Bangkok Patana School Student Achievement

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WELL-BEING WE ARE : Protected, safe and secure Motivated and engaged Responsible and honest Kind, compassionate and respectful Balanced and fulfilled

Our mission is to ensure that students of different nationalities grow to their full potential as independent learners in a caring British international community.



LEARNING WE ARE : Rigorous, inquisitive and creative Collaborative and confident communicators Critical, reflective thinkers Resourceful and resilient

VISION We develop global citizens who shape their world through independence, empathy, creativity and critical thinking.

GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP WE ARE : Conscientious role models Committed to integrity and equity Diverse and inclusive Ethical and informed Active stewards of the environment and our communities

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 3

CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONS GUIDING STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


THE PRIMARY SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


THE SECONDARY SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP GRADUATE DESTINATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


FOUNDATION BOARD PRIZES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


INTERNATIONAL AWARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ARTS AWARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


STUDENT LEADERSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


COMMUNITY ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (ECAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ALUMNI GRADUATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


HOUSE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




PRIMARY RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(I)GCSE RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


IB RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


NOTABLE STUDENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SCHOLASTIC COMPETITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Cover artwork by Natalie James, Year 13


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FOREWORD Chris Sammons | Head of School

This publication is formal recognition of the incredible 2023 Bangkok Patana graduates and their exceptional exam grades. Through hard work, perseverance and unwavering determination, they have not only excelled academically but have also embodied our core values of well-being, learning and global citizenship. Congratulations to each and every student on their achievements. We do not take for granted the dedication to studies, countless hours of preparation and commitment to excellence. These results not only reflect academic progress but also demonstrate understanding of the value of learning and the importance of personal growth. It is crucial to acknowledge the wider achievements of our students in promoting well-being. Many have actively participated in activities that foster well-being, such as promoting mental health awareness, engaging in community service projects, or advocating for inclusivity and diversity. These efforts to prioritise the well-being of self and community are truly commendable and inspire others to do the same. Commitment to learning not only in the classroom but beyond the syllabus is worthy of celebration too. Many have taken the initiative to pursue independent research, engage in creative enterprises, or explore innovative solutions to global challenges. By embracing a love for learning and seeking knowledge and perspectives, Bangkok Patana graduates demonstrate the qualities of lifelong learners who are eager to contribute to the betterment of society. Lastly, as global citizens, students have shown a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of our world and the value of all human beings working together. Through participation in international exchange programs, engagement in sustainable initiatives, or advocacy for social justice causes, they have exemplified the importance of empathy, compassion and responsibility towards others. This commitment to global citizenship is a testament to the desire to make a positive impact on the world. To our remarkable students, as you continue your educational journey, remember that your achievements are not only a reflection of your abilities but also a testament to the lessons you have learned about our core Bangkok Patana values. Embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, always prioritize your well-being and that of others, continue to foster a love for learning, and strive to be active global citizens. Once again, congratulations to each student for their exceptional exam grades and wider achievements whilst at Bangkok Patana School. Dedication, resilience, and commitment to our core values have truly made us proud. May future endeavours be filled with continued success, personal growth and the positive impact Patana aspires to create.

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 5

THE PRIMARY SCHOOL Sarah McCormack | Primary Principal

I am immensely proud to present a testament to the remarkable journey upon which we have embarked. The 2022/23 academic year stands as a milestone in our school’s recent history. We welcomed a full return to on-campus learning, marking a triumphant comeback from the challenges posed by the pandemic. Our resilient young learners adapted swiftly, embodying our core values of wellbeing, learning and global citizenship throughout the year. We witnessed the revival of student Residentials and the reintegration of special activities into our calendar, adding vibrant colours to the tapestry of our students’ experiences. Finally, our school became whole again and we loved every minute! Furthermore, our school achieved its highest Term 1 enrolment, demonstrating the enduring trust and support of our Bangkok Patana community. This record enrolment reflects our shared commitment to nurturing the minds and spirits of our students. The Student Achievement Book 2022/23 is a celebration of these milestones and a showcase of the outstanding achievements of our students. I invite you to share in the pride we feel for our remarkable Bangkok Patana students and community.

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PRIMARY SCHOOL RESULTS Peter Taylder | Primary Senior Teacher, Leading Student Progress

The International Schools Assessment (ISA) is a standardised test in Mathematics and Reading which Years 4, 5, and 6 sit each February. We are delighted that this year’s results show our students outperformed both regional and all schools. We use ISA standardised tests in Primary School because they enable us to compare our students’ performance with other international students around the world. We are particularly interested in comparing our school with similar schools in the Asia-Pacific region, such as China and Singapore, which often score at the top of the OECD International Student rankings.

2022/2023 ISA RESULTS COMPARED WITH 2021/2022 2022-23








Year 4 ISA Results 2022/2023






500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0


Bangkok Patana


Mathematical LiteracyR Bangkok Patana

Regional Schools

Reading All Schools

Regional Schools

Reading All Schools

Year 6 ISA Results 2022/2023

Year 5 ISA Results 2022/2023 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Mathematical LiteracyR

500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Mathematical LiteracyR Bangkok Patana

Regional Schools

Reading All Schools

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 7

THE SECONDARY SCHOOL Matt Seddon | Secondary Principal

I always look forward to writing this introduction to our annual Student Achievement book. Its pages are a tangible celebration of the hard work, resilience and versatility of our remarkable students. The stories and statistics here showcase not just their academic prowess but also their wideranging interests and commitments outside the classroom. Bangkok Patana students are truly one-of-a-kind, and I hope that as you enjoy pages, you’ll feel as proud as I do. Our students are genuinely inspiring. I am a great believer that outstanding learning leads to outstanding educational outcomes, and this has certainly proved to be the case when considering our examination results. Our 2023 Graduating Class performed brilliantly in their IB Diploma examinations, posting an average score of 37 out of 45 - a school record outside of Covid-adjusted results. We had a nearly perfect pass rate of 99% and are delighted that 28% scored above 40 points. Kudos to Luanne Poh who celebrates a perfect score of 45, a feat that was just achieved by around 200 students worldwide. Our Year 11 also made us incredibly proud, receiving some of the school’s best-ever (I)GCSE results. Sixty-six percent of all grades were A* or A (9-7), and 13 students managed nine or more of these top scores. As they transition into Year 12, I hope their achievements are a source of encouragement to them. Their dedication has paid off and we are excited to see how they grow in the IB Diploma Programme. Examination results give us great reason to celebrate; however, they only reveal a portion of our students’ talents and engagements. This book also highlights accomplishments in arts, sports, Model United Nations (MUN) and the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award among others. We also recognise the incredible impact of student voices in our community. Through platforms like the Student Representative Councils, Junior and Senior Delegates, and various community action teams, our students actively shape the school’s direction. This school belongs to our students and their voice is valued as we build our future pathways together. This book embodies what we stand for as the Bangkok Patana family. Reading it, I’m reminded how privileged I am to work with such an exceptional group of young people.

