Baylor University Press 2017-18 Catalog

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Undomesticated Dissent

Democracy and the Public Virtue of Religious Nonconformity

Curtis W. Freeman On the north end of London lies an old nonconformist burial ground named Bunhill Fields. Bunhill became the final resting place for some of the most honored names of English Protestantism. Burial outside the city walls symbolized that those interred at Bunhill lived and died outside the English body politic. Bunhill, its location declares, is the proper home for undomesticated dissenters. Among more than 120,000 graves, three monuments stand in the central courtyard: one for John Bunyan (1628–1688), a second for Daniel Defoe (1660?–1731), and a third for William Blake (1757–1827). Undomesticated ISBN 978-1-4813-0688-1 $29.95 | 5 b&w illus. | Cloth 288 pages 5.5 x 8.5 Religion/Social History Now Available

Dissent asks, “why these three monuments?” The answer, as Curtis Freeman leads readers to discover, is an idea as vital and transformative for public life today as it was unsettling and revolutionary then. To tell the untold tale of the Bunhill graves, Freeman focuses on the three classic texts by Bunyan, Defoe, and Blake—The Pilgrim’s Progress, Robinson Crusoe, and Jerusalem—as testaments of dissent. Their enduring literary power, as Freeman shows, derives from their original political and religious contexts. But Freeman also traces the abiding prophetic influence of these texts, revealing the confluence of great literature and principled religious nonconformity in the checkered story of democratic political arrangements. Undomesticated Dissent provides a sweeping intellectual history of the public virtue of religiously motivated dissent from the seventeenth century to the present, by carefully comparing, contrasting, and then weighing the various types of dissent—evangelical and spiritual dissent (Bunyan), economic and social dissent (Defoe), radical and apocalyptic dissent (Blake). Freeman offers dissenting imagination as a generative source for democracy, as well as a force for resistance to the coercive powers of domestication. By placing Bunyan, Defoe, and Blake within an extended argument about the nature and ends of democracy, Undomesticated Dissent reveals how these three men transmitted their democratic ideas across the globe, hidden within the text of their stories.

curtis w. freeman is Research

Professor of Theology and Director of the Baptist House of Studies at Duke Divinity School. His books include Contesting Catholicity: Theology for Other Baptists and A Company of Women Preachers: Baptist Prophetesses in Seventeenth-Century England. CONTENTS Preface 1. Domesticating Dissent 2. Slumbering Dissent— John Bunyan 3. Prosperous Dissent— Daniel Defoe 4. Apocalyptic Dissent— William Blake 5. Postapocalyptic Dissent

“All who care about the health of nations and the integrity of faith will want to read this important book.” MELISSA ROGERS Brookings Institution

“A groundbreaking book in Baptist studies.” PAUL S. FIDDES University of Oxford

“A lively and captivating study of seventeenth-century nonconformity and its afterlives.” RUSS LEO Princeton University

“A compelling case for rediscovering dissent as a living tradition.” JOHN COFFEY University of Leicester 1

Reformation in the Western World An Introduction

Paul Silas Peterson The Reformation was the single most important event of the early modern period of Western civilization. What started out as a pastoral conflict about the sale of grace for money ultimately became a catalyst for the transformation of Western culture. In Reformation in the Western World, Paul Silas Peterson shows how the retrieval of the ancient Christian teachings about God’s grace and the authority of Scripture influenced culture, society, and the political order. The emphasis on an egalitarian church—the “priesthood of all believers”— led to a more egalitarian society. In the long run, the Reformation encouraged the emergence of modern freedoms, religious tolerance, ISBN 978-1-4813-0552-5 $39.95 288 pages 6 x 9 | Paper Church History/Theology Now Available

capitalism, democracy, the natural sciences, and the disenchantment of the papacy and worldly means of grace. Yet the egalitarian fruit of the Reformation was not uniform, as is seen in the persecution of detractors and Jews, and in the marginalization of women. In all its triumphs and innovations, evils and errors, the Reformation left a lasting double legacy—a divided church in need of unity and the possibilities of a liberated world.

“An ambitious and wide-ranging attempt to rethink the place of the Reformation in the grand narratives of the Western world.” —C. Scott Dixon, Senior Lecturer, The Queen’s University of Belfast

“A remarkably balanced overview of Reformation thought and of the context in which it emerged and developed.” —Emidio Campi, Professor Emeritus of Church History and former Director of the Institute for Swiss Reformation History, University of Zurich

“A useful scholarly resource, both in survey courses and in more advanced seminar settings.” —Kurt K. Hendel, Bernard, Fischer, Westberg Distinguished Ministry Professor Emeritus of Reformation History, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago


paul silas peterson, Privatdozent Dr. Theol. (Tübingen), teaches theology and church history at the University of Tübingen and at the University of Heidelberg.

CONTENTS Introduction: The Good and the Bad of the Reformation 1. The Western World and the Reformation 2. The Evils and Errors of the Reformers 3. Prehistory, Division, and Authority 4. Political Power and Tolerance 5. Modernity, Democracy, Capitalism, and Secularism 6. The Western World Today 7. The Reformation and Ecumenism Conclusion: The Future of Reformation

iain provan is the Marshall Sheppard

Professor of Biblical Studies at Regent College. He lives in the Vancouver, Canada area. CONTENTS 1. Introduction PART ONE: Before There Were Protestants 2. Scripture and Canon in the Early Church 3. The Formation of the Christian Canon 4. On the Meaning of Words 5. The Reading of Scripture in the New Testament 6. Literal Reading, Typology, and Allegory in Paul 7. Justin, Irenaeus, and Tertullian 8. Origen, Theodore, and Augustine 9. How Shall We Then Read? 10. The Septuagint as Christian Scripture 11. The Vulgate, the Renaissance, and the Reformation PART TWO: Now There Are Protestants 12. The Perspicuity of Scripture Alone 13. The Authority of Scripture 14. The Bible, the Heavens, and the Earth 15. The Emergence of Secular History 16. On Engaging with a Changing World PART THREE: Still Protesting 17. Source and Form Criticism 18. Redaction and Rhetorical Criticism 19. Structuralism and Poststructuralism 20. Narrative Criticism 21. Social-Scientific and Feminist Criticism 22. The Canonical Reading of Scripture 23. Postscript

The Reformation and the Right Reading of Scripture Iain Provan

In 1517, Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of Wittenberg’s castle church. Luther’s seemingly inconsequential act ultimately launched the Reformation, a movement that forever transformed both the Church and Western culture. The repositioning of the Bible as beginning, middle, and end of Christian faith was crucial to the Reformation. Two words alone captured this emphasis on the Bible’s divine inspiration, its abiding authority, and its clarity, efficacy, and sufficiency: sola scriptura. In the five centuries since the Reformation, the confidence Luther and the Reformers placed in the Bible has slowly eroded. Enlightened modernity came to treat the Bible like any other text, subjecting it to a near endless array of historical-critical methods derived from the sciences and philosophy. The result is that in many quarters of Protestantism today the Bible as word has ceased to be the Word.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0608-9 $49.95 730 pages 6 x 9 | 4 figures | Cloth Church History/Biblical Studies November 1, 2017

In The Reformation and the Right Reading of Scripture, Iain Provan aims to restore a Reformation-like confidence in the Bible by recovering a Reformation-like reading strategy. To accomplish these aims Provan first acknowledges the value in the Church’s precritical appropriation of the Bible and, then, in a chastened use of modern and postmodern critical methods. But Provan resolutely returns to the Reformers’ affirmation of the centrality of the literal sense of the text, in

“An important and nuanced argument set in the context of the wider Christian tradition and recent hermeneutical developments.” —Timothy George, Dean, Beeson Divinity School at Samford University and general editor of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture

the Bible’s original languages, for a right-minded biblical interpretation. In the end the volume shows that it is possible to arrive at an approach to biblical interpretation for the twenty-first century that does not simply replicate the Protestant hermeneutics of the sixteenth, but stands in fundamental continuity with them. Such lavish attention to, and importance placed upon, a seriously literal interpretation of Scripture is appropriate to the Christian confession of the word as Word—the one God’s Word for the one world.

“Prodigiously well-read, well-written, elegant, and accessible.” —John Goldingay, David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary “A brave book.” —Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


Resurrecting Wounds

shelly rambo is Associate Professor of Theology at Boston University.

