Ultimate Guide on How to Outsource Laravel Development

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Ultimate Guide on How to Outsource Laravel Development www.bacancytechnology.com


Before speaking about outsourcing Laravel, how about we discuss regarding its popularity first? Laravel has drawn considerable attention as a framework for web and app development over the years. No doubt, it’s because of its extensive set of cutting-edge features and built-in functionality. I am assuming that you are already familiar with why Laravel is an open-source PHP framework introduced in 2011. Today, it is used to create modern websites and web apps. Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks for delivering functionality and performance today while making web and app development easier.

If you’re still on the fence about using Laravel for your next project, take a look at the guide below. Continue reading if you are looking for a talented Laravel developer for your next project and wondering HOW! This is an ultimate guide on when, why, and how to outsource Laravel development.

When Should You Consider Outsourcing Laravel development ?

Laravel’s syntax is exquisite and expressive. Speaking of the web app development process, it is designed to be easy and rewarding. Let’s see where Laravel development services are used or when you should consider Outsourcing Laravel development.

Companies Dealing in Data Management and Backend: Content-oriented app development and CRM platforms are two fine examples of this. There are two options: Either use the Laravel framework to integrate with an existing CMS, or build one from the ground up with scalability in mind.

Enterprise-level Apps: These are obviously required by businesses. This includes industries like media, healthcare, eCommerce, and others with high-traffic websites that require data processing. Event Broadcasting, Service Container, backed-in systems, and a slew of other features make Laravel more seamless and smooth than other PHP frameworks.

Beginners and Startups: Laravel appears to be a quick, powerful, understandable, and accessible framework for young web developers. It has a large developer community, educational projects like free/comprehensive tutorials, Laracasts, and other useful tools like Lumen, Spark, Vapor, Valet, and others.

Business Development: Laravel is a good scalability option for small and medium-sized businesses due to its microservices architecture. As a result, creating a website with immediate updates becomes a reality.

Outsourcing and Outstaffing: These are another two options. The majority of software development companies, including PHP development, are outsourced. However, the global Laravel outsourcing market is expected to grow, and Laravel is destined to become more popular.

Infrastructure for IoT: The answer to the question of whether PHP and IoT have a future together is “yes.” Many Laravel app development companies recognize the framework’s potential in the coming years, and certainly now.

Want to Outsource Your Laravel Project? Build Your Web Apps with the top Outsource Laravel Development Company and Save up to 40% on Development/Maintenance/Support Cost.

Why You Should Outsource Laravel Development ?

Below are 7 powerful reasons that put light on why you should outsource Laravel application development services.

Cost-effectiveness: In-house development will be not only difficult but also expensive. Several onshore Laravel companies also demand exorbitant fees as compared to Indian developers. The cost factor is supposedly the main reason why companies prefer to outsource to India. Hiring a Laravel developer in India allows you to get a high-quality product at a low cost.

Time-effective: You may be aware that outsourcing is a time-saving strategy. This is because entrusting the entire project to another company speeds up the process while hiring staff and setting up infrastructure takes time. Even if you believe the project will take a long time to complete, you can entrust it to Laravel developers that you outsource. They complete projects ahead of schedule to verify that you get the firstmover benefit.

Technology and Access to Top Talent: These are difficult times to find the right combination of talent and technology. When it comes to developing a product, numerous requirements necessitate the assistance of an expert who can provide a suitable solution. When you hire a laravel programmer, you get instantaneous access to the best resources in the field. Not only will these skilled professionals work on your project, but they will also assist you in overcoming any obstacles that may arise during its development.

All-in-one Solution: Laravel companies are regarded as one-stop shops for businesses. They can handle everything. Right from product design to testing, custom development. They are also capable of providing a vast range of services. Some include cloud services and digital consulting.

A Tried-and-True Method: Laravel development services providers use the best industry practices and approaches to overcome challenges and build a quality product. They use agile methodologies. They are completely transparent and follow a well-defined workflow. As a result, the Laravel website developers here ensure that the product is of high quality at every stage. Various tests are also carried out to see if the developed product meets the customer’s expectations. In case it doesn’t, the product is returned to the developers to be fixed.

