2021 Spotlight on Denison ISD Schools

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Denison salutes Top 10, Class of 2021 “Denison ISD’s 2020-2021 school year will go down in history as both difficult and memorable, one that challenged our teachers, students, staff and families to come together as never before, to inspire and motivate each other to greatness. What followed was nothing short of amazing. I am so proud of all our students and graduates, and so very honored to be a part of this great school district and community. It’s great to be a Yellow Jacket!” Dr. Henry Scott, DISD Superintendent In spite of challenges caused by the nation’s worst pandemic in history, Denison High School’s Class of 2021 celebrated graduation in grand style on Saturday May 22nd at 8:30 p.m. when they crossed Munson Stadium’s historic graduation stage to proudly accept their diplomas. Because the ceremonies were outdoors and enhanced by Munson’s huge new digital-video scoreboard, social distancing guidelines were in place but masks weren’t required, with only students seated on the field. “We have so many smart, talented and gifted students in our Class of 2021 who also have amazing work ethics and big hearts, as evidenced by

the resumes of our esteemed Top Ten graduates,” said DHS Principal Dr. Cavin Boettger. “They have taken the most rigorous courses, studied hard, stayed focused, maintained extremely high Grade Point Averages – while also finding time to give back to our schools and community. I’m extremely proud of them and their many achievements. Great futures await them as they continue their educations, assume positions in challenging careers and become our future leaders. It is with great pride that I commend them and thank them for all they’ve accomplished, for the pride they have brought to our school and community, and the amazing young adults they have become.” Denison High School’s Top Ten graduating seniors are: Valedictorian Kaden Dunn is an AP Scholar with Distinction, a Texas Scholar, a Socrates Scholar, and a recipient of the prestigious Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Award. During his four years at Denison High School, Kaden has served as President of the National Honor Society, a member of the Student Council Board of Directors, and a member of DenTeens. Kaden has also been actively involved in his community throughout his tenure

at DHS, including Denison Youth Leadership Academy, Denison Helping Hands Food Pantry, Denison ISD 5K for Kindness, Denison Dance Academy, tutoring at Denison High School and Mayes Elementary, Four Rivers Outreach, and the North Texas Regional Airport. Kaden is the son of Rick and Liz Dunn. He plans to attend Texas A&M University in College Station and major in Economics, followed by Law School and a professional career in Corporate

Law. Salutatorian Avery Encalade is an AP Scholar, a National Merit Scholar Qualifier, a Socrates Scholar and a Texas Scholar. During her four years at Denison High School, Avery was an active member of the National Honor Society, DHS Drama Club, International Bar Thespian, DHS Spanish Club, Thespians Society, and Morale Chairman for the Denison Theatre Board of Directors. Extracurricular activities have included

DHS Theatre for four years and UIL One-Act Play for four years. Avery has also been very active in her community, including Denison Youth Leadership Academy, Habitat for Humanity, Bole’s Children’s Home, Nashville Inner City Missions, visiting nursing homes, Meals on Wheels, and the Grayson County Homeless Shelter. Church involvement and service at Park Avenue Church of Christ has included mission trips to Casa de la Esperanza in CONTINUED ON PG 2


Denison High School’s Top 10 graduating seniors of the Class of 2021 gathered last week for a picture on the steps of their beloved DHS campus. Pictured, left to right, are: front row – Canaan Thomas, Valedictorian Kaden Dunn, Salutatorian Avery Encalade, Abigail Errico and Evamicaela Macedo; back row – Cheyenne Grant, Nathan Branson, Mercedes Reed, Micaiah Wetzold and Lillian Nunn.