Shelly Rambo

CONTENTS Introduction: Reenvisioning Resurrection 1. Erasing Wounds: John Calvin and the Problem of the Resurrection Body 2. Touching Wounds: Macrina’s Scar and the Balm of Resurrection Flesh 3. Surfacing Wounds: Christian Theology and Resurrecting Histories in the Age of Ferguson 4. Discovering Wounds: Veteran Healing and Resurrection in the Upper Room Conclusion: Communal After-Living

Living in the Afterlife of Trauma

The Gospel of John’s account of doubting Thomas is often told as a lesson about the veracity and triumph of Christian faith. And yet it is a story about wounds. Interpretations of this Gospel narrative, by focusing on Christ’s victory in the resurrection, reflect Christianity’s unease with the wounds that remain on the body of the risen Jesus. By returning readers to this familiar passage, Resurrecting Wounds expands the scope of the Upper Room to the present world where wounds mark all of humanity. Shelly Rambo rereads the Thomas story and the history of its interpretation through the lens of trauma studies to reflect on the ways that the wounds of ISBN 978-1-4813-0678-2 $29.95 196 pages 6 x 9 | 1 b&w illus. | Cloth Practical Theology October 1, 2017

race, gender, and war persist. Wounds do not simply go away, even though a close reading of John Calvin reveals his theological investments in removing wounds. This erasure reflects a dominant mode of Christian thinking, but it is not the only Christian reading. By contrast, Macrina’s scar, in Gregory of Nyssa’s account of her life and death, displays how resurrection can be inscribed in wounds, particularly in the illumination of her body after her death. The scar, produced in and through a mother’s touch, recalls a healing, linking resurrection to the work of tending wounds. Much like Christ’s wounds and Macrina’s scar, racial wounds can be found on the skin of America’s collective life. The wounds of racial histories, unhealed, resurface again and again. The wounds of war persist as well, despite a cultural calculus that links the suffering of a soldier with that of Christ. Again, the visceral display of Jesus’ wounds, when placed at the center of Thomas’ encounter in the Upper Room, enacts a vision of resurrecting that addresses the real harm of the real wounds of war. The powerful Upper Room images of resurrection—encounters with wounds, the invitation to touch, and the formation of a community—present visions of truth-telling and of healing that grapple with the pressing questions of wounds surfacing in the midst of human encounters with violence, suffering, and trauma. While traditional accounts of resurrection in Christian theology have focused on the afterlife, this book forges a theology of resurrection wounds in the afterliving. By returning again and again to Christ’s woundedness, we discover ways to live with our own.



“Highly original”

Phillis Isabella Sheppard

Richard Kearney

Associate Professor of Religion, Psychology, and Culture, Vanderbilt University

Charles B. Seelig Chair of Philosophy, Boston College

“A profound vision of the resurrection” Serene Jones President, Union Theological Seminary


Crippled Grace Disability, Virtue Ethics, and the Good Life

Shane Clifton

Pastoral Care and Intellectual Disability A Person-Centered Approach

Disability and Spirituality Recovering Wholeness

William C. Gaventa

Anna Katherine Shurley With its origins in the author’s experience of adjusting to the challenges of quadriplegia, Crippled Grace considers the diverse experiences of people with a disability as a lens through which to understand happiness and its attainment. Drawing upon the virtue tradition as much as contesting it, Clifton explores the virtues that help to negotiate dependency, resist paternalism, and maximize personal agency. Through his engagement with sources from Aristotle to modern positive psychology, Clifton is able to probe fundamental questions of pain and suffering, reflect on the value of friendship, seek creative ways of conceiving of sexual flourishing, and outline the particular virtues needed to live with unique bodies and brains in a society poorly fitted to their diverse functioning.


In Pastoral Care and Intellectual Disability, Anna Katherine Shurley asserts the church’s need for mutuality in pastoral care. While the shape of each person’s vocation is unique, all members of the body of Christ are created for ministry with one another as partners in spiritual care. In a quest for pastoral care that is fundamentally collaborative and fully inclusive, Shurley turns to the psychology of D. W. Winnicott and to Karl Barth’s theology of Christian vocation. From this combination, she crafts person-centered pastoral care for the body of Christ and all its members, with or without intellectual disabilities.

Disability and spirituality have traditionally been understood as two distinct spheres: disability is physical and thus belongs to health care professionals, while spirituality is religious and belongs to the church, synagogue, or mosque and their theologians, clergy, Rabbis, and Imams. Contesting the assumptions that separate disability and spirituality, William Gaventa argues for the integration of these two worlds. The path to understanding spirituality is a journey that leads to disability—to experiences of limitation and vulnerability, where the core questions of what it means to be human are often starkly and profoundly clear.

anna katherine shurley is a Baptist minister who

rev. bill gaventa is Chair of the National Collaborative on Faith and Disability and Director of the Summer Institute on Theology and Disability.

shane clifton is Professor of Theology at Alphacrucis College in Australia.

has served as a chaplain for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and is Director of Youth and Family Ministries at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Gulfport, MS.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0746-8 / $49.95 / 285 pages / 6 x 9 / Cloth / Disability Studies/Theology / March 1, 2018

ISBN 978-1-4813-0169-5 / $29.95 / 159 pages / 6 x 9 / Paper / Disability Studies/Theology / September 15, 2017

ISBN 978-1-4813-0279-1 / $39.95 / 280 pages / 6 x 9 / 1 b&w illus., 6 figures / Paper / Disability Studies/Theology / March 15, 2018

sarah j. melcher is Professor Emeritus of Hebrew Scriptures at Xavier University. mikeal c. parsons is Professor

and Macon Chair of Religion at Baylor University. amos yong is Professor of Theology and Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary.

CONTENTS Introduction Beginnings 1. Genesis and Exodus Law 2. Leviticus–Deuteronomy History 3. Joshua–Second Kings 4. First and Second Chronicles– Esther Wisdom 5. Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes 6. Psalms, Lamentations, and Song of Songs Prophets 7. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Twelve Synoptic Gospels and Acts 8. Mark and Matthew 9. Luke–Acts Johannine Literature 10. John, First–Third John, and Revelation Pauline Letters 11. Paul The General Letters 12. Hebrews and the Catholic Letters

The Bible and Disability A Commentary


edited by Sarah J. Melcher, Mikeal C. Parsons, and Amos Yong The Bible and Disability: A Commentary (BDC) is the first comprehensive commentary on the Bible from the perspective of disability. The BDC examines how the Bible constructs or reflects human wholeness, impairment, and disability in all their expressions. Biblical texts do envision the ideal body, but they also present visions of the body that deviate from this ideal, whether physically or through cognitive impairments or mental illness. The BDC engages the full range of these depictions of body and mind, exploring their meaning through close readings and comparative analysis. The BDC enshrines the distinctive interpretive imagination required to span the worlds of biblical studies and disability studies. Each of the fourteen contributors has worked at this intersection; and through their combined expertise, the very best of both biblical studies and disability studies culminates in detailed textual work of description, interpretation, and application to provide a synthetic and synoptic whole. The result is a close reading of the Bible that gives long-overdue attention to the fullness of human identity narrated in the Scriptures.

“This commentary consolidates much of the wisdom on offer in recent disability studies approaches to the Bible. It will offer an especially helpful resource for readers—whether temporarily able-bodied or not—who are not yet familiar with this way of engaging Scripture. This is a welcome addition to my library.” —John Carroll, Harriet Robertson Fitts Memorial Professor of New Testament, Union Presbyterian Seminary

“For many readers, this collection of fine essays will constitute a steep learning curve for seeing what we had not seen in the text, and thinking what we had not thought as a result of new seeing. The writers and editors are to be congratulated on this impressive and instructive study.” —Walter Brueggemann, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary

ISBN 978-1-60258-621-5 $59.95 510 pages 6 x 9 | Paper Disability Studies/Bible/Theology October 1, 2017 CONTRIBUTORS Martin C. Albl Jaime Clark-Soles J. Blake Couey Arthur J. Dewey Jennifer L. Koosed Sarah J. Melcher Anna C. Miller Candida R. Moss Mikeal C. Parsons Jeremy Schipper David Tabb Stewart David F. Watson Kerry H. Wynn Amos Yong


The Old Testament in Archaeology and History edited by Jennie Ebeling, J. Edward Wright, Mark Elliott, and Paul V. M. Flesher

One hundred and fifty years of sustained archaeological investigation has yielded a more complete picture of the ancient Near East. The Old Testament in Archaeology and History combines the most significant of these archaeological findings with those of modern historical and literary analysis of the Bible to recount the history of ancient Israel and its neighboring nations and empires. Eighteen international authorities contribute chapters to this introductory volume. After exploring the history of modern archaeological research in the Near East and the evolution of “biblical archaeology” as a discipline, this textbook follows ISBN 978-1-4813-0739-0 $59.95 680 pages 6 x 9 | 114 b&w photos, 7 b&w illus., 31 maps | Cloth Old Testament/History/ Archaeology November 1, 2017

the Old Testament’s general chronological order, covering such key aspects as the exodus from Egypt, Israel’s settlement in Canaan, the rise of the monarchy under David and Solomon, the period of the two kingdoms and their encounters with Assyrian power, the kingdoms’ ultimate demise, the exile of Judahites to Babylonia, and the Judahites’ return to Jerusalem under the Persians along with the advent of “Jewish” identity. Each chapter is tailored for an audience new to the history of ancient Israel in its biblical and ancient Near Eastern setting. The end result is an introduction to ancient Israel combined with and illuminated by more than a century of archaeological research. The volume

jennie ebeling is Associate Professor of

Archaeology at the University of Evansville. j. edward wright is Professor of

Hebrew Bible and Early Judaism at the University of Arizona. is Adjunct Professor of Judaic Studies at the University of Arizona. mark elliott

paul v. m. flesher is Professor of

Religious Studies at the University of Wyoming.


brings together the strongest results of modern research into the biblical text and narrative with archaeological and historical analysis to create an understanding of ancient Israel as a political and religious entity based on the broadest foundation of evidence. This combination of literary and archaeological data provides new insights into the complex reality experienced by the peoples reflected in the biblical narratives. “An up-to-date and accessible synthesis of ancient Israel that blends archaeology, ancient history, and biblical studies.” —Eric H. Cline, Professor of Classics and Anthropology, The George Washington University

“A breath of fresh air for the genre of Bible and History/Archaeology.” —Tammi J. Schneider, Professor of Religion, Claremont Graduate University

