Bastrop Town & Country Fall Journal 2022

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Fall Leisure Learning Fall Journal BASTROP TOWN
S E P T E M B E R O C T O B E R 2 0 2 2I S S U E N O 9
05 08 10 11 15 19 21 24 25 Editor's Note Plant this Now Out & About Meet Shayna Gonzales A Halloween Tale A Fall Indian Feast Golfing Bastrop Drink this Now Fall Leisure Learning
5 1 2 . 6 1 9 . 5 3 2 2 By Appointment Desiree Laux Founder/Designer Design Services Home Furnishings Window Treatments 1 0 1 5 M A I N S T . B A S T R O P

Hello again,

Autumn in Central Texas means a return to enjoying the outdoors After a summer of drought, fire, and record temperatures, we're ready, aren't you?

This issue we talked to two area golf pros We are so lucky to have access to good golfing close to home and being the fair weather golfers that we are, fall is our favorite time to get out there. If golf lessons aren't on your bucket list for fall, check out our coverage of other classes and workshops to keep you expanding your horizons and following your dreams.

We interviewed a fascinating young sommelier we met on our spring wine crawl. We went back to Rising Sun Vineyard to visit with Shayna Gonzales. She told us about her journey from McDade to France and back She also gave us some tips on what wine to buy at the grocery store wine

In this issue, you can check out candid photos of some of your Bastrop County neighbors out and about We're always on the hunt for pics to publish of local celebrities having fun Yep, we're talking about you! We hope you find this issue inspiring

Email us at BastropMagazine@gmail com or look for us on Facebook



Clockwise: 1)Keep it simple. The Holidays will be here soon enough with all that ornamentation 2)Artfully arranged logs with tea lights add the warmth of a flame 3)A plaster schmear can change everything

Plant This Now...

Early September: Beans, English and Snap Peas, Summer Squash

Late September: Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collards, Garlic, Kohlrabi

Early to Mid October: Arugula, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collards, Garlic, Kohlrabi

Mid to Late October: Carrots, Endive, Lettuce, Spinach, Turnip

All October: Beets, Chard, Garlic, Mustard, Multiplier Onion, Radish, Strawberry Plants, Most Herbs Except Basil. Dig sweet potatoes before the first frost.

Source: Master Gardner Dolores Leeper, editor of the Garden Guide for Austin & Vicinity and the Secretary/Treasurer for the Bastrop 1832 Farmers' Market. Used with permission.


The Bastrop 1832 Farmers’ Market is open every Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. Bastrop1832FarmersMarket org

Lost Pines Farmers Market is open Sunday, noon 4pm Community Gardens Bastrop 1067 Hwy 71 W Follow them on Facebook

Elgin's Farmers Market is open Thursday, 4 pm to 7 pm

Veterans' Memorial Park ElginFarmersMarket com

East Eden Farm Stand is open 4 pm 7 pm Wednesdays, 9 am 1 pm Saturdays

1910 Main Street Bastrop edeneastaustin com/farm/

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Bastrop has a style all its own and those who make their home here take advantage of being a small town, near the big city, in the middle of Texas big country Bastropians are dark skywatchers, golfers, ranchers, a little horsey, artsy, outdoorsy, Main Street dreamers, who love local If you'd like to reach Bastrop County residents, try an ad in Bastrop Town & Country magazine It's mailed to owner occupied homes and ranches across Bastrop County Call Advertising Sales at 512 720 8290 or email

BastropMagazine@gmail com P i c t u r e d : S i n g e r / S o n g w r i t e r B r i a n a A d a m s a p p e a r i n g S e p t e m b e r 2 4 t h a t t h e 2 0 2 2 S m i t h v i l l e W i n g f e s t & C h i l i C o o kAR o o a t 1 : p m




Lori Tuggle in Taos, NM with nieces Corrinne and Ophelia. Jim and Melissa Barringer with Jolene Jaehne at Hero's for a Realtor event Kylie Goertz, Maria Trammell, Ashton Foytik, Dana and Patrick Goertz at Carne Lenta Calvin Gilmore at The Front Room, Smithville Karen Derr & Family on Lady Bird Lake Patty Reid at The Front Room, Smithville


