BLACK DRAGON FRG Newsletter OCT 2012

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OCTOBER 4, 2012


BN Commander and Senior FRG Advisor Words BLACK DRAGON Soldiers, Families, and Friends : I would like to start my note to you all this month, by saying that today the Department of Defense officially announced the 4th Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division was going to deploy to Afghanistan in the winter of 2012 (official release posted here: http:// We have all been talking about the deployment for the last 4-5 months, and in fact have spent the majority of our summer training for our possible deployment, so now that it is here it is time that we make our final preparations. As a command team we realize that deployments not only involve the Soldier but their family (and extended family) as well. That is why we have committed to having involved families and empowered Family Readiness Groups ever since I had the privilege of taking command. Over the last several months we had several events focused on informing our families so they can be better prepared for the upcoming deployment, but we realize this is an ongoing process and will continue to host events that involve and inform our families throughout the deployment. There are lots of ways that we will put out information to our families, for announcements and updates on how the battalion is doing we will continue to leverage our Social Media platforms (both our Facebook pages and Twitter). For specific questions, concerns, or help your Battery/Company Family Readiness Groups, Group Leaders, and our FSRA Ms. Sheryl Banner are ready to assist you. We will continue to publish their contact information to your Soldier and through Social Media sites. We all understand that deployments can be difficult times with the separation as well as concern for your loved one; however as long as we remain united, like the family we have become we will become stronger during this deployment. I have just returned from a two week reconnaissance trip to Afghanistan; where I had the opportunity to visit with and receive briefings from the Division all the way to the platoon level. After hearing their briefings, observing their mission, and seeing the terrain I am extremely confident in the ability of our Soldiers to excel at the mission that is required of them. They are well trained, they are well lead, and they are the best and the brightest of our nation they will be able to do whatever is asked and then some more, they have our utmost confidence. Part of the preparation for deployment is the re-alignment of the battalion with some of our Soldiers becoming part of other brigades here at Fort Hood. Right now we are taking less than 200 Soldiers from the 440 Soldiers that are currently assigned. To make sure the remainder of our Soldiers is taken care of some Soldiers will leave the battalion to join other units in the Division. Golf Company along with some remaining elements of HHB and Alpha will remain in 4th Brigade to support our Soldiers forward and the equipment we have left behind. Bravo Battery will move as a unit and be temporarily assigned to 1st Brigade (1-82 FA) so that they can continue their Artillery Training. It is understandable that with all of these moving parts along with the deployment that some folks may become confused or frustrated, that’s okay. If you have concerns or are confused please don’t hesitate to bring those concerns forward to your unit leadership, and we will do our best to answer your questions.

I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming 4-day Columbus week-end or Block Leave period, everyone has definitely earned some well-deserved time off. Please take care of yourself during the holiday period and we look forward to your safe return. Once we come back from Block Leave (October 21) we will shortly begin our movement into Afghanistan and our unit re-alignment, please stay connect to your battery/company leadership, Family Readiness Group, and our Facebook page(s) for information and updates. As always, thank you for supporting your Soldier. The Command Team of 5-82FA realizes that the Battalion could not be as successful without your support and understand. Stay in touch with your FRGs and follow us on our Social Media sites to keep up with the latest information and opportunities. Will and Jessy Johnson FRG Facebook Group!/ groups/582black.dragons/ Battalion Facebook Page!/ pages/5th-Battalion-82nd-Field-Artillery-RegimentBlack-Dragons/288593261191191 Twitter Account: @5th82fa

Inside this issue: BN CSM


Chaplain’s Corner


HHB Hardcore


ALPHA Apaches


BRAVO Bulldogs


GOLF Ghost riders


Event Fliers


Current Events




OCTOBER 4, 2012

BLACK DRAGONS BULLETIN Pictures from BN Commander

View of the rugged terrain of the Kapisa Province in Afghanistan.

Air Assault Training at Fort Hood. Great Job to Alpha Battery as the work with the Aviation Brigade at Fort Hood to practice moving the M777 Howitzer by Air.