CONTENTS Introduction PART ONE: Archaeology, Bible, and Epigraphy 1. Introduction to the Geography and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2. Introduction to the Old Testament and Its Characters as Historical Evidence 3. The West’s Rediscovery of the Holy Land 4. “Bible Lands Archaeology” and “Biblical Archaeology” in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries 5. A Critique of Biblical Archaeology PART TWO: Israel before Settling in the Land 6. In the Beginning, Archaeologically Speaking 7. Archaeology and the Canaanites 8. The Book of Genesis and Israel’s Ancestral Traditions 9. Israel in and out of Egypt PART THREE: Israel Settles in the Land of Canaan 10. Looking for the Israelites 11. Looking for the Israelites 12. The Philistines during the Period of the Judges PART FOUR: The Kingdoms of the People Israel 13. The United Monarchy 14. Israel 15. The Southern Kingdom of Judah 16. Daily Life in Iron Age Israel and Judah 17. Israel and Judah under Assyria’s Thumb 18. The Religions of the People Israel and Their Neighbors PART FIVE: Judah as a Province 19. Destruction and Exile 20. Persia and Yehud

simon j. joseph is Adjunct

Professor of Religion at California Lutheran University. CONTENTS 1. Rediscovering the Essenes in the Study of Christian Origins 2. The Community of the New Covenant 3. The Anointed Prophet 4. The Eschatological Teacher 5. Beyond the Essenes

Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian Origins New Light on Ancient Texts and Communities

Simon J. Joseph The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the caves near Qumran in 1947 sparked near endless speculation about the possible connections between the Essenes—purportedly the inhabitants of the settlement—and the birth, nature, and growth of early Christianity. Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian Origins sheds new light on this old question by reexamining the complex relationships among Qumran, the historical Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian origins within first-century Palestinian Judaism. Author Simon J. Joseph’s careful examination of a number of distinctive passages in the Jesus tradition in light of Qumran-Essene texts focuses on major points of contact between the Qumran-Essene community and early Christianity in four areas of belief and practice: covenant identity, messianism, eschatology, and halakhah (legal interpretation), placing the weight of his argument for continuity and discontinuity on the halakhic topics of divorce, Sabbath, sacrifice, celibacy, and violence.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0776-5 $39.95 240 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth New Testament/History April 1, 2018

Joseph focuses on the historical, cultural, chronological, and theological correspondences as convergence. This not only illuminates the historical Jesus’ teachings as distinctive, developing and extending earlier Jewish ethical and halakhic thought, it also clarifies the emergence of early Christianity in relationship to Palestinian Essenism. By bringing this holistic analysis of the evidence to bear, Joseph adds a powerful and insightful voice to the decades-long debate surrounding the Essenes and Christianity. “Simon Joseph’s knowledge of the extensive scholarly literature about the Qumran library is impressive even for a specialist in the field. I heartily recommend Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian Origins to anyone who seeks to master this highly important area of New Testament study.” —James A. Sanders, Professor Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University


introducing the LIBRARY OF EARLY CHRISTOLOGY series

Old Testament Yahweh Texts in Messianic Exegesis Christological Interpretation of the Old Paul’s Christology David B. Capes ISBN 978-1-4813-0791-8 224 pages | 6 x 9 | Paper | $29.95

Seek to See Him

Testament in Early Christianity Donald H. Juel ISBN 978-1-4813-0795-6 205 pages | 6 x 9 | Paper | $29.95

Ascent and Vision Mysticism in the Gospel of Thomas

Paul’s Glory-Christology

April D. DeConick ISBN 978-1-4813-0792-5 225 pages | 6 x 9 | Paper | $29.95

Carey C. Newman ISBN 978-1-4813-0796-3 323 pages | 6 x 9 | Paper | $39.95

Tradition and Rhetoric

The Name of God and the Angel The Jewish Roots of of the Lord Christological Monotheism Samaritan and Jewish Concepts of Intermediation and the Origin of Gnosticism

Papers from the St Andrews Conference on the Historical Origins of the Worship of Jesus

Jarl E. Fossum ISBN 978-1-4813-0793-2 391 pages | 6 x 9 | Paper | $39.95

edited by Carey C. Newman, James R. Davila, and Gladys S. Lewis ISBN 978-1-4813-0797-0 385 pages | 6 x 9 | Paper | $39.95

various compatriots to the cause. This series is a collaborative effort among

Angelomorphic Christology

Angel Veneration and Christology

Carey Newman, April DeConick, David Capes, and Larry Hurtado to bring together

Antecedents and Early Evidence

representative works of that “school,” with a focus on the study of early

Charles A. Gieschen ISBN 978-1-4813-0794-9 419 pages | 6 x 9 | Paper | $39.95

A Study in Early Judaism and in the Christology of the Apocalypse of John

Forty years ago, Larry Hurtado set out on a quest to undo the pervasive influence of Bousset’s Kyrios Christos in “history of religions” discussions regarding early Christian belief, specifically its Christology. Over the course of his career, he drew

Christology and its historic, Judaic antecedents. Most of these are titles originally published by other publishers as part of limited-run series. Baylor University Press has reached out to friends at Mohr Siebeck, Brill, and Fortress to secure

Loren T. Stuckenbruck ISBN 978-1-4813-0798-7 366 pages | 6 x 9 | Paper | $39.95

North American print rights, and so bring these works to a new and wider audience. This series will be offered as an “essential reading” set with special appeal to seminary/religion students. We look forward to adding additional


volumes to this library in the years ahead.

Library of Early Christology 10



Ancient Jewish Monotheism and Early Christian Jesus-Devotion

The Other Judaisms of Late Antiquity Second Edition LIBRARY OF EARLY CHRISTOLOGY

Alan F. Segal

The Context and Character of Christological Faith LIBRARY OF EARLY CHRISTOLOGY

Larry W. Hurtado

Ancient Jewish Monotheism and Early Christian Jesus-Devotion harvests from Larry W. Hurtado’s lifetime of study of the New Testament and the development of early Christianity. This volume displays Hurtado’s command of the nature, shape, and implications of Christ-devotion for understanding Christian origins. Hurtado begins with the scholarly framework for understanding Christdevotion—engaging key figures from Bousset and Bultmann to Bauckham and Wright. The next section maps the first-century Jewish devotional, liturgical, and theological contexts in which the early church and its worshiping life first emerged. Phenomenological investigations follow that set Christian innovation in the context of ancient Jewish monotheism, focusing specifically on the experiential factors shaping early Christian faith and devotional practices. The focus turns finally to the surprising ways in which the innovative, Jesus-centered beliefs and worship formed early Christian self-expression and identity. “A lifetime of exceptional Jesus research in one book.” —April D. DeConick, Chair of the Department of Religion, Rice University

larry w. hurtado is Emeritus Professor of New Testament Language, Literature & Theology in the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. His books include Destroyer of the gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World.

In The Other Judaisms of Late Antiquity the late Alan F. Segal is at his very best. This reissued and expanded edition—now containing his celebrated “Heavenly Ascent in Hellenistic Judaism, Early Christianity, and Their Environment”— delineates the variegated nature of both Judaism and Christianity in their formative periods. As Segal demonstrates, it is more accurate to speak of Judaisms and Christianities. Through his deft deployment of social-scientific methods and due attention to Jewish primary sources from the Second Temple period, Segal is able to trace the intricate, internecine struggles among Jewish, Christian, and gnostic communities in the earliest days of the Common Era. In doing so, Segal masterfully validates the importance of inductive historical reconstruction and analytical comparative study for illuminating the complex religious world of the first three centuries. PRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION “Religious ideas cannot be understood outside of the social context in which they were developed. Social psychology, sociology, structural study of myths, have all offered some crucial insights which have changed much in our understanding of religious history in antiquity. While students of Judaism have often been less than enthusiastic in taking such an approach to the texts, Segal’s audaciousness is to his credit.” —Gedaliahu G. Stroumsa, The Jewish Quarterly Review

alan f. segal (1945–2011) was Professor of Religion and Ingeborg Rennert Professor of Jewish Studies, Barnard College.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0759-8 / $39.95 / 308 pages / 6 x 9 / 2 figures / Paper / Jewish History/Early Christianity / Now Available

ISBN 978-1-4813-0762-8 / $39.95 / 698 pages / 6 x 9 / Paper / New Testament/ History / September 15, 2017


God and Israel

Texts and Contexts

Providence and Purpose in Romans 9–11

Gospels and Pauline Studies

edited by Todd D. Still

edited by Todd D. Still

God and Israel traces the ways in which providence and purpose are realized as God’s Word to and about Israel in Romans 9–11. Written by gifted and tested Pauline interpreters, the volume offers a fresh reading of this vexed and vexing part of Paul in the context of Romans and the Pauline witness. God and Israel squarely tackles the questions of Paul’s understanding of salvation-historical time (L. Ann Jervis); the faithfulness and sovereignty of the covenantal God (Michael Wolter); Paul’s mythic rhetoric of “ingrafting” (Davina C. Lopez); the disputed relation between Israel and her “enemies,” the Gentiles (J. Ross Wagner); the role of Christ in God’s purposes and his relation to the nation of Israel (Simon Gathercole); and, finally, the unfailing eschatological hope for Israel’s full inclusion (Jonathan A. Linebaugh). “This book is a rare achievement: a chorus of voices which all, in different ways, have something both original and important to say about a much-discussed text.” —John Barclay, Lightfoot Professor of Divinity, Durham University

ISBN 978-1-4813-0702-4 / $34.95 / 198 pages / 6 x 9 / 6 b&w photos / Cloth / New Testament / Now Available

