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Pueblo Chieftain Parent Quits Pueblo

Gannett, the parent company of The Pueblo Chieftain, has announced the forthcoming closure of the newspaper's printing facility located in downtown Pueblo. This decision will result in the displacement of more than 50 employees who are currently engaged in printing and packaging operations. Starting in August, the printing and packaging of The Chieftain and other publications under the Gannett umbrella will be transferred to the Denver Post. The final edition of The Chieftain to be printed in Pueblo is scheduled for Sunday, August 13, with the Denver Post taking over production the following day.

According to a spokesperson from Gannett, this shift in production is a challenging but strategic decision aimed at improving operational efficiency. The company expressed gratitude for the dedication and service of the skilled Pueblo team, while reaffirming its commitment to providing readers with high-quality content and connecting advertisers with their desired audience.

The closure of the printing facility in Pueblo is primarily driven by the significant financial investment required to upgrade the presses, prompting Gannett to opt for a partnership with an external facility.

Despite the change in printing location, The Chieftain remains com-

mitted to its print product. Readers can expect no alterations to delivery schedules, paper size, or design. Print subscribers will continue to receive their newspapers at their current times and frequencies. Gannett officials have assured minimal impact on advertisers and affirmed that the editorial staff's news deadlines will remain unchanged.

The relocation of the printing facility is not anticipated to compromise The Chieftain's ability to deliver outstanding coverage to its readership and the Pueblo community. As the newspaper adapts to the evolving landscape of digital and mobile platforms, it pledges to uphold its tradition of trusted local journalism across all mediums, including print, online, and mobile devices.


How long have you been in business? In this business? In other businesses?

I got my license in January of 2020 Covid and in March when all heck broke loose shut everything down. In 2022 family illness kept me from opening. I hope this time I can get this much needed business in our community open.

Also, I'm very happy to say my daughter, Audra Gross, has come on board to help me serve the community with our business.

What did you do before this business?

I worked for Safeway part of management for 35 years. I don’t really care for retirement so I went to work for Colorado Bluesky working with special needs people.

“For me, it’s not about the money, but the opportunity to improve the quality of life for others.”

Why are you in business?

I believe there is a need for this kind of service, the senior community is a growing population and is expected to get bigger in the years to come. People want to stay in their own homes instead of going into nursing homes and with a little help around the house they can. And than we have all the people that cant afford a nursing home the price is outrageous.

How did you get started in this business?

While working at Colorado Bluesky with special needs people I found out that I enjoyed helping people that were not as fortunate as myself

Can you describe your customers?

Senior, special needs people, people who live along and have just gotten out of the hospital and need a hand around the house till they get on their feet, people who take care of people who need a break with respite so they get a break.

Why do your customers select you over your competitors?

Established February 1982 **JULY 2023 EDITION** Vol. 42:6 498 Consecutive Months! Beacon Senior Committed To Southern Colorado Seniors For 42 Years And Counting "If You're 50 Or Over You Should Read It!" PLEASE PASS THIS PAPER ALONG TO YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW:
**LOCAL NEWS** **LOCAL NEWS** Please welcome SHARMAR VILLAGE--info on page 3 Call (719) 544-1173 ▶ SEE INTERVIEW, PAGE 9 Find SENIOR BEACON at many Grocers, Thrift Stores, and Restaurants **LOCAL NEWS**
OCTOBER 9 and 10 INCREASE f i n a n c i a l SECURITY-100% educational and informative Taught by Senior Beacon columnist Ron Phillips call the Pueblo West Library to RSVP 562-5662
Tony Baros • Owner + Caretaker Non-medical Home Recreational Activities Non-medical Home Care & Recreational Activities Call Us Today: (719) 250-2354 Se Habla Español

“HUD”) publishes a monthly view on the real estate market. Their latest May report covers April. This is well into spring so it’s not a weak time, in general. April performed really well on most of HUD’s data but for the year-over-year (or “yoy”) numbers not so good. And that really sums up the market now: bright spots but weak longer-term numbers. What’s going on?

hat’s good for GM is good for the country,” is often misquoted but correctly attributed to GM executive Charles Wilson in 1953. Let’s change that to “what’s good for real estate is good for the country.” And that may well be true. The real estate sector is the largest part of the U.S. economy. It also includes areas like retail, insurance, banking, even the stock market, and others. These all profit from homes and buildings. It’s the sector that drives the economy.

So how is U.S. real estate doing?

It’s mixed, mostly down, but definitely not out.


The U.S. Department of Housing & Development (thankfully shortened to


How Goes Housing? "W

According to HUD, the Homeowner Household rate is up slightly. Underwater Borrowers are down yoy. And Foreclosure Actions are down significantly as well as other stay-in-your-house numbers. Those are all really good things. Even rates are up just moderately from 5.1% to 6.57% over the year. Yes, this increases payments for borrowers but it’s still very low historically.


So the big number in the sector is housing sales. And it’s pretty bleak. YOY house numbers, covering 4 categories, are down almost 20%. So total sales went from 7.975 million down to 6.404 million. Very tough numbers. That’s a lot of transactions that aren’t happening anymore.

Interest rates are expected to go up two more times this year. This will weaken the sector more.


Pueblo is different than Colorado Springs is different than Canon City is different than Tallahassee is different than Peoria. Colorado, in general, has become a haven for expats from California so that can help keep our prices up. Yes, we can finally thank a Californian for moving here.

During the Great Recession and bursting of that real estate bubble, as an example, some areas in Arizona were down almost 80%. Truly a massive, massive drop. Also, some Florida areas were down by maybe 50-70 percent. Again, real estate is local so anything goes.


Like all of these times follow the sage advice: “Buy when there’s blood in the streets.” (Maybe Rockefeller said that). And there are some opportunities.

Medicare Plans??

The “safe money” opportunities are still to take advantage of higher interest rates. You can go with Treasury bills, CDs, multi-year guaranteed annuities (MYGAs), and others. These are all yielding over 5%, are safe (either guaranteed by the U.S. government or insurance), and these rates won’t be high forever, in my opinion. So lock ‘em in while you can.

The second opportunity is buying the beaten-up sector. I’ve been recommending a mortgage index mutual fund. This thing is dirt-cheap. The PE ratio is very low, it’s selling under book value, and paying over 10% yearly income.

Another play is an individual stock. It’s the largest hospital property owner in the U.S. It’s selling for about 2/3 book value, it’s down in price by 40% for one year, and is currently paying over 12% per year income. They’ve also, according to news articles, already begun fixing their tenant problems that led to this price drop. In the past three months it’s up over 14% in price. Looks promising.

If you’d like that HUD May Report mailed or emailed to you please text me at (719) 545-6442 or email

Include your contact info.

