How do I get through IAS Mains after 3 attempts — Hansraj College IAS Academy

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How do I get through IAS Mains after 3 attempts — Hansraj College IAS Academy best coaching center for ias in delhi

1 hour ago·5 min read

Continuously failing 3 times on the UPSC Main exam could be the result of any, or a combination, of the following things: Lack of comprehensive preparation for content. It’s difficult to grasp the demands of these questions. Poor quality in answer writing Poor time management in the exam. Average marks for this optional So let us address them one at a time.

Comprehensive Preparation: With the syllabus that is so extensive, and the competition so strong, your preparation must be comprehensive and well-thought out. It is necessary to know and have control over the examination pattern. For instance, Hansraj College IAS Academy

Gives you complete knowledge of the various subtopics of the syllabus, type of questions they will be asking, current scenario and so on. Please go through the syllabus over and over repeatedly, along with the previous year’s questions to gain a better understanding. Make notes about every topic on the syllabus. Add current affairs to your preparation strategy. The syllabus requires you to be able and able to write 150 words (or one page) on every subject. With enough emphasis on current affairs It is suggested that you include current affairs when writing. It is possible to add notes on current developments as well as notes on topics such regionalism, communalism, or secularism to GS-1.

Understanding the questions. Take questions from previous year’s papers. Read them repeatedly to ensure you understand the criteria. Discuss with your classmates the difficulty in identifying key elements in questions. It is common for many students to miss-read a few questions in any paper in a hurry to complete the paper. Doing lots of practice assignments with a fixed time will surely aid you in improving your skills even in the most stressful situations.

Answer Writing Practice: Understanding how to answer the question is crucial. The first step is to write your answer according to the question. Keep in mind the most important words like “discuss”, “comment” and so on. Each part of the answer should be covered in its own subheading in order to enhance the impact. Practice at home. You can start by writing a summary of editorials in the newspaper. It will allow you measure your abilities to present ideas and enable you to continually improve. Teachers, old UPSC exams as well as mock tests could serve as examples. Beacon IAS conducts answer writing exercises for students in the classroom for approximately six months. To increase their knowledge, improve presentation, and learn the finer aspects of developing a habit answering questions,

students will be asked three questions. To enhance their writing abilities students get feedback from their experts as they evaluate their answers. So that students can get a better understanding of the structure and content, model answers are also provided. Test Series: When you are confident enough to answer specific questions, you are able to join the test series to receive expert feedback on both your content and presentation. This will assist you in learning how to manage time so you can finish the essay on time. Beacon’s test series:Both online and offline primary exam series programs are offered by Beacon IAS. There are two phases of the test series: Advanced Main Exam Test Series and Basic. The basic Test Series has questions that are less difficult. Students are required to answer 10 questions in the first session and then they are asked to complete 20 questions in the final session. Advanced Test Series students who have taken the Main exam prior to the exam are required to answer 20 questions as part of the UPSC procedure. Depending on how confident they are in writing, students may decide to take part in either or both. Time management: Your study should be of high quality so that you can take at least 17–18 questions in any GS exam and all the optional questions. To attempt them well, time management is important so that you do not miss any questions due to insufficient time. This is something you can improve with more practice.

You will score high in the optional. To do well in optional, you must be capable of comprehending the subject thoroughly. The preparation for optional must be finished well in advance of the exam. Also, make sure you have notes and knowledge of every topic and sub-topic of the syllabus. You should also be prepared for out of the syllabus questions (teachers typically can guide you on this and previous papers can aid). It is important to practice and review regularly after that. Begin by answering questions on your own and then practice answering the entire questions (past years papers or tests series questions). As each optional is different and different, it is advisable to be a part of a test group. It is only possible to learn and practice until you are proficient in your optional papers. Essay: You may prepare notes on few topics that are frequently discussed, such as women empowerment, technological advancement, etc. You can also look at the essay questions from various test series to discover trends. Prepare notes and essays about the subjects you are interested in. They will aid in the organization of essays, time management, and also writing essays. It is important to cover all dimensions of the essay. Essay writing can be a challenge for students due to the fact that they tend to forget about dimensions such as ethics, environment and so on. General advice: You should begin by analyzing your mistakes and learn from them. Recognizing your weaknesses will allow you to find the best solution. Don’t be afraid of seeking advice from your teachers, senior aspirants or anyone you know

candidates who have successfully cleared the exam. There are a lot of videos available online to assist you. You should pick the top two or three rankers who you are most familiar with, and then attempt to learn from their experiences. Too much information from multiple sources can only increase the confusion. Remember that there are numerous ways to attain a rank. It’s important that you create your own path and strategy. best coaching center for ias in delhi Service to the nation and mankind should be the sole objective of every individual. Follow

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