Shuttleworth College Alumni Newsletter

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The Shuttleworth College Alumni Newsletter

Winter 2019


Chairman’s Report


The Great 2020 Shuttleworth Reunion


Report from Catherine Lloyd, College Director of Land Based Studies


Thank you Sarah and Tim


Members News


Annual Prize Draw


Members Stories




Minutes of the AGM


Notes from the Editorial Team


Committee & Officers 2019


Chairman’s Report This is my first report as Chairman and I would like to thank our previous Chairman, Sarah Perrett, for her outstanding leadership and input over a considerable period of tenure. There have been a number of items during her time as Chairman which she has dealt with efficiently and to the advantage of the alumni. Richard Infield has taken over the reins as Vice-Chairman and I thank him for ‘stepping up to the plate’. Richard will bring a touch of youth to the committee which will hopefully draw in some younger members. Richard is engaged to Katy Enefer and they were recently blessed with a baby girl – May. The Alumni has paid for a metal Keepsake tree which has been installed in the Aviary and Briefing area of the new Zoological Education Centre at the college. The idea is that patrons can then pay £100 for an inscribed leaf or £250 for an inscribed apple – proceeds to go to the college. Old students are encouraged to purchase leaves or apples. Charlotte Maynard (was Scott-Osborn) and I attended the College Awards Ceremony in a marquee on the evening of Friday 21st June. In excess of 750 students now attend the college and as well as Mike Johnston speaking, the new Director of Field Studies, Catherine Lloyd, also gave us an insight into the current activities. Mike has recently retired and we wish him the best of luck for the future (although he is now on the board of the Richard Ormonde Shuttleworth Remembrance Trust).

I would like to congratulate Charlotte on her marriage to Simon Maynard. Charlotte is our secretary and performs an amazing job running the alumni’s affairs – thanks Charlotte. Charlotte and I also attended the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the Trust on the 5th November, where Catherine Lloyd spoke about the college and Princess Charlotte Freifrau John von Twickel (Mrs Shuttleworth’s grand-daughter) spoke about the trust. Our main upcoming event is the Reunion which is to be held at the college on Saturday 20th June 2020 with a lunchtime hog roast followed by a tour of the estate. More details will be found elsewhere in this newsletter but I urge all of you who can make it to come – it will be a great day when you can connect with your friends from student days. Finally, I would just like to say that your alumnus is only as good as the members and their input. Please let us know what you would like us to do and we look forward to welcoming new members onto the committee.

Tony Abbott. NDA 65/67


20th June 2020 at Shuttleworth College Tickets ÂŁ15 each - Starts at 11.30 am - Lunchtime Hog Roast in the Russell Hall plus Bar - Afternoon tours of the College and grounds - Free admission to the Collection flying display later in the evening. For tickets apply to Sarah Perrett: 01458 25152 If you need help finding old friends please contact Paddy Godwin 07966 926274

who may be able help with information from the Old

Student database.


Report from Catherine Lloyd, College Director of Land Based Studies

Looking back over 2018/19 Shuttleworth College has had another busy year. Within Agriculture, the students took part in lambing and calving which provided opportunities for them to develop their practical skills working with expectant and new born animals under the guidance of our experienced staff. They also had the opportunity to travel further afield undertaking a study tour to the Paris Agricultural Show. In April we hosted an event at the farm with 52 students from a number of colleges across the Eastern region participating in cattle handling, show ring etiquette, breed standards and beef selection which was very successful. Our Red Poll show cattle attended shows including Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk and won several rosettes. Countryside Management students have had their time at the College enriched with participation in professional projects, landscape partnerships and a wealth of visits. They undertook a fantastic study tour to the New Forest where they took part in hedge laying and learnt about the management of the forest also getting to take part in some great field archery activities. As part of their game management studies, they produced a healthy batch of pheasants. The horticulture students were kept busy right up until the end of term and produced two show gardens for the Woburn show. During the year they enjoyed a range of specialist trips including behind the scenes at the Cambridge Sainsburys plant research facilities, a tour and talk at Kew gardens and a visit to the Cambridge botanic gardens. They also undertook an inspiring study tour to Cornwall, visiting significant gardens including RHS Rosemoor and the Lost Gardens of Heligan. This year the fish students travelled to Malta to explore tuna farms and then to Holland to collaborate with Dutch Fisheries students. Both trips provided opportunities for students to widen their horizons and learn about fisheries management in other countries. In addition, they have visited fish farms up and down the UK and held an employability day, which was well attended. We also held an angling competition won by a Shuttleworth student who caught a 20lb carp.


The student body has had a brilliant year and done so much including organising the wonderful summer ball. Shuttleworth once again led the way with student voice hosting the annual student voice conference and establishing a students’ union to ensure students voice is truly at the heart of the College. The College hosted a number of events including the Shuttleworth rugby sevens, which this year we won, for the very first time. This year at Shuttleworth has seen the construction of the new Zoological Education Centre. This facility provides an outstanding resource for students and replaces the current animal care barn. The building is situated next to the mechanisation centre adjacent to bath ponds. It is split into two buildings with a connecting link. The north side includes four new classrooms with the south side housing the majority of the animals. The


development ground







finished enclosures.

to The

main feature of the build is a tropical biome where the environment



managed to resemble the South American rainforest. This provides a home for a range of tropical species and there is even a large alligator pool. This area provides students with an immersive learning environment where they can study flora and fauna together.

The horticulture team have

been involved in selecting and planting the area and as you can see in the photos the plants are maturing well. The build has a number of specialist rooms to meet the needs of different collections of animals. The amphibian room houses a range of frogs, toads, newts and salamanders from around the world. Amphibian species are fascinating to study and currently facing issues relating to biological disease and climate change.

