Shuttleworth College Association Newsletter

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The Shuttleworth College Association Newsletter Spring 2017

Contents Page No.


Editors Report


Chairman’s Report


College Director’s Report


So What Has The S.C.A. Ever Done For Us?


Prize Draw Advertisement


Members News


The 1963/65 Reunion


Howard Barbour’s Arctic Journey


S.C.A Merchandise


Committee Details


Next A.G.M Date



Visit the new Shuttleworth College Association website at:

Editors Report Dear Readers Let me begin by wishing you a Happy New Year; I realise that it will be getting on for Easter by the time you read this, but better late than never. This is my first attempt at editing/compiling any sort of publication, so when I naively volunteered to take over from Tim little did I know what I was letting myself in for. Tim has been editing and compiling the Newsletter for a considerable number of years; I would like to thank him on behalf of all for his inestimable contribution to the Shuttleworth College Association. I believe that had it not been for Tim and Dave Valentine before him there would have been a distinct lack of Newsletters!. The College is well; it has been through difficult times in the last twenty years or so, but I am pleased to be able to report that rumours of the demise of Shuttleworth College are completely untrue - it is alive and kicking!. Credit for this transformation must go to Mike Johnston and his staff. The Committee have been listening to his hopes and plans for many years and so he can be justifiably proud of his achievements; read his report. That neatly brings me on to the question that we as a Committee have been asking ourselves; namely the purpose of the Shuttleworth College Association. This is set out in the Constitution; but in a nutshell it exists to allow Alumni (new name for ‘Old Students’) to keep in touch and also to promote the good name of the College – more on this later…. I will conclude by following Tim’s tradition of taking this opportunity to ask for NEWS. I can’t print what I don’t have! (bad grammar, but it gets the point across), so please send anything of note to me, or via a fellow committee member. (Remember to include your course and the year you were at Shuttleworth.) My contact details:-

Post – 41 Carroll Close, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8QL E-mail – Mobile – 07775 331830

Graeme Brown

Chairman’s Report Welcome to the latest Old Students Newsletter. Our thanks go to Graeme Brown for taking up the role of Editor and putting this latest magazine together. Graeme has been helped by Tim in the changeover and our thanks go to Tim for this and indeed for all the hard work over the years begging, cajoling and correlating copy for the magazine. Thanks Tim, it is now time for you to sit back and enjoy just reading the magazine for a change! Over the last six months we have been putting together a new SCA website. We have been helped by an expert with the technical stuff and the new site went ‘online’ in midOctober. The old address was a bit clunky so, after taking advice, we settled on as an alternative. Please take a look; if you see anything that you don’t like, or feel we could do better please let us know. It is your website as much as the committee’s so any ideas would be welcome. If you have any old photos of your time at Shutts then please let us have them and we can add them to the gallery. The process of coming up with a suitable domain name also made us think about the name of the Association; should we perhaps become the Shuttleworth College Alumni? We could only do this with a vote at the next AGM and your thoughts on the subject would be gratefully received. Reports from the College show that student numbers are up as per plan and things seem to be going very well. As part of the change-over by the Trust the Mansion has become a separate body from the College and is no longer used by students. To many for whom the Mansion was the College this may seem strange, but it is just part of the way Shuttleworth is moving into the future. The Mansion is far better suited to weddings, conferences or more formal gatherings than it is to modern student facilities; it was, after all, designed to be a Country House in the best Edwardian tradition and it is in that role that it now features. There are plans to improve and increase learning facilities within the remaining site in the future. Shuttleworth College is still here and has sound backing from Bedford College to ensure it will around for a good few years to come. My thanks go to the rest of the Committee for their input over the last year. We now hold every other meeting via conference call, which is much more environmentally friendly (and saving many of us a good deal of driving to get back to Old Warden!) If you have any ideas for the website or articles for the magazine please let us know and don’t forget that we keep a database of names and contact details, (if we have been given them) of all Old Students pre 1995 so if you want to try and find old friends let Paddy know and he will help if he can. Sarah Perrett October 2016

