Bajan Sun Magazine January 2016 Edition 22

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ntrepreneurs are forward thinkers. They cultivate new ideas and inspire those around them to use innovation to discover new opportunities for new products, services or intellectual solutions. Entrepreneurs show initiative that is selfmotivated based on their inner vision and drive to take action. For businesses, having such inspiration and energy can keep fellow employees motivated and willing to meet organizational goals. The entrepreneurial spirit can assist companies to weave together a seamless workflow between and among various

The Entrepreneur

company departments. The entrepreneurial spirit also encourages self-pride and recognition for each individual’s contribution to a corporate end product. In the long run, such a spirit breathes necessary vitality into long-term organizational life-spans.


If you are considering starting an entrepreneurial business, or expanding your leadership capabilities in your current business, take a look at our advertising services. Bajan Sun Marketing is a great method of exposure and easy to incorporate into any marketing plan.

18-19 9 New Years Resolutions For Every Entrepreneur

Looking Ahead - 2016

12-13 Revisiting Your New Years Resolutions 14-17 Peta Odini Sutherlan Fashion Designer Menswear

20 Physique Pro Fitness Consultancy 22-24 The Entrepreneurs Guide: Healthy Eating Top Tips for 2016 26-27 Skin Guru Trichotillomania

28-29 Fundamentals for Success In Life



30-31 What Should Entrepreneurs Wear? 32-33 Third Chances

34-37 How To Speed Up Your Computer 39-40 Is It Time To Upgrade Your Website?




42-47 Strictly Roots - Morgan Heritage 49-50 Is It Love of Infatuation 52-53 In The Spotlight: Lorenzo Harewood

58-59 Destination Barbados 60-63 The 7C’s of Communication 64-65 Rum Shop - Onomics



66-67 Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours 68-69 Beyond The Dish - Chef On Duty - Jamell Small 70-71 First Look: Top 5 Mobile Ad Trends for 2015 72-73 Benefits of Private Tutoring 74-75 Top 5 Mobile Technology Trends in 2016 76-77 Authors Corner Wilmont St. Cyr 78-81 Highlighting Black Women Artist Brinna McCarthy



There are many things to do in Barbados! But, we recommend embarking on an exciting Bajan Island Tour. Our tours allow you to fully explore the exotic coral island, with excellent beaches, rolling hills and many deep ridges, completed with a fascinating distribution of flora and fauna. Among the anomalies that make this island unique is the phenomenal formation of the two land masses that form this truly amazing island paradise.


THE | | @BajanSunOnline


t is brings us great pleasure to introduce you to the Bajan Sun Online Magazine - Caribbean Entrepreneurs. Haven’t heard about our magazine before? Well, it’s not too late and here is your chance! The Bajan Sun Online Magazine is a magazine geared towards highlighting and promoting the ENTREPRENEUR. Regardless of the nature of business or the types of products and services offered, the Bajan Sun Online Magazine is where Entrepreneurs are the spotlight. This magazine, highlights the risk takers, the ones who dear to dream, the creators, the go getters, the ones who have faced challenges but have persist, the ones who’ve said I must succeed, my dreams must become my reality. Whether the Entrepreneur is an entertainer, chef, author, poet/spoken word artist. photographer, fitness guru, health physician, sex expert, body builder, musician, charitable organization, hotel, restaurant and bar, motivational speaker/writer, music producer, music studio owner, tutor, bar tender, dog whisperer, jewellery and fashion designer, hair dresser, catamaran cruise owner, personal trainer, florist, or actor; each has his or her place to shine within our magazine. How we see the Entrepreneurial Spirit The spirit and initiative of entrepreneurial people will be the key to overcoming the current crisis; thereby paving the way for the Caribbean to become a dynamic and competitive economy. This view is taken by the Bajan Sun Online Magazine Team, which has included fostering the entrepreneurial spirit in its strategy to boost the region's economic competitive capacity. Entrepreneurial people generate and promote innovation; and they also contribute with greater flexibility and capacity of adjustment to the economy as a whole. This makes the entrepreneurial spirit an irreplaceable part of the growth engine, and driver of job creation. Without it, the objectives of competitiveness and prosperity are simply unattainable for any given society. With this in mind, we wish to present to you the Bajan Sun Online Magazine | | @BajanSunOnline


here is, of course, no magical time to take up a

Set realistic goals to increase your sales. Set specific

new endeavor or recommit to an old one, but the

goals: How will you increase sales of each of your

New Year always seems to offer a fresh start.

products or services? As several economists are talking

about a possible recession, it's important to realize goals The New Year is a good time entrepreneurs can set

sometimes aren't achieved not because of lack of effort,

business resolutions. Evaluate the old. Consider the

but because of business conditions. Understanding the

new. Each entrepreneur will need to consider the nature

causes of success and failure in business isn't always

of her business and decide upon what goals or

easy. For this reason, some entrepreneurs recommend

directions to take. Here are some general ideas for

setting activity based goals, rather than broader sales

resolutions that could apply to most businesses:

targets. What will you do each day, week, or month to increase your sales? Have measurable activity-based

1) Increase sales. Always a good goal! Entrepreneurs


often tend to quantify the goals they want to achieve. | | @BajanSunOnline


company add any new products or services in 2008? How will you decide which new avenues to pursue? 4) Groom an employee for a higher role within your organization. For most companies to grow, you'll need to have good employees. Finding them from within and moving them up to higher levels of responsibility is often a good plan. Evaluate how you promote.






employees. Who are your biggest stars and why? 2) Drop some unprofitable products or services. Drop





Entrepreneurs too often want to do more. But, time is limited. No matter how good you are, you can't do it all! Especially for smaller companies, consider if your business engages in areas not justified by the financial or personal reward.

5) Decrease costs. For many businesses, this isn't as important as it use to be. Low margin businesses are always hyperaware of costs. But, informational companies, many service companies, and those with higher profit margins tend to be less sensitive to changing prices. Every company should evaluate its costs of doing business. The end of the year is a great

For example, in the world of small, self-publishers

time to really review your company's financials. Can

today, many individuals are following the lead of

significant cost reductions be made somewhere? Can

POD pioneers like Morris Rosenthal and Aaron

modest cost reductions be made somewhere?

Shepard. Rather than fulfilling orders themselves or hiring





outsourcing all fulfillment to POD companies. This can allow greater sales with far less infrastructure than traditional publishing. This allows the authors to focus on marketing and writing.








entrepreneur's control. Rising oil prices today lower profits directly in trucking, for example. These companies charge more for their services. These costs can work their way into the products or services of many other businesses. Evaluate how

Dropping areas of endeavor is usually more difficult

sensitive your company is to various inputs and

in larger companies, where institutional shake-ups

resources. What is on the horizon that could lower

occur. But, for smaller companies, it's often more

your profitability, and how can you deal with it?

psychological. It's easy to fall into doing things one way and not change. Stop and reevaluate the "why" of what you're doing. Ask: "Is there a better way?"

Many entrepreneurs would argue you should be doing all of the above every single day. In reality, change often occurs in fits and starts. A New Year is

3) Add new products or services. Even the smallest

a natural time to re-evaluate your business and your

companies need to grow and change. Will your

entrepreneurial activities. | | @BajanSunOnline

By John Boitnott


t's a time when people the world over are resolving to improve. Why should your business be any different?

1. Improve Your SEO Search engine optimization (SEO) and local SEO can

Lose weight? Go for Michelle Obama arms? Those

constantly be improved upon, whether you're a startup or

kinds of resolutions are for the everyday person.

one of the biggest retailers in the country. Since Google



is constantly making updates to its algorithm, you're

underemphasize "work-life balance," for better or for

never "done" with SEO. You may want to review some

worse, most entrepreneurs will devote most of their

of the best SEO companies out there in case you need

energy to meeting business goals in the new year. So, in

help. Many SEO professionals claim that you soon may

that vein, 2015 is all about resolving to make wise

need to start optimizing for Amazon in addition to

business choices. In 2014, it became more and more

Google and other major search engines. Unless you have

important to have a mobile strategy (which means it's

the top ranking for all of your keywords (you don't),

time to get that responsive design, app, or mobile

SEO should be a top priority.





version of your website in order). The economy continued to recover, the housing market steadily

2. Maximize Your Deductions and Credits

improved, and "crowdsourcing" became even more of a

This can only be done with a skilled CPA. Are you sure

household word.

yours is up to the task? While many Americans miss out

What does the coming year have in store for entrepreneurs? That's up to you--but here are a few resolutions to get you started:

on deductions and tax credits throughout the year, nobody enjoys more of them than small business owners. Start shopping around for a killer CPA if you don't already have one, and meet with them before tax season gets crazy to see where you can save. | | @BajanSunOnline


3. Get Mobile Ready

5. Aim for Work/Life Balance

Chances are, most every entrepreneur could look at

No matter where you are on the entrepreneurial journey,

ways to build a more thorough mobile strategy next

there's a good chance that you're leaning a little too

year, complete with creating a more responsive design

heavily on the work side of this balancing act. If you

for your site. Maybe the site would benefit from a

felt over-worked in 2014, commit yourself to carving

mobile version, or maybe you should add an app to your

out at least one day per week that's work-free, and a

digital presence. It is highly recommended that your site

certain number of hours per day for sleep (it's crucial!)

load beautifully and quickly on every single device

and no-work, friends/family/hobby time. After all,

(mobile or not) and browser. Your web developer or

what's the point in working for yourself if you can't

manager should be testing for this on a regular basis.

enjoy the life you've built?