Flexibility: You give your in-house team of business professionals more flexibility when you outsource Laravel app Development services for your project. This allows them to concentrate on their core competencies, which could help your company grow faster. Meanwhile, the agile approach allows the collaboration team to progress quickly but flexibly after the team of expert Laravel web developers adopts best industry practices.

Outsourcing companies must keep their clients updated on a regular basis over a set period of time. In addition, clients are consulted at every stage of the Laravel web development process. Businesses must ensure that their customers’ needs are met. If the developers successfully implement it, they earn their clients’ trust. This could lead to nothing but higher levels of customer satisfaction and retention.

Security: The growing number of cyber threats is causing increased concern among businesses and governments around the world. This is why Laravel developers conduct thorough quality assurance tests at every stage of development. Even the programmers put each line of code through its paces before putting it into the product.

Laravel development services also include customized tests to evaluate the website or application’s functionality. In addition to the existing Laravel packages, it provides additional protection layers against any potential cyber-attack.

Steps To Look for When Outsource Laravel Web Developer

Follow the steps below to get the best Laravel web developer.

Step 1: Get a Precise Idea About Your Project’s Scope This is important. Make sure you have a clear understanding of your project scope before contacting any Laravel expert. Also, determine the requirements. It is best to write everything down from scratch so that you can retrieve it later when needed.

Moreover, make sure you understand the following requirements: extension development, support and maintenance, customized Laravel development, and Laravel app development. This will greatly assist you in choosing the right developer. Step 2: Do Detailed Research Work Now research involves a lot of stuff. First and foremost, check out a portfolio before hiring them. You can learn more about their Laravel web and app development experience by looking at their portfolio. This helps you get a sense of their skills and overall experience, determining the scope of their abilities.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that many niche developers have extensive knowledge of the industry in which they specialize. They may, however, be stuck with lowquality designs that lack novelty and flexibility. Multi-niche developers, on the other hand, provide beautiful and unique designs. Besides, check their experience, ask for references, and determine the cost before finalizing your decision.

Step 3: Shortlist the Best Options Besides the above-listed points, make sure you look into a few more reasonable factors. These include communication and the ability to work and identify your requirements. The developer must be able to grasp your idea through your perception. Additionally, check the reliability, technical skills, after delivery support, and testing methods. Once you think you have done good research on a number of companies, shortlist your options and determine which developer suits your requirements best.

Ready to Kick off Your Project? Outsource Laravel Developer to Develop a Scalable Laravel Web App from Scratch.

Outsource Laravel Development Services: Do’s & Don’ts

Laravel allows developers to create less fast, expensive, and safe applications. However, the majority of people opt for outsourcing when it comes to hiring a developer for a project. Hence, here is a ‘dos and don’ts’ section on outsourcing Laravel development services so you can decide well. Read on!

Dos of Hiring a Remote Laravel Developer 1. Make a Simple Switch: If an organization hires a full-time in-house resource for a specific project and things don’t go as planned, the organization may find it difficult to let the employee go. In such cases, the company will be forced to go through a lengthy hiring process to replace the employee. However, hiring a Laravel developer is the best option here. It is much easier to replace them. They only charge for the hours they worked on your project. In fact, tracking their workflow is much easier than tracking the work of an in-house development team.

2. Experts: Many entrepreneurs try to handle everything themselves in order to avoid hiring full-time employees and save money. However, it isn’t the best option. Expert assistance is especially required when developing an application that will represent your company. Therefore, to cut costs, the majority of entrepreneurs choose to hire remote developers who are experts in their field. Professionals can assist you in developing a better product. 3. Less Effort: By hiring Laravel development service providers, you will not have to worry about negotiating salaries, scheduling multiple interviews, or providing the employee with all of the necessary office supplies. Outsourcing a developer can be a painless process that incurs fewer additional costs.

The Don’ts of Hiring a Remote Laravel Developer 1. The Time Zone in Which You are Currently Located: Few entrepreneurs refrain from outsourcing because the outsourced developer may be in a different time zone. This might complicate communication. 2. Cooperation: Communication with an in-house developer to discuss the project will be easier because they will be working in the same location. However, communication becomes difficult when a business owner outsources employees from another firm. In fact, this also extends the time it takes to resolve any project issues.

