BACC - Impact Report FY 2021

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July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021

Growing and Reaching More

See inside for exciting news about the launch of our new Mobile Resource Center!

Thanks to You!

Our Mission Bay Area Cancer Connections supports anyone affected by breast or ovarian cancer, with personalized services that inform and empower.

Guiding Principles 1

We place the needs of our clients first.

2 We empower clients by providing education that helps them make informed decisions. 3 We provide personalized services directly and through partnerships, across the continuum of care. 4 We value the experience, knowledge, and involvement of volunteers, cancer survivors, their families, and caregivers. 5 We are committed to providing our services free of charge.


“ Thank you, BACC. Your classes and special

programs were like a life support, especially during the pandemic isolation. Thank you for helping me to

live with, through, and beyond cancer.


“ BACC has provided a wide range of services that have assisted me in my ovarian cancer


journey. The variety of offerings and the kindness and generosity of the staff have made me feel a

part of this special community.

“BACC saved my life so many times. They supported me through all steps of my cancer journey. I am so

grateful for their services.


Dear Friends, This past year has certainly been marked with hardship and struggle. But what we’ve seen throughout the Bay Area Cancer Connections (BACC) community has been nothing short of inspiring. Our experiences have underscored how interconnected we are as a community, how much we depend on each other, and how resilient we are when we work together. This was a record year for BACC. In response to the significant challenges of the pandemic, BACC pushed even harder to address the new cancer supportive care needs of our clients. New and different services were created, including a groundbreaking Mobile Resource Center. All our accomplishments are a testament to the commitment and compassion of our board, donors, volunteers, and our staff. It hasn’t always been easy. We’ve had to adjust our processes and make difficult decisions. We’ve asked more from our supporters than ever before. But the result of all that effort is undeniable. In this report, we share with you the highlights of this past year. As we look back, we consider ourselves so fortunate – fortunate to be a part of an extraordinary organization built on a solid foundation, fortunate to have an incredible team dedicated to our important mission, and fortunate to see, every day, the good in humanity in the form of BACC community members’ readiness to help one another. As we continue to grow our programs and expand our service area, we remain committed to our vision for the community we serve — that this be a place where all cancer patients have the information, support, and access to resources necessary for them to feel nourished and empowered, both physically and emotionally. The pandemic has demonstrated that nothing is certain, but seeing our work laid out in this report highlights one clear message: BACC is strong and has proven that it is possible to overcome uncertainty by being creative, adaptable, and ready to find solutions to the challenges of our ever-changing world. Thank you for being on this journey with us. We hope you feel an overwhelming sense of pride as you read about all the wonderful accomplishments YOU have made possible. With heartfelt gratitude,

Rina Bello

Jill Freidenrich

Pamela Ratliff

Executive Director


President, Board of Directors



Meeting a Greater Need for Personalized Education With so much information available in today’s world, and layering COVID-19 and other health concerns on top of cancer, requests for help have continually increased. BACC’s Personalized Cancer Information and Education specialists fulfilled 263 requests, providing the expertise to help our clients understand and process the information needed to make the best decisions they can.

“ The statistics and information I received were invaluable

and really helped me navigate difficult decisions I was facing

regarding treatment and then monitoring.


Requests went up by


New and Expanded Programs! Even in these difficult times, we expanded our programming to meet our clients’ needs! Black, Indigenous, and People of Color with Breast Cancer Support Group — Facilitated by Octavia Neal, LMFT, the group met on the 3rd Monday of the month, 5:30 –7:00 p.m. This group and all 12 of our specialized support groups are free of charge and intended to

Erika Bell, Ph.D., Manager of Personalized Cancer Information and Education (right); and Victoria Youngblood, Ph.D., M.S.N.-WHNP, Health Educator.

bring people together to offer support, resources, and encouragement while sharing experiences and building relationships. One-on-one personal training sessions are now part of

Octavia Neal, LMFT Charis Pontis, M.B.A., CPT, CET

our many wellness offerings. Charis Pontis, M.B.A., CPT, CET, a Certified Personal Trainer with training in working with cancer patients, helps our clients develop individualized programs to incorporate more movement for increased energy and strength, and decreased stress. Our Young Women's Breast Cancer Support Group was expanded to weekly meetings in order to meet the needs of the growing group of women attending regularly.


Program Highlights

1,966 clients served (13.5% increase)


Annual Cancer Conference goes virtual! We increased attendance by 67% when we made BACC's one-of-a-kind conference accessible virtually! It was our 17th year hosting this special day and nothing stopped us from bringing together renowned speakers, people in treatment and post-treatment, caregivers, and health professionals. We welcomed more than 400 participants this year. Educational sessions covered a wide range of topics These included cancer survivorship and health disparities in the age of COVID-19, updates in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer, understanding cannabis, and cooking for your microbiome. Attendees greatly appreciated that we bookended the day with talks on the power of self-compassion and on finding meaning amidst free fall. Here’s what our conference attendees shared about the day: “With the pandemic shining more light on the disparities faced by vulnerable populations and

“Because we do not live in the area (but always come down for BACC's event),

people of color, it was refreshing to see more

having the opportunity to attend virtually

staff/presenters of people of color. I, myself, am

was awesome and still just as great in quality,

a person of color; it is great to be reflected in the

as always. Thank you so much!”



“ Thank you so much for a wonderfully inspiring

and well-rounded conference! I feel truly seen as a

breast cancer patient!


“ A glorious experience, wonderful lectures, and I received a huge learning experience.”


“When I first heard so many of these terms I was lost.

Hearing them all today really helped me understand.

22% attendance increase at our classes and support groups this year!

618 free Boutique items provided (wigs, hats, scarves,

734 people attended 45

bras, breast prostheses, etc.)

special presentations on relevant and important topics



BACC Launches Mobile Resource Center Changing the Face of Cancer Supportive Care We have been dedicated for decades to meeting people where they are emotionally. Now, we can literally meet people where they are physically and geographically to reduce the barriers to access for everyone.


t our Spring Breakfast in March 2021, we were

thrilled to share that we had

purchased our “Little Blue Bus,” with plans to renovate it, and work with community partners to launch our Mobile Resource Center later this year. We’re excited to be piloting the Mobile Resource Center (MRC) with Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) Hospital. In November, the MRC began going to ZSFG at the same time as their regularly scheduled Breast Clinic. Patients at the hospital who were previously worried about how they could afford to get a wig or a prosthesis, or were experiencing difficulty navigating resources online, are now getting what they need all in one place. We look forward to the increased impact we know we can make for clients in underserved areas and rural communities. We also partnered with Cancer Patients Alliance, Healing Partners of the Central Coast, and the CSVS Sanborn Clinic in Salinas to bring the MRC to Monterey County and will be forming various partnerships in the months to come that will enable us to effectively and efficiently deliver BACC’s free services to more people in need. BACC is focusing on scalable mobile services—starting with our boutique and informational services and scaling up to larger mobile units for in-person support groups

man, ner Karlette War and WardorsHoff on

and programs in the future.


