Magic wave edisi 132

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# 132 2013


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


PENGANTAR Menjelang penutupan tahun 2013 kali ini kita di redaksi magicwave sudah kedatangn beberapa calon anak magang/intership dari sekolah design sekitar Bali, dan ini membawa kebahagiaan tersendiri. Hal terbaru dalam fisik membuat team redaksi merasa tertantang salah satu dari sebagian besar tema adalah menyukai perubahan, dan kita melakukan yang terbesar dgn merubah format A3 menjadi A4. Tentu dengan halaman yang juga berubah

Since year 2002, 3.000 copies of Magic Wave printed monthly and distributed mainly in Bali, Java and Lombok. Our Distribution also covering surf shop, surf spot, restos and cafes in surf cities from Aceh to Rote Island.

Kebiasaan kita dalam berbagi pengalaman pada remaja yang belum tersentuh nilai2 duniawi, dan membuat magicwave bias bertahan dan menyesuaikan diri dgnkeberadaan tehnologi informasi yang berkembang sangat cepat dari keberadaan anak2 magang dengan mimpi-mimpi yang fresh akan membuat topi yang sama dari sudut pandang yang baru

Magic Wave PDF soft copies can be downloaded through www. As per January 2011, visitors in our web reached 3.000 per month from app 80 countries. As free publication Magic Wave welcomes any contributors for photo, news and updates from anyone who likes to share passion about waves and good times. Email us your photo & story to

Keberadaan komunitas surfing sendiri baik secara individu, club surfing maupun industri local sangat lah menggembirakan, dan ini banyak membuat dampak khusus nya terhadap magicwave. Pengusaha local yang naik daun ini menjadi motifator kita dan club2 yang semakin bangkit juga telah membuat banyak nya jumlah event surfing di Bali maupun di Indonesia.

Last but not least... Join us on

Semoga tahun 2014 kita cukup waktu untuk selalu dating diantara event2 yang di adakan oleh local2 club di Bali/Indonesia – jayalah surfing, dan jayalah anak pante

Sejak tahun 2002, setiap bulannya 3.000 eksemplar Magic Wave dicetak dan diedarkan ke Surf Shop, Surf Spot, Restoran dan Cafe di seluruh Indonesia. Walaupun distribusi utamanya beredar di Bali, Lombok dan jawa, Magic Wave dikirim via pos ke Aceh hingga Pulau Rote. Magic Wave edisi online-nya juga bisa di download dari Per bulannya pengunjung situs kami bisa mencapai sekitar 3.000 orang. Sebagai media gratis, Magic Wave menerima segala jenis kontribusi berita, foto, dan kabar lainnya dari kamu-kamu di seluruh Indonesia dan dunia. Kirim aja ke Mau tahu lebih banyak, gabung aja di

Chief Editor: Piping | Editor: Ebong , Sakti | Production: Kd Widiarta | Design: Kd Widiarta | Journalist: Magic Crew | Photographer : Komang BSP, Karel Tonchan | Advertising & Promotion: or Contributors: Andy Perdana. Tim, Gede, Dedi, Kadek Bolang, Steve, Dodo, Rizal, Angga, Joko, Doel, Sid, Glenn, Amir, Tutty, Rangga, Donny Banten, Puu, Deny Affandy, Mukis Anwar, Sakti | Development & Marketing: Putu Leonk | Contributing Photographer: Dede I Sukardis, Bali Surf Photography, Edy Black, Komang BSP, Simon Cipper, Mamat Sumbawa, Yayak Pacitan, Gus Andika, Willy Souw, Harry Pieters, Sid, Bertoni Siswanto, Karel Toncan, Briant | Magang: Jonas Pfau, Rade Roisidayati, Desi Widiyawati, Luh Putu Ulandari, Lilis SriAriyani, Made Pasek | Distribution: Magic Wave Team | Language Translator: Kellie, Lindia, Sakti | Legal: Edward Tobing SH. EDNA LAW OFFICE, Denpasar Published every month or so by: PT. Gama Bali Dwipa | Website: Address: Jl. PB Sudirman Swakarya Baru 2X Denpasar - Bali


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013

Di kampungnya President Republik Indonesia saja seperti ini, gimana yang jauh ??? apa yang salah dengan republik ini???



w w

we have surf in this place since 2004. this is first harbour..after this the goverment make new pier at side main harbour and this is make bumpy and the waves can’t break again. plese share and give the coment this pict until goverment care about this surfbreak. Petisi oleh pacitan surf club because it will save the destruction of the coastline due to the construction of the new port and will save thewaves there are assets in pacitan (karena ini akan menyelamatkan rusaknya garis pantai akibat pembangunan pelabuhan baru dan akan menyelamatkan aset ombak yang ada di pacitan) Untuk: pemerintah, dinas kelautan,perhubungan,pihak terkait PERLINDUNGAN AREA SURFING DLM PEMBANGUNAN KAWASAN KONSERVASI PERAIRAN

A small cozy guesthouse with comfortable Balinese atmosphere

Alasan penandatangananPaling Populer Terbaru Widia Nur INDONESIA Potensi alam Pacitan untuk sektor pariwisata sangat besar hanya belum dikembangkan maksimal. Setuju dgn yg dikatakan oleh Sandy Adhiguna (SAMARINDA) karena menyangkut sektor yang tidak ada matinya,yaitu sektor pariwisata. ivan norman justin JOGJAKARTA, INDONESIA save the waves Paul Anderson WARANA, AUSTRALIA Saya sudah lama tau ombak dan lautan di daerah Pacitan. Saya malu menyaksikan lagi ada warisan Indonesia lagi hancur . wirastuti susilaningtyas INDONESIA kekayaan alam di negara kita layak dan wajib dijagaaa menghancurkan lebih mudah daripada menjaga Haedy Noer INDONESIA Indonesia adalah playground bagi olahraga selancar, pemerintah Indonesia selama ini tidak menyadari betapa pentingnya hal ini. Dengan petisi ini kita berusaha menyelamatkan salah satu ombak yang akan hilang apabila pembangunan ini tetap dilakukan Bertina De Mooij FRANCE Pacitan kota yang punya kesempatan besar untuk berkembang sebagai kota parawisata : parawista orang luar yang cari tempat yang masih alami dan damai dan parawisata orang selancar yang semakin lama semakin banyak. Kalau kota Pacitan membangun pelabuhan besar parawisata tidak akan bisa berkembang, tidak munkin touris mau datang untuk lihat satu kota yang alamnya ancur, ramai, dan tidak ada omak lagi buat main...

H i g h S pe e d Free Par k I nte r n e t Te l p : ( + 6 2 3 6 1 ) 8 6 2 2 2 8 8 HP : +6281 7475 9070

maxfur hary INDONESIA save our waves!! sandy adhiguna SAMARINDA, INDONESIA karena menyangkut sektor yang tidak ada matinya, yaitu sektor pariwisata ade fajar nugroho INDONESIA save surf spot Ales Grbic MARIBOR, SLOVENIA Save our mother Nature for the generations to come wahyu agus prastio INDONESIA save our wave


# 132 2013

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photo by : tommy schultz # 132 2013

“ KAME “

aku ber-kenalan dengan salah seorang surfer lokal, Maulana Said Baadilla namanya.Berikut hasil perbincangan singkat kami…

Siang itu tim Magic Wave menemui Pelatih



Hari itu aku berkunjung ke pulau Lombok, tepatnya di pantai Senggigi Lombok Barat.Disana

sekaligus Mekanik Bali MX di Jln. Drupadi, pada kesempatan tersebut kami dapat Hai bro, apa kabar? Gak surfing hari

berbincang-bincang dengan salah satu me-

Maulana Said Baadilla

ini? Sehat bro! Belum tau nih… Angin masih ngawur

kanik serta pelatih dari Bali MX yang bernama

A.K.A : Maulana

soalnya bro...


D.O.B :Denpasar, 7 May 1996 Gimana sih awal kamu bisa tertarik

Kame adalah seorang pelatih sekaligus mekanik motorcross, yang lahir pada tanggal 11November 1976 tepatnya di Yogyakarta. Beliau merupakan salah satu pencinta motocross yang berhasil berprestasi sampai tingkat internasional. Ketika ditanya tentang bagaimana awalnya beliau sampaibisa menjadi pelatih sekaligus mekanik seperti saat ini, om Kame pun menceritakan awal perjalanannya, “saya memang tertarik pada motorcross sejak saya masih kecil. Saya mulai belajar motorcross perlahan-lahan hingga akhirnya saya bisa menjadi rider motorcross. Yang juga membuat sayasenang dari motorcross ini karna motorcross adalaho lahraga yang menantang dan saya sangat suka menaklukan tantangan. Awalsaya belajar menjadi mekanik motorcross karna saya belajar di STM (Sekolah Teknik Mesin). Disana saya belajar tentang alat-alat perbengkelan serta mesin-mesin motor, khususnya motorcross, ” ujarnya.

Boardsize : 5’5”

dengan surfing?

Style : Regular

Awalnya aku diperkenalkan surfing dari temanku, dia seorang surfer.Saat itu aku masih

Local : Senggigi, Lombok

tinggal di Gili Trawangan.Kalau tidak salah awal tahun 2009.Saat masih belum lancar meluncur aku mendapatkan papan dari kakakku yang juga seorang surfer.Nah sejak itulah aku mulai sangat tertarik dengan surfing hingga saat ini.

Bro, kan ada banyak nih olahraga ekstrim… Kenapa kamu malah memilih surfing ketimbang olahraga ekstrimlainnya? Hmm… Menurutku pribadi, aku di besarkan di

Ada harapan gak buat surfing

Oke bro! Terimakasih buat wak-

di Indonesia, bro?

tunya. Sampai ketemu di air…

Ada dong… Ya semoga aja makin banyak

Yoi,sama sama.Oh ya, satu lagi… Salam

yang tertarik dengan surfing dan setiap

kompak untuk semua, baik yang akan mau-

komunitas surfing yang ada, tetap menja-

daerah pesisir pantai.Bisa di bilang halaman ru-

lin komunikasi dengan komunitas surfing

mahku adalah pantai dan tanamannya berupa

lainnya , dimanapun itu, biar selalu tetap

ombak yang indah… Lebay dikit :p…kebetulan


Sebelum melakukan aktifitas dalam dunia motorcross, ada 2 hal yang harus dilakukan oleh para pemain, yaitu: 1) mengecek kelengkapan dan kondisi motor. Misalnya seperti mengecek rantai motor, perawatan motor yang maksimal dan lain sebagainya. 2) mengecek kesiapan dan mental serta fisik rider. Misalnya eperti mempersiapkan kondisi sebelum mengendarai motor. Dalam berkendara harus berkonsentrasi , fokus, melatih pernafasan, serta harus selalu bugar dengan cara berolahraga. Seperti misalnya push-up dan sit-up.

pun yang sudah mencintai surfing!

kakakku juga seorang surfer. Meluncur di atas

Kame adalah salah satu pencinta motocross yang aktif dengan segudang prestasi sehingga menempati dua kedudukan.Menjadi seorang pelatih dan juga menjadi mekanik. Dalam komunitas motorcross, usia adalah hal terpenting yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam mengendarai motor. Biasanya kalau umur 3-12 tahun masih belum diijinkan angkat beratatau jumping. Yang penting adalah fisik yang kuat serta fit, agar pernafasannya teratur dan stabil. Secara teori untuk mengatur pernafasan yakni lakukan disiplin olahraga seperti pergike gym atau fitness agar ruang paru-paru renggang dan besar sehingga memungkinkan pernafasan menjadi stabil dan santai. Menaklukan tantangan adalah salah satu hal yang menarik dalam olah raga ini sehingga banyak orang menjadi tertarik dan ingin mencoba.Di dalam sebuah perlombaan, tidak hanya pemain yang perlu diperhatikan tetapi mesin juga harus selalu diperhatikan, maka dari itu kedua hal tersebut akan selalu terkait satu sama lain. Pesan yang dapat disampaikan dari om Kame untuk para rider pemula atau yang baru bergabung dalam dunia motorcross yaitu agar selalu maksimalkan perawatan baik dari segi motor serta segi fisik rider itu sendiri, dan harus belajarserta memahami dasarnya dulu dan juga tidak pernah takut mencoba dan selalu mencoba.

ombak itu gak ada dua n ya lah.Kesenangan memacu adrenalinnya itu yang membuat aku memilih surfing sebagai olahragaku.Ya bisa di bilang, kalau hati yang memilih harus diikuti… Hehehe…

Udah ngetrip kemana aja nih? Wah… Kalau trip baru ke bali aja bro. Aku masih sekolah, jadi mau fokus ke pendidikan dulu. Surfer juga butuh pendidikan bro... Hehehe… Tapi aku bercita-cita untuk ngetrip dari Sabang sampai ke Rote. Doakan aku ya... Hehehe…

photo by : tommy schultz


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013

Surfer’s day

at Vision International Image Festival

Surfers are unknowingly creator of beach communities in Bali, but also in many tourist destinations all over the world. Surfers are an audacious group of explorers, known for our appetite for extreme adventure, traveling, seeking untainted beauty and magical waves.

