Baylor Line: Fall 2015

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Baylor Line FALL 2015

Magazine of the Baylor Alumni Association

FACT FINDER ( Rep. Trey Gowdy ’86) has spent his entire career on a mission to find the truth


Down the Years Returns!

Alumni happenings, milestones & final farewells

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Transparency, Truth, and the Soul of BU


Distinguished Alums’ Paths to Success


Coach Grant Teaff: A Legend Looks Back

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Make Sure You’re Part of the Family The Baylor Alumni Association is committed to telling the stories of our alumni and faculty, helping their children and grandchildren write their own Baylor stories, and encouraging university leaders to consider the impact of their decisions on the Baylor Experience and Baylor’s values. Renewing your annual membership ensures you have a voice in determining our future, extends your subscription to this magazine, and gives you access to some attractive member benefits. Life Members, you can show your support for the BAA’s independent voice and our focus on the Baylor Family with a Sustaining Gift to help fund our Legacy Scholarship program or production of this magazine. Just click on the Join/Donate tab on our website.

Do We Have Your E-Mail Address? A number of you have not yet given us your e-mail addresses, so we can’t send you our our twice-monthly Between the Lines e-newsletter. That means you’re missing out on news about the accomplishments of your classmates and friends, faculty and university news, and links to ‘posts from our Line Notes blog and articles from the Lariat, Waco TribuneHerald,, and more. Don’t wait three months to find out what’s happening. Sign up for Between the Lines! You can provide your e-mail in one of three ways:

the Update Your Information button at the top of ·anyUsehome page or Line Notes posts. an e-mail to baylorline@bayloralumniassociation. ·comSend and include your name and address so we can sync up your information.

members can renew their memberships ·andAnnual provide their e-mail address at the same time at If you’re not a member, you can still get on our e-mail list by using the Join Our Mailing List button on our home page.

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IN THIS ISSUE FA L L 2 0 1 5 , V O L . 7 7, N O . 2

14 26

32 Linda Hunt Bunnell ’64



Truth and Transparency BAA President Tom Nesbitt on why the BAA is defending itself.


Showing You Something BAA CMO Peter Osborne on re-engaging alumni during a challenging time.


In Case You Missed It Baylor’s new sexual policy, Pepsi & Dr Pepper and farewell to James Dunn.


Fact Finder U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy ‘86 moved from prosecutor to high-profile congressman.

14 Paths to Success Distinguished alums reflect on Baylor, inspiration and how they say “no” nicely.

26 Baylor’s Greatest Coach—and Teacher Legendary football coach Grant Teaff looks back on his storied career.

32 Light at the End of the Tunnel Federal courts are growing sympathetic to overwhelmed student-loan debtors.

36 Down the Years Alumni happenings and final farewells.

48 Look Back Grant Teaff’s First Homecoming Game.

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36 the

Baylor Line Vol. 77, No. 2 Published by the Baylor Alumni Association since 1946 EDITOR/CMO Peter Osborne ART DIRECTOR John Sizing COPY EDITOR Savannah Rudkin ’13 CONTACT INFO General: The Baylor Line P.O. Box 2089, Waco, TX 76703 Phone: (254) 732-0393 Letters & Comments: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Baylor Line,

P.O. Box 2089, Waco, TX 76703

fall 2015



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message from the president

Transparency and Truth Why We Defend the BAA I have been asked many times why the Baylor Alumni Association is defending itself against the lawsuit filed by Baylor University’s current Board of Regents. Why doesn’t the BAA just dissolve like Buddy Jones wants? Why doesn’t the BAA just go away? I write this letter on Aug. 31 to explain why I believe the 156-year old Baylor Alumni Association has and will continue to stand and defend itself. At stake in this fight are nothing short of transparency, truth, and the soul of a great university. The Baylor family has many stakeholders: students, faculty, staff, the administration, the Board of Regents. I submit that it is alumni, who invested their funds and effort over many years to earn Baylor degrees, who have the paramount vested interest in seeing that Baylor remains strong. Yet the alumni body has no role in selecting those who govern Baylor University. Baylor is governed by a Board of Regents that is almost entirely “The alumni association’s self-perpetuating. A supermaindependence is the foundation jority of 75% elect themselves. They are not accountable of its effectiveness. If you are not to the Baylor family for independent, then your praise their actions. They sign does not sound credible and confidentiality agreeyour critique can be shut down. ments to prevent us from learning of their actions. But when you are independent, The regents meet privately. you can be both of those — They do not disclose how with strength and credibility.” they vote. They are not —Robert Sloan, Baylor President, 1995-2005, required to be nor do they speaking with the Baylor Line in 2003 choose to be transparent in how they deliberate or how they decide matters great and small. Do you know their names? Does Baylor provide you with an avenue to contact them directly? Do you know how they vote or even what they vote on? You do not, because they have kept their actions hidden from you. In that context, wise leaders of Baylor’s past charged the Baylor Alumni Association with a simple role: to be the official general alumni association of Baylor University and to be an independent “voice” of Baylor alumni.


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The wise men and women who once governed Baylor were not afraid of transparency. They did not quiver in fear that alumni might discuss or raise questions about their governance of Baylor. They recognized that people who love a university or a country should respectfully discuss and question the decisions of those who govern it. Those wise leaders also foresaw this very day— when future Baylor leaders would reject even this modest measure of transparency and try to eliminate the BAA as an engaged, credible, loving, but independent voice. So they guaranteed the Baylor Alumni Association’s rights to be legally and editorially independent and to raise questions and discuss matters of importance to Baylor’s alumni, in a perpetual and fully paid-up license agreement. That contract was drafted by Baylor’s lawyers, and signed by Baylor’s president Herbert H. Reynolds. In keeping with the concept of editorial independence, that contract says that it cannot be terminated by Baylor at-will and cannot be terminated even if the BAA exercises its voice in manner contrary to the wishes of Baylor’s current regents or administration. Sadly, current Baylor leaders whose policies were discussed openly and fairly in the pages of the BAA’s award-winning Baylor Line magazine, set out to, in their own words, “drive the BAA out of business.” They sought to mask their plan with rhetoric about treating the BAA with so-called “courtesy, respect and hospitality.” Now they have sued the Baylor Alumni Association to evade their legal commitments, saying in essence, “You cannot expect Baylor to honor its word. Our commitments were void the day we signed them.” Baylor has even used this argument in an attempt to invalidate an agreement signed by President Ken Starr in 2013. Please do not take my word for any of this. Our litigation updates, with links to the court documents and internal Baylor business records that prove what is written here, can be found on our website: https:// We have told this story and will continue to tell this story with facts and documents, many of which have been obtained only because of the litigation

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initiated by Baylor. We will continue to keep our focus on the issues relevant to the lawsuit filed by Baylor. We have not and will not engage in personal attacks. But neither will we shy away from telling the truth about the relevant issues in the lawsuit, even if those facts embarrass some who, in their own words, “hated” the BAA and expressed their glee at what they thought and hoped would be the demise of the BAA. The lawsuit filed by Baylor University also asks the Court to allow Baylor to avoid its promise to replace the Hughes-Dillard alumni center, the BAA’s former headquarters and meeting space. In the summer of 2013, Baylor’s regents rolled in bulldozers and jackhammers and tore the building to the ground. These actions were taken for stated reasons that are, quite frankly, unbelievable. By tearing down the Hughes-Dillard building, Baylor violated a contract with the BAA. That contract allows Baylor to remove the BAA from Hughes-Dillard if there was a true need for that specific plot of land, but it requires Baylor to provide a similar building in a similar location on campus. Baylor has, however, refused to honor that agreement. Baylor’s current leaders have instead appealed to the court to release them from their contractual commitment. The Baylor Alumni Association did not file this lawsuit. We did not seek this fight. Nor do we shrink from it. We stand in defense of principles that are important—we fight to preserve an engaged, independent voice for alumni of this university. We believe, as did so many regents and administrators like Abner McCall, Herb Reynolds and even Robert Sloan, that this modest measure of transparency is critical in Baylor’s governance structure. We defend the rights of the BAA because we believe that wise leaders of Baylor’s past expect us not to give in to a small group of current regents who choose not only to govern the university in secrecy and without accountability, but who also feel compelled to control everything that is written about Baylor in the Baylor Line. This dispute is about things Baylor badly needs more of, not less of: transparency and truth. The total secrecy in which Baylor’s regents operate has bred a culture in which it apparently seems normal to try to silence and put out of business, and then sue a loyal, 156-year old partner because it raised important questions, and to then cry in the pages of the Waco Tribune-Herald that regents’ and administrators’ actions, once secret, are now being exposed in their

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The BAA’s financial statements are available for your review on our website at We anticipate that the FY 2015 audited financial statement will be posted by the time you read this, along with a summary in Line Notes. If it is not, it will be there soon.

own words. We fight back because Baylor University should honor its commitments. What have we come to as a university when Baylor’s current leaders cannot even muster the moral strength to keep their word? Is McLane Stadium so shiny and grand, are back-toback Big 12 football championships so gratifying, that Baylor University no longer believes it necessary to honor its commitment? And if so, what is Baylor profited to have gained such material gleam and athletic glory only to lose its soul? Finally, we defend the Baylor Alumni Association because this litigation will afford an opportunity to tell the sad and shameful story of the very small group of men and women who set out to marginalize the BAA and destroy it. It is only because of the discovery process afforded by civil litigation filed by Baylor that we have seen Baylor’s own documents proving their behind-the-curtains efforts to formally, legally dissolve this institution. They have failed. And along the way they misled the Baylor family about what they were doing and why. This lawsuit, filed by Baylor in our judicial system of open courts, is allowing the truth to come to light, and we can now uncover the story of who has been making these hidden decisions and why. And in that manner we will be true to our pledge to keep alumni informed. The BAA does not ask to control the university. It never has. The BAA asks only that Baylor honor its agreements in line with its legal and moral obligations. These agreements are rooted in wisdom and humility. They are designed to give alumni a modest, yet important role in the life of this university. So we steel ourselves to our duty to defend the 156-year-old Baylor Alumni Association, to preserve an independent voice, and to let the truth come out. We ask for your help and for your guidance as we onward go. You can comment on our website—if you provide your name and are respectful to others— on our social media platforms, or by e-mailing me directly at Sincerely, Tom Nesbitt, BAA President

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9/18/15 5:12 PM

editor’s letter

Time to Show You Something Building a Future for the BAA political preferences lie, this Baylor Bear is likely You may have read this past summer about to become a bigger name in D.C., whether it’s with San Diego Chargers rookie running back Melvin a more visible voice in Congress, or as some have Gordon’s mom saying she won’t be wearing her son’s suggested, as either a U.S. Supreme Court nominee jersey any time soon because he’s “got to show me or even a future Presidential candidate. something but it won’t be this year.” Quite simply, her The second installment of our conversations with son has to earn the privilege of his mother wearing his BAA Distinguished Alumni Award winners delivers number in the stands, and that’s apparently not going some great advice and perspective from people who to change after one good game. will be very familiar to more tenured alumni. And as I get that. I arrived in Waco in late June with the we approach Homecoming, I believe Ryan Sprayberry goal of re-engaging our member base, and creating a from the Texas Sports Hall of Fame did a great job framework around telling the Baylor stories of our interviewing former Coach Grant Teaff, who reflects alumni and faculty, helping their children and on the strange path that first brought him to Waco, grandchildren to write their own Baylor stories, how he funded his first weight room, and some of his and supporting the university by holding leaders most memorable games. accountable for preserving both the Baylor experience Down the Years returns with 187 different alumni and the school’s values. We had not helped ourselves milestones. We hope you’ll send us your submissions achieve these goals because we let our annual so we can make the Spring 2016 section even bigger. members get out of the habit of renewing and we In this issue, we’re introducing a new feature didn’t push back earlier against an effort to called In Case You Missed It with interestput us out of business. Frankly, many of ing stories you may have missed if you you may have wondered whether we’d don’t live here in Waco, including still be around in 12 months if you My job is to tell the the change (or non-change) in the renewed an annual membership. stories of our alumni, university’s sexual policy and First, let me say that we expect help their children putting Dr Pepper on the back to be here long after the current write their own Baylor shelf in favor of Pepsi. administration retires or moves Beyond this issue, we hope on to other things— just as we’ve stories, and hold we’ve shown many of you been here for 156 years and just leaders accountable for something by fighting back with as we’ve been for the past decade preserving the Baylor our litigation updates and by our despite a few people’s best efforts to experience. willingness to openly discuss the put us down. conflict with the university. So, with Melvin Gordon’s mother in From a benefits standpoint, we’ve added mind, we decided to show you something, discounts for everyone in the Baylor Family who to prove it’s worth parting with your hard-earned visit our website, including the Texas Six Flags parks, dollars, to help you get off the sidelines and recommit. Texas Monthly, and Avis/Budget Let’s start with this issue of the Baylor Line as an Rental Cars. We’ve added discounts for card-carrying act of faith, after which I’m hoping more members will members to places like the Texas Sports Hall of Fame, “come home” to the BAA after reading this issue. the Waco Hippodrome, The Hampton Inn and Suites I’m excited about our cover interview with a South, and the Provender Store. Since I’m writing this high-profile politician who many of you may not in August and you’re reading it in October, I’m betting have known was a Baylor graduate. I expect you’ll there are a lot more today on our Benefits page. We’re see Trey Gowdy ’86 on your TV screens a lot this also trying to make our membership tiers mean somefall as he squares off against Hillary Clinton over thing and reward our Life Members who have been e-mails and Benghazi. No matter where your


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with us for years and Annual members who recommit each year. The BAA is one of the sponsors of the Texas Sports Hall of Fame’s Lone Star Tailgates and I invite you to stop by to say “hello.” Please also consider joining us there for our annual Homecoming Tailgate (there’s a link to the reservation form from our homepage). We funded a record 55 scholarships for the children and grandchildren of Baylor alumni, an audience that the university doesn’t directly support. Our next goal is to fund more—and bigger—scholarships. We’re also publishing regular blog posts on our website and our twice-monthly Between the Lines e-newsletter with links to those blog posts; news about alumni and university milestones; and obituaries for our family members. Please consider contributing, and if you want to check out back issues, you can do that from the Publications tab on our home page. If you’re not receiving the Baylor Line, consider subscribing on our website. I have three primary metrics for gauging our success at re-engagement: As of this writing in late August, we’ve had more than 3X the number of different website readers than we had in 2014 and 20% more than we had in 2013. The other two indicators are keeping Member Services Director Kellie Juandiego very busy: • Number of people asking for replacement membership cards. • Number of people proactively updating their contact information to ensure that they’ll get the next issues of the Baylor Line and Between the Lines. You might notice that membership renewals and sustaining gifts are not on my list. Yet. But they have been arriving in greater numbers over the past few months, and we anticipate even more after this issue. I’m not sure how to explain this whole notion of an independent voice any more clearly than we already have, or than Tom explains in his President’s letter elsewhere in this issue. First and foremost, we celebrate the achievements of the university, the faculty and our own alumni. But our licensing agreement with the university says we are “an independent voice of alumni of Baylor University and the positions taken by [the BAA, editorial and otherwise] which may be contrary to the administration of the university or its Board of Regents shall not be alleged by [Baylor] to constitute insufficient quality and shall not be grounds for (Baylor’s) termination of this License Agreement.” So we do believe that it is our job to also provide a platform for alumni and other

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members of the Baylor Family to raise questions about matters of importance to the university community, including decisions by the Regents and President Starr. We speak out because we believe an open dialogue is in Baylor’s best interest, and even if we disagree with the administration from time to time, we always support the university. Some of you may remember professional wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper, who passed away this past summer. In his most famous acting role, as the protagonist in John Carpenter’s “They Live,” he finds special sunglasses that enable him to see the aliens who have taken over Earth and are brainwashing humans through mass media. A web of subliminal messages that only he can suddenly see —Obey. No independent thought. Stay asleep. I know this analogy is a bit of a stretch and will likely draw fire from some, but raising questions (in a respectful manner) is part of the role of a robust alumni association. Think independently. Push back where warranted. Because as Tom points out in his letter, even former president Robert Sloan believed that without independence “your praise does not sound credible and your critique can be shut down.” People like Buddy Jones and Tommye Lou Davis believe that “the enemy” is anyone who says a single negative word about the university or questions the activities and decisions of a Board of Regents that works behind a veil of secrecy. Not true. That’s why Herbert Reynolds signed (and Abner McCall supported) the agreements that current leaders say were void before the ink dried, but I’m going to let Tom worry about winning the lawsuit, which I believe we will or I wouldn’t have taken this position. My job is to rebuild relationships before and after that happens and give you an independent alumni association that will be worth your investment, and that will connect you across the years with fellow alumni. In the final analysis, we don’t have to be big; we just have to mean something to our members. So I’m thinking of each of you as the mother of Melvin Gordon. I hope we’re showing you something because we want each of you to proudly declare yourselves BAA members. Sic ‘Em! Peter osborne P.S.—If you have comments about anything BAArelated—good or bad—or ideas for future stories, please drop me a note at

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9/23/15 4:06 PM

in case you missed it

Baylor Changed Its Sexual Conduct Policy... or Did It?


fter a number of national and regional articles this summer wrote about a published change in Baylor’s sexual-conduct policy, President Ken Starr e-mailed the Baptist Standard in late July to clarify questions around the removal of the phrase “homosexual acts” from the sexually related conduct that could prompt disciplinary action: “Recent news reports of changes to Baylor’s sexual conduct policy have unfortunately employed sensational headlines that have created misunderstandings about our policy. “In fact, Baylor’s sexual conduct policy remains unchanged. Our policy continues to state that Baylor will be guided by the biblical understanding that human sexuality is a gift from God and that physical sexual intimacy is to be expressed in the context of marital fidelity. In the application of our policy, we rely on the historic Baptist expression of marriage as the uniting of one man and one woman. “Baylor’s articulation of its policy required updating. Previously, this policy had been called a ‘Sexual Misconduct Policy.’ As we do not identify other policies similarly—we have no ‘misspending’ policy, for example—we thought it wise to make language changes to the existing policy, which also included the elimination of an extensive but incomplete list of prohibited sexual


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behaviors and crimes.” The furor stemmed from the way Baylor originally described the decision to drop language in its sexual conduct policy specifically outlawing sexual relationships between same-sex partners. The new sexual-conduct policy was approved by Baylor’s Board of Regents at its May meeting and quietly posted on the Baylor website. A July 2, 2015, article in the Waco Trib outlined the changes, quoting an e-mail from Baylor spokeswoman Lori Fogelman as saying “these changes were made because we didn’t believe the language reflected the university’s caring community. The university has a responsibility to articulate clearly and consistently Baylor’s commitment to its values as a Christian university.” But Fogleman declined to clarify what this change meant for married same-sex couples at Baylor in light of the Supreme Court’s June 2015 ruling knocking down bans on same-sex marriages, pointing instead to the application section on the policy, which states that it is to be “interpreted in a manner consistent with the Baptist Faith and Message of 1963,” the doctrine outlining the faith principles governing the Southern Baptist Convention. If you want to comment on this story or situation, you can add your thoughts to our blog post on the topic at https://btl.bayloralumniassociation. com/07/03/2015/baylor-revises-sexual-conduct-policy/

decision on a Sunday–a prime time to minimize coverage–and did find a way to ensure that Dr Pepper will maintain an on-campus presence for the present. Baylor officials also noted that Gatorade, a big PepsiCo product, will “help Baylor Bear student-athletes perform at their best with a key presence at all athletic events and facilities, including the state-of-the-art McLane Stadium.” Though the BAA did not link to the articles or press release on our website or Facebook page to provide a platform for alumni comments, comments on the Waco Trib Facebook page ran strongly against the decision. A Trib editorial did note that it was a Business 101 decision made by the regents behind closed doors and that they had a better understanding of the details of both bids.

