Backup_2016 Catalogue

Page 1


CONTENT Hauptbahnhof

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20 backup.award Jury 21 Schwarz 24 Lila 32 Pink 40 Grün 48 Blau 54 Rot 62 68 clip.award Jury 70 Orange 72

Park an der Ilm


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Prices Program Greetings backup_festival E-Werk Weimar The Other Music Academy [OMA] 18 Eckermann Buchhandlung 19 Bauhaus-Universität 3 4 12 15 16 17

124 bauhaus.films 138 140 backup Opening Program NTU Singapur 142 Special Program “Fearless” 144 Special Program “Horror and Trash Night” 146 149 Latin 153 156 Special Program RFC Madagaskar 157 backup.meets Hubert Sielecki





80 Jakobsplan 1 81 Karl-Haußknecht-Str. 11 87 Jahnstraße 11 93 Geleitstraße 4 101


Jahnstraße 13


162 bckp bckp concert 162 bckp lounge 164

106 Szenographie

165 Poster Competition

108 Weimarer Poetry Film Prize Jury 110

168 Acknowledgments


(Karl-Haußknecht-Str 11)

118 backup.connect

160 backup.meets Zata Banks 162 Prize-giving Genius Loci

172 Imprint

PRICES BACKUP.AT.HOME The dice decide! 2€ | 1€ | 0€



DAY TICKET 12€ | 10€ reduced

FESTIVAL PASS 30€ | 25€ reduced


The opening ceremony, awards ceremony and bauhaus.films as well as backup.connect are for free.


PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, 18. MAY 16 18.00 19.00

Opening Program NTU Singapur (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Cinema concert: “Kids of Adelaide“ (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)

23.00 23.30


Opening Festival (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)

Lounge Wretch (E-Werk) Special Program “Fearless“ (Lichthaus Kino Saal 2)

THURSDAY, 19. MAY 16 12.00

Award PINK (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Award LILA (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Award SCHWARZ (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3) (Jakobsplan 1)


Opening Weimar Poetry Film Prize (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Special Program (Other Music Academy)


Award ROT (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3) Exhibition opening Gaswerk (Gaswerk) 20-24 H


Award BLAU (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Lounge Einfach Hören (E-Werk)


Award GRÜN (Lichthaus Kino Saal 2)


FRIDAY, 20. MAI 16 10.00 12.00 14.00


Colloquium “Ton und Voice-over im Poetryfilm“ (Eckermann Buchhandlung)“


Award LILA (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Award SCHWARZ (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)

Award BLAU (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3) Exhibition (Gaswerk) 12-20 H bauhaus.films (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3) 14.30 H


Podiumsgespräch “Lyrik im Film“ (Radio Lotte)

16.00 (Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 11)


Special Program backup.meets.Zata Banks (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Prize-giving Genius Loci (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3) Special Program Latin (Other Music Academy)

bckp Party Dead Disco / Dennis Calmer / Marcus Glahn (Gaswerk)


Special Program “Horror and Trash Night“ (Lichthaus Kino Saal 2)





Award ROT (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Prize-giving (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Exhibition (Gaswerk) 12-20 Uhr



Award PINK (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)

Lounge Miss Twinnedle (E-Werk)


Special Program RdFC Madagaskar (Lichthaus Kino Saal 2)


Award GRÜN (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)

16.00 (Villa, Jahnstraße 13)


Weimar Poetry Film Prize (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


clip.award (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3) Special Program (Other Music Academy)“


SUNDAY, 22. MAI 16



School Program “Young Talents“ (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Filmmakers Brunch (only with invitation) (E-Werk)


Special Program backup.meets.Hubert Sielecki (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


Exhibition (Gaswerk) 14 – 18 Uhr


backup.connect Kammer 11 Filmkollektiv (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)“

16.00 (Open Screening) (Hababusch, Geleitstraße 4)“


clip.award (Repetition) (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)


best.of.backup (Lichthaus Kino Saal 3)



Dear friends and creators of the backup_festival, this year’s 18th annual backup_festival with all its initiators and student helpers is the living proof that art, creativity and Weimar are inseparable. True to this year’s motto people of all ages, backgrounds and lifestyles come together in our city, FEARLESS and ready to shine a new light on the festival every year. For the five day duration of the festival Weimar will be a cultural melting pot of inspiring and brave cooperations. My thanks go to the Bauhaus University Weimar and the FILM e.V. and all organizers. I wish them success and the best of luck for the backup_festival 2016! Sincerely, Stefan Wolf Mayor of Weimar



Eight years ago the Bauhaus Film-Institute (BFI) was founded and integrated with the backup_festival, emphasizing the prominent position of film in media. This year the backup_festival will be taking place under the motto FEARLESS, which also describes the cooperation of backup and the film institute. Unafraid, the festival is constantly changing while still remaining a consistent place within the university and Weimar. I wish you great success and good luck. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Beucke Rector of the Bauhaus University Weimar



What is the festival about? It is about students of art and design programs and their films. Films like these are produced every day anew. Every day people set sail to reach new shores risking stormy journeys aiming to seek out new worlds. The American historian Daniel Joseph Boorstin (1914-2004) titled his legendary trilogy about scientific, artistic and philosophical history of humankind as follows: “The Discoverers” (1983), “The Creators” (1992) and “The Seekers” (1998). The backup_festival provides fearless filmmakers worldwide a chance to show their work as a destination inbetween destinations on their film related journey. Therefore the motto of this year’s backup_festival could not be more accurate. Backup 2016. A backup for disoverers, creators and seekers with the unexpected in sight. A backup in fearlessness for all of us! Prof. Wolfgang Kissel Director of Bauhaus Film-Institut of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar



The time has come again: From the 18th to the 22nd of May 2016 we warmly welcome artists and visitors to the international short film festival backup in Weimar. Become a part of the world of films, become a part of the world of backup. The short film festival has been convincing for many years, has always been characterized by its uncomplicated and fresh ways and atmosphere. Organized by students, this festival is full of new ideas and limitless creativity. Like every year, we do our best to entertain you with new thematic focuses, a new program and new artists. A lot of films were sent in and we proudly present you the very best of them. The films are distributed into different award programs where they will be eligible to win the corresponding price. Additional films can also be seen outside the scope of the contest. One such program is,

a special highlight which is presented in the private atmosphere of student flats. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the exhibition “ screen installation and monitoring” at the Gaswerk! Furthermore, backup. connect gives you a chance to take a closer look at the artist’s works through talks and presentations by industry professionals. At the end of each day, we have carefully organized bckp-parties where you can dance all night long to the music of internationally famous DJs. Feel the enthusiasm and experience of the art of film in a very special way. The backup_festival kindly welcomes you.





Weimar’s E-Werk is a space that has slowly grown since 1996 to be place of culture in Weimar. The charm of this space is partly due to the raw, makeshift and flexible industrial structures on the one hand and the people who creatively use these spaces on the other. The E-Werk premises have long since inspired artists and viewers alike thanks to its timeless experimental workshop atmosphere.

is our vision of a new kind of institution: an Empowerment Center. The goal of the OMA is an inclusive society, in which a broad diversity of people is invited to actively shape our culture and their individual roles within it. The OMA is committed to establish a critical, positive understanding of differences and diversity. OMA-projects redefine the boundaries between work, education and play. They render reasons and opportunities to inspire people from different backgrounds to act hand in hand.





Since 2004, the old Löschhaus is home to the Eckermann bookshop. The frame house is over 400 years old and thus one of the oldest in the market district. It is located in the heart of Weimar, in the historical district between the market square and the Herder church and invites to rummage, read and linger. The literary society Thuringia, which organises the events around the Weimar Poetry Price, is located in this house.

With faculties and areas of study such as Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design and Media, the Bauhaus-University Weimar has a distinctive identity. Today the University offers an extensive spectrum of instruction with about 40 courses of study, including fine art, design, web design, visual communication, media design, media studies, architecture, civil engineering, materials science, processing technology, and environment and management. The term »Bauhaus« stands for an eagerness to experiment, openness, creativity, and a close link to industrial practice and internationality.



The backup_festival 2016 in Weimar searches for short films from students and graduates of art, media, and design schools for its backup.award. It is the main prize in a competition that encourages new approaches to the medium of the film, offered by Sparkasse MittelthĂźringen. The aim of the festival is to support young talents in their effort to create new cinematic perspectives. One of the great advantages of the festival is that besides providing the opportunity to expand their work by offering it to an interested public, the backup_festival presents a chance to exchange ideas with other film-, design- and media artists, theorists, and producers to all those involved. Moreover, the backup_festival offers a variety of other awards such as the award


supported by Liquid Sound Club and the herzblut.award supported by Partisan with the goal of supporting young filmmakers. Upon arrival newcomers and those interested can reflect and deepen their skills by taking part in a combination of workshops and panel discussions with incumbents of the media industry. This year the festival will be relaunching an audience choice award: the backup.collaboration.award. By its funding alone this award shows the importance of networking and that big goals are easier to achieve as a team, especially if you are working in media. Through a successful crowdfunding campaign on Vision Bakery we were able to finance this award.


Benedikt Otto was an employee of the Saarland broadcasting company. After a transfer to the MDR he has been product manager for television. As chief editor for the student film magazine Unicato he worked closely with middle German colleges/university. Benedikt Otto, moreover, taught at universities in Weimar, Ilmenau and Erfurt. Since the opening ceremony of the BFI in 2008 Benedikt Otto has been an exceptional member of the BFI.


Sylke Gottlebe was born in 1964. From 1997 to 2001, she has been involved in several film projects such as FILMFEST DRESDEN or Filmnächte am Elbufer. In May 2002 Sylke Gottlebe started organizing and leading the new Bundesverband Deutscher Kurzfilm. She directed this organization until 2013. She has been a member of the administrative council of the ‘Filmförderungsanstalt’ (FFA) since 2004 and she is also part of the supervisory board at ‘German Films’. From 2008 to 2013, Sylke Gottlebe was a member of the jury of the Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM). She worked for advisory councils of several cultural organisations in Saxony as well.


Laura Engelhardt (born 1988 in Bremen) is a filmmaker and artist. She studied architecture and art at central saint martin’s college in London and at the university and art academy in Stuttgart. Since 2014 she studies territorial strategy at the art academy Berlin Weißensee and creates a number of films. In her cinematographic works she links a documentary-ethnographical with an experimental approach with an focus on the constructed environment, the construction of reality, image productions and balances of power. Her films were shown on several national and international festivals and received various awards.


1. Tears in Rain 02:17 2015 Jeroen Cluckers B KASK A visual poem, trying to capture the poetics of a cinematic rain shower into the structure of its images. ‘Tears in Rain’ combines the techniques of datamoshing and slitscanning, injecting noise into the images of the 1982 science fiction classic ‘Blade Runner’ mutating them into a new visual poem.


2. Lineage 03:20 2015 Olga van den Brandt NL Avans University of Applied Sciences Breda In a world where people are built out of wires everyone is connected to those they care for. A young child gets stuck when its parents drift apart.



3. Miles to Go Before I Sleep 13:18 2015 Hanna Hovitie FIN Metropolia University of Applied Sciences A young Congolese woman shares her story of becoming a victim of child trafficking and being thrown into a whirlwind between continents.

4. Anxeyety 05:02 2015 Arden Barlow US SMFA School Boston Different people from various cultural backgrounds, gender identities, ages, professions, and levels of social anxiety disorder are interviewed about their thoughts, fears and experiences concerning eye contact.


5. my sardasht 03:10 2014 Ziba Arzhang IRN Saba Cultural and Artistic Institute Tehran While weaving a carpet, Kajal shares the story of losing her family during the chemical bombings on Iran.

6. Armenian Papers 06:33 2015 Ornella Macchia B École Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et du Textile Roubaix At the market of Yerevan a merchant invites the viewer to taste his fruits and listen to his story. Accompanied by birds, the viewer discovers the life of this man full of the colours of Armenia.


7. Atlas of the Wounded Buildings 13:10 2016 Thadeusz Tischbein D HBK Braunschweig

9. This Is Where Wool Comes From 07:15 2015 J. Louise Makary US Temple University

In a big city bullet holes in walls and houses tell stories of destruction if one only takes a close enough look.

The choreographic vocabulary of a sheep being sheared provides the foundation for this loose fictional narrative that confuses the roles of dominance, empathy, and passivity.