This article is for illustrative purposes only. Ron is not recommending any investment security for you but just trying to educate the community. INVESTMENTS CAN AND DO DROP IN VALUE; THEY HAVE NO BANK OR OTHER GUARANTEE. He is licensed and regulated by the great State of Colorado.

Ron Phillips is The Investment INCOME Advisor, a Pueblo, CO native, and an independent business owner. Order a free copy of his book Investing To Win by leaving a message at (719) 220-3005. Visit or email


Page 2 - Senior Beacon - JULY 2023 VISIT US ONLINE AT: FINANCE
Questions about Let me show you how you could benefit from the Medicare-related plans out there. John B. Reed III Independent licensed and certified broker 719-225-8313 Serving Southern Colorado and New Mexico


Peace of Mind for You & Your Family

Sharmar Village is a local and family-owned Senior Care Community made up of a team of passionate and skilled caregivers in Pueblo, Colorado.

Within the historic Aberdeen Neighborhood is our beautiful campus providing long-term care, memory care, assisted living, independent living, and rehabilitation services.

From the Internet: Someone asked the other day.....

'What was your favorite fast food when you were growing up?' 'We didn't have fast food when I was growing up, I informed him, ' All the food was slow .'

'C'mon, seriously. Where did you eat?' 'It was a place called 'at home,' I explained! 'Mom cooked every day and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, & if I didn't like what she put on my plate, I was allowed to sit there until I did like it.'

By this time, the guy was laughing so hard I was afraid he was going to suffer serious internal damage, so I didn't tell him the part about how I had to have permission to leave the table.

Here are some other things I would have told him about my childhood, if I figured his system could have handled it:

Some parents NEVER owned their own house, wore Levi’s, set foot on a golf course, traveled out of the country or had a credit card.

My parents never drove me to school. I had a bicycle that weighed probably 50 pounds, and only had one speed, (slow).

We didn't have a television in our house until I was 10. It was, of course, black and white, and the station went off the air at 11:00 p.m., after playing the national anthem and a poem about God. It came back on the air at about 6:00 a.m. And there was usually a locally produced news and farm show on, featuring local people ...

I never had a telephone in my room. Our only phone was on a party line. Before you could dial, you had to listen and make sure some people you didn't know weren't already using the line. Pizzas were not delivered to our home... But milk was & so was bread.

All newspapers were deliv-

1201 W. Abriendo Ave

Pueblo, CO 81004

(719) 544-1173

ered by boys and all boys delivered newspapers -- my brother delivered a newspaper, six days a week. He had to get up at 5 AM every morning. Movie stars kissed with their mouths shut. At least, they did in the movies! There were no movie ratings because all movies were responsibly produced for everyone to enjoy viewing, without profanity or violence or most anything offensive.

If you grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren. Don't blame me if they bust their gut laughing.

Growing up isn't what it used to be, is it?

MEMORIES (Internet):

Phone: (719) 544-1173

Peace of Mind for You & Your Family

Peace of Mind for You & Your Family

My Dad is cleaning out my grandmother's house (she died in December) and he brought me an old Royal Crown Cola bottle. In the bottle top was a stopper with a bunch of holes in it. I knew immediately what it was, but my daughter had no idea. She thought they had tried to make it a salt shaker or something. I knew it as the bottle that sat on the end of the ironing board to 'sprinkle' clothes with because we didn't have steam irons. Man, I am old. Also, came across this on the internet, thought you might like it:

Try this quiz (Internet and me): Count all the ones that you remember, NOT the ones you were told about ! Ratings at the bottom.

1. Candy cigarettes. 2. Coffee shops with table side juke boxes (loved them). 3. Home milk delivery in glass bottles. 4. Party lines on the telephones. 5. Newsreels before the movie

6. TV test patterns that came on at night after the last show and were there until TV shows started again in the morning. (Only 3 channels! If you had a TV!), 7. Pea-shooters. 8. Howdy Doody

9. 45 RPM records. 10. 78 rpm records. 11. Hi-fi records 33 1/3 rpm. 12. Metal ice trays with lever. 13. Blue flashbulb. 14. Cork popguns.

15. Studebakers (I owned a Studebaker LarkJames). 16. Wash tub wringers. 17. Playing outdoors until dark in the summer (usually Kick the Can or Hide and Seek and coming home with 15 mosquito bites).. 18. Using mercurochrome or alcohol to ease the bites. 19. Having a neighborhood grocery store and sitting outside drinking Ma's Cola in the summer. 20. Searching back alleys and such trying to find

Address: 1201 - 1209 W. Abriendo Ave Pueblo, CO 81004

Telecom Relay Service: Dial 711

used soda bottles and bringing them to your neighborhood store to get 2 cents per bottle. 21. Walking everywhere in the winter. 22. Dimmer switches on the floor. 23. Pant leg clips for bicycles without chainguards. 24. Soldering irons you heat on a gas burner. 25. Using hand signals for cars without turn signals.

(719) 544-1173

If you remembered 0-10 = You're still young If you remembered 11-15 = You are getting older If you remembered 16-20 = Don't tell your age, & If you remembered 21-25 = You're considered old by any standard!

1201 W. Abriendo Ave Pueblo, CO 81004

As a person living in his 75th year (which I started in February) I look back at my past with some personal and embarrassing regrets but it seems silly that they are still part of my life. They took place such a long time ago for the most part; you'd think they'd leave my mind. This, from a person with a memory of, for instance, walking into a room and saying, "Why am I in here!" Sometimes it comes back to me.

Sometimes I leave the room only to return, forgetting the principal reason I came in again but always leave with something that catches my eye. I leave, sit down and realize I didn't get or do what I went into that room now twice. Sometimes three or four times before I do or get what I need. I can't remember these things over and over again BUT, something from my past haunts me like it was yesterday. I keep my mind busy, mostly thinking about things I've done or didn't do in my past but also on things that are important in my everyday life. I've been busy with Senior Beacon duties, yardwork (a lot of that), upgrading my 27-year home (a lot of that)

want to relive them. The Creator has blessed me with a life that has been challenging, full of love and livable. Much like everyone else. We all have complaints. We all have had miserable experiences. But we have been treated to long lives and were given much, if not all, what life has to offer. I thank God for that simple fact.

There's still more to come, but I remain content in knowing I'm in the minority of those who were given life from time's beginning.

How about you?

