Dissertation Retrospektive Analyse

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Dissertation: A Retrospective Analysis

Embarking on the journey of writing a dissertation is a formidable task that often presents itself as a steep mountain to climb. As students delve into the world of academic research, the intricacies of a dissertation's retrospective analysis demand meticulous attention, dedication, and expertise. This process involves a comprehensive review and evaluation of past events, forming a critical foundation for the overall dissertation.

Crafting a retrospective analysis in a dissertation requires a profound understanding of the chosen topic, a skillful approach to data analysis, and the ability to synthesize information coherently. Scholars are expected to navigate through vast bodies of literature, scrutinize historical data, and draw meaningful conclusions that contribute to the existing academic discourse.

One of the primary challenges faced by individuals attempting a retrospective analysis in their dissertations is the overwhelming volume of information available. Sifting through numerous sources, understanding the historical context, and extracting relevant data can be a daunting and timeconsuming process. The need for precision and accuracy in interpreting historical events adds an extra layer of complexity to the task.

Furthermore, the retrospective analysis demands a critical perspective, requiring scholars to assess the significance of past events and their implications on the present and future. This calls for a high level of analytical thinking, historical contextualization, and the ability to draw connections between seemingly disparate elements.

In light of these challenges, many students turn to external assistance to ensure the success of their dissertation projects. Among the myriad of services available, ⇒ HelpWriting.net⇔ stands out as a reliable partner for those navigating the intricate terrain of dissertation writing.

⇒ HelpWriting.net⇔ specializes in providing expert support for students tackling complex academic projects. With a team of experienced writers and researchers, the platform offers custom dissertation writing services tailored to meet the unique requirements of each client. By entrusting the retrospective analysis to the professionals at ⇒ HelpWriting.net⇔, students can alleviate the burdensome task of navigating through extensive historical data and focus on developing their own analytical skills.

Navigating the labyrinth of a retrospective analysis in a dissertation requires dedication, expertise, and a meticulous approach. For those seeking a trustworthy ally in this challenging endeavor, ⇒ HelpWriting.net⇔ is a beacon of support, ensuring that the journey of crafting a dissertation is not only manageable but also successful.

Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (usw.), 1990, S. 319 51 Insall JN, Dorr LD, Scott RD, Scott WN: Rationale of the Knee Society clinical rating system. J Bone Joint Surg Am 75 (1993) 674-681 20 Brittberg M, Tallheden T, Sjogren-Jansson B, Lindahl A, Peterson L: Autologous chondrocytes used for articular cartilage repair: an update. Prospective randomized clinical trials could provide more valid information in future. Raven Press, New York, 1993, S. 85-92; 8 Baumgaertner MR, Cannon WD jr, Vittori JM, Schmidt ES, Maurer RC: Arthroscopic debridement of the arthritic knee. Thieme, Stuttgart, 2000 91 Ranawat CS: Total-condylar knee Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res 173 (1983) 178-183 7 Barnes CL, Clark AE, Thornhill T: Patient selection and indications for total knee replacement. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 131 (1993) 425-430 37 Goh CL: Prevalence of contact allergy by sex, race and age. Source: static.docsity.com Dissertation francais 1ere argumentation in dissertation francais 1ere. Clin Orthop Relat Res 441 (2005) 334-339. 50 Hunziger EB, Staubli HU, Jakob RP: Chirurgische Anatomie des Kniegelenks. In: Eulert J, Eichler J (Hrsg): Arthrose. Prakt. Orthopadie 25, Thieme, Stuttgart, 1995, S.127-137 83 Nielsen NH, Menne T: Nickel sensitization and ear piercing in an unselected Danish population. A randomized study. Br Med J 285 (1982) 1014 71 Lingard EA, Katz JN, Wright RJ, Wright EA, Sledge CB: Validity and responsiveness of the Knee Society Clinical Rating System in comparison with the SF-36 and WOMAC. Prospektive randomisierte klinische Studien konnten hier langfristig validere Aussagen ermoglichen. Jahrhunderts mehrere Patienten mit alloplastischem Gelenkersatz aus Elfenbein an unterschiedlichen Gelenken versorgte. J Bone Joint Surg Br 75 (1993) 822-824 41 Grifka J: Einlagen: Indikation, Verordnung, Ausfuhrung. Perioperativ wird einmalig intravenos ein Antibiotikum verabreicht. Im Gegensatz dazu vermitteln Kniebandagen allenfalls ein subjektives Stabilitatsgefuhl (Neff 1995). Clin Orthop Relat Res 205 (1986) 166-170 100 Spector BM, Ries MD, Bourne RB, Sauer WS, Long M, Hunter G: Wear performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene on oxidized zirconium total knee femoral components. Clin Orthop Relat Res 428 (2004) 120-124 33 Farron A, Rakotomanana RL, Zambelli PY, Leyvraz PF: Total knee prosthesis. Tabelle TEP Totalendoprothese UHMW-PE UltraHigh-Molecular-Weight-Polyethylen RA Rheumatoide Arthritis Zr Zirkonium Page 6. In 16 Fallen lag eine unbegrenzte Gehfahigkeit vor. Clin Orthop Relat Res 248 (1989) 9-12 31 Ewing JE: Arthroscopic Treatment of Degenerative Meniscal Lesions and Early Degenerative Arthritis of the Knee. Es sollte deutlich werden, wie jeder seine eigene Sichtweise einbringt, ohne gleich in Diskussionen abzudriften. In mindestens zwei Fallen ersetzte er dabei durch Tuberkulose zerstorte Kniegelenke (Wessinghage 1991). Dabei mu? eine sorgfaltige Zementiertechnik angewandt werden. Page 47. Ein Retropatellarersatz wurde an 19 Gelenken vorgenommen. On the contrary, literature comparisons suggest correlations, especially in the latter two. Arthroskopie 1 (1988) 109-115 62 Knutson K, Lewold S, Lindgren L, Robertson O: The Swedish knee arthroplasty register: A nationwide study of 30,003 knees 1976-1992. As a conclusion it can be said, that cytoreductive surgery combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is an important addition of the multimodal treatment concept for eligible patients and that its relevance is likely to increase in the future. Arthr Rheum 11 (1968) 705-733 4 Arora J, Ogden AC: Osteolysis in a surface-cemented, primary, modular Freeman-Samuelson total knee replacement. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot 80 (1995) 28-35. 34 Ficat RP, Philippe J, Hungerford DS: Chondromalacia patellae: a system of classification.

