Shuttleworth College Association Newsletter

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The Shuttleworth College Association Newsletter Summer 2016

Contents Page No.


Editorial Report.


Questionnaire Results.

4 - 6.

College Directors Report.


SCA Prize Draw Advert.

7 - 12.

Members News.

13 - 16.

Reunion Reports.

17 - 18.

Reunion Photos.

19 - 22.

Draft Minutes of the Association 2016 AGM.


Answers to the Christmas Quiz.


“First Day at Work” by Robert Grindal (63/65).


Shuttleworth College Rugby 7’s Tournament 2016.

26 - 27. “Norwegian Voyage” by Ray Jenkins (66/68). 28 - 32. Alaskan Adventure Part III by Howard Barbour (66/68). 33.

For Sale -SCA Merchandise.

34 - 37. Obituaries.

Alastair Biggar (66/68). Alistair Costley (65/96). Joss Cleeve (64/66). Henry Bucknell (64/66).


Shuttleworth College Courses - Advertisement.


SCA Committee – names and contact details.


Editorial report. Something a bit different this time! We have now found a successor to run and edit the Newsletter. Graeme Brown has volunteered and he and I are sharing the work load until Christmas this year. For this edition I will probably do 80% of the work and for the Christmas On-line and Printed editions Graeme will take on the lion’s share, but I will still be helping and teaching him how I have been doing the job, even if, as I would expect, he makes his own changes in the future. I have enjoyed the sense of achievement from seeing my work in print or as a finished product on-line. It is however a bit of a task master, with pressures to find suitable material, meet a deadline and carry out the mundane task of making it all fit together. I have said for some time that I believe 80 years of age is the point at which I need to stop – that day is now only just around the corner. Could I take this opportunity to plead with you all to support Graeme in his new role and help him by “thinking Newsletter” at all times and sending him News or any stories that you think make interesting reading. Tim Bryce (65/67)

Graeme Brown (77/80) will soon be taking over the post of the Shuttleworth College Association Newsletter Editor/ Editorial Co-ordinator. He writes:For the many of you who do not know who I am, please allow me to introduce myself. I started the 1977-80 O.N.D. course as Graeme Wishart Brown; this lasted as far as the first Student's Union meeting, when some bright spark hollered out 'He looks like Spiny Norman!' ( a character from Monty Python). The rest is history; the name stuck, and the only member of staff who continued to use my real name was John Scott. Since then I have worked on four farms, married (1983; three children by 1988), joined the BASIS Register 2012 and started an agronomy service last year. This is slowly gathering pace, so to bolster my income I have a part-time job as delivery driver for Majestic Wines based in Milton Keynes. I have served on the Committee in a minor role for a number of years and have volunteered to take on the position of Assistant Editor for the Newsletter with the view to taking over from Tim Bryce, the current Editor. He has done sterling work over many years; without his efforts the Newsletter would be a shadow of its present form. After this edition I will be taking on more and more of the editorial load and I will take this opportunity to reinforce the message that we cannot have a Newsletter without News. Please send anything you would like to see included in the Newsletter to me Graeme Brown, e-mail:, or post- 41 Carroll Close, Newport Pagnell. MK16 8QL. or Tim Bryce e-mail : or post- 37 Peoples Place, Warwick Road, Banbury. OX16 0FJ (up to Christmas 2016 only) What we really want above all else is News about yourselves or other Alumni (used to be called Graeme Brown (77/80) 'old students'!) - send it in please!


A summary of the outcome from last year’s Questionnaire. Perhaps you think the results will be obvious. Well, to a great extent you are right. Quite clearly the main interest in the Newsletter is derived from the pages of News about your fellow students – the people who you remember – the friends you shared your life with when at college. We will continue to give the Members News pages the priority they deserve. Now the statistics :The numbers of you who filled out the form were limited, approximately only 5%. Those who said they did not read it from cover to cover were all getting the On-line version. It may be wrong to read anything into this, with so small a number of respondents, but it could be that those readers are deleting the Newsletter after a short period of time rather than storing it in a file, long term. Numbers replying from different years :From the 50s -- 3 60s -- 14 70s -- 4 80s -- 3 90s -- 1 This may simply be in proportion to the numbers of readers from each decade.. The order of preferences :No 1 Members Notes & News. 2 Stories, Travels and Articles from Members. 3 Reports on Reunions and events. 4 Chairman’s report. 5 Information on College and Students activities. 6 College Director’s report. 7 Notification of Next Reunion and other events. 8 Minutes of AGM. 9. Articles from outside writers. Other comments :One reader said he liked the “Farming” articles – “Fire strikes ..” “Farming from 1942” “Today’s mechanized farming with huge machines” – but also “The Swiss Garden feature” (I guess he has been a farmer all his working life. Tim Editor) Another reader would like us to include a “Classified Ads” section. “Farm B&B”- “Camp sites” – “Farm Shops & Restaurants” – “Articles for Sale” Some time ago I publish the idea that we include a section for “Situations Vacant” and “People offering their services”, in particular for College leavers, but nothing came of this – not a single person contacted me. Please write if you would like us to renew this idea, or include a “Classified Ads” section.– Tim, Editor.



Applications across the College are very strong and are showing an 8% increase on this time last year against a falling regional cohort. The shift that I identified last year towards higher level qualifications ie Level 3 and Level 4 is even stronger this year with the split in 2015 at 36 Level 1 to cf 64 Level 3 and above, against 30 Level 1 to cf 70 Level 3 and above in 2016. This is particularly encouraging as it is reflecting our strategy towards higher level qualifications progressing to strong employment and university applications. Research identifies that students leaving at Level 1 or Level 2 have lower aspirations and fewer opportunities. Recruitment in full-time Level 3 Agriculture and Fish Management is particularly encouraging. However, Countryside Management and Horticulture are still of concern. Applications do not yet take into account progression from Level 1 and Level 2 and so we anticipate viable cohorts in September. This increase in numbers is encouraging as it may well reflect our review of, and more focused marketing activity and the increase in high profile projects that the team has been involved in. Short Course activities and adult full-cost courses have increased. This reflects the increased professionalism of our delivery teams and resources. Royal Horticultural Society professional courses have shown a substantial increase and, in part, this is due to our improving reputation and our competitors closing their provision. We have been invited to set up a series of courses based at Kings College, Cambridge and one has to speculate that this reflects our local and regional reputation. The number of students progressing from their vocational course to their chosen employment has been very encouraging with some top jobs being secured, particularly in the farming, horticulture and the fisheries sector. The number of applications for university places has been very high from students leaving us at the end of this year. It is great to see students with confidence and high aspirations for their future. We are delighted that the Shuttleworth team have written a Foundation Degree together with a top up to BSc in Agriculture along with the full BSc in Animal Science in partnership with the University of Bedfordshire which really adds to the depth of the studies on offer at Shuttleworth. The delivery of degree level activity is particularly critical to the national position of skill shortage and we think there are significant advantages to our membership with the National Landbased College. We are pleased that Andrew Davies (68/70) is on the Board to represent our local farmers and growers. The government’s initiative to develop higher level apprenticeships from September 2017 provides a real opportunity for Shuttleworth. Unfortunately the schools are unable to support the 14-16 provision next year and reluctantly we have decided to withdraw from this provision. We are committed to running the second year of the course for the current cohort. This contradicts the government’s ambition to deliver appropriate and vocational skills training to young people. However, it does reflect the clear effect of reducing incomes. The students’ performance has been very strong this year and retention figures for long courses for those students leaving in June are at 94% which is outstanding. We have a process which regularly monitors and anticipates success rates against last year as a benchmark. We anticipate strong success in vocational qualifications and improving success in maths and English. Our


overall success rate last year was 83% and we are planning to improve this to 87%. This is in line with our strategic plan to improve performance to the top 25 percent. We are pleased with the international developments of the vocational agricultural course in partnership with the Marshal Papworth Trust for eight agricultural project supervisors from African countries. The Trust has forged links with Self Help Africa, Farm Africa and TreeAid charities to deliver training specifically targeted on their operations in developing countries. There have been difficulties in obtaining visas, particularly from Zambia and Malawi and we have been frustrated by the low numbers of students on programme. However, it doesn’t detract from the significance of the programme. As part of their studies we have included the delivery of business and enterprise and agro-forestry and a discrete qualification in ‘Training the Trainer’. Two representatives from the Marshal Papworth Trust have recently been to Ghana to visit some of our graduates working in the field. Their feedback has been really encouraging as they have seen the substantial impacts of the work that has been done over the last few years. The College has gone through a great deal of professional development with a submission through the HLF for DNA testing of the Warden Pear stocks which will lead to a technical development that is at degree level. Furthermore, our Floristry staff have been engaged in an Erasmus project which has been linking floristry skills development across six EU member states with the intention of delivering a high quality, cross-state qualification that will enable a consistency of qualification level in the EU. Once again our Horticulture students and staff have been inspirational in building a Moroccan themed show garden at the Ideal Home Show in March and we were delighted that they were awarded the Silver Medal out of the top six colleges in the country. We have been invited to sit on the board of the Secrets of the Sands (HLF) Project and are responsible for devising and then delivering the skills component of the project. Shuttleworth has had a really good sports engagement season. As part of our ‘Sportivate’ project we hosted 120 students from five different colleges where we put on a range of sporting competitions, with a particular focus on engaging females and young black athletes. The whole competition was completely outclassed by Barnfield’s basketball team who were outstanding and, indeed, two of them were even closer to the hoops than I am!! At the end of April we hosted the second Shuttleworth Rugby 7s event. On this occasion 16 teams from across the country enjoyed the competition with teams coming from Easton & Otley College, Askham Bryan amongst others. However, the final playoff was between Hartpury A and Hartpury B. As they represent the Gloucester Academy, we think we were outclassed. Our Equine team have also done very well in local and regional competitions, coming second at Easton & Otley and third at Moreton Morrell; a fabulous achievement. Our EMCETT and JISC project, working with QR codes and technology has put us on the UK map and we were proud to host a national Blended Learning Technologies conference at the beginning of May where representatives from 15 colleges attended to be inspired and to update their skills in enhancing teaching and learning, and in particular, motivating students to achieve ‘high grades’ in their qualifications. Resource Planning We are looking forward to the completion of the lease which will release capital to enable developments on: 1. Kingshill Farm Estate to provide an improved teaching and learning space for land-based studies and activities which includes a livestock housing and handling area to provide a safe and contemporary place for students from Agriculture and Animal Care to work with a range of farm animals. We also need to create some good quality classroom and social space to enable an effective learning experience.


