Spring 2018 Course Catalog

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Spring CATALOG 2018

Table of Contents Our Mission and About Us


Our Founder


Four-Leaf Approach


Kindergarten & Primary English Program


Secondary English Program


STEM Program


Academic Coaching & Private Courses


Projects, Internship & Entrepreneurship


Test Prep & Admissions Support


Our Team


Spring Course Schedule


Our Mission To cultivate a love of learning and to teach students how to learn and innovate so they can flourish in a fast-changing world.

About Us Baker & Bloom is a K-12 education organization that immerses students in academic rigor and creative thinking to prepare them for studying abroad and future careers. With the advent of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and unpredictable global forces, young people need to adapt and embrace lifelong learning to survive and succeed. Baker & Bloom understands this need and so we empower students with optimal mindsets and 21st century skills through excellence in teaching. Our professional and passionate teachers and original Four-Leaf Approach motivate students to learn deeply. One student at a time, we enhance human potential and creativity.


Our Founder Renée Boey Founder & Educational Director
 B.A. Hons. English (Harvard) M.Phil. Renaissance Literature (Cambridge) M.F.A. Writing (USF) P.G.D.E. (HKU) Renée Boey founded Baker & Bloom to promote innovative learning, service, and leadership among young people. Baker & Bloom’s mission is shaped by Renée’s own educational journey. She enjoyed learning at both local and international schools in Hong Kong before completing her secondary education at St. Paul’s School in Concord, N.H. The school’s diversity and emphasis on arts, humanities, and service instilled in her an appreciation for creativity, thinking from multiple perspectives, and a desire to lead a meaningful life. After graduating from Harvard College as an English major, Renée obtained an MPhil in Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, and returned to Hong Kong. She completed a teaching internship at St. Paul’s CoEducational College, received her Postgraduate Diploma in Education at the University of Hong Kong, and taught at the ISF Academy as an IB English and Humanities teacher before harnessing her experiences and passions to launch Baker & Bloom. Whether it is teaching the inspirED Social Entrepreneurship Program, designing curriculum, or coaching a student, Renée hopes to inspire young people to learn with joy and embrace life with positivity and creative confidence.


Four-Leaf Approach Our unique Four-Leaf Approach targets foundational elements of intellectual and socio-emotional growth. Cultivation in these four areas of Language Arts & Communication, Learning to Learn, Creativity, and Leadership & Service prepares our students for fulfilling lives as global citizens.

Learning to Learn

Language Arts and Communication


Leadership and Service

Whether it is in our one-on-one mentorship or classes, our Four-Leaf Approach forms the backbone of our pedagogy – it's how we ensure we are delivering extraordinary learning experiences.

Language Arts & Learning to Learn Communication • build a foundation for success in critical thinking, creative expression, reflection, and communication • develop media and digital literacy • cover reading comprehension and analysis, effective writing and speaking, grammar and style


• reveal hidden rules in the game of learning • gain skills that apply across disciplines (e.g. critical thinking and research) • cultivate a growth mindset • master tests and assessments

• challenge students to ask better questions and design better solutions • foster the confidence to be creative • deepen literary & cultural knowledge • learn the Stanford d.school's Design Thinking method to generate, test, and iterate ideas


Leadership & Service • aspire to the higher purpose of education • encourage character development, especially empathy and grit • cultivate reflection skills and selfknowledge • expand humanities and current events knowledge that enables students to contribute as global citizens

Kindergarten & Primary (K2-G6) English Program Through engaging and thought-provoking classes, taught by highly qualified instructors, our Primary program drives Baker & Bloom students to greater success inside and outside of the classroom. Our English courses are unparalleled in Hong Kong because: • students learn to write and speak using their own voices; you won’t see your child simply copying templates. • students learn to read beyond what is in front of them in a text, and become stronger at making connections, inferences, and explaining their thinking accurately. • students discover how to be independent learners, and we provide specific, practical feedback to help you make the best decisions for your child.

inspirED Reader & Writer The inspirED Reader & Writer Program develops students’ literacy skills through stimulating reading, writing, and vocabulary activities. Our curriculum, aligned with both US and UK national literacy standards, takes a thematic approach to give real-world context to language learning. Our goal is for students to deepen their engagement with the written word. Not only will students improve their reading and writing skills, they will learn to communicate and use language with precision and flair.

