Shuttleworth College Alumni Newsletter

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The Shuttleworth College Alumni Newsletter

Autumn 2018

Shuttleworth College Alumni Annual Newsletter

Contents Chairman’s Report


From the Editor


Report from the College Director of Land Based studies Catherine Lloyd


Members in the Newspapers


A Short History of Clayton and Shuttleworth


Members News


AGM Minutes






Committee details


Chairman’s Report Welcome to our 2018 magazine. This edition will be going out to over 450 subscribers, 320 of whom will be getting it in electronic form; the remainder in the more traditional printed format. We have given the matter much thought and concluded that our original aim to produce two magazines a year, one in the summer and one at Christmas, was a bit over ambitious; it was asking too much of the editorial team. So from now on we will be concentrating on one edition per year. Big sigh of relief from Graeme! When Paddy and I last drove to the College, for the September Committee meeting, it crossed our minds that it was becoming a bit of a slog; we live in Somerset and it is a long way up the A303 and A1 to get to Shutts. However, we soon realised it was worth it once Mike Johnston spoke to us with such enthusiasm about how the College has grown over the last few years. It is a great testament to all those who have worked so hard to drag the place from the disaster of the 1990’s, when it looked terminal for the College, to where it is today; one of the most successful

agricultural/countryside colleges in the country. Unfortunately there are still many who think that it did die in the late 1990’s, so spread the word it is alive and kicking and is in very rude health. The committee has been discussing the possibility of organising another big reunion at the College. We would be looking at summer 2020. Contact us as soon as you can if you are interested in joining the celebrations. If any of you would like to help we would be very grateful, there will be lots to do! They say you should never go back but if you do ever venture back to Shutts, and I strongly recommend that you do, you will find that the same old magic is still there. As usual I would like to thank all the other committee members for their hard work over the year and I look forward to hearing from any old students with news to include in the next magazine!

Sarah Perrett HND 77-80


From the Editor Dear readers At the risk of stating the obvious, hasn’t the last year flown by? I was warned about this by an old farmer; he said ‘the older you get, boy, the quicker it goes’. I didn’t believe him at the time, but I’m beginning to think he was right! Thank you to those who have sent newsworthy items, particularly Eric Yates whose exploits with scissors, stapler and copies of the Eastern Daily Press are becoming legendary; much of ‘Members In The News‘ is condensed from the cuttings he regularly sends to me. It would be good if some of you could send in snippets from other parts of the globe – preferably electronically if a scanner is available to you. Conversely my apologies to those who sent items to me that have not appeared in print – send me a rocket or gentle reminder depending on your mood. I wasn’t very organised this year what with settling into a new house and finding work in the area, more of which in Members News. Thank you also to Paddy (and Sarah) for compiling articles etc. and for dealing with the printing and publishing of the Newsletter, and congratulations to you both on your marriage! I have written in previous editions about the work that Mike Johnston and his team have

put into re-building the reputation of Shuttleworth College after many years in the doldrums when many people thought that it was no more; that hard work and the affiliation with Bedford College is now really paying off and Shuttleworth is thriving with many new and diverse courses. For example, my nephew Ben Brown is studying Fisheries Management and recently did a field trip to Malta to learn about tuna production – who’d have thought it! We were lucky to do dagging-forbeginners with Bob(?)Hamnett including the added skill of how to get tangled up in electrified sheep netting. Poor chap – brought tears to his eyes.! We are living in turbulent times, politically and environmentally. The news is full of reports of wildfires, droughts, floods, oceans of plastic, jungles being razed to the ground; as a former employer observed ‘we’re digging a very big hole for ourselves’. It is frankly depressing, but we must work together across the world to lessen or better still repair the damage we are doing to our unique home; challenging times ahead! I hope that by the time you have finished reading the rest of this edition your spirits will have been revived, so once again I wish you all a Happy and Peaceful New Year. Graeme Brown

OND 77-80

Notes from the Editorial team As an editing team we would like to thank all those who have helped to get this edition of the newsletter put together. A special thanks to everyone who has sent in contributions, please keep up your good work. We hope you enjoy the read. Please forgive us if you find any errors or mistakes, or if you think some things have been left out. We would welcome any feedback as we try and improve on the content with every edition. 2

Report From Catherine Lloyd, Director of Land Based Studies Looking back over 2017/18 we are delighted that the results have been excellent. Overall achievement is consistent with the previous year and when looking specifically at our sector subject area achievement is above the National average. This is a fantastic result which both the staff and students can be proud of. This year’s presentation evening was a great opportunity to celebrate this achievement and it was particularly nice to hear a speech from a former student of Shuttleworth. Ensuring that students leave us well rounded and enhanced individuals means that learning doesn’t stop in the classroom with some amazing trips and visits last year from the highs of the snow topped Alps for ski trips to the high tech fisheries labs in Holland. Animal Management students took part in a study tour to Nantes, France visiting a number of animal collections from safari parks to zoos and had the opportunity to speak to staff at these centres. The degree students travelled to Southern Spain to also to visit a range of zoos and animal parks and many foundation degree students have undertaken international volunteering opportunities. For the first time the equine students went abroad to Jerez in Spain to learn about Andalusian horses. Countryside Management students participated in professional projects, landscape partnerships and have undertaken a number of visits. Our level three learners experienced what countryside management entails in one of Britain’s most iconic landscapes – Snowdonia National Park. In April the Horticulture students competed at the Ascot Spring Garden Show at Ascot racecourse. The students created a show garden over the weeks leading up to the show based on the theme of ‘Reduce, Re-use, Recycle’. It used pallets for fencing and recycled materials from the college to create a stunning back garden complete with water feature. Through their hard work the