4. Revisit Your Business Plan

What resolutions do you have on deck for 2015? As an

Whether you just drafted it last month or it's been three years, go back to your business plan and see where you've succeeded, where you haven't, and re-draft it to reflect your current situation. Haven't drafted a business plan yet? Q1 of 2015 is the time to get on it. If you need help, the Small Business Administration has offices around the country that offer complimentary services.

entrepreneur, yours might be a little different than others, but as long as they're feasible, achievable, and still a bit of a challenge, you'll be on a better business track by the end of the year. Focus on resolutions that set a better foundation for your business, and you'll ensure that every new challenge (and resolution) goes a little smoother. | | @BajanSunOnline


The Peta Odini Long Sleeved Shirt on Super Producer Alex Barnwell aka @kubiyashi Credits: Photography by: Antony Scully Shirt by: Peta Odini Sunglasses by: Emporio Armani Shoes by: Aldo Headphones by: Sennhieser | | @BajanSunOnline


ashion especially in the Caribbean has mainly been a female playfield. While menswear designers like Millhouse, Ecliff Elie and a few others have been carving their own niche it’s not generally an area most young fashion designers are attracted to, but in the last 10 years the fashionable man has been making a comeback and a statement for themselves in bolder ways and that movement and trend has like many trickled down out of Europe and the US to the islands. This has inspired not only the dress code of the male population but Caribbean fashion students as well.

Designer Peta Odini Sutherland is the designer behind the Menswear brand “Peta Odini”. Peta was born and raised in St. Vincent & the Grenadines. Having studied fashion at Ravensbourne in London, UK, she graduated in 2012 having specialized in Menswear after spending a year on the textile pathway of the BA (Hons) Fashion course. For the debut collection Sans Peur which translates to Without Fear, Sutherland teamed up with Trinidadian designer Kern Saunders who inspired by her "mild"

sweet addiction created a very bold candy laden print that walked the Style Spirit runway in June 2014. Peta Odini aims to fit into that niche of young Caribbean menswear, however there is mild exploration in womenswear as the challenge is to create feminine silhouettes from a menswear POV. Overall, Peta Odini is clothing that must be experienced as it is purely wayward at its very best and always up for a good time! We also learnt that Peta started off studying Civil Engineering at the University of the West Indies and hated it. Perhaps the stint could not have been that bad since her true love is construction of another variety. Inspired by textile and pattern. Vincentian born, Peta Odini's design process starts from the choice of fabric and the design evolves from play. We first saw Peta's work at Trinidad Lookbooks Style Spirit 2 event in 2014 at the old Piarco airport. Then she presented a dynamic sweet temptation of a line literally covered in candies… | | @BajanSunOnline


Peta Odini is a slightly wayward spin on what menswear ought to be. Tailored influences with a healthy dose of Caribbean cool. It is something to be experienced (and worn).

Peta Odini Sutherland Creative Director & Owner at Peta Odini Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | | @BajanSunOnline

Petra is also looking for opportunities to have her clothing stocked within the Caribbean region as well as doing personal styling & design projects for persons or groups. She is interested in networking and collaborative opportunities in fashion within the Caribbean and short term branding/ advertising project management contracts.

Photography by: Tanya Marie Williams | Designer Island |

Peta Odini is currently available in Trinidad at The Shop at the Marketplace at The Normandie Hotel and Exhibit A by Anya Ayoung-Chee. New stockists to be added soon.

Photography by: Thomas Gallagher | | | @BajanSunOnline

by Stephen Key


ew Year’s resolutions serve an important purpose. After all, you can’t write a resolution

without reflecting on the past. I think New Year’s resolutions should be thought of as a good excuse to put the year you’ve just had into perspective and to explicitly declare what you want for the future.

However, New Year’s resolutions are tricky. When they are too specific or too unachievable, we inevitably abandon them.

that this isn’t a list of my goals. In my mind, goals are different. They are less about the kind of person I want to be and more specific to figures and numbers. These are my resolutions. 1. Stop listening to my haters.

In our lives, there are individuals who hold us back and who do not have our best interests at heart. Unfortunately, sometimes these individuals are our oldest friends or even our family members. It’s

I started thinking about my resolutions for this year and I wanted to share them with you. I think they’re applicable to all entrepreneurs, actually. Please note

important to recognize when we just need to tune someone out. Make an effort not to engage. Break old patterns. Don’t confide in anyone who isn’t on your team. | | @BajanSunOnline


2. Embrace a “garbage in, garbage out” mentality. I am going to try to eliminate the negative thoughts and information that enter my brain and prevent me from moving forward as quickly as possible,

4. Get regular medical checkups. Preventative medicine is the key to health. I want to continue growing my business, so


committed to staying on top of my health.

including the news.

5. Keep up with the news.

3. Eat foods that fuel my body and brain.

As I’ve written before, staying current is a must for

To be a superstar entrepreneur, you need to have

energy. Drinking a lot of coffee shouldn’t be a point of pride. Start each day by drinking warm water with lemon squeezed into it. I know you’ve read the research!

entrepreneurs. You need to know what’s going on in the world to make smart, forward-thinking decisions for your business as well as grow your social network. 6. Be more physically active. Walk, bike or run -- do something. You will have more energy if you do. 7. Be patient. Being quick to judge has only caused problems for

me in both my professional and personal life. Make it a point to get all the facts before forming an opinion in 2015. 8. Have empathy for others. How much better would the world be if people had more empathy? 9. Give more of my time.

I’ve offered my insight and advice to budding entrepreneurs before, and it was incredibly worthwhile. The person you help will be eternally grateful and you’ll feel great for doing so.

What are your New Year’s resolutions? | | @BajanSunOnline


Physique Pro Fitness By: Jerome "The Trainer" Greenidge


hysique Pro Fitness Consultancy (PPFC) is a per sonal training business which was established in the year 1999 and caters to everyone from the professional person to the average housewife. Since the demand for this type of business is high Trainer - Jerome Greenidge sought to differentiate himself from all the other trainers plying their trade. As such, Jerome committed himself to studying the most popular training concepts and testing them on his clients to determine which ones worked most effectively. After a couple years of combining concepts and experimenting, Jerome created his own training style which can be modified to fit any body type. Most of his clients see him on average two or three times a week at their home or office, as his business goes where ever the client is interested in being trained. Needless to say, most of Jerome’s clients train at home. Given his passion to share knowledge, Jerome educates his clients on not only proper nutrition but how to train on their own with minimum equipment, which is always a hit as his clients wouldn't have to further expense themselves. The service Jerome and by extension PPCF offers covers everything from when to train, target setting and constant assessments to see what works and what is not working.

Over the years Jerome have found that consistency is the main reason people stop training. In response to this, Jerome has devised a strategy which works and works well. The workouts in this strategy take no longer than 5 to 8 minutes, with minimum equipment requirement. What is more is that, the results from this method have been nothing short of outstanding and Jerome’s clients love it. Short intense workouts work great especially when combined with adequate nutrition. More importantly, this method has been such a hit that his clients have encouraged him to do a fitness app which is called the ‘8 Min Burn’, carded to be released August 2014. All in all Jerome ensures that his clients are happy and see results quickly. In his words “it doesn't matter if my clients are vacationing in France or staying in a beach house on the east coast. If they or the general population want a workout or tips on everything from how to acquire muscle, lose weight or get stronger, they can do so by visiting this facebook link: provenphysique.” Jerome is looking forward to hearing from you soon so that he can help you achieve your best ‘bod’ ever! | | @BajanSunOnline


Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to feel more energized?

I will train you in your gym, apartment, or home.

For $45-$55 Bds per training session - I will coach you on proper technique and give you the right type of nutritional counselling to make sure you reach your goals.

I'm here to help you look better than ever and feel your greatest.

Have you been working towards your goals with little to no success?

Tel: 246 830 3893

Contact me today and take a step in the right direction.

By: Amy Margules


s we enter into a new year, we can never seem

spring.” A better goal is: “I want to eat healthy foods

to avoid making resolutions. We know they’ve

every day.”

failed us in the past, but for some reason we feel compelled to keep making them. With the hectic work and travel schedule of an entrepreneur, making your

Once you choose a realistic goal, here are 10 tips for healthy eating that will help you achieve it:

health a priority starts with a well thought-out plan.

1. Start the day with a healthy breakfast.

The first thing to consider is the limit of your

Try whole grain cereals (cold or hot) with skim milk

willpower. Just because you want to cut calories and

and fruit. Stock up either at home or at the office,

exercise more, simply banking on your willpower to

wherever you eat breakfast most consistently. Some

do it is not going to work. Relying on willpower is

suggested brands include: Kashi Go Lean, Go Lean

like putting yourself on defense. Instead, go on the

Crunch and Barbara’s, which are full of flavor and

offense with a plan.

fiber. You can also keep Kashi or Kind bars in your

Of course, any plan starts with an achievable, realistic goal. A good goal is not: “I want to lose 40 pounds by

briefcase or desk for emergencies. Just add a piece of fresh fruit and your breakfast is complete. | | @BajanSunOnline


2. Pack lunch if possible to save time, money, and

Be sure to consume fruits or veggies at breakfast and


lunch, cover half of your dinner plate with

Just a simple turkey and low-fat cheese sandwich with tomatoes and lettuce on whole grain bread can save you hundreds of calories if made at home. Buyer beware: regular cheese at most restaurants contain at least 8 grams of fat and 94 calories per slice. Low-fat cheese can cut this to approximately 4

vegetables, and bring some fruits or veggies to work for snacks. Spending a little more money for prechopped and ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables is worth it. You make up for it with the time and calories you save by having them readily available. 4. Keep healthy snacks accessible at work.

-5 grams of fat and 70 calories per slice, or by over

Stock a fresh fruit bowl, 100-calorie packs of

70 calories per 3-ounce serving. Fat-free cheese can

almonds or pistachios, and healthy nutrition bars

save you even more fat and calories, at 0 grams of

(Luna bars are another good brand).

fat and 75 calories for a 3-ounce serving — a savings of over 200 calories.

5. Set alarms in your smartphone for meals and snacks.

As for condiments, add any flavor mustard for some zing at only 0-5 calories and 0 grams of fat per tablespoon, compared with 15 grams of fat and 150

calories per tablespoon of mayonnaise.

Daily reminders will help you stay on track. If you miss a meal or snack, you will be starving by the next meal and will have set yourself up for overeating. A good daily goal is to eat five times a

Load up on veggies. The more veggies you eat, the

day. It may sound like a lot, but the goal is to eat less

more you will be satisfied and the fewer calories

at each point. And that’s only possible by eating

you’ll consume. Not a huge fan of tomatoes? Buy a

more frequently.

jar of roasted peppers and throw some on your sandwich for extra crunch and flavor. Skip the chips. If you need a salt “fix”, pack yourself baked chips or whole grain pretzels. One ounce of

regular chips is a minimum of 7 grams of fat, while baked chips are about 2 grams.

