The Bay CE School Inspire Magazine - July 2021

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Sports Day

Careers Week

Year 11 Celebrations

July 2021 Issue 9

A message from Duncan Mills, Executive Headteacher It has certainly been a challenging academic year with Covid-19 changing all of our lives. We are so proud of our students, of how they adapted to periods of home learning and to the new procedures in school to keep them safe. In this magazine you will read about the many wonderful events that have taken place this term in a Covid safe way and how we are slowly being able to get back to a ‘new’ normal. I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff and volunteers across both sites for your hard work and support throughout the year. As a school, we would like to wish all parents and students a safe and restful summer break, and look forward to welcoming everyone back at the start of the Autumn term.

Mr D Mills Executive Headteacher

A message from Teresa Westcott-Hayes, Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you to every single person in our community who has worked so hard to look after each other during this unprecedented year. Thank you to our amazing students who have shown such resilience and adapted to the many challenges and changes that this academic year has brought. This magazine showcases many of the personal development opportunities we have offered students this summer term. We have worked hard with them in the classroom to ensure that they are on track with their academic studies. We have also worked hard to ensure they have had rich personal development opportunities alongside their academic studies. These include the fantastic ‘Futures Days,’ Careers Week and Sports Day, along with celebrating the success of our students in a variety of ways such as ‘Cake at Break’ and Celebration Assemblies. You can read more about these in this magazine. We said goodbye to an incredibly resilient and wonderful group of Year 11s. The students have been a credit to themselves, their families and the school. During such a challenging year and a half, they have presented strength of character and sense of humour that is to be commended. It was wonderful to see so many of them back for the celebration event and we all look forward to GCSE results day. There are a small number of staffing changes from September to let you know about. We will be saying goodbye to Mr Price (Teacher of Maths), Mr Lockey (Deputy Head of Department Science) and Miss Peek (Learning Support Assistant). We welcome Mr Middleton (Teacher of Science), Mr Maw (Teacher of Maths), Mr Jones (Teacher of Computer Science), Mr Dennes (Teacher of Humanities), Mrs Green (Teacher of Maths) and Mrs Dixon - (Teacher of Maths). Finally I would like to wish you and your family a very safe and happy summer and hope that students can rest and recharge, ready for next term. We look forward to welcoming students back in September. Best Wishes

Mrs Westcott-Hayes Headteacher

Diabetes Week In June we came together as a school to celebrate national Diabetes week. Our goal is to make our school number one for Diabetes care, a big part of which is raising awareness of the disease and quashing myths. To start the week, all students learnt about what diabetes is, what the symptoms are and facts about the disease through an assembly from Mrs Creggwood. As well as this, all subject areas linked diabetes in their lessons; from the development of Insulin in History and reading blood sugar graphs in Maths, to creating a stylised movement sequence of a finger prick test in Performing Arts and how different religions approach diabetes within R.E. We have been very impressed with our students’ engagement with this topic, as well as their open minded approach to the discussions and tasks. Within the school we have 5 diabetic students and 4 diabetic members of staff, from Type One, to Type Two and the rarer Type 1.5. Everyone with diabetes needs to monitor their carbohydrate intake in order to control their condition, most Type One diabetics are required to count how many grams of carbohydrates they eat in order to work out how many units of insulin they need to inject in order to live. The house system has helped to raise awareness of this through inter-house carb counting competition during tutor time this week. Ryan Chiverton in year 10 said “I had no idea about carb counting, I would really hate having to do that everyday as I struggle with Maths.” Jess Cox also commented on how interesting she has found this week; “my mum has diabetes and now I understand more about carbohydrates and how they affect her.” Mrs Creggwood, Head of Performing Arts, has Type One diabetes and helped to organise the week. For more information about diabetes, please visit