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(I)GCSE EXAMINATION RESULTS Aazar Munir | (I)GCSE Examinations Leader

Our students have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments that not only rival but also surpass our achievements in 2019 – a time without the challenges posed by the pandemic. Their exceptional performance takes on an even greater significance when considered within the context of the numerous adversities and disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Both exam boards have heightened mark boundaries this year, with the intention to standardise scores to match the benchmarks of the pre-covid period. The fact that our students have been able to excel under such circumstances speaks volumes about their resilience, adaptability, and unyielding commitment to their academic pursuits. The achievements of our students stand as a testament not only to their individual capabilities but also to the supportive and nurturing environment fostered within each classroom. As we celebrate their triumphs, let us also recognise the role played by the entire school community – teachers, parents and administrative staff – in shaping these exceptional young minds and propelling them towards a future filled with promise and opportunity.

overall pass rate



students received 9 or more A*(9s)

97% A*-C and equivalent

of students received (I)GCSE grades from A* to B


is The proportion of

66% A* to A (9-7) students achieved A*,A (9-7)on 9+ subjects


Student Achievement 2022/23 | 9

Aazar Munir | (I)GCSE Examinations Leader


Meera Nandini Krishnan

Utkarsh Amit Bagaria

Amolwan Na Thalang

Devaansh Banga

Paripatra Uchupalanan

Sunu Chang

Sarah Yue Tong Wong

Amaya Fahr

Razam Sherwani

Trinity Jantarach

Krista Shim

CAMBRIDGE OUTSTANDING LEARNER AWARDS Vachiravich (Turbo) Phantratanamongkol – Mathematics (Without Coursework), Top in World Xiang Jie Lim - Mathematics (Without Coursework), Top in World Qian Man (Diana) Li – Chinese as a Second Language, Top in Thailand Saira Sachdev – Physical Education, Top in Thailand

Sarah Yue Tong Wong – Information & Communication Technology, Top in Thailand

PEARSON OUTSTANDING LEARNER AWARDS Scarlet Hornby – Edexcel GCSE Art and Design: Photography, Highest Mark in Asia Akane Hirono – Edexcel GCSE Japanese, Highest Mark in Thailand

Shruti Zariye

Fahsai Pibulsonggram – Edexcel International GCSE Biology, Highest Mark in Thailand


Nynn Puttisombat – Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry, Highest Mark in Thailand Thaya Siamwalla – Edexcel GCSE Art and Design: Graphic Communication, Highest Mark in Thailand

Saira Sachdev

James Somanader

Paripatra Uchupalanan – Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry, Highest Mark in Thailand

Shoko Yoneyama

Aleksandra Walendzik

Sarah Yue Tong Wong – Edexcel International GCSE Science (Double Award), Highest Mark in Thailand

PEARSON EXCELLENCE AWARDS EDEXCEL GCSE/INTERNATIONAL GCSE Ellie Imsuwansri – 5 subjects with Grade 7 and above

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The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a five-term programme of study that consists of students taking six subjects, three at Higher Level and three at Standard Level, each of which can score a maximum of seven points. Additional components of the IB programme are Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay which can provide up to three ‘bonus’ points to students, giving a theoretical maximum score of 45 points, with 24 points being the minimum pass requirement. Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) must also be completed as it is also a core part of the IBDP which aims to encourage students to continue their learning outside the curriculum through their involvement in the local and wider community. While the rest of the world returned to ‘pre-COVID’ examination results, the wonderful Bangkok Patana students of Grad23 bucked the trend, achieving scores in the IB Diploma and IB Courses which can only be described as phenomenal!



of Bangkok Patana IB Diploma students passed, against a global average pass rate of 80% .



Bangkok Patana Average Score, 7 points higher than the World Average of 30 points


Mean Grade in individual subjects, out of a possible 7 points, against a World Average of 4 .8

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 11

NOTABLE STUDENTS Andrew Roff | Senior Teacher, IB Coordinator

To achieve 45 points (the maximum possible IB Diploma score) is a quite an outstanding achievement. Luanne Poh achieved a perfect 45 point score, a feat achieved by less than two hundred students in the worldwide cohort of 116,248 students! As a non-selective school, we are incredibly proud of our statistics in the IB Diploma. Such a high average score points to some outstanding individual performances. To achieve 40 points or more in the IB Diploma is a significant challenge to even the most able student as they must not only balance the demands of these subjects but also the demands placed upon them by the core elements (CAS, the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge) as well as the wide range of extra-curricular activities with which they are involved. Congratulations to these students who achieved 40 or more points and make up 29% of our cohort of 125. Globally only 9% of students received 40 or more points. Prithvi Acharya

Kylie Kim

Sonya Pang

Rie Aiyama

Giles Kinsella

Nond Phokasub

Rada Anuras

Itthipat Lertviwatkul

Luanne Poh

Vutichart Buranasiri

Wei-Hsuan Lu

Hansae Ryu

Shannen Campbell

Yu Ling Lu

Marine Serre

Evelyn Cannon

Shrish Mahesh

Thanik Siamwalla

Aryaman Gupta

Max Masson

Pannathorn Sothanayongkul

Jules Humbert

Nanami Mizoshita

Sophie Stevens

Louise Humbert

Emiri Miyake

Laxwinniey Vasudevan

Preeyanan Jirarungroj

Norramon Nuntiruj

Yi Wang

Kamolnisa Kamalanavin

Celine Ninsuvannakul

Kirsten Winyard

Hikari Kengpulsup

Pe Pakdeejit

Kazuma Uji

Using a standardised model allows us to project a likely IB Diploma points score for students based on an adaptive skills test taken at the start of Year 12. Tracking each students’ progress against this projection allows us to identify the students who have made the greatest progress over the course of the two-year Senior Studies programme. With this in mind, it is also very important to recognise and celebrate the achievement of the following students who demonstrated excellent application and hard work during the course of their IB Diploma to achieve the furthest above their projection.

Rie Aiyama

Sophie Charpentier

Raphaël Lu

Kazuma Uji

Rada Anuras

Jack Haughton

Max Masson

Laxwinniey Vasudevan

Jessica Bastin

Jean Jensen

Nanami Mizoshita

Yi Wang

Shannen Campbell

Preeyanan Jirarungroj

Eve Molony

Evelyn Cannon

Kamolnisa Kamalanavin

Meja Stalberg

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GRADUATE DESTINATIONS Kevin Keller | Head of Faculty, Careers and University Counselling

Grad23 continued the Bangkok Patana School tradition of securing desirable places at universities around the world. Eighty-two percent of students received an offer from their first or second choice university. Students demonstrated the values of well-being, learning and global-citizenship in their thorough research to find the university which best fit their personal and academic needs. Additionally, over half students are attending a university ranked in the global top 100 according to either TES, QS or US News and World Report ranking. Eager to see the world in a different way before starting university, nine of our Grad23 students are taking a gap year or entering military training. No matter what their chosen path, every Grad23 student has found the best fit for themselves. We know they will make Bangkok Patana School proud. AUSTRALIA Piya Peter Nathan Ashley Kentaro Raphael Eve Sonya Pragathi Pannathorn CANADA Rie Matthew Jules Louise Hikari Allan Nikolai Sumin Jeongmin Emiri Krit Ambrose Moona Nalina Tatiana Kazuma DENMARK Jean GAP YEAR Erik Jessica Louie Milo Jiatong Luanne Laxwinniey Ashwinniey

Charusorn Filippi Gebbie Howe Kawakita Lu Molony Pang Ravi Sothanayongkul

University of New South Wales University of Sydney University in Australia University in Australia University in Australia University of Melbourne University of Melbourne University of Melbourne University in Australia University of Melbourne

Mechnical Engineering Sociology

Aiyama Broadbent Humbert Humbert Kengpulsup Kirk Korotki Lee Lee Miyake Pjongluck Perkkio Penrote Skory Uji

University of Toronto University of Guelph McGill University McGill University University of British Columbia University of Toronto University of British Columbia University of Toronto University of Calgary University of Toronto University of Toronto York University University of Toronto University of Toronto University of British Columbia

Political Science Food Science Physics Anatomy and Cell Biology Psychology Computer Science Computer Science Commerce Nursing Life Sciences Commerce Computer Science Arts and Sciences Social Sciences Business and Computer Science


Business Academy Southwest

Computer Science

Appelberg Bastin Kelly Lenzi Li Poh Vasudevan Vasudevan

Gap Year Gap Year Gap Year Gap Year Gap Year Gap Year Gap Year Gap Year


Chinese University of Hong Kong



Trinity College Dublin



Waseda University

Liberal Arts

Visual Arts Commerce Commerce Environmental Engineering Systems. Biomedicine Medicine Computer Science