2. Our Animal Care facilities are very poor and require substantial investment to enable an improved learning experience for this significant and growing area of our activities. We need to provide a new, industry standard demonstration and teaching space together with specialist zoological quality enclosures reflecting the job opportunities that a significant number of our students graduate to. Plans are well developed and reflect industry best practice. 3. Kitchen facilities to enable the catering staff to provide high quality, nutritious meals as we anticipate Ofsted will be inspecting our provision in November 2016. 4. Enhancing the Science laboratories and the Lecture Theatre to enable us to deliver a much more appropriate and higher quality experience for our students.

Michael Johnston College Executive Director.

THE S.C.A. Annual Prize Draw Your chance of winning a BIG Prize Every year at the AGM we draw 3 Prizes 1st £250.00, 2nd £150.00, 3rd £50.00 Cost is just £10 per Annum and you can buy as many tickets as you wish!

Details and entries from Mike Williams: E-mail:


Members News. David Sheppard (73/76) It’s good that someone does an old boys network. I for one enjoy what my old muckers are up to. I was at Shutts from 73-76 on the OND course. We were very short of numbers as the new OND and HND courses had only just come in, replacing the very popular 2yr farming courses NDA. Sports fixtures were difficult against historically strong opposition. However we managed to field Rugby football and Hockey teams most Wednesdays and Saturdays. I remember taking rotor arms off cars to stop some people going home on a Saturday. . John Scott was principal during my time. Bernard Fox arrived in 1978 I think. He told me a tale of a big water fight, Scott appeared round the corner, shouted up at the culprits “ Right my office in 10 minutes “ a reply was shouted back “The boys can’t come in 10 minutes , see you in half an hour.” All in all great fun. I am still in touch with Steve Smith (left in 72), Bay Harper (72), Peter Morton (74), Bob Jelley (77), John Thickett (77) and godfather to our youngest daughter, Duncan Wakelin (76) and rugby captain. As in previous years the PE College in Bedford was a big draw for the farmer to find a wife, I did and she still is. I bought a farm, well Dad did. I milked cows for 20 years, saw the light, sold the cows and quota and turned buildings into units and accommodation and let land to neighbour. I bought and sold a Dating agency 6 years later I bought a white lining business as a going concern 8 yrs ago and still at it and enjoying it. It’s hard work though. Good luck with Shutts network David Creasey (64/66) I am still in South Lincs, having let my land to neighbours. I am still married to Fiona. I keep my farming hand in, hedgecutting, fencing etc. I still have stock around but the flied sheep are no longer my responsibility! After many years of NFU activity, I am now an ordained local priest in the C of E. (since 2007). I have been looking after 3 villages for 2 years until they found a full time vicar. I now cover for him when needed. I seem to bury a lot of farmers, most of them dead! I am also heavily involved in Lincolnshire Rural Support Network, alongside the agricultural chaplain and a team of great volunteers. All the usual problems: money (lack of), succession issues, family fall-outs, drink, anger etc. Very worthwhile and rewarding. From next October I will be acting as Chaplain to the Master of the Worshipful Company of Farmers for a year. I think it will involve a lot of eating and drinking. We regularly see Mike and Clare Anyan (64/66), I am in touch with Dave Gantlett (64/66), still farming near Faringdon: Dave Andrews (64/66), retired in Easingwold : Roger Woodroffe (64/66), retired near Lincoln. I used to see poor old Jim Cook (64/66) until he died. I come across several who were at college when I was on the teaching staff and others from the 12 years when I acted as external moderator. Trouble is it’s hard to remember who is who!


Rupert Turner (62/64) I was at Shuttleworth from 1962 to 1964 and can honestly say they were among the happiest days of my life, although to be honest I have/am having a very happy life. I came to the Shuttleworth reunion in 2004 which marked the fortieth anniversary of my cohort leaving. There was a great turnout of our year and it soon seemed like we had never been away from the place. I was lucky enough to go straight from Shutts to a farm for which my father had recently taken the tenancy, on the Duke of Devonshire's Chatsworth estate. It was virtually derelict with no usable house and a set of tumbling down buildings. Over the years I was able to get the place back on its feet with some help from my father, who was not a farmer. I started by going to Galloway in south west Scotland to an area I knew well, having worked on a farm there before entering the college, and buying forty Ayrshire bulling heifers. I employed a mate of mine, Howard Franks (62/64), who was in my year at the college. He stayed for a year or two before finding his own place up in Scotland. I also had a lot of help from Anthony Gould (62/64), probably my greatest friend at the college, and for whom I was best man. He and I visited the Hare and Hounds the very first night of our time at Shutts, a place where we spent an inordinate amount of time, often with Bill Hull, Gordon Biggar, Archie Andrews, Les Hawksworth all (62/64) ( the last three very sadly no longer with us) and many others. The legendary Ed Bennett, bursar at the college was often also present. Over the years we grew the herd to 125 milkers, gradually changing from Ayrshire to Friesian and then Friesian/Holstein. I also farmed a flock of ewes starting with Clun Forest, a very popular breed at the time but finishing up with mainly Mules and Texel Mules. I sold the herd in 2004 when the milk price collapsed to around 16p. per litre and having three daughters none of whom were prepared to take on the farm, also helped me make the decision. I took on a tenant, something that unusually my agreement allowed me to do, but kept part of the farm to continue with the sheep. I retired fully in 2012, but still live on the farm where there is a high yielding herd of Jerseys farmed by my successor. I married in 1971, having met my wife who was looking after the Duchess of Devonshire's stud of seventy Shetland ponies. We have three daughters, now all married, and five grand-children with a sixth on the way. I have three terrific sons-in-law who are respectively a waste management business owner, a private banker and an Army officer. All like nothing better than to accompany me to the pub for a pint and are more like brothers than sons-in-law. During my life I have been lucky enough to have been High Sheriff of my county of Derbyshire (1993/94) as well as being appointed a Deputy Lieutenant for the county. I still have and use regularly the 1929 Austin Seven I had at Shuttleworth. I wonder how many other old students still have the same car they had then! This also led to me being invited by Mrs. Shuttleworth, who lived in the main college house, to take part in the London Brighton Run in the Shuttleworth Museum's 1903 Peugeot driven by the chief test pilot of the then Bristol Aircraft Company. He eventually fell out of favour with the museum after crashing one of their vintage aeroplanes fortunately without damaging more than his pride. I think that is more than enough from me, except to say that I had a huge regard for Ken Russell, our principal whose words of wisdom stuck with me throughout my career. "Don't waste money on building cow palaces lads, much better to invest in top class stock". And once, having got into trouble visiting a local girl's school at night the four of us who were involved were summoned to his house for a dressing down. He rang the head mistress while we were present, apologised for our disgraceful behaviour but finished by saying to her "my lads have got spirit and if they had not they would not be at this college". What a man !!


Geoff Weighell (72/75). I changed life direction in 1983 to become a Microlight flight instructor and am now CEO British Microlight Aircraft Association. I am in regular contact with school chum and fellow Shutts student Mike Gibbon Shelswell (73/76), now a resident of New Zealand. I would like to know what became of other fellow students especially Martin Williams (72/75) and "tent pole". James Frater (65/67) Life is kind of boring, but we are just back from visiting our daughter in New Zealand, eyeballing some farms and envying the lifestyle. I decided it wouldn't suit me as they work too damn hard! Now we are settling back into retirement, only annoying my son once a week, life is so hard and my days at Shutts seem so long ago. If I can summon up the energy I might come down again you never know! (Yes, you made it to the Reunion this year – Well done, it was good to see you. Tim, Editor.) John Reader (64/66) Written in January 2016. A Happy New Year from sunny Devon. Actually it’s cold grey and tipping it down, so I have retreated to my Office with a cup of coffee to write you this epistle from the West Country where not many Sthutts people live. Talking of rainfall. Last year we had 753 mm (29.6 ins) which was a little less than the 10 year average of 788 mm (31 ins). December was supposed to be a record nationally, but not here. We got 94 mm, but in 2012 we had 178 mm and in 2013, 118 mm. Anyway I pity those up North who were in Cumberland who got our annual rainfall in December alone. Farms often have very descriptive names like Cold Harbour Farm at Shuttleworth, facing north and heavy land. We have a field called Nell Lake which just about sums up our muddy patch. 2015 was a year to remember and forget for me – I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. By August 27th I was given the all clear after months of treatment. The many side effects linger on. Now I have a P.T. (personal Trainer) who is liking me into shape, or so she says. Thank goodness for the NHS. During the last reunion I was surprised how much the Shuttleworth Farms have changed. Ken Russell would be turning in his grave, but in a way it does reflect on how times have changed. I know that farmers are not willing to pay much for grass keep. Equine pays much better, and you have to adjust to a different type of customer. Production units are much bigger now – for example, two of us with our small apple harvester can only deliver two tons per day. For the neighbour who has 100 acres, a one man machine can pick up to 25 or 30 tons per day. Luckily, due to my problems, I was able to sell all our 32 ton crop to a local cider maker who did all the work. I am glad the Spirit of Shuttleworth lives on. It’s not so everywhere. Thank you for keeping the ball rolling. John Reader(64/66) Sent to me in April. Wednesday 9th March was the day the north west wind blew and blew down 15 of our apple trees. That is about 7.5% of our trees. Now it’s chainsaw time. We will have enough logs to keep the global warming going. Next thing is that the wind is drying up our mud. This is 12 o’clock land.5 to, is too early, 5 past is too late. Yesterday at the agri co-op the manager said farmers were hard up and that was why they were losing money. I think they have too many cowboys and not enough Indians. When I compare quality of their wood I prefer to get it from my usual supplier.