Shuttleworth College Executive Director’s Report The new academic year has started very well. Tutors tell me that the students are settling in. In general students’ behaviour has been better than in previous years, although of course there are individuals who create challenges. Recruitment has been fabulous this year; full-time numbers are up by 50 (an 8% increase over last year) which is very encouraging as we are acutely aware of the competition from schools and sixth forms and we are feeling the pressure of the larger groups. We have revised the curriculum so that the lower level students follow a broader programme of study which widens the students’ opportunities. Our strategy has been to raise the centre of gravity towards higher skills, the current split is about 77% Level 3 and HE. What is particularly exciting for us is that we have just enrolled 13 BSc top-up students on our partnership course with University of Bedfordshire. Animal Sciences and Agriculture continue to be very strong and I’m delighted that Equine and Floristry seem to have bounced back. Horticulture and Countryside full-time numbers are low. However, this has been offset with the growth that we have seen in apprenticeships (30 new starts). It may well be that this is the natural direction of travel. Our research shows us that the higher skilled Level 3 and above students secure the best jobs which is one of our core objectives. Feedback from employers tells us that Level 3 is the “pool of talent” from which they wish to recruit. The new funding arrangements challenge us to create a curriculum that is effective and focused upon employment, delivering high level technical educational skills. Part-time short courses and horticultural courses are looking very strong this year. We currently have 75 students studying RHS courses from Level 1 to Level 3, which reflects our position in the market place in comparison with our competitors. Our commercial and bespoke programme short course unit is thriving. We have now consolidated our independent assessment centre which has removed the variable quality of teaching and assessment and enables us to focus on a high quality product. We are confident that we are providing high quality training that meets employers’ needs and the feedback from students is excellent. Recruitment onto the Foundation Degree in Animal Management has been very good again with 24 starts in Year 1, which is back in line with plans. We are very pleased to have enrolled our first five students onto the Foundation Degree in Agriculture programme. Whilst we recognise this is a low number, approval was very late and it is important to make a start on additional programmes for developing HE. I am really pleased with our developing relationship with University of Bedfordshire which seems to go from strength to strength and we are currently discussing the opportunities that we can deliver for research projects.

Last year’s success data is much more consistent than the previous year. Success rates in SSA3 are strong at 88% (land-based subjects) and are much more consistent across the levels than in previous years. Compared with a national average of 83% we are in a good position. We appear to have fixed the lack of consistency in the 19+ students and are pleased by the interventions that were put into place. Maths and English continue to present a challenge particularly in enabling young people to achieve a Grade C. However, success including maths and English was 85% which is a huge improvement over last year where I reported 76%. The students studying the Technical Baccalaureate (including higher mathematics and extended project) were successful in achieving their higher qualifications and this has enabled them to access a wider range of Higher Education institutions. The success of the pilot is now being rolled out to the wider College. Our activity with schools is pretty much closing down and we are seeing out the last cohort of school students. This is a real disappointment for us because I believe that offering practical and technical skills to young people makes a real difference. However, government funding cuts and a focus on a new school curriculum makes this an inevitable outcome. The College has made substantial capital investments over the summer and created a much improved kitchen and Student Services Centre. After the difficulties of providing high quality catering last year, the student feedback is already fantastic and relationships with the catering staff are very positive. With the increase in student numbers and the popularity of the catering we are already finding a pressure point on providing enough seating – what a great problem to have. We have relocated Student Services to provide a facility which is a full, one-stop-shop dealing with all student issues in a purpose built space. We continue to invest in IT and elearning facilities and feedback tells us that this is the sort of facility and experience that students expect. I am particularly excited that the work for building the new livestock centre has started today as I write this report, and I am looking forward to telling you of progress. Once erected, the facility will provide a completely different resource from which we can develop our HE-ness. We have aspirations for carrying out feeding and breeding trials which will enhance the learning experience for all of our students and will make a real difference.

