April 2023 "Recce" Magazine

Page 1

www.BealeFSS.com Your guide to services and events provided by the 9th Force Support Squadron. April 2023 Paddle Day APRIL 15 page 9 Easter Eggstravaganza APRIL 8 page 2 Day for Kids APRIL 21 page 4
GAMES ı CRAF TS ı PRIZES ı BOUNCE HOUSE PICTURES WITH THE EASTER BUNNY! 15 MIN INTERVALS RECCE POINT CLUB EGG HUNTS Begin at 9AM PIICTUUR U Teen Glow-in-the-Dark Egg Hunt April 7 • 6-9pm Youth Center Enjoy Open Rec with refreshments. Egg hunt will begin at dark for ages 13-18. Call the Youth Center for details, 634-4953. H HTTH H THE HE Scan the QR code to make reservations for each child’s time slot or to volunteer for this fun annual event. APRIL 8 Easter Recce Point Club • 634-2833 www.BealeFSS.com/Club • www.facebook.com/ReccePointClub “ SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE.” 2 EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA
are you ready? Getting physically fit to run a Half Marathon takes time and effort. Be sure to follow safe training protocols to prepare yourself to be your best and WIN THE RACE! Watch for details and course route . Harris Fitness Center • 634-2258 BealeFSS.com/HFC • facebook.com/HarrisFitnessCenter participants receive a complimentary t-shirt. (while supplies last) SCAN TO
www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 3 HARRIS FITNESS CENTER
The start of the race is inside the Douglas Ave. gate at Doolit tle Rd., near the 940th Reserve Wing headquarters and behind Bldg. 1086. Follow the signs.

April is the

Celebrate with us for an afternoon of fun for the whole family.


Passport your way through obstacle courses, static displays, a mock Junior PDF Line and a free hot dog meal.


Afterwards, dash to the finish line in the annual kids run. Put your running shoes on and join the race at 5:05pm.

Youth Center • 634-4953

BealeFSS.com/Youth-Center • facebook.com/BealeYouthPrograms

April 3–24

Children, youth, and teens can write their thoughts, experiences via an essay/short description about what it means to be a military child.

For more details call Child & Youth Resource Center • 634-3539

“M y Li fe As A Mi li ta ry Ch il d”
T his contes t is open to Milita ry Dependents (Active Duty, Guard an d Rese rve assigne d to Beale A FB) ages 5 –18 ye ars. Entries mu st be submit te d in person or by email no la te r th an Ap ri l 24 by 5pm. Submit en trie s via email at 9FSS.C YES.SL O@us.a f. mi l, or th ey ca n be dro ppe d of f at th e Yo uth C enter or th e Chil d & Yo uth Reso urce C enter (C YRC), Bldg. 33 08. Wi nners w ill be no ti fie d by Ap ri l 28. Cash prizes awarded to winner s in ea ch ca te gories . ESSAY CONTEST

ALL PROGRAMS, DATES AND TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. For information regarding advertising in the

