BAE Update 2022

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Update BAE 2022 Newsletter | Volume 74 Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering

A Message from Dr. Chinn

Welcome 2023!

We are excited to be able to resume providing the “BAE Update” to highlight some of the activities and achievements of our Oklahoma State University BAE family in 2022! We had a lot to be proud of and celebrate over the past year.

We successfully earned continued ABET accreditation for our Biosystems Engineering program after our review and evaluation visit in Fall 2021 and continue to make strides in our continuous improvement. In this communication you will learn more about our new Agricultural Systems Technology (AST) degree which was initiated in Fall 2021. Our AST enrollment has grown to 19 students in the last year! We look forward to the development of the program and accomplishments of our AST students.

We have been fortunate to recruit two new talented faculty members to advance the department’s teaching, research, and Extension missions, and are in the process of hiring two additional tenuretrack faculty in irrigation and water management. Dr. Randy Taylor has also decided to return to us at the faculty ranks from his role as the Extension Assistant Director and State Program Leader for Agriculture and Natural Resources to support our machine systems research and Extension activities.

I am impressed with the scholarship, contributions, service, connectedness, and impact of our faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Several have been awarded our highest university and college honors and others are continuing to excel in their work and bring recognition to the department and university. Pokes in and connected to the department are really outstanding. Please enjoy reading about their experiences and pursuits in this communication.

As many of you know, the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources is constructing a new building, New Frontiers Agricultural Hall, to house classrooms, administrative, faculty, staff and graduate student offices, and laboratories. New Frontiers is on schedule to open its doors in Summer 2024. In alignment with these new facilities, we have embarked on making major renovations to the welding lab and the south side of the Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Laboratory. We anticipate being able to invite you in to look at our new space very soon!

The department appreciates the dedication of our advisory committee for their useful input and feedback in making new connections, advising on workforce training and industry demands, recruitment and retention efforts, and programmatic directions. We are extremely grateful for our alumni and friends that are generous with their time and monetary donations that enhance the quality of our department and elevate the value we are able to offer our students, collaborators, and stakeholders. The engagement of our alumni and friends is wonderful and I welcome future opportunities to involve more of them in our work and play.

As we hold on to special moments and memories of life and people from the last year, I wish you all good health, joyful adventures, laughter, and true happiness in the new year!



A Site For New Opportunities

New AST Student Spotlight

Hall of Fame Inductee, Lohmann Medal Recipient

Mr. Lieu R. Smith, 2022

Breaking Barriers

BAE Alumni Making Their Mark

Retired Engineer Invests in New Generation of Students

Uniquely Situated

BAE 2022 Advisory Committee

Senior Design 2022-2023

2022 Graduates

Department Happenings

Faculty and Staff Receive Major University Awards

Faculty Research Activites Translate to New Technological Advancements

Faculty in the News

CEAT 2022 Outstanding Students

Student Organizations Update

Friends of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering

Upcoming Events Spring 2023 ASABE Student Awards Banquet Saturday April 1st Senior Design Presentations & Showcase Thursday May 4th BAE Advisory Committee Meeting Friday May 5th Graduate Commencement Friday May 12th Undergraduate Commencement Saturday May 13th On the Cover: Garrison Hall, Kelly Lewis, and Callahan Figgs with their senior design project that focuses on modifying a drone sprayer for the Oklahoma Pecan Growers Association.
Table of Contents BAE Featured New Faces A Message from Dr. Mari Chinn 2 4 5 6 6 9 12 14 8 16 18 21 22 23 24 24 25 25 25 26 28 3 Data Impressions
Photo taken by Tyler Tassi


BAE scholarships awarded to Biosystems Engineering & Agricultural Systems Technology Students for 2022-2023



Enrolled students received scholarships recognizing their merit and achievements.


Female Faculty


Data Impressions Over
Female Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Enrollment

Kevin Moore

Dr. Kevin Moore joined BAE from the University of Texas at Tyler in July 2022 as an assistant professor. He teaches courses in both the Biosystems Engineering and Agricultural Systems Technology programs. A native Oklahoman, Dr. Moore attended Oklahoma State University and completed a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. This led him to a career with Sulzer Chemtech, where he designed distillation equipment for the oil and gas and chemicals manufacturing industries. After earning his MBA, he returned to OSU and served as Director of Student Academic Services for the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology. It was during this time that he developed a passion for mentoring students and began to engage in the classroom. These experiences led him back to graduate school, and he completed his PhD in Biosystems Engineering at OSU in 2017. Dr. Moore’s research interests include agricultural safety and health, post-harvest handling and storage of grain products and undergraduate education. He has proven to be effective in the classroom and engaged in recruitment, advising and mentoring.

Jeff Sadler

Dr. Jeff Sadler arrived in Stillwater this past June as an assistant professor and Extension specialist in water resources.He grew up in Utah and completed his B.S. and M.S. degrees at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. He graduated with his Ph.D from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia. Dr. Sadler spent 3 years as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the U.S. Geological Survey. His studies have focused on data-driven modeling, of water – determining how to best leverage data through web-based platforms and machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) models. Dr. Sadler brings a new dimension to the capabilities of our environment and natural resources faculty in both our Extension and teaching programming.

Coming Together in Celebration

New BAE Faces Lunar New Year February 2022 Persian New Year March 2022
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End of Year Celebration December 2022 5 Water
Resources & Data Science
Agricultural Safety & Health, Post-Harvest Grain Handling & Storage

A Site for New Opportunities

If you daydream of fixing tractors, managing your family farm, or enjoy working with your hands, Oklahoma State University’s new agricultural systems technology major may be a good fit for you.

Students looking for a hands-on degree program now have a new opportunity with the AST major in the Ferguson College of Agriculture.

Nestled in the OSU Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, the AST undergraduate degree program offers a uniquely different learning experience compared to other majors, said Paul Weckler, BAE professor.

“It’s a very practical, hands-on, industryoriented degree that is not focused on a specific technical discipline,” Weckler said. “The AST program looks at all the aspects of the technology needed in different areas.”

Because of this, graduates of the AST degree program can work in the industry as food scientists, machinery technicians, grain elevator operators, water treatment plant operators or several other management and hands-on positions, Weckler said.

The goal of the AST degree program is to fill “the niche between an engineer and a subject matter specialist,” Weckler said.

