Bring Science Alive! Grade K Program Contents and Lesson Sample

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Exploring Science Practices— Kindergarten

Program Components Materials Kits

Online Resources

Ready-to-use Materials Kits are prepped and organized for you to seamlessly integrate into each lesson.

Ready-to-teach lesson presentations, simulations, complete student resources, customizable 3-Dimensional assessments, and more are at your fingertips.

Science Journals

Picture Cards

During Fast Track Lessons, students use the journal to access hands-on investigations, checks for understanding, and text with notes for each science unit.

Students analyze powerful images, graphs, data sets, and engaging primary sources printed on reusable placards. P I C T U R E

ade K

ee units. Each unit has a Science Journal, complete with notes, and checks for understanding.





Grade K

Unit 3


5 How Do Plants and Animals Change Earth?

Grade K


Science Journal

TCI’s Grade K program includes three units. Each unit has a Science Journal, complete with hands-on investigations, text with notes, and checks for understanding.

5 How Do Plants and Animals Change Earth? 6 How Do People Change Earth? 7 How Can People Take Care of Earth?

Grade K

Science Journal

Grade K

Animals to Live Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park 5 What Makes onand Earth? Unit 2Storms Pushes Pulls

Engineering 3 How Do Pushes and Pulls Move Things?

Unit 3 Weather

4 What Happens When Objects Bump? 1 What Do Plants Need? 5 How Do People Design Things That Move? 2 What Do Animals Need? Performance Assessment: Making a Marble 3 What Do People Need? Playground 4 Where Are Plants and Animals Found?

Picture Cards

Unit 1

Plants and Animals

Unit 1 Plants and Animals 5 How Do Plants and Animals Change Earth? 6 How Do People Change Earth?

Science Journal

7 How Can People Take Care of Earth? Performance Assessment: Keeping the Park Clean

Parakeets are smart. Some learn to talk. Some can be trained to perch on your finger.

Performance Assessment: Making a Place for Animals to Live

1 What Is Weather?

Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park

2 When Does Weather Change?

2 Pushes Pulls 5 WhatUnit Makes Stormsand on Earth?

3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

6 How Can People Prepare for Storms? 1 How Do Things Move? Performance Assessment: Planning for Storms 2 What Do Pushes and Pulls Do?

4 How Can People Stay Cool in Hot Weather?


Pushes and Pulls

TCI’s Grade K program includes three units. Each unit has a Science Journal, complete with hands-on investigations, text with notes, and checks for understanding.

Performance Assessment: Keeping the Park Clean

Performance Assessment: Making a Place for

6 How Can People Prepare for Storms? 1 How Do Things Move? Performance Assessment: Planning for Storms 2 What Do Pushes and Pulls Do?


Unit 2

Unit 1 Plants and Animals 4 What Happens When Objects Bump? 1 What Do Plants Need? 5 How Do People Design Things That Move? 2 What Do Animals Need? Performance Assessment: Making a Marble 3 What Do People Need? Playground 4 Where Are Plants and Animals Found?


Grade K

Performance Assessment: Keeping the Park Clean

3 How Do Pushes and Pulls Move Things? Engineering

4 What Happens When Objects Bump? 5 How Do People Design Things That Move? Performance Assessment: Making a Marble


6 How Do People Change Earth? 7 How Can People Take Care of Earth?

Illustrations Illustrations Photographs Photographs


Unit 3 Weather 1 What Is Weather?

Name: 2 When Does Weather Change?

Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park 5 What Makes Storms on Earth?

3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

6 How Can People Prepare for Storms?

4 How Can People Stay Cool in Hot Weather?

Performance Assessment: Planning for Storms

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

L esson 2 - W hat Do A ni ma ls Need?


Engineering 1/8/20 5:21 PM

Name: © Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

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L esson 1 - W hat Do Pla nts Need?


1/8/20 5:08 PM


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Resources available in Spanish

Bring Science Alive! Exploring Science Practices Grade K Unit 1 - Plants and Animals Anchoring Phenomenon: Beavers change land and water. Storyline: Sometimes animals have no where to go. You can help make them a space to live at Critter Creek Park. Find out what they need to live and thrive.

1 What Do Plants Need?

Phenomenon: Some plants need more water. Some need less water.

2 What Do Animals Need?

Phenomenon: Cats eat food and drink water, like humans.

3 What Do People Need?

Phenomenon: People eat food and drink water many times a day.

4 Where Are Plants and Animals Found?

Phenomenon: Some animals live under water. Some animals live above water.

Performance Assessment: Making a Place for Animals to Live Anchoring Phenomenon: Beavers change land and water.