Denison ISD Spotlight on Denison Schools 2021

Mexico, the Titus Project, Bole’s Children’s Home Mission Trip, Nashville Inner City Ministry Mission Trip, Park Avenue Fall Festival worker, Christian Theatre Workshop as a camp counselor and actress, church nursery worker, teaching 3rd and 4th grade Bible classes, Preston Trail Community Church as a leader for Early Childhood Worship, and making Bible Class videos for online members. Avery is the daughter of Naomi Detro and Wesley Encalade. She plans to attend Pepperdine University, major in Psychology, attend graduate school, then work as a Pediatric Psychologist in an inpatient facility at a children’s hospital. Abigail Errico ranks #3 in her class, is a National AP Scholar with Honors, an Academic Letter recipient, a Socrates Scholar and a Texas Scholar. During her four years at Denison High School, she has served her school as President of the DHS Student Council, President of DenTeens, Senior Class Treasurer, a member of Hope Squad, a National Honor Society member, and an active participant in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Extracurricular activities have included Track and


Field for four years, Basketball for two years, Musical Theatre for three years, and UIL Writing for one year. Abigail has also actively served her community through Denison Helping Hands, Denison Youth Leadership Academy, Denison Homeless Shelter, Youth Missions in Houston and San Marcos, Texas, and the City of Denison Trash Pick-up projects. Active involvement in Waples United Methodist Church has included Waples Youth and HS Missions, and Legacy Student Ministry. She has also done mission work, including hurricane relief and home reconstruction in Houston and San Marcos, TX. Abigail is the daughter of Debbie and Al Errico. She plans to attend the University of Oklahoma and major in Biology on a Pre-Med track with the goal of attending Medical School. Canaan Thomas ranks #4 in her class and is an AP Scholar, a Socrates Scholar and a Texas Scholar. During her tenure at Denison High School she has served her school as Vice President of the National Honor Society, a member of the DHS Student Council and BOTA Canned Food Drive Coordinator, Student Body Vice President, Theatre Historian,

Denison ISD Spotlight on Denison Schools 2021

Morale Committee Chairman, a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Denison Youth Leadership AcadActing. After college, she plans to emy, DenTeens, DHS Drama Club audition for Television and Film and the Improv Club. Extracurroles and work as an actress or in ricular activities have included some area of theatrical producOne Act Play tion. for four years, Mercedes Reed Production ranks #5 in her Theatre for class and is four years, an AP Scholar, Musical Texas Scholar, Theatre for Socrates Scholfour years, ar and National and Volleyball Merit Qualifier. for one year. During her four Additionally, years at Denison Canaan has High School she served her has served her community school as Freshthrough the man Orientation Youth LeaderChairman for ship Acadthe DHS Stuemy, Titus dent Council as Project and well as an active Habitat for member of the Class of 2021 Valedictorian Humanity. CaNational Honor naan has also Society, Denbeen actively involved in Sherman Teens, DHS Spanish Club, DHS Bible Church, including service in Drama Club and the Thespian the nursery as well as a week-long Society. Extracurricular activities mission trip to an orphanage in have included Shawnda Rains Mexico. Canaan is the daughter of Entertainment Stage Struck group Laura Thomas and Tate Thomas. for seven years as an Advanced She plans to attend Marymount Performer, Production Theatre for Manhattan College and study for three years, and Musical Theatre


for three years. Mercedes has also actively served her community through participation in Denison Youth Leadership Academy, Helping Hands Food Pantry, tutoring at Mayes Elementary, Her Virtue Internship, and the Boys and Girls Club. She has also been involved in Victory Life Church as a Worship Leader and Small Group Leader. Mercedes is the daughter of Dave and Mindy Reed. She plans to attend Dallas Baptist University to pursue a degree in Business Finance with the goal of becoming a Chief Executive Officer. Nathan Branson ranks #6 in his class and is an AP Scholar, a recipient of the UTA Presidential Honors Scholarship, a Science Award recipient, a Texas Scholar and a Socrates Scholar. During his years at Denison High School and Sherman High School, Nathan served on both Student Councils, was a member of both the DHS National Honor Society and SHS National Honor Society, and a member of the SHS Leo Club and Comedy Club where he served as Vice President. Extracurricular activities have included DHS Robotics for one year, SHS Band for three years with Top Band