Although the new AST program began in Fall 2021, the program is not the first of its kind to be offered through the BAE department.

Prior to 1990, the department offered a mechanized agriculture degree program, according to the OSU Office of the Registrar Catalog Archives.

However, with the oil crisis leading to a poor economy, budget cuts meant eliminating this program, Weckler said. Talks of adding a technology degree to the BAE department have occurred for years, he added.

We’ve had lots of feedback from our industry advisory board,” said John Long, BAE associate professor and AST academic adviser. “One of the things they kept telling us was there’s this big need for technology students and not necessarily engineers.”

The suggestions from the advisory board — coupled with similar thriving degree programs offered at Texas A&M University, Kansas State University and the University of Nebraska meant adding this degree

BAE Featured
John Long (right) explains to AST students Alan Davis (left) and Kellen Smith how to measure angles during a lab.
Story: Kaylyn Branen | Photos: Kaylyn Branen

program became more important than ever, Long said.

“We felt like we were missing out on a major that there’s definitely a need for,” Long said.

Long chaired the BAE department’s committee to start the process of implementing this new degree program. This included creating the course curriculum, demonstrating a need for a new program, and submitting proposals to the college and OSU/ A&M Board of Regents, Long said.

During the first semester of the major, five students enrolled in the major and took core curriculum courses in agricultural water management, surveying and agricultural electrification.

As a part of the core curriculum, AST students also take business and economics classes, Long said.

“One of the things that sets the AST degree apart from the other technology majors at other universities is we actually have a business portion required,” Long said. “It gives students the ability to go into a situation where they could work as a manager for other people in a technology-related field.”

In addition to the core curriculum, students pursuing the AST degree choose their own path for 21 hours on their degree sheet, depending upon the direction they would like to go after college, Long said.

This offers more flexibility to students and their interests, making it unique among similar programs at other universities, Weckler said.

Across the U.S., other agricultural technology degree programs are focused on more specific disciplines such as machinery and tractors, which offers less flexibility, he added.

With my agricultural systems technology major, I will also be earning an agribusiness minor,” Smith said. “You can configure this degree to just about any way.”

A different path to take with the AST program is a plant and soil sciences focus, said Alan Davis, AST junior. Davis said he chose this path because he enjoys his job at Oklahoma Foundation Seed and knows this program fits well with his interests and future job opportunities.

Students also can take a machinery-focused course load within the new AST major, said Michael Bird, AST junior.

“Agricultural systems technology is really cool because it is such a niche major,” Bird said. “What I have chosen to do is a very mechanical and machine systems-based major, anything that can be useful in a professional scenario when it comes to working on tractors or in a design and/or prototyping position.”

Students in the program agree they are being prepared for the real world in a handson career path, but the faculty are what makes this program so special, Smith said.

“They want you to be there, be engaged, and ask questions,” Davis said. “They are not there just to present. They are there for you to actually learn in their classes.”

Since the major is new, the classes are small and the professors take interest in each student, making a point to interact one-onone, Smith said.

“The community and the culture in the department really makes the major worth it,” Bird said.

With stellar faculty who genuinely care, applicable curriculum and hands-on learning, the new AST degree program is a good fit for students seeking something a little different in college, Bird said.

“Everything in this major is applicable to life,” Smith said. “If you learn something, there is a reason you are learning it and you can directly see what it is going to be used for and what it is going to be.”

Michael Bird uses hands-on learning experiences to prepare him for his career.

“That’s something I really appreciate about AST. For students who love being hands on and working with machinery, I think this would be a great fit.”

New AST Student Spotlights

Why did you choose this major?

“Choosing to major in AST was an easy decision for me. I was looking for a major that was unique, had a lot of options post-graduation and featured a broad education in numerous subject areas” said Bean. Bean is a transfer student from Modesto Junior College in California who has a passion for the mechanical and technological aspects of the agriculture industry.

Kaitlin Bean, Modesto, CA

What is a typical school week like?

“For me, every day is different which is one of the perks of the major. One day could be lots of classes while another day may be mostly open with a lab or two, but either way it keeps it interesting” Kellen Ross said. Ross is a senior who was one of the first four transfer students into AST. Kellen Ross Smith, Columbia, MO

Do you have advice for any students considering AST?

Bryce Coon, a junior who transferred into AST, is enthusiastic about the major. “AST is such a great area to study. I came from a very small town and wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into. But after I found AST, I can relate everything I have learned over the years on the family farm to my course work. If you’re a small-town farm kid, I would highly recommend giving AST a shot!”

Bryce Coon, Mountain View, OK

Photos: Kaitlin Bean, Kellen Ross Smith, and Bryce Coon

College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology

Hall of Fame Inductee, Lohmann Medal Recipient Mr. Lieu R. Smith 2022

Lieu R. Smith , P.E. grew up on a wheat farm 10 miles away from Okeene, Oklahoma after moving from Michigan City, Indiana, during the Great Depression. All eight grades were taught in the same classroom with one teacher for much of Smith’s grade school experience. As he entered high school, agriculture was one of the basic classes he was required to take.

Growing up in a rural area inspired him to major in agricultural engineering with an emphasis on soil and water conservation. He graduated from OSU with his bachelor’s degree in agricultural engineering in 1954 and with his master’s degree in structural engineering in 1957. Smith also spent two years on active duty with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

“My undergraduate time at OSU was a major time of adjustment from a small rural school background to a major university

setting,” Smith said. “It permitted me to expand my horizons academically and socially, as well as, mature in my decision making-processes.

My time at OSU, followed by going into the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a Commissioned Officer formed a core structure of who I was and the lifestyle principles that I stood for.”

Smith spent the majority of his engineering career working with Sverdrup Corporation in St. Louis, Missouri, where he eventually rose to become the rank of corporate VicePresident of Advanced Technology. The corporation is now a part of Jacob’s Solutions Engineering Company.

His engineering career started in the early 1960s working with Sverdrup for the Saturn V Program, which resulted in the sending of a man to the moon.

BAE Featured
LEFT: Smith’s OSU yearbook photo, 1957 CENTER: Smith receiving his 2022 Lohmann Medal Award RIGHT: Smith October 2022
Story: Bailey Sisk | Photos: Mari Chinn, Lieu Smith, Tyler Tassi, and Kristi Wheeler

This was only one of the well-recognized projects Smith got the opportunity to be a part of. He got to work on, manage and host projects like test facilities for 300 mph tracked air cushion research vehicle, a 400mile oil pipeline and marine terminal in the country of Algeria, liquid and solid-rocket engine test stands for the Space Shuttle and a $20 million Space Shuttle Launch Pad Complex at Vandenberg, California, Air Force Base.