Students will have the

opportunity to study a range of species which demonstrate





development for example Axolotls, Lungfish, Mud 4

skippers, Aquatic chelonian and tree toads, great for educational instruction. There is also an Australasian bird flight, specialist enclosures for small mammals, nocturnal animals and herptiles. Fisheries students will benefit from an aquatics room housing a range of aquarium species. We are excited to have such a fantastic resource to work with.

Catherine Lloyd.

Your Chance to be part of the New Zoological Education Centre

Shuttleworth College’s brand new Zoological Education Centre (ZEC), set in the grounds of the Old Warden Park, is opening this September to animals, students and staff. To celebrate the opening of this educational first, the college is offering the opportunity for students and staff (past or present) and businesses to support the development by purchasing a leaf on one of the keepsake trees that will be housed pride of place within the aviary and briefing area for all visitors.


The Shuttleworth College Alumni, who are long standing supporters of Shuttleworth College, kindly gifted the keepsake trees to show their support in the building of the new Zoological Education Centre. The Shuttleworth College Alumni was founded to allow alumni to keep in touch with Shuttleworth College and their peers when they left. The keepsake trees will be filled with leaves and apples that have been engraved with short messages from people wishing to support this brand new development that provides the most up to date animal accommodation for a variety of species.

Leaves can be purchased at ÂŁ100 per leaf for the silver finish leaf which will allows two lines of up to 16 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation) to be engraved. For those who want to stand out from the leaves, there is an opportunity to purchase a larger apple for ÂŁ250 per apple which will allow up to four lines of up to 16 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation) to be engraved.

To purchase your leaf or apple please visit: Following each purchase you will receive an e-certificate to acknowledge your contribution alongside an invitation to attend the official opening of the new ZEC in spring 2020 once this date is confirmed. Regular e-shots with the latest developments at the ZEC, Shuttleworth College and The Bedford College Group will also be sent to show how people can continue to show their support to students, staff and the animals at the centre. For more information please contact Olivia Morton or call 01234 291892. 6

Thank you Sarah and Tim

Outgoing SCA Chairman Sarah Perrett, being presented with a pair of half pint tankards with the Shuttleworth crest embossed on them. The gift was presented on behalf of the Committee and members of the Alumni by the incoming Chairman Tony Abbott as a way of expressing gratitude for her work as Chairman. Sarah assured us that the glasses would be used for their intended purpose - drinking beer!

Tim Bryce was also honoured for his service to the committee and his work in producing the newsletter for many years. Tim was given a pint glass, again with the Shuttleworth crest on it. Due to Tim spending most of the summers roaming around the canals of England on his narrowboat, we did not manage to catch up with him to make a proper presentation and had to rely on the services of the Royal Mail- I am glad to say it arrived safely. We received an email with the attached picture and a ‘Thank you’. He said ‘It will stand in pride of place in my sitting room. I will always treasure it’.


News NDA 66/68

Hello, Not much to report, I was in the 66-68 NDA year - many happy memories, Now retired having spent career in Food industry battling with the supermarkets... We live in Herne Bay and am near Mike Wilkinson , also 66-68, who farms at Chislet. Regretfully some of my other friends from Shutts have passed on.... Best wishes , Roger Jackson FC 68/69 Just a note to say that this Summer, the four 4 of us who were at Shutts in 1968: David Sapsed 1 yr Farming Course in Herts Ian Lowe Jack Jiggins

1 yr Farming Course in Essex 1st yr NDA in Essex

Myself, Mike Porter 1 yr Farming Course in Suffolk Met up for a meal in Essex with wives and partners to reminisce about our days at Shutts. This was the first time that we all sat round the same table in over 51 years. David S and I regularly meet up 2 or more times a year and I have seen Ian L and Jack J periodically at the Suffolk Show and the like. I am still farming the family farm in Suffolk near Halesworth but my son is now taking over more responsibility now that I am just about 70. Regards Mike Porter Porters Farms (Walpole) Ltd, Hillhouse Farm, IP19 9BQ 07850 671422

NDA 68/70 Firstly, I have to report the sad news of the death in December 2017 of Simon Pearson (NDA/Farming Course)1968/70. He died 4 months after being diagnosed with lung cancer having seemed fit as a fiddle just 4 months earlier. Simon and I had a very long and happy working life together and were the very best of friends. My wife Sue and I helped Simon and Wendy in their hotel, Thorne Island, Pembrokeshire, until he sold it in 1989. 8

He then came to join my company, Livestock System, designing marketing and installing prestressed concrete structures. We later changed the name to Milbury Systems when industrial work overtook agricultural output. His finest achievement (other than his and Wendy’s daughter Hannah!) was overseeing the highly successful setting up of a brand new production factory at a site we bought at Lydney, Glos. We sold the company in 2007. Simon will be hugely missed by a huge number of people. By very strange coincidence, we recently attended the funeral of Trina, Simon’s first wife, who also died in Pembrokeshire of cancer. And there, bizarrely, we met David Morton, with whom I share lodgings at Home Farm, with Ed and Betty Bennett. Other people of our year: John Mawle. We have stayed with John and Jean a couple of times when travelling in New Zealand. He is busily building another empire out there with two very impressive dairy herds and other enterprises. Last time there we met John and Sue Humphries (NDA 1967/8) Pete Hares is living a fit and pleasant life of retirement in Kilve, Somerset. It is good to bump into David Lewis (62/4) at concerts and events in Bath from time to time. Of myself and Sue, we live at the old family farm at Midford, Bath. Since Simon and I sold Milbury, we have travelled a bit, I sing in the Bath Male Choir, helped save our local pub ( rear Traditional Hereford cattle (wonderful creatures) and set up which is now run by my son in law. We have a daughter, Jules and two grand daughters We are in good health (we think!) and are generally enjoying life. Would love to hear from any old fellow students. Bob Honey NDA 68/70 HND 1973-76.


