Discover The Katahdin Region_2024

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A Special Advertising Section of the Bangor Daily News • Friday, March 15, 2024
BDN Outdoors contributor Aislinn Sarnacki takes in a view of The Owl while hiking Hunt Trail up Katahdin in Baxter State Park. PHOTO: COURTESY OF AISLINN SARNACKI

Forever WILD



MAINE’S GRANDEST MOUNTAIN anchored in the center of the northern part of the state was given its name thousands of years ago by Native Americans who called it “Kette Adene,” meaning greatest mountain.

The mountain’s bedrock is over 300 million years old based on geological study. As written in “Katahdin: An Historic Journey” by John W. Neff, Native Americans avoided exploration out of spiritual reverence for the mountain. Katahdin is also known for its ferocious nature-driven temper that Native Americans attributed to Pamola, the Great Storm Bird who lived on the mountain.

Today Mount Katahdin and the surrounding wilderness comprise Baxter State Park, which remains a revered area courtesy of Percival Baxter, Maine’s one-time governor (1921-1925) and advocate for preserving what he called one of the most unique areas in the country.

Baxter appreciated the iconic mountain following a fishing trip with his father. On one excursion, he crawled across a dangerously jagged area (now known as Knife’s Edge). As written in “Governor Baxter’s Magnificent Obsession” by Howard R. Whitcomb, Baxter said of his experience, “I wouldn’t do it again for a million; I wouldn’t have missed it for a million.”

While in the Maine Legislature and as governor, the environmental visionary attempted to establish a state park and forest preserve in the Katahdin area. He doggedly advocated for what he called the state’s crowning glory.

Acting as a private citizen in 1931, Baxter bought nearly 6,000 acres from Great Northern Paper Company, which was then deeded to the state with the condition that it be kept forever wild. Over the next 30 years he purchased additional lands and pieced his park together.

Today, at over 209,000 acres with Mount Katahdin as

its centerpiece, the park is a premier year-round destination for more than 60,000 outdoor enthusiasts.

Park Director Kevin Adam said his job is all encompassing. “First and foremost, preserving the park’s natural resources and wilderness values, and second, affording recreational opportunities to the people of Maine.”

The Maine Warden Service veteran noted his tasks in overseeing Baxter State Park are outlined in the Deeds of Trust.

“It's the legal instrument Percival Baxter used to gift the park to the State of Maine. The Deeds of Trust guide management decisions for the park,” Adam said.

“The Park is a unique state entity, meaning we follow many state procedures and guidelines, but we are self funded,” Adam explained. “We are also a charitable trust and statutory entity, but we are separate from the Maine State Park System.”

02 DISCOVER: THE KATAHDIN REGION • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • March 15, 2024
B Y ANNE GABBIANELLI Gov. Percival Baxter (right) is shown in this undated file photo with Maine warden supervisor David Priest, looking out over Baxter State Park. PHOTO CREDIT: MAINE FOLKLIFE CENTER

“It is always about what is in the Deeds of Trust, but sometimes interpretation is needed as we adjust to changing users, climate impacts, and so on,” said Patty Cormier, chair of the Baxter State Park Authority and an outdoor enthusiast. “The weather patterns in the park can shift so quickly, and with the increased storm events, this makes predicting and maintaining the roads and trails in the park a real challenge.”

Adam said threats to the park require constant monitoring and awareness.

“The challenge facing Baxter State Park is a perpetual one — how to protect the park's wilderness values and natural resources while also allowing the public access to experience the fauna, flora, and wilderness and recreate within the park,” Adam said. “Expanding cell phone coverage threatens the quiet, solitude, and wilderness experience.”

As for the future of Baxter State Park, the quest remains to adhere to Gov. Baxter’s wishes while adjusting to the influences of today. Recognizing how things change, Gov. Baxter wrote one thing that will never change: “Katahdin stands above the surrounding plain unique in grandeur and glory. The works of man are short-lived. Monuments decay, buildings crumble, and wealth vanishes, but Katahdin in its massive grandeur

will forever remain the mountain of the people of Maine. Throughout the ages it will stand as an inspiration to the men and women of this state.”