students earnt a prestigious silver medal and praise from the event organisers and professionals alike. Within Agriculture, we hosted an event at the farm last Spring with 30 students from a number of colleges across the Eastern region participating in cattle handling, show ring etiquette, breed standards and beef selection which was very successful. In addition students have been involved in showing the cattle at many events including the Winter Stock festival and the Suffolk show. It has been a good summer on the farm, this year’s harvest yielded well and is of high quality. We have had a good start to the 2018/19 academic year with an increase in student numbers from the previous year. Internal progression is strong with many students progressing up through the levels to level 3 and above. The Halls of Residence are full and for the first time this year we had to close to new applications as we had a waiting list. We are already taking applications for 19/20. The outstanding Ofsted grade achieved by this team for the provision has put them in an excellent position moving forward. A vibrant freshers fair took place the second week of term and there are a number of events planned throughout the year to engage students in wider issues outside of their subject area. The ground work for the eagerly anticipated zoological education centre is well underway. Regular meetings are taking place to update on progress and the build is attracting a lot of interest. We hope the work will be completed in autumn 2019. With a packed year of trips and events planned to enrich the students’ experience alongside their core programmes and maths and English development – we are looking forward to another busy year. Catherine Lloyd December 2018


Members in the Newspapers Congratulations to the staff at Kingshill Farm; it was reported in the Biggleswade Bulletin (March 2018) that their hard work has paid off with the farm being recognised as a potential supplier to Marks and Spencer after securing audit compliance for its Red Poll cattle due in part to the herd’s ‘elite’ health status rating. ***** Colin Rayner OND 76-79 was in the Farmer’s Weekly (20th July) after losing 19ha of barley to a field fire that required 50 firefighters to bring the blaze under control, stopping it 300m from the farmyard with no casualties. ***** James Runciman, Croxton Farm, Fakenham appeared in the Eastern Daily Press (20th October) to defend the role of livestock in the ecosystem against those calling for a reduction of meat in our diet on the grounds that livestock farming damages the environment. He pointed out that animals are able to convert poor quality protein (forage) into high quality protein (meat and milk) from land that is unsuitable for arable production, and then went on to stress the need for livestock producers to continue in their efforts to raise consumer awareness about the issues involved. ***** Jane Chapman HND 82-84, now Murray after marrying Simon Murray OND 80-83; Jane was featured in an article about her cheese-making business in KL Magazine (March 2018). Initially self-taught Jane started out in 1999 with eight dairy ewes to become the first commercial cheesemaker in Norfolk in 300 years; beginning with the Brie-style ‘Norfolk White Lady’, quickly followed by the hard Manchego style ‘Wissington’; both earned glowing reviews. After seven years a cheesemaking course then gave Jane the inspiration for her slightly salted and wonderfully creamy ‘Deopham Blewe’ that is steadily gaining in popularity. This prompted her to sell the milking ewes in order to concentrate on cheese making with 30,000 litres of bought-in milk that she annually hand-makes into six tonnes of cheese – wow! ***** Also appearing in KL Magazine (May 2018) were Teddy Maufe FC 70-71 with his sons Bruin and Max at Branthill Farm on the Holkham Estate. Teddy started The Real Ale Shop ten years ago and the boys realised that they could make use of the award–winning malt made from barley grown on the farm that finds its way to distilleries in Scotland and craft breweries in California, U.S.A (there is a California in Norfolk). So after an intensive brewing course, a grant from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development’s LEADER programme, expert advice from experienced brewers and consultants, the two boys and their wives started Malt Coast Brewery and produced the first brew in April 2017. They are now producing a robust IPA, a pale ale, an amber ale and the Farm Table Saison, a summer special; all these beers are designed to accentuate the Branthill Farm malt. Go to for more information. Cheers! 4

Richard Hirst HND 80-83 was in the Eastern Daily Press (2nd June) voicing his concerns about the negative impact of Brexit on the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme (SAWS), while Kit Papworth HND 89-92, also in the EDP, voiced his concerns about the negative impact of Brexit on future trade deals and the withdrawal of EU agricultural support leading to possible food shortages and higher food prices. ***** Adrian Hipwell (Dino) HND 77-80 has found his true vocation in life as a vigneron. His farm hosts Flint Vineyard and Eastern Daily Press carried an article earlier this year about the volunteers who helped with the vine guards on 11,000 vines that were planted there this year. Go to for more information. ***** Martin Townshend (Wurzel) ND 88-91 moved to New Zealand in 1993 and found it to be ‘a beer wasteland’ so started his own brewery. An article in the Nelson Mail (NZ, 17th November 2107) chronicles his experiences and success. One of my brothers does a lot of skiing in New Zealand (thirsty work) tells me Martin’s brew ‘is good stuff’. Find out more at

Data Protection and the SCA The SCA keeps ‘Data’ on all its members. This ‘data’ comprises name, address, course, year and contact details. We operate ‘marketing’ activities by the act of charging a £5 subscription for this Magazine. As such we fall under the GDPR rules. We took advice from the Governments advice service and have taken the following steps to become compliant with those regulations:-

The SCA’s data protection policy is available on the website


Anyone who does not wish us to hold their details may contact Patrick Godwin, the database manager, who will remove their details from the database and any other media.

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A SHORT HISTORY OF CLAYTON & SHUTTLEWORTH Clayton & Shuttleworth was founded in 1842, by shipwright Nathaniel Clayton (1811-1890) and his brother in law Joseph Shuttleworth (1819-1883). The business started at their Stamp End Works with 2 forges, a lathe and 12 men. The factory was next to the river Witham in Lincoln and soil had to be imported to raise the levels to

reduce the risk of flooding. Their first contract using their new iron and steel foundry was for the production of iron pipes for the new Miningsby to Boston water supply. However by 1845, they had produced their first portable steam engine followed in 1849 by a threshing machine.