Sommelier at Rising Sun Vineyard meet

At the age of 17 she fell in love with Malbec at a home wine tasting party her mom and her teacher friends were having. By college she was known as "Grammaw Shayna" because of her refusal to drink cheap wines and beer,thus usually ending up as the designated driver BT&C asked for her advice on inexpensive grocery store wines.She recommends staying away from wines

below the $10 price point. "There are some phe nomenal wines in the $12 to $15 range that are much better values " Noting the popularity right now of prosecco, she recommends trying Spanish Cava. And of course, Rising Sun's sparkling rose ´is a best seller at the vineyard

26 years old, she grew up in McDade Texas where she still lives

University of Houston Hospitality & Restaurant Graduate

Masters in Wine from Burgundy School of Business (France)

Her job is balancing her own taste with what she knows will appeal to the winery's clients.This summer she introduced a popular watermelon wine.

"I'm blessed to have found my passion so young"
"wine is an educational thing. It's a history Thing."
F o r m o r e a b o u t t h e v i n e y a r d g o t o r i s i n g s u n v i n e y a r d . c o m .
Specializing in Residential and Farm & Ranch Properties in Bastrop and surrounding areas. Roxanne Hayes REALTOR® Accredited Buyer Representative Certified New Home Consultant 512-913-6527 807 Main St Bastrop Your Bastrop Neighbor For Over 18 Years! ROXANNE@BASTROPFORSALE.COM BASTROP AREA

A battle in our backyard.


BastropCountyiswellknownforitsconservation organizations.TheLowerColoradoRiverAuthority,Pinesand PrairiesLandTrust,andtheLostPinesHabitatConservation Plan(LPHCP,)tonamethree,allclaimmissionstoconserve land,water,andhabitat TheLPHCPcoversanareaofabout 124,000acresinBastropCountyandyetjustacrossHighway 95,astartupsolardeveloperisproposingtoclearcutover 2100acresofforestedlandoffOldSayersroadtoinstalla solarfactory

Neighborsoftheproposedsitedon'thavetoimaginewhat impactthiswillhavevisually Asimilaroperationisalready completeintheRosankyarea.Buttheoppositionisn'tjust aboutthelossofprivacyandbeautifulviews.Lightpollution, lossofagriculturalland,soilerosion,yearsofconstruction traffic,displacedwildlifeandtheimpactonnearbycreeksand run offtotheColoradoRiverareallconcerns.Since1996Dr. DarleneMcLaughlinandherhusbandhavemadetheirhome onabout300acresneartheproposedprojectbyDogwood CreekLLC "Weareallinfavorofrenewableenergy,however, this2000 plusacres(continued)

Above: Dr. Darlene Warrick McLaughlin, member of the Texas A&M College of Medicine faculty and Bastrop County property owner. She's spoken before the Elgin ISD and Commissioners' Court against the tax abatement. Right: Little Sandy Creek which runs across the 2100 acre site, proposed by Solar Proponents.

(Continued)"istheworstpossiblelocationinBastropCountydue tothetotaldestructionofamatureforestandtheecosystemitis partof,"Dr.McLaughlininsists.Thedevelopersareseekinga Chapter313taxabatement,aprogramdesignedtoincentivize jobcreation,fromElginISDTheapplicationfortheabatement saystheprojectwillcreateonlyonepermanentjob RancherRobertFlemingsuccessfullyfoughtasimilardeveloper

Over2000forested acrestobeclearcut.

nearTroyTexasin2021 Heexpressedhisconcernsinanarticle by the Texas Farm Bureau “How many people are tied to agriculture anddependonit?It’snotjusttheproducer It’sthe fertilizer company, chemical salesmen, feed companies, insurance companies, tractor implement companies, trucking, onandonandon.Therearealotofpeopletiedtothatland.”