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(Top) Nesowadnehunk Stream flows swiftly around angular boulders at Little Niagara Falls in Baxter State Park. (Left) Willamina Sarnacki-Wood hikes a trail last summer in Baxter State Park. PHOTOS: COURTESY OF AISLINN SARNACKI
04 DISCOVER: THE KATAHDIN REGION • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • March 15, 2024


The Boreal Theater is bringing new life to the Katahdin region! After officially cutting the ribbon in May on the new community theater space, located at 215 Penobscot Ave. in downtown Millinocket, the Boreal Theater offered more than 30 shows in 2023. The regular ticket price was only $10.

Movies, poetry, puppetry, public art, a wide variety of music, gallery shows, kids choir, a cultural trip, and comedy are some types of offerings the Board of Directors of the 48 seat convertible black box theater brought to the Katahdin community in 2023. The volunteer Board of-

fered these creative engagements with a partially built theater, no staff, and with the volunteer usher program still being built. The Board of Directors has been heartened by and is thankful for the hundreds of theater patrons who purchased tickets and shirts, offered feedback, and told friends and family about the Boreal Theater.

The Board of Directors is profoundly grateful to the community for providing volunteer time, individual and in-kind donations, sponsorships, and collaborations to help Boreal build the theater and provide programming. The theater is very excited, after all this

work and support and patronage, to now offer a variety of memberships! A youth membership is only $15! Please become a member!

The theater owes deep thanks to the Sewall Foundation, the Maine Community Foundation, Penobscot County, Bangor Savings Bank, Katahdin Federal Credit Union, and the Arthur and Louise Hanser Trust via the California Community Foundation who provided funding for much of this community enrichment work.

Please support the growth of arts, cultural, and heritage activities and infrastructure across Katahdin!


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KATAHDIN, MAINE’S TALLEST PEAK, has long been a source of awe and adoration. With its rocky peaks, sharp ridges, and boulder-filled slides, it towers over the forest, a granite giant at the heart of Maine.

Starting as a teen, I have hiked the mountain many times with family and friends, and the experience never gets old. Nor does it get any easier.

Over the years, I’ve learned some interesting things about the mountain’s history and habitats. Here are just a few of those fascinating facts.

1 . KATAHDIN RISES 5,267 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL, JUST 13 FEET SHY OF A MILE. Near the summit of the mountain, a giant rock pile is said to reach that mile-high mark. For many who hike the mountain, it’s tradition to touch both the summit sign and the famous rock pile.

2. THE ALPINE AREA ON TOP OF KATAHDIN IS HOME TO A BUTTERFLY THAT’S FOUND NOWHERE ELSE ON EARTH. Named the Katahdin arctic butterfly, the species is considered endangered. Emerging in early July, it has yellowish-brown, semi-translucent wings. It flies for about a month, laying eggs on hardy sedges growing on Katahdin’s Tableland.

3. THE NAME “KATAHDIN” IS AN ABENAKI WORD given to the mountain by the Penobscot people. It roughly translates to “greatest mountain.” That’s why it’s redundant to say Mount Katahdin.

4. MORE THAN 60 PEOPLE HAVE DIED ON KATAHDIN since the first known death in Baxter State Park was recorded in 1933. The 2018 book “Death on Katahdin” by Randi Minetor lists 64 of those deaths. After the book was published, in 2020, two hikers died on Katahdin within a two-day span.

5. KATAHDIN WAS PURCHASED BY FORMER MAINE GOV. PERCIVAL BAXTER IN 1930, as a part of a 6,000-acre parcel. A year later, he donated it to the state of Maine with the condition that it remain “forever wild.” Over the next 30 or so years, Baxter continued to purchase and donate chunks of surrounding land, expanding Baxter State Park to more than 200,000 acres.

06 DISCOVER: THE KATAHDIN REGION • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • March 15, 2024
STORY & PHOTOS B Y AISLINN SARNACKI Are you looking for lodging for the Lodge with us! -lodging-in-maine/ Because the eclipse is happening during Sewall House’s o -season, we are providing LO DGING ONLY — no food, yoga or other activities. Learn more at
A weathered sign marks the summit of Katahdin. The rock pile at the summit of Katahdin is said to reach the mile-high mark.

