Edition 44
T: 08000 807 809 E:
13237 AP_HorseWorld 19/06/2017 12:31 Page 1
Mental Health in the workplace The issue of mental health in the workplace is in the news again, particularly with the recent involvement of our younger royals William, Kate and Harry; urging us to start a conversation about mental health as part of their Heads Together campaign.
Make a Move challenging behaviours, dementia and post-natal depression. Results have been life-changing for those involved.
Organisations as diverse as mental health charity Sane and the Girl Guides are joining in the conversation, all supported by government initiatives helping employers to recognise when employees are in difficulty, and offering recommendations of programmes and policies to help.
A growing body of research demonstrates the importance of mental health and wellbeing in relation to performance and effectiveness at work. And there are clear links between physical and mental health that also strengthen the case. Poor mental health is associated with an increased risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes, while good mental health is a known preventative. Conversely, poor physical health increases the risk of people developing mental health issues. Yoga aficionados and advocates of Tai Chi have long advocated the benefits of controlled movement and breathing for mental wellbeing, while the soothing powers of music are proven to help alleviate some of the symptoms of dementia and to be beneficial to mental health in general.
Make a Move
Make-a-Move is a small charity founded in 2011, by Michelle Rochester who had been working in schools for many years and observed the transformational effect that dance, movement and music had on young people and children with learning problems or disabilities. Michelle teamed up with dance movement psychotherapist Sarah Haddow to develop a unique and effective system, drawing from a range of disciplines, incorporating movement, mindfulness, meditation, laughter, play and above all music.
Through the sessions they instill an awareness of the bond between mind and body, and provide tailor-made solutions to all sorts of people with emotional hurt and mental health issues such as
Michelle and Sarah of Make a Move
Work with businesses
Make a Move’s work is founded and guided by evidencebased research. They are currently working with Curo, a housing association and house-builder in Bath, delivering an 8-week programme for their colleagues. The focus is on helping build mechanisms for support when colleagues experience anxiety, stress or depression and to develop strategies to manage and maintain good mental health. As well as the benefits experienced at each session, participants learn simple exercises to take forward to maintain the benefits of the programme longer term.
The benefit for Curo as an organisation is to provide support for a happy and productive workforce, increasing resilience and reducing stress-induced absence. A caring employer builds employee loyalty too. Make a Move's boost to workplace wellbeing can:
• improve decision-making, clarity, focus and stress management
• build confidence, communication and leadership skills • boost wellbeing and workplace productivity Work with us
The team would be delighted to discuss how Make a Move can work with your business to boost your team’s wellbeing too.
For more information please visit or email
BBP Media Contents pg ed 44_Layout 1 08/07/2017 12:24 Page 3
C O N T E N T S Battens Solicitors
The Importance of Making a Will
Jordans Corporate Law
Business Finance
SWIG Finance
Get the Most from Your Website
In this edition we look again at the Apprenticeship Levy, discuss the importance of Succession Planning, and consider how the Alternative Finance Market has changed.
Somerset Web Services
New Apprenticeship Levy
We continue our Export campaign; highlight issues surrounding the Housing Market, and take an overview of how Technology is changing the manufacturing sector.
Wiltshire College
City of Bristol College
Virtual College
The Brave New World of Telematics
Romex World
GSM Valve OY
UK Export Finance
A World of Opportunity
The Import House
Payments Etc
Manufacturing and Innovation
Bishop Fleming
Materials Solutions
Strongvox Homes
The Housing Crisis
ITS Construction
Queenstreet Carpets & Furnishings
Location, Location, Location
The Manor House & Ashbury Hotels
Thurlestone Hotel
Llangoed Hall
Winford Manor
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Tortworth Court
The Great British Staycation
Bistrot Pierre
Oakdown Touring & Holiday Park
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that adverts and articles appear correctly, PIL (Europe) Limited cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of its publisher or editor.
Simpsons Fish and Chips
Bowood Hotel, Spa and Golf Resort
Bristol Balloons
Welcome to Edition 44 of the Bristol Business Post, the free magazine for the Southwest business community, packed with news tips and stories across the region.
We offer some tips on SEO and improve your Web Site, and look at how Telematics are supporting Fleet Management. Celebrating our Country Houses for staging your event or conference, in our Location, Location, Location feature, we also talk about Staycations and the holiday delights right on our doorsteps. Please keep sending your business stories and press releases to we will feature as many as we can.
BBP Media Three Springs House, Unit 9, Three Springs Trading Estate, Vincent Road, Worcester WR5 1BW Tel: 08000 807 809 Fax: 01905 763 159 E: W: Publisher: PIL (Europe) Limited Print: Heron Press UK ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
13150 AP_HorseWorld 19/06/2017 16:47 Page 1
Partnership Agreement as to who can inherit your share, or whether the partnership continues after your death.
Battens solicitors
All the usual considerations when making a Will apply, ie who will be your Executors, do you wish to leave any legacies, who will inherit the bulk of your estate and in what shares? But particular consideration should be taken of a business interest if you wish to secure its future for your family, or ensure that you are mitigating your inheritance tax liability.
Why Making A Will As a Business Owner Needs Additional Planning. Making sure your affairs are in order is obviously an important consideration for anyone, but even more so if you own a business. You should take professional advice on what will happen to your business or your share in a business, after your death.
As well as making sure your Will is up to date, it would be worth considering a Lasting Power of Attorney for Property & Financial Affairs. This would mean that there is someone else legally appointed, who you have chosen, who could deal with business matters on your behalf should you lose mental capacity.
Ownership of a business can be beneficial for inheritance tax planning purposes. An interest in a business, or assets or property used in a business can qualify for either 50% or 100% relief from inheritance tax, known as Business Property Relief. Rather than leave your business interest to a spouse, which would be free of inheritance tax in any event, there may be some tax planning opportunities to pass this to the next generation or into a trust for the benefit of the family. Such a trust does not need to be complicated but it is important that it is set up correctly in your Will and that you consider carefully who should act as your Executors, as they will become the Trustees of any trust. It is also important to take advice on how Business Property Relief will work alongside other inheritance tax reliefs which may be relevant for you, such as Agricultural Property Relief and the new Residential Nil Rate Band.
Christine Butterfield
If you are in a partnership you should make sure you take along a copy of any Partnership Agreement to your professional advisor so that this can be considered alongside your Will, to make sure your partnership share passes as you would wish. There may be restrictions in the
Full Service Law Firm
Established for Over 300 Years
Client Satisfaction Rate of Over 98%
Having a lawyer around to advise you is useful. If you have any questions at all, please contact Christine Butterfield on 01305 216205
34054 1pg_Transport Warehousing 27/06/2016 16:20 Page 1
The Importance of Making a Will The priority of anyone with a business to run is to see it succeed. In many cases dedicated bosses spend lifetimes building a up company - but is that same dedication given to considering what happens in the event of their death?
That could inflict a double blow to family members.
Surprisingly, recent research has uncovered that there’s quite a large number of business owners out there who do not have up-to-date wills in place, and that’s a cause for concern.
1. Collecting the money. A business that continues after the death of the owner will still need to collect money and executors will need the power to be able to that. If there isn’t a will they can only obtain the monies when probate is granted, and that could be many months later – by which time the debtor could have disappeared.
Bosses need to take care of business after they’ve gone for it’s not as simple as just expecting a partner, spouse or children to automatically inherit. Succession planning is one of the most important decisions any owner needs to take for without it, and an appropriate will, all kinds of difficult complications can ensue. For a start, if there isn’t a will an entire estate, including the business assets, will come under the rules of intestacy; and as these were written in the 1920s, it’s unlikely that they’re likely to accurately reflect what the 21st century owner is likely to want. Furthermore, did you know that the legal requirement is, for other than limited companies, that any business that is owned by the deceased should be sold within 12 months. That’s bad enough if survivors don’t want to sell but, if even if it does suit, what if during that time period, the economy is in recession and consequently the price is low and stays low?
Some good reasons right away, then, to consider making a will, but there’s plenty of other things to make provision for in the event of an owner’s death or even illness.
2. Is it a partnership? That automatically ends when a partner dies. Putting a partnership agreement in place would resolve that. Also ask yourself, if it was your business partner who died, would you want their family to become involved? 3. Don’t assume. In the case of a family business, don’t expect it to be inherited by a member or members of the next generation. One child may have to buy their siblings out or make a claim against the estate. Quite apart from the family fallout, such a situation can only have a negative impact on the business itself. Having a will in place can avoid all that. 4. Similarly, don’t assume that your spouse will want to be part of the firm the event of your death, particularly if it’s a limited company in which you
have shares. By devising a cross option agreement you can ensure that the other shareholders have first refusal on the shares. Another valuable reason for business owners to make sure they have a will in place is the very considerable question of tax. Not only will it ensure assets are passed on to family members in accordance with your wishes, it can help you achieve the maximum savings on Inheritance Tax at every stage. One way to do this is by leaving a business in trust - a very worthwhile step to take if it’s a concern that is likely to grow in value.The added advantage of a trust however is that it can be used to guarantee that the income from the business is protected for dependents, usually children. Leave it in a family trust and it can benefit a family for up to 125 years, all in an extremely tax efficient way. So when you have put all that blood, sweat and tears into creating a business which will become a successful lasting legacy for your children and employees, you must make sure that you think not just about the future but beyond that future to when you are no longer there. If you’ve not already done so, taking the first step means communicating fully and openly with both your family and business partners. Documenting what you eventually decide is the second, and where there’s a will, there will be a way to do just that.
13140 DPS_BBP Template 26/06/2017 11:53 Page 1
The fundamentals of succession planning Every company should aim to put a plan in place that will allow them to continue trading even when handing over control. Nothing really beats consistently-maintained succession planning that begins early in the company’s life. Certainly, measures should be taken to avoid a situation where the company is left with no directors or shareholders, or even both. Although the last scenario may seem extreme, it has been known to happen. Two companies, trading profitably as a group, with bills to be paid and orders to be met on Monday, were cast into disarray by the sudden death of the holding company’s sole director and shareholder. The fact that the constitutions of both companies were out-dated, in one case being governed by the Table A of 1929, only complicated the matter. The result was a situation where the lawyers of the deceased, as his executors, had to step in. Despite certain misgivings, they had to appoint themselves as directors of the companies, and engage with the family members to discover who, if anyone, was willing and able to take on the company management.
What can be done to avoid such a situation? The ideal starting point would be to ensure that the company’s constitution reflects current law. It is always good practice to review the constitution on a regular basis. Firstly, to ensure that it meets the needs of the company, but secondly to guard against situations such as this. In the latter context, the areas to consider would be the transmission of shares and the appointment of directors by executors or surviving shareholders, but considering that the Model Articles address those points, most newer companies should already have a functional system in place. Any older companies, which rely on Table A, can simply update their constitution to meet this standard. That being the case, while that starting point seems obvious, ultimately, it is common sense and should be done by the directors as a matter of course. In our earlier example, the primary issue wasn’t the age of the constitutions but simply the fact that the deceased had been the sole director and shareholder of the holding company, and so there was virtually no one who had authority to step in. It was only the fact that the company also had a secretary that enabled the transmission of the deceased’s shares to the executors to be registered appropriately, and so allow them to act as shareholders of the company.
So, while the relaxation of company administration to allow sole director/member companies with optional secretaries reduces the administrative burden on companies and has been widely welcomed, it’s clear this isn’t automatically a good thing. As we’ve seen, without the secretary of the holding company, both companies would have been in dire straits. This could have been avoided with either a second director or another shareholder holding even just one share.
Consider the future Anyone forming a company will ideally have a clear idea of what the company’s purpose is, and how it will carry that out. For example, a plumber may well be advised that it would be sensible for them to incorporate rather than act as a sole trader; that advice will probably be correct. On another level, two companies may decide to co-operate, bringing different strengths to a joint venture (“JV”) to break into new markets. In either case, it is highly likely that the two new companies will have a finite life. The plumbing business will last for as long as the plumber needs it to (profit, career changes, illness or retirement may all affect this), while the JV is more likely to have a specific timescale attached to its business plan by the two shareholders. Of the two companies in this example, it is more likely that the JV will have a plan in place, considering relative resources, expertise and access to advice. However, this is not to say that the sole trader plumber needs a plan any less than the JV. Many small businesses are established without having access to the knowledge or advice that will allow them to consider this early on. As such it seems highly likely that smaller companies that are less well-resourced and perhaps less well-run (in an administrative sense at any rate), will only consider this when they are forced to, by which point it may be too late. The starting advice to a smaller company must be to “consider the future” as early as possible. Companies
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operated by family members or business partnerships between friends often opt to resolve issues of succession internally. However, it is these companies that are more likely to fall foul through lack of formal succession planning if an unplanned terminal event occurs.
What else can be done? For larger private companies, a shareholders’ agreement may be considered. Provided it covers the appointment and resignation of directors, and the transfer and transmission of shares, a shareholders’ agreement is probably the single most effective document a company can have. Ideally, it should address the circumstances noted above in some form, perhaps with deemed transfer provisions supported by good and bad leaver valuation. An alternative could be ensuring that the articles of association are fully up to date and that any personal circumstances are clear. This may be evidenced perhaps by a new or updated will and a business plan stating their future intentions. Either of these (and preferably both) should serve to demonstrate how the company can face the future in their absence.