Pepsi Over Dr Pepper?


aylor announced a multi-year partnership making PepsiCo the exclusive beverage provider for all campus vending, dining, residential and athletic facilities. The university also said that Dr Pepper will continue to be sold and the long-standing “Dr Pepper Hour” will still be held. The university announced the

9/18/15 5:14 PM

James Dunn’s Death a Loss for Religious Freedom “I’m a Texas-bred, Spirit-led, Bibleteaching, revival-preaching, recovering Southern Baptist. That’s neither a boast nor a whine, just an explanation of ‘where I’m coming from’ as the kids say.” —Dr. James Dunn Address to American Baptist Churches, 1995


he Baylor family mourned the passing of Dr. James M. Dunn on July 4, 2015, at the age of 83. Dr. Dunn was remembered as one of the leading defenders of religious freedom and of the importance of the separation of church and state in the 20th century, and as the first winner of the Baylor Alumni Association’s Abner V. McCall Award for supporting religious liberty. “To countless Baptists and other people of faith, Dr. James M. Dunn was an instrumental influence,” said Aaron Weaver, MA ‘08 and Ph.D ‘13, the author of the book, “James M. Dunn and Soul Freedom.” “His wit, wisdom, and fight moved us to take our faith more seriously, to better understand and value religious liberty and its essential corollary, the separation of church and state, and to never ever take the right to a free conscience for granted. He devoted his life to pursuing justice, freedom, and equality for all, showing and teaching us how to be better advocates and activists in the public square, and most importantly, how to do so with authentic Christian integrity.” When asked why Dunn should “matter” to Baptists, Dr. Doug Weaver, Baylor Professor of Religion and Director of Undergraduate Studies in Baylor’s Department of Religion, Aaron’s father, said, “If separation of church and state is the proper corollary of religious liberty, and it is, then Dunn mattered and matters! If soul freedom matters,

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“James and it was one of my does, Dunn heroes,” said Ella Wall matters. One of my He devoted his Prichard ‘63, who said she favorite images of Dunn life to pursuing had been thinking about is his pulling on his Texas justice, freedom, Dunn in light of recent flaps roots when he said —with and equality for all, in North and South Carolina a drawl—that the wall showing and teach- over the Confederate flag and between church and state ing us how to be the flying of the American was more like barbed flag over the church flag. wire. The two do of better advocates course relate, but watch and activists in the “He was very opposed to when they get entangled. public square, and the American flag in church It is a mess.” most importantly, because he felt it muddied the waters theologically.” Baylor Religion how to do so Prichard recalled Dunn’s Professor Bill Pitts ‘60 with authentic explanation of why Texas said Dunn was a personal Christian integrity. Baptists are so conservative friend and he cherished the yet resisted fundamentalconnection they had. “He ist attempts to take over the was bright and well-read... state convention: “He said it was the and utterly courageous,” Pitts said. “He ‘independent frontier spirit’ that Texans was always willing to step forward and have. Their attitude is ‘ain’t nobody say what he thought, and his views gonna tell me what to do except Jesus.’ of the importance of the separation of I just loved that,” she said. church and state represented one of the If James Dunn impacted your life, finest traditions of Baptist tradition in please feel free to go to our website and the United States and worldwide.” make a comment or share a memory Henry Holcomb, winner of the on the blog post: https://btl.bayloraBAA’s W.R. White Meritorious vice Award in 1994, said Dunn “brought james-dunn-obituary/ the Sermon on the Mount to life. He Comments on these stories or proclaimed the Gospel with great faith, anything else going on at Baylor can also courage and scholarship but not in a be e-mailed to BaylorLine@Baylor reckless way. He had a wonderful sense and we will of humor, which helped in difficult situprint a selection–representing all sides ations. He never wasted an opportunity –on our website and in a future issue of to talk to someone. We’ll miss him very the Baylor Line. BL much and our work will miss him.” fall 2015

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“I have no friends to reward and no foes to punish. We’re going to go wherever the facts take us. Facts are neither Republican nor Democratic, they are facts.”



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Fact finder Rep. Trey Gowdy ’86 has devoted his life to finding the truth as a prosecutor, a district attorney, and now high-profile congressmen. Could he be Baylor’s first Supreme Court justice?

Bill Clark/getty iamges

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Trey Gowdy ’86 remembers stepping onto the Baylor campus in August 1982 and not knowing a soul. As his dad pulled off in the pickup truck to head back to South Carolina, he felt an overwhelming sense of it being time to grow up. “It took less than 24 hours to meet wonderful folks, many of who are still my friends today,” says Gowdy. “Pledging a social-service fraternity (Kappa Omega Tau), also enabled me to meet a wonderful group of men, many of whom I still keep in contact with today. College is that time you hopefully transition from being a teenager into the beginnings of an adult and Baylor made the transition easier with the quality of the student body, the professors, and others who are part of the Baylor family. I just wish we had been better at sports because I would have prolonged my college experience a couple of extra years just to watch Coach Mulkey take the Lady Bears to an NCAA Championship.” Gowdy, who turned 51 in August, is a third-term congressman from South Carolina and a widely praised former federal prosecutor who spent six years in the 1990s on cases ranging from narcotics trafficking rings and bank robberies to child pornography and the murder of a federal witness. He gained fame for the successful prosecution of J. Mark Allen, a bank robber who was one of “America’s Most

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“It seems like the end justifies the means more so than it used to in politics. We will rue the day when we just wanted to win at all costs. It is destructive for the republic.


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pledged a process worthy of the sacrifice of the four fallen Americans in Benghazi and worthy of the respect of our fellow citizens. We have talked to witnesses never before talked to, and examined documents never before examined, and uncovered facts never before uncovered. And we have done so with little theatre. If the Executive Branch would cooperate—even a little bit—we could conclude the investigation and write that final, definitive accounting of what happened before, during and after the attacks in Benghazi.” Gowdy has a reputation for pushing back on the Obama administration on everything from its health-care law to the IRS’s treatment of conservative groups, and he is known, probably not surprisingly, for easily slipping into his prosecutor mode. He has certainly not been reluctant to be quotable about the performance of federal officials: • On former Attorney General Eric Holder’s position on mandatory minimum drug sentences: “Your memo is trumping a Congressional statute. You don’t have the discretion on whether to follow the law or not.” • On National Security Advisor Susan Rice, who blamed the attacks in Benghazi on spontaneous protests in response to a video: “She was fabulously wrong when she said it the first time, and stunningly arrogant in her refusal to express any regret for lying to our fellow citizens…I would love the chance to ask follow-up questions of Susan Rice because

alex wong/getty iamges

Wanted” suspects. He was elected three times as South Carolina’s 7th Circuit Solicitor, or District Attorney, in the 2000s. He’s an ardent conservative who considers himself “pro-life plus,” believing “in the sanctity of life” while arguing that “the strategy should be broader than waiting for the Supreme Court to revisit Roe v. Wade.” He has also noted it “is not simply enough to take a stand against abortion. We must incentivize adoption and promote crisis pregnancy centers.” In May 2014, Representative Gowdy was named Chairman of the “House Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi,” where four Americans were killed, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. It was a selection that drew praise from South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who called him “the most capable person in the entire Congress” to lead the committee. In nominating Gowdy, House Speaker John Boehner said Gowdy “is as dogged, focused, and serious-minded as they come.” Gowdy has sparred with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the attack and her much-criticized decision to use a personal e-mail server during her tenure at the State Department and then to wipe it clean after leaving office. As of this writing in August, Clinton agreed to meet with Gowdy’s committee on October 22. “I am pleased with both the progress and the manner in which we are conducting the investigation,” he said. “We

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[NBC Meet the Press Moderator] David Gregory apparently did not avail himself of that opportunity. Greta [Van Susteren], I just listened to the clip. I get tougher questions in the Bojangles drive-through than he asked her.” • On the President’s efforts to make signing up for health care seem simple despite’s chronic failures: “The president already has a Nobel Prize for peace. I think he’s shooting for one in fiction.” • On the importance of the Benghazi hearings: “Congress is supposed to provide oversight, the voters are supposed to provide oversight. And you (the media) were supposed to provide oversight. That’s why you have special liberties and that’s why you have special protections…I am not surprised that the President of the United States called this a phony scandal. I’m not surprised that Secretary Clinton asked, ‘What difference does it make?’ I’m not even surprised that Jay Carney said that Benghazi happened ‘a long time ago.’ I’m just surprised at how many people bought it.” On the personal side, Gowdy has been married for 26 years to Terri Dillard Gowdy, a teacher for Spartanburg school district in South Carolina. They have two children: Watson, who is a first-year law student at Washington and Lee University after graduating in May from Clemson with a degree in philosophy, and Abigail, a freshman at University of South Carolina. They also have three dogs (two Labs and a cockapoo) named Judge, Jury and Bailiff. He took a few minutes away from family time in Spartanburg this past summer to talk to The Baylor Line. Tell me one thing that’s not on your resume: Well my resume is only a single page so there is a lot not on there. The things that mean the most to me in life cannot be captured by a resume. A compliment from a peer that you respect carries more weight than all the awards you could carry. I remember the day Paul Ryan—who is the smartest Member of Congress and the most effective public speaker—said he would stop and turn up the volume when he saw me on television. That was worth a Nobel Prize to me. What has been the proudest moment in your career to this point and why? Every time I ever stood with a crime

victim or the surviving members of a crime victim’s family in court as the sentence was being read. At one point the defendant had the power, the power to control or destroy or take away or kill. I wanted the end of the story to be about the empowerment of the victims and watching a defendant led off in handcuffs to begin a life sentence or await execution at least allows the criminal justice portion of the story to end with the good folks in control. Closure is a word only used by those who have never lost a child or a spouse. There is no closure. What there can be is a line marking the end of the crime and the beginning of a process of healing and oftentimes it was the

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moment the defendant was led off in handcuffs and the end of the story—as it relates to the crime—was that justice was done. How about your proudest moment as a father? Any time my children research an issue and draw a different conclusion than my own. I want them to think critically for themselves. So listening to either of my children lay out the case for why they believe something using logic and facts and persuasion is a proud moment. Last year, you asked Congress whether the body will ever “find the courage to stand up for itself.” Do you believe they will? Only if they can persuade the people for whom

they work that the “standing up” is warranted and justified. Congress abdicated power long ago and people have been

Lightning Round... My daily reading includes: Countless newspapers and periodicals as well as ending the day by reading some piece of interesting history. Who’s your role model and why? (German Lutheran Pastor, Theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident) Dietrich Bonhoeffer, because he tried. The last book I read was: Two thirds of the way through a Ken Follett trilogy. What’s your superpower? I don’t know that I have one, but I have essentially the same core group of friends as I did in college with a few additions. Wisdom, including the wisdom and self-awareness to know your weaknesses and discernment, are crucial for success in life. How do you feel about the comments about your changing hairstyles? I have earned and deserve every one of those insults. Senator Tim Scott (R, SC) would give anything to be criticized for bad hair. What one word or phrase would you use to describe yourself? Would your friends or fellow politicians use the same word or phrase? Funny. I try to make folks laugh and most of my colleagues would tell you I am a lot more easygoing and perhaps funnier than one might imagine simply watching a hearing or a TV clip. How do you create a balance between your work and family life? I don’t. I work all the time because I am thinking all of the time about what I need to do to get better and be more effective. I am horrible at turning work off. My wife and kids deserve better honestly.

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conditioned toward that abdication. So it requires consistent persuasion to convince those for whom you work that the standing up is constitutionally sound. What would it take for you to become a presidential candidate in 2016? Are you closer today than you were six months ago? It would take the audible voice of God and

then I would pull a Jonah and run away. You have to have self-awareness in life. I look in the mirror and see a husband and a father and a former prosecutor — not a future politician. Being President is an impossibly big job, which is why so few people raise their hands and volunteer. I love our country enough to know that it deserves someone with a better skill set than my own. You’ve been quoted as saying that “process matters.” Do you feel alone in that view?

No, I am not alone, but I am in the minority. It seems like the end justifies the means more so than it used to in politics. I appreciate folks who can say “that is the policy I would pursue but that is not the right process to obtain that policy.” That requires restraint and the ability to understand the limits placed on you. We will rue the day when we just wanted to win at all costs. It is destructive for the republic. What do you like about being a congressman? I like

learning new things and listening to different perspectives. I do not like being away from South Carolina. How has your background as a prosecutor affected your performance or approach as a lawmaker? You have to

identify and follow facts. Feelings and hunches and thoughts are sometimes unreliable. Identify facts and then learn the art of persuasion so you can persuade those that your facts are most compelling. The art of persuasion seems to have given way to the baser notions of insults and volume. But the essence of life with respect to litigation is persuasion. Have you ever taken a position on something that you’ve later regretted? More times than I can count. How do you approach making decisions? My approach to decision making is simple: Gather all facts, talk to smart people who are thoughtful and analytical. Understand the best and worst case scenarios. Use the mind God gave you and make up your mind initially and confidentially and pray for peace. If peace comes, do it. If peace does not come, do so at your own peril. Anne Frank once said that in spite of everything, she believed people were basically good. Do you agree?


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No, although I respect her for saying so given what she endured. Prosecutors see more bad than good and it gives you a jaundiced perspective. I know there are more good people than bad, but I do not believe it—if you can appreciate the distinction. What are the one or two best decisions you’ve made in your professional or personal life and what did you learn? Marrying my wife was the greatest decision I made

in life. She is the kindest, sweetest, most beautiful and most Christ-like person I have ever known. In terms of professional decisions, running for 7th Circuit Solicitor was the best decision. I was a federal prosecutor at the time and it would have been easy to stay put, take no chances, and live a comfortable life. Instead, I resigned the job and took on an incumbent who had been in office since I was a teenager. You have to take calculated risks in life and you have to recalibrate how you define success. Success to me is trying. We are not guaranteed a particular result. After all, Jesus lost a voice vote to a guy named Barabbas and He went on to change the course of history. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

The advice I offer others is to have self-awareness in life. Know what you are good at and what you are not good at. You are welcome to keep trying those things at which you are not good, just have the self-awareness to know you are not good at it—yet. Know your own personality and your own weaknesses. When asked what advice he gives young college graduates, Gowdy said, “Do something significant. Redefine success. Live a life of significance and meaning.” But he went a step further in a speech to Liberty University this past March: “Insulting people does not work if your objective is to persuade them,” he said. “When a person is insulted, they become even more dogmatic in holding their incorrect belief. If you are going to say that the Lord called you to go into politics, then you need to act like it. If you are not going to act like it, then you need to take His name out of the equation.” He closed his speech by telling the students that they’re wrong if they think someone else is going to step up and fix the problems we face. “You are the messenger that is going to change your world. I am not asking you to be like Ronald Reagan or Abraham Lincoln. I am asking you to live a quiet life of conviction and virtue and actually live out what you profess to believe,” he said. “If you can do that, you will be a leader, you will be persuasive, and your generation will be the one that gets our country back on the right path.” BL

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“My approach to decision making is simple: Gather all facts, talk to smart people who are thoughtful and analytical, understand the best and worst case scenarios, use the mind God gave you and make up your mind initially and confidentially and pray for peace. If peace comes, do it. If peace does not come, do so at your own peril.