Texts and Contexts honors the life and scholarship of David E. Garland. Fifteen colleagues, friends, and former students each offer a study on one of the canonical Gospels or Paul’s letters, demonstrating how these texts continue to reveal new surprises and a wealth of resources for service to the gospel. This present volume begins with five studies on Gospels texts and the Jesus tradition (Margaret E. Ramey, Richard Bauckham, Mikeal C. Parsons, Andrew E. Arterbury, and Craig L. Blomberg). Five essays on Pauline passages and interpretation follow (Todd D. Still, Mark A. Seifrid, Craig S. Keener, Bradley Arnold, and Klyne R. Snodgrass). Five homilies round out the collection (Ben Witherington III, W. Hulitt Gloer, Bill J. Leonard, Timothy George, and Daniel O. Aleshire). Even as this book celebrates and commemorates what Garland has already done, it anticipates scholarship yet to be received. “A fitting tribute to an outstanding scholar, leader, and churchman.” —R. Alan Culpepper, Dean and Professor Emeritus, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University

todd d. still is Charles J. and Eleanor McLerran DeLancey Dean and William M. Hinson Professor of Christian Scriptures in the George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0074-2 / $49.95 / 252 pages / 6 x 9 / Cloth / New Testament / Now Available


t. christopher hoklotubbe (Th.D.,

Harvard University) is Assistant Professor of Religion at Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. He is a former Louisville Institute Postdoctoral Fellow and a Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow in Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA. Hoklotubbe has been recognized as a Society of Biblical Literature Regional Scholar for 2017, having been nominated by the New England and Eastern Canada Region. CONTENTS Introduction: The Politics of Piety in the Pastoral Epistles 1. Piety in Caesar’s House 2. Piety in God’s House 3. Honoring Piety in the City 4. Honoring Piety in the Ekklésia 5. The Mystery of Philosophical Piety 6. The Mystery of Pastoral Piety Conclusion: A Pious and Civilized Christian in the Roman Empire “T. Christopher Hoklotubbe is to be commended for furnishing us with the first monograph-length treatment of the theme of pietas (eusebeia)—one of the Roman Empire’s most celebrated ideals—in the Pastoral Epistles. The result is an exciting and thorough new study that every person interested in the emergence of Christianity as well as method in the study of Paul in the Roman Empire needs to read. I heartily recommend it.” —Harry O. Maier, Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Studies, Vancouver School of Theology

Civilized Piety

The Rhetoric of   Pietas in the Pastoral Epistles and the Roman Empire

T. Christopher Hoklotubbe Early Christians in Asia Minor had to navigate the troubled waters of Roman social, political, and economic life while also preserving their faith. The church faced a double threat: Greeks and Romans viewed Christianity as a barbaric and potentially seditious superstition and, at the same moment, wealthy Christian benefactors, and their client teachers, were both perceived to threaten the integrity of the Christian community. Christopher Hoklotubbe investigates how the author of the Pastoral Epistles (1, 2 Timothy and Titus) strategically appealed to the Greek and Roman virtues of piety (eusebeia, pietas) to ease these external and internal sociocultural threats. The Pastoral Epistles’ rhetoric of piety—a term not found in the genuine Pauline epistles—becomes pointed when read alongside ancient discourses on piety from Roman imperial propaganda, civic benefaction/patronage, and moral philosophy. As Hoklotubbe demonstrates, piety was rhetorically potent in the efforts of the Pastoral Epistles to present the fledgling Christian communities in a

ISBN 978-1-4813-0717-8 $49.95 264 pages 6 x 9 | 4 b&w photos | Cloth Biblical History & Culture September 1, 2017

compelling cultural light, as well as efforts to unite communities around a socially conservative vision of the household of God. Civilized Piety reveals the value of pietas within an ideological marketplace of emperors, benefactors, and philosophers, all of whom contend with one another to monopolize cultural prestige. The Pastoral Epistles, by employing a virtue so highly esteemed by forces hostile to Christianity, manifest a deep desire to establish good order within the church as well as to foster goodwill with the church’s non-Christian neighbors.

“With a fresh approach, Chris Hoklotubbe argues that the Pastoral Epistles translate the gospel in terms of Roman pietas—a broad array of social, political, and religious obligations thought to sustain the cosmos and everything in it.” —Clare K. Rothschild, Associate Professor of Scripture Studies, Lewis University

“‘Piety’ was an enormously important concept in political, civic, philosophical, and religious discourse in both the Greek (eusebeia) and Latin (pietas) worlds of the first and second centuries C.E. Although the apostle Paul strikingly never mentions it in his undisputed letters, the Pastoral Epistles make it a central characteristic of Christian life and identity. In this marvelous treatment, Christopher Hoklotubbe discusses not only the elevation and use of piety language in these letters but also shows how such language functioned in the world that these documents reflect.” —John T. Fitzgerald, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of Notre Dame


A Companion to the New Testament The Gospels and Acts VOLUME 1

Matthew L. Skinner A Companion to the New Testament draws readers deep inside the New Testament by providing a basic orientation to its literary contours and its ways of

matthew l. skinner is Professor of New

Testament at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where he has taught courses in interpreting the New Testament for more than fifteen years. His previous work includes co-editing Shaping the Scriptural Imagination: Truth, Meaning, and the Theological Interpretation of the Bible.

talking about theological matters. Designed especially for students learning to navigate the Bible as Christian Scripture, the Companion serves as an accessible, reliable, and engaging guide to each New Testament book’s contents. It explores these books’ capacity for informing Christian faith and life—among ancient audiences and also within Christian communities through time. Individual chapters offer thorough overviews of each New Testament book, ISBN 978-1-4813-0000-1 $39.95 284 pages 6 x 9 | Paper New Testament November 1, 2017

helping readers consider its historical setting, cultural assumptions, literary dynamics, and theological points of view. The Companion consistently illustrates how social conditions and community identities left their marks on the particular theological rhetoric of the New Testament. Author Matthew Skinner draws on his extensive teaching experience to orient readers to theological convictions and social realities reflected in Scripture. He pays special attention to the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament, the Roman

“Matthew Skinner provides masterful orientation to the landscape of New Testament study that is both succinct and carefully nuanced, and informed by recent currents in biblical scholarship. Engagement with this perceptive volume will provide a grasp of both the diversity and coherence of the Gospels’ fourfold witness and will equip interpreters to continue the conversations—to consider anew what it means to live faithfully in their own particular contexts.” —Frances Taylor Gench, Herbert Worth and Annie H. Jackson Professor of Biblical Interpretation, Union Presbyterian Seminary

Empire’s influence on Christian ideas and practices, the place of women in the early church’s life and teachings, the influence of Jewish apocalyptic themes on the New Testament, and ways that certain New Testament emphases have shaped basic Christian beliefs. This first volume of the Companion explains that the Gospels are the results of the early churches’ efforts to preserve memories about the life and teaching of Jesus, his character, and his enduring significance. Readers discover that Jesus’ followers told their stories about him because of their desire to give testimony to him as the Christ and the agent of divine salvation. Likewise, the Companion’s treatment of Acts underscores that book’s understanding of God as active in the world, a God who continues the ministry Jesus began but does so now in and around the churches formed by Jesus’ followers. The earliest churches’ narratives about their Lord and their origins were theological narratives—stories meant to communicate believers’ convictions about God and God’s commitment to the world.


“Matthew Skinner has provided teachers and students with the ideal classroom resource. This publication illuminates Jesus’ place in history, sacred text, and ecclesial impact. Skinner navigates historical, literary, and cultural contexts with aplomb. Readers of A Companion to the New Testament will benefit from Skinner’s erudite treatment of ancient realities and contemporary scholarship.” —Anthony Le Donne, Associate Professor of New Testament, United Theological Seminary

ISBN 978-1-4813-0783-3 $39.95 300 pages 6 x 9 | Paper New Testament February 1, 2018

A Companion to the New Testament Paul and the Pauline Letters VOLUME 2

Matthew L. Skinner This second volume of the Companion focuses on Paul and the thirteen letters in the New Testament attributed to him. Readers learn that the letters provided specific pastoral and practical instruction to ancient Christian communities. The letters make their case by relying upon and appealing to a range of theological convictions, usually focusing on who God is, what God accomplishes through Jesus Christ, and the new existence that believers now inhabit. Studying the letters alongside one another, as a collection, allows readers to consider the ways in which Paul attempted to provide pastoral care to various congregations, as well as how Paul’s widespread influence may have prompted his admirers to carry his legacy forward after his death.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0787-1 $29.95 150 pages 6 x 9 | Paper New Testament February 1, 2018

A Companion to the New Testament The General Letters and Revelation VOLUME 3

Matthew L. Skinner Although they sit at the end of the New Testament’s order, the last nine books in the Bible—Hebrews through Revelation—are hardly optional reading. This third volume of the Companion demonstrates that these books provide valuable glimpses into the lives, hopes, troubles, and worries of ancient Christian communities as they sought to make their way through a changing landscape that appeared rife with threats. None of the documents is exactly like the others; they speak in a variety of voices while drawing from a variety of traditions to express their convictions and to make their case. Taken together, the final books provide an enduring reminder of the diversity, change, vitality, and occasional struggles that left enduring impressions on churches’ efforts to understand who they were, how they should live, and what they should expect for their future.