During Vision International Image Festival that was held on last October, the surfing community celebrates our most daring adventure, comes together at the opening gala at Bentara Budaya Bali, which officiated by Mr. Anang Noegroho, the Director of Center for Data, Statistic and Information, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia. The day’s festivity showcases a variety of events including a surfboard art exhibition, sharing sessions by surfer legends, seafood culinary bazaar and music performance by The Hydrant, the ultra-funky rockabilly outfit from Bali.

The main program of the Vision International Image Festival is to exhibit over 400 photos from approximately 60 photographers from all over Indonesia and Asia Pacific. A number of those photos do not only display the beauty of the ocean, but it also brings up the issues of the ocean which are currently progressing, for example the shark fin hunting in Laut Jawa (Java Sea), and the pollution which causes the death of the bird species which migrate around the Pacific Ocean to New Zealand. Vision International Image Festival was chosen the theme Angasraya: The Stream of Freedom from the Ocean as the main theme because of the urge to re-awaken the emotional togetherness of Indonesia as a maritime country. This festival is also a momentum to develop Maritime Journalism in Indonesia. The Surfer’s Day event is collaboration between Vision International Image Festival, Magic Wave and Bali Surfer Community.


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013

Membincang Pak Rizani, Bali Surfing Club dan Nostalgia Masa Lalu bersama Pak Badra

Stephan Figueiredo

Perkenalkan Pak Badra, Kepala Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Kabupaten Badung. Seperti kebanyakan surfer lokal pada masa awal masuknya surfing ke Indonesia, Pak Badra dulu juga memiliki banyak surfboard peninggalan dari tamu-tamu yang akan pulang ke negara asalnya. Tapi meski papannya pemberian dari orang lain, apabila papannya mengalami ding, beliau juga bisa memperbaikinya sendiri dengan menggunakan resin dan fiberglas. Seiring dengan semakin meluasnya surfing dan teknologi serta peralatan pendukungnya yang juga semakin maju, kini jarang sekali kita jumpai surfer yang tak mengenakan leg rope saat mengendarai papannya. Di zaman Pak Badra ini justru kebalikannya. Kala itu beliau dan rata-rata surfer pada umumnya tidak menggunakan leg rope, karena masih jarang dijumpai dan jarang orang yang pakai. Kalau papan lepas setelah wipe out, biasanya orang-orang disekitar line up membantu untuk mengambilkannya. Beliau juga tak jarang tergulung ombak, tertusuk fin, dan tersayat karang. Warung makan milik Pak Badra yang terletak dirumahnya adalah tempat berkumpul sekitar 7 orang teman-teman seangkatannya yang saat itu juga berselancar, salah seorang diantaranya adalah almarhum Pak Rizani. Di warung tersebut jugalah Pak Rizani membentuk Bali Surfing Club (BSC)—organisasi surfing pertama di nusantara—dan menggelar rapat-rapat koordinasi untuk membuat berbagai event yang digagas BSC.

Nevertheless of his talent, Stephan does not like it to take part in real competitions, he said, he just does not like the rivalry and seriousness in these competitions. So his sponsors, like MCD, Globe or Blade, allow him to travel the world and surf in every spot he wants to surf. What a kind of life! That day on Echo Beach he was playing a special kind of kite surfing, as he explained. He is using his normal surfboard; therefore his feet are not fixed on the board, as it is the case for normal kite-surfer. This fact makes all the tricks and stunts he is doing in the air and on the water even harder to do successfully! Stephan also does not only use the wind to show all his skills, he is using the waves as well. As the wind is coming that day only from the left side looking on the ocean, he is traveling in a 45-degree angle

On Friday, 30th of August, we met by hazard the pro surfer and kite-surfer Stephan Figueiredo at Echo Beach.

to the wind behind its strongest zone that is close to the beach.

He was just relaxing and surfing with some friends, as we

comes with speed from the sea, catches the wave and either just

From there, he comes back straight to the direction of the beach. If he sees a good wave coming, which usually are breaking with the wind from the left to the right side looking on the ocean, he

noticed his really awesome skills out-there in the waves.

rides it along or jumps and does tricks with the help of his kite

But however he always was ready to answer our ques-

and the top of the wave. It was so impressing to see him doing

tions in a very patient and kind way! The Brazilian is 33

all the tricks and stunts, grabbing the board with the one hand

years old and it is his 5th time he is visiting Bali, but this

while holding the kite with his other hand in a 540° for example.

time just to make holidays and meet some friends on our beautiful island. His passion for the sport of surfing started when he was a small child, with only 8 years he started

Made Suladra & Froggy - chistina iskandar

diving, and playing motocross or jeep tours. Luckily he can easily combine all these hobbies as you can practice them all in a para-

so it was just a question of time when he will be discov-

dise like Bali! But his fifth hobby snowboarding, he must travel to

ered by scouts. At the age of 15 years, Stephan becomes

other places of the world to make it happen.

a professional surfer. As you can describe him as a multi

He is a really interesting person and for sure worth to follow his

ago. But he was so good that he become only three years

Like most local surfers in the early days of the entry of surfing in Indonesia, Mr. Badra also has many surfboards as a gift from guests who will return to their home country. But although he got the surfboards from other people, if the boards have dings, he can repair it himself using resins and fiberglass. As we can see now, almost every surfer using leg rope on their board. But when Mr. Badra still surf, he didn’t use it. Because in that time, most surfers are not using it, because its still very uncommon. If he were apart from his board, usually the other surfers or his friends around the line up helps him to take his board. He also often rolled by the waves, stabbed by fin, and ripped by corals. A restaurant that took place at his house, is a place to gather between him and his 7 other friends, including the deceased Mr. Rizani. In that restaurant, Mr. Rizani formed Bali Surfing Club (BSC)—the first surfing organization in Indonesia—and held coordination meetings to make various events which organized by BSC.

Besides his passion surfing he also likes to go spearfishing or

to surf. Soon it becomes clear that he has a certain talent,

talent, Stephan started to play kite surfing just four years

Introducing Mr. Badra, Chief of Marine and Fisheries Service in Badung Regency.

actions and career. It was a great pleasure to meet him.


# 132 2013

chris hazzard

later professional in kite surfing as well as in surfing.

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Bob Koke


when the swell up

Pro Surfer and Kite Surfer

Marie-Louise Olsson

# 132 2013

#Magic Ink Tattoo Contest Series IV


Mother Earth Mother Earth, salah satu brand clothing asal Bali menggelar event pertama mereka yang bertajuk Mother Earth: Respect to Mother Earth.

Saturday, November 30, 2013 at Maha Art Gallery Warung Lampau, Jl. Merdeka, Denpasar

Bertempat di Janggar Ulam - Ubud. Acara yang berlangsung sejak sore hari ini juga berkolaborasi dengan Komunitas Anak Alam. So, sebagian keuntungan dari event ini akan disumbangkan untuk kegiatann Komunitas Anak Alam.

Acara ini dikemas cukup beragam mulai dari tattoo performance, body painting, mural, foto

Magic Ink crews organized their 4th tattoo contest series at Maha Art Gallery last November 30, 2013. This time the category for both tattoo contest and tattoo show is realism.

competition, BMX, fire dance, live music, open booth dari sponsor sampai barbeque party. Selain itu pada malam harinya sekaligus perayaan ulang tahun Guzta, orang dibelakang layar suksesnya Mother Earth. Tattoo performance sendiri dilakukan oleh UK Tattoo, Demas Tattoo, Dewa Ink, Jog’s tattoo, Dewa Tattoo, Yan Shu Ink, Dodix Est, dan Tino Kings. Sedangkan atraksi BMX dilakukan oleh teman-teman BMX Gianyar. Lolot, Roots Radical, SHDN, Nosstress, Suitcase For Kennedy, Emony

Kink and Pak Raden wins the 1st place, Kenyoz Baliken’s tiger ripping the 2nd place, and Manik got the 3rd place.This event also powered by live music performance from Alas Batu, Bronzebois, The Room, Fourfast, Microphone Killer, and Deep Sea Explorers.

dan Jack Knife Blues mengisi sesi live musik untuk menghibur para teman-teman yang datang.

Big respect to Mother Earth n crew!


ROCK’INK 3 Tidak terasa sudah tahun ketiga Magic Ink menggelar acara bertajuk September Rock’Ink. Masih bertempat yang ‘agak’ sama dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, yaitu di ‘belakang’ ViAiPi, tepatnya di Underground Bar.

Tattoo War results: Juara 1: Sutha “Radjah Skin Design” Juara 2: Jaka “Your Skin Is Mine”

Dan acara tahun ini terlihat lebih beragam dengan disisipi Magic Ink Contest 2013 Series 3 yang bertema Old School/New School, serta tattoo show contest.


# 132 2013

Juara 3: Kenyoz “Baliken” Favorite Winner: Manik Tattoo

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# 132 2013


Padang Open Surfing Contest 2013


Sumatera Barat Unjuk Gigi di Padang Open Surf Contest

Sebanyak 60 peselancar Sumatera Barat berkompetisi di ajang Padang Open Surfing Contest 2013 yang diadakan di Pasir Putih, Muara Penjalinan, Padang, Minggu (25/8). Kompetisi selancar ini diselenggarakan oleh Padang Surfing Community, yang di dukung oleh komunitas surfing yang ada di Padang, yaitu Purus Line, Anak Muaro, Shark Boy, OAM, IPSL, Pemuda Pasir Putih, dan Lia Pelaminan.

Hasil dari Padang Open Surfing Contest 2013:

Kelas Open

Kelas Grommet

Juara I: Doni Partop dari OAM dengan poin 18.3

Juara I: Helly dari Mentawai dengan poin 15.3

Juara II: Deri Palar dari Purus Line dengan poin 18.0

Juara II: Yope (Parkit) dari Purus Line dengan poin 13.6

Juara III: Yudi dari Purus Line dengan poin 15.4

Juara III: Apin dari OAM dengan poin 8.8

Juara IV: Ryan Pandan dari Pasir Putih dengan poin 15.3

Juara IV: Putra dari OAM dengan poin 7.8

SANUR SURFING CONTEST 2013 Open Class Local 1. Kd Juliartha (23,6) 2. Md Sutawa (17,2) 3. Rudi Wahyono ( 16,6) 4. Eka Botel

Junior Under 23 th 1. Wyn Fuji (20,4) 2. A.A. Putra Purnawan (14,8) 3. Kt. Darta (12,9) 4. I Nym Adiat Mika (12,1)

Grommet under 18 th 1. Dede Sulaksana (16,3) 2. A. Sudarta (14,4) 3. Putu Eka (11,8) 4. Kmg A Rudita (10,8)


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


ASUS Surf Competition 2013

On Wednesday, October 2, 2013 the annual ASUS Surf Competition took place in Seminyak. But this time it was a special one as it was the 10th birthday of the Asosiasi Surfing Unit Seminyak, which was founded since 2000. Actually it should’ve been hold on Sunday, September 29, but because of the waves are too big, too windy and bad tide condition, the organizers chose Wednesday as the new date. The Surfing Community of Seminyakorganizes this event every year in order to keep the community alive and still going, even to go further. The event creates a certain platform, on which ASUS presents itself and everybody can have a look at it, get to know it and learn more about it. So the community is spreading surfing in Seminyak and everybody else have the chance to sniffle into the community. One special thing about ASUS is that not only local people are member of the community or running it but foreign surfers are also a big and important part of the community. So everybody is always welcome there! Another reason why the community organizes this surfing competition is to support the next generation of surfers. By taking part in events like this, the younger boys and girls get to know many other surfers, can easily learn from them and the competition creates a certain ambition so they keep on surfing, and hopefully that one day the local surfers can go international and compete with the world best surfers, as Seminyak is already part of the surf industry.

So the event this Wednesday started at 8 am, and at that time there were already lots of interested visitors. The organizers divided the event into two divisions, the Open Division in which everybody could take part and the Under 16 Division. In 8 heats with 4 ambitious surfers, the Open Division opened the competition. One heat after another, always in turn of Open and Under 16 Division, the heats had the chance to show their skills and qualify for the next round, the semi final and then the final. During the whole competition, the surfers, members of ASUS as well as foreign visitors were provided very well with food and beverages, even T-shirts. At the end, the 13-years-old RajuSena wins both Divisions in a very superior way. In the future, we will hear a lot of his surfing career, that’s for sure! After the crowning, ASUS provided again NasiCampur for everybody, during sunset it was a very nice ending to eat together and talk with all the people there.