Remember the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Jesus's promise in his own words as told to Maria Faustina Kowalska of Poland (you could look up her life in many ways) at the beginning of WWII. That promise guarantees a place in heaven (the words of Jesus, not mine or Her's). I have the prayers and His promise in a pamphlet that is yours for free. Just contact me at srbeacon@gmail. com or P.O. Box 7215, Pueblo West, CO810070215 and give me your name and address and I'll send you this wonderful pamphlet. No gimmicks and I'll immediately trash your information once your pamphlet is sent. Join the growing ranks of readers that know something you don't about eternity. Godspeed to you and yours

JULY 2023 - Senior Beacon - Page 3 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
60, 25, 100, 7

We value your feedback!!

At the end of the month, return your menu to your café specialist and write in a 1-3 rank on the day’s entree.

1=Don’t love it;

2=It’s Good;

3=LOVE it!

Menu substitutions may occur without notice. Clients are advised to keep a 3-day supply of nonperishable foods and bottled water in their home in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies that may cause a temporary suspension of service.

Menu substitutions may occur without notice. Clients are advised to keep a 3-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in the event ofinclement weather or other emergencies that may cause a temporary suspension of service.

Page 4 - Senior Beacon - JULY 2023 VISIT US ONLINE AT: Why Not Give a Shout Out to A PLACE AT HOME? Give Them a Call! And thank them for sponsoring these menus! OCTOBER 9 and 10 INCREASE your f i n a n c i a l SECURITY-100% educational and informative Taught by Senior Beacon columnist Ron Phillips call the Pueblo West Library “For me, it’s not about the money, but the opportunity to improve the quality of life for others.” Tony Baros • Owner + Caretaker Non-medical Home Care Recreational Activities Non-medical Home Care & Recreational Activities Call Us Today: (719) 250-2354 Se Habla Español
Café Menu July 2023
3 Jerk Chicken Red beans & Rice Gr Beans,Peaches Cookie & Milk 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY Silver Key closed for the holiday 5 Pork Chop w/Gravy Mashed Potatoes Succotash Apple & Milk 6 Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, Roll W/ Butter, Banana & Milk 7 Chicken Piccata w/Pasta Veggies w/ Parm Orange & Milk 10 Beef Stew Lima Beans Roll W/ Butter Fruit Cup & Milk 11 Pepper Steak Brown Rice Succotash Orange & Milk 12 Cheese Ravioli Succotash Roll W/Butter Banana & Milk 13 Pulled Pork Sandwich Corn, Carrots Apple Sauce & Milk 14 Chicken a la King,w/Rice, Gr Beans,Apple & Milk 17 S & S Chicken Rice, Stir fry veg, Pear, Cookie & Milk 18 Bratwurst w/bun & Mustard,Potatoes, Cabbage,Carrots, Orange & Milk 19 Swedish Meatballs w/Pasta, Peas & Carrots Banana & Milk 20 Chefs Choice Beef or Chicken 21 Beef Pot Roast Potato Medley, Peas Orange & Milk 24 Breaded Pollock Mac & Cheese Brussels w/ Parm, Apple & Milk 25 Pork Chow Mein Brown, Rice Stir fry veg, Orange & Milk 26 Beef Burrito/Red Sauce, Beans Spanish Rice Banana & Milk 27 Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes,Peas &Carrots,Bread w/Butter,Orange & Milk 28 Chicken Chile W/Tortilla Broccoli w/Cheese Diced Pears & Milk 31 Pesto chicken Wild Rice Brussel sprouts w/ bacon cheese Pear & Milk Silver Key Senior Services 719-884-2300 
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Please remember SRDA in your planned giving. Your legacy lives on, our mission continues at Meals on Wheels.

* In order to prevent waste, we are on a Reservation System.

* Please call the day before or the morning of, before 9:00 A.M, to CANCEL your Meal

* IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Numbers in parentheses next to each meal item indicate the number of carbohydrates in grams for that item. * YOU MUST BE HOME TO RECEIVE YOUR MEAL!!!

Consumers attending the congregate meal sites shall be advised and informed to keep a three-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in case of inclement weather or other emergency that causes a temporary suspension of services. If feasible and determined by the Area Agency on Aging in their area plan, emergency meal packages may be provided.