One of our year had been missing since 1976 ! HND 1973-76 have had several reunions over the years but there has always been one person missing. Johann Cloete came to Shuttleworth from Kenya in 1973 and after our course ended in 1976 he headed off to Brisbane in Australia. He has not returned to the UK since, so when he announced he was coming back to Europe a meeting was arranged at The Hare and Hounds in Old Warden. Many tales were soon exchanged about life in 1976 and it seemed as if the years melted away. .

Duncan Wakelin John Haggarty Joahnn Cloete and Dave Knowles Johann and I, with Dave Knowles,did a 1 month trip around Europe on Interail in April 1976 just before exams ! We also worked together on a Hop farm in Faversham, Kent for a month to fill the coffers in September 1974 before our return to college. Johann was an excellent rugby player and along with Duncan Wakelin played many times for Shuttleworth. Johann has happily settled in Australia but had fond memories of his time at Shuttleworth

We walked back to the old college and remarked how little it had changed in all these years. Beer was 20p/pint, petrol 50p/gallon and a road going Mini was ÂŁ50. Such happy days......... Best Regards, Robin Shackleton HND 73/76

HND Arable (1984-1987) As far as we can tell, all the Arables are still alive. At least these ones: Jamie King, Angus Stamper, Shaun Downey, Garth Drury met in Oxford last June 2018 - to celebrate 30 years (+1) since leaving Shuttleworth - coinciding with Shaun and his wife Yvette's sojourn in the UK from their ranch in Western Australia. There is no record (we hope) or memory of what we talked about, but we did manage to 10

empty (in time- honoured fashion) the restaurant where we just had lunch. There was a very vague plan to meet out in Japan for the RWC, but this was moved to our individual recliners. Rik Frampton and Jeremy Town remain the only ones who are still using their HND arable notes on crop disease and weed identification in their work as agronomists. Garth had the pleasure of seeing our highly tolerant HND Arable tutor Bill and his wife Isabelle Bedser at their home in Valencia last year, after returning from several years in Venezuela. Other news, mostly picked up 3rd hand, so lack of accuracy is assured: Michael ¨"Mitch" Bray: yet to don his dog collar some 32 years after leaving college. Clearly determined to win the HND (A) course procrastination competition started in 1987 (and that's saying something). Shaun Downey: He survived the biblical multi-year drought in Aus, running an arable operation in WA since moving out there decades ago. Garth Drury: nearly 20 years in France; this will either stop suddenly on 31st Oct 2019 with summary deportation or turn into permanent exile. Still has a vague link to ag in product registration consultancy for the EU 27 (UK already excluded). His son has just got busted for acute alcohol intoxication at school in Somerset, in no way taking after his father. He was suitably punished for jumping the gun on this particular rite of passage by at least 3 years. Rik Frampton: one of the 2 remaining practicing agronomists in the group, has a new partner Lisa. Still an avid fisherman. Ben Gedney: After passing through Shuttleworth and Sandhurst, he has used his agro-martial skills in investment banking. Jamie King: Kindly hosted the 30+1 year gathering last year in Oxford. Given that his early career in retail was seriously sabotaged by his fellow Arables, he bears no grudges and remains remarkably friendly to the group. John Lankfer: veg growing and trading operation in the Fens. Tony O'Hara. No specific news, but Northerner is reported alive and well in the South. Andrew Robinson: still alive and terrorising his own sheep near Morpeth. Angus Stamper: when not writing off rally cars in South America, he is getting grants from DEFRA for the new trend in "rewilding" for the reintroduction of White Tailed Eagles and Wolves (a useful side-effect is a reduction in trespassing). Jeremy Town: fired as course rep decades ago, his royal slothness is actually an active agronomist who uses his old Doc Graham fertiliser notes with wild abandon.


Andy Warcup OND 77/80 Dear Graeme On November 15th I set off for a once in a lifetime holiday to Australia to watch The Ashes, stay with my sister and visit my son. Feeling great I boarded the plane for the third leg of my flight from Singapore to Brisbane; my life was about to change forever. I then had a massive stroke. But also got very lucky when a doctor came forward, his assessment deemed I wasn’t going to make it to Brisbane and asked the captain if it was possible to put the plane down early He obliged by agreeing to land in Alice springs. Firstly we had to get rid of $40000 of fuel only then could the biggest plane ever to arrive at Alice landed. After disembarking by forklift it was quite humbling to look up at this beautiful aeroplane and thinking you were responsible for bringing this £385million jet down. After being scanned in Alice and finding out I had a blood clot on the brain I was transferred by the Royal Flying Doctor down to Adelaide the next day. After some great care and extensive testing I came out of life’s departure lounge, my sister and son had been told to fly down to Adelaide straight away as the future was uncertain. I was affected to the left side of the brain and total paralysis of the right hand side of my body. I spent one month in Adelaide and was then transferred up to a rehab unit in Brisbane by the Royal Flying Doctor where I spent another two and a half months. From there I went out to my sister’s farm 5 hours inland from Brisbane for 7weeks to be get my strength up for the flight home. 18 months later my body is slowly returning to me; who knows what the final outcome will be, there is certainly a long way to go. If any former colleagues have time I would love to hear from them via the above email address or just ring 07970 629585. With kind regards Andrew