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Distinguis h ed A lu m ni Awar d W i nn e rs up dat e , pa rt II / by Peter Osborne

Paths to Success

Some of our most successful alumni reflect on their Baylor experience, what’s inspiring them, and how they say “no” nicely


n the past two issues of The Baylor Line, we’ve caught up with past winners of the BAA’s Distinguished Alumni Award. We wondered whether they have common traits or experience— beyond their time at Baylor. One thing we realized was that many tend to have been successful in multiple careers, so we asked what it takes to accomplish that. “It’s a combination of a little bit of talent, working hard, and driving toward goals,” says Gerald Haddock ’69, J.D. ‘71. Gil Stricklin ’57 agrees with the importance of hard work and having goals: “There must be an unshakable belief in the mission to be accomplished. Through dedication and tenacity, with hard work, you can continue in a spirit of entrepreneurship that is anchored in courage above fear of failure, with faith to succeed.” After a bit of thought, Dr. Jerry Marcontell ’56, M.D. ’63, references Ecclesiastes 9:10, which says, “Whatever your hands find, do with all your might.” “Everything I’ve tried to do, I’ve engaged it passionately,” he said. “I’ve had a long career in medicine and it’s impossible to do it well if you don’t have passion. I’ve always been able to sleep well at night -- I made the best decision at the time with the information I had. Leave your best game on the field. You can outthink me, you can out-heritage me, you can out-

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GERALD HADDOCK Entrepreneur (And a Whole Lot More)

Gerald Haddock ’69, J.D. ’71, has worn plenty of hats over his career. He made partner in the Houston office of Fulbright & Jaworski LLP. He served as counsel to the Fort Worth-based Bass family and was Richard Rainwater’s chief negotiator and lead transactional attorney. Co-founder, CEO and COO for Crescent Real Estate Equities, which acquired

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spend me, but you can’t outwork me.” Educator Gerald Cobb ’50 thinks success has more to do with process. “I have discovered that the higher you go in administrative careers the more the job descriptions become similar,” he said. “The job of a top administrator is to establish goals, develop strategic plans, make assignments, and evaluate results.” Maj. General (Ret.) David Rubenstein MA ’89 drew his answer from literature: “To be successful in one’s life pursuits – personal and professional – requires a certain degree of doggedness, persistence and guts. It’s also important that you’re in charge of you. As the 12 dwarves sing to Bilbo Baggins in “The Hobbit:” ‘The greatest adventure is what lies ahead. Today and tomorrow are yet to be said; the chances, the changes are all yours to make. The mold of your life in in your hands to break.’” And with that, on to the interviews.

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Success is a combination of a little bit of talent, working hard, and driving toward goals. —Gerald Haddock ‘69

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Haddock with his 4-year-old grandaughter: “Scout loves art so much that she and I take an art class together every week. We play art wherever we are.”

assets for cents on the dollar and preparing to structure deal with operators. I’ve also spent the last three years developing relationships in Los Angeles and Hollywood and learning about the filmmaking industry. Every day is busy and different and still exciting. I rise early, around 3:30 or 4 a.m., have a little coffee, pray, exercise, consider my investments and trades and then by 9:00, I’m at the office ready for the day’s challenge. How did your Baylor experience shape your life? Baylor’s mission as


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You probably have a lot of people asking you for things. How do you decide which ones to do and which

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commercial office projects throughout downtown Dallas and Houston and went public in 1994. He was a minority owner and general counsel of the Texas Rangers baseball club during President George W. Bush’s tenure as general partner. He founded the Haddock Foundation to create opportunities for college-baseball players through the Texas Collegiate League Ltd., and he’s the Commissioner of the summer wood-bat league. He created the Haddock Center, which enabled him to funnel his passion for art into a study and research center for the paintings of British impressionist Stanhope Alexander Forbes. Haddock now serves as a board member of publiclytraded ENSCO Plc and Meritage Homes Corp. He also is on the board of directors of CEELI, a non-profit in Prague that provides training, exchanges and education to legal professionals in Central and Eastern Europe. He’s very excited that in this stage of his life he has a chance to work closely with his children, including an impending movie project with son Russell, a Baylor graduate with a degree in film. Haddock is acting as Executive Producer on this film, which starts production this fall. He also still manages select litigation matters through the Haddock firm. What have you been up to lately? I am working on a 65-acre real estate development in north Fort Worth and negotiating contracts for retail pad sites. I’m making some investments in shale plays in south Texas, buying debt or other

a Christian institution has had a profound effect on the decisions I have made throughout my career. One example: While I was at Crescent, I had an opportunity for a $2 billion casino acquisition in Los Angeles. There was a lot of pressure to make the deal. Based solely on the financials, it looked like a good gamble. But my upbringing and Baylor background slowed my analysis and made it difficult to make. Baylor was always a beacon in both my personal life and business life. I would always ask myself if my conduct would pass the Baylor test. The Baylor Beacon and my Baylor friends probably kept me from making some big mistakes. Honestly, though, in recent years the Baylor Beacon has changed for me. I still love my school—don’t get me wrong —but Baylor’s world view has changed much like the world view of our country. It is getting harder and harder to see a distinction in the Christian and the secular. I realize that we must evolve in our Christian universities and in society in general, but I regret that we consider, at times, compromising necessary in order to win. We need to stand taller and be more committed to what’s right than getting caught up in the maze of promotions. Universities need to develop a sense of accountability with every student—being surrogate parents is a great obligation that offers great opportunity to separate the Christian education from other public institutions. I’d like to see us be a little stronger. You have to be careful that your desire to be a world-class institution doesn’t cost you your soul. In this regard, the BAA could continue to be a protector.

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ones to say no to, and what’s your approach to saying no? Saying no is the hardest thing to do but the most impor-

tant. Without “no,” yes has no real meaning. It’s certainly more popular to always say “yes,” but people who know me know that when you get a “yes,” you are getting a well-reasoned, considered and passionate response. It takes strength to say no. You have to learn to explain your rationale but when you do that effectively, you are also teaching how to get to “yes.” If you’re blunt, you can lose a friend. But if you take the time to explain, you can remain in a position of encouragement and better direct the person toward something that will be a better opportunity in the long term. What are you feeling particularly passionate about these days? I truly enjoy collecting the art of Stanhope

Alexander Forbes. I chose this artist because of his subjects and light. I have 13 paintings. I believe it’s the largest private Forbes collection in the world, and they each have special meaning to me. The paintings are of common people, doing an honest day’s work in beautiful light and oftentimes around water. That is how I was raised on Caddo Lake. I have become my own curator and put together a collection that tells a story. Tolstoy talked about art creating an emotional connection that is exactly what this collection has done for me. An unexpected consequence of this collection is that my children and grandchildren are now interested in art as well. One of my granddaughters, age 4—I have six, all girls—is certain to be a Baylor Bear one day. She loves art so much that she and I take an art class together every week. We play art wherever we are. And of course, I’ll always be passionate about being an entrepreneur. I am thankful for and appreciate the work that the Baylor Business School did and is still doing in that area. Entrepreneurism and critical thinking are difficult skills. Receiving a core education program coupled with real-life opportunities make for a success in business and in life. I am passionate about teaching my employees, partners, and family about becoming a success through entrepreneurism. I try to explain that “selling is asking for a ‘yes’ while entrepreneurism is about asking for a ‘yes’ and having the ability to say ‘no.’” How do you define success today and has that changed over the years? Today, it’s about doing something

meaningful in a philanthropic family-oriented encore. It’s not about a retirement; it’s about using skills in a different way. In the past, it was about being fast-charging, goal-oriented in an effort to accumulate capital. Today, it’s about utilizing that capital to make a broader connection with my family. Where once it was about putting touchdowns on the board, now it’s about how good you are at giving back. My success is due to being generally coachable. I come to the table with a certain skill set and mental curiosity. I start out with the assumption that I’m not the smartest guy in the room and then going to find or connect with the smartest guy.

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It’s all about learning, learning, learning. What are the one or two best decisions you’ve made in your professional or personal life and what did you learn? Initially, I tried to make decisions based on what

arenas I wanted to be involved in, have longevity in, and be impassioned about. Fulbright and Jaworski provided me with a foundation so I suppose the first ‘best decision’ was deciding to practice law in a big firm. I went there and stayed eight years. During that time, I had some opportunities presented to me to leave, but I turned them down to develop the professional infrastructure that only a large, established firm could provide. The other ‘best decision’ I made was marrying Diane. She’s a tremendous woman, and has kept our family together in the best and worst of times. I am very proud of our family. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

A senior partner at Fulbright & Jaworski told me to stay at the firm early on and turn down a very attractive offer. He said that in the entrepreneurial world, you don’t start a new job every year. It’s takes time to develop all the skills you need to be a successful lawyer or businessman. Focus is important. What’s inspiring you right now? I really enjoyed “The Frackers” (by Gregory Zuckerman), which is about the developers of the oil-shale industry. As I read it, I found I knew about half the people in there so I got their personal stories. I also like “My Promised Land” (by Ari Shavit), which is one of the best written books I’ve read about relationships between the Palestinians and Israelis and about problems that are not going to be easily solved. I’m on the board of CEELI, and “My Promised Land” has inspired me to go back and take a more active role. LINDA HUNT BUNNELL Higher Education Administration

Linda Hunt Bunnell ‘64 has spent her PROFEsional life in higher education, serving as professor and dean at the University of California, Riverside; Dean for Academic Programs and Policy Studies for the California State University System; Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the Minnesota State Universities; Chancellor of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; senior vice president for Higher Education for The College Board in New York, where she led the move to raise SAT standards; and Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Dr. Bunnell now makes her home in Denver. She is a member of the board of The Buechner Institute for Governance at the University of Colorado. She led a Leadership Development Institute for women in Rwanda and Uganda last June. She is a member of the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John’s, an fall 2015

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Success has always meant helping others to achieve their full potential—be they acquaintances, friends, students, employees, colleagues, and even those unknown to me. —Linda Hunt Bunnell ’64

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active member of the Denver Film Society, and reads and travels extensively. On the bookshelf are “To the Finland Station,” “Peter the Great,” “George Keenan: An American Life,” and “A Street Cat Named Bob.” Recent travels have found her in Mongolia, Iran, Istanbul, and St. Petersburg. What are you currently doing? Traveling the world, reading both intensively and extensively and assuring that my elderly mother receives the best of care. How did your Baylor experience shape your career and your personal life? My liberal arts education fueled my

intellectual curiosity; that curiosity drives me yet today to follow wherever it leads. The Honors Program gave me the confidence that I needed to go to graduate school. My majors in English and Communication laid the basis for my career-first as a professor and then ultimately as a university president. Leadership opportunities that I had as a young woman at Baylor prepared me for those that came my way in adult life. Two of the friends I met at Baylor continue to enhance my life and encourage me to explore new horizons. And Clement Goode, Professor of English at Baylor, taught me how to read literature and inspired me to seek an academic career. Our shared love of the Romantic Poets continues to inform both my vision of the world and my daily habits. What are you feeling particularly passionate about these days? Now and since I was at Baylor, I have felt

passionately and worked hard to offer access to a good education for all people regardless of ethnicity, race, age, or parental income—especially those who either consider it or find it beyond their grasp. How do you define success? Success has always meant helping others to achieve their full potential—be they acquaintances, friends, students, employees, colleagues, and even those unknown to me. I have tried to demonstrate by example and by exercise of leadership to encourage them to realize dreams they may not yet have. What are the one or two best decisions you’ve made in professional career or personal life? To go wherever

opportunity presented itself, even though it meant moving. I learned how to study and to respect the differing cultures that inhere in states beyond Texas, and now nations beyond the United States. What is the best advice that you have ever gotten?

That if I wanted to thrive in my profession, I must always see myself as a learner. I see now that the same advice applies across the spectrum of life. What is inspiring you right now? My travel—most recently to Rwanda, Uganda, Turkey and Iran. Experiencing these and other countries has taught me firsthand how profoundly our present is informed by mankind’s past across geography, political systems, religion and social mores. I continue to be embarrassed by my ignorance. So much to learn.

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CARROLL DAWSON Former NBA Coach and General Manager

CARROLL DAWSON ’60 SPENT 33 YEARS WITH THE NBA’s Houston Rockets as an assistant coach, general manager (of both the Rockets and WNBA Houston Comets), and remains an active part of the Rockets family. At his retirement ceremony in 2007, the Rockets hung a banner in the arena in his honor. Dawson earned All-Southwest Conference honors during his senior year at Baylor and returned to the Bears in 1963 as an assistant coach under Bill Menefee. Dawson became Baylor’s head coach in 1973 and left in 1977 to become a scout for two seasons with the Dallas Cowboys and a sales-man for Converse, before joining the coaching staff of the Houston Rockets under Del Harris in 1979. He was inducted into the Baylor Athletics Hall of Fame in 1998 and is a member of the Texas Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2003. He has six championship rings and was best known for his work with big men like Elvin Hayes, Moses Malone, Hakeem Olajuwon, and Ralph Sampson. In 1990, Dawson was struck by lightning on a golf course and lost one eye in the incident. In 2000, he married Sharon Strickland Dawson ’67 after they were reunited at a Baylor football game. What have you been up to lately? I’ve been working with high-school and college basketball players—and Dwight Howard—helping them to get better. I enjoy coaching and can still do it even after losing my sight. When they throw me the ball, it has to be a bounce pass so I can hear it. After 50 years of coaching, I know where it’s coming. And I can see the rotation of the ball coming off their hands and know how to fix it. How did your Baylor experience shape your life? It gave me a career. I played here, joined the service, and then came back as an assistant to Coach Menefee. You probably have a lot of people asking you for things. How do you decide which ones to do and which ones to say no to, and what’s your approach to saying no? I have a hard time saying no. It’s the way I was raised in

east Texas, in a town of 190 people. If I can help, I do. My wife is the same way. Anything that involves a child, we’re suckers for it. What are you feeling particularly passionate about these days? Baylor Athletics. Since retiring, all I want to do

is come back and support our athletic teams. How do you define success today and has that changed over the years? It’s funny. When I attended Baylor

in the 50s, I thought success would be making $500 a month since I’d been hauling hay in the summers for $3 a day. My view is that if you’re happy, you’re successful. I thought that if I became a coach, I’d be happy so I chose happiness (Dawson made $4,800 per year for his first Baylor coaching job). But I got both. The Lord works in mysterious ways. If money is fall 2015

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October 2002: Houston Rockets General Manager Carroll Dawson with center Yao Ming and coach Rudy Tomjanavich

what makes you happy, there’s something wrong with you. What are the one or two best decisions you’ve made in your professional or personal life and what did you learn? Marrying my wife and taking that first coaching job

at Baylor and getting into this profession. I went to the finals four times with the Rockets and won twice, and won four championships with the Comets. And I’m still coaching. I feel really good helping some get better at what they love. Another good decision was deciding to go to work as a scout for the Dallas Cowboys. I was getting ready to start a job at Merrill Lynch when I ran into Gil Brandt at a restaurant. He was worried about an antitrust suit impacting the draft so he wanted me to head up a team of five recruiters. I told him I didn’t know anything about football; he told me it didn’t matter. The next thing I knew, I was in Tex Schramm’s office, meeting Roger Staubach. Tex was a genius with an amazing work ethic and he taught me a lot about dealing with people and dealing with the press. How about the worst decision? Saying no the first time to Del Harris when he asked me to join his coaching staff with the Rockets when I was still a scout with the Cowboys. But I fixed that when he asked for a second time a year or two later and I stayed in coaching for the next 36 years. 20

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What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten? My father told me, ‘Never embarrass the family.’ It

stuck with me and still does to this day. It still rings in my ears to this day. What’s inspiring you right now? I really enjoyed the movie, “American Sniper.” I hadn’t been to a movie in seven years, but it was patriotic and American. It was just really good. DR. GERALD COBB Educator and Mentor

A 2011 recipient of the BAA’s Distinguished Alumni Award, Dr. Gerald Cobb ’50 describes his career as “a miracle.” After graduating from New Diana High School, as part of a 14-person graduating class, basketball became his ticket to Baylor. Baptist Preacher and Baylor graduate Obie Baker brought Cobb to Waco for a tryout in 1946 just as other students were returning from World War II. Baylor Coach Bill Henderson helped Cobb get into Baylor and get a job at the bookstore working three hours a day at thirty cents an hour. Competing against a group that won the SWC during

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the 1945-46 season, he was the JV’s leading scorer, received a scholarship for the rest of his Baylor career and lettered on the varsity in 1949 and 1950. Dr. Cobb says he’s been fortunate to have three careers he enjoyed. He spent 10 years as a highschool teacher and basketball coach; 28 years as a school administrator in the Galena Park Independent School District in Texas, including 17 years as Superintendent; and 35 years as a founder and board member of Woodforest National Bank, serving as a director, CEO, vice chairman, and chairman. During his distinguished career, Dr. Cobb served as chairman of both the NCAA High School Basketball Committee and the High School Division of the National Basketball Coaches Association; chairman of the Harris County Administrators and the Textbook Selection Committee of Texas; was named Texas Educator of the Month in February 1979; had the Galena Park ISD’s 6th grade campus named in his honor; and was inducted into the Baylor “B” Association Wall of Honor in 2009. What are you currently doing? I became Chairman Emeritus of Woodforest National Bank on April 15, 2015, but continue to work at the bank five days a week. How did Baylor experience shape your personal and professional life? My personal life was greatly enhanced

when I met and married Bobbie Barton, a 1951 Baylor graduate. She was my greatest supporter, critic, fan, and she loved

me. Bobbie challenged me to continue to improve in all aspects of my career and personal traits. Baylor has always been a big part of our adult life. Bobbie and I sent a son, Bart, a daughter, Cathy, and five grandchildren to Baylor. Professionally Baylor was a great contributor to my success. Every time I made a change in my work location, when people found out I was from Baylor, I was immediately accepted and respected. This was not always true of other schools. In summary, I have been blessed with a lot of drive and determination, and Baylor provided me with the opportunity and development of the essential knowledge and skills to reach my goals in life. What are you feeling passionate about these days?