“The Space Shuttle Launch Pad Complex is the project that I am most proud of,” Smith said. “Because it was Air Force sponsored instead of NASA, with different missions, different payloads and operational requirements, it also presented new, as well as, constantly changing requirements. We had a fixed price contract and schedule with the Air Force so there was a constant flow of contract changes along with design requirement changes.”

Smith’s work as the project manager for the Space Shuttle Launch Pad Complex received numerous awards. On March 5, 1984, the project was featured in Time Magazine and the launch pad complex was described as the “most sophisticated military complex ever built.” Smith’s project earned Sverdrup the 1985 Grand Conceptor Award for Excellence in Engineering by the American Consulting Engineers Council and the complex was recognized as one of ten outstanding engineering achievements from the National Society of Professional Engineers.

In 1993, Smith retired to devote his time to working for his church as a selfsustaining ordained minister. He pastored the Berryville, Arkansas Community of Christ for eight years and was awarded the

status of “Pastor Emeritus” upon his retirement at the end of 2003. He continued to serve as a hospital chaplain, as well as, on a number of committees and boards at Mercy Hospital.

“I have always been mindful that I am in reality an Oklahoma farm boy who grew up on a very marginal farm during the dust bowl days,”Smith said. “Through the encouragement and help from a lot of very good people, I became very successful in my profession, thus it is my intent to give back to society by helping others.”

Lieu Smith during his November 2022 visit. LEFT: discussion with students regarding his time in the industry and the significance of integrity in the engineering profession.
RIGHT: speaking with Dr. Ray Huhnke about the construction of the New Frontiers Agricultural Hall. TOP: Sonatrach-the 400 mile oil pipeline and marine tunnel project that Smith managed in Algeria. BOTTOM: Smith managed the design and construction of the Vandenberg Space Shuttle Launch Complex in California.

Smith has practiced helping others through many different professional and community activities.

He has been actively involved in the “Loaves and Fishes Food Bank of the Ozarks” by designing and funding construction of a new facility for the storage and distribution of food to the needy of Carroll County, Arkansas. He has also endowed a scholarship fund for female Native Americans to become doctors of osteopathic medicine through the OSU Center for Health Sciences.

Continuing to learn about new concepts and figuring out your strengths are two pieces of advice Smith recommends to all students in CEAT.

“Don’t be afraid to venture into new avenues of work that you are not familiar with,” Smith said. “Rockets and Space Ships were not even part of our vocabulary when I was in school. Secondly, discover what your best talents are and work to maximize them in your work. I found that mine was being able to organize projects and bring them to a successful conclusion.”

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Excerpt taken from “OSU’s College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology announces 2022 Hall of Fame inductees, Lohmann Medal recipients” by Bailey Sisk Students had the opportunity to gain industry insights and professional advice from Mr. Smith
Lieu Smith is an active volunteer at the Loaves and Fishes Food Bank of the Ozarks, and design contributor to the current layout and function of the facility.
“ Don’t be afraid to venture into new avenues of work that you are not familiar with.”
“...Discover what your best talents are and work to maximize them in your work.”
- Lieu R. Smith
Lieu Smith with Dr. Kerry S. Havner, a previous Lohmann Medal recipient. Smith and Havner attended graduate school together.

Breaking Barriers

Sometimes, the biggest lessons in life are taught during a serendipitous moment. Just ask Mary Elizabeth Mach, P.E. Mach, an Oklahoma State University (OSU) Biosystems Engineering graduate from the class of 2006, is the perfect example of how the lesson of advocating for oneself makes all the difference.

To tell Mach’s story fully, we must go back to November 2005. Mach, a senior at Oklahoma State University, attended the fall career fair. It was there that she saw a table for the engineering firm Garver and decided to speak to the representative there. As she approached to hand over her resume, the hiring representative told her that the firm traditionally hired Civil Engineers, not Biosystems Engineers and there likely wouldn’t be a role that fit her skillset at the firm. This would be a point in Mach’s life where the simple, but often difficult, task of advocating for herself would prove paramount.

At this point, the easy route for Mach would have been to accept what the Garver hiring team said and walk away. However, that is not what happened.

Undeterred, Mach advocated for herself and was able to convince the recruiting representative to accept her resume and pass it to the hiring committee. From then on, the rest is history. As one could imagine, the firm now hires many Biosystems Engineers – several of those recruited by Mach.

Advocating for herself is now a skill more important than ever for Mach, who was recently named the new Water Director of the Western Region at Garver, the first woman and youngest person to ever hold this role. This comes on the heels of her being named to The Journal Records’ “Achievers Under 40” list in 2021.

When asked about what this new promotion means to her, “I am proud of my new role. It demonstrates how the industry as a whole is evolving. There are more women within

BAE Featured Breaking Barriers
Story: Tyler Tassi | Photos: Mary Elizabeth Mach
Mary Elizabeth Mach, P.E. was recently promoted to Water Director of the Western Region at Garver

my firm now that we can pull from for positions. I love that the pool of women involved in STEM and the industry is growing!” Mach said.

So, what is Mach’s favorite part of working at Garver? The people.

“There is not another team that I would rather be working for” Mach said. In her position, Mach gets to establish and maintain client relationships at Garver, which is something that she does not take lightly.

Speaking with Mach, it is obvious how kindly she looks back on her time in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) at OSU. Mach spoke about how the culture in BAE impacted the corporate culture that she tries to establish at Garver. “Jana Moore influenced me heavily in that she taught me that everybody’s name is worth knowing. That everyone deserves to be respected for their hard work, no matter their level in an organization. Not being too big for your britches is something that I took home with me. She powerfully influenced how I have interacted with people in my day-to-day professional life.”

Cole Niblett, Oklahoma Water Team Leader at Garver and a 2016 OSU Biosystems Engineering graduate, further reiterates just how much people mean to Mary Elizabeth. “One lesson I have learned from her would be how to truly and effectively listen to people. Such a simple concept, but I have seen projects go so much more smoothly and countless examples of reaping benefits in business because we actually listened closely to what people were trying to tell us. Beyond dividends from the business perspective side, it’s also a lesson that has improved both my professional/personal relationships and networking.”