The College Farm has been an excellent resource for student learning. Harvest went reasonably well with all crops being brought in dry. Winter barley yields were average at 6.5 t/ha although quality was poor, mainly due to the poor weather in June not allowing grain fill to be achieved. This was also the case with the spring beans, with little sunlight and cool conditions, pollination was very poor. The winter wheat yields have been good at 9 t/ha. Spring barley yields, however, were very good at 6.5 t/ha and managed to achieve malting quality gaining a £20/tonne premium. The sugar beet is looking very good and quota should be achieved again as last year. The cattle are looking very well indeed. We have retained 25 mature Red Poll cows which are due to calve in the spring. We are now in a position of being able to select the better cattle and are focusing on size and conformation as our main criteria. We have sold our first batch of pedigree breeding heifers and, ironically, some have gone to Lord Coleman (of mustard fame). We hosted the Annual General Meeting of the Red Poll Cattle Society here in the summer which was attended by 50 members. We continue with our good relationship with CASE International Harvester as they have delivered in the region of 80 training places at Shuttleworth to combine harvester agents and operators in the last year. I understand that they made approaches to the Trust for a more permanent site and I would be keen to support such a relationship. We continue to develop a good relationship with Stihl chainsaws and equipment which attracted a lot of interest for employers and agents and has brought in additional resources to our students. These links to commercial sponsors add to the students’ experience and credibility with employers. We have been particularly pleased with the improved working relationships with the Visitor Attraction team and the College staff following the completion of the Swiss Garden project. I am delighted that the Trust has agreed to take on two more apprentices and has provided additional opportunities for horticultural students and our international relationships with a college in Norway where students have been enabled to benefit from a three-week work placement. The poor facilities at Shuttleworth College continue to be a major concern for me as, once again, LANDEX have identified the poor facilities at the College in their annual report and I am concerned that this will have a negative impact on our ability to claim the Specialist College status. However, we have made significant progress in developing the teaching accommodation and Student Services areas. I am looking forward to the realisation of the livestock barn and the facilities at Kingshill and, in particular, the development of the animal welfare centre on the main campus together with a growing relationship with ZSL. The completion of this cycle of developments will be the next step change for the College and will enhance its position nationally as well as enabling us to engage with some of the major organisations in our sector and secure the status of a high performing college. Mike Johnston October 2016

So what has the SCA ever done for us? Well they have organised reunions, helped others to organise reunions and by using and maintaining the extensive database comprising 99% of all former students we have helped bring long lost friendships back together. That pretty much fulfils the criteria set out in the SCA’s very own constitution. But what else can we do? Well we could do quite a lot more. The College is now a vibrant, dynamic place of learning again offering a myriad of different courses. The modern Shutts students are very different to those of earlier years in many ways, but they all share a common bond with older ex students, they all possess the Shuttleworth spirit that gripped us all in our time there. Throughout my career I have been helped by the older generation whether it was them passing on an old skill or just giving a bit of sage advice. In whatever form that help was given it made my working life just that little bit easier. I obviously thanked them at the time but I feel the best way to say thank you is to ‘do unto others as you have been done to’. In that same vein we have been approached by the college to try and find ways former students can help the next generation of students. Mike Johnstone the current principle has worked wonders over the last few years to drag Shuttleworth back onto the further education map. He and his very able team, together working with Bedford College are in the process of signing a 40 year lease with the Shuttleworth Trust giving the College a firm long term future at Old Warden This will cement the position Shuttleworth currently occupies as one of the foremost places of learning for Countryside activities in the UK. Their plans are still evolving but as with any such schemes it takes money and they would like our help. The SCA has some funds, about £25,000 and we are very willing to put these towards particular schemes. We have already purchased some IT equipment for the new machinery centre and we have helped with exam fees for some agricultural students but we want to do more. We want to invest in projects with long term gain in mind. Funding some students for one year helps them certainly, but funding part of a new building, or perhaps purchasing some livestock handling equipment will help lots of students for many years. In the not too distant future we will be putting together opportunities for ex-students to contribute to long term projects to help the College. This will be the opportunity to say ‘thank you for my time at Shuttleworth, now it is your turn.’ Paddy Godwin

Prize Draw Advertisement

THE S.C.A. Annual Prize Draw Your chance of winning a BIG Prize Every year at the AGM we draw 3 Prizes 1st £250.00, 2nd £150.00, 3rd £50.00 Cost is just £10 per Annum and you can buy as many tickets as you wish! Details and entries from Mike Williams: E-mail

Members News Richard Wright (71-73) Thanks Tim; it (the Newsletter, Ed) does get read and is appreciated. Memories come back about Charlie Lye (last Newsletter) And Alistair “ Dipstick” Costley. I’d forgotten how socialist he was. Colin Rayner Thanks for the program. It was enjoyable reading. Thanks for doing the work. One of the course members, Lionel Shaw is getting married, so I will send photos. Paul White Thanks Tim, a lovely magazine. Remind me about it for next year and I'll write a bit about my business.

