whether Uzbeks will come here to study. Now tens of thousands of our young people are studying in foreign universities. Only in Russia — 24 thousand. They are going to study in China, the USA, European and Asian countries. About 700,000 students apply to higher education institutions in Uzbekistan every year, and only every 10–11th applicant enters the university. Our capacity is 65,000 to 70,000 students. For this year, we have determined that 108,000 students will study. But the rest want to study too! We know, however, that there are not enough students in Belarus: the demographic decline. In Russia, the situation is the same. They solved this problem: back in 2009 they started to teach some specialties from the CIS countries on a budget basis. — And why not give scholarships and grants of our presidents to talented students? One hundred, say, personal scholarships of Alexander Lukashenko for studying Uzbeks in Belarus, one hundred scholarships of Shavkat

Mirziyoyev for studying Belarusians in your country. And a competitve system of selection of candidates-applicans should be thoroughly thought over… — You raised a very interesting question. Last year Alexan­der Lukashenko made a decision: 100 grants will be allocated for training foreign students. We would like our students to be among them. Every time I say it: it will give a powerful multiplier effect. Some officials say that they have already helped us. I answer them: we do not need help. Let’s build better relations on mutually beneficial terms. Of course, our students can also study in other countries, but it is better for everyone to study here. This is my opinion as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to Belarus. I want Uzbekistan to be present here more, and Belarus to be present in my homeland. This is the main task in the work of the Ambassador and the Embassy. These are the state interests, not narrow departmental, bureaucratic ones. By the way, there is such an interesting fact: Baranovichi State Pedagogical University has signed an agreement with Dzhizak State Pedagogical Institute. Now 50 students from Uzbekistan will study there for 2 years and 2 years in Baranovichi, and 10 Belarusian students will study in Dzhizak. As a result, they will get double diplomas: Uzbek and Belarusian. Areas of training are practical psychology and preschool education. This is a good example of our cooperation in education. By the way, last year only one hundred of our students studied in Belarus. And now we have 200 students. — Solid growth: twice! — I am sure there will be even greater growth in the coming years. And you have rightly pointed out that friendly states should stimulate such processes in every possible way, promoting mutually beneficial cooperation. Unfortunately, not all officials, both yours and ours, understand this. As an economist, I will say: they do not want to earn money for their country. After all, such investments will have a solid economic effect in the near future. These 10–20 “grant-holders” tomorrow will attract hundreds of students who will study on a paid basis. By the way, do you know that the Koran begins with the word ikro — read? Maybe that’s why the craving for knowledge in our people is huge. So make use of it! You will have more vacancies for university teachers! And this is the invaluable capital of the country! If the Belarusian sphere of education is not in demand, who will benefit from it? Let’s look at the process more broadly, let’s live not only with immediate interests. — Maybe if we create a fund for Uzbek-Belarusian cooperation, such issues can be solved more effectively? It will help to allocate funds for certain programs, including educational ones… — That’s a great idea! A special fund has been created in Uzbekistan: the President spares no effort in sending gifted young people to the best universities of the world: the top 500. We have been working to include three Belarusian


International rating organizations report: Uzbekistan is among the top ten countries of reformers to create the most favorable conditions for conducting business in the world, and is one of the safest countries in the world (5th place in the report “2018 Global Law and Order Report”) and the happiest country in the CIS (World Happiness Report 2018).


Uzbekistan is the largest country in Central Asia in terms of human resources. The territory is 450 thousand square kilometers. The population is more than 33 million people. About 15 million people are employed in this or that sphere, and almost 40% of the total labor market in Central Asia is in Uzbekistan. Young people under 30 constitute 60% of the population.


Uzbekistan has a rich tourist potential. There are about 10 thousand cultural objects in the country. Of these, more than 7,000 are ancient architectural and archaeological sites, of which more than 200 are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


The oldest cities of Uzbekistan are more than 2750 years old. Samarkand is the same age as Rome and one of the oldest cities in the world. Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Kokand and Tashkent are also widely known.


The tourism sector is dynamically developing in Uzbekistan, in 2018 the total flow of tourists amounted to 5.3 million people, which is twice as high as in 2017.


The planned increase in the tourist flow in 2019 and the Government’s plans for the development of this sphere make the tourist industry attractive for foreign investors. In order to increase the tourist flow from Belarus to Uzbekistan, National Air Company Uzbekistan Airways provides a discount of about 40% of the cost of an air ticket for organized trips of tourist groups (more than 10 people) on the route Minsk-Tashkent-Minsk.


At present, Uzbekistan has adopted a set of measures for the development of tourism and created conditions for investment in the construction and improvement of tourism infrastructure.


Investors participating in projects in the field of tourism with a volume of direct foreign investment from 300 thousand to 10 million U.S. dollars are provided tax benefits for a period of 3 to 5 years.

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Uzbek wisdom says: A beetle calls his baby: “My little white,” and a hedgehog calls his baby: “My soft” If a baby is with the elders, he will become wise Just start and it will go Who loves the rose, loves and thorns Do not throw stones wherever you go A thousand friends — few, one enemy — a lot There is no unity — there is no life Who doesn’t known little, won’t know great What does not fit into your heart, does not fit into someone else’s If you can’t master it from the outside, win it from the inside Do not watch storks fly away; watch how they come back The big soul and the world is big, a small soul and the world is small If you have a donkey, do not imagine that all the roads are yours Stones are separated by water, people are separated by a word


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universities in this list, and it seems that we have managed to do it. — But this is your fund. And if it were “on the bridge,” as you said, at the intersection of the BelarusianUzbek interests. — We have the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan. The Minister, I repeat, was here, signed an agreement on cooperation with the SCST. We are preparing a memorandum with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. A competition for joint scientific projects has already been announced. 15 projects have been selected, which will be financed by the Uzbek side. — That’s great! At this stage — the revival of ties between peoples — It would be good to see more prominent representatives of Uzbek culture in Belarus: your artists could hold exhibitions here. Creative groups and musicians could give concerts. Writers should come and meet with readers at our book exhibitions. And the foundation could sponsor such projects. It would be good for your theatres to come here, and the folk craftsmen to give master classes. Athletes, schoolchildren, scientists, students… Let’s call it Friendship Foundation, Friends Foundation. Of course, Belarusian creative people should also visit Uzbekistan more often. Perhaps, if “Syabry” sings the song “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” in Uzbekistan, half of the audience will sing along… — That’s an interesting idea. Together, we have to think it over. — And it would be great if, say, the Navoi Institute were in Minsk. So that we could get acquainted with his legacy. — At the end of July, we are planning to open the Alisher Navoi monument in Minsk, opposite the building of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. This is within the framework of the forum. And for the first time the Days of Culture of Uzbekistan will be held in Belarus. Come, friends: we will put you on the list of honorary guests.

— Thank you, Nasirdzhan Sabirovich. It is a great honor for us. The tone of our conversation gives us every reason to believe that we hear and understand each other well. And apparently, in your heart you are a poet, since you named your son after Alisher Navoi. Do you write poems yourself? — I don’t write, but I feel good poetry. What is surprising, I repeat, Navoi’s poems are written in the Old Uzbek language, this language belongs to Turkic languages family. Before Alisher Navoi, we had all our poetry in Farsi — there was such a canon even before Omar Khayyam. Many prominent Uzbek poets wrote only in Farsi. Alisher Navoi was the first to write poems in his native language. And the language of that time, and this is the 15th century, is very different from the modern one. — As well as the old Belarusian language of Francysk Skaryna, also of the 15th century, is different from the modern Belarusian language… — Of course, everything changes over time. But we have songs sung to Navoi’s poems. When they sound, something in my soul is waking up. If I’m in a good mood, it gets even higher, and if it’s bad, it gets better. Though not all words are clear to me. But his verses, melody, turn of phrase have power and beauty. And there is something in me that is ready to accept this distant message through the ages. I also love Uzbek classical music, world classics in general. I have my favorite works, favorite musicians — in my spare time I try to listen to them. Unfortunately, I don’t play myself, and I make my 17‑year-old granddaughter learn to play the piano. It is a great happiness to see the achievements of my children and grandchildren. This is what we Uzbeks and Belarusans live for. We live and work today. For the sake of the future. Interviewed by Ivan and Valentina Zhdanovich. Photos are provided by the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Belarus.

Memory remains “Good news came from snow-covered Tashkent to Belarus in December 1943, through the fire and abyss of front roads: Lieutenant Alim Sharafutdinov was awarded the honorary title of the corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, which had just celebrated its birth...” These are the lines from E. Karimov’s article, student of the Eastern Faculty of Tashkent State University, which was published on May 9, 1986 in the newspaper “Pravda Vostoka”.

He made the first step...


Another line from another publication of the same author appeared in the newspaper “Komsomolets of Uzbekistan” two years earlier. “She lived and worked in the years that became history for us, when the events, which were taking place, influenced not only the fate of individuals but also the whole course of world history.” This is about Sharif Abdullayeva. Now I will try to tell you more about these two characters of the newspaper publications of the student E. Karimov, about the intertwining of their destinies, about a difficult and wonderful feat of serving their native land, their people. The fate of Alim Sharafutdinov was short — incomplete 40 years. But he managed to fill every year, every day of his life with deeds and achievements that would be enough for many people and that became the property and glory of science. He was a representative of the generation that entered into life, inspired by the wind of revolutionary changes, which opened up unlimited scope for creative work, study and creativity for the Uzbek youth. Endowed by nature with an inquisitive mind, a passionate desire to acquire new knowledge, Alim managed to get acquainted with the works of Russian and Western literature quite early, he discovered the wonderful world of Eastern poetry. This world was full of many bright names, and the young man understood: to penetrate the depths of beautiful creations and carry this

knowledge to his people — this is his main purpose. He goes to Baku, becomes a student of literary and linguistic faculty of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute. In addition to the compulsory curriculum, he profoundly studies Arabic and Persian languages — he wants to read in the original the works of Jami, Rudaki, Firdousi, Khayyam and, first of all, the incomparable Alisher Navoi… To realize how beautiful and almost unrealizable was the dream of young Alim, we must remember: those were