One of her favorite memories is throughout her senior year, Mach and other students would have monthly potluck-style dinners. The tight-knit family atmosphere that BAE has is something that Mach still looks back fondly on to this day.

When asked what advice she would give to any current BAE students, Mach is clear. “Advocate for yourself. If I didn’t advocate for my resume at the career fair years ago, I would not be here at Garver - the best place to work!”

We are always interested in keeping in touch with our alumni and friends. Please feel free to share some of the great things happening in your lives with us!

Twitter: @BAEOkstate | Instagram: @baeokstate | Facebook: Biosystems Engineering at Oklahoma State University


Mach and her Garver team doing field work Mach signing and sealing her first engineering report
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BAE Alumni Making Their Mark

The Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering is privileged to have a proud history of alumni award recognition. Our alumni have routinely made exceptional achievements in their professional careers and generous contributions to our department, thus enriching our mission of educating Biosystems Engineers and Agricultural Systems Technologists.

BAE has been honored to have five distinguished alumni receive the prestigious Melvin R. Lohmann Medal from the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology since 2008. The Lohmann Medal is CEAT’s highest recognition of an individual’s meritorious technical contributions that have had significant impact on the professions of engineering, architecture and technology. Lohmann Medal recipients also are inducted into the CEAT Hall of Fame.

In 2008, Ronnie Morgan, a BAE B.S. graduate of 1975 and M.S. graduate in 1976, was recognized for his contributions to process engineering and the advancement of technologies in the food and oil industry spaces through his extensive professional, academic, and consulting career. In 2001, Morgan was also the recipient of the Ferguson College of Agriculture

Distinguished Alumni Award.

In 2013, BAE graduate Harvey Manbeck was honored for his efforts to advise the principles and practice relating to structured wood engineering, agricultural structures, and the environment

Stephen Searcy, BAE doctoral graduate of the class of 1980, was acknowledged in 2020 for his numerous achievements in pioneering the application of microprocessors.

Searcy went on to develop microprocessorcontrolled metering devices for pregerminated seeds carried in a highly viscous fluid. He later became the Department Head of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering at Texas A&M University and served as President of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASABE) from 20172018.

Continuing a streak for the department, Dr. Christine Altendorf was awarded these honors in 2021. Dr. Altendorf earned her B.S. (1985), M.S. (1987) and Ph.D (1993) degrees in Biosystems Engineering. She oversees over 9,000 employees and more than $60 billion military projects as the Chief of

BAE Featured
BAE Alumni Making
Lohmann Medal Honorees: Dr. Christine Altendorf (2021) with Dr. Stephen Searcy (2020)
Story: Tyler Tassi | Photos: Mari Chinn & Jana Moore

Engineering and Construction for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Dr. Altendorf is also a member of the Senior Executive Service, a prestigious honor that only 0.35% of the federal workforce achieves.

Marking three consectutive years, Lieu Smith was also a Lohmann Medal and CEAT Hall of Fame honoree in 2022 for his ground breaking achievements and skilled project management in construction and the aerospace industry.

In addition to the Lohmann Medal, alumni have received the Ferguson College of Agriculture’s Distinguished Alumni Award. This award honors alumni who have made significant strides in their profession and brought honor and distinction to the college.

Along with Ron Morgan in 2021, Greg and Kristen Hart recieved this award in 2021 for their continuing support of students and the university. Kristen is an agricultural engineering graduate and Greg earned his degree in mechanized agriculture, both granted through the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.

Greg had a successful and rewarding professional career with John Deere, serving as the marketing director for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Kristen enjoyed success as a hydrology engineer doing design work for civil & mechanical engineering consulting firms.

As the Harts graduated and pursued their careers, they never forgot to give back to the university that gave them so much.

The Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering is so proud and honored to have alumni that inspire the next generation of biosystems engineers and agricultural systems technologists with their esteemed careers and generosity.

To learn more about some of our previous honorees, read their press releases or videos referenced below.

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Smith Altendorf Manbeck Searcy Hart Greg & Kristen Hart, Ferguson College of Agriculture
Distinguished Alumni 2020, with BAE students.

Retired Engineer Invests in a New Generation of Students

Bill Petermann, a 1960 OSU graduate with a degree in agricultural engineering, was surprised this past spring when a group of OSU students from the student chapter of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers arrived on his front lawn.

The small army of students got to work cleaning gutters, raking leaves, mowing, weeding the garden, clearing honeysuckle off the fence, organizing equipment and more. The students were taking part in Into the Streets, a day when OSU student organizations assist Stillwater community members with household or yard chores.

Petermann was elated to find out the student group sent to work on his projects were pursuing a career path similar to the one he enjoyed for 38 years as an agricultural engineer working primarily on watershed and irrigation projects. He spent nearly the entirety of his career at the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, serving Oklahoma farmers and ranchers.

The longer the students were there, the more Petermann got to know them.

“It reminded me of when I was in school,” Petermann said. “They just seemed like a family.”

Collin Bellmer, ASABE president and a student in the OSU Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, was just as surprised as everyone else when he learned about Petermann’s background.

“It was a crazy coincidence,” Bellmer said. “My first thought was, ‘What are the odds of this happening?’”

Mattie Wood, ASABE historian and biosystems engineering student, said that while everyone had been excited to help Petermann out, the fact that he was a fellow engineer motivated the volunteers even further.

“We recognized we were giving back to the engineers that came before us, Wood said. “It was fulfilling to do something tangible to help him.”Petermann felt a camaraderie with the group.

I was so surprised when I found out they were in an organization I had been in and enjoyed (as a student),” Petermann said. “It brought back so many memories.”

Memories like trips to the dance hall on the fourth floor of the Student Union where students could socialize; having a soda and

BAE Featured
BAE Alumni Making
OSU alumnus Bill Petermann, center, and biosystems and agricultural engineering department head Mari Chinn, right, present student Taos McIntyre with the first Bill and Ladonna Petermann Endowed Scholarship at the BAE Student Awards Banquet in March. RIGHT: BAE students with Mr. Petermann during the Into the Streets event.
Story: Hunter Gibson | Photos: Mari Chinn & Tyler Tassi

dancing to the latest songs from Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and Johnny Cash; carpooling to campus every day with four of his buddies; and working on the School of Engineering’s publication.