Student Achievement 2022/23 | 13 NETHERLANDS Peter Sophie Matthijs Elio Meja Maxim

Bachner Charpentier Coolen Pauze Stalberg Turner

Tilburg University University of Amsterdam University of Maastricht University of Amsterdam University of Amsterdam Maastricht University

International Business Administration Media and Culture Economics and Business Economics Economics and Business Economics Media and Information Liberal Arts and Sciences

NORWAY Nickolai


BI Norwegian Business School


SINGAPORE Hansae Cayden

Ryu Tan

National University of Singapore Military Service Singapore

Biomedical Engineering



IE University

Business Administration

THAILAND Kevin Manisha Priscilla Dol Norramon Yanna

Chiangpradit Guruprasad Jensen Manoleehakul Nuntiruj Shah

Chulalongkorn University Thammasat University Chulalongkorn University Thammasat University Mahidol University Mahidol University

Aerospace Engineering Philosophy, Politics and Economics Business Law Medicine Business (Marketing)

University of Dundee Brunel University London University of Bath Royal Halloway, University of London University of Exeter Imperial College London University of Manchester University of Bristol University of West England, Bristol Abertay University University of Bristol Imperial College Loughborough University University of Nottingham University College London University of Bristol University of Nottingham Queen Mary University London Imperial College Queen Mary University London University of Sheffield University of Oxford University of Birmingham University of Aberdeen University of Oxford University of Liverpool University of St Andrews University College London University of Cambridge King’s College London University of Nottingham University of Bath

Medicine Industrial Design Management with Marketing Environment and Social Change Business and Management Medical Biosciences Business Accounting Medicine Computer Science Cyber Security History Geology Industrial Design Architecture Nutrition and Medical Sciences Plant Sciences Veterinary Science Law Material Science and Engineering Business Management Architecture Philosophy, Politics and Economics Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science Biomedical Science Philosophy, Politics and Economics Music/Popular Music Economics Geography Natural Sciences Business Psychology Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science

UNITED KINGDOM (UK) Amaan Aliani Paksran Asavareongchai Bianca Bertoli Ornvara Bhuridej Benjamin Blake Evelyn Cannon Matthew Chandler Akekanat Chunhagsikarn Matthew Elgon John Greenbank Jack Haughton Kamolnisa Kamalanavin Hang Ching Kanjanapas Shelly Kaplan Sharlene Lertpisitkul Samuel Lim Lauren Lim Alexis Loke Temin Luangtana-Anan Emaan Malik Olivia Millard Nanami Mizoshita Matthew Murphy Reem Omair Pe Pakdeejit Lihi Rotenberg Torrance Semple Marine Serre Sophie Stevens Catherine Tantapakul Kaitlin White Kirsten Winyard

14 | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) Prithvi Acharya Rada Anuras Maanya Bagda Arnav Baliga Vutichart Buranasiri Prin Chantarangkul Jian-Siang Chen Hugo Cheng Aryaman Gupta Aaron Hatch Hsu Htoo Nozomu Ikeda Preeyanan Jirarungroj Patson Jivavattanasak Kasijutha Kasikam Kylie Kim Yewon Kim Giles Kinsella Atich Kittikul Aadit Krishna Kumar Passawut Kunplome Itthipat Lertviwatkul Kuei-Yo Liu Wei-Hsuan Lu Yu Ling Lu Shrish Mahesh Nichole Mak Oranat Manavutiveth Celine Ninsuvannakul Yunha Park Runrad Pathomsak Nond Phokasub Stuti Rawat Evelyn Schilling Thanik Siamwalla Tonnaam Simakulthorn Nattarin Sintavanarong Tund Theerawit Supanika Vejjajiva Tanarawin Viravan Bo Jun Wang Isabela Wendel Chloe Yang Napat Yantasanakij

University of Southern California Brown University New York University University of Texas at Austin Tufts University Middlebury College University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin-Madison University of California, Los Angeles Utah State University Utah State University New York University University of Washington Babson College Pratt Institute Boston University New York University Bowdoin College Boston University Purdue University Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) Cornell University University of Wisconsin- Madison University of California, Los Angeles Northwestern University Purdue University San Jose State University Babson College Cornell University Franklin and Marshall College University of Southern California University of Pennsylvania New York University University of California, San Diego Pomona College University of California, Irvine Pratt Institute University of Wisconsin- Madison Boston University University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Purdue University University of California, San Diego Northeastern University Virgina Tech

Business Administration Cognitive Neuroscience Economics Statistics and Data Science Physics Chemistry and Biochemistry Business Environmental and Sustainability Studies Mathematics and Economics Psychology Economics Liberal Studies Business Administration Business Administration/ Management Architecture Health Sciences Dramatic Writing Economics and Neuroscience Engineering Finance Animation Computer Science Mechanical Engineering Cognitive Science Manufacturing and Design Engineering Computer Science Design Studies Management and Entrepreneurial Leadership Global and Public Health Sciences Philosophy International Relations & Economics Mechanical Engineering Economics Biology Economics Software Engineering Architecture Mechanical Engineering Communications Engineering Mechanics Data Science Political Science Undecided Mechanical Engineering

FOUNDATION BOARD AWARDS Andrew Roff | Senior Teacher, IB Coordinator Bangkok Patana School’s Foundation Board recognises the talent and hard work of our students with these awards. Walendzik Aleksandra

Rie Aiyama

Foundation Board Higher Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement

Adrien Lombard

Poh Luanne

Max Masson

Amolwan Na Thalang

Saira Sachdev

Razam Sherwani

Krista Shim

James Somanader

Meja Stalberg

Paripatra Uchupalanan

Regitze Uhre

Sarah Yue Tong Wong

Shoko Yoneyama

Shruti Zariye

The student who attained the highest points score from the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme, attaining the maximum score of 45 points is Luanne Poh. Varit Asavathiratham

Devaansh Banga

Utkarsh Bagariaa

Elena Burton

Foundation Board Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement These students demonstrated an exceptional achievement with 9 or more (I) GCSE results being graded at the highest score of A* or 9. Congratulations to Varit Asavathiratham, Utkarsh Bagaria, Devaansh Banga, Sunu Chang, Amaya Fahr, Trinity Jantarach, Meera Krishnan, Amolwan (Dana) Na Thalang, Paripatra (Ohm) Uchupalanan, Sarah Yue Tong Wong, Razam Sherwani, Krista Shim and Shruti Zariye. Foundation Board Awards for Key Stage 3 Attainment This prize is awarded to Regitze Uhre and Tanna Chou who attained the highest average reported grades, across all subjects, at the end of Year 9.

Sunu Chang

Tanna Chou

PROGRESS AWARDS In addition to academic achievement, Bangkok Patana School also recognises students who have worked hard and/or made exceptional progress across each Key Stage. This year we would like to recognise the following students for the exceptional progress they have made.

Apichana Dai

Amaya Fahr

Foundation Board Key Stage 2 to 3 The most improved students from Key Stage 2 to 3 are Seunghyo Lee, Adrien Lombard, Teoman Girard, Aya Haviv Buck, Elena Burton and Apichana Dai who showed the most progress between their MidYIS scores and average reported levels at the end of Year 9.

Teoman Girard

Haviv Buck Aya

Foundation Board Key Stage 3 to 4 The most improved students are Saira Sachdev, James Somanader, Aleksandra Walendzik and Shoko Yoneyama who showed the most progress between their YELLIS predictions at the start of Year 10 and their final (I)GCSE results.