A M777 gun position in Laghman Province at one of our outposts.



BN CSM Words Black Dragons, Families and friends; I continue to witness excellence among the Black Dragon formation every day and I’m amazed of the things that you all accomplish day after day. As Soldiers, I ask you to remain mission focused and ready to meet the demands of the deployment and look out for each other in everything that we do. I am reminded of a quote from James H. Webb who was a former Marine and Secretary of State (1987-1988) who stated, “I go anywhere in the world they tell me to go, any time they tell me to, to fight anybody they want me to fight. I move my family anywhere they tell me to move, on a day’s notice, and live in whatever quarters they assign me. I work whenever they tell me to work….And I like it.” What James H. Webb described is what you are doing as a Soldier and a Black Dragon every day. Living and breathing the Warrior Ethos. As you know, the Warrior Ethos has not changed. It is part of the Soldier’s Creed that we know so well. It starts with the understanding that you are an American Soldier and a member of an elite team that took an oath to serve the people of the United States and to live the Army Values. As a Knight Warrior, you always place the mission first; you never accept defeat; you never quit; and you never leave a fallen comrade. You are disciplined physically, mentally tough, trained and proficient in Warrior Tasks and drills. You always maintain your arms, your equipment and yourself. You are an expert and a professional. You are ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States and in close combat. You are guardians of freedom and the American way of life and you are American Soldiers. Again this could not be possible without the support of our Families and friends. Thank you all so much for all the support as we move forward through the deployment. I’m very proud of each and every one of you for maintaining a positive attitude leading up to this stressful time for all of us. I ask that you all continue to maintain during this deployment. Although it can be hard being away from home and family and friends, you must maintain your positive attitude. This will prove essential as we continue through this deployment. Remember, we are BLACK DRAGONS! Lastly, it is an honor and a privilege to serve with such a great team. Thanks to all of you for your sacrifice to our country. Can and Will!



Chaplain's Corner—FRG Newsletter – 30 September 2012 “Before You Get Married” – Part 4 of 4 (Surviving the In-Laws) We end the series, “The BIG FOUR of a Successful Marriage,” with the final area you must discuss before marriage – How to get along with the “In-Laws.” "As a son-in-law or daughter-in-law, what are my obligations in relating to my spouse's parents?" How do you view your in-laws? Is it a warm relationship or do you see your in-laws as a burden? Perhaps you feel caught between trying to please them and just wanting to be yourself and have your own "space." For some the response to the in-laws is to ignore them. The problem is that they're not just anyone. They're connected to your spouse through genetics, history, and complex psychological dynamics. If you avoid or argue, your spouse may feel caught in the middle between parents and you. If you feel your inlaws are intruding into your married life, the old saying, "Good fences make good neighbors," may apply. In concert with your mate, set reasonable boundaries; ask that he or she firmly and kindly insist that your in-laws respect these limits. What are those limits? Here are three things that "honoring" your in-laws does not mean:  It doesn't require that you submerge all your own feelings, desires, preferences, and needs in the service of "doing things their way."  It doesn't mean you must permit them to disrespect, control, or manipulate you for their own selfish ends. It doesn't mean "obeying" their "parental" requests or requirements. Sometimes the most honoring response is to diplomatically but firmly say, "No." It is important that both you and your spouse stand together in your approach to the parents. In-law conflicts grow more complicated when a spouse seems to side with the parents and against his or her mate. This isn't so much an in-law problem as a marital one. If a spouse remains too dependent upon his or her parents, or is blaming the in-laws for a disagreement between the couple, the result may be a deeper problem developing in your own marital relationship. If you've become engaged in a quiet (or not so quiet) war with your in-laws—or your spouse—about these issues, don't let it erode your marriage. Seek out a marriage counselor. Adapted from Focus on the Family's Complete Guide to the First Five Years of Marriage, published by Tyndale. Copyright © 2006