“I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that has made this week possible. It has been very humbling to see staff and students genuinely interested in learning about the condition, being inquisitive about life with diabetes and discussing how diabetes affects their family. I hope that this is the first of many celebrations of National Diabetes week, as well as more events raising awareness of other diseases.” Mrs Creggwood, Head of Performing Arts

Futures Days During the summer term we held a number of ‘Futures’ Days to give students personal development opportunities and develop their Pixl Edge skills:

Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and Communication. In May Year 7, 8 and 9 students completed a Pixl Edge Challenge day, they took part in activities to develop their skills; for example, a juggling workshop for resilience, making a display celebrating the NHS for communication and making a revision poster for organisation. All students also participated in Inter-House Cross Country. Year 10 students attended a Hampshire Virtual Careers and Apprenticeship Show. In June students had many leadership opportunities including training as library assistants, sports day officials, school ambassadors and reception apprenticeships. Year 10 students were preparing for success for GCSE and beyond with time management workshops, along with mindfulness and mental health sessions.

Careers Week Students in all year groups on the secondary site had the chance to learn about a wide variety of careers and post-16 opportunities during ‘Careers Week,’ which took place from 5th-9th July 2021.

The schedule for the week included: A Post-16 Opportunities Fair for all Year 10 and Year 11 students Careers Talks: Tourism - Stephen Treadwell Photography - Jennifer Stone

The talks allowed for students with an interest in that particular career to go along and find out more information. Laura Thompson is a Radiographer for the NHS, she spoke about how she started as a helper in the radiology department and ended up completing her degree and qualified as a radiographer. She answered many questions from interested students who were keen to know what she enjoyed about her job and which GCSEs they should study for a career in radiography.

Ian Middleton is an airline pilot, he spoke to students about his career and different roles in the aviation industry. Nigel George from Artecology shared some of the exciting projects he has been working on to create solutions designed to boost the natural world and to bring wildlife to our built environments.

Law - Rebecca MaVarish NHS - Teresa Gaudian Radiography - Laura Thompson Teaching - Mr Price, Mr Bricknell and Mr Johnson Pilot - Ian Middleton Apprenticeships - Simon Attrill Climate Change - Daneen Cowling, Alex Robertson, Nigel George

“ have found careers week really useful, it has been great learning about the different jobs out there and hearing from the people actually doing them. It has made me determined to do well at school.” Owen

Simon Denness, Managing Director of Simon Denness Architecture spoke to students about how he got into architecture, the different roles in the field and how they relate to subjects in school.

“ The talk from Simon Denness, Architect, was really inspirational. It has made me focussed and determined that I can do this job in the future.” Mica One of the highlights of the week were the talks from ex-students about careers in climate change. Daneen Cowling (Assistant Project Manager at ADAS RSK UK -Environmental Consultancy) and Alex Robertson (GreenHouse PR) inspired students to think about careers in the green sector. They talked passionately about the climate emergency we are in and that governments are finally taking notice and action so a job in this sector is futureproof. They both talked about the importance of following your interests and upskilling yourself in skills such as coding, mapping and handling data.

Daneen also held a workshop about getting women into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) jobs. She shared the statistics about how women are so underrepresented in these industries and inspired Bay students to pursue jobs in this field and push past the stereotypes. She gave girls tips on how to succeed and encouraged them to be role models for the next generation.

“ This school gave me so many opportunities I want to give something back to the students. It was great to come in and inspire students to think about careers in such an important industry during our climate emergency.” Alex Robertson, Greenhouse PR

“I have really enjoyed engaging with young people and inspiring them to take every opportunity available to them to develop their skills and knowledge. I hope I have encouraged students to be critical thinkers, to keep asking and to keep challenging.” Daneen Cowling, ADAS RSK UK

Tokyo Challenge

The overall House results were:

During the Spring Term whilst online learning was taking place during the Covid-19 pandemic the House Leaders wanted students at The Bay CE School to still feel part of the House community, keep active and learn new skills, so they created the ‘Tokyo Challenge,’ ahead of the Olympics in summer 2021. There were four strands to the challenge to enable many students and staff to get involved. All challenges were related to the country of Japan, the host Nation of the Olympics.