Trinity Jantarach

Preeyanan Jirarungroj_

Foundation Board Key Stage 4 to Senior Studies The students who showed the biggest increase in their IB Diploma results over what had been initially predicted by their ALIS test scores taken at the start of Year 12, are Rie Aiyama, Preeyanan (Pam) Jirarungroj, Max Masson and Meja Stalberg.

Meera Krishnan

Seunghyo Lee

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SCHOLASTIC COMPETITIONS Throughout the year, our students have myriad opportunities to showcase their knowledge and we have some examples below. Congratulations to the students who took the challenge to compete!



Bangkok Patana was pleased to host the Thailand final of the annual Kid’s Lit Quiz. This annual literature quiz for students aged 10 – 13 years is held globally. The questions cover a wide range of books from classics to young adult literature and picture books. There were 36 teams from 13 international schools, leading to 144 competing students. Bangkok Patana’s Team 3 tied for second place! This was the first Kid’s Lit Quiz Thailand heat to take place live since the pandemic and it sure was wonderful to have a huge ‘buzz’ about books.

IModel United Nations (MUN) at Bangkok Patana allows students to hone their debating skills as they discuss matters of world importance in a challenging but enjoyable atmosphere. In addition to becoming highly proficient in public speaking, delegates enjoy the wonderful camaraderie that comes from working with fellow students from different year groups and from other International Schools in Thailand and across Southeast Asia.

FOBISIA D+T COMPETITION Our students competed against 23 schools in this event, which asked students to design an educational space, inspired by the United Nations’ SDGs, that could help to encourage better learning about sustainable living and the value of protecting the environment. Bangkok Patana School took 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the Year 5 individual competition. Congratulations to Sia Lee, Srinika Sathish Kumar and Ritsu Kurita.

BISJMC At this year’s BISJMC (British International Schools Junior Maths Competition) our Year 7 and 8 students showcased their exceptional mathematical skills. The competition brought together 12 teams from six international schools in Bangkok. In an impressive display of skill and determination, our Year 8 team secured a second-place finish, narrowly missing out on first. Their exceptional teamwork and mathematical prowess were on full display, earning them well-deserved recognition. Equally commendable, our Year 7 team achieved a fourth-place finish, making them the best Year 7 team in the entire competition, surpassing even three Year 8 teams. This achievement speaks volumes about the talent and potential of our young mathematicians.

FOBISIA 2023 PRIMARY MATHEMATICS CHALLENGE A group of Primary students competed with 25 other schools. They enjoyed the Maths Amazing Race and Maths Mastermind amongst other activities. Overall, the students worked extremely hard and are proud to have placed within the Top 10 out of the 25 participating schools.

In January 2023, we hosted the annual BKKMUN Conference with 350 student delegates. The UN Security Council debated the question of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, DISEC looked at the possibility of US intervention in Haiti, ECOSOC looked at the problems associated with unaffordable energy. The Human Rights Commission dealt with war crimes carried out by the Taliban and the UN Women Committee looked at women’s rights in Iran. There was even a simulation of the US Congress, looking at issues concerned with the housing crisis in the United States. Not content with contemporary issues, there was time to spend on simulations of events gone by, with two committees dealing with the Vietnam war and the Korean war.

WORLD SCHOLAR’S CUP Between August ‘22 and June ‘23, Bangkok Patana scholars participated in two rounds: the Global round held in Bangkok and the Junior round hosted at Bangkok Patana. As these two different rounds belonged to two different seasons of the World Scholar’s Cup (21-22: A World Renewed & 22-23: Reconstructing the Past), we had many different scholars participate. At the Global Round in Bangkok in September 2022, all students qualified for the final round at Yale University, winning dozens of medals along the way. Having trained for a whole year, the successes at the Regional Round in March 2023 were even greater. With over 200 gold and silver trophies, the students did amazingly. A special mention to Utkarsh Bagaria who received 13 medals and 3rd overall student. Ashley Uh, Seiya Tiraratanakul and Utkarsh were the 2nd overall highest achieving team in the Senior division. Also in the Seniors, Elyse Hawson, Sophie Luedi and Valerie Luedi were the 2nd placed team overall in debate. Pakapol Leeswadtrakul, Arevik Khanyan and Yi Xuan Low placed 5th overall and were the winners of the Bowl event. In the Junior division, Chaiyanat (Win) Kuptivej won 12 medals and his team, alongside Swasakorn (Payton) Sapayanon and Napatt (Tim) Anantanavanich came 2nd overall in the Bowl.

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 17










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VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS Christopher Ferne | Head of Faculty, Arts

Charles McLean | Primary Leader of Learning, Excellence in the Creative Arts

The Arts at Bangkok Patana School are powerful in giving our students avenues for expression. We craft opportunities to enable students to share their creativity, both individually and in collaboration with others. Here are the highlights of the 2022/23 academic year: ART EXHIBITS


Pre IB, November 2022

Secondary Musical: Bugsy Malone, December 2022

IB, March 2023

IB Theatre Solo Evening February, 2023

Year 11 GCSE, May 2023

Key stage 3 Mad Hatters Tea Party MAD Festival, June 2023

Year 12, June 2023 Key Stage 3, August 2023

VISITING THEATRE ARTISTS Thani Khon Artist in Residence for IB, January 2023

MUSIC PERFORMANCES Patana Plugged, October 2022 Key Stage 3 Strings Festival, October 2022 Bangkok Primary Choral Festival, October 2022 Christmas Concert, December 2022 British Club Carol Night, December 2022 Chamber Recital, January 2023 Patana Classic Meets Jazz, March 2023 Patana Unplugged, March 2023 Solo Festival, May 2023 Patana United, June 2023 Primary Performance week, June 2023 Patana Primary, June 2023

Splendid Th Co, April 2023

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 19

ARTS AWARDS Bangkok Patana Arts students continually astound us with their ability to deliver moving and memorable pieces and performances. This year awards were presented to both Primary and Secondary students who have demonstrated exemplary skill and exhibited outstanding commitment to their learning in the Arts.

SECONDARY SCHOOL ARTISTS OF THE YEAR Olivia Millard, Kasijutha (Ma-Proud) Kasikam RICHARD HOPKINS MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR Aadit Krishna Kumar DRAMA AWARD Passawut (Pun) Kunplome Holly Meyers ORCHESTRA AWARD Violet Stephan CHOIR AWARD Tatiana Skory BAND AWARD Thanik (Nicky) Siamwalla

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SPORTS Richard Molloy | Cross Campus Head of Sport

The 2022/23 academic year marked a return to SEASAC, which underpins our Under 19 competition across the year. The excitement as students embarked on trips to Singapore, to reacquaint with friends from the SEASAC family, was palpable and the Tigers represented impeccably. Bangkok Patana took on the role of facilitator for FOBISIA invitationals, playing host to more than 3,000 students across four FOBISIA events: Gymnastics, Tennis, Swimming and Football. Our students competed with their peers from South Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Taipei attending events here on campus. BMAC tournaments continued to grow in scale and the level of competition as more schools joined the conference. Regular fixtures and targeted tournaments have helped ensure a healthy schedule of competition.

SEASAC Podium Teams


• Champions - Girls’ Basketball. Some dominant performances across a relatively young team mean there is a lot of excitement around the squad to strive for a repeat this year!

In BMAC, across 11 sports, 82% of our teams achieved a top three place, with 31 teams (36%) crowned champions with another 39 (46%) teams placing second and third in their respective tournaments. A particular highlight was in Football, where all four Girls’ teams from Under 12 through to Varsity all took the Championship. We look forward to seeing our athletes develop as they grow and develop in their sports.