6. BLACK BEARS HAVE BEEN SPOTTED NEAR THE TOP OF KATAHDIN, feasting on wild blueberries, crowberries, cranberries and bilberries. However, such sightings are rare. While there are plenty of bears in Baxter State Park, they generally avoid people (as long as food is stowed properly).

7. IN JULY OF 1939, A 12-YEAR-OLD BOY NAMED DONN FENDLER BECAME LOST WHILE HIKING with his family on Katahdin. He wandered alone in the wilderness for nine days before, delirious from exhaustion, he stumbled upon a remote camp about 35 miles from where he’d gone missing. He shared his survival story in a book, “Lost on a Mountain in Maine,” which has since become a classic. Many children read it in elementary school. I did.

Fendler died at age 90 in 2016. Prior to that, in 2011, I had the opportunity to interview him over the phone for a story I was writing about a graphic novel he’d authored with Lynn Plourde, illustrated by Ben Bishop. During the interview, Fendler was notably kind, well-spoken, and generous with his time. I learned that, over the years, he had visited many Maine classrooms to talk with children about his experience.

8. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS TO HIKE KATAHDIN. Abol Trail climbs a rock slide up the southwest side, while Hunt Trail follows a dramatic western ridge. Helon Taylor Trail climbs the east side to the mountain’s second highest peak, Pamola. Chimney Pond Trail approaches from the east to reach Chimney Pond, a glacial tarn nestled in the arms of the mountain. And from there, hikers can choose to scale the mountain on Saddle Trail, Cathedral Trail, or Dudley Trail.

Atop the mountain, Knife Edge Trail spans between Pamola and Baxter peaks. And on the northernmost portion of the mountain, Hamlin Ridge, North Peaks, and Northwest Basin trails meet at Hamlin Peak. Best to carry a map.

9. A PENOBSCOT INDIAN ENTITY CALLED PAMOLA DWELLS ON KATAHDIN. Stories of the spirit have been retold and altered many times over the years, but it is generally agreed that it has the head of a moose, large wings and the feet of a bird. Pamola is said to stir up cold weather and storms. Some describe the spirit as evil, while others claim it is a protector of the mountain.

My favorite stories of Pamola can be found in the book “Chimney Pond Tales” by Leroy Dudley, who guided on the mountain from the 1890s to his death in 1942. His family had a close relationship with Gov. John Neptune of the Penobscot Indian tribe.

10. THE TOP OF KATAHDIN IS THE NORTHERN TERMINUS OF THE NATIONAL SCENIC APPALACHIAN TRAIL, a 2,190-mile footpath that spans from Georgia to Maine, crossing through 14 states along the way. If you hike the mountain, you may come across AT thru-hikers, people who’ve set out to hike the entire trail. You’re most likely to meet them on the Hunt Trail, which is marked with white paint because it is a part of the AT. All other trails on Katahdin are marked with blue paint.

As I wrap up this list, the perfectionist in me wants to continue and explain how glaciers carved Katahdin, and how Henry David Thoreau attempted to climb to the summit and failed. The mountain is home to so many stories.

If visiting the mountain, be sure to check out the Baxter State Park rules and tips at Hiking the mountain takes planning and serious preparation, but I’ve always found it to be well worth the effort.

This story was originally published in September 2022.

Maine Forest Service New Open Burning Laws

DISCOVER: THE KATAHDIN REGION • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • March 15, 2024 07 been enacted to reduce the chance of an escaped fire. It defines the larger outdoor fires. The new law also makes it unlawful for burning outdoors during a red flag warning. purposes and that is not a part of debris disposal (AKA burning falls into this category. According to Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §9324, sub-§: may not ground at the base of the fire or 3 feet in height. If the fire exceeds that size, then a burn permit is required. These burn permits can be obtained without cost at or from your local fire dept.
As of October 25, 2023 The Community Wildfire Defense Grant program is now available to help Community Wildfire Defense Grant | US Forest Ser vice ( FMI, please call 207-287-4989 or email
Chimney Pond.