Threshing machine similar to that produced by Clayton and Shuttleworth

The threshing machine shown above may well be a Clayton and Shuttleworth model as the company sold their products to other manufacturers. This particular one bears the name of J & F Howard Bedford. It was these two products, threshing machines and stationary engines, that enabled Clayton and Shuttleworth to claim themselves as the leading supplier of agricultural machinery and by 1851 they had sold more than 200 steam engines. The

company exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851 as a result of which their sales increased and by 1857 they had made a total of 2400 steam engines. By 1854 the workforce had risen to 500 men and 80 boys. It was in 1858 that their first traction engine appeared. It had a single speed set of transmission gears and a 5th wheel for steerage. A two wheeled tender was included for carrying water. 6

Sales throughout Europe were strong and by 1857 they claimed to have sold 2400 threshing machines. By 1862 they employed 620 men. By 1870, following continued growth the workforce had grown to over 1200 men and boys. The company produced a broad range of agricultural equipment that was exported widely and by 1890 total output had reached 26,000 steam engines and 24,000 threshing machines. Factories were opened up in Vienna, Hungary, Prague, Cracow, and Ukraine In 1901 the firm became a limited company and Alfred Shuttleworth (1843-1925) son of the founder, became chairman. In 1911 the Company built a fourcylinder oil engine with car-type radiator, sheet metal bonnet and cab roof. This was followed in 1916 by a four-cylinder gaskerosene engine crawler tractor ("Chain

1916 Clayton and Shuttleworth tractor

Rail"). This 40 horsepower (30 kW) machine was made until 1929. The company also built a 100 hp (75 kW) gun tractor similar to a Holt tractor. It was the first British company to make a combine harvester. The wealth created by the company enabled Joseph Shuttleworth to buy Old Warden Park in 1872. Following a series of bad debts, particularly from an Austrian company, Clayton and Shuttleworth was sold to Clayton Dewandre Ltd in 1929. Clayton Dewandre eventually became GKN in 1966. Marshall and Sons of Gainsborough took over the goodwill, debts and spare parts of the Company but were really seeking the technology behind the Combine Harvester.

Aircraft During the First World War the company made parts for the Supermarine Scout airship for the Admiralty and received a number of contracts to build aircraft for the War Office. The first contract was to build the Sopwith Triplane of which 49 were built for the Royal Naval Airservice with the first Clayton-built aircraft delivered on 2 December 1916; although the War Office subsequently cancelled the contract. The company built the aircraft at the eastern end of the Titanic works in Lincoln from where they were pushed outside for engine runs. Following ground tests the aircraft were dismantled and taken to Robey's Aerodrome at Bracebridge Heath for test flying and delivery. In March 1917 the company received a contract to build the Sopwith Camel which remained in production at Clayton's until 1919 by which time more than 500 aircraft had been manufactured.

A Clayton and Shuttleworth Sopwith Camel on display in Belgium


In 1916 a new works was built to enable the company to build the large Handly Page 0/400 bomber. When completed the aircraft, unlike the smaller Sopwith aircraft, were flown out for testing and delivery from a field to the east of the works. The field became known as Handley Page Field. After production of the O/400 a contract was placed to build the Vickers Vimy but only one was built before the Armistice was signed and the contract was cancelled. The Hungarian branch was acquired by Hofherr-Schrantz Machine Factory in 1912 creating Hofherr-Schrantz-Clayton-

Shuttleworth Hungarian Machine Factory. The company survived the depression in Hungary. However following the Second World War the Soviet Red Army occupied Hungary and the newly formed Communist government started nationalising the industry. The factory became state property in 1948 and was renamed to Vörös Csillag Traktorgyár (Red Star Tractor Factory) in 1951. Its independent operation ceased in 1973 when it was attached to Raba. The factory was finally closed in 2010, however many of the hundred-year-old buildings are still in use by smaller companies.

In the research for this article I have taken some of the information from the Shuttleworth Collection website and other internet sources for which I am grateful. If I have got anything wrong or you can add to the history please let our editor know and we can include it next time. A. N. Oldboy.

Winner of the Autumn 2017 quiz Congratulations to Anthony Ducker (NDA 59-61) for winning the £20 prize by finding the correct answers. Several others also found the answers but Anthony’s name was first drawn out of the hat! The 2018 quiz can be found at the end of the magazine.

The SCA Annual Prize Draw! Your chance of winning a big prize! Every year at the AGM we draw 3 prizes.

1st £250, 2nd £150, 3rd £50

Cost is just £10 per Annum and you can buy as many tickets as you wish! Details and entries from Mike Williams: E-mail