• Champions – Girls’ Tennis. Girl power was also evident as the Tennis team wrapped up a successful return to SEASAC action, defeating UWC-Dover in the final. • Champions - Boys’ Senior Swimming. They dominated the meet from start to finish, winning every relay as well as smashing a number of records along the way. • Champions - Junior Girls Swimming came through to win in a nailbiting battle with Tanglin. • Overall Individual All Round Champion for SEASAC Gymnastics: Emily Cannon

FOBISIA • Our gymnasts won more than half of the age groups with lots of incredible individual performances. • Champions - Under 16 Boys’ Football with Under 16 and Under 14 Girls also on the podium. • Our Tennis Tigers were fantastic against a huge field, with lots of top performances across all age groups. • Our swimmers were part of an 850-strong group of competitors and came out as the top team once again.

Participation numbers across all sports continue to be extremely high, which is great to see following our first full year back to normalcy.

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The BPS Dance Fest 2022 in October had over 110 dancers. Eight workshops with experts in different dance styles, a master class and performance opportunities were enjoyed by students. The performances by two professional dance crews were a highlight of this event.

The Academy hosted the Tiger Cats Dance Challenge 2023 in February. We had 113 Bangkok Patana students participate from lower Primary through to upper Secondary age groups along with a few students from outside Bangkok Patana.

There was plenty of success on the pitch over the academic year as the Football Academy continued to expand its calendar of tournaments. The Girls won both JV and Varsity BMAC events in style, with the Varsity Girls going onto lose narrowly in the SEASAC Final!

Our Varsity and Junior students had the privilege of playing on the professional turf at Muangthong Stadium, which created quite a buzz around the academy as students were inspired by professional football surroundings.

Hosted FOBISIA Gymnastics Invitational in November 2022, the first international event post Covid. The event was attended by 400 gymnasts from 11 schools across Asia. Out of a possible 17 overall podiums, BPS came 1st in nine, and 2nd or 3rd in a further five.

Attended SEASAC 2022 in Singapore at UWCSEA East, with Emily Cannon being crowned Overall Individual all round Champion. Bangkok Patana won numerous medals in each level both on an individual and team basis.

In our first overseas meet since 2018, the TigerSharks represented the school in fantastic fashion at the SEASAC Senior Championships, held at UWC Dover in Singapore. The Girls once again demonstrated their brilliant competitive nature, attaining an overall 3rd place and a 4th successive top 3 finish. The Boys who were keen to maintain their top status from 2022, did so, winning by over 100 points overall.

We welcomed back overseas schools for both Feeding Frenzy and FOBISIA Swimming. Over 35 schools made the trip with over 1,400 swimmers competing over both events. This was a brilliant demonstration of just how strong the whole programme is both from a competitive perspective and from an ability to host big competitions.

The TigerSharks competed fiercely in the local BMAC conference to assert their top position for another year at both the short course and long course championships. In a collective effort from both the senior and junior groups, it was a great sign of things to come for the future as well as enjoying the current rewards of hard work in training and great racing in meets.

The top team performance of the year was undoubtedly the Girls’ Varsity team triumphing at SEASAC with a young team on our home courts.

The tournament of the year was when we hosted the FOBISIA Invitational, which ran for two weekends in a row Friday, Saturday and Sunday with a brand-new format that saw 150 students play the qualifying event before joining overseas entries for the main draw the following weekend.

The top seasons of the year were the Under 12 and Under 14 seasons where both Boys’ and Girls’ teams in each age group won their BMAC championships.

A successful Foundation Stage dance programme was set in motion with regular classes running on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in Ballet and Hip Hop.

The Football Academy hosted the inaugural FOBISIA Football in May and delivered a showcase event. Teams from around Asia had a fantastic time over at the Sport Complex, competing for glory. Our Under 16 Boys came away as champions with a number of other Tiger teams on the podium.

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EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (ECAS) Alice Curwood | Cross Campus Assistant Principal, Extra-Curricular Activities and Sports

Our thriving provision of Extra-Curricular Activities is something we are very proud of at Bangkok Patana School. It is designed to allow our students to explore their passions outside of the classroom and develop as individuals through a holistic programme that is individualised, engaging and challenging. We aim to meet the different needs of our learners and create independent, empathetic, creative and critical thinkers. Students with interests across the arts, sports, community service and outward-bound activities are provided a platform to develop a skill set for the future. Our world-class facilities allow for a diverse and inclusive range of offerings. Participation in the programme is proven to enhance academic performance, boost self-confidence, learn new skills, broaden social skills, develop thinking skills and improve time management. It is delivered by our teachers, highly qualified professional coaches and a team of specialist outside providers; all sharing the same passion and drive to help our students thrive in their area of interest.

SOME KEY HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR EXTRA-CURRICULAR PROGRAMME INCLUDE: Drawing, sculpture, pottery, painting, photography, clay modelling and fashion design ECAs to spark and nurture that creative flare.

Academies in the five areas of Gymnastics, Dance, Swimming, Tennis and Football. All providing specialist coaching and competitive/performance opportunities throughout the year.

Community Action Teams that encourage students to get involved, think globally and act locally. Our students support a wide variety of charities and participate in fundraising efforts to support causes as broad ranging as marine conservation, Habitat for Humanity, Ethical coffee production, Smile Club, PAWS and Interact. The International Award programme is offered for students in Year 10-13 to gain their Gold, Silver and Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s certifications. Students complete a range of tasks including improving skills, engaging in sports, community service and adventurous journeys.

Musical and performing arts including individual instrumental lessons, choirs, ensembles, bands, musicals and productions.

Cutting edge STEM sessions to equip students with skills required for jobs in the 21st century, including coding, programming, robotics, online gaming, podcasting and electronics. All designed to give students a greater understanding of how their topic of study relates to the real world beyond the classroom walls.

An extensive range of noncompetitive recreational sports to promote overall well-being and lifelong participation in physical activity including roller blading, table tennis, yoga, martial arts, spinning and fitness suite access.

Opportunities to compete and play in sports teams against schools in Bangkok, South East Asia and greater Asia via our membership of SEASAC, FOBISIA and the newly formed BMAC (Bangkok Metropolitan Athletic Conference).

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 23

ECAS BY CATEGORY Percentage of total offerings shown in brackets

(6,1%) (20,4%) (47,9%)

(0,0%) (37,7%) (1,0%)


(106,19%) (78,14%)


(44,8%) (139,25%) (3,1%) (20,4%)



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THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S INTERNATIONAL AWARD Paul John D’Rozario | Outdoor Education Leader

The Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) International Award celebrates young people’s achievements outside of the classroom. Bangkok Patana students are phenomenal at engaging in a variety of interests outside of school and the DofE Award is a fantastic way to have these achievements recognised by an internationally celebrated institution like the DofE, which is celebrating its 66th year. The DofE facilitates young people to maximise their potential in 108 countries and territories with over 1.8 million participants. As students have not been able to travel together and explore the beautiful nature and landscapes that Southeast Asia has to offer due to the pandemic, it is more important than ever for Bangkok Patana students to explore and improve upon their resilience, communication, problemsolving and adaptability skills whilst proactively working towards their own mental and physical health. The Award enables young people to take charge of their personal development through learning a new skill, taking on a physical challenge and enjoying the self-esteem-boosting effects of helping others through the voluntary service section. Through these three sections of the Award, participants are developing characteristics which will not only help them now but also in the years to come. This year’s Bronze cohort did an exceptional job at navigating the green space in ‘The Green Lung’ and Rama 9 park especially as their navigation lessons were online. The Silver DofE participants demonstrated resilience in kayaking long distances through the canals of Samut Prakan. The Silvers that opted for hiking produced a brilliant ecological survey of the public parks in Bangkok. A huge well done to all of you that have finished your Award. It is an incredible achievement especially due to the additional COVID challenges!