Alim Sharafutdinov, 1930

the 20s of the 20th century, the young Soviet power only proclaimed a program aimed at the transformation of people’s life. The overwhelming ignorance of the population was typical of his native Uzbekistan. The revolutionary

trends were firmly and cruelly opposed by the reactionary world of the supporters of old laws and customs. But the first centers of the Likbez system, the eradication of illiteracy, were already set up, the hated burqas were taken off by the first Uzbek women who dared to open their faces — the Hujum movement was spreading. And how those processes would gain strength depended on them, the young Uzbek intellectuals. In the summer of 1924, the Republican Congress-Seminar on the eradication of illiteracy was held in Tashkent. Its delegates developed an entire program of active actions, committing themselves to put an end of this shameful remnant of the past by the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution. The young teacher Alim Sharafutdinov by all means contributed to the enlightenment of his students, supplied them with new knowledge, introduced them to a new culture. He taught at the Samarkand regional pedagogical school, the Uzbek male and female institutes of education, then at the pedagogical technical school named after Narimanov, at the Central Experimental Demonstration School. He published articles in newspapers and magazines. He read lectures at teacher retraining courses. Every evening he necessarily entered the classroom where people after a busy working day were sitting on student benches. People for whom every read and spelt with clumsy letters word, was a great event. The name written by themselves on the cover of the беларусь. belarus 2019


His photo when he left for the front, 1943

notebook. Yes: “Slaves are not us. We are not slaves…” That was his personal contribution to bringing the working people to the light of literacy. But let’s stop for a moment. And once again let us turn to the Narimanov Pedagogical Technical School. Young Sharifa Abdullayeva was among those who listened to the lectures of the teacher Sharafutdinov. Yes, the same one, the second figure of E. Karimov’s student publications. The fate of this fragile girl was not easy. She experienced the first terrible tragedy when she was five — her father drowned. At the age of ten, she lost her mother. Her young brother and she were adopted by their uncle’s family (the father’s brother). He was kind to orphaned children. In his family, they soon realized: Sharifa is very talented — musical, responsive to the poetic word, the beauty of dance. But what a simple Sheikhantahur craftsman, living according to the traditions of his mahallas, could give for her spiritual development, for a breakthrough into a big life that was already boiling outside the walls of the house! Thanks to him: he made a wise decision to send his niece to the newly opened boarding school named after Zebiniso for Uzbek girls who were left without parental care. This determined the fate of Sharifa.


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Today, few people remember this wonderful institution — there pupils were not just taught according to the school curriculum, but also developed their talents, acquired the skills necessary for every girl — future wife, mother, mistress of the house. They studied music, dance, drawing, composed their first poetic lines. They learned to cut out and sew, knit and embroider, to cook well, to keep the house cosy and clean. Most important that the school raised activists, social activists, formed the people of the new world, a new type. A lot of women who glorified Uzbekistan came out of its walls. Among them is the national artist of the USSR Sarah Ishanturaeva, a prominent public figure Kamara Makhkamova, honored doctor of Uzbekistan Tuhta Tadzhiyeva, honored teacher Gulsum Rakhimova and many others. Sharifa Abdullayeva was also among the best students and the first graduates of the school. She sang beautifully, danced, played the piano and the dutar, she could become an actress. But she was also the first activist among her friends and knew very well: for the care of the young Soviet country, she would pay with her whole life, give all the power to implement the ideas of the revolution. In 1929 she was elected delegate from Uzbekistan to the First All-Union rally of pioneers. In Moscow, a group of children from different republics was received by Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin and Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya. A girl in a long dress made of bright khan-atlas and in an Uzbek skullcap was the first to be asked what she wanted to be in the future. And Sharifa firmly answered: “I will be a teacher. I want to teach children and adults”. She made the first step towards her goal in the same year, having brilliantly passed the entrance exams to the pedagogical technical school. The second stage was a request to send her after graduation to the Kashkadarya region, where teachers were urgently needed in literacy schools. She taught in the Kitab region. She did not only have to overcome the resistance

of obscurants but risk her life, because the activists, especially Uzbek women, were often cruelly punished. But they were so proud of the figures of statistical reports: if in 1929 41 thousand people were studying in the educational system, in two years’ time this number reached 707 thousand. So many people were given the light of knowledge, were opened the way to a new life by them, national teachers! And the third step on the chosen path was upgrading of knowledge. There were more of such steps on the stairs of her life. But the third one was made — she entered the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute. The young scientist Alim Sharafutdinov also put his plans into practice. In 1933, his first textbook on literature for secondary schools was published, which went through eight editions, textbooks on literature for 5–9 grades, a program and anthology on the history of Uzbek literature for universities. More than one generation of Uzbek youth studied by these textbooks. But why are we talking only about plans, deeds, achievements? After all, they are young. And blood is pulsating in the temples. And in the heart there is a dream of the only one who will become the fate. Sharifa often recalls teacher Alim Sharafutdinov. How bright were his lectures on literature! How smart he is, intelligent…And how handsome! She does not know that over the years he, who has already achieved success in science, became an associate professor and head of the department of literature at Uzbek State University, will be keeping in his heart the image of his young student Sharifa Abdullayeva, a thin girl with long braids, who eagerly listened to every word of a teacher. But both of them majored in philology. So, their paths cannot help but cross. And they met in order to never be separated. Their young love was bright and beautiful. They became not just spouses, happy parents of three children — they became associates, like-minded people in their profession and life.

Alim was an advanced man of his time — he did not want to limit his young spouse to the walls of the house, to the cares of a wife and a mother. She graduated from the Institute of Language and Literature and was sent to further study to Moscow, to the Institute of Red Professors. The family already had two children, the youngest was only ten months old. The husband solved the problem quickly and concisely: “You and I have coped with more serious difficulties. Just take the youngest daughter with you. You will cope!” Of course, she coped. Another nine of the best graduates of the institute were sent along with her to study in Moscow, and every morning they all together left the city of Mytischi near Moscow for classes in Moscow. And every time one of the students took her daughter to the day care. The conductors on the trains noticed this company, and laughed — which of you is the father of the baby? During her two years of study, Sharifa prepared a Ph. D. thesis in Moscow, successfully defended them and, enriched with new knowledge, was invited to teach at her home pedagogical institute. Alim Sharafutdinov during the years of family life became one of the prominent scientist not only of the republic but also of world level. Without giving up teaching, working on new textbooks for schools and universities, he, a researcher at the Research Institute of Language and Literature of the Uzbek Committee of Sciences, was also doing important research work. The list of his scientific papers occupies more than one page. The works of Chulpan, Abdullah Kadiri, Sadritdin Aini, Shota Rustaveli, Bobur…Studies on the Uzbek literature of the Soviet period…And the main love of all his life is Alisher Navoi. Even as a student, he used to study the work of the great poet — this treasury of humanistic philosophy and the perfect word — and dedicated to him the rest of his life. Alim Sharafutdinov was a researcher at the Navoi Jubilee Committee at the Council of Ministers of Uzbekistan, was a member of the technologi-

cal commission of the same committee. He didn’t only write chapters on the life and work of the great poet, founder of the literary Uzbek language for school and university programs — he published several landmark works on Navoi. These works of the Uzbek scientist, which were reprinted several times, put him on a par with such internationally recognized literary scholars, researchers of the great poet’s work, as V. Barthold and E. Bertels. The government of the republic entrusted Alim Sharafutdinov to create a monograph “Alisher Navoi. Life and creativity ”, when the 500th anniversary of Alisher Navoi in 1941 was approaching. It was recognized as the pinnacle of his scientific research. Not surprisingly, the wife of Alim Sharafutdinova became a fan of Alisher Navoi, the recognized expert on his work. She chose the topic for her Ph. D. thesis: “The humanistic views of Alisher Navoi on the status of women”. But for many years she taught students a course of folklore in her native pedagogical institute They were not only a couple of successful scientists, teachers, they were also a happy family. The father called his first daughter Lola to grow tender and beautiful, like this spring tulip flower. The second daughter was named Clara — well, of course, in honor of Clara Zetkin. And the third was the long-awaited son Shukhrat. Clara Alimovna with special warmth recalls those infrequent evenings when the whole family gathered at home. Mom used to sit at the piano or sang, accompanying herself on the dutar, and the father sat in the chair with the son on his knees. She and her sister were sitting on two sides, fighting for the best place — closer to dad so that he could put his arm around their shoulders, put his hand on the head. He used to read children’s books before bedtime, most often folk tales and poems. And another vivid childhood memory: he and dad are walking down the street, and then she hangs on his arm, then jumps on one leg. Then he

picks her up and throws her high. She squeals with delight. And the passersby smile on seeing the father and his daughter. Clara was not even six when the war broke their bright and joyful life. Her father, having refused the reservation, applied for being sent to the front as a volunteer. There was a lot of fuss, bewilderment, calls to think about the unrealized plans for such important scientific research. But he only said: “I can not stay at home when young guys are killed there.” He graduated from the three-month course and served as a lieutenant near the city of Bryansk. During the war years, they, like the whole country, went through a lot of adversity and difficulties. Rationed bread, oil lamps instead of electric lighting, frosty patterns on the windows of almost unheated rooms, beets, boiled in the yard on the grill… But all this could be tolerated when the letters from the father came from the front. So rare and so wonderful. In prose and in verse. In the Russian and Uzbek languages. Lola, already a schoolgirl, read them to tatters. And once he turned to her like this: “Clara, my daughter, my light…” He also wrote that the war would end soon and he would come to them, bring gifts. They waited for dad, and missed him so much… “Everything for the front! Everything is for victory!” — under these slogans, the rear Uzbekistan used to live all the years of the war. In anticipation of our victory everybody worked for the future. Sowed and built. Taught children. Treated the wounded in hospitals. Developed science. In the autumn of 1943 the Academy of Sciences was created in Tashkent — a great achievement in the biography of the republic. Alim Sharafutdinov was unanimously elected as its first member correspondent. A high honor, a respectful recognition of his scientific achievements. Confidence that this brilliant scientist will implement a lot of his knowledge and ideas for the benefit of his people. A letter with the stamps of the Academy on the envelope was sent from беларусь. belarus 2019


for them. To the children — to love and take care of their mother, help her in everything. Love their great homeland and serve it faithfully. To his wife — to keep their love, raise children, be only on the advance. To his father — filial respect and a request to be a support to the family. And in the last lines he wrote they were waiting for a signal to attack… He did not know that all his behests would come true. Terrible grief did not break Sharifa. She worked, enriched her knowledge. For many years she was the dean of the literary department, and until her retirement, she was head of the department of Uzbek literature. She did not leave the 90‑year-old father-inlaw. She insisted that half of the pension granted to children be given to him until the end of his days. Their beloved grandfather went on his final journey after they had celebrated his 100th anniversary. The children… She brought them through. The eldest, Lola, graduated from the Philosophy Faculty of Moscow University, headed the editorial offices in the capital book publishing houses. Clara chose the Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, after which she returned to Tashkent, defended her thesis, and headed the department at the Higher Party School. She wrote scientific works. Their son Shukhrat also became a scientist. He chose the natural sciences. Having

defended his thesis in biology, he passed on his experience to foreign colleagues. For many years, his faithful Sharifa has been dead. The eldest daughter and son died early. Their grandchildren have become mature and great-grandchildren are growing up. Alim Sharafutdinov would be happy to see his offsprings honorably living on earth. I can imagine how joyful and interesting would be the meetings of the grandfather with his grandson Elyor, the son of Clara Alimovna. This is the same student, E. Karimov, whose lines were quoted at the beginning of our narration. He bears the name of his father — Eric Karimov, also a doctor of philology, a professor. Elyor specializes is Iranian studies, the field of interests and passions of his great grandfather. Being about 50 years old, Elyor is the doctor of sciences, professor. There are weighty folios — scientific works with his last name on the covers on the bookshelves in the house of Clara Alimovna. A member of the staff of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Elyor Karimov, is invited to read lectures in Tashkent and Moscow, in Paris and Boston, in the countries of the East. In Uzbek, Russian, French, English, Arabic… Different times. Different scope and distances.… The daughter of Clara Alimovna Gulya is also a philologist by education. And Gulia’s daughter, Elsan, is another green sprout of a mighty tree grown by her great-grandfather. She is a secondyear student of the Tashkent Institute of Oriental Languages. The best pupil at school, a participant and the winner of many Olympiads and competitions, and as a student she is among the best. The academician would be proud of their success, their desire to be on the advance. They cannot do otherwise, because they continue his work of serving his people. They always remember: Lieutenant Alim Sharafutdinov in his last battle was the first to step into a firestorm. He inspired the others by his example. And they won… (