“ The Boutique provides so many services and items to those of us fighting this battle, and the people that staff the Boutique are so

kind and make the process so easy, the only thing that could make

it easier is if the Boutique were closer to the central valley.


“ We're thrilled to know that the new Mobile Resource Center will allow BACC to expand its reach to new

clients and new neighborhoods, helping to ensure those who need our help can get it. We love being a part of this amazing organization and are proud to support all the

good work this mobile center will do!


So Full of Gratitude Special Thanks to the Morgan Family Foundation


e truly treasure the long-time partnerships

challenges as the face of breast and ovarian cancer

we have with our donors and the Morgan

care continually changed. We cannot express how

Family Foundation is especially near and dear to

much we have appreciated their sharing in the

our hearts. As the foundation sunsets at the close

excitement of our progress and joining our efforts.

of this year, we reflect with immense gratitude on

Their willingness to provide matching grants at our

all the work they made possible for BACC.

events has also inspired countless others to give to

Becky and Jim Morgan began investing in BACC

BACC by increasing the impact of their gifts.

back in 1999 and have generously supported

Our heartfelt thanks to Becky and Jim Morgan and

our programs and services ever since. They have

everyone at the Morgan Family Foundation for all

understood and embraced our mission and were

of their great work in the community!

open to hearing about our clients’ needs and

Together, we're shaping a better future!


hank you to all the amazing donors who

Benefit donors who gathered for our virtual

came together to generously support the

event, exceeded the matching challenge, and

creation of our new Mobile Resource Center.

made this new program possible!

A special thanks to the incredible Spring

Rina Bello

Guest speaker

BACC Executive Director

Delia Ephron with moderator and BACC Emeritus Board Member

Marta Nichols

One Hundred Eleven Gifts =


to support our new Mobile Resource Center

BACC’s new Mobile Resource Center!



Our Amazing Volunteers We are incredibly grateful to every volunteer listed here.

BACC volunteers help in all aspects of the organization,

Because of the time each person gives, it is possible for

including answering our Helpline, laundering items for

those affected by breast or ovarian cancer to find critical

our Boutique, being Buddies to newly diagnosed clients,

support, information, and practical help at BACC. Even

and keeping our IT systems strong to meet the demands

during a pandemic, our volunteers’ dedication to sup-

of virtual services. Our volunteers do it all!

port BACC with their time and talents was unwavering.

Our heartfelt thanks to you all! The following list includes volunteers active from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

volunteers 318 2,479 gave a total of


hours of service this year

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Arlene Abastillas

David Braker

Cintia Doran

Abby Haile, Psy.D.

Lissy Abraham

Rebecca Brandes

Jocelyn Dunn, M.D.

Debra Hall

Hildy Agustin, Psy.D.

Lucinda Brommersma

Teri Dunwoody

Phyllis Hall

Teresa Allen, MFT

Veronica Bunya

Lanelle Durst

Susie Hambey

Mario Allo, M.D.

Marcia Davis-Cannon

Susan Duvall

Judy Hamilton

Judy Amarena

Theresa Carlomagno

Nidia Edfelt

Joyce Hanna

Marilyn Anderson

Saskia Carlebur

Maura Eggert

Derek Hansel

Lauren Seder Antonakos

Beth Solomon-Casper

Al Eisenstat

Alison Harris

Jill Aufricht

Angela Castro

Lisa Eschelbeck

Jennifer Harris

Jan Austin, MFT

Louis Ceaser IV

Beth Espinoza

Helen Harris

Ligia Avedikian

Susan Chao

Rhonda Farrar

Gina Hart

Karen Backer

Celia Cheng

Robert Fenerty

Annika Herndon

Nilisha Baid

Lisa Chow

Shelley Fishkin

Nicole Hickman

Daniel Kaplan

Karen Latina

Gina Bailado

Barbara Cicerelli

Jill Freidenrich

Donna Hills

Amer Karam, M.D.

Ginny Latta

Liza Bakunina

Fran Codispoti

Suzan Freitas

Carolyn Hitchcock

Jenny Kelley

Mariella Lauriola, Ph.D.

Jeanelle Baldonado

Catherine Coe

Haya Fried

Rachel Hodan, LCGC

Jeanne D. Kennedy

Inna Lauris

Jean Bao, M.D.

Reba Cohen

Lisa Friedman

Daryl Hoffman, M.D.

Mary Kenney

Nancy Morgan Leon

Mary Baron

Iva Colon

Mitsu Fujii

Sue Hoffman

Ilene Kerness

Kathryn Leonard

Julie Barrow

Ursula Cooney

Margaret Gabil

Ward Hoffman

Kathy Kesten, R.N., LMFT

Ronit Lev, LMFT

Carol Bartz

Carolyn Cooper

Jennifer Gallo

Nina Homnack

Sulaiman Khawaja

Marcia Levy

Karen Bayuk

Judith Cornez

Fern Geschwind

Kathleen Horst, M.D.

Haley Kim

Fay Li

Jeff Belkora, Ph.D.

Evelyn Cozakos

Charlene Gibson

Claire Houston

Susan Kinder

Wenxi Li

Jonathan Berek, M.D.

Marian Crompton

Joyce Gilbertson

Megan Hubbell

Arden King

Janet Littlefield

Leslie Berlin, Ph.D.

Bess Crowe

Alea Giles

Linda Romley-Irvine

Barbara Kirsch, Ph.D.

Robert Loftis

Lucy Berlin

Linda Davis

Rachel Gingold

Jose Jacob

Tina Klaassen

Linda Logan

Jane Berman

Elizabeth Day

Gloria Golden, Ph.D.

Tejal Jakatdar, Ph.D.

Liz Kniss

Vicki Logan

Lucy Berman

Monique De Bruin, M.D.

Marcia Goldman

Aditi Jha

JoAnne Kondo

Arya Loganathan

Ricka Berns

Jurema De Lira

Carla Gonzalez

Christina Jia

Juliet Kral, M.D.

Annelle Long

Amy Berson

Tula Del Busto

Alberto Gonzalez

Della Bouligny Johnson

Patricia Kreitz

Claudia Loo

Pritty Bhatt

Frank dela Rama, R.N., M.S., AOCN

Peg Grady, R.N.

Linda Johnson

Monica Kuechenmeister

Patricia Lund, Ph.D.

