Take Your Eventer FOXHUNTING
Eglinton and
Caledon Hunt
Conten Master’s Message
Mimosa Cup & Summer Games Report
A beautiful FALL day in Caledon
Mounted Armadillo Hunting
Namaste, Mr. Fox
Elora Horse & Hound Parade
Take your Eventer Foxhunting
Viva Pan Am Caledon
Riding with Hounds Pull-out Section
Hunt Club Attire
The Tack Room
Gone Away Sideways
The Boutique
The Infamous Green River Award
The Hunt Field
The Social Scene - Summer Rides
A Tribute to Marg Quayle
Advertiser’s Index
For more information on the Eglinton and Caledon Hunt please contact: Ms. priscilla reeve, ex MFH 519-837-3964 Click for upcoming events, news & classifieds:
Eglinton and caledon Hunt
Stirrup cup 2014
Editor Mrs. Christine Gracey Art Director Mrs. Karin McDonald Spring Cubbing - courtesy Suzanne Dow
Masters of Foxhounds (MFH) Dr. Ron House MFH Mr. Alastair Strachan MFH Mr. Joe Merber MFH Huntsman Mr. Steven Clifton Staff Miss Melanie Smith, Professional Whip Mr. Carl Feairs, Volunteer Whip Mr. Derek French, ex-MFH, Honourary Car Whip Mr. John Quayle, Honourary Bicycle Whip Board of Directors Dr. Ron House MFH Mr. Alastair Strachan MFH Mr. Joe Merber MFH President- Ms. Priscilla Reeve Vice President- Mrs. Christine Gracey Treasurer- Dr. Ron House Mrs. Genie Hayward Miss Sarah Murphy Mrs. Heather Evans Mr. Brad Ellis
cover photo courtesy: Karin McDonald Huntsman Steve Clifton collecting the hounds in the Caledon country-side
Master’s Message 2014 marks our 85th anniversary as a club and we look forward to many more seasons doing what we love to do; ‘Riding to Hounds’ across cross country, behind a world class pack of hounds. Due to increasing development pressure, we often range north from our base in South Caledon where we have been since 1962. On our days out with horses and hounds, this has taken us as far north as Dundalk, west nearly to Arthur and many points in between these and Caledon. We say a BIG THANK YOU to all of those landowners who have given us permission to cross their farms in pursuit of the wily Coyote. Without their support, we would not be able to carry on the tradition of Riding to Hounds, started by British army offices way back in the 1840’s in Toronto. It has been a difficult year for the farming community and our thoughts are with them as we see fields of grain still not harvested as of mid-October. Our members come from all over the areas where we go so of course, many of our newer members live well north of Caledon, in Amaranth, Mono, Melancthon, Southgate, Grand Valley and other areas. We always extend a big welcome to new members and our guests and we are a fun crowd to be with – at least we think so! For the past several years, we have raised money for two hospitals as a way of ‘giving back’ to the community and 2014 is no exception. In July, we raised money for the Headwaters Health Care Centre in Orangeville with the ‘Hack for Health /Poker Run’ and in October, we raised money for the Groves Memorial Hospital in Fergus through the Elora Horse and Hound Parade. Look for details on these further on in this magazine. In addition to this, we take our hounds to various Fall Fairs to help support them and to give people a chance to ‘meet the hounds’ and gain an idea of what wonderful creatures they are. Kids seem to love them, and the hounds enjoy all the cuddles and pats. All of these hounds are bred and cared for very carefully and we can trace the ancestry of many of them back 100 years or more. We are looking forward to our busy social and riding schedule for the rest of 2014 and extend our best wishes to all of you. Tally Ho!
Alastair H. Strachan, MFH, Eglinton and Caledon Hounds
Editor’s Message We are so very proud to introduce the fourth issue of the Stirrup Cup - the official magazine of the Eglinton and Caledon Hounds. We give our thanks to the many members who have submitted wonderful articles and stunning photographs that document the many adventures we have had during the past year. This publication would not be possible without the countless hours put in by Karin McDonald, Art Director and all those who support us through their advertising. Thank you to all! The Stirrup Cup serves as a reminder of how much fun and enjoyment we get from the time honoured and traditional sport of ‘riding to hounds’. With the support of over 500 landowners, we get to ride through thousands of acres of private property, in some of the most scenic areas of rural southern Ontario, enjoying our horses and our time together, watching hounds work and spending time outdoors throughout the seasons. I love the fact that this is a non-competitive sport, and we encompass a range of ages from 7 to over 70. (I won’t get more specific than that!) The fact that our group is not based on ‘what do you do for a living?’, but is comprised of people with the same passion for outdoor life and country pursuits, and those who enjoy easygoing and relaxed social events is a large part of what makes this club so great. We are a welcoming group of people, and we look forward to getting to know you. If you enjoy our magazine and think you would like to participate in some of our events, please come and join us sometime. If you already know us, we look forward to seeing you soon! christine Gracey, Editor Stirrup Cup 5
Hunt Events
Mimosa Summer Games offers a full The 14th annual running of the Mimosa Cup and Summer Games took place at the CRC on August 3th. The Games are always a big job with many man-hours spent working on the trails and sorting out jumps but this year we faced some additional challenges in that we were dealing with the carnage on the trails from the 2013 Ice Storm. In the weeks and days leading up to the event, we had a trusty and hard-working group of dedicated members out to clean up the trails, mark the courses and ready the venue for what was shaping up to be another terrific installment of the annual event. The first event was in 2000 and coincided with the Summer Olympics at the time so it was called the ECH Summer
Games. There were only 37 entries that first year. In 2001, the property in the Hockley Valley was sold and the event moved to Mimosa Farm where the hounds still meet each season. It was at that point that it was decided to call the races the Mimosa Cup and Summer Games and the trophies and prize money were introduced. The entries quickly grew to 100 and more and it became an important fund-raising event for ECH. Winning one of the two prestigious Mimosa Cup races is considered quite an accomplishment and is a testament to the ability of both the horse and rider. Six years ago, the event moved to the Caledon Riding
Hunter Pace riders had the option of taking fences on course or keeping all legs firmly planted on the ground.