6. Have a plan for business dinners. Find out your options ahead of time, and figure out the healthiest option that appeals to you. To be satisfied, you must actually want to eat what you are eating. Try to build a “perfect plate”. A perfect plate is 50% produce (vegetables and fruit), 25% lean

Finally, pack some fresh fruit or even a low-fat

protein (such as chicken or fish), and 25% whole

cookie (like Snackwell brand cookies) to get your


sweet fix minus the love handles.

couscous or brown rice). This may not always be

3. Make vegetables or fruit 50% of every meal and snack.





possible, but be creative when you need to be. Ask for what you want. | | @BajanSunOnline


7. Eat a healthy snack before dinner.

9. Track your progress.

This strategy will help keep your appetite in check,

Weigh yourself every day. Log your food daily. You

as well as help you make better choices at a function

can use one of many online food logging sites, or log

or dinner. Think about the last business dinner you

wherever is most convenient for you. Just keeping

went to. Did you “save” most of your calories that

track of food intake has been proven to lead to

day because you knew you would be out and


indulging? Think instead of how you will be most successful eating healthfully. Taking the edge off

10. Stay on course.

your appetite pre-dinner will definitely give you the

When you see a change on the scale or food log that

advantage. Don’t let the offerings win!

is either a weight gain or a pattern of bad choices, do

8. Schedule a workout with a colleague instead of lunch or dinner when possible.

not throw in the towel. Get right back on your plan — the sooner the better. 2016 is here, so make a plan and hold yourself to it. Start today!

Go for a walk, play racquetball or tennis, or hit a round of golf (without the cart). | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


By Dr. Andrew Forde


richotillomania is a self-induced form of hair

are broken with blunt ends, some broken mid-shaft,

loss. Dermatologist Francois Hallopeau coined

some new growth with tapered ends, or some uneven

the term derived from the Greek: trich (hair), tillen (to pull) and mania (an abnormal love for a specific object, place or action).








conservative management. Behaviour modification

This disorder is often seen in children ages 9-13yrs. In

programmes and sometimes referral to psychologists

this age group it represents a repetitive fiddling,

and psychiatrists are required.

twisting and pulling of the hair. These bad habits result in hair breakage. Fortunately these behaviours are not usually permanent. Trichotillomania in adults often represents






unhappiness, post traumatic stress and even psychosis. Sometimes poor impulse control and obsessive-compulsive tendencies are involved. The scalp is the most common site of involvement and usually one or two areas develop. The hair loss is asymmetrical and it often corresponds with the dominant hand. Patients exhibit hair of differing lengths; some | | @BajanSunOnline

Did you know that your body’s largest organ

the last time you visited a dermatologist?

is its skin? That’s right, the skin that covers

We’ll, if you’re like many Barbadians the

you from head to toe is an organ of the body

answer is probably never. At Skin Deep

that performs many vital procedures and

Dermatology, we’re here to remind adults

processes to help you live a healthy life.

about the importance of quality dermatologic

Despite the scope and importance of your


skin, many people neglect to give this organ

dermatologist, it’s about time to stop into our

the specialized treatment it needs. When was

dermatology clinic in Bellville St Michael.






Dermatology is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin, nails, hair and its diseases. It is a specialty with both medical and surgical aspects. A dermatologist treats diseases, in the widest sense, and some cosmetic

problems of the skin, scalp, hair, and nails. | | @BajanSunOnline

by Dr. Adrian Daisley

1. Thought Creation and Responsibility

2. Be a Good Leader

Since we have the power to choose our experience,

We cannot be effective in any area of life unless we

we also need to accept responsibility for this. Perhaps

have good leadership skills. Leadership is an art and

not that everything that comes our way is a direct re-

each of us needs to find our own approach to it. Pri-

sult of our own thinking (though some might say it is)

marily, we need to understand how to lead ourselves,

but what we attract into our life is, largely, a reflec-

and this means having a compass, a direction which

tion of our thinking. Much of this occurs on a sub-

guides all our actions. This compass often takes the

conscious level, but the subconscious takes its lead

form of a personal mission statement, a document

from the thinking mind, so changing our thoughts

spelling out the values we live by.

will change our world, and we are responsible for this.

As we lead others, whether as parents, bosses, in families or organizations of which we are a part, we need

Our behavior is a natural outcome of our mental im-

first and foremost to lead by example, making it clear

ages, and so we are responsible for our behavior too,

what our values are and that we live by them. Any

and also for the behavior we tolerate in others. If we

inconsistency in our professed values and our behav-

allow others to ride roughshod over us, then we have

ior will be spotted, seen through and will ruin our ef-

ourselves to blame.

fectiveness. Personal complicity and double standards are the nails in the coffin of our ability to lead. | | @BajanSunOnline

JANUARY 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline



o we now expect startup entrepreneurs to wear the 'uniform'? Would we take a tech pitch less seriously if the presenter wore a suit? Barbie is an entrepreneur. Without any sarcasm whatsoever, seriously, good for her. When you think of Barbie, you likely think of the outfits. The fashion. The accessories. Which triggered a discussion in our office recently-what do entrepreneurs wear? It's tricky because the entrepreneurs in our mental images are sporting hoddies and black v-necks and squishy running shoes. Sometimes all at the same time. Tom Tancredi, Co-Founder Dom & Tom, Inc., a recent addition to the Inc 500 list, illustrated the issue nicely. "A client recently walked into a proposal meeting and looked around saying 'I can't figure out your culture where the CEO is in flannel shirt and jeans, and the Account Manager is wearing a three-piece suit with a bow-tie and pocket insert.'" "Frankly," Tom told me, "the dress code in the tech

industry tends to change from role to role, department to department and office to office." The idea of what entrepreneurs do or should wear is becoming so locked-in that Banana Republic recently launched a entrepreneur clothing line. And another company is selling the black v-neck--as in ONLY the black v-neck. There's even an official entrepreneur hoodie. The discussion is tricky though because so many of today's entrepreneurs got that way being--or at least presenting the image of being--mavericks. That is to say, not doing things they way they had been done before, including the way they dressed. For many entrepreneurs, they started their own ventures in part because they didn't want to do the 'suit-and-tie' office thing. In entrepreneur culture, it became perfectly acceptable to don a hoodie and ironic t-shirt to board meeting or to pitch investors. It was its own kind of rebellion and non-status status. But now, with companies literally selling that non-conformity, has it lost that value?

30 | | @BajanSunOnline


And do we now expect start-up entrepreneurs to wear the 'uniform?' Would we take a tech pitch less seriously if the presenter wore a suit? Or has the rebellion symbolism of entrepreneurship fashion left nowhere to go but beachwear? Will our next tech titans be unveiling their new products in flip flops? Before we have meltdown over what entrepreneurs can and cannot wear, let me offer my personal rulesof-thumb on high-tech couture. In the office. Be comfortable. If it's your company and your office, wear what makes you most at ease. Running a company is hard enough--don't add to the stress by being uncomfortable. Whether that's jeans or heels, go with what suits you (no pun intended).

the investment, sale or new relationship. Keep your business and personal goals, as well as your audience, in mind. Leave the office or the meeting with them talking about your vision and your product --not your socks.

But remember, if you're the founder and/or CEO, your employees will look to you for leadership and what you wear will be the floor, not the ceiling, of their attire. There's value in looking the part and setting an in-office standard for what people wear. At a meeting. Dress better. Keep in mind that you represent your company and your product. Even though you're most comfortable in sweat pants and your college sorority shirt, the people you're meeting are probably expecting something different. Don't let your comfort cause them to be uncomfortable. Dressing better also says you take the meeting, and those you're meeting, seriously. That's especially important if they are potential investors or customers. The bottom line is that I don't believe there is an entrepreneurship uniform--or should be. But don't let what you choose to wear trip-up your business goals. "The most important thing is to dress for your environment--if I am in a meeting with an investor, I wear a dress and heels. If I am in one of our factories, I wear jeans and a t-shirt," said Heather Hasson, CEO of medical uniform FIGS. "Our customers wear scrubs to work. It is important to understand your surroundings and wear what makes sense without losing your identity and individuality." Most entrepreneurs I know would wear a purple toga and hot pink fedora if they thought it would get them

31 | | @BajanSunOnline

Dr. Anita Davis-DeFoe


nother New Year, the process of making New

your life to take. Reflect on your talents, your gifts and

Year’s resolutions has begun, and many of us will

those things that bring you pure joy. These are your

once again decide which aspects of our lives we hope to

personal roadmaps to happiness.

improve during the months of the New Year. This time

identified this personal vision for your life, commit seven

the year will be 2016, but this time vow to do things

to ten goals to paper, and do it now. You should not wait

differently. Time sure flies whether you are enjoying

for New Year’s Eve, and do not make the excuse of

your life or not. With that in mind, it is much better if you

waiting for the New Year to start fresh. Each day that we


wake is a new opportunity, each day is another chance, a








Once you have

fresh start; each new day is yet another opportunity for each of us to seek joy in our work and personal lives.

I have decided to choose joy, and I urge you to do the same. I have decided to reach for the chance to create the

Far too many of us let the past hold us back. Broken

life that I want and to dig deep within my spirit and

hearts, broken promises, past mistakes and past failures

seriously seek to uncover my most heartfelt desires.


too often dominate our daily thoughts. Letting go and

sincerely urge you to please consider doing the same

moving on is difficult but necessary if we are really going

thing; certainly it is time for you to be true to yourself,

to enjoy today; the present. Straddling the fence between

time is your most valuable possession.

the past and the present is difficult, not to mention draining. Vow to leave the past where it belongs, back

Spend a few days, even a few weeks for that matter, and

there. Learn from it, grow from it, but refuse to dwell in it.

earnestly make some decisions about the path you want | | @BajanSunOnline


or endeavor. Be totally committed to achieving your goals A chance is a likelihood that something will happen; a

and do not let obstacles break your spirit.

real opportunity to make something happen. Often we








hear people say, “If only I had a second chance.� Well the

accountability is self-accountability.

truth of the matter, your chances to achieve your goals are

accountable for pursuing your dreams, for the quality of

limitless; in fact your chances only cease when you

your life.

choose to give up. Herein is where the problem lies; the

Procrastination. Do not wait; do not put it off until

majority of humankind gives up far too soon, and

tomorrow. You know what you want, so go for it!!!

definitely too often because of some mental snapshots of

Effort. You will reap what you sow, and you are your own

events from the past.

gardener. Do not let the weeds overtake your spirit and

Make yourself

choke your dreams. The list of common barriers that can hold us are many,

Lack of Vision. Without a vision, some idea what you

but often the simple removal of just one of these barriers

want out of life, you will probably end up with whatever

can end up making the difference in our quest for personal

someone chooses to give you or nothing at all.