CH (CPT) Robert D. Patterson Battalion Chaplain 5-82 FA, 4BCT, 1st Cavalry Division (254) 287-9574


HHB Newsletter Written By: CPT Scott Hastings September has been a challenging month for the HARDCORE Battery. There were many competing demands placed on the Soldiers of this Battery, and as always your HARDCORE Soldiers found a way to accomplish everything that was asked of them. We had Soldiers going to Ranges, going through RFI to receive the new uniforms and gear they will be taking to Afghanistan, pushing through the SRP stations to verify that they are medically cleared to deploy and conducting the mandatory training that is part of the pre-deployment requirements that we all must complete. There were also the task of inventorying the equipment that is staying here and ensuring that it is assigned to Soldiers that can be accountable for it and ensure that it gets serviced as needed. To the right you will see a few photos from some of the many ranges that we have done this month to include M4 Day and Night Qualification (Top Right), Hand Grenade Range, Crew Serve Weapons Range for the .50 cal and the M240B (Bottom Right) and the 9mm Range. We execute these ranges in order to verify that all Soldiers are properly trained and prepared to operate any weapon system at any time and under any conditions. On top of everything else that we did this Month, we took the time to address a serious issue that is facing the Army at this Time. HHB conducted multiple training events as part of the III Corps Suicide Prevention Stand Down Day. This training was well received by the Soldiers of HHB as many of the events involved an open dialogue between the me and the Soldiers of the Battery as we discussed thing such as warning signs and how they can help by bringing these issues to the attention of someone in order to get the Soldiers the help that they are needing. As always I would just like to express my thanks to the Soldiers and Family Members of HHB for all that you do. It has truly been a fantastic experience for me to be the Battery Commander for such a Great group of Soldiers and I continue to be amazed at the level of work and participation that we have from everyone in the organization!! HARDCORE 6

Volume 9

HHB Soldiers getting ready for the M4 Night Fire Qualification

HHB Soldiers preparing to engage targets with the M240B

FRG Newsletter for HHB, 5th Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery


Apache Newsletter Written By: CPT Martin Piecuch

Volume 9

The Apaches spent the month of September completing pre-deployment training and requirements to complete their training for the upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. The month began with NCOs from Alpha Battery signing for two M777A2s and their LMTV prime movers from 3CR. Shortly after they signed for the equipment, NCOs and Soldiers from the battery completed the ASPT and Gunner’s Test to sustain their skills.

Apache Battery was loaned two M777A2 Howitzers from the Fires Battalion of 3CR!

While the 13Bs conducted their training, 13Ds from throughout the battery received training on the Centaur Lightweight Technical Fire Direction System. The Centaur is a handheld, automated technical fire direction system that serves as a backup to the AFATDS or manual gunnery for technical fire direction. To culminate their training, Apache Battery conducted one final live fire exercise where they certified seven new section chiefs and fired over 100 rounds of HE, Smoke, and Illumination!

Apache Battery received outstanding air assault training from instructors from the III Corps Air Assault School.

Apache Battery also utilized the M777A2 howitzer to gain valuable air assault and sling load training conducted by instructors from the III Corps Air Assault School. September was not spent only conducting artillery training. Every Apache Soldier conducted day and night qualification on their M4 and in addition, received training on hand grenades, the M320, M249, and M2A1. All Soldiers also completed Counter-IED training. When Soldiers weren’t conducting training, they were busy conducting SRP operations and drawing their RFI. Once again Apache Battery proved that they are able to accomplish any task above standard!

Apache Battery certified seven new section chiefs and fired over 100 rounds safely during their M777A2 sustainment LFX!