My current passion is to help those students who have the ability and desire to seek higher education goals but lack the resources to do so. I am currently providing college scholarships for three students. How do you define success? Success to me is being in a job or profession that best fits your lifestyle, capabilities, personality, and provides the opportunities to achieve your goals in life. What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten? My former Superintendent told me that as a top administrator, I would be faced with some difficult problems. If you have time to study the problem, take it; if not, make a decision. Most of the people will be with you.

Dr. Gerald Cobb ‘50 MAJOR GENERAL DAVID RUBENSTEIN, MA ‘89 Military Leader and Teacher

David Rubenstein is a retired Major General who served as the Army’s Deputy Surgeon General and Chief of the Medical Service Corps, spending 12 of his 35 Army years in command. A graduate of Texas A&M and the Army War College, Rubenstein earned his master’s in Health Administration in 1989. He is listed in six Who’s Who publications, was included twice in Modern Healthcare’s list of the 100 most influential people in Healthcare and received the 2013 Baylor Board of Regents’ Healthcare Medal of Service. A past chairman of the Board of Governors of the American College of Healthcare Executives, he also holds a number of military awards and decorations, including the Distinguished Service Medal and Defense Legion of Merit. What have you been up to lately? I am Clinical Associate Professor of Health Administration at Texas State University and am sharing what I’ve learned about leadership as a university professor, speaker and seminar leader. Quite simply in my post-Army role as a university professor, graduate student mentor, and public speaker, I help to develop the next generation of health and healthcare executives. How did your Baylor experience shape your life? My Baylor experience gave me the credentials and set me on the

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What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

I have received so many best pieces of advice. In honor of his recent death (in March), I’ll pick “it all depends” from Colonel (Ret.) Wayne Sorensen, Ph.D., former Baylor Professor. Wayne’s approach to academics, from which this quote came, and life was an important lesson in being flexible. The right answer to a life question often depends on the perspective from which the problem is viewed. Therefore, ensure you look at all problems, issues, and questions from all perspectives before making a decision. What’s inspiring you right now? Conducting oral interviews of elderly colleagues and friends to ensure their stories are not lost. The General, his wife and Bruiser

course to serve our nation at the highest levels of the Army and Army Medical Department. You probably have a lot of people asking you for things. How do you decide which ones to do and which ones to say no to, and what’s your approach to saying no? I try very hard to be helpful when someone asks for a

favor. If the question is within my means, my mission, my values, I’ll say yes. If supporting the favor will put me in a position that is at odds with my means, mission, or values, I’ll politely say no. If the question is asked from a position of inexperience, for example, someone I barely know or haven’t worked with asking for a letter of recommendation, I’ll add a bit of education to the polite no. What are you feeling particularly passionate about these days? Giving back to my profession and my

community, both very broadly defined. How do you define success today and has that changed over the years? There’s no change to how I define

success: Have I done today those things that help me reach my mission, vision and values? What are the one or two best decisions you’ve made in your professional or personal life and what did you learn? The three best decisions I’ve ever made were

marrying the woman I married 37 years ago; serving our nation as a Soldier for 35 years; and attending the Army-Baylor graduate program in health administration. What are the one or two worst decisions you’ve made in your professional or personal life and what did you learn? I’ve been wildly successful in both the personal and



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JERRY MARCONTELL ’58 ALSO EARNED HIS MEDIcal degree from Baylor College of Medicine in 1963. A retired Houston obstetrician-gynecologist who served 31 years in private practice, Dr. Marcontell was a consensus All-Southwest End and Scholastic All-American on the Baylor football team that won the 1957 Sugar Bowl. He was elected co-captain of the team before the following season. He later served in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, attaining the rank of major and earning the honor of Flight Surgeon of the Year. After retiring to Rye, Texas, Dr. Marcontell has engaged in conservation of the Big Thicket area in Hardin County and is a Master Tree Farmer, past president of the Southeast Texas Forest Landowner’s Association, and, with his wife Mary, was the 2012 Texas Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year. What have you been up to lately? I’m the ultimate optimist—an 80-year-old guy who’s planting trees. I’ve always gotten up around 5 a.m. so I could read medical literature and do hospital rounds. It’s the same way today. I still get up early to avoid the heat. I enjoy my time in the woods, basking in the solitude of nature. I love managing wildlife and working with the local Texas Parks & Wildlife biologists. We feed deer within sight of our back door and we keep fish feeders on our ponds. Last night, I had a meeting with the West Hardin Water District Policy Board, and I’m involved in a number of other volunteer projects. How did your Baylor experience shape your life? It gave me lifelong friends who are priceless. I was a Chemistry major when I arrived at Baylor but I decided to go to medical school in the middle of my senior year, which required me to stay an extra year to take four biology classes and I was told that getting into medical school would require me to get the seal of approval from the Chairman of the Biology Department, Dr. Cornelia Smith, who had a reputation for being very tough. My very first day in her class was most memorable!


professional parts of my life: successful despite potentially questionable decisions. The lesson I’ve learned is that there’s no one way to a successful endpoint. One should make the best decision possible and adjust as necessary along the path to its conclusion.

JERRY MARCONTELL Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Tree Farmer

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I’m the ultimate optimist — an 80-year-old guy who’s planting trees. I’ve always gotten up around 5 a.m. ... You can outthink me but you can’t outwork me. —Jerry Marcontell ’58

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The class prior to hers was clear across campus and went overtime. Not wanting to be late on the first day, I ran as fast as I could but still arrived late. I had to walk right past her while she stopped her lecture as I found a seat. Adjusting my clipboard made an unexpected loud noise like a gunshot. She stopped teaching again and asked me, “May we proceed?” From then on I was a marked man and she began each class by asking me a question about the lesson. To avoid further embarrassment, I knew my biology cold and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The atmosphere at Baylor helped me prepare for the rigors of medical training, but as I look back, and I don’t do that much, if I had one wish it would be that I had taken more Humanities courses. I also learned at Baylor that the degree is not an end. It is the beginning of the learning curve. Football opened some doors too. People recognized my name and when I completed my OB-GYN residency, I had to take a written test and then practice for two years before my interview to become a board-certified specialist. When I entered the room, the examining doctor said, “I saw you play in the Sugar Bowl against Tennessee. You made a touchdown.” Things went well from that point on. You probably have a lot of people asking you for things. How do you decide which ones to do and which ones to say no to, and what’s your approach to saying no? I won’t be taking on any additional responsibilities for

the next few years because of my commitment to joining the leadership of the Texas Forestry Association, but in the past, I’ve made decisions based on five factors: • Is it a long-term commitment? I didn’t consider terms of service over two years. • Does it require meeting on weekends? I wanted to keep my weekends free to spend time with our children and grandchildren. • Do I feel good about the reputation and the goals of the organization? • Is the position offered compatible with my interests and skills? • Do I feel comfortable interacting with the other people involved in this project? • How do you define success today and has that changed over the years? I see myself as a success today because of my wife of 50 years in October, four children who are productive members of society and eight beautiful granddaughters. That’s definitely changed. Before, I judged success on making more money and attaining more influential positions. But my basic philosophy was always the same: Patients deserve to get the best possible medical attention. If I couldn’t provide it, then I would refer them to someone who could. Jerry’s wife chimed in: “He’s really interested in people; that’s why he’s been so successful.” I wanted to go out at the top of my game when I retired in 24

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1998. I did that at the pinnacle of my career, while my cognitive and surgical skills were still sharp. I didn’t want to be ‘that guy’ who people were saying behind his back that he should hang it up. I was young enough to pursue other interests and I always liked the outdoors. What are the one or two best decisions you’ve made in your professional or personal life and what did you learn? Marrying my wife and going into medicine. They’re

related. It’s particularly helpful to have a supportive spouse when you work in a demanding field with long hours. How about the worst decision? My worst decisions have been financial. Investing in something where I didn’t know everything I needed to know. But I will say I never made risky investments with borrowed money...and the occasions where I lost money were all good object lessons. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

Dr. Thomas Gready, my senior medical partner, was very laid back. In non-emergency dilemmas he’d often say, “Give it a ‘tincture’ of time. It’ll probably work itself out.” Another good piece of advice I received -- and I don’t remember where I heard it – is: “Don’t be the first to take up something new or the last to discard something old.” What’s inspiring you right now? I recently finished reading “China Mirage” by James Bradley. It opened my eyes about dealing with Asia without regard for political party. I love John Grisham’s books and my all-time favorite is “Lonesome Dove” by Larry McMurtry. I love the physical book, the smell of books. I love to go into stores and buy books. They’re stacked up on shelves throughout my house. I actually bought the 100 Greatest Books series. I had difficulty getting into them, but I like to see them there on the shelves. Right now I’m reading “Flash Boys” by Michael Lewis; I had no idea that milliseconds and nanoseconds were so important to traders. GILFORD A. “GIL” STRICKLIN, SR. Founder, Marketplace Ministries

Gil Stricklin ’57 has served as a Military and Corporate Chaplain for more than 40 years. He is the founder of Marketplace Ministries Inc., which is thought to be the world’s largest business Chaplain’s service. Stricklin is a winner of both the 1997 Baylor Distinguished Alumni Award and the Abner McCall Service Award. A Baylor ROTC graduate, Stricklin served in the Air Force, Army and Navy during a 37-year military career both on active duty and in the Reserves. After completing a military career as a Colonel in the Army Chaplain Corps, Gil began Marketplace Ministries, a Christian evangelical non-profit that today has nearly 2,400 Corporate Chaplains providing pastoral care to 160,000+ workers and 445,800+ family members in 1,065 cities across North and Central America, Europe and Asia. He has received

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have two grandchildren who are students at Baylor. They represent our fifth generation of students and graduates from the Stricklin-March families. What are you feeling particularly passionate about these days? As I edge into my 80’s, I

am more excited to boldly share the message that God loves you and has a great plan for your life. It is a powerful experience of joy to share the Gospel with a person who needs to know Jesus died for their sins, was buried and arose on the third day. To accept the gift of eternal life freely offered by Christ makes an imperishable imprint on any life, both here and in the hereafter. How do you define success today and has that changed over the years? Significance is

Gil Stricklin ‘57

several awards including a Doctorate of Humanities from Dallas Baptist University, the Legion of Merit from the U.S. Army, the nation’s fifth highest honor, the 2014 Tom Landry Leadership Award from Dallas Baptist University, and the 2010 Distinguished Alumni Award from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. How did your Baylor experience shape your career an your personal life? The people I have met and the lifelong

friends of more than 60 years I have made through Baylor relationships have influenced my daily life. I applied the life and practical principles I learned in serving as Special A ssistant to Dr. Billy Graham for five years. My #1 friend and companion is Ann March, Baylor 1958 graduate, who I met in 1954 and married the day she graduated on May 23, 1958. She has been an influential part of every decision I have ever made, every job I have ever undertaken, every joy I have ever had, and she has shared with me in the few sad times we experienced together. When I look at my Baylor Beauty, still a Baylor Beauty after 57 years of marriage, I always remember walking across the campus with her, sitting on the banks of Waco Creek, sitting on the steps of Alexander Hall, and looking up at the green and gold lights on Pat Neff, listening to the chimes ring out across the campus. Today we are proud to

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discovering God’s plan for your life and fulfilling every aspect of His life’s design for you, by His empowerment of the indwelling Holy Spirit. What will you have when life ends here? You will be separated from everything, body from the soul, from family, friends and relationships, all material assets, everything except what you send on before you to your final eternal destination. Everything you can see, touch, taste, and feel will one day be gone, no longer present! We all need to ask God to turn our eyes off of the things of this world to the things of the world yet to come. What are the one or two best decisions you’ve made in professional career or personal life?

Marrying a beautiful dark haired, brown-eyed charmer from Fort Worth, Texas, named Ann Ramsey March, and quitting my ministry job to begin Marketplace Ministries on January 1, 1984, with no guarantees and probably not enough faith in the One who never fails. How about the worst decision? Not starting Marketplace Ministries three years before I did, because of some fear, doubt and lack of trusting faith. I learned life is brief and night comes when no man works, so get on with it. If God calls you to a task, He will finish it if you trust Him and are available to follow Him. What is the best advice that you have ever gotten?

If God be your partner, make no small plans. What is inspiring you right now? “Killing Jesus” (by Bill O’Reilly) was moving and powerful in the details and description of the scenes, as well as historical facts. It caused in me a deeper dedication to my life and faith, as well as worshipping Him and serving others daily. “Mission Drift” (by Peter Greer and Chris Horst) is a powerful warning for CEOs of Christian ministries and principles to keep you on track personally and in organizational and mission development and follow-through. Both are excellent reads. BL fall 2015

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The talks e n i or L mer, F, a Bayl F f F all o TEA T to H N GRA t coach H C COA greates r— BU’s d teache — an ll time of a

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By Ryan Sprayberry


he man sitting across the table emanates confidence and humility, with a magnetism that immediately welcomes you to the room. His office is filled with a Native American collection that would rival any found in the state; sprinkled throughout these objects are memories of one of college football’s most storied careers. It’s hard to imagine, but Grant Teaff’s personal goals always had him ending up in Lubbock as the head coach at Texas Tech University. “Lubbock is only 80 miles from my hometown. When J.T. King stepped down, the plan was to bring me back as the new head coach. Both King and Tech’s athletic director spoke with me when I was looking at taking the Angelo State job and said, ‘Go there for a few years, build the program and then the Tech job is yours.’” Teaff would take the Angelo State job in 1969, launching his college coaching career; but when he left in 1971, it wouldn’t be for Lubbock. Instead he would end up in Waco, 350 miles southeast from the Texas Tech campus. In fact, he accepted the head coaching job with the Bears in 1972 without having ever seen Baylor’s football facilities or players, meeting with Baylor’s faculty and staff, or any of the other typical homework that would go into making such a lifechanging decision. “Honestly, people can snicker, but this was God’s plan for me. I’ve lived it and I’ve seen the results, there’s no doubt about it. I was meant to be at Baylor; it was a blessing.”

Teaff’s experiences as a high school football player led him to pursue coaching professionally. A native Texan, he started his football career under those legendary Friday night lights, which are still central to small town Texas culture today. “I was from a relatively small school in Snyder, Texas,” Teaff said. “I had a desire to compete and I had great coaches who really made a difference in my life. I decided when I was a sophomore in high school that [coaching] was what I wanted to do. A coach can be tremendously positive or, if it’s not done in the right way, it can be negative. I wanted to be a positive influence on others’ lives.” Teaff would go on to play college football for Angelo State, although his tryout was significantly different than any you might see today. Instead of doing bench presses or running a 40-yard dash, Teaff and about 50 other recent high school graduates would be given one test: a test of toughness. The coach administering the tryout passed out boxing gloves to everyone in attendance. As Teaff remembers, “The guy standing next to me really probably saved my life. He said, ‘You know what? They’ve got three scholarships. I bet the last three guys standing get those scholarships.’ I took the advice and I got one of the scholarships. That’s how I got to junior college.” After completing his time at San Angelo, Teaff had offers to play for schools like Texas A&M and Texas Tech. However, Teaff would turn them down to go to McMurry University in Abilene.

photographs courtesy of texas sports hall of fame

Coach Teaff and the team celebrate in the locker room after locking up Teaff’s second and final SWC title in 1980.


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Coach Teaff meets fellow coaching legend Bear Bryant at midfield prior to the 1981 Cotton Bowl.