Email: or call 0117 918 1207
About the author: Adam Wadsley is Assistant Manager, Corporate Law, Jordans Corporate Law Limited, a law firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number 605152. Adam can be contacted by email to
Adam Wadsley
Over and above the foregoing, the simplest and most effective thing any individual can do is to obtain the relevant legal and tax advice in due time. This will help the succession go more smoothly, reducing the chances of disputes or uncertainty amongst the various beneficiaries, or intended successors, and minimising the tax liabilities for everyone involved. It is apparent that having a plan that involves other people, especially for a scenario in which the company might be missing its most important person, is crucial. It is the responsibility of every sole director, and particularly those who are also the sole member to ensure the continuity or even the conclusion of their company. Adam Wadsley Assistant Manager, Corporate Law, Jordans
13240 full pg_HorseWorld 23/03/2017 10:26 Page 1
33214 1pg_Transport Warehousing 27/05/2015 14:45 Page 1
Business Finance Non-bank Lending, a new normal for business finance? Non-bank lending has progressed rapidly from a fringe activity to one widely considered normal by businesses. A study by the London Stock Exchange Group acknowledged that in many ways the banks have been dealt an impossible hand – they face enormous pressure to increase lending, while remaining subject to tough and increasingly complex new rules on regulatory capital and leverage ratios.
their corporate lending function closer to a debt capital markets model. Research indicates that most mid-market corporates are already aware of the nontraditional lending options available to them. As demand grows these types of lenders are edging their way into the mainstream. Awareness of fund type and individual lenders is extremely high among respondents. The proliferation of non-bank lenders has been one of the most striking
They suggest that the solution is to build a wider and deeper pool of risk capital that includes all types of funding, including private equity, public equity, venture capital money, crowd sourcing and business-angel investment. They can sit alongside debt as a funding tool, enriching our financing landscape. A healthy funding environment is a diverse one, with companies able to choose the right form of finance for each stage of their development. Co-lending, where banks and non-banks lend alongside each other, represents the most promising model for non-bank lending. In most cases, commercial banks will retain the primary customer relationship and continue to provide less capital intensive products and services. However private banks and investment banks could also use non-bank lending partners to meet their customers’ credit needs without using up precious capital. For banks, the effect would be to move
Some businesses, however, are still uncertain of the value of non-bank lending for their business. A commonly cited concern among corporates is that the terms and conditions can be perceived as unfavourable. A lack of knowledge, existing relationships, and some misconceptions, have held back the volume of non-bank lending transactions in the mainstream mid-market space, while alternative lenders have become a critical source of funding for the SME market. Many non-bank lenders have greater risk appetites than banks, meaning that they will often lend to an extent that the banks would not. Other perceived attractions are that they can service financing needs more quickly and flexibly and that they are responsive to the needs of the companies to which they lend.
developments since the financial crisis began. In a recent survey of 100 UK-based, mid-market companies and 100 non-bank lenders, 61% of respondents revealed that they are already using non-bank lenders as a source of finance, while nearly 80% perceive nonbank lenders either positively or very positively.
Availability is still patchy but progress is being made and the UK Government deserves praise for the steps it has taken. These include changes to the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Venture Capital Trust (VCT) schemes, allowing AIM shares to be held in ISAs, programmes such as Tech City’s Future Fifty initiative, and the abolition of stamp duty on small-cap shares. The London Stock Exchange also praised the Government’s backing of employee share schemes empowering people to invest in the companies they work for. But there is more to do. We need to build an ecosystem that promotes the right type of funding for companies at each stage of their journey so that, together, we can drive our own prosperity.
13345 AP_HorseWorld 03/07/2017 09:30 Page 1
“For any business |_-| bv ;Šrouা m] URICA really is the voŃ´Â†ŕŚž omĺĿ ĹŠ -†Ѵ ool;vġ -m-]bm] bu;1|ouġ 1ovrbm 1ovrbm l-m†=-1|†u;v |_; !-r|ou Ĺ‹ -m bmmoˆ-া ˆ; three-wheeled electric vehicle. They export ˆbu|†-ѴѴ‹ -Ń´Ń´ |_;bu ruo7†1া omÄş
WE CAN FUND YOUR EXPORT ORDERS IN DAYS Get 100% cash upfront from your export customers, minus a fee, which completely covers FX, credit and non-payment risks. Non-debt funding without personal guarantee or security Remove FX, credit and non-payment risks Open account credit and credit terms up to 120 days We credit-insure invoices, so we will never ask for the money back Global coverage $u-7; bm lÂ†Ń´ŕŚž rŃ´; 1†uu;m1b;v Ĺ?bm1Ѵ†7bm] &" ġ &! -m7 Ĺ‘
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13326 AP_HorseWorld 05/07/2017 09:52 Page 1
Since 1996, SWIG Finance pumped more than £27million into the region’s economy in the shape of loans to more than 2,000 SMEs and business start-ups, and says its funding has helped create 3,400 jobs. Loans are available of £500 to £25,000 for start-up businesses and £10,000 to £100,000 for established growing businesses. “We work alongside the banks and other funders to ensure our clients have the finance they need for the success of their business,” said SWIG Finance Managing Director, John Peters. Bristol’s first franchise of the international Kip McGrath Education Centre was made possible thanks to a £20,000 loan from SWIG Finance. The Kip McGrath Education Centres support children aged six to 16 with English and Maths tuition, primarily giving lessons to children needing to catch up learning gaps, seeking to achieve high grades or pass entrance exams. Opened in September 2015 by Seonaid Birkett, the education programme has seen significant growth since its launch. Seonaid says: “Kip McGrath is really growing; we have five teachers, have supported hundreds of students and are running at least two sessions a day, including Saturdays.
Finance to oil the wheels of the south-west’s commerce
We’d all love to be able to predict the future. But the General Election showed again that even people paid large sums of money to do so can’t always get it right. However, one trend which is unlikely to change, whatever lies ahead politically, is the challenge for growing small businesses in accessing finance. Many smaller businesses are viable but fall through the cracks in the banking market, and whilst peer-to-peer business lending has grown significantly, it does not reach many smaller businesses who are still perceived as high risk or who need the kind of support a Responsible Finance Provider (RFP) such as SWIG Finance can offer. RFP enterprise lenders, of which there are 34 nationally, lend to SMEs which struggle to access mainstream finance. As social enterprises, they reinvest any profits generated from lending activity back into their local markets in the form of further loans.
“Without this funding I wouldn’t have been able to embark on this new venture and I am optimistic that we have plenty of room to grow further.” SWIG Finance Managing Director, John Peters says: “SWIG Finance has already helped many small and medium sized businesses to grow so we are really pleased to be able to support even more businesses in the South West with these recycled funds. “We’re encouraging growing businesses who need funding but are unable to access sufficient support from their bank to get in touch.”
So if your business is struggling to find the finance it needs to start or grow, you could put yourself on the fast track to success by talking to regional SME funding specialist SWIG Finance, which operates from offices in Bristol and Truro.
Enquiring about funding to set up or scale up your business is as simple as filling in an online enquiry form (see or calling a SWIG Finance adviser, on 01872 223883 For general enquiries, email 24
The Town Crier Magazine | AUGUST 2015
13246 AP_HorseWorld 26/06/2017 12:54 Page 1
Inspiring confidence Don’t let the uncertainty caused by the election result and Brexit negotiations limit your horizons. Coface explains how Bristol businesses can restore their self-confidence in challenging circumstances. Far from bringing clarity ahead of the Brexit negotiations, the inconclusive outcome of the General Election has brought even greater political instability and confusion for businesses in Bristol and across the UK. In the aftermath of the General Election, a snap survey by the Institute of Directors found that members’ confidence had fallen sharply1, while business leaders have called on the Government to revise its Brexit negotiating strategy to rule out reversion to WTO trade rules.
Despite the potential issues of Brexit, Coface still believes the UK will remain an attractive place to trade and invest thanks to our favourable business climate, diverse labour market and tax incentives. And at the same time, national and local government can help to cushion the Brexit shock and attract investment. This is already happening to some extent through initiatives such as the West of England Combined Authority and its elected mayor whose role is to champion the region. But the most important assets that businesses need in this period of uncertainty are the agility to adjust to changing circumstances and the self-confidence to search for new business opportunities in domestic and overseas markets. A sure way to build confidence is to ensure your business is protected from bad debt so you can trade, invest and grow sustainably. A credit insurance policy reimburses losses arising from client insolvency or protracted late payment so your cash flow is not interrupted. As a global leader in credit risk Coface has a range of options to suit all business budgets and needs, including comprehensive credit management policies for domestic and overseas trade which combine credit information, unpaid invoice collection and insurance cover. In particular, TradeLiner gives you the flexibility to manage your policy according to the changing needs of your business. For example, you have the option to backdate cover or decide to have your claim paid earlier to maintain your cash flow. You can also enhance your protection with a range of additional options and services, including disputed debts, pre-shipment and political event cover.
In fact, the worrying economic data predates the election. According to a monthly commentary produced by the Office for National Statistics2, the economy grew by 0.2% between January and March 2017, compared with growth of 0.7% in Quarter 4 2016. It is understood that the upward trend in inflation, fuelled by a weaker pound, is putting a squeeze on consumer spending, one of the main drivers of the British economy.
Traditionally, the purpose of credit insurance has been bad debt protection to help business owners sleep more soundly but as times have changed, we think credit insurance providers have to do more. Coface’s role is to help clients make informed trading decisions that will help them focus on the best prospects, satisfy investors and secure their future
To find out how Coface has inspired the confidence of 50,000 companies worldwide, contact us on 0800 085 6848 or visit References
Coface’s latest analysis of the UK3 suggests that businesses have held firm since the 2015 referendum, largely because they have become used to working in a volatile and rapidly changing environment. However, this resilience will be severely tested in the run up to April 2019 as a slowdown in consumption and rising costs have a negative effect on profits. Coface predicts that business failures could rise by 8.7% in 2017 and a further 8% in 2018.
1 Hung parliament sinks business confidence, IoD finds, BBC News, 12 June 2017 2 Monthly economic commentary: May 2017, ONS, 25 May 2017 3 In the face of Brexit, are British businesses left to sink or swim? Coface, June 2017
13359 1pg_Transport Warehousing 03/07/2017 11:35 Page 1
Get the Most from Your
In just a few short years we’ve reached a point where it’s rare for a business of any size to be without a website. In fact it’s pretty much commercial suicide not to have a virtual shop window on the world. But, like any actual shop window, careful thought needs to be put into the content and display of the digital equivalent. It needs to be easily found, well presented, ordered, friendly and welcoming. In seconds a website can give visitors a lasting impression of the business it’s representing and so you need to ensure they get the right one. It’s worth asking what the site’s goals are as it this will help to shape its design and build as well as let you measure how it’s achieving them. Think abut whether it’s to increase newsletter subscriptions, boost sales leads and bookings, make sales or perhaps its all of these. Make the site simple to use, easy to follow and engages visitors right from the start. You can do this through: • Intuitive and consistent navigation - they won’t all arrive through the home page. • Web-frendly writing - small amounts of clear and precise detail with plenty of white space to break up content. People don’t read in the same way as print and great slabs of copy are a no-no.
• Information placement - research has shown the eyes of English speakers tend to go mainly to the top left, so put all the important stuff here. • Easy hyperlink recognition. Make it stand out from the other text. • Readable text - don’t obscure it with background stuff and use a suitable font size. Keeping everything fresh and engaging is critical - people notice if nothing has been added or changed in the last couple of months. Regular blogs, videos and photos (quality images only and web optismised) and updated information will keep people coming back. Don’t forget mobiles either. Smartphones and tablets are the prime internet entry points nowadays and it pays to make sure your site works well in these devices. You can, of course, invest in mobile friendly apps or a separate mobile site build, but if you ensure you have a responsive website designed to fit any browser no matter the size, you can save on this. Once everything is up and running don’t just forget about it. Websites are an invaluable source of data relating to sales, customer habits, behaviours and locations which you can use to better target, not just the site itself, but your business and sales. There are many versions of analytical software of varying degrees of complexity out there but few won’t have heard of Google Analytics. This powerful and free tool can drill down to all kinds of detail, such as how long visitors are on your site, which bit of it they’re reading and on what browser or device. Even if you can have the most easily read, fantastically userfriendly, up-to-date website there is, it won’t be much use if the internet doesn’t realise it’s
there. You want to make sure that it can be found, not only by people who are looking for you, but by the people who don’t know they’re looking for you and when they do, will be jolly glad they have. Here is where the search engine optimisation (SEO) process comes in to play, a measurable, repeatable procedure by which signals are sent to search engines indicating that your pages are worth showing in their indexes. And that involves using keywords, the critical use of which are critical to your placing in those rankings. It shouldn’t be too difficult to choose your keywords, they will tend to suggest themselves if they are reflecting the page’s theme and intent and will form a natural part of the text. However, search engines do tend to focus upon a site’s first 200 words so make sure several choice ones are used near the top before being spaced proportionally through the pages. Other critical keywords spots include headings, within anchor text (the clickable bit in a link) and image alt text (the words displayed if an image can’t be seen) attributes and in Meta Tags - the snippet describing the page’s content. Don’t get carried away though. Search engines don’t like keywords to be overused and you may end up being penalised or perceived as spam. Above all don’t be daunted by the wealth of technical knowhow required to develop a successful webpage, there are many companies bursting to share SEO and design expertise with you. They’ll pop up in the results of your internet search.
13181 AP_HorseWorld 09/02/2017 16:47 Page 1
Imagine what we can do for ...You One of the main questions Tim Church at Somerset Web Services is often asked is “Why should I have a website”?
add new content, you should be keeping a record of if this has an effect, over time, on your positioning.
Your website is your shop window and so should be eye catching. It is your very own communications tool, so needs to be flexible, on message and easily updateable. You decide how it looks, what message it communicates about your company and it gives you the opportunity to shout your message from the desktops.
Tim talked about some of the additional services they can provide to give their clients the optimum return on investment, saying, “We also provide hosting, monitoring and maintenance services for the website. As part of our performance enhancements, we have a good hosting platform, using up-to-date, performance tuned software and monitoring systems to check what’s going on. We also try and protect the website and systems as best as possible against attacks and unauthorised access”.
As he agrees, it’s a reasonable question given all the social media channels available, why have your own website? The key phrase here is your own.
The first question to consider when it comes to designing your web site is what you want/expect it to achieve for your business. If you are hoping to achieve great rankings on Google, you need to be realistic because that takes a lot of work.
An inexpensive, simple website with hardly any content on it and no plan for regularly adding anything new, isn’t going to do well in search engines. If you want it to bring in new business, rank highly in search results, showcase your work or share information or opinions on events and trends, then you need to continuously work on your site. To optimise your position on Google, you need to consider your keywords/phrases, and remember when considering keywords, that each page of the website can target different keywords. The more pages you have, the more keywords you can target. It’s not just your home page that could be relevant to someone's search.
Somerset Web Services primarily provides the technical expertise and know-how to not just create the site but to include the technical features to make sure that it is capable of doing what you need it to do.
He was keen to stress however, that no matter how many bells, whistles and service enhancements they build into your site,for it to be successful you need to be proactive, the site cannot do it all, saying, “Once a website is up and running it needs work to promote it, add new content to it and monitor/track your website against your competitors, making adjustments as you go.”
Searches nowadays often come in the form of questions, for example, “What’s the deadline for my tax return? You might want to consider a blog on the website using those keywords.