But the main reason to hold such events is to have fun! So all the surfers who take part in such competition do not take part to win something but to support the community, to meet friends, to go surfing and to spend a really nice day together. No matter who wins, to respect each other is always the most important thing.


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013

The Art Of Surfing - Bali announces the regions first ever High Performance Surf Training Camps The Art Of Surfing - Bali will hold three High Performance Surf Training Camps this November, targeted at surfers who are looking to improve their surfing through surf specific coaching and specializing in technique, equipment and competition based fundamentals. These camps are suitable for all surfers, from the novice to the pro. Affiliated with the Asian Surfing Championship and Indonesian Surfing Championship tours, The Art Of Surfing - Bali’s High Performance Surf Training Camps will be the first of their kind ever held in Indonesia. Each of the camps will be conducted at the dyllic location of Balian on Bali’s North / West coast over a 3 day period, and will include Video Analysis, Surf Yoga, Surf Specific Fitness Training, Surf Safety Rescue Technique and Basic CPR Courses. “With the global recognition that Bali has received these past years and now as the home of a WCT event, it was only a matter of time before a High Performance Camp of this kind would be born, and we’re proud to be the first ones to do it,” says The Art Of Surfing - Bali Ambassador Tai Graham. ASC and ISC Chairman Tipi Jabrik is excited about this long awaited opportunity, saying, “It’s great to finally see this kind of High Performance Training Camp being held here in Bali. We’ve needed this for some time now and what the crew from The Art Of Surfing - Bali has organized will have a very positive influence on our surfing community. We’re also proud to be able to elect one of our up and coming young surfers to attend the camp, which will provide him or her an opportunity that they can put to use as they train, surf and compete on the Asian and Indonesian tours and beyond.”


# 132 2013

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“We’re also super stoked to announce that we’ll be giving a spot to a local Indonesian surfer in our very first camp. Indonesia is getting closer and closer to getting a surfer on the World Tour, and we’d love to lend a hand in making that dream a reality!” he added. “What we are aiming to achieve with our camps is to expose the attendees to the best possible information at the best possible location with the best coaching & coaches, along with the best teaching products available in today,” says High Performance Head Coach Matt Scorringe

A detailed presentation to fully explain the High Performance Training Camp will be held Wednesday November 6th & Thursday November 7th at the Modern Movement Training Studio at 7pm in Seminyak, so all are welcome to attend and find out more about this exciting new program. Participation is limited in order to ensure a quality experience, so be sure to register immediately. More specific details are on the attached e-flyer, and to register please send email to:

# 132 2013


Board Racks

Echo Beach – Hard to find – Hard to forget

Unless you live somewhere with shallow razor sharp reefs, chances are that most of

It is one of the last all-natural beaches in Bali. But now, the first work is in process. It is a project by the Indonesian government to keep the land behind the beaches safe and clean, because in high tide the water destroys all the plants on the shores. So they build stonewalls in order to keep the water

the damage to your surfboards occurs during transportation and storage. But the intrepid surfer with DIY instincts can do much to remove the chance of out of the water dings by building a set of storage racks to have a secure and stable place to keep your boards out of the way in between sessions.

all-natural. The black sand is there since the first people discovered the beach, and also the stones everywhere were natural in their position.

Caption 1: Custom made to fit above a garage door in otherwise wasted space

away and safe. Except this wall, the Echo Beach is

Ca ption 2:

Wall mounted racks for plenty of board storage

Racks can be built with just about any type of material and we’ve found that whatever you have already laying around you garage or basement usually works fine. Here we

Maybe that is why the Echo Beach is such a good place to surf. The rocks and stones in the water make the water breaks on and keeps the sand away, so it is clear and you have a better view on your surrounding. Moreover, in Echo Beach you can go surfing in high tide as well as in low tide, so everybody can surf there at anytime. There are always good waves! As the beach is such a spot for surfer, many restaurants build their buildings along the beach, but compared to other beaches, the Echo Beach is free from mass tourism, it seems rather to be an insider tip or just a meeting point for surfers from all over the world. Once a year, in Echo Beach there is a big surf contest, the “Oakley Pro” surf contest, but there are several small contests just for local surfers held by the Canggu Surf Community (CSC).

Next to the surf contests, the Surf Community also cares for the beach, they organize meetings in which they clean the beach and teach the new surf students to surf and how to handle the beach to keep it healthy. As one of the first restaurants, the Echo Beach House opened his doors just in front of the beach on the top of some small rocks.

have some photos of different styles of board racks. There’s no better way to extend the life of your equipment than taking good care of it. So if you haven’t already, get out your saw and drill and build yourself some.

This restaurant also gave its name to the beach, as the actual name of the beach is Pantai Batu Mejan. It is located next to the temple that belongs to the community of Canggu. The temple is called Pura Batu Mejan, also build on rocks just in front of the ocean. For the local villagers, it is very important as they are economically poor but rich in their believes. Many local people have to work in two jobs in order to feed their families; one example, a person has to work as security guard during night and in a beach bar during day. All in all, Echo Beach is one of the most beautiful places in Bali, even as it is one of the last all natural beaches, and especially for surfers from all over the world or just to see the fantastic sunset from one of the restaurants or beach bars there. So Echo Beach is

The above examples are just a few variations we’ve found and used. You’re only limited by the space you have available and your imagination. Most of the above pictures are made with 3/4″ dowels and leftover wood from other home projects. The plywood rack looked like a good option for apartments or dorms where you might not be able to drill/screw into the walls and is freestanding and folds flat.

Caption 3:

Caption 4:

More wall-mounted racks and a plywood stand-alone option

Freestanding floor racks built with leftover wood

worth a visit, for sure!

Board Racks

Echo Beach Sulit untuk ditemukan, sulit untuk dilupakan.Itulah kata yang cukup tepat untuk menggambarkan pantai ini. Dari sekian pantai yang ada di Bali, Echo Beach adalah salah satu pantai indah yang terletak di kawasan Canggu, tepat di sebelah Utara pantai Kuta. Echo Beach merupakan salah satu pantai yang objek wisatanya masih alami dengan pasir pantai yang Echo Beach merupakan salah satu pantai yang objek wisatanya masih alami dengan pasir pantai yang berwarna hitam dan bebatuan yang menghiasi pasir pantai. Sebelum dikenal dengan nama Echo Beach, dulunya pantai ini sering disebut dengan nama pantai Batu Mejan, kemudian nama ini berubah pasca dibangunnya restoran yang bernama Echo Beach. Selain pasir dan pantainya yang indah disekitar pantai ini juga terdapat pemandanganlain, salah satunya yaitu

berwarna hitam dan bebatuan yang menghiasi pasir pantai. Kecuali Anda tinggal di tempat dimana terumbu karangnya Gelombang laut dan ombak nya yang sangat bagus menjadikan pantai ini menjadi incaran para peselancar lokal maupun asing. Echo Beach adalah salah satu pantai yang menjadi titik pertemuan para peselancar dari seluruh dunia.Setahun sekali di Echo Beach,kompetisi surfing skala besar, Oakley Pro. Tetapi ada juga beberapa kontes yang hanya diperuntukkan bagi peselancar local yang diselenggarakan oleh Canggu Surf Community (CSC). Komunitas surfing ini juga peduli terhadap pantai ini. Mereka mengatur pertemuan dimana mereka membersihkan pantai dan mengajar para siswa baru dari sekolah surfing untuk berselancar dan bagaimana merawat pantai agar tetap indah. Echo Beach adalah salah satu dari sekian pantai yang masih alami, terutama bagi para peselancar dari seluruh dunia atau yang hanya datang untuk menyaksikan matahari terbenam dari salah satu restoran atau bar yang ada di sana. Echo Beach layak untuk dikunjungi.

dangkal dan setajam silet, mungkin sebagian besar kerusakan papan selancar Anda terjadi selama proses transportasi dan penyimpanan. Tapi peselancar pemberani dengan naluri DIY bisa berbuat banyak untuk menghilangkan kemungkinan kerusakan yang terjadi di luar air dengan membuat satu set rak penyimpanan demi memiliki tempat yang aman dan stabil untuk menjaga papan Anda.

Rak dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan hampir semua jenis bahan, dan kami telah mendapati bahwa apa pun yang telah Anda letakan di sekitar garasi atau gudang Anda biasanya berfungsi dengan baik. Di sini kami memiliki beberapa foto dari berbagai gaya berbeda dari rak papan selancar. Tidak ada cara yang lebih baik untuk memperpanjang umur papan Anda selain merawatnya. Jadi, jika Anda belum melakukannya, keluarkan gergaji dan bor Anda serta buatlah sendiri beberapa rak.

hamparan persawahan yang begitu indah.


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013

photo by : tommy schultz


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013

photo by : tommy schultz


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


Apa pendapatmu soal makin maraknya

anak-anak SD mengendarai Sepeda Motor ?

Susan Martin

Addi Irawan

Wayan Samuel


Sangat sangat tidak setuju,,,,,,,,,,,,, Orang dewasa saja naik motor sambil nelpon/sms aku kesel ngeliatnya,,,,,,

Itu karena orng tua kurang tegas atau orang tua seneng liat anak nya “cool”.... kalo sy sndri, nda ksi anak sy naik motor ma tmn2 ato ksi dia bw motor k jln.

Itukan mereka masih kecil masih dibawah umur , untuk ini yg kita salahkan ya ortu nya bagamana cara mereka mendidik anak

Rendi Septiyan He’enalu Seminyak Menurut ku itu kurang baik sih,, ap lg akhr” ni ak bnyak liat anak yg seumuran meraka naik mtor brgerombol,.

Menurut saya itu kurangnya orang tua untuk memperhatikan bahkan memberi kebebasan kepada anaknya yg blm cukup umur sudah diperbolehkan mengendarai sepeda motor.

Indrawati Wedagama ya, itu cara tercepat spy ortu tidak mengijinkan anak2nya mengendarai sepeda motor ya..bayar denda besarrr

J Ijoe Ichi

Ni Made Siki Røgler Ohhhh ini bener 2serius di tangani , pertama Yg di tunjuk Ke Orang tua Masak banyak Pak sekarang ?? Harus tegas demi keselamatan nyawa anak- anak kita

Nyoman Triya

Kellie Savage

Korban di jln uda sangat bnyk. Jepang emank hebat. Meskh dy kalah perang, dy bs menciptakan mesin pembunuh yg enjoy yg trsebar ke sluruh dunia . . .


Nizar Achmad No good And pihak pemerintah have no action too They can die Orang Tua need discipline to their kids Orang kaya baru Maybe Atau sdm orang tua no really really good

LIKE THIS OM,ini yg bkin macet!!!jln semau mrk,bkin org celaka.

Made Ariana Ini yang keliru orang tua anak...............bijaknya membahagiakan anak tidak berarti mewujudkan semua kemauannya.....tapi mewujudkan kebutuhannya.... sesuai dengan umur si anak..........

Ida Gede Scooters memang mainan anak2kan?,.....kalau ortu nya lebih kaya anak2 segini udah nyetir mobil, hehe.

Siti Wilson Gaura Yulian Ketut Jadi malu..14 tahun lalu saya jg begini.. ortu sibuk cari bisa anter skula..motor handphone bole bawa..mobilpun belajar.SIM C bole nembak..SIM A Nembak meskipun naik mobil pick up .

Jaman dulu kita kasihan melihat orang-orang jalan kaki,...padahal itu yang paling sehat. Kalau sekarang, ...kasihan melihat banyak anak terancam bahaya yg hidup pada jaman yg serba ada.

Made Dwi Art Lalu sarannya gmn?? Kl tyang sie lebih baik anak” di belikan sepeda gayung aj,, sehat dan aman.,!!! Nah sekarang tinggal bagaimana orang tua mengajak anak”nya untuk gemar besepeda,,,!!

Herta Sofyan Semua ini berawal dari egosentris...

Sandy Adhiguna ditempat saya menjamur yg model gini ini om.,. jengkel sendiri kalo ktemu

Tanto Tack

Dampak tekhnologi om, Demi gengsi para orang tua yang hanya tau soal kasta sosial, Tampa memikirkan dampak negatifnya.

Vicky Firmansyah Rafael Nyoman Ganapurwa

“hallo bisa bicara dengan sopir ambulance??”

penegakan hukum rendah.Hal itu bukan kebiasaan atau budaya. Buktinya, bule2 yang katanya disiplin dan tertib di negerinya banyak yang melanggar di daerah Kerobokan, canggu dll.