PerhapsHenryNewtonBellIII,ownerofthe2100acres,whichhasbeeninhisfamilysince1869,saiditbest Ina2017 video created and presented by LCRA's Creekside Conservation Program which gave Mr Bell grant money to fencethelandsoitcouldbeusedmoreeffectivelyforagriculture. "I'dliketohaveaplacetogowherepeoplecan seecattleandraisecattleandraisedeer...andyourgrandchildrenandgreatgrandchildrenhaveaplacetoknow what it looks like when it's just not covered in buildings." It seems big money changes everything. Neighbors who oncehadalifeofranchingandhuntingincommon,arenowatodds.Youcanlearnmoreabouttheoppositionto thedevelopmentatFriendsoftheLandcom ReadaboutthedeveloperatSolarProponentscom

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TherewasreallynotalottodoonHalloweenotherthantrickortreataroundtownAsyounggirlsinthe1940s,mysisterandI beganplanningourcostumesatleastaweekortwobeforeHalloweenWe'dsearchthroughMother’sclosetforfrillyclothesto dressupinWewantedtolooklikegypsiesastheyseemedmysterious&veryuncommoninoursmalltownDressedinour costumes,wefeltdifferentand“dangerous"OnHalloween,westartedatdarktomakeourwayaroundtown,knockingon doorsandringingdoorbells,shouting,“TrickorTreat!”Ifnooneanswered,wewouldsneakintothebackyardandmovetheir lawnchairsaroundordragthemtothefrontofthehouseThatwastheextentofourtricking!

Bythe1950'swewereteensandslumberpartieswerethenormonHalloweenHavingheardtheoldtimerstelltalesofstrange soundsandmistysightings,theoldcemeterywasourdestinationafterthesunwentdownOnoneparticularAllHallowsEve, sixofusgirlsdecidedtoroamthetowncemeterylocatedacrosstherailroadtracksWewalkedaroundthegraveswithour flashlights,listeningforthesoundsofrestlessspiritsSuddenlywesawmovementbehindaheadstoneandheardastrange moan.Beingteenagegirls,westartedscreamingandrunning.Itripped&fellonthetinstakeattheendofanoldgrave.Thetin cutthefrontofmyleg,spurtingblooddownmyfootandontomyjeansAsmyfriendsgatheredaroundme,theboyswhohad followeduswithoutourknowledge,cameoutfrombehindthegravestonelaughingandteasingusabouthowtheyhadfooled usWeallwentbacktotheslumberpartyhousewherewehadghostlycoloredKoolaidandchocolatecupcakesTheboysleft, butwestayedupmostofthenighttalking,laughing,andexaggeratingaboutourscary“ghosthunt”Thescaronmylegisstill thereanditremindsmeofthechillscreepingupmyneckthateventfulnight

Evenifwedidn'tbelieveinghosts,wewerecuriousaboutstoriesofspirits appearingfromthebeyond GrowingupinasmallCentralTexastown,thearrivalof Halloweenbroughtexpectationsofexcitement.

What's Happening in BASTROP COUNTY THIS


Sept. 2nd Main Event First Friday Artwalk Downtown Bastrop Businesses 6 pm 8 pm

Sept. 3rd Art After Dark at the Lost Pines Art Center 6 8 pm https://www lostpinesartcenter org

Sept 5th Labor Day

Sept. 8th International Prize Winning Pianist Anton Nel in concert at Calvary Episcopal, Thursday, 7:30 PM $30 tickets September 9th 11th Sherwood Celtic Music Festival and Highland Games. Fri. 7pm 11pm, Sat. 9am 11pm & Sun. 9am 5pm

Sept. 9 11, 16 18 and 23 25, Bastrop Opera House Presents Oz! The Musical, $15, Phone: (512) 200 3826

Sept. 17 & 18 Bastrop County Buyers & Builders Convention & Expo

Bastrop Convention & Exhibit Center 1408 Chestnut St Phone: 936 657 8012 Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Price: FREE

Sept. 22 Fall Equinox, First day of Autumn

Sept. 22 25 Bastrop Music Festival Downtown Bastrop Price: $40 $100 https://bastropmusicfestival com

Sept 24th 4th Annual Smithville Wingfest & Chili Cook A Roo in historic downtown Smithville

September 25, Saturday 10am 4pm Smithville Wingfest & Chili Cook A Roo www smithvillewingfest com

