Baylor University Press 2016-17 Catalog

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Destroyer of the gods

Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World

Larry W. Hurtado “Silly,” “stupid,” “irrational,” “simple.” “Wicked,” “hateful,” “obstinate,” “anti-social.” “Extravagant,” “perverse.” The Roman world rendered harsh judgments upon early Christianity—including branding Christianity “new.” Novelty was no Roman religious virtue. Nevertheless, as Larry W. Hurtado shows in Destroyer of the gods, Christianity thrived despite its new and distinctive features and opposition to them. Unlike nearly all other religious groups, Christianity utterly rejected the traditional gods of the Roman world. Christianity also offered a new and different kind of religious identity, one not based on ethnicity. Christianity was ISBN 978-1-4813-0473-3 $29.95 305 pages 5.5 x 8.5 | Cloth Early Christianity/Church History September 15, 2016

distinctively a “bookish” religion, with the production, copying, distribution, and reading of texts as central to its faith, even preferring a distinctive book-form, the codex. Christianity insisted that its adherents behave differently: unlike the simple ritual observances characteristic of the pagan religious environment, embracing Christian faith meant a behavioral transformation, with particular and novel ethical demands for men. Unquestionably, to the Roman world, Christianity was both new and different,

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and, to a good many, it threatened social and religious conventions of the day. In the rejection of the gods and in the centrality of texts, early Christianity obviously reflected commitments inherited from its Jewish origins. But these particular features were no longer identified with Jewish ethnicity and early Christianity quickly became aggressively trans-ethnic—a novel kind of religious movement. Its ethical teaching, too, bore some resemblance to the philosophers of the day, yet in contrast with these great teachers and their small circles of dedicated students, early Christianity laid its hard demands upon all adherents from the moment of conversion, producing a novel social project. Christianity’s novelty was no badge of honor. Called atheists and suspected of political subversion, Christians earned Roman disdain and suspicion in equal amounts. Yet, as Destroyer of the gods demonstrates, in an irony of history the very features of early Christianity that rendered it distinctive and objectionable in Roman eyes have now become so commonplace in Western culture as to go unnoticed. Christianity helped destroy one world and create another.

larry w. hurtado is Emeritus Professor of New Testament Language, Literature & Theology in the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Born in Kansas City (Missouri), he now lives in Edinburgh.

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Early Christians and Christianity in the Eyes of Non-Christians 2. A New Kind of Faith 3. A Different Identity 4. A “Bookish” Religion 5. A New Way to Live Conclusion


How Christianity destroyed one world—and created another “Hurtado sets out to awaken us from our ‘cultural amnesia,’ to remind us that the origin of Christianity and its remarkable success has more to do with its ability to distinguish itself from other religions in antiquity than to be one with them. Hurtado challenges readers to reconsider what have become common assumptions of religion today—that there is a single God and that religious affiliation is a voluntary choice. Without the distinctive rise of Christianity, none of these would be so.” —april d. deconick, Rice University

“A fascinating survey” —jörg frey, University of Zürich “Comprehensive and quietly authoritative” —paula fredriksen, The Hebrew University “An exciting read across a wide range of interests in early Christianity” —jan n. bremmer, University of Groningen “Lucid and wide-ranging” —paul trebilco, University of Otago

“Clear and enlightening” —robin cormack, Courtauld Institute of Art 1


Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels Richard B. Hays

The claim that the events of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection took place “according to the Scriptures” stands at the heart of the New Testament’s message. All four canonical Gospels declare that the Torah and the Prophets and the Psalms mysteriously prefigure Jesus. Yet modern historical criticism characteristically judges that the New Testament’s christological readings of Israel’s Scripture misrepresent the original sense of the texts; this judgment forces fundamental questions to be asked: Why do the Gospel writers read the Scriptures in such surprising ways? Are their readings intelligible as coherent or persuasive interpretations of the Scriptures? Does Christian faith require the illegitimate theft of someone else’s sacred texts? ISBN 978-1-4813-0491-7 $49.95 524 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth New Testament/Theology Now Available

Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels answers these questions. Richard B. Hays chronicles the dramatically different ways the four Gospel writers interpreted Israel’s Scripture and reveals that their readings were as complementary as they were faithful. In this long-awaited sequel to his Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul, Hays highlights the theological consequences of the Gospel writers’ distinctive hermeneutical approaches and asks what it might mean for contemporary readers to attempt to read Scripture through the eyes of the Evangelists. In particular, Hays carefully describes the Evangelists’ practice of figural reading—an imaginative and retrospective move that creates narrative continuity and wholeness. He demonstrates how each Gospel artfully uses scriptural echoes to re-narrate Israel’s story, to assert that Jesus is the embodiment of Israel’s God, and to prod the church in its vocation to engage the pagan world. Hays shows how the Evangelists summon readers to a conversion of their imagination. The Evangelists’ use of scriptural echo beckons readers to believe the extraordinary: that Jesus was Israel’s Messiah, that Jesus is Israel’s God, and that contemporary believers are still on mission. The Evangelists, according to Hays, are training our scriptural senses, calling readers to be better scriptural people by being better scriptural poets.


richard b. hays, George Washington Ivey Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, is internationally recognized for his work on the letters of Paul and on New Testament ethics. His scholarship has bridged the disciplines of biblical criticism and literary studies, exploring the innovative ways in which early Christian writers interpreted Israel’s Scripture. His works include Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul (Yale University Press, 1989), The Conversion of the Imagination: Paul as Interpreter of Israel’s Scripture (Eerdmans, 2005), and Reading Backwards: Figural Christology and the Fourfold Gospel Witness (Baylor University Press, 2014).

CONTENTS Introduction 1. The Gospel of Mark 2. The Gospel of Matthew 3. The Gospel of Luke 4. The Gospel of John Conclusion




Strangers to Family

Diaspora and 1 Peter’s Invention of God’s Household

Shively T. J. Smith In Strangers to Family Shively Smith reads the Letter of 1 Peter through a new model of diaspora. Smith illuminates this peculiarly Petrine understanding of diaspora by situating it among three other select perspectives from extant Hellenist Jewish writings: the Daniel court tales, the Letter of Aristeas, and Philo’s works. While 1 Peter tends to be taken as representative of how diaspora was understood in Hellenistic Jewish and early Christian circles, Smith

shively t. j. smith is Assistant Professor of

New Testament at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. CONTENTS Introduction 1. Chosen Kinship 2. The Cultic Life 3. Provinces and Households 4. Diaspora Life in Babylon 5. Diaspora in Egypt 6. Diaspora in Alexandria Conclusion

demonstrates that 1 Peter actually reverses the most fundamental meaning of diaspora as conceived by its literary peers. Instead of connoting the ISBN 978-1-4813-0548-8 $39.95 224 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth New Testament/History October 15, 2016

scattering of a people with a common territorial origin, for 1 Peter, diaspora constitutes an “already-scattered-people” who share a common, communal, celestial destination. Smith’s discovery of a distinctive instantiation of diaspora in 1 Peter capitalizes on her careful comparative historical, literary, and theological analysis of diaspora constructions found in Hellenistic Jewish writings. Her reading of 1 Peter thus challenges the use of the exile and wandering as master concepts to read 1 Peter, reconsiders the conceptual significance of diaspora in 1 Peter

“A careful and complex analysis of ‘diaspora thinking.’” —Gerald O. West, Senior Professor in Biblical Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal

and in the entire New Testament canon, and liberates 1 Peter from being interpreted solely through the rubrics of either the stranger-homelessness or household codes. First Peter does not recycle standard diasporic identity, but is, as Strangers to Family demonstrates, an epistle that represents the earliest Christian construction of diaspora as a way of life.