JULY 2023 - Senior Beacon - Page 5 VISIT US ONLINE AT: SRDA MENU: 2023 MEALS ON WHEELS Lifeline With Philips AutoAlert!* The Only medical alarm pendant that can call for help even when you can’t press the button! S R D A KeeP YOur IndePendence with SRDA Lifeline • no Long Term contract • new Homesafe Wireless Solution • now Available, Go Safe Wireless GPS nO HOMe PHOne LIne needed Lifeline of Pueblo call Today! 719-545-1212 Lifeline Colorado Springs call Today 719-522-9779 Serving Pueblo for Over 28 Years! *AutoAlert does not detect 100% of falls. If able, always press your button when you need help. A+ rated PHILIPS Lifeline Affiliate Are you new to the Pueblo area? Looking to make new friends? Here’s the place to go!!! S R D A 230 N. Union Ave. Pueblo, CO 81001 Call us: 719-545-8900 MENUS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE
BROKE OUT.” -Rodney
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 3-Jul 4-Jul 5-Jul 6-Jul 7-Jul Pulled Pork Sandwich (13) Bean Burrito (51) Citrus & Herb Fish (54) on Hamburger Bun (27) w/Green Chili (11) Brown & Wild Rice Pilaf (38) Ranch Beans (26) Cilantro Rice (18) Peas & carrots (10) Claremont Salad (5) Rancho Fiesta Vegetables (11) Vegetable Spinach Soup (14) Apple Fruit Cup (13) Sliced Orange (8) Ambrosia (20) / Crackers (5) Milk (12) Milk (12) Milk (12) Calories: 740 Calories: 730 Calories: 745 Carbs: 119g Carbs: 110g Carbs: 104g Fiber: 12g Fiber: 14g Fiber: 10g Protein: 42g Protein: 32g Protein: 44g Fat: 17g Fat: 21g Fat: 21g Sodium: 1435mg Sodium: 815mg Sodium: 785mg 10-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul 13-Jul 14-Jul Hamburger on Bun (27) Chicken Greek Salad (3) Pasta Tortelloni Primavera (72) Chicken Fried Rice (17) Swiss Steak w/ Tomatoes (12) German Potato Salad (17) Mediterranean Brown Rice (9) Roasted Winter Veggies (7) Egg Roll (23) Roasted Potatoes (22) Lettuce, Tom, Onion (7) Parm Baked Zuchinni (6) Berry Crisp (18) Mandarin Stir Fry (6) Sauteed Mushrooms (4) Ketchup& Mustard Broccoli & Cheese Soup (13) Breadstick (20) Strawberries & Peaches (12) Dinner Roll w/Marg (22) Chocolate ice cream (19) Diced pears (16) Apple Juice (14) Yogurt w Granola (21) Grape Fruit Cup (19) Milk (12) / Cantaloupe (3) Milk (12) / Dinner Roll (22) Milk (12) Milk (12) Milk (12) Calories: 905 Calories: 730 Calories: 1000 Calories: 970 Calories: 745 Carbs: 101g Carbs: 81g Carbs: 119g Carbs: 89g Carbs: 193g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 10g Protein: 53g Protein: 40g Protein: 34g Protein: 64g Protein: 37g Fat: 37g Fat: 33g Fat: 47g Fat: 43g Fat: 31g Sodium: 750mg Sodium: 950mg Sodium: 1020mg Sodium: 780mg Sodium: 615mg 17-Jul 18-Jul 19-Jul 20-Jul 21-Jul Beef Chili Mac (24) Honey Mustard Chicken (10) Fish w/Vegetable Sauce (3) Shepard's Pie (30) Chef Salad (Turkey & Egg) Cheesy Cauliflower (6) Potato Au Gratin (23) Rice Pilaf (18) Seasoned Spinach (5) w/ Italian Dressing (12) Cape Cod Mixed Vegetables (8) Roasted Brussel Sprouts (7) Green Bean Almondine (7) Corn O'Brien (12) Navy Bean Soup (26) Cinnamon Applesauce (11) Lentil Soup (20) Chocolate Pudding (6) Diced Pesches(15) Cinnamon Roll (31) Butterscotch Pudding (27) Red White & Blueberr y Salad (2 Apple (22) Confetti Birthday Cake (40) w/ Raisins (45) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Crackers (5) Milk (12) / Dinner Roll (22) Milk (12) Milk (12) / Crackers (5) Calories: 700 Calories: 795 Calories: 630 Calories: 850 Calories: 1005 Carbs: 96g Carbs: 101g Carbs: 81g Carbs: 105g Carbs: 138g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 11g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 9g Fiber: 10g Protein: 33g Protein: 52g Protein: 4g Protein: 38g Protein: 44g Fat: 25g Fat: 27g Fat: 19g Fat: 32g Fat: 38g Sodium: 810g Sodium: 730mg Sodium: 755mg Sodium: 975mg Sodium: 705mg 24-Jul 25-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul Beef Chow Mein (29) Beef & Corn Tamale Pie (41) Roasted Pork Loin (1) Polish Sausage (5) w/ Bun Southwest Chicken Wrap (30) Sweet & Sour Carrots (32) Seasoned Pinto Beans (22) w/Apple Chutney (11) Roasted Rosemary Potatoes (22 Baked potato chips (16) Oriental Green Beans (7) Calabacitas (6) Rice Pilaf (18) Cabbage & Carrots (10) Garden Vegetable Soup (8) Vanilla Ice Cream (27) Mandarin Oranges (15) Seasoned Asparagus (2) Tomato Cucumber Salad (4) Peaches Sliced Oranges (11) Banana Chocolate Bar (24) Heavenly Hash (21) Fresh Banana (17) w/ cottage cheese (18) Milk (12) Milk (12) Milk (12) /Dinner Roll (22) Milk (12) /Mustard Pkt. (1) Milk (12) Calories: 915 Calories: 845 Calories: 780 Calories: 940 Calories: 710 Carbs: 126g Carbs: 120g Carbs: 97g Carbs: 86g Carbs: 87g Fiber: 14g Fiber: 13g Fiber: 10g Fiber: 8g Fiber: 46g Protein: 48g Protein: 42g Protein: 43g Protein: 33g Protein: 42g Fat: 29g Fat: 27g Fat: 31g Fat: 57g Fat: 19g Sodium: 1110mg Sodium: 1180mg Sodium: 695mg Sodium: 1595mg* Sodium: 1200mg IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Numbers in parentheses next to each meal item indicate the number of carbohydrates in grams for that item. *reassessing recipe for accuracy, estimating sodium to be between 1000-1200 for meal Consumers attending the congregate meal sites shall be advised and informed to keep a three-day supply of non-perishable foods and bottled water in case of inclement weather or other emergency that causes a temporary suspension of services. If feasible and determined by the Area Agency on Aging in their area plan, emergency meal packages may be provided.
MENUS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please remember SRDA in your planned giving. Your legacy lives on, our mission continues at Meals on Wheels. In order to prevent waste, we are on a Reservation System . To Cancel your meal for the day, Please call the day before or the morning of, before 9:00 A.M. YOU MUST BE HOME TO RECEIVE YOUR MEAL!!! 719-543-0100 For Important Nutrition Information, Please Turn Menu Over No Meal Service Monday or Tuesday Coming Soon to our Joseph Edwards Congregate Meal Site: Soup and Salad Alternate Meal Option
July 2023


eyes began to falter. Little by little she lost her ability to do those things. They were replaced with short walks, picnics, reading the Bible together praying, singing. Then those things grew more difficult for her. Speech and language were problematic as she struggled to find the words to express herself, not to mention that her hearing diminished.


Iam not sure who penned that most appropriate description of the relationship between the care-giver and the care-receiver but I agree whole-heartedly that it reflects that reality. Taking care of an elderly parent with dementia is a process of saying goodbye to someone you love dearly every day for months or years. In my mom’s case the Long Goodbye lasted about seven years. She came to live with my husband and me when she was 90 years old.

The next seven years of our lives were riddled with joy, blessings, frustrations, sadness, worries, exhaustion and much more as we witnessed her slow but constant deterioration mentally and physically.

The first few years were somewhat enjoyable as I involved mom in activities to occupy her hands and mind. Embroidering, coloring, simple crafts, reading, making tortillas. It was not long, however, until her

I became more aware of her daily mental decline and bodily weakening. The Long Goodbye had begun and I did not know how long it would last . That is the hardest part of being a care-taker. Mom was not the same “mommy” that I had grown up with. My heart broke every day that I saw her fading away. At times, I even inadvertently called her “mommy” as I cared for her. The Long Goodbye was about to reach its final end.

Mom left this earth and the angel carried her to heaven on April 22, 2023. She took her final breath at our home at 7:30 in the morning. Maybe some of you who have cared for a loved one can relate to that deep stab in the heart when that happens.

A sorrow I have never before experienced burst my heart wide open and a flood of tears rained down my cheeks at that very moment. Death is an ugly thing.

When Jesus stood before Lazarus’ tomb, He wept, even knowing that He would shortly bring His friend back to life and also that the resurrection of his body would occur at the “last day.”

Jesus said in John 11:25,26, (ESV) “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die.” Yet in verse 35 it says, “Jesus wept.” Why did our Savior weep? The Bible doesn’t say, but we can infer that Jesus hates that old enemy “death.” And He hates the ultimate cause of death — sin.