Everything changes. Ken Russell would turn in his grave to look at Shuttleworth today. But I have found that our small patch is better off by far in the leisure business than trying to get locals to pay. In Chagford, a small town near Dartmoor, a memorial on the church wall reads that “in this shadow world of life nothing lasts”. Best wishes to you all. Nigel Fawdry (89/91) Thank you very much for keeping the Newsletter going. I would be one of those that rarely replies and adds little support to the college nowadays but I always enjoy reading the Newsletter. I work with New Holland UK as Fleet Sales Account & Sales Area Manager and live at Chipping Norton on the family farm which unfortunately is all rented out these days, a sign of today’s industry but probably for the better – who wants to milk cows 24/7. Unfortunately I have gone through a divorce but am now with Clare so looking towards a new future. If old friends want to get in touch do telephone 07736 633249. Pat Tagg (80/83) I am farming a small holding in Dorset, keeping Poll Dorset sheep. The sheep are worked with German Shepherd dogs in traditional shepherding style which is still seen in Germany and other parts of the world. I train other people in shepherding work, teach tracking (with dogs) and run a canine behaviour consultancy. You can contact me through Facebook business page Dogtaggs Peter Boggis (65/67) I retired from real farming 10 years or so ago, I am now living in Wiltshire between Chippenham and Malmesbury on a 100 acre grassland farm. The main crop is horses!! My daughter, Kitty King rents stables and facilities off me and is a successful “Event” rider with her eyes set on the Rio Olympics. Two other daughters run a Deli/Coffee shop in Kingsbridge called "The Pantry" .... please pay them a visit if you are down in South Devon. I amuse myself renovating properties with my son, George. (Good to hear from you Peter and best wishes to Kitty for the Rio Olympics. Tim Editor.) Thomas Love (71/73) who grows beet at Walcott and is Chairman of the Norfolk Branch of the National Farmers Union, said, in the Eastern Daily Press on April 23rd 2016, “We are way behind with sugar beet throughout the county. Nationally, I am told that about two thirds of the beet is in. For Norfolk, even around Cantley and the Eastern side of the county I would say there is only 30%drilled. Personally, I have got a fifth in, and I started drilling today (Wednesday). I would hope we will have four-fifths done by Friday, when it should start raining again. I think most people on the lighter land will be drilling now, but on the heavy land they won’t be able to start yet, and it is a very big worry for them. It is getting close to the point where it will be too late for a good crop. The yield is definitely being hit from now on. Anyone who has not managed to drill their sugar beet yet will be struggling. People have drilled in the second or third week of May before, but they have not done very well. It is much more prone to draught in May and June as the roots won’t have grown deep enough”. Tom also said other crops including potatoes and vining pas were also behind schedule. (Tom said all this before we experienced a wet April and a very cold spell at the end of the month. Tim Editor)


Robert (Paddy) Barker (85/88) You better check my dates, Tim. Anyway, that was some 30 years ago and I’m about to turn passed the 1/2 century mark. I left college to take over the family arable farm by the M4 in Slough. Over the years it has shrunk due to building and sports fields, and now a gravel quarry. I am down to my last 120acres and that will reduce more over the next few years. To compensate, I’m skiing more than ever, boating and cycling etc. to keep busy, living off the yard buildings rental income (which is quite healthy near Heathrow!). I now live at Winchester, with my wife and two children, and commute as infrequently as possible to the farm! Last week I met up with Richard Blackhurst, Paul Christian and John Allen who are all well and working far too hard with their farming businesses. They were all on the same course (85/88) I must say, I miss the old days when farming was fun and uncontrolled by “big brother” and I’m not sorry to be drifting out of it with the current rules and regulations! If we were allowed to farm as we wanted (no 3 crops!!), it would be a much better industry to still be involved in. May be that might all change for the better after June 23rd?! Teddy Maufe (70/71) of Branthill Farm, Holkham, Norfolk. From the Eastern Daily Press:Farm Schedules redrawn by the changeable weather. Cattle Farmers are not the only food producers who have struggled with an exceptionally warm and wet winter. Teddy Maufe says his light sandy soil was usually more prone to drought than water logging, but the farm had endured its wettest winter for 40 years. “I usually like to drill my spring barley in February, but this year it was well into March.” “This winter the soil is incredibly wet underneath and we had that week in March where we had two inches of rain.” “You can do a lot of soil damage by running machinery on soils that are wet underneath. Spring Barley drilling was very frustrating, but we felt that the compromise was about right.” “Its swings and roundabouts. You could argue there is more water down there to help the plants to grow.” Teddy said the farm has also been delayed from drilling its sugar beet, which he had hoped to complete on Good Friday, until the storms struck over the Easter weekend. The effect of the weather on the region’s sugar beet production can be seen in the review of the campaign at the four British Sugar processing factories at Cantley and Wissington in Norfolk, Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, and Newark in Nottinghamshire. A total of 221,797 loads were delivered in 2015/16 compared to 332,947 the previous year, with the average sugar percentage at 17.29pc, and dirt percentage at 5.62pc – up from 5.4 the previous year. Donald Hume, the NFU beet intake manager for the four factory sites, said “The reduction in the number of loads delivered during this campaign in comparison with the last campaign is purely a function of a reduction of overall contract tonnage (20%) which was made up of some growers taking a contract holiday as well as an enforced contract cut across all growers. The variance shown in sugar and dirt tares is truly a reflection on the weather conditions during each of the campaigns. “Beet supply was a bit of a problem this campaign with the land getting very wet and problems with harvesters operating in these sort of conditions.”


Many of the region’s potato growers have also been forced to delay planting this season’s crop. They reported problems keeping temperatures down in potato stores during the mild winter, prompting higher refrigeration costs and more spoiled produce.

Ed Lankfer & Fiona Lankfer (84/87) Have been involved with teaching young children about Farming. At St Martin’s School in Shouldham, the pupils headed out of the classroom to learn more about where food comes from and the countryside around them. South West Norfolk MP, Secretary of State for the Environment, was joined by local farmers Ed Lankfer and Ben and Zoe Hipperson, who took a tractor with them into the playground. The school is using the “Why Farming Matters education packs” developed by the NFU and FACE (Farming and Countryside Education) and by NFU Vice President Guy Smith, who also visited to see the resources put into action. 230 Pupils of the School took part in a wide range of activities, from creating a collage exploring future energy needs to finding out about the crops grown in Norfolk. Miss Truss said, “I want to see the children more connected with where their food comes from, farming and nature.” “These packs are a great resource and it is wonderful to see them being used.” Head Teacher Katherine Stephenson said the school was delighted to be using the farming packs and was very grateful to the farmers for bringing the tractor in. “ It’s so important that the children have an understanding about food, farming and the natural environment and can start forming their own opinions about the issues involved. “We hope to build on this by arranging visits to local farms later in the spring so that pupils can discover more about what goes on beyond the farm gate.” Nick Youngs (78/81) Played Rugby for Leicester Tigers and England. His son Tom is now taking the game very seriously although he still loves life down on the farm. Tom is now 29 years old and plays as Hooker. He has 28 England Caps, and three Lions Test matches. His first contract was at the age of 17 for the Leicester Tigers. His Brother Ben is scrum half for Leicester Tigers and is in the six nations line up. Julian Brotherton (50/52) A past student of many years ago. Wrote a short letter to me recently, prompted by his need to stop his old school changing their Newsletter to On-line only. He really wanted to know how we got our Printed Version made and how much it cost us. But he also reminded me that it was he who Founded “The Furrow Press” Newsletter/Magazine and invented the name. He clearly played a very important part in the development of something that has not only survived for sixty five years but now forms the backbone of the “Old Students Association” now of course known as the Shuttleworth College Association. Thank you Julian and may you enjoy many more years, reading our Newsletter.


Bob Grindal (63/65) writes Bob Stilgoe (63/65) and his wife June have kindly invited fellow members and their partners of the 1963/65 course to join them at their Grounds Farm near Adderbury, Oxfordshire, on July 15th this year for lunch in their converted barn, followed by a gentle farm walk (or sleep in their garden) and tea and cake later. We have 13 (25 including partners) acceptances to date. Any members of (63/65) year who have not yet been invited, but who would like to attend, please contact Bob Grindal at or Telephone: 0118 9882158 or Robert Stilgoe - Telephone: 01295 810253. David Valentine’s Story - believe it if you like. Sitting by the window of her convent, Sister Barbara opened a letter from home one evening. Inside the letter was a $100.00 bill her parents had sent. Sister Barbara smiled at the gesture. As she read the letter by the window, she noticed a shabbily dressed stranger leaning against the lamp post below. Quickly, she wrote, "Don't despair. Sister Barbara," on a piece of paper, wrapped the $100.00 bill in it, got the man's attention and tossed it out of the window to him. The stranger picked it up, and with a puzzled expression and a tip of his hat, went off down the street. The next day, Sister Barbara was told that a man was at her door, insisting on seeing her. She went down, and found the stranger waiting. Without a word, he handed her a huge wad of $100.00 bills. "What's this?" she asked. "That's the $8,000.00 you have coming Sister," he replied. "Don't Despair came in first & paid 80-to-1."