Learn from your competition, try tracking and monitoring your website against your competitors for the keywords/phrases you would like to target. To gauge the effectiveness of your site keep a record of how your website is ranked against your competitors. As you try new things and
For more information please visit the website or give Tim or one of the team a call on 01823 353760
13294 AP_HorseWorld 15/06/2017 15:52 Page 1
It’s app, app and away for your business with help from CookiesHQ Mobile and web apps are the future of doing business. With their help, people can buy, sell and interact wherever, whenever – and Bristol-based CookiesHQ is helping forward-thinking SMEs exploit the massive possibilities of this brave new commercial world. “Apps have become too important a marketing tool for small business owners to do without,” wrote American Professor Scott Shane for And as people become ever-more dependent on their smartphones, and spend up to 90 per cent of the time when they’ re using their phones interacting with various apps, mobile and web apps clearly offer the greatest potential for small businesses to interact with their customers, actual and would-be.
that planning and implementation of their work is a clear, two-way process, and we can incorporate what we learn from our regular meetings with our clients into the apps we produce for them.” One long-standing CookiesHQ client is, an online greetings card subscription service offering a range of individual cards and gift wrapping papers. Since stepping in at short notice to complete the company’ s programming and software set-up, CookiesHQ has built a strong and enduring relationship with this fellow Bristol-based company, through its ability to look at the ‘ big picture’ , and so develop an e-commerce platform which matched the owners’ vision for the business, and was easy and convenient for new users to get to grips with. That success exemplified the close attention to detail and rigorous prelaunch testing which is the hallmark of each CookiesHQ project, Nicolas added. “We’ re much like any other technical agency in that we do what we do because we love it,” he said. “But more than that, we know that there are a lot of other people out there who are very good at the technical aspects of developing apps, but have less experience of managing clients’ expectations effectively and understanding their business and vision.
Bristol-based CookiesHQ is at the forefront of developing apps which can turn a prospective customer into a faithful, regular buyer. It does so firstly by making e-commerce transactions reliable and seamless, and once that customer is convinced of the benefits of using your business, it keeps them loyal by enabling you to offer them incentives for continued support, from one-off promotions to ongoing loyalty benefits.
“In our business, we are always learning,” Mr Alpi added. “That’ s why we constantly encourage our own staff to learn new skills, so that they can have the confidence to bring new perspectives to help us discover better ways to tackle existing or new problems. “It’ s also why, for example, we don’ t employ account managers who are detached from the technical work, but instead have people from a range of tech and business backgrounds. By taking an overview of a start-up client’ s business, they embrace the role of CTO, with not just the technical knowledge, but also the commercial awareness to help them develop and grow.” So if you’ re keen to harness the power of apps to attract customers and keep them coming back to your business, email or call 0117 963 9770 to learn more.
Husband-and-wife Nicolas and Nathalie Alpi set up CookiesHQ in 2011, Nicolas coming from a tech background, and Nathalie having responsibility for marketing and business development. They are supported by a growing team of app developers. Nicolas said: “We encourage our developers to take a front-line role in liaising closely with our clients, so
13296 AP_HorseWorld 14/06/2017 12:08 Page 1
Some thoughts on fostering a culture of innovation
Running an innovative technology business can seem a solitary place. It can be hard knowing where to turn for real world perspectives on scaling your business, developing your people and culture, and honing your own leadership style.
Threads is a new discussion group, created to support you as a founder or senior manager of a growing South West based technology business. You can think of it as a conversational group hack of the challenges faced at a business, staff and personal level. It's somewhere you can pool learning and gauge your thinking amongst impartial peers, before reflecting and potentially implementing an improvement within your business.
We caught up with Andrew Gifford, the Founder of Threads, about why the group has been established, who explains "in my work helping business owners bring their technology teams together, it was becoming clear that many were facing similar obstacles and solving similar problems to their peers, and so I thought it would be neat if we could somehow pool this learning for the benefit of all". Andrew runs techfolk, the Bristol-based recruitment firm, and has collaborated with Peter Cain, a Consultant at Anamosys, the growth and change management consultancy for technology businesses, along with Rory Suggett, Partner at Ashfords LLP, who brings legal expertise from advising tech companies and investors. He emphasises "this is about getting people together to share their perspectives. We're there to help to unpack the topic and to draw out the learning. People usually leave with at least two take-away ideas and it's not for us to prescribe what these may be. Threads isn’t a networking group nor are attendees pitched by service providers".
For example, the group recently explored the challenge of remaining innovative in the face of day-to-day operations. Some of the take-away thoughts included:
How you innovate will evolve and change as you grow. Think about what innovation your business needs to do during each phase of its growth, and choose appropriate strategies to make it happen.
Foster a culture of ambient innovation, where day-to-day innovation on a small scale is encouraged and celebrated. Define strategic and tactical objectives, and encourage targeted innovation that leads towards them. Expose engineers to the pain points of your customers, with the filter of your business development process removed, as it may otherwise skew the solutions they devise.
Regularly broadcast that innovation is a good thing that everyone should be doing. Google '20% time' worked because it made innovation part of everyone’s daily habit. Find a way to capture the informal innovation that people do in their spare time at work. Build up a war chest of innovation. Just because customers or competitors don’t seem to innovate, it doesn't mean that they aren't. Businesses are more likely to struggle because they did too little innovation rather than too much, so keep the thermostat of innovation warm. Businesses that have become compartmentalised can find it hard to innovate across the silos. Innovation can suffer as structure is added to support growth so look for ways to cut across the whole business.
The group meets on the first Wednesday each month at 1830hrs, usually in a central Bristol location.
In August Threads is at Bristol & Bath Science Park, exploring ways of identifying, protecting and exploiting the commercial value within your business. You can rsvp for this and future discussions via The organisers can be reached via
13358 1pg_Transport Warehousing 28/06/2017 10:44 Page 1
New Apprenticeship Levy a win-win for employers and training providers On the April 6th the way the Government funds apprenticeships in England changed with the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy. The levy requires all employers operating in the UK, with a pay bill over £3 million each year, to invest in apprenticeship training. The size of the contributions will directly correlate with the size of a company’s annual pay bill. The levy will be charged at a rate of 0.5% of an employer’s pay bill. Each employer will receive an allowance of £15,000 to offset against their levy payment. The contributions will automatically be taken from the company’s PAYE scheme and added to its apprenticeship service account. The Government will then apply a 10% top-up to the funds available. So for every £1.00 that enters the company’s account via its PAYE scheme, the Government will put in 10p. Employers can then put this money towards apprenticeship training within the company. The scheme is part of the Government’s commitment to delivering 3 million apprenticeships by 2020, and something the government has ben planning for at least a couple of years. So in the world of further education, the new funding system is something that training providers have been planning very carefully for. The early fears that small businesses would feel penalised by this new initiative have proved unfounded, indeed most businesses can really benefit. The levy will provide ring-fenced funding and a sizeable return on investment for employers. Why? Quite simply, companies that take on apprentices see growth as a result. Indeed, there are estimates that companies will get around £3 back from every £1 of investment. Apprentices have proven to be more loyal to their companies than those without workplace training and they are more likely to work through the ranks faster too. They also tend to be promoted within the first five years of joining a company, which demonstrates dedication and drive. In business, an apprentice is exactly the kind of employee you want on your team.
So we’ve spoken about the advantages for employers, but what of the disadvantages? Well these are hard to find. At first glance, you could argue that the apprenticeship levy is a tax at the top to benefit the bottom. But actually businesses of all shapes and sizes can expect to gain from this initiative. The new levy brings enormous benefits to prospective apprentices. Some companies will be looking at apprenticeships for the first time, opening new doors to school leavers and college leavers looking to gain both employment and training. And now all learners will carry the same weight of funding for employers, while before the focus was geared towards 16 to 18-yearolds. The apprenticeship levy has really levelled the playing field, bringing an opportunity to refresh and, in some cases, revise employers’ preconceptions of apprentices, and reinforce just what an asset they can be to a business. There will be new apprenticeships standards too, helping to ensure apprenticeships deliver maximum return on investment for employers. Training providers will need to quickly adapt to these. Previously the standards have been led by the awarding body rather than the employer, but new standards flip this on its head.
of the requirements and processes in place. You didn’t need to take any action before 6 April, but it would be wise to take as much advice from your training partners as possible on managing your contribution. If you are an employer that already has apprentices then they will be unaffected by these changes, but any new apprentices starting with you will come under the new rules. Again, you should endeavour to work with colleges or training providers to get the best advice. By identifying areas that will benefit from the training and development that comes with an apprenticeship, many more companies will find that apprentices are a great way to grow and sustain a business.
The levy as applied to these new standards ensures far more employer engagement in apprenticeship schemes than ever before. Why? If a company’s investing its own money, it’s more likely to get involved in ensuring a good return on investment. There will inevitably be teething problems for both training providers and employers, and most of these will relate to new systems and processes. But this should be neither a barrier to change nor an excuse for not taking on an apprentice, which is a brilliant thing for businesses on so many levels. The new levy won’t be without its challenges but the opportunities far outweigh the potential teething problems. If you are a qualifying company, you will have been informed through HMRC
12938 AP_HorseWorld 29/06/2016 13:46 Page 1
Moulding your future workforce with Wiltshire College
Contact us now to access our bank of potential apprentices - they’re waiting for your call! We offer a range of intermediate, advanced and higher apprenticeships including:
Call The Apprenticeship Team on 01249 465282 18
13152 AP_HorseWorld 22/02/2017 10:51 Page 1
Apprenticeships – Good for Business We are on the cusp of the most significant reform changes for apprenticeships in the past two decades. For employers, the introduction of the apprenticeship levy offers many benefits but also brings a level of uncertainty. The new standards will transform the delivery of apprenticeship programmes and ensuring the transition is a smooth one, is a priority for City of Bristol College. Large employers, with a payroll over £3m need to start preparing for the implementation of the apprenticeship levy from April 1st, whilst smaller and medium sized employers are going to be faced with not only a new funding process but also new incentives for engaging in apprenticeships.
In 2015/16 there were over half a million new apprenticeship starts in England, a growing trend year on year. Bristol’s apprenticeship landscape is wide and varied with apprenticeships in business, professional services, engineering and customer service being the most popular. City of Bristol College works with over 600 employers, more than 80% of which are SMEs, and is committed to supporting businesses with the changes to ensure apprenticeships remain a highly valued experience for both the employer and the apprentice.
changes brought by the levy. For many employers, apprenticeships are a key strategy to introduce new talent, to have a structured and quality-assured training and recruitment programme, and to gain accredited training and qualifications for existing staff. The team offer a free, effective and reliable recruitment service; every applicant is interviewed prior to shortlisting to ensure they meet the job specification to provide businesses with a timely recruitment process. Currently offering over 40 apprenticeship programmes from level 2 to degree level, the College is committed to ensuring it meets the local needs of the business community.
Marc Loud, CEO and owner of Park Insurance, has been working with City of Bristol College for several years. “We have been using apprentices in our business for a few years and they have become an essential part of our business. It’s important to us to invest in the next generation and prepare them for their future career. Not only do they have a more modern initiative, they are still in study mind set and when working towards professional qualifications, that’s vital.” For Park Insurance apprentice Jaye Rudge the opportunity to undertake an apprenticeship has been invaluable. “I’ve always wanted to work in the Finance Sector, which is why an apprenticeship was perfect for me. It is something that allows me to earn money and teaches me the skills I need to succeed in the career path I have chosen for myself.” City of Bristol College’s Business, Partnership and Enterprise team is focussed on helping businesses benefit from the expanding apprenticeship programme and to support employers through the
(L-R) Jaye Rudge and Marc Loud
To find out how your business can benefit from the introduction of the Levy and by taking an Apprentice, call 0117 312 5020 or email
13271 AP_HorseWorld 26/06/2017 15:32 Page 1
Apprenticeships are changing: are you ready to take advantage?
Apprenticeship programs present the opportunity for small businesses to ‘grow their own’ skilled and loyal team in an affordable and sustainable way. Whether the apprentice is taking their first step on the career ladder or acquiring further skills to develop their existing career, everyone has the opportunity to benefit from an apprenticeship. The government wants to create three million new apprenticeships by 2020 so a wave of changes and funding reforms are expected to unfold in 2018.
Changes to how apprenticeships are being redefined
Established apprenticeship programs have long been advertised as starting a complete beginner on the path towards becoming an expert. However in recent years the emphasis has been taken away from the ‘traditional’ wave of apprentices being school leavers aged 16-19 and steps are being taken to create a more diverse workforce. There has been an increase in older workers starting apprentice and on-the-job training programmes to facilitate a desired promotion or an entire career change. In addition the government has been offering more funding intended for apprentices who live in the most deprived areas of the UK. These changes mean that the apprenticeship ‘journey’ is no longer defined as a school leaver’s pathway to first-time employment, as apprenticeships can now be fairly and easily accessed by anybody at any time.
Changes to how apprenticeships are being funded
Changes to an apprenticeships program’s target audience
With no default retirement age and no set age limit for workplace opportunities, you really are never ‘too old’ for an apprenticeship. There can be real business benefits for taking on someone over the standard age bracket of 16-19. Older people tend to fill in the skills shortage gap left between management and inexperienced younger staff, as well as being able to offer an honest viewpoint on where they see themselves in the next 5 years in terms of career progression. With the correct training and preparation, some extra help in the short-term for older apprentices will result in long term loyalty and productivity.
Apprenticeships Training
Virtual College provides an innovative solution to delivering apprenticeships that will reduce delivery costs whilst improving quality. Our courses are designed to be used to provide the basic elements of an apprenticeship, including the mandatory elements Health and Safety and ERR. Virtual College can provide employers and providers with work skills and employability courses, and equip the apprentices themselves with essential skills and knowledge of the responsibilities expected of them in the workplace.
In 2016 the government offered employers and providers a cash payment, equivalent to 20% of the total funding costs, when they trained a 16-18 year old. This was only offered for a year, in the transitional period to help employers adjust to the reforms, and was primarily intended as an incentive for them to take on more apprentices. The demand was huge, and as a result we are now seeing some of the highest numbers of apprentices in the UK. In April 2017 the Government introduced the Apprenticeship levy. All UK employers with an annual wage bill of over £3 million will have to make payments each year to HMRC, and more apprenticeship funding reforms are expected to be introduced in 2018.
With 21 years' experience and over 2.5 million online learners, we are proud to have recently been voted 'Learning technologies supplier of the year 2016-17'. For two decades, Virtual College has been developing and supplying collaborative, customer-focused e-learning technology for organisations world-wide. The dedication of the team combined with an agile way of working, has further improved the level and quality of service for customers, as well as the end results in their organisations.” – Judges comments, Learning Technologies Awards 2016-17.
