Pastor Quintin Nard Pastoral Installation Program

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Quintin Nathaniel Nard SENIOR PASTOR

Christina Denise Nard FIRST LADY

Pastor Quintin Nathaniel Nard Elder Quintin Nard was born on August 17, 1989 to Deacon Robert Nard, Jr. and Mother Queen Brumfield Nard, Louisiana Eastern 2nd Jurisdictional Department of Women Supervisor. He has 5 siblings; two sisters, Angelena and Sherrell and three brothers, Robert III, Branford and Dante. Elder Nard grew up as a member of Thompson Temple Church of God in Christ of Gretna, LA under the leadership of the late Bishop Joseph Anthony Thompson, Jr. As a child, Elder Nard loved going to church and participating. After having an undeniable encounter with the Lord, Elder Nard knew that he must have Christ in his life and accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal savior at the age of 12 in November 2001 and was filled with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost at age 14 on August 27, 2003. After being displaced by Hurricane Katrina, one day Elder Nard was standing outside of his grandfather’s home, the late Superintendent Daniel Muse, when heard the heavenly call to preach the word of God. He readily told the Lord yes and without hesitation shared the great news with his parents and grandparents. After the demise of his pastor, Bishop Thompson in January 2005, the pastorate was given to Elder Keith E. Thornton, Sr. Elder Nard continued to serve faithfully under his leadership and was given opportunities to serve in different leadership capacities as a young man. Elder Nard went to college in Rhode Island in 2007 and became a member of Pentecostal Church of God in Christ of Providence, RI under the leadership of the late Administrative Assistant Nathaniel V. Witcher. He developed a close relationship with Pastor Witcher and received teaching necessary for the ministry and in his personal walk with the Lord. Elder Nard grew mightily in the Lord and was licensed as a minister in April 2008. In 2011, Elder Nard returned back home to New Orleans, LA after completing his studies at Johnson and Wales University, the Lord planted him at Fifth Church of God in Christ of New Orleans, LA under the leadership of the late Administrative Assistant Warren Foster, Sr. In July 2013, Elder Nard was ordained as an Elder in the Church of God in Christ under the leadership of Bishop Gerald H. Hawkins, Sr., Jurisdictional Prelate of Louisiana Eastern Second Jurisdiction. Administrative Assistant Foster recognized and embraced the calling and anointing on Elder Nard’s life and he encouraged, advised and contributed to his growth in ministry. In May 2018, the Lord led Elder Nard to relocate back to Providence, RI to help his spiritual father, the late Administrative Assistant Witcher in the ministry. After the demise of Administrative Assistant Witcher, Elder Nard was installed as Co-Pastor of Pentecostal Church of God in Christ in Providence, RI in August 2019 by Bishop Harvey L. Lewis, Sr., the Prelate of the Rhode Island Jurisdiction. On February 23, 2020, the Lord blessed Elder Nard to marry the beautiful and vivacious Evangelist, Christana Denise Robinson. Pursuing the wishes of the late Pastor Witcher, Bishop Lewis received the recommendation of Elder Nard as Pastor of Pentecostal Church of God in Christ and appointed him on April 11, 2020. Elder Nard has a servant's heart and from the beginning of his walk with the Lord, he has loved to serve the people of God. He has served in many capacities on the local, district, jurisdictional and national levels of the Church of God in Christ. Currently, he serves as Rhode Island Jurisdictional AIM (Auxiliaries In Ministry) Chairman, and COGIC national altar worker. Above all, Elder Nard considers being a child of God as the greatest title and desires to see souls saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and walking in their God given purpose.

The Order of Divine Worship Organ Prelude +Liturgical Processional The Jurisdictional Prelate The Administrative Assistants The Superintendents The Pastors and Elders The Senior Pastor +The Hymn of Adoration +The Call to Worship

Holy, Holy, Holy Elder Mychael Williams Connecticut Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Youth President

+The Responsorial THE LEADER: For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. THE PEOPLE: The glory of the Lord shall endure forever: The Lord shall rejoice in His works. THE LEADER: Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. ALL: For the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Fulfill your desire in our midst this day O Lord. AMEN. +The Invocation

Administrative Assistant Eugene Kinlow Progressive District, All Nations COGIC

+The Old Testament Scripture

Elder John Harnett Associate Pastor Minister Sidney Posey

+The New Testament Scripture +The Congregational Hymn +The Affirmation of Faith The Celebrative Praise The Occasion

“Lift Him Up”

Elder Lawrence Beasley Chicago, Illinois District Missionary Designate Tami Miller Progressive District Music Ministry Aspiring Missionary Joan Rogers Assistant Jurisdictional Minister of Music

The Order of Divine Worship Continued Greetings

Mother Jacquelyn Lindsey Wynn Rhode Island Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Supervisor Designate Mother Queen Brumfield Nard Louisiana Eastern 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Supervisor

Musical Selection

Music Ministry

The Ministry of Giving The Sermonic Selection

Music Ministry

Introduction of the Speaker The Word of God Superintendent Herbert R. Davis Nehemiah Center Ministries COGIC, Durham, NC North Carolina Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Presentation of the Bishop

Administrative Assistant Eugene Kinlow Progressive District, All Nations COGIC

Service of Installation Bishop Harvey L. Lewis, Sr.