Elyor Karimov. Lecture for colleagues in Washington, 2010

By Rimma Volkova

Tashkent to snow-covered Belarus, to the area of hostilities. It carries the good news to “Lieutenant A. Sharafutdinov”: his colleagues rushed to inform him about the creation of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, about a great honor for him to become its first member, about the people who are proud of him and wait for his victorious return… Alim Sharafutdinov never received this letter. Another letter was already sent to Tashkent — a bitter death notice. Died as a hero. That same December. On the snowy Belarusian land. On the land of his only Soviet homeland. The only also for all those people of different nationalities whom he, their commander, led into that last, most difficult battle. Clara Alimovna recalls: after a few months, their mother was crying while talking on the phone with a man from some distant city. Then she handed the phone to a 90‑year-old grandfather. He also cried and moaned, and bowed his head. And the three of them were roaring together.. Mom hugged us and said: “You must know… You must remember forever: our dad, he was their commander. He was the first to go into the attack. And they won…” 
But another letter from the Belarusian land came that December to Tashkent, to a small house on Beshagach. The last front letter of Alim Sharafutdinov addressed to his family, which became a testament


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Literary contacts

The Uzbek writer Kuchkor Norkobil worked in Belarus for only more than a week. A combatant in Afghanistan, a wellknown journalist in Uzbekistan, editor-inchief of a reputable law newspaper, he is engaged in prose, playwrights and journalism. He is the author of the book “I want to see your eyes” dedicated to Afghanistan of the 1980s. The Uzbek writer has rich artistic, journalistic and life experience.

Kuchkor Norkobil is going to tell about the first day of the war


uchkor Norkobil came to Belarus on the eve of the 2nd European Games. He managed to visit not only the opening of the bright multisport event in our country, but also to travel around the country, get acquainted with various features of Belarus. — The main purpose of my trip, my main concern is to see with my own eyes partisan Belarus, to feel the depth of pain directly from the people who took it over from the previous generations that experienced the dramatic times of the Great Patriotic War. I am writing a book about the first day of this terrible war. The epigraph and the words from one of my books are: “Eighteen-year-olds forever, we did not return from the battle… I tried to write the whole truth, unfortunately, I did not write anything… ”. Yes, it’s hard to explain the pain. But we have to do it for the next generations. A lot is said in both Belarusian and Uzbek literature about the Great Patriotic War… Our Uzbek poet Sultan Djura died in Belarus. Many of the Uzbeks were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the liberation of Belarus. These beacons, these references are much obli­

ging to me and my literary friends… I would be glad if my book, as soon as it comes out, were noticed in Belarus. Of course, the creative work of Mr. Kuchkor Norkobil will become a distinctive page in the development of the Belarusian-Uzbek literary ties. In Minsk, Kuchkor Norkobil met with Russian writer Valery Kazakov, director of the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Niasvizh” Sergey Klimov. “I was impressed by the Belarusians’ hospitality and openness,” says Kuchkor Norkobil. — I was especially impressed by the 2nd European Games, the opening ceremony of which I had a chance to attend. I listened with great interest to the speech of your head of state — the welcoming speech of Alexander Lukashenko. Yes, sport is indeed an ideological component. I felt with all my heart how you, in Belarus, treat sport… Minsk, with its beauty, is just a song that has touched many strings of my soul!.. Thank the Belarusians for a short but very important for me creative meeting with Minsk and Belarus. I am glad that I have visited partisan places in Belarus, the National Historical Museum of Belarus and the State Museum of the Great Patriotic War… ” By Sergey Shichko

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Literary history

“Braterstva”: from Uzbekistan In Belarus we have always been attentive to the literary translation. And even in the early 1980s almanacs of translations were published regalarly. The “Mastatskaya Litaratura” issued the annual “Dalyaglyady” and “Braterstva”. The Publishing house "Yunasts" published the almanac “Vetraz”. “Dalyaglyady” published translations of poetry and prose of the authors who lived abroad (let me remind you that until 1991 the whole world territory was abroad for the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic, except for the Soviet Union). In “Braterstva” there are works of writers of national literature of the Soviet republics. But in “Vetraz” children’s literature of all peoples of the world is represented. Unfortunately, in the early 1990s the tradition ceased to exist...


nd yet let’s look into the nearest literary history and flip through the “Uzbek” pages of the almanac “Braterstva”. In front of me there is an edition of 1984. The chief editor of the yearbook is the poet Ryhor Borodulin. It was a special year for Belarus — the 40th anniversary of liberation from the Nazi invaders. This largely determined the thematic field of the publication. Other publications include a selection of poems by Uzbek poet Sultan Dzhury. Three large poems were translated into Belarusian by Konstantin Tsvirko. And before the publication, as an introductory remark there is an article “Sultan Dzhura” by the Uzbek writer Nazarmat. The poet participated in the liberation of Gomel region and died in one of the battles. “Our tanks were pressed against the side of the road to let the cavalry, which was exhausted from the endless battles, pass forward. That’s where I saw Sultan Dzhura. Having left up the collar of the overcoat, he was sitting on the cart, pressing the cover of the reliable “maxim”. For a moment our eyes met, and I waved to my fellow countryman, a famous Uzbek poet. The cart stopped by our car, we said hello and talked…”. And then the writer Nazarmat writes about the poet: “…I did not meet Sultan Dzhura on the front roads anymore”.


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Only more than thirty years later I came here again, to the banks of the Dnieper River, to worship the land for which Sultan Dzhura gave his life — a fearless cavalry-machine gunner, a man of great soul, the honor of Uzbek poetry. A fascist bullet hit him at the machine gun when Sultan Dzhura was repulsing a rabid counterattack of Hitlerites. He died, but did not give up a single step. The brave son of the Uzbek people continues to live on the Belarusian land in the stories of his fellow soldiers and in the legends about the feat of the glorious warrior poet. And songs about him are also heard over the former partisan land — Belarus. On October 17, 1943, the operative report of Sovinformburo informed: “Our military units forced the Dnieper River, liberated Loev and the settlements of Kozerogi, Krupeyki, Shittsy and Vyvoloki.” That was the same Kozerogi, where now there is an obelisk in honor of the heroes-soldiers, and one of the streets is named after a Uzbek soldier — the poet Sultan Dzhura…” In 1985 in the almanac “Braterstva” there is a translation of the story by Esfandyar “The Blame”. The translation into the Belarusian language was made by prose writer and poetess Olga Ipatova. Esfandyar Matkarimov was born in 1946 in Marilan. He

graduated from the Fergana Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a teacher. Later he graduated from the Literary Institute named after M. Gorky in Moscow (1978) and the script department of the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (1981). He used to work as a scriptwriter for “Uzbekfilm”. He was an associate editor-in-chief of the publishing house (1983–1986). His works started to be printed in the 1970s. He is the author of the novel “The Return”, books “The Heat”, “The Swallows of Soslan”, “The Oath”… In one of the interviews Esfandyar said: “My personal opinion is that for any writer the main thing for creativity is a close observation of life, the processes taking place around, the cataclysms of life. It is very good if the writer plunges and spins in the midst of events and social upheavals. But even an outsider’s close observation and understanding of what happens is sure to appear in an interesting work. Even if one just describes as a historian…”. This is the mood in the story “The Blame”. And “Braterstva” of 1986 presents a poem by the classic of the Uzbek literature Gafur Gulyam “Well, what is it”, translated by the national poet of Belarus Maxim Tank. In “Braterstva” in 1987, there is a separate collection “From Uzbek poetry”. The translator is a well-known friend of the Uzbek national literature,

a well-known Belarusian friend of Uzbekistan Edi Ognetsvet. She lived in Tashkent during the Great Patriotic War. Edi Ognetsvet made friends with the poets of her generation, but in “Braterstva” she presented the works of younger authors. The collection “From Uzbek poetry” includes poems by Ramz Babadzhan (born in 1921), Erkin Vohidov (born in 1936), Oman Mukhtarov (born in 1941), and Halima Xudoyberdiyeva (born in 1948). More than thirty years have passed since those publications (1987). All the authors established themselves as bright, creative personalities of high strength of character. The state and society noticed the fruits of their work, and the Uzbek people thanked the creators with high awards. Halim Khudaiberdiyeva was awarded the title of People’s Poetess of Uzbekistan (1992). She was awarded the order “El-yurt hurmati” (2017). Oman Mukhtar (Oman Mukhtarov) wrote more than 40 books. He became a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the holder of the order “Dustlik”. Erkin Vohidov is a hero of Uzbekistan, People’s Poet of Uzbekistan, winner of the State Prize of Uzbekistan named after Hamza. Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote about the work of Erkin Vohidov: “I liked his sincere and tough poem “The Dream of the Earth” and his multilayered and multi-voiced poem “The Uprising of the Immortals” about the Bengali poet Nazrul Islam. Here the author’s voice demonstrates all its possibilities and all registers — from whispering to shouting…”. Ramz Babadzhan is a national poet and honored art worker of Uzbekistan. He is also a laureate of the USSR State Prize. The holder of the order “Elyurt hurmati”. Translator of works by A. S. Pushkin, M. Y.  Lermontov, N. A. Nekrasov, A. T. Tvardovsky, G. Ibsen into Uzbek. Unfortunately, all these Uzbek poets have already died. The last one was Halima Xudoyberdiyeva. She died in 2018.