Members News Graeme Brown OND 77-80 Having moved from Newport Pagnell to Oulton Broad in October 2017 and settled in over the winter I decided to carry on working with grapevines so started to look for work in the area and was fortunate to find work as consultant, advisor and vineyard worker with John Hemmant at the Chet and Waveney Valley Vineyard ; he turned out to be the younger brother of Paul Hemmant (FC 72-73) who has a nicely kept mixed enterprise at Poplar Farm, Sisland that he farms with his son William. John draws on his experience as an industrial chemist with British Sugar at their Cantley factory to make award winning sparkling and still wines and needed someone with practical skills and technical knowledge to help him expand the enterprise which currently has 18,000 vines with more to be planted as well as a new winery and visitor centre in the pipeline. In the next twenty years English wine production is forecast to grow from 2,500 ha to 45,000ha producing 40 million bottles by 2040 against the 5.9 million for 2017, and sales of £1.0 bn with a workforce of 24,000. Wine tourism could add another £658 m to this; a rosy prospect but I must point out that growing grapes in the southern half of England is very hard and expensive work. It requires approximately £30,000 per ha to establish a vineyard that will not produce a crop in the first three years. After that keeping the crop free from powdery mildew, downy mildew and botrytis will be the main challenge as the English climate is just right for these three main diseases; other threats come from vine trunk diseases, alternaria, bunch stem necrosis, 65 different viruses, capsid bugs, wasps, birds and nutrition problems. I would urge anyone contemplating grape growing to go to the annual Fruit Focus event at NIAB East Malling and talk to the experts. I started working with grapevines at Tyringham Hall, Newport Pagnell in 2015 and it occurred to me that my BASIS Crop Protection Certificate would not cover this sort of work, but Steven Jacobs (BASIS CEO) assured me that it does, so I now have three vineyards in my care and am looking for more to add to my independent crop protection consultancy. ***** John Croxford HND 78-81 John still at Rectory Farm and now married to Fiona after he and Vivien (Oldham OND 78-81) parted company. John and Vivien’s daughter is an equine vet, and their son William Croxford (FC 07) does contract work and has a thriving portaloo business. John has just planted a small vineyard at Rectory Farm and may plant more…(I hope). *****

Vivien Lee for John Lee 63-65 Graeme, I have just received an e-mail addressed to my husband, John Lee (1963 - 5) I am sorry to tell you that John died on 23rd December 2017. I had advised Shuttleworth of this when I received a previous e-mail, but obviously it was not received or acted upon. John had a distinguished career in education. When he left Shuttleworth, he went to Newton Park College to train as a Rural Science teacher, which is where we met. He eventually 9

became Headmaster of the school to which he was appointed as a newly qualified teacher; he was there for the whole of his career! It is rare for a teacher to gain promotion without frequent career changes. On taking early retirement, John was headhunted by Bath Spa University to be Senior Lecturer in their Education Department. This was Newton Park College in a new guise, having gained University status in its’ own right. John gave up teaching 10 months before he died, when his illness made it impossible for him to continue. He had a deep love of teaching and received many accolades for his work. John's love of all things agricultural stayed with him always. He had a small herd of Dexter cattle for 30 years, and was a Field Judge etc. for the Dexter Cattle Society. I think they summed John up perfectly in his Obituary when they referred to "the loss of this good man" Could you please remove John's name from all mailing lists? He had so many fond memories of Shuttleworth, and for many years now we have had a print of the Mansion House on our wall. Thank you. Best wishes. Vivien Lee ***** Revd.David Quin 62-64 News about myself following John Simpson's appeal for general info. Ordained in 2000 into the Church of England and still very active (although officially retired) continuing to support churches in the North Cotswolds and am currently assisting in seven churches comprising amongst others the Slaughters, Temple Guiting and Guiting Power. I am an Honorary Chaplain in Gloucester Cathedral. I live in Moreton-in-Marsh and still get involved in all things agricultural especially Harvest Festivals !!' ***** David Lucas 62-64 I hope this is of use. I know it’s a bit long, but I had a lot to say….. HOW DO WE GET TO WHERE WE ARE? Or despite everything, still alive and healthy (but a bit creaky). Back in the 90’s I was sitting in Bath Abbey in the interval of a concert, (probably Bach), when I had a tap on the shoulder. Blow me down, it was Ant Gould, someone I had not seen since 1964. Of course, after the concert we went to a pub to catch up on the news for the past 30 years. I heard all about Anthony’s life - it’s much more interesting and varied than comes out in his brief story. There are many stories in all this, but not wishing to bore Ant, I left them out, as I will now. I filled him in on my past. Voluntary Service, milking, fertilisers of varying types, corn buyer, dairy farm partnership (got farm back on its feet, but partnership appalling.) Moved back to Bath, and started Dairy Farmer Supplies (Bath) Ltd, which was shortened to DFS, well before the furniture company came along. A useful bit of extra income in the early stages of developing DFS was part time teaching at Lackham Agricultural College, taking YTS students on their day release.


Initially the development of DFS was slow. 1984 was the wrong year to start trying to sell anything to dairy farmers, as milk quotas caused so much uncertainty in the industry. This little business became a specialist in installing and maintaining dirty water disposal systems. As has been said before, to some people it was just dirty water, but it was my bread and butter. Sold business in 2004 so that Camilla and I could make an extended trip to India so that I could make the trip up the Himalayas on the Toytrain railway to Darjeeling which she had taken every year as a girl, to go to school. People said to us are you having a gap year. I answered, no, it is a gap decade.

Sitting talking to Ant in the pub, after the concert, it became obvious that our politics were similar. So how did I get to where I am? Before Shutts, I had been working on a farm with no dairy cows. Wishing to get dairy farm experience, I applied for a job. I was told that of course they paid the Union rate, but as they lived better than most, they would be charging above the union recommended rate for board and lodging. My reaction was that this did not seem fair, as the low union rate of pay was, to some extent, compensated for by a low rate for board and lodging. I thought very quickly, and replied that I could accept this, but as I worked harder than average, I would expect more than the minimum union rate of pay. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job. But then, I wouldn’t have wanted to work for someone like that. As someone who had taken little interest in politics, as was the case with most of us at Shutts, I was beginning to see how the world worked. When I went to what was then Rhodesia, before Ian Smith’s UDI (remember that), sent there on Voluntary Service, where I was teaching at Chibero Agricultural college, I encountered the real nastiness of racism. In the naivety of my upbringing, I had assumed it was something we did not get at home. My eyes were opened on my return to find that some people supported Ian Smith. I was involved with the Bath Community Relations Council in the 70s, and it did seem that our nation was getting nicer, and community relations were improving. Sad to say, we now seem to be going backwards. I won’t bore you with the details about being cheated out of pension rights by one of the companies I had worked for. Something that would not have happened had I been a member of a trade union. Over the years, I formed the opinion that the quality of management (some of it seen in the companies I worked for) in this country is not what you would call good. I am trying to be polite. Of course there are plenty of exceptions to this. By way of illustration, I share this story. I was sitting in the pub one night, some years ago, nattering with friends. One of them, a lecturer at Bath University in the School of Management, recounted how they were all sitting in a hall waiting for their eminent speaker. If it wasn’t John Harvey Jones, it was someone of his eminence. (Can’t remember exactly who, it’s not relevant to the story, and it was some years ago.) He arrived half an hour late, and apologised, saying that he could not find anywhere to park. The story was being told to illustrate how bad parking was at the university. I’m afraid I saw things differently. I did not make myself very popular with my friend (not a close friend), by 11