Miriam Green

Andrea Johnston

Sophia Kuo

Ramany Ly

Denise Griffiths

Barbara Jones

Donna LaCroix

Erin Macartney

Laura Griswold

Nathalie Joseph

Kathryn Lamis

Paige Madrid

Kathy Groves

Etsuko Kagawa

Joan Lane

Tulin Gurer

Geeta Kalia

Jennifer Lapole

Diana Guthaner, M.D.

Ann Kane

Betty Blanco Margaret Bloom Peggy Bloom Rebecca Bloom Harriet Borofsky, M.D. Regina Bortolus Gerard Bourguignon Nancy Bowker Carolyn Bradford


Tina Delfino Amy Delson Jalmeen Dhaliwal Ria Dhingra Ruchika Dhingra Martha Diaz Judith Dodson Sarah Donaldson, M.D.

Debby Hagenmaier

Compassion Week Los Altos Harvard Business School Community Partners Lytton Gardens Knitting Group Mani di Angeli Oracle Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care

Dominic Maratukulam

Jennifer Paulsen

Helen Shaughnessy

Nancy DeSantis-Vannice

Judy Marcus

Lisa Peckler

Beth Shuman

Cindra Velle

Sueann Mark

Michelle Perata

Mark Simon

Barbara Voester

Terry Markle

Rachel Peters, PT, MSPT, OCS, NCPT

Tejinder Singh

Li Wang

Sandra Skolnik

Tracy Wang

George Sledge, M.D.

Jeanne Ware

Beverly Smith

Karlette Warner

Cathleen Smithwick

Nina Weil, CHTP, CJC

Lynn Smolik, M.D.

Cyndi Wheeler

Petra Lentz Snow

Helen Wiant

in 2015. As a Helpliner, Catherine is one

Victoria Soares

Christine Williams

of the welcoming voices a client first

Carrie Solinger

Linda Williams

hears. She answers calls and emails,

Marta Solsona

Judy Wilson

helping clients to find the programs

Ann Sonnenberg

Lauren Womack

and services that will be most helpful.

Darlene Southworth

Gina Woodman

She works with clients in our Boutique,

David Spiegel, M.D.

Joy Wu, M.D.

Pamela Ratliff

Madeline Stein

Sandy Wu

and she is also a Buddy for us and other

Sally Rau

Jill Sturm

Beth Wurzburg

Jill Read

Mary Sweeney

Dovie Wylie

Anne Ream

Courtney Rowe-Teeter

Xiao Xu

Marcia Rehmus

Kathryn Tekulve

Yuk Ying

Nicole Reimer

Christina Thammasen, M.S.W., LCSW

Christine Young

started a knitting group for BACC called

Julia Young

Knit One, Purl Two, which provided

Sarah Zebb

a space for people to come together

Catherine Zinn

to participate in a shared hobby and

Karen Zucker

enjoy some conversation. Catherine is

Lilia Zundelevich

an active member of BACC’s Volunteer

Theresa Markle Jane Marmor, M.D. Elisabeth Martin Barbara Masek Nancy Mason, M.D. Suleiman Massarweh, M.D. Linda McIntyre Mary-Helen McMahon Jeenal Mehta Judy ThompsonMelanson Anne Hoge Milliken Simonetta Mocci De Modderman Amy Moody Kimberly Moody Samantha Moody Memo Morantes Amanda Moy Randa Mulford

Sandy Peters Diane Peterson Leigh Phillips Michael Pierantozzi Charis Pontis M.B.A., CPT, CET Paula Powar Diane Putterman Diane Quenell Yisroel Quint Jacqueline Mendoza-Ramirez

Janice MadrugaRemedios

Priyanka Multani

Kim Rhoads, M.D., M.S., M.P.H

Jennifer Murphy

Geri Rice

Patti Murray

Jean Rice

Maurine Murtagh

Ann Rivello, LCSW

Alice Nagle

Patricia Rogers

Sally Nettleton

Lisa Romano

Virginia Ng

Barbara Rosenthal

Marta Nichols

Ronda Rosner

Cindra Nicholson

Nanette Rowe, Ph.D.

Karen Nierenberg

Judy Russell

Mika Nishimura

Yana Samoylova

Laura Nugent

Luz Marina Sanchez

Linda O'Maley

Dianne P. Schilling

Tina Okawa

Jill Schubart

Connie Oshiro

Deborah Schueren

Jessica Paige

Stacy Schulist

Nancy Parungao

Gail Shak, Ph.D.

Leah Thrush Annie Tolentino Jackie Tornes Hilary Valentine Sheila Van Groningen

Volunteer of the Year This year we are honored to celebrate our Volunteer of the Year, Catherine Coe, who began volunteering at BACC

organizations. She gladly shares her experiences with newly diagnosed or in-treatment clients to answer questions that they may have. Catherine also

Advisory Committee and has lever-

Diane Van Stralen

aged her volunteer experience to help

Professionals donated more than

Catherine Coe


hours equaling $56,575!

enhance the BACC volunteer experience for others. Catherine is always willing to step in and help with many other tasks as needed, like preparing for our conference, improving our database, working check-in tables for our special events, and much more. Thank you, Catherine, for inspiring and encouraging everyone around you, and for giving so generously of your time and many talents!

Susan Patick

Jan Austin, MFT

Congratulations Award Winners

and a huge thank you for their extraordinary service!

Dedication to BACC Award

The San Francisco Police Department and the San Francisco Police Officers Association Outstanding Volunteer Group of the Year Award



Working Toward More Inclusive and Equitable Cancer Supportive Care BACC has always worked hard to give our clients, volunteers, and staff a place they feel cared for, respected, and safe to be their true selves. We strive to take an active role in making cancer supportive care inclusive and equitable, and provide an environment that honors, encourages, and respects diversity.

Here are highlights of our progress this year: We started a new Black, Indigenous, and People

We welcomed two new Spanish-speaking

of Color Breast Cancer Support Group.

therapists to our team of professionals offering pro-bono counseling sessions.

We started offering our unique Personalized Cancer Information and Education appointments

BACC partnered with Stanford, Latina’s Contra

in Spanish.

Cancer, New Hope Chinese Cancer Care Foundation, and Cancer CAREpoint to offer a “Managing Pain

We formed partnerships to bring our new

When Living with Cancer” presentation translated

Mobile Resource Center and BACC services to under-

into Spanish and traditional Chinese.

resourced communities.

All BACC staff completed the

BACC is honored to be a part of the Cancer Sur-

14-hour Diversity, Equity, and

vivorship Coalition of the Bay Area. We collaborated

Inclusion in the Workplace

with over 20 organizations and community advocates

Certificate, issued by the

to host a Cancer Survivorship Care Coordination &

University of South Florida

Self-Advocacy Virtual Seminar for 185 registrants that

Muma College of Business.

was also translated into Spanish.