Some took a leisurely approach to the Hunter Pace (above). Others displayed tremendous unison during the Mimosa Pairs race (background).
slate of fun and excitement for all! Club (CRC) as Mimosa Farm was sold to the current owner, Judy Pace. Judy is a strong supporter of the ECH and invites us to continue our hunting from Mimosa Farm for which we are most grateful. Last year, we had mixed it up a bit by adding a few new events to try and put a new spin on the games and make it a day as much for the spectators as for the competitors. We kept our additions from last year while adding a Trotting Race, as well as a hunting facet to the Hunter Pace but more significantly, switched up the two Mimosa events. The Mimosa Cup Singles race was transformed into a Short Course event with a cross-country and stadium
component, both being timed and with time penalties added for rails down. The Mimosa Pairs was run on essentially the same course but without the stadium fences and with the last 3 jumps to be jumped in unison and judged. Both events saw a healthy number of entries and were a
welcome twist for those who have entered the events year over year. This was the second year for the tailgate competition and while there were only 4 entries this year, all of them did a terrific job and impressed the judges (Derek French and Priscilla Reeve). The →
Tailgate winners Deb & Morely Shortill
Mimosa Summer Games
(Continued from page 7)
reigning champions, the Stewart`s, amped it up with a Kentucky Derby theme while the Mahoney’s went full equestrian with their decorating. Tamara Beckstead presented a beautiful traditionally English tailgate but in the end, the trophy went to the Shortill’s and their luxurious setup and offerings! Congratulations Deb and Morley! Hopefully, this year`s entrants were able to inspire others to try their hand and win next year`s bragging rights! The mock hunt provided the pageantry that everyone loves and Frank Merrill supplied his ever informative and entertaining narrative before our huntsman moved off with the hounds, the field led by ex-MFH Shelley Peterson who we were thrilled to have join us this year in
that capacity. Again this year, a number of hounds had colourful ribbons around their necks to identify them to the crowd – this wasn’t just a mock hunt but also a hound race! A drag line was laid (thank you to Chris Stewart who had the smelliest job of the day!) with the ‘finish line’ in front of the clubhouse and the hounds put on a wonderful display for the crowd! Timing things perfectly, a coyote was spied crossing through the grass ring just moments after the hounds had headed back to the kennels. The Wonderdogs returned this year for the lunchtime entertainment. These impressive canines are always a crowd pleaser and made for a great way to take a breather before the afternoon’s games and
races began. Carl Feairs held a whipcracking contest around the same time and got a few audience members involved. This always looks much easier than it is and Carl makes it look really easy! The 2014 Mimosa Cup and Summer Games were a success and a huge thank you to everybody who helped in any way make it so – it couldn’t have happened without you! An especially big thank you to the committee – Alastair, Derek, Sue H and Wendy – for your tireless efforts over the months leading up to the Games. Your dedication to this event is nothing short of amazing! y ~ Kelley Givlin
The scenic Caledon Riding Club
A beautiful FALL day in Caledon... At the Mimosa Games this summer, ECH member and exMFH Shelley Peterson graciously offered to lead the field in the Mock Hunt. This is a quick loop around the Caledon Riding Club grounds, with the hounds and huntsman running a drag line, that allows participants and their mounts to get a bit of a feel for the excitement and enjoyment of a traditional Hunt. She galloped off after the Huntsman with the field following, but her horse threw in a huge and nasty buck absolutely midleap at the first fence. Shelley hung on for a couple of strides, but one final swerve to the right sealed her fate, and off she came. (She was fortunately unhurt). Shelley has very sportingly allowed us to preserve her inadvertent dismount, a reminder to us all, ‘From the back of a horse, the unexpected can happen at any time’. y
Member’s Notes
Mounted Armadillo Hunting on Florida's Back Roads Inevitably the frozen ground puts an end to the fall hunt season in northern climes. All good things must come to an end. But wait, does it have to be so? What's this title that you see? Riding to hounds in pursuit of armadillos? by Derek French, ex MFH Well, yes. It's not quite what you might expect but indeed the rider is mounted. The hounds are smaller than the ones you usually ride behind. There is a quarry even though it doesn't look much like your beloved fox or the not-so-beloved coyote. There is plenty of excitement, a few dangers and it is live hunting with more risk for the hunter than for the hunted. And above all, the ground is not frozen and your fingers and toes are always warm. The hounds are Jack Russell Terriers, the mount is an adult tricycle and the quarry, although unseen in these photos, is that creature left over from pre-historic days, the common armadillo. It all began as a way in which to satisfy the demands of the inexhaustible Jack Russells; Sallie and Simon. Come four o'clock every day they would hunt me down wherever I was about the property and say, in effect, "Come on Dad, it's time that we had our exercise". Woe betide me if I didn't meet their request, if I wanted a peaceful evening that is! Like most communities in Florida, our dogs are expected to be exercised on a leash. To provide Jack Russells with enough exercise on a leash it is necessary to do a lot of walking and at a pace to suit their enthusiasm. The use of a three-wheeled trike with the dogs on an extended leash seemed to be the natural solution. They immediately grasped the idea the very first time they were fitted with their shoulder harnesses. Coupled together like an old foxhound teaching a new entry, they took off at great speed. I quickly found that pedaling the trike is unnecessary except on uphill situations which, of course, are few and far between in Florida. The "hunt country" is on the undeveloped but paved roads which are only too common in some sections of Florida. These traffic-free roads are usually bordered by about twenty feet of grass verges on each side. These have become favourite feeding 10
grounds for armadillos. This is how it works. On a 12 foot fixed leash, we cruise these quiet back roads. The secret of success is stealth, surprise and rapid acceleration. Unlike a pack of foxhounds, there is no hound music, just the squish of the tires on the pavement. We cover the territory at a steady dog trot of about 8 miles per hour. On the sighting of an armadillo the charge commences. Rapid acceleration to about 20 miles an hour is required to reach the armadillo before it can cover the twenty feet to the sanctuary of the palmettos. As the charge suddenly erupts it is important to keep one hand on the brakes in order to pull the dogs up short just as they reach their armadillo. In this way we avoid actual contact with the quarry and the possibility of picking up fleas and ticks. Also our friend is likely to be there again on the next occasion if we do no more than startle him. There is little risk to the dogs or the armadillos. There is a greater risk to the rider and his mount. The possibility of a tumble occurs when the trike goes "off piste" as skiers would call it. Smooth pavement is one thing but the rough tussocks and ditches of the grass verges is another. Even greater risk occurs when the game switches to a squirrel or a rabbit crossing the road at right angles and the Jacks execute a 90 degree turn at speed. Three wheels are not enough to hold the trike upright and a spill is a distinct possibility. An even
more hair-raising thrill occurs when the squirrel or rabbit takes off in a straight line down the road. The ride becomes exhilarating as the speed increases to perhaps 25 miles per hour and even the full application of that little rubber brake pad is not enough to hold a runaway trike. On a typical hunt day we set out at around five pm. as the evening shadows begin to form and the nocturnal armadillos come out to feed. We cover two or three miles of back roads before blowing for home. On a good day we can expect to have about four sightings (finds) resulting in perhaps three "charges". Upon calling it a day, the bicycle bell is wrung, the hounds are boxed up and pedaled back to the kennels in the basket behind the trike's saddle. As evening falls, kennel rations are issued and the master (MJR) is able to pour his scotch and soda and watch the evening news. Another great day's hunting and a quiet evening follows with the two Jacks subdued and happily dreaming about the one that got away. y