Members in the Papers Eastern Daily Press Farm and Country June 30th 2019 Jeff van Poortvliet NCFM 90/91 Jeff was the winner of the Norfolk County Farm Business competition run by Aylsham Agricultural Show Association. Jeff is MD of Stratton Streles Estates based at Colby Hall Farm. As well as running a large arable business with five contract farmed enterprises Jeff also values the mixed income stream generated by diversified enterprises. From Horse Livery, solar arrays to Fishing lakes Jeff is trying to ensure that even through times of low commodity values farm incomes are not dented to much. Eastern Daily Press Farm and Country June 9th 2019 Jamie Lockhart ND 92/95 Jamie has been testing new GPS tracking systems fitted to sheep for the UEA. This system will be used to check for unusual behaviour which could highlight early signs of problems within the individual sheep or the whole flock. Power is generated by small solar cells and is transmitted via mobile phone networks. The Movetech data was on show at the Royal Norfolk Show in the summer. Simon Dann HND 80/83 Simon and his son Alex have demonstrated great confidence in the future of dairy farming by investing £2m in two new dairy buildings. Following the acquisition of 200 dairy cows from the herd next door and combining them with their own cows the farm is now milking 400 cows. Of the 4m ltrs of milk produced 10% is sold though Danns Ice-cream with the other 90% sold though the farmer co-op Arla. Alex’s comment of ‘invest when business is bad’ rings true as margins from dairying are not rosy at the moment. Eastern Daily Press August 3rd 2019: Kit Papworth HND 89/92 Kit was featured in the Farm and Country section with a new pre-series Claas 8800 model combine. This giant machine is destined to replace two existing combines and will cut in excess of 2500 hectares of cereals for contracting business LF Papworth. The prototype combine has a 15.6 ltr engine, 12 meter header and features the latest technology. GPS and laser devices mean the machine will virtually drive itself. With a price tag of £400,000 the new machine has got to work hard to earn its keep. The New Claas 8800 on a farm near Exeter


Eastern Daily Press Agricultural Review of November 2nd this year: Ed Lankfer HND 84/87 As the NFU regional representative on the livestock board he was commenting on the way farmers are being criticised for ‘all the ills of the World – destroying the environment and that climate change is all Farmers fault.’ Standing up for British Farmers he emphasised that UK Agriculture is doing its best for the environment and produces the best product in the World. Teddy Maufe FC 70-71. Ted was extolling the virtues of Maris Otter spring barley. A notoriously difficult crop to grow to meet the maltsters’ tough specifications a dry start to the spring followed by deluge conditions in May meant that nitrogen usually taken up in small doses throughout the season was taken in one large hit as the moisture aided its availability. Maltsters will pay a premium for nitrogen levels below 1.6% but this year saw levels in excess of that. Below average yields for this variety are usually compensated for by higher premiums. Ted is asking for maltsters to pay slightly higher premiums, a half pence on the price of a pint would fund an extra £30/tonne premium he says. Growing Otter is risky at the best of times and Ted is suggesting that the grower is taking the lions’ share of the risk and should be compensated for this. High nitrogen levels, above the maximum permitted 1.6%, gives rise to cloudy beer and no one wants that! Jamie Lockhart ND 92/95. Jamie is one of two Nuffield Scholars from Norfolk. Jamie, Farm Manager for Honingham Thorpe Farms is set to begin his studies next year. His brief is to ‘Unlock the potential of data use and Agri Tech within Agriculture’. Data will always be data until it is used, only then does it become information is a mantra often forgotten in the modern world but Jamie wants to bring together the many different data strands that are available to modern farmers who have become ‘frustrated gathers of data’. He needs to log in as many as 15 different systems to produce a coherent picture, from tractor telematics to grainstore temperature levels. Through his worldwide travels he hopes to be able to find systems that bring all the data together to enable farmers to pinpoint the profitable areas of the farm even down to field or part field level. Richard Cogman HND 83/86. Agricultural Business manager at British Sugars Cantley processing plant Richard is developing a new brand of the old LimeX product. Called LimeX70 it is a concentrated and more spreadable version of the old LimeX40 product. LimeX is the very fine calcium carbonate precipitate produced following the use of Lime in the crystallisation of sugar and will be used to improve nutrient uptake as soil pH levels are corrected to optimum levels. Richard Cobbald ND 86/89 Estate Manager for the South Pickenham Estate told the KL Magazine that he had been helping with trials of new seed dressings for Sugar beet seeds. The Estates grows between 500 and 600 acres of beet each year and the crop forms a significant part of their rotation. Of all the arable crops grown on the Estate Sugar beet is the one where huge advances have been made in yields over the recent past. Echoing the thoughts of many arable growers 14

Richard explained that cereal yields have plateau’d and not really changed much over the last 20 odd years. Beet yields however have risen from 16 tonne an acre when he started farming to 40 ton/acre today. Thankyou As always our thanks for the above contributions must go to Eric Yates. Eric has an encyclopaedic memory; if you went to Shutts during his time there he will remember you! His eagle eye spotted all of the above stories in his local press.

Alas we have lost some members and to all those left behind we offer our condolences: Simon Pearson (NDA 68-70) died December 2017 Peter Chesson NDA 58/60 died 7/4/18 J L Bruce NDA 58/60 died 17/7/18 Dave Creasey NDA 64/66 died 30/12/18 Andrew Snook NDA 65/67 died 9/2/19 Neil Henderson-Begg NDA 68/70

Please let us know of any Old Students who have passed on in the recent past. We can update the database and publish it in the next magazine. Ed.