“I turned down those others schools because I had committed to play with my roommate from San Angelo,” Teaff said. “He couldn’t get offers to some of the other schools, but he got one to McMurry.” Teaff would finish his playing career after graduating from McMurry with his Masters degree before heading to Lubbock High School to teach history and serve as an assistant coach. He skills as a coach were obvious. He would receive an offer to become McMurry’s next head coach in 1960, just five years after graduating himself. After stints at Texas Tech as an assistant coach and at Angelo State as a head coach, Teaff came to Waco in 1972, his first time outside of the west Texas “triangle.” “I had met Jack Patterson, Baylor’s athletic director, at a track meet. The day Baylor fired their head coach, the Angelo team and I stopped in Waco to eat after playing a game. Everyone was talking about how Baylor fired their coach. I didn’t think anything about it because this news didn’t affect me at all. But then Jack Patterson started calling me.” As Teaff would later find out, he was far from Patterson’s first call. “I didn’t know that the reason he was calling me was that every head coach he had offered the job to had turned it down,” Teaff said. “Patterson had coached at Texas, so at one point he made offers to something like 10 coaches from Texas, going all the way down the ladder, but they all said ‘no.’” Teaff wasn’t in a much different mindset. With the Tech job waiting and Baylor playing the role of Southwest Conference doormat, there wasn’t much to lure him to Waco. “I had no interest in it. I mean zero. But Jack called me one morning, and he said, ‘Coach, I know you said you had no interest in this job, but I’m in real dire straits. Our Alumni are very upset that I haven’t found anybody, but do you think you could just come talk to me? I know you’re not interested but it would really help me out if they know that I talked to you.’ So I went to talk to Jack to help him out, because I really liked him.” Patterson arranged for Teaff to rent a plane and head to

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Waco that afternoon. Jack would pick up Teaff and shuttle him directly to his home on Pine Street. “We sat there and talked for about four hours. I don’t know, I can’t hardly explain it. I hadn’t looked at any budgets, I hadn’t met with the school’s president. I hadn’t met with the school’s vice president. I hadn’t looked at anything. I had not done any of the things you would normally do before making this kind of decision but after about five hours, I looked at Jack and I said, ‘I’ll take it. I’ll take the job.’” Teaff immediately informed his president at Angelo State that he was accepting the position and then he returned to make moving arrangements. The first time he made it back to Waco was for a press conference. “I still hadn’t seen anything. I had driven by the university and, once, while I was at Tech, we had played Baylor in Waco, but even then all we really did was go on the field and warm up. So of course, one of the first questions I got was, ‘Coach, are you going to paint everything?’ I had no idea what that meant. I hadn’t seen any facilities and I hadn’t seen anything unusual painted, but I tried to answer the question as best I could and thankfully it was the right answer. I said, ‘Well look, the problems I see around here, they’re not paint-thin deep. They go a lot deeper than that. So no, I won’t be painting anything.’” Teaff later found out that the question was in reference to Coach Beall, who had been known for painting things around the football facilities. Teaff says legendary sportswriter Dave Campbell still loves to give him a hard time about the question 44 years later. Teaff immediately started working to improve Baylor’s team. Off the field, he worked with team boosters to install Astroturf and build a weight room for the team. “I went to President Abner McCall and told him I could get the weight room installed for $50,000. McCall said, ‘That’s great! If you raise the money, you can do it.’ I still didn’t really know any of the boosters at the time but there was a guy named Charlie Jones that was in the development department that loved athletics. He was always calling me, and so he came by the day that President McCall told me I had to raise the money. Charlie must have seen my perplexed look because he said, ‘What’s wrong, coach?’ I told him I needed a weight room but I didn’t know where to start with fundraising. Charlie said, ‘Don’t worry coach, I’ll look around.’ So a week later, I get a call from Charlie and he says, ‘Coach, I got your money but I don’t think you’ll take it.’ Of course, I responded, ‘What are you talking about Charlie? We need a weight room, I’ll take the money.’ He said, ‘Knowing you coach, you won’t take this money. You won’t like where it came from.’ And I said, ‘OK, Charlie, fall 2015



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Coach Teaff and starting quarterback Jay Jeffrey patrol the sidelines during the 1980 season. Teaff’s 1980 team also included future NFL draft selections Mike Singletary, Robert Holt, Doak Field, Mike Fisher and Frank Ditta.

where’d it come from?’ Charlie took a second and responded, ‘It’s $50,000 worth of Anheuser-Busch stock.’ I thought about it and I told him, ‘Charlie I’ll take it. We need the weight room and the devil’s had that money long enough.’ So we got the weight room.” Teaff’s work paid immediate dividends. Baylor had only won seven games in the previous five years, including just one victory in Beall’s final season. Teaff would go 5-6 with three conference wins that first season and use the success to build a solid recruiting class. His second year with the program would see a step backwards, but by 1974, Teaff would engineer a Southwest Conference title – Baylor’s first in 50 years. While the whole season was dubbed the “Miracle on the Brazos,” one game in particular stood out as Baylor beat Texas 34-24 after having lost the previous 16 games in the series. “That game changed everything. Not just for Baylor but for the Southwest Conference as whole. Everyone knew now that the private schools could compete and win. No one was scared of Texas, A&M or Arkansas anymore.” Teaff would have many memorable games throughout his career but he struggles to narrow them down to just a few. “Well of course, I’d have to say that first game. Early on, we had to go play a lot of games in some of college football’s most daunting venues. We had to play those games for budget Ryan Sprayberry ‘ 12 is the exhibits and collections manager for the Texas Sports Hall of Fame in Waco. This is the first in what will be a recurring feature in the Baylor Line on Baylor Sports Legends in the TSHOF. 30

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issues, not just for ourselves, but for all sports to make ends meet. So for my first game, we traveled to Athens, Georgia, to play Vince Dooley and UGA. The stadium was packed. The Bulldogs were ranked. Our boys weren’t very deep or big. I think the line averaged about 225 pounds and you could just see their eyes were as big as saucers. I called the team together and told them, ‘I want you to walk onto this field. Shoulders back, head held high, don’t say a word to anybody. Walk onto this field like you own it.” Baylor would fall 24-14 in a much closer game than anyone expected. The Bears had learned that they could hang with anyone. The next week, Baylor would travel to Missouri to play the Tigers who were 27-point favorites. The players asked Teaff if they could again walk onto the field and, of course, Teaff agreed. The Bears flipped the script by a final score of 27-0. “By the next Friday night, half the high schools in Texas stopped running onto the field, instead they were walking onto the field,” Teaff said. He also recalled the 1980 game against Arkansas where Baylor was looking to rebound from an upset loss to San Jose State the week prior. Teaff had defensive back Kyle Woods, who had sustained an injury during a 1979 practice that left him a quadriplegic, talk to his teammates before the game. Kyle said, “Guys, you have to turn setback into comeback.” The team responded, cruising past Arkansas and finishing the rest of the season without another loss, earning a birth in the Cotton Bowl as champions of the Southwest Conference. Teaff also remembers the 1973 Homecoming game against TCU, but for a very different reason. The Bears were down 34-28 late in the fourth quarter. An issue with the down marker caused Baylor’s quarterback,

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Neal Jeffrey, to throw the ball away on 4th down in an attempt to stop the clock. TCU got the ball back and ran out the clock. “He was devastated we lost. He had played a great game. There was a team here from the FCA and the Southern Baptist Convention filming for a television series called, ‘The Athletes.’ They shot everything – meetings, practice, the game and, of course, the locker room after. I thought it was going to be a huge victory, which would make this video a great tool for recruiting. Instead, we had a defeat. Everyone is devastated, but the cameras were already set up, so they’re filming all of this. It’s somber. Neal is crying and I said, ‘Neal, look at me. We wouldn’t have had an opportunity to win without you. It was a mistake that was made that wasn’t your fault. You were doing what you thought was right. Keep your head up.’ After that–with the cameras rolling–everyone, one by one, walked up to him and said, ‘We love you Neal.’ It was significant because the next year I showed the video to the guys and it brought them together like nothing I’ve ever seen. The piece went on to become one of the most viewed in the history of FCA. I’d get 40-50 letters from coaches or players for years afterwards, saying how the clip brought them to Christ and got them involved in the church. I’ll never forget that.” There was one game every season that Teaff and his team were always excited about: Homecoming. Teaff’s team would go 14-6-1 in Homecoming games over his career. They would often play teams ranked in the top 10 nationally and, more often than not, the game would be against a major rival. After a career-opening win against Texas A&M in 1972 (see A Look Back on page 48), Teaff would bookend his Homecoming career in fitting fashion, this time against a Georgia Tech team that had just won a National Championship two years prior. Both squads had seen ups and downs over the early part of the season but the Yellow Jackets had been ranked for most of the season. Per the norm under Teaff, the team was not going to be intimidated by past recognition or laurels. The Bears played an outstanding game and won 31-27. Teaff would finish his Homecoming career as it started: with a win. “From that first Homecoming game to the last, I could feel the environment for the game grow stronger. There were more Alumni and more passion. People from Baylor love tradition and there’s a lot of tradition. Homecoming’s special–every player, every student, every Alumni, the cheerleaders and the band, it’s a special time for them.” Teaff had a hard time watching the program go from the top when he left to one of the worst in country over the next 16 years but he knew Baylor could bounce back. He had done it when he took over in 1972; it would just take the right man to do it again. Baylor found that man in Art Briles. “It was at the bottom when Art came in but he, his staff, the university, the boosters and the Alumni came together. Look at us now. We’re starting the season ranked #4 in the country. Art Briles is one of the best coaches in America right

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Coach Grant Teaff’s Five Most Memorable Games 1. 1974 game vs. Texas 2. 1985 game vs #3 USC, unranked Baylor team wins 20-13 in Los Angeles.

3. 1980 game vs. Arkansas 4. 1979 Peach Bowl, # 19 Baylor beat #18 Clemson 24-18 for Teaff’s first Baylor bowl victory

5. 1992 John Hancock Bowl, Baylor defeats Arizona 20-15 in Teaff’s final game as Baylor’s head coach

now, no doubt about it.” After leaving Baylor in 1994, Teaff became the executive director of the American Football Coaches Association. Teaff helped guide the organization to new heights, including the introduction of the AFCA’s CEO Coach of the Year in 2006, a fundraiser with proceeds going to support AFCA operations. Teaff will step down this February, but that doesn’t mean he’ll quit working anytime soon. When asked what former players and program supporters say about him, Teaff quickly responds, “That I cared. If you care, you probably make a difference. My whole goal, in all honesty, was to make a difference. I hope I continue to do that. I don’t want to stop just because I’m stepping away from AFCA.” No matter what, Teaff will always remember Baylor and the Baylor family. “Baylor, from the outset, has been incredibly special. There is a love for this university that I think goes back to the founding of the school. It is deeply loved by the people that are from here. Even when Baylor didn’t have a lot and they were insignificant in the athletic world, they were still turning out great successful people that love and support this university. Every school has a great following, but Baylor students and Baylor Alumni are really special.” BL To relive Coach Teaff ’s career and learn more about other Baylor sports legends, visit the Texas Sports Hall of Fame. The TSHOF is conveniently located on 1108 S University Parks Drive, next to the Baylor University campus. Find more information at or by calling (254) 756-1633. fall 2015

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Federal courts are growing more sympathetic to overwhelmed student-loan debtors

by Robert C. Cloud and Richard Fossey



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Meriel Jane Waissman

ast year, we published a law review article on the student-debt crisis that is threatening the economic future of millions of college students and their families. We pointed out that more than 7 million people have defaulted on their student loans and that millions more have received economic hardship deferments that temporarily exempt them from making loan payments even though interest on their loans continues to accrue, making their loan balances grow with each passing month. We also made note of extensive research and commentary about fraud and abuse in the for-profit college industry, where many students are paying

far too much in tuition for college experiences that do not lead to well-paying jobs. In our article, which was excerpted in the Spring 2015 issue of The Baylor Line, we recommended three basic reforms. First, we argued that the federal government should publish more accurate data on the student-loan default rate, which we estimated to be at least double the rate that the Department of Education reports. Second, we recommended that the government impose better regulation and control of the for-profit college sector. Third, we strenuously argued for reform of the bankruptcy laws so that financially distressed student-loan debtors who took out student loans in good faith can discharge their student-loan debt in bankruptcy.

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Fortunately, over the past two years, several federal courts have ruled in accordance with our last recommendation. They have shown themselves to be increasingly sympathetic toward insolvent student-loan debtors and have granted bankruptcy relief over the objections of the Department of Education and debt-collection agencies. In this brief essay, we summarize two of the most important recent federal court decisions that have come to the rescue of financially overwhelmed student-loan borrowers.

herself and her two children. As in the Lamento case, Conniff’s creditor argued that Conniff should be put on a long-term income-based repayment plan; but the bankruptcy judge rejected that argument. In the judge’s opinion, Conniff, who was 44 years old, would never be able to pay off her student loans during the balance of her working life, which the judge estimated to be about 15 years. Consequently, the judge discharged the loans through the bankruptcy process.

Signs of Compassion in the Federal Bankruptcy Courts

Growing Judicial Awareness of Financial Hardship

In a 2014 decision, an Ohio bankruptcy court granted bankruptcy relief to Alethea Lamento, a 35-year-old single mother of two. Lamento had accumulated $70,000 in student loans trying to obtain an education that she was unable to complete partly because she was married to an abusive husband who opposed her efforts to better herself by going to college. At the time of her bankruptcy filing, Lamento was working full time but was unable to make ends meet, and she and her two children were living rent free with her mother and stepfather. The Department of Education and a loan guarantee agency opposed bankruptcy relief for Ms. Lamento, arguing that her financial situation might improve and that she should be placed in a long-term repayment plan that would require her to make monthly payments based on her income for 25 years. But with remarkable compassion, an Ohio bankruptcy judge discharged all of Lamento’s student-loan debt. In the court’s opinion, Lamento’s financial condition was not likely to improve markedly and she should not be required to bear the financial and psychological costs of dealing with a debt she could never pay off. “Given Alethea’s desperate circumstances, and her status as the proverbial honest but unfortunate debtor, she is entitled to sleep at night without these unpayable debts continuing to hang over her head for the next 25 years,” the court ruled. (In re Lamento, 2014, p. 679). In early 2015, an Alabama bankruptcy court ruled in a similar spirit. In Acosta-Conniff v. Educational Credit Management Corporation, Alexandra Acosta-Conniff came to bankruptcy court seeking to discharge approximately $112,000 in student-loan debt. Like Lamento, Ms. Conniff was a single mother of two who worked full time as an Alabama school teacher. Although she had obtained a Ph.D. in the field of education, her salary simply did not allow her to make loan payments and still provide a minimum standard of living for

Lamento and Acosta-Conniff are only two among several recent decisions in which federal courts have discharged student loans in bankruptcy over the objection of the Department of Education and various loan guarantee agencies. Although the rationales of these decisions have varied, in general the courts have ruled in the spirit of compassion and common sense toward unfortunate people who took out student loans in good faith but were unable to pay them back due to unforeseen life circumstances: divorce, health problems, inability to find remunerative work, etc. In our opinion, this trend toward judicial compassion and common sense is a good development and indicates a growing awareness by federal judges that many Americans are suffering tremendous financial hardship due to crushing studentloan debt. We note briefly that some college-loan debtors have seen the total amount of their debt obligations rise due to fees and penalties that have been added to the amount they originally borrowed. In particular, some debtors have incurred high fees when they consolidated their student-loan debt. Ultimately, the federal bankruptcy courts cannot alleviate all the suffering that is being experienced by millions of student-loan debtors who simply cannot pay back their student loans. But the fact that several federal bankruptcy courts have stepped up to the plate so to speak and discharged oppressive student-loan obligations over the objection of creditors is a very heartening trend and an indication of a growing public awareness that the federal student-loan program is out of control. BL References Acosta-Conniff v. Educational Credit Management Corporation, No. 12-31448-WRS, 2015 Bankr. LEXIS 937 (M.D. Ala. March 25, 2015). Cloud, R. C. & Fossey, R. (2014). Facing the student debt crisis: Restoring the integrity of the federal student loan program. Journal of College and University Law, 40, 101-32. In re Lamento, 520 B.R. 667 (Bankr. N.D. Ohio 2014).

Robert C. Cloud (left), MS ’66, EdD ’69, served as president of Lee College in Texas for ten years and as vice president and Dean at two other Texas colleges before joining the Baylor graduate faculty in 1988. He serves as a professor of higher education and as chair of the Department of Educational Administration. Richard Fossey (right), who has his JD from the University of Texas School of Law and his EdD from Harvard, is a Paul Burdin Endowed Professor of Education at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. 34

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On College Day at Vanguard Classical School (K-8th grade) in Denver, CO, 2nd grade teacher Kelly (Long) Walker ‘09 and Assistant Principal Suzanne (Melton) Pait ‘87 taught the students how to Sic ‘Em!

Down the




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dow n t h e y e a r s

1929 Margaret Amsler JD ‘37,

1958 Robert “Bob” Gauer recently

J. Michael Herrington married Charles A. Hardy in Iowa in 2006, but it didn’t become legal in

daughter of Judge Nat Harris

retired from Central Baptist

Texas for the Fort Worth resi-

‘1900, longtime Baylor Law

Church in Brady, Texas, after 56

dents until a U.S. Supreme Court

School Professor, will be the first

years in the gospel ministry and

ruling on same-sex marriages on

woman to be honored with a

has moved with his wife, Betty

June 26, 2015.

specially commissioned portrait

Gauer ‘58, to Watonga, OK, to

on the walls of the Baylor Law

serve as volunteer chaplain with


School. It won’t be her first

Mercy Hospital.

“first.” She was the only woman in her law-school class and she graduated first in her class. She

1963 Former Texas State Senator

Judge Thomas Culver III, JD ‘73, will retire from his position of 240th District judge after 38 years of service to Fort Bend

became the first woman in Texas,

Don Adams JD, who has worked


Louis H. Bremer has retired

just the third in the nation, to

for four decades to protect the public’s right to know, received


from his position as president

hold a tenure-track position in a law school, was the first woman

the 2015 James Madison Award

employed by the Texas Supreme

from the Freedom of Information

tion (GMA) inducted Roland

ana. Louis and his wife, Angela,

Court, and the first recipient of

Foundation of Texas at a Sept. 17

Lundy into its Gospel Music Hall

have moved to Edmond, OK,

the State Bar of Texas’ Presidents

luncheon in Austin.

of Fame. Lundy, the longtime

to be closer to their daughter,

Michael Jenkins was called

president and CEO of Christmas

son-in-law, and four grandchil-

as a Baylor Law professor.

‘the Walt Disney of Dallas” for his

music giant Word Entertainment,

dren. Louis serves on the Advi-


work with Six Flags over Texas

joins fellow Bear alums Billy Ray

sory Council to Baylor’s Robbins

and as the president and manag-

Hearn, ‘54 and Jarrel Mc-

Institute for Health Policy and

ing director of Dallas Summer

Cracken BA ‘50, MA ‘53, in the


named Regent Emerita.

Musicals and co-production

Hall of Fame.