In “Braterstva” in 1988, there was a large selection of poetry by Shukrullo. Sixteen poems! Fortunately, the poet Shukrullo lives and works. He is 97 years old. He published the first collection of poems “The Law of Happiness” in 1949. In the same year, the young poet, along with famous writers of the Uzbek SSR, was accused of nationalism and anti-Soviet activity and sentenced to deportation to a labor camp in Siberia. The arrest, investigation and stay in the camp are described in detail in Shukrullo’s autobiographical novel “The Buried without a Shroud”. It was possible to print it, of course, only after 1991. Shukrullo is a national poet of Uzbekistan. In 1994 he was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. The holder of the orders “Dustlik”, “El-yurt hurmati”, medal “Shuhrat”. Apparently, translating such a substantial collection of poems by Shukrullo, the Belarusian poet Nikolay Malyavko was going to collect translations of the Uzbek master of poetry… So why not publish such a book now, including in it the translation of the novel “The Buried without a Shroud”? “The great talent of the artist, his character as an enlightener, his temperament of a fighter — all this in a harmonious combination gave the poet a spiritually rich, distinctive personality. Hamza Hakimzade Niyazi became the liberated spirit and word of the nation. He is the founder of the Uzbek Soviet literature,” wrote Vasily Zhukovich, a Belarusian artist, in his opening remarks to the publication of poems by the classic of Uzbek literature. — “Getting acquainted with the heritage of the famous Uzbek poet introduced me to the world of deep human feelings and thoughts, the world of joys and anxieties, the earthly world, the adjoining world, the close world; the world in which the good cannot put up with the evil. It is astonshing that the poems of Uzbek Hamza, which are 70–75 years old, have not aged, the same as, say,

the poems of Russian Sergey Yesenin or Belarusian Maxim Bogdanovich — true poetry does not know the age, as it does not know the narrow boundaries”. And further on: “The use of interlinear translations of Hamza’s works raised my questions and doubts. I wanted to get as close as possible to the author’s ideas in translations and render them in an adequate form. The energy of the poet’s soul and heart, which transformed into lines, cannot die — the immortal does not die”. Hamza’s six poems are not the only turn of Vasily Zhukovich to Uzbek poetry. Back in the early 1990s, the Belarusian translator was fond of Alisher Navoi’s poetry. And as a result a Belarusian book of another classic was born… For more than twenty years, the almanac “Braterstva” has not been published by “Mastatskaya lіtaratura”. But the yearbook “Dalyaglyady” was revived. In 2019, its first edition came out. The traditions, which have been formed in the literary translation of Belarus, continue. As well as, in particular, the tradition of interest to Uzbek poetry. The 2019 “Dalyaglyady” includes poems by Alisher Navoi (translator Kazimir Kameysha), Erkin Vohidov (translator Naum Galperovich), Abdulhamid Choʻlpon, Muhammad Ali (translator Viktor Shnip). By the way, Erkin Vohidov’s great poem “My Uzbek People” (or rather a short poem) has not yet been translated into Russian. …Publications of Uzbek writers in the “Braterstva”, as well as in the “Dalyaglyady” edition of 2019, seem to be a kind of foundation for the further development of the Belarus-Uzbek literary ties. Undoubtedly, there should be the widest scope in this matter. Two extremely rich national literatures, the names that by the will of fate and circumstances have been united — Yakub Kolas, Sultan Dzhura, Zulfiya, Edi Ognetsvet… Aren’t these good grounds for development, for sincere friendship?.. By Kirill Ladutko

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Link of times

What is to be found lies on the road I will not forget the taste and aroma of the Uzbek tandyr flat cake, it is also named “Issyk non”. I tried this unique bread for the first time when our countries were part of the Soviet Union…


Hot summer… Tashkent airport… Smiling faces of meeting me Uzbeks Azizov- Alijon and his wife Malika… As I learn later, Malika means a princess. They take us to the Chartak health center, which is 25 km from Namangan… Hot air is blowing at our faces. Outside the car-window the fields are flashing. Now I do not remember whether it was cotton… We are Tamara Gorobchenko, a theater critic, a Candidate of Art History and a senior researcher in the theater sector of the Academic Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore named after Kondrat Krapiva, as well as my scientific supervisor and me. She is also an opponent at the defense of Alijon’s dissertation. He successfully completed a postgraduate degree in theater arts at the Institute of Art (now the Academy of Arts). He defended his thesis at the Mannon Uigur Tashkent Institute of Art Criticism (now the State Institute of Arts of


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Uzbekistan). By the way, Tamara flew to Tashkent to attend the defense of his dissertation in 1986. The theme was: “Staging of Uzbek prose”. Curiously, the scientific work of Alijon Azizov is preserved in the electronic library of dissertations. By the way, he was one of 15 graduate students of a talented theater expert and theater critic, Doctor of art history Anatoly Sobolevsky, who later headed the Academy as rector. I’d like to note that at that time there were Uzbeks, Moldovans, Tajiks, Tatars, Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians among the graduate students. It was one country. As you know, scientific-pedagogical and educational projects as a form of cooperation were easily implemented between the republics. There were strong contacts between the institutions. Also friendly contacts. That is why Tamara Evgenievna was invited to have a rest at the Chartak health center as a sign of gratitude. And before that, having

worked as a junior researcher at the theater sector, I was doing research as my post-graduate studies. They say in such cases: this is fate. Apparently, indeed, I had a chance to visit Uzbekistan — my supervisor, who had vivid memories of her previous visits to Uzbekistan, suggested sharing a tempting journey with her. It was holiday time. The prices for air tickets and accommodation were very low. My family did not mind since it was a budget option for a summer holiday.

Chartak health center Here we are. We check in. What the health resort looks like today, one can read on the Internet. Chartak is located in a picturesque place of Namangan region — not so far from the city, only 25 five kilometers to the north, but at the same time far from city noise and dust —

at the floodplain of the Chartak-sai river. High humidity, a lot of trees and breeze from the river make it possible to maintain a favorable climate in the territory of the resort in summer and not to freeze in winter. In winter, temperatures rarely fall below zero. Up to nine hundred patients can take treatment simultaneously. The presence of therapeutic thermal iodine-bromine mineral water at the health resort is of a decisive health factor. Patients with a wide range of diseases come here to improve their health: the musculoskeletal system; nervous system, skin, joints, gynecological, gastrointestinal tract. Each patient is diagnosed upon arrival and receives individual appointments from local doctors. For example, for the treatment of skin diseases, mud baths, wraps and applications, and mineral baths are prescribed. In treatment and prevention of the diseases of musculoskeletal system swimming in mineral water, mud baths and massage, as well as physical therapy are very helpful. Mineral water baths also help fight hypertension, increase immunity, reduce inflammatory processes. In addition, the health center has such methods of treatment as physiotherapy, laser therapy, psychotherapy,

True Uzbek hospitality, openness, generosity, willingness to share a kind word with everyone, delicious food and a cup of tea — all this also makes the Uzbek national cuisine bright, memorable and loved herbal medicine and proper nutrition, developed individually by competent nutritionists. Being treated there is especially good for the people who have suffered a myocardial infarction: rehabilitation processes in the health center are as efficient as possible. For leisure activities in Chartak there is a swimming pool, a library, athletic fields and a leisure center. Those who wish can also get tours to the historical places of Namangan. ( Tamara and I are healthy, so we only choose daily gymnastics, mineral

baths, and also want to drink some healing water. After all, young people often had gastritis in the days of our youth. The doctor does not mind, but wonders why we take so few treatments. He advises to take at least one mud bath, useful for women’s skin. We agree. Both happy and contented, albeit tired, we set off to settle down in the village. At that time there was such a form of recreation in a health center — accommodation was outside the center. Alijon leads us to the house of Uzbek Tatars. “There are many of us here,” — says Minavar-apa, a stately, black-haired hostess. Immediately we are offered green tea served with dogwood jam. Relaxing in the shade of the tea trees on the veranda is a pleasure! We get acquainted — we tell a little about ourselves, Minavar-apa — about herself. Then she takes us to a small cool house in the depths of the courtyard. There, in one of the rooms, the doors of which lead directly into the garden, we are going to stay for 12 days. Not much free time. We wake up at 7 am. The way to the resort for breakfast takes about ten minutes. After breakfast — a short break before the treatment. Walking

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around the area. It is big and well-kept. Lots of flowers and greenery. Gymnastics before lunch. The training room is spacious. Then lunch. Then we go home — to Minavar-apa. There is tea again. We have it with apricot jam accompanied by the stories of Minavarapa about how long they, descendants of the Crimean Tatars, have been living in Chartak. Her husband, it seems his name is Jafer, is a driver. Then we read, or go to the river. In the village ChartakSai river is shallow and fast. You can’t swim in it, just to stand knee-high or lie among the stones. This is how we cooled ourselves. Of course, we risked to embarrass the locals. As we saw nobody in bathing suits on the bank of the river. At a distance of 50 meters local goats were grazing but sometimes boys looked out of the rocks. But soon they disappeared: they had little interest to adult ladies.

At the dastarkhan with friends and colleagues





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No matter how many times one can repeat the word “halva”, there will be no sweet taste in the mouth, says Uzbek proverb. It is the same with the Uzbek cuisine, which reflects both the generosity and hospitality of the Uzbek people. Not having tasted its dishes, you will not know its richness and difference from the cuisines of other nations. Of course, although the meals in the health center were quite good, but very delicious. It was difficult to have an opinion of the Uzbek cuisine based on this food. We were lucky. We enjoyed home dishes cooked by Minavar-apa, as well as the Azizov family, who arranged lunch for us twice. The second one was with tandyre tortillas, kabob (lamb skewers sprinkled with pickled onions), achichuk salad (sliced tomatoes with onions and peppers) in Chartak. The bread was baked right before our eyes in a tandyr oven I remember its scent all my life.. I was so delighted when similar ovens appeared in the Komarovsky market in Minsk. Now whenever you wish, you