Meeting Urgent Financial Needs of our Clients This was our first full year administering the Breast & Ovarian Cancer Emergency Fund (BOCEF), carrying on BCEF’s legacy of helping people with expenses to keep them safely in their home and able to get the medical care they need.

“ BACC staff is knowledgeable, compassionate, and supportive. When I came for

a wig and camisole fitting, I felt welcome and comfortable. I am also very appre-

ciative of the BOCEF grant. It helped me pay for part of my medical bill when I most needed it since I had used all my savings during my cancer treatments, and my State Disability Insurance was not enough to cover my cancer treatments.

BACC helped me feel I was not alone during this challenging journey.




given equaling


for housing, utilities, medical co-payments, and transportation

Increasing Access to Screening and Navigation

238 people




BACC continues to provide critical assistance to ensure that cancer early detection services are accessible to our low-income, uninsured, or underinsured community members. 238 people received 555 services, including clinical breast exams, mammograms, ultrasounds, PAP tests, and follow-up appointments. All clients received personalized help to navigate the medical system, including assistance in their native language, to ensure any barriers to care were addressed.

“ I thank BACC and donors for helping us get our breast cancer screenings for free, especially since we do not have health

insurance, and the tests are expensive. Thanks a lot.

A Sierra Adventure


Nancy, whose breast cancer was initially found

great access all around the park. Her social worker

due to back pain, was diagnosed with stage 4

at Kaiser suggested the Karen Swanson Fund and,

cancer in 2019. By then, the cancer had aggres-

though hesitant, Nancy reached out to us. BACC

sively metastasized to the bones in her neck

was able to fund the bus tickets and a dinner out for

and spine. At just 58 years old, her cancer jour-

Nancy and her son. “That dinner was so thoughtful

ney started with a fractured neck and a five-

for you to add without me asking. You know, it's

week hospital stay. Almost two years later, she

added kindness like this that means so much." We’re

is tackling each day as it comes along, thanks

so happy for you, Nancy, to have made new, happy

in part to her beloved and strong network of

memories in your favorite place!

friends and her bold and feisty spirit. Nancy really wanted to go on a Sierra Adventure with her son one more time to visit their favorite places, spots where great family memories were made. "The Sierras are where I find peace and solitude... and we [my son and I] bond the best on road trips." In planning the getaway, she found the hotel’s bus tour through Yosemite was quite expensive, but the bus had high-back seats (added safety against whiplash which her spine could not tolerate) and


Our Generous Donors


e simply could not provide the life-changing programs and services we do without our incredible donors. We are so grateful to every single one of you for giving so

generously to improve the lives of people facing breast and ovarian cancer. You make BACC strong and ensure the work we do together continues for our clients and our community. Thank you! The following list reflects gifts received between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. Virginia and Jim Lyons

$1,000 – 2,499

$50,000 +

James Marnatti Dr. Ethna McGourty and Tim Haley

Anonymous (1)

Joan F. Lane

Anonymous (2)

Mary Grable McLeod

Jill Freidenrich

Amy Lit and Andrew Rittenberg

Atherton Police Department

Linda and Tony Meier

Terry and John Levin

Bo, Andie, Oliver, and Teddy Moody

Jan and Dennis Austin

Margarita Merz

Richard Babb

Gail and Marty Mintz


Rina Bello

Susann and Richard Mirabella

Diane Quenell

Frank D. Berry

Mission Hospice & Home Care

Christensen Family Foundation

Meryl and Robert Selig

Jill Blair and Fay Twersky

Amy and Michael Moody

John and Marcia Goldman

The Simon–Strauss Foundation

Palmer H. Bleichner

Patricia Morrissey

Judy and George Marcus

Stanford Cancer Institute

Eliane and Armand Neukermans


Anne and Don Vermeil

Sophie and Arthur Brody Foundation

Sutter Bay Hospitals

Jeanne and Leonard Ware

Ed Casaccia

Zachary Papilion

Hilary Valentine and Don Listwin

Linda and John Williams

Gloria and Jack Clumeck

Jin and C.S. Park

Pamela and Michael Dappen

Kent Peacock

Steve and Peggy Dow

Jane Power Premier Properties

$25,000 – 49,999

$15,000 – 24,999

$2,500 – 4,999

Fran Codispoti

Beyster Family Foundation

Daniel E. Feldman, M.D., and Sandy Feldman

Becky and Jim Morgan

Terry and Jeannine Blumenfeld

Stephen Fiss

To Celebrate Life Breast Cancer Foundation

The Braker Family

Judy and Monty Frost

Rebecca Brandes and Kent Richardson

Jennifer Gallo and Casey Franko

Walk Strong Bay Area

Donna Chiaro and John Cromwell

$10,000 – 14,999 Anonymous (1) Paula and William Powar Amy Rao San Francisco Police Department and San Francisco Police Officers Association Helen Schwab Seiler LLP Karlette Warner and Ward Hoffman

$5,000 – 9,999 Lucy and Robert Berman Carolyn and Preston Butcher Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Barbara Edwards Grail, Inc. Nancy Handel Esther John, Ph.D. and Aart De Geus Ann and Paul Kaplan Randi and Edward Kofman Alice Kuechler


Penny and Greg Gallo

Karen and Michael Nierenberg

Bill Prinzmetal Puma Biotechnology Sally Rau Anne and Christopher Ream Tracy Roberts and Donald Lindsay

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Edward Geffner and Suzanne Spinrad

Carolyn Compton

Lawrence Gibbs

Elizabeth Day Steven Denning

Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School

Nancy DeSantis–Vannice

Jon Goldman

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Scordelis

Gary and Jeff Dunker

Jeanette Goodman

Carol Seiler Roberts

Linda Gagliani

Barbara and Michael Gross

Wendy Sergeant Clarke

Judith Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs. Hennessy

Kevin Shen

Mary Lea Kirven and Elizabeth Burr

Diego Hernandez

Beth Solomon–Casper and Jeff Casper

Amy and Keith Krehbiel

Cynthia Hester


Lawrence Ho

Loudmouth Golf, LLC

Kingsley Jack

Gail and Andrew Marks

Janderson Fund

Mary–Helen and Kevin McMahon

Ann and George Kane

Nancy Unger, Ph.D., and Don Whitebread

Maurine Murtagh

Shirley Kendall

Yuan Wang

Mika Nishimura and Marc Herman

Kendra Scott

Peninsula Jewish Community Center

Michael and Ina Korek Foundation Trust

$500 – 999

Grietje Reuter

Catherine and James Koshland

John and Kaaren Antoun*

Sandhya's Touch

Jina and Ray Lankford

The Estate of Eleanor Bassler

Mark Simon

Laura and Gary Lauder

Millie and Paul Berg

Emily and Herman Steinman

Gail and Robert Lee

Ms. Beth Bergen

Karen Thompson

Jacki Leonard

Leslie Berlin, Ph.D.