Lack of Concentration. Concentrate on your life and focus on your goals daily. Refuse to sleepwalk through life;

Unclear or No Goals. Define your goals and write them

decide instead to be an active participant in the course of

down. Make a plan listing the things you need to do to

events in your life.

accomplish your goals, and then simply work your plan.

Remember do not let these common barriers rob you of

Revise your plan as needed and add new goals as you

your personal joy. Choose to take action now because

achieve goals already on your list.

whatever you desire, you are the only one that can make it

Limited Attitude Regarding Your "Chance for Success".


Believe that you can achieve your goals; having a can do

visualize in your mind, believe in your soul, and actively

attitude and being persistent will bring you success every

purse with vigor will eventually come to pass. Take that


third chance if you need it and use a fourth if necessary.

Lack of Commitment.

Commitment means doing

everything possible to bring about success in a certain area

Remember chances are that whatever you

Enjoy this journey we call life, and learn to relish the beauty of each and every day. | | @BajanSunOnline


DEC 2014

Tel: 1-246-830 3893 Email:



t's only natural that your computer should get slower

for example, reorganizes this data in a more logical

as it gets older. Like your house, your computer can







benefit from a thorough spring clean. Over time, PCs get clogged up with temporary internet files, unused






With computers, prevention is better than cure, and many problems can be avoided if you follow a routine of simple housekeeping steps. Here are some must-do activities to keep your PC in tip-top condition. Keep software up to date

Check for viruses and other malware Run your antivirus software regularly. Viruses can slow down your computer and cause data loss, while spyware can compromise security by monitoring your activity and collecting information about you. Launch your antivirus software and make sure it's up to date. Then run








Spring clean your web browser

Make sure all your software is up to date. This includes web browsers, applications, drivers for devices such as printers and, most importantly, Windows itself, as Microsoft issues regular updates to plug security holes or fix glitches in the operating system. Regularly defragment your hard drive When your PC saves a large file to the hard drive, it breaks it into smaller pieces and stores them across several locations. This means the hard drive works

slightly slower. Windows 7’s Disk Defragmenter tool,

Every time you visit a webpage, your web browser stores or ‘caches’ it as a small file in your Temporary Internet Files folder. Over time, the volume of these files can build up. Periodically clearing out your browser’s cache will help it to work faster when loading pages and reduce the amount of valuable disk space these cached files take up. In most browsers these settings can be found within the History menu, labelled something along the lines of Clear browsing data or

Clear cache & cookies. | | @BajanSunOnline

Limit startup programs

want to make sure that your computer is running fast

How fast your computer starts up depends on several things, including the hardware you’re using, the version of Windows installed and how many programs are also scheduled to start up when Windows does. Here's how you can take control of it. Many programs will start running invisibly in the background when you turn on your computer, slowing down the system startup time and potentially causing software crashes. Yet, you can easily disable programs that you don’t need to start straight away: Click Start, type msconfig in the search bar and press Enter. In the System Configuration window, click the Startup tab. From the list of programs that appears, untick the box next to those you don’t need to launch automatically at startup. Only deselect programs that you don’t use regularly or know that you don’t need. Click Apply and then click OK. Now restart your system.

when you're using it, too. Here's a few key pointers. Free up storage space and memory by uninstalling

programs that you don’t use. These may include trial versions of software that came with the computer when you bought it, out-of-date antivirus programs, old software or games that you no longer play. Click Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a program. From the list of programs that appears, click the program you want to uninstall, then click Uninstall. Remove temporary files

Window’s Disk Clean-up utility can help boost your computer’s performance by removing temporary files and unnecessary system files: Click Start. In the search box, type disk clean up and, from the list of results that appears, click Disk Clean-up. In the list of Drives, click the hard disk drive that you want to clean. For most people this will be the C: drive. Click OK. In the Disk Clean-up box, select the type of files

Get rid of unwanted programs

that you want to delete and then click OK and then

Speed increases don't end with startup times. You'll

click Delete files.

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BAJAN We build Creative, Effective & Professional Websites

Tel: 1-246-245-6629 | Email:




sually, it takes one of two different situations

team can do for you.

to drag you out to an auto dealership to look at

new cars: either you have been driving something

Here are seven features that you could add to your

that has unexpectedly broken down, or seeing what’s

business website simply by upgrading to a newer

available on the new model years has made you think

“model year”:

that going with something newer might be worth the expense.

1. An SEO plan with more horsepower. The higher you rank in the major search engines for your most

Believe it or not, the same thing can happen with

important keywords, the easier it is to gain leads and/

business websites. There are times when the owner or

or direct sales over the Internet. While off-site

management team of a company decides to look at

elements have a key role in impacting your rank, the

layouts because what they currently have is visually

structure, organization, content, and load times for

or functionally outdated. In other situations, however,

your website are also important factors. For that

it’s not a matter of anything being particularly

reason, a good SEO plan can often help make a new

“wrong” with the website, except that it isn’t as

business website worth the cost all by itself.

effective a marketing tool as it could be.

2. More comfortable landing pages. Studies have

Either way, as with shiny new cars on the dealer’s

shown time and time again that, once a visitor finds

lot, seeing what’s available for sale can be an eye-

your website, you literally have seconds to convince

opening experience. In fact, if you haven’t had your

him to stay. Better design and copywriting on your

business website designed or upgraded in a while,

landing pages can help you convert a higher

you may be amazed at just what the right creative

percentage of searchers into clients/buyers. | | @BajanSunOnline


3. Social media integration for better customer

your website fresh.

handling.Connecting with your customers via social media sites is a little bit like having them meet you

7. That new website smell. In some cases, the best



reason to redesign your business website is simply

relationship. If your site doesn’t have links to your

because your old one doesn’t look as great as it used

social profiles, then you aren’t taking advantage of

to. If you need a fresh look and layout, then why wait

some of your best opportunities.

any longer? While your business website might not






show wear and tear the same way a car does, that

4. Online videos that allow for better online

doesn’t mean you shouldn’t update it periodically to

marketing mileage. What’s great about online

take advantage of the latest features. Want to “walk

videos? They let you control your message and its

the lot” to see what’s new? Just give us a call to see

timing while making it more memorable. Plus,

how the right design and programming could keep

there’s potential for your colleagues, clients, and

you in a smoother ride towards profitability in 2016

friends to spread them around for you. 5. Mobile compatibility for all kinds of information-superhighway vehicles. It isn’t just that mobile computing is growing; tens of millions of people are already accessing the internet using smart phones daily— including most executives and key decisionmakers. If your site doesn’t load quickly and correctly for mobile users, it could cost you business in 2012. 6. A CMS for higher efficiency. Tired of calling your business web design team every time you need to make a simple change to your pages? A content management system (CMS) puts control into your hands. By allowing you to make edits and additions inhouse, instantly, it will extend the life of your business website while reducing its costs. Further, a good CMS not only gives you the capability to update your website in real

time, but makes the task easy and keeps| || @BajanSunOnline | @BajanSunOnline


Having fully recharged their momentous journey in the past year and a half, and having unquestionably established themselves as the premiere live group on the reggae circuit, Morgan Heritage is now on another phase of their indomitable mission. The Royal Family of Reggae has taken the impressively significant step forward by releasing their upcoming album, Strictly Roots. | | @BajanSunOnline


Guided by sheer acumen and a passionate desire to make their already rich musical legacy even more impactful, Morgan Heritage, after much deliberation and contemplation, triumphantly delivers their latest album exclusively on their very own label CTBC (Cool To Be Conscious) Music Group. Undoubtedly one of contemporary reggae’s most powerful forces on the global stage, the sensational roots reggae quintet, which comprises siblings Peetah Morgan (vocals), Una Morgan (keyboard/ vocals), Roy “Gramps” Morgan (keyboard/vocals), Nakhamyah “Lukes” Morgan (rhythm guitar) and Memmalatel “Mr. Mojo” Morgan (percussion/vocals) has embraced the challenges that come with empowerment of this nature. According to Gramps, “Strictly Roots, our 10th studio album is particularly significant. It represents our first album released independent of VP Records, on our very own label CTBC Music Group. VP has been great for the group and we're grateful for our years with them. We just felt it was time to approach the release of our music differently.” | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


Possessing that unmistakably authentic Morgan Heritage organic roots sound with an expansively eclectic mix that takes it seamlessly into hybrid valleys and mountains, Strictly Roots interestingly pays homage to the elders, while ironically, also blazes the trail towards the exciting future of roots. “We know what our fans want; we know exactly where we want to take them and we know precisely how to get them there,” shrewd lead singer, Peetah Morgan, says confidently of the ground-breaking album which is set for a Spring release. Among the heavyweight co-producers with Morgan Heritage on Strictly Roots are Don Chandler and BBC One/BBC 1Xtra's Seani B who co-produced the compelling lead single, Perform and Done which is now available on iTunes; Shane C. Brown(Juke Boxx Produc-

tions); multiple Grammy nominee, Jason “JVibe” Farmer; French reggae/dancehall production duo MatthieuBost and Jérémie “Bim” Dessus; guitarist Andrew “Simmo” Simpson and DJ Fras. Contributing to the brilliant instrumentation for which a Morgan Heritage album is renowned, is multi-faceted studio and touring drummer, American Gil Sharone, whose DVD, Wicked Beats, incorporating ska Adding their vocals to infectious rhythms with empowering and stimulating lyrics are platinum selling Pop/Dancehall phenomenon Shaggy; American reggae and R&B vocalist, J Boog; third generation ambassadors from the Morgan and the Marley families, Jemere Morgan and Jo Mersa Marley; reggae sensation, Chronixx; rock, world and reggae band, Rebelution and Bumble Bee from the American Grammy-nominated pop reggae band SOJA. | | @BajanSunOnline