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 25



Tund Theerawit





Utkarsh Bagaria

Ema Hashimoto

Manintorn Manavutiveth

Kayne Tatiyamaneekul

Chakraboon (Thiti) Bhanarai

Tara-Lynn Heuer

Sasha Prachaseri

Sanae (Sana) Tohi

Amy Brettell

Scarlet Hornby

James Somanader

Max Thompson

Ishaan Somani

Suh Yeon (Ashley) Uh

Karnpichcha (Ada) Chanyarakskul Kaavya (Kavu) Italiya Reyce Gabriel De La Cruz

Alexander Janssen

Sara Srisakulchawla

Margot Webert

Amaya Fahr

Ellie Imsuwansri

Shiksha Srivastava

Raiya Williams

Ethan Goh

Meera Krishnan

Tiger Tam

Sarah Yue Tong Wong

Akshit Gupta

Rosaleen Knox

Claire Tantapakul

Kiri Hart

He-Ya (Athena) Lin

Mya Tatam

Anchalika (Lika) Boeni

Lian Kaplan

Lara Tabruyn

Ashvika Bansal

Walanphat (Korkhao) Kiatphaibool

Pannyanat Tanarujiwiwat

Parit (Pete) Leenabanchong

Isabelle Thomas

Michael Bell Patreeya Banluelap Kuntorn (Andy) Chanyarakskul Kate Clare Jonathan Cumming Michelangelo Dealberti



Alicia Hamilton Jihyo Hong Simran Hora Xinning (Luna) Huang Eddie Hutchins Ut (Kathrina) Ian Taku Ishizaki Jasmine James Annabel Jones Samuel Jones Krishna Kandlapelli Sera Karl Arevik Khanyan

Pakapol (Paul) Leeswadtrakul Qian Man (Diana) Li Lucas Lim Kaeo Lumentut Jasmine Madden Alana Mawal Kent Muir-Mitarai Myra Narula Dhairya Nayee Anisa (Panna) Ngamtrakulpanit Vachiravich (Turbo) Phantratanamongkol Beniam Piller Divyansh Ramchandani Kai Richards Kate Schestak Thomas Skilbeck Zachary Smith

Teema Thanunmanee Kulchad Thianthai Norie Tohi Emily Tooley Chongrong Wang Maximilian Wawrzyniak Najai (Waan0Yen) Wongpaibool Rawinnipha (Lucy) Wongwian Wilasini (Lisa) Wongwian Monika Wierda Ellen Wright Zhuo Yan Yeo Teeramet (Zheng) Yupoonsup

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HOUSE SYSTEM Lorna Conroy | Secondary Assistant Principal, Student Welfare

At the end of the year students, and staff, eagerly await the results of the House competition. Every student has contributed to the outcome through their involvement in whole school events such as House Athletics or the House Quiz as well as the individual points they have accrued over the year. A phenomenal number of individual house points were award last year as a result of their hard work, motivation, collaboration and commitment to the community. The House system also gives students the opportunity to take on leadership roles and develop their skills. House Captains are selected from Year 12 to lead their Houses and work closely with the Heads of House to oversee events and ensure House Spirit is in abundance. Working alongside the House Captains are the Year Leaders busily organising teams and encouraging involvement. Congratulations to the following House Captains for holding these positions and for being such strong supporters of their House. Lanta House Captains Nay Thit Linn Tun Pa Tantiponganant Tanya Sastrasinh Amelia Ahl

Chang House Captains Erin Richards Jun Ishihara Natalie James You Wei (Terry) Lu

Phuket House Captains Krish Phlaphongphanich Tarini Chowla Mahi Lodha Amanda Ljungberg

Samui House Captains Marwin Banluelap Niamh Sehmar Tammy Bahora Kashish Shah Anoushka Mohanty

Many hard-fought competitions took place throughout the year, with all Houses fielding strong teams. THE TABLE BELOW PROVIDES A SAMPLE OF THE RESULTS: House Event





Year 7 Swimming Gala





Year 8 Rube Goldberg Machine





Year 9 Touch Rugby








Year 10 Balloon Debate





Year 11 Volleyball





Year 12 Dodgeball





Year 13 Volleyball





House Points - Key Stage 3





House Points - Key Stage 4





House Points - Senior Studies





House Athletics





Fun Run Participation





Subject Awards








It was a very close contest but when the scores were totalled in June, Samui House came out on top.








Many congratulations to all who participated in the events and a special well done to our 2022/23 champions, Samui House.

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 27 Student Achievement 2022/23 | 27

STUDENT LEADERSHIP STUDENT LEADERSHIP Lorna Conroy | Secondary Assistant Principal, Student Welfare

Lorna Conroy | Secondary Assistant Principal, Student Welfare

The Student Delegate Team is comprised of sixteen senior students from Bangkok Patana who have been chosen by their fellow students to serve The Student Delegate Team is comprised of sixteen students from Bangkok Patana who have the beencommunity, chosen by their fellow students to range serve of as representatives for the entire student body. These senior individuals serve as exemplary figures within showcasing a diverse as representatives for the entire student body. These individuals serve as exemplary figures within the community, showcasing a diverse range of talents and qualities such as teamwork, diplomacy, analytical thinking, and a dedicated work ethic. They are known for their kindness, empathy, talents and qualities such as teamwork, diplomacy, analytical thinking, and a dedicated work ethic. They are known for their kindness, empathy, approachability, authenticity, and compassion, and they also possess outstanding leadership abilities. approachability, authenticity, and compassion, and they also possess outstanding leadership abilities. The team in 2022-23 proved to be no exception. They worked collaboratively to support the whole school community as well as overseeing the Year The team inwhich 2022-23 provedinto58,090 be no exception. worked collaboratively to supportaid theefforts whole school community as well asearthquake. overseeing the Year 13 fundraiser resulted baht beingThey donated to Red Cross humanitarian following the Turkey-Syria 13 fundraiser which resulted in 58,090 baht being donated to Red Cross humanitarian aid efforts following the Turkey-Syria earthquake. They have actively contributed to school-wide events, provided mentorship and coaching to their peers, and served as school ambassadors during They have actively contributed to school-wide events, provided mentorship and coaching to their peers, and served as school ambassadors during visits by external speakers and students from other institutions. Even during their last week at school, they efficiently organized various farewell visits by external speakers and students from other institutions. Even during their last week at school, they efficiently organized various farewell events to ensure that the entire community could join in the celebration. events to ensure that the entire community could join in the celebration. MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO MANY CONGRATULATIONS TOTHE THEFOLLOWING FOLLOWINGFOUR FOURSTUDENTS STUDENTS FOR FOR THEIR SUCCESS ININ THEIR ROLE AS THEIR SUCCESS THEIR ROLE ASSENIOR SENIORDELEGATES: DELEGATES:

THESEFIVE FIVESTUDENTS STUDENTSWERE WEREABLY ABLY ASSISTED A FURTHER THESE ASSISTED BYBY A FURTHER 11 YEAR YEAR13 13DELEGATES: DELEGATES: 11 Prithvi(Pritu) (Pritu)Acharya Acharya Celine Celine (Gem) Ninsuvannakul Meja Meja Stalberg Prithvi (Gem) Ninsuvannakul Stalberg

