California's Promise L12

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Complete the definitions below. Use your own words. Then draw and label the buyer and the seller in the picture of the fruit market.

A market is .

A buyer is .

A seller is .

PREVIEW © Teachers’ Curriculum Institute Choices in a Free Market 1

1. We Earn Money By Working

Why do people need to earn money?

Draw one way you can earn money.

List three ways adults can earn money.

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute READING NOTES 2 Choices in a Free Market
1. 2. 3.

2. Businesses and the Economy

Examine this word diagram for “profit.” Complete the diagram.

• Write a definition of “profit” in your own words.

• Draw a symbol of this word.

• Use this word in a sentence.

• Give an example from your life of this word.

READING NOTES © Teachers’ Curriculum Institute Choices in a Free Market 3
Definition Sentence Symbol Example Profit

3. Prices Change When Supply Is High and Demand Is Low

Follow the steps below to show what happens when supply is high and demand is low.

1. Label the buyer and seller in the picture.

2. In the thought bubbles, write what each person is thinking when supply is high and demand is low.

3. Write a new price on the sign to show what happens when supply is high and demand is low.

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute READING NOTES 4 Choices in a Free Market

4. Prices Change When Supply Is Low and Demand Is High

Follow the steps below to show what happens when supply is low and demand is high.

1. Label the buyer and seller in the picture.

2. In the thought bubbles, write what each person is thinking when supply is low and demand is high.

3. Change the price on the sign to show what happens when supply is low and demand is high.

READING NOTES © Teachers’ Curriculum Institute Choices in a Free Market 5

How Does Our Community Get The Resources We Need?

What resources do people in your community sell to or buy from other countries? Use the chart below to write what you learn.

Step 1: To find out what is sold, use the library or Internet, or ask adults.

Step 2: To find out what is bought, look at labels inside your clothing. Look on the back or bottom of dishes, shoes, and other things you use.

What We Sell What We Buy

Countries We Trade With

STUDY YOUR COMMUNITY 6 Choices in a Free Market © Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

You are one of your community’s future resources. In fact, you are human capital. Human capital includes all the skills, talents, and knowledge that workers bring to their jobs.

Step 3: On the left side of the chart, list four or more skills that you are learning in school.

Step 4: Ask adult family members, friends, and neighbors how they use these skills in their work. Write their answers across from the correct skills in the chart.

What I Am Learning How Others Use This at Work

STUDY YOUR COMMUNITY © Teachers’ Curriculum Institute Choices in a Free Market 7

Plan a presentation about an important entrepreneur.

• Use books and the Internet to research an important entrepreneur. As you research, list the primary and secondary sources you use to gather your information.

• Write a paragraph about why this entrepreneur is important in the space below. Use information from your research as evidence, and list your sources.

• Your presentation will need a prop or visual aid. Decide what you will use, and sketch it in the space below.

© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute READ & DO 8 Choices in a Free Market

Explore the prices of fruits and vegetables where you live. In each box, draw or paste a picture of the item that matches the box’s header. Write the item’s price next to the word Price. Then answer the question next to the box. Be sure to use the words supply and demand.

High Supply and Low Demand = Low Price

Draw or paste a picture of the item here.

Why does this item have a low price?

Price: _____________

PROCESSING © Teachers’ Curriculum Institute Choices in a Free Market 9

Low Supply and High Demand = High Price

Draw or paste a picture of the item here. Why does this item have a high price?

PROCESSING 10 Choices in a Free Market © Teachers’ Curriculum Institute
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