BBSQ 2023 Annual Report

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“The principal national authority for standards and quality.”


“Advance national development through the facilitation and promotion of quality services in standardization, metrology and conformity assessment to protect the consumer, enhance international trade and competitiveness of goods and services.”


The Core values as outlined in the map support our vision and mission, and help to shape the culture and ideals of the staff, Standards Council and all stakeholder groups. We believe that these values are the essence of BBSQ’s identity. We will continue to strive for excellence in everything we do as a standards setting body. We will continue to perform self-reflection exercises and evaluate how best these values shape our beliefs of governance and operations in our strategic agenda for 2019-2021.


Ms. Pauline V. Curry, Chairman

Mr. Arnaldo Basden, Vice Chairman

Dr. Renae Ferguson-Bufford, Executive Director

Mr. Cadrington Coleby, Member (Past Vice Chairman)

Ms. Simone Bethell, Member


As Chairman of the Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ), I am pleased to report that we have successfully navigated the challenges of the past fiscal year. My gratitude to the BBSQ’s Executive Director, and her team for their dedication and contributions to our achievements, additionally, I applaud the Council Members for their dedicated service. Our collective efforts have ensured the Bureau’s continuity and success.

Our renewed commitment lies in building and reinforcing capacity while promoting awareness of international codes of good practices. I eagerly anticipate our continued collaboration toward developing a quality infrastructure that garners recognition locally, regionally, and internationally. Good governance and administration are essential to our success. I acknowledge the expertise and dedication of our professionals and support staff, as well as the guidance of the Council.

We have achieved much success through cooperation, communication, and adaptation to new methodologies and technologies. I extend my gratitude to all Stakeholders and individuals for their support and generosity.

In conclusion, I reaffirm our dedication to setting and maintaining standards and promoting quality assurance nationwide. Together, we will enhance the quality of life for all citizens of The Bahamas. PCurry


As the Executive Director of the Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ), entrusted with the vital task of advancing our nation’s quality infrastructure, I am humbled to stand before you today. Established under the Standards Act (2006) and the Weights and Measures Act (2006), BBSQ operates with a mission to drive socio-economic development through the establishment and adoption of standards that ensure excellence in products and services.

At the core of BBSQ’s mandate lies our unwavering commitment to Quality Assurance. Through our relentless efforts, we strive to instill a culture of quality across The Bahamas, thereby enhancing our regional and international trade markets for the benefit of all our citizens, residents, and visitors.

Our work at BBSQ ensures access to international standards, reliable measurement practices, and accredited testing and certification facilities, all of which contribute to the growth and prosperity of our local industries and the satisfaction of consumers.

Acknowledging the indispensable role of governance, administration, and our dedicated staff, I extend my sincere gratitude to the Chairwoman, Council, and all professionals and support staff at BBSQ for their expertise, dedication, and collaborative spirit.

Despite the challenges we’ve faced, we’ve also celebrated successes, thanks to continued support from the government, stakeholders, and individuals alike. By embracing new technologies and methodologies, we’ve remained agile and responsive to the evolving needs of our stakeholders while ensuring the safety and health of all involved.

Looking ahead, I am committed to furthering BBSQ’s mission of setting and maintaining standards and promoting quality assurance nationwide. With renewed dedication and the ongoing support of our partners, we will continue to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of The Bahamas.

Thank you.



It is noteworthy that Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ/the Bureau) was established by its Standards Act, Chapter 338A, of Parliament in 2006, embedded in the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The Bureau’s mobilization began in 2015, when a nine-membered Standards Council was appointed and a facility situated at 1000 Bacardi Road was acquired for the headquarters. Institutionalization began concomitantly with an assigned fiscal budget from the Government of The Bahamas and contractual appointments of administrative and technical officers, and deployment of other public service officers. Of great importance, it meant engaging the road to building a National Quality Infrastructure (QI) which, of necessity, includes Standards, Metrology, Accreditation and Conformity Assessments.

Shortly thereafter, to assist us in charting the way forward, BBSQ sought to develop its first strategic agenda 2016-2018 based on its legislated mandates to promote standards setting for facilitation of trade, consumer health and protection, and an overall improved economy of The Bahamas.

This Annual report presents an overview of the BBSQ’s accomplishments for the year 2023. It gives an account of the key performance accomplishments embarked upon by BBSQ for the first year of its three-year Strategic Agenda 2023-2025 in relation to its themes, objectives and results. We are infused with renewed expectation and anticipation that all objectives and indicators, as outlined in strategic agenda 2023-2025 will be achieved in Year 2024 and beyond.