The Pastoral Letters


A Handbook on the Greek Text

A Handbook on the Hebrew Text





Larry J. Perkins

Robert D. Holmstedt, John A. Cook, and Phillip S. Marshall

The Pastoral Letters: A Handbook on the Greek Text offers teachers and students a comprehensive guide to the grammar and vocabulary of the Pastoral Letters. A perfect supplement to any commentary, this volume’s lexical, analytical, and syntactical analysis is a helpful tool in navigating New Testament literature. Larry J. Perkins leads students toward both a greater understanding of the Greek text and an appreciation for the textual and rhetorical intricacies not available in English translations. “Larry Perkins’ grammatical, linguistic, and rhetorical analysis will be helpful to advanced Greek students who seek to compare their own analyses with a careful Greek scholar. Claiming to analyze, not interpret, the Greek text, Perkins cautiously stays on the middle path as to authorship and issues related to women and ministry.” —Aída Besançon Spencer, Professor of New Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

In this volume, Robert D. Holmstedt, John A. Cook, and Phillip S. Marshall provide a foundational analysis of the Hebrew text of Qoheleth. Distinguished by the detailed yet comprehensive attention paid to the Hebrew text, Qoheleth is a convenient pedagogical and reference tool that explains the form and syntax of the biblical text, offers guidance for deciding between competing semantic analyses, engages important text-critical debates, and addresses questions relating to the Hebrew text that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries. Beyond serving as a succinct and accessible analytic key, Qoheleth also reflects the most recent advances in scholarship on Hebrew grammar and linguistics. By filling the gap between popular and technical commentaries, the handbook becomes an indispensable tool for anyone committed to a deep reading of the biblical text. “If you are looking for assistance about questions related to grammar and translation, you will find in Qoheleth a treasure trove within the parameters of the exegetical status quo.” —Susanne Scholz, Professor of Old Testament, Southern Methodist University

larry j. perkins is Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Northwest Baptist Seminary and the Associated Canadian Theological Schools of Trinity Western University. He is President Emeritus of Northwest Baptist Seminary.

robert d. holmstedt is Professor of Biblical Hebrew and Northwest Semitic Languages at the University of Toronto.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0039-1 / $34.95 / 343 pages / 5.25 x 8 / Paper / New Testament/ Greek / Now Available

at Asbury Theological Seminary.

john a. cook is Professor of Old Testament and Director of Hebrew Language Instruction

phillip s. marshall is Assistant Professor of Biblical Languages, Houston Baptist University.

ISBN 978-1-60258-732-8 / $29.95 / 365 pages / 5.25 x 8 / 2 b&w figures / Paper / Old Testament/Hebrew / October 15, 2017


michael wolter is Professor of New Testament at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Bonn in Germany and Honorary Professor at the Theological Faculty at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. His book Paul: An Outline of His Theology is also available from Baylor University Press.

The Gospel According to Luke

“The original German version of Michael Wolter’s magisterial commentary on Luke is already, rightly, a standard work on that Gospel. The second volume here completes the English translation of the whole and will enable Wolter’s work to be accessed by a wider readership. This translation represents a real boon to scholarship as Wolter’s work will remain an outstanding resource and reference work in all study of Luke’s Gospel for many years to come.” —Christopher Tuckett, Emeritus Professor of New Testament Studies, University of Oxford

interpretation of the Third Evangelist’s Gospel (Luke 9:51–24). Wolter’s


Centrally, Wolter recognizes how Luke’s narrative of Jesus forms the

Volume II (Luke 9:51–24)


Michael Wolter translated by Wayne Coppins and Christoph Heilig In this fifth volume of the Baylor–Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity series, Michael Wolter provides a detailed, verse-by-verse commentary fully complements the great tradition of “Handbooks of the New Testament” published by Mohr Siebeck. Replacing the third edition of Erich Klostermann’s commentary on Luke, Wolter’s volume rightly joins those by Conzelmann (Acts), Käsemann (Romans), and Lietzmann (1 Corinthians) in this venerable series. Wolter’s approach to a sustained reading of Luke’s Gospel is comprehensive. He carefully places Luke’s narrative of Jesus in its cultural context, paying close attention to the relationship of the Gospel with its Jewish and Greco-Roman environment. Wolter performs form-critical and narrative analysis of the specific stories; however, Wolter also emphasizes Luke as a theologian and his Gospel as a work of theology.

first part of a unified work—the Acts of Apostles being the second— that represents a new moment in Israel’s history. But in surprising new ways, Wolter makes clear that it is God alone who works in and through the words and deeds of Jesus to bring salvation to Israel. His commentary shows that Luke succeeds in preserving the history of Jesus and its theological impact and that this history stands on

The Gospel According to Luke Volume I (Luke 1–9:50) ISBN 978-1-4813-0592-1 | $69.95

ISBN 978-1-4813-0669-0 $79.95 672 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth New Testament/Theology September 15, 2017

equal footing with the history of early Christianity. Wolter’s thorough, careful reading follows Luke as the Evangelist seeks to explain how the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises of God for Israel results in a parting of the ways between the Christian church on the one side and Judaism on the other. Scholars and students alike will benefit from access to new German scholarship now available to English-language audiences.

Mohr Siebeck (Tübingen, Germany) and Baylor University Press (Waco, Texas, USA) proudly host a landmark, international collaboration in Christian scholarship—the Baylor–Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity series. In this series, editors Wayne Coppins (University of Georgia, USA) and Simon Gathercole (Cambridge, UK) select, translate, and edit major works from senior German scholars on early Christianity’s relationships to Second Temple Judaism and Hellenistic religious movements from the first years of the Common Era. Titles in Baylor–Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity will appear for the first time in English and make accessible the highest level of German scholarship.


“In this wonderfully creative and astute work Tom Bennett recovers and extends a minority strand of Christian tradition in which the cross of Christ is understood as the labor of God. Bennett’s account of the metaphor of divine labor offers rich insight into what it means to confess that Christ’s death is a death for us and will surely help to reinvigorate the Church’s proclamation of the atonement and of the new life it brings.”

MURR AY R AE Professor of Theology University of Otago

“It has been a long time since a book on atonement theology has surprised me. In an area where much of our thinking has become stale, Bennett offers us a fresh image of the ‘work’ of Christ as the ‘labor’ of childbirth. More familiar themes then fell into a provocative new shape around it.”

RICHARD BAUCKHAM Professor Emeritus University of St Andrews, Scotland

thomas andrew bennett is Affiliate Assistant Professor of Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary.

CONTENTS 1. Retrieving the Forgotten Root: The Scandal of the Cross as the Labor of God 2. Speaking the Labor of God: Metaphor and the Truth of Religious Language 3. Converting the Cross: How Torture Becomes Childbirth 4. Birthing the Church: How the Cross Addresses Sin 5. Transcending Exchange: How the Family of God Gives Up the Gift 6. Expanding the Agony of the Cross: How Labor Opens Fresh Theological Frontiers

Labor of God

The Agony of the Cross as the Birth of the Church

Thomas Andrew Bennett It is hard to imagine just how startling the Christian message must have sounded to those who first heard it. The story of a crucified messiah was absurd. The death of Jesus as a ransom, a punishment, or a sacrifice was an offense and an affront. Yet, by making the death of Jesus central to its preaching and worship, Christianity took a scandal, the cross, and called it a gospel. In Labor of God, author Tom Bennett revisits the church’s speech about the cross. He recovers an equally shocking, but often overlooked, metaphor from Scripture and tradition: the cross as an act of divine labor, the travail through which God gives birth to the church. This ancient understanding of the cross enables a fresh theology of Christian atonement, one better able to answer questions of sin, suffering, and divine violence. As Bennett argues, this understanding of the cross can also reshape the classical systematic doctrines of creation, election, soteriology, and the church.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0649-2 $34.95 155 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Theology Now Available

Developed through close readings of biblical texts and interaction with voices from theology and the sciences, Labor of God shows how the Christian message of the cross can once again prick the ears and trouble the hearts of those who hear it. To a church immune to the radical character of its own message, Bennett resists the temptation to sanitize and relishes the offense—an offense that gives birth to a scandalous gospel for a secular age.

“In this insightful, eloquent work, Thomas Bennett expounds a significant but often overlooked interpretation of the atonement as divine labor: the violent cross paradoxically births children of God who together share the divine DNA. An important contribution in its own right, this volume will also engender ongoing conversation as well as new but faithful ways of proclaiming the gospel.” —Michael J. Gorman, Raymond E. Brown Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, St. Mary’s Seminary & University


Architecture and Theology

murray a. rae is Professor of Theology at the University of Otago in New Zealand.

Murray A. Rae

CONTENTS 1. New Ways of Seeing: Doing Theology through the Spatial Arts 2. A Place to Dwell: Construing the World through the Construction of Place 3. Freedom and Rule: Conceiving the Law as a Realm of Freedom and Creativity 4. Making All Things New: Transforming the World through Adaptation and Renewal 5. A Foretaste of Heaven: Anticipating the New Jerusalem through the Civitas Terrena 6. Knowing and Dwelling: Considering Epistemology through Habitation and Homelessness 7. Presence and Absence: Discerning the Transcendent in the Realm of the Immanent 8. Places Full of Time: Marking Time through the Medium of Place 9. Building from the Rubble: Reaching for Redemption through Memory and Hope

The Art of Place

The dynamic relationship between art and theology continues to fascinate and to challenge, especially when theology addresses art in all of its variety. In Architecture and Theology: The Art of Place, author Murray Rae turns to the spatial arts, especially architecture, to investigate how the art forms engaged in the construction of our built environment relate to Christian faith. Rae does not offer a theology of   the spatial arts, but instead engages in a sustained theological conversation with the spatial arts. Because the spatial arts are public, visual, and communal, they wield an immense but easily overlooked influence. Architecture and Theology overcomes this inattention ISBN 978-1-4813-0763-5 $49.95 305 pages 6 x 9 | 38 b&w photos, 9 b&w illus. | Cloth Theology/Architecture December 15, 2017

by offering new ways of thinking about the theological importance of space and place in the experience of God, the relation between freedom and law in Christian life, the transformation involved in God’s promised new creation, biblical anticipation of the heavenly city, divine presence and absence, the architecture of repentance and remorse, and the relation between space and time. In doing so, Rae finds an ample place for theology amidst the architectural arts.