# 132 2013

Christina Hapsari Meyering gak suka..membahayakan, mereka belum punya sifat kedewasaan sama sekali..! Itu salah & kebodohan ortu..yg mengira dg menyombongkan kalau mereka mampu membelikan sepeda motor

Salini Rengganis Pradiva Putra Salain Sifat praktis orang tua kepda anak” tnpa memikirkan dampak negatifnya , ini lah awal pembentukan karakter yg lemot tanpa kita sadari , aparat kemana???

Inilah hasil didikan orang tua yang bangga bila bisa belikan motor anaknya, karena sebagai alat untuk menaikan status sosial si orang tua, padahal harus bayar kridit setiap bulannya,

Tut Mardana

Made Subawa

Hukum yg buta.. Generasi yg lumpuh..

semua itu awalnya dari kita, mari kita tanamkan jiwa disiplin sejak dini.

Abe Adam Bebe

Mercedes Corby

Pelet jepang omm ... Yam*ha , hon*a , suz*ki ...

Agree!!! Fine the parent and take away the bike so many rider deaths of young kids on motor bike

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# 132 2013


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013

Timor Leste

Primitive Beauty and Perfect Barrels Collide at Grajagan

Timor Leste is one of the most recently founded countries in the world and is located, as indicated by its name, on the eastern part of the Timor island.

Beyond Bali: Another Surfing Spots in Indonesia

It gained its independence from Indonesian colonialism in 2002. After years of civil war, in the recent time the political situation has stabilized which now means it’s accessible for tourism. So now more and more tourists come and discover one of the most beautiful diving areas in the world and its spectacular mountains, which are excellent for hiking. The lush vegetation that covers the whole island is another good reason to travel to Timor Leste. You can find wonderful sandy beaches, which are great for relaxed sunbathing and lovely for long walks. The diverse culture and not to forget the helpful and hospitable locals make a stay in Timor Leste very worthwhile. As the infrastructure can still be described as undeveloped the country is more suitable for the individual tourist and backpackers. When it comes to surfing this country offers some surf-able spots such as Digger, The Wedge, Goats, Racer X and The Hole. Digger is a reef break that only works when conditions are just right. The best wind direction is from the northwest. The best swell direction is from the southwest. Good surf at all stages of the tide. The location means that it never gets crowded. Beware of the sharks.

at Grajagan

Indonesia is an archipelago with world’s best surf spots. One of the bests is Plengkung beach at Banyuwangi, East Java. Nicknamed by surfers as the ‘gland’ or G-Land. The word of ‘G’ in “G-Land derives from Grajagan, the name of the bay where the huge waves were found at the south of Banyuwangi. The beach is located on the edge of Alas Purwo national park, virgin tropical land forest rich in exotic flora and fauna—the ideal scenic background to your surfing odyssey. A very long, world-class, barreling left hand reef/point break breaks along the east side of Grajagan Bay. It has long been considered one of the world’s best left hand waves. The correct name of the point upon which the main wave breaks is “Plengkung.” The wave becomes shallower and more critical the further down the point one rides the wave. It is one of the most consistently rideable waves in the world in season, with offshore winds and often plentiful swell between the months of, roughly, mid April to mid October. The G-Land surf break has been divided up into several sections. The first, at the top of the point, is called “Kongs,” which breaks up to several hundred metres in length, and can hold quite large sizes— from about 2 to 12 feet+, Hawaiian scale. It is not usually a barrel, nor genuinely world-class, but more a series of takeoff zones with some long wall sections, although it can also barrel on occasions. This section picks up a lot of swell, and is rarely less than 3 feet, and can be a saviour when the rest of the point is too small. This wave can sometimes link up with the next section called “Moneytrees.” Moneytrees works from about 2 to 10 feet (Hawaiian scale, or about 4 to 20 feet wave faces), usually breaking over several hundred metres, and is a long, testing, barreling, world-class wave. The barrels become more critical the lower the tide and the larger the swell. Moneytrees may also occasionally link up with the next section called “Speedies,” with an outside takeoff section between the two called “Launching Pads.” “Launching Pads” can catch the surfer offguard, as it can break a significant way out to sea in larger swells.


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“Speedies” is the heaviest wave at G-Land, but can be a perfect, very round barrel for several hundred metres, rideable from about 2 to 8 feet+ (Hawaiian scale). It usually needs larger swells, and low tide can be very dangerous. Most severe injuries at G-Land have occurred at “Speedies.”

Other Nearby Surf Breaks

There are a few other, smaller waves further down and within the bay, which include “Chickens,” “20/20,” “Tiger Tracks” and a few unnamed others. These waves generally only work on larger swells, but are surprisingly good alternatives when the main point is big. All of these waves can barrel in the right conditions, which generally require higher tides. There are also some right hand waves on the other side of the peninsula at G-Land, but they are fickle, requiring large swells, and no wind or off-season winds. Another right hand wave is situated about a one-hour or more drive, and boat, west of G-Land, which has been featured in Indonesian surf magazines, and dubbed as “Reverse G.” It is apparently a quality, long, right hand wave (the ‘reverse’ of G-Land) but which is very difficult to get to, requiring some boat access, and furthermore only works in off-season winds (about October to April). Despite its popularity in the surfing community, accomodation around Grajagan remains good value with cheap losmen and basic cottages dotted about the place. This is one of the only places in all of Java that has such excellent surfing. In season, Grajagan probably has the most consistently rideable waves in the world. The surf here though is demanding and only recommended for experienced or professional surfers.

# 132 2013

Project Clean Uluwatu Keeping Uluwatu Clean and Green by creating a sustainable solid and liquid waste management program for Uluwatu’s famous wave.

Mission To work alongside the local surfers and warung owners to maintain the rubbish collection system and recycling and to fund and install a new environmentally friendly sewerage system.

Company Overview We’re cleaning-up Uluwatu and keeping it clean. Together!


Surfing for Change – Indonesia Trash Tubes Bali adalah sebuah pulau kecil dengan permasalahan yang besar—pulau ini tenggelam dalam lautan sampah. Pada film pendek ini, host & pro-surfer Kyle Thiermann memperlihatkan kepada kita hal-hal baik dan buruk dari Indonesia serta apa yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mengembalikan keaslian dan kemurniannya yang dulu sebagai surga tropikal. Surfing For Change: Indonesia Trash Tubes adalah film ketujuh Kyle dalam seri Surfing for Change. Video ini membawa anda pada sebuah perjalanan mengunjungi Indonesia, dimana Kyle mewawancarai beberapa aktivis lingkungan mengenai epidemi sampah sambil menyelancari beberapa ombak yang cantik.

Project Clean Uluwatu is a partnership between Gus Foundations, local residents Ollie and John, local business and the Surf Industry all working together to clean up the iconic surfbreak on Bali’s southernmost tip. The project aim is to design, build and manage a solid and liquid waste system to preserve and bring back the health of the local ecosystem. The solid waste management system is up and running and construction of a liquid waste processing tank for all kitchen and toilet water is underway. Three initial water quality tests show daunting results last year, but with continued work and focus Uluwatu will be healthy once again. The planning, design and management project involves: Solid Waste Management Liquid Waste Management Education and Communication

Curtis Lowe, Project Manager dari Project Clean Uluwatu menyebutkan tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pembuangan sampah di Uluwatu, Bali—tempat selancar kelas dunia dengan lebih dari 500 pengunjung setiap harinya—dan rencana-rencana untuk memasang sistem pengolahan limbah

The project is in partnership with local residents in Uluwatu about 50 local business owners (shops & warungs) who depend on the surfers and the Uluwatu surf point as a source of their income.

We are currently under construction of the liquid waste processing tank, while the rubbish collection system has been operating since June of 2011. We need your continued support to finnish the LWS and hire a full time maintenance staff. visit our website to learn more or make a donation, or direct deposit to our secure account especially set up for PCU within the reputable GUS foundation: Deposit to: Acct. SULUBAN RESCUE Bank Name: BNI Branch: Legian Bali Indonesia Acc. Name: Yayasan Gelombang Udara Segar A/C No.: 258772701 Swift Code: BNINIDJARNN Please message us with your details so that we can acknowledge your donations!

Current Sponsors Include: Uluwatu Surf Villas Rip Curl Art in Surf Yayasan GUS Macbeth Eco Bali Recycling Surfer Girl

ramah lingkungan. Pak Ketut Putra, Direktur dari Conservation International Indonesia, menguraikan strategi kesuksesannya dalam mengakhiri meluasnya pembantaian penyu di Indonesia dan bagaimana saat ini hal tersebut diterapkan pada inisiatif untuk membersihkan Bali.

Saksikan videonya di tautan berikut: watch?v=xDGpn_wknzc

Jalan Hayam Wuruk 195 Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia | Phone: 0818-0553-3847 | Email:


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


Halo! I am Jonas from Germany. I am 19 years old and will stay for months in Bali. I’m also doing an internship program with Magic Wave. During my time here, I want

Discovering Bali – Amed

to discover the island and experience new, great and beautiful things. And especially have fun!

On Saturday the 24th of August, I started my first longer trip here in Bali. All started at 8 am at our meeting point in Denpasar. Two other German girls and one from Austria accompanied me to our goal Amed, in the North-East of Bali. The first stage of our trip was Denpasar. We we don’t have any exact or well-planned routes. We just asked people on the street and looked after the traffic signs. After reaching out of Denpasar, we drove along the coast into t he mountains with forests and beautiful plants, along with wide and open rice fields. We had a fantastic view over the awesome island after 4 hours driving. Two hours forward, we reached a water park including a small temple. In the water park there were stones build-in, so you can walk through the pools and have a better view on the beautiful fishes living in it. Around 2 pm we finally arrived in Amed. There we just relaxed, enjoyed the beautiful view on the vulcanic Gunung Agung or went swimming in the beautiful blue ocean. After having a dinner in a small warung with Mexican, local food, and some cocktails we stayed the night in Amed in a home stay.

The next day, after having breakfast we continued our way to Tulamben. After another way of 20 minutes we reached the beautiful beach of Tulamben, where we wanted to go snorkeling. So we quickly rent the equipment and went into the water! It was my first time to snorkel, so I was very excited but everything was working great! We saw colorful fishes between beautiful sea

Menjelajah Bali – Amed

plants. But the highlight was definitely the wreck of the “SS Liberty”. The American cargo shipwreck that was attacked by Japanese army ship and hit by two torpedoes during World War II. The captain decided to save all the cargo and leave the ship on the beach. Everything was fine, but then the volcanic mountain erupted and pushed the ship out into the ocean where the shipwreck lying today. Now all the metal and steel is transformed into a reef and thus the home of various plants and fishes. It was such a great pleasure to see how nature is capable to transform steel into beautiful plants and organism! A great view and must see in Bali!We stayed the whole day there and enjoyed the rest of the day. Then we ate for the last time there in a restaurant with great view of Mount Gunun. After that we went home. All tired from the trip, but we’re all happy to experienced Amed and Tulamben.

Halo! Saya Jonas dari Jerman. Saya berusia 19 tahun dan akan tinggal selama berbulan-bulan di Bali. Saya juga dalam program magang bersama Magic Wave. Selama saya di sini, saya ingin menjelajahi pulau ini dan mengalami hal-hal yang baru dan indah. Serta terutama bersenang-senang. Pada hari Sabtu tanggal 24 Agustus, saya memulai perjalanan pertama saya di Bali. Semua dimulai pukul 8 pagi pada titik pertemuan kami di Denpasar. Dua gadis Jerman lainnya dan satu dari Austria ikut menemani saya ke tujuan kami, Amed, di Timur Laut Bali. Tahap pertama dari perjalanan kami adalah Denpasar. Kami tidak memiliki rute yang pasti atau yang terencana. Kami hanya bertanya kepada orang-orang dan melihat petunjuk jalan. Setelah menjangkau Denpasar, kami melewati jalan di sepanjang pantai lalu melewati pegunungan dengan hutan dan pepohonan yang indah, bersama dengan sawah yang luas dan terbuka. Kami mendapatkan pemandangan yang fantastis dari pulau mengagumkan ini setelah 4 jam mengemudi. Dua jam kemudian kami mencapai taman air yang ada sebuah candi kecil nya. Anda dapat berjalan diatas kolamnya melalui batu-batu yang terpasang disana,

Akhirnya kami tiba di Amed sekitar pukul 14:00. Di sana kami hanya bersantai sambil menikmati pemandangan indah Gunung Agung atau pergi berenang di laut biru yang indah. Setelah makan malam di sebuah warung kecil dengan makanan lokal dan makanan Meksiko serta beberapa koktail, kami bermalam di sebuah home stay di Amed. Keesokan harinya setelah sarapan kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Tulamben. Setibanya disana kami segera menyewa peralatan snorkeling dan pergi ke dalam air. Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya snorkeling, jadi saya sangat bersemangat dan semuanya berjalan dengan sangat baik. Kami melihat ikan warna-warni yang berada diantara tanaman laut yang indah. Tapi hal yang pasti rongsokan SS Liberty, kapal kargo Amerika yang karam karena diserang oleh kapal tentara Jepang dan terkena dua torpedo selama Perang Dunia II. Kapten kapal SS Liberty memutuskan untuk menyelamatkan semua kargo dan meninggalkan kapal di pantai. Semuanya baik-baik saja pada saat itu, tapi kemudian gunung berapi meletus dan mendorong kapal ke laut di mana bangkai kapal tersebut saat ini terletak. Sekarang semua logam dan baja berubah menjadi karang dan menjadi rumah dari berbagai tanaman dan ikan. Sangat menarik ketika melihat bagaimana alam mampu mengubah baja menjadi tanaman dan organisme yang indah. Sebuah pemandangan yang bagus dan harus dilihat ketika berkunjung ke Bali. Kami tinggal sepanjang hari di sana dan menikmati sisa hari tersebut. Kemudian kami makan untuk terakhir kalinya di sebuah restoran dengan pemandangan Gunung Agung. Setelah itu kami pulang. Semua lelah dari perjalanan ini, tapi kami semua senang atas perjalanan ke Amed dan Tulamben.