In our inspirED Reader & Writer program, students will:

K2-3 • • • • •

discover the inspiring and powerful world of stories and books; learn decoding skills to grease the wheels for reading; develop a strong foundation in phonemic awareness; reflect on stories and their characters for personal growth; tell their own stories through the learning of story elements.

G1-2 • read diverse fiction and nonfiction texts to develop their appetite for learning; • learn and practice decoding strategies to expand their vocabulary; • develop their phonological awareness; • use thinking stems to deepen their engagement with texts; • write and edit texts of different genres and with different purposes.


G3-4 • read and write a variety of genres, including biographies narratives, and poetry; • write with a specific purpose to an audience; • develop opinions using reasons and facts as examples; • learn new vocabulary they can apply in their school work; • make inferences about an author’s message and purpose using text evidence.

G5-6 • read and analyze authentic texts with real-world relevance; • write a variety of genres, including expository, narrative and persuasive essays, and poetry; • learn strategies to expand their vocabulary; • reinforce grade-level literacy skills while stretching their abilities.

Public Speaking Throughout history, people have used speech to persuade, manage, and engage their audience. This course builds confidence and communication skills in students, helping them give presentations and ace interviews at school. Students will: • write and craft effective speeches; • practice techniques to improve their delivery; • develop their authentic voice. In this course, we explore ways to write and deliver narrative, informative and persuasive speeches.

Creative Writing This course excites students’ imagination and builds their English skills through 
 writing exercises and projects. Students will: • develop a useful understanding of story structures; • learn strategies to create vivid characters and settings; • expand the vocabulary they use to express ideas; • use traditional pencil and paper, as well as digital tools, to publish work.
 In addition to enhancing literacy skills, this course encourages students to think about themselves and become confident in creating and sharing stories using their own voices. Students who intend to apply to UK and US boarding schools will also benefit from this course.


Secondary (G7-12) English Program In the secondary phase of education, the academic focus and needs of students begin to change and become more specific. Our courses provide students with targeted instruction to meet the knowledge requirements for many different senior secondary examinations, including the IGCSE, IBDP and AP. Many parents also consider boarding school, so our courses provide students with the rigorous knowledge that will allow them to succeed in these contexts. Our program has had excellent results, because of our teachers’ decades of experience teaching senior certificate examinations, of our demanding text selections, which develop intellectual, aesthetic, and character growth, and of our insistence that students grapple with important and interesting ideas that will allow them to continue learning in the future. Our courses generally offer students additional opportunities to read, analyse, and critique challenging literary and non-literary texts. This develops transferable skills that can be applied to the texts they study at school. We also develop course materials to suit the text selections of individual schools. We focus on developing our students’ analytical and persuasive writing skills.

G7-8 inspirED Reader & Writer Students will: • read, discuss, debate, and write about themes such as genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, human migration, and media literacy; • close-read fiction and non-fiction texts to improve their comprehension skills; • develop the ability to write clear, correct, and concise texts.

G7-8 inspirED Reader & Writer: US Edition Students will: • engage in detailed analysis of challenging literary and non-literary texts typically read in selective US boarding schools; • study US politics, culture, and current events through high-quality media sources; • produce written and verbal responses, and conduct Harkness table discussions.


G9-10 IGCSE English Students will: • learn the format of the various IGCSE papers and how to correctly interpret the requirements; • analyse literary and non-literary texts in detail to develop the skills that apply to these kinds of assessments; • receive learning support with their school’s chosen texts, taken from the IGCSE curriculum.

G9-10 Pre-IBDP & AP English Students will: • be taught the skills and technical terminology that will allow them to successfully adjust to the requirements of these examinations; • carefully analyse excerpts from a variety of challenging literary and non-literary texts typically taught in these courses; • learn to construct an analytical argument and to communicate their ideas in clear academic prose.