Getterman served three terms

of four Tony Award winners on


as a Regent from 2001-2010 and

Broadway in a profile in


her family has been recognized

D Magazine this past summer.

with the Founders Medal in


Award. Amsler spent 30+ years

Sue Getterman has been

The Gospel Music Associa-

Mark Bass has been honored

and CEO of St. Francis Medical Center in Monroe, Louisi-

State District Judge Bob McGregor Jr. retired as sitting

as a member of the 2015 Finan-

judge of the 66th District Court

cial times Top 400 Advisors in

at the end of 2014, assuming

Dr. Ed Bridgeman, DDS ‘67.

the United States. Mark is a CFP,

Senior District Judge status at

late husband Ted have funded

and Suzanne Bridgeman ‘64

CPA, and a financial planner with

that time. He and wife Brenda

scholarships and programs in

celebrated their 50th wedding

Pennington, Bass, & Associates

will stay in Hillsboro for their

Baylor’s Honors College, Hanka-

anniversary on June 5.

in Lubbock, Texas.


2005 along with a host of other honors. Mrs. Getterman and her

mer School of Business, School

Eizabeth Moore Willing-

of Music, School of Education,

ham, MA ’83, has written The

George W. Truett Theological

party time— “A group of 1954

Mythical Indies and Columbus’s

Seminary and Martin Museum

graduates got together in San

Apocalyptic Letter: Imagining the

of Art. They also provided the

Antonio this past April to relive

Caribbean in the Late Middle Ages,

largest gift to women’s athletics

old times and demonstrate their

which will be published by Sussex

in Baylor history, which resulted

Baylor hospitality spirit after all

Academic this month. She is an

in Getteman Stadium, home of

these years,” writes James

Associate Professor of Spanish

Baylor softball since the

‘Beetle” Bailey ’54, who recently

at Baylor, where she teaches His-

stadium’s dedication in 2000.

lost his wife, Vivienne ‘57. The

panic film, literature, and literary

Renovations are nearing com-

group allowed Lamar “Bubba”

criticism, Romance Linguistics,

pletion to give Fountain Mall an

Hunt to join the party despite

Hispanic women writers, and Old

actual fountain. The renovations

the fact that he’s an Aggie ’54.


will turn Fifth Street into a plaza

Pictured from left to right are Leo

in time for the 2015 Homecoming.

and Glorianna Parchman; James F.


Dr. Thomas Rosenbalm, MS

“Beetle” Bailey; Shirely and Jimmy

Keith D. Herron has been

‘51, M.D. ‘55, donated $8 million

Elrod; Frances and Milton Rhodes

called as Senior Minister at St.

last year for the project in honor

(Milton also recently passed

Lucas United Church of Christ in

of his deceased parents.

away); Johnny and Kay Thornton;

St. Louis, Missouri.

and the Aggie.

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fall 2015 the baylor line


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d own the years

1976 John Eddie Williams Jr., JD

Jerry Stovall Jr. JD ‘89, a

directors. Debbie was described

of the Academy of the Arts at

by Titanium COO as having “an

the University of Arkansas-Fort

Labor and Employment attorney

energy and passion like no other


with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson,

‘78, has been named the 2015

person for pharmacogenomics testing.” She has more than 25


L.L.P, in Baton Rouge. has been

Distinguished Alumnus by Pasadena Independent School

years of major healthcare sales,

District. Williams graduated first

business development, and

has joined the Maui Dental


from his Baylor Law School class

marketing experience.

Surgery Group. Dr. Clark is one of

and served as editor-in-chief of


less than a handful of dentists in


the Baylor Law Review.

Jerry Clements, JD ‘81, chair

Dr. Michael Clark, DDS ‘85,

the United States who are

listed in Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business for

Jim Sprecher, MS ‘87, has

dual-trained prosthodontists and

been named the director of cross

of the international firm Locke

oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

country and track and field at

Lord and a member of the Baylor

Dr. Clark has spent much of his

Lynchburg College in Virginia. He

former Lady Bears Basketball

Board of Regents, was named

professional life at Baylor since

was previously head coach at the

standout who remains one of

2015 Baylor Lawyer of the Year by

graduating from the School of

University of North Carolina at

the school’s most gifted women

the Baylor Law Alumni Associa-

Dentistry in 1985, spending six

Wilmington, where he won five

athletes, was featured in the

tion Executive Committee.

years of post-doctoral residen-

CAA Coach of the Year titles. He

cies from 1991-1997 and then

has also been an assistant coach

1977 Suzie Snider Eppers, a

Waco Trib’s Where Are They Now

Diane Gough was named


Texas’ 2015 National Distin-

returning to the Baylor University

at a number of schools including


guished Principal by the Texas

Medical Center in 2005 where


Elementary Principals and Super-

he served as program director of

visors Association for her work at

the oral surgery training program


Hewitt Elementary School.

from 2008 to 2012.

Wes Brazell has been named chief financial officer for TearLab Corp, which develops and

Jeff Hampton ‘81 has

Sarah Sumner is publishing

Stephanie Painter has written a picture book “Liz Tames a

markets lab-on-a-chip technolo-

published his fourth book in the

Angry Like Jesus: Using His Exam-

Dragon (and Her Anger)” that is

gies for eye-care professionals.

past two years, “When the Light

ple to Spark Your Moral Courage

designed to help children find

Returned to Main Street,” a

in November through Fortress

healthy ways to manage their

principal with Lloyd Gosselink

collection of stories that explores

Press. She is founder of Right On

angry feelings. In the book, Liz

Rochelle & Townsend, P.C., has

the meaning of Christmas from

Mission and former Dean of A.W.

becomes so angry at her sister

been selected for Best Lawyer’s

a number of perspectives and

Tozer Theological Seminary in

that her anger morphs her into a

2016 listing of The Best Lawyers


Reading, California.

fire-breathing dragon. The book

in America in the Energy Law



is available through brightkid-

Georgia Crump, JD ‘78, a


1979 Dr. J. Bradley Creed is the new

Steve Howen and his wife

The Gospel Music Association Steve Shields, MA ‘92, has

M’Lissa Howen ’84 have

(GMA) honored Louie and Shel-

been hired as the special as-

launched Tales From an Empty

ley Giglio, who are best known

sistant to Kim Anderson, the

president at Campbell University

Nest, a social networking project

as the founders of the Passion

head coach of the Missouri men’s

in Buies Creek, North Carolina. A

celebrating the lives of empty

movement, during its annual

basketball team and a fellow

nationally recognized religion

nesters. Their website is www.

Gospel Music Hall of Fame

Baylor alum. Shields is the for-

historian, Dr. Creed comes to

presentation. Shelley is also a

mer head coach of the University

Campbell from Samford

Two of their original guest

Baylor Regent.

of Arkansas-Little Rock, where

University in Birmingham,

contributors are also Bears–

he compiled a record of 192-

Alabama, where he was a profes-

Randy Stevens ‘80 and Craig

178. Shields’ father is a former

sor of religion, provost and

Underwood ‘84.

Baylor golf coach.

executive vice president. Dr.

The Texas High School Football


Creed also previously served as

Hall of Fame inducted eight

dean of The George W. Truett

new members, including Mike

Seminary at Baylor.


nominated by President Obama



to serve as Undersecretary of

Brad R. Carson has been

Defense for Personnel and Readi-

Deborah Hampton, JD ‘82,

Dr. Rosilee Russell has been

ness. A Navy veteran and Rhodes

has been named chief marketing

appointed to the Arkansas Advi-

Scholar, Carson has been serving

officer at Titanium Healthcare

sory Council for the Education of

and was also appointed to the

Gifted and Talented Children. Dr.

company’s board of

Russell is executive director


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as Undersecretary of the Army Jerry Stovall Jr. JD ‘89

since March 2014, and has also served as General Counsel of the

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dow n t h e y e a r s

Army, a professor of business

Catherine Moore, a former

(‘98 and ‘01, respectively), best

in the past 12 years. He and his

law at the University of Tulsa and

Baylor cross-country and track

known as the hosts of HGTV’s

wife Hannah, BSFCS ‘04, were

director of the National Energy

athlete who turned to bike racing

Fixer Upper TV show and by

also featured on season one of

Policy Institute at the University

for injury rehabilitation, set the

many accounts the drivers of

HGTV’s Fixer Upper.

of Tulsa.

Masters Women 2K Pursuit world

Waco’s hot real-estate market,

David Murphy, a 2003 first-


record in Cyclocross (a form

have received $208,376 in tax

team All-American, became the

of bicycle racing) on July 10 at

incentives from the Waco City

first Bear to reach 100 career

the OTC Velodrome in Colorado

Council to turn a collection of

home runs in the major leagues.

become dean of Baylor’s School

Springs. A cancer survivor, Moore

rusty silos at 601 Webster Ave.

Traded to the California Angels by

of Education and professor of

has won four Cyclocross national

into a retail marketplace, mecca

Cleveland in late August, Murphy

higher-education policy and

titles, both team and individual.

for food trailers and headquar-

has played 1,100 games in the big


ters for the Gaines’ Magnolia

leagues – also the most of any

Homes business.

Baylor Baseball alum.


with Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle &

Dr. Michael McLendon has

leadership, effective July 1. Dr. McLendon has held faculty and administrative positions at

David Patterson has been

Jason Hill, JD ’04, a principal

Southern Methodist University

named CEO of Falck’s Rocky

and Vanderbilt University. He

Mountain division, which

Jeremiah Mayfield, an

Townsend, P.C., has been select-

has also served as an aide to a

recently won a competitive RFP

attorney with Thompson &

ed for Best Lawyer’s 2016 listing

member of the U.S. Senate and

to provide emergency ambulance

Knight in Dallas, was included in

of The Best Lawyers in America in

as a policy analyst on the Higher

services to the City of Aurora

the Water Law.

Education Committee of the

beginning September 1, 2015.

Florida House of Representatives.



McLendon received his bachelor’s degree in political science

Jenny King has graduated

Whitney Crews, a sixth-

from the prestigious East 15

from Baylor, his master’s from

grade social studies and science

Acting School at the University in

Florida State, and his PhD. from

teacher at E.J. Moss Intermediate

England with a master’s degree

the University of Michigan.

in Lindale ISD was named Texas’

in fine arts in acting. She earned


Elementary Teacher of the Year.

first-class honors.

Kermit Ward was recently pro-

Tonya Strickland, PhD ‘96,

Justin Baer and wife Randi

has been named provost for

have announced the birth of

moted to principal of Pflugerville

Southern Wesleyan University

Briles Randall Baer on July 5. We

ISD’s Connally High School.

in Central, South Carolina. Dr.

didn’t get a photo, but to answer


Strickland received her doctor-

your questions, yes, the newborn

ate in Curriculum and Instruction

was named in honor of the Baylor

Dr. Michael McFarland, EDD ‘05, became the second Baylor graduate in four years to be named Texas Superintendent of

from the School of Education.

1997 Kirsten Leigh Hancock has

football coach Art Briles. Coach the prestigious 2015 the Legal

Briles was suitably “amused and

500 US Director published by

humbled” by the honor and by

Legalese for his work in the firm’s

the fact that he did not have to compete for naming rights with

the Year for his work in Lancaster

moved to San Antonio where

M&A – Middle Market practice.

ISD in south Dallas.

she will be a resident chaplain

Susan Brennan Stern has

John D. Rainey, MBA ’95, has

the coach at Randi’s alma mater,

with Baptist Health System in

released the “First Year Teacher’s

Arkansas, because really, who

been named PayPal’s CFO, joining

their Clinical Pastoral Education

Pocket Survival Guide” and the

would want to name their child

the newly independent company

Program through August 2016.

second edition of “Five Dresses:


Aaron Pena, the principal of

Girl’s Guide to Success & What


from United Airlines, where he served as vice president and CFO.

Woodway Elementary School in

to Wear for Every Occasion.” Both


Midway ISD, has been named the

are available on Amazon.

Emily Erkel has been re-elected to Alpha Delta Pi sorority’s Grand Council, where she will be serving as International Vice

H-E-B Top Elementary Principal in Texas.

1998 Sports Business Daily listed Co-

2003 Dr. Devan Jonklass, PhD ‘03,

Heather Healy has been named assistant hunter seat coach for the Baylor equestrian team. Healy, who competed

has won the Collins Outstanding

with the Bears’ equestrian team

Professor Award as voted on by

from the fall of 2007 through the

President of Finance for two

lin Faulkner on its “Forty Under

the outgoing Baylor senior class.

spring of 2010, has been working

more years. Emily works as

40 list. Faulkner is the Chicago

Dr. Jonklass, a senior lecturer in

as a CPA and running her own

director of benefits for Little

Cubs’ vice president for sales

the Department of Chemistry

training program for horses and

Rock-based Windstream.

and partnerships.

and Biochemistry, is the ninth


Chip and Joanna Gaines

39_BaylorLine_FA15.indd 39

Baylor graduate to win the award

John Peers lost in the

fall 2015 the baylor line


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d own the years

Wimbledon tennis doubles finals

high school and junior high school

doctoral fellow in the Exercise

after a great tournament. He

campuses in the Glen Rose ISD

Sport Nutrition Laboratory and

and his partner Jamie Murray fell

in Texas.

also taught graduate and under-

Kyle Jones was named a

in straight sets in their first major

graduate courses. Future alums Spencer and

final to Jean-Julien Roger and

second-team All-American by

Horia Tecau. Peers played for

Golfweek, the 12th Bear to win

Clay Tinkham of Norfolk,

Baylor during his senior season in

that honor in program history.

Virginia, have won seven con-

2010-11, finishing 30-13 in singles

Jones participated on Team USA

secutive world championships in

and 38-6 in doubles.

in the Palmer Cup. He’s only the

duck-decoy carving from 2008-


second Baylor player to compete

2013 and have an 18-month

in the event and also qualified for

waiting list for their creations.

the 2015 U.S. Open.

Spencer is a senior economics

Matthew Lindner ‘12 and

Rebecca Neuger has joined

his father, Carl H. Lindner III of Cincinnati made a gift of $2 million to help make the Film and

Cornish and Yeakley

pre-business major.

Baylor women’s basketball team


as a full-time assistant. Neuger

Digital Media program, currently

major and Clay is a sophomore

the University of Mary Hardin-

Shannon Harper Boyer ‘02

housed within the Department of

heightened visibility, the film has

spent last season as a graduate

Communication, a freestanding

been accepted by four Oscar-

manager for the Bears men’s

and her Aggie husband Danny

department within the College of

qualifying film festivals, boosting

basketball team while she

welcomed their third future

Arts and Sciences.

its chances for an Oscar

completed work on her master’s

Baylor bear, Kameryn Elise, in


nomination next year.

in Sports Pedagogy.

March 2015.

Sune Agbuke ‘14, a former

Makenzie Marie Robertson

Royce O’Neale is headed to

Paige Tucker Mebane ‘09 and

MBA ‘15 and Clayton Wayne

Germany to play professional

Mitchell Mebane ‘10 welcomed

Lady Bears basketball player who

Fuller ‘15 were married July 11,

basketball after competing in

their first child, John Tucker

is entering her second year in

2015 at the First United Method-

the NBA summer league with the

Mebane on May 18.

the Baylor Law School, has been

ist Church in Waco. The bride

Boston Celtics. O’Neale played

nominated for her work off the

is the daughter of Baylor Lady

two seasons with the Bears, av-

Peterson ‘02 and Timothy

court by the Big 12 as an NCAA

Bears Basketball Coach Kim

eraging 10.1 points, 5.8 rebounds,

Peterson announce the birth of

Woman of the Year nominee.

Mulkey and Randy Robertson

3.4 assists and 1.2 steals.

Cayla Sabreen Peterson, born

Agbuke is third on the Lady Bears’

of Waco and was a key part of

all-time rebounding list and was

Raushanah (McPeters)

Aaron Raney was featured in

April 24 and weighing 6 lbs., 7 oz.

four Lady Bears teams that won

the Corsicana Daily Sun for giving

honored as a first-team

four straight Big 12 Tournament

back to his high-school drumline.


Academic All-Big 12 member

championship and the 2012

Lillian Grace Pruitt ‘15 mar-

Dulce Muirhead Brooks ‘40

three times, a five-time Big 12

NCAA National Champion-

ried Tucker Mackenzie Brack-

of Waco passed away July 24 at

Commissioners’s Honor Roll

ship. Clay was a four-year letter

ins on June 27 in Little Rock,

the age of 94. She raised five

selection, and was named to the

winner for the Bears’ football

Arkansas. The bride received

children, worked in the Dallas

Baylor Dean’s List three times.

team, winning two Big 12 champi-

her degree in communications

travel industry and retired to

She is also active in the commu-

onships and playing in four bowl

studies and corporate com-

Waco in 1989. Dulce was fluent in

nity in a number of areas.

games. Before coming to Baylor,

munications and was a member

Portuguese, Spanish and English

he played 5+ yeas of profes-

of Kappa Kappa Gamma, while

and was a member of the local

Nicole Yeakley ’10 on Dec. 28,

sional baseball in the Los Angeles

the groom received his degree

French club. She was preceded

2013. The couple had Dr Pepper

Angels minor-league baseball

in history and was a member of

in death by her husband, Richard

Hour at their reception and de-

system. There were Baylor Bears

Kappa Sigma. He is currently a

H. Brooks, and by her brothers

parted to That Good Old Baylor

galore at the wedding ceremony,

pharmacy student at Samford

and sisters. She is survived by

Line.Morgan A. McPheeters

including roommates and past


her children, 10 grandchildren,

JD ’14 has joined Kelly, Durham

teammates serving as bridesmaids and groomsmen.


and eight great-grandchildren.