Member’s Notes
Namaste, Mr. Fox Mid-summer in Ontario; the Eglinton Caledon Hunt Hunter Pace was over; and the Mimosa Cup Races and Landowners' Appreciation still were a month away. The first cut hay was finally in the barn and the sea called my name. I grew up in Suffolk, England, where I was never more than half an hour away from the North Sea. Although now I have lived in Ontario for many years, I still feel the need to experience the mystery of the sea. The salty air, the rhythm of the waves, and the cries of the sea birds are fuel to my inner spirit. So when I received an e-mail from friends inviting me to join them on Prince Edward Island, on Canada's Atlantic coast, it sounded perfect. I booked the flight and headed out. Charlottetown Airport is small, and it only took minutes to climb out of the plane. We headed across the island to Rustico on the North Shore. The logo for the resort was a red fox, and the owner told us that foxes are common on this part of the coast, where they are often seen on the golf course. The cottage we had rented stood on the edge of the water. The beaches beside us were rusty red sandstone. This was the ultimate rural setting, where farmer and fisherman are one. For the first couple of days we ate lobsters at a diner in a church hall, went to a Celidh, and visited the Anne of Green Gables house in Cavendish. On the third day, we decided to hike along the beach at the National Park at Dalvay by the Sea. Bold geometric shapes rose out of the sea, where the red sand stone cliffs had been eroded by pounding waves. We stepped over jellyfish, some of whom were stranded in
pools of seawater. Soft round clouds rolled over the horizon, and the warm air created a perfect summer morning by the ocean. I scanned the landscape looking for wildlife, for any movement on the cliffs or along the beach. I scrutinized the countryside for game, a habit that always stays with you after a lifetime of foxhunting. Suddenly, I saw a healthy young fox, red as the sandstone cliffs he was running past. He hid behind a scrubby bush on the cliff, and peered out. He had been watching us hiking along the beach. As we continued down the beach, the fox ran along the cliff beside us. He was having a game, playing hide 'n seek. He ran a little, watching us to see if we were watching him. He hid for a few moments, before peering out to see if we had noticed his hiding place. Then he sprung out, and jumped in the air, showing off, telling us how high he could leap. Next, he ran along beside us to catch up and found another hiding place. He was young and curious, scouting out his territory. The fox stayed with us for about ten minutes, and then disappeared. Around us, the beach was empty, with not a person in sight. For a while we walked on, until we saw a woman doing yoga further up the beach. She was quite alone, completely absorbed in her practice, concentrating on her position and her meditation. The pose she was holding was the powerful dramatic Warrior 2. Arms raised above her head, she crouched forward with one knee bent and one leg stretched out behind. Motionless as a statue, she appeared like a supernatural figurehead on the prow of an old sailing ship. As background, rusty red cliffs rose up behind her and in front grey green waves broke on the sand.
By Priscilla Reeve
What happened next was the most remarkable encounter between a fox and human being I have seen: a salutation to the Zen of living beings. The fox appeared again, as he had also observed the woman in the Warrior pose, and was quite fascinated. Captivated by the intensity and strength of the Warrior pose, the curious fox slowly he approached, as though drawn by a magnet, until he was about five feet away. The woman was so focused on her yoga practice that she was completely unaware of his presence. The fox crept nearer and nearer to her, looking up intently into her face. Then he stood absolutely still, and took up his own foxy warrior yoga pose. His head was erect, his black tipped ears were pointed, his back was stretched long and low and his wonderful thick brush was extended out behind him. The woman became aware of us, but still she did not see the fox, until we waved and pointed at him. When she looked down she did not move a muscle. Both fox and woman stared at each other, mesmerized, each holding their own fearless proud positions. There was no movement. They stood quite still, as did time, for more than two minutes. Then, in a second, it was over. The fox ran a half circle around her, and he was gone. The woman shrugged her shoulders at us, and took up another pose. The spirit of Zen had moved on. I held my hands together in front of my heart to form the traditional yoga salutation of thanks and submission. It was an indication that I recognized the spirit in them, and I was honouring both them and their inner beings. I was in inspired by that mysterious spirit, which moves both man and beast. Quietly I spoke the words: "Namaste, Mr Fox." y
Elora Horse & Hound Parade ECH gives back to the community at this fundraiser for the Groves Hospital Foundation in Fergus
omp and pageantry were on full display during the 3rd Annual Horse and Hound Parade through the scenic streets of Elora, on October 5. A fundraiser for the Groves Hospital Foundation in Fergus, this parade is gathering mo-
mentum and importance each year. Twenty plus ECH members dressed in their formal season best, on beautifully turned out horses, trotted through the streets with our Huntsman Steve Clifton and a multitude of hounds in the lead. There were several stops for photo opportunities, and to give our friendly hounds a chance to lick and kiss every child within distance, wag their tails feverishly, and perhaps snatch the odd morsel of food
given to them. A fantastic four-in-hand team of Clydesdales, with a restored, antique carriage and elegantly dressed passengers rounded out the parade. Then a ploughman’s lunch at the historic Elora Mill, finished o the afternoon nicely. ECH was very happy & proud to present a cheque for $5500.00 to the hospital foundation and are looking forward to meeting everyone again next year! y
By Laura Millerick
Originally published at HorseNation. Reprinted with their permission. Don’t know what to do this winter?
Take your eventer foxhunting! I know,
Improve your horse’s independence
I know, it may seem crazy, but hear me
When you listen to top riders and trainers talk about starting and educating young horses, you’ll hear a lot about how important it is for them to be able to think for themselves, to know how to be quick on their feet and get themselves out of a sticky situation that may not have gone exactly as planned. You won’t be able to micromanage what your horse is doing much since there’s a lot you have to be paying attention to, like what the Field Master is doing, where the hounds are and so on. You may be surprised at how your horse steps up to the plate when left to make some of his own decisions. The first event horse I took hunting was young and somewhat aloof when jump schooling. He was a great jumper, but he didn’t pay attention to striding at all or where he was putting his feet, and he was really hard to adjust. I will always distinctly remember my shock when we were going to a coop in our second season of hunting together and I felt my horse do a flying lead change and balance himself to the base of the jump without me doing a thing. His improved awareness of what he was doing not only improved our cross country, but also our show jumping quite a bit. →
out. What to do when the competition season ends and it gets cold is a question that plagues all of us. Like most, I will not be making the Great Migration to the south for the chillier months, but that’s okay with me since I look forward to hunt season as much as the start of event season. There’s a lot of reasons why trying hunting with your eventer may be a really great thing for both you and your horse, and they may surprise you.