Reports on Reunions. Shuttleworth College Reunion May 2016 A number of 1964/66 and 1965/67 students gathered at Shuttleworth on the weekend of the 14th/15th May to celebrate 50 years since leaving the college. Unfortunately, due to the short notice there were only about 30 of us but all thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. I was unable to finalise events until the 11th hour due to the changes in stewardship between the Trust and Bedford College. I would like to put on record our thanks to Mike Johnston (the present executive director of the college) for his facilitation of the event. About a dozen of us gathered in The Crown at Northill on the Friday evening for a meal, including Chris Fyson and Mike Clark who had travelled from Australia. On the Saturday morning a number had a guided tour of the Shuttleworth Aircraft Collection followed by a walk through the Swiss Garden which has been completely renovated and is well worth a visit if you are in the area. A small number of us attended the Shuttleworth College Association AGM in the Russell Theatre. A snack lunch was provided and we were then given a tour of the college farms etc. by minibus. We started by visiting the Small Animal Centre and Machinery Centre (situated just beyond what was the Principal’s house). No end of exotic animals are kept there including tropical and nocturnal animals. The Machinery Centre is partly funded by Case Tractors who hold various courses there. The building is large enough to hold a modern combine harvester. We then drove out of the college and up to Mount Pleasant Farm which is now a recognised Equine Centre with in excess of 20 livery places. We proceeded past the entrance to Wood Farm (now rented out), past the Aircraft Collection and round to Kingshill Farm (now in hand). They have a small herd of Red Polls and plans are in hand for a large new building in the farmyard. We returned to the college, passing Home Farm and the Animal Centre. Many thanks to Bronwyn (one of the lecturing staff) for giving up her time and for a very informative tour.


The evening reunion dinner was held in the Garden Suite (the old dining room) where we enjoyed an excellent dinner followed by a very interesting talk given by ‘Dodge’ Bailey who is the chief test pilot with the Shuttleworth Collection. He told us about the various aircraft kept at the collection and how they were acquired. These included the Blériot X1 from 1909 which is the oldest airworthy plane in the world and the DH88 Comet which won the England to Australia Race in 1934 in a time of 70 hours 54 minutes. Mike Johnston (College Executive Director and Bedford Colleges Vice Principal) then gave us an update on the college. There are 650 students (a big change from when we were at college) but most were day students with just over 50 in residence. We were also pleased to have ex lecturers Graham Amos and Eric Yates joining us. George Russell also attended. Many stories were swopped and friendships renewed but all too soon (for us ‘oldies’ at least) it was time to take to our beds! The following morning after breakfast a short service was held in the parish church of St. Leonard’s taken by David Creasey (1964/66) after which we said our fond farewells and headed for home. I would like to thank the following who, by no mean feat, made the weekend a success: Mike Anyan (64/66) and Dave Valentine (64/66) for cajoling their year friends to attend Mike Johnston for cutting through the administrative barriers, David Creasey for taking the church service on Sunday morning, Paul Faulkner of the Shuttleworth Trust who organised the food and for everyone who attended. The college are building a brand new kitchen adjacent to the Russell Hall which should commence in September of this year and will facilitate an excellent venue in the coming years. I have already spoken to Dave Valentine and Mike Anyan and we plan to organise (in good time) a reunion in 2018 (19th and 20th May) which could well be the final ‘big fling’. Please put it in your diary and mention it to all your contacts. This would be open to all, but in particular, all those who attended Shuttleworth throughout the 60’s. Tony Abbott (65-67) Dodge Bailey, in his excellent talk, also revealed some interesting and little known facts about the very early days of the establishment of the Trust and College. He pointed out that the Agricultural status of the College might never have come about. The war ended after the Deed was written and before the college was up and running. The ending of hostilities meant that Airmen were no longer needed and a new use for the facilities at Shuttleworth had to be found. Afforestation & Agriculture were mentioned in the original Deed, so an Agricultural College it became. I have downloaded a copy of the Deed from the internet, and the wording below has been taken directly from the document. However it is complicated and in Legal language and I have only shown you the pieces I think of most relevance to our readers. Dorothy Shuttlework signed a Trust Deed On the 26th of April 1944. and Allen Wheeler of the Royal Aircraft Establishment South Farnborough, Hants. (a group Captain in His Majesty’s Air Force) and James Charles Evitt Robinson F.S.I., F.A.I. of Bedford (Chartered Surveyor and Land Agent) were appointed Trustees. The Deed then states:“Whereas the said Dorothy Clotilda Shuttleworth is desirous of establishing a school and training centre for airmen and for the teaching of the science and practice of aviation and of afforestation and agriculture and in pursuance of such desire has conveyed to the Trustees the property particulars of which are set forth in the First and Second schedules appended “.....etc.etc.. The deed then goes on to say:“It is hereby declared as follows :- The Paramount and overriding intention of this trust deed is the establishment of a public charitable trust for the training of airmen and the teaching of the science and practice of aviation and no part of the income of the trust property shall be applicable for any purpose not comprised within the legal meaning of charity”. Tim Bryce (65/67)


HND 1973 – 1976 Gala Dinner March 5th 2016 The 1973 - 76 HND group met for a gala dinner on Saturday March 5th at The Royal Oak in Yattendon in Berkshire to celebrate 40 years since we left Shuttleworth College. The dinner was organised by John Haggarty and comprised 9 of the 11 students who qualified that year. Absent were Johann Cloete who has been living in Brisbane, Australia for many years and could not be tempted back to the UK and Alan Willis who was doing marriage duty for his daughter that day. The picture taken in 1976 shows for l to r: Johann Cloete, Duncan Wakelin, John Haggarty, Bob Fricker, George Gordon, Ian Smith, Chris Hunt, Andy Stockbridge, Robin Shackleton, Alan Willis and Neil Silby. Dave Knowles was absent or maybe took the photograph ! Please see picture on Page 21. Discussions were far ranging end everyone agreed our time at Shuttleworth had been a wonderful life changing experience and it was universally acknowledged that we had all gained from the experience even if not everything we were taught had been used in our later lives ! As a small group and only the second HND group at Shuttleworth we were a very balanced team with 6 of the 11 gaining some sort of prize at the Prize Day in Shuttleworth on Saturday 23rd July 1976 in the blistering heat of that Summer. Also 3 were fined £5 for water fighting.............golden days..........! It was evident that our group is ageing with 2 new hips already installed around the table and the prospect of more and new knees being required, in this bionic age it was pleasing to note that we can be kept going for a long time yet. Robin Shackleton (73/76) 1969 - 1971 Shuttleworth mini reunion - October 23rd to 25th 2015. Last October marked forty six years since we started the NDA course at Shutts, when a pint of bitter was 2 shillings (10p) and a packet of 20 cigarettes was 4 shillings (20p). The price of milk was 3s 1d per gallon (3.39p/litre) and wheat was 29s per hundredweight (£29/Tonne) Whilst there we probably had the best time of our lives and made great friendships that have lasted a lifetime. Farming was at a very low ebb, suffering from capricious weather and indifferent politicians who didn’t care about farming or farmers at all. During our time at Shutts we were taught by the late Tom Griffiths, a past student who “only” 30 years earlier had been involved as a soldier in the Second World War. He like other soldiers became Shuttlewoth Agricultural students at a time when Britain was still subject to food rationing and the production of food was a national necessity. Ed Bennett another soldier who suffered greatly at the hands of the Japanese taught us a bit more about life, rugby and drinking beer rather than estate management! In 1969 we probably could never have appreciated the contribution the generation before us had made to this country and to farming. Now we recognise all too well that we were so privileged to have been directly connected with all those brave men who made such a great contribution to the country and our education. They in their turn were connected with many of the World War One Warriors who lost their lives. Hopefully the lessons we learned go beyond farming and we can pass them down to the generations that follow us in a rapidly changing world. At the time of writing the result of the EU referendum is unknown, but one thing is sure we do not want to return to the dark days of the Twentieth Century. About every two years or so, we meet up to have a mini re-union. 2015 was my turn to do the honours. This was harder than it sounded. Who would want to have a weekend in Peterborough? The city has one of the finest Cathedrals in the world but not much else. The needs of a modern New Town has taken away much of the old character. We met up on Friday and all the old friends with their wives converged on my house. Thankfully, Rick Fowler and Janet came early to help with the preparations. Later followed by Andy Green, Geoff Bigg, Rod Crocker, and finally Chris Grainger all with wives or partners. We enjoyed a great evening in wonderful


company and shared reminiscences over a Chinese meal and a few beers. After scratching my head of what to do on Saturday I came up with the idea of a train journey to Cambridge. Unfortunately, Rick could not join us due to family commitments but the rest of us caught the train which took us deep through the Cambridgeshire Fens. The journey was an amazing experience to all my visitors; they had never seen such a stark landscape with no hills, just acres and acres of flat fields full of rich peat soils. Once in the heart of Cambridge we had a very interesting day guided around the University colleges. Guess what? Our guide warned us about the reckless students who were likely to run us down on their bikes. Some things never change! One of the many highlights of the day was to see the Corpus Christy clock; a masterpiece of engineering, physics, philosophy and modern art. This amazing timepiece eloquently illustrated what you can expect from one of the world’s leading universities. Lunchtime was arranged in the historical Eagle pub and we met up with another old friend, Jay Leavers. We were all surprised; he still had a good head of hair! It was really good to see him. After a largely liquid lunch inevitably we had to go round the Fitzwilliam museum. I will not go into all the details but needless to say this museum is full of treasures and a “must do” for anyone who hasn’t been there. Our journey back across the Fens through Ely and March took us back to Peterborough. We were then delighted that Bruce Leggett could join us and we finished off the evening in style at the Beehive, a gastro pub near the centre of town. Sunday was a day for quiet reflection as I showed my old friends around the farm and the caravan enterprise. Economics have dictated that I have had to give up some of the day to day running of the farm and delegate that to a contractor. Chris Grainger is the only “real” farmer left amongst us as he defiantly battles on milking 160 organic milking cows. Well done Chris. I must thank all my friends for their continued friendship and making the huge effort to travel from as far away as Devon and Lancashire to make the weekend such a success. If we don’t meet before, we look forward to the next mini re-union in the “Rose of the Shires” hosted by Rick and Janet. If anyone else is interested please get in touch David Godfrey (69/71)


The SCA Reunion on May 14th-15th 2016.