“Architecture and Theology is more than a much-needed theology of architecture. It is an invitation to renew our understanding of God through the architect’s eye. Murray Rae shows us how the built environment and spatial arts can transform the theological imagination. Accept his invitation into this space. God’s place in your life will never be the same.” —William Storrar, Director, Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton


“Murray Rae is one of the most lucid, no-nonsense, and reliable theologians of his generation, and here he turns his attention to something he is eminently qualified to address. At last, we have a piece of writing on theology and the spatial arts that is genuinely theological while also being immersed in the realities of architectural theory, practice, and history. First-rate in every way.” —Jeremy Begbie, Thomas A. Langford Research Professor of Theology, Duke University

Growing Down

Just Debt

Theology and Human Nature in the Virtual Age

Theology, Ethics, and Neoliberalism

Jaco J. Hamman

Ilsup Ahn

Hamman argues that the appeal of today’s communications technologies, especially the need to be constantly connected and online, is deeply rooted in the most basic ways humans develop. Human relationship with technology mirrors the holding environment established between young children and their primary caregivers. The virtual world plays upon humanity’s deep yearning to reestablish that primary life-giving environment and to recall those first loving and caring relationships. Growing Down draws together theology, anthropology, neuroscience, object relations theory (especially the work of D. W. Winnicott), and empirical research to identify necessary intelligences for human flourishing in an increasingly virtual world. Humans can flourish in the face of the continued onslaught of rapid technological advances—even if they must grow down to do so.

In Just Debt Ilsup Ahn explores ethical implications of the practice of debt. By placing debt in the context of anthropology, philosophy, economics, and the ethical traditions provided by the Abrahamic religions, Ahn holds that debt was originally a form of gift, a gift that was intended as a means to serve humanity. Debt, as gift, had moral ends. Since the late eighteenth century, however, debt has been reduced to an amoral economic tool, one separated from its social and political context. Ahn recovers an ethics of debt and its moral economy by rediscovering debt’s forgotten aspect—that all debts entail unique human stories. Ahn argues that it is only in and by these stories that the justice of debt can be determined. In order for debt to be justly established, its story should be free from elements of exploitation, abuse, and manipulation and should conform to the principles of serviceability, payability, and shareability.

“In this important, rich, and needed book, Jaco Hamman, using the wisdom of psychology, philosophy, and theology, considers what it means to be human in a technologically dependent and driven world—an era when many people use and are used by technology.” —Ryan LaMothe, Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, St. Meinrad School of Theology

“Ilsup Ahn adeptly shows how fantastic capitalist productivity combined with fantastic disparities has created a colossal, many-layered debt burden that crushes the poor of the world and inflicts immense harm on many others. His holistic approach to the problem creates an interdisciplinary conversation, emphasizes the ethical crisis, and sustains a hopeful spirit, all in perceptive and compelling fashion.” —Gary Dorrien, author of Kantian Reason and Hegelian Spirit: The Idealistic Logic of Modern Theology

jaco j. hamman is Associate Professor of Religion, Psychology, and Culture at Vanderbilt Divinity School, where he is also the Director of the Program in Theology and Practice. In addition, Hamman is Extraordinary Professor of Practical Theology at The University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0646-1 / $39.95 / 252 pages / 5.5 x 8.5 / Cloth / Theology/ Anthropology / Now Available

ilsup ahn is Carl I. Lindberg Professor of Philosophy at North Park University and

Carnegie Council Global Ethics Fellow. He is also an editor of Asian American Christian Ethics: Voices, Methods, Issues. ISBN 978-1-4813-0691-1 / $39.95 / 216 pages / 6 x 9 / Cloth / Theology/Ethics / October 15, 2017



Bonhoeffer and the Theology of a Preaching Life

Michael Pasquarello III Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945) remains one of the most enigmatic figures of the twentieth century. His life evokes fascination, eliciting attention from a wide and diverse audience. Bonhoeffer is rightly remembered as theologian and philosopher, ethicist and political thinker, wartime activist and resister, church leader and pastor, martyr and saint. These many sides to Bonhoeffer do not give due prominence to the aspect of his life that wove all the disparate parts into a coherent whole: Bonhoeffer as preacher. In Dietrich: Bonhoeffer and the Theology of a Preaching Life, Michael Pasquarello traces the arc of Bonhoeffer’s public career, demonstrating how, ISBN 978-1-4813-0751-2 $39.95 300 pages 5.5 x 8.5 | Cloth Theology/Church History/ Biography October 15, 2017

at every stage, Bonhoeffer focused upon preaching, both in terms of its ecclesial practice and the theology that gave it life. Pasquarello chronicles a period of preparation—Bonhoeffer’s study of Luther and Barth, his struggle to reconcile practical ministry with preaching, and his discovery of preaching’s ethic of resistance. Next Pasquarello describes Bonhoeffer’s maturation as a preacher—his crafting a homiletic theology, as well as preaching’s relationship to politics and public confession. Pasquarello follows Bonhoeffer’s forced itinerancy until he became, ultimately, a preacher without any congregation at all. In the end, Bonhoeffer’s life was his best sermon. Dietrich presents Bonhoeffer as an exemplar in the preaching tradition of the church. His exercise of theological and homiletical wisdom in particular times, places, and circumstances—Berlin, Barcelona, Harlem, London, Finkenwalde— reveals the particular kind of intellectual, spiritual, and moral formation required for faithful, concrete witness to the gospel in the practice of proclamation, both then and now. Bonhoeffer’s story as a pastor and teacher of preachers provides a historical example of how the integration of theology and ministry is the fruit of wisdom cultivated through a life of discipleship with others in prayer, study, scriptural meditation, and mutual service.


michael pasquarello iii is Lloyd J. Ogilvie Professor of Preaching at Fuller Theological Seminary.

CONTENTS Introduction PART ONE: Preparation 1. Learning a Theology of Preaching from Luther and Barth, Berlin 1925–1927 2. Reconciling Pastoral Ministry with Preaching, Barcelona 1928–1929 3. The Discovery of a Black Jesus, New York 1929–1931 PART TWO: Preaching 4. Preaching as Theology, Berlin 1931–1932 5. Preaching as Politics, London 1932–1935 6. Preaching as Public Confession, Finkenwalde 1935–1937 PART THREE: Consequences 7. A Forced Itinerary, 1937–1939 8. Preaching without Words, 1940–1945 Conclusion

“In his Large Catechism, Luther spoke of the Holy Spirit’s work as bringing people into the community of Christ where the gospel is proclaimed to them to evoke and sustain faith and obedience. Dietrich Bonhoeffer recovered this forgotten ecclesiology of Luther, as Michael Pasquarello amply documents in this rich account of Bonhoeffer’s preaching through the troubled years of his too-brief

“Michael Pasquarello has captured what Dietrich Bonhoeffer called the ‘strange glory’ of preaching. In the process he has produced the best book in English on the relation of Bonhoeffer’s preaching to his theology. From his early encounters with Barth and Luther to the mysterious silences of the concentration camps, Bonhoeffer still helps us see what preaching was meant to be. Serious preachers will be thankful for Pasquarello’s book.”

—Richard Lischer

author of “Reading the Parables”

life. Seeing Bonhoeffer afresh as a homiletical theologian provides the contemporary reader with a vision of the church as the Spirit’s necessary condition for proclaiming and hearing the gospel in circumstances in which Christianity is no longer privileged.”

—Paul R. Hinlicky

Tise Professor of Lutheran Studies, Roanoke College

America, Aristotle, and the Politics of a Middle Class Leslie G. Rubin

Aristotle’s political imagination capitalizes on the virtues of a middle-class republic. America’s experiment in republican liberty bears striking similarities to Aristotle’s best political regime—especially at the point of the middling class and its public role. Author Leslie Rubin, by holding America up to the mirror of Aristotle, explores these correspondences and their many implications for contemporary political life. Rubin begins with the Politics, in which Aristotle asserts the best political regime maintains stability by balancing oligarchic and democratic tendencies, and by treating free and relatively equal people as capable of a good life ISBN 978-1-4813-0054-4 $49.95 310 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Political Science/Philosophy March 15, 2018

within a law-governed community that practices modest virtues. The second part of the book focuses upon America, showing how its founding opinion leaders prioritized the virtues of the middle in myriad ways. Rubin uncovers a surprising range of evidence, from moderate property holding by a large majority of the populace to citizen experience of both ruling and being ruled. She singles out the importance of the respect for the middle-class

“By placing Aristotle and American founding thought in dialogue, Leslie Rubin shows that freedom and equality are protected not merely by institutional arrangements such as checks and balances but by a middle class and its way of life. She demonstrates that Aristotle helps us to understand our own political system, and at the same time she gives a defense of American politics, and indeed, of politics more generally. America, Aristotle, and the Politics of a Middle Class is an original and path-breaking work.” —Mary Nichols, Professor of Political Science, Baylor University


virtues of industriousness, sobriety, frugality, honesty, public spirit, and reasonable compromise. Rubin also highlights the educational institutions that foster the middle class—public education affords literacy, numeracy, and job skills, while civic education provides the history and principles of the nation as well as the rights and duties of all its citizens. Wise voices from the past, both of ancient Greece and postcolonial America, commend the middle class. The erosion of a middle class and the descent of political debate into polarized hysteria threaten a democratic republic. If the rule of the people is not to fall into demagoguery, then the body politic must remind itself of the requirements—both political and personal—of free, stable, and fair political life.

leslie g. rubin, currently an independent scholar, taught political philosophy and American politics at Kenyon College, the University of Houston, and Duquesne University. She recently retired from the directorship of the Society for Greek Political Thought.