honors all three years, Texas Boys State for one summer, and John Ratcliffe’s Congressional Student Leadership Program for one semester. Nathan has also served his communities through AdoptA-Highway program, Masterkey Ministries, Sherman Housing Authority, Operation Christmas Child, Upward Bound, BOTA canned food drives, and volunteering at area nursing homes, animal shelters, and at an elementary school summer program in Commerce, Texas. Nathan is a Baptist who has worked with three different churches as a Vacation Bible School volunteer, for Operation Christmas Child, and as a member of Trinity Baptist Church’s Youth Leadership Council where he helped run backpack drives, clothes drives and the annual TBC Halloween Carnival. Nathan is the son of Kally Branson. He plans to attend the University of Texas at Arlington to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science followed by Law School with the goal of becoming a Civil Rights/ Political Activist Lawyer and possibly seeking local or state political office. Lillian Nunn ranks #7 in her class and is an AP Scholar, an AP

She plans to attend the University Biology Letter Recipient, a Texas of California at Santa Barbara and Scholar and a Socrates Scholar. major in Aquatic Biology with the During her four years at Denison goal of becoming a Marine BioloHigh School, she has served gist and Conservationist. her school and fellow students Evamicaela through active Macedo ranks participation #8 in her class in the National and is an AP Honor Society, Scholar, a the DHS StuTexas Scholar, dent Council, and a Socrates the DHS Drama Scholar. Club, En Croix, During her and the Fellowfour years ship of Chrisat Denison tian Athletes. High School, Extracurricular Micaela has activities have actively served included the her school DHS Drill Team as a member where she has of the DHS served as CapBand where tain for all four she served as years, Musical Flute Section Theatre for four Class of 2021 Salutatorian Leader for one years, Thespiyear and Drum ans for three Major for two years, National years, and a dancer at Dance Honor Society Parliamentarian, Xplosion for ten years. Lillian has Fellowship of Christian Musicians also actively served her community through participation in Deni- Chaplain, InterAct Club Secretary, Tri M Honor Society Secretary, son Youth Leadership Academy, DenTeens and HOSA. Extracurthe Jacket Greeter program, and ricular activities have included the Drill Team activities. Lillian is the DHS Band for four years durdaughter of Jeff and Toni Nunn.


ing which time she served as a Section Leader and Drum Major. Micaela has actively served her community through participation in the Nautilus 10th Annual Workout for a Wish, Fall Festival with HOSA, Vacation Bible School at St. Patrick’s Church, and the annual Fish Fry at St. Patrick’s. Micaela is the daughter of Esperanza and Orlando Macedo and a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. She plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin to major in Public Health on a Pre-Med track. Cheyenne Grant ranks #9 in her class and is an AP Scholar, Academic Letter winner in Algebra, a Texas Scholar and a Socrates Scholar. During her four years at Denison High School, she served her school as an active participant in the National Honor Society, Denison Youth Leadership Academy and HOSA. Extracurricular activities have included Volleyball for six years, Basketball four years, Track five years, and Band for three years. Cheyenne has also served her community through Youth Leadership projects, Women Rock, InterAct and tutoring. She is the daughter of Jessica Hardcastle and Roger

Grant. She plans to attend the University of San Francisco to major in Biology. Her goal is to study medicine and learn about the chemical makeup of the body and how it really works so that she can help make medicine advance and be more accessible to everyone. Micaiah Wetzold ranks #10 in her class and is an AP Scholar, Socrates Scholar, Texas Scholar and an Honor Roll student. During her tenure at Denison High School, she has served her school as an active member of the National Honor Society. Extracurricular activities have included DHS Tennis for four years, DHS Band for four years, and DHS Soccer for one year. Micaiah has also served her community through participation and volunteerism with Denison Animal Welfare Group and Texoma Outpatient Rehabilitation. Micaiah is the daughter of Mari Anne Wetzold. She plans to attend Austin College, followed by enrollment in a university that offers a Doctorate degree in Veterinary Medicine.