saying, ‘For gods sake Ian, you are the school of management. Would it not have been a lesson for your students to have detailed one of them to meet your guest, and show him to a saved parking space, and then guided him to the lecture room?’ It seems to me that one of the things they don’t teach, which is vital for good management, is common sense. We can all thank Ken Russell for the common sense he passed on to us. My last story is about two companies (outside agriculture), their dodgy business ethics, the major impact they could have had on me, and how I got the better of them. The DFS Dirty Water Disposal systems required a few hundred metres of water pipe, extruded plastic, 50 & 60mm in 100 metre rolls. A plastic pipe company from Bristol suggested to us that we could use pipe made partly from recycled plastic that was usually used as ducting, but could also be used for waste water, but not potable water. About a year after moving to this supplier, we started getting phone calls from our customers to tell us that their pipe was splitting. This was of course a major problem and could have caused pollution problems all over the country as we had customers from Cornwall to Scotland. We told our customers that it was our intention to replace all this pipe. The total came to £20,000, and was caused by faulty plastic being brittle. The supplier in Bristol and the extrusion company refused to accept liability. If it was going to get nasty, we had to know that both companies had assets. Companies House told us that they were both very profitable companies. We tried to get them on ISO9001, to no avail. We tried to get them by unashamedly name dropping, to indicate that, although we were a small business, they were taking on organisations like the Duke of Westminster, the Duke of Wellington, or William Waldegrave, the Minister for Ag. at the time, (all our customers). All to no avail. I was forced to use the nuclear option. I knew that the Bristol pipe company had supplied all the ducting, made by the extrusion company, for the second Severn Crossing. And I let them know that I knew. Within 2 weeks we had a cheque for £20,000, and we could replace all the faulty pipe, with pipe from a reputable manufacturer. We were extremely lucky, as there were no known pollution incidents. The story is not yet over. A few weeks later, this profitable plastic extrusion company went into voluntary liquidation. It was then up and running again within a few weeks under a new name. The owner of the plastic pipe company in Bristol then sold up and retired. I’m not suggesting anything. Maybe it was all just coincidence. Maybe the fact that the conduit on the Severn Bridge is full of water, makes no difference. They probably don’t want to know. I tell this story to show why I am so cynical about what’s going on in much of the business world. On this occasion, the small man, me, got the better of the B…’s. This leads me to suggest that my politics have come about because of my experiences, and what I have seen around me. 12

This rant ant has gone on long enough. Let’s leave it there, so Ant and I can continue to rage about politics, while enjoying each other other’s company.

The Toytrain Railway - we e got out to stretch our legs, when there was a stop for maintenance. I think they had to re-stuff stuff a gland. The poor little engine had just scrambled up the Himalayas and was feeling old and tired tired. .***** John Hudson NDA 51-53 It is now about ut 65 years ago since I left! (M (My y brother David followed me). me) However, we still have many happy memories. When we left Shuttleworth we both returned home to Partney and carried on at our family farm but I got called in by our neighbour - a Mr John Langton (right back to Domesday Book) and took over the Langton Estate - the farm and the village. It has kept me busy, as you can imagine. During that time and right up to present I still get called in to offer my services to all sorts of charities and events throughout the district. Far to too many to list so I have popped a few items in an envelope and invite you to select any you wish and sling the rest away. I am now 86 and "they" still keep me very busy! Anyway - good luck to all you chaps - keep the flag flying!!


John Pawlyn NDA 61-62 Having retired 20 years ago as a director of Booker Farming, which later became Broadoak Farming, prior to being taken over by the Co Co-op op farms. For the next two years I had a selfself employed roll mainly on a consultancy basis for Broadoak farming. I then joined CM CMI Ltd (Crop Management Information) in a role best described as bringing a bit of “mud on boots” to add to my colleague’ss scientific expertise. Starting eight years ago, I spent up to 10 days a month during the growing season advising and staff training on a three hundred thousand(!!) hectare farming business in the black earth region of Russia. In the last two years I was concentrating oncentrating on the potato crops. This role ceased 2 years ago. In 2017 I had 3 visits to a

similar sized farming business in Western U Ukraine kraine advising on the potato and sugar beet crops. Having now reached 80 years I decided it was time to give up overseas work. I am now

working only 1 day per week (better described as 36 hours/month) mainly involved with our group of elite potato growers, rs, so more time for gardening and a bit of fishing, shooting and picking up! ***** ***** Andy Davies NDA 68-70 As a Trustee of the Shuttleworth trust I am now very involved with the College. I am very pleased to report that the college is at last as good in terms of Agricultural education as it was 14