Mike Hastings (Circa 61/63) Hi Tim,Congratulations on another excellent Shutts newsletter. Thank you for all your efforts, we may pick and choose which bits we read these days but very much appreciate the amount of work there is involved in pulling together this type of publication. It is really interesting to read of the huge range of careers and activities of a bunch of Agric Students, sad to read the obits, but it makes one realise how fortunate some of us are, despite the aches and pains, to still be able to look down at the grass and identify the variety. Well done! Roger Harper I was at Shutts 1964-1966 and came out to Australia in 1969 so obviously have not had much contact, but it would be great to get in touch with some “old” college mates. At 71 I am now enjoying a new vocation in Landscaping having started this business about 10 years ago. Prior to that I had been a Real Estate Agent for most of my time in Aus. Marice and I have 3 boys (grown up) and 4 granddaughters so far and we are lucky that they are all living close by in the Perth area. We live in South Fremantle about 500m from a superb beach and enjoy swimming most mornings during the summer months. Just returned from a trip back to Europe where we did a river cruise in France and Germany and then 2 weeks in the UK to spend time with rellies and then after 6 days sightseeing in Cornwall it was all over too quickly to catch up with any college mates--- so maybe next time – if I hear from anyone? Also for anyone who still remembers me please contact if you are coming WA way and I would be delighted to show you round this wonderful part of the world. Cheers!

Mike Clark 65- 67 Hi Tim. Hope this finds you well. Just letting you know that Vicki and I had the pleasure of a lunch with Stuart Cleverly and his wife Ann yesterday. When we were at the reunion earlier this year Stuart mentioned that he was coming to Perth in September to spend some time with his son and daughter in law and family so we swapped emails and agreed to meet up. We had plenty to talk about in fact the girls were complaining that they couldn't get a word in! Stuart mentioned that he had started keeping bees and got us both mighty interested in getting a hive on our suburban lot. Chris Fyson and Debbie missed the lunch as they were overseas in Greenland but we all hope to get together again the next time Stuart is over this way. We would be most interested in catching up with any of our year if they venture this way please drop us an email at Mike (and Jean) Holliday No “new” news from here. But as they say in Norfolk, "we keep on-a-troshin”.

The 1963/65 Reunion This was arranged for July 15th 2016 at Bob and June Stilgoe’s Grounds Farm at Adderbury, and it turned out to be a most pleasant occasion. Bob and June laid on a magnificent sit-down lunch for us in their barn, which they’d converted to cater for wedding receptions, parties and Bar Mitzvahs. They insisted their guests were not to supply a thing but should just make sure they turned up! We were welcomed on arrival with pre-lunch drinks ranging from champagne to soft drinks. This was an opportunity to attempt to recognise ourselves and others on the historic Shutts photos Bob had displayed. The passage of time and in some cases failing eyesight did make this a considerable challenge! Bob also had Ken Russell’s books available; purely for interest rather than to encourage sales. Over 30 of us ( including partners) then sat down to a wonderful meal prepared by June – a choice of Coronation Chicken or home roast ham with a range of vegetables and salads, followed by a selection of puddings and coffee; all accompanied by an unending supply of Bob’s selection of in-house wines!

Those present were John Bradley, Charles and Bryony Carey, Mick and Trixie Cooper, Eddie Douglas, Bob and Jill Grindal, Steve and Jill Johnson, Mick and Liz Ings, Bob Jefferies, Ants and Joan Le Fanu, Bernard Lewis, Richard and Sally Owen, Simon and Ena Rawlinson, John Sanson, Barry and Gina Stone, Nigel StuddertKennedy, Mick and Glenda Woods. And of course Bob and June Stilgoe. Sadly Bryn and Heather Morgan, who were due to attend had to cancel at the last minute as Bryn had damaged himself overturning his quad-bike whilst rounding up sheep in the Welsh mountains. A get-well card was sent to him from all those present with kind wishes; with the exception of John Bradley’s comment of ‘You Silly B*****’. The day was a splendid success and all present were full of grateful thanks (as well as sustenance) to Bob and June for their wonderful generosity and the opportunity to meet up with each other again in such pleasant surroundings. My personal thanks to all those making an appearance.

Below are photographs of the occasion :-

Right to left :- June Stilgoe, Liz Ings, Bob Grindal, Jill Grindal, Mick Ings and Robert Stilgoe.