So far BBSQ is off to a good start. This year we have accomplished the following fundamental outputs in the all thematic areas of our Strategic Agenda:

• Enhanced human capital and technical competency base, by the addition of a Human Resources Manager, one Marketing officer; and an Executive Assistant.

• Achieved a 42% increase from the previous year within our pre-verification of conformity assessment (PVoC) programme to our road vehicle standard for all imported used vehicles from Japan, Singapore, United Kingdom, and United Arab Emirates.

• Embarked on new projects, Industrial Metrology and the Made In The Bahamas Certification Programme that will seek to increase BBSQ’s revenue stream.

• Initiated the process to achieve accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 Testing and calibration laboratories and ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems (QMS).

• Achieved international recognition through the election of our Executive Director, Dr. Renae Ferguson-Bufford, to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Council.


In forging ahead, BBSQ has indicated that adherence to the following measures is essential for successful execution of its 2023-2025 Strategic Agenda:

• Review the outcomes of the 2019-2021 Strategic Agenda and address all necessary adjustments that were observed as weaknesses/threats to the overall development of the team at BBSQ;

• Build on priority areas departmentally; expand and improve any road bumps or challenges going forward;

• Stress the need for commitment at all levels within BBSQ and the Standards Council;

• Review the organizational structure and manpower in this plan, and fine tune for improvement during next phase;

• Ensure that BBSQ is not overly ambitious in its strategic development planning; but plans wisely and succinctly with a realistic budget and manpower in mind and, lastly,

• Seek buy-in and complete managerial support and commitment from the Government of The Bahamas, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the Standards Council from inception to closure of Strategic Agenda; ensure that all levels are on one page and there is cohesion and comprehension of BBSQ’s role as outlined in Standards Act and its importance to the overall agenda for national development.


ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials

BAHFSA – Bahamas Agricultural Health and Food Safety Authority (BAHFSA)

BBSQ – Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality

BCRC – Caribbean - Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology for the Caribbean

BNGIS – Bahamas National Geographic Information Systems

BREEF - Bahamas Reef Environmental Educational Foundation

BSJ – Bureau Standards Jamaica

Caribbean Export - Caribbean Export Development Agency

COPANT - Pan American Standards Commission

CROSQ – CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality

DEPP – Department of Environmental Planning and Protection (Bahamas)

EDF - European Development Fund

EPA – Economic Partnership Agreement

GEF ISLANDS – Global Environment Facility; Implementing Sustainable Low and Non- Chemical Development in Small Island States

FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization

HOD – Head of Department

ISO – The International Organization for Standardization

JANAAC – Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation

JMEA – Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association

JTC – Joint Technical Committee

MIKE – The Marketing Information Knowledge Management and Education

MOEA – Ministry of Economic Affairs (Bahamas)

NAECOB - National Accreditation and Equivalency Council of The Bahamas

PQI – Pacific Quality Infrastructure

PTTC – Plastic Tide Turners Challenge

QMS – Quality Management System

SC – Subcommittee

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

TC – Technical Committee

TMC – Technical Management Committee

UN – United Nations

UNCTAD - United Nations Conference for Trade and Development

UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme

UNFSS - United Nations Forum on Voluntary Sustainability Standards

WAD – World Accreditation Day

WHO – World Health Organization

WSD – World Standards Day



It goes without saying that, at BBSQ, quality is equally as important to us as quantity. Our financial records represent more than merely numbers to us; they are figures that tell a story. The continuation of the Pre-verification of Conformity Assessment (PVoC) programme and partnership with EAA Company Limited (EAA) has proven to be beneficial. EAA brings the necessary technical ability and experience to conduct pre-shipment inspections of used vehicles imported from Japan, Singapore, United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates. There has been a growth in revenue received by BBSQ from EAA of 42.07% from the year 2022 to 2023.

Additional sources of income include Sale of Standards and Metrology Services Scales & Pumps. Metrology Services Scales have increased by 2.96% from the year 2022 to 2023. Metrology Services Pumps have decreased by 9.47% from the year 2022 to 2023.

At BBSQ, our Standards Department represents the cornerstone of everything we do. While acknowledging that businesses are more inclined to buy in where there is profitability, workshops are held with the goal to enlighten the stakeholders on the importance of standards. As society recognizes the significance of these standards, businesses will obtain and utilize them to promote their business and consumers will demand them. In striving to foster a strong quality infrastructure within The Bahamas, BBSQ also hosts various Technical Committee meetings where experts in the field come together to generate Bahamian National Standards.