Photo Courtesy: Bailini
Conquering bogeys and resetting expectations
Unless you’re intending to give your horse the winter off, keeping him and yourself fit can be a boring routine of trot sets, over and over and over again. Trust me — hunting will completely change that. Hunting is hard, for both the horse and the rider. You spend a lot of time travelling quickly across very varied terrain, which will keep the horse fit for obvious reasons, but it will also keep you fit since you’re spending a lot of time out of the tack. It will almost completely eliminate the period of legging up we usually expect at the start of event season if you’ve been hunting all winter.
It’s easy to form impressions of our horses that will never go away if we never change our approach. We can get used to thinking certain things about our horses — that they hate mud, they get spooky at shows, they hate grass arenas, they’re terrified of ditches or water, etc., etc. These behaviors often turn into a vicious cycle since we begin to expect it of them, which they then pick up on. When you’re out in the hunt field traveling with a group of other horses, you’d be shocked how quickly your horse will forget how much he hates mud or is TERRIFIED of water when he’s more focused on keeping up with the field. They will remember that experience and learn from it the same as if you were working through it cross-country schooling and, hopefully, it will be a completely positive memory since you didn’t have to work through him stopping and snorting at a water jump. Events may not be so stressful anymore after he survived hunting in a big group with hounds running and baying everywhere. This will then reset your expectations of your horse. You’ll no longer think of him as a horse that spooks at water or stops in the mud because he blazes through it in the huntfield, and you may find yourself riding more confidently and successfully as a result. You’ll likely improve across country as well, particularly in your balance riding over terrain, and may even get over some of your fears. Uncomfortable riding down hills at speed? You won’t be after hunting — that I can guarantee from experience!
Photo Courtesy: Bailini
Staying Fit
It’s FUN!!!!!
To me, this is the most important factor. It’s fun for you and it’s fun for your horse. Hunts generally are made up of wonderful, welcoming people that ride because they love it and are first and foremost there to have a good time. It will turn winter from that boring season where we do trot sets and work on dressage to hunt season and give you something to look forward to year round. Of course, there is the necessary disclaimer that not all horses will love hunting. A horse that HATES dogs, kicks or loses his mind in groups would probably not be well-served by being taken hunting. Your horse may take a couple times out to realize how much fun it is, but a lot of them really do take to it, and there’s lots of great lessons to be learned in the hunt field. So, if you think anything that I just mentioned above sounds like it might be good for you or your horse, email the secretary for your local hunt and ask about permission to cap (hunt as a visitor) with them. Once they’ve given the okay, throw in some road studs and kick on; we’d love to see you in the hunt field! y
Don’t Sit on the Fence – Be a Part of It! Help make the games special – let’s give them a real Caledon Welcome!! The countdown is on to the biggest Canadian event of 2015 and probably the biggest event ever hosted in Caledon. From July 10-26 The Pan Am Equestrian Park in Palgrave is where all horse lovers will want to be! All equestrian competition except for the x-country element of Eventing will take place at the newly constructed and renovated world class venue. The x country track will be at Will O’ Wind Farm in Mono with the horses shipping from Palgrave. The world’s 3rd largest multi-sport event (after the Olympics and Asian Games) it will require some 20,000 volunteers to make it the best it can be. The equestrian events alone will require between 300 -400 volunteers and I have taken on the challenge of coordinating them! We need you, your family and your friends to help make Caledon, Ontario and Canada shine. Get in on the ground level – feel the pulse of both the horses and the riders. Take advantage of the excellent training and networking opportunities. Find out how an international event of this scope works! This is your chance to bring your skill set and enthusiasm together with your love of horses to help make these the best Pan Am games ever! How often does one have the amazing opportunity to participate in a world class sporting event in one’s own backyard ? Applications are well underway and interviews will run from now through October. Everyone must apply through the central portal but I would also like to hear from you directly. Please use the additional code SP TEQ (all upper case) on your application to make sure you’re dropped into the equestrian “bucket”. Volunteers must be 16 as of January 1st, 2015 and anyone under 18 requires parental or guardian consent. There is a wide spectrum of opportunities and something for everyone. Some jobs will require specific skills but most will require enthusiasm, good communication skills and commitment. Fluency in French, Spanish and/or Portuguese is a trump card! Ideally volunteers will commit to 12 shifts over 18 days. Leaders will receive initial training and orientation in January and all others in May. The benefits of volunteering are significant and are outlined on the website. So whether you want to interface with the grooms and the barns, be involved in the myriad of hospitality events, be an information meeter and greeter or work with the technical and or media end of things – THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!!! Let’s make these games special – let’s give them a real Caledon Welcome. I look forward to hearing from you SOON.
Willa Gauthier, 519-927-5652/ cell 416-219-9533
Viva Pan Am Caledon 2015! 20
AND CALEDON HUNT Welcome to the excitement and exhilaration of "Riding to Hounds"!
Photo: Karin McDonald
Photo: Scott Lawson
The music of the hounds in "full cry". The sound of the horn echoing off the woodland hills. The excitement of the chase. The thrill of galloping over the countryside, the view of vistas that takes your breath away. The camaraderie of friends pursuing the same passion. Riding to hounds is a wonderful recreation for the whole family that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. What could possibly be better! Learn everything you need to know about being a member of ECH in this special tear-out section.
FIRST A LI T TLE H ISTORY Foxhunting has existed in North America since colonial days and was enjoyed by hunters, farmers and landed gentry. The earliest record of foxhunting in Canada was in 1650. The earliest established hunt in Canada was the Montreal Hunt in 1826. The popularity of foxhunting continues to grow. Currently there are 168 organized hunts in North America. Our own local hunt is the Eglinton and Caledon Hunt. It is an offshoot of the Toronto Hunt which was formed in 1843. In 1930, The Eglinton Hunt, was formed and located at the corner of Avenue Road and Roselawn Avenue in Toronto and was recognized as a separate hunt under the Mastership of George Beardmore. When the expansion of Toronto necessitated finding new country, hounds were moved to their present location on Creditview Road in Caledon in 1963 and the name changed to Eglinton and Caledon Hunt. Today there are 110 members who participate not only in hunting but also with many related activities.
THE MASTERS The leaders of our hunt are known as ‘Masters of Foxhunting’, a position of overall responsibility that has been a tradition over the centuries. The role of the Master can be likened to that of a president of an organization and is one which carries with it considerable responsibility and prestige. The Masters will usually lead the riders in the field, and when they are performing this role they are known as ‘Field Masters’. However, on some occasions other members of the hunt may well perform this function. In this case they are also known as ‘Field Masters’ and they will also have responsibility for the safety and control of the riders.