13357 1pg_Transport Warehousing 06/07/2017 14:03 Page 1
The Brave New World of Telematics Fears about telematics are over as fleet managers embrace the brave new vehicle-tracking world in a big way. More businesses than ever, it appears, are using the new technology. There was a time when this area covered little more than the task of logging where a vehicle was, or had been, with the resulting data being processed by an inhouse IT section. But in barely more than a decade, telematics has grown to incorporate data gathering on fuel consumption and engine performance, driver identity and fault codes which are then whizzed up into some cloud-based app for further analysis. And thanks to super-smart other types of software, telematics incorporates integrating the data to relevant fields such as risk management, safety compliance, invoicing and maintenance. It can also be connected to driver training, CRM or route planning systems, thus becoming a powerful business intelligence tool to help fleet managers optimise efficiency and performance. Such wizardry did bring some concerns, with people worrying about the constant monitoring, but the benefits have now been found to vastly outweigh these fears. The most recent figures contained in a report from the RAC showed that telematics’ use almost doubled last year, a clear indication of its acceptance. RAC Telematics MD Nick Walker said that businesses’ recognition of the benefits it brought far outweighed previous possible concerns about tracking.
“The world has moved on; the old ‘Big Brother’ image is well behind us as people see the benefits and look at how they can bring them into their own fleets,” he said. “One of the very clear factors that we saw from the report, and from what we’re hearing from customers, is that telematics is now being associated with cost reduction, cost benefits, more insight and duty of care, than it is about pure tracking and the older benefits of telematics. “People are looking for things like vehicle condition monitoring and vehicle diagnostics. When vehicles have faults, fleet managers want to know so they can anticipate and plan downtime. Vehicle health is a real key part of the future of telematics, and that is really nicely aligned to what we’re doing at the RAC.” Because its core business is keeping people and machines on the road, the RAC has been focussing heavily on vehicle diagnostics. “We’ve also invested in the technology to deliver this to fleet managers so they can get that genuine insight, to keep their fleets on the road, minimise downtime and maximise uptime,” he added. With the increased focus on the ‘connected car’, businesses are expecting telematics technology to enable more integration with other motoring services, Mr Walker pointed out. For example, half of those surveyed say they wanted direct reporting of faults from the telematics device to their fleet manager or chief mechanic, so they knew as soon as possible when there was a problem.
Also cited by respondents among the top reasons for introducing telematics to their fleets were: lower fuel costs (55%), fewer accidents (43%) and a reduction in maintenance costs (31%). The RAC report not also looked over recent history, it also set out to see what fleet managers wanted to see from telematics in the future, such as greater integration with other motoring services, including breakdown and accident management. Mr Walker said: “Telematics has delivered a huge amount of power into the hands of the fleet manager or business owner who can now see what is happening with their vehicles and be proactive in terms of how they deal with it. “What our research suggested was a very strong level of telematics take-up in the UK, and our message to businesses is that with this level of technology available, it is vital that fleet managers make the right choice and get the right solution for their business. “It is no longer about just keeping tabs on staff or vehicles, it’s much more about managing the vehicle as an asset.” So, if you haven’t already incorporated this key technology into your fleet, you are really missing out. It is time to take advantage of all the benefits telematics can offer today’s fleet manager and business owner.
13162 AP_HorseWorld 08/06/2017 11:16 Page 1
If you’re a Health and Safety or Fleet Director you’ll know about ...
Driver Distraction
The Unique Romex Driver Protection App prevents the illegal use of mobiles behind the wheel and reduces the risk of receiving crippling fines and prosecutions. Peace of mind, enforcement of your policy and protection for both your company and your employees all for less than £1 per week. Go to to activate the FREE trial and find out why...all roads lead to......... 22
13042 AP _HorseWorld 24/10/2016 11:48 Page 1
The Future of Fleet Management is here! At one time it was GPS tracking that represented a whole new world for fleet managers enabling them to track their vehicles and analyse fleet movements, but fleet management has moved up yet another gear with the introduction of GSMtasks, telematics for a new age.
on line and available at the touch of a button. Just imagine how much easier decision making will be with up to the minute, accurate data at your fingertips! Using GSMtasks will take much of the stress out of managing your mobile workforce successfully and enhance workflow throughout the business. With the appropriate data, quite literally to hand you will be able to plan your worker’s days more effectively The technology provides a calendar view to ensure that your clients will be happy with the proposed schedule, which will have been planned with efficiency in mind. This provision of accurate time frames combined with up to date access to the driver’s location keeps clients aware of the progress of their delivery, and is seen by them as an example of great additional service.
GSMtasks enables fleet managers to manage their drivers on line in real time. With all things going mobile the company saw an opportunity to enhance their offering using technology already to hand, rather than installing GPS units in the vehicles they use mobile phones to track employees’ positions and send them work in seconds. The employees can even be sent details of their first call before they leave home, enabling them to go straight from home to the first pick up. If another driver falls ill, is delayed or is involved in an accident his calls can be distributed straight away to the nearest most appropriate driver.
The system plans the optimum route between points, saving time, fuel, and wear on vehicles and employees. Customers can receive SMS messages with a tracking link so that they can actually see where the driver is on the map, and keep track of his progress. Then when the driver arrives the customer is ready for them, no more waiting around until the customer is ready. Because the whole system is on line there is no longer any need to fill in complex forms and keep extensive paper records, all the data is stored
Your crews too, will rapidly come to appreciate how much easier their lives have become with greater efficiency in route planning, and real time information on any changes or extra jobs fitted in when previously there might have been a gap.
GSMtasks allows you to track your drivers’ movements at all times providing thorough data analysis; answering questions such as the number of tasks completed in a day, where your drivers are at any given time, the length of time each task is taking to perform and, by extension, whether they are spending too much time at a given location, also whether any one driver is trying to do too much. As Hans Alter of GSM Valve OY says, “The greatest thing about tracking everything is that you have the freedom and opportunity to use the data however you desire.”
For more information please visit 23
13268 AP_HorseWorld 08/06/2017 11:54 Page 1
UK Export Finance: funding your international growth Hugh Francis, Export Finance Manager in the South West for UK Export Finance, tells us how government support can help local companies realise export opportunities. Realising overseas opportunities will be key to growth for many firms in the South West as they look to thrive in a global marketplace. Bank research shows that, on average, firms that start exporting grow by a third in just two years. Exporters can see levels of growth that might not be possible domestically, spread business risk, realise economies of scale not always achievable in their home market, increase revenues and profits and extend the commercial lifespan of their products and services. Overseas markets also present attractive opportunities for revenue growth and diversification, leading to innovation. But having the right finance and insurance in place is crucial when undertaking any business activity, and exporting is no different. That’s where I come in. I am the representative in the South West for UK Export Finance (UKEF), the UK’s export credit agency and a government department that forms part of the Department for International Trade, working with businesses in the region to support their overseas trade ambitions. Over the past five years, we have provided over £15 billion in support for UK exports to businesses across all sectors and all sizes. For a growing number of businesses in the South West, UKEF is helping to make exports happen. Our aim is to make sure that no viable export should fail for lack of finance or insurance, complementing what is available from the private market. We can
help companies win export contracts by providing attractive financing terms, fulfil orders by supporting their working capital and contract bonds, and make sure that they get paid with export insurance. With this support, companies can invest in research and development and innovation secure in the knowledge that they can compete for business overseas, access working capital to support their investment and trade abroad with security of payment. Take for example SC Group. This Honiton-based company is renowned for its three decades of engineering design success. When Supacat, its military vehicle manufacturing arm, won a significant contract to provide special operations vehicles for the Australian Government, it received a £10m advance payment to support its working capital in fulfilling the order. In return the buyer asked for an advance payment guarantee from SC Group’s bank. Due to the size of the order, the bank required additional security to issue the guarantee, which would have restricted Supacat’s working capital and its ability to invest in other business activities. UKEF’s bond support scheme enabled SC Group to access the banking facility without affecting the working capital required to fulfil the order. There is a world of opportunity our there for innovative, ambitious businesses in the South West, like SC Group. I work with companies like these throughout the region every day, providing guidance and support to help them make their exports happen.
So why not get in touch and realise the opportunity out there for you? Contact me on to find out more. 24
13364 1pg_Transport Warehousing 06/07/2017 10:58 Page 1
A World of
Opportunity This is a time of great opportunity for businesses looking to grow as the spotlight falls on export. In the run up to Brexit, and indeed afterwards, the growth opportunities for SMEs in the EU will remain, but there are also a host of new opportunities in the wider world, particularly our Commonwealth cousins. Most companies plan to grow, and with statistics showing that a company, which exports, is 80% more likely to grow than one, which chooses to restrict itself purely to the domestic market, what are you waiting for? Many novice exporters will look for an easily accessible market for their early ventures, and the EU with its, for the time being, common tariffs and cross border arrangements, established logistics networks and close proximity, would for many, be an obvious first step. The opportunities many commonwealth countries offer, however, should not be disregarded. The advantages of a shared language and cultural similarities are hard to underestimate, and we already have well established trading links with Australia, New Zealand and Canada, to name but a few, where “Brand Britain� can command a premium being synonymous with quality. Canada especially can provide a brilliant springboard into the vast market of North America. While all this sounds very exciting, that first step can be somewhat daunting, with so much to consider, but there is plenty of help available, so don’t be deterred. Support for novice and existing exporters comes from two main sources, the government, and as a second stream, Chambers of Commerce and Trade associations.
The UK differs from many other countries in the huge amount of direct support our government provides to companies wishing to export. The department for UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), renamed the Department for International Trade (DIT) in 2016, was set up to help businesses, export and grow into global markets, and has 130 0ffices throughout the UK. Financial assistance is available for SMEs wishing to export, from government in the form of financial guarantees and trade insurance through United Kingdom Export Finance (UKEF) which has a mission to ensure that no viable UK export fails for lack of finance or insurance, yet operates at no net cost to the taxpayer. The trade teams from DIT are specially geared up to help SMEs generate trade opportunities overseas, through their established relationships with over 100 countries. The knowledge these teams can provide is especially valuable since our relationship with the EU is of such longstanding that many of the 3 or 4 generations of managers, having only dealt with the EU, have lost the expertise to deal with countries further afield. We need to re-educate and rebuild those knowledge sets and relationships that used to work so well sending machine parts to Chile, or engineering to Mexico. The Chamber of Commerce and the various Trade Associations were set up to support trade and can provide a network of contacts and support around the world. One of the most helpful things the prospective exporter can do, as a first point of call, is to talk to others who are already trading with their target market. Fellow members at your local Chamber are a vital source of information; listening to how they have dealt with the process will help avoid risky and expensive errors.
Talking to your own Trade Association will garner much sector specific information enabling you to tap into the knowledge and experiences particular to your industry. Often these contacts will be able to suggest adaptations, which will improve the marketability of your product or service for a given region. The next step should be to talk to the International Chamber of Commerce which represents international companies from all over the world, and who is able to supply a range of tools and guides to help you navigate your chosen market. Conversations with your peers are vital if you are to make a success of your export ambitions. The government of recent times, in order to assist the greatest number of exporters, has focussed more on providing information digitally. Great as far as it goes for garnering general information but business is all about people and to really drill down there is nothing faster or more insightful than a conversation with your one of your peers who has first hand experience of making a success of export. Helpful sites: British Chambers of Commerce Trade Associations
13300 AP_HorseWorld 14/06/2017 16:11 Page 1
Helping businesses build bridges to new export markets Having spent several years providing a large UK client base with the means to manage and finance its import operations, the team behind Bristol-based business The Import House is now turning the tables, to offer the same expertise for SMEs looking to break into exporting. Called, naturally enough, The Export House, its mission is to “provide bespoke, tailored solutions for export management and finance to SMEs in all parts of the UK.” Providing funding to cover invoices raised to overseas clients, the aim is to reduce many of the risks involved in trans-national transactions, and to solve any cashflow issues which might result before they arise. “We manage the entire processes of logistics, documentation and clearance permissions on behalf of our client companies, leaving them to concentrate on developing their overseas business, and supplying their great British products to receptive markets around the world,” said Justin MacRae, Commercial Director of The Export House. A vital aspect of its service, too, is that it offers insurance against those far-flung clients defaulting on the sums owed to any of its client businesses here in the UK. The Export House builds on the many decades of expertise provided to clients bringing goods into the UK, to now offer equal levels of knowledge of trading protocols and processes to SMEs, whatever their line of business.
To further help its customers in both the import and export markets, the company also has a sister shipping company, which manages the entire process of getting goods to where they need to go, as well as a network of logistics partners all around the world in strategic positions to facilitate worldwide distribution. So if your business is keen to tap into the huge potential of growing markets around the world, The Export House is a few steps ahead of you! “We’re happy to provide free export and logistics advice to anyone exploring the potential benefits for their business,” added Mr MacRae. Such tips will be reinforced by nearly a decade’s experience of working at the ‘sharp end’ of the logistics and financial business, and so will be impartial and designed to demystify the processes involved. Based in Bristol, The Export House can also offer advice on any issues surrounding product compliance with international standards, so that your exporting ambitions aren’t held up by any irritating details or regulations. No matter what stage your business is at when it comes to making its mark overseas, The Export House is your one-stop shop for all the guidance and practical help you should need. Start your exploration of how it can help you by visiting its glossary of international trade, which is a handy guide to the terms you’ll need to master on your quest to break through on a worldwide scale.
As a client of The Export House, your business will be assigned a dedicated account manager, whose aim, explained Mr MacRae, is “to become as much a part of your company as any of your own staff.”
Contact the experts who call themselves ‘your local partner in global trade’ on 020 3657 2575. It could be your business’s best move on its journey to global domination…
13283 AP_BBP Template 15/06/2017 13:55 Page 1
Steve Hickman, a Director in KPMG’s Enterprise practice in the Midlands, spoke to us about the opportunities that “Going Global” brings in the current economic climate.
Steve Hickman
He spoke about some of the factors that are seeing sales of UK businesses to overseas investors at a record high - in fact, the highest since records began in 1969. Steve also tells us that the UK is still seen as a good place to do business thanks to a strong financial sector, sound business and legal infrastructure, large caucus of skilled workers, good consumer demand and good access to Europe.
UK companies enjoy access to a well-educated pool of graduates coming out of universities, so why are so many UK businesses selling up? Steve said that business owners are often selling because they feel the next evolution of their company’s growth is international, but they feel that they don’t have the expertise to deliver this and think that it would be easier to sell than take the risk of expanding abroad. He said these companies fall mainly into 3 camps, those who have never exported, those who have modest overseas operations, but are unsure of how to develop their international footprint and those who have tried but the venture turned sour. He stressed the importance of encouraging people to seize the opportunity and to not discount international markets, which will become increasingly important post-Brexit. With careful planning and using the wealth of good economic intelligence available, there are ways to thrive in the global economy. To help businesses, KPMG has produced a helpful guide called “Going Global” and the professional services firm has people ready to help. You may have called on them to advise on audit, tax or transactional work, but you will also find that, through their global network of professional advisors, they are able to guide you through the export maze. Steve said, “The opportunity is there. The help is there too.”