www.instagram.com/Beale9FSS The RECCE MAGAZINE is published monthly by the Beale AFB 9th Force Support Marketing Department. Contents of the RECCE Magazine are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the DoD, or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the federal government.
www.BealeFSS.com www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS
Recce Magazine
to sponsor
event contact: 9th Force Support Marketing Office 6249 C Street, Beale AFB, CA 95903 530.634.5407/634.2283
FORCE SUPPORT SQUADRON Lt Col Melissa Day Commander MARKETING STAFF Cathy Rodgers Marketing Director Laura Holley Commercial Sponsorship Ricky Villegas Visual Information, Digital Media Tom Tennies Visual Information, Print “SERVE THOSE WHO SERVE” Eggstravaganza 2 Half Marathon & 5k 3 Day For Kids / CYP 4 Recce Point Club 6 Moos & Brews 7 Splash Pad / Rod & Gun Club 8 Outdoor Adventure Center / ITT 9 Theater / Auto Hobby 10 Library 11 April Events Calendar 12–13 Bowling / NAF Human Resources 15 Youth Center / Community Center 16 Family Child Care / CDC 17 Military & Family Readiness Center 18 Commercial Sponsorship 19 9 FSS Food Guide 20–21 FSS Map 22 FSS Hours & Directory 23 SEE WHAT’S INSIDE APRIL 2023 www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 5
a program or
THURSDAY, APRIL 6 RECCE POINT CLUB SIGN UP AT 4:30 • TOURNAMENT STARTS AT 5 Recce Point Club • 634-2833 www.BealeFSS.com/Club • www.facebook.com/ReccePointClub WINNERS WIN GIFT CARDS First Place $100 • Second Place $50 • Third Place $25 Members Free ~ Non-Members $20 Open to ages 18 & older Recce Point Club will have an adult beverage cart driving through base housing selling specialty cocktails and other adult beverages. Alcoholic BeveragesCOWabunga Cocktail $5 MOOgarita $5 Jack & Coke $5 Beer or Wine $3 COWabunga Cocktails is headed your way! Easter Cookies $2 Meet us at the stop closest to your house! Find the route list on Facebook.com/ReccePointClub. Friday, April 14, starting at 5:05pm Non Alcoholic Kid’s Punch $2 Cash only! IDs required. Recce Point Club • 634-2833 www.BealeFSS.com/Club • www.facebook.com/ReccePointClub “ SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE.” 6 RECCE POINT CLUB
Open to everyone! ep up to e mic and share your amazing talent. Singing - Poetry - Musical Instruments Last Friday of the month, 3-5pm Moos & Brews • 634-0936 www.BealeFSS.com/Moos-Brews • www.facebook.com/MoosAndBrews Free pizza and wings participants.for PARTNERING WITH BEALE AFB TO POWER A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR YUBA COUNTY Paid ad. No federal endorsement of sponsors intended. www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 7 MOOS & BREWS



IS OPENING APRIL 1st! (No fooling!)

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use the Splash Pad at your own risk. Adult supervision is recommended for small children. Lakehouse Pool • 634-4952 (During regular opening hours.)


APRIL 22 • 11AM -1PM

Youth will learn gun safety and the proper way to handle a firearm by a cer tified NRA instructor. Child must be accompanied by a parent. Open to ages 6 and older.

Cost: $7 per child. Sign up by April 21

Rod & Gun Club• 788-2473

www.BealeFSS.com/Rod-n-Gun • www.facebook.com/BealeRodandGunClub



Padd le Da y

We’l l go to La ke Englebrigh t fo r a day of kayaking an d paddle boarding. Wa te rc ra ft an d PFDs prov ided .

Apri l 15 • 10am –2pm

$20 (tra ns.) Sign up by 4/11

Muir Wo ods Hi ke

Join us for an a mazing hi ke th ro ug h th e coa stal redwoods a Muir Wo od Na tional Monument Park.

Apri l 29 • 9a m–7p m

$30 (tra ns. only) Sign up by 4/25


Monter ey Ba y Aq uarium & Whale Wa tching Overnigh t

Enjoy a weeken d of whale wa tc hing an d to ur th e Monterey Bay Aquarium .


Depa rt OAC: Apri l 1, 8a m

Re tu rn to OAC: Apri l 2, 9p m

R4R Price $50 / $275 (reg. price)

Must Sign up by Ma rc h 21

(Price includes transpor ta tion, admissio n to aqua ri um, an d whale wa tc hing char te r. Pa rticipants must provid e ow n lodg in g wi th in wa lkin g distance to pier. Ca ll fo r de ta ils.)

Tu rtle Ba y Exploration Park

This at trac tion boas ts an arbore tu m, museum, & sculpture park

Cost is transpor ta tion only

Apri l 14 • 9:30am –6:30p m

0-3 $3 / 4 & olde r $25


We are seeking responsible drivers interested in taking patrons to various trips the OAC and ITT provide.

BENEFITS INCLUDE: Volunteer bullets for EPRs, choice of trips to volunteer, free admission or access to some events.

(Some R4R trips may include Permissive TDY)

Sign up by 4/11

Bish op ’s Hamburger Fa rm

You’ll be trea te d to a guided to ur, pe tting zo o, an d a hamburger lunch.

Apri l 28 • 8:30am –12:30pm

$16 (tra ns. incl.) / $15 (s el f- drivin g)

Under 2 yrs. - Free

Sign up by 4/25

Bodega Play Da y

Ge t your fill of seafood, sea views, an d sand y beache s while we visi t th e quaint town of Bodega Bay. Cost is transpor ta tion & parking

Apri l 30 • 7:30am –8:30p m

Childre n $3 / Adults $25

Sign up by 4/25

ITT tickets must be purchased from ITT, located in the Community Center.