Vor diesem Hintergrund schien es mir dann doch sinnvoll sich zu Beginn des Meeting auszutauschen. Clin Orthop Relat Res 321 (1995) 156-161 19 Boyd AD jr, Ewald FC, Thomas WH, Poss R, Sledge CB: Long term complications after total knee arthroplasty with or without resurfacing of the patella. J Bone Joint Surg Am 83 (2001) 1856-1864 72 Lonner JH, Siliski JM, Scott RD: Prodromes of failure in total knee arthroplasty. Much of TSURF skill driven by external forcings and provides useful. Perioperativ wird einmalig intravenos ein Antibiotikum verabreicht. Dadurch konnte eine zufriedenstellende Beweglichkeit erreicht werden. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 136 (1998) 343-349 88 Peterson L, Minas T, Brittberg M, Nilsson A, Sjogren-Jansson E, Lindahl A: Twoto 9-year outcome after autologous chondrocyte transplantation of the knee. Samtliche Komponenten werden zementiert implantiert. Contact Dermatitis 14 (1986) 237-240 38 GondolphZink B, Degenhart M, Waldburg T: Erfahrungen mit dem Knieendoprothesensystem Wallaby-I. Clinical and numerical study of micromovements of the tibial implant. Instabile Knieendoprothesen nach Oberflachenersatz sind zum gro?ten Teil durch intraoperative Ursachen bedingt. Dabei konnen fur jede Kategorie bestmogliche 4 Punkte erreicht werden. Enke, Stuttgart, 1993, S.30-38 42 Gross U, Muller-Mai C, Berger G, Ploska U: Do calcium zirconium phosphate ceramics inhibit mineralization. Raven Press, New York, 1993, S. 85-92; 8 Baumgaertner MR, Cannon WD jr, Vittori JM, Schmidt ES, Maurer RC: Arthroscopic debridement of the arthritic knee. Clin Orthop Relat Res 248 (1989) 13-14 52 Insall JN, Hood RW, Flawn LB, Sullivan DJ: The total condylar knee prosthesis in gonarthrosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 58 (1976) 754-765 54 Jackson JP, Waugh W: Tibial osteotomy for osteoarthritis of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Br 60 (1978) 358-369 40 Grelsamer RP, Bazon AN, Proctor CS: Radiographic analysis of patellar tilt. J Bone Joint Surg Am 83 (2001) 80-86 101 Stallforth H: Technische Klassifikationen kommerziell verfugbarer Kniegelenksendoprothesen. Clin Orthop Relat Res 416 (2003) 191-196 68 Laskin RS: Soft Tissue Techniques in Total Knee Replacement. Bei jeweils einer Patientin bestand praoperativ eine primare Valgusgonarthrose bzw. Bucherei des Orthopaden 47, Enke, Stuttgart, 1985 60 Ki?linger A, Stucki L, Wessinghage D: Sind Scores geeignet zur Messung funktioneller Ergebnisse nach Kniegelenk-Schlittenprothesen. Dietrich, Gottingen, 1836 110 Wessinghage D: Themistokles Gluck. 100 Jahre kunstlicher Gelenkersatz. Bei Spatinfektionen erfolgt ein zweizeitiger Endoprothesenwechsel mit zwischenzeitlicher Implantation eines antibiotikahaltigen Platzhalters aus Knochenzement unter fortlaufender intravenoser

Antibiotikatherapie bei bekannter Resistenzlage des Erregers. Clin Orthop Relat Res 248 (1989) 9-12

31 Ewing JE: Arthroscopic Treatment of Degenerative Meniscal Lesions and Early Degenerative Arthritis of the Knee. Ein Retropatellarersatz wurde an 19 Gelenken vorgenommen. Abbildung ADL

Activity of Daily Life ap anterior-posterior CC Condylar Constrained CoCr Kobalt-Chrom CPM

Continuous Passive Motion CR Cruciat Retained DD Deep Dished ggf. Liberating Structures

Retrospectives Deutsch Reflections -- -- Follow Written by Torsten Irlander 23 Followers Follow Help Status About Careers Blog Privacy Terms Text to speech Teams. Biomed Tech 50 (2005) 143147 75 Menschik A: Mechanik des Kniegelenks, Teil 1. Orthopade 20 (1991) 206-215 15 Bobic V: Arthroscopic osteochondral autograft transplantation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a preliminary clinical study. The future tasks of this discipline are likely to be the standardization of surgical procedures, the acquisition of morbidity as well as of the applied chemotherapy regimes in order to further optimize the treatment of CRS and HIPEC.