Denison ISD Spotlight on Denison Schools 2021


Denison High School... Ranking among the nation’s best! For more than a decade, Denison High School has ranked among the nation’s best public high schools. That strong tradition of academic excellence continues today in spite of this year’s mega-challenges, as evidenced by soaring graduation rates, successful completion of rigorous Advanced Placement and Dual Credit courses, above average scores on college entrance exams, ever-increasing numbers of Texas and Socrates Scholars, and a robust population of students who are successful and contributing members of society. “I couldn’t be more proud of the faculty,staff and students at DHS,” said Dr. Cavin Boettger, DHS Principal. “Everyone has taken on extra duties this year, worked longer hours and endured the stress of a doubled work load with hybrid instruction. I am proud, but not surprised. Denison High School has always accepted seemingly impossible challenges and delivered. Thank you, DHS. IT’S GREAT TO BE A YELLOWJACKET!”


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Denison ISD Spotlight on Denison Schools 2021


Scott Middle School

The Middle Matters!

At Scott Middle School, integrity, civility and respect rule. Kindness matters, but so does accountability. “Scott Middle School is a special place, as are all Denison schools,” said Principal John Parker. “We are blessed to have some of the best teachers at Scott. They work for each other and for the students they teach and serve. Our motto is simple, “Do Something Good.” That is what we live by here at Scott. We are STONG on what we do here and we care about our co-workers and our students. I am blessed to be able to work with these teacher and our support staff. I have not heard a lot of complaining from my teachers, and I know how hard it has been on them this year. I love and appreciate all that they have done this year and in years gone by. They know that we worked hard, filled in for others when needed, and did what was best for our students. The middle does matter!”

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B. McDaniel Intermediate School... Working together to build bright futures B. McDaniel Intermediate School’s long-standing legacy of teamwork and “doing whatever it takes” to help kids achieve and succeed served them well during this year’s pandemic, providing a support system for 5th and 6th grade students that was second to none. “We tried to keep everything as normal and be as supportive as possible this year, with all our teachers continuing to work in teams to meet the diverse array of needs you typically find in fifth and sixth grade students,” said Principal Alvis Dunlap. “It just required more creativity and flexibility on the part of all of us – teachers, staff, students, custodians, cafeteria workers, our families – but together, I think we had an amazing year of serving and educating our at-home and in-class students. No two days looked alike because the health guidelines were constantly changing, but everyone remained flexible and stayed 100% focused on our kids and their wellbeing. Our teachers had to adapt to simultaneously teaching students on a screen and in the classroom, but they made sure that everyone was in attendance daily, stayed on task, participated in discussions and special projects, completed assignments on time and, perhaps most important, felt free to ask for help…academically or personally. We took time each and every day to let our students know that we expect them to work hard and do their best at all times, but also to know that we are always here for them when they need help and support. “It’s been an unusual year, but a great year in terms of reaffirming that our basic foundations of “teamwork” and “doing whatever it takes” to help our kids succeed in school and in life are working. We witnessed greatness this year in so many ways, big and small. There are true heroes among us here at B. McDaniel, and I am proud of each and every one of them.”

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Houston Bulldogs

Rock the BARK!

Kyle Uber, Principal at Houston Elementary, says this year’s many amazing accomplishments by his staff and students are all tied to building confidence: confidence in every teacher’s ability to teach and nurture all children; confidence in every student’s ability to learn and achieve great things; confidence in the ability of all Houston Bulldogs to work together, support each other, and “Rock the BARK” every single day! “We seize every opportunity, every day, to remind our students and staff to model our motto “Rock the BARK”, which stands for Be Respectful, Act Responsibly, Reach your Goals, and Keep it Kind,” said Uber. “Even with all the challenges this year, our students and staff have had great attitudes and remained positive. They arrived every day, masks and all, ready to work hard and be good people. Our parents have been so understanding and supportive too. It truly has been a wonderful team effort that has brought out the best in all of us. It is amazing and inspiring to witness what can be accomplished by a team of people who ALL have the best interests of our students at heart. Thanks, everyone, for making this a very special and rewarding school year!”