Sept. 26th Blow Your Own Glass Fall Kick Off The Lost Pines Art Center 10:00 am Price: $50 https://www lostpinesartcenter org/classes/ Oct 1st Art After Dark at the Lost Pines Art Center 6 8 pm

Oct. 1st Smithville Communitywide Garage Sale

Oct. 7th Main Event First Friday Artwalk Downtown Bastrop Businesses 6 pm 8 pm

Movies in the Park Fisherman's Park at Sundown, bring a chair and snacks. City of Bastrop presents Beetlejuice

Oct. 7th 3rd Annual Golf Tournament sponsored by the Smithville Area Chamber of Commerce, Noon Lions Club, and the Masonic Lodge. Join us for this fund raising event at Colovista Golf Club. Registration begins at 11:30 am. Shotgun start at 12:30 pm. Oct. 8th Dragonfly Trail at Colorado River Refuge Bird City Bastrop is hosting monthly BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY HIKES every 2nd Friday from 8:30 10:00 am at different parks and trails around Bastrop County

Oct. 8th Hey Pumpkin: Watercolor Workshop at Lost Pines Art Center Price: $120 Level: Beginner/Intermediate No drawing necessary www lostpinesartcenter org

Oct 8th Bastrop County Master Gardeners presents Fall Plant Sale at Mayfest Park 9:00 1:00 PM Pollinators, perennials, natives, vegetables, herbs, succulents, house plants, and more!

Oct 10th Columbus Day & Indigenous Peoples Day

Oct. 15th Smithville BirdFest 10 am 3 pm Sn artistically inspired, festival of fun, celebrating Smithville, the birds that call it home, and the creative spirit of the people that live here

Oct. 14 15, 21 22, 28 30, Bastrop Opera House Presents Misery By Steven King Dates: Phone: (512) 200 3826 Price: $20

Oct. 22nd Blow Your Own Glass Pumpkins Lost Pines Art Center 10:00 1:00 pm Price $65, Ages 14+

Oct. 22nd The Big Sit Bird Watching Circle The Bastrop County Audubon Society This is a come and go event so come whenever you like! Cedar Creek Park Butterfly Garden 5540 FM 535, Cedar Creek 8:30 10:00 am

Oct. 31st Halloween

Oct. 31st Smithville Halloween Spooktacular Trick or Treating: 5 pm 7:30 pm at participating businesses and along Main Street & side street sidewalks Ghost Tours: FREE 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm Starts at the Gazebo FREE TRAIN RIDES

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Live Music

Sept 2 Vin Motts Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Sept 3 Rochelle and the Sidewinders Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Sept 3 Richard Watson Copper Shot Distillery 2:00 5:00

Sept 3 The Ben Zuniga Band Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Sept 3 Soul Man Sam The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Sept 4 Lizzie Street Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 5:00 8:00

Sept 9 Kevin Taylor Band Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Sept 9 Friday Night Blues Larry Wilson & Jeff Haney The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Sept 9 Crystal Image Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Sept 10 Belldiveer The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Sept 10 Keen Country Band Neighbors Kitchen & yard 7:30 10:30

Sept 10 Chasing Gypsy Copper Shot Distillery 8:00 10:00

Sept 11 Jace and Cody of Madam Radar Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Sept 16 Natalie Metcalf Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Sept 16 Season Ammons The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Sept 16 Nick Boettcher & Paige DeChausse The Front Room Wine Bar 7:00 9:00

Sept 16 The Clutch Kings Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Sept 17 The Sugar Tree Band The Fat Cat Lounge 1:00 3:00

Sept. 17 Alyssa Hankey The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Sept. 17 Zach Day and the Texas Horse Pirates Copper Shot Distillery 7:001 10:00

Sept. 17 Broken Duck Feet Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Sept. 18 Julie Bouchard Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 5:00 8:00

Sept. 23 The Phantom Shakers The Front Room Wine Bar 7:00 9:00

Sept. 24 The L Men with Oscar Ornelas The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Sept. 30 Dom Cours & Co Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Sept. 30 Monte Good Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Sept. 30 Elisa Jade The Fat Cat Lounge6:00 9:00