Remarks/Presentations +Presentation of Newly Installed Pastor +Benediction Musical Postlude +: Please stand in reverence where indicated.

Bishop Harvey L. Lewis, Sr., Jurisdictional Prelate - Officiant (The Celebration of Worship completed and the Word of God having been preached, the Service of Installation begins. The Jurisdictional Prelate will summon the candidate to the altar for Installation) The Presentation (The Jurisdictional Secretary or designee shall call the names of the candidate and present them to the Jurisdictional Bishop saying:)


(The candidate called, shall stand facing the Altar, while the Bishop begins his charge as follows:)

The Charge “This church has expressed confidence in you, in your character, in your devotion to Christ and the Church and in your ability to feed the flock of God and to take oversight by the Holy Ghost.”

The Inquiry The Jurisdictional Bishop: “Elder Quintin Nard as the newly installed pastor to this, the flock of God, and the saints of our Lord Jesus Christ, do you promise to preach the Word of God, rightly dividing it, and live it as an example before this flock?”


“Do you Elder Nard promise to care for the sick and shut-ins, bear their burdens, counsel, and advise them, seeking to encourage, enrich and serve them in this life so that ye might discharge your duty as a minister of Jesus Christ?”


[Continued] “Do you Elder Nard promise to teach these saints, who are under your instruction, the Doctrine of Jesus, the Doctrine of the Church of God in Christ, its Constitution and Governing laws of the Church?”


“Are you, Elder Nard, willing to serve faithfully, holding the trust of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost and the Charter of this Church Incorporate, to the best of your knowledge until such times that kingdom promotion, divine providence or unforeseen events remove you?”


“Then, I as Jurisdictional Bishop, commend you to God’s keeping in the face of these witnesses that you serve this church, love the people, entreat them as saints, preach the Gospel, feed the flock and lead about a Godly life so that you may save many and, in the end, gain eternal life through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.”

The Acceptance (The candidates will rise from the altar and face the congregation.)

The Jurisdictional Bishop: “Saints of Christ: you have heard our Brother, whom the Lord has raised up among us, to serve the church as Senior Pastor. Do you accept this man into this office and will give him your cooperation, support and prayers as he seek to carry out the responsibilities of this office? Will promise to continue in prayer and supplication for him?”


The Investiture The Cassock: The robe which is worn during the service, is the symbol of an Elder and Servant. The Pastor is first and foremost, a Servant and one among brethren.

The Cincture: The Garment is a symbol of Christ. It speaks of the Pastor’s willingness to “wash his brethren’s feet” pursuant to the example of His Lord.

The Surplice: A liturgical vestment of the Christian Church. The white linen Garment is a symbol of the priesthood.

The Tippet: The tippet is the symbol of a slave. It is the tippet that binds the Pastor to his Church. Inscribed on the tippet, is the seal of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. The tippet signifies that the Pastor is a man under authority

The Cross: The Black Cord with a simple Pastoral Cross is hung around the Pastor’s neck as a symbol of his imprisonment for Christ. The Installation of the Pastor (The Jurisdictional Bishop now places the Tippet about the neck of the newly appointed Pastor and makes the following declaration)


The Prayer of Installation (During the time of prayer, the Jurisdictional Bishop shall lay his hands upon the head of the newly installed pastor as he kneels at the altar.)

GUEST SPEAKER Founder and Senior Pastor Nehemiah Church Nehemiah Christian Center & Nehemias Espiritu de Vida

A native of Kalamazoo, Michigan, Dr. Davis currently resides in Durham, North Carolina with his family. He is the proud husband of First Lady Psiyina (Sigh-yee-nah) Davis, who serves alongside him as Pastor, and the proud father to four daughters.

Dr. Davis prepared himself before and during his time in ministry by furthering his education; he has recently completed his PhD in Leadership. Within his own denomination, the Church of God in Christ, Dr. Davis serves in several capacities: as the Chairman of Ordination (for the North Carolina 2nd Jurisdiction); as the District Superintendent of the Harvest District; as the President of the C.E. Anderson Institute of Ministry that prepares ministry candidates for ordination; and as the Establishmentarian and Overseer of the Harvest Covenant Fellowship. In July 2014, Dr. Davis was appointed by COGIC Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake Sr. to the newly created Community Development Board. He was also named in 2014 among the 100 Most Influential Pastors in the Church of God in Christ.

Dr. Davis is also very active in the community, as seen through his continual service and leadership on the boards of several organizations. As an educator, Dr. Davis has taught at the collegiate level at several area universities, bible colleges and seminaries. His latest academic accomplishments have been with Apex School of Theology (ASOT) where he has served as Professor, Undergraduate Dean and the Director of Teaching Sites. His education and experience serve him well in his current leadership position as the Executive Vice President of ASOT.

Dr. Davis is focused on making maximum kingdom impact throughout the central region of North Carolina. His biblically sound and thought-provoking preaching, combined with an anointed delivery, have paved the way for him to travel throughout North America.

Dr. Davis has been blessed with gifts, graces and information that he is mandated to share with the body of Christ. Inspired by this charge, he is able to transcend the vestiges of traditionalism to reach diverse audiences. He describes himself as “an interdenominational preacher” and an unwavering advocate of ecclesiastical harmony.

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