United Methodist Church

Debra and Mark Leslie

Alex Blanter

James Vannice

Daryl and John Lillie

Brad and Amy Bleichner

Judith A. and Peter L. Wolken

Marilyn and Scott Loftesness

Alan Herzig and Tebby Saunders

Eddie Robinson Andrea and Rey Rodriguez Nicole and Amir Rubin Carley and Paul Rydberg

Jill and Thomas Stolarik Mr. and Mrs. William Terry Peter and Paula Uccelli Foundation

Andrea Nichols Serry Ninan Linda and Phillip Bertetta Megan Bleichner Botanic Organic Laurie Lacob

Lucinda Brommersma

Judy Lin

Marni Brown and Gabriel Garcia

Janet Littlefield

Sally and Alan Brudos

James and Janet Bochnowski

Dayna Marr

Jane Bryan–Jones

Bon Appetit Management Company, Compass Group

Mary B. W. Marsh

Sharolyn Burkoth

Rosalia Bondi

Debra McCall Geraldine McGrath

Gerard Buulong and Fred Silverman

Dr. Martin Bronk Theresa and Paul Brown Marda Buchholz Buehler Engineering, Inc. Sharlene Carlson Kyra and John Carswell Cathy Chakos Amy Chang Katie and Colin Cho Barbara Cicerelli Dr. Sheila Cohen and Dr. Richard Mazze Caroline Conway Carolyn and Gordon Davidson Lena and William Dawson John Day III Janet and Neal Dempsey Maryam Dickey David Dillow Shana Dillow Carol Dressler Heidi Eisips Linda and Richard Elder Brian Feinberg Leigh Flesher Barbara Foy Peg and Staff Grady Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Valerie Greenberg Beth Hershenhart Nina Homnack Bebe and Richard Hoppe Kathleen Horst, M.D. Gordon and Glenda Hughes Karen Imatani Valsa Isaac Italian American Women's Guild

Deedee McMurtry Marta Nichols and Michael Hubly Dr. and Mrs. Michael O'Holleran Erik Oliver Dr. Jessica Paige Rachel Paris Pat and Don Pecko Pledgeling Foundation Gail Prager Dennis and Grace Prescott Elizabeth Prescott QuaranPalooza Kathryn Renschler Diane E. Rosztoczy Betty Saris Diane and John Savage Barbara Schroeder Nandini Sharma Helen Shaughnessy Beth and Bob Shuman Anantica Singh Paula and Steve Smith Cynthia Stokes Susan and Carl Thomsen Chris Tubby Unity Palo Alto Community Church VMware Nina Weil Dan White Brian, Yvonne, and Jayden Wilson Vincent Wong Jolaine and Jack Woodson Kimberly Young and John Moragne Dolores Zeledon

Timothy Peng and Elsa Wong David Philpott Pamela Ratliff Roberta and Richard Rhudy Linda Ronberg Barb Rosen and Thomas Miller Nancy Sabbag Julie Sayers Gloria Schulz

Lilyan Carew

Jan Schwartz and Bob Baden

Dudley and Curt Carlson

Shehua Shen

Colleen Carvalho

Sigma Theta Psi Multicultural Sorority Incorporated

Sandy and Chris Carvalho E. Chung Judith and Arnie Cornez Kathe Curran Stephanie Delarosa Frederick Dirbas, M.D. Sarah S. Donaldson, M.D. Patricia Falconer Adam Fiss Susan Freyberg Katherine and William Glazier Judy Gordon Peggy Halloran Charles Higgins Nancy Hwang IBM Employee Services Center Alice Johnson Donna and Gary Kasprowicz Jennifer Kelley Arden King Miriam and Ed Landesman Grace Leung Linda and James Logan Dr. Melinda and Dr. Michael Longaker Dr. Ellen Mahoney and Dr. Luther Cobb Deanna Mann and David Gaba Jane Marmor, M.D. Robert Marsh Paisley Mccaffery Laura and Steve McConnell Debra McGrath Patricia E. Meyer Cynthia and Robert Miller

Robin and Jay Jeffries

$250 – 499

Jill Pearlstein Johnson

Anonymous (5)

Mary and Stephen Mizroch

Christopher Kantarjiev

Marian and Jim Adams

Memo Morantes

Joan Karlin and Paul Resnick


Rosemarie and Bob Muzio

Tracy King

Erna Arnesen

Ms. Regina Neu

Barbara Kirsch, Ph.D.

Gina Marie Balbuena

Grace and Ching Ng

James and Christine Kitch

Sue Bartalo

Sheryl and Tony Klein

Norcal Ambulance

Jane and Paul Millman

Wendy Sinton Catherine and Fred Smith David Spiegel, M.D., and Helen Blau, Ph.D. St. Robert's School Faye Star Sarah State Mary Jane and Richard Stephan Ann Stevenson Myra Strober and Jay Jackman Andrea Thomas Leah and Trent Thrush Kathy and Mike Torgersen Joe Van Steen Jennifer and Paul Vickerman Deanna Walston Mary Beth Weigert Margaret and Curt Weil Wendy Wheaton, M.D. Rich Wittman Graham Wood Mary Wu Sophia Yen, M.D. Lee Zulman

$100 – 249 Anonymous (24) Beverlee Abell Jerianne Alberti and Jack Trollman Ramzey Amireh Susan Anderes Marilyn and Fred Anderson Melinda Aragon Lori Arthur Stroud Judy Atterholt Ginny August Aarti Awasthi Susan A. Barkan Josh Baron Ann Baskins and Thomas Defilipps


Liz and Richard Kniss

2335 El Camino Real Palo Alto, California 94306 (650) 326-6299


The following list reflects gifts received between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

Our Generous Donors

Elizabeth Jane Murdoch Susan and Scott Murray Anne Nelsen

$100 – 249 continued Lorna J. Beccaria Jeff Belkora, Ph.D., and Amy Belkora Charles Benavidez Edgar Benhard Sandra and Norm Bennett Sarit Bernhard Parul Bhat Donna Bixler BMO Financial Group Susan Boettcher–Kay Michael Bolger Mike Bowers Connie Boyar Veronica Breuer Clark Breyman Betsy and Charles Briscoe Mary Katherine Brock Linda and Barry Brummer Phoebe Buguey Karen Canty Rosemarie Carbone Elizabeth Castillo Lori Castor Eva Chan Joey Chang CHC: Creating Healthier Communities