The people who had gathered around Lazarus’ tomb noticed something immediately when Jesus wept.

Verse 36 of that same chapter says, “So the Jews said, ‘See how he loved him!’” Those people were amazed at Jesus’ love. Oh how Jesus loves His people! Psalm 116:15, says, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.” His saints are His people, those who love Him and trust completely in Him. We are precious in His sight.

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Mom was precious to Him while she was here on earth and is precious even now as she has entered into His presence.

I know Jesus was right there when mom took her last breath and he was there weeping with me, yet knowing that this was not the end of mom’s story. You see, Jesus came to destroy that old enemy of mankind — death. Here is the clincher—we are all going to face that enemy at some point. Someone once said that no one gets off this rock alive. So how do we face death? By considering what comes after. The Bible tells us there are only two options: heaven (eternal life) or hell (eternal death). Men use the word hell to describe anything that is unbearable, dark, disturbing, painful, wicked, evil, and miserable. Think of all the phrases in which men use that word

hell. Does anyone really want hell? Now think of the word heaven and see how that word is used: paradise, Eden, joy, glorious, perfect peace, love and beauty. and so much more. Who wouldn’t want to be there for eternity?

So we said our goodbye to mom. We miss her terribly, but we look forward to that Glorious Reunion which will take place soon. I am speaking of The Resurrection of the dead. Remember what Jesus said. “I am the resurrection

Page 6 - Senior Beacon - JULY 2023 VISIT US ONLINE AT:
Columnist & founder of an international prison ministry ▶ CROSSWORD ANSWERS ▶ GAMES
th FREE We accept cash, local checks and credit cards. Mention the code word “ Beacon” and get your first month free, when you sign up! Physical Address: 2500 County Road 67 Penrose, CO 81240 Mailing Address: PO Box 367 Florence, CO 81226 (719) 372-6671 ▶ SEE LIGHT



Pueblo award winning film critic

IF YOU ARE STILL WISHING you could have gone to the Super Bowl of 2017, it’s not too late to watch 80 FOR BRADY, an amusing comedy involving that exciting football event. Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field and Rita Moreno have a ball as old friends who try to relive their feelings about that earlier game by going from Boston to Houston to see Tom Brady play again.

We expect great performances from star power like this, and these women don’t disappoint their fans. I am biased a bit toward Fonda and Moreno because of interesting personal meetings with both of them. It was my pleasure to meet Fonda at the Pueblo airport and take her to a function here back in days of yore. She looked so big on the screen, but she seemed tiny in person. Plus, she was very serious. And I interviewed Moreno during a radio show about Singin’ in the Rain where she came across as a real entertainer.

In 80 FOR BRADY, Fonda plays an attractive divorcee and Moreno a lovely widow who falls asleep easily. That leaves Tomlin and Field. We know both of them can be funny, of course. However, Field proves she can outshine the group by playing a professor who is supposed to be the responsible one but ends up doing some silly things such as entering a Spicy BBQ Wings Challenge. But Tomlin also gives us surprises as the group’s risk-taker. My favorite scene shows all four characters doing an impromptu dance with a celebrity played by the great Billy Porter.

The story follows these super fans as they win tickets to the Super Bowl – and then lose them. .

Four old friends to Super Bowl go. Their adventure makes quite a show.

They want to see Tom Brady play and have an extra-special day.

80 FOR BRADY stars known gals who charm us as these elder pals.

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They make us laugh and cheer them on plus feel a tear when things go wrong.

Tomlin, Moreno, Fonda, Field prove super talent will not yield.

What about Tom Brady? Well, he appears as himself and that might not be enough for his fans. He also served as producer so he’s partly to blame. Nevertheless, 80 FOR BRADI concentrates on its four stars, and that’s fine with me.

JULY 2023 - Senior Beacon - Page 7 VISIT US ONLINE AT: Villa Pueblo Senior Living Community 1111 Bonforte Boulevard, Pueblo, CO 81001 Located approximately 30 minutes South of Colorado Springs, Villa Pueblo Senior Living Community is an affordable option for Adults over the age of 55. Great Location! Close to Shopping, Walking Trails, Medical Offices, and Highways!
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Directed by Kyle Marvin from a screenplay by Sarah Haskins and Emily Halpern, this movie should appeal to senior citizens who enjoy comedies with a bit of slapstick as well as drama.
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ---
(Released by Prime Video and rated PG-13 by MPAA)

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JULY 2023 - Senior Beacon - Page 8 VISIT US ONLINE AT:

I hope after the word gets out of my capabilities, compassion for those that cant do for themselves that the Family

how you conduct business?

Everything is done on the computer and internet you cant even go get a haircut with out getting on the internet, the best part is a person can get on Google and learn things that can make your live easier.

How can our readers get a hold of you?

The is on the internet, and is advertised in the Senior Beacon. Our phone number is (719) 250-2354

Other thoughts, ideas, comments: Just one, I hope I get to call the Senior Beacon and let them know that I'm getting customers from the ad in the Beacon.

devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.” Don”’t be afraid of death. It is not the end! If Jesus is your Lord and Savior death is a welcome guest. That is the key to breaking the fear of death — Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life.

Years ago, I wrote this poem to help me face the inevitable fact of death. I am closer to meeting that “grim reaper” now than then. But my hope is in the Resurrection. You know what Job went through, yet he says in chapter 19:25-27: “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed,yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another.”

Care Company will show that they can compete in this industry.

Where do you see your business in the next year?

I hope business is booming and we get to hire more help and along with helping people we can also help the economy

Whom do you seek advice from for your business?

The Small business development center.

How has technology, such as computers and the internet, impacted

◀ FROM LIGHT PAGE 6 and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” Well do you? Do you believe what the Author of Life said?

Death is not the end. In fact there is no end. There are only two eternals: eternal life and eternal death. Is death your enemy? It doesn’t have to be your enemy: Hebrews 2:14,15 say, “Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself (Jesus) likewise partook of the same things, that through death He might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the

Death—A Welcome Guest

Your pale face and hollow eyes have no more hold on me.

You haunted us for generations with your sad decree.

A glum reminder of our sin on every tombstone graven.

You invaded every human heart to make your fearful haven.

No more are you the dreadful foe who held us in your grip.

No longer can you taunt and laugh and drive us with your whip. We’ll never fear again your strength or

wither at your name.

Your sting has been removed by Him who took our sin and shame.

Now when we hear that you are near, our hearts rejoice and sing.

Jesus took your fateful blow just once for us to bring.

Our souls at rest in Him for good, no more to fear or dread.

For He is Savior of the eternally living and never of the dead.

So come, death, you are welcome to take this earthly tent.