“Cooking is a criterion of people’s health, a healthy lifestyle, it is a science that incorporates the branches of chemistry, biology, physics, medicine and the experience of mankind” Abu Rayhon Beruni, Uzbek medieval encyclopedpist

can buy pita bread similar to the one we ate in Chartak. The first Uzbek dinner at the dastarkhan was in Namangan, where we stayed at Alijon’s house on the way to the health center. I remember that Alijon said: rest a bit after the flight, have a snack, and then we’ll carry on our trip. Tamara, who had already visited Uzbekistan, was aware of Uzbek hospitality. She just smiled and asked Alijon: would it really be a little snack?.. He only smiled and winked at her. When I saw a long rectangular table, lined with round-shaped dishes of different diameters, painted with ornaments, filled with all sorts of things, I realized that it would be impossible to have a little snack. I didn’t know where to look first — such a beauty and abundance. On the table there were melons, watermelons, dried apricots, figs, raisins, and nuts — almonds and walnuts. We were invited to sit down at the table. It was standing directly under the shed on the wooden floor, towering thirtyforty centimeters above it. And the shed itself adjoined the house, and it seemed as if we were in a large garden house. The shade above the garden house was also formed by the crowns of fruit trees, in which peaches, apples, and pears were riping. We sat down in the Turkish fashion onto a soft carpet, on which small embroidered pillows

were laid out. Then for the first time I heard the word “dastarkhan”. In the Big Encyclopedia of Culinary Art we read: dastarkhan (dastarkhan is translated from Uzbek as a tablecloth) is an Uzbek dining table (hontahta), which is 30–35 cm high. In European literature, it is customary to call dastarkhan not only the table itself, but also the entire dining ritual characteristic of Central Asia. The peculiarity of dastarkhan is that sweet dishes and drinks are served not only for dessert, but also at the beginning of the meal. At the same time, green tea is always on the dastarkhan during the meal, from the beginning to the end. So it was. We were immediately offered tea and fruit. It did not surprise me at all, as I had been in the habit of eating fruits before the main meal since my childhood (I am a native of Ukraine). One should be a poet to describe the perfection of Uzbek melons and watermelons. I will only say: Uzbek melons and watermelons are magic. Yes, they are good both in Turkey, and in Greece, and in my historic homeland, in the southeast of Ukraine — Kharkiv region. But the Uzbek melon is the queen of the melons of other countries. Its aroma is is sweet, it makes you feel a bit dizzy and tipsy like good wine. The texture is su­ gary, oily… I remember Tamara quietly stopping me when my hand reached for another slice of melon, as if saying, do not hurry, you won’t be able to eat anything else… But I managed to eat everything. And even more. Yes, I was so full of food that I could barely breath. Therefore, I had to take a pillow and cover my stomach, which was too big. For the first dish Malika served shurpa. This is hot lamb soup with vegetables. We ate it with Tamara with samosa, triangular-shaped puff pastry cakes with greens and pumpkin. There were some other small tortillas with onions, I don’t remember the names. We also tasted badymdzhan (it is a savory and nourishing eggplant snack) and dolma (rolls with rice and meat in grape leaves). Then we drank tea again. There was no room in my stomach for watermelon.

Difficult becomes easy with wisely start Not a single family celebration in Uzbekistan (the birth of a baby, a wedding, meetings and farewells) is complete without a pilaf. The existing natural conditions, cultivated agricultural products, and the customs of the inhabitants of the region play a great role... In the preparation of pilaf, as well as other dishes, various spices and greens (zira, barberry, fresh and dried paprika, black pepper, coriander etc.) are widely used, which contain aromatic substances and various vitamins, mineral salts, essential oils that promote appetite, increase the physiological value of the finished food and enrich it with proteins and carbohydrates. In recent years, many major foreign television channels have devoted a lot of reporting to the Uzbek pilaf phenomenon. Among them are the TV channel Euronews, the Azerbaijani TV channel Azad Azərbaycan, the French-German TV channel ARTE, the Japanese corporation Compass Inc., the Turkish TV channel Kanal 7 and many others. As Philip Wendrix, President of the European Institute of Cooking History and Culture, noted, familiarity with the national cuisine of Uzbekistan is the knowledge of the unique heritage of the Uzbek people. “In the future, we are planning to include cooking of Uzbek pilaf in the curriculum of the university and invite masters from Uzbekistan to share experiences,” said the European expert.

Uzbek chefs managed to set a Guinness record and prepare the world’s largest pilaf at the O’zbegim Festival of Traditional Culture in Tashkent in 2017. Within six hours, more than 50 chefs of the country made a mega dish in a cauldron 4.2 meters in diameter and its volume was about 8 thousand liters. As a result, the net weight of pilaf was 7 360 kg. Guinness World Records representatives officially registered this record. IA “Dunyo”

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Memory photo in Chartak. “Now you look like Uzbek women,” — said Minavar-apa (second from the right). Her husband Jafer-aga sits between us: the author of the essay (on the right), Tamara Gorobchenko (on the left).

Pilaf of Мinavar-apa Pilaf appeared in the era of the Great Silk Road. This dish was hearty enough to empower travelers in their caravan journeys over long distances, according to one of recent Euronews reports by Euronews, which was stated by the Dunyo news agency (Uzbekistan MFA Information Agency). My further narration is about pilaf, the main dish of the Uzbek cuisine, its “pearl”, about the pilaf that we ate in Chartak. About the very thing that is always present. Jafer-aga and Minavarapa cooked it for a farewell lunch, which turned into dinner. True, women are


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not allowed to cook in Uzbekistan, they say, it is a man’s privilege, but she still helped him: she peeled onions, carrots, cut greens… Let me remind you that the spouses were ethnic Tatars, but their cuisine consisted of Uzbek dishes. We also tried Lagman (noodle and lamb soup). I saw Minavar-apa making homemade noodles. I was very happy: the way of cooking such noodles had been familiar to me since childhood: this was how my mother (Ukrainian) used to cut thin dough into strips. There, the hostess told us, the Kyrgyz and the Russians, who had long lived in Chartak, made in the same way. The clothes of Minavar were Uzbek, which is well seen in our memorial pho-

to. For this photo we changed into some of her dresses. Jafer, like his friends-Uzbeks, had a skullcap on. By the way, after a while Minavar-apa came to Minsk, visited her friends. Tamara and I also invited her home. I made trousers and a tunic for myself from the Uzbek bright fabric, which Minavar had given me then. So, the last day before our departure. In the morning, Minavar-apa advises not to go to the health center for lunch, promises: let’s make a holiday at home. I remember her asking: do you eat pilaf? By our smiles, of course, it was evident: surely! We could not refuse! Therefore, we won’t go not only for lunch, but also for breakfast, bearing in mind the gastronomic experience in Namangan in the Azizovs’ house. We pack suitcases in the morning, and then for the last time we take a walk to the gym of the health center. And some healing water to drink. If Uzbek melon is the queen of fruits, then pilaf is undoubtedly the king of all dishes. No matter how delicious the kabob and shurpa may be, forgive me Alijon and Malik, the Uzbek pilaf surpassed all our expectations. Pilaf in our traditional cooking at home is just a porridge with meat. We ate it with Tamara straight from a huge dish, on the rice top of which lay pieces of lamb, and

with our fingers, as Minavar and Jafer did. It is believed that it is also useful: the tactile sensations are transmitted directly from the fingertips to the spinal cord, after which, as doctors say, the gastric juice is liberated. Our dear hosts were glad that we, I should say without false modesty, managed quite easily to take pilaf with our fingers: after all, this is their long-standing tradition. I can still see Minavar’s fingers, taking pilaf. It turned out that the old Uzbeks used to say: you cannot take pilaf with a fork, because it is alive. And what a peculiar respect for food. I confess: I also sometimes like to eat French fries with my finers at home. I still remember well what Jafer-aga said during tea-drinking: our pilaf (although he is the Tatar) “our” Uzbek pilaf is thousands of years old. And the next day we flew to Minsk. In the morning, although we did not want to, we had time to drink tea with qutab, which resemble modern pizza. These are such flat pies from thin dough with a stuffing of meat, greens, tomatoes, cheese. Minavar-apa and Alijon took us to the airport. There we also managed to buy melons to please our relatives at home. After all, here in Belarus, as well as in Uzbekistan, a friendly atmosphere is appreciated in the feast — otherwise, even the most exquisite food will do you no good. On the plane, we recalled that Minavar-apa told us in response to our gratitude (for meeting, making friends, talking): what is to be found lies on the road. She added: so the Uzbeks say. By Valentina Zhdanovich.

P. S. That was long ago. But the memory of those years is fresh. Now, I remembered my trip to Uzbekistan in connection with the upcoming Forum of Regions, the days of culture of Uzbekistan in Belarus that will be

held in Minsk. I was glad that I remember everything as if it was only yesterday. I thought: what a good time we are living in now! It does not matter that there was a break in relations between our peoples. During this time, many of us managed to understand: if there is no unity, there is no life. By the way, this is also a Uzbek proverb. In this regard, it is symbolic that Belarus and Belarusians still remember with gratitude that the sons of Uzbekistan participated in the liberation of our Motherland 75 years ago. During the Great Patriotic War the Uzbeks gave shelter and food to the Belarusians, and also adopted children who lost their parents. In Tashkent, there is a square of Friendship of Peoples, where there is a monument to the family of Bakhri-ops Akramova and Shaakhmed Shamakhmudov, who adopted 14 children of different nationalities. We don’t only remember… Curious information has recently appeared in the media, symbolizing that our fraternal friendship is strong. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Uzbek war-veteran Abdurakhim Mavlyanov, who liberated Belarus 75 years ago, the Ambassador of Belarus to Uzbekistan Leonid Marinich presented the keys to the new MTZ‑82 tractor in the town of Almalyk, Tashkent region. The decision to donate it to the veteran was taken by the Minsk Tractor Works and the official dealer of the enterprise in Uzbekistan, Planeta Servis, informs the diplomatic mission in Tashkent. It was clarified by the embassy that a cooperation agreement was signed last autumn between the Tashkent and Minsk regions, and this year between Zhodino and Almalyk. It is clear that the honored hero of the past battles is not ready to drive the tractor himself. But according to his words, it will be very useful for agricultural work on the farm of his large family. By the way, there were 500 people at the anniversary. Surely everyone wanted a ride!