Every Month

Live music at Storehouse Wednesdays

Bingo at Bastrop Beer Co. Wednesdays

Cornhole Tournaments at

Gardens Wednesdays

East Eden Farm Stand Wednesdays

Oct 1 The Ben Zuniga Band Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Oct 1 Roschelle and the Sidewinders Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Oct 2 Fallon Franklin Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 5:00 8:00

Oct 7 Hourglass Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Oct 7 The Gypsy Drifters The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Oct 7 David Sprann Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Oct 8 Adam and the Crow Daddies Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Oct 8 Matthew Robinson The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Oct 8 Chasing Gypsy Copper Shot Distillery 8:00 10:00

Oct 9 Randy Buster and Randy Collier Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 5:00 8:00

Oct 14 Treble Soul Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Oct 14 Giddy Up Go Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Oct 15 Midnight Wranglers Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Oct 15 Bakersfield TX Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Oct 15 Ernie Durawa& Murali Coryell The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Oct 16 Troy Stone Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 5:00 8:00

Oct 21 Hailey Tuck The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Oct 21 Kites (Austin) The Front Room Wine Bar 7:00 9:00

Oct. 22 Hannah Wright & the Midnight Revelry Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Oct 21 Phantom Shakers Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Oct. 22 Gary Cain Band The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Oct. 22 Jamie Krueger Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Oct. 23 Ryan Paul Davis Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 5:00 8:00

Oct. 24 The Bruce Smith Band The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00

Oct. 28 Kathy Murray & the Kilowatts Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Oct. 28 Dom Cours & Co Copper Shot Distillery 6:00 4:00

Oct. 29 Oscar Ornelas Trio Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 7:30 10:30

Oct. 29 The Bruce Smith Band The Fat Cat Lounge 7:00 9:00 Oct. 29 X Factor Copper Shot Distillery 7:00 10:00

Oct. 30 Ella Reid Neighbors Kitchen & Yard 5:00 8:00

Game Night Heroes Sports Bar & Scratch Kitchen Wednesdays 7 11 PM

Karaoke Night at Old Town Wednesday and Friday Nights

Karaoke Night & Half Priced Wines at Heroes Sports Bar & Scratch Kitchen Thursdays 6 10 PM

Trivia Nights Bastrop Beer Co. Thursdays 7 9 PM

The Pit Stop Fridays 8 PM 12 AM & Saturdays 9 PM 1 AM Dance Pary Inside/Karaoke outside

Open Mic Night at Film Alley Tuesdays 7 9 PM

Cornhole Tournament at Bastrop Beer Co. Tuesdays 6:30 10 PM

Open Ride Day at Mayfest Park, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 8 AM 10 PM

https://www cityofbastrop org/page/parks home

Farm Street Opry, 1st Thursday 5:30 PM

Singles Mingle at Film Alley 2nd Thursday 7 9 PM

Gayme Night Every 3rd Friday presented by Pride Bastrop at Painted Porch Bookstore 6:00 9:00 PM

7 9 PM
7 9 PM
days 7 PM
4 7 PM Saturdays 9 1 PM


It'sbeenalongtimecomingbutthenew contemporarybuildingat301MartinLutherKings Dr.inBastropiscompleteandreadyforBastrop FitnessProject'smuchanticipatedopeningThe brainchildofAthanSchindler,BFPoffersaonestop approachtohealthandfitnessHerearethe servicesthatwillbeavailable:

AdmiringYouWellness Acupuncture, TraditionalChineseMedicineandCoaching wwwAdmiringYouWellnesscom

ReviveSport&SpineDrFieldingprovidessoft tissuetherapy,chiropracticadjustments&

StriveHumanOptimization Coldplunge baths,hotsaunas,massage,andbody compositiontestingStriveBastropcom

StriveStrength&Conditioning"Bastrop’smost dedicated&caringgym."

ThriveYogaYoga,meditation,workshops,and retreats

Tracy'sDriveInGrocery Coffee,smoothies, easygrabandgofood.