Shuttleworth Reunion

The Swiss Garden

The Mansion House. Chris Fyson & Mike Clark (65/67) from Australia.

Home Farm - Dairy Cows?


Shuttleworth College Association Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 14 May 2016 in the Lecture Theatre, Shuttleworth College Present: Sarah Perrett Tim Bryce Patrick Godwin Nick Drury Tony Abbott Charlotte Scott Eric Yates John Browning Graeme Brown Mike Johnson

1977-80 SCA Committee Chairman 1965-67 SCA Committee & Newsletter Editor 1977-80 SCA Committee & Database / IT 1981-84 SCA Committee 1965-67 SCA Committee Vice Chairman 1990-92 SCA Committee, Secretary College Staff, Vice President & SCA Committee (1971-2000) 1964-1966 1977-80 Committee Executive Director, Shuttleworth College

Apologies: Richard Infield Mike Williams George Nell Robert Kilbourn Claire Van Learsum Sally Cartwright

1991-94 1965-67 1969-71 1981-84 1981-84 1986-89

SCA Committee SCA Committee & Treasurer SCA Committee SCA Committee SCA Committee SCA Committee

Sarah Perrett opened proceedings at 11.05hrs. Minutes of the 2015 AGM The Draft Minutes were circulated in the Annual Newsletter, and were also available at the Meeting. Patrick Godwin proposed their acceptance, seconded by Graeme Brown. They were accepted unanimously by those at this meeting who had attended last year as a true record. Matters arising from previous AGM There were no matters arising from the minutes. Officer’s Reports Chairman – Sarah Perrett First Sarah thanked all members of the committee for their continued work over the past year, which had been a relatively quiet one in terms of Association activities. Graeme Brown will be taking over as newsletter editor and Tim will be handing this over to him over the next six months in stages. Last year we helped fund some exam fee’s for approximately 20 students and we sponsored the Rugby 7’s cup which now seems to be an established annual event.


We have also sponsored the programme for the students annual prize-giving. Sarah will remind the committee of the date of next prize-giving. Due to personal commitments both George Nell and Robert Kilbourn will be standing down as Committee members for the forthcoming year. Sarah thanked them for their continued work over the last year. Treasurers Report – Eric Yate (in Mike Williams absence) Eric presented the accounts to the meeting.

With comments as follows:-

We have received some money for donations (£217.22) including a donation from Lloyds Bank as an apology for making an error whist dealing with the signatures for the accounts. A further £68 has been received which we think is from an insurance company but we are unable to trace it. The remaining donations are from subscribers who pay an additional £5 per annum as a donation. The excess revenue over expenditure this year was £1,928.46. The total amount in the Bank accounts is £33,918.63. The Annual newsletter has now gone electronic and Sarah thanked Tim and George for all their time and effort spent on this. It should be noted that the newsletter is still available in printed format if requested. Secretarial (Charlotte Scott) Due to changes at the College with the Trust taking back over the revenue for the Mansion house our committee meetings in the future will be held in one of the College buildings rather than the Mansion. Charlotte will liaise with the College for room bookings. The committee will need to pay for tea and coffee etc. IT Manager – Patrick (Paddy) Godwin The database is still up and running and we are slowly improving and updating the content on an on-going basis. Please forward any updates to Paddy including email addresses (if known). If anyone has any updates for the database of people’s contact details please pass them on to Paddy. If anyone is trying to track down any old friends please contact Paddy and he will try and help you. Secretary – Charlotte Scott Charlotte had little to report however she did point out that the Committee meetings held by Conference call still seem to be working well and although the calls can be costly it is still cheaper for most in comparison to the travel costs if the meeting is held face to face. We usually hold every other meeting via conference call. Newsletter Editor (Newsletter Co-Ordinator) – Tim Bryce / Graeme Brown As mentioned in the Chairmans report, Tim Bryce will be handing over the role of the Newsletter Editor to Graeme Brown over the next few months. Tim thanked Graeme for volunteering to take on this role. Tim and Graeme are currently in the process of producing the June newsletter with Tim completing 80% of the workshare and Graeme 20% by Christmas it is hoped that Tim will be completing 20% of the workshare and Graeme will complete the remaining 80%.


The biggest challenge is actually finding content for inclusion in the newsletter. Tim stressed that all committee members must see themselves as assistant editors and feed any news or newspaper/magazine cuttings to the Editors for inclusion in the newsletters. There is still an on-going debate as to whether we should have an electronic or hard copy of the newsletter. At present we provide both with the electronic version being the default and subscribers can opt in for the printed version if they prefer. College Report – Mike Johnson – Executive Director, Shuttleworth College Applications across the College are very strong and are showing and 8% increase on this time last year. The number of students progressing from their vocational course to their chosen employment has been very encouraging with some top jobs being secured, particularly in the farming, horticulture and fisheries sector. A number of students have also gone on to University to study which is encouraging. The Shuttleworth Team have written a Foundation Degree together with a top up to BSc in Agriculture along with the full BSc in Animal Science in partnership with the University of Bedfordshire which really adds to the depth of the studies on offer at Shuttleworth. The delivery of degree level activity is particularly critical to the national position of skill shortage and we think there are significant advantages to our membership with the National Landbased College. We are pleased that Andrew Davies (ex Student) is on the Board to represent our local farmers and growers. The students’ performance has been very strong this year and retention figures for long courses for those students leaving in June are at 94% which is outstanding. We have a process which regularly monitors and anticipates success rates against last year as a benchmark. We anticipate strong success in vocational qualifications and improving success in maths and English. Our overall success rate last year was 83% and we are planning to improve this to 87%. This is in line with our strategic plan to improve performance to the top 25 percentile. A fully copy of Mike’s report will be published in the next newsletter. Re-Election of Officers Chairman -

Sarah Perrett – proposed Patrick Godwin, seconded Charlotte Scott.

Vice Chairman -

Tony Abbott. – proposed Charlotte Scott, seconded Sarah Perrett.

Secretary -

Charlotte Scott - proposed Sarah Perrett, seconded Paddy Godwin.

Treasurer -

Mike Williams – proposed Sarah Perrett, seconded Charlotte Scott

The remainder of the Committee were elected enbloc as follows: I.T. Manager and assistant – Paddy Godwin & Sarah Perrett Social Media

Claire Van Leersum

Editor –

Tim Bryce and Graeme Brown (with Graeme to take over the ownership of this role throughout the next year)

Assistant Editor

Sally Cartwright

Committee -

Sam Donald, Nick Drury, Eric Yates, Tony Abbott, Sally Cartwright, Claire Van Leersum and Richard Infield, Jonathan Mitchell - re-elected enbloc.


George Nell and Robert Kilbourn will be standing down from the committee this year. Annual Prize Draw - was drawn and the following names won this years prizes. 1st Prize

No.7 – N J Kellett HND74/77 (£250)

2nd Prize

No.73 – Charlotte Scott NDRBA 90/92 and HNDBF 93/94(£150)

3rd Prize

No.62 J Ashworth HND 79/82(£50)

Eric Yates thanked all members who supported this draw, and reminded those present and readers of the minutes that they too could be in with a chance of winning. He hoped that even more members would sign up before next years draw. Any Other Business There was none. Sarah thanked everyone for their contributions to the meeting. There being no further business the meeting was closed at 12.30pm.

This picture taken in 1976 shows for l to r: Johann Cloete, Duncan Wakelin, John Haggarty, Bob Fricker, George Gordon, Ian Smith, Chris Hunt, Andy Stockbridge, Robin Shackleton, Alan Willis and Neil Silby. Dave Knowles was absent or maybe took the photograph!


Answers to Paddy Godwin’s Christmas Quiz

- November 2015

This quiz provides the first letters of common farming names, terms or phrases, with spaces following for each missing letter. Eg D_ _ _ _ C_ _ would be Dairy Cow. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

F------W-----J--- D---C----- A----------- P----T-W----- W---H------- B--G--------- O-- S--S-------C-------- R--C----- C---F--- T------R--------- P----G---- S---Y----- R--T----- S---- P-------S---- D-R-- D----- _ S----------- C-----M------ P-----B-------- L--------

Farmers Weekly John Deere Common Agricultural Policy Tup Winter Wheat Hereford Bull Gloucester Old Spot Simmental Cambridge Roll Cattle Crush Foot Trimming Reversible Plough Grain Store Yellow Rust Triple Super Phosphate Sheep Dog Red Diesel Shuttleworth College Milking Parlour Bluefaced Leicester

Yes, last Christmas I thought it was quite difficult! Looking at it now the answers look simple. The truth of the matter is that you need to be involved in day to day Agriculture and be familiar with farm livestock and Arable – a good all-rounder. Congratulations to:Micheal Heaton (80/81), Umberton Farm, Over Hulton, Bolton, Lancashire, who wins the £25, closely followed by Eric Yates (retired member of staff and on SCA Committee). Next time let’s have more of you, Having a go! Thanks Paddy for a very good and enjoyable Quiz.