3. Genuineness: Using an online agency to hire a Laravel developer may raise questions about their legitimacy. What if the hired developer fails to deliver the expected results or misuses your company’s confidential data? These are some of the reasons why some companies are hesitant to use outsourcing services.

Roles & Responsibilities to Look For In an Offshore Laravel Developer

Before moving on to the roles and responsibilities, here are the must-have qualities to look for in an Offshore Laravel developer. Have a look. Skills in web development: Skilled resource should be-versed in all the basic web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Otherwise, the web application is a flop. Skills in Database Management: Database systems should be managed by Laravel developers. It means they can organize all of the data from a company’s website and make it easy for end-users to share the information effectively and quickly across the organization. Some of the widely used database management systems include MySQL, Oracle 12c, and Microsoft SQL.

Understanding MVC and OOP: The MVC (Model View Controller) architecture underpins Laravel. As a result, getting started with Laravel is simpler. However, it’s important to remember that all frameworks are object-oriented. Hence, Laravel developers must be familiar with traits, objects, classes, and methods. Project Management Frameworks Knowledge: The Project Management Frameworks offer a methodology for producing successful outcomes. Because a Laravel developer must concentrate on the tasks, tools, and processes required to complete a project from beginning to end, this skill must be sought in Laravel development outsourcing resource.

Laravel Developer Roles An ideal Laravel programmer must: Hold experience in web programming, including PHP MySql Have experience in developing Apps, Themes, or PlugIns for Shopify, WordPress, or any other open-source platform Be familiar with AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery, as well as debugging skills with FireBug/other debugging tools. Hold implementation and open source software development experience Be well-versed with LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), JavaScript, HTML, jQuery, and CSS3 Have open source software development and implementation experience

Hold experience with third-party APIs such as oAuth, Facebook API, Google API (Calendar, Map, oAuth), and payment gateways like Authorize.net and PayPal. Have the capability to organize and prioritize multiple tasks

Laravel Developer Responsibilities The core responsibilities include: Talking with the client and the development team about the project’s goals. Testing the user and backend functionality To Build and design web applications Scaling the project as per client feedback Debugging builds issues and Troubleshooting implementation Working on projects with front-end developers and back-end developers. Assuring the smooth operation of integrations. Record and report the work Web-based application maintenance Presenting work to clients and management in meetings

Interview Questions When Outsourcing Laravel Developer of Your Choice

Below are a set of 5 interview questions that you may ask while outsourcing Laravel developer. What is Define Composer in Laravel? It is a PHP package manager for applications. It establishes a standard for the management of PHP software dependencies and libraries. How does HTTP middleware work? HTTP middleware is a filtering technique for HTTP requests. Laravel includes a middleware that determines whether the app user is authenticated or not. Explain dependency injection in Laravel The Laravel Service Container or IoC resolves all dependencies in all controllers. As a result, any dependency in constructors or controller methods can be type-hinted. Dependencies in methods will be resolved and injected into the method, a process known as dependency injection.

List the aggregate methods of the query builder The Aggregate methods of the query builder are as follows: 1) max(), 2) min(), 3) sum(), 4) avg(), and 5) count(). Why should you use Route? The routes folder in the project’s root directory contains files that contain routes. There are several different files by default that correspond to the various “sides” of the application (“sides” comes from the hexagonal architecture methodology). What is the significance of migrations? Migrations are crucial because it enables you to share an application while keeping the database consistent. It is difficult to share any Laravel application without migration. Migration also enables database synchronization.


In a nutshell, working with Laravel developers or outsourcing Laravel app development companies isn’t as difficult or dangerous as it seems. Instead, outsourcing is the best option because it saves a significant amount of time and money compared to hiring an in-house developer. As per Industry experts, Laravel has emerged as the first choice for application development in recent years. That said, all of the factors discussed above in the guide are enough to get a good idea about when, why, and how to outsource Laravel development. Whether you want to use Laravel to build a high-end website or application, make sure you keep the tips listed above in mind to make an informed decision.

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