Wave Magazine

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As creators we all need to stay inspried; here are some events that will help you do just that.


We sit down with reggae sensation Koffee as she details her journey as a musician.


Fahion/Lifestyle and portrait photographer, Jurneé Bailey, speaks on being a new phtographer in such a competitive industry.


10 of Jamaica’s best creators tell us how they create the art that captivates us.

THE 2018 CREATOR Tips for the 2018 creator.





AVE MAGAZINE WAS A THERAPUTIC VENTURE FOR ME. I remember attending the event, New Wave for the first time; my friend was performing and we all came out to support him. It was one of the best experiences I’ve had as a creative. Just the overall positive energy and welcoming attitudes of the other creatives was so remarkable. I felt like I was a part of this super cool underground organization that supports creators and tries to give them a platform to share their art. The only thing was, it felt like this wasn’t enough. New Wave was this singular initiative and I thought to myself, “Why is nobody talking about these creators? Why don’t more people know their names?” So I said to myself, “That’s what WAVE Mag is gonna do, it’s gonna give these amazing people the recognition they deserve.” #CATCHTHEWAVE

Jurneé Bailey, Editor-in-Chief WAVE Magazone 5


Every creator needs a creative space to create, network and stay inspired. In Jamaica events/spaces that allow for creators to do these activities are limited; and where there are, they are known by a small group of individuals and not all creatives. The Indiggo Art of Expression Conference, New Wave and Imprint are some of Jamaica’s best offerings, that help creators to find that creative space. Ideally these spaces foster creative development, networking, finding your niche and ultimately collaboration. New Wave is an event that showcases new sets of talented creators. It was created by popular reggae artist Protoje and his partner Lindsay Lodenquai. It has given a platform to creative artists such Royal Blu, Runkus, Koffee, Jada Kingdom, JLL, Destinee and Paige Zombie. This environment also facilitates networking and collaboration amongst members of the creative community. The general set up of New Wave, is comfort and relaxation. It is a “homey” environment in which like-minded individuals can come together and enjoy art in all its facets; while stimulating creativity. The Indiggo Art of Expression conference was an initiative started by Yamela Pinto. She found the perfect way to bring creators together and presented a kind of forum, where you could hear from individuals in the industry who have successfully marketed and branded themselves. The conference offered professional headshots for creators, keynote speeches, panel discussions, and art reveals by young and promising visual artists; all in an effort to help enhance the modern day creator. The networking was an unavoidable perk of this well thought out, not to mention, motivating forum. It promises to be a continuous success. Imprint is an annual art exhibition held here in Jamaica. Both performance and visual arts are presented at the show and like the forgoing events; it offers an opportunity for networking. Imprint was created by visual artist Roux who says, “Imprint’s purpose is to create a fairly large platform for creatives to showcase/sell their art and network. This aids in having young people exposed to creative fields and possibilities and have fun doing so.” One of the objectives is to implement mentorship programs to help equip/prepare youths as they venture into the creative industry. We hope to see an emergence of more events taking on the challenge of nurturing and enabling creativity based business endeavours. As a creator, one can learn a lot from attending these events and in turn apply he knowledge acquired to enhance their craft. I hope to see you at the next, showcase, exhibition or conference.





Image by: Taj Francis

BREWING KOFFEE Photographed by: Dacx Productions

Music superstar, Koffee, sits down with us for an interview; sharing stories about her background and how she fell in love with music. She’s a singing powerhouse and has already made her claim in the industry.