Outdoor Adventure Center 634-2054 BealeFSS.com/OAC
Information, Tickets & Travel 634-4882 BealeFSS.com/Information-Tickets-Travel
www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 9 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CENTER / ITT
Doors open at 6:30pm • SHOWTIME at 7pm AT THE INDEPENDENCE CINEMA Independence Cinema • 634–3140 www.BealeFSS.com/Independence -Cinema - Cinema FREEE THE PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR (2014) (Rated PG) April 22 PETER RABBIT 2: The Run Away (Rated PG) April 15 Auto Hobby • 634-2296 www.Facebook.com/auto-hobby-center • www.BealeFSS.com/auto-hobby-center BQSJM!BVUP!TQFDJBM Receive a Free Car Wash when you purchase a full synthetic oil change. We supply the oil and filter. Call to schedule your appointment, 634-2296. “ SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE.” 10 AUTO HOBBY / THEATRE

Hub Zemke Library

Monthly Craft Bags

Popsicle stick Rapunzel crafts for children 10 & under.

Trivia Tuesdays

April 11 - “Literature Classics”

April 25 - “Historic Battles”

Play Kahoot® trivia on our Facebook page.

Story T ime

April 20, 10:30am & 4:30pm

A story reading will be followed by a craft for children 2 & under.

Murder Mystery

April 27, 4:30pm

Teens and adults are invited to help solve the crime at the Library! Email hzlstaff@gmail.com to sign up by April 18 or call for details, 634-2314.

Hub Zemke Library • 634-2314 www.BealeFSS.com/Hub-Zemke-Library • www.facebook.com/HubZemkeLibrary Holocaust Remembrance Week April 16 - 23 Visit our display & check out our resource materials relating to the Holocaust. www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 11 HUB ZEMKE LIBRARY

For details and updates on any of the events in the Recce Magazine please log on to the Current Events page on our website at www.bealefss.com

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY ay 30 2 3 4 9 10 11 18 17 16 23 24 25 VA Home Loan Guaranty Program (see page 16) Car Buying Workshop & VA Education Benefits (see page 16) Spring Photos April 3-8 (see page 15) Bodega Play Day (see page 9) Easter Trivia Tuesday (see page 11 Trivia Tuesday (see page 11 Holocaust Remembrance Week April 16-23
My Life as a Military Child Essay Contest April 3-24 (see

Resin Board Class (see Mar magazine)

Texas Hold'em (see page 6)


page 16)


(see page 16)

10 Steps to Federal Employment (see page 16)

Story Time (see page 11)

Murder Mystery (see page 11)

Smooth Move

(see page 16)

Home Buying

(see page 16)

(see page7)


(see page 9)

(see page 9) Movie

(see page 10) Movie

(see page 10) Youth

(see page 8)

Muir Woods Hike (see page 9)

WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 22 21 20 19 26 28 27 29 Turtle Bay Explore
Half Marathon
Easter Eggstravaganza
page 2)
Pad Open
Watching Weekend
Gun Safety
(see page 9)
(see page 3)
(see page 6)
(see page 8) Whale
(see page 9) Paddle
Story Time
Day for Kids
Benefits 101
Teen Glow-in-the-Dark Egg Hunt
(see page 15)
(see page 11) Half
(see page 3)
(see page 4) VA
(see page 16)
(see page 2)
Steps to Professional Employment, Smooth Move & CALTAP
the Dorms (see
Nat'l Pretzel Day Stop by Moos & Brews for their Pretzel & Beer Specials!
www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 13 APRIL CALENDAR At-A-G lance
Join the TEAM! Become a Federal Employee at Beale AFB CREATE YOUR PROFILE & APPLY ONLINE @ USA JOBS.GOV An Equal Opportunity Employer NON-APPROPRIATED FUND (NAF) JOBS Regular & Flex Positions Benefits*: Promotion Opportunities Health, Dental & Life Insurance Awards • 401 (k) Savings Plan Holiday & Overtime Pay Shift Differential & Sunday Premium Night Pay Differential Worker’s/Unemployment Compensation Military Leave • Administrative Leave Annual & Sick Leave Court Leave • Maternity Leave Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Leave for Adoption * Not all benefits available to all positions NA F Human R esources • 63 4-2240 ww w. Be aleFSS.com/NAF • ww w.facebook .c om/Beale9FSS SCAN THE QR CODE WITH YOUR PHONE TO GO DIRECTLY TO OPEN POSITIONS AT BEALE AFB. For assistance, email 9FSS.FSMH@us.af.mil GREAT NEWS! BEALE LANES & SPARE TIME GRILL IS NOW OPEN SUMMER FORMINGLEAGUESSOON! Watch for dates. MONTE CARLO BOWLING April 8 • 7pm Knock down colored pins to WIN CASH! $16 per person Check-in at 6:30pm Beale Lanes Bowling • 634-2299 www.bealefss.com/beale -lanes • www.facebook.com/BealeLanes www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 15 BEALE LANES / NAF HUMAN RESOURCES
Community Center • 634-3140 www.BealeFSS.com/CAC www.Facebook.com/BealeCAC BeSiy, Fun orSeri ous! HeoSpring! PHOTO BOOTH SHOOT Bring your family, friends, or co-workers to the Community Center the week of April 3–8 and take your own Spring photos with our amazing photo booth with fun backdrops and props. Don’t forget your camera! Youth Center • 634-4953 www.BealeFSS.com/Youth-Center • www.facebook.com/BealeYouthPrograms TEEN EN N T EENS ! Now it’s your turn to get locked in with your friends for an overnight of fun and games at the Youth Center. Sign up by April 27 Ages 13-18 • Non-members $25 20% of f for member s Friday April 28, 7p m ~ UNTIL ~ Saturday April 29, 7a m “ SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE.” 16 COMMUNITY CENTER / YOUTH CENTER
Beale Family Child Care is in need of Respite Care* and Child Care providers. If you love children, this could be a rewarding opportunity! All training provided Work out of your own home • Set your own hours Start a career that PCSes with you • Build your resume Toys & equipment provided by the Air Force *Respite care providers work with families to provide care in the family’s home. Pay is dependent on the EFMP child's needs and the number of siblings. To request a RESPITE application email AFSubsidy.Admin@us.af.mil Family Child Care• 530-634-4418 9FSS/FSFF@us.af.mil Family Child Care HOW TO APPLY Log on to www.usajobs.gov and create an account. Search KEYWORD: Child and Youth Program Assistants Enter LOCATION: Beale AFB Follow dire ction to apply and wait for a response. FOR ASSISTANCE Email: 9FSS.FSMH@us.af.mil or NAF Human Resources at 530-634-2240 Child Development Center • 634-4717 www.BealeFSS.com/CDC • www.facebook.com/BealeYouthPrograms The Beale Child Development Center is looking for Early Childhood Professionals, entry through leadership levels! EMPLOYMENT OFFERS: Great Starting Wages • Good Benefits Guaranteed 20 Hours per Week Accredited Education and Training Military Spouse Preference Plus, 100% free child care for 1st child and 25% off additional child after Multiple Child Discount. www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 17 FAMILIY CHILD CARE / CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER
Car Buyi ng Workshop APRI L 3 • 7– 8pm Valuable informatio n for those look ing to purchase a new or used ve hicle. Ditchi ng the Dorms APRI L 6 • 7– 8:30 pm A clas s for those who have neve r li ve d on their ow n and want to move ou t of the dorms. Smooth Move APRI L 13 • 2:30–4pm Out-pr ocessing work shop to le ar n abou t prep arin g for an upcoming PC S move Smooth Move APRI L 27 • 10 am –12pm Out-pr ocessing work shop to le ar n abou t prep arin g for an upcoming PC S move Car Buyi ng Workshop APRI L 3 • 11am –12pm Valuable informatio n for those look ing to purchase a new or used ve hicle. Ditching the Dorms APRI L 6 • 9–10:30am A class for those who have never lived on their own and want to move out of the dorms. CALTAP APRI L 13 • 8am–12pm Learn about your unique California Veteran’s benefits. Hosted by CAL VET and par tner agencies. 5 Steps to Professional Employ ment APRI L 13 • 9–11am Learn the process of finding, applying, and obtaining employment in the off-base civilian sector. 10 Steps to Federa l Employ ment APRI L 20 • 9–11am Learn the process of finding, applying, and obtaining federal employment. Home Buyi ng Workshop APRI L 27 • 9–11am Tips and informatio n for first-time home bu ye rs and refresher for re pe at home bu ye rs . asses and Workshops asses and Workshops Via Zoom! Via Zoom! MILITARY & FAMILY READINESS CENTER Call 634-2863 to register and receive your Zoom invitation. In-person asses! In-person asses! Special VA asses! Classes are held at the M&FRC. Call 634-2863 to register. Military & Family Readiness Center • 634-2863 BealeFSS.com/MFRC • facebook.com/BealeMilitaryFamilyReadiness Educat ion Benefits APRI L 3 • 1–2p m Home Loan Gu arantee Prog ra m APRI L 10 • 9–10 am Disabi lity Comp ensation APRI L 14 • 1–2p m Benefits 101 APRI L 21 • 9–10 am >> Call 634-2863 for details . << “ SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE.” 18 MILITARY & FAMILY READINESS CENTER
Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertisers intended. Raj Zanzi, DMD • Insiya Zanzi, DDS Allen Sanders, DDS (Orthodontics) *Not valid with any other o er. Expires: April 30, 2023 916-797-0825 1424 Blue Oaks Blvd., Roseville (Hwy 65 & Blue Oaks exit) • WE ACCEPT MILITARY INSURANCE • • Evening & Saturday Appointments Available • New Patients & Emergencies Welcome • Flexible Payment Plans • Crowns, Root Canals, Implants, Veneers and Dentures • Digital X-rays, IntraOral Camera, Massage Chairs, and NETFLIX • Braces & INVISALIGN for adults & kids Paid Ad. No Federal Endorsement of Advertisers Intended. Reach the Military Market and Unlock the Possibilities with commercial sponsorship opportunities For more information on sponsorship opportunities at Beale Air Force Base, please contact Laura Holley at 530-634-5407 or laura.holley.1@us.af.mil www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 19 MARKETINGCOMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP



Servin g Brea kf as t & Lunc h

Monday –Friday, 7am–2p m

Breakfast Items • Burgers • Sandwic hes • Pizza • Beer

Servin g Lunc h

We dnesday– Friday, 11am –1pm

Tri-Tip Sandwic hes • Pulled Pork Sandwic hes • Chili Dogs

dragon’s lair


Brea kf as t, Lunch, Dinner an d Simply -t o- Go

Se e current hours of op e ration on page 23.

Brea kf as t, Lunc h & Dinner

Se e current hours of op e ration on page 23.

Entree Specials • Soups & Salads • Pizza • Sub Sandwiches

Hours of opera tion and food choices subject to change.

BURGERS • milkshakes • beer Open Wed–Sun: 11am–7pm • Bar open until 9pm Fri & Sat SERVING Burgers, sandwiches, salads, pizza,wings, milkshakes, Kids meals, and healthy choices Moos & Brews • 634-0936 www.BealeFSS.com/Moos-Brews • www.facebook.com/MoosAndBrews National Pretzel Day April 26 Pretzel & Beer Specials! www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 21 9 FSS FOOD GUIDE / AIR FORCE ART CONTEST


BASE HOUSING Vassar Lake Gate RidgeDr DumosaWy AltamontDrTroutmanD r TanbarkWy Tanbark LatanaIlexWy Ridge Dr WGarryanna EGarryanna TannenWy Texana Tyburn Merrinack Allegheny Del Mar Loma Laurel Waverly Camp Be ale Hwy Harpole 7 22 To Main/Wheatland Gate
To Housing/GV Gate Warren Shingle Rd Gavin Mandry Dr. RobertNicoletti CSt. 24thSt. 25thSt . 26thSt . BSt. ASt. Doolittle Dr. Doolittle Dr . C St . D St B St A St . Commissary Veterinar y Clinic Base Exchange To Base Housing 16th 2 3 17 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 18 19 20 21
Doolittle Gate Doolittle Dr Douglas Av Grumman Av Arnold Av FLIGHTLINE 23 GavinMandryDr 9FSS FACILITY MAP “ SERVING THOSE WHO SERVE.” 22