Becoming a more international company may provide you with a better-diversified risk profile through access to different or larger markets, creating a more resilient, valuable company. Whilst “Going Global” can be daunting, with financial, tax, legal and cultural implications to consider, the benefits can be great, bringing new market opportunities and an ongoing development of skills and experience for the company and its individuals as part of the process. “An overseas presence can help articulate a global growth opportunity which is attractive to potential shareholders, investors and acquirers.’” It is important to start with adequate information about the markets you propose to enter, as KPMG would say, to “explore the opportunity”. The simplest and most direct method when entering a new market overseas can be to employ a local sales agent, but before entering a new market for the first time, use professional advisors to better understand the country you are proposing to enter. Expansion into new markets will, inevitably, increase supply chain complexity and changes to existing operations. Organisations will need to evaluate capability and capacity across their current supply chain, warehousing and logistics operations. Tax, import duties, trade tariffs and all the “red tape” surrounding trade deter many would-be exporters from making the attempt, but with a team of expert professionals in your corner, there really is nothing to fear. They will work with you and guide your research into possible markets or trading partners and help advise on the detailed work necessary to be a successful global business. It is all a question of having the appropriate conversations with your local trusted advisor to gain access to KPMG’s global network of resources, to ensure that you make a success of “Going Global”.
For your copy of KPMG’s helpful guide please contact Steve Hickman Steve Hickman – Enterprise Director, Midlands Region - Stuart Burdass – Audit Partner and Regional Enterprise Lead, North Region - Ian Brokenshire – Partner and Regional Enterprise Lead, South Region - 27
13334 AP_HorseWorld 22/06/2017 12:35 Page 1
Why Pay TWICE? This is the question Romeo Radman, Managing Director, of corporate foreign exchange specialists, Payments Etc, poses to those who need to make payments in a currency other than sterling. He said that the established model is for most clients to be offered an online platform onto which they then input their own data on a self-service basis, while still having to pay a margin for the FX service. The whole process of the hassle of dealing with corporate foreign exchange is for many smaller companies a bar to foreign trade. The whole business of having to log on to a system, take the time to input the payment instructions manually, or upload a file following a complicated import template, deal with the almost inevitable error messages, or perhaps even to go to the lengths of hiring and training someone to do the job, means that many businesses are deterred from even trying to deal overseas.
So the appeal of a service where someone else deals with the whole thing, simply, securely and efficiently, yet at no extra cost has to be very appealing, and that is just what Payments Etc provides. Mr Radman explained that Payments Etc has introduced a far more efficient and cost effective system to the foreign exchange sector. They provide a tailored service, which does all the work for you and delivers a corporate foreign exchange solution that meets your needs, provides the easiest way to make payments, while offering some of the most competitive exchanges rates on the market, and all for no extra cost. Based in the City of London, and registered with the Financial Services Authority the Payments Etc team are highly experienced payment processing experts, who between them have a wealth of international business understanding, knowledge and experience at your disposal. Your payments are secure, as the company implements controls and authorisation plans unique to your business, allowing you to remain in full control of the creation of new payees, changes to payee bank details, payment limits and more. Their payment network provider adheres to the highest international standards of security and is certified under ISO/IEC 27001 for information security management, and all payments are monitored throughout their journey. As a result, you have total peace of mind that your payments are secure from end-to-end. Businesses can also take reassurance from the fact that Payments Etc help businesses of all sizes save money on their corporate foreign exchange and international payments, by providing access to the guaranteed low cost exchange rates that are usually reserved for only the largest companies, allowing businesses of all sizes an opportunity to reduce costs and increase profits. Payments Etc can do a whole lot more for their clients apart from simply processing international payment instructions to your overseas suppliers (in any format you like!), they also offer a fully outsourced invoice processing and payment service where they take care of your entire accounts payable process. So why not take advantage of their free review service to see how much time and money you could save?
020 3874 5335
13362 1pg_Transport Warehousing 06/07/2017 11:14 Page 1
Manufacturing and Innovation Manufacturing is all set to look a lot different by 2050, say experts Within most of our lifetimes, manufacturing is sure to have advanced beyond recognition, as technology, automation and changes to businesses’ infrastructure all see the consequences of the blowing winds of change. The scale of the changes is recognised at all levels, up to and including government, and in 2013, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Government Office for Science produced a joint report into the future of manufacturing, which had the sub-title ‘A new era of opportunity and challenge for the UK’. Introducing their findings, co-authors Sir Mark Walport and Sir Richard Lapthorne said that firms which stand the greatest chance of success in this fast-changing landscape will be those which rapidly adapt their physical and intellectual infrastructures “to exploit changes in technology as manufacturing becomes faster, more responsive to changing global markets and closer to customers.” These leading companies will be managed by highly-qualified people, “whose expertise combines both commercial and technical acumen, typically in science, technology, engineering or mathematics,” the report continued. Key to their ability to grasp opportunities in this new world will be businesses’ adaptability, it went on. There will also be greater emphasis on product and process sustainability, as it becomes routine for products reaching the end of their useful lives to be recycled and remanufactured. Manufacturing will become more important in helping firms tap into innovative new revenue streams. One such key area is that referred to as ‘servitisation’, which is defined as “the strategy of creating value by adding services on to existing products, or even replacing a product with a service” (ref:
Author Nick Frank gives the example of the sale of maintenance contracts for a wide variety of goods as a prominent example of this development. Logistics and transport is one field in which this development is expected to be most widespread, as the vehicles and systems which businesses use as an integral part of their operations are increasingly sold with a range of service and maintenance agreements which then effectively become part of the product itself. There’s a warning that this brings a danger of creating a two-speed manufacturing sector, with only those firms which address the challenges of having to adapt to the greater levels of competition which have come with the advent of the ‘connected’ world being able to thrive. “Some businesses are already adapting and are world class,” notes the Government report. “[But] the UK needs to radically change its approach to providing a constant and consistent framework within which all firms aspire to prosper.” So the main attribute which is emphasised time and again is the ability of businesses to adapt and change. But there’s also a pivotal role to be played by government in designing policies which address the country’s long-term strategic needs. “The quality and skills of the workforce will be a critical factor in capturing competitive advantage,“ say the report’s authors. “It is essential that UK policy makers focus on the supply of skilled workers, including apprenticeship schemes, support for researchers, and the supply of skilled managers.” Addressing manufacturing’s recurring image as involving workers getting their hands dirty and working in inhospitable conditions, and
targeting efforts to cultivate a more positive approach to working in the sector from all levels of education will, says the report, be crucial to not just the sector’s, but the whole country’s, economic prospects. Some hope is held out for positive change in the development of specific industrial policies covering particular sectors, which has seen public and private sectors unite to formulate strategies which particularly encourage SMEs to become more involved in driving forward innovation, and encouraging the adoption of the latest techniques and knowledge on the widest possible scale. But the fragmented nature of so much of the UK’s infrastructure, and of the procedures for planning for its maintenance and renewal, brings the danger that the cost of innovating, and the length of time taken to drive through major projects leave the country constantly playing ‘catch-up’. To this end, the ‘Future of Manufacturing’ report recommends the establishment of a nationwide umbrella body to promote the interests of the sector, similar to Infrastructure UK, which is now trying to address the shortcomings in basic national services alluded to above. “A UK Office for Manufacturing would need to work closely with IUK [and] with industry, particularly to improve skills and increase the ability of companies to innovate”, notes the report. “Manufacturing is too important to leave to its own devices,” it concludes – and many people reading this would surely wholeheartedly agree.
13263 AP_HorseWorld 14/06/2017 12:23 Page 1
Funding for Innovation – are you missing out? Interview by Diana White
Could your company use a substantial cash reward for all the work it has done in developing and improving its products, services or processes? Companies in the region are gaining thousands of pounds under the R&D Tax Credits scheme which funds innovation.
To find out more about the scheme, we spoke to someone who had already secured millions of pounds in claims for companies under the scheme: Chris Walklett, a Tax Partner with Chartered Accountants Bishop Fleming. Chris understands how the scheme works and how it rewards innovation.
So why else might companies be reluctant to get on board, apart from inertia or a reluctance to “stir up the Revenue”?
Chris explained that there is a view amongst many company owners and managers that he’d met that making a claim might be too complicated and too time consuming. But this is a misconception according to the Bishop Fleming partner.
Chris Walklett
The conversation began with Chris explaining to me that one of his greatest frustrations was that so many companies were completely unaware of the sizeable sums they could secure through R&D tax credits. When we speak of sizeable, in the last year for which official figures are available, 2014-2015, the average amount claimed was £54,214, which can be a substantial boost to an SME’s bottom line.
One of the main reasons why small businesses are not claiming this valuable benefit may be down to the name: R & D Tax Credits. It conjures up a vision of a high tech environment, with staff in white coats holding clipboards, developing cutting edge products. This leads people to think that the scheme cannot possibly apply to them, even though they may have developed a better way of doing something from their existing kit. Chris pointed out that for tax purposes, the R&D scheme requirements are purposefully broad. If you invest in attempting to ‘resolve scientific or technological uncertainties’ then you may be carrying out a qualifying activity for a tax credit payment. This could include: • Changing or modifying an existing product, process or service.
Once an R&D claim is prepared, Chris told me HMRC was far less likely to challenge it where it recognised the advisors could be trusted to have properly assessed and presented the claim. This removed likely barriers to acceptance which could arise where claims are presented in a fashion unacceptable to HMRC.
Within the accepted R&D guidelines laid down by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), research and development does not even have to have been successful to qualify.
Chris can be contacted for an initial no-obligation chat at Bishop Fleming on 0117 9100250. Their website contains more information:
• Creating new products, processes or services.
If you make a claim, it has to focus on what is being improved. Chris explained that the key questions you need to ask yourself are: “What am I trying to achieve to obtain a competitive advantage? What innovation have I introduced to improve on what has gone before?”
He points out that what he does first of all is establish with the company if any activities carried on could qualify. Indeed, Chris told me he has been very thorough in pursuing claims, so that even where a new client is taken on that is already going through the process of claiming with a previous adviser, he could still often find elements that had been missed.
We finished our conversation with Chris telling me that Bishop Fleming had made a huge difference to the profitability of client businesses; the firm has secured over £200m in R&D relief over the past six years.
34551 AP_HorseWorld 05/06/2017 13:45 Page 1
Today’s HR professionals have never had it so good! A controversial statement perhaps in the light of the increasing amount of legislation surrounding employment, from new Health and Safety legislation, shared parental leave, autoenrolment, minimum holiday entitlement, sickness absence, the minimum wage, the Apprenticeship Levy, and rising pension ages to name just a few of the pressures recent legislation has placed on a responsible employer.
However technology is coming to the rescue of these hard pressed employers and HR departments with a raft of time and workforce management systems. Rapid advances in digital technologies such as robotics, automation, the Internet of Things – otherwise known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0 – are rapidly changing the way manufacturing companies do business and inevitably, are changing the way people work and are managed.
Manufacturing too has its workforce management challenges across departments, are there sufficient managers/experienced staff in at any one time? Has someone allowed all the forklift truck drivers to be off at the same time? To say nothing of the accounts or despatch departments, after all the money and the goods have to keep moving.
Kronos has the answer, to all these difficulties enabling managers at the touch of a button to manage the complexities of planning to ensure cover.
Kronos is a leader in the field of workplace management and provides solutions to some of the largest names in our industrial landscape. Creating best-fit schedules, tracking time and attendance, administering absence and leave, and measuring productivity are vital to managing and retaining a high-performing workforce. Kronos recognises that your employees are your greatest business asset and are there to help you mange that asset to the best effect. Helping you drive business outcomes by engaging your employees, controlling labour costs, increasing productivity, and minimising compliance risk.
Many companies put paper based systems in place years ago and while they may have adapted them as time goes by they are no longer really it for purpose. A conversation with those clever guys at Kronos will see not just a greatly improved and simplified workplace management system but an upturn in productivity, less emergency cover and a happier and more engaged workforce. With over 40,000,000 employees under management they must be getting something right, to find out how Kronos can help your business achieve its potential please visit
With Kronos there is no such thing as a one size fits all fixed solution, Kronos will use their decades of experience to design a system tailor made for your business, to evolve with you as your workforce needs change, enabling you to get on with your core activity - running your business. Whatever your industry Kronos will be able to provide a solution to your workforce management needs.
Retail and Hospitality are two especially challenging sectors needing detailed staff management to ensure rotas are covered while respecting holiday entitlements and other rights. The very nature of the job means that many employees are part-timers creating a logistical nightmare for managers. The emergency services likewise rely on detailed recording of movements and careful time management to ensure cover.
50173 AP_HorseWorld 08/05/2017 11:42 Page 1
13347 AP_HorseWorld 19/06/2017 13:10 Page 1
Specialists in designing innovative automated machines for Industry 4.0 manufacturing Industry 4.0 is a phenomenon that is rapidly gaining traction across all areas of manufacturing. Not only does it allow factory owners/managers to gather intelligent data on an international basis, it also allows them to monitor and diagnose automated equipment used in geographically-remote locations in real time.
designed and tested, and secondly, they must implement stringent due diligence and security processes that are strictly followed.
However, even though industry 4.0 offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency, throughput, performance and sustainability, the rollout of Big Data and IoT have heightened the risk of sabotage in manufacturing plants. There is a looming risk of cybercriminals bringing production lines to a standstill by hijacking network-connected machines and demanding huge ransoms to release gathered data and revert control to factory owners/managers.
Innomech Ltd, one of the UKs leading automation specialists, designs and builds high-tech automated machinery for special purpose applications that is future-ready and fully compliant with industry 4.0 security principles.