A tribute to David Creasey; Farmer and Priest who died 30th December 2Ol8 David had been asked recently by a fellow Shuttleworth student, who was also a local farmer, if he would officiate at his funeral. David's response was "give me the date and I will put it in my diary." Such a response was typical of the sharp wit and perception of this exceptional man. He clearly also foresaw his own death after a period of indifferent health and we, who attended his funeral, were told that David had prepared the hymns, readings and prayers for the occasion. What he perhaps could not have known, but perhaps suspected, were the wonderful tributes paid by representatives of the farming and church communities, and that there were more than six hundred folk at the Parish Church of Morton, Lincolnshire to say their farewells. A further celebration of his life and work is planned for later this year in Lincoln Cathedral. Our lives collided as fellow residents at Hill House on the Shuttleworth Estate in 1964. Three Davids sharing a room there: David Creasey, David Gantlett and myself David Andrews. 15

It was a great time with much fun and laughter especially on the occasion when the legs of David C's bed disappeared through the floorboards as a result of some rumbustious carry on! In the Mansion House during our second year, David teamed up with Roger Woodroffe in an East Wing room. Pre-electric kettle days we discreetly kept an electric ring heater and a saucepan there for hot drinks together in an evening. The College Christian Fellowship was a focal point in our lives with the regular service of Compline in the College Chapel, sometimes attended by Mrs Shuttleworth or her companion Miss Willet. We had very good connections with the Christian Fellowships at the women's PE and TT Colleges in Bedford with highlights being BBQs together and getting stranded on the London North Circular when our car broke down on the way to hear Billy Graham preach. David was always good at getting alongside folk and organising events including a Farm Visit trip which included Newton Rigg Farm Institute in Cumbria, but where the highlight was probably a night out in the lights of Blackpool! A holiday the three Davids and Roger shared in Northumberland, resulted in David C declaring altitude sickness in Roman Wall country after a life at sea level in the Fen Country. If there was an aspect of David's life that was frustrating to the rest of us it was that he never became flustered or anxious. We never saw him sweat over revising for exams and he got great pleasure and real satisfaction from hours spent solo with a hoe, singling sugar beet seedlings. David went on to Aberystwyth University after completing the NDA course at Shuttleworth. He studied agricultural economics. This led him to become a lecturer back at Shuttleworth for a number of years, and then an external examiner and farm tutor when he returned to his family farm at Hanthorpe in Lincolnshire, where he was the third generation of farmer on that land. Whilst at Aberystwyth he perceived a call to become a priest in the Church of England, but for him at that time, the call of the land and a sense of responsibility towards the family farm, with him being the only son, won the day and ordination as a priest was put on hold. When David returned to the farm his understanding of the needs of the wider farming community developed and over the years he held various chairs with NFU committees. He was also a founding director of Lincolnshire Quality Beef and Lamb and through the Lincolnshire Agricultural Society he organised the annual Harvest Festival in Lincoln Cathedral. The arrival of the BSE crisis led David to become a founding father of the Lincolnshire Rural Support Network which supported farmers and their families 16

through nightmare situations. His passion for his fellow man was without bounds. He got alongside people and shared their joys and their pain. Eventually some thirteen years ago after periods of training, David was ordained a non-stipendiary priest in the Anglican Church. That early calling back in Aberystwyth, had just been postponed. David's Christian faith had been exemplified over the intervening years in his involvement with those around him, particularly in their moments of need. He lived the Gospel. Some four years ago at a college reunion weekend, David in his Priestly Vestments took the morning service at Old Warden Parish Church. To say that it was a special occasion would be an understatement. The service was a wonderful mix of tradition, thoughtful reflection and humour. David was in his element as the farming priest, a man of the people and with his people. David was in demand as best man at wedding celebrations. In one speech he referred to meeting the bride for the first time at Smithfield Fatstock Show and declared that "she looked as wonderful on the hoof as she now looks on the hook!" At his own wedding to Fiona, who has been so supportive of his activities over their thirty three years together, his Grooms speech-started with: "this wedding would never have happened if it wasn't for a baby" this sort of stunned everyone until he said "the parents of the baby had asked me to collect Fiona from the railway station and that was the first time that I had met her." David's final Church Service was on Christmas Eve. He had not been well but was determined that he should honour that appointment. At the end of the service he reminded the congregation that he had been very careful to avoid the B word (which is on everyone's mind) well, here it comes, - God BLESS you all and your homes and your families this Christmastide and always. Amen. That so many of us have been blessed by knowing and sharing in the life of David Creasey has been a true blessing. D G Andrews NDA 64/66

Memories from John Hudson NDA 51/53 The Following “Story� is a little bit of social history that I thought should be recorded: After the war, many servicemen had no job or trade to go to after their demob, and so a scheme was put in place to send those that were interested to college to help them get their feet back on the ground. In 1951 I started at Shuttleworth Agricultural College and there were several ex servicemen in their final year, some in their second year. One young chap and ex Marine called Pengelly17

Phillips would have been about 26. He seemed old to us! PP was suffering from “post traumatic stress disorder” but it was not a well understood condition in those days. He would occasionally ‘have his moments’ so a chap called EdgePartington and Yours Truly were asked to keep an eye on him and indeed we did share a room for this reason. One winters night things took a turn for the worse and he went off searching out an enemy sniper and fell from a window some 60 feet above the ground. He was found in a flower bed covered in snow; still alive. He was rushed off to Stoke Mandeville where he immediately came under the care of a phenomenal man called Professor Sir Ludwig Guttman. My mate, Edge-Partington emigrated to Canada after we left college to start a new life. Can you imagine my surprise when one day this summer (2007) I received an email from him saying he was coming over to England and would like to arrange a meeting – about 60 years since we said goodbye. It is so strange that his visit will coincide with the Paralympic Games which were started by Prof Guttman! A man we had got to know well whilst we were visiting and caring for PP at Stoke Mandeville. So I put together a little reading for interest and to tell you that if we can make it we will go to the Royal Star and Garter and give old PP as surprise visit. Sadly ‘Jeeps’, nickname for Edge-Partington, died in 2007. Also sad to relate that PP (Pengelly-Phillips) died in June 2014. Louis Pengelly-Phillips NDA 51/53