You can’t take my soul my life. For heaven it was meant.

God’s grace will testify you had no power over me.

One day soon I will be pure, my body will be free.

His Book declares that you will find your end in the eternal flame. No heart will recall, no voice will utter your atrocious name.

Eternal life for those of us who are called and chosen ones.

To share His Kingdom, enjoy His splendor as daughters and as sons.

“O death, where is your victory, O death where is your sting.” (1 Co 15:55)

Jan can be contacted at (719) 649-2937 or (719) 275-6971. And by e-mail at Also visit

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Page 10 - Senior Beacon - JULY 2023 VISIT US ONLINE AT: Let's thank VILLA PUEBLO for sponsoring--Stop by soon!! PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Thank You Very Much! Senior Beacon Newspaper 115 E MAIN STREET FLORENCE, CO 81226 (719) 784-7664 Find us on Facebook Villa Pueblo Senior Living Community, a 55+ independent living and campus of care, is a PUEBLO ORIGINAL! Our senior living community is proud to offer beautiful, updated décor, friendly neighbors & friends, and affordability. Check out our FABULOUS PENTHOUSE SPACE! 1111 Bonforte Blvd., Pueblo, CO 81001 / Mention this ad and SAVE 50% ON YOUR RENT* *For new Independent Living Residents. Must move-in by July 31, 2023. Incentive based upon apartment rent and applied to first full month. Not applicable with other discounts or with pay-for-referral sources. 55+ Apartments with Easy, All-Inclusive Pricing Well-Behaved Pets are Welcome $1999 Per Month on Select Units Home Health & Nursing & Rehab On-Site NO COMMUNITY FEE Penrose (719) 372-3872 Florence (719) 784-6493 Canon City (719) 345-4112 Salida (719) 539-3351 GOLDEN AGE CENTER FLORENCE SENIOR CENTER Please call (719) 784-6493 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. All menus subject to change. Please call (719) 345-3064 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served MondayFridays. All menus subject to change. July 2023 GAC Upper Arkansas Area Agency on Aging Nutrition Program Please call (719) 345-3064 before 9:30 a.m. for reservations. Congregate meals served Monday – Friday at noon. All menus subject to change. July 2023 Florence Senior Center Upper Arkansas Area Agency on Aging Nutrition Program ’

Furry Friends Can Cause Distracted Driving. Here’s How to Stay Safe

(StatePoint)--Summer road trip season is heating up. Whether your vacation plans include national parks, sandy beach es or major metropolises, you may be thinking of bringing the entire family along, even your four-legged companions.

While we love having them near, dogs aren’t always safe passengers. A recent poll commissioned by Selective Insurance, a leading home, auto and business insurance carrier, found that in the past 12 months, dogs caused a majority of drivers to be distracted on U.S. roadways.

The study, conducted online by The Harris Poll, found that of licensed drivers who recently (over the last 12 months) drove with their dogs, 91% admitted to interacting with them while driving, including interactions requiring the driver to take their hands off the wheel or eyes off the road, and 48% acknowledged that they are more distracted when their dog is in the vehicle than when it is not.

“We love our dogs. However, some of their behaviors in the car, such as sitting on drivers’ laps, jumping between seats, or sticking their heads out the window, divert drivers’ attention from operating a vehicle,” said Scott Smith, vice president and director of Safety Management at Selective Insurance. “To help keep our roads safe, drivers need to minimize distractions. That means our beloved pet passengers should be restrained in the back seat, and if they need tending, drivers should first pull over to a safe place.”

Some of the more hazardous behaviors

• Have your dog ride in the back seat and consider using a partition between the front and back seats.

• Use a dog seatbelt, safety harness or anchored crate to prevent distractions and provide your dog with some protection if there is an accident. A significant 70% of licensed drivers who recently drove with their dogs say their dogs were unrestrained in the vehicle. Yet, 82% of drivers who recently drove with their dogs agree that having an unrestrained dog in a moving vehicle can distract the driver. Not using a restraint is risky and could put you in violation of the law. Some states have animal restraint laws for vehicles to help keep drivers safe and focused. However, only 24% of licensed drivers who recently drove with their dogs say they are very familiar with such laws in their state. That’s compared to 34% who say they didn’t know these laws existed.

• Plan ahead and identify rest stops along your route so you and your dog can take a break. If you need to make an unplanned stop, avoid the side of the road

and instead look for a quiet parking lot. Use these occasions to give your dog food, a little exercise and most importantly in summer, plenty of water.

For additional survey findings, along with tips to keep roadways safe and K-9 companions secure, visit For survey methodology, visit selective. com.

“More pets in homes, especially with the introduction of the pandemic puppy, means more Americans than ever may be hitting the roads with their pooch on road trips this summer. Drivers should understand the risks associated with taking them along for the ride,” said Smith.

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Trials and tribulations… Imagine.

tJersey, Guernsey, Sark, Herm and Alderney, all inhabited islands in the English Channel i.e., the Channel Isles. Continuing with stories from our previous columns we continue to explore the symbols of witchcraft and the occult: 6000 years ago. Witchcraft, superstitions were deftly merged throughout these tiny parcels of land. Continuing our U.K. Channel Island’s history provides glimpses into earliest knowledge available, regarding unearthly practices of the occult. The largest of several islands close to France is Jersey, (home of many of my family) boasting of occurrences in 1648. Accused of witchery poor Marie Grandin bled only on the right side of her forehead, an obvious indication of being ‘touched by the devil.’ Strangely, though she was burned at the stake, these questionable events transpired before Christ, indeed before the initiation

of Satan. Numerous Irish connections about the occult, are meaningfully comparable to our U.K. islands. Ancient stones discovered in Ireland’s Wicklow Mountains symbolize a circle; also exposed were concrete remnants of human sacrifices established many years past. In order to counteract the evil, and carved in stone, Christian crosses intended to act as exorcisms of evil were prolific evidence of early occult activity. In 1982 complaints of severe cold and feelings of evil overwhelmed residents of St.