The types of attack that can result in devastating consequences include: • Commands to industrial equipment triggered via embedded systems or worms - enabling attackers to read and take control of management systems and applications • Malware that impedes logistics and operational processes causing disruption and downtime • Theft of manufacturing data and documentation • Exploitation of human characteristics to access carefully protected data and IP As a result of long-term austerity and underfunding, the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries are particularly vulnerable to cybercrime, with more than 60% medical device manufacturers and more than 50% of healthcare delivery organisations, believing that a cyberattack on one or more device, (either built or in use by their organisation) to be “likely” or “very likely”, according to industry research1. The severity of the situation is only set to worsen unless manufacturers act now. Firstly, they must ensure that all deployed automation equipment has been meticulously
Innomech – automation specialists for special purpose manufacturing
Innomech is familiar with the requirements of designing equipment for integration into factory or organisation-wide MES and ERP platforms through SCADA implementations, supporting the collection of intelligent data in real time and providing the framework needed to ensure due diligence throughout all product lifecycle processes. Innomech also has extensive experience and understanding of the highly regulated pharmaceutical and medical industries. Our risk-based project approach, supported by an ISO9001 compliant quality system, helps us to develop equipment that supports critical manufacturing and testing processes, recording and collating manufacturing data securely and ensuring that only authorised users can edit pass/fail test thresholds before a batch, for example. Innomech employs a team of dedicated engineers, whom collectively have over 150 years’ experience in specialised automation and robotics. This long-term experience, combined with knowledge, expertise and knowhow, gives manufacturing companies peace of mind and confidence. Automated robotics built by Innomech and deployed in current production lines will not only perform optimally, they will also support the transition to industry 4.0 ecosystems of the future. 1 Research carried out by carried out by Synopsis
T: 01353 667394 E: 33
13328 AP_HorseWorld 28/06/2017 13:05 Page 1
Strongvox Homes – The Key to Fine Living
West country housebuilder Strongvox Homes, is going from strength to strength with a growing reputation for creating exceptional homes for discerning buyers looking for the ultimate in stylish living in some of the finest locations in the South West.
Fifty-7 Apartment, Bristol
making each house individual and in harmony with it’s surroundings. With an impressive portfolio of completed developments from Bristol down to Brixham and from Camelford across to Cerne Abbas, Strongvox is now selling in several highly desirable new sites across the South West.
Hayes End, West Hill Show Home Kitchen
The private company, with its headquarters in Taunton, currently employs over 50 staff under the leadership of managing director Toby Ballard. Established in 2004, the company was thrilled last year to achieve a landmark moment with the sale and completion of it’s 1000th home. Strongvox has also attracted national plaudits, with listings in the prestigious Sunday Times Virgin Fast Track 100 league table of Britain's top private companies and Investec’s 2015 Mid Market 100 of Britain’s high-performing, innovative, mediumsized companies.
A current flagship development is Hayes End in the picturesque village of West Hill near Exeter, an exclusive and prestigious development of five bedroom homes being built in an Arts and Crafts style in the grounds of West Hayes. Strongvox have worked very hard on the
Strongvox Homes work hard to offer something special. Personal, secure and privately owned, their ethos is to build individual homes and communities throughout the West Country in which people will enjoy living for many years to come. Their homes are carefully and beautifully designed to a high specification, with the emphasis on
Manor Lawns, North Curry, near Taunton
Other portfolio highlights include: • Fifty-7, a ground-breaking development of one and two bed beautifully thought out apartments in Kingswood, Bristol. With easy access to the centres of both Bristol and Bath and a thriving local area, the development is proving incredibly popular.
• Moonhill Copse is a new, select development of bungalows located in the picturesque hamlet of West Clyst near Exeter.
• Expression is a modern contemporary development of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom homes in Pinhoe on the edge of Exeter
• Manor Lawns, North Curry, Somerset is an exclusive residential development of new 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes in a pretty village close to Taunton.
13363 1pg_Transport Warehousing 06/07/2017 14:00 Page 1
The Housing Crisis. Activity in the construction industry has slowed somewhat over the last few months, attributed, in part, to a lack of choice for would be buyers as one of the major causes in a recent report from the RiCS. There is a worrying shortage of housing stock as the numbers of properties and new instructions on estate agents’ books continue to drop. However, despite the subdued backdrop, according to the report, house prices are continuing to rise nationally, with the pace of growth steady over the last five months, although there were regional variations, with central London having been in “negative territory” for 13 months in a row. This increases the concerns surrounding affordability, as house prices continue to outstrip wages in real terms. Indeed a study presented to the Royal Economic Society’s annual conference said those hoping to get on the ladder may have to rely on windows of opportunity created by periodic slumps in the market. Bad news for the younger generation who aspire to their own home, and not great news for their parents, faced with the choice of their 20 or 30 something years’ old offspring continuing to live at home, or of having to make a major contribution to a mortgage deposit, to help them onto the housing ladder. In order to address the shortage of properties industry professionals are calling for many more homes to be built. Former Bank of England policymaker Kate Barker believes the country needs an additional 60,000 homes per year on top of those already being built. There is, however, very little chance of such a substantial increase, as she agreed, saying, “Although higher levels of house building are certainly desirable there is a limit to what can be achieved by this route.” Against this background the government has finally launched its housing white paper. Commentators have branded the report as weak, although some consider the recommendations as a step in the right direction.
Terrie Alafat, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing “The package of measures announced represents an important shift in housing policy which demonstrates a commitment to tackle our housing crisis. It’s particularly pleasing to see the government recognise the need for a broader range of organisations to build new homes, especially the crucial role of local authorities in delivering the housing we need – something we’ve consistently called for.” Key points in the plan are: • Incentivising older people to downsize to smaller properties. On the surface this sounds like a great idea, freeing up larger properties for growing families while allowing people to move to smaller easier to manage properties with a cash bonus. However, many older people love their homes and don’t want to downsize, and should certainly not be compelled to do so, which calls into doubt that a substantial number would be prepared to give up their home and its cherished memories. Even if an older person, or person, is prepared to move, there is a major stumbling block – where are they to move to? We are not just not building enough properties we are not building the right properties including those suitable for the elderly • Forcing developers to start building within two years of securing planning permission. Maintaining protections for the green belt. This would, hopefully free up more land for development, but planning permission can be a major stumbling block, even though the government has requested the planning process to be speeded up, and local authorities have been targeted to build more homes.
fields and many would resist them being developed, when there are brown field and fill-in sites available. Fill in sites where an individual house or two or three can be slotted in are ideal for the smaller or independent construction company • A £3bn fund to help small builders deliver more homes. This is an important recommendation, just as long as the money is available to developers and small builders and doesn’t become snarled up in some kind of beauraucratic tangle. • Incentives for build to let. This is a really key recommendation. The deposit needed to buy a home is often out of the reach of many. People no longer have a job for life and may move many times in the course of their career. Housing needs change, the slick young urbanites enjoying a city centre lifestyle, morph into the parents of young children wanting to live somewhere quiet and in reach of good schools. Retirement may call for a more rural life style, but still with room for the family to stay. A good quality, diverse, rental market, ranging from local authority and Housing Association affordable provision, up to the luxury end of the market would cater for all these variations in requirement. We just need more homes, and while the UK model has traditionally been owner occupancy, the rental model could be the answer to our housing shortage.
The green belt is seen by many as an easy target for development, no need for remedial work first, but we do like our green
13269 AP_HorseWorld 22/06/2017 12:18 Page 1
ITS is an accomplished recruitment consultancy with over 40 years of experience in supplying skilled, unskilled and professional personnel for temporary and permanent roles in the construction industry ITS have experienced continuous expansion to OPX PQFSBUF PVU PGdž PťDFT TUSBUFHJDBMMZ located around Central and Southern England and South Wales
"OEZ (SBIBN JT UIF %JSFDUPS PG *54 #SJTUPM Ŋ TVQQMZJOH labour and trades to construction companies across #SJTUPM #BUI 4PNFSTFU BOE 8JMUTIJSF #FO $BSUFS JT UIF %JSFDUPS PG *54 8FTUFSO Ŋ TVQQMZJOH temporary and permanent construction professionals throughout the South West Stewart Robbins is the Director of ITS Technical specialising in the recruitment of built environment and engineering professionals
13339 AP_HorseWorld 26/06/2017 09:36 Page 1
Winning Year for Chartered Surveyors
South West based Chartered Surveyors, Haldons Ltd, are rolling up their sleeves for a busy year ahead, after winning major multi-million-pound contracts. After moving to a brand new head office in Torquay last year, Haldons Ltd have been successful in winning more large contracts and are looking forward to a prosperous 2017 and beyond. This year, Haldons Ltd have been appointed to provide their multi-disciplinary services for a global company based in Plymouth and a variety of projects within the Education, Healthcare and Commercial sectors across the South West, totalling over £20million, with more potential projects in the pipeline. Haldons Ltd have recently been given the green light on a £6.5million project for Taunton Deane Borough Council, and an £8.5m project for 17 luxury holiday chalets near Hayle in Cornwall. The luxury holiday chalet development in Cornwall will involve the build of 17 chalets offering a low density solution and being sympathetic to the existing neighbourhood. The development will nestle comfortably into the hillside and create a sense of community, whilst providing new and replacement chalets to the area. The buildings will sit as part of the landscape and will feel nestled into the ground, with planting and contouring to ensure the feel of an urban estate is avoided.
touring in Afghanistan. Haldons and many local businesses came together to build a bespoke house for the Marine and his family in Taunton. Haldons Ltd are a multi-disciplinary firm that provide a wide range of professional services in many sectors across the South of England, including Quantity and Building Surveying, Architectural Services and Project Management. With more potential projects in the pipeline, Haldons Chartered Surveyors look set for success in 2017. The company are looking forward to the prosperous year ahead and are ready for the challenge.
Contact: Maria Coton, Director at Haldons Ltd on 01803 213529 or emailing
The Taunton Deane project will involve major refurbishment of Taunton Deane Borough Council’s Head Offices, The Deane House, and will create a fit for purpose office space for staff, with additional space to let. Haldons Ltd will be providing key construction advisory services on the refurbishment of the facility, including Quantity Surveying, Clerk of Works and Employers Agent. The project is due to commence over the next few months, with plans currently underway. Mark Coton, Managing Director of Haldons Ltd., said: “We are very pleased to have been appointed to provide our services on this major project. The building requires major refurbishment to effectively utilise the space. We have worked with Taunton Deane Borough Council previously and we are looking forward to continuing our relationship with them and working on this significant project. We are very excited for the year ahead, with this and other large projects we have taken on.” This year, Haldons have already completed a variety of projects, including a life altering project with The Royal Marines Charity for serviceman, Phillip Eaglesham, who became disabled after
(L to R) The Team at Haldons Ltd, Mike Dunning, Ashley Twine, Danielle Webber, Simon Buchanan, Mark Coton, Maria Coton and Will Watts
13225 AP_HorseWorld 22/06/2017 09:37 Page 1
INDEPENDENT RETAILER ‘ROLLS OUT THE RED CARPET’ TO CELEBRATE 50 GOLDEN YEARS! Independent retailer Queenstreet Carpets & Furnishings based in Alphington, Exeter ‘rolls out the red carpet’ to celebrate 50 years in business with a FREE PRIZE DRAW for the chance to win a Golden Ticket worth £500!
(L-R) Mark Dixie, Heather Dixie, Nikki Dixie & Gary Dixie
Malcom Dixie and his wife Nikki, started the company in 1967 selling rolls of carpet, from the back of an old bread van which cost just £60! It wasn’t long before the pioneering duo opened one of the first fitted carpet shops, a new trend in the late ‘60’s, in the heart of the city. Today Nikki carries on the family tradition working with her two sons, Mark and Gary Dixie, and daughter-in-law Heather. In 1973, they formed a limited company and opened Dixieland Mills in Alphington, initially as a storage warehouse, and then as an additional retail outlet. The main shop is still located there today covering an impressive c.12k sq.ft, selling carpets, sofas, furniture and beds. The business expanded two years ago with the opening of its new shop ‘CASA’, at The Old Gaol on The Strand, Topsham.
Enter our Golden Anniversary Free Prize Draw throughout oughout July,, August and September with a chance of winning the Golden Ticket et voucher worth £500! We are also giving away a £50 voucher each month to five lucky entrants! 38
13360 1pg_Transport Warehousing 05/07/2017 09:57 Page 1
Location, Location, Location Conferences come in all shapes, sizes and formats but there’s no denying that a spectacular backdrop to even the most mundane of gatherings can really make it stand out. And gosh this country is good at location, location, location. Not only do we rejoice in rolling landscapes, lush woodland, expansive lakes and wild mountain ranges, we’re a country steeped in history and thousands of years of heritage, all captured in the stately homes and country houses that nestle as jewels in our landscaped crown. Displaying fabulous architecture, we have medieval castles, beautiful barns, country manor houses, multi-room mansions, usually found at the heart of some substantial acreage, much of which is beautifully landscaped. Some are able to boost Mother Nature’s offerings still further by being situated right on the edge of some of the country’s designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. There’s no doubting the UK’s incredible variety of unique, unusual and amazing venues, many of them to be found in the South West alone, offering event planners and conference organisers some jawdropping options with endless possibilities for gatherings that take in inspirational conferences, dynamic team building bonanzas and corporate away-day delights. These are places which celebrate their history and place in the landscape but have brilliantly merged the ancient and modern to ensure they provide the most 21st century facilities. Plasma screens, souped-up sound systems, video conferencing, wireless or CAT5 connectivity and audio visual
equipment are all on hand and what could be more memorable than ending a day of top brainstorming and inspirational discussion by doing some thoroughly modern networking in a medieval banqueting hall? For some venues it’s not what happens on the inside but on the outside. Being surrounded by hundreds, or even thousands of acres, opens up all kinds of possibilities and activities. Some come complete with golf courses (yes and in the plural too), and a whole host of sporting or luxury spa facilities, others can offer orienteering, off-roading, paint balling and even ferret and duck racing. There’s no denying it, a beautiful setting really does the business in enhancing a corporate event, but for a celebration it can be the icing on the cake - most probably a wedding cake. And, oh, we’re so well placed to do a beautiful wedding. Every bride wants to ‘feel like a princess’ on her big day and, thanks to our fairytale castles and beautiful country houses she can do just that. What better way to make a magical entrance in the dress of your dreams by sweeping down the kind of grand staircase that can only be found in a historic grand home or hotel? How will guests ever forget the plighting of troths in elegant drawing rooms, glorious banqueting halls or light and airy orangeries or garden rooms, leisurely drinks on terraces over looking pristine landscaped gardens, arboretums or dramatic coastlines - not to mention what these kinds of settings will do for photographs.
Nowadays the ‘big house experience’ is being sought not just for weddings but for anniversary or birthday commemorations or just good old-fashioned get-togethers and country houses are lending themselves perfectly to these kinds of occasions. When their settings combine with privacy, comfort, seclusion, glamour, it’s not difficult to see why. It’s hard to resist the prospect of waking up a four poster bed in a lavishly appointed room which looks out across perfectly manicured lawns, ornate gardens or enticing terraces (perfect dining spaces), and knowing that you don’t have to share any of it with strangers. And when there could be 20 or 30 people all willing to chip in, the cost of hiring one of these spectacular places and their facilities (croquet anyone?), suddenly starts to look within reach of most pockets. Whether it’s a ancient manor house or a bijou lodge in the grounds of a larger hotel, the very fact that the building and surroundings are all yours for a weekend, or week, is something that will make the experience truly memorable. So whatever the nature of an event, ensuring it is in a spectacular setting will mean attendees will be talking about it for a long time afterwards. We have an incredible variety of beautiful buildings and environments throughout the country that reflect and celebrate our culture, history and landscape. Let’s make it our business to make the most of them.