This 18 year old musical powerhouse, from Spanish Town, Jamaica, stands strong at five feet and, has made steady strides as a contributor to the future of reggae music. Koffee, born Mikayla Simpson, is a singer/songwriter who has been on the swift “come up” in the Jamaican music industry during the past nine months. She rose to fame with her original song entitled “Legend”, that she wrote in August of 2017, which was a tribute to Jamaican athlete, Usain Bolt upon his retirement from athletics. Bolt had reposted Koffee’s song on his Instagram and since then, she’s been making big waves on the music scene; she has performed at New Wave, Rebel Salute, and has shared the stage with Chronixx for a BBC 1Xtra video on their YouTube Channel, to name a few. Koffee’s mission is to preserve Jamaica’s roots and culture through her music, while empowering the youth of her generation through her musical journey across the world, “I want to make a better world for the generation that’s coming up, to promote love and peace, and even though I’m young, I feel that the Creator has blessed me with talent and wisdom to get the job done.” Interestingly enough Koffee didn’t always want to be a musician, “To be honest, pursuing music was a coincidence and wasn’t planned.” She actually wanted to pursue pharmacology. In 2012 after being gifted a guitar by a friend who cited her musical interests. Recognizing her talent, Koffee immersed herself in developing her craft starting by carrying her guitar to school daily, and using each free moment to practice her singing and playing. It was in 2016 after winning a highly competitive talent competition held at her school, that Koffee accepted that she could no longer avoid her calling. Stepping into the music industry was no small feat but she had help, “I have always loved music, but it was actually my manager, Mr. Caniggia Palmer who was my music teacher at the time at Ardenne High, who saw my talent and invited me to start this journey.” Most musicians draw inspiration from other artists or genres and Koffee is no different, “I listen to many genres for inspiration, but I would say my most influential person from the reggae industry is Protoje.” She reveals she has a lot in store for us. Her advice to young creatives is, “I’m still learning, but I would say to continuously put in the work and to also work strategically.” We eagerly await the next chapter of Koffee’s story.

“I want to make

a better world for the generation that’s coming up.



BEING CAMERASHY Photographed by: CAMERASHY Media Productions

Jurneé Bailey is a 21 year old lifestyle and portrait photographer and budding film producer working out of Kingston, Jamaica. She is the Founder and CEO of CAMERASHY Media Productions; her own production company. The name CAMERASHY was coined out of Jurneé’s nervousness when in front of the camera, “I take a lot of pictures now, as I’ve become more self-confident. I’ve learnt that being too shy isn’t good for anyone” In the 10th grade she had the opportunity to get her hands on a DSLR camera and take some “significantly less than impressive images”, as she recounted. Bailey was always a creative soul, as described by her friends and family; having been involved in the performing arts and having an affinity for thinking outside the box. She recalls never taking her desires “to create for a living” seriously. Her experience was that pursuing careers in the creative/performing arts was not readily acceptable and even frowned upon at times. In later years it would become clear where her path would take her. She’s currently a final year student pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts and Technology at the University of Technology, Jamaica. Bailey regards these last four years in school as the defining factor that led to her career decisions. “At first I just wanted to pursue film production and do photography as a hobby”, Bailey noted that was how the idea for CAMERASHY Media Productions was born. She recalls wanting to jump right in without any proper thought, “rhyme or reason”, “I was just so passionate about creating, creating, creating and wanted to share that with everyone.” However, she slowly learned the importance of having quality over quantity. “I feel like, there’s an unnecessarily high expectation that for creators to achieve success we have to be posting content on social media daily. Art can’t be rushed, so to be judged for having “quality over quantity” continues to be a discouraging element in being a creator.” She regards the creative industry as one that isn’t for the mentally weak and says a tough exterior is a necessity for all creators.

“justI was so

passionate about creating, creating, creating and wanted to share that with everyone.




I feel like, there’s an unnecessarily high expectation that for creators to achieve success we have to be posting content on social media daily. Art can’t be rushed, so to be judged for having “quality over quantity” continues to be a discouraging element in being a creator.







Meet ten creatives in Jamaica and hear what they have to say about being creators in today’s industry.