THE FIELDS Followers of our hounds ride in one of two groups. Experienced riders on steady horses who are comfortable jumping obstacles at speed usually will ride with the ‘Main Field’. Those riders who prefer not to jump and prefer a more leisurely pace will usually rider with the ‘Hill Toppers’ field. The ‘Main field’ follows the hunt as closely as possible without interfering with either hounds or the Huntsman and Whippers-in. The pace can reach cross country galloping speed and fences are usually negotiated in order to keep up with the hounds. The Hill Toppers move at a distance endeavouring to see the hounds working, and anticipate where game may be flushed to observe a ‘viewing’. Hill Toppers are not required to jump fences and usually move at a slower pace than the Main field. Riders are not permitted to pass the Field Masters and must obey the directions of the Field Masters. If a rider decides to retire for the day, he or she must advise the Field Master and request permission to leave. It is important that a rider does not cross through an area which will be hunted that day, as this could interfere with scenting. HUNTSMAN Under the direction of the Masters, a professional Huntsman is responsible for the kennels and all aspects of managing the hounds, including breeding, training, exercise, and of course, hunting. The Huntsman contributes to fostering a positive relationship with all landowners who provide permission to hunt on their lands. W H I P P E R S -I N The Huntsman is assisted by Whippers-in who participate in the hunting. This includes turning back hounds if they are running onto land not permitted to hunt, or busy roadways, rounding up hounds, and exercising of the hounds under the direction of the Huntsman. THE HOUNDS Training starts before a hound is 1 year old. The young hound is sometimes coupled with an older hound until it learns to stay with the others. They are then introduced to horses. As hounds hunt over private farmland, they must ignore all farm animals and pursue only the chosen quarry. Hounds begin to hunt at 12 to 18 months of age. The goal is to establish a pack of hounds that will run uniformly, give great voice, show stamina, develop a keen nose, and be obedient to the huntsman.
GLOSSARY OF HUNT TERMS All on - All hounds present and accounted for Away - When the quarry has left a cover and gone away; the hounds are gone away. Babbling - When hounds are giving voice or barking for no good reason. Cast - When the huntsman sends hounds into a cover or brings them together and then sends them another direction, he is said to be casting his hounds. Challenge - When drawing for a fox, the first hound, which throws his tongue, is a challenge. Check - When hounds in chase stop for want of scent, or have overrun it. Couple - Two hounds (any sex). Hounds are always counted in couples. Drawing - When hounds are working a covert or an area they are said to be drawing it. Full Cry - When the whole pack is running hard after the quarry and throwing or giving tongue. Gone to Ground - When a fox or coyote goes into a natural earth, hole or drain. Pinks - A term used to describe the red or scarlet hunt coat.
Photos courtesy: Karin McDonald
Whelps - Unweaned puppies. W H AT T H E H O U N D S H U N T Coyote can range in a large territory. The coyote, when chased, will run in straight lines and may take the hounds out of their assigned hunting areas. The coyote scent is stronger than the fox, and coyote chasing is more common in our area. Foxes are territorial. It knows good and bad scenting days. It can lead the pack on a merry chase, evading it by cunning or jumping into the first available den or hole.
• To come out to hunt you must be escorted by an existing member of the hunt. • Arrangements will be made with a Master to bring a guest to a meet. There is a fee to be paid by a guest of the hunt (known as a "capping fee") as well as waiver forms to be signed at the meet prior to mounting up. Your host should provide you with full details and introduce you to the Honourary Secretary (who has the forms and collects the fees) and the Masters at the meet. • When riding, a guest should always follow the path set by the Field Master and obey any instructions given by the Field Master. It is considered proper etiquette to ride behind the experienced riders with "colours". • Care must be taken when riding on cultivated fields; you should always ride single
H U N T:
file and close to the outside perimeter of the field. Avoid riding close to houses and farm buildings whenever possible. Never gallop down a landowner’s driveway or past his house. Circle all livestock so as to not disturb them. • Riders who have a horse that is inclined to kick out must wear a red ribbon on the horse’s tail and ride at the back of the group. Horses that are young or considered "green" should wear a green ribbon on the tail. Hounds always have the right of way. • A word about tack and bitting. Hunting can be as exciting for the horse as the rider. Horses tend to become stronger when galloping in a group. We recommend you consider using either a running or standing martingale and look at using a bit which will provide stronger "brakes".
W H AT Y O U C A N E X P E C T AT A T Y P I C A L M E E T : We hunt in various terrains and weather conditions. Discuss with your host, what attire is appropriate for your day of hunting. Proper turnout is not only a hunting tradition but also a sign of respect. Plan to arrive in time to sign waivers and pay fees before mounting, and be mounted at least ten minutes prior to "moving off "time. In this ten minute period riders gather to hear announcements and are introduced to the landowners who are thanked for providing permission to hunt their land, and guests are introduced to the field. At this time you will also be offered a "Stirrup Cup" (a drink of sherry or port) prior to the hunt commencing. Once the hunt moves off, be prepared to meet other members of the field and forge new acquaintances to enjoy your hunting experience. A hunt can last several hours; you would be wise to bring a snack and or a drink with you. At the conclusion of the hunt, either a ‘tailgate breakfast’ is enjoyed by all or you will be invited to attend an evening breakfast with your host to enjoy a hearty meal, liquid refreshments and swap tales of the days hunting escapades. y
Riding to hounds is a most enjoyable experience and we would love to have you join us... For more information please contact : Ms. Priscilla Reeve, ex MFH 519-837-3964 or visit 23
Hunt Club Attire
By Courtney Cotter
Hunting is a traditional sport with traditional values. Within ECH there are multiple occasions where our attire changes. This is mostly based on tradition, but with a mixture of new thoughts on the old. CAPPING ATTIRE When capping, it is completely acceptable to wear what you might wear in a stadium or dressage ring. This would include; a dark helmet, dark show jacket, beige breeches, tall riding boots, dark gloves, and a shirt with stock tie or rat catcher.
It is about having fun, and bringing in some new rider faces.
FORMAL SEASON This is what everyone pictures when they think hunting. Braiding is encouraged but not mandatory.
Spring and fall can be a fun time to wear your lovely tweeds and fun stock ties. If you have brown boots it is suitable to break them out at this time. Helmets can be brown, navy, black, grey or other colours. A black jacket is more than appropriate, with beige/ light coloured traditional breeches. You can wear a rat catcher or stock tie, while men can wear ties.
LADIES Beige breeches, black tall boots or black with patent tops, white shirt and stock tie, and a black or dark jacket. Helmets should also be black or dark. MEN With colours: Pinque coats, stock pin, white shirt, stock tie and breeches. Boots are usually black, or black with brown tops. Without colours: Black/ dark jacket, beige breeches, white shirt, stock pin, stock tie, and white shirt.