Martin in Jersey the U.K. Freezing house temperatures defied typical explanations even from respected clergymen. Once again, history didn’t disappoint…on this neolithic site a full-scale exorcism was conducted; a black mass/sacrifice had occurred. Witches had ‘tapped’ into those standing stones, possibly activating powerful, supernatural mystical movement. Yet once again, superstitious contempt for lack of knowledge will invariably embrace witchcraft and its legions of followers. Our historic revelations exist from 6,000 years ago. King James version of the bible reads “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”

(Exodus 22,18.) Returning to Guernsey we recognize ‘La Gan ‘mere du Chimquier,’ translated to ‘The Grandmother of the Cemetery.’ Standing seven feet tall, this crude ancient grey stone figure known as the ‘Earth Mother,’ is analogous to many images throughout Europe. (While feeding the pigeons in down town Costa Rica we passed a voluptuous, iron black female figure standing six feet tall in the village square; often the recipient of spontaneous affectionate rubs on her belly, or bottom. (A representative of grandmoth-

erly love and caring to all.) Guernsey girls drape their primeval stone figure in scented floral leis, prior to weddings; a symbol of

fertility and good luck, also in expectations of happy marriages. These graveyards exhibit evidence of life during the paleolithic period, similar to indications of historic revelations on Herm. Tinier than most isles connected to Jersey, Herm captivated scientists, and archeologists by producing many granite, and earthen reminders of early civilizations, also impressive burial grounds, carved images of gods and goddesses, some dating back to 1,000 years B.C. Not to be outdone by ‘La Gan ‘mere du Chimquier’ created around 600 B.C. In 1553, succeeding to the British throne in London Queen Mary’s five-year reign began cruelly and without recognition nor conscience of activities initiated in her kingdom, all of which agonized many of her subjects. One such incident… devastated by heresy and ‘trumped up’ charges Catherine Massey and her two daughters, Guillemine and heavily pregnant Perotine suffered excruciating, unjust, and subsequent slaughter initiated by the Bailiff and his fellow conspirators. Erected were three stakes bound by ropes, strangulation occurred forcing breakage of their ties. Screaming in agony

she collapsed onto her side, dispatching her five-pound unborn baby, who instantly was rescued from the roaring flames by the provost. Yelling and gesturing, the bailiff instructed he return the tiny blonde infant into the roaring fire where he immediately, and savagely perished. Ugly and unjust, it obviously influenced the present Queen Marys’ opinion of this tiny once insignificant island of Guernsey. Once ascending to the throne, her first act was to remove the guilty Bailiff, Dean and Jurats from their island offices. They were heavily fined and returned to work in London. A sad meaningless reprisal for their monstrous and callas actions. Thought for the day…To be dissatisfied with your life, destroys what you do have.

City of Pueblo Wastewater Department to Host Five Town Halls for Discharge Variance Renewal

PUEBLO—The City of Pueblo Wastewater Department is hosting town hall meetings at various locations across the community to educate the public about the upcoming renewals and review period for treatment variance options. This is to help inform monthly sewer rate payers and help answer questions from residents.

“We’re inviting the public to learn more about the discharge specific variance that Pueblo Wastewater has received previously and will be under review this October,” said Director of Pueblo Wastewater Andra Ahrens.

“The reason we have been able to keep wastewater rates fairly low and affordable is

because we look to ensure fees do not exceed 1.5% of the median household income in Pueblo.”

The Wastewater Department is inviting the public to discuss the impacts of the variance the Colorado Water Quality Division, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has supported previously with the Pueblo’s James R. Dilorio Water Reclamation Facility (Pueblo WRF). The variance term is expiring in 2028, with a review by the Colorado Water Quality Division occurring this year in 2023 which will assist the City of Pueblo’s planning for the future.

The townhalls are planned to take place on the following days and times:

Monday, July 10 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. located at Lamb Library 2525 S. Pueblo Boulevard

Tuesday, July 11 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. located at Barkman Library 1300 Jerry Murphy Road

Monday, July 17 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. located at Lamb Library 2525 S. Pueblo Boulevard

Wednesday, July 19 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. located at Rawlings Library 100 E. Abriendo Avenue

Friday, July 21 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. located at Rawlings Library 100 E.

Abriendo Avenue

In 2018, the State of Colorado-Water Quality Control Commission adopted a Discharge Specific Variance (DSV) for selenium and sulfate that represents the highest degree of protection for aquation life that is feasible for Pueblo WRF. The variance was supported by the Colorado Water Quality Division, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and EPA.

The terms of the approved DSV included implementing a $10 million management program in 2018 to reduce concentrations as much as feasible. The management program includes lining and replacing sewer pipe and service lines, sealing manholes, implement a sump pump removal requirement for homeowners and investigating additional treatment options. The management program has resulted in some measurable reduction in sources of selenium and the City continues to implement the program during the variance term.

Pueblo’s Wastewater Department is funded by fees charged to customers and does not receive any revenue from property taxes or sales tax. The Wastewater Department strives to ensure investments in infrastructure do not have widespread negative economic impacts on Pueblo residents, which is why the town halls will take place across the community for outreach efforts.

For more information about the town halls with Pueblo Wastewater call 719-553-2896

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Ancient stones discovered in Ireland’s Wicklow Mountains symbolize a circle; also exposed were concrete remnants of human sacrifices established many years past. In order to counteract the evil, and carved in stone, Christian crosses...
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Jan McLaughlin’s book will touch your heart and motivate you men and women. God is inviting Perhaps He is inviting you to help Rescue soners Int’l, a non- profit ministry based on the power of prayer which was founded in 1987 by Jan. McLaughlin

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You will laugh and cry as you walk with Jan through memories that point to an incredible God who orders our steps and uses even the worst situations to His glory and our good. An easy read which also makes a delightful devotional.

You will laugh and cry as you walk with Jan through memories that point to an incredible God who orders our steps and uses even the worst situations to His glory and our good. An easy read which also makes a delightful devotional.

Reviews: A Delightful and Inspirational Read

Reviews: "A Delightful and Inspirational Read"

"The reader will find author Jan McLaughlin’s book an inspirational and thoroughly delightful reading experience. Her wit and love of life permeates the entire 400plus pages. Reading will not be tedious in the least. I think what I most enjoyed was the author’s ability to take ordinary, and sometimes harrowing, experiences and draw a spiritual lesson that the reader can apply in his or her own life.

The chapters are short and keep the reader’s interest. The author is humble and not adverse to admitting her own foibles. As a result, this reviewer can relate as one less-than-perfect reader to a less-than-perfect author.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR Pueblo Storyteller enthusiasts at the Pueblo Welcome Center. Volunteer for 2-40 hours per week... your choice. Have fun, while telling visitors about Pueblo!

The reader will find author Jan McLaughlin’s book an inspirational and thoroughly delightful reading experience. Her wit and love of life permeates the entire 400-plus pages. Reading will not be tedious in the least. I think what I most enjoyed was the author’s ability to take ordinary, and sometimes harrowing, experiences and draw a spiritual lesson that the reader can apply in his or her own life. The chapters are short and keep the reader’s interest The author is humble and not adverse to admitting her own foibles. As a result, this reviewer can relate as one lessthan-perfect reader to a less- than-perfect author.

Contact: #723


A 4-word recommendation: It’s a happy read!" Dr. Raymond White, Pueblo, CO $10.00 Plus shipping. 719-275-6971 or

A 4- word recommendation: It’s a happy read!

