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Ken Bruneski

Spring 2022

CGSA Report - by Ken Bruneski


Well it looks at last like a very long winter is coming to an end. After what seems the longest winter I’ve experienced since being in this industry I am actually looking forward to getting my course open and getting back at it. Speaking of long, I guess that’s the amount of time I’ve been in this industry now. Seems like only yesterday I was wet behind the ears and felt like I didn’t know anybody at events and conferences. This is a good lesson for all you young Superintendents out there, it goes quickly and before you know it you’re the veteran in the room. Make sure you take the opportunity to network as often as you can. I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve been helped through relationships I’ve made in the industry. I know it’s tough recently with all of these restrictions but hopefully soon we will be back at it. Take in the conferences and the golf events; it’s a huge networking opportunity and believe me, you will meet some of the nicest people on the planet.

Speaking of nice people, Pat Differ, a dear friend to many of us in the industry was found unconscious in his shop recently. It was determined Pat had suffered a heart attack. He was rushed to hospital where he spent a couple of weeks but as I understand Pat is expected to make a full recovery. Pat is a big contributor in our industry and I wish him a speedy recovery. Look forward to seeing you back on the turf soon.

Recently the CGSA announced a few significant awards prior and some of BC’s finest have once again taken home some hardware. Keith Lyall was awarded the CGSA/Rainbird Environmental Achievement Award. Keith’s bio regarding his environmental achievements include ISO 14001 certification at Sun Peaks, as well as becoming accredited in the ISO 19011 Lead Auditor’s course and has worked on behalf of the industry as a liaison at all levels of government regarding environmental issues. Congratulations are in order for Mr. Lyall, well done sir! Paul Davey, Assistant Superintendent from Cordova Bay Golf Course was also a winner, taking home the CGSA/Toro Assistant Superintendent of the year award. As per Dean Piller, Paul’s contribution to the organization is immeasurable. Congratulations Mr. Davey! Finally, another superintendent winner from BC is Dean Piller who won the Gordon Witiveen Article of the year award for his article, Managing your Golf Course Ecosystem. Congratulations Dean on yet another award.

Also a winner, but not from BC, of our most distinguished John B Steel award is Marie Thorne. Anybody who’s had the pleasure of working with Marie knows her passion for the industry is undeniable. Marie was a frequent contributor at conferences and at courses across the country where she spent her time delivering solutions to her clients for 37 years. Marie retired from Syngenta in 2018 but her impact on our profession is still felt today. Congratulations Ms. Thorne!

The CGSA made the tough decision to go virtual again this year and the dates are March 1st – 3rd. Our conference was to be held in January just as the height of Omicron came upon us. I’m certain the conference will be over by the time this is published, but I hope many of you took the chance to attend and here’s to hoping we are live next year.

Sincerely, Ken Bruneski – CGSA BC Director

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