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013

BALI MX Nama : Tjokorda Michael Adesurya Wibisana Sudarsana A.k.A : Ade Ttl : Denpasar, 13 mei 1995 Fb : Michael Adisurya Wibisana Twitter : Michael Adisurya Email : C.P : 085- 738 341 069 Pin : 23404268

Nama saya Tjokorda Michael Adesurya Wibisana Sudarsana yang akrab dipanggil Ade, kelahiran Denpasar, 13 Mei 1995. Saya tertarik untuk terjun ke dunia motorcross karena awalnya disuruh nonton video motorcross oleh papa, kebetulan juga papa saya suka motorcross, lalu papa terus mengarahkan saya bersama saudara-saudara saya sehingga

Kalau dukanya ketika saat lomba berada tepat

akhirnya saya mulai tertarik dan ingin melanjutkan usaha papa di bidang motorcross

di posisi depan tiba-tiba terjatuh dan saat di


posisi depan mendadak motor ada kerusakan

Kemudian hobi saya selain motorcross yaitu main ski di Padang Padang, lalu olahraga, main game dan tidur. Hehehe. Saya juga ingin belajar surfing tapi belum kesampaian. Saya lebih memilih olahraga motorcross karena motorcross itu menurut saya seni yang unik, soalnya beda dari olahraga lainya. Harus punya skill, otaknya harus cerdas, gak sembarang nge-gas motor, fisiknya pun harus kuat. Olah raganya gak monoton sebab ada variasi jumpingnya, dan belokannya ngejreng gitu deh pokoknya sehingga menguji adrenalin. Saya memulai karir sebagai rider motorcross dari sejak Tk 0 besar, sekitar umur 5 tahun baru belajar mengendarai motor Yamaha PW (motor cros berukuran kecil untuk pemula). Event motor cros yang pernah saya ikuti yakni baru kejuaraan daerah, saat mengikuti kejuaraan nasional. Sempat saya ikut yang internasional tapi ada serinya, itu selalu saya ikuti. Nama event motorcross yang pernah saya ikuti dulu, namanya Gudang Garam Internasional Motorcross.

Hal yang paling saya ingat saat olahraga motorcross ini yaitu saat start masih ada rasa grogi, masih deg-degan. Kemudian hambatan saat saya sedang dalam perlombaan, latihan dan event-event tertentu adalah kadang-kadang ada motor yang rusak. Lalu saat latihan ada kecelakaan kecil seperti misalnya jatuh. Kalau jatuhnya gak fatal masih bisa lanjut latihan dan kalau cuaca sedang hujan sampai sirkuitnya terlalu becek kita pun gak latihan. Motivasi saya dalam olahraga motorcross ini adalah ayah, karena dari kisah yang diceritakan ayah kepada saya, dulu ayah itu jauh lebih hebat dibanding saya yang sekarang. Ayah selalu berpesan dan mengarahkan saya agar terus berusaha dan harus lebih hebat dibandingkan ayah yang dulu karna zamannya sekarang lebih maju dan cita-cita saya juga menjadi juara 1 pada segala pertandingan. Ada suka dan duka yang pernah saya rasakan di motorcross.

sehingga harus berhenti atau tidak bisa melanjutkan lomba secara maksimal, Suka nya saya rasakan ketika mendapatkan juara. Harapan saya untuk motorcross kedepannya semoga motorcross gak berhenti sampai disini, terus berlanjut kedepannya. Kemudian yang masih dibawah atau pemula agar terus maju dan lakukan usaha yang lebih baik dari sekarang.

Tips dari saya untuk semua rider khususnya pemula yaitu agar jangan pernah putus asa. Selalu ingin mencoba dan jangan merasa puas diri.


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013



Fujifilm FinePix XP150 If you’re in the market specifically for waterproof compact to take to the beach or on holiday then be sure to check this digital compact camera out. The Fujifilm FinePix XP150 is designed for photographers who enjoy the outdoors and enjoy active hobbies, such as surfing, diving, snorkeling, or mountain climbing. It is waterproof to 10m, shockproof to 2m and freezeproof to –10°C as well as being dust and sandproof. There is a 5x optical zoom, a 35mm equivalent of 28-140mm, which has a water repellent coating to stop water droplets ruining your shots. There is a 14 megapixel CMOS sensor and sensor shift image stabilization to help reduce camera shake. With continuous shooting, the XP150 can shoot up to 10fps. The XP150 has a new high sensitivity GPS antenna aiming to make it quicker and easier to pinpoint your location, no matter where you are in the world. The GPS will track your movements and show the route on the LCD screen. You can create a pictorial map of the locations you’ve visited using the bundled My FinePix Studio software and your PC. The GPS will let you use the camera as an electronic compass so you can ascertain the direction in which you’re shooting, the altitude and the direction and distance to a previous location.

Waroeng 7 is a place where Senggigi local surfers used to hang out. The warung that was founded by Ebong

about 1,5 years ago is located in Senggigi’s main road, West Lombok. Although there are no special menu offered by this warung, but the visitors are offered the taste of equality. The visitors are allowed to play guitar, watching movies from big screen or can join to taste grilled fish served by the surf community that usually hangs out there. Waroeng 7 open from 5 pm, which is the right time for relaxing after surfing.

Videos are recorded at full 1080p HD at 30fps with an underwater movie function. The XP150 can be connected to a HDTV via HDMI for video playback. Colors available in black, silver, orange, green and blue.

Get a discount if you order from Magic Wave’s Facebook at

Key Features • 14.4 megapixel CMOS sensor • 5x optical zoom lens (35mm equiv: 28-140mm) with water repellent coating • CMOS sensor shift image stabilisation • Waterproof to 10m • Shockproof to 2m • Freezeproof to -10°C • Dust and sandproof • High sensitivity GPS with electronic compass and tracking • Full 1080p HD movie recording and underwater movie mode • 2.7 inch LCD with anti-reflection coating

Waroeng 7 adalah tempat dimana para surfer, khususnya lokal Senggigi ngumpul. Warung yang didirikan oleh Om Ebong sekitar 1,5 tahun yang lalu ini berlokasi di pinggir jalan utama Raya Senggigi, Lombok Barat. Meskipun tidak ada menu spesial yang ditawarkan oleh warung ini tapi pengunjung yang datang disuguhkan rasa kebersamaan. Seperti halnya para pengunjung bisa bermain gitar sepuasnya, menonton film melalui proyektor alias layar tancap atau ikut serta mencicipi ikan bakar yang disajikan oleh teman teman yang sering nongkrong disana. Waroeng 7 buka dari pukul 5 sore, yang merupakan waktu yang pas untuk bersantai setelah surfing seharian.

Special Menu

Steam Boat

Shapes of Bali by Robi Hendra Video produksi Helemaalloos berdurasi 2 menit 58 detik ini menampilkan Robi Hendra, seorang shaper lokal yang memiliki perusahaan pengrajin surfboardnya

Open pm m to 10 from 6p

sendiri bernama Cipta Jaya Selancar. Disini Robi bercerita tentang mengapa ia memilih surfing sebagai gaya hidup dan kenikmatan yang ia dapatkan dari pekerjaannya sebagai surfboard shaper. Saksikan video ini dari YouTube melalui tautan berikut:

WAKBEN JAPANESE FOOD Wakben boasts a diverse range of sushis, teriyakis, sashimis, tempuras, katsus, okonomiyakis, soups and curries with free WiFi as a side.


# 132 2013

The Steam Boat—their specialty—is not to be missed. Steam Boat is a hearty udon soup and spicy tom yum soup with slices of seafood-filled tofu, enoki mushrooms, fish meatballs, noodles and vegetables.

( Desember - Likes 8.500 )

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The sushis are to die for with a choice of many types and ingredients to be dipped into the sauce. Try also the perfectly fried Tempura served with eggplants and beans or their tasty Chicken Katsu. If your mouth is watering after reading this, head straight down to Wakben Japanese Restaurant on

Jl. Pulau Tarakan No.40, Simpang Enam, Denpasar , Tlp. (0361) 234351.

# 132 2013

FOR SALE! PERFECT INVESTMENT Beach house: Peaceful, safe, secure environment; 2 hours drive from Bogor/3 hours drive from Jakarta; well-built, comfortable, spacious, two-story western-style beach house in convenient, strategically located housing complex close to Cimaja Point, Pelabuhan Ratu, West Java; 24 hour security, common swimming pool, tennis court

harry pieters

505m2 land; 350m2 building (facing south); Hak Milik (HM) 5x bright, well-ventilated bedrooms: 3x w/ ensuites, 2x w/ ocean views, 1x w/ private verandah/garden view, 4x w/ air-conditioning 4x bathrooms: 3x ensuites (1x master w/ bathtub, 1 w/ hotwater shower, Indonesian tub/bak, 1x w/ Indonesian style), 1x large common bathroom with shower, Indonesian tub/bak 3x living/sitting areas; 1x dining room 2x kitchens: 1x inside w/ stove, cupboard space, 1x outside for bbq area w/ plumbed sink, river stone paving; connecting tile covered patio w/ handbasin Front, side, back yard/garden: water feature at front, parabola at side, bbq area at back 1,000l water storage tank on roof, 2,000l water storage tank at side, deep water well at front 3,500 Watts electricity; under-cover garage w/ driveway/room for three cars

Price: Rp. 780.000.000 - Negotiable | Call: Bony 0878 3212 8686, 0812 2900 0848 Email:

1) Lokasi bypass Sanur, luas 98,7are, lebar depan 40 meter, ctc.0816572392 2) Lokasi Buahan Kaja Payangan Gianyar, luas 5HA, lg 3) Lokasi Batu Malang, luas 2HA, berisi pohon apel produktif, lg


# 132 2013

( Desember - Likes 8.500 )

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4) Lokasi; Tosari Pasuruan, luas tanah Âą100HA, ditanamin 7) Disewakan tanah di pinggir jalan pulau moyo, Lebar pohon sengon dan gembilina, ctc: aku lg hehehee dpn 28 mtr x 90 mtr luas 25 are.. harga 6,5 jt/are/thn.. 5) Jl. Senayan bawah-kebaayoran baru- luas tanah min 20th max 30th 500/500 mtr-SHM-S.pool- good lokasi dan kondisiRp.15M.ctc: mskin no-ku aja biar gampang controlnya 8) Dijual villa dekat canggu club, 4 bedrooms, luas tanah 6are, fully furnished. harga 6,5M 6) Dicari kontrakan: rumah min. luas tanah 5are dgn halaman luas 9) Saba Beach, luas 19,68are, beach front Wonderland ctc.0816572392

# 132 2013


Surf Wax Techniques &

Maintenance (Infographic)

Surfboard design is all about fluid dynamics, not color, look or style. When you’re buying a surfboard you’re choosing the plank that will suit you best. You’re interested in getting a very good surfboard for your level of experience and /or for a determined type of wave.

Before hitting the waves, take a look at our

The flow of water is the science behind surfboard shaping and

surf wax infographic to know exactly what you

manufacturing. When shapers design their models, they often know what they’re doing.

need to do for perfect upkeep of your board. Surf wax is a simple enough petroleum product with a storied past. In the early days of the sport, surfers used to paint their boards with varnish and scatter sand across the surface to ensure they wouldn’t slip off. This gritty solution was imperfect and painful, leading to an epidemic of wipeouts and board burns. An improvement came by accident in 1935 when L.A. surfer Alfred Gallant Jr. walked through a recently waxed wood floor and found he stuck better than ever to his board. Surfing would never be the same.