Heroes of the past years It’s been so many years And all came out of darkness — into the light… After all, many left us Having achieved peace. And faded away. The left marks in the hearts Saving us from storms and troubles. You brought the sacrifice of life: Flowers, dreams… saved spring! For the world is taken a big price: Irreplaceable loss… You are not the heroes of past years And not a cold trail of the war: You are all immortal! All — in crowns! You live in our hearts. Your names arise Where the war is buried. By Malika Abidova student of the Journalism Faculty of the BSU (specialty international journalism)

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n search of the lost

Liubov Malysheva

Grodno: time travel with Vladimir Likhodedov


ladimir Kravtsov, Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, wrote a preface to this most interesting edition, which will enable not only to make a virtual trip to interesting historical addresses, but also to plan a real, live excursion. In particular, he points out: “An image or photograph taken in the distant past becomes even more valuable if we want to recreate an architectural monument or return it to its original appearance. We can have an idea what the city was like in the century before last thanks to the works of Napoleon Orda. He depicted the beauty of Grodno castles, temples, palaces, suburban royal estates. It is no coincidence that Grodno residents named one of the streets of their city after this artist. While


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developing the project of reconstruction of the Old Castle in Grodno, the authors were largely guided by the engraving of Tomasz Makowski. The famous printer, artist, map-maker, author of the map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1600 created an engraving depicting the city of Grodno, in which the royal castle was painted in detail in the time close to the reign of Stefan Batory...”. The deltiological album “Grodno. Time travel” consists of several sections. The years 1905–1915 are specified separately. The second section is from 1915 to 1918. The third section is from 1920 to 1930. The fourth section tells about Grodno during the Great Patriotic War. And the last section invites us to see the city in 1946 — the 1970s. It opens with a general view of the Grodno castles and the Neman River at the be-

Another book in the series “In Search of the Lost” was published by the publishing house “Zviazda” on the occasion of the Day of the Belarusian Written Language, which is taking place in Slonim, Grodno Region, this year. This time it will tell about Grodno through old postcards, collected by Vladimir Likhodedov, winner of the Prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus “For Spiritual Revival”. ginning of the 20th century, further on we get acquainted with the details of the city landscapes. The river Neman, Stanislavovskaya Alley, railway and wooden bridges over the Neman, the governor’s palace it looks so modest today), the old castle, chapel, military gathering in the Old Castle, Castle Street, military camp — you feel like jumping back over a century or even more and walking for a few hours in that atmosphere, among the citizens of that time. The images are not static, and even if there are no people in them, the photos are dynamic and extremely mobile. Of course, flipping through a deltiological album, you first of all look for familiar objects — for example, the Augustow Canal, Orthodox and Catholic churches, surely — Kalozha church. This emotional viewing is supplemented by


Farny church

the memories of your own meetings with Grodno. Sometimes looking through the book there are also some discoveries such as: “But I did not know about this view, I could not imagine the object from such a perspective, which is in the old postcard...”. And then you plan the next meeting with Grodno, the next trip to the ancient places of the city on the Neman. The texts on the back of the cards are also read with interest. There is not much space for this in the album. Rather, it is used as typography, book design.

n search of the lost

Grodno. Railway bridge over the Neman.

And yet... You feel that the postcards are living characteristics of different times, that behind each reproduction there are people, our forefathers. The deltiological album “Grodno. Time travel” is also a distinctive photographic encyclopedia, which tells about the ancient city in connection with different cultures, with the lives of people of different nationalities in Belarus. And in this regard, that is what I thought about. It is not enough to publish such books, albums. Yes, in their own way

they are not silent, resting on the shelves of bookshops, but still they will be even more addressant when they are presented at a mobile exhibition, for example, in different large and small settlements of Belarus, if they are known in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, if they are known in a neighboring way. I am sure that the deltiological albums of the series “In Search of the Lost” are a necessary component while demonstrating the tourist potential of Belarus.

View of the Neman and the wooden synagogue

Grodno. Military Cathedral.

By Kastus Khadyka

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nclusive project

“Homo faber” is not just an ordinary exhibition


The National Art Museum of Belarus was the first to start working in such an important social direction as inclusiveness. It means the involvement of people with different physical abilities into the museum space.


our years ago the National Art Museum hosted the first inclusive project aimed at helping people with disabilities by means of art. Over the past three years, the museum’s inclusive programmes have become annual. Within the framework of each project another significant inclusive event took place — art exhibitions of the so-called “outsiders”. In 2016, the exhibition “Drawings of the Soul” presented about forty works created by patients of Minsk psychoneurological dispensary No. 2. A year later, an exhibition of works by artists living in the psychoneurological nursing home No. 4 in Minsk took place, with more than twenty works on display. These inclusive projects are proof that people with mental and physical developmental challenges are very talented in using art to convey their world of being. Recently, at the exhibition “Homo faber” the visitors of the museum had a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the works of artists living in the psychoneurological nursing home


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№ 2. Of course, these people cannot be called professional artists, but wholehearted creators — yes! Their works seem naive, sometimes somewhat strange and at the same time interesting. Some of them had lived a normal full life, had a job, family and children, but as a result of trauma, genetic failure, infection found themselves within the closed framework of their disease. Some of them could not even finish secondary school, could not read and write. Two, apart from the main disease, suffer from deafness, and one does not know the finger language of the deaf (kinetic speech). Or there is another example. The talented and courageous artist Vladimir Martynov (who died two years ago) was paralyzed and was confined to a wheelchair. He passed a brush over the canvas and his hand fell with weakness. But as a result of such painful work, the landscapes were bright and light. We used to admire the paintings of outstanding professional artists. Often forgetting that we have people living next to us who, despite their severe, incurable disease, want to create, be needed and interesting to society. Their works are worthy of attention simply because each of them was made by an out of the ordinary person. Fighting for their life, for being called a creative person, worthy not only of compassion. By the way, in 2006 the first “Outsider Art” program was organized on the basis of the capital’s psychoneurological nursing home for the elderly and disabled № 2. Its inspirer was Fyodor Yastreb, the artist, writer, curator of more than 80 various creative projects. Exhibitions of the nursing home’s residents were held in the National Center for Contemporary Arts of Belarus, in the National Library, in the Art Gallery named after Gavriil Vashchenko in Gomel, in Grodno State University, other cities of the country, as well as abroad — in Russia, the Netherlands, and Poland. By Alexander Pimenov



Poems in translation A new book of translations of the classic of Chinese poetry — “Selected Lyrics” by Du Fu — was published in Belarus


he Belarusians began to translate poems by Du Fu (712–770) into their native language back in the 1920s. Vladimir Dubovka was the first to do it. Later, the national poet of Belarus Ryhor Borodulin joined the ranks of Belarusian translators of the great Chinese. He was followed by the winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Nikolay Metlitsky. And in 2015, a fascicle by Du Fu “The Loneliness of Mountain Heights” was published in the series “Bright Symbols: Poets of China” launched by the publishing house “Zviazda”. It collected translations of Vladimir Dubovka, Ryhor Borodulin, Nikolay Metlitsky, Naum Galperovich. A fresh approach was implemented by Levon Borshevsky, a well-known translator, proficient in many languages, an expert in the field of foreign literature, who introduced Du Fu to the Belarusian reader. In his translation, the publisher “Zmitser Kolas” (this is the name of the publishing house, which patronizes the series “Poets of the Planet”) published a collection of works by Du Fu “Selected Lyrics”. Compared to other approaches to mastering the legacy of the classic of Chinese poetry in the language of Kupala, this creative project is, perhaps, the most profound in Belarus as relating to the discovery of the poet of this repute. And here is why. For translation the original texts were taken from the English book. Lineal transltions are used from a number of solid sources. According to the

publisher’s imprint, while compiling the commentaries, the works of Academician N. Conrad, S. Owen, Doctor of Philology I. Lisevich were taken into account. The reviewer of the edition was Veronika Aneychik. These characteristics convince us that the new Belarusian book by Du Fu can be safely enter the arsenal of Belarusian literary sinology. The collection “Selected Lyrics” includes translations of 65 poems by Du Fu. It is worth reminding that the famous creative legacy of the classic consists of 1500 works. It means that the Belarusians are just beginning to perceive Du Fu’s poetry. Taking into account the rate of development of Belarusian poetry, including literary sinology (17 (!) books of Chinese poetry have been published within 7–8 years in Belarusian since 2012), one can safely assert or at least predict with a certain degree of confidence that Belarusians will turn to translation of Du Fu’s poetry more than once. In the meantime, we advise all those who are curious to look for Du Fu’s “Selected Lyrics” in the bookstores of “Belkniga” (by the way, the circulation of the publication is not very large — 250 copies). In the book there are enough works, which are in keeping not only with the eighth century, when Du Fu lived and wrote. By the way, in the rich, already “multi-volume” series “Poets of the Planet” the book by the Chinese literary artist is one of the few collections of Oriental poets. Previously the books by Omar Khayyam,

Rabindranath Tagore, Bgatrigara were published, so let’s hope that “Selected Lyrics” by Du Fu marks the beginning in a series of Chinese poets. …Just a few years ago, a party in memory of Du Fu was held in Minsk. His poems were read in the capital of Belarus in Chinese and translated into Belarusian. The translator and artist Gao Mang (1926–2017) sent a message of greetings from Beijing to his Belarusian friends, who honored the memory of Du Fu. By Sergey Shichko

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ord art

Rabindranath Tagore:

LIubov malysheva

all Belarusian publications


he first book by Rabindranath Tagore, “The Gardener”, was published in Minsk in 1927. It was translated by Arkady Mardvilka. In the 1920s, Yakub Kolas, the People’s Poet of Belarus, also translated the classic of Indian literature. His interpretation of the works by the legendary literary artist, educator and philosopher were published in the “Flame of the Revolution” magazine. Sergey Grokhovsky, Ales


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Ryazanov, Joseph Semizhona, Galina Sharangovich are among the translators of Rabindranath Tagore’s poetry and prose into Belarusian. The novel “The Crash” by Tagore was published in Minsk in 1958, translated by Sergey Grokhovsky. Let’s recall that it was the time of the so-called Khrushchev’s “thaw in relations”. The rigid political dictatorship, which was in action in the Soviet Union thanks to the will, autocracy of Joseph

Stalin, was replaced by some liberal changes. From the Stalin’s Gulag, from countless prisons, writers were coming back, those who fortunately survived. They were ready to do any work to return to active life as far as they were able to. And of course, they translated a lot. It was, by the way, an interesting time of India’s discovery in the Soviet Union. First of all, it was due to new Indian films — “The Awakening”, “The Song of the Road”, “Mother India” and so on.

unique creative project! And in 2018, it included “sacrificial songs” — “The Gitanjali” — translated into the Belarusian language by the laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Ales Ryazanov. It is a pity that the circulation amounted to only 250 copies. But today is the time when paper books are not in the greatest demand. Nevertheless, the paper book lives and finds its reader. Perhaps, thanks to such classics of the literary word as Nobel Prize winner Rabindaranat Tagore. But in 2018, two editions were published in Belarus, i. e. the book “My Golden Bengal” in the languages of the peoples of the world (the project was implemented by the Yakub Kolas Printing Plant. First, 250 copies; then, with another translation, 100 copies). The classic’s poems were resented in the book, illustrated by the famous Bangladeshi artist Zainul Abedin, in 51 (!) languages, including Bengali. Let’s recall that “My Golden Bengal” is also the anthem of the sovereign state of Bangladesh. Bengalis in Bangladesh appreciate this work and are ready to quote it by heart. And the Belarusian book “My Golden Bengal” is printed in the following languages: Bengali, Belarusian, Russian, Avar, Agul, Azerbaijani, English, Arabic, Balkarian, Bashkir, Greek, Georgian, Dargin, Ingush, Ita­ lian, Kazakh, Kalmyk, Karate, Korean,