Outside of company generated revenue, we accomplish more together. As such, subventions and grants/donations are beneficial to the operation of the company. The Government Subvention is of vital importance to the functionality, and productivity here at BBSQ. We received a total of two hundred and seventeen thousand, five hundred dollars ($217,500.00) from the Government Subvention for the year 2023.

We also obtained a grant in the amount of three hundred and thirty thousand, nine hundred and sixty-three euros ($330,963.00), approximately three hundred and sixty thousand dollars ($360,000.00) from the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) that is directed toward the project: “Enhancing the Bahamas National Quality Infrastructure through the Establishment of a Metrology Laboratory”. The expectation of this project is to enhance the capacity of BBSQ to provide calibration and testing services. This will improve the accuracy and reliability of measurements in various sectors, while also refining business operations, increasing consumer confidence and ultimately boosting economic growth. In 2023, BBSQ did an initial drawdown of one hundred thousand euros ($100,000.00), an equivalent of one hundred and nine thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six dollars ($109,956.00), of the total amount granted.

There has been a significant increase in expenses, mostly driven by the expansion and achievement of the goals within BBSQ. Key expenditure elements such as Marketing and Payroll are essential to achieving the ultimate goal of cultivating STANDARDS and QUALITY within The Bahamas.

“Accounting is the language of business.”
– Warren Buffett

BBSQ Finance Overview 2023


1 Standards Department Overview-

The Standards Development Department comprises an integral part of the Quality Infrastructure of BBSQ. It is responsible for the preparation, promotion, and maintenance of standards in relation to goods, services, and processes building consensus among principal stakeholders locally and harmonization of standards, regionally and internationally.

2 Department’s Deliverables

Objective: To strengthen the promotion of the use of relevant regional and international standards in The Bahamas.

2.1 Accurate accounting and Identification of national emerging issues.

· Standards Stakeholder survey conducted June 7-30, 2023. National emerging issues identified and list updated.Committees participating and observing internationally and regionally.

Our Standards Department has been actively engaged in collaborative endeavors with international and regional agencies such as ISO, COPANT, and CROSQ. Moreover, the department has fortified its capabilities through a series of local and international training programs. These initiatives have significantly enhanced the knowledge base and performance output of our staff, reinforcing our commitment to excellence in standards development and implementation.

2.2 Adoption of regional and international standards as Bahamas National Standards.

2.3.1 Standards under Review for Adoption and/or Development

· Twenty-four (24) standards going through the development process.

· Thirteen (13) Bahamas National Standards are soon to be Gazetted.

· Twenty-three (23) Gazetted standards being prepared for the BBSQ Website

2.3.2 National Technical Committees

· Eighteen (18) National Technical Committees have been established to date. Three (3) of which were newly formed in 2023:

1. Water

2. Food Hygiene

3. Labelling Standards

4. Tobacco and Tobacco Products

5. Poultry Products

6. Building and Building Products

7. Spirits and Brewery Products

8. Laboratories

9. Management System

10. Tourism and Related Services (Active)

11. Electro-Technical and Energy Efficiency (Active)

12. Road Vehicles: Pneumatic Tires (Newly Formed Working Group 2023)

13. Conformity Assessment (Active)

14. Environmental Management & Protection (Active)

15. Food and Food Products

16. Beauty Trades and Industry (Active)

17. Geographic Information Systems/Geospatial (Newly Formed 2023)

18. Assistive Products and Services (Newly Formed 2023)

· Sixty (60) new stakeholders participated in national technical committees for 2023.

All technical committees follow the standards development process as referenced in the Standards Act 2006, and ensure compliance with WTO TBT requirements.

2.4 Educated and informed Bahamian Public about standards and quality.

2.4.1 Sensitization and Promotion

Standards officers conducted/ participated in nine (9) public education, and sensitization meetings, workshops, podcast(s)/radio show(s) in 2023; Six (6) of which were hosted or facilitated by the Bureau either virtual or face-to-face; three (3) of which were Technical Committee Launch meetings. Two (2) of which were Workshops,

· National Quality Policy Re-engagement Forum Standards Breakout Room June 7, 2023

· BREEF Eco-schools Coordinators Workshop: Advancing Climate Resilience in The Bahamas - October 6, 2023

· World Standards Day 2023: “A Shared Vision for a Better World” Radio Promotion: 96.9 FM Guardian Radio with Dwight Strachan. October 17, 2023