Louis Pengelly-Phillips RM Died 24 June 2014

My friend Louis PengellyPhillips, who has died aged 89, was a sergeant in 48 Royal Marines Commando from 1943 to 1951. His Second World War service history was extraordinary, and ranged from guarding Winston Churchill in Canada, via the Dday landings, to the liberation of Burma.

In later years he was a much-loved resident for 34 years at the Royal Star & Garter Homes for ex-military service personnel, where I got to know him.


Louis grew up in Somerset and enlisted with the Royal Marines in 1943, at the age of 17. He was selected to join a unit protecting Churchill and the D-Day plans during the Quebec Conference in Canada. On board the Queen Mary, Louis was assigned to guard Churchill, for whom he had to present arms or "I would have been in trouble", even when Churchill was in his pyjamas. He was part of the guard who protected Stalin and Roosevelt and shook hands with both men. Back in Britain, Churchill thanked Louis personally for looking after him. Louis then underwent training with 48 Royal Marines Commando and was in the first wave of men sent ashore to Gold Beach during D-day. "On Gold I remember on the left – east – there was persistent machine-gun fire at us – probably four or five [guns]. They would have a go at us as we landed. My best mate Saunders – he got killed. I was lucky, because when I was landing, a bullet ricocheted off my tin hat." When his unit reached Germany, Louis was shot in the leg and sent home to recuperate. He rejoined his unit as they were training to go to Burma to fight the Japanese, and where they were involved in the liberation of Rangoon. Louis was proud to have been in the Royal Marines. After the war, he worked briefly as a farmer until an accident in which he fell out of a window and broke his back. His farming career at an end, he became a civil servant working at the MoD. In 1980, Louis's health deteriorated and he went to live at the Royal Star & Garter Homes, in south-west London, where he enjoyed all activities, especially skittles, darts and dominoes. He was delighted when he won and let everybody know about it. Vice-Admiral Sir John Dunt, chairman of the charity's body of governors, said of Louis: "In military service, one meets many outstanding and courageous people, but Louis was exceptional: his courage and fearlessness, as well as his love of life, set him apart." He is survived by a brother and a niece. The link below will take you to a BBC piece giving more detail to his trip to Canada in 1943. There can be very few Shuttleworth Students who have shaken hands with Joseph Stalin, Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Churchill within the space of a few minutes!


Annual Prize Draw! Your chance of winning a big prize! Every year at the AGM we draw 3 prizes.

1st £250, 2nd £150, 3rd £50 Cost is just £10 per Annum and you can buy as many tickets as you wish! Details and entries from Mike Williams: E-mail

Shutts ‘64 Mike Ings was a little eccentric. Our fathers were neighbouring farmers back home in Warwickshire and Mike rode their hunting horses at Point to Points. I spent some convivial winter evenings with him sitting in front of an open fire when his parents were out, drinking his father’s whisky whilst Paddy, his sister, kindly rustled up hot buttered toast. It was early October 1964 and Mike and I had arrived at Shuttleworth Agricultural College to begin our 2nd year. Mike, I recall, was well endowed with suits and on our arrival I entered into discussions to purchase one of them. After lengthy and unsuccessful negotiations, with me trying to beat him down from £1 10/- to a pound, I eventually gave in and agreed to his inflated price. However I had to concede it did fit me remarkably well and, I finished up pleased with my purchase. 20

After checking through the pockets I was surprised to discover a pristine, orange 10/- note in the inside pocket. Was this left there by mistake, was it ‘good luck money’ or did Mike feel guilty at overcharging me? I somehow doubted that. To my discredit I failed to pursue the matter with him and as it was such an excellent un-creased specimen I added it to my numismatic collection. I will return to the ten shillings later. Mike had a blue Riley 1.6 and on the occasions he wished to drive at speed he would don a crash helmet which he kept at other times on his back seat. I guess this was an attempt at self-preservation from his horse riding days. Perhaps it should be mentioned here that these were days before seat belts and drink driving regulations. We were barely into our third week of term when he failed to negotiate the Biggleswade A1 roundabout. This was a rather unforgiving obstacle, more like a small hillock and he had no option but to leave his car marooned there.

He completed the appropriate accident forms and despatched them to his insurance company. It was with some widespread incredulity that no sooner had he been reunited with his repaired vehicle than he repeated the accident on the very same island. Surely this was an accomplishment that had not been achieved before or since. The now familiar insurance forms arrived and where it requested a drawing to illustrate the accident, he wrote, ’Ditto (see previous accident).’ 21

There had been a worrying number of car accidents during that term and Principal Ken Russell gave the assembled year a severe lecturing and a serious warning that such dangerous behaviour must cease. The following weekend I’d driven Mike Wake, Doug Fox and ‘Inky’ Stephens in my mini-van (with a fold-up rear seat) into Bedford to attend a dance laid on by the Bedford Teacher Training College. Shuttleworth then had a good symbiotic affiliation with both the Bedford PE College and the Teachers Training College whereby we supported their functions and they ours. This association led to many long term relationships including my own. Shutts was extremely fortunate to have 3 very talented musicians with John (Alf) Dickson, their lead singer and they had formed themselves into a ‘group’.