Diana Ito Barbara Dyszynski and Richard Smolen Nidia Edfelt Gudrun and Thomas Enger Alice Erber and Robert Steinberg Kristine and John Erving Janine Joyce Estipona Elyse and Chuck Feldman Darlene Feldstein Shaun Fellows Christina Figura Jennifer Flexer Nancy and Michael Fogel Kerrie L. Fong Julie Forbes Angie and Ken Frangadakis Betsy Frazer Michele Freed Terence Friedlander Cathy Friedman Duane Lisa Fuchs Enaam and Maher Gabor Phyllis Garcia Mary Gebhardt Fern and Gary Geschwind Sheila Gholson and John Duhring Kristina Gibbs Donna Gilbert

Kate Chesley

Kate Godfrey

Herman and Anne Choy

Leslie Goldman

Barbara Ciboci

Eunice Gopez

City Of Santa Clara Police Department

Dorothea and Chuck Gordon

Marion Clute

Kathey Graves

Catherine Coe

Sarah Green and William Gibbs

Dawn and Walt Coffman

Lee Gregg

Jan Cohen

Diana Gross

Reba Cohen

Joan Gross

Diana and Allan Colby

Jia Guo

Timothy Colligan

Jeanne and Charles Halleck

Mary Jo Colton

Joyce Hanna and Gerald Smith

Sandra Coplon

Theresa Hansen

Louise Costigan–Kerns

Joan Harrington

Evelyn and Richard Cozakos Marian and Brian Crompton

Patricio Harrington and Keaton Gee

Joni and John Cronin

Jenni and Hugh Harris

Nancy Crowell

John and Wenny Harris

Naomi and Keith Dale

Susie Harryman

Daniel D'ali

Carrie and Barton Hechtman

Colleen Dane

Sindi and Brian Helm

Janet and Larry Darrow

Elizabeth Herlihy–Hobart

Andrew Davis

John Herron

Sydney Davis

Bradley W. Hertz

Priscilla and Richard Dawson

Melanie Hinse and Charles BransiElizabeth Hiyama

Suzanne Delbanco Amy L. Delson, AIA Pat Diaz Amber Dinh


Neil Gozan

Susan Hoffman Anne L. Hoyt Ruiping Huang

Laura Jackson Judith Jacoby Sharleen James–Owens Barbara Jones Pamela Jones Janet Jorgensen Kelley Solberg Real Estate Corporation

Linda Nevis Lee and Merrill Newman Virginia Ng Carolyn and David Nierenberg Wendy and Steven Nierenberg Greg O'Keefe John Osborne Nicole Baarde Palisoc Kathy Pang

Nora Kelly

The Estate of Nancy Paolini

Tricia Kennedy

Laura Parmer–Lohan

Rebecca King and Colin Kessinger

Shibani Pati

Melissa Kinter

Keri Pennebaker

Renie Kirk

Chris Pepper

Debra Kleinberg

Joan Phillips

Judy and Jim Kleinberg

Eric Pickering

Kamakshi and Narasimhaprasad Kodur

Michael Pierantozzi and Kimberly Holland, M.D.

