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Duncan has over two decades of experience in feature writing and journalism. He is also a freelance writer. In 2012, he was the national winner of the EU Health Prize for Journalists.

MUŻa - a work of art Duncan Barry interviews senior curator at MUŻA, Sandro Debono, who gives a run-through of the development, design and lay-out of our national community art museum – a building which held many surprises as the project went along. Who was tasked with the design of the Malta National Community Art Museum known as MUŻA? The museum designers were chosen following an international competition launched in December 2013. From the record number of submissions received, the one submitted jointly by DTR architects, Cyan Engineering, Martellomedia and Marie Louise Musumeci, was the one that was chosen. This team worked closely with Heritage Malta staff on

the development of a theoretical framework for the restoration of the building, the design and layout of the collection and display. The decisions that were implemented and the theoretical frameworks developed were all informed by extensive research which began way back and which continued throughout the duration of the project. This also led to significant results which informed the project in many ways, given that what was potentially available in archives, could be tallied and compared with discoveries made on site.

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