13199 AP_HorseWorld 19/06/2017 10:24 Page 1
The Manor House
Ashbury Hotels - The Only Sport, Craft & Spa Hotels in the UK
Corporate Events The Manor House & Ashbury Hotels are so much more than just a venue. The Manor House and its sister Ashbury Hotel are perfect examples of venues rich in facilities for both during and after conference sessions. Located in the foothills of Devon’s Dartmoor National Park, their ability to provide ideal corporate work, rest and play opportunities is drawing clients from around the country.
A range of packages are available but all delegate rates include room hire and equipment, a personal conference co-ordinator, tea and coffee at arrival, mid-mornings and afternoons and a hot and cold buffet lunch. From there, prices start at £35 per person for the day delegate rate, with a 24 hour package starting at £60 per person, which includes a buffet evening meal, overnight accommodation and breakfast and free use of all facilities and leisure activities. With these fantastic facilities delegates can take their pick from, for example: indoor tennis, indoor bowls, ‘ice’ curling, exercise and dance classes, ten pin bowling, tennis, team sports, astro sports pitch, 18 tutored crafts and, of course, golf.
From intimate meetings to larger events and actionpacked team building experiences, all are accommodated by either of these three star hotels which offer five star facilities. And what facilities - the Ashbury hotel is the UK's largest golf resort, boasting a total of 99 holes of exceptional golf. There is also an extensive selection of other sport, craft, leisure and spa facilities designed to refresh, recharge or bring together all delegates. But that’s away from the main event. Needless to say any corporate occasion hosted by either hotel will satisfy any organiser who is looking for a great value conference. Delegates can be accommodated in a range of ways, either in one of two rooms which can also be combined to hold more than 200 people, or in syndicate areas that can be arranged in up to four separate breakout rooms, each with access to its own kitchen. Also on hand are: stationery, flip charts, projector screens, large HD TVs, PA surround sound, Wi-Fi and ‘one click’ connectivity.
Both hotels are also popular with team building event organisers and, all activities, such as orienteering, guided walks, archery and water polo, are tailored to meet individual customer needs. With 75 dedicated conference spaces for parking plus 300+ hotel spaces and conveniently located just three miles off the A30 (the main route into Devon from the M5), the hotels are easily accessible from all parts of the country. Whether you want a great value conference facility, an action-packed team building experience, or a blissful overnight retreat, choose The Manor House or The Ashbury Hotel, where friendly and attentive staff will ensure that your event runs smoothly from start to finish.
For more information please visit the website Alternatively call 01837 657720 / 07957 399941 or email
13258 AP_HorseWorld 26/06/2017 11:25 Page 1
THURLESTONE HOTEL Family owned for 120 years A million-pound restaurant refurbishment at the UK’s oldest familyrun hotel is giving fine dining a whole new meaning. The luxury four-star Thurlestone Hotel in South Devon, owned by the Grose family for 120 years has transformed The Trevilder into an elegant deco-style venue with brand new menus championing the best food and drink the county has to offer.
The new menu now sees diners able to choose from a dailychanging ‘market’ menu, featuring a small selection of dishes containing seasonal produce; an extensive à la carte menu, showcasing the best quality produce including River Yealm oysters, hand dived Start Bay scallops and Aune Valley Beef; and a mouth-watering eight-course taster menu.
Set across two levels and with floor-to-ceiling windows making the most of the dreamy coastal views, the new look comes from London’s Fabled Studio, whose work can be seen in many of the capital’s best dining rooms including Dinner by Heston Blumenthal and Restaurant Gordon Ramsay.
The accompanying wine list has also been refreshed and prepared in conjunction with renowned West Country wine merchants Christopher Piper Wines of Ottery St Mary.
Although currently only open in the evenings, The Trevilder will continue with its popular Sunday lunch and early dinner sittings for residents with children during the school holidays. Marble flooring, mirrors and lighting echo the 1920s and ‘30s, while discreet naval detailing gives a nod to the region’s maritime history. By carefully dividing the space into distinct areas The Trevilder has greater flexibility for large parties, with a semi-private dining room seating up to 36.
As part of its all-round offering, the 65-bedroom hotel also provides more informal dining at The Village Inn and the seasonal Rock Pool bistro. Set within 19 acres of gardens and just a five-minute walk from sandy beaches, the award-winning Thurlestone Hotel has all the ingredients for the perfect break. For really special occasions, a marble-topped chef’s table offers a secluded space for up to 16 to dine on champagne and oysters, or lavish seafood platters. Head Chef Dan Tee and his team, who led the restaurant to two AA rosettes last winter, continue to focus on classic British cooking, aiming to use as far as possible only Devon-sourced quality meat, fish, dairy, fruit and veg.
Apart from the glorious coastal outdoors, indoor delights include The Voyage Spa with indoor pool, hydrotherapy pool, laconium, steam room, sauna, fitness studio and beauty rooms.
Also available are: squash badminton and tennis courts, par 3 golf course (with several 18 hole courses nearby) an outdoor pool, children’s playroom, a holiday kids club and conference facilities for up to 150
Thurlestone Hotel Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 3NN For more information or to book visit or call 01548 560382 e-mail
13137 AP_HorseWorld 12/06/2017 16:30 Page 1
What could be a more perfect wedding venue than a beautifully elegant country house hotel, steeped in history and surrounded by gloriously lush Welsh countryside?
With 17 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens, including a maze, many choose to hold their celebrations outside, making the most of the spectacular Welsh landscape backdrop. Others enjoy the option of a specially designed and decorated marquee, which, if necessary, can help to keep the weather at bay.
Llangoed Hall, in the beautiful Wye Valley, provides all that and more, weaving its own special spell into every one of its brides and grooms’ happy magical days. Its fulfilment of today’s modern couple’s every expectation is drawn from a rich historic background that goes back to 560AD, a time when the first Welsh parliament was thought to be located on the same site.
No reception is complete without some form of refreshment and Llangoed Hall is renowned for its wedding menus, thanks to the skill and talent of chef Nick Brodie’ and his team who use only the finest local produce and ingredients.
That colourful past also includes being the winnings of a 17th century card game, but any gambling here is long gone. Now the only surefire bet involving Langoed Hall, is that every wedding day it hosts will not only be a winner but one that lives long in the memory.
Ranging from delicious hand-crafted canapés and mouthwatering starters, to beautifully presented main courses and desserts, the fine food available - tailored to every specific celebration really adds to the sense of occasion. It’s widely acknowledged that weddings are among life’s most stressful occasions, but couples who celebrate at Llangoed Hall can relax knowing they can draw upon a team of dedicated and highly experienced staff to help them plan down to the smallest detail; with advice on every aspect, including wines, florists, cake-makers and photographers. The hall has several rooms licensed to hold civil marriage ceremonies or which can provide the perfect reception setting. You can choose from the Dining Room, Drawing Room and Whistler Room while the light and airy high-ceilinged Orangery and Garden Rooms, for example, can seat up to 120 guests in complete comfort and are ideal at any time of the year. The Morning Room is more traditionally furnished and decorated and provides the quintessential country house experience - elegant and refined.
And because only one wedding a day is ever held, couples can rest assured they and their guests will receive a totally dedicated support. For those looking for the ultimate occasion, it is possible to hire Llangoed Hall exclusively, giving the celebration complete flexibility and absolute privacy.
To find out more, please visit where you can also request a brochure. Alternatively, or to arrange a visit, contact the Events Manager, Stacey Johns on 01874 754525.
33920 AP_HorseWorld 21/06/2017 12:41 Page 1
winfordmanor Winford Manor is a magnificent owner-operated hotel and conference centre on the doorstep of Bristol, near Bristol International Airport.
We work quite a lot but not exclusively with professional services such as
The Manor House is proudly sitting on 7 acres of elevated park land off the A38. It is on the edge of the Mendip Hills, and although only 20 min from the city centre, it feels like Southwest countryside.
• Law firms
We are gently restoring the 19th century stone-walled manor and the surrounding park including an original dew pond, an enneagram maze, and a standing stones circle. The entire site is also surrounded by a stone wall.
• IFAs
Winford Manor offers a lot of modern services: hotel, conference centre, wedding venue, marquee, office space, bar, gym, large parking area and gourmet restaurant.
In addition to the accommodation and conference facilities, we expect to open modern offices with parking later in the year. The offices will be fully serviced with access to secretarial services, modern office equipment, meeting rooms, high speed Internet, and of course our bar and restaurant.
• Accounting firms
• Dentists and GPs
• Financial institutions • Airlines
There is a 24 hours’ shuttle service to Bristol Airport, under 2 miles away. A resident Artist is decorating the interior and the Chef is one of the finest in North Somerset. As it so happens, she is also an Aesthetics Practitioner and can treat your wrinkles should you have any ☺
The venue is ideal and often used for • Client Entertainment • Strategy Seminars • Product Launch Meetings • Staff Training • Team Building • Private dining and celebrations We can assist in planning of these events with expertise in strategy, finance, entrepreneurship, and staff development. The current owner is a corporate lawyer by background and has chaired many professional development seminars.
More information on or call 01275 472 292 for bookings. 43
13348 AP_HorseWorld 26/06/2017 10:17 Page 1
The beautiful grade 2 listed, De Vere Tortworth Court Hotel has recently undergone a multi–million pound refurbishment to restore the building to its original gracious Cotswold country house character and charm.
The sensitive refurbishment has combined a wealth of original features with luxurious 21st-century 4 star facilities. Including free superfast Wi-Fi available throughout the hotel and up to 100 m within the grounds.
Situated in a tranquil setting on the southern fringes of the Cotswolds in 30 acres of landscaped grounds, featuring an extensive arboretum, the hotel has long been a local favourite for weekend getaways, business events, weddings, and product launches.
The hotel offers a range of elegant guest rooms and suites with wonderful views across the estate, all sympathetically styled to reflect the character and style of this stunning Victorian residence.
There are two stylish restaurants at Tortworth one of which, the Atrium Bistro Bar is housed in a 60-foot high glass roofed atrium, featuring exposed brickwork, indoor greenery and subtle lighting which lend stylish flair to the unfussy yet delicious food served in the Atrium Bistro Bar.
Moreton’s Restaurant set in the old library has maintained many of its original features including oak-panelling, ornate archways and a grand fireplace with views out across the gardens. The menus make the most of British produce with feature dishes including roasted pork belly with black pudding.
The stunning orangery, a grade 2 listed conservatory, offers Victorian grandeur, period detailing and beautiful ornate features which come together to set the stage for a range of events.
So whether a special occasion, just a few drinks with food with a group of friends, a romantic dinner for two, business lunch, special afternoon tea or large family celebration Tortworth is the ideal setting. The hotel prides itself on its excellent facilities and first-rate service, nothing is ever too much trouble for the highly trained and experienced staff.
As a conference centre or event venue Tortworth Court Hotel is unsurpassed. The mansion offers an unbeatable combination of state-of–the–art conference facilities, versatile meeting and conference rooms, all in 30 acres of grounds and a convenient location, just 20 minutes from Bristol with easy access to J14 of the M5, 10 minutes to Bristol Parkway station and 40 minutes from Bristol airport. The Hotel’s meeting rooms can accommodate all sizes of events; they can cater for up to 400 delegates for a conference or product launch, but are just as happy to provide smaller rooms for private meetings between a few select folk, the choice is yours.
Alistair Graham, the Hotel’s Revenue Manager, said, “The Hotel offers complete flexibility for a huge range of conferences, business events, outdoor activities, large displays and exhibitions. From a small one day conference to a larger multi - day event with team building activities and evening entertainment, we have the facilities and the expertise to make your event a success.” The entire team are delighted with the latest refurbishment and are very keen to show it off, they are sure that if you liked Tortworth before, that you will love it now.
For more information, or to make a booking please ring 01454263000, or visit the web site
13361 1pg_Layout 1 06/07/2017 10:41 Page 1
The Great British
Who needs abroad when you’ve got Britain? Decisions don’t get much tougher than this when it comes to choosing where to go but one thing’s for sure, whatever the result, it’ll be the best of British. The staycation is where it’s at for holiday happiness. Be it two weeks away, a couple of days’ break or a grand day out, you’ll find all that you need within our shores. The common theme is that few of us visit what’s close to home, but maybe we should. This country is an exciting place with an abundant history and vibrant culture. After all, millions of foreign visitors flock here to visit our UNESCO World Heritage sites (nearly 20) and experience our golden sandy beaches, rolling green hills, mysterious stone circles and bustling towns and cities. It’s time we did too. This country can do pretty - think of the chocolate box villages in Devon, Cornwall and the Cotswolds, the black and white timbered houses, the spectacular coastlines and magnificent glens, vales, valleys and dales - but it can also feed, entertain and welcome on a grand and varied scale. Stay high above ground in a luxurious tree house, go glamping, caravanning or tent pitching, stay in a home-from-home hotel or bed and breakfast anywhere you fancy. Pitch up for some golf, chill down at a relaxing spa, soar up and away on ballooning action-packed activity breaks, why not be beside the seaside staycations are Grade A-cations in GB. And what could be more British than the great British pub? We’ve been dong pubs, inns, watering holes and local hostelries for so long that
they have become a national institution. From beer gardens in summer to roaring fires in winter, pubs are perfect places in which to sup our favourite tipple. No longer does the ‘nation of shopkeepers’ label apply: now we’re a nation of restaurateurs with some of the best chefs around. We’re not talking about haute cuisine either - although there’s plenty of that too. From traditional fish and chip shops to family run pizzerias, locally run burger bars, cafés, waterfront restaurants, tea rooms and much more, you’ll find it difficult to choose where to eat. What won’t be difficult is enjoying the warm welcome they all offer and top quality ingredients, usually sourced locally. Britain’s hostelries take pride in what they put on the plates and rightly so. We’re producing some pretty tasty stuff. Every region has its specialties and the South West is renowned for its seaside towns serving locally caught crabs, fish and shellfish, and pretty tea rooms in which clotted cream is slathered onto freshly baked scones. Then there’s the Cornish pasty and Somerset with its cheese and cider. And talking of liquid refreshment, we may be famous as tea drinkers, but we’re pretty good at producing the alcoholic stuff as well. We have vineyards, micro-breweries, distilleries all creating an array of memorable drinking experiences that will help to make you trip go down a treat,
Here’s a few more reasons why, when it comes to holidays - rule Britannia. • The world’s fastest zip line, reaching
speeds of up to 100mph, can be found in a former quarry in north Wales. • Much of Britain’s countryside is
extremely accessible – you could be in a national park within an hour of arriving at Gatwick or Cardiff airports. • There’s a whole festival in England
celebrating oysters, another celebrating asparagus, a third for plums, ones for pies, sausages and beers …. • You can create your own bottle of one-
off single malt whisky in Scotland, and take it home as a unique souvenir • Backpacks on! Britain’s highest
mountain is in Scotland at 1,066ms/3,500ft above sea level. Its highest pub, in Yorkshire, sits at 528ms/1,732ft. • You’ll be chuffed to know that if you visit
Wales, you can ascend its highest mountain, Snowdon, on a train. • These boots were made for walking. The
South West is home to Britain’s longest national trail, the 630 mile South-West Coast Path. It’ll take around 30 days to complete the entire trail! So next time you’re looking to travel, don’t bother to check if your passport’s up to date, just take a look at what’s on home territory. And the very best of British!