ON APRIL 8, 2024 , a solar eclipse will make its way across North America. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, blocking the view of the Sun. In the path of totality, the sky will dim as if it’s twilight with only a glowing halo or corona of the Sun visible from behind the Moon.

The path of totality of this particular eclipse is scheduled to go right over the state of Maine, offering a rare chance to experience this astronomical phenomenon. There is a huge difference from 99% to totality, experts say, and while all of Maine will experience the eclipse, you need to be in the umbral shadow (path of totality) to see the corona and experience it fully.

Eclipses are a unique experience that offer an excellent time for scientific discoveries. Astronomers across the path of the eclipse are gearing up for what is sure to be an exciting event.

“Eclipses are one of nature’s most incredible spectacles and give us a chance to study the corona in a way only possible during a total solar eclipse. Some major discoveries that have been made during total solar eclipses include the discovery of helium in 1868 and verification of Einstein’s theory of relativity of 1919,” said Shawn Laatsch, director of the Versant Power Astronomy Center at the University of Maine in Orono.

The corona is the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere. Hidden by the bright surface of the Sun or photosphere, total eclipses are the only way we can observe the corona from Earth.

“Modern science looks at total eclipses to better understand how the Sun works,” Laatsch said. Solar winds, created by the outward expansion of plasma from the Sun's corona, have numerous effects on Earth. Solar winds can create an aurora or Northern Lights, as well as interfere with satellites, mobile phone communications, and power grids, Laatsch said.



The organizers of the annual Millinocket Marathon & Half, led by runner Gary Allen, will host an unusual race dubbed the “Millinockeclipse,” occurring directly during the eclipse.

“It is also important for astronauts on board the International Space Station and ones who will travel to the Moon and beyond,” Laatsch said. “The Sun is our nearest star and the source of all space weather which affects our planet.”

Starting at 2:20:53 p.m., when the eclipse begins in Millinocket, racers will head out the Golden Road and run as far and as fast as they can for exactly one hour, 13 minutes, and 22 seconds, until the eclipse ends. A Facebook event listing said runners must have a GPS device and a headlamp in order to race, and that the pace and stops to admire the eclipse are entirely up to the runner.

Visit for more info and events!

The Versant Power Astronomy Center team will be traveling to Jackman, Maine to be on the centerline of totality. This is the line in the direct center of the eclipse, and will have the longest duration of totality.

“I’m the Northeast regional coordinator for the CATE2024 (Continental American Telescopic Eclipse) project, which will be taking polarity measurements of the corona,” Laatsch said. “The project will be setting up 35 stations from Texas to Maine to measure and image the corona during the eclipse. My four grad students will be assisting with this project. We will be making public observations on April 8, and doing stargazing the night of April 7, both from the Jackman Town Offices. These are free events and we invite anyone who would like to join us.”

There are a few key things to remember when viewing an eclipse.

“It’s very important everyone understands that you cannot look at this with your bare eye,” said Dr. Neil Comins of the Physics and Astronomy Department at UMaine.

“You should never look at the Sun without using a solar filter as it can damage your eyes,” Laatsch said. “Solar filter glasses are usually inexpensive and block out 99.9% of the light and heat making it safe for viewing. Sunglasses do NOT protect your eyes, they just reduce glare, so make sure to use a proper solar filter or ‘eclipse glasses,’” Laatsch said.

The Versant Power Astronomy Center & Jordan Planetarium in Orono will be hosting public programs during March and April for the eclipse and is offering special school field trips sharing how to safely view this phenomena. Visit for more information on this eclipse, and where and how to safely see it.

“I’ll be doing presentations at both the Orono and Bangor Public Libraries sharing how to see this eclipse,” Laatsch said. “The last time we had totality here in Maine was in 1963 and the next time after April 8 of this year will be 2079. I urge folks to try to see this very special celestial event if at all possible.”

08 DISCOVER: THE KATAHDIN REGION • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • March 15, 2024




Experience the Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024 at Ktaadn Resorts, home of New England Outdoor Center located in Millinocket, Maine — right on the edges of Baxter State Park and the North Maine Woods! Day Passes are available to purchase for our premier viewing location offerings: The Point at Twin Pines and River Drivers Restaurant, Knife Edge Brewing, and our brand new Event Center est. 2023. Each viewing location will be providing (included in the Day Pass price) food throughout the day, eclipse viewing glasses, access to flush facilities, guaranteed parking, and incredible live music entertainment! Beverages will be available to purchase at each location.