in my day. Most old students I meet usually bemoan all the other courses at the college and ask how much agriculture is included. Well, it’s a huge amount now. Kings Hill Farm (the Farm down the college drive) now hosts the Agric students and includes a brand new livestock building. The Ag Degree course is going from strength to strength and the Trust is helping to fund the first Phd student this Autumn - very exciting times. Many old students will remember the Cissy Kirby Trust fund which supported 2 students to travel to the USA during their summer vacation between the first and second year. This fund had got mixed in with the General Trust funds when the college was closed by Cranfield (probably to protect it) and was being used by the college and collection for travel grants. Having researched the original trust deeds it became apparent that it was left specifically to the College so I am pleased to report that it is now going to be used to provide assistance in 3 ways ; 1) to help towards the travel costs of some students to get to college where required, 2) to assist students to travel on overseas educational visits organised by the college and 3) to provide two travel scholarships to students each year. I believe this will be a very worthwhile way to use this fund for the maximum benefit for the students. I went to New Zealand last year to support the Lions rugby tour and travelled round for 2 weeks with Rob Watts 68/70. It was a fantastic trip and I can’t wait for the next tour to South Africa in 2021. Sadly I attended a couple of funerals during the year that turned into Shutts reunions. The first was at Roy Birds, who ran the East of England Ag Society for many years where I was able to reunite John Humphries, Willy Webb and Nick Harris 67-69. The second involved Spence and Rob Watts, John Hutchins and Pete Lee. All in great form, but shocked at how many years have passsed since we were at the college! I attended the college awards ceremony last Friday and it was wonderful to witness the students enthusiasm for the college. I sat next to Cyril who was in great form reminding me of his memories of Mrs Shuttleworth !! One of the students giving the speech to thank the staff remarked “I was told before I started at Shuttleworth that it would get under my skin and it certainly has. We are indeed fortunate to have studied in such a special place, the happy memories will stay for us for ever “. Mrs Shuttleworth’s legacy lives on in very good hands. ***** Oliver Bostock ND 82-85 I currently work for the University of Lincoln as a Wellbeing Advisor and DSA Needs Assessor and live in Swinderby, Lincolnshire with my partner Christine and collectively we have 4 children between us who are between 17-20 years old and either at university or studying A Levels. From Farming to Harmonising: This must sound quite unbelievable to my ND friends from Shuttleworth! In 2012 I was going through a divorce, so went to a local pub and a small group of middle-aged men walked in and started to sing four part harmony in a barbershop style. I remember thinking, through a beery haze that the sound of 'Mary-Lou' sung in harmony sounded amazing. The group dropped a heap of leaflets on the table and left. I picked up one, stuck it in my pocket and fell out of the door to stagger home. The leaflet invited men to attend a six week singing course with the Major Oak Chorus, who meet on Tuesday evenings to sing four part harmony in Nottingham. I had nothing to lose as it was free. 15

I went one Tuesday in September 2012 having never sung anything to anyone in public before. It turned out that I could actually carry a note in something more musical than a bucket!! Assessment of my voice revealed I was a bass. I thought singing bass was like the sound of gargling gravel, however it isn't! Bass is a harmonizing voice part, singing the low notes. The melody is sung by the Leads, the high notes by the tenors, and the Baritones sing the notes left over! Over a six week period we learned to sing four songs including 'Something' by the Beatles and 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight'. We put on a show at the end to family and friends. I continued attending rehearsals on Tuesdays and eventually auditioned to join. Since then we have competed in the British Association of Barbershop Singers national competition annually, and in 2018 we achieved 10th place in the UK competing with 34 other choruses. In previous years we have also been in the top 10 choruses in the UK and won the Cambridge Scroll twice for most improved chorus. Below is the link to watch our 2018 competition performance. So if you want to sing but think you can't, check out your local barbershop chorus by searching using the link below. There will be one in your area. You may find you can sing well in a particular voice part that suits your range. Enjoy singing! ***** Paddy Barker NDA 85-88 My farm at Datchet (Berkshire) is shrinking! In 1996 I sold my machinery, packed up my contract work and managed to transform (with planning) all my yard into a small industrial park. I’ve never looked back as, overnight, my income rose four-fold. It was a reduction from almost 800 acres to 250 acres. I have been managing the farm, just not sitting on my own tractor seat anymore. I do get let loose to play on the combine every year for a few hours, but even that is lessening as the younger generations move in and want to do everything. Six years ago, one of my landlords sold almost 60 acres to development, then three years ago another landlord started the gravel quarry that is now taking over the bulk of the farm. This harvest I was looking to be harvesting only 85 acres (which using contractors & the 3 crop rule is not the easiest thing to do!!). However, on a crop inspection last week, another landlord has got over excited with a developer on another field and my wheat is not looking good for the fast approaching harvest!


They have dug a series of archaeological survey pits prior to a planning application, without my knowledge! This field has now gone and it looks like the next crop will be bricks! Each year the quarry expands and takes more land (of which most will be restored as a lake and parkland), leaving me with less and less. I think that within another 2 years, we will lose another 30 acres to development, and I’ll be left with 28 acres in production. Luckily, the contractor takes the crop away, so the grain store now has another use. It’s nice to have the current income that far outweighs my full-on farming years, but I do miss the agricultural toys. It does give much more time for boats and ski trips, so not all bad!! ***** Dave Valentine 64-66 News Sorry it has taken so long but sent a message to all our year contacts but have only received a few responses – see below-hope they help fill another page. John Reader sent a short message in July Just now we are sitting in Prague airport after a week touring the city and visiting a friend in Gorlotz via Dresden. The city lost half its population through migration. Very dry over here also.