G11-12 AP English Students will: • learn the format of these examinations and develop their technical terminology and high-level vocabulary; • be familiarised with the various reading techniques that allow them to answer the multiple-choice sections effectively; • learn how to write the required analytical and persuasive essays in the free-response sections of these exams.

G11-12 IBDP English Students will: • learn the skills and technical terminology that will allow them to succeed in Paper 1, Paper 2 and the IOC; • receive additional support and feedback with the Written Assignment, Written Task, IOP and FOA; • receive additional instruction and support with the texts they study in their individual schools.

G11-12 IBDP History Students will: • learn the formats, technical vocabulary, and skills necessary to tackle specific course assessments; • receive support in drafting the Historical Investigation and receive detailed feedback; • learn to effectively analyse and evaluate historical sources and develop a better understanding of history as a discipline.


STEM Program (K2-12) Why is Baker & Bloom, with its long-held focus on the humanities, now offering STEM classes? It comes from profound needs that our STEM director realised in her decade-plus career as scientist and engineer. They are the needs for: • …WHY and HOW questions and answers. Effective STEM instruction requires the tandem. At Baker & Bloom, they are intrinsically linked. • …Cross-Disciplinary learning, without which learning can only be superficial and limited. Our curriculum and instruction leads to memorable and lasting scientific thinking. • …Innovation. STEM instruction should lead to a lifelong curiosity about how the world works while inspiring ways to improve it. One class at a time, we instill this passion and responsibility in our students.
 Today, a quality STEM education determines your child’s future. Come make it bloom that much brighter.

inspirED STEM: Mathematics (K2-G8) Students will: • learn math concepts through familiar activities like Legos, origami, and play-dough; • do math drills through interactive exercises with other students; • use storytelling to reinforce math concepts; • practice shortcuts and strategies that can be applied to various math problems; • understand the application and importance of math in real-world situations.

inspirED STEM: Coding (K2-G8) Students will: • become digital citizens and learn to build a positive online presence; • learn to break down problems into logical functions in order to solve individual steps; • learn how to automate everyday activities; • code in Scratch, Python, Javascript, and C++, depending on student level; • use Makey Makey, MicroBit, and Arduino to


inspirED STEM: Integrated Science (K2-G8) Students will: • learn the science behind the latest discoveries and current events; • connect fun science experiments to school curriculum; • identify and learn scientific concepts behind each experiment; • embark on a personal project that combines biology, chemistry, and physics; • understand the application of science in everyday activities, such as cooking, cleaning, and eating.

IGCSE Science (G9-10) Students will: • prepare for the IGCSE Science exam through stimulating experiments and projects; • link IGCSE Science to everyday concepts such as exercise, digestive system, and transportation; • combine biology, chemistry, and physics in each lesson to illustrate the interconnectedness and application scientific concepts.

Pre-IB Physics (G9-10) Students will: • strengthen fundamental understanding of the concepts in Physics; • relate the concepts to everyday life; • understand assessment criteria; • write lab reports with more depth of thought; • lay the foundation of success for students to play to take A-Level, AP, or IB DP Physics.

IB DP Physics (G11-12) This course accommodates both HL and SL students. Students will: • prepare for Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3; • plan and draft IA and lab reports; • analyze mark schemes to understand what examiners are looking for; • enhance exam-taking skills and techniques. Since each school has its own scheme of work and schedule of when each topic is covered, materials are tailored to address the needs of the students in the class.


Academic Coaching & Private Courses Baker and Bloom offers flexible arrangements for students who wish to work independently on academic work, personal projects, or goals not covered by our core course offerings.