Aero Club 530-749-7696

Yuba County Airport, Olivehurst

9am–4pm M–Th

Aero Club Members 24/7

Closed holidays

3 Airman Leadership School 634-3332 2401 C Street

7:30am–4:30pm M–F

Closed weekends/holidays/fam. days

4 Arts & Crafts Center 634-2294

17651 Warren Shingle Road

9am–4pm Tu–F

Closed weekends/holidays

4 Auto Hobby Center 634-2296

17651 Warren Shingle Road

7am–6pm M–F

9am–3pm (no mechanic) Sat

Closed Sundays/holidays

5 Beale Lanes 634-2299

17800 Robert Nicoletti Way

12–7pm M–Th

12–9pm F–Sat

Closed Sundays/holidays/fam days

6 Child Development Center 634-4717

18000 Robert Nicoletti Way

6:30am–5:30pm M–F

Closed weekends/holidays/fam days

7 Child/Youth Resource 634-4418

5190 Camp Beale Hwy, Bldg. 3308 9am–3pm M–F

Closed weekends/holidays/fam days

8 Community Center 634-3140

17700 Robert Nicoletti Way

12–8pm M–F

12–6pm Weekends

Closed holidays/family days

9 Contrails (DFAC) 634-2537

17853 16th Street

Simply to Go: 5:30am–7pm M–F

Simply to Go:7:30am–6:30pm Wkd/hol/fam day

Breakfast: 5:30–8am M–F

Breakfast: 7:30–9am Wkd/hol/fam day

Lunch: 10:30am–1:30pm Daily

Dinner: 4:30–7pm M–F

Dinner: 4:30–6:30pm Wkd/hol/fam day

Midnt Meal: 10:30pm–12:30am Daily

23 Dragon’s Lair 634-0896 Bldg 1060, Flightline

Simply to Go: 6am–8pm M–F Breakfast: 6–8am M–F Lunch: 10:30am–1:30pm M–F

12 Education Center 634-2525

13 Fam Camp 634-3382

All 9 FSS Facilities are closed on weekends, holidays and/or ACC Family Days unless otherwise noted. Hours of operation are subject to change without notice.

Dinner: 4:30–7pm M–F
8am–3pm M–F
16th Street
Closed weekends/holidays/family days
9am–4pm M–F 0900-1200 Sat (Contact
Cedar Lane
Camp Host) Sat, Sun, Hol
M–F 14 Gold Country Inn 634-2953 24112 A Street Open 24/7 15 Fitness Center/Omni 634-2258 2418 B Street 5am–10pm M–F 8am–5pm Wkd/hol/fam days 12 Hub Zemke Library 634-2314 17849 16th Street 8am–6pm M–Th 8am–4pm F 9am–2pm Sat Closed Sundays/holiday/fam. days 16 Independence Cinema 634-3140 25th Street, Bldg. # 2474 (Doors open 30 min. prior) 7pm Sat 8 Information, Tickets, Tours 634-4882 17700 Robert Nicoletti Way 12–5pm M–F Closed wknds/holidays/fam. days 2 Military & Family Readiness 634-2863 17800 B Street 7:30am–4:30pm M,T,Th,F 7:30am–1:30pm W Closed weekends/holidays/fam. days 11 Moos & Brews 634-0936 17440 Warren Shingle Road 11am–7pm W–Sun Closed holidays 18 NAF Human Resources 634-2240 17852 16th Street 7am–4pm M–F Closed weekends/holidays/fam. days 17 9 FSS Marketing Office 634-5407 6249 C Street 7am–4pm M–F Closed weekends/holidays/fam. days 18 Military Personnel 634-3100 17852 16th Street 7am–4pm M–F Closed weekends/holidays/fam. days 19 Outdoor Adventure Center 634-2054 17630 Doolittle Drive 9am–5pm M–F 9am–1pm Sat/Fam Days Closed Sundays/holidays 20 Recce Point Club 634-2833 17440 Warren Shingle Road Office hours: 7:30am–4:30pm M–F Closed weekends/holidays/fam. days 21 Rod & Gun Club 788-2473 7950 D Street 9am–4pm W–Sun 9am–1pm Fam Days Closed holidays 5 Spare Time Grill 634-2304 17800 Robert Nicoletti Way 7am–2pm M–F Closed weekends/holidays/fam. days 10 Venture Park 788-0192 17440 Warren Shingle Road 11am–6pm W–Sun Closed holidays 22 Youth Programs 634-4953 15160 Gavin Mandry Dr. 6:15am–6pm M–F Closed weekends/holidays/fam. days
7 Family Child Care 812-3117
Camp Beale Hwy, Bldg. 3308
www.BealeFSS.com | www.facebook.com/Beale9FSS 23

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