Being a creator in JA is just heavenly because it gives you the opportunity to bring forth alot that has yet to be seen. Aside from that, the vibe here is like no other. I dont travel much still, just Barbados me guh but, you know, Jamaica; Land of Legends. The older I get the more patriotic I’ve become so to be a creator in and from Jamaica is like no other feeling and opportunity for me. The struggles with getting stuff together can be a hassle in Jamaica but I think that if you have the drive, the hassle is what strengthens your determination to go get it. I’ve definitely had my super dark days but right after those days come super bright days so its just the cycle. If you want it, you want it but if you need it, you’ll go the extra mile for it. Like Colin R. Davis once said “The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same,” so what I’m saying to you is, the only thing that differs is the mindset so dont be afraid to “Enter Your Imagination.”



There’s definitely a tremendous responsibility, above all else, associated with being a creator in Jamaica. There’s the self-seeking aspect of being a creative y’know? Wanting to be successful, whilst also fulfilling the potential I believe myself to have, that part comes naturally; it’s instinct. But over the past few months, maybe even year or two, I’ve come to the realization that all of us (creators) in Jamaica have the opportunity to make an impact globally. We’re a community, we all need each other, and we can help each other to reach our own personal goals as creators and artists too whilst marching towards global recognition. This isn’t news though, it’s already happening, you see it when you look at what New Wave is doing, Imprint, Zinc Fence and you - Wave Magazine, the music scene… its everywhere. The best part about this realization for me, is that the majority of our community gets it. We have to pave the way for the next Wave of creators behind us so they can follow suit.







Being a creative in Jamaica is pretty exciting.There are so many different places and people to interact with to draw inspiration from .What’s very fun is that every parish in Jamaica has a different vibe and so creating in these different places pushes you to excersize or present your art or craft a little differently - for me at least. It is however difficult most times to find platforms that facilitates young creatives within the artistic field. Give thanks for emerging platforms in Kingston such as New Wave where I’ve been able to perform and also experience different artists and artistes among other creatives! All in all Jamaica full a vibes and just being out in the streets daily is inspiration overload!



I think being a creator in Jamaica for me is me being essential in moving forward of our creative industry, not just music. Its definitely tough being a creative here where talent is not as respected as the hype. I feel like you have to gain respect in another country on a big scale for Jamaica to respect you. Especially as a female artiste, trying to push a fresh genre. I’ve taken on quite the mission which has gotten me a lot of fight to just get my music out there and the respect I think it deserves or just it being accepted. Being creatives, we can try and act like it doesn’t matter but it does matter if your work is being validated by the public, that’s just how being a creative works and if it doesn’t get the level of validation you hoped for it can break your heart over and over; but the race is not for the swift but for the ones who never give up. Even other musicians or artistes that I may look up to have viewed me as a threat and the encouragement and support you expect you don’t get and that can be hard to swallow. But the key is to believe in yourself and stick to your vision and remain true to who you are.







Being a creator in Jamaica means holding on to the belief that whatever you love making will work out regardless of what others may say. It also means being around very talented people who share similar visions with you. You can do little work content wise and still get a ‘buss’ in Jamaica, but it takes sheer passion, mental toughness and dedication to create a career.





Being a creator in Jamaica means I have to be consistent and really work a little harder to get my art out there for recognition and respect. Art is not as popular and accepted in Jamaica as it is elsewhere, or there are preferences to certain types of art. Depending on how I look or where I’m from, that may also affect my art and how it is received.



Well it’s always an honour representing for your country and being able to contribute to Jamaican creative culture. However, for me, there is always a feeling where in order for an artist to “buss” you need to be known on a more international basis. I am saying this to say that being an artist in Jamaica does feel very limiting most times as it relates to opportunities. Though there are some opportunities, I don’t think enough is being done to push the creative community. Especially opportunities big enough to develop our creators career wise as well as help create a prestigious air around the Jamaican art community as a collective to the rest of the art world on an international level.