SUMMER RIDES Comfortable! Summer rides are designed to be a fun in the sun celebration. A polo shirt, helmet and breeches are encouraged. 24
OPENING MEET This is the exciting time where we can pull out all our very best attire. Many ladies wear their shadbelly's for this day instead of their everyday hunt jackets. EVENING BREAKFASTS After the horses have been tucked in, and
us riders have shaken the hay out of our hair, the starved feeling sets in and we head out to a pre-arranged breakfast. Sometimes there are fun themes to get inspired. Other times it is country casual. A blazer, pants, skirt or dress is acceptable. Dressing up is a nice quiet way to say thank you to the hosts of the evening. TAILGATE BREAKFASTS Once your horse is looked after and happy in his trailer, the tailgate breakfast is usually waiting. Generally you can wear what you hunted in. Others like to throw their helmet hair under a hat, and lose the field boots for something more comfortable. Usually that is a pair of loafers, flats, or rubber boots if they are needed for that day. FINAL DINNER This evening is always a lovely way to recapture the falls’s hunts. It is also a great time to have fun in whatever you feel inspired to wear. From oďŹƒce casual to formal; you can wear your gowns, and formal pinques, or something less formal. It is an evening of celebration and fun. y
“It is difficult to explain ones love for horse and hound, it cannot be explained, it is simply felt! �
Member’s Notes
The Tack Room
By Derek French
It's a smell you never forget; the aroma of a well-kept tack room. It is unmistakable. The pungent atmosphere softens the soul, relaxes the senses, stimulates pleasant memories and encourages a feeling of camaraderie, with your fellow riders and your equine friends. I was reminded of this recently when I made a trip back to the past. I visited the outbuildings of the farm on which I was raised. The stables were no longer home to horses and were now used for storage. But the tack room seemed empty and when I pressed the old-style latch, the door swung open with ease. The moment my foot
dropped down to an unusually deep step into the room, I was taken back a lifetime of years. That abrupt step down had caused many a visitor to stumble. Not I, for my memory cells immediately beeped a warning from long ago. The little dark tack room came swimming up to the surface of my mind and I felt right back at home. The same old wood stove was there and the empty saddle racks were still on the walls. Not the modern designs of today, but heavy old ones made of cast iron, now showing the verdigris of time. The bridle hooks remained in a row above the saddle racks with the names of some of the horses I had long forgotten written in fading chalk beneath them. A bleached-out rosette from a third place finish in some minor gymkhana hung by a thread from a nail on the wall. Insignificant now, it summoned up those moments of heart-stopping panic when the ring
steward blew his whistle for the next competitor to enter the ring. Despite the cobwebs and the stale air of a long closed-up room, there was still the hint of its original use. The smoke from the wood stove, which was always hard to light unless you knew its cranky ways, had permeated the wooden walls. Could there still be a lingering odour of horse sweat from those saddle pads, long gone now, which should have been washed more frequently? A thin strip of leather lay on a shelf; it looked like a broken throat latch, now hard with age and green with mold. But through it all a sweet smell lingered on. It was faint but despite the musty smell of the closed-o room the aroma of beeswax came through. It might have been just my mind overreacting to the wave of nostalgia which swept over me. Or perhaps there was a wild bees nest in the rafters. I remembered they had chosen this location in the past. Whatever it was, it conjured up happy memories. The smell of a tack room is comprised of many things. Pause for a moment and let your mind recall the last time you prepared your tack or cleaned it after a great ride with
“Pause for a moment and let your mind recall or cleaned it after a great ride with your of horse sweat but this is not an 26
The tack room can be a gathering place for a good chat while performing those leather-cleaning chores.
your best friend. For sure, there is the odour of horse sweat but this is not an unpleasant smell. When combined with the smell of leather, well cared for, and the aroma of the multitude of cleaning and conditioning products, the effect is comfortable and reminiscent of good times. Perhaps too, there is the lingering hint of that particular smell from the hot shoe fitting that the farrier performed on one of the horses in the barn. It all adds up to the distinctive never-to-be-forgotten atmosphere of the tack room. There are the base notes of the tanned leather, but it is all the other ingredients which contribute to the complexities of that warm and pleasant smell. Tack cleaning is a necessary chore, best performed with a companion for company and a good natter. It can be satisfying to lather up that bar of saddle soap to first clean and then lubricate the leather. There's glycerin, lanolin and even a touch of olive oil in most brands of saddle soap; but it is the beeswax ingredient that imparts that soft hint of honey. But enough of the technical details. For whatever reason, the intriguing smell of the tack room conjures up pleasant memories. The tack room can be a gathering place for a good chat while performing those leather-cleaning chores. In the horsey world, the tack room can be a social spot like the biscuit barrel was in the old general store. Or in a more modern environment, it can be likened to the water cooler in the office. For me, just the whiff of a tack room conjures up nostalgic memories of a lifelong association with our equine friends that have provided so much pleasure and love over the years. y
the last time you prepared your tack best friend. For sure, there is the odour unpleasant smell.” 27
Member’s Notes
Gone Away Sideways
Keey Givlin
ife moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. Those words of wisdom came from Ferris Bueller and as I get older I find that I can relate more and more. Between commuting, cell phones, computers, 24 hour news and increasingly disturbing current affairs and song lyrics, it is hard not to feel as if things are spinning out of control. So perhaps what attracts many of us to our beloved sport of foxhunting is that it harks back to a simpler, slower time. There are some of us who have been drawn to riding aside, rather than astride, for likely the same reason. Both evoke a period of elegance, tradition, social expectations, and modesty. All things that seem to be lacking in today’s society in so many ways. Following in the footsteps of some of our members who rode aside in the past, I have developed quite an interest in riding side saddle. I have had a fascination with it since my Pony Club days when a fellow Pony Clubber periodically showed aside. It was something that got pushed into the background as life went on and got busier, and added to that not knowing where one would even go to try riding aside or where to find a side saddle. The Caledon Riding Club hosted an informal information night a couple of years ago and invited the Ontario Side Saddle Association to speak about side saddles, habits and the opportunity to attend a ‘have-a-go’ clinic. Well, that was the beginning. Since then, I have found a saddle, pulled together a habit and spent a lot of time teaching myself to ride like a ‘lady’ and teaching my trusty steed to pretend to be a ‘lady’s horse’. Neither of us have really figured it out yet but we have had a lot of fun trying. The saddle was the first challenge. Finding a side saddle is not as simple as finding an astride saddle. The saddle has to fit the horse and the rider…the horse’s shape (in relation to the shape of the tree) is critical to the fit and stability of the saddle and the riders size and thigh length determines what size she (or he!) needs. The side saddle is built on an asymmetric tree that, when fitted properly, will prevent the saddle from rolling to the side that the rider’s legs are on. Combine that with the fact that most quality side saddles are essentially antiques