The Event Center will be offering a raw oyster bar and champagne toast during the eclipse, with live entertainment from Chase Jobe & The Runnin’ Kind and Andi Fawcett, with direct views of Katahdin and Millinocket Lake. Knife Edge Brewing will be offering their first-ever canned beer, a brand new session IPA called “Moon Shadow” just for this eclipse event, with live music performed by Brian Smith and Brian Walker. The Point/River Drivers Restaurant will have the largest area for viewing the eclipse, along with a direct view of Katahdin, plus famous Maine band The Mallett Brothers will be performing at The Point.

Day Passes are limited in quantity! Please purchase prior to the Celestial Event by visiting our webpage at or giving us a call at 207-723-5438.

DISCOVER: THE KATAHDIN REGION • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • March 15, 2024 09


ASOLAR ECLIPSE happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blotting out the Sun either totally or partially. As you may imagine, this celestial phenomenon has whipped up quite a bit of lore over the many thousands of years that humans have been watching it happen.

On April 8, 2024, Maine will be in the direct path of a total solar eclipse that is expected to attract massive crowds to northern Maine, where folks will get the best views of the rare event that can last from 10 seconds to 7.5 minutes, according to NASA.

For a little bit of fun, we gathered a few of the most colorful myths and superstitions from around the world about what causes a solar eclipse and what can happen if you watch one.


The word eclipse derives from Latin and means to disappear or abandon. As such, the Greeks believed that when an eclipse happened, it indicated that the gods were angry and turning their shoulders on humanity.


According to Norse mythology, the Sun moves across the sky daily because a wolf called Sköll is chasing it. As Sköll chases the Sun, its brother wolf, Hati, chases the Moon across the night sky. The two wolves occasionally chase the Sun and Moon across each other's paths in a never-ending, epic battle.


The Batammaliba from the Togo and Benin African countries generally agree with the Greeks and the Norse that some battles must be underway since what else could cause the mighty Sun to go dark? As such, the Batammaliba traditionally use this phenomenon to heal community rifts and help inspire the Sun and Moon to do the same.


There are a few fun, albeit easily debunked, superstitions about solar eclipses that persist today. For example, some believe you shouldn't eat food prepared during a solar eclipse because it will poison you thanks to ultra-strong UV rays (they are not more potent than regular UV rays, by the way). Or that if a solar eclipse falls on your birthday (or precisely six months before or after), it is a bad omen that foretells terrible luck.

If you're one of the lucky folks who will get to see the solar eclipse in April, take safety precautions by turning your back to the Sun and watching a projection or watching the eclipse with solar eclipse-safe glasses. And definitely don't get caught between warring gods.

10 DISCOVER: THE KATAHDIN REGION • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • March 15, 2024
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THE STEM PROGRAM at Schenck High School has grown substantially since its inception in 2020. The coteaching team of Travis Gallagher and William Cousins provide students with the opportunity to learn a variety of STEMrelated skills such as computer programming, coding, and engineering using 3D printers and a CSC Machine.

The program is a team effort between Gallagher and Cousins who wrote several grants to get the project going.

“It was Will’s idea initially, but became a joint effort on what to do with the money,” said Gallagher, a science teacher. “We started off wanting to try to figure out 3D printing and it snowballed from there.”

Gallagher said their goal was to offer students an advanced STEM education in the rural area of East Millinocket.

“Integration between tech and high schoolers is going to be hard to separate,”

Gallagher said. “The more hands-on material and tech usage the kids get, like programming and circuits, the more likely students will become invested in STEM fields.”

Each year, the teaching duo develop projects to assist in the learning of these topics.

“The whole purpose of this is to make sure students have access to technology — things they wouldn’t have access to in a typical classroom,” Gallagher said. “We’ve had a lot of students say they enjoy the access, and the students are excited to be in there. That’s what I care about more than anything is that the students are excited to be there.”

This year’s project is developing a floatation device for someone who may be in danger of drowning.