& Pittard LLP in Dallas as

Andrew Cornish married

an associate. Shotgun, a film by Maverick Moore that won the Best Picture

2015 Chase Fickling is the new

FACULTY AND FUTURE ALUMS Dr. Mike Iosia has been named

Evelyn Harris Boswell ‘41 passed away on March 26, 2015. She served as associate editor of The Lariat for two years and

and Audience Choice prizes at

assistant orchestra director for

chair of the Lee University

was also chosen as both a Baylor

Baylor’s Black Glasses Film

Liberty High School in the Frisco

Department of Health, Exercise

Beauty and the 1940 Homecom-

Festival in 2014, was shown

ISD in Texas.

Science and Secondary Educa-

ing Queen, representing Alpha

tion. Dr. Iosia came to Lee from

Omega. She was preceded in

Baylor, where he was a post-

death by her husband,

at the Cannes Film Festival in France. As a result of the


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Ben Holmes is the new assistant band director for the

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dow n t h e y e a r s

H. Charles Boswell ‘41 and

as president of the Waco Dental

her son Steven Boswell, ‘61,

Association and as team dentist

M.D. ‘65. She is survived by

for the Baylor football team. He

her daughters, Bonnie Boswell

is survived by two sons and four

Brown ‘69 and Ann Boswell

grandchildren. Donald Ray Miller ‘48, JD 51,

Davis, as well as by a large family of grandchildren and great-

passed away suddenly on April


20 at the age of 85. A Waco

Chloe Tidwell Forkel ‘42

resident for his entire life, Donald was the “in-house real estate

passed away August 28, 2014, at

attorney” for Pioneer Savings &

the age of 92 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. She was the granddaughter of

Loan Association for 34 years

Kameryn Elise Boyer

before starting a private real

prominent Southern Baptist preacher, educator and author

John Tucker Mebane

Dr. J.B. Tidwell, who led Baylor’s

estate law practice, where he worked for 26 years before his

Bible department for many years.

retirement. Donald is survived by

During her time at Baylor, as she

three children and a number of

earned her B.A. in elementary

grandchildren and great-grand-

education, Chloe provided secre-

children. Leta Frances Beene Woodfin

tarial support to her grandfather and transcribed Sunday School

‘49, passed away Jan. 26, 2014 in

lessons for the Baptist Standard

Fort Worth at the age of 86. Leta

news publication. Her family was

earned a BA with a double major

recognized in 2007 as a “First

in English and religion from Bay-

Family of Baylor” for various con-

lor. Leta was preceded in death

tributions. Chloe is survived by

by Yandall C. Woodfin III, her hus-

three daughters, four grandchil-

band of 65 years, and by her son

dren, including Amy Smith ‘95, and two great-grandchildren. Dr. Lois M. Sutton MA ‘46 of

Cayla Sabreen Peterson

Yandall IV. She is survived by her daughters Carol Woodfin, Linda Wells and Rosemary Anderson,

Waco passed away on June 17,

by four grandchildren, and by two

2015, at the age of 89. She

great-grandchildren, along with

received her master’s degree

other family members.

from Baylor and began her teach-

William M. Dyal ‘49, passed

ing career in the foreign language

away Jan. 29, 2015, at the age of

department at Baylor in 1945

86. Dyal was a former president

and retired in 1994. She taught

of St. John’s College in Annapolis,

French, Spanish, and Italian and

Maryland. He was a well-known

served for several years as chair

leader among various ministries

of the Department of French. In

in Baptist, U.S. government, and

2004, Dr. Sutton was presented

international volunteer agencies,

the Herbert H. Reynolds Award

and president of the Ameri-

for Exemplary Service and also

can Field Service (AFS), which

the Baylor Retired Faculty Service

sponsors exchange students

Award. Dr. Sutton was preceded

to and from the United States

in death by her parents.

and other countries, and was

Dr. Jim Reeves ’47, DDS ’50,

proud to open China to become

passed away peacefully on April

a part of AFS. Bill is survived his

11, 2014 at the age of 90. A fifth-

wife of more than 64 years, Edie

generation Texan who gradu-

Dyal; three daughters and their

ated from Baylor and the Baylor

husbands, nine grandchildren,

Dental School, Jim practiced

and his brother Terry Alan Dyal of

dentistry until 1998 and drove

Pahrump, Nevada.

his 1966 Ford Mustang to work every day for 32 years. He served

41_BaylorLine_FA15.indd 41

Peggy Jean Place Bartley ‘49 passed away June 23, 2015,

fall 2015 the baylor line


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d own the years

in Waco at the age of 85. Peggy

Bastrop, Texas, passed away July

graduation at the VA Hospital in

community-minded adults.”

earned her degree in Baylor in Ed-

16, just short of his 89th birthday.

Waco. She was married for 53

After receiving her bachelor’s

ucation and Speech and taught

After graduation from high

years to John T. “Tommy” Harrell,

degree in Special Education from

at the Baptist Seminary in Mon-

school—where he won 21 athletic

who passed away in 2007. She

Arizona State University and a

tevideo for 47 years while raising

letters in five different sports—

is survived by two children, John

master’s degree in Education

her four children. Peggy and

Bobby entered the U.S. Navy and

and Dana, and two grandchildren.

from BYU, Vivienne set off on

her husband of 63 years, James

served on the USS Topeka in the

Willard Bartley Jr., together did

South Pacific during World War

‘54 passed away Aug. 4, 2015,

children with learning disabilities

missionary work in Uruguay and

II. After his discharge, he enrolled

at the age of 82. Kay taught

and received numerous awards

on short-term missions in Spain,

at Baylor and was a member of

third grade in Waco for a few

for her passion. Married to a

Argentina, Mexico, and El Paso.

the Baylor Golf team. During his

years after graduation, prior

pastor, she served as a Bible

She is survived by her husband,

career, he worked for Dow Chem-

to the birth of her first child.

study leader and cherished her

James, her daughter, three sons

ical, Alcoa, and the Texas Depart-

She later managed real-estate

time serving God on a mission

and a number of grandchildren.

ment of Health. He is survived

projects after her uncle became

trip to Kenya. She was preceded

by Peggy Jo Dodson, his wife of

ill. She enjoyed playing bridge

in death by her children Kirk and

MD ‘54, passed away March 29,

64 years; two children, Carol and

and dominoes, loved hymns, Big

Linda Bailey and by her parents,

2015, in Port Lavaca, Texas, at the

Cathy; three grandchildren and

Band and Broadway show tunes,

and is survived by her husband

age of 85. Dr. Griffin served in the

five great-grandchildren.

played piano by ear, and doted on

James, children Mark and

Dr. John Wallace Griffin, ‘50,

Kathryn Ann “Kay” Reeves

a 25-year career working with

U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Air

Oliver “Cotton” Blume ‘52

her grandchildren. She was pre-

Stephanie, her brother Richard,

Force Reserve before graduat-

passed away July 8, 2015, at the

ceded in death by her husband

and two grandchildren.

ing from Baylor at the age of 35

age of 84. Cotton attended

of 62 years, Irvin Reeves, and is

and medical school at 39. John

Texas A&M and Baylor and

survived by two daughters and

passed away March 28, 2015, at

served for 40 years as a board-

served as a major in the U.S.

their families, which include four

the age of 81. B.J. was a three-

certified family physician and

Air Force and in his later years,

grandchildren and two great-

year letterman for the Baylor

surgeon in Port Lavaca, where he

was committed to a newspaper


football team and was named

served on a variety of community

ministry, The Path to Everlasting

Peggy Joyce Batson ‘56 of

boards and played a major role in

Life. He is survived by his sister,

Waco passed away on April 22

team in 1958. He also played in

the creation of an indigent-care

two nieces, and a nephew.

at the age of 87. She enrolled at

the 1957 Sugar Bowl against

Baylor during World War II and

Tennessee, played in the 1958

program for patients who could

Elnora Lee Allen ‘53 passed

Billy Joe “B.J.” Kelley ‘59

to the All Southwest Conference

not afford medical care. During

away June 1, 2015, in her son’s

returned to receive her degree

North-South Shrine Game in

his career he diagnosed a very

home in Hampton, Virgina, at

in Elementary Education with

1958, and was elected per-

rare case of cholera; successfully

the age of 84. “Miss Ellie” also

minors in Spanish and Journal-

manent team captain by his

delivered conjoined twins; and

worked at Baylor from 1985 until

ism in 1956. She was a long-time

teammates for the 1958-59

assisted in the development of

her retirement in 2011, spending

educator in the Waco public

season. B.J. had a terrific 42-year

better protection against head

many years in the Drama and Art

schools and finished her career

career with State Farm Insurance

injuries, particularly among

departments. She is survived by

at China Spring Elementary.

Company in Alabama, winning

motorcyclists. He is survived by

three children—William, James,

Peggy is survived by her daugh-

numerous company awards. He

his wife of 65 years, Marian

and Donna—and their families,

ter, Suzy Moffatt, and a number

is survived by his wife of 59 years,

McCutcheon Griffin; their four

which include 16 grandchildren

of children and grandchildren.

Carolyn Young Kelley ‘58; three

children and their families,

and five great-grandchildren.

Vivienne Van Arsdale

children; seven grandchildren;

Dr. Milton L. Rhodes, Jr. ‘54

Bailey ‘57 passed away in her

three great-grandchildren; and

of San Antonio passed away May

daughter’s arms at the age of

two brothers and a sister.

passed away in his sleep on May

12 at the age of 77. Milton was a

81. As her obituary in the Salt

25, 2015, at the age of 85, with

pastor, teacher, and chairman of

Lake Tribune said, “it is amaz-

Parma ‘59 of Richmond, Texas,

his wife of 57 years, Glenna, by

the Criminal Justice department

ing what happens when two

passed away June 23, 2015, at

his side. Max pastored the First

at Our Lady of the Lake Univer-

people fall in love.” Between

the age of 78. Milt, who majored

Baptist Church of Marble Falls,

sity. He is survived by his wife,

the Lines became aware of

in Mathematics and Geology at

Texas, for 42 years before retiring

Frances; two daughters; seven

Mrs. Bailey’s imminent passing

Baylor, loved the outdoors, flying

in 2000 as Pastor Emeritus. Max

grandchildren and five great-

through a series of heartbreak-

his plane across the country,

is survived by his wife Glenna; his


ing e-mails from her husband of

hunting, fishing, playing golf, and

62 years, James F. “Beetle” Bailey

enjoying good food, fine wine and

including 11 grandchildren. Max Collier Copeland ‘51

three children, Dathan, MaxAnne,

Barbara Jo “Bobbie” Barnes

Milton “Milt” Norman

and Dan and their families; eight

Harrell ‘54 passed away May 15

‘54. Vivienne and James met at

hearty laughs. He is survived by

grandchildren and two great-

at the age of 81. Bobbie was in

Baylor, married, and raised “four

Jaye Parma, his wife of 52 years;


one of the first nursing programs

amazing children, teaching them

his daughter Lindy Thackston

at Baylor, going to work after

to be strong, adventurous, loving,

and her husband; two brothers, a

Robert “Bobby” Dodson ‘51 of


the baylor line fall 2015

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dow n t h e y e a r s

sister and two grandchildren. Dr. Byron Busby “Spike” Holt ‘60 passed away on June 26, 2015 just short of his 77th birthday. Dr. Holt recently celebrated his 57th wedding anniversary with his high-school sweetheart, Sherley Riley Holt. He enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve prior to graduating from Baylor and worked his way through medical school.

in memoriam / 1950—2015

Gordon “Doc” Arnold, Jr. ’74 Gordon “Doc” Arnold Jr. ‘74 passed away May 23 at the age of 65. Doc dedicated his professional life to public service as an attorney; as a two-term Texas State Representative for his hometown of Terrell; as the chief of staff for Texas House Speaker Gib Lewis; and later in life as an attorney in private practice representing a range of clients with legislative, regulatory, and political interests. Doc received both his B.A. in political science and his JD from the Baylor Law School in 1974. He is survived by his wife of 26 years, Elaine; three children, Erin, Jeff, and Kaitlyn, and many other family members who will miss him.

Dr. Holt founded the Women’s Healthcare Center of Houston in 1979 and practiced OB/GYN for 46 years. He pioneered the concept of bringing fathers into the delivery room and designed the first birthing room concept in Houston. Following in his father’s footsteps, Dr. Holt was very involved in missionary work, conducting medical missions to Guatemala and his most recent “gospel music” mission in the Bahamas. His obituary in the Houston Chronicle reminded his friends that “spoons” really are musical instruments, that charity is important and always starts at home, that “work is love made visible,” and his love of the idea of “the place where the cross meets the anchor.” Spike is survived by his wife, Sherley; his brother Dale and his family; his three children; and his five grandchildren. Wendell Carroll Battle ‘61 of Waco passed away July 23 at the age of 91. Wendell was a teacher and coach in Comanche, Yoakum and Garwood, Texas. He was also a junior-high principal and the girls’ basketball and track coach in McGregor ISD. The remaining years of his career were spent at Midway ISD, where he was the Dean of Students and later Midway High School principal. He retired in 1987 as Midway’s assistant superintendent. His parents, sisters, and wife, Mary Mann Battle, preceded him in death, and he is survived by two

43_BaylorLine_FA15.indd 43

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Class year(s), degree(s)________________________________________ *Spouse’s name_______________________________________________________________

Baylor Alumni Association Directors and Officers officers: President: Tom Nesbitt ’94 (Austin) – Treasurer: James Nelson III ’04 (Waco) – Secretary: Emily George Tinsley ’61 (Houston) – Past President: Keith Starr ’83 (Tyler) –




Is your spouse an alumnus? ______________ Class year(s), degree(s) ________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip _________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Home phone number E-mail address Please do not print my mailing address in the magazine. Please do not print my e-mail address in the magazine.


Sharon McDonald Barnes ’78, ’80 (Rosharon) *Jan Huggins Barry ’72 (Arlington) *Babs Baugh ’64 (San Antonio) *Marie Brown ’92 (Aubrey) *George Cowden III ’76, JD ’79 (San Antonio) Carroll Dawson ’60 (Houston) Scott DeShazo ‘93 (Austin) Jack Dillard ’72, JD ’73 (Austin) Luke Dow ‘91 (Austin) Wayne Fisher ’59, JD ’61 (Houston) *David Hudson ’77, MBA ’78 (Dallas) Roland Johnson ’76, JD ’79 (Aledo) Shelba Shelton Jones ’76 (Dallas) Thomas “Mac” Jones ‘95 (Austin) *David Lacy ’79 (Waco) John Mabry Jr. ’92, JD ‘95 (Waco) *David Malone ’73 (Austin) Dr. Brandon Miller ’94 (Oshkosh, WI) *Matt Miller ‘57 (Houston) Robert Morales ’93 (San Angelo) Jackie Baugh Moore ’86 (San Antonio) *James Nelson ‘68 (Austin) James Nortey ’08 (Austin) Fred Norton ’80, JD ’83 (Texarkana) *Lyndon Olson Jr. ’76 (Waco) *Tony Pederson ’73 (Dallas) Kent Reynolds ’75, MBA ’76 (Waco) J. Rice ’75 (Dayton) Nicole Williams Robinson ’97 (Garland) *Stan Schlueter ’69 (Austin) *Stacy Sharp ’76 (Amarillo) Justin Sieker ’10 (Dallas) L. Wayne Tucker Jr. ’85, MBA ’86 (Dallas) David Vanderhider ’06 (San Antonio) Dr. James W. Vardaman ’51 (McGregor) Allen Vaught ‘95 (Dallas) Lela Wallis ’94 (Round Rock) *Chad Wooten ’03 (Waco) * Executive Committee Member

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_________________________________________________________________________________________ Previous name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Old Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip * If you are divorced from a Baylor alum, help us correct our records by attaching an updated address for your former spouse.

44_BaylorLine_FA15.indd 44

9/18/15 6:39 PM

dow n t h e y e a r s

stepdaughters and grandson. Linda Russell Letbetter ‘62

great-grandchildren. Frances Sherron Appleton

passed away July 29 in Waco at

ter. Memorial donations may be

the age of 69. He was a fourth

made to the Dallas Safari Club/

passed away June 10, 2015, at the

‘62 passed away July 14, 2015,

generation Texan who served as

Frontline Foundation,

age of 74. She is survived by her

from a fall. Sherron graduated

a paratrooper in the Texas Army

5949 Sherry Lane, Suite 1700,

husband of 52 years, Tommy Roy

from the Baylor School of Nursing

National Guard HQ Company,

Dallas, Texas 75225

Letbetter ‘62, her two children

and her ashes will be scattered in

71st Airborne Infantry Brigade,

and two grandchildren; her sister

the Pacific Ocean.

36th Division and retired in 2013


and brother-in-law Nancy Rus-

Dr. Ralph Hugh Carey ‘63,

after a 41-year career in account-


sell Chapman ‘69 and Daniel H.

