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or stop eating – and it can even make you get more cold sores!� It isn’t going to be possible to eradicate all sources of stress, so you need to take time to really look after yourself. “Have practices in your routine that make you feel safe and relaxed, whether that’s something like long walks or meditation – take time out to be calm,� says Dr Wallace. “Prioritise feeding yourself well as a form of self-care. Have regular mealtimes, as well as balanced snacks with good quality carbohydrates to keep your energy levels up.�

says Hollie. “I lost track of the times I was asked which diet I was going to use in the run-up to my wedding, despite the fact I’m forever banging the drum for body acceptance. If someone begins to talk to you about this, say you don’t want to engage in that type of conversation.�

metabolism will start to compensate. You’ll be in a vicious cycle – you stop losing weight, so you cut out more calories, EXTREME DIETING but your body catches up.â€? One particularly dangerous result We know it can be hard if you’re feeling of the pressure of wedding under pressure to be a “Thinner does weight-loss is crash-dieting. certain size or weight, This often happens when but please don’t punish not mean better. a bride-to be has ordered \RXUVHOI WR Ă€W LQWR D GUHVV You shouldn’t her dress in a size or more “Eat well and exercise,â€? smaller than she actually is adds Dr Wallace. “But need to change ² VKH WXUQV XS IRU KHU Ă€WWLQJ do that regardless of the your dress size and discovers that her wedding – and remember, JRUJHRXV JRZQ GRHVQ¡W Ă€W you can be healthy and to feel more SLEEP DEPRIVATION Cue a frantic attempt to beautiful while not being 'LIĂ€FXOW\ IDOOLQJ RU VWD\LQJ DVOHHS LV D NH\ slim into it within a few valuableâ€? two dress sizes smaller.â€? symptom of stress, and lack of sleep has weeks, using an extreme DRINKING TOO been linked to all sorts of conditions, such diet and exercise regime. MUCH ALCOHOL as a weakened immune system and high“In the short term, people see results In addition to the day itself, there can blood pressure. There are lots of sleepwhen they’re cutting lots of calories, but often be a lot of socialising around your inducing ideas out there, from pillow it gives you the wrong mindset when it wedding. There’s celebration drinks with sprays to eye masks – but, counterintuitive comes to your relationship with your body friends, the stag and hen dos, rehearsal as it may seem, getting more active and food,â€? says Dr Wallace. dinner, ‘just-because’ drinks may actually be the answer. with your bridesmaids‌ “Yoga and Pilates are It can all add up, and the both perfect for someone effects of too much alcohol struggling to sleep, as they’re Change your attitude, not your body, says on health, even in the short gentle and restorative enough Michelle Elman – here are her four top tips term, are well documented not to overstress the body,â€? – from dehydrating your skin says Hollie Grant, an awardand leaving you prone to winning trainer whose Pilates don’t wear them Ban weightMake sure you spots, to increasing feelings PT studio has a residency at at your wedding. loss conversations feel comfortable of anxiety. Dr Wallace The Mandarin Oriental Hyde It’s your day – do during your in your wedding suggests taking a balanced Park. “Try to balance life what empowers dress ďŹ ttings. dress. If you’re attitude. “Know your limits out with low-intensity, you the most. wearing something and pace yourself,â€? she says. mindful classes to prevent that makes you Bear in mind “Swap every second alcoholic burnout. Just don’t exercise Remember feel uncomfortable, that you don’t drink for a glass of water or too close to bedtime, as this that your partner it will make need to stick to choose alcohol-free cocktails.â€? can make it harder to drift loves you for you. you more selfconvention. For off due to raised temperature They’re in love with conscious and example, if you NO TIME and energy levels.â€? you whatever size detract from normally hate




having fun.

It’s not just about your physical wellbeing. A wedding stress point that can really upset your emotional health is feeling under pressure to lose weight. “Brides worry about not looking the best version of themselves in their photos,â€? says 0LFKHOOH (OPDQ ERG\ FRQĂ€GHQFH FRDFK and author of Am I Ugly? (Anima, ÂŁ9.57). “But we all need to realise that thinner does not mean better, more beautiful or more loveable. You shouldn’t need to change dress sizes to feel more valuable.â€? Sometimes, brides-to-be can start to feel under pressure to lose weight because their friends and family assume that’s what they’re going to do. “Try to ignore diet chat,â€?

wearing heels,

you are now.

If your body isn’t getting enough fuel, \RX FDQ Ă€QG WKDW \RX¡UH ODFNLQJ HQHUJ\ ² not what you need when you have a million wedding to-dos to take care of. You risk making the run-up to your big day thoroughly miserable, particularly if you start avoiding events that involve food and drink – and the long-term effects can be serious. “If extreme dieting goes on long term, you FDQ VWDUW WR VHH QXWULWLRQDO GHĂ€FLHQFLHV Îź VD\V Dr Wallace. “If it goes on long enough, your


Do you love that rush you get from your regular gym VHVVLRQ \RXU UXQ RU \RXU IDYRXULWH Ă€WQHVV class? The mood-boosting effects of exercise are well known, so if you have to curtail RU FXW RXW \RXU Ă€WQHVV WLPH EHFDXVH \RX¡UH too busy with planning and wedmin tasks, it can have a negative effect on how you feel. The answer to the problem is to get more creative with your routine. “It’s all about shortening your workouts by adding movement elsewhere,â€? says Hollie. “I know that sounds obvious, but walking or cycling instead of using the car will mean less time spent in the gym. You could also choose workouts that are based on HIIT (high-intensity interval training), as they are much shorter.â€?

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