Betty Kong

Genevieve Platt

Patricia and Douglas Kreitz

LaVergne Poe

Vasiliki Kyriacou

Kazue Preiser

Helene Lafrance

Dennis Prescott

Stephanie Le

Kathryn Pryor

Cindy Lee

Joan and Robert Rabin

Isabelle Lee

Nancy Ragle

Susan Lee

Marla Rathbun

Virginia and Doug Levick

Redwood City Public Library

Robin Levy and Warren Beifer

Metra Richert

Lillian Lieberman

Barbara Riper

Kirstin Litz

Barry and Janet Robbins

Frances Liu

Stephen and Eloise Rodgers

Robin Livingston

Cristina Rodrigues

Elizabeth Loar

Austin Rodriguez

Roselyne Lombard Nelsen

Lisa Romano

Kathy and Robert Luchini

Ronda Rosner

Melinda Lujan

William E. Rothmann

Jian Luo

Heather Sabad

Orathai MacDonald

Marian Sagan

Saundra and Michael MacGregor

Kenneth Sakai

Amreen Madhani


Jim Madison

Amy Sammons–Vogt

Shaun Maharaj

Shelley and Loren Saxe

Panagiota Makris

Pamela and Steve Scannell

Marilyn Mara

Stephanie and Carl Schachter

Michael and Renee Marx

Heidi and Steve Schell

Priscilla and Tony Marzoni

Linda Schneller

Nanette Maxim

Grace Schulz

Susan and Michael Mayne

Hilary Schweiso

Susana Mayorga

Jaclyn Secord

Lorraine D. McCarthy

Beth and Kurt Seibert

Mardi and Victor McKeever

Arun Shankar

Pamela McNay

Diane Sharp

Desmond Medeiros

Dianne Sheridan

Sonya Meissner

Tracy Sherman

Joan and Al Merchant

Kathryn Shumway

Scotty Merrill

Sonia Sifuentes

Clem and Jane Molony

Tej Singh

Tom Moran for Iris Moran

Jon Siruno

Maura Morey

Allan and Bobbe Smirni

Rebecca Muise

Holly Smith and Sergei Kovalev

Curt Aumiller

Tony Choi

Dolores Ferdon

Sharon and Dave Smullin

Rose Azalde

Lisa Chow

Rebecca Smyth

Liza Bakunina

Ann Clark

Victoria Fernandez and Benjamin Negrete

Nicolette Soltero

Shiva Balara

Suzanne Close

Peter Soule

Jeanelle Baldonado

Elisabeth Cohen

Soyful Aromas

Rita Barakat

Ellen Cohen

Joan and Michael Stauffer

Zakeei Barakzai

Esther Conrad

Laura Stefanski

Sandra Basurto

Alison Cooper

Norma Stephenson

Erika Bell

Margaret Copley

Barbara and Charles Stevens

Laura Bendelius

Judy Correa

Stevens Family

Atsuko and Keith Bennett

Julissa Coss

Jennifer Sullivan

Monica Bernhard

Jackie Cossmon

Theresa Sullivan Perkins

Susan Bickford

Carolyn Cotton

Cynthia Sumida–Scott

Danny Blake

Jenny Coyle

Dana Supan and William Uyeki

Shari Bonachea

Peggy Crowder

Wendy Swenson

Stephen Borasi

Becca Dames

Addy Tam

Nancy Bracewell

Lynne Davenport

Odette and Ewart Thomas

Elaine Brandwine

Ellis Davis

Justine Thompson

Courtney Braunstein

Linda DeClercq

Randy Tragni

Judy and Dick Bryer

Martina de Majo

Maxine and Ken Tucker

Nicole Byer

Julie Denton

Dr. and Mrs. Mike M. Turbow

Anna Cade

Serena DeVito

Beverly Bouvier Turner

Philip Callcut

Deanna Dinas

Todd Tweedy

Stephanie Capodanno

Patty Domenickine

Sandra Urrutia

Amanda Carmona

Amanda Douville

Gloria Velez

Michael Carmona

Brian Dunleavy

Victoria Vertner

Stephanie Carmona

E. Durham

Linda Vlasic

Sylvia Carmona

El Cerrito Royale

Kurt and Barbara Voester

Lolita Carpio

Clare Elchert

Heather Von Manowski

Marlyn and James Carson

John Eleazarian

Virginia Wade

Donna and Jim Casaccia

Mira Engel

Nadine Wagner

Janeen Casaccia–Worland

Bill Ereneta

Stephanie Weisman

Deborah Casado

Hillary and Stan Farkas

Anne Williams

Estella Castillo

Therese and Stephen Felder

Kari Wolff

Debbie and Craig Cates

Austin Wong

Lydia Caviteno

Deanna Wong

Barbara Chan

Susan Woolf

Helen Chao

Elizabeth Wu

Susanna Chau

Lisa Young

Catherine Chew

Tiffany Young Suzanne and Chris Zaino Alice Zee

$1 – 99

Linda Chew

Suzanne Fiori Daniel Fishman David Fishman Teresa Flagg Alison Forman–Rickert Lynne S. Fovinci Betsy Frederick Rose Ann and Michael Freeberg Lani Freeman and Stephen Monismith Christopher Calvin Freking Lisa Friedrichs–Sherard G2 Townhomes, LLC Elisabetta Gaiani Emily and Howard Gannes Shaila Sampat Gavande Diana Gilbert Jennifer Gill Sherri Gloudeman Stephanie Godizano Lissa Goldenstein Vera Goldsmith Nancy Gonis Vicky Gonzalez Loretta Grant Susan Gray Denise Griffiths and Stephen J. Genco Robin Groupe–Fowler Marcy Gutierrez Mary and Richard Hafner continued...


“ BACC is an amazing place. It felt like home to me when I first walked in. The personal support has been amazing. I have learned so much and I am grateful for the staff who have helped me and

treated me with great love and respect. Thank you!

Janessa Chin Karen Chin Michael Chin Daniel Choi

Anonymous (72) Susan Accornero Pepe Agbayani Evelyn Aguon Kevin and Rose Ann Ahern Esther Aladieff Leana Ali Mr. James Allen, Sr. Grady Allison Henry Altorfer Ann Anderson John Aquino Abigail Arons Kezya Materon Arum Merry and Steve Astor


The following list reflects gifts received between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

Our Generous Donors

Pat Simko

$1 – 99 continued Betsy Hall–Wight Jeannene Hansen Colleen Marie Harrington Julie and Phillip Harris Jennifer Hartle Susan Haynes Jordan Headley Amy Heintz Arielle Hendel Sue Herhold Arisa Herman Jeff Hill Elizabeth and Richard Hilt Erica Hirschfeld Michelle Hirschman Sharon and David Hoyt Amy Hsieh Steve and Charina Hunnicutt Ikumi Inoue Jessica Ivey Mary S. Jackson Dina Jacobson Neil Jacobson Paula Jefferis–Nilsen Margaret Lackner Jensen Cindy Johnson Lynn Johnson Marissa and Louis Johnston Stephenie Jonas–Sullivan Prabahar Joseph Suzy Kakehashi Nick Kanaya Anne Kasten Patricia Keller Matthew Kernen Nancy Kerns Richard and Janet Kersteen Alice Kim Judy Kim Edy Kishinevsky Elena Klaw Myra and Richard Klokow Marian Knox Mallika Kohli Alon Konchitsky Maayan Koren Michelle Kreiser Karen and Mel Kronick Tina Kuhns–Baggett Carolyn Kunde Nurith Kurn Brittany LaCanne Susan B. Lamkin Cindy Lantis Raymond Larriva


Marita Padilla

Omar Sinada

NorCam Panoringan

Sunday Sky

Vykee Larson

Karen Papadopoulos

Christy Smith

Ronald Le Count

Denise Paredes

Mary Ellen Smith

Dottie and Wayland Lee

Peggy Parker

Scott Smyth

Matthew Lee

Nila Parmar

Shannon Smyth

Alice and Abraham Lev

Susan Patick

Lenette Solis

Janet Levy

Cheryl Paul

Joan Spridgen

Chia–Chi Lin

Jamie Pearlstein

Tina Fernandez Steckler

Jennie Littlewood

Alexander Pedregon

Elva and Charles Steed

Richard Lopez


Kimberlee Stephens

Leslie Loretto and John Loretto II

Rachel Peters

Beth Strachan

Joyce Lugatiman–Dechoune

Janice Peterson

Elizabeth Sweet

J.A. Ma Aq

Quyen Phan

Rich Sylvia

Jamie Macy

Patricia Pierce

Esther Szabo

Pamela Madrid

George Pipis

Diane Tackaberry

Misako Manca

Mary Jo Pompeo

Jeffrey Tang

Patricia Mancuso

Mark Prazer

Mattie Taormina

Gilda Mangold

Robin Primeau

Juliet Taylor

Terry Markiewicz

Karina Punu

Bridget Teodoro

Marriott International, Inc.

Jenny Rhodes

Matsuko Teshima

Dorothy Marsch

Valerie Riddle

Jean Timken

Nancy Martin

Cathy Rivlin

Page Tomblin

Shelley Martin

Robin Roach

Dorene Tomei

Mary Anna Matsumoto

Myrna and Leon Rochester

Amy Totaro

Barbara Mawn

Susan Rojas

Michiru Toulouse

Mary McCue

Patricia and Ronald Ruiz

Erica Tumbaga

Jealie Mcculloch

Jacob Saba

Will Turner

Elaine McGee

Zsuzsanna Csilla Safrany

Carolyn McInnes and Suej McCall

Avanish Sahai

United Way California Capital Region

Katie McKnight

Faye Sahai

Fabienne Mcl

Hilal Sala

Sherry Medrina

Marilyn and Don Salle

Lisa and Steven Mendez

Makasi Salonion

Liz Mercer

Cindy Sampson–Ogg

Mitzi Merchant

Jennifer Satake

Michael Merlino

Ellen Savelli

Tina Minkow

Pam Savin

Susan K. Mitchell

Judy and Paul Scannell

Lynn Moquette

Karen Schanche

Julie Motchok

Cathie Schmitgal

Heather Moz

Holly Seerley

Mozeu, Inc.