They were aptly named ‘Virus Yellows and the Sugar Beets’ and they had a slot that evening and many fellow students felt certain that if they stayed together, had a good manager and abandoned any idea of a future in agriculture, a successful career in the pop industry was assured. I seem to remember Chuck Berry’s ‘Johnny B. Goode’ was one of their many hits. It was a great night … with the exception that we left the road at Cardington on our return trip and finished in a deep ditch. Fortunately there were no serious injuries. Inevitably I was ordered to see Ken Russell in his office. After his severe warning issued barely a week before, I feared the worst. Could my time at college be prematurely terminated? This seemed a distinct possibility. There was a long silence as he tapped his fingers on his desktop seemingly in deep meditation. ‘What are we going to do with you?’ This was followed by another long silence. He opened the large diary on his desk and slowly turned the pages. Was he deciding just when I should leave? ‘I see here that you are due to go to the Reading Cattle Market next Monday to be the assistant judge at their annual show and sale. Well, with your vehicle off the 22

road you won’t be able to go.’ He proceeded to draw a line through the entry in his diary, looked at me and said ‘Let that be a lesson to you, my boy.’ Looking suitably chastened I left his study feeling greatly relieved to have escaped so very lightly and if truth be known I felt missing out on the Reading trip was no great loss. Historical note: 2013 and I had been given the responsibility of rounding up as many of the 1963/65 course members I could and persuade them to attend a reunion at Shutts, in our case ‘50 year’ although it was a weekend open to all old students. I was delighted that Mike Ings was to attend and following the Saturday night dinner I reminded him of his suit sale fifty years previously, asking if he’d intentionally left a 10/- note in the pocket. ‘No way Rob, you must be joking!’’ he exclaimed. I extracted the very same note from my pocket and returned it to him. I believe he still thinks this was a joke that I’d concocted. Extract from ‘A Good Time Ago’. A selection of short stories published 2018 Rob Grindal 63/65

Some photographs and memories from 56-58 Our thanks go to Alan Ennew NDA 56/58. Alan has written on the back of each picture and I have transcribed this as a picture caption. If you recognise anyone who isn’t mentioned please let me know Ed.

Ian Cowan Ken Russell Jeff Cude Clive Bennett


Jeff Cude and Bob Charity

Alan, autumn 1956, Chris, Dholl, Allen, Mitch, ‘Ivory Ennew’

Front Row Ed Bennett and Ken Russell

Ian Cowan ? Jeff Cude Clive Bennett


In no particular order: Allen Ennew, Paul Bagni, P.G. Manning, Clive Bennett, Julian Studt, Kirk

1956-57 1957-58


Bob Jones and the Zombies

Left to right: Bob Jones Guitar, Ian Mayhew Tea Chest Base, Alan Ennew Sugar Cymbal (only one!), Steve Washboard, Carl Brain Guitar.

Joint Colleges Dance


The library in 1956. Left to right:- Geoff Cude, Allen Ennew, Phil Ivory and Paul Bagni

Does anyone remember ‘Monty’? Dino was running out of ideas for a guest speaker at the next Agriclub meeting in the Lecture Theatre. For those who don’t remember the Agriclub meetings were held on a monthly basis and were a platform for local speakers to come and talk to the student body, those that weren’t in the Bar/bed/PE etc. The job of organising the speakers was given to the first year groups, a cunning plan by the third years to offload some responsibility onto the innocent freshers!! Anyway Dino asked some of the third years if they had any ideas for a good speaker.‘Ask Monty’, they said. Mr Montgomery, or ‘Monty’, was a gentleman in his mid sixties who worked part time in the offices. He would motor up in his little mustard yellow Austin Allegro and get on with his tasks in the office in his unassuming and quiet way. ‘Monty? You’re kidding’, replied Dino. ‘No, get Monty. He’s good.’


‘Monty’ arrived for the meeting armed with a plastic shopping bag and not much else. He welcomed the audience and began his speech with an account of how unprepared Great Britain was for the Second World War and how he had joined a group of like minded souls in preparing potential ambush sites and fuel and ammo dumps to prepare the countryside for the inevitable invasion when, not if, we went to war again with the Germans later in 1939. Then, he pulled out from the plastic bag, a model of a Westland Lysander. He then held his audience spellbound with details of how the RAF working in tandem





Operations Executive) delivered and retrieved spies from Occupied Europe. I remember him telling us he was based at RAF Tempsford and flew Lysanders himself. Westland Lysander from the Shuttleworth Collection He went into great detail about how difficult and dangerous it was to land these small planes on grass fields in occupied territory when the only sign of a welcoming committee was a prearranged signal given by the flashing of a torch. Was it a friend or foe with the torch? Monty’s talk was 40 years ago and my memory isn’t that good. If you look at the RAF Tempsford website there is a role of honour for all those who served there and there is mention of a Flt LT ‘Monty’ Montgomery MBE. He is listed as a rear gunner in a Handly Page Halifax, a converted four engine bomber used by the RAF to drop spies and supplies to the SOE in Occupied Europe. Is this our ‘Monty’? Handly Page Halifax

Whatever he did, he has my untold admiration. If I have misremembered this please correct me, or if you know any more details we will publish it all in the next edition. He deserves a longer mention with the correct facts I think. Please help if you know more 28

Merchandise S. .A Merchandise Polo Shirts This popular item features the Shuttleworth Crest on Navy Blue. ÂŁ15 each including p & p

Both items in XX Large, X Large, Large and Medium sizes.