“In this stimulating study, Shively Smith examines the constructions of diaspora in 1 Peter as well as its presentation and negotiation in Daniel, the Letter of Aristeas, and Philo. The result is a rich, multi-dimensional exploration of a versatile and elastic category of importance not only for reading these ancient texts but also for contemporary diaspora peoples.” —Warren Carter, Professor of New Testament, Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University


“Strangers to Family is necessary reading for everyone interested in the social history of early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism, as well as for everyone interested in the theological interpretation of exile and diaspora in the New Testament.” —Richard B. Hays, George Washington Ivey Professor of New Testament, Duke Divinity School


is William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary.

God, Neighbor, Empire

CONTENTS Introduction 1. The Nature and Mission of God 2. Justice 3. Grace 4. Law

Justice, mercy, and the public good all find meaning in relationship—a

walter brueggemann

The Excess of Divine Fidelity and the Command of Common Good

Walter Brueggemann relationship dependent upon fidelity, but endlessly open to the betrayals of infidelity. This paradox defines the story of God and Israel in the Old Testament. Yet the arc of this story reaches ever forward, and its trajectory confers meaning upon human relationships and communities in the present. The Old Testament still speaks. Israel, in the Old Testament, bears witness to a God who initiates and then sustains covenantal relationships. God, in mercy, does so by making promises for a just well-being and prescribing stipulations for the covenant partner’s obedience. The nature of the relationship itself decisively depends upon the conduct, practice, and policy of the covenant partner, yet is radically rooted in the character and agency of God—the One who makes promises, initiates covenant, and sustains relationship. This reflexive, asymmetrical relationship, kept alive in the texts and

ISBN 978-1-4813-0542-6 $24.95 179 pages 5.5 x 8.5 | Cloth Old Testament/Ethics/Theology October 1, 2016

tradition, now fires contemporary imagination. Justice becomes shaped by the practice of neighborliness, mercy reaches beyond a pervasive quid pro quo calculus, and law becomes a dynamic norming of the community. The well-being of the neighborhood, inspired by the biblical texts, makes possible—and even insists upon—an alternative to the ideology of individualism that governs our society’s practice and policy. This kind of community life returns us to the arc of God’s gifts—mercy, justice, and law. The covenant of God in the witness of biblical faith speaks now and demands that its interpreting community resist individualism, overcome commoditization, and thwart the rule of empire through a life of radical neighbor love.

“Always provocative and insightful, Walter Brueggemann brilliantly helps us see how the ancient text has stunning implications for how we think and live today. His deep love of God, Scripture, and humanity reverberates throughout this incisive exploration of God’s excessive faithfulness.” —Tremper Longman III, Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College

“God, Neighbor, Empire sets its compass to truths from ancient Israel, but it is a map for finding our way in a contemporary world where ‘liberty and justice for all’ is often hard to find.” —Samuel E. Balentine, Director of Graduate Studies and Professor of Old Testament, Union Presbyterian Seminary



Becoming Friends of Time Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship

john swinton is Professor in Practical

Theology and Pastoral Care at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.


John Swinton Time is central to all that humans do. Time structures days, provides goals, shapes dreams—and limits lives. Time appears to be tangible, real, and progressive, but, in the end, time proves illusory. Though mercurial, time can be deadly for those with disabilities. To participate fully in human society has come to mean yielding to the criterion of the clock. The absence of thinking rapidly, living punctually, and biographical narration leaves persons with disabilities vulnerable. A worldview driven by the demands the clock makes on the lives of those with dementia or profound neurological and intellectual ISBN 978-1-4813-0408-5 $39.95 255 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Theology/Ethics/Disability Studies October 15, 2016

disabilities seems pointless. And yet, Jesus comes to the world to transform time. Jesus calls us to slow down, take time, and learn to recognize the strangeness of living within God’s time. He calls us to be gentle, patient, kind; to walk slowly and timefully with those whom society desires to leave behind. In Becoming Friends of Time, John Swinton crafts a theology of time that draws us toward a perspective wherein time is a gift and a calling. Time is neither a commodity nor is time to

“How Swinton brings together God, time, and disability transforms the understanding not only of disability, but also of church, society, and ordinary life. This is a profound and moving book, both pastoral and prophetic. It takes further the insights of Jean Vanier, and above all invites us into the truth that ‘time is for God, God is love, time is for love.’” —David F. Ford, Emeritus Regius Professor of Divinity, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge


be mastered. Time is a gift of God to humans, but is also a gift given back to God by humans. Swinton wrestles with critical questions that emerge from theological reflection on time and disability: rethinking doctrine for those who can never grasp Jesus with their intellects; reimagining discipleship and vocation for those who have forgotten who Jesus is; reconsidering salvation for those who, due to neurological damage, can be one person at one time and then be someone else in an instant. In the end, Swinton invites the reader to spend time with the experiences of people with profound neurological disability, people who can change our perceptions of time, enable us to grasp the fruitful rhythms of God’s time, and help us learn to live in ways that are unimaginable within the boundaries of the time of the clock.

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Thinking about Time 2. Time and Progress 3. Time and Christ 4. Becoming Friends of Time 5. Time and Discipleship 6. Time and Vocation 7. Time and Memory 8. Time and the Heart 9. The Horror of Time 10. The Time Before and the Time After 11. Time and Ritual Conclusion


is Professor of Historical Theology at Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto. His books include A Brutal Unity: The Spiritual Politics of the Christian Church (Baylor University Press, 2012), The End of the Church: A Pneumatology of Christian Division in the West (Eerdmans, 1998), and Hope among the Fragments: The Broken Church and Its Engagement of Scripture (Brazos Press, 2004). He lives in Toronto, Ontario.

ephraim radner

CONTENTS Preface 1. Clocks, Skins, and Mortality 2. How Life Is Measured 3. Death and Filiation 4. The Arc of Life 5. The Vocation of Singleness 6. Working and Eating Conclusion

A Time to Keep

Theology, Mortality, and the Shape of a Human Life

Ephraim Radner The miracle of birth and the mystery of death mark human life. Mortality, like a dark specter, looms over all that lies in between. Human character, behavior, aims, and community are all inescapably shaped by this certainty of human ends. Mortality, like an unwanted guest, intrudes, becoming a burden and a constant struggle. Mortality, like a thief who steals, even threatens the ability to live life rightly. Life is short. Death is certain. Mortality, at all costs, should be resisted or transcended. In A Time to Keep Ephraim Radner revalues mortality, reclaiming it as God’s own. Mortality should not be resisted but received. Radner reveals mortality’s true nature as a gift, God’s gift, and thus reveals that the many limitations that mortality imposes should be celebrated. Radner demonstrates how faithfulness—and not resignation, escape, denial, redefinition, or excess—is the proper response to the gift of humanity’s temporal limitation. To live rightly is to recognize and then willingly accept life’s limitations.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0506-8 $49.95 304 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Systematic Theology/Anthropology Now Available

In chapters on sex and sexuality, singleness and family, education and vocation, and a panoply of end of life issues, A Time to Keep plumbs the depths of the secular imagination, uncovering the constant struggle with human finitude in its myriad forms. Radner shows that by wrongly positioning creaturely mortality, these parts of human experience have received an inadequate reckoning. A Time to Keep retrieves the most basic confession of the Christian faith, that life is God’s, which Radner offers as grace, as the basis for a Christian understanding of human existence bound by its origin and telos. The possibility and purpose of what comes between birth and death is ordered by the pattern of Scripture, but is performed faithfully only in obedience to

“Ephraim Radner is one of the most profound and creative theologians of our day. In A Time to Keep he examines some fundamental questions that lie at the root of how we understand ourselves as human beings. Every careful reader will come away from this book with significant new insights as to where the human project sits in the modern age.” —Gary A. Anderson, Hesburgh Professor of Catholic Theology, Notre Dame

the limits that bind it.