Or you can order by mail: Checks payable to Jan McLaughlin P.O. Box 855 - Cañon City, CO 81215-0855

GRAVE SITE, OLD Mountain View Cemetery. Good location close to street. $1000 EMAIL:

Dr. Raymond White, Pueblo, CO $10.00 Plus shipping. 719-275-6971 or

Or you can order by mail: Checks payable to Jan McLaughlin P.O. Box 855 - Cañon City, CO 81215- 0855

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Happy Birthday America

“I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom, I can see rays of ravishing light and glory.” John Adams to Abigail, on the passing of the Declaration of Independence

“This nation was founded by God with a special calling. The people who first came here knew they were being led here by the Lord Jesus Christ, to found a nation where men, women, and children were to live in obedience to Him…. This was truly to be one nation under God…. The reason, I believe, that we Americans are in trouble today is that we have forgotten this.” Peter Marshall, pastor of East Dennis Community Church, Cape Cod.

Did God have a plan for America? “At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged…In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity …That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.” House Judiciary Committee report, March 27, 1854

The first settlers felt God had a plan


for this nation. The first governor of Massachusetts, John Winthrop, said, “America is ‘A city set on a hill’, which would be a light to the whole world.” Men like William Bradford, John Winthrop, George Washington, who were among the first leaders of this nation, instead of aspiring to greatness, truly wanted nothing more than to serve God’s people. God was able to use them mightily to show the way of building this nation to be “A city set on a hill.”

As we find ourselves in the midst of some of the most difficult times this nation has ever known, with division in every area, may we take time to find the many incredible blessings that have been poured out on this nation – how much of the grace which continues to cover this country – are a direct result of the obedience and willingness of our forefathers to die to self and to live for others. We are in the times that we can no longer lean on the faith of our forefathers; we must each find our own footing in Jesus Christ. There is still hope for America with Christ!

“If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

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Happy Birthday America, we pray for many more birthdays to come .

Kay Owen-Larson is the co-founder and President of Crossroads Ministries and the founder of the Crossroads School of Chaplain-

44. Wive's mother, e.g.

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46. "____ we forget"

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cy. This year marks her 59th year in ministry. An author, speaker, teacher and pastor, she has a heart for the elderly and would like to see many of them come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in their last days. Contact her at 719-635-5767


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71. Fill with spirits 72. Ceases 73. Get the picture 74. Ascended


1. Design detail

2. Big name in gasoline stations

3. *Genus Panthera member

21. *Measure of energy

23. Auction call

24. Animal coat

25. Tolstoy's first name, in Russian

28. *Plural of cecum

30. *Fastest growing woody plant

35. Footnote acronym

37. Mosquito net, e.g.

39. Attention-seeking

40. Skier's aid

41. Certain saxes

43. Sheltered, nautically speaking

4. Improvise

5. Godlike

6. Point of entry

7. *Genetic information carrier, acr.

8. 9 a.m. prayer

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11. The Wise Men

12. French appetizer

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20. Swelling of human organs

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26. Piano key material

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29. *Basic unit of life

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32. Misrepresent

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36. "Wanted!" option

38. *Parasite's ride

42. Stable room

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Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (CO-03) stated, “All four of my commonsense amendments this week passed the House with strong bipartisan support. These amendments will increase transparency, enhance government oversight, and hold the Biden administration accountable. I am delivering legislative solutions for the people of Colorado’s Third District.”


Congresswoman Boebert has been an extremely effective legislator in the 118th Congress and has now passed two bills through the House of Representatives with bipartisan support and passed fourteen of fourteen amendments through the House, thirteen of which had strong bipartisan support.

The four bipartisan amendments passed by Congresswoman Boebert include:

Amendment to Protect Gas Stoves

Congresswoman Boebert introduced an amendment to the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act to prohibit the Biden administration from implementing regulations that result in a product be-

ing made unavailable solely because of the type of fuel the product consumes. This amendment will protect Americans from further attempts by the Biden administration to ban stoves via executive fiat. Congresswoman Boebert’s amendment passed with bipartisan support with a recorded vote of 222-210. The Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act also passed with bipartisan support and a recorded vote of 248-180.



“The roofing crew arrived promptly at 7 AM, got a quick tour of the rabbit herd in the garage, and went right to work. They're a hard-working bunch who completed the job in one day. The roof looks great! Thanks Daniel and Delany and the guys!” --Doug


Senior Beacon

Transparency Amendment to Publish Regulatory Cost Information on Public Website

Congresswoman Boebert introduced a transparency amendment to the REINS Act to require the Comptroller General to publish the Government Accountability Office’s inflationary analyses of Biden administration regulations on its public website.

During the first year of this administration, the Biden White House added more than $200 billion in new regulatory costs. Under Joe Biden’s failure of leadership, inflation has hit a 40-year high. This simple, straightforward amendment ensures that the American people will be better informed of the regulations unelected bureaucrats are imposing on them costing as much as $2 trillion in compliance costs and economic losses.

Congresswoman Boebert’s amendment to the REINS Act passed by a voice vote and unanimous consent.

Accountability Amendment to Allow Congress to Exercise Oversight and be Informed of the Inflationary Impact of New Regulations

Congresswoman Boebert introduced an accountability amendment requiring the Comptroller General’s Congressional Review Reports for new regulations to include an assessment about how the regulation will impact inflation. This information will allow Congress to exercise effective oversight over federal agencies’ rulemaking processes.

Due to Joe Biden’s disastrous policies, we have seen crippling inflation that has led to a 4.3% decline in real wages since Biden took office. Additionally, Amer-

icans have lost more than $2 trillion in their retirement savings due to Biden’s economic failures.

Congresswoman Boebert’s amendment to the REINS Act passed by a voice vote and unanimous consent.

Congressional Oversight Amendment

Congresswoman Boebert introduced a congressional oversight amendment to the REINS Act requiring the Comptroller General’s Congressional Review Report to be made available to the congressional committees of jurisdiction. This simple, good governance amendment allows Congress to take back its Article I authority in our system of checks and balances. This will provide transparency for the administration to carry out its congressionally authorized duty.

Congresswoman Boebert’s amendment to the REINS Act passed by a voice vote and unanimous consent.

The full text of Congresswoman Boebert’s congressional oversight amendment to REINS Act is available at press-releases/four-bipartisan-boebert-amendments-pass-house

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Senior Beacon serves Pueblo, El Paso, Fremont and the 12 surrounding counties that make up most of Southeastern Colorado. It is a monthly newspaper dedicated to inform, serve, educate and entertain the Senior Community of these areas.

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