Denison ISD Spotlight on Denison Schools 2021

Denison ISD Spotlight on Denison Schools 2021


Hyde Park Tigers

Traditions in PRIDE

Hyde Park Tigers are tough and fearless, courageous and caring, smart and responsible, flexible and forgiving. Always quick to smile and offer a helping hand, they are full of grace, energy, curiosity and integrity. They have lofty goals, high expectations and strong work ethics. They treat others with respect, kindness and civility. “Our Hyde Park Tigers have established a culture of PRIDE (Prepared, Respectful, Integrity, Determined, Excellence) over the past two decades that has sustained us and brought out the best in us during this challenging year of COVID,” said Becky Suthers, Principal of one of Denison’s largest elementary campuses. “Our teachers and staff worked hard all year to make sure that our at-home learners received the same interactive learning experiences as our in-class students…and that they felt welcomed, important and valued throughout every school day. Our cafeteria and custodial staff displayed amazing teamwork skills and flexibility by doing whatever was needed to keep everyone safe and nourished. Our PTO, administrators and community supporters provided constant encouragement and support with surprise snacks and special treats throughout the year. And last but not least, our amazing Hyde Park families adjusted and adapted and did everything possible to create positive learning environments for our kids in spite of constantly changing rules and guidelines. “It’s been a year like no other…but also a wonderful and memorable year in that it revealed how strong, resilient and capable we all truly are.”


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Lamar Leopards

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

According to Principal Gena Jackson, Lamar’s beloved Leopards have risen to meet and exceed the challenges this year, mirroring many of the admirable characteristics used to describe Leopards in the wild (smart, resourceful, adaptable, determined, patient, persistent)…as well as Leopards at Lamar (flexible, strong, learning on the go, never quitting, always working together)... never forgetting that teamwork makes the dream work. “Our teachers, staff and families have worked together every day this year to ensure that our students stay engaged, motivated and inspired to learn and succeed in a world turned upside-down by a prolonged pandemic,” said Jackson. “Engaging virtual learners each and every day is something we’ve never done at the elementary level before, but everyone has stepped up with enthusiasm and excitement and gotten the job done. Our teachers have been absolutely amazing at reaching and teaching each and every child, whether in the classroom or remotely, and our families of at-home learners have made sure that their children are up and ready to learn every morning, that they complete homework assignments and stay on task. Everyone has had to take on new roles and responsibilities as teachers, mentors, nurturers and tutors. I couldn’t be more proud of all our Lamar Leopards. Many thanks to all of you for a great year that none of us will soon forget!”

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Mayes Elementary

Salutes its A-MAYES-ing Mustang students At Mayes Elementary, the 2020-2021 school year was all about keeping life as normal as possible. “Teaching virtual and in-person students simultaneously while also keeping everyone engaged and on-task presented many challenges this year, but our teachers and families worked hard to help our kids learn and succeed,” said Principal Natalie Hicks. “So many things made this a really WOW year: Amazing parents working with us every step of the way -- it really does take a village! Classroom transformations, teachers planning fun things for students (Starbooks, Glow Day, Carnival Day, Beach Day, Mayes Army Strong, to name just a few). Including virtual students in all activities to keep everyone socially connected. Annual events like our 4th grade parade, Play Day and other special days to keep things normal and fun. “Equally important: PTO-school partnership activities that were rewarding and kept everyone grounded and grateful (adopting families in need at Christmas, supporting the Tellez family during the loss of our beloved student Victor Tellez, our canned food drives and Gages Pages projects, supporting our teachers with special thank-you treats throughout the year). Delivering computers, hotspots and packets to families’ doorsteps. Taking food and clothing to homes during the pandemic. “Whatever was needed, Mayes just did it. There was never a task too big or small,” said Hicks. “I am so proud of this school, of all our students and families, and all our hard-working and dedicated teachers and staff. You moved mountains this year to get the job done. I am grateful beyond words. Thank you all so very much!”