An Introduction to Practical Theology History, Theory, and the Communication of the Gospel in the Present

Christian Grethlein Translated by Uwe Rasch Serious theology is systematic theology. Or so the story goes. Practical theology—with its focus on the church, its life, and its practices—has sometimes been understood as the second order application of the real work of academic theology. However, in this abridged translation of his magisterial Praktische Theologie, Christian Grethlein realizes the rigorous methodology, critical commitments, and expansive sweep of practical theology ​as both an academic and an ecclesial discipline. Grethlein roots his practical theology in communication theory, but does so in a ISBN 978-1-4813-0517-4 $34.95 278 pages 6 x 9 | Paperback Original Practical Theology/History Now Available

way ordered to a specific end: the communication of the Christian gospel in the present day. He distinguishes practical theology from simply a guide to specific ecclesial praxis, on the one hand, and some general theory of religion, on the

is, among other things, a freelance academic translator and Assistant Editor of Aldous Huxley Annual and the Human Potentialities series of the Center for Aldous Huxley Studies at the University of Münster. uwe rasch

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Practical Theology in Germany 2. Practical Theology in Catholicism and the United States 3. The Hermeneutical Framework 4. The Empirical Conditions 5. The Theological Foundations 6. Understanding Time and Place 7. Communicating About, With, and From God

other. Grethlein then blends empirical observation with biblical texts to reveal practical theology’s unique nature as a discipline oriented toward rigorous examination of both the gospel and the intentional ways in which it is shared. In so doing, Grethlein opens the possibility of a truly encyclopedic and embedded practical theology. Part 1 provides a historical introduction to practical theology, positioning it on a global stage, and in relation to other academic disciplines— particularly the modern sciences—as well as within ecclesial and theological traditions. In part 2 Grethlein develops practical theology as communication of the gospel by examining the hermeneutical, empirical, and theological foundations necessary for a systematic practical theology. In part 3 Grethlein turns his attention to ways the gospel is communicated both in time and place, as well as the forms of that communicating (telling, talking, preaching, praying, and singing). In An Introduction to Practical Theology, Christian Grethlein offers students the foundations and frameworks for practical theology while guiding its scholars in the crafting of their academic discipline.


is Professor of Practical Theology at Westfalian Wilhelms-University. christian grethlein

“English readers have good reason to welcome this book, translated and abridged from its original edition, for giving us a wonderful grasp of a German perspective on practical theology and an approach that is exceptional even in its own context, turning the discipline’s attention from generic study of religion to a more focused exploration of how the ‘gospel’ is conveyed through teaching, celebrating, and instruction on living, modeled after Jesus’ ministry.” —Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of Religion, Psychology, and Culture, Vanderbilt University


darla y. schumm is Professor of Religious Studies at Hollins University in Virginia.

is Professor of Religious Studies at Georgia Gwinnett College. michael stoltZFus

CONTENTS 1. Hinduism and Disability 2. Buddhism and Disability 3. Confucianism and Disability 4. Daoism and Disability 5. Judaism and Disability 6. Catholicism and Disability 7. Protestant Christianity and Disability 8. Islam and Disability 9. Indigenous Traditions in the Western Hemisphere and Disability CONTRIBUTORS Amy Donahue Stephen E. Harris Benjamin Lukey Andrew Lambert Julia Watts Belser Mary Jo Iozzio Thomas Reynolds Vardit Rispler-Chaim Lavonna Lovern

Disability and World Religions An Introduction


Darla Y. Schumm and Michael Stoltzfus, editors Religion plays a critical role in determining how disability is understood and how persons with disabilities are treated. Examining the world’s religions through the lens of disability studies not only peers deeply into the character of a particular religion, but also teaches something brand new about what it means to respond to people living with physical and mental differences. Disability and World Religions introduces readers to the rich diversity of the world’s religions—Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Native American traditions. Each chapter introduces a specific religious tradition in a manner that offers innovative approaches to familiar themes in contemporary debates about religion and disability, including personhood, autonomy, community, ability, transcendence, morality, practice, the interpretation of texts, and conditioned claims regarding the normal human body or mind.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0521-1 $49.95 276 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth World Religions/Disability Studies Now Available

By portraying varied and complex perspectives on the intersection of religion and disability, this volume demonstrates that religious teachings and practices across the globe help establish cultural constructions of normalcy. The volume also interrogates the constructive role religion plays in determining expectations for human physical and mental behavior and in establishing standards for measuring conventional health and well-being. Disability and World Religions thus offers a respectful exploration of global faith traditions and cultivates creative ways to respond to the fields of both religious and disability studies.

“Disability and World Religions fills a significant gap in the literature on religion and disability by engaging a wide range of the world’s religious traditions rather than privileging or focusing solely on a single one. This volume will be a wonderful resource for religious studies courses, even beyond those engaged in the explicit study of disability and religion, and should be of interest to a wide audience, including those in religious communities or those interested in disability studies.” —Deborah Beth Creamer, Director of Accreditation, Association of Theological Schools

“For students, scholars, and clergy alike, Disability and World Religions promises to go far in cultivating readers’ interest in how the diverse experiences of disability and religious thought and practice mutually shape each other. Each clearly written chapter makes this engaging book an invaluable classroom resource for anyone teaching or taking a course on disability, gender, theology, or religious studies.” —Jeremy Schipper, author of Disability and Isaiah’s Suffering Servant



“Philosophers startle ordinary people. Christians astonish the philosophers.” PA S C A L PENSÉES


n Wagering on an Ironic God Thomas S. Hibbs both startles and astonishes. He does so by offering a new interpretation of Pascal’s Pensées and by showing the importance of Pascal in and for a philosophy of religion. Hibbs resists the temptation to focus exclusively on Pascal’s famous “wager” or to be beguiled by the fragmentary and presumably incomplete nature of Pensées. Instead he discovers in Pensées a coherent and comprehensive project, one in which Pascal contributed to the ancient debate over the best way of life—a life of true happiness and true virtue. Hibbs situates Pascal in relation to early modern French philosophers, particularly Montaigne and Descartes. These three French thinkers offer three distinctly modern accounts of the good life. Montaigne advocates the private life of authentic self-expression, while Descartes favors the public goods of progressive enlightenment science and its promise of the mastery of nature. Pascal, by contrast, renders an account of the Christian religion that engages modern subjectivity and science on its own terms and


seeks to vindicate the wisdom of the Christian vision by showing that it, better than any of its rivals, truly understands human nature. Though all three philosophers share a preoccupation with Socrates, each finds in that figure a distinct account of philosophy and its aims. Pascal finds in Socrates a philosophy rich in irony: philosophy is marked by a deep yearning for wisdom that is never wholly achieved. Philosophy is a quest without attainment, a love never obtained. Absent Cartesian certainty or the ambivalence of Montaigne, Pascal’s practice of Socratic irony acknowledges the disorder of humanity without discouraging its quest. Instead, the quest for wisdom alerts the seeker to the presence of a hidden God. God, according to Pascal, both conceals and reveals, fulfilling the philosophical aspiration for happiness and the good life only by subverting philosophy’s very self-understanding. Pascal thus wagers all on the irony of a God who both startles and astonishes wisdom’s true lovers.


thomas s. hibbs

is Dean of the Honors College and Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Culture at Baylor University.