First Day At Work

(Some recollection of NIRD days: No. 1)

October 13th 1965 and I was driving the Landrover back to Church Farm from Arborfield Hall. In the middle of the riverside field, on the left, before reaching the Magpie and Parrot, stood a tweed -clad, wellington booted gentleman surrounded by in-calf heifers. His right hand was held above his head, palm down with extended fingers pointing and touching his head. Outside my school experience of CCF, I hadn’t experienced such a display but recalled it was a ‘gather round me men’ signal. I immediately pulled the short-based, open backed vehicle into the gateway.

‘Right lad’ said the man’ giving me the immediate impression of perhaps previous action in North Africa. ‘Help me lift this calf into the back and hold on to it whilst you drive back to Church Farm – the heifer (its mother) will follow you along provided she doesn’t lose sight of her youngster and I’ll follow closely behind on my bike’. It was said in a friendly tone but he obviously expected his instructions to be carried out to the letter. He would have a gentle cycle back whilst I needed at least three hands and a certain amount of good fortune. I got back behind the wheel, opened the sliding glass panel just behind me and reached through with my left arm and grabbed the calf round the neck. Then engaged bottom gear and pulled slowly away with the heifer hanging her head over the side of the vehicle, keeping a close eye on her calf. Mr Bruce Brown (we’d exchanged name, rank and number) was mounted and following closely in the rear. All was going well until the heifer decided to break into a trot. I realised if she lost sight and scent of her calf we were doomed. I accelerated to maintain contact. Mr Brown was no longer in our slipstream, losing both contact and composure: red-faced and yelling – I guessed something about slowing down.

Round the bend - she’d stayed with me instead of veering off down Hyde End Road. Bruce had lost contact whilst the heifer had broken into a gallop – I needed to move up a gear - no easy manoeuvre without an extra hand. Releasing the wheel, stretching over to the left, in to 2nd and still on the road! This enabled me to draw alongside before reaching the turning into Church Lane. With the heifer at full tilt on our left we took the bend – she only made it by leaning nearly all her weight on the side of the Landrover – otherwise she’d have been off towards Reading. By the time we approached the open gate into Church Farm she was tiring and she followed me in, coming to an obedient halt in the yard. I lifted the calf out of the back and reunited mother and daughter - it was a peaceful scene when Mr Brown arrived a couple of minutes later. He was blowing severely and fortunately lost for words. I thought about a reference to ‘king of the mountains’ but then thought better of it.

I didn’t wait for any thanks and took the opportunity to retire. I hoped he’d perhaps forgotten my name but was afraid he’d got my number!

Robert Grindal (63/65)


On Wednesday the 27 April the second annual Shuttleworth College rugby 7’s tournament took place, this event was run in conjunction with Rugby England for colleges and sixth form. Sixteen emerging rugby team’s from around the East, South East and London took part in the day. The event was a resounding success with both Bedford College and Bedford Sixth Form’s joint team and Shuttleworth College team finishing in the top half of the table. Thanks to everyone who supported the tournament and we hope so see even more teams next year.

Bedford College/Sixth Form Team

Shuttleworth College Team


Norwegian Voyage. The very thought of going on a 'cruise' petrified me when my dear wife suggested that we traveled to Norway to try and see the 'Northern Lights'. I am not fond of being in a large group nor confined to close quarters for a long time. However, to keep the peace submitted to the idea. How wrong could I have been, fetching up in the 'post boat' travelling from Bergen right through to the Russian border near Kirkeness, some 2000 km through some of the most stunning scenery imaginable. The boat was relatively small with a capacity of 400 passengers. Happily, there were only some 200 on the ship on our voyage, so quite tolerable. It was part of the Hurtigruten line that services the small outlying towns and villages into the Arctic circle navigating fjords and sounds ( we found out that there is a difference) stopping to drop off goods and engineering parts on its way stopping at the tiny ports at all times of day and night. The cabins were functional but entirely adequate as you only spent time sleeping in it. The food was nothing but excellent. If you liked fish, you could revel in anything from lobster to turbot with all the trimmings! Needless to say upon return, not only did we suffer from withdrawal symptoms but also needed to lose weight! The staff aboard were totally intent on making your trip a memory - so helpful and accommodating. When reaching Bergen, Annie was disappointed that there was no snow. However, by the following morning, we entered areas where there was deep snow on the islands that we passed. The scenery grew more and more rugged as we traveled north and we both had our fill of snow. There was opportunity of getting off the boat to explore some of the remote towns at some of the stopping points. Best of all were Alesund, Trondheim, Tromso and Kirkeness. However, each little port had its 'high points' that tried to offset the bleakness of the surrounds. Nearly every town had wonderful statues depicting Nordic life and folk heroes. How some places clung to life was a mystery but they were thriving places all the same. Crossing the Arctic Circle was celebrated in a fashion that saw us new boys get a dowsing of iced water and a tot of schnapps, delivered by the ship's Captain who seemed to enjoy that part. At the precise point where the ship crosses the line, on one of the islands, was a bronze globe that signified the actual point lying between Nesno and Ornes. To think that someone had bothered to place it there ????? We saw and experienced many things of interest on our journey. The original fishing village that was purpose built to accommodate some thousands of fishermen when the cod fishing season arrived. This was mainly the month of March when able bodied men set up their boats to lay nets in the sea. It must have been very hard for them as it was weather dependent and often there were accidents. One night alone some 500 men died in a terrific storm, they were never to be seen again. Now, only some 3000 people work in boats, compared to 30,000 previously. Progress!


In Hammerfest, we saw the Meridian Marker, a commemorative marker to celebrate the ending of an expedition between Russia Norway and Sweden to determine the true shape of the Earth. Believe it or not, one man took thirty five years to measure by triangulation, the shape of the Earth!! No it is not round or flat but elliptical - so they say. Amundsen, the explorer, features widely across the various towns and villages and there are a number of museums and busts dedicated to him noting his progress to the North Pole. What struck us most were the colourful houses and modern buildings perched on the waterside. The story behind this was less than romantic in that the Nazi regime, when it was retreating from the Russians left behind a 'scorched earth policy' destroying everything and anything of value. In rebuilding the towns and villages, the Norwegians created a cacophony of colourful buildings in modern designs. Most of these, date back to only 1950 or so. Till then, many people lived in bomb shelters and makeshift dwellings. Total hardship. At last we arrived in the far North to visit North Cape, One of the coldest and bleakest places imaginable! We had seen paintings in the London Tate by Peda Balke, who spent his time painting pictures of this area in all weathers. So it was quite exciting to see it for real. It was cold (20c) and bleak but exhilarating. As the terrain is mainly mountainous there is little in the way of farming, other than subsistence farming. Along parts of the shoreline, where glacial activity has washed fertile earth down, there are some crops grown. The short summer days and little light means that they take longer to grown and are often eaten by elk!!! So fish farming has become the boom industry. How long this will last is anyone's idea as we have become to understand in Scotland where disease and pollution has dealt a hard hand to some of the loch based units? In all, I would wholeheartedly recommend this trip of twelve days to experience the magic of Norway. Ray Jenkins (66/68)


Arctic Adventure part 3, by Howard Barbour (66/68) At the end of part two, I related how my wife Sheila and I were told in the April of our first school year in the Arctic that we were being moved far to the west of Wainwright, in fact further west than Hawaii, though still in the North Slope Borough of Alaska, to the ancient village of Point Hope. Apparently they needed help with their industrial mechanics and welding program, and I was volunteered to the task. All in all, our first year in Wainwright was a fascinating experience, which Sheila referred to as, “like living a National Geographic Special.” There can’t be that many English farm boys who have ridden as a passenger on a dog sled as it raced across the frozen Tundra, while Alan Ahlalook, an Eskimo friend, mushed the huskies on, or who has fished for Tom Cod through eighteen inches of Arctic river ice. We were sad to leave Wainwright, but also excited at the prospect of moving to Point Hope, reportedly the oldest continuously inhabited village on the North American continent with over 2,500 years of continuous history. The village sits on a spit of land jutting into the Chukchi Sea, and resembles a pointing index finger. Tikigaq, the Inupiaq name for the village, means just that. Leaving one place for another is basically what we both have always done; me as a wandering farm lad, and Sheila as she followed her Dad’s military career all over America and the world. She started grade school in Alaska and graduated from high school in Ankara, Turkey. So off we went. Little did we know we were headed to a village that would be our home for the next eight years. Point Hope in Northwest Alaska, is located approximately 900 air miles northwest of Anchorage. The Inupiat people call themselves, the Tikigagmuit (Tikigaq people). The village is located 330 miles southwest of Barrow, 200 miles above the Arctic Circle. This highly favorable site has abundant natural resources and has enabled the Tikigagmuit to retain strong cultural traditions. Like Wainwright, Point Hope is a subsistence village largely dependent upon fishing, gathering berries and greens, and the hunting of marine and terrestrial mammals for food. It is however, better placed than Wainwright or indeed any of the other North Slope villages, to harvest marine resources, since it sits near the end of a 30 mile promontory, around which all sea mammals and migrating fish must travel to reach their feeding or breeding grounds in the high Arctic Sea or the rivers emptying into it. The subsistence activities throughout the year revolve mainly around whales, but seals, walrus and polar bears are hunted also. There is sometimes a migration of caribou into the area, but the bowhead whale is at the center of the Inupiat culture and diet.


Whaling crews hunt the bowhead whale in the spring from sealskin covered Umiaks.