5 How Do Plants and Animals Change Earth? Phenomenon: This room is covered in spider webs.

6 How Do People Change Earth?

Phenomenon: People sometimes cut down trees.

7 How Can People Take Care of Earth? Phenomenon: Trash is collected and put in piles.

Performance Assessment: Keeping the Park Clean Anchoring Phenomenon: Beavers change land and water.

Unit 2 - Pushes and Pulls Anchoring Phenomenon: You move in many different ways on the playground. Storyline: Let’s find out about the way things move! Then you can use what you know to build a marble playground.

1 How Do Things Move?

Phenomenon: Swings can move back and forth.

2 What Do Pushes and Pulls Do?

Phenomenon: A ball starts moving when you kick it.

3 How Do Pushes and Pulls Move Things?

Phenomenon: Some kicks make the ball go straight, and others make it go sideways.

4 What Happens When Objects Bump? Phenomenon: One push can make many dominoes fall.

5 How Do People Design Things That Move?

Phenomenon: Rollercoasters make people speed up, slow down, and change directions.

Performance Assessment: Making a Marble Playground Anchoring Phenomenon: You move in many different ways on the playground.

Unit 3 - Weather Anchoring Phenomenon: Weather is not the same everywhere. Storyline: Some days it is sunny all day. Other days, it’s cloudy. Sometimes we get big storms. The weather forecast lets us know it’s coming. What is it like where you live? How do you keep safe in a storm?

1 What Is Weather?

Phenomenon: There are different types of weather.

2 When Does Weather Change?

Phenomenon: Storms can happen very quickly.

3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

Phenomenon: The sun makes the snow melt.

4 How Can People Stay Cool in Hot Weather? Phenomenon: Sometimes people use umbrellas on sunny days.

Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park Anchoring Phenomenon: Weather is not the same everywhere.

5 What Makes Storms on Earth? Phenomenon: Some places have snowstorms.

6 How Can People Prepare for Storms? Phenomenon: People know when a tornado is coming.

Performance Assessment: Planning for Storms Anchoring Phenomenon: Weather is not the same everywhere.

Grade K TCI’s Grade K program includes three units. Each unit has a Science Journal, complete with hands-on investigations, text with notes, and checks for understanding.

Grade K

Unit 3

Unit 1 Plants and Animals 1 What Do Plants Need?

5 How Do Plants and Animals Change Earth?

2 What Do Animals Need?

6 How Do People Change Earth?

3 What Do People Need?

7 How Can People Take Care of Earth?

4 Where Are Plants and Animals Found?

Performance Assessment: Keeping the Park Clean


Science Journal Sample

Performance Assessment: Making a Place for Animals to Live

Unit 2 Pushes and Pulls 1 How Do Things Move?

4 What Happens When Objects Bump?

2 What Do Pushes and Pulls Do?

5 How Do People Design Things That Move?

3 How Do Pushes and Pulls Move Things?

Performance Assessment: Making a Marble Playground

Unit 3 Weather 1 What Is Weather?

Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park

2 When Does Weather Change?

5 What Makes Storms on Earth?

3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

6 How Can People Prepare for Storms?

4 How Can People Stay Cool in Hot Weather?

Performance Assessment: Planning for Storms



Grade K Bring Science Alive!

Unit 3

Weather Some days it is sunny all day. Other days, it’s cloudy. Sometimes we get big storms. The weather forecast lets us know it’s coming. What is it like where you live? How do you keep safe in a storm?

1 What Is Weather?...................................................................6 2 When Does Weather Change?...........................................26 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?....................................................46 4 How Can People Stay Cool in Hot Weather?


Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park...........74 5 What Makes Storms on Earth?............................................80 6 How Can People Prepare for Storms?...............................100 Performance Assessment: Planning for Storms...................118 Engineering


Anchoring Phenomenon

Think about this unit’s Anchoring Phenomenon: Weather is not the same everywhere. Complete the chart. • List what you know about this unit’s phenomenon. • Write questions you wonder about this phenomenon. Know



Unit Checkpoints As you complete each lesson, look for this icon

and return to

record what you’ve learned in the lesson. Lesson

What I Learned

1 What Is Weather?

2 When Does Weather Change?

3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

4 How Can People Stay Cool in Hot Weather?

5 What Makes Storms on Earth?

6 How Can People Prepare for Storms?


Unit 3 Weather

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

Using what you’ve learned, explain the unit’s Anchoring Phenomenon: Weather is not the same everywhere.




© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

Unit 3 Weather


Lesson 3

What Keeps Earth Warm?


Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


Observing Phenomena

Discuss: Have you ever seen snow on a tree in the morning? Was there less of it in the afternoon?

Observe this phenomenon: The sun makes the snow melt.

Try It!

On a sunny day, head to a shady spot. Now move to a sunny spot. Which spot is warmer?

Think of what you already know about snow melting. Write questions you have.

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?



Recording Predictions

Put a cup of sand, water, soil, or rocks in the sun and in the shade. Which do you predict will be warmer? Circle the cup.

We are going to wait 30 minutes. Then, we will check our cups again.


Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


Which do you predict will be warmer? Circle the cup. sun

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?



Recording Results

It is time to test our cups. • Wait 30 minutes. • Compare the cup in the sun with the cup in the shade. Find out if the material in one of the cups is warmer. • Circle the cup.


Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


Is the material in one of the cups is warmer? Circle the cup. sun

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?



Vocabulary Match the term to the picture. Word Bank Earth


My Science Concepts Reflect on your understanding. Draw an X along each line. The sun is far away, but it is very hot. It keeps Earth warm. still learning

know it

Sand, rocks, soil, and water are Earth materials. still learning

know it

Materials left in the sun get warmer because the sun warms Earth. still learning


Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

know it

Š Teachers’ Curriculum Institute



You live on Earth. Earth is not too hot. It is not too cold. Why is Earth warm?

Warmth from the Sun The sun is far away. But it is very hot. The sun keeps Earth warm. It warms the land and water. © Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?




Circle two words that tell about the sun.



Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?




© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute



Exploring the World You feel the sand on your feet. The sand feels warm. You put your feet in water. The water feels cooler.

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?




You compare. You ask questions. You try to find out why. This is science! 56

Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute



Draw a picture of yourself acting like a scientist. Show what you would do to find out more about Earth.

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?





Show What You Know

Tell a story about what you may discover when you see the snowman later in the day.

Word Bank snow



Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?




© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute




Making Sense of the Phenomenon Let’s revisit the phenomenon: The sun makes the snow melt. Think about: • Why does the sun melt the snow?

Use your findings from the investigation to answer this question: Why is the ground warm in the summer? Claim Evidence


Go back to page 4 and fill out the unit checkpoint for this lesson.

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

Lesson 3 What Keeps Earth Warm?


Performance Assessment:

Keeping Cool at the Park Find out about the weather where you live. Help a friend pack for a trip to your town. Find a way to help others keep cool at the park. You will: • describe the weather where you live. • tell a friend what to pack for a trip to your town. 74

Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


Describing Your Weather

Find out about weather where you live. Record data each day.

Look at your weather data. Count days for each kind of weather. Write numbers in the blanks.

Warm days:

Cool days:

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park



What does the air feel like most days? Circle words to finish the sentence. In the morning, it feels

warm cool.

In the afternoon, it feels




Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park

the same.

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


Is your weather the same all year long? Choose different times of the year. Draw weather for each time. Label your pictures.

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park



Talking About Weather

You found out about the weather where you live. • Is it warm or cool most of the time? • Is it sunny or cloudy most of the time? • Is it rainy or snowy?

Tell Cassie about the weather where you live. Write where you live in the blank. Circle pictures to show Cassie what to bring.


Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


Dear Cassie, I found out about weather where I live in . Bring these things with you when you visit!

Š Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

To: Cassie Jacksonville, Florida

Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park


Grade K TCI’s Grade K program includes three units. Each unit has a Science Journal, complete with hands-on investigations, text with notes, and checks for understanding.

Grade K

Unit 3

Unit 1 Plants and Animals 1 What Do Plants Need?

5 How Do Plants and Animals Change Earth?

2 What Do Animals Need?

6 How Do People Change Earth?

3 What Do People Need?

7 How Can People Take Care of Earth?

4 Where Are Plants and Animals Found?

Performance Assessment: Keeping the Park Clean


Science Journal Sample

Performance Assessment: Making a Place for Animals to Live

Unit 2 Pushes and Pulls 1 How Do Things Move?

4 What Happens When Objects Bump?

2 What Do Pushes and Pulls Do?

5 How Do People Design Things That Move?

3 How Do Pushes and Pulls Move Things?

Performance Assessment: Making a Marble Playground

Unit 3 Weather 1 What Is Weather?

Performance Assessment: Keeping Cool at the Park

2 When Does Weather Change?

5 What Makes Storms on Earth?

3 What Keeps Earth Warm?

6 How Can People Prepare for Storms?

4 How Can People Stay Cool in Hot Weather?

Performance Assessment: Planning for Storms



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