Like its predecessor, Here Come The Kings, Strictly Roots successfully incorporates R&B and a hint of dancehall, but it goes a step further with this synergy and almost effortlessly fuses a type of roots, pop and dancehall majesty that could only be truly achieved by the Royal Family of Reggae. The journey for Morgan Heritage is an exciting one filled with history and culture and grounded in roots of authentic talent. It is this very journey the Bajan Sun Magazine wishes to explore and share with you our readers. Our team had a chance to speak with percussionist and vocalist Memmalatel “Mr. Mojo” Morgan to take a look back at their journey forward. Driven by the shared purpose to spread the message of love, peace, unity, equal rights and justice for all mankind; this second generation group of ambassador’s biggest supporters includes their dad, mothers, wives/husband and children. As Mr. Mojo shared; “it’s because they are so kind to lend us to our fans that truly keep us going night in and night out on tour.” Playing music together since 1983-1984, Morgan Heritage has come to know various places as home. Based between St. Thomas, Jamaica and the Southeast region of the United States, Morgan Heritage has performed in places as diverse as their homes. From China, Australia, and Brazil, to Argentina, and India, the talent of Morgan Heritage have been shared worldwide and embraced heartily.

first time, where they performed for over 35,000 people in 2003 and saw their pictures plastered on billboards and on the sides of buses all throughout the country. This must have been a remarkable encounter indeed! As a group, Morgan Heritage has accumulated worthy awards and recognition over the past 15 years from all the different Reggae Award shows. Morgan Heritage has also been awarded Ambassadorships to events they’ve played at and cities they have been to over the years. For Mr. Mojo, his love for music and performing was cultivated at the age of four when he would dance with his dad, Denroy Morgan during performances in the United States. He shared further, “as most children do, our parents were our first idols and since our father did music; naturally some of us decided to follow in his footsteps.” Proudly acclaiming thanks to the Most High, Mr. Mojo shared: “It’s only because of His grace and mercy that we are able to see inspiration in life all around us.” What is inspiring is the humility which exudes from Mr. Mojo’s expressed words. While some may be thrilled and proud to share the various titles they hold, for Mr. Mojo, the tile of “Good Old Dad” means the most to him.

As one would expect, throughout the years Morgan Heritage would have partnered with various talents to share their love for music with the world. As such, Morgan Heritage have been honoured to share the stage with the likes of; Alison Hinds, Jaicko, Rayvon, Ziggy Marley, Jimmy Cliff, Macy Gray, Manu Chao, Stephen Marley, The Roots, James Brown, Popcaan, Shaggy, Damian Marley, Sean Paul, Massive Attack, Richie Campbell, Garbage, Jewel, Mr Vegas and Tarrus Riley among many others. Mr. Mojo reflects and recounts the group’s favourite performance as their trip to New Caledonia for the | | @BajanSunOnline


As the conversation progressed, we delved a bit further into the passion of Mr. Mojo and the journey of the second generation ambassadors - Morgan Heritage in our Q&A segment.

Q&A with percussionist and vocalist Mr. Mojo Morgan of Morgan Heritage: Q: What is your favourite genre of music?

A: My favourite genre of music is Alternative Rock. Q: What inspires you most about your genre of music? A: The creativity in Reggae music is like no other in the world. The ability the artist has to sing on one rhythm and come up with 10-20 unique songs that don’t sound alike is truly amazing. I find it truly inspiring. Since we do life music, nothing inspires us more than life everywhere we go around the world. Q: What's your greatest challenge performing and how have you overcome it or intend to overcome it? A: Our greatest challenge is the presentation of our show visually. It requires us to work with different technical crews everyday on tour, but eventually we will travel with our own visual specialist so we can have a consistent presentation of our live show every time we perform.

executives as we continue to tour and release new music every couple years. Q: What would you say to young aspiring entertainers? A: To young musicians we say be passionate about the music. Be prepared to sacrifice, don’t get high on your own supply and most importantly stay humble and eat loads of humble pie. Q: What is your personal mantra (the thing you live by, or motivates you the most)? A: We only have one life to live, so live the life you love and love the life you live. It’s not what you attain in this life that will live on; rather it’s the work you do that will live for decades and centuries to come. Q: Outside of music what other things would you like your followers/fans/supporters to know about you? A: Outside of music we want our fans to know that we are first a family and growing up we would get up and pray every day at 5:00 am before going to school. We did this because our parents taught us that a family that prays together is a family that stays together.

Q: Which artists are you super excited and hopeful of one day performing with (future collaborations)? A: We would love to work with Anthony Hamilton, Sean Paul, Stevie Wonder, Coldplay, Fred Hammond, Rihanna, Dr Dre, and Queen Ifrika. Q: Where do you see yourself musically between the next three to five years? A: We see ourselves evolving into full fledge music | | @BajanSunOnline


ove is the strongest and most complex of all human

The word "patient" is of interesting origin. It comes

emotions. It has the ability to make us or break us.

from the Latin verb "patior" meaning "to suffer" both in

It is defined as a profoundly tender, or passionate

the sense of feeling pain and in the sense of forbearance.

affection for another person. It is also referred to as a

Thus, the two uses of the word "patient" -- as a noun

feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection

denoting "someone who suffers" and as an adjective

for a parent, child, spouse, relative, friend or even a pet.

meaning "to bear with forbearance" -- stem from the

It can also include sexual passion or desire. Love is

same origin. (A patient may be patient or impatient.)

humorously described as a feeling that one feels when

whereas kindness is defined as the act of being

they feel a feeling that they never felt before.

congenial and sympathetic or nice. The Hebrew noun









khesed or chesed

)‫(חסד‬is the Hebrew word for

characteristics to distinguish genuine love, a mere


attraction, infatuation or just a simple appreciation. The

Love is further defined in the negative. It does not

word patience comes from the latin word patiens, or

envy, boast, is not proud, rude or self-seeking. It is not

Latin pati (to endure or suffer)] the quality or capacity

easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, does not

of being patient; to endure something with calmness; the

rejoice in evil but rejoices with the truth.

ability to willingly accept or tolerate delay or hardship. | | @BajanSunOnline


Protection, trust, hope and perseverance are the never

The third word for types of love in the Greek, is eros.

ending characteristics which demonstrate love. The

Although not found in Scriptures, it was used in clas-

unfailing power of love has the ability to conquer any

sical Greek writings. The English word erotic comes

and every situation in our lives.

from this word and it is generally related to sex.

Within each soul there is a desire to love and be

As we reflect on our virtue of love and carefully study

loved, often we say we fall in love but does this fall-

its character, prerequisites and the do’ and don’ts we

ing describe the vulnerability of such a deep emotion

can easily answer the question “Is it Love or Infatua-

or does it suggest a casual and romantic affair? Some


may suggest that if love doesn’t last it is infactuation. Infactuation is often described as a feelings based love as opposed to genuine love which is distinguished by devotion and long-suffering. Infatuation is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion or love, it is an addictive love. Infatuation usually occurs at the beginning of relationship when sexual attraction is central. In the English language one word is used for love whereas the bible uses more than one word for love. The Greek word Jesus first used for a type of love was agapao, which is the root for the Greek word agape which most people who study the Bible are familiar with. Agapaō or agape would best be translated to mean a caring love for someone, a love that loves another person as themselves. This is a Godly love and can be manifested even if you do not necessarily like

someone or even know them. Only God himself can give this kind of love (John 3:16). The second word used for love is phileo and it is basically defined as to love, to show signs of love or to denote brotherly love. The city of Philadelphia in the United States is called the city of brotherly love. Humans, without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, can only give this kind of love for either God or their fellow man. | | @BajanSunOnline

DECEMBER 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline

IN THE By Charmaine J Forde

Mr. Lorenzo Harewood the how systems, through people, operate in different focus industries in the Caribbean. His current job at the United





facilitated expert interaction on a regional and

international scale and allowed targeted networking, particularly





Lorenzo takes his job seriously, as it literally is geared towards developing and saving livelihoods of people, plants and animals within a substantive framework of Climate Change. However, as many co-workers would verify, his approach is unorthodox...... his preference is to work with a smile than a frown :) Twenty nine year old Lorenzo Harewood grew up in Sayers Court, Christ Church, Barbados and still lives there with his mum, sister and niece. He has two


very energetic, positive and passionate team player with over 10 years of experience in

Government, Private Sector and International Civil Service combined. Driven by delivering and exceeding expectations he has developed in-depth knowledge of







Community College and a Bachelors’ of Science and Economics Degree from University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. He also has a Certificate in Masonry from the Barbados Skills Training Center. | | @BajanSunOnline


Lorenzo loves fishing, football, following International Affairs and most of all Politics. He is very involved in his Community and Programs within his Community. Lorenzo says this “I like being expressive and associating with expressive people, who dare to ask “why” something is the way it is, I want the world to know that I am a real person beyond Facebook, and that my life is not a political vessel, irrespective of what I post on that social media

outlet.” Lorenzo says that seeing people happy and well provided for in his community is his motivation. What do I do at YPUN? My primary role is to assist candidates in their preparation for the UN YPP written examination in the Administration job family. As an individual already engaged in the administrative aspects of the UN system, I bring wealth of practical experience

mixed not usually depicted on study and revision texts. This experience, along with my previous engagement in the 2013 UN YPP exam (where I have successfully passed the written examination), allows me to confidently assess various






competency based interview strategies for prospective candidates. Why am I inspired by YPUN? I have always been involved in various training and mentoring programs both at the community and national level, aimed at youth development. The YPUN offers an opportunity to continue that mandate at a higher level and facilitate the possible expansion in both capacity building and global experience of youth from many walks of life. I was inspired by the very structured approach by the YPUN in seeking to help an overwhelming number of young professionals seeking to add value to the United Nations

system. My advice to you? I always strongly suggest that anyone interested in International Development try as much as possible to reinforce their expertise at a local, national or regional level for a reasonable time first to be well grounded with the demands at the highest level. Other tasks which should become second-nature, and some may say eventually addicting, is following international new as much as possible in all areas such as Technology, Politics, Business and even Sports from various sources around the world for a rounded perspective. The UNYPP is an ideal avenue to develop on your international development skills within the larger framework of the United Nations. I salute You Lorenzo Harewood! Charmaine J. Forde is a continuing Education Student at Community College of Philadelphia and Soldier’s Angel. | | @BajanSunOnline

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here are many things to do in Barbados! But, we recommend embarking on an exciting Bajan Island Tour. Our tours allow you to fully explore the exotic coral island, with excellent beaches, rolling hills and many deep ridges, completed with a fascinating distribution of flora and fauna. Among the anomalies that make this island unique is the phenomenal formation of the two land masses that form this truly amazing island paradise.