Rugby Shirts Navy Blue with a white collar and the Shuttleworth crest.

Just ÂŁ27.50 each inc p&p


Glorious prints of the Mansion

A superb print of this beautiful Water Colour of the College viewed from the Warren and painted to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Shuttleworth Un-mounted: Size: 17" x 13". Cost: only ÂŁ5 inc p&p

Lapel Badges still available at ÂŁ2.00 each inc p&p

All orders to :Sarah Perrett. 01458 251523 or e-mail: All cheques payable to Shuttleworth College Association - with Orders please.


SHUTTLEWORTH COLLEGE ALUMNI MINUTES OF THE AGM – SATURDAY 1st June 2019 Present: Sarah Perrett (Chairman), Tony Abbott (Vice- Chairman), Mike Williams, Charlotte Scott, , Richard Infield, Eric Yates, Graeme Brown, Paddy Godwin, Catherine Lloyd (College Director) Apologies: Claire Van Leersum, Nick Drury 1. The minutes of the 2018 AGM were accepted and approved. 2. Chairman’s Report: Sarah Perrett reported that she intends to stand down at today’s AGM and thanked the committee for all their support over the past decade. 3. Treasurer’s Report: Mike Williams circulated the statement of revenue and expenditure, capital account and bank accounts. There was an excess of expenditure over revenue of £1,177.09 for general expenses for the newsletter, web site hosting, travel expenses and gifts. As with all businesses and organisations we have very little interest on our deposits (£194.49). The Current Account contains £3,119.99 and the Deposit Account contains £25,185.17. 4. IT Manager’s Report: Paddy Godwin reported that the database is as up to date as it can be. Note the web site address is 5. Editor’s Report: Graeme reported his intention to try and publish the next newsletter in December of this year so people have something to read over Christmas. He asked for as many people as possible to send him their contributions including course updates and any articles or stories they may have which would be of interest. 6. Election of Officers for the ensuing year: Chairman: Tony Abbott – proposed by Sarah Perrett, seconded by Charlotte Scott Vice Chairman: Richard Infield - proposed by Tony Abbott seconded by Charlotte Scott Secretary: Charlotte Scott-Osborn – proposed by Richard Infield, seconded by Tony Abbott Treasurer: Mike Williams – proposed by Eric Yates, seconded by Charlotte Scott IT Manager: Patrick Godwin – proposed by Mike Williams, seconded by Eric Yates Editor: Graeme Brown – proposed by Paddy Godwin, seconded by Sarah Perrett Committee members: Nick Drury, Eric Yates, Sarah Perrett, Claire Van Leersum and Sallyartwright were re-elected ‘en bloc’.


7. The annual draw then took place – 1st (£250) No. 01 Eric Yates, 2nd (£150) No. 80, John Humphreys and 3rd (£50) No. 75 Tony Ducker 8. AOB. The SCA Funded a keepsake tree this year for the new Zoological building which will be placed in the main reception area (building due to be completed by the new term in September 2019) people (ex students, sponsors or anyone with a connection to the college) will be able to purchase leaves or apples with their names engraved on them which will be hung from the tree. All money will go towards the funding of the new building. 9. Tony and Charlotte will attend the annual presentation evening at Shuttleworth College later this month to represent the Alumni. This concluded the Annual General Meeting Charlotte Scott-Osborn 01 June 2019

Notes from the Editorial Team We are always very grateful for the contributions sent in by you, our readers and subscribers ‘we cannot print what we haven’t got’. You have heard it and read it all before but it’s your magazine, publishing your news and is a great way of maintaining contact with old friends. Over the years the magazine has become increasingly more expensive to print and so, as you know, we have moved over to an electronic format for 80% of our readers. We very much respect the 20% of readers who prefer the printed version but we have to bear in mind the cost of printing and posting a manypaged newsletter. So if some of your articles or news has not made it to the pages this time please accept our apologies and we will print it next year. The Old Students database keeps names, addresses and contact details for many past students. It was originally compiled from data given over by the College and is maintained using Microsoft Access. The information is used to send this Newsletter out and to let members know of Reunions or other events relating to the College. Former students looking to find old friends may contact Paddy to help their search. We do not use this information for marketing or other purposes. If you do not want to be on this database, which is kept STRICTLY private then please contact Paddy Godwin on and we can remove your details permanently. Please forgive us if you find any errors or if you think some things have been left out. We would welcome any feedback as we try and improve on the content with every edition. 32


Tony Abbott

NDA 65/67


Vice Chairman

Richard Infield

ND 90/93



Charlotte Scott

ND/BF90/92 Bedfordshire


Mike Williams

NDA 65/67


Database Manager

Patrick Godwin

HND 77/80


Committee. Nick Drury

HND 81/84

Eric Yates

Retired Staff Norfolk

Sarah Perrett

College Contact



OND 77/80


Margaret Curry

01767 626222

HND 77/80

Claire Van Leersum HND 81/84 Graeme Brown


President Charlotte Friefrau John Von Twickle

Vice J.E. Scott, S.C. Whitbread, Bill Bedser, Eric Yates and Professor Mike Alder. Presidents Secretary

Newsletter Coordinator

Charlotte Scott, Unwin Cottage, 5 Pear Tree piece, Old Warden, Biggleswade, SG18 9FD. Tel: 01767 626311 Mobile: 07717862747 Graeme Brown, 25 Church Lane, Oulton,Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 3JN, 07775 331830

The editor is looking for material for the next Newsletter as soon as this one goes to press, so please don’t delay, get writing, look for stories and send them to him as soon as possible. Website :-



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