CONTENTS Introduction: Politics and the Political Animal PART ONE: Aristotle’s Republic 1. A Practical Republic: Aristotle’s RealWorld Politics 2. Citizens, Rulers, and the Law: Aristotle on Political Authority 3. The Best Regime: Aristotle’s MiddleClass Republic PART TWO: The American Founders’ Republic 4. “Happy Mediocrity”: America’s Middle Class 5. Citizen Virtue: “Simple Manners” among the “Laborious and Saving” 6. Securing America’s Future: Moral Education in a Middle-Class Republic Conclusion: For Aristotle and America, Why the Middle Class Matters

darel e. paul is Professor of Political Science at Williams College.

From Tolerance to Equality

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. The Elite Embrace of Normalization and Same-Sex Marriage 3. Normalization as a Class Value 4. Beyond Tolerance 5. Normalization and the Family 6. Diversity without Tears 7. Class Culture Wars 8. Conclusion

Darel E. Paul

How Elites Brought America to Same-Sex Marriage

Over the last twenty-five years, a dramatic transformation in the American public’s view of homosexuality has occurred, symbolized best by the movement of same-sex marriage from the position of a fringe few to the pinnacle of morality and a cornerstone of establishment thought. From Tolerance to Equality explores how this seismic shift of social perspective occurred and why it was led by the country’s educational and financial elite. Rejecting claims of a commitment to toleration or a heightened capacity for moral sympathy, author Darel E. Paul argues that American elites use opinion on homosexuality as a mark of social distinction and thus as a tool for accumulating cultural authority and political power. Paul traces this process through its cultural pathways as first professionals and, later, corporate managers took up the cause. He marshals original data analysis and chapters on social class and the family, the ideology of diversity, and the waning status of religious

ISBN 978-1-4813-0694-2 $39.95 230 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Political Science/LGBT Studies March 1, 2018

belief and authority to explore the factors behind the cultural changes he charts. Paul demonstrates the high stakes for same-sex marriage’s mostly secular proponents and mostly religious opponents—and explains how so many came to fight so vigorously on an issue that directly affects so few. In the end, From Tolerance to Equality is far more than an explanation of gay equality and same-sex marriage. It is a road map to the emerging American political and cultural landscape.

“A new managerial elite has ascended to power in the American academy, learned professions, corporations, religious bodies, and government. Darel Paul not only charts how this elite has led the country to normalize homosexuality but also shows how the campaign for same-sex marriage constitutes this elite’s identity in our time. Paul tells no simple morality tale of ‘enlightenment’ overcoming benighted ‘intolerance.’ He demonstrates how this elite’s aspiration to win each battle of the Culture War compromises their capacity to rule and be ruled and their capacity to defend crucial individual liberties. From Tolerance to Equality is a must-read showing how our Culture Wars are the leading edge of factional conflict in America.” —Scott Yenor, Professor of Political Science, Boise State University


Missionary Christianity and Local Religion

arun w. jones is the Dan and Lillian


CONTENTS Introduction PART ONE 1. The Religious Context in North India: Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity 2. The Religious Context in North India: American Evangelicalism PART TWO 3. The Missionaries: Religious and Social Innovators 4. Indian Workers: Negotiating Boundaries PART THREE 5. Theology in a New Context 6. Community in a New Context Conclusion

American Evangelicalism in North India, 1836–1870

Arun W. Jones The first Christian communities were established among the population of Hindi- and Urdu-speaking North India during the middle of the nineteenth century. The evangelical North American Presbyterian and Methodist missionaries who arrived in what were considered the Hindu heartlands discovered a social and religious landscape far more diverse than expected. With its Hindu majority and significant Muslim minority, the region also proved home to reform and renewal movements both within and beyond Hinduism. ISBN 978-1-60258-432-7 $59.95 344 pages 6 x 9 | 4 b&w photos, 1 b&w illus., 1 map | Cloth September 15, 2017 “Interrogating the religious ethos and the ‘landscape’ in which conversion movements were located and tracing disruption and continuity in the lives of nineteenth-century North Indian converts, Arun Jones locates the various subjects of his inquiry, especially the ‘native’ voices, within the broader social, cultural, and religious histories of the region without shying away from carefully considered reconstruction that thoroughly engages the material at hand and goes on to offer possibilities of understanding people and situations that are plausible and foster ongoing discussion.” —J. Jayakiran Sebastian, Dean of the Seminary and H. George Anderson Professor of Mission and Cultures, The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia


These movements had already carved out niches for religious difference, niches where Christianity took root. In Missionary Christianity and Local Religion Arun Jones documents the story of

Hankey Associate Professor of World Evangelism at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University.

how preexisting indigenous bhakti   movements and western missionary evangelicalism met to form the cornerstone for the foundational communities of North Indian Christianity. Moreover, while newly arrived missionaries may have reported their exploits as totally fresh encounters with the local population, they built their work on the existing fledgling gatherings of Christians such as European colonial officials, merchants, and soldiers, and their Indian and Eurasian family members. Jones demonstrates how foreign missionaries, Indian church leaders, and converts alike all had to negotiate the complex parameters of historic Indian religious and social institutions and cultures, as well as navigate the realities of the newly established British Empire. Missionary Christianity and Local Religion provides portrayals and analyses of the ideas, motivations, and activities of the diverse individuals who formed and nurtured a flourishing North Indian Christian movement that was both evangelical and rooted in local religious and social realities. This exploration of new Christian communities created by the confluences and divergences between American evangelical and Indian bhakti   religious traditions reveals the birth and early growth of one of the many incarnations of Christianity.

“Readable, well-documented, and very broadly contextualized, Missionary Christianity and Local Religion is based on careful and extensive research.” —Geoffrey A. Oddie, University of Sydney

timothy h. wadkins is Professor of

Modern Christianity and Director of the Institute for Global Study of Religion at Canisius College. CONTENTS Introduction: The Eruption of the Spirit in the Land of the Savior 1. La Nueva Familia de Fe 2. The Preferential Option for the Spirit 3. The New World Order 4. Spirit-Filled Ascendency in the New World Order 5. Surviving the World 6. Consuming the World 7. Engaging the World 8. Managing the Spirit Conclusion: Spirit-Filled Christianity and Modernization in El Salvador

The Rise of Pentecostalism in Modern El Salvador From the Blood of the Martyrs to the Baptism of the Spirit STUDIES IN WORLD CHRISTIANITY

Timothy H. Wadkins El Salvador has experienced a dramatic religious transformation over the past half-century. In what was once an almost exclusively Catholic nation, more than 35 percent of the people are now evangelical Protestants, mostly identified as charismatic or Pentecostal. While having some roots in Protestant missions from North America and Europe, the religious renaissance overtaking El Salvador is both homegrown and closely related to the nation’s social, cultural, and economic upheavals. Since the end of the Salvadoran Civil War, the traditional social order—which was established in colonial times, ruled by elites, enforced by the military, and supported by the Church—has been overturned. Once a world of haciendas, plantations, and old merchant

“Profound religious changes have been remaking Latin America for years. If you want to understand those changes— and even more if you think you already understand them—The Rise of Pentecostalism in Modern El Salvador is a must-read.” —Richard L. Wood, University of New Mexico, Author of A Shared Future: Faith-Based Organizing for Racial Equity and Ethical Democracy

firms, El Salvador is now home to new factories, shopping malls, fast food restaurants, and call centers. Modernization has brought new ideas too—about asserting individual rights and making choices, forming communities, voting in elections, consuming material goods, employing technology, and engaging with global culture. The Rise of Pentecostalism in Modern El Salvador explores how this vast social transformation has opened the gates to runaway religious creativity and competition. In weaving together the lively and complex story, author Timothy Wadkins employs the scholarly tools of historical reconstruction, theological analysis, and ethnographic interviews, as well as the results of a pioneering national religious survey. The outcome is a comprehensive and detailed picture of El Salvador’s religious renaissance against the backdrop of El Salvador’s fitful path toward modernization and democratization.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0712-3 $49.95 272 pages 6 x 9 | 10 b&w photos, 1 b&w map | Cloth World Christianity/History Now Available “This thoughtful, engaging, and surprising book opens up the world of Salvadoran Pentecostalism. Carefully researched and clearly written, it highlights the strengths, weaknesses, and tensions that have developed in important Pentecostal movements in the encounter with modernity. Particularly stimulating is the analysis of megachurch pastor Mario Vega’s esteem for Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero and of Vega’s growing commitment to social justice.” —Todd Hartch, Professor of History, Eastern Kentucky University

“Grounded in detailed historical and ethnographic research, this book makes an outstanding contribution to our understanding of the roots and current expressions of Pentecostalism in El Salvador.” —Donald E. Miller, Leonard K. Firestone Professor of Religion, University of Southern California


Religion in Enlightenment England

jayne elizabeth lewis is Professor of English at the University of California, Irvine.