Bajan Island Tours has put together a series of outdoor adventure tours that we like to call “the best of the best” – experiences that allow you to explore the wonders, feel the thrills, and surrender completely to the unparalleled grandeur of Barbados! We guarantee that each and every one of our packages will show you the “roots” of Barbados. So, come on down and experience the exhilarating, romantic, and adrenalinepumping variety of Barbados Island Tours which we offer amid this breathtaking island wonderland! There is so much to learn about Barbados! Where do you start? This section will give you a good base of information to get a feel of the island, what we are about and where we came from. | | @BajanSunOnline

JANUARY 2015 As of mid 2000, the population of Barbados was recorded at some 274,540. The diverse ancestry of the island attributes to its current unique cultural blend which includes Arawak Indians, British settlers, European Indentured Slaves, African Slaves and East Indians. Overall, the people of Barbados (or Bajans as we are known) are quite friendly; so fitting in with locals will lend itself quite easily to your peace of mind.

Barbados is an island of the Lesser Antilles, 21 miles in length, as much as 14 miles in width and divided into 11 parishes. It is located at 13.4N, 15.4W. The island is situated in the western area of the North Atlantic Ocean and 100 kilometers east of the Windward Islands and the Caribbean Sea. Barbados is relatively flat with the exception of one major high point, Mount Hillaby, which measures approximately 1,115 feet or some 343 metres above sea level. The west coast of Barbados offers calm, clear water which is quite conducive to your many beach activities; while the east coast opens up beautifully to crashing waves and an environment that is more suited to sun bathing, walking, jogging, surfing and even meditation.

The Tourism Industry in Barbados is impetus for the economic development on the island as it has impacted significantly on the lives of all Barbadians. It is a very vital aspect of the economy of Barbados and it is always within our best interest to ensure that your comfort and safety is first and foremost. Despite this, we still strongly recommend you exercise caution with regards to your valuables and even frequenting certain areas.

Barbados is awash with history, the arts, nightlife, fine dining, and even luxury living. Getting around the island is a ‘breeze’ (pun intended) as options are somewhat endless when it comes to your choice of transportation. The people of Barbados are quite helpful when it comes to giving assistance with regards to making your way around the island. The main language of Barbados is English but bajan dialect (broken English) is widely spoken as it is almost a natural way of life. We can’t promise you that you will always be able to make complete sense of what the people of Barbados have to say; but, we recommend you give it a listen and even a try, as it will only augur well to adding a ‘sunshine feel’ to your stay on the island. | | @BajanSunOnline

The 7 Cs of Communication

A Checklist for Clear Communication


hink of how often you communicate with people during


your day.


You write emails, facilitate meetings, participate in


conference calls, create reports, devise presentations, debate


with your colleagues… the list goes on.

We can spend almost our entire day communicating. So, how

In this article, we look at each of the 7 Cs of

can we provide a huge boost to our productivity? We can

Communication, and we'll illustrate each element with both

make sure that we communicate in the clearest, most

good and bad examples.

effective way possible.

1. Clear

This is why the 7 Cs of Communication are helpful. The 7 Cs

When writing or speaking to someone, be clear about your



goal or message. What is your purpose in communicating


with this person? If you're not sure, then your audience won't









sure calls,

andpresentations are well constructed and clear – so your audience gets your message.

To be clear, try to minimize the number of ideas in each

According to the 7 Cs, communication needs to be: 




be sure either.

sentence. Make sure that it's easy for your reader to understand your meaning. People shouldn't have to "read between the lines" and make assumptions on their own to

understand what you're trying to say. | | @BajanSunOnline


Bad Example Hi John, I wanted to write you a quick note about Daniel, who's working in your department. He's a great asset, and I'd like to talk to you more about him when you have time. Best, Skip

Are there any adjectives or "filler words" that you can delete? You can often eliminate words like "for instance," "you see," "definitely," "kind of," "literally," "basically," or "I mean." Are there any unnecessary sentences? Have you repeated the point several times, in different ways? Bad Example

What is this email about? Well, we're not sure. First, if there are multiple Daniels in John's department, John won't know who Skip is talking about. Next, what is Daniel doing, specifically, that's so great? We don't know that either. It's so vague that John will definitely have to write back for more information. Last, what is the purpose of this email? Does Skip simply want to have an idle chat about Daniel, or is there some more specific goal here? There's no sense of purpose to this message, so it's a bit confusing.

Good Example Hi John, I wanted to write you a quick note about Daniel Kedar, who's working in your department. In recent weeks, he's helped the IT department through several pressing deadlines on his own time.

Hi Matt, I wanted to touch base with you about the email marketing campaign we kind of sketched out last Thursday. I really think that our target market is definitely going to want to see the company's philanthropic efforts. I think that could make a big impact, and it would stay in their minds longer than a sales pitch. For instance, if we talk about the company's efforts to become sustainable, as well as the charity work we're doing in local schools, then the people that we want to attract are going to remember our message longer. The impact will just be greater. What do you think? Jessica This email is too long! There's repetition, and there's plenty of "filler" taking up space.

We've got a tough upgrade project due to run over the next three months, and his knowledge and skills would prove invaluable. Could we please have his help with this work?

Good Example

I'd appreciate speaking with you about this. When is it best to call you to discuss this further?

Hi Matt, I wanted to quickly discuss the email marketing campaign that we analyzed last Thursday. Our target market will want to know about the company's philanthropic efforts, especially our goals to become sustainable and help local schools.

Best wishes, Skip This second message is much clearer, because the reader has the information he needs to take action. 2. Concise When you're concise in your communication, you stick to the point and keep it brief. Your audience doesn't want to read six sentences when you could communicate your message in three.

Watch what happens when we're concise and take out the filler words:

This would make a far greater impact, and it would stay in their minds longer than a traditional sales pitch. What do you think? Jessica | | @BajanSunOnline


3. Concrete

Bad Example

When your message is concrete, then your audience has a clear picture of what you're telling them. There are details (but not too many!) and vivid facts, and there's laser-like focus. Your message is solid.

Hi Daniel, Thanks so much for meeting me at lunch today! I enjoyed our conservation, and I'm looking forward to moving ahead on our project. I'm sure that the two-weak deadline won't be an issue.

Bad Example

Thanks again, and I'll speak to you soon!

Consider this advertising copy:

The Lunchbox Wizard will save you time every day. A statement like this probably won't sell many of these products. There's no passion, no vivid detail, nothing that creates emotion, and nothing that tells people in the audience why they should care. This message isn't concrete enough to make a difference. Good Example How much time do you spend every day packing your kids' lunches? No more! Just take a complete Lunchbox Wizard from your refrigerator each day to give your kids a healthy lunch and have more time to play or read with them! This copy is better because there are vivid images. The audience can picture spending quality time with their kids – and what parent could argue with that? And mentioning that the product is stored in the refrigerator explains how the idea is practical. The message has come alive through these details.

Best, Jack Miller If you read that example fast, then you might not have caught any errors. But on closer inspection, you'll find two. Can you see them? The first error is that the writer accidentally typed conservation instead of conversation. This common error can happen when you're typing too fast. The other error is using weak instead of week. Again, spell checkers won't catch word errors like this, which is why it's so important to proofread everything! 5. Coherent When your communication is coherent, it's logical. All points are connected and relevant to the main topic, and the tone and flow of the text is consistent. Bad Example

4. Correct When your communication is correct, it fits your audience. And correct communication is also errorfree communication. Do the technical terms you use fit your audience's level of education or knowledge? Have you checked your writing for grammatical errors? Remember, spell checkers won't catch everything. Are all names and titles spelled correctly?

Traci, I wanted to write you a quick note about the report you finished last week. I gave it to Michelle to proof, and she wanted to make sure you knew about the department meeting we're having this Friday. We'll be creating an outline for the new employee handbook. Thanks, Michelle As you can see, this email doesn't communicate its point very well. Where is Michelle's feedback on Traci's report? She started to mention it, but then she changed the topic to Friday's meeting. | | @BajanSunOnline


6. Complete In a complete message, the audience has everything they need to be informed and, if applicable, take action. Does your message include a "call to action," so that your audience clearly knows what you want them to do? Have you included all relevant information – contact names, dates, times, locations, and so on? Bad Example Hi everyone, I just wanted to send you all a reminder about the meeting we're having tomorrow! See you then, Chris This message is not complete, for obvious reasons. What meeting? When is it? Where? Chris has left his team without the necessary information. Good Example Hi everyone, I just wanted to remind you about tomorrow's meeting on the new telecommuting policies. The meeting will be at 10:00 a.m. in the second-level conference room. Please let me know if you can't attend. See you then,


I wanted to let you know that I don't appreciate how your team always monopolizes the discussion at our weekly meetings. I have a lot of projects, and I really need time to get my team's progress discussed as well. So far, thanks to your department, I haven't been able to do that. Can you make sure they make time for me and my team next week? Thanks, Phil

Well, that's hardly courteous! Messages like this can potentially start office-wide fights. And this email does nothing but create bad feelings, and lower productivity and morale. A little bit of courtesy, even in difficult situations, can go a long way. Good Example Hi Jeff, I wanted to write you a quick note to ask a favor. During our weekly meetings, your team does an excellent job of highlighting their progress. But this uses some of the time available for my team to highlight theirs. I'd really appreciate it if you could give my team a little extra time each week to fully cover their progress reports. Thanks so much, and please let me know if there's anything I can do for you! Best, Phil What a difference! This email is courteous and friendly, and it has little chance of spreading bad feelings around the office.

