IAS Coaching - How do I get through IAS Mains after 3 attempts

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IAS Coaching - How do I get through IAS Mains after 3 attempts Tue. 7/27/2021 by IAS coaching centre in Delhi

Consistently failing the UPSC Main exam three times could be due to one or more of the following reasons: Inadequate preparation of content. Low comprehension of the questions. Answer writing is not of good quality. Poor time management in the test. Average marks in the optional Let's now discuss them individually. Comprehensive Preparation You are required to be able to comprehend and control over the pattern of the examination which can be understood by best IAS Coaching easy. You must be able to understand the various kinds of questions, the current situation, and topics that are part of the syllabus. To gain a greater comprehension of the syllabus, review it over and again with the previous year's questions. You can take notes on the subjects in the syllabus as part of your strategy for preparation. Then, you can include current events to the notes. With current affairs emphasis it is recommended that you write an entire page or 150 words about every topic covered in the syllabus. You can add small notes on current developments as well as notes on topics such regionalism, communalism, or secularism, to GS-1.

Knowing the question. Examine questions from previous years' papers and go through them again and then again to make sure you can clearly comprehend the criteria. Talk to your friends and identify any mistakes in identifying the main aspects of the question. Students frequently misunderstand three questions when trying to complete papers in a hurry. In even the most stressful situations, it is recommended to try a lot of papers with a set time. Answer Writing Practice - It's crucial that you know how to present an answer. Follow the directions of the question, and write your answer using an organized structure. Each part of your answer must be covered under the appropriate subheading to enhance the impact. Self-Practice. You can start by writing a brief summary of editorials in the newspaper. This will help you evaluate your abilities and assist you in improving your skills. You may also write answers to questions given by your teacher, or previously completed UPSC papers or question on any website or test mocks. Beacon IAS conducts answer writing exercises for students in classrooms for around six months. To increase their understanding, enhance presentation and to understand the finer points of creating a habit in writing answers, students will be asked three questions. Experts review the answers and offer helpful feedback to students to help them improve their writing skills. The answers to the model questions can be used to show students how to organize and write their answers.

Test Series: As when you are comfortable writing answers to questions one-byone, join the test series and get feedback from experts regarding your presentation and the content. It will also help you organize your time to ensure that you can complete the task within the time frame given. Beacon's test series:Both online and offline main exam test series programs are offered by Beacon IAS. The test series programmes are conducted in two stages- Basic and Advanced Main Exam Test Series. The basic Test Series has questions that are less difficult. Students are required to answer 10 questions in the initial session, and are asked to complete 20 questions at the end. Advanced Test Series for students who have already passed the Main test. Students are required to complete 20 questions in the UPSC pattern. The level of confidence students have in writing answers will determine whether they choose to join either the Advanced Test Series or the Main exam. Time management: If you have prepared well, then you will be able to answer at least 17-18 questions on any GS paper. You should also be able to answer almost all questions on the optional paper. For a successful attempt, time management is important to ensure that you don't leave any questions for insufficient time. This is a particular aspect that can be improved with more practice. The optional marks: A thorough understanding of the subject matter is essential to succeed in this optional exam. The preparation for optional must be finished well in advance of the prelims examination. In this case, you'll need to have notes and a thorough knowledge of the syllabus. You should also be prepared for some outside of syllabus questions (teachers typically can help you with this, and previous papers can aid). After you've learned the basics, it's time to continue practicing and revising. Begin by answering individual questions. Next, practice answering the entire question paper (past papers or tests series papers). It is a good idea to join an exam series, since each optional has its own questions and solutions. There is no better way to learn and practice in order to excel on your optional tests. Essay: You could take notes on specific subjects that are frequently discussed, like women empowerment and the role that technology has in the lives of society. You may also study the essay questions of various test series to discover trends. These subjects can aid in organizing essays and take notes. You might

even get an essay topic you have already composed. It is important to cover all dimensions of the essay. Students tend to overlook dimensions like ethics and the environmental issues when writing essays. General advice: If you have been repeatedly unsuccessful, conduct a thorough analysis of what went wrong. You will be able to identify your shortcomings and find the best solution. Don't be afraid to seek advice from senior aspirants teachers, instructors, or should you be able to, if you can, those who have passed the exam. There are a lot of videos on the internet to help Choose one or two people you associate most with and try to pick tips from their videos. Overinformation will only cause confusion. It is important to remember that there are many routes to achieving a rank. Others are only able to share their experience and you don't need to follow their lead.

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