It also reminded him of his financial need during his time at OSU.

Petermann was the first in his family to attend college in 1955. Although his parents didn’t have traditional opportunities for education, they understood the importance of a quality education and encouraged Petermann to pursue a degree.

But funding was a problem.

“My vocational agriculture teacher gave me a scholarship application to fill out from Sears and Roebuck,” Petermann said. “They awarded it to me.”

The scholarship paid his full tuition his freshman year, and after his first year in ag engineering, he “caught the bug.”

Engineering A Legacy

Once the grass was cut, the weeds were pulled and the gutters were cleared, Petermann wrote thank you notes to each of the volunteers to express his gratitude.

“A thank you seems so little after you have given me so much,” Petermann wrote in a letter to Wood following the event.

A year later, the first Bill and Ladonna Petermann Endowed Scholarship was awarded at the Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department Scholarship Banquet in March 2022.

Petermann said he had considered initiating a scholarship for the department for some time, but Into the Streets was the ultimate catalyst for him. He recognized the importance of quality engineers in the future of the agricultural industry, saying he was excited by the innovations he’s seen since he left the field. Petermann also said he wanted to help alleviate financial pressures for students so they can enjoy their time in college without the stress of a tuition bill looming.

“I wanted to encourage someone to be involved in campus activities while they’re in school in hopes they stay involved,” Petermann said.

Taos McIntyre, a junior biosystems engineering student, was the first to receive the Bill and Ladonna Petermann Endowed


“I think it’s really interesting how something like Into the Streets can result in such a deep connection between current students and alumni,” McIntyre said.

Petermann and McIntyre got to meet each other at the banquet.

“I could tell the banquet was very emotional for the Petermann family because there were a lot of important reasons behind the scholarship and why they decided to make their donation,” McIntyre said. “Seeing that meaning and seeing how important it was to them made me feel very fortunate that I got to meet them.”

Collin Bellmer, 2021-22 ASABE Student Club President, presents Mr. Petermann with a token of appreciation at the 2022 BAE Senior Awards Banquet
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“I wanted to encourage someone to be involved in campus activities while they’re in school in hopes they stay involved”

Uniquely Situated

Growing up in urban Oakland, California, Mari Chinn never imagined a future intertwined with agriculture.

Before receiving her Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in biosystems engineering, her perspectives of farming primarily included highway views, Chinn said.

Now, Chinn heads the OSU Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering within the Ferguson College of Agriculture and the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology. She also serves as the interim director of the Biobased Products and Energy Center.

Since starting in January 2021, Chinn has used her specialized research knowledge along with her personal background to lead a complex department, she said.

“I would be on golf courses with nut trees, smell the cow pastures and see the flooded areas going from Oakland to Tahoe as part of my unwitting knowledge of agriculture,” Chinn said. “I liked biology and math, so I did undergraduate research in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at the

University of California-Davis.

“I received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. It allowed me to branch out into different spaces.”

As a master’s student and later a doctoral student at the University of Kentucky, she gained a deeper understanding for agriculture through her microbial research pursuits and the sheer proximity of farms, she said. After completing her degrees, she pursued a professorship at North Carolina State University, where she stayed for 18 years.

“Then, someone from Oklahoma State called,” Chinn said. “I saw the potential to have a leadership role outside of my own research and teaching.”

Chinn has a widespread impact across BAE by assisting faculty and graduate students with research and grant applications, said Randy Raper, OSU Ag Research assistant director.

The students and faculty alike respect her,” Raper said. “She is engaging and has been creating a common vision for people to work toward.”

He said Chinn’s vision includes building up

BAE Featured
Mari Chinn grew up in urban Oakland, California, and began working at OSU in January 2021. Photo: Ariel Scholten
BAE Alumni Making
Story: Ariel Scholten | Photos: Ariel Scholten, Kristi Wheeler, & Mari Chinn

the agricultural systems technology program, a new major housed within BAE. Although the program was in development before her arrival, Chinn spent time asking questions to solve problems before they arose, Raper said.

“What is really engaging about Dr. Chinn is she didn’t come from a rural background, but she recognized the part of agriculture she could identify with,” Raper said. “She’s been able to make an impact and be a role model for other people who are similar.”

With academic experience in California, Kentucky and North Carolina, Chinn brings a rich background to her position at OSU, said Ron Elliott, BAE department head emeritus. As the first woman and first person of color to lead the department, she serves as an outstanding role model, he added.

Danielle Bellmer, BAE professor, said, 20 years ago she was the first female faculty member in BAE. “When I started, there were only four female faculty members in the whole College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology,” Bellmer said. “Today in BAE, it is close to 50% female in both faculty and students.”

A lot of people in leadership put up walls or lose their personality, but Chinn does not, Bellmer said. Chinn’s leadership style is marked by transparency, honesty and community-building, she said.

“It takes time to break through stereotypes and allow time for people to see role models,” Bellmer said. “Dr. Chinn is certainly one for a lot of people these days.”

Another hallmark of Chinn is being a good listener, Bellmer said. Making sure to get input from everyone, especially those who typically might not speak up, allows for different perspectives to be heard, Bellmer added.

“I do recognize that even though it’s never my intent to be a model for anybody, it does help for many young women and young women minorities to see if I’m in this position, they can be, too,” Chinn said.

As someone who has worked in the department through multiple department heads, Jana Moore, BAE undergraduate academic program coordinator, remarked Chinn has a unique ability to connect with others.

“Dr. Chinn just has an energy that makes you excited to work for and alongside her,” Moore said. “When you feel seen and are working toward a common goal, it is a very comfortable environment.”

Chinn’s ability to put an emphasis on camaraderie for faculty and staff has been well received, Moore said.

“Watching her interact with longtime donors her first year was almost baffling

Left to Right: Dr. Paul Weckler, Dr. Mari Chinn, Jana Moore, Dr. Dani Bellmer, Dr. Ron Elliott (Emeriti & previous Head), Dr. Kevin Moore
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because Chinn did it so well,” Moore said. “She shows you do not need to be an alumnus yourself to connect with the Ferguson family, and she showed the department’s deep appreciation with excellence.

As someone not from a rural background herself, Moore said Chinn represents an accurate swath of students who are not rural either.

