12th Founder's Day Celebration Honoring Pastor Terence A. Merritt, M.D.

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Terence A. Merritt was born in Waycross, GA and reared in St. Petersburg, Florida. While in elementary school, he was labeled a slow-learner. However, after giving his life to the Lord, he began excelling academically and was later placed in the class for the gifted. He became the first black valedictorian of his 50-year-old high school and was named the top graduating male in all 14 high schools of Pinellas County. The recipient of a full academic scholarship to attend Morehouse College in Atlanta, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude. Upon graduation, Dr. Merritt went on to pursue a career in medicine at the prestigious Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, also on a full academic scholarship. After extensive clinical work in the field of Psychiatry, he graduated with a Doctorate in Medicine. He was employed for several years as a cardiovascular medical director at one the nation’s largest pharmaceutical companies. He was a partner in Elite Properties and MBC Ventures, and the sole owner of CANAAN Properties, all real estate investment companies. Dr. Merritt grew up attending Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in St. Petersburg, FL with his family. He accepted the call to the ministry while at Morehouse College. During his freshman year, he began “Abundant Life,” a Bible study for Morehouse and Spelman students. Many students were introduced to the Lord; several of which are in ministry today. Dr. Merritt was later ordained in COGIC, while in medical school. He is an anointed and gifted teacher, preacher, intercessor, and motivator. For eight years, Dr. Merritt served the Church of God in Christ ( COGIC) in the Jurisdiction of Brazil as Superintendent of the Fifth District, under the leadership of the late Bishop Samuel Moore. There, he oversaw the growth and expansion of COGIC in north Brazil. Under his leadership, the oldest church in the district was purchased, and eight new churches were birthed. In January 2010, Dr. Merritt established the LIFE Church in the Candler Park Neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia, by leading weekly Wednesday evening Bible Study. Sunday Services commenced shortly thereafter in February.

In August of 2013, LIFE Church made its first acquisition. The then three year old ministry purchased a 25,000 square foot facility in Southwest Atlanta. Three years later, the ministry made its second acquisition. LIFE purchased a shopping plaza adjacent to the main campus. During the 11th Church Anniversary, Pastor Merritt led the church in raising over $105,000 on Super Seed Sunday 2021, subsequently retiring the debt on the plaza. In January 2022, LIFE Church officially burned the mortgage for the LIFE Plaza. LIFE Church has taken in more than 1000 members in the past twelve years of ministry, with active members in more than 9 states. To date, many ministries have been birthed through LIFE Church, including youth and teen mentorship (Y’Church), a vibrant college and young adult ministry based at the AUC (Merged), prison ministry, quarterly community life skill empowerment symposiums, LIFE Community Development Corporation, and food and clothing ministries. Lives are being radically transformed for the better. LIFE Church has truly become a place where “miracles are common”. With documented miracles, LIFE Church is without question an ACTS church. In addition to his pastoral responsibilities, Dr. Merritt serves in the Jurisdiction of North Central Georgia of the COGIC as an Administrative Assistant to Bishop J.E. Hogan, his college Pastor while attending Morehouse College. He also serves as a District Superintendent of the Zoe District, in which he established in 2013. Dr. Merritt is also the author of LIMITLESS. He has been featured both on television and radio for his valued ministry perspective. In 2021, Pastor Merritt was appointed to the Executive Board of the Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops. In this capacity he aides in providing leadership and support to the college, preserving the legacy of its founder and establishmentarian, Bishop J. Delano Ellis. In the same year, under the leadership of Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard, Pastor Merritt was appointed to the Board of Directors for COGIC Charities, the benevolent arm of the Church of God in Christ, a board responsible for educational scholarships and the dissemination of domestic and foreign aid. In recognition and honor of the unique contributions Dr. Merritt has made in ministry, he was inducted into the prestigious MLK Board of Preachers of Morehouse College; and he received the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the President of the United States, President Barack Obama.

Bishop Pat McKinstry, born Alpha Patricia. She is the wife of Luther McKinstry Jr. and mother of one son Prophet Luther McKinstry III, who is the Pastor of Worship Center of Atlanta. Bishop McKinstry’s evangelism has taken her across the United States and into international countries. Her strong apostolic and prophetic thrust display the incredible strength of the mandate upon her life. In 2019, she gracefully celebrated Kingdom service in ministry for 60 years, pastoring for 30 years and happily married for 50 years. She was elevated to the sacred office of Bishop on August 1, 2015. Bishop McKinstry presently serves on the advisory board of the Joint College of African- American Pentecostal Bishops Congress. She is the CEO/Founder of the newly McKinstry Midwest College of Theology (MMCT), an accelerated, accredited and affordable seminary and the CEO/Founder of the Toledo Rise and Shine Academy, a K-6th grade school. Publisher of four CDs that deals with the protocol of Prayer, Praise and Worship: The newly released in 2015 titled, “A Prayer of a Preacher for the Preacher”. The second CD titled, “In the Prayer Garden with Dr. Pat”. An audio series of “War Dance-Undignified Praise,” and a CD of prophetic songs entitled, “It’s a New Day”. Included in Bishop McKinstry’s list of memoirs is a book entitled “Praise Break” and in 2019, the release of an updated version entitled, “It’s Time for a Praise Break.’ In 2020, Bishop released a third book entitled, “PASTORS: We Still Need Them,” and another book release in 20201 titled, “Know What You Are Doing When You Do What You Do!” Bishop McKinstry received her Bachelor of Theological Studies and Master of Psychology; she holds two honorary doctorate degrees, Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Theology. On June 1, 2015, she earned a Doctoral degree in Theology. Presently, Bishop Pat McKinstry is the Pastor of Worship Center Church in Toledo, OH.