madly searched for matching wool and got to work. I had already worked on a couple of aprons but wasn’t satisfied with the shape of them. I managed to get my hands on an apron from England that was a bit ‘tidier’ and took a pattern from that. The final result is respectable, if not quite as snappy as some that I have seen…conservative and tidy and really, that’s all I was going for. In the meantime, I was lucky enough to become the owner of a lovely side saddle cane. Since a side saddle rider doesn’t have a leg on one side of the horse, they often carry a cane on that side which fills in for the missing leg and can apply pressure to the horse’s side to better communicate what is being asked. Our wonderful ECH Whips factored in greatly here…Melanie Smith came across a lovely old antique bamboo cane that she found she didn’t have need of. She asked me if I could make use of it and so I promptly took it to our other amazing Whip, Carl Feairs. Carl then worked his repair magic and the end result is a lovely piece that I plan to have for many years. In many ways, this is somewhat of a teach-yourself hobby. Books about it are few and far between and the ones that are worthwhile are hard to come by and quite expensive. There are no DVD’s to speak of though there are the odd YouTube videos. For the most part, these are of people who are as new to side saddle as I am so though it is good to know that you aren’t the only one out there, there isn’t much to learn from them. My best resource by far was meeting Debbie Smith, a long-time side saddle enthusiast. The first time I met Debbie was to head out to take a look at a saddle with her in hopes that it would fit me and my horse. It did and since then, Debbie has been an invaluable source of help, advice, support and encouragement in this adventure. She has been ever so patient and willing to critique videos as I have sent them along (after my ever-patient husband was again coerced into setting fences and taking video) and even make a couple of trips out for ‘lessons’. I have had a lot of fun with this and with Courtney Cotter and Brianne Thompson learning alongside me, there has been ample support from within ECH. So now the trick is going to be to combine my two obsessions…find the nerve to hop up aside and go hunting! Tally ho! y
that were custom-made for a particular horse and rider combination, primarily before WWII, and one can well imagine what a challenge it is to find one that fits, and is in good enough shape to use today. There are very few saddlers building good quality new side saddles today and most people who are seriously riding, hunting or showing on a side saddle end up on an ‘Old Name English Side Saddle’ that is still in safe, serviceable condition and fits them and their horse.
Kelley in full side saddle regalia
Once the saddle was secured, it was time to introduce the trusty steed to it. He took to it quite easily, thankfully. I was another issue. The first few times out, I am not sure how I stayed on at anything more than a walk. But, as time went on and we both got used to it, things started rapidly improving. As both our confidence improved, we moved onto cantering, lateral work and (gasp!), some jumping. Just another example of how time, patience and practice can make a difference. What is surprising is that as one becomes more comfortable in the side saddle and understands how to position themselves for stability, the saddle is actually quite secure and not nearly as uncomfortable as it first seems. Now, if one is going to go out in public aside, one must be dressed appropriately. A ladies’ side saddle habit generally consists of a jacket, a matching or coordinating safety apron, matching breeches, boots and an appropriate shirt and tie or stock. If correctly turned out, she should also have a topper or bowler with a veil but in today’s safetyminded culture, more are turning to their helmets instead. A new habit is not inexpensive and finding an old one that would fit seemed just as unlikely a prospect. So, I pulled an old show jacket out of the closet,
The Boutique Snooty Fox Decanter Set This set is perfect for your bar, tailgate, or perhaps in the barn. Great gift idea for your coach, your friends or family.
Ecogold Saddle Pad CoolFit™ Hunter Pad #2800
Be cool in the hunt field. This Saddle Pad is engineered to quickly dissipate heat and moisture away from the horse’s body, help thermoregulation and decrease effort. These qualities are huge when you are on your horse’s back for several hours. This product is also used by many of our members and is always highly recommended. A touch of Foxy Fashion! This fabulous bracelet from Belle & Flo features five studded foxes on a beige leather bracelet. The foxes are in a gold tone metal. Fabulous worn on its own, this bracelet can also be stacked with others.
Leather Fox Bracelet
Winners Circle Pot Holders (pair) Racing silks and caps in array of bright colors on a white background, border finished with green edging. Padded with pocket for hands.100% cotton. Machine wash cold.
Follow in the fun footsteps of Susan Rasmussen and spruce up the hood of your car! This fun ornament is sure to put a smile on your face, and watch everyone else smile as you pass by.
Louis Lejeune Ltd - Car hood ornaments
Your horse called and said they wanted these safe and easy use boots! Perfect for after hunting. Use them in place of standing wraps, and throw them on after hunting. They have been tried and tested by a few in our hunt field.
Back on Track - Therapeutic Quick Wraps
The ladies hunting waistcoat comprising of single breasted five button fastening with two jetted pockets. Satin back with belt and buckle fastening. Great as a gift for someone, or a gift to yourself!
Alexander James - Fine English Tailoring
Jazz your house up with these fantastic candlesticks. Sure to please you constantly as well as your guests.
Dancing Fox Candle stick
Brass fox mask will give any drawer that special touch.
Fox Drawer Pull
These beautiful pieces are unique, subtle, elegant and timeless! Great for everyday wear, or for an evening out. - shinybycharlotte
Hunt Jewellery
Stay warm with our stylish Red Fox collection. Knitted scarf has fox face on one end the bushy white tail on the other.
Red Fox Scarf
Member’s Notes
An ECH Tradition, the Infamous Green River Award by Janet Feairs This award was the brainchild of Frank Merrill (former MFH). He was inspired by the Honourable David Peterson, who in 1995 had the most spectacular unplanned dismount in the field, while hunting with the Eglinton and Caledon Hunt. As the story goes, Frank was rummaging around in his parents basement and discovered a suspect unopened bottle of whiskey. The label described it as: 15 years Old, “The whiskey without a headache”, Bottled in Bond by the American Medicinal Spirits Co Inc. “A pure Whiskey for Medicinal Use”. According to Frank, it was by an Act of the US Congress that allowed certain distillers to produce Whiskey during Prohibition...of which Green River was one. And it was truly created mostly for Ranchers and Farmers who may have an accident and it may be days before a Doctor arrives or the injured person gets to a Doctor. Therefore very fitting for riding...cross-country.