“When I meet with prospective students, they sometimes ask if they will fit in without a commercial agriculture background,” Moore said. “It is great to be able to let them know the department head grew up in the city and represents agriculture and engineering so well.”

Growing up a golfer, basketball player and involved community member, Chinn said she loved where and how she grew up.

“I don’t deny any one aspect of my identity and neither does the department,” Chinn said. “What I can offer with my cultural

experiences and living as a mixed-race person is being open to everyone and anyone.”

The department is an integration of agriculture, life sciences and engineering, Chinn said.

“The faculty, staff and students in BAE work together to make a difference in people’s lives, she added.

“Dr. Chinn really has brought a new life to the department,” Moore said. “She is the kind of person you want to work for your entire life.”

Chinn’s care for people, work-life balance, strong focus, impressive intellect, and passion for biosystems and agricultural engineering are just a few of her characteristics that inspire those around her, Elliott said.

“Why do I do what I do?” Chinn asked. “I always want to try to add value to people’s lives. That’s the one reason I do what I do.”

20 BAE Alumni Making
Mari Chinn, Dept. Head, with Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Freshman Ferguson College of Agriculture Scholarship recipients-Fall 2022

BAE 2022 Advisory Committee

The BAE Advisory Committee offers feedback and advice to the department head and faculty to help enhance programs and operations in teaching, research, and Extension. The committee has members from different areas of expertise, institutions, and affiliations representing our BAE profession.

David Campbell

Senior Manager, Engineering | Ditch Witch

Brandon Claborn Chief Executive Officer | Meshek & Associates

Elizabeth Casey DeFreese

Senior Manager Mircrobe Research Fermentation Technology | Novozymes North America, Inc.

Steven Fowler

Professor/Engineering Coordinator | Rose State College

Josh Grundman Co-Owner | Valley View Pecan Co.

Greg Hambrick

Safety & Loss Control Instructor | Oklahoma Assn. of Electric Cooperatives

Jake Holloway Director, Market Product Development | Enovation Controls

Jared Kinder

Sr. Project Engineer | AGCO Corporation

Mary Elizabeth Mach Regional Water Director | Garver

Randy Roark

VP-Engineering & Development | Bama Companies, Inc.

Richard Spears

Vice President | Spears & Associates

Cara Cowan Watts

CEO & Majority Owner | Tulsa Pier Drilling, LLC & Owner Owner & Consultant | Cherokee Star DBA

If you are interested in participating in the BAE Advisory Committee, please contact Dr. Mari Chinn


David Campbell (Agricultural Engineering ‘78) and Callahan Figgs at the 2022 Student Awards Banquet.
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Senior Design 2022-2023

Our capstone senior design course and projects are tailored to provide our seniors with opportunities to define engineering solutions to challenges facing agricultural and biological systems. Dr. Paul Weckler, P.E., does an excellent job mentoring students on real world projects and fostering relationships with external clientele and stakeholders, including industry and government agencies. Below is a list of our 20222023 Senior Design teams and client sponsors.

2022-23 Project Clients & Sponsors

Lake McMurtry Site Restoration & Development

Friends of Lake McMurtry City of Stillwater, USDA-NRCS

Stillwater, OK

Cake Feeder Control and Monitoring System

Harper Industries, Inc.

Harper, KS

Management of Rainwater Collection for Ammonia Storage Tanks

Koch Fertilizer

Enid, OK

Remediating Contaminated Sediment from the Bottom of Empire Lake

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Fort Worth District, EPA Region 7

Temperature Control for a Burr Coffee Grinder

U.S. Roaster Corporation

Oklahoma City, OK

Design of a UAV “Crop Duster”

Oklahoma Pecan Growers Assn.

Oklahoma Ag Experiment Station

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension

Project Teams

Zachary Marshall

Antonio Murillo

Benjamin Seaman

Brit Luna

Taos McIntyre

Seth Stone

Rio Bonham

Blake Coday

Grace Rembold

Emily Ea

Kennerly Holloway

Kimalee Lawrence

Addison Duling

Cooper Price

Brooke Holt

Callahan Figgs

Kelly Lewis

Garrison Hall

22 BAE Alumni Making
Pictured from left to right: Blake Coday, Grace Rembold, Rio Bonham, and Dr. Paul Weckler visit their project site at Koch Fertilizer in Enid, OK.

We would like to recognize and congratulate our spring, summer and fall graduates.

B.S., Biosystems Engineering

Daniel Anthamatten

Garrett Aranda

Kaitlin Blankenship

Collin Bellmer

Evan Freitas

Alexander Gardner

Colton Horn

Kyle Humphrey

Jacob Kettner

Kaitlyn Lane

McKenna Lovejoy

Ashton Rapp

Lilly Schneberger

Sawyer Searcey

Audrey Stephens

Matilyn Wood

Nadia Wright-Morrison

Jinghang Zhuo

M.S., Biosystems Engineering

Shamanthak Amarendranath

Enhance Degradation of PLA-Based Compostible Plastics

Advisor: Dr. Danielle Bellmer

Kelsey Singleton

Response of Corn Yield to Irrigation & Nitrogen and the Relationships between Yield and NDVI Measured by Aerial Imagery

Advisor: Dr. Saleh Taghvaeian

Austin Pickering

Development of an Autonomous Rover for Field Application

Advisor: Dr. Ning Wang

William (Wade) Young

Development of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platform & Image Processing Techniques for Agricultural Applications

Advisor: Dr. Ning Wang

Ph.D, Biosystems Engineering

Mukesh Mehata

Evaluating the Preformance of Irrigation Scheduling Approaches Based on Monitoring & Modeling Soil Water Status

Advisor: Dr. Saleh Taghvaeian

Peyman Nematzadeh

Development of in-field data aquesition systems & machine learning-base data processing and analysis approaches for turfgrass quality rating & peanut flour detection

Advisor: Dr. Ning Wang

Aseem Singh

Characteriszing Station Aridity & Improving the Estimates of Reference Evotranspiration in the Oklahoma Mesonet

Advisor: Dr. Ali Mirchi

2022 Graduates
Mari Chinn, Dept. Head, BAE with Ph.D graduate Mukesh Mehata
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2022 Senior Graduating Class Photo: Taylor Bacon

Department Happenings

Faculty and Staff Receive Major University Awards

At the 2022 University Awards Ceremonies, Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering was honored to have mulitple faculty and staff receive awards and recognition for their scholarly achievements, hardwork and dedication to our department and the university at large.