Just in time for Fall...

itnessProjectleavesyoulittleroomfor andthere'ssomethingforthewholefamily

datBFPisadrop inplaycenterforkids


says, "mydreamisthattheBastropFitness ecomesahubofoptimalhealth,supportive ity,andgrowthforallwhoengagewithit." moreinformationandgrandopening



1 pounds of boneless chicken thighs

2 teaspoons salt

3 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon garam masala

1 large yellow onion diced

1 pablano pepper diced

4 5 cloves minced garlic

1 inch of fresh minced ginger


1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon ground tumeric

1 teaspoon ground coriander

1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 (15 ounce) can fire roasted tomatoes

1 can of coconut milk (with cream)

1 bunch chopped fresh cilantro

1 fresh squeezed lime

In your largest saute pan brown chopped chicken thighs with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 tablespoon of garam masala When the thighs have developed some nice color remove them to a plate and set them aside Add the remainder 2 tablespoons of olive oil and over medium heat saute garlic, ginger, turmeric, cumin, coriander, and red pepper flakes for a few minutes until fragrant Add onion and poblano pepper and salt. Saute for 5 minutes until the onion is translucent. Deglaze pan with coconut milk and canned tomatoes Add optional bayleaf and let simmer for 15 minutes Add back the chicken and cook through Salt and pepper to taste and add a splash of heavy cream or dollop of yogurt for a velvety curry Lastly, add the juice of a lime and stir in one bunch of chopped fresh cilantro Serve with basmati rice and naan

C h i c k e n C u r r y w i t h Y e a s t l e s s N a a n

Everyday quick naan: 2 cups all purpose flour, 1 tsp baking powder, ¼ tsp baking soda, ¾ tsp salt, 1 tbl olive oil, ¼ cup plain yogurt or sour cream, ¼ cup water. Mix all ingredients and knead until elastic and smooth Let rest while you heat a non stick pan to medium heat Divide dough into 6 balls Dust with flour and roll out to oval shape, ¼ inch thick Cook for a few minutes per side till done, flipping once Brush with melted butter or ghee


711 E 19TH Street $1,795,000

This LEED certified home is newer construction with 4 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths, a sauna in the exercise room, summer kitchen, chef's kitchen, 4200 sf on a large lot.


3590 FM 154, Westpoint $1,200,000

2292 sqft, 3 beds, 3 5 baths 17 58 acres

40x60 Barn

Beautiful all brick custom home in a park like setting just 45 minutes from Austin Wildlife exemption to keep taxes low


7 6 acres McAllister Rd Bastrop $382,650

Beautiful area for a homesite near ColoVista golf course and all historic Bastrop and Smithville have to offer 35 minutes to Austin Paved road Public water available


8504 Long Canyon $1,555,000

Stylish and comfortable describes this wonderful home in the hills of Long Canyon/Bell Mountain area Stone exterior, winding circle drive and majestic oak trees set the scene on this 1 38 acre lot



1603 Chestnut St, Bastrop $295,000

Prime commercial lot on the corner of Chestnut and HWY 95 Almost 10,000

SqFt . Fronting family entertainment center (Cinema, Bowling, ETC.).

This vacant lot has tons of potential!

Brought to you by your local Bastrop REALTORS®
For Prime Show Properties Advertising Call 512 701 3642 BastropMagazine@gmail com Prime Show Properties
FORSALE 1013ParkPrairie, Fayetteville$720,000 BeautifulLakeFayetteisjust stepsaway!ThisFayette Countylandmark TheOldPark Lodge couldbeyours. Formerlyaprosperousbait storeandrestaurant,the propertyincludes25storage units,astore/restaurant,anda spacious,mostlyone story homeoriginallybuiltin1920 ReneIbarra KarenDerrRealtyGroup Phone713 446 8331 ReneIbarra@compasscom
Derr Karen Derr Realty Group Phone 512 720 8290 Karen Derr@compass com
KarenDerrRealtyGroup Phone512 701 3642 KarenDerr KarenDerrRealtyGroup Phone512 720 8290 Karen Derr@compass com Paula Collings Hartland Real Estate Phone713 594 5295 Paula Collins@gmail com Paula Collings Hartland Real Estate Phone713 594 5295 Paula Collins@gmail com