CONTENTS 1. Irony, Philosophy, and the Christian Faith 2. Socratic Immanence 3. The Virtue of Science and the Science of Virtue 4. The Quest for Wisdom 5. Wagering on an Ironic God

Wagering on an Ironic God Pascal on Faith and Philosophy

Thomas S. Hibbs “This is the most profoundly relevant book I’ve read in years. Hibbs, with a rigorous and meticulous marshaling of all the available evidence, shows us how to live as if the truth and my particular life really matter. The ‘Christian Socratism’ of Hibbs and Pascal is the most wondrous and dialogic form of inquiry around these (and all) days, and we can hope it saves many—including most professors of philosophy—from their dreary restlessness in the midst of prosperity.” —Peter Lawler, Dana Professor in Government, Berry College “This exceptionally rich book will challenge the way many people understand modern philosophy by showing the often unnoticed continuities with ancient philosophy as the Socratic quest for the best way of life. In reconstructing the trialogue between Montaigne, Descartes, and Pascal, Hibbs also presents the claims of both philosophy and of Christianity with the radical immediacy often obscured by the common interpretations of these thinkers and by the characteristic prejudices of our time.” —V. Bradley Lewis, Associate Professor of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America

ISBN 978-1-4813-0638-6 $44.95 235 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Religion/Philosophy/Theology March 1, 2017

“Tom Hibbs’ new book invites the reader into a fascinating debate about Socratic irony among three great French thinkers—Montaigne, Descartes, and Pascal. With many fresh insights for the scholar, Wagering on an Ironic God will draw in any reader responsive to Socrates’ challenge to live the examined life.” —David O’Connor, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame



The Place of Imagination

Wendell Berry and the Poetics of Community, Affection, and Identity

Joseph R. Wiebe Wendell Berry teaches us to love our places—to pay careful attention to where we are, to look beyond and within, and to live in ways that are not captive to the mastery of cultural, social, or economic assumptions about our life in these places. Creation has its own integrity and demands that we confront it. In The Place of Imagination, Joseph R. Wiebe argues that this confrontation is precisely what shapes our moral capacity to respond to people and to places. Wiebe contends that Berry manifests this moral imagination most acutely in his ISBN 978-1-4813-0386-6 $49.95 280 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Religion/Literary Criticism Theology February 15, 2017

fiction. Berry’s fiction, however, does not portray an average community or even an ideal one. Instead, he depicts broken communities in broken places— sites and relations scarred by the routines of racial wounds and ecological harm. Yet, in the tracing of Berry’s characters with place-based identities, Wiebe demonstrates the way in which Berry’s fiction comes to embody Berry’s own moral imagination. By joining these ambassadors of Berry’s moral imagination in their fictive journeys, readers, too, can allow imagination to transform their affection, thereby restoring place as a facilitator of identity as well as hope for healed and whole communities. Loving place translates into loving people, which in turn transforms broken human narratives into restored lives rooted and ordered by their places.

“This superbly researched book not only depicts the moral landscape of Wendell Berry’s fiction, it also interprets why that world bears such wide cultural significance. In sharp conversation with critics and admirers of Berry, Wiebe explains how the sort of moral imagination cultivated by Berry matters for everyone thinking about community, land, and identity.” —Willis Jenkins, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Director of Graduate Studies, University of Virginia


joseph r. wiebe is Assistant Professor

of Religious Studies at the University of Alberta, Augustana. CONTENTS Introduction 1. Imagination 2. Affection 3. Style 4. Jack’s Mind 5. Jayber’s Soul 6. Hannah’s Body Conclusion


is Professor of Environmental Studies at Baylor University. susan power bratton

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Greens 2. Symbols 3. Gateways 4. Corporate Campuses 5. Fountains 6. Iconography 7. Gardens, Plazas, and Fields 8. Woodlands, Wetlands, and Wildlife 9. Fences, Gates, and Commons 10. Stages and Stadiums Conclusion


Megachurches and the Iconography of Environment

Susan Power Bratton The purpose driven lawn Buildings and landscapes are as much a part of the Christian church as its creeds—reflecting the faith and proclaiming God. The architecture of the church’s structures and the curating of its grounds are unique windows into the church’s history and the shape of its theological commitments. Birthed in the iconoclastic spirit of the Reformation, the scapes of Protestant churches have experienced massive shifts in design and scope. From humble beginnings—small buildings and cemeteries—churches today can occupy thousands of square feet across hundreds of acres. The modern megachurch, with its extensive campuses, parking lots, and sprawling lawns, has changed how we think about the church and its spaces. Form follows function, and theology is in both. The shifts in scale, style, and symbol within the church’s common spaces reflect changes in ecclesial priorities, even as they form the theological imagination in new ways.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0383-5 $49.95 448 pages 6 x 9 | 83 b&w images | Cloth Religion/Architecture/Iconography Now Available

In ChurchScape, Susan Bratton chronicles the story of the Protestant church’s transformation of landscape and building. Citing the influence of college campuses on megachurch architecture, Bratton examines the features that are a part of many megachurch complexes, including waterscapes, iconography, and outdoor art. Taking readers on a cross-country journey to over two hundred churches, Bratton traces the movement from the small parish building of the nineteenth century to the extensive complexes that form today’s churchscapes. As she moves from church to church, Bratton describes how all the church’s spaces—buildings, greens, gardens, and gateways—together shape its practices, name its beliefs, and form its life together. Bratton’s work offers the first historical and theological analysis for the megachurch and its physical planners and planters. She demands that all of

“A creative and fascinating book. Susan Bratton critically examines the relationship between megachurch campuses and their natural environments as well as surrounding urban-social space. She reflects thoughtfully on the link between church landscapes, practical theology, and social ethics.” —Philip Sheldrake, Senior Research Fellow, Westcott House and the Cambridge Theological Federation

us look with new eyes at the ways the church may be an innovator without being disruptive, a place of community without becoming exclusive, and a site of abundance without decadence. The church-in-place must consider how its scapes and spaces reflect its sacred life.



Preacher Girl

Uldine Utley and the Industry of Revival

Thomas A. Robinson Uldine Utley defined the “girl evangelist” of the 1920s and 1930s. She began her preaching career at age eleven, published a monthly magazine by age twelve, and by age fourteen was regularly packing the largest venues in major American cities, including Carnegie Hall and Madison Square Garden. She stood toe to toe with Billy Sunday and Aimee Semple McPherson, the most famous revivalist preachers of the day. She became a darling of the secular press and was mimicked and modeled in fiction and plays. In Preacher Girl, the first full biography of Utley, author Thomas Robinson ISBN 978-1-4813-0395-8 $49.95 332 pages 6 x 9 | 20 b&w images | Cloth Religious Biography/History Now Available “The life of Uldine Utley is a story of audacity, innovation, defiance, and unspeakable tragedy. Thomas A. Robinson tells it well.” —Randall Balmer, Dartmouth College, Author of The Making of Evangelicalism: From Revivalism to Politics and Beyond

shows that Utley’s rise to fame was no accident. Utley’s parents and staff carefully marked out her path early on to headline success. Not unlike Hollywood, revivalism was a business in which celebrity equaled success. Revivalism mixed equal parts of glamour and gospel, making stars of its preachers. Utley was its brightest. But childhood fame came at a price. As a series of Utley’s previously unpublished poems reveal, after a decade of preaching, she was facing a near-constant fight against physical and mental exhaustion as she experienced the clash between the expectations of revivalism and her desires for a normal life. Utley burned out at age twenty-four. The revival stage folded; fame faded; only a broken heart and a wounded mind remained. Both Utley’s meteoric rise and its tragic outcome illuminate American religion as a business. In his compelling chronicle of Utley’s life, Robinson highlights the surprising power of American revivalism to equal Hollywood’s success as well as the potentially devastating private costs of public religious leadership. The marketing and promotion machine of revivalism brought both fame and hardship for Utley—clashing by-products in the business of winning souls for Christ.

“With lively narrative and vivid detail, Robinson provides a complete account of the life and ministry of Uldine Utley, one of the most prominent, and certainly one of the most fascinating, figures in the history of American revivalism. Those interested in the story of this ‘preacher girl’ can find no better introduction than Robinson’s sympathetic and engaging account.” —Kristin Du Mez, Associate Professor of History, Calvin College


thomas a. robinson is Professor of Religious Studies at The University of Lethbridge in Canada.

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Dreaming Dreams 2. Seeing Visions 3. Utley, Inc. 4. Utley’s Religion 5. Utley’s Revivalism 6. “Kindly Remove My Halo” Conclusion


randall balmer is John Phillips Professor in Religion and Chair of the Department of Religion at Dartmouth College.