Much of TSURF skill driven by external forcings and provides useful. Dadurch konnte eine zufriedenstellende Beweglichkeit erreicht werden. Clin Orthop Relat Res 416 (2003) 191-196 68 Laskin RS: Soft Tissue Techniques in Total Knee Replacement. Orthopade 20 (1991) 206-215 15 Bobic V: Arthroscopic osteochondral autograft transplantation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a preliminary clinical study. Funktionelle Einschrankungen werden trotz massiver Auspragung vom Patienten relativ lange toleriert. Tag entfernt. Bei nachfolgender Ergu?bildung wird fruhzeitig unter sterilen Kautelen punktiert. Hierzu werden bei einem arthroskopischen Ersteingriff zur Diagnosesicherung (Ausma. Enke, Stuttgart, 1993, S.30-38 42 Gross U, Muller-Mai C, Berger G, Ploska U: Do calcium zirconium phosphate ceramics inhibit mineralization. Source: static.docsity.com Dissertation francais 1ere argumentation in dissertation francais 1ere. On the contrary, literature comparisons suggest correlations, especially in the latter two. In: Ranawat CS (Hrsg): Total-condylar knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res 248 (1989) 13-14 52 Insall JN, Hood RW, Flawn LB, Sullivan DJ: The total condylar knee prosthesis in gonarthrosis. RavenPress, New York, 1993, S. 93-114 93 Reichel H: Arthrose. Tabelle TEP Totalendoprothese UHMW-PE Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight-Polyethylen RA Rheumatoide Arthritis Zr Zirkonium Page 6. The future tasks of this discipline are likely to be the standardization of surgical procedures, the acquisition of morbidity as well as of the applied chemotherapy regimes in order to further optimize the treatment of CRS and HIPEC. In recent years, medical science has not only made progress in the field of palliative systemic chemotherapy but there have also been great efforts to establish cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic chemotherapy as an additive therapy. Correlated biomechanical and clinical observations. Source: static.docsity.com Dissertation francais 1ere argumentation in dissertation francais 1ere. Significance of radiolucent lines.Clin Orthop Relat Res 216 (1987) 151-158. 28 Eichler J: Praarthose durch Immobilisation. Halle, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 57 Seiten, 2006 Page 3. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 116 (1973) 422-428 26 Debrunner HU, Hepp WR: Orthopadisches Diagnostikum. Infolge dieses Elastizitatsverlustes kam es auch bei diesen Materialien zu Versagensfallen inklusive Materialbruch. Ein fruherer Promotionsversuch mit dieser oder einer anderen Dissertation ist auch an keiner weiteren Fakultat erfolgt. Halle, 27.04.2006 Page 66. J Arthroplasty 13 (1998) 609-614 13 Bindelglass DF, Cohen JL, Dorr LD: Patella tilt and subluxation in total knee arthroplasty. Thieme, Stuttgart, 2000 91 Ranawat CS: Total-condylar knee Arthroplasty. Prospektive randomisierte klinische Studien konnten hier langfristig validere Aussagen ermoglichen. J Arthroplasty 10 (1995) 287-291 23 Castro FP, Chimento G, Munn B, Levy R, Timon S, Barrack R: An analysis of Food and Drug Administration medical device reports relating to total joint components. J Arthroplasty 14 (1999) 488-492 73 Lotke PA, Ecker ML: Influence of positioning of prosthesis in total knee replacement. Clin Orthop Relat Res 253 (1990) 197-202 9 Bengston S, Knutson K, Lidgren L: Treatment of infected knee arthroplasty. In: Weber U, Hackenbroch MA (Hrsg): Endoprothetik am Kniegelenk.

Clin Orthop Relat Res 269 (1991) 78-88 49 Huddleston JI, Wiley JW, Scott RD: Zone 4 femoral radiolucent lines in hybrid versus cemented total knee arthroplasties: are they clinically significant. Clin Orthop Relat Res 248 (1989) 9-12 31 Ewing JE: Arthroscopic Treatment of Degenerative Meniscal Lesions and Early Degenerative Arthritis of the Knee. Ein fruherer Promotionsversuch mit dieser oder einer anderen Dissertation ist auch an keiner weiteren Fakultat erfolgt. Halle, 27.04.2006