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Terrell Texans

Valuable, Thankful and Capable Throughout Denison’s Terrell Elementary school, the messages of gratitude and attitude are everywhere: YOU ARE VALUABLE…WE ARE THANKFUL…YOU ARE CAPABLE…OUR CHILDREN, OUR SCHOOL, OUR COMMUNITY. “Throughout this school year in particular, we have worked extra-hard to emphasize the positives,” said Terrell principal Amy Neidert. “When we stop and think, which is how we start our days at Terrell, we really do have so much to be thankful for: our families, our health, our wonderful community of caring people who give and do so much for us. We constantly remind each other of how blessed we truly are. “And when we tell our students that they are valuable and capable, we emphasize that they must never let anyone make them believe differently. Each one of them has the potential to make our school, our community and our world a better place. We want our Terrell Texans to grow up knowing that they are strong, capable, smart and valued…and that believing in themselves is one of the most important things they can do.” Throughout the 2020-2021 school year, Terrell’s devoted teachers, staff, students and families have worked together to support each other throughout the pandemic. Teachers have become adept at in-person and virtual instruction, keeping students engaged while stopping to answer questions, offer assistance, and help students think critically in order to solve complex problems. “The many successes our students have achieved this year will help them as they move forward and meet new and more difficult challenges,” said Neidert. “Our goal will always be to give them the tools, confidence and knowledge they need to become life-long learners who are also good human beings.”

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Denison has long been known as a “Home of Heroes”: U.S. President and General Dwight D. Eisenhower, United Airlines Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, and renowned Viticulturist T.V. Munson, to name a few. During the Covid-19 crisis, that list has grown dramatically to include thousands of Denison first responders and medical personnel --- as well as hundreds of DISD teachers and staff who continue to ensure that Denison students learn and grow, academically and personally, in safe and nurturing environments. “From the very start, our teachers and staff have been united in their tremendous and unconditional support for our kids,” said Denison ISD Superintendent Dr. Henry Scott. “We resumed in-person instruction at the start of school on August 13 while also continuing to provide virtual instruction for at-home learners, a tough challenge that our teachers quickly embraced. The word “can’t” just isn’t in their vocabulary. The belief has always been that every child can and will learn if we teach effectively, and that hasn’t changed. We’re just so blessed to have so many great people who teach and care for our kids, during good times and bad.” According to Scott, it has taken a village to continue the kind of seamless education that keeps kids from falling behind: DISD’s technology specialists who quickly secured tablets and internet access for all students; curriculum experts who designed instruction models to keep virtual learners engaged and interactive with classmates; digital experts who made Zoom a dependable way of communicating and connecting; maintenance workers, custodians and cafeteria workers who maintained safe facilities and provided nutritious food; principals and teachers who encouraged, motivated and inspired the troops to greatness. David Kirkbride, DISD’s Assistant Superintendent, said words aren’t adequate to express his deep appreciation to staff members. “DISD is the heart of the Denison community, and I believe our employees understand and appreciate this so much,” said Kirkbride. “This year has been monumentally difficult, but our employees have stepped up and achieved great success. I have consistently heard employees across the district express that they do what they do out of an unrivaled concern for our students … which comes as no surprise to me. “One thing we have always known in Denison, but is now abundantly clear, is the power and impact of our relationships with our students and their families. Denison teachers and staff thrive on relationship-building and have set aside their own best interests, in the midst of the pandemic, for the interests of our students. I could not be more proud of our Yellow Jacket Family. It is indeed Great to be a Yellow Jacket, and of course --- We Are Denison!”

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Denison ISD Spotlight on Denison Schools 2021

Denison ISD Spotlight on Denison Schools 2021


Dr. Henry Scott

Superintendent, Denison ISD

Dr. David Kirkbride

Assistant Superintendent, Denison ISD

A special thanks

to our Denison ISD families…

On behalf of our entire district, we want to thank each and every one of you for your patience, flexibility, understanding and support during this most challenging and unique school year. We started the school year according to schedule on August 13, 2020, and we ended it on schedule on May 20, 2021. Amazing though it may seem, we never missed a single day of school because of COVID. So many obstacles, challenges and changes came our way during those long months between August and May, but because of you and your steadfast support, we were able to overcome each and every one of them. We could never have made it to the finish line without you. Completing a school year unlike any of us could have ever imagined required the constant help and support of all stakeholders, including our parents and families as well as our teachers, staff and community members. We are so very proud of all of you and everything you have helped us accomplish. In typical Denison fashion, you rose with us to meet and exceed the challenges, and for that you have our deepest appreciation and respect.

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Denison ISD Spotlight on Denison Schools 2021

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