Right to left :- Richard Owen (seated, white shirt), behind him, Mick Ings (striped shirt) and Nigel Studdert-Kennedy; Barry Stone (standing in blue shirt) and Steve Johnson.

Right to left :- Charles Carey, John Sansom and John Bradley (standing)

Arctic Adventure part 4, By Howard Barbour (66-68) We were part of a mass re-staffing of the Point Hope or Tikigaq School, in fact from a teaching staff of 22 eleven of us were new that year. Teaching in the Arctic is a tough posting, quite apart from being a racial minority for the first time, arrivals from the lower 48-states have to deal with bitter cold and light deprivation during the winter, a total absence of restaurant food, little or no fresh produce, and, horror of horrors, no beer, wine, or spirits to soften the blow. Therefore the average period of employment is usually about three years, with a few not making it beyond the Christmas of their first year, and a very few who were seen to alight from the plane, take a quick look around and get right back on the plane they’d just flown in on. These brave souls, we assumed, had come expecting some sort of Arctic Shangri-La and presumably could afford to write off the considerable expense of getting there.

We were allocated a small, but cozy house not far from the school and as is always the case with new arrivals, we were soon inundated with kids wanting to find out all they could about the new teachers, and later by their parents and grandparents wanting to sell us their artwork. One such was Kirk Oviok, a distinguished elder affectionately known as Tigluk, who often came by with masks he had carved from weathered whale vertebra, the proceeds from which he quite openly assured us, were to be used by his wife that evening at bingo. He was well above average height for an Eskimo, although rather stooped from an old back injury. As a young man he had been picked for a small part in a movie, when parts of it were filmed in Point Hope. The film “Nanook Of The North”. He told us that the film crew had brought with them a kayak, and that the director had told him to get in it and paddle out from the beach. He told the director that the Kayak was nothing like any he had ever seen, that it was too pointy, too tippy and that he wasn’t going to get in it. The director then said, “It’s an Eskimo kayak. You are an Eskimo. Get in it and paddle away.” He then confided, “So I get in it. It was very tippy. I paddle away, but my knees were knocking together all the time.” The vessel he’d been told to paddle wasn’t an Eskimo Kayak, but rather an Aleut kayak form the Aluetian Islands, about 1000 miles south of Point Hope. Very few of the Eskimos could swim, however the clothes they wore on the ice were buoyant enough to keep them afloat for a few minutes, after that they’d be paralyzed by the cold and bound to succumb to hypothermia anyway, so what was the point of swimming? Tigluk had a wealth of stories and unless he was in a hurry, he would tell us one each time he visited. Some were ancient, and part of the Tikiaqmiut folklore. He would make hunting equipment to sell to the younger men, and as he became rather frail, I would help him with some of the metal machining. He was a dear man and I feel privileged to have known him and especially on the occasion of an Eskimo dance celebration when he came and picked me out of the crowd to dance one of his family dances with him. I don’t know how well I danced, but was rather proud of the cheer we got when the dance was over.

He died the winter before we left the village. His passing, along with that of his contemporaries, marked the evening and eventual passing of an ancient world which hadn’t changed much in the previous two thousand years. We were part of a mass re-staffing of the Point Hope or Tikigaq School, in fact from a teaching staff of 22 eleven of us were new that year. Teaching in the Arctic is a tough posting, quite apart from being a racial minority for the first time, arrivals from the lower 48-states have to deal with bitter cold and light deprivation during the winter, a total absence of restaurant food, little or no fresh produce, and, horror of horrors, no beer, wine, or spirits to soften the blow. Therefore the average period of employment is usually about three years, with a few not making it beyond the Christmas of their first year, and a very few who were seen to alight from the plane, take a quick look around and get right back on the plane they’d just flown in on. These brave souls, we assumed, had come expecting some sort of Arctic Shangri-La and presumably could afford to write off the considerable expense of getting there. Our teaching assignments in Point Hope were much the same as in Wainwright, except for the cohesion of the staff and their determination to generate a stellar educational atmosphere at every level within the school. Sheila’s assignment was to teach a particularly troublesome group of ten year olds who had essentially almost run their last teacher out of the school. She had them for two years and a measure of her success with them was indicated in the fact that eight years later, they chose her to be the speaker at their high school graduation. I was given the welding, metals machine shop and engine repair, which had been rather sadly neglected for several years. In fact I had to drag the equipment out of various storage sheds before I could even start. At our first High School meeting the principle announced that we badly needed an art teacher and asked if anyone had done any art instruction at all. This request was answered by a deafening silence. Eventually I raised a tentative hand, and when asked what I had done, told the group that I knew the basics of stained glass art. The principal then checked that item off his list and introduced me as the new art teacher. The only stained glass work I had done was on a quiet weekend in Wainright, when Sheila had given me about a forty-five minute lesson in the technique. Fortunately given a pattern, stained glass art is about as creative as ‘Paint By Numbers’. The kids seemed pleased with their work, and on our walks around the village, we would see their work proudly displayed in windows. I did eventually branch out to include printmaking and sculpture, but it was all a very long educational stride from animal and crop husbandry, farm machinery and accounts of my Alma Mater. Editor’s Note – I will take this opportunity to thank Howard for sharing this fascinating series of articles with us.