Frank, being both imaginative and inventive, then designed a set of bookends featuring the unopened bottle and organized the legendary Green River Award to be presented annually to the most deserving member of the hunt. In any sport that you ride; be it horses, waves, bicycles, etc., there inevitably comes a day when you will fall off. The odds of coming off your horse in the hunt field go up exponentially when you take into account that you ride in an ever changing group, are re-
liant on equipment and a 1000 pound animal. The terrain/obstacles can change dramatically due to the weather conditions, the foliage, the footing and of course the fitness & ability of both horse and rider come into play. I have been the honoured recipient of this honour twice, once in 2006 and also in 2013. Having introduced four horses in 15 seasons to foxhunting, I am probably one of the most experienced candidates to be nominated to receive the Green River Award, but I am always in good company and fortunately I seem to come away from most unplanned dismounts unscathed. As a long time member of the hunt has said many times, it takes at least four years hunting to make a hunt horse, so I guess that is my excuse! If you are nominated for consideration for the Green River Award, consider it for the honour it is – a tribute to a hard hunting member who has the guts to get back on and ride to hounds again. See you in the field literally! y
“It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall.”
~Mexican Proverb
ECH History
Looking Back...
Terence (Terry) Morton, amateur huntsman, hunting the Eglinton Hunt hounds from the Leslie Street property, c. 1946 or 1947, with Major Kindersley whipping in behind him. Major Kindersley would shortly take over as huntsman, after a badly broken leg stopped Terence from hunting in 1947. y Photo supplied by Denya Massey, Terence’s goddaughter.
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The Hunt Field
The Social Scene
Summer Rides The ECH summer ride program has quickly become a much-anticipated portion of our yearly calendar of events. The rides take place Wednesdays and Saturdays throughout the summer months between the end of spring hunting in May and the start of Cubbing season in August. Also known as ‘Hack N Yacks’, they are an opportunity for guests and members alike to socialize and ride through beautiful private lands that we would otherwise be unable to enjoy. Rides take place throughout Caledon, Grand Valley, Mulmur, Mono, Ariss, East Garafraxa and the Beaver Valley areas. Each ride covers an area of spectacular scenery and beautiful trails. These rides provide a great opportunity
to bring along a young or green horse (or rider) for a positive, low-key outing. No dress code, no competition, no cost, no worries. After the ride comes the other half of the adventure – lunch! Again, each ride is different. Some of our hosts offer a simple backyard BBQ or a potluck tailgate lunch. Others have been known to surprise us with sumptuous, over the top feasts. A catered lunch, a chef on site to create custom pasta entrees for each guest, a themed spread, all have taken place on our summer rides. At other times we retire to a nearby restaurant for a carefree dining experience. The lunch portion of the day is as individual as the rides and the scenery, and equally
as wonderful. We invite you all to join us and take advantage of the great summer weather, congenial company and a chance to explore the nearby areas with your equine partners.
Chilaxing after a great ride
Meandering through the beautiful summer countryside
Traditional Braces
Sleep Apnea & Snoring Applia ances
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7 Cassels Rd. W.
Quantum 37
The Social Scene
Celebrating Fall at the Hunter Pace
Mother’s Day Tea & Fashion Show
Rain or shine at the Puppy Show Arriving in style!
What happens in Virginia, stays in Virginia
ECH members bask in the sun after raising over $2000 for Headwaters Health Care Centre during the 2014 Poker Run
Photo by Jim Meads
Marg leads the field with husband John by her side (below). Marg with Major Kindersley (right).
In tribute to our dear friend
Marg Quayle Marg – a very special dear friend. Our shared interest in horses and hunting drew us together. When Marg’s horse came to our barn, we did so much together – hacking, cleaning tack, readying horses for hunting, trailering and then having the fun of hunting. And this just continued when we moved our horses to another barn later on. Marg’s interest in hunting, like mine, centred a great deal on hounds, how they hunted, check, and then the thrill of seeing them settle down to work in full cry. This interest in hounds and the quarry never stopped. Years later Marg could no longer ride (like me) and so we had to use car horsepower instead, often much closer to hounds than when she was riding. Not on one occasion only, but often, she would say “Go! Go! Hurry! Hurry!” as we watched the hounds streaming across an open field. Never mind that she was pointing across a ditch into some rather marshy looking land. As the driver I was chicken, but I would be forgiven when we met up with hounds again at the next road. Marg knew the countryside in and out. She had an inner compass - one never got lost if Marg was leading the Field. She was excellent at looking after the landowners in her district, making good friends with them so that they were quite happy to allow the hunt over their land. Over many years Marg and John have participated in helping out with every single hunt event or trail clearing. There was always something to talk about when with Marg; her interests were widespread. I have shared so much fun with Marg and John – hunting, cross country ski group, parties, and lots more. The reader will understand what a hole there is in my life without her. Marg was so brave in dealing with her illness in being open about it and carrying on as best as she and John could in the most normal way possible. She was an example to all. Marg & Lynn sharing stories at the 2012 ECH Barn Dance
~ Courtesy of Lynne Dole
Marg was not only a great rider in the hunt field but she was also a wonderful person to go on trips with. She always knew the best places to go and was friends with all the people who could make it happen! I was fortunate enough to go on a number of hunting trips with her in the States. In Alabama we hunted with the Mooreland and Full Cry Hounds on several occasions. In Georgia we went out with Bear Creek. And on another trip we stayed in an amazing house with many more dogs than people with the Why Worry Hounds in Aiken. Everyone loved Marg’s passion for the sport and her energy and enthusiasm for anything to do with horses, hounds and hunting. We are all missing her very much. ~ Courtesy of Priscilla Reeve
Marg was a welcoming ambassador for our hunt club with her warm ways. She welcomed all newcomers as well as making friendships with our fellow hunters across Canada and the USA. She was always the first one to be at your side if you needed some support. She loved to entertain and I have many memories of her special tall Christmas tree with her collection of fox ornaments. She had an uncanny ability to position her field to get the best views of both hounds at work and the quarry. She also had a keen mind for cards and I learned so much about bridge from her - it truly was one of her passions. Marg was one of the most athletic, energetic people and truly loved life and the country pursuits. She was an enthusiastic promoter of youth in the hunt field, often hunting with her grandchildren and offering a junior award for turnout. "Gone away" but never forgotten. ~ Courtesy of Jill Gellatly
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Article Submissions: Derek French, Janet Feairs, Kelley Givlin, Priscilla Reeve, Christine Gracey, Laura Millerick, Willa Gauthier, Courtney Cotter, Lynne Dole, Jill Gellatly Photo Submissions: Karin McDonald, Christine Gracey, Suzanne Dow, Derek French, Shelley Peterson, Janet Feairs, Kelley Givlin Photos by Bailini, Courtney Cotter, Morgan Gracey, Scott Lawson Advertising Sales: Special thanks to Bill Schoenhardt along with Carmen Cotter, Janet and Carl Feairs, Derek French, ex-MFH, Paul Hinder, Walter Jensen, ex-MFH, Alastair Strachan, MFH, Christopher Stewart, Christine Gracey