Dr. Ning Wang

Regent’s Distinguished Research Award

Dr. Ning Wang was recently awarded the Regent’s Distinguished Research Award recognizing her achievements in research on intelligent sensing and control technologies, field robotics, mechatronics and precision agriculture.

Dr. Danielle Bellmer

Regents Distinguished Teaching Award

Dr. Danielle Bellmer received the Regents Distinguished Teaching Award recognizing her significant contribution to the instruction of students for over two decades. Dr. Bellmer has also received outstanding teaching awards in the Ferguson College of Agriculture for her exceptional teaching and advising. Her commitment to our undergraduate programs continues to be instrumental to our successes.

Dr. R. Scott Frazier

Award for Excellence in Academic Program Assessment

Dr. R. Scott Frazier received the Award for Excellence in Academic Program Assessment. Dr. Frazier was recognized for demonstrating innovation, excellence and dedication to our ABET accreditation efforts.

Jana Douglass Moore

Distingushed Service Award

Jana Douglass Moore was recently recognized as the second-place winner of the OSU Distinguished Service Award. This award recognizes staff members University-wide for their hard work, dedication and contribution to the overall success of the University. This is Moore’s second time to be honored with this award, and we are extremely fortunate to have her supporting our BAE home.

Dr. Ning Wang (left) and Dr. Danielle Bellmer (right) with their awards. Dr. R. Scott Frazier (right) receiving his Award.
Jana Douglass Moore (center) receiving her OSU Distinguished Service Award Photos: Mari Chinn, Todd Johnson, & Tyler Tassi

Faculty Research Activities Translate to New Technological Advancements

Dr. Hasan Atiyeh received a new patent for his creation of a co-fermentation system that turns sugars into alcohols, organic acids and ketones. “OSU Receives Patent for New Fermentation Process”(OSU News, Feb. 22, 2022)

Dr. Yu Jessie Mao invented and produced OmniPhobic, a fabric created with a stain protectant. As opposed to a fabric sprayed with protectant, this protectant is woven into the fibers of the fabric, ensuring it will not come off with wash and wear. Through Cowboy Innovations, Dr. Mao has been able to bring OmniPhobic fabric to industries. “Necessity Is The Mother of Invention”(OSU News, March 1, 2022)

Faculty in the News

Dr. Ali Mirchi received the USA NIFA Partnership Award for Program Improvement through Global Engagement with his collaborators, he was a nominee for the OSU Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists, Physical Sciences and Engineering and the Communication Award from the Oklahoma Association of Extension Agriculture Agents. In addition, he had several articles written about his research activities. Dr. Mirchi has been highlighted in the following articles: (1) “OSU Researchers Studying the Use of Saline Water in Agriculture” (OSU AG Research, Sept. 7, 2022) 2)AUCA News

PEER2PEER Inception Workshop: Interdisciplinary Research in Transboundary Water Security”

Dr. Kiranmayi Mangalgiri conducts research in characterizing and treating emerging contaminants of concern in our surface and ground water sources. Her efforts support the water initiatives in the state of Oklahoma and will impact how we improve human and environmental health. Her efforts were recognized in Morning Ag Clip’s “Rural Water Wrap-Up: Infrastructure on the Horizon” (G. Ellis, Dec. 21, 2021)

Don’t forget to catch Wes Lee, our Agricultural Weather and Climate Education Extension Specialist and Program Coordinator with the Oklahoma Mesonet during his weekly segments on SunUp!

CEAT 2022 Outstanding Students-BAE

CEAT recognizes graduating seniors and graduate students from each engineering discipline who have consistently been an example of academic excellence, outstanding leadership and highly sought after qualities.

CEAT Outstanding Graduate Student CEAT Outstanding Senior Award
Kaitlyn Lane Peyman Nematzadeh Dr. Ali Mirchi speaking at the Oklahoma Govenor’s Water Conference

Graduate Student Association

President: Angelika Ouedraogo

Advisor: Kiranmayi Mangalgiri

The BAE-GSA at Oklahoma State University supports departmental graduate students in professional development, building community, and identifying solutions for and offering a voice to unique challenges that we face in pursuing our graduate degrees. We presented our activities and officers to our professional society members during the annual OK section meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) in April.

We had a nice cohort of graduate students who attended the Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) in Houston, TX this past July. In preparation for the professional meeting, we hosted an all-day mini-conference for student participants to practice their presentations and get constructive feedback from faculty and their peers. We enhanced our oral communication skills, learned more about the work taking place in the department, as well as eating very well that day!

To jump-start the Fall semester and get to know the new faces better, BAE graduate students and post-doctoral research fellows enjoyed a bonding dinner at Hideaway Pizza. For Halloween, GSA held a department-wide party in the graduate student office. The party included a pumpkin carving contest, spin the wheel and a movie night. We are looking forward to Spring semester and creating new and exciting activities with our new officers initiated for 2022-2023: Vice President: Kasra Khodkar; Treasurer: Navdeep Saasan; Secretary: Nathaniel Bolujoko; GPSGA Officer: Chijioke Leonard Nkwocha and Dabira Ogunbiyi

Cowboy Motorsports

Director: Seth Stone Advisor: John Long

The Cowboy Motorsports team designs, fabricates, and promotes a unique tractor for the annual International 1/4 scale (IQS) tractor competition sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). With members from all majors, the team comes together to develop their skills in design, manufacturing, interdisciplinary teamwork, marketing, accounting, written and oral communication. This real-world experience continues to challenge members in ways that are not easily achieved in the classroom. Beyond preparation for the competition, in 2022 Cowboy Motorsports participated in community service activities with Into-the-Streets, executed the annual lawnmower clinic, and was active in Homecoming week making contributions to the Sign Competition, the Harvest Carnival, offering the pulled pork sandwich fundraiser at WalkAround and running 4 operable 1/4 scale tractors in the Sea of Orange Parade! In addition, the team consistently assists the department with recruitment activities and provided barbeque pulled pork in support of BAE’s first United Way fundraiser! Currently, Cowboy Motorsports is working on the design for their 2023 tractor.