7. Courteous

Note: There are a few variations of the 7 Cs of Communication:

Courteous communication is friendly, open, and honest. There are no hidden insults or passiveaggressive tones. You keep your reader's viewpoint in mind, and you're empathetic to their needs.

Credible – Does your message improve or highlight your credibility ? This is especially important when communicating with an audience that doesn't know much about you.

Bad Example

Creative – Does your message communicate creatively? Creative communication helps keep your audience engaged.

Jeff, | | @BajanSunOnline


o you want to open a Bar or Rum Shop, huh? A profitable bar?

Financial plans help you determine where you’re

Beers. Shots. Cocktails on the rocks. Friends.

plans can help you create a strategy for a profitable

Conversation. Any way you slice it, the aim of bars


and pubs across the country is to stir up excitement, entertainment and fun.

going with your money. Partly inspirational, these

Empower yourself with financial knowledge, when building your financial plan, follow these three steps:

But aspiring bar owners shouldn't confuse a fondness for their local pub with the ability and passion needed to run one successfully. While it can be fun and

Step 1: Determine where you’re going. Step 2: Stick with your financial plan

sometimes profitable, owning a pub usually requires long hours as well as attention to detail. Creating a business financial plan will help you achieve any goal you’ve set for yourself. Your goals will become the driving force behind your overall

Step 3: Set your monthly goal. We’re committed to your financial success. Here you’ll find a list that would help you start in the right direction.

plan. Your list should include your short-term, mid-

Creating your financial plan takes a significant time

term, and long-term goals, and it should be realistic

investment at first, but documenting your goals can

and specific. Short term goals are within one year,

help you save time and money in the long run. With a

while mid-term goals are between two to five years and long-term goals are greater than five years from today.

plan in place, you can set milestones and celebrate the achievements that will keep your finances healthy today – and for years to come. | | @BajanSunOnline

Start-Up Costs

TOTAL . . . . . . . . $

Rent for six months while waiting on a liquor license: $ Liquor license and fees: $ Equipment, construction, and demolition: $ Signage: $ DĂŠcor and glassware: $ Training for six employees: $ Initial liquor order: $ Sound system: $

The Markups Draft beer: $

Bottled beer: $ Well liquor: $ Top-shelf liquor: $ Wine: $

Emergency funds: $ Misc.: $ TOTAL . . . . . . . $

Break-Even Point

Example Below Ongoing Monthly Costs

Amount you’d have to gross in 18 months before

Rent: $

you start turning a profit: $645,978 (monthly ex-

Booze: $

penses of $24,740 for 18 months, or $445,320, plus

Insurance: $

start-up costs of $200,658)

Misc.: $ Staff pay: $ Utilities: $ 0 Taxes and fees: $

Number of customers required per night to reach $645,978 in 18 months (assuming $5 per average

drink and 1.5 drinks per person): 160 | | @BajanSunOnline




Have a delicious taste of history while sampling local rum and mouth-watering LOCAL CUSINE on the TOUR. Join us ON the Strictly Bajan Rum Shop Tour! for a look back in time at the rum history, culture and heritage in Barbados. Hear stories of Old Bars, making of Rum, learning local traditions and more. It’s the Real McCoy!



246.844.7008 | | @BajanSunOnline


trictly Bajan Rum Shop Tours - a very special Morning tour of The Rum Shop Culture & Barbadian Heritage. As the name suggests this tour is strictly local and seeks to provide visitors with a truly Authentic Barbados Experience. As such, this tour exposes our guests to Traditional Rum Shops, Traditional Bajan (people), Traditional Food and Local Beverages. But even more, our 'visiting friends' have the opportunity to be part of our Culture, and Heritage. The tour incorporates on bus fun activities, games and competitions. While the tour is fun it is also educational and informative, allowing for a fun learning environment. This being said, our tour begins with a visit to the facilities of the world's oldest Rum and pioneer of fine liquor: Mount Gay Visitors Centre. Following this, our tour proceeds to visit three (3) Rum Shops: where our guests can indulge in Traditional Dishes and Beverages and be delighted by local craft and entertainers. On route to the first Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor)

Buljol and one (1) Banks Beer (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the third Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a sample of Claytons Kola Tonic with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors) Third Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Local Lunch and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic mixed with Mount Gay Rum (Sponsors): part of the All Inclusive Package. At this final stop guests are also entertained by local artists and are delighted by local arts and crafts. Please note, the Rum Shops are alternated on a per week basis. Tour Days: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Tour Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm Tour Guide: Knowledgeable about our Barbadian Culture/Friendly and Personable Tour Driver: Experienced and Safe

First Stop: Rum Shop and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as Mini Cutters: Ham/Egg/Cheese and a glass of Claytons Kola Tonic (Sponsor): part of the All Inclusive Package. On route to the second Rum Shop stop visitors are provided with a can of Claytons Kola Kick (Sponsor) Second Stop: Local Bar and Traditional Dish: Visitors interact with shop owner/s who provides our guests with a brief history of their establishment as well as a Local Pickle Dish: 67Chicken Foot/Pudding and Souse/

Tour Transport: Fully Air Conditioned 40 Seater Coach Tour Security/Safety: First Aid Kit on board with trained First Responder Tour Cost: Tourist: $65.00 USD/ $130.00 BDS - All Inclusive Package. Locals: $ 50.00 USD/ $100.00 BDS Visit our website and view our other tour packages. Contact Tel: 1 246 844-7008 Email: Follow us on twitter: @RumShopsTours Visit us online: | | @BajanSunOnline


By Raeann Beckles

In January 2010 Chef Jamell Small donned the hat of Managing

Director/ Head Chef of Le Crouton Superieur. With eight years’ experience within the hotel and restaurant industry, Chef Jamell Small created Le Crouton Superieur as a small gourmet breakfast delivery and catering service. His former places of employment include Cafe Zoola/ Lime Bar, Limegrove, Mullins Bar and Restaurant and the Tides restaurant and was educated at the Barbados Community College. He is the sole owner of the business and his Communications Consultant is Christal P. Austin. | | @BajanSunOnline


Services available are:

Corporate Breakfast Package - for those busy morning meetings or when you are in a rush;

Private Gourmet Chef Services - get mindblowing infusions of flavour prepared right in your home/ pent house;

Chocolate covered Christmas cookies with sprinkles

Catering Services Bespoke menus created for weddings, showers, children’s parties and more;

Menu Preparation & Food Design - Consult us for professional guidance on your next menu change and win your clients loyalty while giving your restaurant/ bistro that competitive edge.

This citrus salad is a great way to start your day. Ingredients Pepper sauce, oil, sugar and vinegar. Mix and enjoy! | | @BajanSunOnline

by Michael Wiser


ith 2015 behind us, the world’s biggest and

1) Disintermediation

smallest advertisers alive are looking ahead with

With Facebook and Google expanding their services in the

optimism to the New Year. But what exactly will 2016

ad tech market and playing both “buyer” and “seller” of

bring for mobile advertising?

their own media, there will be a drive in 2016 for other

To find out, MAW caught up on Friday with the mobile ad ecosystem experts at Manage. Maggie Mesa and Barry Coleman are weighing in on the wide-spread move of advertising to mobile through predictions for the coming year.

Together, they’ve shared with MAW their

anticipated top five mobile advertising trends for 2016.

players to offer an independent platform that offers more

transparency in the process. The demand for greater transparency form advertisers (in media cost, placements, ad types, etc.) will encourage more disintermediation to reduce the number of go-betweens connecting the advertiser and the consumer to demystify what’s been a black box. Next year, advertisers will need to prioritize by

To check out Mesa and Coleman’s forecast of the trends

cultivating their own first-party data. With additional

soon-to-be at the forefront of DSPs, SSPs, ad exchanges

platform options for programmatic buying, they will have

and enterprise advertisers alike, along with advice on how

more opportunity to gather data, target across platforms,

publishers/advertisers should address them, take a gander

and experiment with varying ad units.

below. | | @BajanSunOnline

2) Ad blocking In 2016, advertisers won’t likely be as intimated by ad blocking – as in-app campaigns aren’t affected by mobile web. Those most likely advertisers to be impacted by ad blocking are those relying on cookie-tracking to target from web to mobile. App publishers investing in mobile ads for user acquisition will also want to know if they should shift their budgets. However, before overestimating the impact of ad blocking, advertisers should wait and track results over the next few quarters. Next year, it would be crucial to focus investments where they are trackable, i.e. in-app mobile.