Page 66. Samtliche Komponenten werden zementiert implantiert. Clin Orthop Relat Res 253 (1990) 197-202 9 Bengston S, Knutson K, Lidgren L: Treatment of infected knee arthroplasty. Perioperativ wird einmalig intravenos ein Antibiotikum verabreicht. Two- to four-year experience using an asymmetric tibial tray and a deep trochlear-grooved femoral component. Arthr Rheum 11 (1968) 705-733 4 Arora J, Ogden AC: Osteolysis in a surface-cemented, primary, modular FreemanSamuelson total knee replacement. Schattauer, Stuttgart, New York, 1985, S. 257-268 105 Uematsu O, Hsu HP, Kelley KM, Ewald FC, Walker PS: Radiographic study of Kinematic total knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 3 (1988) 17-25 3 Ahlback S, Bauer GC, Bohne WH: Spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee. Source: d20ohkaloyme4g.cloudfront.net You might love the specialty you've. J Bone Joint Surg Am 84 (2002) 1362-1371 86 Pellengahr C, Mayer W, Maier M, Muller PE, Schulz C, Durr HR, Trouillier H, Steinborn M, Jansson V, Refior HJ: Resurfacing knee arthroplasty in patients with allergic sensitivity to metals. Voraussetzung fur ein solches Vorgehen ist eine intakte Implantat-Knochengrenze. The future tasks of this discipline are likely to be the standardization of surgical procedures, the acquisition of morbidity as well as of the applied chemotherapy regimes in order to further optimize the treatment of CRS and HIPEC. Source: static.docsity.com Dissertation francais 1ere argumentation in dissertation francais 1ere. In mindestens zwei Fallen ersetzte er dabei durch Tuberkulose zerstorte Kniegelenke (Wessinghage 1991). In: Weber U, Hackenbroch MA (Hrsg): Endoprothetik am Kniegelenk. In the evaluation of 91 cases in the context of peritoneal carcinomatosis, we determined that the most common complications were infections (21.8%; mainly abscesses, wound complications and pneumonia), and adverse events affecting the gastrointestinal tract (32.7%, mainly strictures and anastomotic leakage). Minimum min. minimal MW Mittelwert

NMH Niedermolekulares Heparin NSAR Nichtsteroidale Antirheumatika OP Operation PCA Patient

Controlled Analgesia PE Polyethylen PS Posterior Stabilized ROM Range Of Motion SD

Standardabweichung Tab. This is also reflected in our own results: At a rate of 25.3% and 3.3% respectively, the morbidity and mortality in our study is not only on a similar level with other centers for cytoreductive surgery, but also with the results of other extensive abdominal surgery (e.g. pancreaticoduodenectomy) and palliative systemic chemotherapy. As a conclusion it can be said, that cytoreductive surgery combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is an important addition of the multimodal treatment concept for eligible patients and that its relevance is likely to increase in the future. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 116 (1973) 422-428 26 Debrunner HU, Hepp WR: Orthopadisches Diagnostikum. Much of TSURF skill driven by external forcings and provides useful. Im Gegensatz dazu vermitteln Kniebandagen allenfalls ein subjektives Stabilitatsgefuhl (Neff 1995). J Arthroplasty 10 (1995) 287-291 23 Castro FP, Chimento G, Munn B, Levy R, Timon S, Barrack R: An analysis of Food and Drug Administration medical device reports relating to total joint components. A five to nine-year follow-up of the first one hundred consecutive replacements. J Bone Joint Surg Br 60 (1978) 358-369 40 Grelsamer RP, Bazon AN, Proctor CS: Radiographic analysis of patellar tilt. Clin Orthop Relat Res 245 (1989) 173-178 10 Bernstein A, Gildenhaar D, Nobel D, Berger G: Biocompatibility screening of different calcium phosphate ceramics. In recent years, medical science has not only made progress in the field of palliative systemic chemotherapy but there have also been great efforts to establish cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic chemotherapy as an additive therapy option for eligible patients. Schmerzfreiheit bestand in 8 Fallen zur Nachuntersuchung.