The crew of six manning an Umiak, and the bow of the Umiak showing the darting gun which secures the harpoon point in the whale. Just visible in the foreground you can see the large float, originally an inflated sealskin, which is thrown overboard when the whale is struck. The whaling captains hold positions of respect in the village and are expected, with the help of the women in the family, to support their crews with food and supplies during the hunt, which may last several weeks. Successful whaling crews share the whale meat, muktuk(whale blubber) and baleen with the community at a time-honored tradition of sharing food. Further gifts of food are made at the summer whaling festival, when dancing and the annual blanket toss is celebrated. At this time villagers stand shoulder to shoulder with a firm grip on the rope attached to the walrus skin “blanket�, about 25 feet in diameter. Volunteers are tossed ten, fifteen or twenty feet into the air, depending on their age and sense of adventure. Eskimos have hunted the Arctic bowhead whale for at least 2,000 years. The cultural and social structure of northern whaling villages have always centered around this annual hunt. Landing a whale is the most important community event of the year, rather like the grain or potato harvest in East Anglia. Many village residents gather at the ice edge to help haul the 30 to 50 ton whale up onto the sea ice, and then participate in butchering it. The bowhead whale is hunted exclusively by Alaskan Eskimos from the 10 villages extending from St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea to the West, and East to Barter Island on the Beaufort Sea on the Canadian border. Arial view of a line of people pulling a whale out of the sea and onto the land�fast ice.


Today, in accordance with the International Whaling Commission (IWC) rules, Alaska native whalers can legally hunt an allocated number of bowhead whales each year for food, oil and Native craft materials. The Eskimo whaling commission consists of participants from10 villages including Barrow, Gambell, Kaktovik, Kivalina, Little Diomede, Nuiqsut, Point Hope, Savoonga, Wainwright and Wales. Pulling a 40 foot whale onto the land-fast ice, landed by using two very large sets of block and tackle and the muscel power of the villagers.

Whale meat and the blubber, which includes the outer skin of the whale is called muktuk, and is favored by the Eskimos as a dietary staple. Oil rendered from the blubber can still be used as fuel when needed. The hunters honour the animal by utilizing as much of it as possible as a way of giving thanks to the whale for giving itself to the village. In the past, jawbones and ribs were used quite extensively in house building, which gave sod house the igloo shape.

Site of the summer whaling festival or Nalukataq Whalebones continue to mark graves and festival sites in some villages. In Point Hope the grave of a Captain who has “caught� or harvested at least five whales is honored by the erection of a 15-foot jawbone over his grave.

The Point Hope graveyard, the tall whale jawbones mark the graves of whaling Captains


The first recorded Europeans to sight the village were Russian explorers, Mikhail Vasiliev and Gleb Shishmaryov of the Imperial Russian Navy, on the ships Otkrietie and Blagonamierennie. Vasiliev and Shishmaryov named this landhead Mys Golovnin, after Vice Admiral Vasily Golovnin (1776–1831). The cape at Point Hope was renamed by Captain Frederick William Beechey of the Royal Navy, who wrote on August 2, 1826: "I named it Point Hope in compliment to Sir William Johnstone Hope". Sir William was an Admiral who fought alongside Nelson in several campaigns. During the summer of 1848 the first commercial whalers from the east coast ports of New Bedford and Nantucket, arrived in Alaska having “fished out” the north and south Atlantic, the south Pacific including Hawaii, they then came north and were amazed at the abundance of Bowhead whales, a species very rich in oil and baleen or “whalebone”, that was extraordinarily easy to hunt. A maritime "gold rush" ensued; the following year, 154 ships joined the chase, and in 1850, 200 ships took 1,719 whales (another 348 were killed but not recovered). The year 1852 was the peak season, with 2,682 bowheads killed. Catches after that were extremely erratic, with none caught in 1855 or 1856; never again did the catch reach 600 animals in a season. Fortunes were made, as demonstrated by the fine houses built at that time, many of which are still standing, in the whaling ports of the northeastern Atlantic seaboard. While whaling could be extremely profitable, it was also very dangerous; in September 1871, 32 of the 41 ships whaling on the North Alaskan coast, were trapped by early ice, forcing 1,200 people, including some women and children, to flee in small boats across up to 60 miles of icechoked seas to reach safety. All but one of the ships, the Minerva, were crushed by the ice and lost. The following spring salvage crews were however, able to save 1,300 barrels of oil and $10,000 worth of baleen from the wrecks; the local Eskimos salvaged a great deal of material from the wrecks.

After helping an Eskimo repair the track on his snow machine, he gave me two bronze ships nails he had salvaged from a piece of the wreck of one of these ships, I still have them.

Following this disaster it was decided that sailing into the Arctic before August was too risky and instead the whaling crews were brought up in September and August with all their supplies and enough food to get them through the Arctic winter. They waited it out in the villages all winter and then hunted the Bowhead the following spring when the open leads in the pack ice first appeared. The Eskimos had been hunting this way for centuries and it seemed to work for them.


In Point Hope the villagers decided that they didn’t want the Tunniks or non- natives living in the village all winter, so they sent them about 5 miles down the coast and told them to build their own village there. That area is still called Jabbertown although all signs of it, except for four or five grave markers, have weathered away.

Jabbertown grave

A little more history of the whaling industry will explain why Jabbertown was so named. Traditionally the Portuguese taught the Yankee whalers their trade, they were later joined by French and North African crewmen, as the whalers moved south and then across into the Pacific and up to Hawaii. They picked up crew along the way, thus a whaling ship by the time it reached the Arctic might have had three or four nationalities, all speaking their own language, hence “Jabber� town. Soon after the turn of the century, the signs became clear that the boom years of whaling were gone forever. By 1907, the price of baleen had dropped from a high of $7 per pound, to 50 cents; two years later, the market had virtually disappeared as spring steel and other metals replaced baleen that had hitherto given corsets of the Victorian and Edwardian era their spring, and the coaching whips their whip. At the same time, improved petroleum distillation techniques were rapidly lowering demand for whale oil. Although the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas had been the three prime whaling grounds in the world, virtually all of the remaining whalemen had given up by 1912, due to the dwindling market and increasing costs of doing business in the Arctic. Having reduced the whaling stocks the whalers turned their attention to Walruses and then Bearded Seals, until all the populations of these marine animals were decimated. Then they left, leaving behind a native population robbed of their subsistence resource, not an uncommon plight amongst indigenous native populations throughout the world. Our arrival in Point Hope was far less daunting than the previous year when we first arrived in the Arctic. Point Hope lies 200 miles south and west of Wainwright, although still 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle. The weather was comparatively balmy and there was no sign of ice in the ocean in late August. Wainwright being further to the north was generally free of ice in August, but slush ice and growler chunks could drift in from the pack ice, given the right wind. Although we were still Chechacos (newcomers), we had a much better idea of what to expect, so we were progressing towards recognition in the ranks of the old hands of Bush Alaska, traditionally known as Sourdoughs. Howard Barbour (66/68) Sorry folks. Your Editor has taken the liberty to break away from the story at this point. Rest assured that the final episode will appear in a future edition of the Newsletter. Thank you so much, Howard, this unique insight into a totally different world has been fascinating. You may have experienced very cold and tough conditions, that most people would never want to think about let alone experience, but it make me personally feel quite jealous and wishing I was a lot younger.


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Obituaries. Alastair Biggar (66/68). Died on February 6th 2016. He was a powerful Scottish three-quarter who was capped 12 times and won every match against England. Described by a Shuttleworth contemporary as, a fierce Rugby player. Alastair Biggar who has died of cancer aged 69, played rugby for Scotland and the British Lions. Born on August 4 1946 in Edinburgh, the nephew of Douglas Elliot, the greatest Scottish player of the immediate post-war years, Alastair Gourlay Biggar was educated at St Mary’s prep school, Melrose, and Sedbergh, both famous Rugby nurseries. Although he came from a farming family, he worked in the City as a foreign exchange broker. He played his club Rugby for London Scottish, where many of his team-mates also had City jobs. It was a strong club in the amateur days, and there was a feeling in some parts of Scotland that the national sectors displayed a bias in favour of London Scots, but nobody would have said that Alastair Biggar’s 12 caps were undeserved. He was a big man for a three-quarter, of his time, at 6ft 2in and more than 14 stone, but quick and powerful, and equally comfortable in the centre or on the wing. Scotland, however, had rather more riches in the centre than usual, so Biggar’s regular position was on the wing. He was first capped in the Autumn of 1969 against South Africa. This was a strange match, played in a tense atmosphere. Opposition to the Springboks tour, from critics of the South African regime’s apartheid policy, was fierce, angry demonstrations being staged wherever the tourists played. At Murrayfield there was a ring of police around the pitch. Most of the reduced crowd were Rugby supporters there to see the match, but it was more than usually difficult for a young man in his first international. He did well enough to be ever present in the 1970 and 1971 Five Nations tournaments. He scored his first try against England at Murrayfield, the English defence having been opened up by the Scottish fly-half, Ian Robertson, later the BBC Rugby correspondent. In these campaigns Scotland played a lot of good Rugby, but won only two matches. It was little consolation that defeats were usually by narrow margins. It was, however, something more than consolation for otherwise disappointing seasons that the two victories were over England. The 1971 win was Scotland’s first at Twickenham since 1938. It was a close-run thing. Scotland winning 16-15. That year the centenary of the first-ever international rugby match. To celebrate, Scotland and England met again the following Saturday at Murrayfield. This time Scotland were rampant, scored five tries and won 26-6. Alastair Biggar therefore has a record that well may be unique among Scots of having played England three times and won every match. Biggar’s form was sufficiently impressive for him to be chosen for the 1971 Lions Tour of New Zealand. Indeed, he was the only Scottish back in the original selection. It was a long tour. The Lions played 26 matches and lost only two, first to Queensland when they stopped over in Australia after a 58 hour journey. That defeat prompted the local coach, Des Connor, to say: “These Lions are hopeless... the worst team ever to tour here.” He could not have been more wrong. The 1971 Lions were superb; no subsequent Lions team has won a series in New Zealand. Biggar did not make the Test side and was never likely to displace either of the Lions wings, the twinkle-toed magician Gerald Davies or the sublime speedster David Duckham. But he played in 10 matches, scoring nine tries.