8. meat & greed 03:44 2015 Sophie Bellmann A Die Graphische

10. Idee fixe 05:35 2015 Mikhail Gorobchuk R Russian State Institute of Cinematography

Ein KÜrper dient den Animationen als Projektionsfläche. This clay animation is a parable which reminds us that not every goal deserves our attention, energy and time.



11. Putain 05:15 2015 Cypria Donato B La Cambre A journey through the complex sensations experienced by six female characters in their daily life as prostitutes and the ways their bodies are involved and exposed.

12. Tränen trocknen 03:27 2015 Nico Schloß D Universität Flensburg Tina and Theo are caught between wet and dry, cold and warm, blue and red, between sadness and anger, hope and feelings of freedom.



1. Vogel frei 01:11 2014 Victoria Wandsleb, Paula Kemink D Hochschule Wismar A young woman grows wings and the world around her changes.


2. WHAT WEEE ARE 02:12 2015 Alessandra Turcato, Alessio De Marchi ITA Università di Torino ‘WHAT WEEE ARE’ is an ongoing, multifaceted socio-cultural multimedia project searching the deeper meanings of the world. A quest through waste and feelings and the richness of the earth, trying to untangle the intricacy of human kind: the so called society.

3. Sonder During End Times 05:50 2015 Stephanie Delazeri US California Institute of the Arts A kleptomaniac roams a shopping mall, encountering people and thoughts.



4. Panodraama 11:31 2015 Valentine Siboni F Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin Strasbourg

6. Die Brücke / The Bridge 04:00 2015 Meike Redeker D HBK Braunschweig

The audience is carried away on a boat. On their journey they encounter different explorers and question them about how they are planning to get to the unreachable South Pole. PANODRAAMA links Antarctica’s quest metaphor with another: the quest of transmitting an idea to an audience. In the video, the artist uses various ways of interacting with cameras in a space, seeking for the proper view.

Who once outgrew their children shoes will never be able to walk in them again. An constricting hunt in waddling gait in search of help - before the ice is melting.

5. Postcolonialism in 30m² 14:00 2015 Clara Winter, Miguel Ferráez E Kunsthochschule Kassel

7. Take me to Pemberley 02:00 2015 Daniela Zahlner A Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

She can’t stand the guilt of being European, so she decides to give herself to a person from the third-world and serve him. She starts to set up some well-intentioned regulations to his household, trying to convince him to live his life in a better way, developing hygienic, environmental and economical standards.


Mr. Darcy: synonym for the romantic hero since 1813. The character from Jane Austen‘s novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’ had three major movie impersonators– 1940, 1995, 2005– that not only inscribe him in pop culture, but also illustrate our capitalist notions of love and desire, gender duality and a wish to escape reality back to a pre-industrialized, pre-virtualized world.


8. The Three Spirits 06:00 2015 Olga Guse D University of Saratov

11. DVLottery 03:13 2015 Mohsen Zare IRN Sooreh Art University Tehran

Throughout his life, man has three basic feelings: fear, pride and passion.

During the annual online lotteries a lot of Iranians try to win a US green card. An eternal willingness for leaving, a perpetual passion for fleeing from home. Transformed into virtual beings, and melting into new and strange sceneries of dissolving “estrangement”- turning into a picture and never turning back.

9. Celebrities Aren‘t People (Magnificent Kaaboom!!! 2) 09:25 2015 Zachary Whitmore US La Grande, Oregon ‘Celebrities Aren’t People’ provides a polite social commentary and a vaguely erotic snapshot of popular culture in modern day America, all the while maintaining a message, whatever that may be. 10. Summer 2K15 03:00 2015 Henry Chaisson US Brown University Providence

12. Sleepwalkers 01:38 2015 Altea Claveras GB University for the Creative Arts Farnham 7.125 billion people live on Earth. How many of us are truly awake? A film about doing exactly what you’re told.

What did you acutally do last summer? ‘Summer 2k15’ presents a panoramic view on the American summer’15-picture represented in the media.



13. iNTERFACE 02:28 2015 Mel Hsieh US Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design London This animated film represents the idea that digital media is like a transparent, thin layer of skin that shields our self-perception, and also the ability to transform and change. The message is clear: “the best interface is no interface�.


14. Holz Ist - Utopia Planitia 03:30 2014 Wilm Beckhoff, Moritz Koch, Luis Kucharski, Johannes Walenta D Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle What happens if we create our own universe and dive in?



1. Ratio 02:04 2014 Murat Sayginer TRK Lycée Francais Charles De Gaulle Ankara A sphere made of mirrors fuses with self-willed rocks to form a bust.



2. R.P.M. 2 02:49 2014 Ryan Fox US University of Dayton A kaleidoscopic video experiment utilizing the rotations of a car tire.

3. Ginny 05:00 2015 Susi Jirkuff A Hochschule für Gestaltung Linz The sharply outlined cement monsters of Ginny’s universe stand in close proximity, yet they remain at a distance that invites thoughts of transcending social status.



4. Splinters 06:43 2015 Jerker Beckman FIN Stockholm University

6. Those Drawn Alive 06:20 2014 Jukka-Pekka Jalovaara FIN Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki

A poetic visual musing on urban life.

5. Cumulus 11:36 2015 Hector Delgado PER Centro de la Imagen Lima Accumulation of tangible or intangible things, especially when superimposed on others in space, in time or in oneself. Seeing the day to day through the eyes of a child. A video gaming enthusiastic child living outside the city with his family. After a journey into the woods he will witness an unprecedented event. Will this be a dream or an event taking him into a new direction?

Autumn provokes a stinky mood. This is caused by the loss of light. Last summer the radio played a tune called “ The House of the Rising Sun “. And suddenly there was, on a wintery road, in very low light an impossible opponent - Lee Van Cleef.

7. The Voyage 11:03 2015 BJ Formento US Academy of Arts University of California Displacement, cultural migration and memory are central to the theme of this poetic short film. As reality weighs heavily on our conscience, stirred up by the inundation of horrific narratives and footage. Refugees abandoning the ills of their long loved countries delving into the brutality of the unknown.



8. Mourning 03:30 2016 Franka Sachse D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar A little boat sailing across the ocean- lonely and lost. Humans end in smoke, die and are blown away - and nothing happens: the boat keeps sailing lost on the ocean. Two people reach the mainland.

9. POP 04:30 2015 Henry Bullen AU RMITUniversity Melbourne ‘POP’ is a psychedelic story of an old man’s ghost, who completely ignores other’s discomfort in order to escape from the physical realm. Through possessing both his old folks home nurse and a telekinetic spirit bounty hunter, Gramps’ ghost searches for a device which will transport him into a new dimension.


10. Salted delicacy 03:40 2015 Laura Nicolas B La Cambre A delicious defense in favor of the booger. It might even convince the most disgusted ones.

11. Eddy ist ein Champion 01:36 2014 Daniel von Bothmer D Kunsthochschule Kassel The animated shortfilm tells the odd story of a night in the life of Eddie aka. “The big German stone block”. He wins a fight, gets a blowjob of a prostitute and gets recognition of his buddy.


12. Comme il faut 02:49 2015 Michelle Molad-Or ISR Israel Animation College Lucy is married to a conservative and patriarchal man who was chosen for her. She lives a suppressed and unhappy life, consisting solely of fulfilling her duties as wife. At a turning point she decided to break out of her cage and pursue a new life.

14. Lalutte 01:43 2015 Hong Gah Yain SIN LASALLE College of the Arts During a trapeze number, two acrobats get into a fight. Accompanied by the well known ‘Hungarian Dance No. 5’ by Johannes Brahms, the dispute is displayed in a humorous way.

13. TripBook 02:22 2014 Nicolas Bianco-Levrin F Duperré Art School Paris A little pirate is catapulted out of a little flip book universe into the real world. Immediately upon arrival he is chased by a giant hand. When the pirate reaches the end of a wall he has nowhere to go so he decides to jump. Can he escape?



1. Vorort (Suburb) 08:05 2015 Laura Engelhardt D Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin



In the film ‘Vorort’ (Suburb) the filmmaker portrays her own hometown which has changed over time from a rural village to an accumulation of new housing settlements. Open fields have to make way for new standardized houses. Big billboards advertising new construction projects keep on emerging. It is a film about childhood memories, the increasing urban sprawl and the disappearance of the real.

2. Kammermusik 07:22 2015 Katharina Blanken D Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf ‘Kammermusik’ is an audiovisual building sound portrait which creates an interplay of the parallel worlds of music, architecture and filmmaking. Musicians practice at night, inside the building of their music school. Seen from the outside the windows light up every time they play their instruments creating a visual mosaic of light and shadow.



3. Nation without ink 09:45 2015 Adam WIradi Arif INO Academy of Communication, Bina Sarana Informatika Cengkareng


5. Spazio-Tempo: White Hole 07:50 2014 Roberto D‘Alessandro F University of the Creative Arts Canterbury

A young man is on the search for a job. Hoping to succeed this time he makes his way to another job interview. But all his hopes are destroyed again. His destiny does not lose hold of him. In Indonesia work is the only key to survive - in a nation which does not give securities on paper. A nation without ink.

A journey in which pixels, shapes and colours obey to a quantic order, statistically random, revealing an almost alien landscape. Shadows and lights fight in order to create visual probabilities.

4. The old man and the Bird 07:04 2015 Dennis Stein-Schomburg D Kunsthochschule Kassel

6. In The Waves 05:30 2015 Ying-Fang Shen US Virginia Commonwealth University

An old man lives alone in a solitary hut in the forest. The winter is so cold that he can barely move his limbs. He sits calmly beside the window when a bird flies against it and falls down to the ground. Briefly he pauses for thought but then he fights his way outside. Out in the deep snow his strength begins to fail but as he takes the little bird in his hands everything changes. New life returns to the old man. Or is this just one last memory?

This is an animation film that narrates the beginning of a living organism through the perspective of a microscope.


7. Mila Fog 11:00 2015 Marta Prokopová SLO Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava Inspired by her own life the filmmaker of the animation movie reflects the view and fears of young people on today’s life. Frustrated of living in a stereotypical society and in search of a place where they belong. The globalized world opens infinite opportunities, but at the same time it creates a feeling of loneliness and emptiness.

9. Feuer Wasser Erde Luft und Zeit 03:51 2015 Maria Reinhardt-Szyba D Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel In a slightly surreal scenery, two figures move through time, one forward and the other backward. Nevertheless, they communicate with each other and swap things. Ash turns to paper, water flows upwards. This all happens in a way that does not always allow the viewer keep track of time.

8. Circle 11:17 2015 Alexander Heringer D Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart The film tells the story of a young woman who after experiencing a tragic loss tries to escape the cruel truth of the present by losing herself in seemingly perfect memories of the past. A constant inner struggle emerges between past and present, distorting her perception of reality.



1.Vehicles 09:40 2015 Matthew Schoen CDN Montreal Music Conservatory


‘Vehicles’ is a video and sound work in which an imagined structure is revealed from its smallest components to the larger and more complex entities they compose. The accompanying music and sound reinforce a narrative ranging from a place of intimacy to a growing vastness, while echoing the visual content of the video. This work is loosely inspired by the essay ‘Vehicles’ written by the cyberneticist Valentino Braitenberg.

BLAU 2. Origine(s) 04:00 2015 Damien Molineaux F/CH A man from Quebec walks along a beach of Normandy. In the background the rhythmic sounds of a cajon combine with the noise of the ocean. A film about discovering oneself and the question of a man’s origin.



3. GIRL PLAYING 05:48 2015 Nellberth Córdova VEN Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela Several sequences lay next to and on top of each other and show a scene on the beach from diverse angles.

4. BAKHYT 14:35 2015 Ruslan Bekshenov, Aleksandr Amulin RUS Ural Federal University Ekaterinburg In an empty factory building Bakhyt and Samira meet day in, day out since their job is to keep everything clean. But Bakhyt soon realizes that he wants a completely different life. When he finally takes up the courage to come in contact with Samira, she reacts unapproachable. But according to the laws of micro- and macrocosm the characters move toward each other.


5. My Queen 08:00 2015 Tim Verhaegen B The School Of Arts Ghent A house has been unoccupied for years. For the director it was a trove of memories. Change is coming and he captured its last moments on film.

