Free Ping Sites

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Free Ping Sites Why use free ping sites in your seo, for your blogs? Pinging your blogs is a quick way to get indexed by the search engines. Pinging your blogs and posts on a regular basis keeps Google comming back to craw your site and that will help your site get higher ranking with the search engines.

Don't over ping, that can hurt your site. When you post new content on your blog or you made some changes to your seo, or added some images or what ever you should ping your site and or pages and posts. I ping my blogs every 3 days, I also have a word press plugin from that auto pings my new posts and pages. You can also go to and use their free pinger. If you aren't pinging your sites you're killing them, it only takes a short time to go to these free ping sites and copy, paste, and click your information, and your done. Here is a list of some great free ping sites, that should be in your seo arsinal. I hope you use these sites, they got me indexed on google over 200 times in under a month, and my site is now getting free traffic.

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