“An incident had happened on the lake and the thought of having my loved one being searched for underwater was a ter-

rible thought,” Cousins said, “so what a great project for a tech class to develop an underwater floatation device to assist in a search and rescue recovery process.”

The project includes the fabrication of a plastic box, programming an Arduino microcontroller with a pressure sensor, and deploying a gas-filled balloon to assist in search and rescue.

“Getting an automated device brings in a lot of challenges for the students, including physics underwater, flow rates of gasses, and other engineering aspects to consider,” Cousins said. The floatation device allows the class to use their knowledge from previous education to assist in the engineering.

The class is taught how to manipulate coding languages and various circuitry parts to make this project come alive. As a bonus, the coding adds an invaluable layer to the students’ toolbox for when pursuing a higher education.

“There have been numerous students who have gone on to pursue engineering who have stated they’ve used what we taught them during their college classes,” Gallagher said.

The students developing the device are a team of seniors and juniors who have all taken high-level mathematical courses. Careful planning is necessary to ensure the components work together and function to service the purpose intended. So far, there

have been seven different versions of the device since the start of the school year.

“It’s an iterative design — you make a version, you learn a lot on the way to make the version, you see what works and what doesn’t, and then you make a new one,” Gallagher said. “The whole class is designed where you fail a lot but learn a ton along the way.”

The team is approaching the finishing line, and hope to perform practical testing of the finished project within the next few months with plans to have a finished product by the end of the school year.

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MaineOutdoorProper tiesTeam .com 207- 653-1555
Photo Credit North Woods Aerial Students in Schenck’s STEM program are working on an underwater floatation device to assist in search and rescue.


Welcoming tourists to the region is important for the growth of local communities. The region offers many attractions, such as Baxter State Park, Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument and National Scenic Byway, the East and West branches of the Penobscot River, vast wilderness, 100+ locally owned businesses, and the unique communities of Katahdin. It is an excellent place to live and visit.

Building and operating a tourism “destination” is a next vital task. Doing this with community-based development ensures communities can reap the benefits. The Maine Office of Tourism notes that a tourism “destination” is outlined by the parties collaborating and coordinating to develop and manage tourism, rather than by geography.

Each community in the region is special and has a distinct heritage. They have their own aspirations for future tourism, and offer unique experiences for visitors. The region, for instance, boasts over 20 cultural organizations, including heritage and cultural societies, libraries, museums, annual community events, and arts

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On April 8, 2024 all of Maine will experience the eclipse to some degree. The eclipse begins at about 2pm and will last for approximately 2.5 hours, with the total eclipse at approximately 3:20pm for 3 minutes of total darkness.

Communities in the path of totality include most of those in Aroostook County. Houlton is the last town in the continental U.S. to see the event and one of the places to experience the longest period of total darkness in Maine. Other area towns along the path include Island Falls and Presque Isle, Millinocket, Rangeley, Greenville, Jackman, and Carrabassett Valley.

Many communities have developed viewing areas as “Star Parks” where you can watch the eclipse with amenities like food, toilets and in some cases entertainment while you wait.

Keep in mind that much of the north Maine woods is privately owned. Be respectful and keep these safety tips in mind:

• Drive on paved roads and stay off trails Groomed snowmobile and ATV trails are not appropriate for larger vehicles.

• Stay off lakes as ice may be unstable in April.

• Maine State Parks are closed in April for camping and hiking. Baxter State Park will be closed to camping, and Katahdin trails will be closed.


Plan your departure to allow extra time for traffic.

Bring solar eclipse glasses for viewing!

Pack food and water.

Bring warm clothing and rememberthere may still be snow on the ground in some places.

Bring a map in case GPS isn’t available.

Book nearby on Sunday and Monday to avoid traffic. Advance lodging plans are highly recommended.


14 DISCOVER: THE KATAHDIN REGION • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • March 15, 2024



The Katahdin Chamber of Commerce is the primary destination-marketing organization for business and tourism in the Katahdin Region. Serving the communities of Millinocket, East Millinocket, Medway, Sherman, Patten, Shin Pond/Mt. Chase, and Island Falls, the Chamber’s 140 memberdriven mission is to strengthen and advance the economic vitality of the Katahdin Region

Surrounded by the natural beauty synonymous with world class Mt. Katahdin, the Katahdin region is gearing up for the largest influx of visitors we’ve ever seen with the Great American Solar Eclipse on April 8.