CONTENTS 1. Anglican Apologetics 2. Dissenting Voices 3. The Methodist Movement 4. Freethinking 5. Nature 6. Visions 7. Miracle 8. Spirits 9. Devotion 10. The Hymn 11. Spiritual Autobiography

An Anthology of Primary Sources

edited by Jayne Elizabeth Lewis Religion in Enlightenment England introduces its readers to a rich array of British Christian texts published between 1660 and 1750. The anthology documents the arc of Christian writings from the reestablishment of the Church of England to the rise of the Methodist movement in the middle of the eighteenth century. The Enlightenment era witnessed the explosion of mass print culture and the unprecedented expansion of literacy across society. These changes transformed many inherited Christian genres—such as the sermon and the devotional manual—while also generating new ones, from the ISBN 978-1-60258-300-9 $59.95 420 pages 7 x 10 | Printed Case Church History/English History Now Available

modern church hymn to spiritual autobiography. The authors included in this collection confronted the rise of modern science and forged new rules of modern toleration. Their writing reveals the unprecedented spiritual authority assumed by women and helps explain how emotion moved to the center of religious experience. Religion in Enlightenment England captures the literary energy and

“This collection is not just for eighteenth-century scholars of British literature. In the fullness of its primary materials and the excellence of its introduction and headnotes, it provides a valuable resource for thinking deeply about the complex history of the post-secular present.” —Steven J. Mailloux, President’s Professor of Rhetoric, Loyola Marymount University

excitement unleashed by the Enlightenment itself: authors engage one another in spirited dialogue that pits reason against revelation, religious conformity against dissent, innovation against tradition, and Freethinking against natural religion. An indispensable asset for any scholar’s library, the anthology includes texts by William Law, John Bunyan, Elizabeth Singer Rowe, John and Charles Wesley, Richard Baxter, John Toland, Mary Astell, Daniel Defoe, John Norris, Margaret Fell Fox, Isaac Watts, Thomas Traherne, John Tillotson, William Penn, and Anne Conway. “Jayne Lewis’ Religion in Enlightenment England shows the centrality of religion and religious thought to the Enlightenment project in a series of well-chosen selections and helpful introductions. This anthology will be a welcome supplement to courses that emphasize the place of religious thought in the age of restoration, experiment, and reason.” —Misty G. Anderson, Lindsay Young Professor of English, University of Tennessee


“Seldom has an anthology of primary documents been as sorely needed, or as expertly edited, as this one. It is impossible to speak with authority about eighteenth-century British culture without understanding how biblical language, Christian values, and competitions among Protestant ideologies permeated that world. Lewis performs a great service with this trove of primary documents, texts once supremely influential but now often neglected. Every scholar and teacher of eighteenthcentury studies needs to know the material collected in this invaluable volume.” —Toni Bowers, Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania

jeffrey w. barbeau is Professor of Theology at Wheaton College.

Religion in Romantic England

CONTENTS 1. Divinity 2. Faith 3. Canon 4. Doubt 5. Enthusiasm 6. Psalms 7. Morals 8. Nation 9. Papacy 10. Outsiders


An Anthology of Primary Sources

edited by Jeffrey W. Barbeau Religion in Romantic England explores the ways that the literature of English Christianity shaped the social, cultural, political, and religious life of the nation in texts published between 1760 and 1832. From the accession of George III and the expansion of Methodism in the late eighteenth century to the Reform Bill and the beginning of the Oxford Movement of the early nineteenth, this anthology reveals how theological ideas and ecclesial movements influenced one of the most widely studied periods in English literature and history. These tumultuous decades brought religious revival in evangelical preaching and spirituality, controversial responses to the French Revolution, the abolition of the slave trade, the struggle over Roman Catholic emancipation, the proliferation of missionary societies, and intellectual battles over the nature of God, the Bible, faith, church authority, and religious pluralism.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0722-2 $69.95 506 pages 7 x 10 | 3 b&w illus. | Printed Case Church History/English History March 15, 2018

Religious writers in the Romantic period range from poets and preachers to pamphleteers and theologians. In ten thematic chapters tracing pivotal developments in belief and practice, Religion in Romantic England guides readers in understanding the major historical and theological issues that contributed to the literary, educational, and political movements of the era. These judicious selections, drawn from a diverse body of luminaries—including William Carey, Edmund Burke, Mary Wollstonecraft, Joseph Priestley, Hannah More, Percy Shelley, and William Wilberforce, among many others—introduce newcomers and established readers alike to the ideas, controversies, and hopes that continue to affect our common life to this day.

“Past efforts to relate literature to contemporary religious discourse have been frustrated because the relevant texts have been inaccessible. Jeffrey Barbeau’s anthology not only furnishes the ready access readers have needed, it also provides a chronology and a historical overview of the religious strife, dissenting factions, and theological quarrels. Surveying the developments from the advent of Methodism to the Oxford Movement, Barbeau’s anthology enriches our understanding of the history and the literature of the period.” —Frederick Burwick, Professor Emeritus of English, University of California, Los Angeles


Christianity, Book-Burning and Censorship in Late Antiquity Studies in Text Transmission

Dirk Rohmann Only a small fraction of ancient literature survives—less than one percent, estimates reveal. While the reasons vary, it is an irony that Christianity, often regarded as responsible for the proliferation and spread of books and book culture, was likewise active in suppressing and destroying books in Late Antiquity. Author Dirk Rohmann assembles the evidence for the role played in book-burning by Christian institutions, writers, and saints during the Roman Empire. Rohmann analyzes a broad range of literary and legal ISBN 978-1-4813-0782-6 $49.95 370 pages 6 x 9 | Paper Christian History October 1, 2017 “Rohmann has richly and innovatively researched his topic. This is a book from which specialists will learn much, and yet it will be a fascinating tour for the general student of late antiquity and early Christian history. A tour de force of principled scholarship.” —David Lyle Jeffrey, Distinguished Professor of Literature and the Humanities, Baylor University

sources, paying special attention to which genres and book types were likely to be targeted. Rohmann concludes that, in addition to heretical, magical, astrological, and anti-Christian books, other less obviously subversive categories of literature were also vulnerable to destruction and censorship through prohibition of manuscript copying. These texts included works from materialistic philosophical traditions, texts that were to become the basis for modern philosophy and science. While book-burning functioned as a recognized cultural practice, and Rohmann acknowledges the wide variety of motivations at work in the various practices of censorship, he ultimately asks to what extent Christian book-burning and accompanying practices negatively affected the survival of pagan and pre-Christian literary and philosophical texts. Christianity’s rejection, even obliteration, of books—so contrary to its own worldview—testifies both to the perilous nature of texts in transmission as well as to the enduring cultural and ideological power of the written word.


dirk rohmann is Migration of Faith Research

Associate in the Department of History at the University of Sheffield. CONTENTS Introduction 1. The Great Persecution, the Emperor Julian and Christian Reactions 2. Farenheit AD 451 – Imperial Legislation and Public Authority 3. Holy Men, Clerics and Ascetics 4. Materialist Philosophy 5. Moral Disapproval of Literary Genres 6. Destruction of Libraries 7. The Post-Roman Successor States Conclusion

c. douglas weaver is Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Religion and Professor of Religion at Baylor University. rady roldán-figueroa is Associate

Professor of the History of Christianity and Director of Research in the School of Theology at Boston University.

Exploring Christian Heritage A Reader in History and Theology SECOND EDITION

edited by C. Douglas Weaver and Rady Roldán-Figueroa Exploring Christian Heritage provides students and teachers with a rich and substantial introduction to the texts that have shaped the Christian faith. Including works by Augustine, Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Wesley, John Calvin, and Karl Barth, among others, this collection also highlights essential movements—from the second to the twenty-first centuries—often glossed over in primary source readers. From Pentecostalism and Baptists to feminism and religious liberty movements, Exploring Christian Heritage succinctly joins together the most influential voices of Christian history and theology with those that have been forgotten and sometimes ignored. Now in its second edition, voices ancient and modern have been added to deepen and widen the story of Christianity in varied forms. Exploring Christian Heritage, second edition also contains additional

ISBN 978-1-4813-0698-0 $44.95 450 pages 6 x 9 | Paper Church History December 1, 2017

classroom resources, including new textual introductions and over ninety new quizzes.

PRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION: “A bold and at times eclectic gallery of primary sources from every age of the Christian tradition, the editors provide readers with a diverse series of portraits depicting both the unique and the uniform in the history of Christian witness. Designed for a general audience of students in church history and Christian theology, this reader follows a chronological rather than topical approach to telling the story of Christian theological reflection.” —Taylor Worley, Theological Book Review


One Crimson Thread Micheal O’Siadhail

For twenty years, celebrated poet Micheal O’Siadhail’s beloved wife, Bríd, suffered from Parkinson’s disease. O’Siadhail’s verses explore the ordinary triumph of human fidelity and sound the depths of parting

micheal o’siadhail is an internationally

acclaimed poet whose Collected Poems, gathering together thirteen collections, was published in 2015. Married for forty-three years, he chronicles in One Crimson Thread the last two years of his wife’s life, her death, and his grief. He now lives and works in New York City.

through a 150-sonnet sequence in which love faces wasting illness and the specter of death. There is tenderness, intensity, and gratitude— which will resonate with all who know both love and loss. PRAISE FOR THE UK EDITION:

“A beautiful, beautiful but terribly sad poem of love.” —Jean Vanier ISBN 978-1-4813-0780-2 $24.95 164 pages 5.5 x 8.5 | Paper Christian Poetry Now Available

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Cover art: Mick O’Dea PRHA, Bríd VI, oil on canvas, 20 x 24 inches, 2013. Photograph by Gillian Buckley, image courtesy of the artist and Kevin Kavanagh gallery.

“Beautiful, tender and heartbreaking.” —Andrea Smith, Sunday Independent


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