7. copy complete 08:23 2015 Maria Auerbach D Hochschule für Graphik & Buchkunst Leipzig The experimental film ‘copy complete’ deals with the depiction of the computer in the cinema of the 1970s, 80s and 90s. A collage is made of sequences of pre-millennial cinema films and takes the viewer along on a journey to the beginnings of the digital era.


8. Resolve to be Ready 07:25 2015 Eugene Sun Park US University of Pennsylvania Based on a public performance by artists Sara Zalek and Ginger Krebs this film invites the viewer into a bustling public space filled with commuters. The space becomes subtly charged by the presence of a mysterious person in black who lurks around and then drops an unmarked black duffle bag on the sidewalk in plain view. What is the appropriate reaction? Alarm? Fear? Humor?

9. PLASTIC PARADISE 02:27 2015 Lotte Mueller D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar The experimental film plays with the inside and outside of the human body. Certain sounds amplify certain sensations that cannot be seen from the outside.


10. BLAU 03:08 2015 Natalia Jobe A Kunstuniverität Linz A woman uses a swimming pool without water in the same way as if it was filled. Through this an absurd situation is created, which puts the desolate room into a new context.

11. Nadir 05:06 2015 Lorène Yavo B La Cambre A traveller starts a journey into a dark and dangerous underwater world. After all, he manages to escape from the risks by becoming a part of the marine surrounding.


12. Fay 02:50 2015 Sabine Volkert D Augsburg University of Applied Sciences Sound by sound and frame by frame abstract audiovisual worlds are created. They tell of a journey of self-discovery, acceptance and growth.



1. Descent 04:55 2015 Antoine Marc, Drew Cox GB Université Lumière Lyon A man crawls to his death. Spilling out the essence of life, he envisions vivid memories to accompany his decline. The short film was filmed in the iconic location of the feature film ‘The King’s Speech’.



2. Lucidity 04:23 2016 Michael Janke CDN Southern Alberta Institute of Technology A young woman lost in her subconscious is searching through her memories looking for something familiar to wake her up and bring her home.



3. Fische 15:14 2015 Sarah Schreier D Bauhaus - Universität Weimar The film tells the story of a 16-year-old girl looking for comfort and safety.

4. The Betrayal 05:40 2015 Susan Young GB Royal College of Art London A disturbing film about a doctor-patient relationship that goes catastrophically wrong. Legal texts and medical records interwoven with pulsing pills tell a story of addictive, emotional enmeshment.

5. Beat in the Forest 05:21 2014 Adi Goral ISR Tel-Hai Academic College Israel

6. To the Stranger who Meets Me in the Darkness 04:05 2015 Po-Yen Wang CHN Taipei National University of the Arts The film is composed of a series of settings that reflect the suppressed and mysterious emotional states of male homosexuals. These dark and private settings seem to offer a sense of security, providing a feeling of belonging, a sense of home to those male homosexuals that are rejected by the heteronormative society.

7. Waelder - In 04:43 2015 Johannes Plank D Universität der Künste Berlin The sound of the duo WÆLDER is ambient, Lo-Fi electronics and post-dubstep. The sound is heavy and gloomy. The video for ‘In’ supports this impression. A little dark, a little bit weird, but also very interesting

An old and dedicated forest ranger, living in a magical heart-beating forest, fights against dark forces to keep it alive, until his last breath.



8. TIMIDSUCTION 04:20 2015 Kadesha Drija GB University of Westminster London

10. In Other Words 05:45 2015 Tal Kantor ISR Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem

‘TIMIDSUCTION’ is a 2D, hand-drawn animation short tackling everyday experiences of unhappy couples. Adopting a darkly comical tone, it depicts a growing domestic malaise within an ageing relationship.

A man recalls a moment of lost opportunity to communicate with his daughter. Their brief meeting after years undermines his world and renders it meaningless.

9. I ♥ Jesse Eisenberg 07:00 2015 Felix Leffrank D Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig The filmmaker tells the actor Jesse Eisenberg, hero of the movie ‘The Social Network’, about his researches on acting and authenticity.

11. Ruben Leaves 05:00 2015 Frederic Siegel CH Hochschule Luzern - Design & Kunst On his way to work, Ruben is haunted by imaginations caused by his obsessive compulsive disorder. 12. Rosso Papavero 05:15 2015 Martin Smatana SLO Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava Once upon a starry night, a small boy with a head full of fantasies witnesses dreamlike circus performances.





The groundbreaking character of music videos and music television on contemporary artwork and aesthetics even as far as Hollywood cinema dates back to the 1980`s. However and despite of all discussions about its end, the backup_festival still regards the music video format as a vital and popular field of experimentation for the continuation of film. The clip.award offers a forum with this idea in mind. We are looking for music videos which create unique combinations of music and motion picture through the employment of different media techniques. The aim is to make pictures audible and sounds visible in a special way. The winning video will receive the “backup.liquid.”, offered by the “Liquid Sound Club”. “Liquid Sound Club” features talented artists playing contemporary electronic & ambient music above & under water. Come to “Liquid Sound Club” every first saturday of the month, 9pm until midnight, at the Toskana Therme Spa venues in Bad Sulza, Bad Schandau and Bad Orb.



Daniel Pfeiffer was born in Mainz in 1968. He studied economics, theater and film studies and political science. From 1992 to 1995 he additionally completed an apprenticeship in drama and ballet and graduated from the Fachhochschule für Gestaltung Mainz as Dipl. Mediendesginer in 2004. Since then he has been working as a director for documentaries and other TV programs. Daniel Pfeiffer is currently working on a new short film project as well as on a documentary for the German and French channel ‘arte’ and on a portrait of Komet-Bernard. Daniel Pfeiffer lives in Wiesbaden.

Claudia Köcher was born in Weimar in 1984. She completed an apprenticeship as graphic design assistant and then started working for several theaters such as the Deutsches National Theater. Claudia Köcher was a fashion stylist at the Musik Fernsehen until 2008, then she founded her own label ‘Die Zwillingsnadeln’. She now works for music bands and artists as well as for film, photo and theater productions. Besides that she occasionally puts on records for R&B events.

Kai Stänicke was born in 1986 in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. While studying film and TV production in Dortmund, he directed his first short films. After receiving his diploma, Kai Stänicke worked for X Filme Creative Pool in Berlin and on set of various productions as assistant director and set manager. Since 2011, Kai Stänicke has been producing and directing films and music videos in Berlin.




1. The Great Filter 04:55 2015 Dan Bowhers US Clark University Worcester Various patterns and shapes from nature and the universe combine to form unique images. A seemingly harmless play of contrasts between colorful, almost dazzling sequences and dark black-and-white scenes eventually turns into the apocalypse. In the middle of it all: silhouettes of two men who are part of this unreal world.

2. Autogenic 03:45 2014 H. Prakash SIN Nanyang Technology University Singapore

3. Sizarr Scooter Accident 05:06 2015 Philipp Käßbohrer D Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln „Solitude is bad company, it had me mislead“ – One night, one action, one consequence. The song „Scooter Accident“ and its accompanying video stay true to the title and demonstrate how solitude, frustration and violence are not necessarily the best ingredients for a rosy future.

4. Leo Köppen - Low 03:12 2015 Leo Köppen D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar An experimental video with whitish, blurred images, mainly focusing on the singer: a tall, half-naked man, whose face and crouched body appear alternately. The fluttering images and the slow, drowsy rhythm of the music gives the viewer a feeling of numbness.

From the void of space, a cube structure comes to life.




5. N.I.K 03:43 2015 André Santos P Escola de Tecnologias Inovação e Criaçã

7. Paradox 03:38 2015 Serghei Chiviriga RUM Bucharest National University of Arts

The heart of a love song is found in the embrace of loss, in the masochist clinging to something we no longer have, in the preciousness of memory lined with grace and anger. Grief therapy is just the exorcism of the other. Unlike any other, Romeu Runa embodies borderline states of existence, extends that feeling to a point of winning life back. Blending beauty and discomfort into a poem that floats in space.

A singer is woken up by the sound of music. He proceeds to follow a trail which leads him through different places. The trail ends with a DJ who has previously been shown. An unreal room is presented in black and white.

6. Koniec pribehov 04:50 2015 Andrej Kolencik SLO Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava

8. Imaginary Pilot 04:10 2015 Alexey Tomilov RUS Moscow Architectural Institute

Koniec pribehov - the end of history. Gloomy black-and-white landscapes in the snow, bare trees, smoke rises. The atmosphere is dismal and mysterious. Who is hiding in the dark behind the trees? The prisoners get killed on a clearing. One of them can escape and the viewer immerses in his illusions.

Contact with people is dangerous, but avoiding it, one gets into situations even more awful: the people around start seeming ugly, and beauty isn’t visible anymore.


9. Leo Kinsky La Caresse 02:06 2014 Matthias Neumayer A SAE Institut Wien Most people are familiar with the ups and downs of a relationship. Deep affection and overwhelming happiness often lead to frustration and disappointment. Passion turns into everyday life, love turns into hatred. The music video ‘La Caresse’ illustrates the contrast of these extremes through the gentle poetry of a french chanson and the aesthetics of modern day film noir.


11. Der Springer 03:50 2015 Henning Frederik Malz D KHM Köln Intro. Rhythmic sequence of images. Guided by the music a journey through a sky of different colors and shapes begins. Some artifical, some natural. Some still, some animated. Clouds. Water. Rays of light. A pegasus. Eagerly making his way through the air. An angel appears. The journey continues.

10. BODY&SOUND 04:30 2015 Alberto Nacci ITA Academies of Fine Arts Bergamo and Brescia

12. The World Welcomes Fame 06:04 2015 Alexis Burlat B La Cambre

The music video by Alberto Nacci is not just a demonstration of the italian musician Sergio Arturo Calonego playing his acoustic guitar, but rather an intimate and sensual representation of the relationship between the musician and his instrument.

This film takes the viewer on a trip to a geometric universe made up of primary colors. A kind of virtual reality is established through the images and music, which is reminiscent of classic computer games. Just like entering the universe the viewer leave it through a single cube.


13. Baggage Man 04:30 2016 Matthias Gerding, Dennis Colquhoun D KHM Köln The viewer flies through a motionless world, whose objects are made of small white dots. He flies past and through trees, houses and people. The images are connected with each other and through the immersion into this environment the viewer gains small insights into dramatic experiences of different people.

15. Kristoffer and the Harbour Heads - When You Say Stay 05:33 2016 David Campesino, Sebastian Linda SE Technische Universität Dresden A young girl living in a forest diving to a city with her zebra. There, she discovers abandonned streets, walls full of graffitis and lonely, sad-looking people. Will the girl succeed in waking them up from their lethargic state?

14. Megaloh Regenmacher 03:31 2016 Till Krücken D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Megaloh makes it rain for his family, for the people who need him, for the people who believe in love and in music.




am Donnerstag, 19.05.2016 Jakobsplan 1, 99423 Weimar

1. 1 - 0 01:00 2014 Saman Hosseinpuor IRN Art University of Tehran A little boy has to sit in a chair, keep his head still and get a haircut. On the TV right next to him a soccer game is broadcasted. He quickly forgets that he is sitting in a barbershop. brings a selection of short films into the living rooms of Weimar. On the festival days, shared flats in Weimar open their doors to festival guests starting at 4:00 p.m. It’s not about having an ordinary DVD night in a living room atmosphere, but about reflecting on the questions that are brought up by the challenges of modern day film reception: Can films that are produced for the big screen also work outside the cinema? While they relax on the sofa, the viewers decide which filmmaker will take home the „backup. herzblut.award“ offered by Partisan Vodka. In this program you will discover unusual projection screens, decorations and culinary delights.


2. What if? 02:39 2014 Yentl de Werdt IND P.A.R.T.S school for contemporary dance Brussels This short movie is about innocent communication and body language. The story focuses on slum kids who are hearing impaired since their birth. Together, they share a little part filled with aspiration, hope and perseverance which pierces them from their eyes to their fingertips.


3. The one who tamed clouds 04:30 2015 Nicolas Bianco-Levrin F École Duperré Paris At the top of a canyon the old Indian ‘Flying Shadow’ teaches the young Nayati the ancient art of smoke signals. This is a meeting of two very different personalities. The boy’s hyperactivity upsets the calm of the old shaman soon causing disaster.