Biggar played only twice for Scotland, against France and Wales, in 1972. The French match was won, the Welsh one as usual was lost. A hamstring injury kept him out of the rest of the season, and his international career was over at what now seems the ridiculously early age of 25. But of course, careers were often shorter in the amateur days than they are now, as the need to make a career outside the game took priority. Alastair Biggar was a fine player. Alistair McHarg, the great Scottish lock who played with him for London Scottish, thought him “so laid-back as to be almost horizontal.” He was married twice, first to Lindy from whom he was divorced, and then to Christine, who survives him with their daughter and a son and daughter from his first marriage. Extract from an article in the Daily telegraph.

Alistair Costley

Member of the teaching Staff (65/96)

Alistair died on the fourth of March 2016. He was born in Suffolk in late 1936, the eldest son of three in the family. He graduated from Kings College, Newcastle with a degree awarded by Durham University. He was there from 1954 to 1957. He married Joan in 1960 in Northumberland. Subsequently he worked for Fisons and then gained a teaching Diploma at Wolverhampton. He was considering going abroad, but then applied for a Crop Husbandry post at Shuttleworth. He and Chris Smart were interviewed by Ken Russell. The former gaining that post, while Alistair was invited to join the staff of the Machinery Department alongside Arthur Davey. He at first lived in Biggleswade for 3 years, then moved to Hill House and later back to Biggleswade. During this time they had 3 children, namely Ian, Gavin and Alison. A most amusing incident concerning Alistair happened in the Senior Common Room at coffee time on a Wednesday. Alex Scott, the visiting vet, took a long and detailed telephone call. When he had finished Alex turned around and surveyed those still lingering over their coffee. Alex then asked if Alistair was free and did we have a long ladder. Why? we asked as it seemed a very strange question? Alex then explained, he had received a call from his surgery, and he had been asked to go to Woburn Safari Park. There was a Giraffe about to calve. He went off to his 3rd lecture before going to Woburn. Alistair was a keen and active member of the Labour Party and represented them on both the Mid Bedfordshire Council and on the Biggleswade Town Council. When the staff were invited to move to Silsoe College from Old Warden, Alistair decided that the environment was not for him and he retired from teaching. Alistair’s other interests were the natural environment and he was a particularly keen ornithologist. He knew all the wildlife on the Estate. It was most appropriate that in 2000 Joan and he moved to Rothbury in Northumberland and lived in a small bungalow in Wagtail Road. Their bungalow is opposite the magnificent N.T. House called “Cragside“ This was the house of Lord William Armstrong. Cragside was the first house in this country to have electric lighting powered by Hydro-electricity in 1870. Later in 2014 a new system was installed based on the Archimedes Screw using the water off the hillside. The property has been in the hands of the National Trust since 1977 and is well worth a visit. Both Joan and Alistair visited the estate. Alistair will be remembered for a long time by both staff and students. Eric Yates (retired teaching Staff)


My good friend Joss

Cleeve (64/66)

I first met Joss at the customary “meeting up” of the new student intake in October 1964 in Mrs Shuutleworth’s large lounge. It was a tradition that all new students met up informally over a drink to meet and “test the water” for likely friends to “go round with” over the next two year of our NDA course. At that time Joss was a very quiet 18/19 year old, not well travelled (who was in those days?), but a very ebullient character with a broad Hampshire accent and a beaming smile. Although we had a few drinks together with other pals in the same year, it wasn’t until the second year that I really got to know Joss. We “dormed” together you see? Our room, shared with Denzil Stones, now also sadly passed away, was on the top floor of the “Mansion House”, facing along the drive towards Old Warden. Joss was still rather quiet but a few of us decided it was time he got to know the girls at the Bedford PE college. After a drink for “dutch courage” and a spruce up, we whisked him off to town and introduced him to the delights of Bedford and he never really looked back. Joss was one of the kindest, gentlest and thoughtful people I have ever known. He was a real countryman, a man one could rely on and would do anything for anyone. In short, a typical English farmer, enjoying all that life threw at him. It is beyond comprehension that he should pass away at such a relatively young age, but I’m sure when he gets to the pearly gates he will be welcomed with open arms . I can still hear him saying, “ ‘Ere Chalky, lets go and have a drink in the Tavern before supper and then go into Bedford with Neil, Denzil, Jim, “Jaggers” and “Scratch”!! Joss will be missed by Linda and all his family……and of course his mates from 1964/66 Chalky White (64/66) After reading the eulogy given at his funeral, I think I should add a few more bits of information about Joss and what he did after leaving Shuttleworth. Tim. Editor When he arrived at Shutts he was said to be shy. With his generous heart and good sense of humour, he soon made friends. He was liked by all. He matured, and simply grew up. I would like to think that Shuttleworth made the Man. After leaving College he went back home to work with his father on the farm. He joined the local Young Farmers Club and it was there that he met his wife to be, Linda. Sadly his father died when he was only 23 and Linda 20. With only £300 in the bank he took over the farm. Luckily for Joss, the bank manager had great faith in the young man and lent him the necessary funds. Very shortly another disaster struck. There was a severe fire that destroyed much of the farm buildings and other pieces of equipment. Joss being the character he was and with the support and help of his friends, simply got on with the restoration project, and finished up with new and better facilities so he could also increased the size of the Dairy herd. Joss and Linda had four children all boys, David, Jonathan, Nicholas & James. He was a family man. He worked hard to earn his living to support his family. He did not want Linda to work on the farm, so that she was free to bring up his boys in the best possible way. He paid for their education and even bought them their first cars. Joss loved sport and supported his sons in their sporting activities. He would go and watch them playing whenever possible. He loved Game Shooting, in particular the social side. He took up golf. After retiring from his Young Farmers Club, he became a Club Leader, helping the young to run their clubs. He became a prominent member of the Denmead Growmore Club. He got involved with the South East Hants Branch of the NFU, becoming both Vice and Chairman over the years.


He had a natural talent as a farmer, winning many prizes for Breeding, rearing Stock and growing crops. Outside farming :He joined Portsdown Round Table and later the 41 Club. He became an active member of Rotary, fulfilling his wish to put something back into society. In 1985 Joss expanded his farm to about 500 acres by taking over neighbouring land. With increased storage facilities of 1000 tons, he grew Wheat, Barley, Rape Seed, Oats and Maze. At one time by taking over the management of other local farmer’s property for them, he was in charge of a total of 1000 acres. In 2011 he reluctantly sold his beloved Dairy Herd. Something he never wanted to do but it was forced upon him by the economic climate within the industry. After doing so, he developed the arable side of the farm and bought his first Combine. Joss also loved gardening and set up a new enterprise growing 5 acres of flowers. He grew Wallflowers and Fushias selling to Nurseries and at the farm gate. Despite failing health Joss fulfilled a long held ambition to take Linda to New Zealand. They were also able to visit their son Nicholas in Australia. John Harnett, a great friend, summed up Joss’s life by saying;“Although he was not seventy, he will be remembered for how much he put into, and got out of life, during the years he had.” “From very humble beginnings Joss achieved so much.” “His richness in life came from his many friends.”

Henry Bucknell (64/66) From the moment we met Henry as part of the 1964 intake, it was apparent that he was someone who would live life to the full. He had huge enthusiasm for a variety of projects, and was invariably good company. We had some great times together both at college and occasionally in the years that followed. He spent his working life farming at Alden Farm, Upton, combining conventional farming with a number of diversifications including a large scale equestrian operation, which was host to some of the 2012 Olympic competitors. Although his last few years were marred by poor health he retained his enthusiasm for new enterprises, and his appetite for life. Mike Anyan and I attended his funeral in a packed Upton Church, and were both struck by the regard in which he was held by the local community. There was a particularly poignant tribute by Henrys daughters Elaine and Claire who displayed real warmth and affection for their father and highlighted the comfort security and fun that he had provided through their childhood. Roger Buswell (64/66)

An early Clayton Threshing Machine.




Chairman. Sarah Perrett HND 77/80 Somerset

Vice Chairman Tony Abbott NDA 65/67 Hants Secretary. Charlotte Scott ... 90/92 Bedfordshire

Treasurer. Mike Williams NDA 65/67 Peterborough

Database Manager. Patrick Godwin HND 77/80 Somerset Committee

Sam Donald

HNDBF 93/95


Nick Drury

HND 81/84


Eric Yates

Retired Staff


ND 90/93 Beds

Richard Infield

Sally Cartwright HND 86/89 Beds Claire Van Leersum HND 81/84 Cambs Graeme Brown OND 77/80 Beds Jonathan Mitchell HND 92,95 Essex College Contact

Margaret Curry 01767 626222

Student Representative on College staff Jo Norman


Vice Presidents.

Charlotte Friefrau John Von Twickle. J.E. Scott, S.C.Whitbread, Bill Bedser, Eric Yates and Professor Mike Alder.

Secretary. Charlotte Scott, Unwin Cottage, 5 Pear Tree piece, Old Warden, Biggleswade, SG18 9FD. Tel: 01767 626365 Mobile: 07717862747 Newsletter Co‐ordinator Tim Bryce 37 People’s Place, Warwick Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire. OX16 0FJ. Tel: 01295 271366 Mobile: 07734455472

N.B. Graeme Brown will be taking over as Newsletter Editorial Co‐ordinator from Christmas 2016. 41 Carroll Close, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8QL Mobile: 07775 331830 ( In the event of an e‐mail failing to respond please contact another committee member and request your message be forwarded to your intended recipient.) (We are looking for material for the next Newsletter as soon as this one goes to press, so please don’t delay, get writing, look for stories and send them to us as soon as possible) *New Officers and Committee will be elected at the 2017 AGM but even after that date please use the addresses above. Website :‐ www.shuttleworth‐


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