Being a creator in Jamaica, for me is very special because I’m surrounded by really immense talent that faces great adveristy. Jamaica, as a third world country, we don’t necessarily have the resources that first world countries like, the United States, Canada, United Kingdon and Germany have. Their artists, even people in the middle class, have access to so many resources and technological advancements that we don’t. Some people see that as a disadvantage, which it normally is ... but the great thing about the Jamaican creative spirit, is that Jamaicans find creative ways to go around these road blocks and I think that is the core of creativity. Even just going to Edna Manley and seeing the great things that people are able to make with the little that they have, always keeps me driven. To know that somebody out there always has it harder than you and is gonna work harder than you. So again, being a creator in Jamaica, makes me feel really special. Like just coming from somewhere that is just so organically and naturally so creative. We’re so little, so when we do get access to those resources by whatever means, we are almost doubly equipped than those in other markets.



So, being a creator in Jamaica once meant something so great to me. Growing up I was always thrilled with by the idea of being able to create so many different pieces for others to see; I even went as far as learning how to do other crafts instead of just being a painter and drawer. As time went by and I grew older I realized that being a creative in Jamaica is not all rainbows and sunshine. It’s hard and back breaking trying to get yourself known in this country. I mean, if your skin isn’t thick it’s so easy for critics to make you want to give up. Creating something as an artist and then having somebody rip it apart with words and their doubtful looks really isn’t an easy thing. Despite that, it literally drives me more to know that “Okay, if I can make it in a country like Jamaica; if I can be recognized for my work here; chances are I can make it else where. And then being a Jamaican creator also means to me that I come from a culturally rich and different environment that I can tap into.







Being a Creator in Jamaica means that I’m a part of a great community of people who are dedicated to using art to impact our society in a positive way. This can be your tribe too regardless of even your blood family’s support. Almost everyone living in Jamaica has to be creative just to survive but being a creative in the sense of your livelihood is rough because its 90% passion and sometimes barely 10% pay. We can see the future as well as what’s happening in the present, so we know things are growing and the boiling point is close and it’s only a matter of time before all our hard work and the sacrifices of our ancestors will pay off.



THE 2018 CREATOR Tips for the 2018 Creator from talent manager, Caniggia Palmer.

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DON’T QUIT Often creators get stuck in the mindset that they need to just be creating and tend to not focus on the business of things. 1. Creators need to do the necessary research. Look at the market, establish where in the market you would want to be recognized, and to study what other successful persons have done to become successful. This also covers the timing and sequence of your movements based on the experiences of other individuals. 2. Make a plan; both short and long term. Based on the research, you’re then going to plan your steps strategically getting yourself packaged attractively, to spark consumer interest. The plan should include different timelines and particular goals one may want to achieve; eg. the release of your singles/artworks/images, the image you would like to be projected and the type of sound/style you are going for. 3. Another thing to consider is your execution. Stick to the plan and only alter if necessary. Your team must be very aggressive in executing this plan; choose people that understand your vision and can help you achieve this.


There are other things to consider when entering the creative industry. Your image (branding) is very important. This covers the how you dress, your social media platforms and also what you say. Be sure to do that research, making sure to identify the image you want portrayed before putting it out there. This is all apart of your packaging. Above all, the most important part of an artiste’s or creator’s career is their music/art. In other words, the music/art “affi” sound and look good. Without the music/art, everything else becomes difficult. The production team must be good, and the artiste or creator would obviously have to be talented and work hard on being their best performer/creator. By: Caniggia Palmer (Talent Manager)

“all,Above the

most important part of an artiste’s or creator’s career is the music/ art.


Margarene Spence Leonard Bailey Ruth Chisholm (Advisor) Talent; Koffee, Ceejay, Frobius, Lila, Jane, Jean-AndrĂŠ, Joby, Tiny Sun Thing, Yannick, Nikole, Caniggia Romario Lynch Sean Francis Derron Garwood Kaneil Wisdom Alex Brown Others (Those individuals that helped me along the way & continually motivated me.)


#C A T C H T H E W A V E 2 0 1 8


#C A T C H T H E W A V E 2 0 1 8


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