4. The boy in the Whale Suit 08:16 2014 Marie Toh SIN LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore We all see other people from our own perspective. Sometimes we see something in the other person that no one else seems to notice. Daiyu spends her days playing with her toy Godzilla on a balcony. Soon the boy in the whale suit who walks past her flat every day catches her attention. One day, she decides to follow the strange boy to uncover his identity and discovers the meaning of friendship.


5. Cradle 04:48 2015 Zanyar Lotfi IRN Art University of Tehran Technically the little girl simply just wants to do her homework. But when grandpa’s snores keep her little sibling from sleeping and it cries, things get a bit more complicated. But aren’t we all kind of the same while sleeping? She has a good idea!

6. Phobia 02:08 2015 Tymur Markunin CDN Sheridan College Ontario The story is about a little boy with a vivid imagination, which grants him access to every world he can dream of. It just shouldn’t start raining.


7. Mon Chéri 11:03 2015 Steve Bache D AIK Dresden On a hot summer‘s day, lonely Franklin is invited to play with other kids for the first time since moving to a new village. He counts, the others hide - when he finds them they are observing his mom threw his telescope. Franklin defends his mother and she is proud of her son, but things take a drastic turn. Once again Franklin finds himself in situation he shouldn’t be in.

8. Hassan in Wonderland 08:28 2014 Ali Kareem Obaid IRQ Academy of Fine Arts Baghdad What do children do if the world around them is corrupted by violence, giving them nothing to hold on to? Hassan and his friends play on a scrap yard. They shoot each other with weapons they find laying around - like adults in real life. Suddenly, real shots ring out.


9. Dyab 20:00 2016 Mazin M. Sherabayani IRQ Birkbeck University, London Dyab is a 12 year old yazidi boy. Together with his eight siblings and his parents he lives in a refugee camp in Arbat, Iraq. His family fled from the attacks by the IS in the Sinjar mountains. Dyab makes films and dreams of telling the whole world his and other refugee’s stories.

10. Copper wire 10:05 2015 Hasan Najmabadi IRN Iran University Of Science & Technology A boy collects wires to sell them. He urgently needs the money to rent DVDs. In order to get them he needs to overcome certain obstacles. All for films that captivate and fascinate him, they take him away to another world.


11. The Predators of Transylvania 06:25 2014 Julia Kolenakova SLO Academy of Fine Arts Bratislava Kids are followed by a werewolf. They try to escape from its large, sharp fangs by climbing a tree. The first rays of sun reveals that nothing is as it seems. It is worth to mention the fact that the director Julia Kolenakova is deaf and the music was composed by visually impaired Ondrej Rosik.

12. Soleils Welt 12:00 2015 Melissa Rothmann A FH Salzburg Soleil lives alone in a city with tall, jumping people until one day she meets a little green being.


Friday, 20.05.2016 Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 11, 99423 Weimar

1. White Collar 07:51 2016 Natalia Lampropoulou GRE Aristotle University of Thessaloniki In a cruel, but not so unlikely version of today’s society, citizens are willing to do everything for a job.

2. They will all die in space 14:56 2015 Javier Chillon E Complutense University of Madrid Two men are on a spaceship and awake a technician from his artificial sleep. He has to solve problems on the machine. It seems as if all passengers are in great danger. Mistrust spreads: what are the men hiding?


3. Finger 06:37 2015 Yuri Karabak UKR National University Karpenko-Kary Kirill, a factory lathe operator, arrives to work suffering from a terrible hangover and looks for the hair of the dog. As he doesn’t succeed in his enterprise, Kirill uses an industrial accident in his favor.


5. Sweet, Loving, Caring 05:42 2015 Emma Healy IR Limerick School of Art and Design This work is derived from stories of women who have suffered from domestic violence. Locked in a cupboard for hours, a woman is not allowed to use the bathroom. She has to pee in cups and dump them into the laundry sink.

4. Bystander Effect 09:32 2015 Matthias Neumayer A SAE Institut Wien

6. B. 15:00 2015 Kai Stänicke D FH Dortmund

A man is on the look-out for a victim. Within a couple of minutes, he chooses a young woman. He hunts, stabs and rapes her. Nobody helps and he does it only for the applause.

Between a cold relationship with K. and her feelings for another woman, shy and insecure B. is heading for a disaster. For too long she has suppressed her desire and lived a lie. But is it really too late for B. to follow her heart?


7. Muschi Chroniken 04:21 2015 Justyna Grzybowska D Berlin Technical Academy of Arts

9. Till jail do us apart 13:24 2015 Joserro and Mariana Emmanuelli PRI University of Puerto Rico

Two girls meet each other in a restaurant. When the two sit together one girl receives the image of a penis from one of her chat admirer on her smartphone. This and the clumsy gesture of the waiter, who shamelessly grabs his crotch in front of both girls, makes them wonder, what they would do if they had a penis and how it would be like.

Their love and deep religious belief, drive Joseph and Liza to kidnap a priest to marry them before they are found and taken in by the police.

8. Kosherland 16:07 2013 Pyotr Magnus LETT KHM Köln

10. Guantanamo Baby 03:00 2015 Dieter Priming D University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Austria

Somewhere in Latvia. On his release from prison debt collector Yaroslav Baturov meets a cop with clairvoyant abilities and gets involved in an extortion operation that takes an unexpected turn in Shlomo Rubinstein’s Jewish deli grocery store „Kosherland“.


This is the great story of a hero baby. Trapped and imprisoned it is trying to avoid another portion of green spinach in the arms of its over-caressing mom, only hoping for the big escape!


11. Bubbles don’t lie 04:58 2015 Stephan Etrych CS Prague Charles University Engineer Cmiral wakes up, washes his face and teeth in the bathroom and suddenly, a strange thing happens. A bubble like from a comic book appeares above his head. Number 6 is inside the bubble. Suddenly everybody in the world has a bubble, but no one knows the meaning of those different numbers.

Saturday, 21.05.2016 Jahnstraße 13, 99423 Weimar

1. Höhenrausch 02:00 2015 Christian Ruschitzka A HfG Linz A voiceover to various minimalistic animations on a postcard consisting of excerpts of a poem.

2. Herbst 03:00 2015 Meinhard Rauchensteiner A Universität Wien The director tries to teach Rainer Maria Rilke’s poem ‘Herbst’ to a stuffed animal.



3. Die Badewanne / The bathtub 13:12 2015 Tim Ellrich D/A Wien / Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg Three brothers want to surprise their mother for her 60th birthday by recreating an old photo. But they face a few challenges as they have grown up - more importantly: grown apart. A dispute aroses between them and their project risks to fail.

4. Schwestern / Sisters 06:00 2016 Oliver Haug D Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart

5. Wiedersehen 07:41 2014 Petr Eremin D Hochschule Mainz Two old friend meet again for a hike. Will they be able to settle their differences and find their way back to each other?

6. NUBUKE “A New Dawn” 08:00 2015 Bismark Aryee GH National Film and Television Institute – NAFTI in Accra Ghana John Ampao had built a life and and a business as an artist for himself, until one day he was diagnosed with leprosy. A film reminding the viewer that disability does not equal inability.

Two sisters have a tense conversation in a car. Maria wants revenge. She thinks that the only way to find closure is to either kill the man in the trunk or kill herself.



7. A Place to fight 14:17 2015 Matthias Lawetzky D, INO Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach A look into Indonesia’s underground. For centuries the cockfight has been part of the culture, existing between tradition and illegality. This documentary shows the struggles and emotional challenges the owners have to face.

8. Kratzbaum 03:16 2015 Simon Glass D KHM Köln The documentary musicvideo observes the everyday life at different cat shows around Germany.

9. Pawel The Polish Mouse Goes to The Moon 03:37 2015 Pawel Stec POL University of Silesia Katowice Pawel The Polish Mouse has a dream: to go to the moon. The only person able to help him build a rocket is John, his human friend. John agrees to help him and thus Pawel sets off on his journey to the moon. There is just one slight problem. 10. Landscape 03:00 2015 Germán Machí, Roman Aixendri E Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya The black-and-white film portrays a man vocalising his deep thoughts and thus sharing them with his dog. It is about the meaning of life considering its limits and absurdity.



11. I AM HERE Figub Brazlevic 04:20 2015 Maik Schuster D FH Dortmund

13. Ausstieg Rechts 06:22 2015 Rupert Höller, Bernhard Wenger A Filmakademie Wien

Figub Brazlevic is eternally searching for the right sound, the right groove. He doesn’t need much, his living room turned into a studio. The short movie portrays the life of the Berliner-by-choice, for whom music is central.

Look away or intervene? When a black man is victim of unfounded, racial abuse in a packed bus, there is only one passenger who won’t ignore the situation like everyone else.

12. The Pit 03:59 2015 Damian Vondrasek CS FAMU Prague

14. Only John Welles Wears Leather 10:40 2014 Jarno Harju FIN Lahti University of Applied Science

A young man finds a man laying dead in a pit. After his colleagues refuse to help him he decides to continue work and forget about the incident.

When a mysterious lady enters the office of detective Dick Hardy with a mission. Quickly things get intimate. After leaving the room the lady is shot right in front of the door. It turns out that John Welles, who was actually presumed dead is still alive. He kidnaps the investigator to hold him captive in his basement.



15. The Convicted 10:00 2015 Josh Mitchell US

17. Help 01:05 2013 Mahnaz Yazdani IRN University of Tehran

Dictorial addresses, great arms, expensive accessories and killing glances: the mafia boss scares people surrounding him. His accomplices enter the bar where beautiful southern women sing, they drink a double Whiskey and they are strained because they face a major task.

Do the demand for happenings and the pressure to documentate everything erase natural instincts and humanity? The animated short movie shows that it is time to think once more before pulling out ones camera.

16. Die Randgruppe 05:50 2015 Julius Grimm D Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München

18. ON/OFF 00:51 2015 Kuesti Fraun D

A group of suicidal people meet on a rooftop with the intention to jump. All end up their lives - more or less voluntarily. But one of the men only plays one game.

A man finds out how to control the sunlight by using the light switch in his apartment. But after repeated switching on and off, the world outside just stays dark. Sunday, 22.05.2015 Hababusch, (Geleitstraße 4, 99423 Weimar) Open Screening 102



E-WERK (Am Kirschberg 4)

Together with our partner LEMONAID we will be showing the project „My Utopia. Ideas for a better world.“ on screen at the festival’s main venue Lichthaus Kino in the E-Werk. For over two years LEMONAID and the FilmFabrique Kollektiv have been talking to a diversity of people about their ideas for a better future as part of the project: painters & musicians, scientists & activists, thinkers & doers- they all describe their personal utopia. These films can now be seen at backup as well. is an exhibition of artistic works whose presentation forms and methods leave the digital behind. The connection between people, nature and technology constitute the exhibition. Narratives, and digital works beyond the projection screen are combined in a spiritual net. invites you to experience the seemingly chaotic digital path in the light of monitors and projection screens together with the filmmakers. Through the hypnotizing technical and aesthetic trip one experiences elusive transcendental moments, and within them finds the unseen.


GASWERK (Schwanseestr. 92) TH 19.05.2016 20.00 - 24.00 H

And you can join us, too: enter the LEMONAID photo booth and share your idea of a better world. Post your Utopia GIF using the hashtags #meineutopie and #lemonaid on your facebook, twitter and instagram and get a chance to win tickets to exciting Future Conferences. We are looking forward to YOUR Utopia!