1st place - Red House (194 points)

· The Race to Tokyo - Running/Walking/Cycling to reach 13,321 kilometres; the distance from The Bay CE School in Sandown to Tokyo. · Sudoku challenge · Creating an Asian dish · Origami challenge There were over 450 entries, mostly to embark on our challenge of reaching the Tokyo stadium along with some creative Origami entries, some delicious Asian dishes, and many sudoku entries. House points were awarded for each entry.

2nd place - Yellow House (121 points) 3rd place - Blue House (109 points) 4th place - Green House (36 points). The school community really came together to reach 13,321 kilometres to Tokyo. Students and staff competed each week to clock up the most kilometres by running, cycling or walking. Each week they enjoyed seeing how close they were to reaching the distance of Tokyo as well as seeing whether students or staff were in the lead with their combined distance. At the end of the challenge ten students were awarded a smart watch for their superb effort and enthusiasm. A special mention to Bradley Earnshaw in Year 10 who clocked up 1016 kilometres on his own.

Blue House

Red House

Yellow House

Aaron Cooper (254 kms)

Grace King (759 kms)

Bradley Earnshaw (1016 kms)

Kimberley Pitman (149 kms) George Bell (158 kms)

Finnlay Metcalfe (502 kms) Sophie Frost (266 kms) Ollie Frost (200 kms)

Faith Waggstaff (628 kms) Tommy Young (569 kms)

Year 7 students gain leadership award This term we had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate those students in Year 7 who have received their Leadership Award for gaining in excess of 50 Merits so far this year. Students receiving their award were invited for ‘Cake at Break’ along with their tutors before being presented with their certificate by Mrs Westcott-Hayes. Well done to all those students receiving their award - you are a credit to yourselves and The Bay!

“Our ‘Cake time at break time’ event was a tasty treat for those students who have worked hard and done well in lessons. Mr King and I are so very proud, well done. May I also give a special thank you to Caterlink for the most delicious vegan spread. Amazing.”

Mrs Farley, Year 7 Manager

What have I enjoyed most about my first year at The Bay? Year 7 students have had an excellent year, despite the challenges of Covid. I am really proud of how well they have settled into secondary school life. They are working hard in all their lessons, they have embraced all the opportunities available to them and they have made new friends. We finish the year with a cohort of confident, capable and thoroughly engaged students. Students who believe in themselves and the school, who inspire us all every day and who excel in so many ways. I am particularly proud of all of the students who have received their Year Manager and Leadership awards. Our Year 7 motto this year has been to ‘be organised, be respectful and embrace the learning.’ So many of our wonderful students have demonstrated their ability and maturity in these areas and grown in confidence. Well done Year 7 and I wish you every success in Year 8 next year. Mrs Farley, Year 7 Manager

“My favourite lesson is Geography because the teacher makes it really interesting and fun. .”

“I really enjoy taking part in all of the interhouse competitions, they are so much fun.”

— Thomas

— Elliott

“I love all of the fantastic sports facilities and opportunities. I have loved playing in the cricket fixtures.”

“I enjoy English lessons, I have a great teacher and have learnt so much.“

— James

— Angel

“I love all of the sports on offer, I have done so much more than I ever did in primary school and I love it!

“I love performing arts lessons, it is great to do something new and communicate with people and make new friends. ” — Emily

“My favourite thing this year has been meeting lots of new people and making friends. I also love RE lessons.”

“I really enjoy Science and Performing Arts. In Science I love the interactive experiments and I like working with other people in Performing Arts.”