DDS ‘66, passed away sud-

ing. As his obituary in the Waco

Chapman ‘66; and by an extend-

denly May 24, 2015, at the age

Trib says, he enjoyed playing golf

Alberta Anne Benson of Waco

ed family of relations and friends

of 73. Ralph (known as “Doc” to

with his son, daughter, and son-

passed away July 22 at the age of

from every walk of life. She was

his grandchildren) died with his

in-law and will be remembered

76. Anne earned her undergradu-

preceded in death by her father,

wife Sue; his daughter Michelle

“not only for his golf shots and

ate degree from Baylor in Psy-

Lloyd Russell, and her mother,

Charba, her husband Randy and

putting skills, but for his knack to

chology and her master’s degree

Mary Wilson Russell McCall.

son Will, and six others in the

always have the right advice, the

in Social Work, writing her thesis

Howard Cecil Lee, Jr. ‘62, JD

Wimberly floods. Ralph served

best joke, and the ability to solve

on volunteerism. She worked as

‘64, passed away May 14 at the

in the U.S. Navy as a dentist for

problems both big and small.” He

chief of social services at MHMR,

age of 75. Howard pitched for

three years at the U.S. Naval Base

is survived by his wife, Sherry L.

led the Head Start program

the Baylor baseball team, fol-

in Subic Bay, Philippines, until

(Beard); his son Brad and daugh-

in Waco, and taught GED and

lowing in his father’s footsteps.

he and his wife Sue returned to

ter Kim Rankin and her husband

English as a Second Language for

He met the love of his life, Patty

Corpus Christi to practice den-

Russ; four grandchildren; and a

many years. Anne was preceded

Cobb Lee, while at Baylor and

tistry until his retirement in 2008.

number of other family members.

in death by her husband, Jerome

they were married for 46 years

Ralph is survived by his daughter,

Betti Louise King ‘74 passed

before she passed away. Howard

Cristen Carey Daniel, and her

away May 21 at the age of 63.

survived by two children and two

practiced law in Houston from

husband Alan; his brother Randy

Betti earned her degree in Busi-


1964 until the beginning of 2015,

Carey and his wife Catherine; two

ness Administration and spent

primarily in the areas of real

grandchildren; and many other

her career serving veterans, retir-

away July 3, 2015, at the age of

estate and probate, and was

family members.

ing in 2011. Betti was preceded in

90. Dr. Hughes graduated from

death by Chuck shortly after her

Baylor and Baylor Medical School

Benson, and her parents and is

Dr. Delbert Hughes passed

honored by the State Bar of

Benjamin Portwood ‘65 and

Texas for 50 years of service

MBA ‘71, passed away May 17 at

retirement and is survived by two

after serving in the U.S. Navy

in the legal profession. He is

the age of 72. Ben served in the

daughters and a number of other

Air Corps after graduation from

survived by his four children, 13

U.S. Air Force after graduation.

family members.

Pampa High School in 1943. After

grandchildren, and many other

As his obituary put it, he “was

family members—a number of

kind and always had time to tell

passed away May 5 at the age of

in the Korean War, where he re-

whom are also Baylor graduates.

a story, share a joke, or cook up

58. She worked as a courtroom

ceived a Bronze Star for medical

a barbecue. He loved read-

deputy for Judge Walter Smith

service in a battalion aid station.

2015, after a brief illness at the

ing, old cars, history, cooking, a

in Waco and was a member of

He was discharged in 1955 and

age of 80. A Waco resident, Don

game of pool, long walks, relaxing

St. Paul Lutheran Church. She is

started a general practice in Tyler,

worked for the Waco Tribune-

outdoors, and playing with his

survived by her husband, Michael;

Texas, with his wife, Waunell

Herald, Owens-Illinois Glass,

grandkids.” Ben is survived by

two sons; and a granddaughter.

McDonald Hughes and his father-

Nash-Robinson and MHMR. He

his wife of 46 years, Earlene; his

Brandon Emmons ’93, MA

in-law. He subsequently enjoyed

was, however, first and foremost

children, Ruth, Jonathan, Joshua,

96, of Waco passed away April

a long career as a psychiatrist at

a photographer and “visual histo-

Rachel and their spouses; eight

19 at the age of 44. A former city

the Veterans Hospital in Dallas.

rian”,” whether at Baylor games,

grandchildren and two brothers.

manager in Bridgeport, Trophy

He spent many weekends at his

Club, and Gatesville, Brandon

lake house at Cedar Creek Lake,

Don Castello ‘62, died April 10,

church activities, family gather-

John Roberson, JD ‘68 passed

Debbie Carol Galler ‘80

his medical internship, he served

ings or vacations. Don claimed to

away May 4 at the age of 69.

earned his bachelor’s degree in

teaching his grandchildren and

have attended a record number

John worked at Alamo Title in

history and political science and

their cousins to share his love of

of Baylor home football games;

Waco for 30 years, taught as an

a master’s degree in public

swimming, fishing, sailing, and

having missed only three games

adjunct professor at SAC and

administration from Baylor. He

windsurfing. He was preceded

since he arrived as a student in

then worked at Presidio Title until

was an avid hunter and enjoyed

in death by his wife. Survivors

1953. Don is survived by his wife

his death. He is survived by his

many trips to Africa. He is

include his brother, four children,

Sherry, whom he met in the

wife of 22 years, Ninette

survived by his fiance, Amanda

seven grandchildren, and three

Baylor journalism department,

Roberson; two sons and a

Hubbell of Waco; his parents


three children and their spouses,

daughter; and a brother.

William and Peggy Emmons of

seven grandchildren and four

45_BaylorLine_FA15.indd 45

William E. “Bill” Beheler ‘72

Grapeland; and a brother and sis-

Nilwon Whittington passed away July 7, 2015, in Temple,

fall 2015 the baylor line


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d own the years

Texas, at the age of 86. She earned her bachelor’s degree

members. Bettie M. Battle of Waco

ness at Baylor. He received an

was a cook at Baylor’s Penland

honorary doctor of laws degree

Hall for more than 20 years. He

from North Texas State Uni-

passed away May 16, 2015, at the

from Baylor, and was first a

is survived by his sister, Bridgett

versity and her master’s in oral

age of 84. Bettie worked in

Baylor trustee and then a regent

Voss, and her husband Billy; and

communications at Baylor, and a

Baylor’s athletic cafeteria for

from 1981 to 1990, chairing the

his nieces and nephews.

PhD. in communications from the

many years and was remem-

board from 1986 to 1990. He

University of Texas at Austin. She

bered fondly by a number of

also served as president and an

August 4, 2015, at the age of 84.

taught at Temple College, served

people in social media. Phil Dorr

executive committee member of

After graduating from Baylor, he

on the staff of the Texas Higher

‘80 described her as “one of the

the Baptist General Convention

became credit manager with

Education Coordinating Board

most generous and gracious

of Texas and first vice president

Dealer’s Electrical Supply Co.,

in Austin, and retired from the

women you would ever meet.”

of the Southern Baptist

from which he retired. Ernest is


survived by his wife of more than

Ernest A. West passed away

Kansas Board of Regents in 1988.

Dennis Campbell of Waco

Dr. Whittington is survived by her

passed away June 1, 2015 at the

husband, Harold Whittington

age of 45. Campbell was a Senior

Baylor Law School, passed away

and son Michael and their

MA ‘77, and was preceded in

Academic Consultant at Baylor

May 7 at the age of 67. He is

-families; and numerous other

death by her parents, her son,

until his death. He is survived by

survived by his wife of 45 years,

family members.

Jeff, and her brothers.

his wife Karen; three children; his

Vicky; a daughter, Debbie; and a

parents and a number of other

number of other family members.

Keith Alan Manning passed away June 27, 2015, at the age

family members.

Edward Dickey, a graduate of

Lindsay Christen Holle

50 years, Carol; daughter Carrie

Rev. Wilburn “Bill” Foster Jr. passed away July 24, 2015, at the age of 87. He pastored many

Margie Matyastik Barton,

passed away May 8 at the age of

Texas churches with his wife of

football scholarship and gradu-

who earned her degree at Baylor

28. She was formerly a produc-

64 years, Doris, at his side. He

ated from Baylor. He owned his

after surviving a tragic auto

tion assistant and news director

also served as a Dallas County

own businesses for 30 years and

accident that resulted in severe

at KWTX Television and was

Junenile Probation Officer,

loved to play golf at Ridgewood

burns over 75% of her body and

a member of the First Baptist

and both he and Doris served

Country Club, bass fish and bird

the loss of both legs, passed

Church of Hewill. She is survived

as missionaries in a variety of

hunt. He is survived by his wife,

away May 17 at the age of 45.

by her husband Dwayne; her

places. Rev. Foster is survived by

Bennett, two daughters, five

After graduation, Margie taught

mother Sharon Montigny; and a

Doris, two children, four grand-

grandchildren and a number of

at Mountain View Elementary in

number of other family members.

children, and a number of other

other family members.

Waco before leaving the class-

Audrey Emmet of Woodway

room to stay at home after the

passed away April 21 at the age

away June 24, 2015, at the age

birth of her second child. Her

of 82. Audrey graduated from

Woodstock, Georgia, passed

of 91. After the death of her

death ended her fight against

Baylor, where she was a member

away July 12, 2015, at the age of

husband, she went to work at

squamous cell carcinoma, a can-

of the Newman Club. She raised

72. He served in the U.S. Navy

Baylor in the Department of

cer that developed after the car

four children and taught at St.

and was a Vietnam veteran. He

Residence Life as a night dorm

crash 21 years earlier. Margie was

Louis Elementary School and

retired from Bridgestone/Fire-

mother. She was preceded in

a skilled seamstress, loved ani-

Reicher Catholic High School for

stone as vice president and

death by her parents, her hus-

mals and the outdoors, and had

35 years. After retiring, she

director of worldwide auditing in

band and two brothers. She is

a green thumb. She is survived

volunteered at Providence

March 2001. He is survived by his

survived by her 26-lb. cat, Baby,

by her husband, Henry Barton;

Hospital, often working at the

wife Bonita, three children, seven

a number of friends, sons, grand-

children Otto and Sophia; her

information desk. She is survived

grandchildren and eight great-

children and great-grandchildren.

parents, Bill and Maggie Matyas-

by her four children, two


tik of Waco; and two brothers

grandchildren, and the thousands

and four sisters.

of students she taught who she

Port Arthur, Texas, who earned

considered her “kids.”

his bachelor’s degree from Baylor,

of 72. He attended SMU on a

Della Mae Adams passed

Sue Ann Ethridge of Oglesby, Texas, passed away June 3, 2015, at the age of 82. She

Dr. Winfred Moore, a longtime

Elbert Lee Weathers passed

family members. Robert Ross “Bob” Cox of

Charles V. “Junior” Hanson of

passed away at the age of 81. He

married Billy Guy Ethridge and

Baptist preacher and regent

they celebrated their 56th

emeritus at Baylor, passed

away April 20 at the age of 91.

realized his lifelong dream in 1964

anniversary on the day she

away May 8 in Amarillo at the

He was an electrician for the U.S.

when he purchased the Clayton

passed away. Sue Ann received

age of 95. Dr. Moore served as

Navy and a Baylor graduate who

Thompson Funeral Home and

her counseling degree from

pastor of First Baptist Church of

was married for 60 years to Olive

served his community through

Baylor and was a lifetime

Amarillo from 1959 to 1989 and

Adelia “Dee” Guiles before she

his beloved funeral home, with

member of the Texas State

then moved to Waco where he

passed away. He is survived by a

his wife of 40 years, Rochelle, at

Teachers Association. She is

became a Visiting Distinguished

son and daughter, six grandchil-

his side.

survived by her husband, her

Professor of Religion for 16 years.

dren, and six great-grandchildren.

daughter Marti Futrell and family

He was also the first director of

and a number of other family

the Center for Ministry Effective-


the baylor line fall 2015

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Larry Dale Jones passed away April 25 at the age of 63. He

James Edward Bryant Jr., who received his master’s degree from Baylor, passed away August

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dow n t h e y e a r s

3, 2015, at the age of 65. Jim worked at Hillcrest and Provi-


dence hospitals over a 40-year career and was part of the leadership team that built the new Providence in the mid-1980s. He earned Certification in Neurosurgical Nursing and Emergency Nursing and was a Fellow in American Academy of Healthcare Executives. Jim retired to Aransas Pass on the Texas Gulf Coast, where he enjoyed fishing and playing golf. He is survived

(l-r): Dr. James Tandy ‘84 and

by Lona, his wife of 43 years, four

Lewis Tandy ‘15

children, six grandchildren and

(l-r): John Beall, BBA ‘84;

many other family members.

Meredith Beall, BSW, ‘15; Reece

Christine Marie White-Swift passed away Aug 4, 2015 at the

Beall, BA and MA in Accounting, ‘14; and Jeanne Beall, BBA ‘84.

Meagan Rowell ‘15 (center), with

age of 60. Christine earned her

her uncle, Dennis Moon ‘85 of

degree in Education, focusing on

Katy (Tx), and mother Susan

Journalism and Biology. Christy

Rowell ‘82 of Colorado Springs.

worked as a children’s librarian for the Waco-McLennan library system for many years and served in various leadership positions both in Cub Scounts and Boy Scouts. She is survived

(l-r): Christina (Tina) Williams

by her husband, E.G. White-Swift

Clark ‘98 (BBA, Marketing);

and her son, Joey White-Swift,

Matthew Cameron Clark, ‘00

and a number of other family

(BBA, Accounting & Informa-

Lydia Broadway ‘15 graduated


tion Systems) and ‘15 (MBA

with her BS in Engineering and

in Healthcare Administration;

celebrates with her father,

passed away Aug. 7, 2015, in

Kathleen Susan Clark ‘08 (BSF-

Mikael “Mike” Broadway ‘80.

Weatherford, Texas at the age of

CS); and Dr. E.A. (Andy) Clark

Lydia’s mother, Everly Broadway

90. She received her B.A. from

‘72 (BS, Biology/Premed).

‘80, passed away in 2013 and is

Lois Marie Ashburn Pace

Baylor, where she studied educa-

constantly in the thoughts and

tion and art, and retired after 33

Christian White ‘15 celebrates

years as a public school teacher

with his great-aunt Joy White

having taught a variety of grades

Edwards of Fort Worth and his

and subjects. She was named

grandfather Buddy White of

“Teacher of the Year” by the

Grand Prairie, both of whom

Grand Prairie ISD. Her husband

graduated from Baylor in 1963.

of 61 years, Harold Pace, passed

Christian’s brother, Charlie, en-

away in 2008, and Lois is survived

rolled this fall as a freshman.

prayers of both Lydia and Mike.

by a number of family members. (l-r): A Fickling Family Graduation: Dad Karl ‘80; 2015 grad Chase; Brother Ryan ‘09; and (l-r): Laura Runyan Rohrman ‘83;

Mom Dana ‘81.

Wilson O’Neal Rohrman ‘15; M. Scott Rohrman ‘83; and Sonya O’Neal Rohrman ‘60

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fall 2015 the baylor line


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Baylor special teams played a vital role in earning Teaff a victory in his first homecoming game—the Bears would kick three field goals in the 15-13 win. PHOTO COURTESY OF TEXAS COLLECTION AT BAYLOR UNIVERSITY

A Week of Firsts Homecoming 1972 was memorable for many reasons IT WAS OCTOBER 28, 1972. Coach Grant Teaff’s first Homecoming game against the hated Aggies from Texas A&M. The 69th meeting in the so-called Battle of the Brazos, pitting two schools located just 90 miles apart. It would be the first Homecoming game played on Baylor’s new AstroTurf field in Floyd Casey Stadium, and the struggling Texas A&M team would stumble in from College Station having lost five straight games. The Bears weren’t much better off. They had seen some hard times early, but were feeling confident sitting at 2-3. In the week leading up to the game, the men’s Freshman Mass Meeting and the women’s Freshman Mass Meeting, would be combined for the first time. From then on, the gathering would be coed. And that Homecoming Week, someone would dye the water in the Fountain Mall fountain red and left a sign nearby that read “Aggie Blood.” Back in 1960, the yell leaders had introduced another tradition – the Bear Claw hand signal and “Sic ‘Em Bears” yell. The idea wasn’t fully embraced until



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Teaff’s arrival, when he started using the yell and signal, and it spread across the campus and alumni base. And now, as everyone knows, nearly every group of Baylor supporters hold their claws up when they sing the alma mater. Accounts vary about the game. Some say the Bears hung on after grabbing a 15-0 first-half lead while others says Baylor won on a late field goal. What all agree on is that the game ended 15-13 and set off a huge celebration. It would be Grant Teaff’s first Southwest Conference win…and the first win for Baylor after 13 consecutive conference losses (and for a piece of trivia, the last win was against those same Aggies two years earlier in Waco). The schools have played 108 games against each other dating back to 1899, with the last in 2011 at Kyle Field the year before the Aggies headed off to the Southeastern Conference. One hopes that at some point the great rivalry will be renewed.

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A Lo

Design exclusive to BAA

Cheer for the Bears with Your Own Spirit Gloves

Get your gloves at You can also make a Sustaining Gift of $100 or more and get a free pair of gloves. For details visit

BAA Special Price - $19.99 ea. MSRP: $30

Support Spirit & Scholarship Together Over the past 156 years, the Baylor Alumni Association has operated on one basic principle: Once a Bear, Always a Bear. Our Legacy Scholarship program is one way we connect the past with the future for Baylor families. As you bring your hands together with these gloves and form the Baylor Bear, it symbolizes our belief that the BAA and University administration will find a common ground and work together again for the benefit of all alumni.

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Baylor Line Baylor Alumni Association P.O. Box 2089, Waco, TX 76703

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Become a member of the Baylor Alumni Association! Call us toll-free at 1-888-710-1859 Contact us by e-mail Letters to the editor:

The BAA awarded $1,000 Legacy Scholarships to 55 students including: (top, l-r) Megan Anderson, Holly Herald; (middle, l-r) Caleb O’Quin, Luke Willson, Micah Marroquin, Logan Willson; (bottom, l-r) Emily Knaub, Annie Richmond, Mary Woodall, Sarah Pitman, Julia Paxton, Katie Dyck, Cali Cox, Sherilyn Hardy, Eliza Newman, and Corrie Coleman

eric guel

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9/18/15 5:48 PM

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