RieRie AiyamaCruz Cheng AiyamaCruz Hugo Hugo Cheng

Kylie KylieKim Kim

Giles Giles Kinsella Kinsella

MatthewBroadbent Broadbent Matthew

Sonya Pang Sonya Pang

Sophie Stevens Sophie Stevens

AryamanGupta Gupta Aryaman

Luanne Poh Luanne Poh

Kazuma Kazuma Uji Uji

EmiriMiyake Miyake Emiri

Tatiana Skory Tatiana Skory

Kirsten Winyard Kirsten Winyard

JUNIOR DELEGATES are selectedbased basedon ontheir theirability abilityto tolive live and and embody the are selected from Year 9 to9 be JUNIOR DELEGATES are selected the school schoolvalues. values.These Thesestudent studentleaders leaders are selected from Year to be ambassadors for the whole of Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9); role models for over five hundred students. They are advocates for others and endeavour to to ambassadors for the whole of Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9); role models five hundred students. They are advocates for others and endeavour drive positive change school life. Theyall allfulfilled fulfilledtheir theirroles roleswith with enthusiasm enthusiasm and was their leadership and active drive positive change to to school life. They anddedication. dedication.Particularly Particularlynotable notable was their leadership and active supervision of the first Key Stage 3 Dance since 2019, when they themselves had been in Year 6! They also produced a wonderful video designed to supervision of the first Key Stage 3 Dance since 2019, when they themselves had been in Year 6! They also produced a wonderful video designedhelp to help new staff understand student perspectiveson ongreat greatlearning learningand and teaching teaching at at Patana. Junior Delegates: new staff understand student perspectives Patana. Many Manycongratulations congratulationstotoallallour our Junior Delegates: Advika Agarwal Advika Agarwal Tanna Chou Tanna Chou Jhanvi Golechha Jhanvi Golechha Rajul Grover Rajul Grover

Parisa(Pip) (Pip)Kaocharern Kaocharern Parisa Irissa Lemke Irissa Lemke Charles (Shi-Yi) Pitcher Charles (Shi-Yi) Pitcher Khadeejah Saboor Khilji Khadeejah Saboor Khilji

Vivaan VivaanSehgal Sehgal Aditi Singh Aditi Singh Suphakorn (Veer) Srisakulchawla Suphakorn (Veer) Srisakulchawla Jira Wongswan Jira Wongswan

Jynna Wongswan Jynna Wongswan Luomeng (Baobao) Zhang Luomeng (Baobao) Zhang

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL (SRC): SRC, striving to support the well-being of all students and to enhance the learning environment STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL (SRC): SRC, striving to support the well-being of all students and to enhance the learning environment at Bangkok Patana School. at Bangkok Patana School. The Student Representative Council (SRC) serves as the collective voice of the student body. Within the SRC, student representatives from Years 7, 8, Theand Student Representative as the collective voice the body.up Within the SRC, student representatives from Years 7, 8, 9 constitute the JuniorCouncil Council,(SRC) whileserves representatives from Years 10,of11, 12,student and 13 make the Senior Council. Each of these councils is skilfully andguided 9 constitute the Junior Council, while representatives from Years 10, 11, 12, and 13 make up the Senior Council. Each of these councils is skilfully by a student President, Vice-President, and Secretary, who oversee the weekly meetings. These student-led councils create a platform for guided by a student President, Vice-President, and Secretary, who oversee the weekly meetings. These student-led councils create a platform students to share positive feedback, raise concerns, propose areas for improvement, and engage in discussions about the path forward. In the 2022-23for students to share feedback, raise concerns, areas forincluding: improvement, and engage in discussions about the path forward. In the 2022-23 academic year, positive the councils were actively involved propose in various areas, academic year, the councils were actively involved in various areas, including: • Providing student feedback on the well-being programme • Suggesting new items for sale in the snack bar and canteen • •Providing the well-being programme Sharingstudent studentsfeedback concernson regarding school life •• Suggesting improve the in learning environment Suggestingways new to items for sale the snack bar and canteen • •Sharing students concerns regarding school to life • Suggesting ways to improve the learning environment Contributing their ideas for improvements the schools’ technology • Contributing their ideas for improvements to the schools’ technology Congratulations and thanks to the Senior and Junior SRC students from each tutor group for being an active contributor to student voice. Congratulations and thanks to the Senior and Junior SRC students from each tutor group for being an active contributor to student voice.

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Caroline Ferguson | Secondary CAS Coordinator


2022/2023 was a great year for Community Action in the Primary School. The year started with our whole school event, Tiger Spirit Day. This day focuses on who we are as a community and the sobering tragedy in Nong Bua Lamphu allowed us to come together to model the kindness, care and commitment to helping others that we pride ourselves on here at Bangkok Patana School. We raised THB 130,000 that will go towards building a new day care centre in the Nong Bua Lamphu area. Friendship Friday was a soaring success in November. Year groups invited their partner charities to come to school to explain more about their work and the communities they support. For the first time, we also held our Friendship Friday market and exhibition inviting our parent community to learn more about our charities and purchase the fairtrade, homemade and secondhand items on offer. At Christmas time, each Year group donated gifts to their partner charities. This gift giving was completed in conversation with the charities they support to ensure they received what they most need. In Foundation Stage, nappies, milk powder and cleaning products were most useful to Home of Praise, a day care centre in Khlong Toey whereas in Year 1 students donated story books in Thai to help Grapongdeang enhance their school library. There were a variety of amazing Year group fundraisers throughout the year including the • Foundation Stage ice cream sale, which raised THB 5,342 for Home of Praise; • The Year 1 Spellathon raised THB 189,530 for Grapongdeang School; • the Year 2 Spellathon raised THB 120,840 for Children of the Forest;

Jane Lovegrove | Secondary Youth and Community Coordinator

• •

he Year 3 Timestableathon raised THB 127,529 for Thomas House; the Year 4 Young Entrepreneur project raised an amazing THB 299,210 for the Mercy Centre; • Year 5 raised THB 105,768 for the Cambodian Clean Water Project at their annual Bring, Buy and Bake sale; • Year 6 raised THB 127,874 with their sponsored run. As well, Busking Day raised THB 148,306 for the Central Fund, which supports disaster relief. In Primary School, Smile Day raised THB 105,800 for Operation Smile The One Green Goal initiative rain throughout 2022/23 promoting environmental causes and sustainability. This fabulous project challenged classes, families and our partner charities to choose one green goal, relevant to their setting, to help make a small but meaningful change. We supported Home of Praise provide clean water to their young students using reusable cups via a water tank and filtration system. We provided tools and resources to improve and extend the Mercy Centre farm and bought a solar powered water cooler for the children of Grapongdeang School. And finally, we were so pleased to be able to support Children of the Forest to install a solar powered water pump to irrigate their fields throughout the year with river water. These amazing successes could not be possible without the hard work of our Community Action Team teachers, the students, and the generosity of our parent community. Thank you all for helping us to be active stewards of the environment and our communities.

SECONDARY: Our student-led Secondary Community Action Teams (CAT) and Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) projects have continued to strive to bring about positive change in the community, by tackling global issues through local engagement. Here are just a few examples of the achievements of these student led initiatives. AMNESTY To commemorate World Peace Day, they organised quizzes, a lively karaoke session, and a spirited Just Dance competition, fostering unity and understanding. On International Women’s Day, they hosted a guest speaker, drawing an attentive crowd of over 30 attendees. Taking their outreach a step further, the team led a trip to RIS where they collaborated with refugees, planting vegetables together, and sharing life stories. Rounding up the year, the ‘Write for Rights’ campaign mobilised the community, resulting in over 50 postcards being signed and dispatched, championing human rights and global empathy.

group initiated a research paper on the epidemiologic study of experiences and perceptions of T1DM adolescents in Thailand with Phramongkutkhlao Hospital.

DIABEONE Over the course of this academic year DiabeOne continued to raise awareness and funds for type 1 diabetes. Alongside this they also focused on mental health in the diabetes community. The student founder of the

OPERATION SMILE The Smile Club raised a total of THB 73,556 THB this year, contributing to a cumulative total of THB 357,483 over the past five years. These contributions have enabled the Smile Club to fund more than six life-

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Last year the team successfully met their goal of raising THB 300,000 THB through events such as the Fun Run and various bake sales. With this funding, they were able to take 20 students to a build project aimed at improving the lives of people in an impoverished community in Ayutthaya.