— Caitlin

— Bethany

— Freya

“My favourite lesson is music. I like playing the piano and expressing myself through music.” — Charlotte

Year 11 Celebration Assembly and Awards We said an emotional farewell to Year 11 students on their last day of school in May. Students gathered in their tutor groups to listen to a Celebration Assembly with awards, House challenges and a farewell from Miss Jones who has been their Year Manager. We are so proud of the students and how hard they have worked during this challenging year. We look forward to celebrating with them on results day in August and wish them every success for the future

Head of School Award Joe Reader

Assistant Head Teacher’s Award Ben Underdown Joshua Sunnocks Frances Katirewa

Progress Leader’s Award Laila Dillon

Year Manager’s Award Harrison Chapman

Director of Progress and Attainment Awards: Art: Jasmine Kelly Hospitality and Catering: Casey Morgan Physics: Henry Coburn Biology: Zach Coleman Chemistry: Jordan Hamond Creative Media Production: Eloise Wardle Computer Science: Leon King Geography: Matthew Turner History: Harry Allen French: Anya Poerscout-Edgerton Spanish: Aydan Sartin-Crawley BTEC Sport: Levi Coles Maths: Mia Yardley English: Anastazja Milewska BTEC Music: Tru-Crossley Brooke GCSE PE: Ciaran O’Gorman Religious Studies: Jack Smith Religious Studies: Megan Hodgkinson Design & Technology: Kayden Cantelo Health & Social Care: Kelsey Ross Child Development: Alayna Jackson PSHE: Sam Thomas Core PE: Oliver Frost

Tutor Awards Mrs Moreno: Jack Smith Mrs Scott: Kelly King Mrs Harrop: Abi Swinscoe Mrs Lee: Albie Jones Arnold Mrs Mitchell: Matthew Turner Madame Balch: Diana Grigorjeva Dr King: Darcey Mitchell Mrs Hawley: Kieran Walters Mr Watkins: Harvey Brackenbury Mrs Walker: Deano Carpenter

Blue House Awards Blue House Award: Josh Paine Believe: Jake Cantelo Inspire: Maxwell Fosker Excel: Josh Sunnucks

Green House Awards Green House Award: Arren Warner Believe: Lauren Clarke Inspire: Darcey Mitchell Excel: Harrison Chapman

Yellow House Awards Yellow House Award: Chloe Cohen Believe: Deano Carpenter Inspire: Raghad Aldakhoul Excel: George Hayward

Red House Awards Red House Award: Oliver Frost Believe: Jasmine Kelly Inspire: McKenzie Cornwell Excel:Shianne Hull

Sports Day Over 300 students competed in Sports Day this year with many more supporting the event as officials.It was a brilliant day, with lots of friendly, competitive spirit. A special mention to the following Year 7 students who broke the following records: James Denness - Boys’ Discuss - 16.62 metres Olivia Jeziorowska - Girls Shot Put - 6.88 metres Blue House took the Sports Day title, beating Yellow House by just 58 points. Congratulations to Mr Bricknell, Head of Blue House and to all Blue House students. Blue House - 796 points Green House - 738 points Red House - 725 points Yellow House - 711 points Well done to everyone who took part and made it such a fantastic event.

Blue House 1st place - 796 points

Green House 2nd place - 738 points

Red House 3rd place - 725 points

Yellow House 4th place - 711 points


Outstanding Sporting Achivement The Lord Lieutenant came to award our school with an ‘Outstanding Sporting Achievement Award’ (backdated to 2019). This is for the regular variety of sporting opportunities offered here at The Bay (primary). She spoke to the children that have received ‘Sporting Stars’ - those that have taken part in 10 or more sporting fixtures/events. She was very pleased to hear how active the children are. Well done to those ‘Sporting Stars’ who represented PE, showing the school values and demonstrating sportsmanship.