· CROSQ Quality Link Podcast Bahamas Episode: Standards and The Environment Guests: Dr. Ancellino Davis (Professor, University of the Bahamas [UB] and Ms. Casuarina McKinney-Lambert (Executive Director, BREEF) - November 27, 2023

Thematic Standardisation Sensitization and Technical Committee Launch Events:

· Pneumatic Tires National Technical Working Group Launch and Standardisation Sensitization - March 30, 2023

· Geographic Information Systems National Technical Committee Sensitization and Launch and Standardisation Sensitization November 20, 2023

· Assistive Products and Services Technical Committee Launch and Standardisation Sensitization November 21, 2023

2.5 Increased awareness and understanding of the practical significance and usefulness of accreditation.-

Objective: To promote accreditation services in The Bahamas

· Accreditation Needs Survey Administered June - August, 2023

· World Accreditation Day (WAD) – Virtual Stakeholder Engagement with JANAAC June 9, 2023

· Building Quality Excellence for a Competitive World Training by JANAAC December 6-8, 11&12, 2023; as outlined:

· ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General Requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories Dec. 6th-8th

· ISO 15189:2022 Medical Laboratories Requirements for Quality and Competence- Dec. 11th

· ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Requirements Dec. 12th

2.6 Preparation for ISO 9001:2015 QMS Certification

Objective: To implement ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) at the BBSQ

· BBSQ’s ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) Implementation Team Drafted QMS Quality Manual

· The Team began formulating QMS documentation procedures.

QMS Training on BNS ISO 9001:2015 completed at Awareness and Training Workshop 12th December, 2023.


The Metrology Department is responsible for all weights and measurement activities in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. The work of the Metrology Department is vital to trade development, quality control, consumer protection and national health and safety. The following advances were made:


Pump Verifications: 102

Nozzles Approved: 1017

Nozzles Rejected: 0

Commercial Scale Verifications: 621

Scales Approved: 530

Scales Rejected: 91


CROSQ Python Training Session 1 & 2 - Metrology officers participated in Python training where the main objectives of this two part training workshop were to:

• Enhance the knowledge and skills of participants in the use of Python for Metrology

• Facilitate the practical application of Python in real life scenarios in Metrology

• Facilitate collaboration amongst participants in relation to developing and sharing ideas and/or concepts related to Python for Metrology

NIST Fundamentals of Metrology- A Metrology officer participated in the Fundamentals of Metrology training which focuses on the practical application of key metrology concepts such as traceability and measurement uncertainty through a hands-on training scenario providing useful tools to improve their work.

Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards and Quality Training - Metrology Inspectors went to Saint Lucia to receive training in new services such as pre-packaged goods, LPG and more.

CARIMET F2F Meeting - Participated in the CARIMET meeting in Guyana focused on developing a CARIMET database of resources for all regional NMIs

World Metrology Day- World Metrology day was celebrated by the BBSQ Metrology staff with sensitization engagements at our local stakeholders. World Metrology Day 2023 reminds us of Measurements supporting the global food system, where current and future metrological challenges to guarantee availability and sustainability of food are in the focus.

National Quality Forum - The BBSQ hosted a National Quality Forum that engaged stakeholders from metrology and standards. While introducing potential stakeholders to the upcoming services in Legal Metrology.

New Staff Compliment:

The Metrology Department brought on two new metrology staff members who will be tasked with further advancing the BBSQs capabilities to perform its mandate of having all weights and measurement activities under metrological control.



Successfully contracted a Marketing Firm and Technical Consultant to assist in the Caribbean Development Bank Standby Facility Grant. The aim of the project is to enhance the Bahamas National Quality Infrastructure through the Establishment of a Metrology Laboratory.

Successfully created a marketing strategy and implementation plan for the upcoming industrial metrology services at the BBSQ.

Ongoing procurement of equipment including mass comparators, Susceptometers and more to outfit the BBSQ Metrology labs.


This year has seen remarkable strides in the Marketing Department, characterized by the successful rebranding of the Bureau. With the introduction of a fresh logo, a comprehensive brand manual, and the strategic addition of a marketing officer, we have elevated our marketing efforts to new heights.

A notable achievement was our Executive Director’s election to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Council, an independent, non-governmental, international standard development organization, in September 2023. This milestone was supported by meticulously developed marketing materials and strategic collaboration with key stakeholders including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Bahamas Permanent Mission in Geneva, Switzerland.

Other highlights of the Marketing Department include:

Strategic Planning and Collaborations:

· Conducted research and market analysis to begin effective marketing and roll out campaigns for Metrology.