There areseveral variables which take part in the “construction” of a good surfboard model. The type of blank that is used, the quality of the fiberglass and resins, the knowledge of

If a top coat is too soft for the conditions, however, it will begin to degrade. For this reason, top coat surf wax comes in four flavors of hardness: cold, cool, warm, and tropical. Use cold water wax if you’re surfing off the coast of Oregon. Use tropical if you’re surfing in French Polynesia. Pick the right surf wax and properly maintain your board, and you’ll stay stuck to waves better and longer than the next guy in the water. Every edge counts. If you liked the infographic please feel free to share. DO: MORE by being properly prepared.

the shaper are very important issues, but there’s more. Surfboard design also involves the outline. The overall design of the board has profound impact of the wave riding performance. A rounder template will force you to longer curves and more laid-back surf.

The effects of surfboard design in wave performance

Today, surfers wax their boards with two layers of surf wax: base coat and top coat. The base coat glues the board to the top coat, and the top coat glues the rider to the board. Top coat is considerably softer than base coat. It’s made to melt around a rider’s foot and stick into the contours of his or her skin.

Tehnik-Tehnik Me-Wax dan Merawat Papan Selancar Sebelum menyentuh ombak, lihatlah infografik surf wax berikut untuk mengetahui secara seksama apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk merawat papan kamu secara sempurna. Surf wax adalah produk yang berbahan dasar dari minyak bumi. Pada masa awal olah raga ini, para peselancar biasa melapisi papan mereka dengan vernis dan menaburkan pasir pada permukaan papan untuk memastikan mereka tidak akan tergelincir.


# 132 2013

Namun solusi yang cukup berani ini belum sempurna dan cukup menyakitkan, sehingga menyebabkan epidemik dan terbakarnya papan. Sebuah kemajuan muncul dari ketidaksengajaan pada tahun 1935 saat peselancar dari Los Angeles, Alfred Gallant Jr., berjalan melalui lantai kayu dan mendapati bahwa ia melekat dengan lebih baik di papannya. Sejak itu, surfing pun mengalami perubahan. Kini, para peselancar me-wax papan mereka dengan dua lapisan wax: lapisan dasar dan lapisan atas. Lapisan dasar merekatkan papan pada lapisan atas, dan lapisan atas merekatkan sang pengendara ke papan nya. Lapisan atas jauh lebih lembut dibandingkan lapisan dasar. Ia dibuat untuk meleleh disekitar kaki pengendara dan melekat pada kontur dari kulit pengendara tersebut. Apabila lapisan atas terlalu lembut bagi kondisi-kondisi tertentu, bagaimanapun, ia akan mulai mengelupas. Untuk alasan ini, surf wax lapisan atas ada dalam empat tingkat kekerasan sesuai dengan kondisi iklim: dingin, sejuk, hangat, dan tropis. Gunakan wax untuk air dingin jika kamu hendak berselancar di pantai-pantai sekitar Oregon. Gunakan wax tropis jika kamu akan berselancar di perairan Polinesia Prancis (atau di perairan Indonesia— Red). Pilih surf wax yang tepat dan pelihara papan kamu dengan baik agar kamu dan papanmu menempel dengan lebih baik dan lebih lama di ombak. Setiap sisi tetaplah penting.

( Desember - Likes 8.500 )

Width and length are very important issues. You

When viewed from side, the rocker is the curve

have to choose between 18’’ and 24 inches of

of the surfboard from tail to nose. The surfboard

width. Wider boards offer more fluctuation and

rocker is subdivided into nose rocker, center and

are the perfect choice for very small fat waves.

tail rocker.

very common because they hold the

With narrower surfboards you can test you

When it comes to analyzing surfboard rocker,

take-off skills in deep, hollow waves.

there are a few logical commandments. The more

surfboard quite well in all-round surf

If you have trouble catching waves, you will

rocker a surfboard has, the looser and slower it

probably need a longer surfboard. On the other

will be. Plain and flat rocker delivers faster wave

middle term.

hand, you’ll find it harder to turn than if you

performances and surfing maneuvers will be

were surfing with a shorter board.

harder to pull - it works very well in small wave

Sharper edges, like the square tail, are

Surfboard thickness is also relevant in wave


more responsive to rad turns. Swallow

riding performance. Normally, the thickness

Surfboard bottom contours are also important in

tails help your paddling power and

point is in the middle area of the surfboard but,

surfing. Concave and V-shaped contours have

in some cases, it can be hold through the tail

similar performances, despite opposite designs.

and rocker.

A concave surface - or channel-type contour - will

Surfboard fins are part of the entire

When the thickness level is almost even, it will

help your tail respond faster and easier to rapid

hydrodynamic performance, but are

help balance both feet, as you change positions throughout each ride. That is to stay a well distributed surfboard thickness helps you maintain control, despite constant weight changes on the blank. Rocker is considered the most important feature in a surfboard, by many shapers.

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turns. The Vee model helps you carve easily. A flatcontour is difficult to control at high speed. Tail designs are usually very discussed in modern surfboard shaping. Pin tail is great for big waves because there is less board in water contact and more speed is achieved.

The rounded pin tail, round tail, squash tail and rounded tail are

conditions. The squash tail sits in the

are easier to control in small waves.

an external feature. You can learn more about the importance of fin setups (single fin, twin fin, thruster and quad).

# 132 2013


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


Miss this place..Uncrowded and perfect barrel!!! Do you want get one of this wave?? Book us through our website

Rise and Shine Skateboard Community

Singaporean holiday in Bali Nama Umur

: Miranda (Beatrice Desiree Miranda) : 16 tahun

Komunitas ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan hobi kami dibidang skateboard, walaupun komunitas ini baru seumur jagung tapi kami mencoba untuk menekuni komunitas ini dengan serius, mencoba mencari trik trik terbaru untuk kami pelajari. Komunitas ini dibangun oleh beberapa anak muda. Ada Riyan, Adhe, Priyan, Efan, Andika dan ada dua skater cewek nya juga. Kalau maen skateboard sih biasanya di Renon atau di Puputan, kalau tidak ada tempat lagi, lapangan voli pun kita hajar! Hahaha. Harapan kami untuk komunitas ini semoga selalu menjadi wadah untuk pecinta skateboard, khususnya di daerah Denpasar.

will show you the way..Let’s go surfing yiiiooouuu!!!

Lolak Surf School

Yudi’s Place - Lhoknga

Setelah ujian O Level Cambridge untuk Secondary School (setara dgn SMP), aku dan Andi menghadiahkan dia liburan. Dan dia memilih Bali untuk refreshing. Karena Miranda ingin mencoba bermain surfing yang tidak pernah didapatkannya di Singapura. Dia memang menggemari olahraga outdoor dan sepertinya dia akan main surfing lagi. “Alamaaak! Surfing is sooo FUN! I love it! Tapi my skin is getting burn. Hahahaaa… Next time aku mau main surfing lagi.” Itulah kesan pertama yang diberikannya setelah mencoba surfing.

With that it was into the presentation of the trophies, with the winners of the ASC and ISC divisions as follows: ASC/ISC Open Division – Raditya Rondi (INA) ASC Women’s Division – Rina Kitazawa (JPN) ISC Women’s Division – Yasnyiar Gea (INA) ASC /ISC Master’s Division – Wayan Wirtama (INA) ASC/ISC Junior Division – Raju Sena (INA) ASC/ISC Longboard Division – Arip “Mencos” Nurhidayat (INA)

Miranda sering menyaksikan orang main surfing melalui TVnya. Dari sanalah ketertarikannya mulai muncul. Waaah! This must be fun yeah! Main surfing among the waves,” ujarnya kala itu. Ia baru saja menyelesaikan sekolahnya di Chij Toa Payoh. Tahun depan dia masuk Junior College (setingkat SMA). Di Singapore perlu waktu selama 4 tahun dan 2 tahun untuk SMA. Next year she will visit Indo again with his brother, Ray.

Cabul is the 2013 ASC Championships Winner

Wild Surfer’s 11th Anniversary Komunitas Wild Surfer dari Sanur Kaja (Sanur Utara) menggelar Wild Surfer Sanur Reef Coral Fishing Tournament & Surf Competition di Sanur Reef pada 26 November sampai 1 Desember kemarin. Ini adalah event yang digelar setiap tahunnya dalam rangka memperingati hari jadi mereka, dan tahun ini adalah ulang tahun yang ke-11 tahun. Fishing Tpurnament diikuti oleh 3 tim, sedangkan Surf Competition dibagi menjadi 3 divisi, yaitu Junior, Tag Team, dan Open Division. Setelah penyerahan hadiah kepada para pemenang, acara dilanjutkan dengan party. Congrats to Wild Surfer!

Sebuah Ketidaksengajaan yang Menyenangkan

Raditya Rondi (INA) Cliches 3rd Consecutive ASC Open Championship Title Today at ASP/ASC Taiwan Open of Surfing

Setelah APEC | Journalists Making Bed Competition.

Hp: 081 337 283 180 lets hangout to chiko warung on kuta beach in front off kuta playa hotel enjoy your time on the beach at chiko warung

Di Shinta Room, Grand Istana Rama Hotel para journalist ditantang untuk melakukan Making Bed layaknya housekeeper di hotel berbintang. Kompetisi unik ini digelar oleh Grand Istana Rama pada hari Rabu, 9 Oktober 2013, yang melibatkan seluruh awak media sebagai pesertanya.


# 132 2013

Berawal dari iseng2 baca majalah magic wave di edisi beberapa bulan kemarin yang mengulas tentang Pulau Merah, Dan itu pun secara tak sengaja, waktu mau pndah kos, pas lagi beres-beres nih nemuin tuh majalah di selokan, akhirnya baca-baca bentar semua isinya, tapi yang paling menarik pas halaman terkahir kalo g salah, mengulas tentang PULAU MERAH, rasa penasaran pun langsung ada, udah terbayang-bayang tuh, kyak gimana yaa :D , tapi pada saat itu aku mikir gini “G bakal gue liburan ksana” itu pertama yang ada di banak gue.Tak lama waktu berjalan para temen2 se kampus gue lagi sibuk mau ngadain acara liburan gitu ,mereka debat mereka smua ngotot banget pingin liburan ke bali, tapi dengan biaya yang minim.terus aku kepikiran tuh PULAU MERAH, anak2 pada tanyak “dmna tuh??”aku jawab gini “ tempatnya di “CITY OF SANTET” :D , temen2 ku lngsung dah mulai penasaran, akhirnya mereka smua setuju untuk brangkat ksana

Chiko Warungs cold drink : beer, tea botle,soft drink,etc

( Desember - Likes 8.500 )

Komunitas lokal di Lhoknga sangatlah bersahabat. Kebetulan Yudi tinggal di Lhoknga dan banyak surfer dari luar negeri yang juga tinggal di Lhoknga, kira-kira 15 kilometer dari pusat kota, Banda Aceh. Sering Yudi ke Bw, butuh waktu sekitar 20 menit ke Bw, karena lokasinya yangw berada di kota Banda Aceh. Ombak disini paling bagus di periode November-Maret.

Perjalanan dimulai, dari Malang kita brangkat jam 00:00 dengan ksluruhan yang ikut 21 orang, cuuuus bangkat deeh kita bawa 3 mobil pada saat itu,pada saat itu perjalanan agak membosankan, boring pokoknya garing banget dah di mobil itu, seesssst nyampek dah di bnyuwangi jam 9 pagi, tapi belum ke tmpat tujuan, kita singgah dulu ke rumah teman kita di banyuwangi , istirahat dulu disana sambil makan2 hehe, stelah istirahat , jam 2 kita lanjut lagi , skrang tujuan bener2 ke pulau merah, anehnya ni pada semangat semua, pada becandabecanda smua, asiik pokoknya pada penasaran juga, tapi lama kelamaan garing lagi, soalnya lama perjalanan , bikin tmen2 gue pada bosan,pas nyampek depan pos penjagaan di pulau merah tepatnya jam setengah 5 sore , gue bangunin tuh temen-temen, woo langsung mereka teriak-teriak semua “WOw” pas mobil baru aja di parkir , pada keluar semua tuuh lari-lari , Download online

memang asiik banget siih pemandangan matahari terbenam disana, dengan ombak yang tidak seberapa besar menurut saya hehe tapi cocok buat para surfer pemula (sbenernya g tau apaapa sih tentang surfing :D. Ok lanjut, pokoknya tidak kebayang, sumpah asli bagus banget. gue diem sambil hirup udara segar disana, haduuh bener-bener nikmat , sumpah tidak rugi klo habis dari sana, gue langsung photo2 nih buat di share ke pesbook , biar semua tau kalo gue habis dari pulau merah. mungkin hanya seperti ini saya bisa membagi , mudah-mudahan bermanfaat :) Terima Kasih Magic Wave, kalo g ada kalian, gue g bakalan tau tentang “PULAU MERAH :) “

# 132 2013


For a Better Life: An evening in Benesari Beach

“Jerman is next the distination”

Haria Sapurta (Acil)

Ende Supriatna Nama : Ende supriatna A.k.a : Monot Tempat tgl lahir : Sukabumi, 18-07-1989/24 yo Kp karang papak Sponsor dari :The Fit surf shop and. Freepig surf board Alamat di Bali, jalan labuan sait Bingin

28 Mei 1986

Acil is a 27 years old local surfer from Padang, West Sumatra, who decided to move to Bali. He was a fisherman when still in his hometown. For a better living and knowledge is why he decided to move to Bali in mid 2012.