Nick / Jerry Deane. You may well know that Mike Anyan was able to host a small get together at the Farmers club in London for a luncheon, which was planned for the 28th of Feb this year as Mike himself could not make a small reunion down at Martin Channon's near Rye consisting of myself and Doug Crockford which had been planned for the following week. An excellent lunch in lovely surroundings was attended in the worst of this winter’s weather by myself, Chris Gillingss, Francis Hallows, Roger Buswell, Archie Banks, with Martin Channon at the last moment having to call Mike with his being unable to persuade a southern rail train to London to go any further than Northiam! But it was great to be able to talk over old times and have updates on other old boys. Our current age range meant that inevitably there was a lot of comparing recent surgical procedures, with in my case a triple heart bypass last summer from which I am pleased to say I have made a really good recovery and am now in the French alps near Annecy waiting for the Tour de France to go past next week, I hasten to add that my wife Irene and myself are only spectators! Paul / Chalky White How’s things with you? Hope all ok and you are fit, healthy and ready for a trip to Bedford to the PE College!!!..Those were the days and a bit sad that the years have rolled on so quickly! Thought you might like to know that we sold our business (Marshfield Bakery Ltd), in November last year to our biggest customer, “Nature”. It was totally out of the blue but was a very good deal for Lynne, Ben (our son) and I, so at our age it was as they say, “a no brainer”. are a very large company now. We started supplying them when they first started as a fledgling business but have sky-rocketed over the past 10 years. We were supplying about 60 tonnes of flapjack a week to them (flapjack being their bestselling item), when we sold plus many tonnes of sponge and brownie pieces to the Supermarket inclusion business through our other customers. Thankfully all our 100 odd staff were kept on and the business kept its name on the same site. Lynne and I have therefore sailed off into the sunset (NOT literally!!), and are enjoying retirement with our grand-children, gardening and me doing my share of shooting and salmon fishing. We are also very active in the village. I’m a churchwarden and a school governor and Lynne runs a Lunch Club for the elderly people (I’ll be joining them soon…Bugger!!!). Our health I am very glad ( & blessed) to say is good, and so we are just fine! John / “Alf" Dickson Great to hear from you, hope all well at your end. I posted a report last year, I believe, so not sure anything worth sharing with the "boys" has happened, other than mentioning I reach three score ten plus five years this month. Dave Valentine Managed to persuade his surgeon last March [2017] that he needed both knees replacing at the same time! After a number of years staggering around and exercising his dog by throwing a ball, whilst propped up on a thumb stick, he is now back walking the country footpaths again. Still heavily involved in Genealogy – organising Doncaster Family History Fair for the last time after 5 years on the trot – ‘let someone else have a go”. Just traced a distant ancestor in his own family history who, with his family, was on one of the original ‘wagon trains’ to Salt Lake City in 1851. Meeting peaceful Indians on the way. 18

This is an excerpt from the diaries written at the time – "Then one day as we were going along we saw a large herd of buffaloes with tails up, heads down, running and the dust a flinging. I was having a spell of riding so uncle said: 'Hold on fast; I am afraid the buffaloes will make the oxen stampede.' They ran between the wagons but did not hurt anybody and our oxen did not stampede. Some of the company killed one, and what a feasting we had! Everyone had some, and what we could not eat while good we fixed as we would jerked beef, that is, in small strips about one pound in a piece or strip and hung it up in the top of the wagon bows to dry where the shaking of the wagon would help it to dry. - Say, what a fuss my father made about milking the cow, as he had never milked one before! At last, when done, he would bring the milk and put it in a little tin pail and hang it up in the top of the wagon bow where the shaking as we were traveling along would churn a little butter. After that I know but little of what happened for some time-only the Indians." ***** Ants (Anthony) Gould 62-4. THE TOLPUDDLE MARTYRS OF TOLPUDDLE, DORSET.

The Tolpuddle Martyrs were six farmworkers from a small village in central Dorset who protested in vain in 1833 at a proposal to reduce their wages being further to six shillings, they decided to form a branch of the trade union in Tolpuddle and so it came about that they were arrested, tried and sentenced to transportation to Australia (transportation was widely used to get rid of Irish people by the English Government for acts of rebellion in their own country of Ireland). The "Martyrs" were then as felons separated from their families and taken in chains to convict ships. There were mass demonstrations in London and eventually as a consequence of a change of Government, they were pardoned and brought back to England at the expense of the State. The trade union movement celebrates this event with an annual march and rally in Tolpuddle because it was the first ever such climbdown by Government and there had been many previous attempts at repatriation but all were unsuccessful. Here is a link for more information - So, how does a student at Shuttleworth College come to be involved in this agricultural story? Firstly I was born and brought up in Dorset and knew the story. Secondly, Liz and I and met whilst I was at Shuttleworth and now live in Tolpuddle. I do take people round the village on organised trips and if you find yourself in Tolpuddle just knock on my door - I live opposite the pub. You can see where they lived and worshipped; they built a chapel, for five of them were Methodists. James Hammett is buried in the churchyard and the grave is visited by people from all over the World every year. I have to declare an interest in the political developments behind this story. After College in Bedfordshire I went to work for one or two farmers and it seemed to me that it was the farmworkers who were badly treated and not so much the famers or landowners. So, it was probably Shuttleworth College that contributed to my political development! Eventually I went on to do a degree in PPE at Corpus Christi College, Oxford and from there I went to work for the farmworkers union which I did until my retirement at sixty-five. I may say that I enjoyed my working life and believe that I did something useful with my life. By the way Liz and I have three daughters, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The story is not yet over. David Lucas who was also at Shutts 62-64 and I went up to London at the beginning of May for the TUC march and rally against austerity. We took the Tolpuddle branch banner which was much filmed and even appeared briefly on early evening ITV news. We had a pint of beer just as if we were in the Hare & Hounds before returning home. 19

