Permanon Platinum brochure

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Why Permanon Platinum is the best Worldwide critically acclaimed car sealant from Germany Used and supported by companies like Lamborghini, VanDutch, ACS Germany, EW facilities services, Centro Federale di Trieste, DuPont, Jotun & Boeing.

We get Permanon Platinum direct from Permanon GmbH, Germany An established brand equates to reliability, for you and your car.

Product specifications easily avaliable for your reference Know what makes Permanon Platinum the best, no secrets! Reference materials and specifications are available on

Superior technology

Permanon Platinum bonds immediately without delay (based on electrostatic bonding). The nano particles seal up microscopic surface capillaries/pores to create a smooth, shiny and impenetrable surface, repelling water, dust, contaminants and bacteria. Contaminants are easily cleaned off without stains or marks just by rinsing or wiping, reducing the time and effort spent on cleaning and maintaining your car.

No catch-22s

Unlike certain solvent-based sealants requiring days to cure (during which it must be dry) and eventually etching themselves into the paintwork, Permanon Platinum is a coat of armour on top of your paintwork, protecting it without damaging it.

Easy application of industry standard protection

Simply spray, spread and wipe. Unlike certain DIY sealants, Permanon Platinum is designed to be easily applied by you without the need for special equipment or skills, yet providing results that are equal if not better than professional grade applications.

Applicable on almost any surface

Permanon Platinum can protect any non-porous surface with the same level of protection, not just on cars. No other sealant is so widely applicable yet maintain the same amount of protective power.

Unparalleled multilayered protection

Permanon Platinum does not integrate into the underlying material, hence allowing you to add on multilayered protection to enhance the protection without touching the original surface. Our Fusion X3 solution is specially formulated to enhance Permanon Platinum’s durability and strength.

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