Olympic Inspiration for primary students We consistently strive to facilitate and encourage healthy lifestyles for our pupils. This includes promoting positive physical and mental health and we held an exciting Healthy Week, which took place during the 14th-18th June. As a lead in to this, we were very fortunate to welcome visiting Olympic athlete, Issa Batrane, who has been representing Team GB in Beach Volleyball since 2015. He began the day with an informative assembly about both his own competitive sport and career highlights, as well as sharing information with the pupils about healthy lifestyle choices, such as his typical daily diet. The children all enjoyed taking part in exercises led by him and, as a school, we are very grateful to all who raised sponsorship to enable the visit to take place. We were also very proud to receive feedback from Issa, who said he was extremely impressed by the amount of enthusiasm and effort shown by all of our pupils throughout the day. .

Year 6 into 7 Transition We were so disappointed that we had to cancel the two transition days planned for July due to Covid restrictions. However, we planned virtual transition activities to take place during the summer term for students joining us in September. I visited over 20 primary schools to meet all of our students and find out lots of information about them to help them have a smooth transition. We also hosted some live lessons for Year 6’s. Our Senior Leadership Team had a telephone conversation with every family to introduce themselves and to find out about the students: what they like, friendship groups and any concerns they may have about coming to secondary school. We have also set some tasks for students to complete, all of these are on our website along with video messages from the Year 7 Transition Team and Tutors. Mrs Plested Transition Lead

Science Garden The science garden in the midst of the West block, which has recently been opened up by the science team, is an oasis that harbours a rich ecosystem of plants and animals. It has been completely overhauled and developed by the science team who have given up so many hours so that students can benefit from it. On 20th July it was officially opened during an opening ceremony. It is currently being used by students to explore biodiversity with wild and cultivated plants and animals ranging from insects and worms to the fascinating amphibians (newts and frogs) that inhabit the pond. Following a year 7 competition to design a bug hotel, part of the garden has been given over to wild flowers and structures containing wood, bark, pine cones and other naturally attractive homes to these creatures. Some of the area is being cultivated with plants that will be useful in science studies, including plants used in creating medicine (lavender, rosemary and garlic) and some for experiments like potatoes or red cabbage (used as an indicator) and variegated leaf plants. The hope is that the area will be valuable for the studies of students in all years, but will also provide a calm area for relaxation and appreciation of nature at its best.

The return of cricket fixtures We have finally been able to take part in inter school cricket fixtures again after such a long time. It was fantastic to see how excited and proud our students were to represent the school in sport. The Isle of Wight Cricket Board organised a series of events, staged at Newclose Cricket Ground, and there were teams from Carisbrooke College, Christ the King College, Ryde Academy, The Island Free School and of course, The Bay. It was a lovely “festival-type” atmosphere. The U13 girls’ team was predominantly made up of Year 7 players; this was their first school sporting event this year and it was fantastic to have the opportunity to play. There were no score cards as such but our girls did win several of their games and it was great to see each individual’s performance improve as the afternoon went on. It was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. Two U12 (Year 7) teams attended the festival, both teams had a mixture of experienced players as well as new keen players to the game of cricket. It was great to see the leadership skills of our boys helping and coaching the new players along. Both teams won their first match, beating Christ the King A and B teams convincingly. Game 2 saw our A team beat the Free School and our B team beat Christ the King A team. This set up an exciting opportunity for both our sides to play each other in the final. The game was a very closely fought event which went down to the last over with Samuel Blaize needing 12 runs to win off of Thomas Southcott’s bowling. Thomas’ bowling was just too good and saw his team over line. The Bay Year 7 team were crowned Isle of Wight U12 softball cricket champions and runners up; a fantastic achievement. The Year 8 boys’ team won two games against Ryde Academy and CTK, and narrowly lost against CTKs second team and The Free School. There was some great batting, bowling and fielding from the boys who now look forward to some hardball games.