Chinese, Kumyk, Kurdish, Lak, Lezgin, Luo, Luhya, Macedonian, Malay, Mari, Mongolian, Dutch, Nogay, Polish, Serbian, Slovak, Swahili, Tobacco, Taiwan, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Udmurt, Uighur, Ukrainian, Urdu, Hindi, Tsakhur, Montenegrin, Chechen, Chuvash and Shor. The constellation of langua­ ges is impressive!.. The sincere, elevated lines about Bengal that Tagore wrote more than a century ago have united countries, peoples, cultures, literatures and languages. And this was achieved thanks to the efforts of Belarusian publishers and printers. By Maksim Veyanis

The world (and, of course, Belarus too) was opening up India. By the way, two more Indian books were published in the State Publishing House of the BSSR a year before the publication of the no­ vel “The Crash” (the circulation of the novel was 6000 copies) — the collection of fairy tales “The Magic Bowl” (in the subtitle: “Based on Indian fairy tales. Adapted for children by N. Hodza”). A few words about Nisan Alexandrovich Hodza (1906–1978). He is a famous Soviet children’s writer. Lived in Leningrad. In 1949, he established relations with the Chinese Student Fellowship. He recorded Chinese folklore and at the end of 1951 a collection of Chinese fairy tales came out in the adaptation by Nisan Hodza. And later — two more fabulous books, also recorded from fo­ reign students — Koreans and Mongols. In 1955, N. Hodza published a collection based on Indian fairy tales — “The Magic Bowl”. Our Belarusian writer Ales Yakimovich translated this book into Belarusian. And it was published in 25 thousand copies. In 1957, a book by the Indian writer Krishan Chander (he wrote in Urdu and Hindi) was also published in Belarusian in Minsk. In 1976, Minsk Publishing House “Khudozhestvennaya literature” published a collection of works by Rabindranath Tagore “The Selected”. The circulation was 5000 copies. The book was illustrated by the artist Georgy Poplavsky. By the way, Indian motifs were not alien to the creator. For the easel sheets “Indian Diary” and the design of the book of ancient Indian performances “The Ciracural” he was awarded the International Prize named after J. Nehru in 1975. In 2006 the Minsk Publishing House “Khudozhestvennaya literature” published a collection of Rabindranath Tagore “The Gitanjali”. The texts are presented both in the Russian and Belarusian languages. The artist is Georgy Poplavsky. In recent years, the publishing house “Zmіtser Kolas” has presented “Poets of the Planet” — a series of translations into the Belarusian language. A

ord art


Rabindranath Tagore and Albert Einstein, 1930

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External view of the Berestye Museum

Deep roots of the cityanniversary celebrant


The Berestye Archeological Museum will become the first site for the celebration of the millennium Residential area of 13th century

Let me remind you that this is the only museum in Europe of the 11–13th centuries medieval East Slavic city. More than a decade ago, since 1969, excavations on the site of the ancient city were held by the members of the Department of Archaeology of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR under the guidance of Doctor of Historical Sciences Pyotr Fyodorovich Lysenko. In fact, it was he who gave Berestye to the city and the world. Pyotr Fyodorovich managed to get the Uni­ on financing of the project, and large-scale excavations began. During the work on the area of 1800 square meters dozens of well preserved wooden buildings of 11–13th centuries were excavated. At that time, they dug up streets, fences and numerous artefacts of material culture of that time. Above this excavation, which forms the basis of the museum’s exposition, a 4060 meters pavilion of concrete, glass and aluminum was erected. Nowadays, the guides show the visitors a part of the craft area of ancient Brest, which consists of 28 wooden residential


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and household buildings, two street bridges. Later fragments of clay stoves were found. Tens of thousands of different things were found during the exploration of land layers, which are now exhibited. One of the most significant exhibits is the Brest Golden Ring, which is kept in the regional museum of local lore. It was first presented to the general public in 2015. But we will deal with the findings a little later.

Scientific concept and repair The Berestye Museum was opened in 1982. It was visited by more than 3 million people. Thirty years later, the object was in need of restoration. And in 2017, the first phase of major repairs ended. Then a lot was done in terms of modernization. For example, the stained-glass windows of the facades were replaced, a new ventilation system and lighting were installed. The process of re-exposition is going on in the building. Now the previous and the new are successfully combined here. The main exhibit — archaeological excavation at a depth of 4 me-

A ters — remains unchanged. But other halls are radually changing. Nowadays the visitors are welcomed by the clay furnace of the 10th century, which was found during the excavations in 2006. Thus, it was established that the settlement on the territory of the fortress had existed before the first written mention of the city. So the current millennium of Brest has its own period of time, which is best described in this special place. In one of the halls of the museum there is a dwelling of a Brest citizen of that time. The museum is planning to hold museum classes there. A visitor will have the opportunity to go inside, so to say, to find oneself in the 13th century. The Berestye Museum is a branch of the regional museum of local lore. Its director Aleksey Mityukov has informed that the scientific concept of Berestye remains invariable, but the artistic side receives gradual development. After all, one should use the gifts that the land has preserved — many household items of that era. Now much more different discoveries will be exhibited: made of fabric, wood, leather, metal. This is aimed at forming the image of the progressive early Brest, which was on a par with the leading cities of Europe. For example, fragments of dyed fabric, which is more than 700 years old, is going to be exhibited! Leather shoes and boots have not lost the ornaments made by Brest masters of those times. The latter proves that our distant ancestors did not have only straw shoes, but wore rather stylish shoes and clothes. Fashionistas of that time ordered bracelets and brooches, the rings have already been mentioned.

Rarities and IT technologies Now the Museum of Local Lore is holding a jubilee acti­ vity “12 Artefacts” — every month during the week an item related to the history of the city is exhibited. The first artifacts were the boxwood comb of the 12th century and the chess figure of the king of the same era. Both exhibits were found during the excavations of Berestye. On the both sides of comb the master carved 13 letters of the ancient Slavic Cyrillic al-

Interest in artifacts is obvious


Visit to the museum is a reason to see the Brest Fortress

phabet from A to L. It turns out that this is a real ABC book, moreover, the only one found on the territory of modern Belarus. And the bone king, who can be hidden in the palm of the hand, looks as if he was made only recently. We can only wonder what high-quality things the masters made. On closer inspection the king seems quite harsh, his eyebrows are shifted, his eyes are gloomy. And his clothes and headpiece are decorated with a special ornament. Experts call this item a sample of highly artistic carving and processing. Findings in the excavation of Berestye give us the right to be proud and say that our city had a fairly high level of culture, which was stressed at the presentation of artifacts. Alexander Bashkov, Associate Professor of Brest State University, noted that in the context of the archaeological legacy of Europe, the Berestye museum looks like a leader, a real king of European museums. Of course, the museum of such a level should have a corresponding interior, especially as such a big event is coming. Soon the guests will see the modernized hall of the museum in the form of interactive platforms with QR codes, installations, elements of audio-visualization. Also, visitors will be met by tridimensional figures of ancient masters, craftsmen and residents doing their daily routine. The sounds of the smithy and other workshops will be heard to show the polyphony of medieval city life, and thus to create the effect of presence. The museum exposition is expanding beyond the museum building. For example, there will be an open-air wooden bridge, or rather its imitation, but very similar to that of the ancestors. Information boards will also appear. Therefore, the territory is actively decorated. In fact, the work on tile laying, installation of kerbs, landscaping is coming to the end. Modernization of the museum is carried out in accordance with the President’s decree on preparations for the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Brest. And Berestye is ready to become the first platform of the holiday. By Svetlana Yaskevich. Photo by Valery Korol.

беларусь. belarus 2019


Alexey Dudarev


Dramatic ballad the characters:


Continuation SECOND ACT Night. MIKHASYOV’S room. A soft knock on the door. KREMIS enters. MIKHASYOV. What, lieutenant? KREMIS (burst into tears). Please… Please… I am so ashamed… MIKHASYOV. Well, quiet, quiet… an officer cannot hang down head.. KREMIS. I won’t do it again… MIKHASYOV (wipes her eyes with a handkerchief). Did you play dolls for a long time? KREMIS. Up to eleven. MIKHASYOV. What was the name of your favorite one? KREMIS. Puppy… Doggy… Rubber… Pyotr Kuzmich, I implore you: do not report to the command about today… I will be removed from the task. This is… a misunderstanding… It will not happen again… Please… no need… I sorted it out with the girls… MIKHASYOV. With the girls… We have to sort it out with the Fritz… KREMIS. Please… MIKHASYOV. No! I’d rather ask you… First. Stop crying. (Pours from the flask into the mug.) Second. Drink this. KREMIS. What is this? MIKHASYOV. Spirits. KREMIS. Bottom’s up? MIKHASYOV. Bottom’s up… KREMIS dashingly drinks. Polish it off! KREMIS. No, I don’t want. MIKHASYOV. Well, eat something though!


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KREMIS. I don’t want. MIKHASYOV. Now the third. Just look into my eyes… What would you do in my place? The mission is very complicated and responsible. KREMIS (at once). I would take me on a mission. MIKHASYOV. Honestly? KREMIS. Honestly. MIKHASYOV. Lieutenant… Dear Veronica! Once I did not take on a mission my best friend, Leshka Golchansky, whom I believe more than myself, a wolfdog of intelligence, because of a banal cough. He had caught a cold. We hardly survived without him. But we would have failed with him. So… KREMIS. I won’t do it again! MIKHASYOV. Why did it happen? KREMIS. Coincidence! Absurd coincidence! It comes from there… The reaction of the psyche to this melody… To this very melody!!! I… used to listen to the song… Reaction to the melody… MIKHASYOV. Only to this song? KREMIS. Only to this one. MIKHASYOV comes to the gramophone, puts the record. German march. KREMIS sits motionless. MIKHA­SYOV looks at her. Then he changes the record. Another march. KREMIS sits motionless. He changes the record again. Again. KREMIS groaned when the familiar hitter sounded, she began to tremble. MIKHASEV tore out a record from the gramophone and smashed it against the wall with all his might.