Evangelicalism in America Randall Balmer

Evangelicalism has left its indelible mark on American history, politics, CONTENTS 1. An Altogether Conservative Spirit 2. Turning West 3. Casting Aside the Ballast of History and Tradition 4. An End to Unjust Inequality in the World 5. Thy Kingdom Come 6. A Pentecost of Politics 7. A Loftier Position 8. Re-create the Nation 9. His Own Received Him Not 10. Keep the Faith and Go the Distance 11. Dead Stones

and culture. It is also true that currents of American populism and politics have shaped the nature and character of evangelicalism. This story of evangelicalism in America is thus riddled with paradox. Despite the fact that evangelicals, perhaps more than any other religious group, have benefited from the First Amendment and the separation of church and state, several prominent evangelical leaders over the past half century have tried to abrogate the establishment clause of the First Amendment. And despite evangelicalism’s legacy of concern for the poor, for women, and for minorities, some contemporary evangelicals have repudiated their own heritage of compassion and sacrifice stemming from Jesus’ command to love the least of these. In Evangelicalism in America Randall Balmer chronicles the history of evangelicalism—its origins and development as well as its diversity and contradictions. Within this lineage Balmer explores the social

ISBN 978-1-4813-0597-6 $24.95 215 pages 5.5 x 8.5 | Cloth Christian Church/History October 1, 2016

varieties and political implications of evangelicalism’s inception as well as its present and paradoxical relationship with American culture and politics. Balmer debunks some of the cherished myths surrounding this distinctly American movement while also prophetically speaking about its future contributions to American life.

“Randall Balmer is both one of our nation’s best historians of American evangelicalism and an important advocate for the recovery of a long and profound tradition of progressive, even radical, social-justice and human-dignity evangelicalism. This book offers vintage Balmer on both fronts.” —David P. Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics, Mercer University

“Randall Balmer takes us on a lively journey through the past three centuries of American evangelicalism. In the process, and as he has been doing for decades, Balmer winsomely and compellingly calls on evangelicals to remember their storied history as ‘agents for change’ in behalf of ‘those on the margins.’” —William Vance Trollinger Jr., co-author of Righting America at the Creation Museum



A Pursued Justice

Black Preaching from the Great Migration to Civil Rights

Kenyatta R. Gilbert The narrative of Civil Rights often begins with the prophetic figure of Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s. City squares became a church, the body politic a congregation, and sermons a jeremiad of social change—or so the story goes. In A Pursued Justice, Kenyatta Gilbert instead traces the roots of King’s call for justice to African American prophetic preaching that arose in an earlier moment of American history.

kenyatta r. gilbert is Associate Professor of Homiletics at Howard University School of Divinity.

CONTENTS Introduction 1. The Exodus 2. The Promised Land 3. Preaching as Exodus 4. Exodus Preaching 5. Exodus as Civil Rights Conclusion

In the wake of a failed Reconstruction period, widespread agricultural depression, and the rise of Jim Crow laws, and triggered by America’s entry into World War I, a flood of southern Blacks moved from the South to the ISBN 978-1-4813-0398-9 $39.95 224 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Church History/Sermons Now Available

urban centers of the North. This Great Migration transformed northern Black churches and produced a new mode of preaching—prophetic Black preaching—which sought to address this brand new context. Black clerics such as Baptist pastor Reverend Adam Clayton Powell Sr., A.M.E. Bishop Reverdy Cassius Ransom, and A.M.E. Zion pastor Reverend Florence Spearing Randolph rose up within these congregations. From their pulpits, these pastors proclaimed “truth to power” for hope across racial, ethnic, and class lines both within their congregations and between the Black community and the wider culture. A Pursued Justice profiles these three ecclesiastically inventive clerics of the first half of the twentieth century whose strident voices gave birth to a distinctive form of prophetic preaching. Their radical sermonic response to injustice and suffering, both in and out of the Black church, not only captured the imaginations of participants in the largest internal mass migration in American history but also inspired the homiletical vision of Martin Luther King Jr. and subsequent generations of preachers of revolutionary hope and holy disobedience.


“Kenyatta R. Gilbert offers readers a definitive analysis of the prophetic wisdom, witness, and worth of Black Preaching during the mass exodus of African Americans who moved off of sharecropping plantations and out of the South, beginning in 1910. In A Pursued Justice, Dr. Gilbert makes a forceful argument, backed up by insightful homiletical discourse, about the sacred rhetoric that sustained Black Christians who left the familiar and signed up for a ‘justice ticket’ in search of jobs and freedom.” —Katie G. Cannon, Annie Scales Rogers Professor of Christian Ethics, Union Presbyterian Seminary


angela d. sims

is Dean of Academic Programs, Robert B. and Kathleen Rogers Chair in Church and Society, and Associate Professor of Ethics and Black Church Studies at Saint Paul School of Theology. CONTENTS 1. Echoes of a Not So Distant Past 2. Courageous Truth Telling 3. Faithful Witness 4. Unrelenting Tenacity 5. Lessons, Concerns, Hopes


The Power of Memory in a Culture of Terror

Angela D. Sims Lynched chronicles the history and aftermath of lynching in America. By rooting her work in oral histories, Angela D. Sims gives voice to the memories of African American elders who remember lynching not only as individual acts but as a culture of violence, domination, and fear. Lynched preserves memory even while it provides an analysis of the meaning of those memories. Sims examines the relationship between lynching and the interconnected realities of race, gender, class, and other social fragmentations that ultimately shape a person’s—and a community’s—religious self-understanding. Through this understanding, she explores how the narrators reconcile their personal and communal memory of lynching with their lived Christian experience. Moreover, Sims unearths the community’s truth that this is sometimes a story of words and at other times a story of silence. Revealing the bond between memory and moral formation,

ISBN 978-1-60258-266-8 $29.95 208 pages 5.5 x 8.5 | Cloth American History October 15, 2016

Sims discovers the courage and hope inherent in the power of recall. By tending to the words of these witnesses, Lynched exposes not only a culture of fear and violence but the practice of story and memory, as well as the narrative of hope within a renewed possibility for justice.

“We need to remember the horror of domestic terrorism that black people have experienced for centuries in the United States, the land of their birth. Remembering and resisting are the only ways to stop terrorism today. We are in debt to Angela Sims and her interviewees for this important work of remembrance, which should inspire us to never forget and never stop resisting.” —James H. Cone, Briggs Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology, Union Theological Seminary

“Lynched brings a novel and innovative approach to the study of the horrific history of lynching in the United States. Angela Sims has gathered a gold mine of information contained in the oral histories of elderly African Americans which forms the basis for Lynched. The respondents’ memories about, and reckoning with, lynching provide rich texture to the burgeoning literature that documents and analyzes a shameful period of American history.” —Stewart E. Tolnay, S. Frank Miyamoto Professor of Sociology, University of Washington



“Muslims and the Making of America is an accessible and engaging book that tells the story of Muslim contributions to American history and creativity. From early medieval intimations of an ‘unknown land’ across the Atlantic, through west African plantation slaves, to the contemporary accomplishments of athletes, musicians, and artists, Islam has been a force in the United States and Muslims have played a vital role in making America great.”

“Lucid, erudite and provocative, only Amir Hussain can make us see the multiple dimensions of the world’s second largest faith in America’s cultural icons, musical stars, political history, cultural values, and public life at large in his unique masterful style. A mustread for anyone wishing to observe Islam beyond sensational headlines in order to grasp the complex lives of Muslim Americans.” —Ebrahim Moosa, Professor of Islamic Studies and Religion, University of Notre Dame

—Jane McAuliffe, Director of National and International Outreach, United States Library of Congress “A sparkling text. Amir Hussain arrives early to tell a story that has long needed telling.” —Jack Miles, Distinguished Professor of English and Religious Studies, University of California at Irvine

Portrait of Yarrow Mamout, a freed Muslim slave from Guinea who lived in Georgetown, D.C., by American artist Charles Willson Peale (1741–1827) 18


is Professor of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. amir hussain

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Islam in America 2. Blues for Allah 3. The Greatest 4. Muslims on the American Landscape Conclusion

Muslims and the Making of America Amir Hussain

“There has never been an America without Muslims”—so begins Amir Hussain, one of the most important scholars and teachers of Islam in America. Hussain, who is himself an American Muslim, contends that Muslims played an essential role in the creation and cultivation of the United States. Memories of 9/11 and the rise of global terrorism fuel concerns about American Muslims. The fear of American Muslims in part stems from the stereotype that all followers of Islam are violent extremists who want to overturn the American way of life. Inherent to this stereotype is the popular misconception that Islam is a new religion to America. In Muslims and the Making of America Hussain directly addresses both of these stereotypes. Far from undermining America, Islam and American Muslims have been, and continue to be, important threads in the fabric of American life. Hussain chronicles the history of Islam in America to underscore the valuable cultural influence of Muslims on American life. He then rivets attention on music, sports, and culture as key areas in which Muslims have shaped and transformed American identity. America, Hussain concludes, would not exist as it does today without the essential contributions made by its Muslim citizens.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0622-5 $24.95 142 pages 5.5 x 8.5 | Cloth American History/Islam October 15, 2016



Human in Death

kecia ali is Associate Professor of Religion at Boston University.