Golfing Bastrop




MickieJoycecametoBastropin2008afterher motherpassedaway Shewaslookingforachange, havingspentmuchofhercareerinCalifornia She doesn'tdocoldweather,shedidn'twanttogoback toFloridabutshedidwantastatewithnostate incometax.Texaswasinhersights.Asshetellsit, sheliterallythrewthreedartsatamapofTexas. Luckyforus,twoofthemstuckinBastrop

Highenergy,withsparklinglightblueeyes,Mickie's passionisteaching Shetrulybelievesyou'renever tooyoungortoooldtolearntoplaygolf.Ofcourse, hergoalsforherolderstudentsaredifferentthan thoseforachild. Forsomeonetakingupgolflaterin life,Mickiesaysherstrategyis,"Toteachthemtobe abletogoplaywellenoughtohavethetimeofyour lifeonthegolfcourse"

Interestingly,herfirstpassionwasnotgolf. Graduatingfromhighschoolwhenshewasbarely 17,sheplannedtobecomeanun.Hermotherhad providedherwithaCatholicschooleducationbut whenitcametoherdaughterjoiningaconvent,she wasdeadsetagainstit.Insteadsheencourage MickietojointheAirForce,whichshedid.

AboutPineForestGolfCourse,Mickiesays,"the topographyofthiscourseisphenomenalThere's nothingelselikeitinTexas." She'sexcitedaboutthechangestheownershavein storeRegardinggolfcoursesingeneral,she'sabig fanofareturntothetraditionalcountryclub experienceincludingfinedining

whetherhelpingabeginnergolferfindtheirswingor anadvancedplayertryingtoshaveafewstrokesoff theirgame

AndifyoudecidetotakelessonswithMickie,besure andaskherabouttheadvicegolflegendNancy LopezgaveheratherfirstLPGAtournament.It'sa greatstory.

ProfessionalGolfTeachersAssociationof America ClassAMasterInstructor ListedinthetoptenPGTAAteachersfor2022 CertifiedClubFitterforCallaway Startedplayinggolfwhenshewas10yearsold ServedfouryearsintheUnitedStatesAirForce QualifiedandplayedmultipletimesintheKraft NabiscoLPGAtournament BastropteacherforFirstTee,aprogramforjunior players

Chris Ryan


Chris Ryan started playing golf at the age of eight with his dad in the Oklahoma City area where he grew up He continued playing through high school in competitive junior tournaments.

It's no surprise his first job at age sixteen was working at a golf course.

Fast forward 25 years and Ryan's living on the seventh hole at ColoVista here in Bastrop County with his wife and eight year old daughter His love of the game is evident, especially when introducing young players to the game he has enjoyed either playing or coaching the better part of his whole life

When asked what he likes most about ColoVista, he gestures towards the rolling greens, "Just look around you!" He pauses, then adds, "Really the best thing about ColoVista and Bastrop is the people."

The forty one year old Ryan is a P G A of America member He teaches all levels from beginner to advanced golfers and also holds three, week long junior golf camps every summer On Saturdays during the school year, he holds junior golf clinics

You can reach Chris Ryan at 512 629 4585.

R e n e I b a r r a , D i r e c t o r o f T o u r s VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE ABOUT OUR UPCOMING TOURS AND TO SIGN UP TO RECEIVE 2023 TOUR UPDATES MEXICO: OAXACA CITY ~ Feb 17 23, 2023 MEXICO: OAXACA FOLK ART Feb 23 March 2, ARGENTINA ~ March 3 14, 2023 ARKANSAS~including Bentonville, Crystal Bridges,Thorncrown Chapel March 23 27, 2023 CUBA ~ March 31 April 7 & Nov 7 18, 2023 MEXICO CITY ~ Art & Culture - May 23 29 GUATEMALA: TIKAL June 9 14 GUATEMALA: LAKE ATITLAN June 14 21 CAMIBAculturaltoursembodiesthe essenceofworldtravelasit influencestheartculture.Our excursionsgivetour-goersan intimateglimpseattheprocess behindthemasterpieceaswellas theartiststhemselves.Weoffer tourstoagrowingnumberof destinationsincludingCuba, OaxacaMexico,SanMiguelde AllendeMexico,MexicoCity, Argentina,Guatemala&Peru. 5129375921 B T & C R E C O M M E N D S