Upcoming Events -Oct 3rd :Family Day BLORA -Oct 5th-21st : Block Leave -Late Oct/Early Nov: ADVON and Main Body Flights *All dates are tentative and subject to change


FRG Newsletter for Alpha Battery, 5th Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery


Bulldog Newsletter Written By: CPT Troy Merkel

Volume 9

Family and friends of the Bulldog Battery, the month of September has been focused towards supporting the deploying units within 5-82 FA. In addition, to conducting recovery from JRTC 12-09. Bravo Battery recovery involved a 100% inventory of each piece equipment on the hand receipt. The primary purpose of this inventory is to ensure each piece of equipment was redeployed from JRTC 1209 to standard without any damaged or lost of equipment.

Soldiers identifying IEDs

On 10 September 2012, Bravo Battery provided range support to execute the Counter IED Training. The training consisted of classroom instruction as well as a walk through exercise. The classroom portion of training consisted of several different types of IEDs being constructed, detonated and ways Soldiers can identify IEDs and prevent incidents from occurring. The walk through exercise gave Soldiers an opportunity to identify IEDs and go through the 5 Cs. Bravo Battery has been extremely busy providing range support in order to train Alpha Battery and Headquarter Battery on individual small arms core competencies on several different weapon systems. Bravo Battery conducted the M4 Day/Night qualification on 17-19 September 2012 at Black Gap Rifle Charlie and Black Gap Rifle Bravo. In addition, to conducting a M320 range on 20 September 2012.

M4 Qualification

FRG Newsletter for B BTRY, 5th Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery


Pie-in-the-face Fundraiser Unit: B/5-82 Field Artillery Dates Executed: 02OCT12 Activity: Pie in the Face Location: Fort Hood, TX



BLack dragons bulletin VOLUME 7 Ghostrider 6 The Ghost Riders have been very busy this month helping to run ranges to helping the battalion move forward in preparation for their upcoming mission. We were charged with the responsibility to manage the CROW MTT training where Soldiers from various units learned how to operate the electronic controlled firing platforms. We were also tasked to operate the M67 Grenade and .50cal/7.62mm machine gun ranges. I would run out of space if I mentioned all our activities. More of our Ghost Riders will now prepare to move forward and help the battalion in its mission. We will continue to assist our Black Dragon Soldiers and set the conditions for success here at home. I look forward to seeing all of you at the Organizational Day on 03OCT 2012 at 1600.

Maintenance Golf Maintenance completed 23 services. PLL section opened and closed 180 work orders to conduct weapons maintenance. Platoon sets the standard on 100% Class IX recon rate. Maintenance submitted the Army Material Status Report (AMSS) without error, indicating a 97% Battalion operational readiness rate for month of September.

OCTOBER 4, 2012 Special points of interest:

Ghostrider 9 Hello, Ghost Riders and Family members. As you all know the Battalion is about to deploy to Afghanistan and go on Block Leave . The Ghost Rider chain of command has been trusted to maintain the High Standards and Discipline back here on Rear Detachment until they return back home. We are looking for volunteers to help assist us with the Family Readiness Group back here, so, we can better facilitate information with our Black Dragon families. The Soldiers continue to amaze me by executing several missions at once with little notification at times. As we prepare for Rear-D operations, we are looking at having activities for unit and family morale. October will be even busier than September but there is no doubt in my mind that the Ghost Riders will continue to make it happen. Happy Birthday to everyone born in September.

Ghostrider 6’S Corner

Ghostrider 9’s Corner

Pre-Deployment Preparation

Training Calendar Events for September and October 2012

Company Photo’s

Training Events:



Distro Dawgs continue to sustain the war-fighters by supporting numerous ranges for the month of September. Their efforts assisted the M4, M320, M67, M240, and M2 ranges to aid in maintaining the Black Dragon high weapon proficiency rate.

Headquarters Platoon remains diligent behind the scenes they persistently provide Class I support to our Black Dragons during field exercises. Supply has conducted various lateral transfers to ensure not only the company, but battalion is prepared with the appropriate equipment for deployment.

Ghostriders conducted MTT Crows, Hand Grenade, M240/M2 Ranges

Ghostriders provide support to Black Dragons on pre-deployment tasks


Everyone is welcomed to come! Deployment personnel are required!












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