J Arthroplasty 3 (1988) 17-25 3 Ahlback S, Bauer GC, Bohne WH: Spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee. Whereas the complications associated with CRS and HIPEC were partially quite severe in the past, a reduction in the rate of higher grade complications and postoperative mortality could be observed in recent years. Clin Orthop Relat Res 248 (1989) 13-14 52 Insall JN, Hood RW, Flawn LB, Sullivan DJ: The total condylar knee prosthesis in gonarthrosis. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 126 (1990) 80-84 115 Zambelli PY, Leyvraz PP: Clinical evaluation of total knee prosthesis: comparative analysis of scores. J Am Med Ass 111 (1938) 1349-1361 108 Walker PS, Blunn GW, Lilley PA: Wear testing of materials and surfaces for total knee replacement. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (usw.), 1999 58 Johnson DP, Eastwood DM: Patellar complications after knee arthoplasy. Jahrhunderts mehrere Patienten mit alloplastischem Gelenkersatz aus Elfenbein an unterschiedlichen Gelenken versorgte. Springer, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg (usw.), 1991, S. 41-54 69 Laughlin RT, Werries BA, Verhulst SJ, Hayes JM: Patellar tilt in total knee arthroplasty. Raven Press, New York, 1993, S. 85-92; 8 Baumgaertner MR, Cannon WD jr, Vittori JM, Schmidt ES, Maurer RC: Arthroscopic debridement of the arthritic knee. Clin Orthop Relat Res 248 (1989) 9-12 31 Ewing JE: Arthroscopic Treatment of Degenerative Meniscal Lesions and Early Degenerative Arthritis of the Knee. In mindestens zwei Fallen ersetzte er dabei durch Tuberkulose zerstorte Kniegelenke (Wessinghage 1991). Source: d20ohkaloyme4g.cloudfront.net You might love the specialty you've. Enke, Stuttgart, 1993 97 Schurman DJ: Functional outcome of GUEPAR Hinge knee arthroplasty evaluated with ARAMIS. Much of TSURF skill driven by external forcings and provides useful. Am J Orthop 25 (1996) 300-304 70 Lidwell OM, Lowbury W, Whyte R, Blowers S, Stanley J, Lowe D: Effect of ultraclean air in operating rooms on deep sepsis in the joint after total hip and knee replacement. Eine nachgewiesene oder vermutete Gelenkinfektion stellt eine absolute Kontraindikation zur intraartikularen Injektion dar. Dabei mu? eine sorgfaltige Zementiertechnik angewandt werden. Page 47. Diese sollten im Rahmen einer zweieinhalb stundigen Retrospektive mit allen Beteiligten aufbereitet werden. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (usw.), 1990, S. 319 51 Insall JN, Dorr LD, Scott RD, Scott WN: Rationale of the Knee Society clinical rating system. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 72 (1991) 367-374 22 Campbell DG, Mintz AD, Stevenson TM: Early patellofemoral revision following total knee arthroplasty. In recent years, medical science has not only made progress in the field of palliative systemic chemotherapy but there have also been great efforts to establish cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic chemotherapy as an additive therapy. Retrospektiven sind daher ein fester Bestandteil in einem PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Zyklus. Sie sind ohne Frage fordernder als klassische Methoden, in denen man sich auch mal eine Pause gonnen kann. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 136 (1998) 343-349 88 Peterson L, Minas T, Brittberg M, Nilsson A, Sjogren-Jansson E, Lindahl A: Two- to 9-year outcome after autologous chondrocyte transplantation of the knee. Beim Retropatellarersatz wurden solche Saume dreimal beobachtet (15,8%). Springer, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg (usw.), 1985 Page 53. J Arthroplasty 12 (1997) 765771 24 Chen AL, Mujtaba M, Zuckerman JD, Jeong GK, Joseph TN, Wright K, Di Cesare PE: Midterm clinical and radiographic results with the genesis I total knee prosthesis. Thieme, Stuttgart, New York, 1994 27 Ecker ML, Lotke PA, Windsor RE, Cella JP: Long-term results after total condylar knee arthroplasty. Correlated biomechanical and clinical observations. In: Weber U, Hackenbroch MA (Hrsg): Endoprothetik am Kniegelenk.