While the entire state of Maine will experience the eclipse, communities within the path of totality, such as those in the Katahdin region, will have an unparalleled view. The main event is the solar eclipse, but residents and visitors alike can expect a myriad of activities and events in our communities.



• Traffic is expected to be heavy on I-95 north of Bangor and through our small towns. Gas stations, grocery stores, convenience stores, and comfort stations will be BUSY. Consider bringing food and water with you in the event you get stuck in traffic.

• The calendar may say it’s spring, but in northern Maine it may still look like winter; temperatures will likely hover in the low 40s. Dress accordingly.

• Eclipse glasses are required for safe viewing; they will be for sale and distribution at numerous locations.

• The ground may still be covered in snow, more likely mud. Do not drive or park on soft shoulders. Obey all no parking signs and respect business parking lots, residential property, and private landowners.

• Land is predominantly privately owned; respect landowners who graciously allow access. Park, drive, and run/walk on private roads and lands at your own risk. Respect landowner property and leave no trace.

• Have patience. Our small communities don’t have a lot of experience with large crowds of people, but we are so excited to welcome you!





“STAR PARKS” will be located at 5 Lakes Lodge, South Twin Lake; the former Millinocket mill site compliments of Our Katahdin; Katahdin Higher Education Center, East Millinocket; Pir2Peer, Medway; Vacationland Estates, Island Falls; and other designated parking, food truck, and comfort station locations.

Other events include a comedy show at Boreal Theater and community meals put on by a number of municipalities and civic organizations.

Numerous Katahdin area businesses will be selling eclipse glasses and merchandise, including at the Katahdin Chamber’s Visitor Information Center. The Chamber is offering a free pair of solar eclipse glasses with every purchase while supplies last!

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Located on the shores of Upper Shin Pond, just north of Millinocket, Mt Chase Lodge offers convenient access to several recreation areas in and around Baxter State Park, Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, and surrounding mountains and foothills of northern Maine. The lodge has deep roots in the historic Katahdin region located at the heart of the Maine highlands.

Disconnect to reconnect with us as you wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and enjoy secluded time in the woods away from cell phone service. Enjoy our excellent hospitality along with the peace and quiet of our private wilderness, with a beautiful waterfront setting. Our property hosts five cabins ranging from single to family sized units, a two-floor townhouse with direct shoreline access, a deck and fantastic view of Mt Chase. Our main lodge is open to all guests during the operating season, hosting five suites with private bathroom accommodations.

Our family friendly establishment is kid and pet friendly which offers comfort and care at the core of our

service. My husband Mike and I, bring several years of experience in the hospitality industry and are well versed in the needs of our guests. I was raised here at Mt. Chase Lodge and loved roaming the woods and interacting with guests as a child. Mike, also a Maine native, grew up camping in the area. He brings his passion and years of experience cooking to you for an unforgettable dining experience.

Our children, Walter and Annie, are already getting a true Maine up bringing, following in our footsteps. They represent why we continue to do what we do. We are excited to have you join our little family during your stay!

Our friendly staff go the extra mile getting to know our guests by delivering a highly personalized service that will create lifelong memories. We provide a personalized service to each and every guest that is exceptional in its attention to every detail of operation. At Mt Chase Lodge, we cater to all forms of outdoor recreation and encourage you to explore while you’re here. Small day hikes and nature walks are abundant in the area, we have access to

the ATV trail system with side by side rentals nearby and are centrally located to the growing number of mountain bike trail systems in northern Maine.

After your day, wind down with a late afternoon paddle with our canoe and kayaks on site, cast a line off the dock, or join us by the fire for some conversation, and s’mores! Check out our website,, for more information on what we do, check availability, and book your summer stay today. We’ll see you soon at Mt Chase Lodge, where your adventure begins!

16 DISCOVER: THE KATAHDIN REGION • Bangor Daily News Special Advertising Section • March 15, 2024

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