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 29

changing surgeries for the Operation Smile Foundation. This year they were able to travel to to MaeSot Hospital and spending time with patients and helping them. This experience allowed the students to directly experience and understand the impact of their contributions and dedication PROJECT STAR Project Star undertook a multitude of initiatives to support the disabled and disadvantaged community. The team raised over THB 220,000, of which THB 30,000 was used to sponsor the higher education of a disabled teenager. Additionally, they constructed and revamped numerous multi-sensory rooms at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. After travelling to Northern Thailand they identified two issues; the profusion of plastic waste, and the need for educational resources. As a result, the team developed what they call “HandyDesks.” These backpacks feature a portable desk and essential stationery and are made of only sustainable resources, and so empower disabled and disadvantaged children. The “Handydesks” were distributed to disabled children in remote regions of Northern Thailand. Finally, the team donated prosthetic limbs to the Princess Mother Prophecy Foundation. SWENEXT One of the club’s ongoing projects is the Lego microscope project. Initially, they aimed to construct a microscope using Lego, but they eventually decided that the best way to make a lasting impact was to raise funds to donate microscopes to underprivileged schools in Thailand. They collaborated with with SweNext clubs in other international schools towards this cause. To finance their microscope project and other activities, the team organised bake sales and crafted 3D-printed toys for sale. THFEMINIST Thfeminist is a student-led club to advocate for the rights of women and inform young people about feminism. This year, the team created a board game that educates young players on feminism; funds raised from sales will be donated to the Mercy Center. The group has also written a guidebook to feminism advocacy, protection and important life skills for low income girls in Thailand. START AT ART The St-Art (Start at Art) project is a nonprofit organisation with the aim of supporting young autistic artists under the care of the Autistic Thai Foundation by adapting their works into sustainable products to show them that they, too, can leverage their skill and talent to produce

a financial value from their passion. The team has raised and donated above THB 87,000 from the sales of their first bag collection and have recently put their newest puzzle-bag design for sale at the Community Engagement Fair raising over THB 10,000 for their cause. PAVI (PATANA ASSOCIATION FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED) This direct action service project was started in 2022, and over the course of the year has raised over THB 15,000 to purchase equipment for the Bangkok School for the Blind. The project involves our Senior Students going to the Bangkok School for the Blind every Thursday to help the students with their homework in subjects such as Thai, Chinese, Maths and English. SUPER SATANG Super Satang is focused on improving financial literacy for young people. The team has successfully ran over 50 workshops on personal finance and have run an event for 60+ adults in collaboration with the National Innovation Agency. To extend their online presence, Super Satang has established a 10-session free online course at and is also delivering bite-sized lessons through social media. The team established their MentorMind podcast where Thailand’s top business leaders including the Head of Google Thailand and the Co-founder of Lazada are interviewed. RISE Throughout this academic year this team organised regular visits to the Place of Grace, to enrich the education of the impoverished children who attend the school. The team raised and donated over THB 40,000 baht to help fund a safe house for those children in the community who have been identified to be especially at risk. RIGHT TO READ Right to Read has been sponsoring the education of a student from Chiang Rai province. The team raised THB 12,000 to fund her scholarship at the Fang Vocational Education College in Chiangmai for one year (2022/23).

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ALUMNI GRADUATES Congratulations to our alumni below who have been in touch to let us know about their recent graduations. Please contact to tell us all about your journey after Bangkok Patana!

Bangkok Patana Graduation Year

University Graduation Year



Master’s Degree Jonathan Broadbent



University of Toronto

MSc Computer Science

Louise Matias Velayo Ploenta Voraprukpisut Theodore Bien Peerat Vichivanives Navya Naveli Natani Kamira Pillay Sathontorn Duntanasarn

2019 2018 2018 2019 2017 2017 2018

2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023

KU Leuven Northwestern University University of Pennsylvania Carnegie Mellon University Claremont Graduate University University of South Carolina Columbia University

MSc Industrial Sciences MSc Computer Science MEng Robotics MSc Computer Science MBA and MSc Information Systems and Technology MEd Counselor Education and Play Therapy MSc Human Nutrition

Bachelor’s Degree Anil Dharmaseri



Monash University

Bachelor of Commerce

Diego Folin



Universita Bocconi

Bsc International Economics and Management

Nikara Gibbs



University of Nottingham

BSc Business Management with Honours

Kristine Huang




BA Political Science

Angelika Leiler



Modul University Vienna

BBA International Management and Marketing

Anunay Mehta



University of Bristol

B Eng Mechanical

Benjamin Sanders



The University of Melbourne

BSc Biotechnology

Putt Sarajoti



Purdue University

BA Psychology and Economics

Thanya Siamwalla



Imperial College London

BSc Medical Biosciences

Adam Verde



University of Portsmouth

BSc (Hons) Marine Biology

Yuqing Wu



Imperial College London

BSc Physics with a Year Abroad (MIT, USA)

Charisse Xin Ern Tan




BA Political Science and Communications

Anna Ratayczak



Les Roches International School

BBA in Global Hospitality Management

Sakooltipaya 00Lotharukpong



University of Oxford

BA Philosphy, Politics and Economics

James Ure



Monash University

BSc Computer Science

Suyash Kothari



Brown University

BSc Computer Science, AB International and Public Affairs

Acksharaa Balaji



Berklee College of Music

BA Music Therapy

Kashi Agarwal



George Washington University

BA Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Minor in Psychology

Athena Intanate



Haverford College

BA English, Spanish, International Studies

Soratchabhumi H. Sukkasem



Savannah College of Art & Design

BA Film and Television, Dramatic Writing minor

Benedikt Ayrle



Bucerius Law School


Muxi (Scott) Ni



University of Washington

BSc Computer Science

Oscar Matijasevich



Monash University

BSc Immunology

Dominic Rajadurai




BSc Aviation

Student Achievement 2022/23 | 31

CONTACT CONTACT Bangkok Patana School is dedicated to providing students with a wellrounded education. Student Achievement 2021/22 celebrates the tremendous achievements of our students in the many diverse areas of school life, including academics, the arts, community service, leadership activities and sports. HEAD OF SCHOOL Chris Sammons headof CROSS CAMPUS PRINCIPAL HeadThew of School Helen Matthew G Mills

headof Cross Campus Assistant Principal Professional Learning Cross Campus Principal Cindy Adair Helen Thew PRIMARY PRINCIPAL Cross Campus Assistant Principal Professional Learning Sarah McCormack Katherine Hume Primary Assistant Principal Learning and Welfare Primary Principal Carol Battram Sarah McCormack SECONDARY PRINCIPAL Matt Seddon Secondary Principal Matt Seddon Secondary Assistant Principal Student Welfare Lorna Conroy Admissions and Registration

Cross Campus Assistant Principal Extra-curricular Activities and Sports Cross Campus Assistant Principal Alice Curwood Extra-curricular Activities and Sports Cindy Adair

Cross Campus Assistant Principal Technology for Learning Brian Taylor

Cross Campus Assistant Principal Technology Integrator Brian Taylor Primary Assistant Principal Learning and Curriculum Primary Mark VerdeAssistant Principal, Learning and Welfare Carol Battram Secondary Assistant Principal, Student Welfare Secondary Assistant Principal Lorna Conroy Curriculum and Assessment Luke Jones

Rachel Jones ADMISSIONS AND REGISTRATION Rachel Jones Date of Production: December 2021. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Bangkok Patana School. Date of Production: December 2023. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Bangkok Patana School.

Primary Assistant Principal, Learning and Curriculum Mark Verde Secondary Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Assessment Luke Jones

To find out how your child can benefit from the World of Opportunity at Bangkok Patana, please contact us at 643 Lasalle Road, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 T:+66(0) 2785 2200 Bangkok Patana is a not-for-profit IB World School, accredited by CIS

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