Kecia Ali

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Intimacy in Death 2. Friendship in Death 3. Vocation in Death 4. Violence in Death 5. Perfection in Death Conclusion

Morality and Mortality in J. D. Robb’s Novels

Fiction, by effectively combining profit with delight, creates a world for entertainment and moral reflection. Kecia Ali’s Human in Death explores the best-selling futuristic suspense series In Death, written by romance legend Nora Roberts under the pseudonym J. D. Robb. Centering on troubled NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her billionaire tycoon husband Roarke, the In Death novels offer a compelling model for human flourishing. Through close readings of more than fifty novels and novellas published over two decades, Ali analyzes the ethical world of Robb’s New York circa 2060. Ali ISBN 978-1-4813-0627-0 $29.95 200 pages 5.5 x 8.5 | Cloth Ethics/Literary Criticism February 1, 2017

explores Robb’s depictions of egalitarian relationships, satisfying work, friendships built on trust, and an array of models of femininity and family. At the same time, the series’ imagined future replicates some of the least admirable aspects of contemporary society. Sexual violence, police brutality, structural poverty and racism, and government surveillance persist in Robb’s fictional universe, raising urgent moral challenges. So do ordinary ethical quandaries around trust, intimacy, and interdependence in marriage, family, and friendship. Ali celebrates the series’ ethical successes, while questioning its critical moral omissions. She probes the limits of Robb’s imagined world and tests its possibilities for fostering identity, meaning, and mattering of human relationships across social difference. Ali capitalizes on Robb’s futuristic fiction to reveal how careful and critical reading is an ethical act—the happy confluence of profit and delight.

“Human in Death offers a sustained and subtle inquiry into J. D. Robb’s In Death books as novels of ideas—texts which invite their readers to think about love, desire, and romantic relationships. Kecia Ali demonstrates that these are thoughtful books, part of a genre that deserves and rewards our serious attention. This is a groundbreaking contribution to the study of mass-market fiction, the ethics of reading, and the emerging field of popular romance studies.” —Eric Murphy Selinger, President, International Association for the Study of Popular Romance



is Professor of Religion and Philosophy and the J. Richard and Dorothy Shiff Chair of Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto.

Jewish Justice

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Can Capital Punishment Ever Be Justified in the Jewish Tradition? 2. The Elimination of Mutilation and Torture in Rabbinic Thought and Practice 3. Natural Law, Human Dignity, and the Protection of Human Property 4. Land and People 5. Jewish Marriage and Civil Law 6. Jewish Marriage 7. Divine Justice/Divine Command 8. The Universality of Jewish Ethics 9. The Judaic Foundation of Rights 10. Social Contract in Modern Jewish Thought 11. Toward a Jewish Public Philosophy in America 12. Defending Niebuhr from Hauerwas 13. Is Natural Law a Border Concept Between Judaism and Christianity?

In Jewish Justice David Novak explores the continuing role of Judaism

david novak

The Contested Limits of Nature, Law, and Covenant

David Novak for crafting ethics, politics, and theology. Drawing on sources as diverse as the Bible, the Talmud, and ancient, medieval, and modern philosophy, Novak asserts Judaism’s integral place in communal discourse of the public square. According to Novak, biblical revelation has universal implications— that it is ultimately God’s law to humanity because humans made in God’s image are capable of making intelligent moral choices. The universality of this claim, however, stands in tension with the particularities of Jewish monotheism (one God, one people, one law). Novak’s challenge is for Judaism to capitalize on the way God’s law transcends particularity without destroying difference. Thus it is as Jews that Jews are called to join communities across the faithful denominations, as well as secular ones, to engage in debates about the common good. Jewish Justice follows a logical progression from grounded ethical quandaries to larger philosophical debates. Novak begins by considering the practical issues of capital punishment, mutilation and torture, corporate crime, the landed status of communities and nations, civil marriage, and religious marriage. He next moves to a consideration of theoretical concerns: God’s universal justice, the universal aim of particular Jewish ethics, human rights and the image of God, the relation of post-Enlightenment social contract theory to the recently enfranchised Jewish community, and the voices of Jewish citizens in secular politics and the public sphere. Novak also explores the intersection of universality and particularity by examining the practice of interfaith dialogue among Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0529-7 $49.95 350 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Ethics/Judaism March 15, 2017 “With rhetorical flair and conceptual rigor, Novak offers an unapologetically Jewish theology in a manner that consistently includes non-Jewish readers and practical implications for life together in pluralist societies. It is this uniquely attractive way of inviting thinkers of all stripes into the richness of the ongoing Jewish theological and ethical conversation that makes Novak so great.” —Matthew Levering, James N. and Mary D. Perry Jr. Chair of Theology, Mundelein Seminary



Evangelizing Lebanon

melanie e. trexler is Assistant Professor of Theology at Valparaiso University.

Melanie E. Trexler

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Landmarkers in the Holy Land 2. Building a Baptist Community in Beirut 3. Reform, Resistance, and Rebellion 4. A Mission to Muslims 5. Reconciliation 6. Breaking the Ties That Bind 7. Conclusion

Baptists, Missions, and the Question of Cultures

In 1893, Said Jureidini an Arabic-speaking Christian from the Ottoman Empire, experienced an evangelical conversion while attending the Chicago World’s Fair. Two years later he founded the first Baptist church in modern-day Lebanon. For financial support, he aligned his fledgling church with American Landmark Baptists and, later, Southern Baptists. By doing so, Jureidini linked the fate of Baptists in Lebanon with those in the United States. In Evangelizing Lebanon, Melanie E. Trexler explores the complex, reflexive relationship between Baptist missionaries from the States and Baptists in Lebanon. Trexler pays close attention to the contexts surrounding the ISBN 978-1-4813-0259-3 $49.95 276 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Baptist Studies/Missiology September 15, 2016 “Evangelizing Lebanon is a study of Lebanese Baptist identity. The Arabic-speaking Baptist community that coalesced in 1895 under Lebanese leadership represented a new way to be Protestant in Beirut. Trexler carefully sorts through the complicated relationships that Lebanese Baptists have cultivated since then with several generations of Southern Baptist missionaries from America, other Middle Eastern Protestants, and the Muslim majority of Lebanon. She demonstrates how a small evangelical minority group has sought to exercise influence within the particular context of Lebanese society.” —Stanley H. Skreslet, F. S. Royster Professor of Christian Missions, Union Presbyterian Seminary


relationships, the consequences, and the theologies inherent to missionary praxis, carefully profiling the perspectives of both the missionaries and the Lebanese Baptists. Trexler thus discovers a fraught mutuality at work. U.S. missionaries presented new models of church planting, evangelism, and educational opportunities that empowered the Lebanese Baptists to accomplish personal and communal goals. In turn, Lebanese Baptists prompted missionaries to rethink their ideas about mission, Muslim-Christian relations, and even American foreign policy in the region. But Trexler also reveals how missionaries’ efforts to evangelize Muslims came to threaten the very security of the Lebanese Baptists. Trexler shows how Baptist missionary theology and praxis in Lebanon had more to do with bolstering an insular Baptist identity in the United States than it did in engaging with interfaith relationships with Lebanese Muslims. Ironically, American Baptists’ efforts to help ultimately spun out of control and led to unintended consequences. Trexler’s study of Baptists in Lebanon serves as a warning for missional identity everywhere, Baptist or not: missionary insistence on a narrow and politically useful definition of what it means to be Christian can both aid and undermine, build and destabilize.


andrew e. barnes is Associate Professor of History at Arizona State University.