One-on-One Academic Support

Private Courses

Our knowledgeable coaches support students in a variety of subjects, including: • English Language and Literature, History, Geography, Latin, Physics, Economics, Maths, and Humanities • IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Extended Essay (EE) • Academic development in research, study skills, essay writing, oral presentations, vocabulary, and test-taking

Form your own group of 3-6 students for a tailor-made course or short workshop to suit your interests, schedule, and learning needs. Private classes can cover: • any of the academic subjects listed above • topics derived from our popular holiday workshops such as Super Learner, Minecraft Writing, Mystery Story Writing, and more • adult classes on Conversational and Business English

Parent Workshops and Seminars We run monthly parent workshops to educate and connect with parents in our community. Topics in the past have included: • Harvard Project Zero’s Visible Thinking Routines • literacy development • managing screen time • boarding school and college admissions


inspirED Projects Our 6-month program provides unique opportunities for students to turn personal interests into realworld experiences. The inspirED Projects program not only helps students stand out in boarding school and college admissions, but empowers them to create positive change in their communities. Baker & Bloom coaches, as well as experts in the field, are available to mentor projects in various areas, including engineering, medicine, science, law, history, economics, business, international relations, fine arts, Past projects include: writing, and more. Join us if you want to: • develop standout IB Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) and MYP Personal Projects • design and execute entrepreneurship and service projects as well as creative portfolios • prepare for local and international competitions

• publishing research papers • creative writing and art portfolios for admissions • launching school-wide service programs • designing mobile apps

Schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation with us to kick-start your project now.

Key Features • bootcamp training in entrepreneurship and career skills • placement at a startup that matches students’ individual interests • mentorship and feedback from a startup’s founding team • post-internship resume and college essay workshop

inspirED Internship Program Jointly designed and taught by Baker & Bloom and Cocoon, this exclusive and personalized program combines skills training, entrepreneurship education, and opportunities for professional networking. As a leading startup incubator, CoCoon has a network of over 18,000 entrepreneurs who have collectively raised over HK$550 million. CoCoon has hosted over 450 events and trained 260+ students from top universities. As a participant in our program, students will have automatic access to CoCoon's network and events for one year.

inspirED Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship involves skills that aren’t taught at school. At this workshop, students will: • learn to think innovatively and to develop entrepreneurial skills with the Harvard Business School case method, the Business Model Canvas, simulation games, and design challenges; • hear from successful entrepreneurs to be inspired to solve problems and create value for society.


Test Prep At Baker & Bloom, test-taking is interesting and engaging. That’s because we understand that there is much more to it than just rote memorization. Practice is important, but if a student is not equipped with the right test taking skills, then repeated drilling just solidifies the wrong habits. Our students complete our test-taking courses with transferrable skills and knowledge. We help our students improve their active reading skills while broadening their general knowledge in history, social sciences, science, literature, and the humanities. Our fun and interactive classes are aimed at increasing engagement and interest in test-taking. When classes are enjoyable and the test is no longer daunting, your child will feel confident and thrive on test day. In our test prep courses, students will:

SAT English: Reading Comprehension and Writing & Language


• use a holistic approach to master the English section; • broaden general knowledge to tackle frequent-hit reading themes; • complete grammar drills for commonly tested errors.

• understand all the sections of the test and how to tackle them; • develop critical reading skills; • learn strategies to build vocabulary quickly and efficiently.

SAT Math


• target all 10 frequent-hit math topics; • learn test-taking skills to overcome common difficulties.

ACT • cover all sections: English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science; • understand the specific structure and skill requirements of the ACT; • develop test-taking skills and strategies to ace the test.


• master Reading, Mathematics, and Essay Writing; • learn vocabulary building skills and strategies; • develop active reading skills to read more efficiently; • understand math theory to tackle complex questions.

Admissions Support At Baker and Bloom, we aim to make admissions support a holistic learning experience. While admissions can be demanding and test-driven, it is a valuable opportunity to build a strong academic foundation, to enhance time management and self-reflection skills, and to learn to read and write well. Whether in a class or through coaching, students will develop the skills to handle the challenges and pressures of school applications with ease.