Untuk Hidup yang Lebih Baik: Suatu Sore di Pantai Benesari.

In the island, he started to work as a freelance surf-instructor in Halfway Kuta beach. Besides surf-instructing, Acil also helping his sister selling beverages in Benesari beach.

Pemuda kelahiran 27 tahun yang lalu ini adalah seorang surfer lokal Padang yang memutuskan untuk hijrah ke Bali. Ia juga seorang nelayan ketika masih di Padang. Demi pengetahuan dan kehidupan yang lebih baik lah pada pertengahan 2012 yang lalu ia memutuskan untuk datang ke Bali. Di pulau ini ia mulai bekerja sebagai instruktur surfing freelance di pantai Halfway. Selain menjadi instruktur surfing, Acil juga membantu kakaknya berjualan minuman di pantai Benesari.

Nama: Azmi Awing Nickname: Mie Born: Pulau Redang, Terengganu, Malaysia DOB: 11.03.1987 School: Sekolah Menengah Padang Midin, Terengganu Sponsor: Macbeth Start surfing: 2010 Stance: Goofy Azmi tinggal di bukit nyaris 7 bulan dan mendapatkan keindahan di Bingin dengan penuh ramah tamah dari teman-teman di bingin. Menurutnya, kemampuan selancarnya semakin meningkat setelah Ia kembali dari Bali, dan Ia merasa 7 bulan tersebut tidak cukup untuk belajar banyak. Ia berencana kembali lagi ke Bali tahun depan untuk melanjutkan belajar surfing dan tinggal lebih lama. Selama 7 bulan di Bali, papannya telah mengalami 2 kali patah dan banyak juga mengalami ding. Kala itu Ia tinggal di Bingin bersama Mega Semadhi serta keluarganya yang sangat ramah, dan menurutnya banyak ilmu yang didapatnya dari Mega, seperti bagaimana menyelancari ombak besar.

kedatangan pertama di Bali untuk mengikuti kontes Kontes King of the groms 2004 walau, kemudian datang kembali utuk kedua kalinya saat diterima menjadi raider Volcom 2005, saat dimana ia baru saja lulus smp di bulan juli dan melanjutakn sma hingga tamat. Selama menjadi raider volcom ia mendapat asuhan langsung dari Made Switra bahkan ia diajak untuk tinggal bersama Setelah 4 tahun mengabdi menjadi raider VOLCOM ia lanjutkan kerja di Ripcurl shop kuta square dibagian sale surfing equipment, trus ke Indizone, Up2U,Rapture surfcamp dan yang sekarang Padang padang surfcamp semata mata hanya berusaha hidup diantara surfing yang menjadi keinginannya tinggal dan menetap di Bali Anak nomer 2 dari 3 bersaudara local beach Karang papak Pantai Pelabuhan ratu, Sukabumi Jawa Barat ini disamping surfing dia juga suka Bulu tangkis / nonton film surfing di rumah. Ia bercita cita pengen punya usaha sendiri namun tetap di bidang surf school/ camp. Trip yang paling jauh yang pernah ia lakukan ke kepulauan memtawai, memiliki namun dimata anak ini semua sudah cukup

TnT Surfschool Bali

Ia juga pernah melakukan surf trip bersama anak-anak Bingin di Lombok, yang saat itu didukung dengan ombak yang bagus dan menyenangkan. Ia menganggap anak-anak Bingin seperti saudaranya sendiri karena mereka tidak sombong dan Ia termasuk pewaris Bingin Boardriders yang baru terbentuk. Ia bercita-cita untuk meningkatkan karir surfingnya agar sukses dan juga berharap agar peselancar Malaysia bisa seapik peselancar Indonesia.

TnT Surfschool Bali is a local driven surfschool located on Bingin Beach on the beautiful Bukit Peninsula of southern Bali. Famous surfspots such as Bingin (in front of the surfschool), Impossibles, Dreamland, Padang Padang and Ulu Watu are all within paddling range (almost!). We offer surf lessons and surf guiding for all levels and ages – from the absolute beginner to the more advanced surfers looking to experience the amazing surf of Indo. All our instructors are highly experienced, and as locals know all about the perfect tides and conditions suitable for your surf level! We also offer surfboard rentals and surfaris to the best spots around the island, although you probably don’t wanna go anywhere else once you experienced the surf of Bukit! Contact us ASAP – or better yet drop by for a Bintang • Bingin Beach, Bali • Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia 80364

Komunitas Surf BERASO (Bengkulu Rafflesia Surf Comunnity) Bila kita tiba di Bengkulu, jarak dari air port ke lokasi surfing hanya 15 menit, tanpa macet ujar jeffry anto Menuju lokasi yang diinginkan butuh waktu setengah jam sampai 1 jam perjalanan mengingat medan yang susah dilalui dengan mobil, elainkan hanya bisa dengan roda dua. bisa dong di kasih distinasi plus nama poin Pulau Tikus ada berapa poin seperti ombak kanan atau kiri, jika ditempuh dengan kapan yang kecil hanya memakan waktu 45 menit sampai 1 jam perjalanan...klo ke sana saya sudah sering , tapi klo main di lokasinya baru 4 kali...jik spots bermain kita tinggal pilih mayoritas di sana spots semua dan reef,,, tergantung musim anggin saja lagi,, kiri dan kanan ada semua. Klo Ke arah Selatan Bengkulu, seperti Seluma, Kaur . Kalo dengan menggunakan kendaraan membutuhkan waktu 3 jam di Kaur ini lokasi bermain tersembunyi. biaya transport dari bandara Fatmawati bengkulu-Pantai panjang Rp 750 ribu


# 132 2013

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Phone 0813-3779-1080 Email Website as teko said TNT is just some big deal happening in bukit for bring 2014 on better vibe

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# 132 2013


SK8 Bali


Good Times Clothing & Beer

Description Brands: Pukulrata, Rumble, NK13, Prisonheart, Moodx, Cibola, Ancor Eleven, Monkey buisness, Dirty Dollar, Peter Says Denim, Bobby mc Gee, and still waiting for more brands to come!

Acara Youth creative di adakan pada hari minggu tanggal 1 Desember. yang berlokasi di Yamaha Diponegoro, adapun rangkaian acara sebagai berikut :

fingerboard competition yang kami mulai jam 1 siang, di lanjutkan langsung ke acara skateboard competition, waktu jeda di isi dengan acoustic dari rekan rekan musisi, terakhir acara kita tutup dengan BBQ party. free for all. haha

Location; Jalan Pantai Berawa 8, Bali, Indonesia 8036 Hours : Mon - Sun: 10:00 am - 11:00 pm Parking Street

Skate copetition yang di bagi menjadi 2 kelas. yaitu Open dan Beginner Fingerboard


Open Winner 1 Quik 2 Ruso 3 Adi

surfing school

betstrick 1 Arya arifin 2 Ando

Rizds art |Rizal

target marketnya adalah surfer jepang dan surfer rusia , terlihat sangat optimis aktraksi “Jet Water Board” yang juga merupakan aktraksi pertama di menyambut 2014. Pada acara pembukaan kemarin ditunjukan sebuah Indonesia dan juga life music regaae dan sexy dance, serta 2 DJ dari rusia.

Painting Exhibition at Jeje Hotel & Resto Padma kuta Bali ten artist live painting front of jeje hotel padma legian

Indo Surf & Lingo is The #1 Original Surfer’s Guidebook to Indonesia. The First in 1992, and the only one updated every year for over 20 years. With over 100,000 copies sold, it’s earned a justified reputation as “The Indo Surfer’s Bible”. This new updated 2013 edition contains everything you need to make your trip easy, fun and rewarding.

Indo Surf Art Jl. Benesari Kuta Bali Ph: +62 813 742 35127 email:

mystic: men/boardshorts/product.php?pid=2176

Tracks Magazine wrote: “The best advice I was given when travelling to Indo for the first time was “Buy Indo Surf and Lingo”!

Indonesia menempati juara umum pada lomba Piala UEA Category:

ASL Australia’s Surfing Life wrote: “This legendary guidebook is the best $35 you’ll invest on your trip, the only one you’ll need.” “If you’re going to surf in Indo, you need this book!” . “Be prepared - know before you go!”

Rin, swim run, beach flag, seam realy, pick up swimmer, long run, run realy, dan long swimm semoga ini bisa memicu kehidupan para penjaga pantai/ lifeguard di tanah air yang kondisinya semakin tidak jelas.dan sangat memprihatinkan. Banyak dari teman2 saya di Indonesia yang sudah mengabdi puluhan tahun dan tetap menjadi pekeerja honorer. semoga 2014 akan lebih baik, salam untuk seluruh rekan di tanah air

Who’d like to see their Ad featured Special deals for Facebook friends Selamat Christmas and New Year to everyone

oleh Sova Satrya Wijaya

Website: Email: 1992, Started Working at Indo Surf & Lingo Noosa Heads, Queensland # 132 2013

Kickflip challenge Wira (18 kickflip)

Beginner 1De dwik 2 dodek 3 Dede

kina, surfer legend sanur bekerja sama dengan The Stone meluncurkan sekolah surfing “Saiko Surfing School” dan rata2 dihadiri oleh surfer dari sanur dan Lembongan, juga rekan2 dari sekitar kuta legian seminyak.


GOS (game of skate) 1 Dwiki 2 Roland

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# 132 2013

Scuba Explorer

Rondji Restaurant

SINCE 2010, Scuba Explorer has born by own style as a scuba dive brand which passion and freedom lifestyle with a diving experience. Our design concepts are adven ture,explorer,adventurous,histories,myth and Many dive spot from around the world

Located at the charming village of Ubud, Rondji Restaurant Ubud Bali serves your leisure with most romantic atmosphere and spectacular cuisines. Costumized idea of fine dining concept developed with authentic Balinese hospitality, complete your dining experience become your extravagant leisure.

WELCOME DIVER’S ! Scuba explorer is a one of great new comers brands that majoring at scuba wears.It is created from Fun hobbies,skill,Good materials and excellent ideas.We are begin from smart way to give unbreakable products for all customers from many levels And Style. Scuba Explorer created for adventurous,histories,myth and Many dive spot from around the world.We playing and serving the best themes And Design that all the levels get easily with high class fashion taste. Please do not hesitate to visit our online store or any of our dive retailers now to shop for scuba explorer t-shirt. JUST WEAR IT , TASTE IT , DREAM IT !

Jalan Raya Campuhan Ubud at The Blanco Renaissance Museum +62 361 975502 | tweeter : RondjiRestaurant@rondiresto •Ubud

For More Details Information About Scuba Explorer Product Please Call Our On Line support Or Sent By E Mail To / Mobile Phones: (0361) 2743611 | 0812-4651-9611 Address | On Line Shop Base : Jl Gunung Mas 38 Padang Sambian 80117

Ristorante Spaccanapoli (italian restaurant)

Sang Ria Grill Sang Ria Grill is a venue with a true Balinesse theme. Set in a lush garden with balinesse statues and a beautiful water fall feature. The building is made of local bambou and

give you a authentic local feeling. The signature dishe are the world famouse baby back pork ribs. Also a good variety of vegetarian dishes, curries, salads and a great grill selection to satisfied all tastes. Live music is perform during the week and Sang Ria Grill caters for birthdays or other function for large groups.