· Finalized Marketing & Communications Plan.

Began market research for Made In The Bahamas Certification Programme.

Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach:

· Enhanced social media presence, resulting in an increase of over 350 followers across social media pages.

· Distributed over 150 brochures.

Produced one infomercial for social media for businesses regarding trade.

Increased stakeholder database by 200.

· Produced one podcast for the CARICOM Regional Organisation of Standards and Quality (CROSQ) “Quality Link” Podcast.

· Produced and Distributed 47 Social Media posts (Graphics, Photos, Videos)

Organized the National Quality Policy Re-engagement Forum in June 2023 in New Providence and Grand Bahama.

Hosted Accreditation Workshop in December 2023 with over 80 registrants, facilitated by the Jamaican National Agency for Accreditation.

Website Development and Services:

· Azulify was engaged to redesign the BBSQ website, which was soft-launched at the June 2023 National Quality Policy Re-engagement Forum, introducing e-commerce services.

Overall Sensitization Engagements:

Surpassed 18 sensitization engagements to promote National Quality Infrastructure, including family island sensitization, meetings, and national forums.


Human Resources (HR) Department Accomplishments:

The HR Department made steps towards becoming paperless by digitizing employee files

· An Employee Handbook was established.

· During the past year the BBSQ has made significant strides in employee training and development, emphasizing the enhancement of both technical and soft skills across all departments. Accounting & Metrology staff received QuickBooks training and officers had the opportunity for work study within the region.

Throughout the year, BBSQ undertook a focused and strategic approach to employee recruitment, aiming to attract top talent that aligns with our core values and business objectives.

BBSQ has made substantial progress in recognizing and rewarding employee excellence through promotions of several officers.

Approval was given for an increase from 3% to 5% match for Pension plan and implementation of Health Insurance Plan.

1st Annual Walkathon, Coral Harbour, April 2023.

· BBSQ celebrated The Bahamas 50th Anniversary of Independence.


Near Term Goals:

• Ensure that all of BBSQ goals/objectives are successfully achieved.

· Recruitment for technical personnel in standards, metrology, and other support areas.

· Continuous training of staff.

· Work with a Marketing Firm to maintain consistent branding and messaging of the Bureau.

· Acquire essential industrial metrology equipment.

· Continue to refine the processes and procedures of the accounts department for cohesion among departments.

· Increase engagement and improve relationships with stakeholders.

· Increase technical committee participation in regional and international standardization.

· Implement and Launch the “Made In The Bahamas” Certification Programme, and develop other certification services.

· Achieve accreditation to ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems.

Longer Term Goals:

• Recruit, grow, develop and retain a high performing and diverse workforce with critical skills necessary for ongoing mission success; Training, conformance, and competence in the relevant ISO management and conformity assessment standards/systems and requirements for BBSQ.

· Conduct more sensitization workshops throughout the islands of The Bahamas.

· Establish an extensive business plan designed to further expand the company.

· Expand metrology services across all islands.

· Institute a stakeholder incentive and recognition scheme.

· Develop and implement a National Standardization Strategy (NSS).

· Institute the best practice of mirroring international standards development.

Thank You

Thank you for entrusting us with the responsibility of establishing and maintaining the standards of our nation, a task that is both demanding and noble. The success highlighted in the preceding report underscores the dedication and collaborative effort of numerous individuals and groups who have played pivotal roles in achieving our objectives.

We extend our deepest gratitude to:

Ministry of Economic Affairs, Senator Hon. Michael Halkitis

The Permanent Secretary and the Ministry of Economic Affairs

The Board of Directors of BBSQ

Our staff, both technical and administrative

Our stakeholders and partner agencies, including the Department of Trade, Chamber of Commerce, and other relevant regulatory agencies, and our partner TCL Group

Our international and regional partners

Your visionary leadership, insightful ideas, a wealth of knowledge and skills, as well as your unwavering collaboration, professionalism, and commitment, have been instrumental in the growth and success of the Bureau. Despite being relatively young, BBSQ has been positioned as a respected partner among regional standards bodies, largely due to your contributions.

We earnestly invite your ongoing support and cooperation as we continue to strive for excellence. The leadership and staff of BBSQ remain dedicated to maintaining the highest standards and merit your continued partnership.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our collective goals.


Monday - Friday, 9AM-5PM

1000 Bacardi Road NP, The Bahamas

P.O. Box N-4843

Telephone: +1 (242) 362-1748 - 55


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