SHUTTLEWORTH COLLEGE ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF THE AGM – SATURDAY 5TH MAY 2018 Present: Tony Abbott (Vice- Chairman), Mike Williams, Charlotte Scott, Tim Bryce, Richard Infield, Nick Drury, Eric Yates, Graeme Brown, Mike Johnson (College representative) Apologies: Sarah Perrett, Patrick Godwin, Claire Van Leersum, Catherine Lloyd (College Director) 1. The minutes of the 2017 AGM were accepted and approved. 2. Chairman’s Report: Sarah Perrett was unable to attend. 3. Treasurer’s Report: Mike Williams circulated the statement of revenue and expenditure, capital account and bank accounts. There was an excess of expenditure over revenue of £6,239.99 as there was a one off cost for the purchase of gym equipment for the College of £7,571.15. As with all businesses and organisations we have very little interest on our deposits (£260.88). 4. IT Manager’s Report: ‘Paddy’ Godwin was unable to attend. Note the web site address is 5. Editor’s Report: Graeme reported his intention to try and publish two newsletters this year one at the end of June and one before Christmas. He asked for some assistance in typing up letters and news clippings. Charlotte offered to help and Graeme said he would work out what he needed completing. 6. Election of Officers for the ensuing year: Chairman: Sarah Perrett – proposed by Eric Yates, seconded by Charlotte Scott Vice Chairman: Tony Abbott – proposed by Eric Yates seconded by Richard Infield Secretary: Charlotte Scott-Osborn – proposed by Eric Yates, seconded by Nick Drury Treasurer: Mike Williams – proposed by Tony Abbott, seconded by Charlotte Scott IT Manager: Patrick Godwin – proposed by Mike Williams, seconded by Nick Drury Editor: Graeme Brown – proposed by Charlotte Scott, seconded by Eric Yates Committee members: Jonathan Mitchell, Tim Bryce, Sam Donald, Nick Drury, Eric Yates, Richard Infield and Claire Van Leersum were re-elected ‘en bloc’. 7. It was agreed that the name of the association be changed to ‘Shuttleworth College Alumni’ to more closely identify our purpose (most colleges and universities now use the name ‘alumni’ to identify their ex-students associations). This was carried unanimously. 8. The annual draw then took place – 1st (£250) No. 2 - Eric Yates, 2nd (£150) No. 51, J Haylock and 3rd (£50) No. 67 A Snook.. 9. AOB. Mike informed us that Lloyds Bank now know us as Shuttleworth College Association trading as ‘SCA’ as we had some problems with cheques being made out to SCA and the bank not recognising them. Hopefully this new name will avoid any future issues. This concluded the Annual General Meeting Charlotte Scott-Osborn

05 May 2018 20

S.C.A Merchandise Polo Shirts This popular item features the Shuttleworth Crest on Navy Blue Blue. ÂŁ15 each including p & p

Both items in XX Large, X Large, arge, Large and Medium sizes.

Rugby Shirts Navy Blue with a white collar and the Shuttleworth crest.

Just ÂŁ27.50 each inc p&p


Glorious prints of the Mansion

A superb print of this beautiful Water Colour of the College viewed from the Warren and painted to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Shuttleworth Un-mounted: mounted: Size: 17" x 13". Cost: only ÂŁ5 inc p&p

Lapel Badges still available at ÂŁ2.00 each inc p&p All orders to :Sarah Perrett.. 01458 251523 or e e-mail: All cheques payable to Shuttleworth College Association - with Orders please.


This quiz provides the first letters of famous British people from history both recent and distant, i.e. they are all dead!, Eg G _ _ _ _ _ H_ _ _ would be GR A H A M H I L L Please send your answers to or by post to Paddy Godwin, Osier Cottage, Thorney, Langport, Somerset TA10 0DT by 31st March 2019.. There is a ÂŁ20 prize for the winner. In the event of more than one correct answer we will draw a name from a hat to find the winner. Answers on the SCA website from April onwards and in the next newsletter. Good Luck.


W_ _ _ _ _ _ S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


W_ _ _ _ _ _ C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


J____ H___


O_ _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ _


C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O_ A _ _ _ _ _ (Royalty)




I _ _ _ _ N _ _ _ _ _ (Science)


B____ M____


H______ N______



C______ D______



D _ _ _ O_ W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Military)


J _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ (Literature)


S______ H______


S _ _ _ _ P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Social Reform)


Q _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Royalty)


C _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ _ (Sport)


I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ (Technology)


D_ _ _ _ L_ _ _ _ G _ _ _ _ _ (Politics)


C______ D_____


F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Social Reform)



(Sport) (Military)







Sarah Perrett

HND 77/80


Vice Chairman Tony Abbott

NDA 65/67



Charlotte Scott




Mike Williams

NDA 65/67


Database Manager

Patrick Godwin

HND 77/80


Committee. Nick Drury

HND 81/84


Eric Yates

Retired Staff


ND 90/93


Claire Van Leersum

HND 81/84


Graeme Brown

OND 77/80


Richard Infield

College Contact

Margaret Curry 01767 626222


Charlotte Friefrau John Von Twickle

Vice Presidents

J.E. Scott, S.C. Whitbread, Bill Bedser, Eric Yates and Professor Mike Alder.


Charlotte Scott, Unwin Cottage, 5 Pear Tree piece, Old Warden, Biggleswade, SG18 9FD. Tel: 01767 626311 Mobile: 07717862747

Newsletter Coordinator

Graeme Brown, 25 Church Lane, Oulton,Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 3JN, 07775 331830

The editor is looking for material for the next Newsletter as soon as this one goes to press, so please don’t delay, get writing, look for stories and send them to him as soon as possible. Website :-



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