FR 20.05.2016 12.00 - 20.00 H SA 21.05.2016 12.00 - 20.00 H SU 22.05.2016 14.00 - 18.00 H


GASWERK 1. Three Dimension of Time 13:30, 2016, Pim Zwier, NL/R 2. Woman without Mandolin 04:40, 2015, Fabiano Mixo, D 3. Aufgelöst 04.03, 2015, Stefanie Weberhofer A 4. Freedom and Independence 15:00, 2015, Bjørn Melhus, D 5. Natural Attraction 05:18, 2015, Marc Zimmermann, D 6. Eau Vive - Conversation with a cinematographer 08:50, 2015, Khristine Gillard, B 7. Chaos in Cosmos 04.21, 2014, Duygu Nazli, TRK 8. alacritas 12:09, 2015, Joscha Bongard, D 9. Kin Kontempo 10:08, 2015, Renate Wembo Réré, KON


10. Online 29:16, 2015, Arijana Lekić- Fridrih KRO 11. Cities Potential Space 30:00, 2014, Gusztáv Hámos, Katja Pratschke, F/D/H/US 12. A Moment at Grandma‘s 07:27, 2015, Jannis Alexander Kiefer, D 13. Launch Pad for Consciousness 05:40, 2015, Ezry Keydar, ISL 14. Ars Natura Part III 08:07, 2015, Hans Leysieffer, I

19. Ant 15:09, 2014, Nacho Recio, E 20. Nazimova’s Dream 02:49, 2014, Lindsay Greer, US 21. Ichographs MdelP 04:23, 2015, Yiannis Kranidiotis, GR 22. The Words hear the Light 17:42, 2015, Diego Fiori, Olga Pohankova, A 23. ELLA 15:00, 2015, Alexey Taran, Carla Forte, US

15. Prehistorized 06:44, 2015, Eugene Sun Park, US

24. Novaciéries 16:43, 2015, Marine Brutti, Jonathan Debrouwer, Arthur Harel, Celine Ginoret, F

16. Pallasseum - Invisible City 25:10, 2015, Manuel Inacker, D

25. Metria 03:30, 2014, Melisa Aller, ARG

17. Cute as a Button 04:48, 2015, Marta Finkelstein, US

26. The Choir 10:00, 2015, Maciej Jarczyński, PL

27. Notes on the Trilogy of the Interspatiality of Love 10:45, 2015, Davide Crivelli, D 28. Arisen 10:04, 2014, Ben Dolphin, US 29. Arising 10:04, 2014, Ben Dolphin, US 30. On Arising 10:04, 2014, Ben Dolphin ,US 31. K.E.R.O.S.E.N.E poems from the planet 07:07, 2015, Jukka- Pekka Jalovaara, FIN 32. Peep 04:48, 2010, Wesley Leon Aroozoo, SIN

18. Cosmorama 07:55, 2015, Eren Aksu, TRK


SCENOGRAPHY Every year backup gives itself a theme, that is both an inspiration and limitation for the interdisciplinary artistic and creative investigation of the backup. team and connects all doings sensually and sensuously. In the year 2016 the theme is as current as it is timeless- “Fearless”: Fear has many faces. It can suddenly grab, paralyze and steal your breath away. It can creep up on you, silent and unnoticed- like a haze closing in on your soul. Fear is your companion, a constant shadow lurking in the background, sometimes affecting you more, sometimes less. As a child the feeling of fear could easily be conquered by the comforting words of our parents-today it takes a bit more effort to overcome. Existing without fear seems so much easier. No subconscious doubt, no mental strain. But: Can we even experience fearlessness, without having ever been afraid? What are we scared of? How do we overcome our fears and what is courage? Questions, that are not just directed towards every single one of us, but also build the thematic foundation of this year’s 18th annual backup_festival 2016.


Being fearless means to be aware of your fears and live with them, to not let them influence or limit you. We want to explore the phenomenon of standing up to your fear and as a result creating something great. We are going on an international search for innovative short films by students and graduates of Art, Media and Design Schools. Curious, excited, fearless.


WEIMARER POETRYFILMPREIS In recent years the poetry film has gained considerable importance. For the first time the backup_festival and the Literarische Gesellschaft ThĂźringen e.V. are following this development with a corporate, internationally advertised poetry film contest. Filmmakers were invited to submit contributions dealing with lyrical texts in a new and innovative way, mainly focusing on the creative dialogue between the two art forms, rather than the simple filming of the poems themselves. The goal of the contest is the long-term support of the poetry film in Thuringia and Central Germany.




Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel lives in Berlin and studied German, Romance and Media- and Communications in Mannheim. He works as independant research assistant at the ZKM (Center for Art and Media Technology) in Karlsruhe and has been the artistic head of the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival and film curator for interfilm Berlin since 2006. He has, furthermore, been working as media educator and has been involved in several film festivals as a jury member. Nancy Hünger was born in 1981 and studied liberal arts at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Afterwards she dedicated herself entirely to literature. She has received several scholarships like the Hermann-Lenz-Scholarship and Caroline-Schlegel-Scholarship, etc. She now lives in Erfurt as independent writer and author. Hubert Sielecki, born in 1946, studied at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna and at the Film Academy in Lodz, Poland. From 1982 to 2012 he taught at his alma mater in Vienna where he also founded the “studio for experimental animation film”. Foundations of “Asifa Austria” (1984) and film production company “Animotion Film Vienna” (1988) followed. Sielecki worked with many artists, musicians and filmmakers like Maria Lassnig, Ernst Schmidt jun., Zbig Rybczynski, Kurt Kren, Tone Fink, Valentin Oman, Gerhard Rühm, Antonio Fian, Wolfgang Mitterer, Maria Temnitschka and Jochen Kuhn. Since 2007 he has sponsored several film awards for artistic and experimental animation and short films in favor of young austrian filmmakers.


1.Continental Drift Bangladesh/Belgium 2014 6:16 Nayeem Mahbub Text: Nayeem Mahbub A man is haunted by his memories of war, border crossings, violence and asylum. He struggled to find his place in a foreign country and now rages at the cosmic cruelty of having gone through all this for his loved ones, who died crossing the sea before they could join him.

2. The Stone of the Olive Egypt 2016 4:00 Nissmah Roshdy Text: Saurav Dutt A young man struggles to stay attached to his homeland after war takes over his country. As he faces destruction and violence, the only thing that ties his spirit to the land is the olive tree.


3. Junges Blut Germany 2015 03:56 Sonja Rohleder Text: Norbert Leisegang

5. Sottoripa Italy 2013 07:00 Guglielmo Trupia Text: Julian Stannard

When a storm hits the world, it might be the best to just let go and drift along.

The film is inspired by the Poem, “Sottoripa” (1984), found amongst the stalls of the little streets of Genova. A casual descovery which has brought the director Guglielmo Trupia and the author of the poem Julian Stannard, to confront and remember the city to which both are linked.

4. Waves Norway 2013 02:06 Kristian Pedersen Text: Tor Ulven Everything disappears. Recordings of our voices will become archeological remains, and a spinning record yields fossil waves. “Waves” is based on three poems by Tor Ulven.

6. The Minute Colombia/US 2015 01:10 Adrián Suárez Text: Charles Bukowski

This short film is based on the interpretation of the poem “The Minute” by Charles Bukowski. Adrián Suárez translates the poem from the paper to the audiovisual genre with original aesthetics.



7. Matter of Fact Serbia 2015 03:00 Svetlana Maras “Matter of Fact” is a multimedia work. In essence, it is a musical project that has strong roots in the genres of cut-up composition and sound poetry. The lyrics are snippets taken from interviews made with artists for the purpose of the Seismographic Sounds Exhibition. 8. Apple – Enter – Escape Germany 2014 0:30 Claire Dorweiler Enamoured of an entity. Man? Machine? Digital? Real? To the point of crash? A short play with exPRESSions and opiniONs. 9. Zeitlicht Germany 2014 4:32 Betina Kuntsch Text: Kathrin Schmidt

10. Imaging Time Australia 2015 01:56 Jelena Sinik Text: T. S. Elliot Adapted from the poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T. S. Eliot, Imagining Time is designed in a split-screen format. The animation combines notions of the disruption of the everyday; magical realism and surrealism with the themes of isolation, introversion and passivity from the poem.

11. What about the Law South Africa 2014 03:14 Charles Badenhorst Gedicht: Adam Small This film is part of a series of short films of classical Afrikaans poems. This poem is an iconic work condemning segregation laws under Apartheid South Africa. It tells a story of a white woman who falls in love with a coloured man. It is a conversation between the woman, the man and the community about how the law is killing their love and ultimately takes their lives.

A mother, a father a child... a diva, a soldier, a dance... history, step by step.



12. An ordinary blue Monday South Africa 2014 03:21 Naomi van Niekerk Text: Ronelda Kamfer

The Abyss is a self-portrait. Diasporic, and future-now; it explores the theme of the identity as a Congolese-British Queer woman. The piece is based on a poem that I wrote shortly after having faced trauma as a result of homophobia from close family members. The Abyss, in short, is about embracing the darkness to survive.

This film is part of a series of short films about classical and contemporary Afrikaans poems. In the morning, a girl gets ready to go to school. In the neighborhood of the ghetto she lives in, violence is part of everyday life.

15. Srfaem Austria 2015 3:28 Jörg Piringer

13. LEERSTELLE Germany 2016 4:30 Urte Zintler Text: Hilde Domin


“Srfaem” ist eine visuelle Geräusch-Gedicht Improvisation. Jeder einzelne Buchstabe repräsentiert, kontrolliert und manipuliert einen live aufgenommenen Geräuscheschnipsel einer Stimme.

The film ‘LEERSTELLE’ is a poetic controversion with the topic of home and the experience of the outland as new home. Composed fragments of the poem of Hilde Domin and the consolidation and overlap of sketchy drawings, never completed, always the possibility of dispersing, describe the permanent search for an inner place of silent- a place of deceleration.

16. Steel and Air US 2015 03:34 Chris and Nick Libbey Text: John Ashbery

14. The Abyss Great Britain 2015 02:05 RezaKio Text: Christina Fonthes

Der Film “Steel and Air” zielt darauf ab, Ashbery’s Gedicht zu erfassen und zu steigern, mit der Aufzeichnung von einer Reise eines Mannes durch das Leben. Es geht um seine wundervollen, aber auch langweiligen Erfahrungen, die die Reise mit sich bringt. Und dann wird es sehr kühl.



Filmkollektiv Clemens Beier | Duc Ngo Ngoc | Christoph Eder | Till Krücken | Patrick Richter Wir machen Filme.

Clemens Beier was born in the German-Polish border town Görlitz/Zgorzelec in 1989. After graduating in Media Arts at the Bauhaus-University Weimar he started his studies in directing at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.

Backup.connect offers a platform for entrepreneurs form the media community and young, aspiring artists from the Bauhaus University Weimar. Invited media producers present their projects in a series of lectures. Backup.connect focuses on the economy and ways to support young artists. Therefore, it has a very special role within the program of the backup_festival. The students will be able to get an insight into working methods and successful strategies of professional companies. In addition to that, it offers a chance to establish contacts between students and the film industry. The aim is to facilitate the students’ entry into professional life. For the attending media producers, backup.connect enables them to recognize new innovations and trends. In a following discussion the audience can ask questions to the experts.


Christoph Eder, was born on the island Rügen in 1987 and grew up in Göhren. In 2010 he graduated as Audiovisual Media Designer and has been working as a freelancer since then. He has been studying Media Art and Design at the Bauhaus-University Weimar since 2011. Together with four other filmmakers he founded the KAMMER11 Filmkolletiv in 2013. Besides working in the field of documentary films he directs and produces music videos and commercial film productions.


Duc Ngo Ngoc Duc Ngo Ngoc was born in 1988 in Hanoi before moving to Berlin at the age of 5. From 2010 until 2014 he studied Media Art and Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Since 2015 he is enrolled in the Directing Masters program at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Till Krücken grew up in Berlin and is currently studying Media Art (B.F.A.) at the Bauhaus-University. He recently directed and edited music videos for artists like Teesy and Megaloh and is also known as the rapper “Dissythekid”. Patrick Richter is a filmmaker from Erfurt. His documentary works are often very personal. He received an award for “Best Contribution” in a German competition for short films in Oberhausen for his film “Neunundreißig” which was created in 2012 as part of his graduation work at the Bauhaus University Weimar. At the moment he is studying to get a Master’s degree and works as a freelancer for film- and video productions.


1. IMBISS 13:11 2016 Christoph Eder, Jonas Eisenschmidt D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar The documentary “Imbiss” tells the story about a greek family which runs a flourishing kiosk on the greek island of Lesvos. Their best customers: refugees from the war torn areas of the middle east.

2. Gesandte Ihrer Art 11:00 2012 Patrick Richter, Jessy Asmus D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

The documentary G follows a scientific taxidermist. Marco Fischer talks about our society’s lack of interest in the quiet disappearance of species. In his workshop he prepares each animal as an ambassador that can hopefully bring back the spirit of nature to the visitors of the museums of natural history.