3) Cross-device tracking and targeting The cross-device tracking market still does not have a true leader. This means advertisers should seek to leverage firstparty data combined with third-party sources for a best approach at cross-device tracking and targeting. Partnering with ad platforms that offer DMP capabilities helps to shortcut the process between leveraging multiple data sources and targeting ads to new audiences. 4) Self-service programmatic

Both advertisers and publishers are seeking more transparency in programmatic advertising. While advertisers want to see exactly what they are paying for and the return on their investment, publishers want access to data for analysis on what types of ads and companies are most successful with their inventory. Next year, this transparency will shift to a “must-have” instead of a “nice-to-have,” and programmatic providers should be ready to adapt. As for advertisers, they should look for programmatic partners that share data and offer greater options for targeting, price optimization, etc. 5) Ad units driving engagement In 2016, popular ad units will continually evolve and change. With an increasing focus on user experience, publishers and advertisers alike will push for more native ad placements that are less disruptive to consumers. Advertisers will start shifting investments into ad units that better fit the medium (as opposed to a one-banner-fits-all approach), engage users and minimize distraction. On their end, publishers will start leveraging publisher platforms to test and scale new native or video ad units that drive higher engagement and yield to boost their revenue. | | @BajanSunOnline


SUBJECTS AVAILABLE: English | Math | POA | POB Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays Package: Hours: 4-5pm and 5-6pm each day (Tue/Thur) Saturdays: 1-2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4-5pm

Affordable Rates Contact: Tel: 1-246-844-7008 Email: | | @BajanSunOnline


By Raeann Beckles


f your aim is to improve your aptitude and knowledge base in a particular field, all education pertaining to this subject will be useful. If this statement is assumed true, then the benefits afforded by private tuition are enormous. You will have the advantage of a whole teacher to yourself, with their lesson plans and strategies of teaching designed just for you! It seems impossible to doubt the enormous benefits this will offer. In a classroom, one teacher may be faced with approximately thirty pupils, each with different abilities, different rates of learning, and individual strengths and weaknesses. Yet despite this, for the majority of the lesson the teacher will be forced to treat his class as if it contained just one student. He or she will orate from one end of the classroom, unable to gauge how effectively each pupil is assimilating the lesson. The lesson plans will be designed to fit the needs of the average pupil; and the teacher will proceed at a rate suitable for the average pupil. In this environment it is all to easy for a bright child or adolescent to fail to grasp one particular point, as the swathe of teacher talk washes over them like the unrelenting tides. It is unlikely even the best of teachers would spot the particular point of misunderstanding cast on the countenance on one pupil, hidden amongst so many other faces. To draw attention to their lack of understanding can be intimidating for the pupil: everyone else is silent, so they must have understood. Do I want to draw attention to myself? All too often the misunderstanding goes unexpressed and unaided. The obvious benefit of one to one tuition is that the tutor can tailor their teaching style to the abilities of their student. They will be able to gauge the level of the pupils understanding, and, more importantly, track down the sources of misunderstanding, and deal with them effectively. Away from the bustle of the classroom, the student will feel more able to voice their difficulties; and having just one pupil to deal with, the teacher will be more

capable of resolving them.

Other subjects Subject: Days:

available: POA and POB English/Mathematics/POA/POB Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays

Package: Hours: 4-5pm and 5-6pm each day (Tue/Thur) Saturdays: 1-2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4-5pm If you, your child or anyone you know, require personal assistance in any of the above areas, then you've come to the right place/person. This course caters to children and adults alike. It's all about you or someone you know understanding, learning and moving forward to achieve their academic goals. Parents see below: 1. Parents are free to aselect the time/day best for their child. 2. This package is ideal for kids who need that additional push and help with understanding concepts etc. Creative tools (music/games/challenges/ other creative activities) will be used to ensure the child benefits/learns. 3. As we approach exams, the course is expected to intensify, focusing on pass papers, practice tests using exam conditions. Mentoring is also provided at this stage to ensure that the child is well prepared all-round for exam. 4. Should you (parent) require a copy of my CV, please feel free to request such. Upon reviewing my CV, you may see an area that you think your child can also benefit from. Please feel free to inform me of that area which will allow your child to gain even further knowledge/ skills. Contact Information: Raeann Beckles at 1-246-844-7008 or | | @BajanSunOnline

Khaled Attia


xcited about the New Year? The entire community of mobile technology is

very eager to see what 2016 is bringing to the field. In this article we shed light on the most important technology trends in 2016 regarding mobile devices. This article is based on recent reports and experts’ expectations. | | @BajanSunOnline | | @BajanSunOnline


1. Internet of Things Internet of things is the network between different devices and sensors in which they communicate their internal states and external environmental states. This network is expected to expand greatly and the interaction between different devices and sensors is going to be much more cooperative. This will effectively affect user experience. The user experience will be extremely customized depending on his current environment and personal preferences thanks to the convergence of different devices in IoT manner. Devices are going to use IoT platforms which are responsible for managing, integrating and securing different network nodes to cope with the enormous expansion of IoT networks. 2. Seamless Online Payment Smartphones and similar mobile devices have become the major choice for internet access. According to a report by KPCB, 51% of internet usage are through mobile devices. As online payment is a vital part of the internet service to both customers and businesses, it is required that the payment process via mobile devices becomes seamless. One important objective is to make purchasing simple and easy as customers will have digital wallets where they can buy on-the-fly by simply using one of their credit cards stored in their digital wallets. Apple and other companies are working hard in that direction and it’s expected that 2016 will witness a huge improvement regarding online payments using mobile devices. 3. Wearable Technology The need to continuously check updates and get notifications and news feed while working or doing sports was the main motivation to introduce wearable technology. While pulling out a Smartphone or tablet to check your mail or get notifications may be not suitable in many cases during work day or doing sports, wearable devices such as smartwatches are very practical and convenient for those cases. Although current progress regarding wearable is not enough (however, some

products are already in action, such as the Apple Watch), it is expected that businesses are going to figure out how to make the most of this technology starting from 2016. 4. Enhanced Security Almost all Smartphones include some sort of security, such as the screen lock using a pattern or a pin. Smartphone security is expected to improve and include more complex authentication methods. The need to increase the security level applied over a Smartphone comes from the fact that Smartphones are now used in almost all kinds of activities (i.e. Payments and business stuff).Smartphones contain much more sensitive data than they used to. Security here is not limited to locking the device’s screen, but should also include authentication of sensitive actions such as online purchase and sending business-related data to the cloud. Companies are examining some biometric identification techniques on Smartphones. New authentication methods have appeared such as fingerprint scanning, which is implemented in many modern Smartphones. In 2016, Smartphones are expected to include much more advanced techniques such as retina scanning. In 2015, Fujistu already introduced Arrows NX F-04G which is considered the world’s first to offer retina scanning, however the sales were not high as expected. People in the field say that your eyes will literally be your key to the future. 5. Phones with Foldable Display While having devices with bendable screen may sound not realistic nowadays, reports indicate that such technology may be available very soon. Reports state that Samsung is currently working on a Smartphone with foldable screen. This Smartphone is expected to be released in a few months. Foldable technology offers great flexibility regarding mobility and device size, which are of the main concerns for Smartphone manufacturers. Another advantage of having foldable displays is strength. This kind of technology should enable us to build unbreakable displays. While no serious products using this technology have been released, we shall wait and see what 2016 brings regarding this kind of technology. | | @BajanSunOnline


evolved from the spirit world, and his work is known in some sense to be prophetic and almost factually although fictional. So relevant to a contemporary Caribbean, his book Fields of Death has arrested the minds of many a readers locally and abroad. First inspired to write by his brother Lewin, he also contributes his ability to pen from being thought orally by an old wise teacher and adept Lyme Rowe, who forever lives on in his memory.

Now a motivator and inspirational figure, author W St Cyr has brought a revolution to Caribbean fiction, with a gritty, bold, suspenseful and exciting way of writing displayed in his first published novel 'Fields of Death'...he has awoken not only the minds of the ardent book lovers, but the average man on the streets to read.


ilmont St. Cyr, was born in Barbados and came from humble beginnings. He later enrolled into the military and was a talented sportsman after serving for some years. But later his life made a dramatic turn, when he was incarcerated for over eight years for gun possession. This was then seen as the dark cloud of his life, a turning point. Determined to turn a different chapter in what he saw as bad choices and human misfortune, he took the pen up. Writing under the most difficult circumstances, the author created several works including an autobiography and three books, one of them, the exciting and most talked about movie type Barbadian crime thriller 'Fields of Death,' a novel based on the canfield murders and serious crime in the Caribbean. The inception of his writing was over seven years ago, but his first novel 'Fields of Death,' along with three other unpublished books were written in a span of five years. He believes like the fabled poets of Arabia, his writing

W St Cyr invites the reader to travel on many a journey, into his picturesque, descriptive world of writing where he creates some of the most gravitating and realistic stories ever written in this hemisphere...arresting the minds of his readers, he seeks to open our hearts to the whims of change and the dynamism of a diverse human existence, it's fortunes and misfortunes, for such is the world we live. Such is life. Already called a must-read masterpiece in the genre of crime/thrillers, Barbadian author Wilmont St. Cyr has captured the imaginations of readers, and the attention of critics ahead of the official release of his début novel, “Fields of Death”. The gritty tale references the chilling cold case dubbed 'The Canefield Murders', which utterly transfixed the imagination of the Barbadian public some twenty-five years ago; it follows the fictional protagonist Neil “The X-Man” Boyce, a detective charged with investigating a rash of vicious gun-related crimes. Before long, the detective finds himself embroiled in a desperate hunt for a savage serialkiller against the backdrop of an otherwise placid and scenic Caribbean isle. | | @BajanSunOnline

JANUARY 2015 | | @BajanSunOnline


rianna McCarthy is a mixed media artist who lives and works in Trinidad and Tobago. Her work takes

on the intricacies and dynamics of representing Afro-Caribbean women who are portrayed as being strong, long-suffering, exoticised and picturesque beings against a backdrop of poverty, hardship, abuse and/or scorn. McCarthy’s constructions and representations revolt

against and subvert the stereotypical trends of representing the black body. She is a self-taught artist and aims to create a new discourse examining issues of beauty, stereotypes, representation as well as the documenting the process – particularly poignant in an ever smaller digitally connected world. Her form






performance art, fabric collage, traditional media, and installation pieces. Through various media: collage, drawing, illustration, and painting she constructs and manipulates a range of deeply personal






constructions. Her work exposes a new range of depth of expressions and emotions, which for the most part, are non-existent in the recorded cultures of the

Caribbean landscape. | | @BajanSunOnline


Working in beauty and repetition, the faces and beings she assembles will add to, and possibly change perceptions and allow for a societal awakening of the ways in which relations and relationships are changing in increasingly small world. McCarthy takes pencil to paper, ink to vellum and knife to cloth, to mend the parts of her experience, to fill in it’s gaps with beauty, questions and expressions of the social and relational. McCarthy interns with and designs for The Cloth Design Company and will be collaborating with Pop’Africana Magazine. She was recently featured in ARC Magazine a Caribbean visual art and culture publication. Her work is in permanent collections throughout the US, UK and the Caribbean. | | @BajanSunOnline

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.