Fabian Riza

Location: Jln Werkudara 5 Legian Kaja, 80361 Contact Info Phone (0361) 2150404 Email Website

Ristorante Spaccanapoli di Ubud Jalan Pengosekan 108 | Ubud 80571

Always open

Phone (0361) 973138 Email Website Not only a restaurant , but a place for those who love truth and reality, without compromises without fear and without limits everything you can , free your mind!!! italian restaurant . Nu maccarone vale cchiù ‘e ciente vermecielle. Ristorante Spaccanapoli di Ubud is a traditional italian restaurant located at ubud, the city of the arts in bali.We specialize in Southern Italian cuisine, but are known for cooking for the pleasure of our clientele.Our list of wines, French and Italian, is the pride of Spaccanapoli di Ubud. Parking: Parking Lot | Valet Culinary Team piero & enung Payment Options: Visa | American Express | Mastercard


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013

Marcio Soares

Around The World from Brazil with

Marcio Soares , em busca da onda perfeita em Sumatra Indonesia . ‘’ Tenho 19 anos e estou atras dos melhores tubos da indonesia . Cheguei no dia 16 de abril , passando por uma grande viagem , Brasil ate Amsterdam 12horas , Amsterdam ate Denspasar Bali 12h , mas aqueles atrasos de sempre .. Cheguei bem apos 2 dias de viagem graças a deus e com o kiver de prancha perfeito para fazer o surf nas ondas perfeitas de Bali , Ricardo Martins obrigado pelas naves . Todos os dias fazendo o surf nas ondas de Canggu , junto com os amigos David Martins e seu filho Kian Martins e Sonny nova geração do surf em bali quebrando tudo .. Depois passou 1 mes acabei indo fazer a trip dos sonhos nas Mentawaii no barco do Kadu Maia Moom Palikir em Maio dia 25, mas acabamos pegando condições nao muito boas de ondas , mas tivemos sorte de fazer um surf em Bank Volts incrível 6 pes classico ! Apos Mentawaii voltei para uns dos lugares que eu mais me apitei na indonesia , onde eu me sinto em casa Nias , Sorake Beach . Saindo de Bali as 6.45pm passando por Jakart , Medan , Nias chegando as 17:00 horas , 1 dia de viagem para fazer o surf nas ondas perfeitas de North Sumatra Nias . Passei 2 meses e 3 semanas fazendo o que eu mais gosto de fazer na vida , surfar , entubar e me alimentar bem como a cultura local , sempre comendo frutos do mar sempre bebendo uma agua de coco ! Nesse tempo de viagem tive uma amizade muito forte com Antoni Dachi , local de Nias North Sumatra . Acabei ganhando bastante experiencia de vida , no surf e nos spot’s que fizemos o surf juntos !! Pegamos uns 8 spot diferentes em Nias North Sumatra , Rock Star , Rock Roll , Jipi , The Machine , Outside Indictor , Nias Point , Sobatu e Moale com muitos Swell’s perfeito , fazendo os tubos da vida . Apenas alguns momentos em busca da onda perfeita ! Sauha gollo Sumatra , Nias ! Thanks a lot Indonesia


# 132 2013

Marcio Soares , in search of the perfect wave in Sumatra Indonesia . ‘’ I’m 19 and I’m behind the top tube of indonesia . I arrived on the 16th of April, going through a great journey , Brazil until 12hours Amsterdam , Amsterdam Bali Denspasar until 12pm, but those always late .. I arrived just after 2 days trip thanks to God and the kiver perfect to surf perfect waves in Bali surfboard, Ricardo Martins thanks for ships. Every day doing the surfing waves of Canggu , along with friends David and his son Kian Martins Martins and Sonny new generation of surf breaking everything in bali .. After one month passed just going to make the dream trip in the Mentawai boat Kadu Maia Moom Palikir on May 25 , but ended up getting not very good conditions of waves, but were lucky to make a surf Bank amazing classic pes 6 Volts ! After Mentawaii returned to the places I most apitei me in indonesia , where I feel at home Nias , a Sorake Beach . Leaving the Bali 6.45pm undergoing Jakart , Medan , Nias arriving at 17:00 hours , 1 day trip to surf perfect waves in North Sumatra Nias . I spent 2 months and 3 weeks doing what I like to do most in life, surfing, tubing and feed me well as local culture , always eating seafood always drinking a coconut water ! In that time travel had a very strong friendship with Antoni Dachi , location Nias North Sumatra . I ended up gaining enough experience of life in the surf and we did spot ‘s surfing together ! We got about 8 different spot in Nias North Sumatra , Rock Star , Rock Roll , Jipi , The Machine , Outside indictor , Nias Point, Sobatu and Moale with many Swell ‘s perfect, making the tubes of life . Just a few moments in search of the perfect wave ! Sauha gollo Sumatra , Nias ! Thanks a lot Indonesia

Marcio Soares , mencari gelombang yang sempurna di Sumatera Indonesia . ‘’ Saya 19 dan saya di belakang tabung atas Indonesia . Aku tiba pada tanggal 16 April, akan melalui perjalanan yang besar , Brasil sampai 12hours Amsterdam , Amsterdam Bali Denspasar sampai 12:00 , tetapi mereka selalu terlambat .. Aku tiba hanya setelah 2 hari perjalanan syukur kepada Allah dan kiver sempurna untuk berselancar gelombang sempurna dalam papan selancar Bali , Ricardo Martins terima kasih untuk kapal . Setiap hari melakukan gelombang berselancar dari Canggu , bersama dengan teman-teman David dan putranya Kian Martins Martins dan Sonny generasi baru surfing melanggar segala sesuatu di bali .. Setelah satu bulan berlalu hanya akan membuat perjalanan mimpi di Mentawai perahu Kadu Maia Moom Palikir pada 25 Mei , namun akhirnya kondisi tidak sangat baik gelombang memilih , tapi kami beruntung untuk membuat surfing Bank pes klasik menakjubkan 6 Volts ! Setelah mentawaii kembali ke tempat saya paling apitei saya di Indonesia , di mana aku merasa di Nias rumah, Pantai Sorake . Meninggalkan 18:45 Bali menjalani Jakart , Medan , Nias tiba pukul 17.00 jam , 1 hari perjalanan untuk berselancar gelombang sempurna di North Nias Sumatera . Aku menghabiskan 2 bulan dan 3 minggu melakukan apa yang saya suka untuk melakukan sebagian besar dalam hidup , surfing, tabung dan makan saya serta budaya lokal , selalu makan seafood selalu minum air kelapa ! Pada waktu itu perjalanan memiliki persahabatan yang sangat kuat dengan Antoni Dachi , lokasi Nias Sumatera Utara . Saya akhirnya mendapatkan pengalaman yang cukup kehidupan di ombak dan kami melakukan berselancar tempat bersama-sama ! Kami punya sekitar 8 tempat yang berbeda di Nias Sumatera Utara , Rock Star , Batu Roll, Jipi , Machine , indictor luar , Nias Point, Sobatu dan Moale dengan banyak Swell sempurna , membuat tabung kehidupan . Hanya beberapa saat untuk mencari gelombang yang sempurna ! Sauha Gollo Sumatera , Nias ! Terima kasih banyak Indonesia

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# 132 2013

Ella Williams wins Women’s ASP World Junior Title New Zealand’s Williams ousts Tatiana Weston-Webb to take crown

Raju Sena Wins Rip Curl GromSearch National Finals The Padma boy, claims Rip Curl GromSearch National Finals at Kuta Beach, Bali. Grommets from all over Indonesia were on fire this weekend for the National Finals of the Rip Curl GromSearch 2013. From Bali to Lombok, Java to Sumbawa - 60 of the best young surfers came to the legendary Halfway Kuta Beach in quest of the National GromSearch Champion Title and a chance to get an all-expenses-paid-trip to the International Final “Somewhere” in 2014.

Ella Williams (NZL), 18, has won the 2013 Women’s ASP World Junior Title, defeating Kauai’s Tatiana Weston-Webb (HAW), 17, in a hard-fought final to win the HD World Junior Championships presented by Devassa at Joaquina Beach in Florianopolis, Brazil.

Ticket to National Final: WOMEN’S HD WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS FINAL RESULT: 1 - Ella Williams (NZL) 11.97 2 - Tatiana Weston-Webb (HAW) 9.23 WOMEN’S HD WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS SEMIFINALS RESULTS: SF 1: Tatiana Weston-Webb (HAW) 15.34 def. Chelsea Tuach (BRB) 8.33 SF 2: Ella Williams (NZL) 10.34 def. Johanne Defay (FRA) 10.06 WOMEN’S HD WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS QUARTERFINALS RESULTS: QF 1: Tatiana Weston-Webb (HAW) 14.66 def. Frankie Harrer (USA) 10.44 QF 2: Chelsea Tuach (BRB) 12.30 def. Bianca Buitendag (ZAF) 12.17 QF 3: Ella Williams (NZL) 9.67 def. Mahina Maeda (HAW) 8.83 QF 4: Johanne Defay (FRA) 15.87 def. Stephanie Single (AUS) 6.30

1. Naoki Surya (1st Highest Place) 2. Dede Sulaksana (2nd Highest Place) 3 Putu Krisna (Kuta Boardrider Wildcard) 4 Dhanny Widianto (Kuta Boardrider Wildcard)

( Day 1) Rip Curl GromSearch Halfway Series #9 2013 result: Under 14th Division (Boys): 1st – Ketut Agus Aditya (31.4) 2nd – Dhanny Widianto (29.4) 3rd – Tenshi Ishi Ratif (24.3) 4th – Ryuki (22.3)

Under 16th Division (Boys): 1st – Mega Artana (32.5) 2nd – Andre Anwar (30.2) 3rd – Kusuma Rai (27.5) 4th – Raju Sena (21.5) Girls: 1st – Dhea Natasya (31.8) 2nd – Cinta Hansel (24.7) 3rd – Taina Izquierdo (18.8) 4th – Hayana Iguchi (14.7)

(Day 2) Rip Curl GromSearch Series #10 National Final 2013 result: Under 16th Division (Boys): 1st – Raju Sena 2nd – Kusuma Tanabe Equal 3rd :Mega Artana and Febri Expression Session: 1st – Wayan Andika Interclub Tag Team: 1st – Padma Boy’s

Gabriel Medina takes ASP World Junior Champs

ASP International Announces 2014 World Tour Schedule

World Tour competitor claims Men’s ASP World Junior Title Gabriel Medina (BRA), 19, has claimed the 2013 Men’s ASP World Junior Title by winning the HD World Junior Championships presented by Devassa over Ramzi Boukhiam (MAR), 20, in a high-scoring Final at Joaquina Beach in Florianopolis, Brazil.

Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) International has announced the 2014 world tour schedule, featuring the ASP Men’s World Championship Tour (WCT), ASP Women’s WCT and ASP qualification tours.

A full schedule of 2014 events can be found at 2014 ASP Men’s World Championship Tour (WCT) Schedule: Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast – March 1 – 12, 2014 Margaret River Pro – April 2 – 13, 2014 Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach – April 16 – 27, 2014 Billabong Rio Pro – May 7 – 18, 2014 Fiji Pro – June 1 – 13, 2014 Bali Pro – June 17 – 28, 2014 Billabong Pro Teahupoo – August 15 – 26, 2014 Hurley Pro at Trestles – September 9 – 20, 2014 Quiksilver Pro France – September 25 – October 6, 2014 Moche Rip Curl Pro Portugal – October 8 – 19, 2014 Billabong Pipe Masters – December 8 – 20, 2014

MEN’S HD WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS FINAL RESULT: 1 - Gabriel Medina (BRA) 18.26 2 - Ramzi Boukhiam (MAR) 11.60

MEN’S HD WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS SEMIFINALS RESULTS: SF 1: Ramzi Boukhiam (MAR) 16.03 def. Matt Banting (AUS) 12.33 SF 2: Gabriel Medina (BRA) 17.94 def. Hiroto Ohhara (JPN) 10.54

2014 ASP Women’s World Championship Tour (WCT) Schedule: Roxy Pro Gold Coast – March 1 – 12, 2014 Margaret River Pro – April 2 – 13, 2014 Rip Curl Women’s Pro Bells Beach – April 16 – 27, 2014 Rio Women’s Pro – May 7 – 18, 2014 Fiji Women’s Pro – May 25 – 30, 2014 Vans US Open of Surfing – July 27 – August 3, 2014 Trestles Women’s Pro – September 9 – 20, 2014 Hossegor Women’s Pro – September 23 – 29, 2014 EDP Cascais Women’s Pro – October 1 – 6, 2014

MEN’S HD WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS QUARTERFINALS RESULTS: QF 1: Matt Banting (AUS) 15.37 def. Michael Rodrigues (BRA) 13.33 QF 2: Ramzi Boukhiam (MAR) 14.00 def. Oney Anwar (IDN) 11.04 QF 3: Gabriel Medina (BRA) 16.64 def. Slade Prestwich (ZAF) 14.97 QF 4: Hiroto Ohhara (JPN) 10.17 def. Vehiatua Prunier (PYF) 9.24


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


# 132 2013

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# 132 2013


# 132 2013

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