3. Für dich bei mir / Margret and Helmut 30:00 2016 Clemens Beier D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

5. Martin Kohlstedt - EXA (Douglas Dare Rework) 06:48 2015 Patrick Richter D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Surrounded by the cheap housing estates in a German small town, Margret dreams of finally traveling the world, but her husband’s dementia makes this practically impossible. All life seems to have escaped his passive gaze, but Margret won’t give up. She is in search of her old, familliar Helmut, but during the fight for the future and the past, she is in danger of losing herself and increasingly gets lost in her own delusion. As the line between reality and illusion disappears entirely, Margret realizes that it is time to make a decision.

For the rework of his album ‘Nacht’ the pianist Martin Kohlstedt met different musicians to record his old tunes in a new way. Therefore, he came together with the english vocal artist Douglas Dare and both performed the song ‘Exa’ live at UT Connewitz Leipzig.

4. Ronny 03:20 2016 Duc Ngo Ngoc D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

6. Megaloh - Was ihr seht 4:35 2016 Till Krücken, Christoph Eder Deutschland Bauhaus Universität Weimar

The documetary photo film joins the alcoholic Ronny on his journey.




Bauhaus.films shows a small selection of outstanding work made by students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Traditionally, new and high quality films made in Weimar are displayed at the backup_festival. The program reflects the full range of artistic creation due to the education at the Bauhaus University in Weimar and gives the visitor a small insight into the variety of the student conception.

Re:MIX Bauhaus-University students of the field of study multimedia-based telling recorded three short tracks of the musician and DJ Marlow within the framework of the project “Re:MIX”. They explored the relationship between Sound and moving image. The tracks are part of the album “In the Backroom”, which is going to be released in summer 2016 from the Berliner recordlabel Sonar Kollektiv. Marlow uses the technic for sampling and remixing. At the visual level the students tied in with the usage of Found Footage and technics of the moving collage as well as in the LEGETECHNIK?. Short videoclips were the results and also an interactive work. Aline Helmecke took care of the project.


1. Der Albenbaum 16:13 2015 Maximilian Zwiener D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar The film tells the fantastic story of August, a mute boy who feels very lonely. One day, he encounters a bird who tells him the story of the Albenbaum, an old, magical tree. The tree is in great danger and the bird has come to ask August to help him save it. August sets off on a journey that will change his life.

2. Kontakt 08:51 2015 Jana Magdalena Keuchel, Holger Reissig D Professional Media Master Class Werkleitz In its apparent simplicity, an experience shared by strangers awakens a deep longing.


3. Farewell Scenes 21:34 2014 Alina Cyranek D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


5. Günter’s Getaway 04:10 2015 Scarlett Nimz D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Martha, Anneliese and Esther are almost 90 years old. Their passion lies in the theatre, where they act, exercise and laugh. Even though death and farewell, grief and perishability are part of their daily lives, taking on different roles and having fun motivates them to take an active part in society.

Günther is a 75 year old retiree who breaks free from his strict and stern father’s influence.

4. To the Sea 18:03 2015 Daniel Schulz D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

6. Palliative 03:01 2014 Anja Bauer D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

The future is bleak, the world has been devastated by war. Tristan thought he was the only survivor of this apocalypse. But then he meets Miriam, a young woman whose loneliness made her lose the will to live. Tristan decides to join her on a journey to the world’s end.

Dark clouds threaten to cover the blue sky. The film tells a story about loss and pain, comfort and personal restart. There are some experiences none of us would like to undergo. Yet, the final message of the film is clear: a cold, dark winter is always followed by spring.



7. Ortiz 02:50 2015 Erik Hölperl D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

9. Hidden Place 05:00 2016 Juliane Fischer D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Ruben Alcantara is forty years old. He tells us about his passion for a dangerous sport that he has been practicing his whole life. Adrenalin and freedom are part of the numerous feelings he describes.

To break free, to start over again. To take time, to figure things out properly, to rest and to enjoy rare moments. That’s what ‘Hidden Place’ is about. The film follows the Berlin based artist Christian H. over several months and shows how this project was made.

8. Walking & Falling 02:24 2016 Lida Ebrahimi D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

10. Elevator Kitsch 15:20 2014 Mirko Muhshoff D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

To fall down and to rise again, that’s how the filmmaker defines life. Making mistakes, missing opportunities and trusting the wrong people, these things happen constantly. But what makes us rise again every time we fall? The question remains unanswered.

Charlie is a young, unsuccessful screenwriter who vehemently resists using any clichés in his new script. After an unconvincing meeting with his producer Charlie decides to look for a source of inspiration in real life. When he suddenly finds himself blocked in an elevator with three other people, the young man experiences dialogues, emotions and stereotypes that could fit perfectly for his new screenplay.


11. Unwound 03:00 2015 Johannes Kürschner, Paul Stephani D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar A long time after the fall of the Berlin Wall two former East Germans, Ralle and Günther, meet again in Günther’s workshop. They drink beer, smoke cigarettes and talk about past times. Unfortunately, they realize that their new life is not as satisfying as they thought it would be. A story about fear, hope and loss of prospect.


13. I DO WE DO 02:15 2016 Olivia Sieranski D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar This music video shows that not just the music by Marlow is made out of small pieces that actually don‘t belong together. The video is inspired by this concept, it shows a crazy, small world pieced together by snippets of video and photo.

12. PERHAPS 02:05 2016 Maximilian Zwiener D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

14. PERHAPS 02:10 2016 Stefanie Wolf D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Each system has its rebels. Set in a relentless microcosm the film examines the fine line between misfit and insurgent.

The film is about a collision between two different worlds. One of them is rather natural while the other one is more artificial and mechanical. The main character is a robot that changes by the influences of both worlds until he has to give in to one of them.



15. I DO WE DO 02:22 2016 Scarlett Nimz D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

17. MIND 01:32 2016 Adam Streicher D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

In the middle of an endless desert, under the influence of unbearable heat, the viewer gets overwhelmed and eventually consumed by a hallucination.

Sometimes music can blow your mind.

16. I DO WE DO 02:23 2016 Jessica Hüttig D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

18. AND HIS MIND BLOWN 01:42 2016 Rico Sperl D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

The video shows a tribal dance depicting the natural circle of life. The movements of the dancer to the beat of the drums get interchanged by feral images of the hunt. The hunt ends in the death of the prey and the looming death of the hunter portraying the lingering call of nature itself.

‘And His Mind Blown’ is a music video which was created during the project module RE:Mix at the Bauhaus University Weimar. The video combines found footage material and geometrical figures that move, change and disappear with the rhythm of the music.


19. AND HIS MIND BLOWN 01:32 2016 Benjamin Voßler D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Slowly the viewer is introduced to a microscopically tiny world. He flies over mountains and through valleys, step by step he gets to know the area better with a torch. Somehow everything seems flexible and elastic. Entire worlds are moving and growing to the rhythm of the music.

20. I DO WE DO 02:20 2016 Jonathan-David Wedler D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar The track ‘I Do We Do’ (Marlow, Sonar Kollektiv, 2016) is built out of bizarre and strange loops, however, somehow sounding oddly familiar. The music video depicts the tension between everyday life, routine and estrangement.

21. I DO WE DO 02:23 2016 Mahsa Nejad D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar A ropedancer starts drinking and amuses with her movements. But drinking in this film is a symbol of the problems in life. Moreover, she should keep her hopes and balance in this situation. 22. MY THIRD EYE 02:42 2016 Thi Hong Linh Nguyen D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Demons covered the landscape with a black layer. The third eye appears. 23. AND HIS MIND BLOWN 01:35 2016 Ellen Neugebauer D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar This music video deals with the human being who wants to understand and form his environment. However, the limit of his imagination is defined by nature. Music: Marlow - And His Mind Blown.



24. I DO WE DO 02:15 2016 Juliane Schwabenbauer D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar A group of hikers stands on a hill waving to other people who love, care and look out for each other.

25. AND HIS MIND BLOWN 01:34 2016 Gianluca Pandolfo D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Scientists try to unscramble the secrets of the human brain. They measure brain waves to gain insights. The shown sequences in the film were generated with a neuronal network.

26. Where Have All The Flowers Gone 02:11 2016 Rob Schwarz D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ‘Where have all the flowers gone?’ is a music animation video about the rise and fall of the Kyara-Civilisation. The Kyaras are anthropomorphic beings living in a prehistorical environment. Their evolution is founded by the development of weapons and conquering the nature. Like a non stoppable train of war they are crossing the point of no return while running faster and faster to their downfall. All what is left are crosses and plants growing over the graves.

27. Installation Projekt „Re:Mix“ 2016 Stepan Boldt D Bauhaus-Universität Weimar The installation is about the interaction of the viewer with the music video. The visitors have the opportunity to guide the camera in order to change the viewing perspective. This way they can observe an initial 2D music video in an abstract 3D space.



BACKUP.AT.SCHOOL Special Program for students “Young Talents” The workshop event for young filmmakers is part of the festival, such as watching movies themselves. No wonder, since backup@school has already been awarded in 2013 as “Best Student Project” Thuringia by the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Association of German Engineers). For students of the 9th grade of the Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Weimar worked for the backup_festival to extensive media projects. 36 students were brought from 14 to 18 March 2016 from their classrooms in the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Bauhaus Film Institute premises. The professional management took over the teachers Mr. Mario Koch and Mr. Rüdiger Heerdegen and backup tutors for TV studio equipment and lighting design (Martin Saalfrank), stop motion and animation (Maximilian Zwiener, Catalina Giraldo Velez), radio / audio design (Arian Wichmann & Tina Wagner), 3D animation (Amr Kamel), computer science (Stefan


Hürdler), Photo (Michael Matthey) and documentation / Making-of (Wieland Mikolajczyk). The students worked in eight groups both in the studio as in television and animation studio, video interface, in the recording studio as well as in a team that documented the entire workshop. The groups rotated and learned every day in a different area. The project was carried out jointly with the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen (Political Education Authority of Thuringia). 1. Adventures of Malia 11:37, 2015, Shubhavi Arya, IND 2. Freitag der 13. 08:00, 2016, Rike Lehmann, Tim Jezirowski, Frederik Windhauer, Natalie Zimmermann, D 3. A little Daydream 05:31, 2016, Jessica Müller, Cedric Eckstein, Paul Hesse, Dana Ward, D

4. Smash 02:08, 2015, Sophie Weber, Leon Obendorf, D 5. Making of school 08:00 6. Conejo and Henry 01:56, 2016, Charlotte Siegesmund, Gina Ritter, Florian Ehrhardt, Catalina Giraldo, Ludwig Wehling, D 7. Behind the Rocks 05:00, 2015, Maia Costea, CDN 8. Upss 01:30, 2015, Group of authors, KRO 9. Run Run Away 04:00, 2016, Grete Elise Dauer, Jessica Müller, Sophie Schmiedel, Rike Lehmann, Moritz Taubmann, Cedric Eckstein, Victoria Härdrich, Paul Hesse, Tim Jezirowski, Paula Schäller, Simon Scherkus, Franz Schiecke, Dana Ward, David Wilz, Frederik Windhauer, Natalie Zimmermann, Franziska Lamers, Tom Lattermann, Sophia Schmitz-Riol, Martin Verbias, Philipp Wolf, Tim

Zöllner, Roxana Bán, Julius Beier, Luise Friederike Bleul, Hannes Hausmann, Richard Herzog, Leo Kilian, Jio Lee, Ludwig Lorenz, Jannik Marthe, Daniel Aaron Müller, Sarah Pietsch, Johanna Schonert, Agnes Weidenbach, D 10. The Sun Whisperer 01:00, 2015, Julia Polkowska, POL 11. Ich träume, Ich strebe, Ich werde. 07:08, 2016, Grete Elise Dauer, Sophie Schmiedel, Moritz Taubmann, Paul Hesse, D 12. Der Kongress 11:16, 2016, Ludwig Lorenz, Daniel Aaron Müller, Sarah Pietsch, Agnes Weidenbach, Mark Freyer, Jullien Holland, Martin Verbias, Roxana Bán, Hannes Hausmann, Leonard Mortag, D 13. Memories 10:05, 2015, Lukas Mohl, D 14. INSIGNIFICANCE /dRAW not WAR 05:40, 2015, Matteo Valenti, BIH, I


backup Opening Program NTU Singapur Nanyang Technological University School Of Art, Design And Media Singapore

The School of Art, Design & Media, briefly ADM, is part of the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and exists since eleven years. The students spend four years in the fields of film, animation, Visual Communication, Product Design, Photography and Interactive Media, and close with a Bachelor of Art. Recently, ADM also offers a Master. The most of the following films are emerged as so-called “Final Year Project�. They are bachelor theses, which were produced in the fourth year in a team or individual work.