S.C.A Merchandise This Year’s Very Special Offer A superb print of this beautiful Water Colour of the College viewed from the Warren and painted to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Shuttleworth Unmounted: Size: 17" x 13". Cost: only £5.00 inc p&p

Polo Shirts. This popular item features the Shuttleworth crest on Navy Blue. For £15.00 each inc p&p Rugby Shirts In Navy Blue with a white collar and the crest. Just £27.50 each inc p&p. Both items above in XX Large, X Large, Large and Medium sizes. Lapel Badges still available at £2.00 each inc p&p

All orders to:First Call — Sarah Perrett. 01458 251523 or e-mail: or Margaret Curry at the College. 01767 626222 or e-mail: All cheques payable to Shuttleworth College Association - with Orders please.

S.C.A. Committee & Officers 2016 -17 OFFICERS Position Chairperson Vice Chairman Secretary

Name Sarah Perrett Tony Abbott Charlotte Scott

Course/Year HND 77/80 NDA 65/67 90/92

Location Somerset Hampshire Bedfordshire


Mike Williams Graeme Brown Patrick Godwin Margaret Curry Jo Norman

NDA 65/67


Contact Unwin Cottage, 5 Pear Tree piece, Old Warden, Biggleswade, SG18 9FD. Tel: 01767 626311 Mobile: 07717862747

OND 77/80


HND 77/80


Newsletter Coordinator Database/website College Contact Student Representative on College staff President Vice Presidents

NA 01767 626222


Charlotte Friefrau John Von Twickle J.E. Scott, S.C.Whitbread, Bill Bedser, Eric Yates and Professor Mike Alder

COMMITTEE Name Tim Bryce Sam Donald Nick Drury Eric Yates

Course/Year NDA 64/67 HNDBF 93/95 HND 81/84 Retired Staff

Location Oxfordshire Denbighshire Cambridgeshire Norfolk

Richard Infield Sally Cartwright Claire van Leersum

ND 90/93 HND 86/89 HND 81/84

Bedfordshire Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire

Contact ericandjanet@moggerhanger.or

(In the event of an e-mail failing to respond please contact another committee member and request your message be forwarded to your intended recipient.) The editor is looking for material for the next Newsletter as soon as this one goes to press, so please don’t delay, get writing, look for stories and send them to him as soon as possible *New Officers and Committee will be elected at the 2017 AGM but even after that date please use the addresses above. Website:-

A.G.M 2017 The date for the next A.G.M. has been set as :- 11:00 a.m. Saturday 13th of May 2017. Venue to be confirmed.

Quiz February 2017 This quiz provides the first letters of common garden or farmland birds, with spaces following for each missing letter. Eg C _ _ _ _ _ _ C_ _ _ would be C A R R I O N C R O W. Please send your answers to or by post to Paddy Godwin, Osier Cottage, Thorney, Langport, Somerset TA10 0DT by 28th June 2017. There is a ÂŁ20 prize for the winner. In the event of more than one correct answer we will draw a name from a hat to find the winner. Answers in the next newsletter. Good Luck. 1) G _ _ _ _ T _ _ 2) S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3) B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4) R _ _ _ _ 5) W _ _ _ 6) C _ _ _ _ _ 7) C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8) T _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ 9) P _ _ _ W _ _ _ _ _ _ 10)

G____ W_________


C_______ D___


H____ S______


T____ O__


M_____ T_____


H____ M_____











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