Simple Tips to Energy Efficient Lighting System

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As part of your electrical system, the lights that you use will determine a good part of your electrical bill that you pay each month. In order to reduce your monthly payment, you’ll want to consult with the best electrical contractors in order to install the most energy efficient lighting system for your home or office. The good news is that there are several electrical services Seattle residents and business owners can hire to serve their particular needs.

Energy Efficient Lights Although the amount varies depending on the size, structure, and materials used to make the commercial building, the lighting system accounts for more than 30% of the total energy that is used. For residences the amount varies a little more, but in the end most of the energy consumed will be based on the type of lights used and their numbers.

This is why using the right energy efficient light bulbs is vital towards saving on your utilities bill. Old incandescent lights need to be replaced as they are energy hogs compared to newer LED lights. This is because LED lights convert nearly 100% of the electricity into light as compared to 10% or less for incandescent bulbs that mostly generate heat. Florescent bulbs are also energy savers compared to incandescent bulbs and are widely used in offices, hospitals and large buildings or facilities. However, they do give off a blue-like tint to the light which many people find unappealing.

Installing the Right Lighting System When it comes to putting in the right type of energy efficient system, the first step is an inspection of the residence or office location to see where the lighting is needed. Once you have completed the inspection process, it will then be necessary to see what additional electrical lines will need to be run.

Skylight Natural sunlight works wonders in otherwise darkened hallways or corners of rooms that need light. This is where a skylight or light that comes through fiber optics would work very well in providing the needed illumination without adding to your energy bill.

Lower Wattage Although LED lights use only a fraction of the energy compared to standard incandescent bulbs, you can reduce further the electrical needs by lowering the wattage of the lights in certain areas of the home or office. Generally speaking, these are places where people do not need to read or work such as the corners of rooms, hallways, or places where the amount of light can be less. You may also find that you can read with less light, so consider stepping down the voltage of the lights.

In the end, reducing what you pay for your lighting system can save you a considerable amount of money over the long term. This is why consulting with the best electrical services Seattle has to offer will pay off when it comes to your home or office. In addition, you’ll want to use reputable electrical contractors to install your new system so that it will work for you well into the future.

B & G Property Maintenance One of the best electrical contractors to provide premium quality residential and commercial Energy Efficient Lighting Upgrade in the Kirkland, Seattle, Bellevue WA and the surrounding areas. CONTACT US: 425-822-9487 / Website:

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