1. Horizon 05:25, 2015, Benjamin Low Chern Long, Kamelia Umirah Binte Kamsani, Rola Lo Hsin Lin 2. The Beach Boy 07:48, 2015, Hannes Rall 3. Bubble 05:40, 2014, Lam Yee Shing, Quek Yu Lin, Poh Ya Ching 4. The Animals 06.18, 2014, Mark Wee 5. The Angel and the Swallow 02:49, 2015, Ang Si Hui Vellerie 6. The Girl and her Tail 02:19, 2014, Yong Jie Yu 7. The Octopus Lady 03.34, 2015, Amanda Wang Ziyan

9. Trolled 04:26, 2015, Tao Kai Yuan, Clara Lim 10. Downtown 01:32, 2014, Tran Nguyen Tuan Anh 11. MiMo 01:43, 2014, Chang Pei Yee, Oon Qian Yi Shannon 12. Autogenic 03:45, 2014, Prakash 13. Coldstream 01:57, 2014, Nicholas Chia, Yang Sishuo, Yeo Shiyun, Goh Peng Fong 14. Alucinari 03:06, 2015, Loh Li Wei, Chen Huitian 15. Pale blue Dot 03:59, 2015, Chin Li Zhi

8. Route 52 05:55, 2014, Jacinth Tan Yi Ting, Tok



Special Program “Fearless”


1. Hits like a Girl 11:11 2014 Harry Sherriff GB University of Central Lancashire, Manchester Metropolitan University

4. Golden 03:00 2015 Kai Stänicke D FH Dortmund.

7. Cinnamon skin 04:52 2014 Alejandro de Vega E Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid

2. KIRA 12:00 2015 Dilgesh Rojbeyani B Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen

5. Drop 09:15 2015 Yotam Knispel ISR Hamidrasha Faculty of Arts, Beit Berl College

8. COLLEAGUES 10:16 2016 Damian Weber D Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

3.RAZOR 09:02 2014 Rajko Ristanović SRB Academy of Arts Belgrade

6. Suitcases 02:40 2015 Leslie Pulsifer CDN Sheridan College

9. An Angel’s Tale 02:43 2015 Sara Boix Grau CDN 9Zeros. Escola d’animació de Catalunya

10. Agoraphobia 03:20 2015 Robert Gordon, Ryan Smith US El Toro High School


Special Program “Horror and Trash Night” 1. Once Upon a Time in the USSR 06:00 2015 Mikhail Zheleznikov RUS Saint Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television 2. Camera Iperbarica 11:00 2014 Maurizio Loi ITA Rome University of Fine Arts 3. ApeShit Bananarang 05:10 2015 Benjamin Allen, Ricardo Quinones US New-York University Tisch School of the Arts


4. Nobody Will Know 04:01 2015 GB University of Essex, Colchester 5. Exposure 03:30 2015 Ignacio F. Rodó E Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 6. Sweet Hollow 10:27 2015 Sean Lee US New-York University Tisch School of the Arts

7. Director’s Cut 15:00 2015 Pol Diggler E Escola de Mitjans Audiovisuals Barcelona

10. THE CLOUD 06:00 2015 Alfonso García López E Educated by Youtube

8. Helium-Baby 05:55 2015 Niko Kühnel D Johannes GutenbergUniversität Mainz 9. A Call in the Night 04:05 2015 Trifun Sitnikovski MAZ European Film, T heater and Dance Academy, Skopje



In this exchange program, we present six short films, including music videos, animations and feature films from Taiwan. Students from National Chengchi University and Fujen Catholic University produced these films. Collected and organized by Prof. Dr. Yae-Wei Wang and Hain-Ruey Chan. National Chengchi University (NCCU) is a national co-educational research university located in Taipei, Taiwan. The university specializes in arts and humanities, social sciences, management, politics and international affairs programs. Fu-Jen Catholic University (FJU) is a private, co-educational university founded by the Holy See. It is located in New Taipei City, Taiwan. It is especially known for its academic excellence in philosophy, communication, graphic design and applied sciences.


1. Still Water Chocolate Tiger 05:24 2015 Pei-Hsuan Guo CHN Fu-Jen University

2. 49 days 20:00 2014 Di-Nuo Huang CHN National Cheng-Chi University

3. Sound beyond Silence 09:00 2013 Chi-Liang Chiu CHN Fu-Jen University


4. Yu and Rachel 12:00 2014 Zi-En Wu CHN National Cheng-Chi University

5. Not There - Easy 04:17 2014 Pei-Hsuan Guo CHN Fu-Jen University

6. Dear John 33:16 2011 Jui-En Chang CHN Fu-Jen University


LATIN AMERICA. AT.BACKUP 1. Disgrace 02:00 2015 Carolina Queiroz BRA Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

2. Keep dreaming 06:00 2015 Juan Pablo Guadarrama MEX Vancouver Institute of Media Arts

3. GALAPAGOS, beyond the islands 07:00 2015 Manuel Mateo Lajarín ECU Universidad Politécnica de Valéncia



4. Catatumbarí 06:57 2015 Oriana Contreras VEN Universidad de Los Andes Mérida

7. Bullets of Peace 05:23 2014 Rodrigo Michelangeli CND York University Toronto

5. Death Forest 08:33 2015 Lorena Colmenares VEN Universidad de Los Andes Mérida

8. #YA 15:00 Ygor Gama, Florencia Rovlich 2015 ARG / CHI / D University of Buenos Aires

6. METRIA 03:30 2014 Melisa Aller ARG CIEVYC Cine y Artes Audiovisuales Buenos Aires

9. Outside 07:20 2015 José Permar MEX Universidad de Guadalajara


10. Marcus Crash 12:47 2015 Roberto Benedetti ARG La Metro Escuela de Comunicación Audiovisual Córdoba

11. The House Job 17:00 2015 Filippo Capuzzi Lapietra BRA Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado


1. Dancing in Saint Petersburg (St. Petersburg Travel Guide) 02:27 2015 Leonid Kalyadin RUS Russian Academy of Sciences

2. It’s ok 01:00 2015 Marat Narimanov RUS IPK TV i RV Russland

3. About the birds 07:00 2014 Marina Tolstobrova RUS Moscow State Conservatoire



4. G 13:40 2016 Roman Safin RUS Moscow State Aviation Technological University

5. Serenade 03:44 2015 Pasha Egorov RUS Russian Academy of Theatre Arts

6. The same blood 15:00 2015 Mitry Semenov-Aleynikov RUS Belarusian State Academy of Arts

7. Mokoi-Eden 02:32 2015 Anton Osipov, Olga Osipova J, RUS Russian Academy of Science


8. LESSON UNLEARNED 14\41 23:40 2016 Nina Vedmitskaya RUS Krasnoyarsk Academy of Music and Theatre Art

9. Ein Mann tut, was ein Mann tun muss/ A man‘s gotta do what a man‘s gotta do 07:30 2015 Benjamin Rost D Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

10. Moving in circles 14:26 2015 Maxim Dashkin RUS NYU Tisch School Of the Arts


Special Program RFC Madagaskar presented by Franka Sachse

In Madagascar - an island as big as France and Luxembourg put together - there exists only one film festival. The RFC (Rencontres du Film Court de Madagascar) is not only a platform for encounters between filmmakers, it’s also an opportunity for young people to learn about film. Once a year over 9 days a great variety of films from Madagascar and all over the world were screened alongside a broad program of workshops and lectures by international experts. Thus, the RFC provides significant resources to an emerging film community in an area of the world which does not currently have any film schools. The program is a compilation of 5 films that have been shown and awarded prizes in various categories at RFC 2015 or 2016.


1. Escale à Pajol / Stopover in Pajol 13:32 2015 Mahamoud Ibrahim MAD 2. Rog Zegwi Dan Pikan 04:06 2015 Azim Moollan MAD 3. Nirin 15:45 2015 Josua Hotz MAD 4. Anjara Paradisa 19:57 2015 Ketaka Razafimisa MAD 5. Rough Life 05:03 2015 Sitraka Randriamahaly MAD

BACKUP.MEETS HUBERT SIELECKI Hubert Sielecki studied at the school of applied art in Vienna and at the filmschool in Lodz. Since 1982 he teaches at the University of applied art in the masteclass of painting, animationfilm and tapestry with Christian Ludwig Attersee. Hubert Silecki is screenwriter, director, cinematographer, musician, audio engineer, actor,illustrator and painter in one person. He produces authorfims and uses mainly the technic of the animationfilm. For his work he received many awards at home and abroad. 1985 he got the funding price for cinema, 1988 the Viennale-Price and 1996 the first price for the shortfilm “Air Fright” at the Diagonale in Salzburg. With his film “Air Fright” he was invented to 37 international festivals so far. He produced eleven cinema commercials for the magazine “Falter” and many other productions for different institutions with his production company “Animation Films Vienna”. 19991 Hubert Sielecki has founded the filmgroup A.S.K. in which he’s working on no budget projects together with the artists Paul Braunsteiner and Luise Buisman.


SHORT & CRISP - Part 1 The program includes a selection of Hubert Sielecki’s oeuvre. An additional selection from the year 1969 to 1971, as well as some films by his film group A.S.K. can be found in Part 2 and yet another selection including short spots and documentaries of his collaboration with Maria Lassnig and Kurt Kren can be found in Part 3. Part 1 starts with animation films from the years 1983 to 1997, followed by a series of films from the year 2007, after texts by Gerhard Rühm and his voice, the co-founder of the Wiener Gruppe in the 60s. The film „Maria Lassnig Kantate“ (1992) is a portrait of the late painter which is entirely drawn, sung, written and displayed by the artist herself.


After that, short films that are the results of collaborations with musicians and writers are shown. After the series „glaubwürdige Texte“ („believable texts“), in which authentic writings from media, vernissages and interviews are displayed by the artist himself, we will wrap up/close with two films, again after a poem and a media text by Gerhard Rühm from the years 2014 and 2015. Almost all films are based on a piece of writing or poem, which shows the correlation of language and single motion picture film in an experimental way. In less than 80 minutes this program offers a diverse and entertaining showcase accompanied by explanations and personal stories of the filmmaker himself.

1. Nachrichten 02:30 1983

9. Levitation 03:00 2007

17. Der Kurator 03:50 2011

2. Air Fright 08:10 1995

10. Maria Lassnig Kantate 08:05 1992

18. Der Minister 02:30 2011

3. Buchfabrik 03:30 1996

11. Nitweitaget 01:10 1994

4. RaumaustatterStagl 04:00 2002

12. Radetzkyplatz 04:00 2010

5. Liebe TV 02:00 1997

13. Die Helden 04:30 1992

6. Ungleiche Brueder 02:00 2007

14. Österreich ! 04:00 2001

7. Lautgedicht 02:15 2007 8. Zahlengedicht 02:50 2007

15. Spur 03:52 2006

19. Der Prediger 02:20 2011 20. Trashy rausgepustet 02:15 2012 21. Dialog über Österreich 03:23 2014 22. Der längste Kuss 04:30 2014

16. Der Reporter 02:15 2013



A curated selection of short film artworks chosen for their alignment with poetic structures and experiences, and with the visual, verbal and aural languages of poetry in various forms. Parallax is the apparent displacement, or difference in the apparent position, of a visual object, when viewed along different lines of sight. In his book Transcritique, the Japanese philosopher Kojin Karatani uses the word ‘parallax’ to describe Kant’s shifting between contradictory perspectives. Kant’s “Antinomies of Reason” are contradictory propositions, which seem valid from their own perspectives, but which cannot be simultaneously true. Kant argues alternately from one perspective, then from the other, and Karatani describes Kant’s approach as establishing a parallax between philosophical positions. Karatani asserts that parallax does not equate with negativity, but it does not negate negativity either. The basis of parallax is the positivity of both positions.