13330 AP_BBP Template 12/06/2017 13:11 Page 1
Bistrot Pierre is a welcome addition to the region’s food and drink scene following its launch in the exclusive Oyster Wharf development in Mumbles, Swansea in May. The French restaurant group has launched ready for a busy summer season in the popular Welsh village. The two-floor restaurant, with space for 160 diners, has impressive floorto-ceiling windows, stunning French-styled interiors, a bar area and outside seating. The stunning private dining room which boasts incredible views over Swansea Bay perfectly caters for special occasions with friends and family. It can cater for board style dining or a working lunch for up to 20 people. Complementing the group’s existing restaurants in Cardiff and Newport, the Bistort Pierre group continues to grow a loyal following in the area. This is also the fourth coastal restaurant for Bistrot Pierre which has successful bistrots in Weston-super-Mare, Plymouth and Torquay. Rob Beacham, co-owner of Bistrot Pierre, said: “As we continue to grow our offering, coastal towns have proved to be some of the most successful openings in the group. Our latest bistrot in Mumbles has been long-awaited as part of the Oyster Wharf development, I’m proud to see this fantastic restaurant open its doors in time for summer trading. “We put a real emphasis on ensuring that our coastal bistrots give people a reason to visit each area year-round. Our menus evolve regularly and each restaurant has a fantastic bar too. Our aim is to build a loyal customer base with locals and help to attract tourists to these coastal towns during high-peak seasons.” Rob Beacham, co-owner of Bistrot Pierre said: “All dishes are freshly prepared by the restaurant’s talented chefs, using a mix of artisan produce and carefully sourced ingredients; something which really appeals to our customers.
Earlier this year Bistrot Pierre launched Mon Pierre Rewards, an innovative loyalty app whereby customers collect points with purchases which are deemed for rewards. “Mon Pierre Rewards is our way of saying thank you to our customers. Every time someone spends £1 in our bistrots, they can earn eight points which are then redeemed against food or drink from the menu,” Rob explained. Mon Pierre is available to download now in the App store or on Google Play. Rob added: “Our ‘raison d’être’ is great value French cooking and seasonal menus. We like to combine French bistrot classics such as steak-frites, boeuf bourguignon and crème brûlée with our own take on regional favourites like confit de canard and paté de campagne. Diners at the independently-owned French restaurant group can enjoy a two-course prix-fixe lunch for £11.95, two-course pre-théâtre menu for £14.95 or the sumptuous à la carte menu. Bistrot Pierre is open seven days-a-week serving breakfast, lunch and dinner with gluten-free dishes and a Menu Enfant children’s activity pack.
To book a table or find out more information about Bistrot Pierre visit or call 01792 365040 46
12876 AP v2_HorseWorld 27/04/2017 15:06 Page 1
On Saturday 25th March WAX threw a party to celebrate the end of their first year at the bay. When we spoke to Laura Collins at WAX to congratulate them on their anniversary, she told us that their first year has been really terrific, and how pleased they are to have found just the right mix for their customers. She said it is really great to see so many regular faces among the seasonal visitors and tourists. Watergate Bay, Cornwall’s famous surfing beach on the county’s northern coast boasts golden sand, the kind of Atlantic rollers that surfers dream of and WAX. WAX is the bay’s newest venue, a bar and kitchen with a relaxed vibe offering a terrific choice of great food and drink, live music and fantastic views across the bay. Whether you are looking for a quiet beer with friends, Sunday Brunch, a bit of a party, burgers and fries as a family, a really good cup of coffee, somewhere for a business meeting, a full on three course meal, or an ice cream - WAX Ice cream Sundae, Vanilla & honeycomb with popcorn, marshmallows, toasted nuts & salted caramel sauce anyone? You are sure of a warm welcome.
Wax has big plans for the coming year with live music from various well-known and local bands, to say nothing of some imaginative new additions to the menu, while keeping all their regulars’ favourite pizzas, burgers and seafood. If Wax is starting to sound like a great place for a party, you’re right. Parties are where WAX really comes into its own, with live music, bespoke cocktails and amazing food. WAX Parties are not to be missed. Laura said, “We can cater for any occasion, birthdays, family gatherings, Christmas or any other party you can think of! Just give us a call an let us know what sort of party you want to throw, and leave the rest to us.” She said, “Is there a drink you just can’t go without, or a cocktail you love. Let us know in advance and we will do our very best to get it in for you. The more notice you give us the better our chances!” Love the feel of sand between your toes and want to stay longer? Wax offers accommodation in the Waxshack which offers four double bedrooms all with en-suite shower rooms. If you are looking for somewhere a little different for your next business lunch or private corporate event, Wax is an ideal location for your event be it a training session or a more general meeting, they can offer a set menu, free high speed Wi-Fi and presentation facilities.
asion, for any occ e n yo n a it site nue to su sit the web Wax is a ve re please vi o m t u o d k to fin waxwaterg
Nalders Solicitors is the trade name of Nalders LLP (authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority) a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales under number OC354499.
13319 1.5pg and 13250_HorseWorld 08/07/2017 11:30 Page 1
Oakdown offers three levels of Glamping, all set within their secluded Glamping Grove ‘The Shire’ with its separate facilities and water supply.
Lets go Glamping! Have you tried Glamping yet? Camping, but not as we know it, Glamping is the latest craze sweeping those who like to get close to nature by camping out, but who would like it to be rather more comfortable. So leave the tent pegs at home and head for Oakdown Touring and Holiday Park in the heart of glorious Devon, for all the pleasures of camping but with added creature comforts.
The Shire The first level is for those who really enjoy all aspects of camping, except perhaps the challenges inherent in erecting their tent on a perhaps wet and windy day, to say nothing of having to take it down again and pack it up before returning home! Camping Pods, are like having a cosy ready-erected tent, only made of wood, containing a double bed and 2 singles with mattresses, lighting, heating and 2 double sockets, sounds good, but there is even more!
The award winning Oakdown Holiday Park has long been a favourite destination for holidaymakers looking to enjoy a touring holiday in Devon and has recently enhanced their comfortable Glamping offering by the addition of Shepherd Huts.
The second level is the Premier Pods, which are designed to offer all the benefits of a traditional outdoor camping holiday with those more associated with a self-catering break. With a double bed and two single beds, Premier Pods also boast a central dining area, with dining table, stools, fridge freezer, microwave two double sockets and shelving for food.
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the park’s safety policy), large double bed, mood lighting, breakfast bar, fridge, toaster and kettle. A microwave is also available on request. Whichever level of Glamping you decide is for you, all guests have full use of all the onsite amenities, from the 9-hole golf course, award winning coffee bar, shop and childrens’ playgrounds, to say nothing of the glorious Devon countryside and coast.
Premier Pods Oakdown has recently invested in two Shepherd Huts to add an extra luxurious third level for their Glamping customers. The two stylish wooden properties are raised off the ground, finished to a high standard, are fully insulated and double glazed.
The Park has a David Bellamy Green Award and the AA has rated the facilities 5 Star, with an approval rating of 97%.
To book, or for more information, please visit the website
Domestic and Commercial Fire and Security Solutions Bespoke Systems Tailored to suit your every need We are proud to support Oakdown Holiday Park
Shepherd Huts
Both come with all the creature comforts you’d expect from a luxury glamping accommodation, including: TV with DVD player, comfy sofa, electric fire (no gas or real flames – as per the stereotypical “chippy”, by introducing some healthy and gluten free offerings, alongside their traditional range, and a delivery service through a collaboration with Deliveroo. Hot tasty fish and chips, in Simpsons’ signature batter, straight to your door! A recent introduction is their outside catering service, so you can now expect to see them all over the place, from food festivals and fancy events, to even the odd birthday party!
Carrying on a family tradition of good old-fashioned fish chips, Simpsons Fish and Chips in Cheltenham are firm believers in sticking to the basics and only use good, no nonsense, natural ingredients. Fish, potato and batter – that’s it! Their batter has no MSG, salt or bulking agents and absolutely no artificial colours or flavouring. With Simpsons, you know exactly what you’re eating - simply top quality fish and chips, using sustainably sourced fish.
So for a taste of how fish and chips used to be visit Simpsons at 73-75 Priors Road, Cheltenham GL52 5AL or check out the website to see their whole range including all the usual chip shop favourites
News Flash! Simpsons will be opening a new branch in Stroud in the summer. Proud To Supply Simpsons Fish & Chips
This approach has seen them regularly feature in the Sea Fish association’s list of award winners culminating in the top award in 2016. The whole team were thrilled to have their hard work recognised. Never ones to rest on their laurels, the shop’s co-owners Bonny and James Ritchie, are working hard to push the boundaries of
08452 505 605
13267 AP_BBP Template 28/06/2017 10:22 Page 1
Whether it’s a small intimate board meeting or a major external event, Wiltshire’s Bowood Hotel Spa and Golf Resort can accommodate both, and everything else in between. The fabulous combination of 43-bedroom luxury hotel, spa and golf resort, a historic house plus private lodge and acres of immaculate grounds combine to create a unique and flexible venue offering a feast of before, during and after meeting experiences for delegates.
As a venue which has been hosting important meetings with some of the nation’s foremost thinkers, opinion leaders and innovators for decades, Bowood knows just how to help organisers make their events successful and memorable. It’s a popular venue for team building days and, thanks to all its available space and high-class leisure facilities the possibilities of staging an event here, about which employees will be talking about for months afterwards, are endless. Whether you’re looking for a bit of ‘sabre rattling’ or morale boosting, or relaxation - or all these and more, the estate can call upon a number of team building specialists to draw up activities to suit.
Gala dinners, product launches, golf/spa days, conferences, outdoor fun days, award ceremonies or ride and drive experiences are just some of the events Bowood can and does host. There’s even an option to conduct the ultimate private gathering at its Queenwood Lodge, the elegant Georgian manor house and private gardens set in the middle of the golf course. The dining room doubles as an appealing, naturally lit meeting room in the day and the four double bedroomed lodge also comes with its own host and private chef. For the more conventional business gatherings, Bowood offers a selection of high spec naturally lit conference suites and meeting rooms which can accommodate four to 240 people.
For companies simply looking to reward or incentivize their people or make a thank-you gesture to customers, here again, Bowood can delight with fairly obvious activities like a round or two on its championship golf course or treatments in the spa. Or there’s the fun and creative choices of gala dinners and dancing, duck herding, mini festivals or even competitive ‘sports days’. One of the beauties of the secluded location is that roars of encouragement or victory cheers can be as loud as you like!
A day’s brainstorming can end with some well-earned dining provided by the high quality and flexible in-house team of chefs, or can be spread over a few days with accommodation available in the uber comfortable hotel.
No matter what the corporate occasion, each one of Bowood’s experienced events team is dedicated to ensuring it runs smoothly and successfully from start to finish. Located only 45 minutes from Bristol, within easy driving distance from London, Cardiff and Swindon and with free parking, plenty of coach and even helicopter access, Bowood and your successful event are just a short journey away.
Call our events team on 01249 822 228 or email to find out what we can do for you and your team. For more information, visit 50
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Bristol Balloons giving you the chance to take your company and staff sky-high Soon to celebrate its 40th anniversary in business, Bristol Balloons has been flying high ever since it became the first enterprise in the UK to be awarded a certificate by the British Aviation Authority entitling it to offer passenger flights. The company, which professes to be “passionate about ballooning”, has achieved a number of notable ‘firsts’ in its time, and over the past four decades, its balloons have become a familiar sight over the Bristol skyline, as well as across the West Country.
“We’ve always been driven to deliver new and novel experiences for our customers, while also maintaining our reputation for delivering the best possible passenger ride experience, and that passion has been fundamental in helping us broaden our offering to enable more people to come and experience the delights of a fabulous flight experience,” said Tony Rees, the marketing manager for the Ashton, Bristol-based business. Offering flights for eight months of the year, each experience typically last for three to four hours, with about an hour of that spent in the air. Anyone aged from nine to 90-plus is welcome to take to the skies with Bristol Balloons, and while the one thing they can’t guarantee on any given day is the weather, the extensive guidelines on its website,, give all would-be flyers a good idea of what to expect.
And while the company’s various flight packages make hugely popular corporate gifts, there are other ways in which businesses across the west of England can use their balloons to earn some valuable exposure – and these include opportunities to sponsor one of its fleet of smaller balloons, which, says Tony, are “great for getting your name up high in the sky, where it will be noticed by lots of people”.
Up to 15 people can be carried in a large balloon, while group flights using up to three balloons can accommodate as many as 44. As for what you can expect when you book a balloon flight, well, much depends on the conditions of course – but on most occasions, participants agree that a flight is, says Tony, “a completely different way to give your staff or clients a treat, an occasion that they’ll remember for a long time”. Many different launch sites are used, and every flight is piloted by an experienced member of the team, who’ll be happy to answer any questions about the route, the sights on view, and the operation of the balloons themselves.
Of course, the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta, now a fixture in the region’s calendar every August, has whetted the appetite of plenty of people in the West of England for balloon travel, and Bristol Balloons is an active participant in the event, each year offering flights at fiesta time – although these are massively popular, and are booked up well in advance, Tony said “book now or it could be too late, as passengers come from all over the world”.
You can check out the latest availability at or if you have questions about any other aspect of Bristol Balloons’ services, or the sponsorship opportunities mentioned earlier, call them on 0117 947 1030
While the ballooning market is, er, taking off in a big way, Tony points out that Bristol Balloons is certainly no fly-by-night operation. As a member of the trade body for commercial ballooning, The British Association of Balloon Operators, it has signed up to a strict code of conduct, which means Bristol Balloons uses very experienced pilots, ground crew and support staff.
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