Student Alumni We very much wish to keep in touch and celebrate the achievements and different pathways former students have taken. This helps motivate and inspire our current students, but also is an excellent way for your old school to find out how you are and what you are up to! Please do get in touch with us, telling us the following information; Name Year you left school Form tutor and Head of Year Anything you would like to share about your academic achievements (optional) Most memorable moment at school: How school prepared you for post 16 / post 18 life/ study What you are doing now - courses studies, place of work and position etc Further career or life aspirations you may have Any advice you would give a student at the school? If you have any relevant photos you would like to share with us - perhaps an old school photo and then a current one - that would be amazing! Thank you in advance for your support.

Name: Daneen Cowling Year you left school: 2013 Form tutor and Head of Year : Mrs Bloom Most memorable moment at school: I enjoyed my academic time at Sandown, I was very engaged in most sports competitions and in my later years I had memorable academic achievements – notably in Geography and History. My most memorable moments from school were the many sporting events I was able to participate in, specifically football, which was an inclusive and supportive team space which was a lot of fun to be a part of (especially the other island school rivalry!). I also have very fond memories of Science, Geography and History lessons, which have undeniably contributed greatly to my subsequent academic success since school.

How school prepared you for post 16 / post 18 life/ study: Sandown prepared me to be a critical, curious and enthusiastic individual, a skillset I have valued. I was very fortunate to have incredible teachers with infectious passion for their subjects. It was my love for the subject Geography, which was encouraged by my teacher – Mr Harwood, that has given me an unwavering determination and drive to make the world a better place in any means I can.

Further career or life aspirations you may have: Going forward, I am hoping to continue climate change engagement alongside my PhD and my job. With my PhD, I hope to further upskill myself and help provide more important knowledge required to understand the Earth and edge closer to feasible climate change solutions. Post my PhD, I am currently hoping to start my own organisation which independently researchers some of the worlds biggest problems, with solutions that directly deliver to those in need the most. A keen aspiration of mine is to also help students from lower income backgrounds, to get more engaged in science, and find ways to make science more accessible to them. Coming from this position, I am very aware how important every single opportunity I had was to get me where I am, and so I hope to give more of them to those who would benefit.

Any advice you would give a student at the school? To any student at school, my advice would be to always stay curious. In Year 7 my science teacher taught me to always ask ‘why’ when thinking about/writing science results. I’ve taken this advice with me since and it hasn’t failed yet!

Something I’ve also benefited from since school is using my own initiative to explore more opportunities available to help something I’m interested in. From taking online courses at Sixth Form to reaching out to and collaborating with Universities in LA – everything ‘extra’ you do will undoubtedly lead to something else . The more you stray from the straight standard path and start exploring new things off your own back, the more doors you will open for yourself. I have benefitted so much off the extra things I’ve tried to feed my curiosity, from getting into University to landing my job!

Since Sandown, I have had the following achievements: 2013-2015 attended Havant Sixth Form College, I achieved the award for Academic Excellence in Geography 2015-2018 attended the University of Exeter and studied BSc Geography – achieved First Class with Hons Achieved 80% in my final year dissertation – for which I collected data from cliffs at Sandown Bay Internship for 2 years with local ecological engineering company called Artecology based in Sandown Student-Staff Liaison Committee Geography Chair for 2 years and won 4 awards for student engagement and projects Led various extra-curricular activities such as Missing Maps Worked on University of Exeter Climate Change online courses for 20172018 2018-present Assistant Project Manager at ADAS RSK Ltd (Environmental Consultancy) Managed environmental surveys on UK’s biggest infrastructure project (HS2) and other large projects Achieved award for Innovation for work developing a novel survey app 2019-2020 Completed a MSc by Research at the University of Exeter, awarded with no corrections and working towards publication currently Assisted in the creation of more Climate Change online courses, in collaboration with University of Exeter and the Eden Project 2020-2024 Awarded fully funded PhD in Environmental Intelligence at Exeter

Primary Site Winchester Park Road Sandown PO36 9BA Secondary Site The Fairway Sandown PO36 9JH The Bay School T: 01983 403284 E:

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