Student Organizations Update 26 BAE Alumni Making
Graduate Students enjoying a bonding dinner at Hideaway. Cowboy Motorsports at the 2022 Harvest Carnival Photos: Graduate Student Association, Cowboy Motorsports, Cowboy Waterworks, Alpha Epsilon, & ASABE

Cowboy Waterworks

President: Symantha Cunningham; Past-President: Anthony Corpuz

Advisor: Ali Mirchi

The Cowboy Waterworks team designs and builds a fountain capable of executing multiple tasks through the power of water and control systems to entertain the Fountain Wars hands-on student design competition organized by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). For the 2022 competition, the Cowboy Waterworks team chose school spirit as their aesthetic theme featuring the Boone Pickens stadium. The technical design included rotating rubber ducks while overcoming an elevation difference. They operated on a low budget per the requirements of the design competition guidelines. The Cowboy Waterworks team placed 1st nationally during the competition in July 2022 in Houston, Texas! The team is currently working hard on their 2023 Fountain Wars fountain, which will compete at the ASABE Annual International Meeting in Nebraska this coming July.

Alpha Epsilon

President: Addie Duling

Advisor: Danielle Bellmer

Alpha Epsilon is the honor society for agricultural and biological engineers, recognizing upper division undergraduate and graduate students with outstanding scholarly achievement and qualities in character and leadership. The engineering honor society initiated seven new members in Spring 2022 and participated in university activities throughout the Fall semester. Alpha Epsilon was paired with ASABE for the Homecoming Sign Competition and Harvest Carnival games and chili cook off. In addition, we participated in the window painting competition and painted images of the four different Biosystem Engineering major options (Bioprocessing and Food Processing, Machine Systems and Agricultural Engineering, Pre-Med and Enviromental and Natural Resources, as well as our new major, Agricultural Systems Technology. At the end of the year, Alpha Epsilon joined in the Ferguson Christmas Tree decorating competition. Our tree’s theme was “Keys to Success” with the tree covered in keys with the different words that represent a definition of success. This Spring Semester, Alpha Epsilon will resume hosting the Biosystems Olympics.


President: Gavin McCullough

Advisors: Jessie Mao and Kevin Moore

The ASABE student club kicked the 2022-2023 school year off with a back-to-school picnic at Couch Park. This allowed new ASABE members to interact with their peers and others in the department. ASABE held biweekly meetings hosting speakers from NRC, Kimley-Horn, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the BAE senior class where students shared their career and professional experiences. Outside of professional development and networking, ASABE members participated in civic and social activities throughout the semester, including Harvest Carnival, Homecoming Sign Competition and Window Painting, Into the Streets, and Dean’s Volleyball. In addition, ASABE sold BAE departmental apparel as a fundraiser, where pokes could purchase hats, polos, and pullovers through an online store. We also helped Cowboy Motorsports sell pulled-pork sandwiches at OSU’s Homecoming Walkaround. In the coming months, ASABE members are gearing up to host the annual Student Awards Banquet.

Cowboy Waterworks with their first place fountain design at ASABE in Houston, TX. Dr. Kevin Moore and students enjoying the backto-school picnic
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Addie Duling and Kennerly Holloway with the “Keys to Success” tree that Alpha Epsilon created for the Ferguson Christmas tree decorating competition.

The Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) depends upon the generous gifts of alumni, emeriti faculty, family, friends, faculty and staff to help fulfill our goals in educating the next generation of Biosystems Engineers and Agricultural Systems Technologists.

Support we receive from our valued donors enables us to continue providing quality programs and experiences to our students. With ever-increasing costs of higher education, student scholarships and funding become increasingly more important. Donations big and small can allow acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment and resources for instruction and research, fund student activities, enhance our facilities and elevate professional development within BAE. We are fortunate to have endowed scholarships in the names of our emeriti faculty, alumni, family and friends that are consistently funded through our donors.

Joining our family of annual donors offers opportunities for students to pursue degrees in Biosystems Engineering and Agricultural Systems Technology. It also allows BAE to be successful in offering curricula and supporting initiatives we can continue to be proud of and that will have lasting positive impacts. Our annual donors help ensure a lasting legacy. Please consider becoming a part of our recognized Friends of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering where we can celebrate contributions and the wonderful achievements you help stimulate. To donate, visit or from there select “Discover More Orange Passions”--”Biosystems”

New Orange Passions in 2022

Ron & Judith Elliott Endowed Scholarship (21-00190)

Biosystems Engagement & Support Team Honorary Award (21-60260)

BAE Endowed Discretionary Fund (21-70260)

BAE Graduate Support Fund for Sustainable Ag, Natural Resouces and Food Systems (21-04570)

Support of BAE comes in both dedication of time and donations. We thank you for your continued generosity!


Friends of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering


Spirit Rider

Don & Kim Yarbrough

Pistols Firing

Lawrence & Karen Betche

Larry & Terri Billen


Brightest Orange

Lieu R. Smith

Bill Petermann

Spirit Rider

Lawrence & Karen Betche

Jim & Judy Loftis

Mary Elizabeth Mach

Pistols Firing

Larry & Terri Billen

Tom Rains

David & Debbie Campbell

Ron & Sharon Morgan



Loyal & True

Lou & Deborah Solie

Barfield Family

Gregory & Kristen Hart

Oklahoma Assn. of Electric Cooperatives Inc.

Oklahoma Grain & Feed Association

Ron & Sharon Morgan

Fred & Leatrice Bouse

Scott & Melissa Eisenhauer

David & Sandra Epperly

Ray & Sandy Huhnke

Tom Rains

Jodie & Roseanna Whitney

Loyal & True

Tom & Jan Haan

Brian & Staci Thomas

Oklahoma Assn. of Electric Cooperatives Inc.

Heath & Mary Campbell

Ray & Sandy Huhnke

Ron & Judith Elliott

Terry & Marie Barefoot

Fred & Leatrice Bouse

David & Sandra Epperly

Jodie & Roseanna Whitney

Dean & Sharon Yoder

Spirit Rider

Larry & Terri Billen

Don & Kim Yarbrough

Pistols Firing

Ron & Judith Elliott

David & Debbie Campbell

Greg & Kristen Hart

Loyal & True

Tom & Jan Haan

Jodie & Roseanna Whitney

Tom Rains

Jim & Judy Loftis

Terry & Marie Barefoot

Christine Altendorf


David & Sandra Epperly of 12/31/22
Since July 2020
@BAEOkstate @baeokstate Biosystems Engineering at Oklahoma State University

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