CONTENTS Introduction 1. The Spectacle Reversed 2. Making People 3. The Advancement of the African 4. An Attentive Ear 5. On the Same Lines as Tuskegee 6. Men Who Can Build Bridges Conclusion

Global Christianity and the Black Atlantic

Tuskegee, Colonialism, and the Shaping of African Industrial Education STUDIES IN WORLD CHRISTIANITY

Andrew E. Barnes Many Europeans saw Africa’s colonization as an exhibition of European racial ascendancy. African Christians saw Africa’s subjugation as a demonstration of European technological superiority. If the latter was the case, then the path to Africa’s liberation ran through the development of a competitive African technology. In Global Christianity and the Black Atlantic, Andrew E. Barnes chronicles African Christians’ turn to American-style industrial education—particularly the model that had been developed by Booker T. Washington at Alabama’s Tuskegee Institute—as a vehicle for Christian regeneration in Africa. Over the period 1880–1920, African Christians, motivated by Ethiopianism and its conviction that Africans should be saved by other Africans, proposed and founded schools

ISBN 978-1-4813-0392-7 $49.95 232 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth Church History/African American Studies February 1, 2017

based upon the Tuskegee model. Barnes follows the tides of the Black Atlantic back to Africa when African Christians embraced the new education initiatives of African American Christians and Tuskegee as the most potent example of technological ingenuity. Building on previously unused African sources, the book traces the movements to establish industrial education institutes in cities along the West African coast and in South Africa, Cape Province, and Natal. As Tuskegee and African schools modeled in its image proved, peoples of African descent could—and did—develop competitive technology. Though the attempts by African Christians to create industrial education schools ultimately failed, Global Christianity and the Black Atlantic

“With over three decades of serious scholarship on Christianity, Andrew Barnes demonstrates yet again that he is at the forefront of originality and innovative scholarship. He emphasizes, with remarkable skill and compassion, how Africans extended ideas of modernization and education, thereby transforming Christianity itself, in this impressive book on the connection between religion, change, and progress.” —Toyin Falola, University Distinguished Teaching Professor and Jacob and Frances Mossiker Chair in the Humanities, University of Texas at Austin

demonstrates the ultimate success of transatlantic black identity and Christian resurgence in Africa at the turn of the twentieth century. Barnes’ study documents how African Christians sought to maintain indigenous identity and agency in the face of colonial domination by the state and even the European Christian missions of the church.



The Psalter as Witness

Introduction to the New Testament

Theology, Poetry, and Genre

Reference Edition

W. Dennis Tucker, Jr. and W. H. Bellinger, Jr., editors

Carl R. Holladay

The Psalter as Witness considers the complexity of the Psalms as well as their role in bearing witness to the theological claims that comprise Israel’s traditions. While no single volume can readily capture the full range of the Psalter’s theology, these chapters provide rich reflection on significant themes in selected psalms, in collections of psalms, and even across the structure of the Psalter itself. The result of the Baylor-Bonn symposium, The Psalter as Witness employs the full array of methodological approaches to the Psalms practiced in both Germany and North America. It thus effectively mirrors the theological, thematic, and generic intricacies of the Psalms in the myriad ways interpreters read the Psalter. The Psalms here become a window into the central, life-giving commitments of Israel in its call to justice and mercy, its practice of ethics and politics, and its worship and life with God. “The Psalter as Witness engages with concerns such as the nature of community, feminism, ethics, politics, the poor, and Zionism in the Psalms; with theological themes such as the mercy and transcendence of God; and with literary issues such as the shaping of the Psalter. Its non-partisan approach makes for stimulating reading for anyone who is interested in exploring what the Psalms say about God and his people then and now.” —Susan Gillingham, Professor of the Hebrew Bible, Worcester College, University of Oxford

w. dennis tucker jr. is Professor of Christian Scripture at George W. Truett

Theological Seminary. w. h. bellinger jr. is Chair of the Department of Religion, W. Marshall and Lulie

Craig Chairholder in Bible, and Professor of Religion at Baylor University. ISBN 978-1-4813-0556-3 / $49.95 / 225 pages / 6 x 9 / Cloth / Old Testament / March 1, 2017


Christian interpretation of the Bible is not a simple task. While finding both its beginning and end in the theological claim that Scripture reveals to us “what God has done in Christ,” Christian interpretation demands much more. The interaction between believer and text is also conversation between reader and interpretive community, both ancient and modern. Theological interpretation entails close readings of texts but also a close analysis of contexts—the social and political shape of the Mediterranean world as well as our own. Interpretation requires the interweaving of theology, history, and literature. In Introduction to the New Testament Carl R. Holladay does just that. He roots each of the New Testament’s twenty-seven writings in their historical, literary, and theological contexts. A true “Reference Edition,” Holladay provides thorough, detailed, and exacting overviews, background material, and textual analysis. Holladay leads readers to consider questions of canon, authority, and genre that shape the formation of the text and the text’s formation of the identity, theology, and mission of the church today. This Introduction does not leave its readers stranded in the first century; it also intentionally connects the message of the New Testament to the issues facing its faithful readers today. No stone goes unturned and no issue unexamined—Holladay’s Introduction to the New Testament is an essential text for any serious student of biblical interpretation

carl r. holladay is C. H. Candler Professor of New Testament at Emory University’s Chandler School of Theology.

ISBN 978-1-4813-0618-8 / $89.95 / 1050 pages / 7 x 10 / Paperback Original / 44 images / New Testament / March 15, 2017


michael wolter is Professor of New Testament at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Bonn in Germany and Honorary Professor at the Theological Faculty at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. His book Paul: An Outline of His Theology is also available from Baylor University Press.

The Gospel According to Luke

wayne coppins is Associate Professor

Christianity, Michael Wolter provides a detailed, verse-by-verse

of Religion at the University of Georgia.

interpretation of the Third Evangelist. Wolter’s commentary fully

is a doctoral candidate in religion at the University of Zürich. christoph heilig

CONTENTS Introduction Luke 1.1–4 Proem 1.5–79 (80) 2.1–39 (40–52) 3.1–20 3.21–4.13 4.14–44 5.1–6.49 7.1–50 8.1–9.50

Volume I (Luke 1-9:50)


Michael Wolter Wayne Coppins and Christoph Heilig, translators In this fourth volume of the Baylor–Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early

complements the great tradition of “Handbooks of the New Testament” published by Mohr Siebeck. Replacing the third edition of Erich Klostermann’s commentary on Luke, Wolter’s volume rightly joins those by Conzelmann (Acts), Käsemann (Romans), and Lietzmann (1 Corinthians) in this venerable series.

Gospel with its Jewish and Greco-Roman environment. Wolter

ISBN 978-1-4813-0592-1 $69.95 520 pages 6 x 9 | Cloth New Testament/Theology

performs form-critical and narrative analysis of the specific stories;

October 1, 2016

Wolter’s approach to a sustained reading of Luke’s Gospel is comprehensive. He carefully places Luke’s narrative of Jesus in its cultural context, paying close attention to the relationship of the

however, Wolter also emphasizes Luke as a theologian and his Gospel as a work of theology. Wolter recognizes how Luke’s narrative of Jesus forms the first part of a unified work—the Acts of Apostles being the second—that

“The Gospel According to Luke is stimulating and full of fresh and striking insights. Any serious work on Luke will need to interact with Wolter’s contribution.” —Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

represents a new moment in Israel’s history. But in surprising new ways, Wolter makes clear that it is God alone who works in and through the words and deeds of Jesus to bring salvation to Israel. His commentary shows that Luke succeeds in preserving the history of Jesus and its theological impact and that this history stands on equal footing with the history of early Christianity. Wolter’s thorough, careful reading follows Luke as the Evangelist seeks to explain how the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises of God for Israel results in a parting of the ways between the Christian church on the one side and Judaism on the other. Scholars and students alike will benefit from access to new German scholarship now available to English-language audiences.