drink this
In a large pot heat apple cider, cinnamon, nutmeg, orange zest, and ginger When the mixture is hot but not boiling, remove from heat and add rum Stir to distribute spice and serve warm in mugs with a squeeze of lemon in each Serves 10 This recipe with hot apple cider, cinnamon, nutmeg, orange zest, and ginger mixed with dark rum is a warm addition to your cool weather libations 1/2 gal (8 cups) apple cider 3 tsp ground cinnamon 2 tsp ground nutmeg 2 tsp ground ginger 1 1/2 cups dark rum Zest of half an orange Juice of one lemon DIRECTIONS 1 2


Become a Bastrop County Master Gardener 17 classes, August 27 to November 12

Find out more at https://txmgorg/bastropcounty/ or at the Bastrop Agrilife Extension Office 901 Pecan St, Bastrop

Cost $200 for the entire training


Classes offered by Lost Pines Art Center

Ages 14 to adult Glass blowing in the Silo

Create a small piece of blown glass with expert instruction by Manda Barnes

September 24th & October 22nd 20 minute sessions, starting 10am until 11:40 $50 per session

Register at LostPinesArtCenterorg


Class September 22, 5:30 6:45pm

Apple Wine for Fall (limited to 12 participants)

Cost: $95

Presented by Homespun Wisdom

1002 Chestnut Bastrop HomeSpunWisdomTXcom



classes offered by Harvard University at the

Carol Sue Witt,

Watercolor Society The Lost Pines Art

Perfect for beginners but more experienced students

Bridget Parker


feather suncatcher

tools and all

glass, soldering and

From computer science to art and humanities, classes range from a week to 12 weeks in length Embark on a new career path or explore a leisure interest, from introductory to advanced, this catalog of on demand classes is mind blowing

Watercolor Workshop Oct 8 10am-4:30pm Oct 15 11:am-5pm free classes Introduction to Stained Glass Study at Harvard University Learn the copper foil method at the Lost Pines Art Center with artist
No prior experience needed
will make a
Use of
materials provided. Learn to cut
the symbolism of glass colors $75 register at LostPinesArtCentercom Beginner/Intermediate Level No drawing necessary. Immerse yourself in the world of watercolors with
a signature member of the Texas
Center will provide all supplies
will enjoy new tricks and fresh perspective $200 LostPinesArtCenterorg 147
printing of this article.

the best thing I ever ate... LATELY

In an old roadside storefront in the middle of Rockne, Meuth's Place is a time capsule from an era you can't really put your finger on The building itself has been in the Meuth family for almost a century Pronounced "mute" or "moyt" the decor though pleasantly updated, still has a lot of early 20th century charm.

I always appreciate a place that has chosen to do one thing and do it well Fried chicken is what you'll get and you'll like it No frills just southern wholesomeness served with a roll Sure, they've got sides green beans, buttered potatoes cole slaw fries but the chicken is the star of this show. Fried gizzards and livers are offered for a little variety, though they're technically still chicken Everything fried up crisp and not too greasy

Meuth's Place also offers diners fried fish on Fridays I'll take mine with a side of chicken.

MEUTH'S FRIED CHICKEN Mueth's Place in Rockne 512 581 8448

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Autumn Home "To Do"

It's not too early to stock up on pipe insulation and hose bib covers while they are in stock.

Have your heating system serviced or assess heaters before the winter rush and lower inventories.

As days start to get shorter, check outdoor lights and replace bulbs

Change your AC filters and also clean vents Mildew around vents can mean the duct isn't properly attached in the attic.

Clean out flower beds and mulch Take down soil/mulch that has become too high against foundation.

Check your chimney for blockages Make sure your damper is working

Prune any overgrown limbs away from your roof so none are touching or scraping to damage shingles or metal

Check windows and screens for damage Mowing may have thrown a rock or two into panes

This home maintenance reminder is brought to you by Lori Tuggle Agency

Your home is your largest investment Make sure it's protected year round

Don't be scared to dive into Fall DYI's. Cooler temps make projects more enjoyable.
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