1. Spirit of Place 10:00 Oliver Harrison

8. Breathing 03:00 Guy Sherwin

2. Twelve Hours of Daylight 07:00 Bridget Sutherland

9. Eye 03:00 Guy Sherwin

3. Constellations 08:00 Julian Scordato

10. Our Bodies 02:00 Matt Mullins

4. It Started With a Murder 03:00 Susan Young

11. Talking Skull 03:00 David Asher Brook

5. Liberté 02:00 Maciej Piatek

12. Barattolo di Sale 10:00 PNEUMA

6. The Lost Reels 05:00 Matthew Humphreys

13. Growing Up 02:30 Eugeny Tsymbalyuk, Ksana Kovalenko

7. Everything Makes Love with the Silence 02:00 Hernan Talavera

14. Faster than Birds 03:00 Liliane Lijn


Award ceremony Genius Loci Weimar


bckp concert

Videomapping & facade projection festival

Backup will be hosting bckp_events which include concerts, lounges and a central party. Bands, live acts, DJ’s and VJ artists will be performing Wednesday till Saturday in various locations around town. The events will begin with Kids of Agelaide. The opening concert will be held at the traditional backup location Lichthaus Kino in the E-Werk. The highlight of these events will be bckp.2015 on Friday the 20th of May at the Gaswerk, which for many years has been known as a popular location for artists and party people. The will be also looking forward to further musical performances from Kids of Adelaide, Dead Disco, Miss Twinneedle, Dennis Calmer, Zine, DJ Wretch, Thomas Stieler und Einfach Hoeren.

Kids of Adelaide Severin Specht and Benjamin Nolle are the Kids of Adelaide. Their music is english folk, a mix of mandolin, harmonica, guitar and bass drum. Specht and Nolle began their career as street musicians; they finally released their first CD in 2011. Since then, Kids of Adelaide have been on tour across Germany several times, even making a night club tour in 2013.

Genius Loci Weimar is a festival for site-specific audio-visual art and interactive facade projections. The concept of the festival is to embrace the spirit of the location. This means the reinterpretation of the architecture, history and other visible and invisible layers of meaning of buildings, and the urban situation and the subsequent visualization of these ideas using the techniques of video mapping.


Dead Disco has been active in the german indietronical scene since nine years. Their music is a mix of indie dance, electro and pop. DEAD DISCO already played during the aftershows of Kakkmaddafakka, Frittenbudde and Egotronic. As part of the tour “God Save the Queen” & “Indie Heroes”, DEAD DISCO played in various german clubs such as Berghain Kantine in Berlin, Übel und Gefährlich in Hamburg and Atomic Cafe in Munich.

Dennis Calmer Dennis Calmer was born in 1990 in Flensburg. He began to take guitar lessons as a teenager and then played in several school bands. In 2006, Calmer discovered his passion for electronic music. Seeing artists interacting and playing in a Berlin club was the reason of his interest for vinyl and DJ culture. At the End of 2013, Dennis met Luigi Rossi, founder of “Together in the Dark”. Together, they began to promote this concept around Europe, creating several events. Thomas Stieler Born and raised in rural Saalfeld, Thomas Stieler has been making a nationwide name for himself as DJ since 2005. In 2014 he signed a contract with the Jena music label ‘Freude am Tanzen’. Today he plays his House and Electrobeats regularly all over Germany and also releases his tunes as a part of the label’s podcast.


Zine The best way to completely and unbiasedly capture Zine’s sound without being partial to any possibe description is a morphological analysis of his journey through different DeepHouse and Techno sounds. This analysis uses the morphological box, a vivid picture of a multidimensional matrix. While one moment the frequencies are dark and boost the bass through the box easily, but with an adamant groove, the next the lighter House sound gives the Zwicky-Box a lighter shade . “How deep can Deep House be and how housy can Techno be ?” The creative method of the morphological box and Zine himself give us the answer: Deepno.

bckp lounge Einfach Hoeren Einfach Hören is a Frankfurt music label which was created in 2014. It releases techno, house and experimental beats music on vinyls, tapes and CDs. The label is also known for organizing open air concerts and club raves in Frankfurt. Philipp Boss is the founder of that label, and also a DJ and a producer. His 166

Poster Competition music is a mix of funk, disco and house. Philipps gets inspired by old US house discs, but most of all, he’s known for his groove. Miss Twinneedle Miss Twinneedle got the Blues - the Rythm & Blues! Nothing enchants your heart more than the music of the 30ties and 60ties! This music makes you dance the whole night. Swing, Rythm & Blues, Popcorn, Exotica, Soul and Rock n’ Roll from Big Maybelle till Muddy Waters everything processed on black gold. Night Club music from New-York to New Orleans. Wretch Wretch grew up with rap and hiphop of the nineties, crossed borders to funk and soul music and completed his sound with old beats of the nineties and modern beats à la trap. Hiphop producers like Suff Daddy or Dexter characterized his sets over the last years - some broken beats are even found in his playlist.

Three 2. Prizes of 200 Euro each, go to: - “Der Flugelefant” from Erik Sachse - “Fearless” from Jazmine McLay - “You don‘t get me” from Judith Hirsch The 1. Prize of 400 Euro goes to: - “Kopfsprung” from Vincent Cramer

About the competition: This competition was set up for students and alumni of the Bauhaus University in Weimar. The winners received collectively prizes surmounting to EUR 1,000.00. The prize money could have also been divided on more submissions by the jury. Furthermore, the winning poster will be printed. This year‘s festival theme is Fearless.

Nominated were: Andreas Bortolamedi Julian Castillo Vincent Cramer Erik Lippold Vadim Makarucha Jazmine McLay Marco Mehringer Irena Milenkovic Fiona Mortimer Happy Little Accidents Judith Hirsch Erik Sachse Lisa Seibt Benedikt Sobel Christoph Stötzer Michael Ozerov & Philipp Wartenberg Richard Welz

The Jury: Aline Helmcke, animation film artist and instructor Wolfram Höhne, artist, filmmaker and instructor Dr. Simon Frisch, Film- and Mediascientist and instructor


2. Prizes


1. Prize

169 Ramona Ahlemann, Carlotta Aubenque, Carolin Bähr, Ophélie Barri, Anja Bauer, Justine Bitam, Lisa Böhm, Hendrik Böhme, Jad Boureslan, Julian Bucksmaier, Julian Castillo, Hain-Ruey Chan, YungChing Chiu, Max Conrad, Leonardo Costa, Juliette Crouzoulon, Maria Degand, Franziska Dagnet, Lena Daun, Inma Descalzo, Johanna Dietrich, Bigyan Dixit, Dominique Dubin, Sarah Eichert, Kevin Fechner, Normen Fritz, Mar Gay Rodríguez, Fabienne Gerards, Mathilde Gest, Elise Giroud, Ina Gössel, Alexander Graeff, Marie Grobler, Jonas Grund, Léa Nathalie Guérin, Alena Gulau, Lisa Gulden, Johannes Hagemann, Lisa Hager, Fabian Hapich, Elise Hentzschel, Alena Hepp, Malin Heppner, Paul Hermann, Sebastian Herrmann, Neele Hille, Svenja Hoderlein, Johanna Hofer, Annika Hollstein, Zhenjia Hu, Stefan Hürdler, Maja Itner, Mohammad Jaradat, Martina Maldaner Jacobi, Ibrahim Karayagmurlu, Ines Kasner, Sophie Kechkin, Thomas Kern, Julia Kettenberger, Florine Kirby, Philipp Klose,


Ronja Koch, Adrian Koeve, Marie Kohlschreiber, Clarissa Krämer, Stanislava Krasuyuk, Lisa Krause, Thekla Kriltz, Viktoria Langenhuisen, Anna Leinweber, Rosalie Lochmann, Daniela Manes, Lilly Martin, Eike Mensching, Max Merkel, Irena Milenkovic, Britta Mödl, Philipp Montenegro, Camille Moreau, Julia Müller, Mieke Müllerschön, Florence Naly, Jakob Neundorfer, Michaela Oettinger, Michael Ozerov, Katrina Perkone, Salma Virag Pethö-Zayed, Dieu Minh Pham, Thuy Duong Pham, Li Qianqian, Jiani Qu, Leonie Claire Recksiek, Yvonne Renger, Laura Rinne, Paulina Rübenstahl, Rafael Sabino, Michael Sahl, Carolin Sander, Sophia Schäfer, Tobias Scheibner, Luca Schepers, Leon Schiebenes, Frederik Schilling, Merle Schmitt, Luisa Schülke, Tino Schult, Vanessa Schulze, Sophie Segert, Celine Segert, Jennifer Siebert, Johanna Siegemund, David Spangenberger, Sophie Spory, Jonas Steffl, Christoph Stötzer, Veronika Straub, Annika Stuckenhoff, Corinna Thamm, Anastasia Turcu, Trina Ukmata, Darko Velazquez,

Thomas Vogl, Maike Vranken, Tina Wagner, Dirk Wäsch, Tim Weinmann, Linn Wendt, Jasmine Wenzel, Stefanie Wettmann, Sarah Weiner, Arian Wichmann, Tim Wiezorek, Andreas Winterling, Alexa Wittkugel, Christian Wolf, Ickert Wunderlich, Fan Xiangzhen, Haifan Yang, Liu Yun, Di Yang, Ni Michelle Ying Acknowledgements: Sandra Adam, Payam Adineh, Christiane Aßmann, Marcus Baierl, Prof. Dr. Walter Bauer-Wabnegg, André Bernhard, Dr. Christa Billing, Ehsan Fatehifar, Dr. Simon Frisch, Dr. Dietlinde Fuchs, Thomas Gallitzdörfer, Fabian Gießler, Anselm Graubner, Doris Gohla, Sybille Grau, HP Grossmann, Sascha Hagemann, Rüdiger Heerdegen, Dirk Heinje, Jörg Heiss, Christian Hellmann, Aline Helmcke, Wolfram Höhne, Sigrun Höllrigl, Marco Hoffmann, Marco von Holwede, Rainer Hoppe, Stefan Hürdler, Torsten Jantz, Annette de Jong, Amr Kamel, Prof. Wolfgang Kissel, Mario Koch, Wieland Koch, Marten Köppen, Eva Körnig, Ma-

rinus Kooistra, Irene Kopp, Stefan Kraus, Robert Küllmer, Konrad Lauten, Christoph Löschau, John Michael McKenzie, Elinor Lüdde, Sigrun Lüdde, Bodo Meister, Martin Melcher, Wieland Mikolajczyk, Guido Naschert, Sven Opel, Nicole Ossig, Benedikt Otto, Michaela Peisker, Jana Pfeiffer, René Platzdasch, René Renschin, Paul Rieth, Silvia Riedel, Susanne Rößler, Jaime Quintero Rosales, Martin Saalfrank, Gunther Seidel, Kai Schmitt, Jean-Claude Schwab, Sebastian Schröder, Anja Shaw, Hubert Sielecki, Annett Stiebritz-Stepputat, Frank Thomas, Katja Töpel, Benjamin Trommler, Eliana Ulrich, Catalina Giraldo Vélez, Prof. Dr. Walter Bauer-Wabnegg, Katrin Wanke-Hess, Philipp Wartenberg, Hans Wastlhuber, Christiane Weber, Stefan Weiße, Cornelia Wolf, Canan Yilmaz, Maximilian Zwiener, the residents of the flats in Jahnstr. 13, Geleitstraße 4, Jakobsplan 1 and Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 11, and everyone else who helped!



We would like to thank our public supporters:

We would like to thank our sponsors and partners:

RIP Dietmar Bratke Helmut Lange Norbert Reif

Imprint PUBLISHER Bauhaus Film-Institut Bauhausstraße 15 99423 Weimar

PHOTO Sarah Eichert, Catherine Colas, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, and from contributions of the participants

RESPONSIBLE Juliane Fuchs & Anne Körnig

LAYOUT Mar G. Rodríguez Darko Velazquez

EDITOR backup_festival 2016 CONTRIBUTIONS Zata Banks, Justine Bitam, HainRuey Chang, Johanna Dietrich, Normen Fritz, Juliane Fuchs, Aline Helmcke, Ronja Koch, Anne Körnig, Marie Kohlschreiber, Guido Naschert, Paulina Rübenstahl, Sophie Segert, Hubert Sielecki, Sophie Spory TRANSLATION Ronja Koch, Justine Bitam, Sophie Spory, Sophie Segert, Marie Kohlschreiber, Johanna Dietrich, Paulina Rübenstahl

COVER PICTURE Michael Ozerov PRINT Buch-und Kunstdruckerei Kessler GmbH

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