US Boarding School Admissions • One-on-one or semi-private coaching through the complete admissions process • Preparatory course for students in grades 7 and 8 • Personal statement writing workshops during holidays and school breaks

UK Boarding School Admissions • One-on-one or semi-private coaching for 11+ and 13+ Common Entrance Exams

International School Admissions • School entrance exam preparation • Interview preparation • Application support

US College Admissions Our experienced counselors offer personalized admissions consultation and coaching services, along with personal statement support. In addition, through our partnership with Collegewise, America’s largest and most successful college counseling service, we offer: • the Complete Admissions Program (CAP) • College Essay Package • Private Consultations


Our Team Chris Coetzee Secondary Division Head & Teacher • B.Mus. Composition (Stellenbosch) • B.A. Language & Culture (Stellenbosch) • B.A. Hons. Classics (Stellenbosch) • P.G.C.E. (Stellenbosch) • M.A. Classical Literature (Stellenbosch) With over a decade of educational experience in five different countries, Chris has taught Latin, English, Music, and History in IB, IGCSE, A-Levels, Pre-U, and AP programs and has also worked as department head, head of senior academics, and educational inspector. He headed the Classics department and taught IBDP English at the ISF Academy before joining us.

Rebecca Bush Primary Curriculum Supervisor • B.A. Iberian Studies & Art Practice (UC Berkeley) • M.A. Elementary Education & Instruction and Curriculum (U of Alabama) • M.Ed. Advanced Literacy (Concordia) For almost a decade in the education sector, Rebecca has not only taught students in the classroom at GSIS and FIS, but has also served as a mentor and trainer for new teachers, a curriculum advisor and developer, a reading support teacher, a bilingual instructor, an English as a second language teacher, and a tutor.

Mei Chen STEM Program Director • B.S. Computer Science & Graphics Design (UCLA) • M.S. Software Engineering & Management (Carnegie Mellon) • Satellite Flight Software Engineer (Lockheed & NASA) An accomplished scientist and engineer with over a decade of experience working for Microsoft, P&G, Accenture, Lockheed Martin and NASA, Mei brings the real-world applications of science, math, and technology to life with students in the inspirED STEM program at Baker & Bloom.

Karen Kwok Admissions Counselor • B.A. Psychology (Harvard) • M.B.A. (Harvard) While at Harvard, Karen began advising family and friends on their applications for boarding school, college, and graduate school. Since joining Baker & Bloom, she has helped many more students realize their goals and gain acceptances at prestigious boarding schools in the U.S. and the U.K.


Celene Chang Academic Coach & Teacher • B.S. Engineering & Applied Sciences (Caltech) • M.B.A. (Stanford) • M.S. Engineering (Stanford) • P.G.D.E. (HKU) • CertTESOL (Trinity College) A seasoned educator in the arts and sciences, Celene has taught English, Humanities, Math and Physics, led drama and debate workshops in schools, and pioneered IB Physics program with all of her students achieving the top grade (7) in their exams.

Angela Stobaugh Academic Coach & Teacher • B.A. English Literature (Rollins) • B.A. Critical Media & Cultural Studies (Rollins) A TEFL certified teacher, Angela has taught personalized courses on phonics, creative writing, literature, grammar, and prepared students for study abroad. She has worked with students ranging from age 2 to adult before joining Baker & Bloom.

Miriam Wong Academic Coach & Teacher • B.A. Linguistics & Global Studies (Brandeis) • M.A. Elementary Inclusive Education (Columbia) A New York State certified public school teacher, Miriam has taught primary students across grade levels, including gifted learners and students with special needs, in reading, writing, math, social studies, and science, using IB PYP curriculum and U.S. Common Core standards.

Jay Poon Academic Coach & Teacher • B.A. History (UCL) A graduate of three different school systems, Jay tutored students across Hong Kong in IGCSE and IB English, History, and Film before joining Baker & Bloom. He has since helped Baker and Bloom students from K-12 reach important milestones and become passionate, lifelong learners.

Stacy Ho Test Prep Coach • B.Sc. Hons. Accounting & Finance (LSE) • B.Sc. Hons. Business Management (Manchester Business School) Passionate about empowering people through knowledge, Stacy has prepared students for tests including the SAT, ACT, SSAT, ISEE and has also taught IGCSE, GCE, and IB subjects including Accounting, Business Studies, Economics, and Mathematics.