Bishop Derrick W. Hutchins, a “leader who God has raised up and empowered for leadership in the 21st century.” His God-given message and gifts transcend age, denominational and race barriers, and touches the lives of thousands. Through his unique ministry, many have been drawn to Christ. Armed with the theme “Doing Better What We Do Best”, Bishop Hutchins seeks to provide ministry to the total Individual, which supports ones Spiritual, Social, Mental, and Economic Development. Bishop Hutchins attended, Saints Junior College and Academy (COGIC) and is a graduate of Tougaloo College where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Philosophy. He also studied in a Master’s Degree program at the University of Michigan, and received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Saint Thomas Christian College Jacksonville, Florida. Bishop Hutchins was elected three terms as Chairman of the National General Council of Pastors and Elders, which consist of over 10,000 pastors and 40,000 ordained elders of the Church of God in Christ. In 2015 he was appointed Vice Chair of the National Program Committee for the International Holy Convocation. In 2021 Bishop Hutchins was appointed Co-Chair of the National Leadership Conference. Bishop Hutchins has established churches in Columbia, South Carolina, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Orlando, Florida and Jackson, Mississippi. He was consecrated in 2016 and appointed Jurisdictional Prelate of Venezuela, South America. Bishop Hutchins is yet “Looking Up and Moving Forward” and takes pride in his role as Establishmentarian of the Georgia Cosmopolitan Fellowship of Churches which was started in 2020, and has to date over 50 churches in partnership.

12th Annual Founder’s Day Celebration Sunday, February 27, 2022 10:00AM “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” -John 4:23-24 King James Version


LIFE Music & Arts Ministry


Evangelist Trina McWhorter


LIFE Music & Arts Ministry

“Praise the Lord” “Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!”

Bro. Miles D. King


LIFE Music & Arts Ministry


Bro. Rodric and Sis. LaTanya Merritt


LIFE Music & Arts Ministry


Elder Isaac Sparks, Jr., Ed.D. Presentation of Tithes & Offering


Elder D. Denard Jones


Elder Maurice Brown, Special Guest Psalmist

Senior Pastor, Worship Center Church, Toledo, OH Board Member, Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops, Cleveland, OH +CALL TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP REMARKS CLOSING REMARKS +BENEDICTION +: Please stand and refrain from walking where indicated.

Missionary Betty Daniels, Pastoral Care Ministry Pastor Terence A. Merritt, M.D.

Sunday, February 27, 2022 6:00PM “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.” -1 Timothy 5:17-22 LIFE Music & Arts Ministry


Elder Kevin R. Moore


+THE READING FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT Mother Muriel Weston Jeremiah 3:14-15: Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. Leader: The Word of the Lord for the People of God. The People: Thanks be to God. +LEVITICAL RESPONSE

“Praise the Lord”

LIFE Music & Arts Ministry

“Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!” +THE READING FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT Elder Ty Norris Ephesians 4:11-13: And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Leader: The Word of the Lord for the People of God. The People: Thanks be to God. +LEVITICAL RESPONSE

“Praise the Lord”

LIFE Music & Arts Ministry

“He is Worthy! He is Worthy! He is Worthy! Praise the Lord!” +THE AFFIRMATION OF FAITH + HYMN OF PRAISE

“Leaning On The Everlasting Arms”

+: Please stand and refrain from walking where indicated.

Elder Ansen Goyens Elder D. Denard Jones

Sis. Delvonae Beckles


LIFE Music & Arts Ministry


Elder Dwight Owens, M.D. Supervisor Lee Van Zandt Assistant Elect Lady, COGIC World Missions Department Jurisdictional Supervisor, Maryland Eastern Shore Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, COGIC



Deacon Joe Foster

“From a Father’s Heart”


LIFE Music & Arts Ministry


Pastor Steven Sledge The Potter’s House, Dallas, TX


Lady Keli Lewis, Guest Psalmist Kurt Carr and the Kurt Carr Singers

Senior Pastor, New Life Church Orlando Church of God In Christ Establishmentarian, Georgia Cosmopolitan Fellowship of Churches, Inc. Vice Chairman, Church of God In Christ Leadership Conference +CALL TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP FINAL REMARKS +BENEDICTION +: Please stand and refrain from walking where indicated.

Pastor Terence A. Merritt, M.D.

affirm our faith in the Bible. Congregation: We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written Word of God.

affirm our faith in God. Congregation: We believe that there is only One God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and, God the Holy Spirit.

affirm our faith in the blessed hope. Congregation: We believe in the blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return.

affirm our faith in repentance. Congregation: We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

affirm our faith in salvation. Congregation: We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation.

affirm our faith in Jesus Christ. Congregation: We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing prayer.

affirm our faith in the Holy Spirit. Congregation: We believe that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it.

affirm our faith in sanctification. UNISON: We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separated life in the present world. A-Men!

Leaning On The Everlasting Arms

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