Allyn Selbon

Joan Musumeci and Frank Ronco

Vered Semel

Mark Nadim

Karen Sewell

Laura Nakanishi

Angel Sheridan

Heather Nelson

Michiko Shigaki

Kathy Neuman

Frank Shipley

Karen Newcomb

Curtis Shiraki

Erik and Sandra Nierenberg

Edgar Shuey

Anissa Noteboom

Cindy Silberman

Desiree Nothstine Jarrod Nunes Helen B. O'Connor Barbara Olsen Carol O'Neill Lisa Ozaki Hunter Padilla

Karen Usatine Lindsey Vaillancourt Ella Vandekamp Shull Nancy Verghese Carolyn Villa Cathryn Von der Porten Corynn Wade Patricia West Lorna Williams Karen Winkleman–Furman and Bruce Furman Lydia Wiswell Huiyu Xie Sandra Yaron Anna Zara Christopher Zuniga Kathleen Zuniga *We warmly remember, with gratitude and love, our friends who passed away this year

We thank each and every one of you for the difference

We strive for accuracy in our listings. Please email if your information is not correct.

you've made

Matching Gifts We’re grateful to the following companies who matched gifts when their employees donated to BACC, or who gave to BACC to recognize their employees. Thank you so much for your support! Apple, Inc.

Intel Foundation



Johnson & Johnson

The Omidyar Group

Blue Shield of California

Lam Research


Chan Zuckerberg Initiative


UnitedHealth Group

Cisco Systems, Inc.


Varian Medical Systems



Visa Inc.

Gilead Sciences, Inc.



Google LLC

Pacific Gas & Electric Company


Hewlett Packard Enterprise


In-Kind Donors The following donors provided goods such as wigs and bras for our Boutique, books for the Library, gifts for client Comfort Totes, food for events, and much more. Thank you! American Cancer Society

HB Beauty Bar

Linda Mosley

John Antoun

Courtni Hurd

Ellie Munn

Charmon Ashby

Peter Jarrett

Sally Murphy

Mika Barrett

Jay Ann Intimates

Laura Nowicki

Beauty Counter

Stephanie Kelmar

Matthew O'Rourke

Jenny Bogomilsky

Olivia Kent

Debbie Orozco

Cathy and Bill Brotherton


The Estate of Nancy Paolini

Dani Bryan

Eugeniya Kirovskaya

Jane Pence

William Burnham

Jamar Kirton

Sameer Rao

Ashley Cameron-Corbin

Patricia Klein

Susan Rauch

Stephanie Chen

Chai Lo Lai

Brenda Rose

Nicole Collins

Claire Lakner

Donna Sanchez

Esther Conrad

Wanda Lapasinski

Hilary Schneider

Mary Depew

Kenneth D Lent

Jill Schubart

Diana and Ken Dole

Yvette Silverman Levine

Jennifer Sommer

Isabelle Duhalde

Shaina Lynch

Barbara Thomas

Hillary and Stan Farkas

Jordan Makower

Lisa Franklin Frymire

Karen Mason

UCSF Medical Center, Friend to Friend Shop

Dorothy Furgerson

Mary Mataja

Mark Gordon

Jacqueline Mattson

Jody Greenhalgh

Mary-Helen and Kevin McMahon

J.D. Gutierrez Jenni and Hugh Harris Janet Hawkins

Irene Wapnir, M.D. Diana Whitney Carol Wikle Lavonda Williams

Margaret Meadows

Steve Wilson

David Miller

C. Yang

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mohr



Corporate and Foundation Investors Thank you to these dedicated, generous partners for supporting BACC’s mission. We’re grateful to you for helping us increase our impact this year!


$25,000 – $49,999

Christensen Family Foundation

George and Judy Marcus Foundation

John and Marcia Goldman Foundation

$15,000 – 24,999

Morgan Family Foundation $10,000 – 14,999

$5,000 – 9,999

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Grail, Inc. 18

NurseRegistry The Simon-Strauss Foundation

Stanford Cancer Institute

FY 2020-2021


Revenue & Support Contributions

Revenue Sources




Fundraising Events/Other


In-Kind/Donated Services


Investment Income Total Revenue & Support

$719,467 $2,257,461



Programs & Services

Investment Income


Management & General




Total Expenses


BACC is proud to have received the highest ratings for financial accountability and transparency from two independent nonprofit evaluators; Charity Navigator’s 4 star rating for 13 years in a row, and


Corporations/ Organizations

GuideStar’s Platinum Seal of Transparency.


Foundations/ Other


Our Team


2335 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California 94306 Business: (650) 326-6299 EIN: 77-0417605 Board of Directors

Emeritus Board

Pamela Ratliff

​Chair – Karen Nierenberg

Sue Hoffman

Paula Powar

Mario Allo, M.D.

Anne Hoge

Sally Rau

Kathleen Horst, M.D.

Anne Ream

Della Bouligny Johnson

Marcia Rehmus

Andrea Johnston

Linda Romley-Irvine

Ann Kane

Dianne P. Schilling

Daniel Kaplan

Beth Shuman

Jeanne D. Kennedy

Beverly Smith

Liz Kniss

Beth Solomon-Casper

Joan Lane

David Spiegel, M.D.

Marcia Levy

Madeline Stein

Janet K. Littlefield

Hilary Valentine

Erin Macartney

Jeanne Ware

Judy Marcus

Karlette Warner

Terry Markle

Linda Williams

Amy Moody

Catherine Zinn


Mark Simon Vice President

Derek Hansel Treasurer

Mika Nishimura Secretary ​

Jill Freidenrich Co-Founder

Louis Ceaser IV Barbara Cicerelli Christina Cua Maurine Murtagh Marga Ortigas-Wedekind Yisroel Quint

Medical Advisory Group ​Harriet Borofsky, M.D.

Lauren Antonakos Carol Bartz Jeff Belkora Leslie Berlin Jonathan Berek, M.D. Lucy Berman David Braker Elizabeth Day Frank dela Rama, R.N., M.S., AOCN Al Eisenstat Marcia Goldman Diana Guthaner, M.D. Phyllis Hall Judy Hamilton Joyce Hanna

Monique de Bruin, M.D.


Sarah Donaldson, M.D.

Rina Bello

Jocelyn Dunn, M.D. Diana Guthaner, M.D.

Executive Director

Erika Bell, Ph.D.

Marta Nichols Michael Pierantozzi

Jennette Gonzalez Director of Programs and Services

Daryl Hoffman, M.D.

Manager of Cancer Information and Education

Guilda Hernandez

Kathleen Horst, M.D.

Colleen Carvalho, LMFT

Amy Moody

Juliet Kral, M.D. Jane Marmor, M.D. Nancy Mason, M.D. Lynn Smolik, M.D. David Spiegel, M.D.

Associate Director

Client Care Navigator

Director of Donor Engagement

Yareni Roldan

Client Services Manager

Sary Soltero

Manager of Volunteer Engagement

Victoria Youngblood, Ph.D. M.S.N.-WHNP, Health Educator

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