Blackout. The improvised stage in the girls’ room. There is one spectator — captain MIKHASYOV. BATYAN, in a bright dress, steps up to the middle. BATYAN. The next artist in our program is… I’ve forgotten the name… What is it? Agretta, or what? MIKHASYOV. Batyan, have you drunk vinegar? Smile, where is the smile? Again! BATYAN leaves and reappears with a “smile”. BATYAN. Our dear fascist comrades!!! MIKHASYOV. Stop! What the hell, comrades??? BATYAN. You know what: I was drafted to the army, and not to an amateur group!!! I was not drafted to be an artist! Powder! Lipstick! Shoes! Smiles! Songs! Dancing! Get down, take off your clothes! Get down, get dressed! Circus instead of intelligence! Ridiculous! MIKHASYOV. Fighter Batyan! BATYAN. I’m listening, comrade guard captain! MIKHASYOV. God forbid you, I hope this circus will not make you cry bitter tears in a few days. BATYAN. It won’t. LADYSEVA. Comrade Captain! She sang well. Let Gurskaya be an announcer. Yadya! You will announce the performances. Come on! Announce Zinka… Festively dressed GURSKAYA comes out.

KREMIS. Then Alya will sing her king about, Ladyseva? The Belarusian ofsongs… Fighter Ladyseva. Then Gurskaya fensive operation is about to begin… We are will read the poems by Yesenin. About love. at the very edge of it, at the very tip of this Then a quartet will sing German… songs… edge… If something… MIKHASYOV. Will it take ten more LADYSEVA. Only for one hour… MIKHASYOV. If something happens, minutes? you’ll be put you on trial! They will shoot you KREMIS. It will take twenty… to hell and won’t not look at your cornflowerMIKHASYOV. Ten is enough… Until blue eyes and linen-like hair! the real concert… So… Break… Then everyLADYSEVA. I’ll be back by morning… one in overalls. Hand-to-hand fight in pairs. On my komsomol word! Kremis — Gurskaya. Batyan — Ladyseva. MIKHASYOV. Write him a letter. The girls go out. Only Ladyseva stays. LADYSEVA (yells). I have to see him!!! What, Ladyseva? MIKHASYOV. (also yells). Lieutenant LADYSEVA. I can also sing old roman­ Kremis! ces… KREMIS runs in, half dressed in an overMIKHASYOV. Good. all. LADYSEVA. I know Pushkin… KREMIS. I’m listening, comrade captain! MIKHASYOV. Fine. What do you want MIKHASYOV. (with anger). What a look! to tell me? KREMIS. (with anger). Junior Lieutenant LADYSEVA. I want to ask… Kremis appeared at your command! Just as MIKHASYOV. Ask… the order found her! LADYSEVA (looks around and whispers). MIKHASYOV. Excuse me… Let me leave tonight… at night… KREMIS. I’m listening, comrade guard MIKHASYOV. Where? captain! LADYSEVA. To the station… For an MIKHASYOV. The fighter Ladyseva’s hour, for one hour only… We met at the nerves are out of order. Take special control. courses… Lieutenant Dimka Selevtsov… A For her not to do stupide things. boy… KREMIS. Yes, sir! Alya, let’s go… MIKHASYOV. It is clear that not a girl… MIKHASYOV. Go, get ready for handLADYSEVA. We dated… at the courses. to-hand combat. MIKHASYOV. So what? The girls go out. MIKHASYOV ner­ LADYSEVA. I… I turned him down.. vously smokes. Special intelligence group, MIKHASYOV. Somebody will take care holy shit! As if I am in the penal battalion, of him… Why do you worry? LADYSEVA. Tomorrow he is to go to war. honestly. For what?! MIKHASYOV. So what? The girls appear in overalls. LADYSEVA. They can kill him… They stand against each other. MIKHASYOV. They can. L A DY S E VA. And dying, he will know that I turned him down... MIKHASYOV (to himself ). Lord, for what? My girl, what do you want from me? Next time do not turn down… The performance "Do not leave me" of the Drama Theater of LADYSEVA. Let the Belarusian Army (with which Aleksey Dudarev has been me go… cooperating since its foundation in 2003) was shown in the days of MIKHASYOV. the XXVI International Festival “Dnieper Voices in Dubrovno” (Vitebsk Region), June 2019 What are you tal­

GURSKAYA. Good afternoon, dear knights! On the day of Saint Agnia, we greet you and wish you to win and your brides to see you come home. On the day of Saint Agnes, two Slavic beauties are going to sing for you. Welcome! MIKHASYOV. Well done, Gurskaya! You will say like this. GURSKAYA. The music is folk, the words are folk… The old romance “Don’t leave me…” LADYSEVA and BATYAN come out. LADYSEVA accompanies on the guitar, BATYAN sings. ZINA’S SONG: I’ll kiss you, whisper, warm you up, From the cold winter will take you away. Above the winds and above the clouds Tipsy with happiness, On the palms of love I will raise you to heaven. I will not let you say a word I will understand them all I will read your lips Your restless dreams. I only pray for you I dream only about you, The rain whispers about you About you are spring songs… MIKHASYOV. Well, Batyan, you can, when you want. BATYAN. When I do not want — I can also. GURSKAYA comes out. Reads from a sheet of paper GURSKAYA. The name Agniya comes from the name of the Vedic god Agni. It is a god of fire, home, sacrificial fire. And Agni was born in three places: three houses, three lights, three lives, three heads, three powers, three languages… And it burns, shines, lights, gives birth to that and this world. Now let me announce the next piece of our program — the dance of fire… It is performed by the first beauty of our city, the world-famous dancer, student of the legendary Isadora Duncan — Veronica Kremis! Welcome! Music. KREMIS comes out in the costume of the god of fire. The dance of fire. Then BATYAN, LADYSYEVA and GURSKAYA join her, dressed in Hindu costumes. The end. MIKHASYOV looks at his watch. MIKHASYOV. Ten minutes… Not bad… What else?

беларусь. belarus 2019


KREMIS. We are ready, comrade guard captain! MIKHASYOV. Start! Fighting. In the heat of fighting, GURSKAYA inadvertently delivers a strong blow to the LADYSEVA. She, like a wild cat, seized her by the hair. The girls rolled on the ground. Back off! I said set aside! Ladyseva! Gurskaya! Back off! He takes the girls apart. Stand up! Attention! To the river bank and back! Start! Go!!! (The girls run away.) Lord, for what? Blackout. The COLONEL’S dugout. COLONEL and MIKHASYOV are over the map. COLONEL. Did you complete the first part? MIKHASYOV. Yes, sir. COLONEL. If yes, than repeat… MIKHASYOV (over the map). At nightfall, the reconnaissance group must cross the Rosasenka River. One by one. Landing on this bend… At the confluence of the Zhgun river into Rosasenka. With the maximum speed to move along the bed of the Zhgun to the village Vedrich. COLONEL. How far is to Vedrich? MIKHASYOV. Thirty kilometers. COLONEL. Twenty five. MIKHASYOV. We will pace ourselves to thirty. COLONEL. Good on you. Go on. MIKHASYOV. Continue to move from the village Vedrich to the north-west in the direction of the highway Kroman — Zhartsy. Go up to the highway and disguise ourselves in a small wooded area behind the village of Savin Oak. Here. Wait for the onset of the day. COLONEL. Will they stand? MIKHASYOV. They will stand. COLONEL. And now the most important thing, captain. (He shows on the map.) Village Savin Oak, here you are with a group, three hundred meters further along the highway there is a forest… Somewhere in the forest there is a communications center of the Weisros army. Your task is to paralyze its work… MIKHASYOV. Excuse me, comrade colonel, is it… should I paralyze the army’s communications center?


беларусь. belarus 2019

COLONEL. Yes sir. MIKHASYOV. Alone? COLONEL. With a group. With your group. MIKHASYOV. May I laugh? COLONEL. Order of the intelligence department of the front headquarters. Now you may laugh. MIKHASYOV. Are they crazy there? Communication center!!! Army!! Yes, even if we camouflage the company there, what the hell we will do. COLONEL. A company is nothing… A battalion will not do anything. But you will. Cherchez la femme, as the Chinese say… Every month on the 20th their oberst celebrates the day of Saint Agnes at this center. Maybe his frau is so called or his mother, or maybe his daughter… Romantic, Hans… In short, he organizes a party. With songs, dances and other amateur activities… The burgomaster of Kroman specially trains four police bitches for this purpose. They are dressed up and seated in an old carriage. The carriage with a police officer- driver sets off from Kroman to the Pushcha to celebrate the feast of St. Agnya. (He shows on the map.) They pass by the post in front of the village of Savin Oak, then by the post behind the village of Savin Oak… They go down to this ravine, pass through this little wood, when they leave it — they can already be seen from the post near the forest… From Kroman to the communication center they can be seen by the guards. But on the 20th this month you will be in the forest with the group. All the fucking gang in the carriage must be silently neutralized… (Pause.) MIKHASYOV. We may fail to do it silently… COLONEL. You won’t. You will cope! Just in case, let your girls sing a German song during the neutralization… In case someone in the carriage scrims… Change into their clothes, disguise their bodies and… go on with a song. Did you get it? They drove into the woods, started singing a song, left the forest… Well, some delay… Maybe someone used the bushes… Would you have guessed that something had happened? I wouldn’t… Why are you frowning… captain? MIKHASYOV. I am thinking… COLONEL. Unexpected? MIKHASYOV. Unexpected…

COLONEL. So… Do not make of yourself Herod, murderer of innocent babies. It is war, Pyotr Kuzmich… It is war… I have a major — an artilleryman… a professional. Maestro. He can knock off a cap from the head with a third shell. At Stalingrad, our intelligence department gave the exact coordinates of the headquarters of one of the German divisions. The major bracketed it. His right shell was for nothing, he smashed an orphanage with the left shell… with children, well, and the third covered the headquarters… Only a shell crater remained… Order of the Red Banner… MIKHASYOV. How much explosives shall I take? COLONEL. None at all. (He put the black box.) Turn on this thing. Radio beacon. In ten minutes its signals will be detected by our direction finders, and in another ten minutes all front artillery will strike at these coordinates. The Belarusian offensive will begin. You used to call a strike on yourself. MIKHASYOV. I called the fire on myself, but not on others. COLONEL. You are an intelligence officer. Sentiments do not suit you. MIKHASYOV. Who is she? COLONEL. Who? MIKHASYOV. This saint… COLONEL. Ah-ah-ah… During the time of the Roman Empire, there lived a woman — a pious Christian… She was called Agnya… She had three daughters… Wholesale deaths broke out among people, plague attacked the city where this woman lived. In order to appease the gods, the noble Romans decided to make human sacrifices. And Agnya was burned on sacrificial fire together with her young daughters. The most amazing thing is that after this plague moved away from the city… Comrade guard captain, do you still have questions for me? MIKHASYOV. No questions! COLONEL. Wishes, requests… MIKHASYOV. I have! COLONEL. I am listening. MIKHASYOV. Help me buy candies at Voentorg… And chocolate.

Pause. COLONEL got four chocolates out of his bag and put them near the beacon. Blackout. To be continued in the next issue.

Anna Zankovich

Ceremonial opening of the 28th International Festival of Arts “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk�


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