Course Schedule Grade

Course Title

inspirED Reader & Writer K2-3 inspirED STEM: Math inspirED STEM: Integrated Science inspirED STEM: Coding inspirED Reader & Writer G1-2 inspirED STEM: Math

inspirED Reader & Writer G3-4

Public Speaking inspirED STEM: Math

inspirED Reader & Writer G5-6 Public Speaking




Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Thursday Saturday Saturday Monday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Monday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Thursday Saturday

3:00 - 4:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 4:00 - 5:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 2:00 - 3:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 3:00 - 4:00pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 9:00 - 10:30am 3:30 - 5:00pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 9:00 - 10:30am 11:00am - 12:30pm 2:00 - 3:30pm 3:30 - 5:00pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 9:00 - 10:30am 5:45 - 7:15pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 9:00 - 10:30am 4:10 - 5:40pm 11:00am - 12:30pm

Grade G4-9 G5-6 G5-8 G6-8

Course Title



ISEE Math and English SSAT Math and English ISEE English inspirED STEM: Math inspirED STEM: Coding inspirED STEM: Integrated Science

Wednesday Wednesday Friday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Saturday Saturday Thursday Friday Tuesday Saturday Thursday Saturday Friday Saturday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Saturday Monday Thursday Saturday Saturday Tuesday Monday Friday Friday Saturday Wednesday Monday

4:30 - 6:30pm 4:30 - 6:30pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 9:45 - 11:15am 11:30am - 1:00pm 6:00 - 7:30pm 6:00 - 7:30pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 11:30am - 1:00pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 3:30 - 5:00pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 11:15am - 12:45pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 4:10 - 5:40pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 11:00am - 12:30pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 5:00 - 7:00pm 5:00 - 7:00pm 10:00am - 1:00pm 5:00 - 7:00pm 5:00 - 7:00pm 10:00am - 1:00pm 3:30 - 5:00pm 4:30 - 6:00pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 6:00 - 7:30pm 2:00 - 3:30pm 5:45 - 7:15pm 10:30am - 12:00pm

inspirED Reader & Writer G7-8 inspirED Reader & Writer (US Edition)

G7-9 G8-10

inspirED STEM: Coding inspirED STEM: Integrated Science Public Speaking inspirED Reader & Writer (US Edition) inspirED Reader & Writer IGCSE English


IGCSE History

IGCSE Science SAT Math and English G10-12 ACT Math and English IBDP English G11 IBDP History G12 Adult

IBDP English AP English IBDP Physics Introduction to English


Our Students come from: Local

International & ESF

Boarding & Overseas

Diocesan Boys' School Diocesan Girls' School Kiangsu & Chekiang School La Salle College Marymount School

Australian International School Philips Academy Andover (US) Braemar Hill Nursery School Benenden School (UK) Canadian International School Cheltenham Ladies College ((UK) Chinese International School Choate Rosemary Hall (US) French International School Deerfield Academy (US) Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School German Swiss International School Hotchkiss School (US) St. Joseph's College Harrow International School Lawrenceville School (US) Hong Kong International School St. Mary’s Canossian School Milton Academy (US) St. Paul's Co-ed College International Christian School Roedean School (UK) St. Paul's Convent School The ISF Academy Sevenoaks School (UK) St. Stephen's College Island School St. Paul's School (US) Li Po Chun United World College Victoria Kindergarten Taft School (US) Wah Yan College Shatin College Wellington School (UK) Singapore International School Westminister School (UK) West Island School Winchester College (UK) Yew Chung International School Wycombe Abbey (UK)

Our Students have been accepted at: Secondary Schools


Choate Rosemary Hall Fay School Groton School Middlesex School Milton Academy Philips Academy Andover St. Paul's School Taft School The Hotchkiss School Harrow School Tonbridge School Winchester College

Brown Cornell Duke New York University Princeton Stanford UC Berkeley London School of Economics Rhode Island School of Design University of Cambridge University of Chicago University of Oxford

Baker and Bloom Education Center Tel. 2110 4788 | info@bakerandbloom.com www.bakerandbloom.com 1/F China Hong Kong Tower, 8–12 Hennessy Road, Wanchai

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