Mohr Siebeck (Tübingen, Germany) and Baylor University Press (Waco, Texas, USA) proudly host a landmark, international collaboration in Christian scholarship—the Baylor–Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity series. In this series, editors Wayne Coppins (University of Georgia, USA) and Simon Gathercole (Cambridge, UK) select, translate, and edit major works from senior German scholars on early Christianity’s relationships to Second Temple Judaism and Hellenistic religious movements from the first years of the Common Era. Titles in Baylor–Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity will appear for the first time in English and make accessible the highest level of German scholarship.



james e. robson is Senior Tutor and

Tutor in Hebrew and Old Testament, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. max rogland is Associate Professor

of Old Testament at Erskine Theological Seminary.

Deuteronomy 1-11

Haggai and Zechariah 1-8



James E. Robson

Max Rogland

A Handbook on the Hebrew Text

ISBN 978-1-60258-573-7 $34.95 384 pages 5.25 x 8 | Paperback Original Old Testament/Hebrew Now Available

A Handbook on the Hebrew Text

ISBN 978-1-60258-674-1 $29.95 262 pages 5.25 x 8 | Paperback Original Old Testament/Hebrew September 1, 2016

In these volumes, James E. Robson and Max Rogland provide a foundational analysis of the Hebrew texts of Deuteronomy 1-11, Haggai, and Zechariah 1-8. Distinguished by the detailed yet comprehensive attention paid to the Hebrew texts, Deuteronomy 1-11 and Haggai and Zechariah 1-8 are convenient pedagogical and reference tools that explain the form and syntax of the biblical texts, offer guidance for deciding between competing semantic analyses, engage important text-critical debates, and address questions relating to the Hebrew texts that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries. Beyond serving as succinct and accessible analytic keys, Deuteronomy 1-11 and Haggai and Zechariah 1-8 also reflect the most recent advances in scholarship on Hebrew grammar and linguistics. By filling the gap between popular and technical commentaries, these handbooks become indispensable tools for anyone committed to deep readings of the biblical texts.


“In Deuteronomy 1-11, James Robson offers detailed notes on almost all things text critical, morphological, grammatical, syntactical, and discourse linguistic encountered in the first eleven chapters of Deuteronomy. This will be an invaluable reference work for commentators and translators, and an extremely helpful textbook in exegesis courses on Deuteronomy 1-11.” —Daniel I. Block, Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College

“Students of the Hebrew Bible who are looking for a reliable guide to the exegesis of Haggai and Zechariah 1-8 need this book. It provides insight into the morphology and syntax of these writings without unnecessary terminological clutter. Haggai and Zechariah 1-8 handles text-critical details with accuracy and restraint and illustrates how careful exegesis of the Hebrew text can yield interpretational precision and illumination.” —Richard A. Taylor, Senior Professor of Old Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary


timothy a. brookins is Assistant

Professor of Classics and Biblical Languages at Houston Baptist University. bruce w. longenecker is Professor of

Early Christianity and W. W. Melton Chair of Religion at Baylor University. is Professor of Biblical Studies at The Master’s College. william varner

“Varner digests the best analysis of the Greek text of Philippians for the contemporary student and scholar. As a result, beginners and advanced students alike will find it to be a helpful tool for moving to the next step in their ability to use the Greek New Testament.” —James C. Miller, Professor of Inductive Biblical Studies and New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary

“The Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament series has already proven to be a great resource for scholars, students, and pastors. The addition of 1 Corinthians makes the series even more valuable. Brookins and Longenecker offer an erudite yet accessible analysis.” —John Byron, Professor of New Testament, Ashland Theological Seminary

1 Corinthians 1-9

1 Corinthians 10-16


A Handbook on the Greek Text

A Handbook on the Greek Text

A Handbook on the Greek Text

Timothy A. Brookins and Bruce W. Longenecker

Timothy A. Brookins and Bruce W. Longenecker

William Varner

ISBN 978-1-60258-763-2 $29.95 287 pages 5.25 x 8 | Paperback Original New Testament/Greek Now Available

ISBN 978-1-4813-0534-1 $29.95 269 pages 5.25 x 8 | Paperback Original New Testament/Greek Now Available

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Philippians, 1 Corinthians 1-9, and 1 Corinthians 10-16 offer teachers and students comprehensive guides to the grammar and vocabulary of these epistles. Perfect supplements to any commentary, these volumes’ lexical, analytical, and syntactical analyses are helpful tools in navigating New Testament literature. But more than just providing analytic keys, William Varner, Timothy Brookins, and Bruce Longenecker lead students toward both a greater understanding of the Greek texts and an appreciation for the textual, rhetorical, and interpretive intricacies not available in English translations. These handbooks are essential tools for the serious student.



Religion in Tudor England

ethan h. shagan


is Distinguished Professor of English at UCLA. Her book The Renaissance Bible: Scholarship, Sacrifice, and Subjectivity is also available from Baylor University Press.

An Anthology of Primary Sources

Ethan H. Shagan and Debora Shuger, editors Religion in Tudor England offers readers the prose and the poetry, the theology and the spirituality, the prayers and the polemics, of one of the most important epochs in the making of modern Christianity. Beginning with King Henry VII, the Tudors’ reign included the break with Rome and the rise of English Protestantism, a series of religiously inspired revolts, the burnings of nearly three hundred Protestants for heresy under Queen Mary, the executions of scores of Catholics for treason under Queen Elizabeth, and the emergence of the Puritan challenge to the Church of England. ISBN 978-1-60258-297-2 $89.95 675 pages 4 plates 7 x 10 | Printed Case Church History/English History Now Available

Moreover, the English Reformation coincided with the English Renaissance, and the foremost religious thinkers of the age, Catholic as well as Protestant, are also among the greatest of English prose stylists. The sources in this unique anthology, modernized and accompanied by careful notes and detailed historical, literary, and theological introductions, immerse readers in this world and allow them to explore comprehensively—for the first time—what was lost, what was transformed, and what was preserved in the English Reformation.

“Debora Shuger and Ethan Shagan’s Religion in Tudor England is a remarkable book. A wide-ranging, illuminating, and wonderfully accessible anthology of primary documents from the sixteenth century, it permits readers to hear the edgy particularities of religious thought and feeling of the period, and it also ensures that these individual voices join together in pointedly imperfect harmony to tell the complicated story of how and how much religion mattered to the age.” —David Scott Kastan, George M. Bodman Professor of English, Yale University

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is Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley. debora shuger

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Pre-­Reformation/Late Medieval 2. English Reformation 3. Ceremonies 4. Ecclesiology 5. Predestination 6. Catholic Reformation and Counter-Reformation 7. Primers, Prayers, and Psalms 8. Pastoral Theology 9. Protestantism and the Social World Conclusion




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Theological education, like theology itself, is becoming a truly global

people, Baptists through the Centuries provides a chronological survey of

enterprise. As such, theological education has to form, teach, and train

the main developments in Baptist life and thought from the seventeenth to

leaders of faith communities prepared to lead in a transnational world. The

the twentieth centuries. As Baptists spread globally beyond their British and

teaching of theology with a global awareness has to wrestle with the nature

American origins, Bebbington persuasively demonstrates how they

and scope of the theological curriculum, teaching methods, and the context

constantly adapted to the cultures and societies in which they lived,

of learning. Teaching Global Theologies directly addresses both method and

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content by identifying local resources, successful pedagogies of inclusion,

the course of telling the story of Baptists, Bebbington also examines the

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