Dadurch konnte eine zufriedenstellende Beweglichkeit erreicht werden. Arthr Rheum 11 (1968) 705733 4 Arora J, Ogden AC: Osteolysis in a surface-cemented, primary, modular Freeman-Samuelson total knee replacement. Thieme, Stuttgart, 2000 91 Ranawat CS: Total-condylar knee Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 10 (1995) 287-291 23 Castro FP, Chimento G, Munn B, Levy R, Timon S, Barrack R: An analysis of Food and Drug Administration medical device reports relating to total joint components. Bei jeweils einer Patientin bestand praoperativ eine primare Valgusgonarthrose bzw. Im Gegensatz dazu vermitteln Kniebandagen allenfalls ein subjektives Stabilitatsgefuhl (Neff 1995). Much of TSURF skill driven by external forcings and provides useful. A randomized study. Br Med J 285 (1982) 10-14 71 Lingard EA, Katz JN, Wright RJ, Wright EA, Sledge CB: Validity and responsiveness of the Knee Society Clinical Rating System in comparison with the SF-36 and WOMAC. Biomed Tech 50 (2005) 143-147 75 Menschik A: Mechanik des Kniegelenks, Teil 1. Clin Orthop Relat Res 173 (1983) 178-183 7 Barnes CL, Clark AE, Thornhill T: Patient selection and indications for total knee replacement. Zum Einsatz kamen Femurkomponenten, deren Gleiteigenschaften durch keramische Beschichtungen so verbessert wurden, da. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (usw.), 1990, S. 319 51 Insall JN, Dorr LD, Scott RD, Scott WN: Rationale of the Knee Society clinical rating system. In mindestens zwei Fallen ersetzte er dabei durch Tuberkulose zerstorte Kniegelenke (Wessinghage 1991). Ich glaube es ware besser gewesen, wenn jeder Teilnehmer zu Beginn nur ein Top-Thema (sein Top-Thema) genannt hatte. J Bone Joint Surg Br 60 (1978) 358-369 40 Grelsamer RP, Bazon AN, Proctor CS: Radiographic analysis of patellar tilt. Source: static.docsity.com Dissertation francais 1ere argumentation in dissertation francais 1ere. Instabile Knieendoprothesen nach Oberflachenersatz sind zum gro?ten Teil durch intraoperative Ursachen bedingt. Raven Press, New York, 1990, S. 137-145 32 Ezzet KA, Hermida JC, Colwell CW Jr, D'Lima DD: Oxidized zirconium femoral components reduce polyethylene wear in a knee wear simulator. J Bone Joint Surg Am 83 (2001) 1856-1864 72 Lonner JH, Siliski JM, Scott RD: Prodromes of failure in total knee arthroplasty. Retrospektiven sind daher ein fester Bestandteil in einem PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Zyklus. Clin Orthop Relat Res 321 (1995) 156-161 19 Boyd AD jr, Ewald FC, Thomas WH, Poss R, Sledge CB: Long term complications after total knee arthroplasty with or without resurfacing of the patella. Es sollte deutlich werden, wie jeder seine eigene Sichtweise einbringt, ohne gleich in Diskussionen abzudriften. In 16 Fallen lag eine unbegrenzte Gehfahigkeit vor. Tabelle TEP Totalendoprothese UHMW-PE Ultra-High-Molecular-WeightPolyethylen RA Rheumatoide Arthritis Zr Zirkonium Page 6. Bei Spatinfektionen erfolgt ein zweizeitiger Endoprothesenwechsel mit zwischenzeitlicher Implantation eines antibiotikahaltigen Platzhalters aus Knochenzement unter fortlaufender intravenoser Antibiotikatherapie bei bekannter Resistenzlage des Erregers. Huber, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien, 1982 6 Bargren JH, Blaha JD, Freeman MA: Alignment in total knee arthroplasty. A five to nine-year follow-up of the first one hundred consecutive replacements. Abbildung ADL Activity of Daily Life ap anterior-posterior CC Condylar Constrained CoCr Kobalt-Chrom CPM Continuous Passive Motion CR Cruciat Retained DD Deep Dished ggf. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 136 (1998) 343-349 88 Peterson L, Minas T, Brittberg M, Nilsson A, Sjogren-Jansson E, Lindahl A: Two- to 9-year outcome after autologous chondrocyte transplantation of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am 82 (2000) 516-523 30 Ewald FC: The Knee Society total knee arthroplasty roentgenographic evaluation and scoring system.

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